The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 02, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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' 'GMRiram
' !
rwBWjra? wrRrcraKEBww w
P,T 3F W,WrtW'' . " L
' J ! I
i.' '. . t
'y.arii- trrew'.wv 't:s
njvr-.i.' v ? .p lv, ya"1 : '' J
I'HT" "ifl .'- ! "fTp
"I i ' J .Vi"IT' . .. i
- Al r ' . ft
,. v
j Por 25 Years
have been the recognized
standard for brilliancy,
durability aud covering
capacity, and that record
still remains unbroken.
Complete lines of
Raynold's Colors,
Raynold's Oil Stains,
Raynold's Varnishes,
Campbell's Varnish
Crocket's Preservatives,
Patton's Shingle Stains,
Winding's Brushes.
Atlantic White Lead
Pure Unseed Oils
Pure Turpentine
Matthews Bros.,
320 Lackawanna Ave.
Fire Sale of
Wall Paper
There still remain a great
quantity of most desirable AVall
Papers. Shades, Etc., although
we have sold an enormous quan
tity durinfr the past. week.
As our new stock for our new
store arrives next week, WIS
WEEK, as it must be disposed
of befoie reopening our former
Jacobs & Pasold
505 Linden Street.
Express and Drayman
Freight and Furniture moved
with care. Fiano moving a
Residence rear 228 Frank
lin ave. New 'phone, 740.
Chairs Recaned
Furniture upholstered and repaired.
Send postal to 124S Providence Koud.
Old 'Phone, 109-:), Green Ridge.
City NotesT)
Auuinso coMMirn:i:.-iii.. Hm aiuiiiin,-
ciiiniiilttcc nf inunilU will unit iuiiIkIiI,
IX TIIK Klll.sT CIU'IU .-... I.. Aiielll,
hii Italian dataller, ami u niiiiNm u hn i.
iluislan cliuidi, will -icaK tliU eunlni; in the
l'lrst I'ioIiiu-iiiii diinili,
1'1'TITIO.S IX II VN'KIII l'f( . -Vllmt Wsjim,
imiclidnt. of lllrt,bui!.', flttil a .itltlon In limk
ninny ,tclciihi.t with Ink Varle, of tliu I'uitul
Nates Willi, Ills llililllili, an- is.S 10 M and llv
hcts, $o:t.
sk.vis i oit tiii: (o.s(i:iti'.--n, unmv ,.
cirt maiiajjci me iiiikln,.' li tn,,l,i. fut cut
une to Mi' tliu niinlilcent ili'ioiatlons of H
iharHy ball ami alo r, lifatlnir the thin- fori-.
MCKt iiiIUk lllamelt, KieMei ami DjWh. lie.
bvrnd mmu, "i ami An miik
rem nxoxiors woi'xhi.m.,- ,i,n. .,
J tic was liflil iiiiiIii ySOil lull jtslridaj bj Mas;.
l.tratc llowu on a ili.uijc of felonious' umm n'
luefcrml by 1'ianU Conn i.f, uho .iIIU'kk tliil
nil Maith '.'I l..lnlu .i-licil him tivri t lie aim
vtitli u knife ilnrir ar it qiuuH.
(AMI1 nill'.-'lho Woman, llflltf iuiu,
n'j, uiiMiiaiy io i.iciiiuutu i.ra liiunn o.,t,
Oraml .iinj uf (lie lti'iulilt', will lii i, tatiip
tiru In tlnlr moms in lull, J.IihWii
trt'et ami IVim .m-mi, TluiiMlay rwnliui in
lionor tif V-t l.'.l, Kiry iiiembu ul Ibo io,t
unit torn nr.i tin in it li. )m miwiil. Tin. l.n..
lumls (if tin bilk-, of tlitf turps who au not
nmnliri of the onM, ari al.o IinlUd to at.
tfinl antl H'uitl a ilmaiit cuiili:.
MVfV, Till: III SIUIIISC -J. Wllllum 3lii,v.
Iiiunoilat, iiiiituonatoi uml Ui,mi, will be at
tliu High i('tnol auditorium on tr'ildiy ctvnliw,
laLIn ilie plate ol (laiult I'. Smlvf, wlio it
niiiblt! Io fill lit (usajiiniiit in tlic lours", Mr,
WlllUnu lias been in tlie titv on wucial ocoa
I'iiu ami lui ininy friends. o Khcs an I'ten
In,' of iniifli pleatuir, and Ills (omlnK will Ic
Iniitli apprcilattil by tlie patioiu of tliu tt)tirc
6H1 by ininy ollins Uio know him hv rppuu
lion. Tlicrc will bo onliulri ielocllons J well.
'Hit diagram ijkiii at I'owcll'i lliln liiuinlnv.
Committees Will Meet Thursday
Night to Settle Up Its Affairs.
A luociliiif of the C'luity bull com-
be hold ThurPiny ntglit, nt
IkIUb of Columbus l-lilb house, to
lettlu up the n (Talis of thcuiill.
Jt Is expected tlmt Ihk Volume will
show u prollt for the Koutulllng Home
t)f tilioul J.'.flOO. Tliu boxes and ronlil
liutlotiri ubout )ld nil lhe.rxponsi'8 und
itimlu clour prollt of till the ticket wiles.
Splendid Exhibition at the High
School Auditorium.
The wonttci'H tif the moving pletute
intichluc In the highest sttilc of par
feetloii were levoiiletl tit the ILIgh
school umlltorlum hint night, where I he
Lyman I). Howe company giive tin ex
hlbltlott hcfure nil audience which til
most t'oluplctely lllled the latge loom.
Tim pletuies shown wuie till out of
the beutim truck anil all new. Theru
Mit a noticeable absenci1 of the Hick
otlng effecl which generally murs nx-
hlhltlons of this kind, nnil ltciuly till
the vluvt shown vmmc espiclully cletu
.Most Interesting of (ill were those
showing during mountain climbers
scaling several of the highest Alpine
peaks. Tliusu pictures were taken ut
extremely high altitudes, the one show
Ing thtee men at close range reaching
tlie topmost summit of the Jungfrnu,
having been taken from a narrow pas
sngewny on the edge of a precipitous
cliff rising 1J.00O feet above the level
of the valley below.
There were scenes .showing a panor
amlc view of the grand canal In Venice
and one which the audience seemed to
like most of all showed the Shamrock
and Columbia rounding the stake bunt
on the afternoon of one of the big
yacht races last fall.
An able corps of assistants were sta
tioned behind the canvas on which the
pictures were shown, and they succeed
ed in giving Imitations of well known
sounds during the progress of the ex
hibition. There was a splendid Imita
tion of the splash of water which was
used during the showing of the marine
views and the sound of a. putting loco
motive was simulated to perfection.
Select Council Democrats Hold An
other Futile Caucus.
At the end of the caucus of the Demo
cratic members of select council, s hlch
was held last Thursday night, the said
members were in a state of tumult
and strife. They are still in this state,
despite the fact that they held a long
caucus at the St. Charles hotel last
Councilman D. W. Vaughan again re
fused to nttend the caucus, which be
gan at 0 o'clock and which continued,
with intermissions, until after 11
o'clock. When adjournment was taken
no candidate had been agreed upon,
but the members present were unani
mous In assuring the newspaper men
that at the final meeting, to be held
tomorrow night, a candidate agreeable
to everyone would be selected.
"How about Vaughan?" was asked.
"Oh, he'll be at the next meeting all
right," said one of the members, "and
he'll accept the candidate selected."
Mr. Vaughan himself Is non-committal
and refuses to say whether or not
he will attend tomorrow night's caucus.
The difficulty which is presenting it
fcelf seems to be that no candidate
agreeable to everyone can. be. picked up,
There are enough votes to choose, as
the candidate of the caucus, but the
question which is bothering the mem
bers is 'Could ho get all the eleven
voles, on the morning of reorganiza
tion'."' On the surface, everything is ap
parently all serene, but there are cur
rents and cross-currents, undertows
and other things beneath.
Messrs. Costello and Coleman left last
night's caucus earlier than the other
members, but the others explained that
this had no significance. Mr. Cohtello's
appearance, however, indicated that he
was In no pleasant frame of mind
when he left. .
Krom Stonns and Simis
Our pifdictions fui Munli weie mi .n.ciiiatel
fulflllril, tli.u wo lute ntcurd manv lonipli'
nirntary notitts tiom ilic nutspapeis anil from
friondh, foi wlilih we wish to thank unc and all
foi their Kind, tiKourairing wouls.
TIkiu will be two tcllpsos duilnar the pre-ent
month. Oiu- will bo a parti il eclipse of the nun
Apiil tin- Sth; ns the eihe taku tilaoe in
sinn Aries, v.iiicl. niles the head and fate of mm,
an epldunio of hi id tioulilo will be sine to fol
low, and it will piote f ital to tho-c boin in that
cljtn iinlevs proper pietamlou , taken. Weai;.
ncss nr.d Ijuhiicas of the loins will also be pre
talent. A tntul etllnne ot the inoui will oeciir
the L'd, not tWble in thU ioimtr,t, Vilille
Libia, the Dil.uice, shall lie cndeitoilni; to lul
ami; the tineipially dltldtil eletlile-al cunonls
during the Vulcan and Mciuiij periods, whish
will occui this month, Arie, the Hun, liny like
a notion to "butt," If o, then look ort foi
tornadoes, hall, snow, i u in und tlooih. 1'ioni the
2nd to the lUlli he.n.v thunder Atoims nut be
looked foi, as Moon Ls new und on the ujuilor
during that peilod. A w.iun uatc will fnl-v,
Fioiu the 14th to the 'JJth chimes .lie ilmt
heatfcst Ktmral Mown period of the month t.lll
li tin, as the Moon is iitilure and ut its full
hirlu-r tune nic nui "rtoini-.
Cukndar. I'lite HI i oiif-.
Wain anil awful iiiuus will oerui
llulirail.t and houth Atil'a, as S.1111111
aiul iSlitns
In India,
tin' iiilei
of the touutrlis, h in slttn (apliom,
i:eit out- bhould know whit mkh were
liurne iinihr, -ki in. to diftiid theui.eltej .n.-jln-t
the nil nirluciKi of tlicir; planet. e
hue ii'.noin tu helleie tint the "t ili'ipillu"
will do untold iluuave thU miimiiui iiiiIiss 1m
niidlitely ai.11011 is taken to rid the louutty
of the pet.
male child boin this molt I li. Apill, will Iih
iiiiunsUteiit, .mil will uetti' astouUh Ids fiiemls
or iclithi'ii with tMiaordlinri wisdom. He
will not iicu.,viilly be an Apiibfool all the
1IJ3, of Ids life, tit he will ettKlie foullm;, .mil
bu fnoli'il. Hi., will not lie a llNuiauk. lie will
hiiirtndtr in lime, uf wai, a rin us l.eo Mir
lindensl to Cum on April Dth, IS-r.l; und,
floultl he many .111 ",rle" wniiian, he will lie
nbllued to .uiitndei "an uiuomlilional
tin" at all timet .mil uiidei all (In unbt.nuee.
lie will be the (.ilhrr of in my ihlhlitii; they
will bo lotlnt; uml lilWni;, and will lute tu worl;
liinl lot a I it In;?. Natuie, to biilanie, llilii1.'-,
ttlll in ike him Kiiod-ltiokiii.r, und 1I1U alone
will mike him a i.nnrlle amoiiir the opposite
my, uml l.u will be loiisldind a j;ood t.lli'i with
all, except tin' one tthu lalilie.t him, lie will
be taslly Inllufiiuil, and, iinlt-s his p.uiiits tone
him llifht ilottii In li 11 U wink and to a strict
ol.idluiii' until he litfoiuu of u-te, be will, 111
ull piubabllll), btioiiiii u vlitlui of 111 my bad
A filuale 1I1II1J bom this' month, Apiil, will
lute jihaiiu'il ideas und will always be picpaied
I" Kite Ihi'iii tit aiiuuo wlm will takit I hem. In
lull, the will If a iiKiilar thatteibo; Iw will
tilk iiu'ic in 1 1 11 inlii'iiu Hun .he will otjnd
to In ten months. SI e will till, an Initiate deal
of iwthln;-. I lei le.inuns will be us two -,-r 1 Iti-t
of wheat, hid In twn l.u.l.el. if ilulfi .ton .hall
M'ek in.u.y days ire yi llml them. She will be
iavbly lumlooiiie, but with uu Inhabit! Icm
per. Hut fev of the female liuin this niniilli
will lite tu ne toil) -lit,- )ears; lulu), nony
und fluiry wl .hurtcii their tljj-s. Tiny will be
ttiulei In ailed, uml the ten will linw from theli
etcs as cully as April -.liowtix (luui the k).
I lie Dili, SUt and '.'Hlli will ha the best lima to
ow cither tfiahl 01 tfrjsn need for "foiMei.'
Tor ttlnii tu .ow giuin, en.? a" Unl of ecd.
and all .uth Informilioii ttlilili U 4l.nhl- to
ettijluHly, imihI 10 cents (01 a copj of I'lofcs-cr
('. t'ulo' btoinn am 'sl-j.ns.
T. V. Coles. lMltor.
KliiKVlvn, l'a., U, b. A March it). JK.
knitted Ih to
the KfllRhtB
Allegation Is That the Tax Sale of
the Pioperty Nullified the Declar
ation of Trust Given by W. W.
Wlnton to Isaac Dean Keegan In
surance Case Had to Go Over on
Account of the Illness of an Im
portant Witness Case Against
City on Trial.
All of yesteiday was consumi'd In the
trial of the ejectment suit of A. D,
Dean. tuite. against I. M, Wlnton,
executor, to recover a lialf-lntercst In
forty-two actes of coal land In Uteen
wood. The plaintiff completed the paper
title on which his claim to the land Is
based, and put A. H. Dunning on the
tiind to Identify the land mentioned in
thi deeds as that claimed In the no
tion now on tllal.
Attorney C. 11. Welles opened the case
for the defendant, and following that
the paper title of the defendant. J. 11.
Lnubach and Sterling Davis, clerks In
the commissioners' olllce ot Luzerne
county, produced a number of the tax
books of the early 70's, before the divis
ion of the county, showing the names of
the persons to whom the laud in ques
tion was assessed.
The theory of the defense Is that the
trust agreement for one-half of the land
given by W. W. Wlnton to Isaac Dean
at the time of the sale, was rendered
void when the whole property was sold
by the commissloneis of Luzerne county
'for taxes and was purchased by W. W.
The case of J. li. Ollhood against L.
A. Roberts, of Caibondale, called for
trial before Judge Kelly, Monday after
noon, wns given to the jury yesterday
afternoon, but u verdict had not been
agreed upon ut adjourning hour.
Martin Corrigan against John Stan
ton and others, trespass, was the next
case called, but there were not sufficient
jurors available to select' twelve good
men and true from, and the opening of
the case had to be deferred until this
The case of Miss Kate Keegen
against the Metropolitan Insurance
company was put on trial before Judge
J. B. Slmonton, and a jury sworn. The
case was called Monday but was put
over until yesterday on account of the
Illness of an important witness for the
defense, who Its was thought would be
able to be In court yesterday.
After the jury was sworn, Former
Judge E. N. Willard, attorney for the
defendant company, presented a physi
cian's certificate showing that the wit
ness was confined to his bed yesterday.
He asked permission to have 'the testi
mony of the witness taken at a former
triat read. Attorney C. W. Dawson ob
jected to this, saying he wanted an
opportunity to cross-examine the wit
ness further. It was thereupon agreed
to have the case go over until the next
term. A juror was withdtawn and tlie
case continued.
The case was tried about a year ago
and the Jury dlsagteed. The plaintiff
seeks to collect $300, the amount of an
Insurance policy on the life of her
mother. The company resists payment
on the ground that the policy was ob
tained by a mis-statement of facts.
The ttespass case of Miss Sarah J.
Moore against the city of Scranton was
tried before Judge Slmonton. The
plaintiff owns a property on Pawnee
street. In the Third ward of this city,
which she alleges was greatly damaged
by surface water thrown upon it by the
opening of Oak street by the city la
18S9. The testimony for the plaintiff
was to the effect that the water fiom
Oak street was thrown onto Paw-nee
street and thence lan onto the land of
the plaintiff, damaging the walls of the
house, the trees In the lot and the
After the plaintiff lested, City Solici
tor Watson asked for a non-suit on the
ground that no negligence on the patt
of the city was shown; that the im
provement was made by virtue and
that it wns not established that the
plaintiff was the owner of the lot, as
the deed is In the name of 13. Moore.
Judge Slmonton refused the non-suit,
and allowed the plaintiff to offer testi-
money later to show that the name of
K Moore In tlie deed tas a mistake
and was meant to be Sarah J. Mooie.
Solicitor Wat-ion then opened the case
to the jury, lie ald they would show
thai It Ih impossible for water to tlow
fiom Oak street to Pawnee sneet un
less It (lowed up hill. City Engineer
Phillips was then called anil tuld about
the opening of Oak stteet. The ttittl of
the case will be resumed this morning.
Sanitary Agent Appointed.
The Madison township school buatil,
which Is acting as a lioaid of hn.ilih
during the existing epidemic of small
pox llieie, asked lite coutt yesterday to
unify tho appointment of Dr. 0, A.
Kliilug as sanitary agent of the botnd,
his LompeiiMitlon to lie $2 a visit to
enrh patient.
lit the petition It vtns set forth that
smallpox exists In the township, and to
pi event its spread it Is necessary to
have pjopcr e.iru taken of the patients.
The rout t approved of the appointment
of Dr. Killing for a period of six
Marriage Licenses.
Pmii'l Itoli. mi , n union
llllm llonotan , hu.uiion
P.nilu Sane Io III , I.lllln
Muia Otuilll.i i.atlin
('.Isimtr I'oiln;,' Jtutip
llronl-lnw.i Picchni ,, , Itstip
Cluilis b'.iiioueli ,,,, ,,,.,,,Siriniou
Kta Seipleltf ,scr.inUn
John .1, llodeiltk . ,,.,,, ,Si.iiioii
llerlhi .1, (iiitriu.iy ,,su.intoii
III nil!., )', Ir'alloii , , , ,Miupnn
Maiy Klleii lietitau ,, Caihondile
IkTIUIll S. il ulKiiijli ,,,, I'llWlon
Ida A. (IVi Siianton
Held Under $000 Ball on Charge of
Astwuilt and Battery.
tiatciicu Snyder, who Is employed as
cashier of the Hc'uuti'ii Hallway com.
puny, was niresit'il yesterday at tint In
stance of P, 11. l.lsk. who ehatged him
wllh usault and bntleiy.
The anest gicw out of a inlx-ttp In
for Children. Mothei Cut', foi ,eju a niirn' fn
the Children' Home In ,Vew Yolk, tiejted flill
drill Miucfefulh with a limtdy, now pii'nirel
ami pluii'd in the dm toie., tailed Mother
(iraj'a. htveet I'owdcn foi I'lilldrcn. fhet aic
ImiuileMi as milk, pleajnt to take and 'iieter
fall. A mtulu (mo tor tcierithiies,
lion, bead at lie, ln'tlilng and .toinaili disor
der aud 1 emit e woiuu. At all diuimUts. -V.
Don't mcipt any .iib-Ulnte. St m pie hent I'llDK.
Addu.s Allen b, Oloi.tid, I..' Hot, ., ,
llnmpe's bowling alleys last Friday
night. Hnyder antl Llsk made a bet on
a gnine which was being rolled und a
dispute arose over llto settlement of It.
I.lsk claims that Snyder struck lilin
nhd then pulled a tevolvur. He war
held under $500 ball by Alderman It'.ul
dj'i on charges of currying cnnceuled
weapons nnd assault tint! battery.
To Be Conducted by the Civil Ser
, vice Commission.
The United States civil service com
mlsslonors have announced that limy
will conduct exnminntloilH on the foi
Jowing dates:
.May ii Librarian, Philippine service.
May 6, 7 Agricultural chemist, ana
lytical chemist, physical chemist; phy
siological chemist and pharmacologist,
Philippine service: Junior archeteolutal
draftsman, examiners of surveys, gen
et al land office.
May 6. 7. S Marine draftsman, light
house service.
Fassed a Number of Ordinances on
Third Reading The Bribery
Resolution Fassed.
An adjourned meeting or select coun
cil wns held last night to clear the files
of ordinances that must be disposed
of before councils adjourn sine die next
Monday. The following ordinance
passed on third reading: Providing for
a sewer system to sewer portions of
Wyoming avenue, Ash street, Oakford
court, Forest court and Hreck court;
for the erection of two electric lights
In the Second waid; for sidewalks on
Parker street, Throop street and Depot
street; for four electric lights In the
First ward; for flagstone sidewalks on
Bromley avenue between Jackson and
Washburn streets; for a -day gateman
nt the Marvlne crossing of the Dela
ware and Hudson crossing In the First
ward. An opinion from the city sollc
itbr was read, which stated that he wafl
of the opinion that councils have the
right to pass such an ordinance.
The common council ordinance direct
ing the recorder to investigate the
charges of bribery made in connection
with the passage of the gas franchise
oidlnance was adopted without com
ment. A now resolution which wns adopted
authorized the director of the depart
ment of public works to exchange the
road roller now in use for a new- one. A
Harrlsburg firm has agreed to sell the
city a 12-ton roller for $3,500 and $1,000
for the old roller. The sum of $1,000
appropriated for repairs on the old
roller will be transferred and applied on
the purchase of the new roller.
A resolution introduced by select
Councilman Vaughan, which was also
adopted, directs the director of the de
partment of public safety to discharge
the help at the emergency hospital and
close It up. He Is also directed to have
It Insured and lease it at a nominal
rent, if he can get a suitable tenant.
llden commando y, Xo. S2I, was instituted at
V,t Cheater, Clioter county, l'a., on (iood Fli
illy night, -March 2S, in Knight of the Golden
Kagle hall, by Grand Commander Sir Kliaha S.
I'ornwald, Grand Ittcorder Sir Ucorfre H. 1'lerce,
humane ltecordci Sir Cray, Deputy (,'iand
Commander Sir William L. Meguigan, and tlie
ilegice i-tafT of Fiddly conimanilery, No. 171,
of Coatestille. S11 I'dwaid (.'. Riddle was in
stalled as Sir Knight coinininder. The honors
of patt commander as organizer were coufeirod
upon Sir ( harlea II. Pant, and the Lommand
try pusenteti to him a beautiful put eoniinind
ci's jewil in recognition of his cirucht Hcrvliu.
'I he presentation addrc was delivered by (
Commander l'oimtald. This is the second torn
inandeiy to be stationed in Chertor county, mid
the one hundrid and twcut)-.-.econd in the statu
of 1'enusylt inia. An mtcreling teature of the
woik was the appoirunu- of the degree Mad of
Xo. 171, wearing the splendidly knightly roliM
and hlhtoiic equipments that rtniler iheii woik
roinaikably beautiful, sli William L, -Mcgiugan
was .tpppoluud chputy in chaige.
Sli Willi 1111 ltighitr Stroll, who ihed on .Manli
2i, was an ettnist immlier of llo-pltilcr com
iiiiinikit, Xo. 7'i, 01 Muuli Chunk, from its in
dilution. He was 11 mimbii of the state is
fctmbly tiom Caibon county, and speaker Mai
iih ill appointed .1 committee of nine niembeis of
the hoib.e to attend the of Itipiecnla
tlie siroh. 'Ihrie companions lute din) in No.
711 within one mouth. iviiuii indei t , .No. Jij, of tlie-lei, will
confci the Hfil Crov, and Septilelne degree in
full foini on Tued ly owning, Apill 8, in their
council thambei at lliuad r.m! Ciosbv streets,
with a swift of tlihly time companions, iliiiled
by I'. f. William II. II. Mavwell, riejiee ni.ii
ttr ot the command.
Aldngtoti loiiiniandii.t, No, Tij, of link's
Summit, I-nkjwani.a county, has taken posses
sion of the new bulhlliig tht.t hue houijht, Ic
liu hem lemoililed, aud will be as MalU
tiinple. One ot the looms will be usul as .1
nailing and lollitiou hall. Malta has
the liratts of the membi'is ami their wiles
Past Command! 1 sj, .r, ,lmi Ahlridge, of
King ItUh.llil lomiiiaiidel.t, No. 117, of Cham
bushing, iiteitcil a liuiiit-ome ulft uu Monday
culling last, whin King Datld couimandett.
No. ,'4I, of Wu.wiesbuio, picsenteti to lilin a
liand-ome pasi iniiiiiuiiderei uptou, in uppre
liutloit of his work in promoting the organisa
tion of No. :!UI, The address of presentation u,
Miy liappily dclitcitd by Pepuly Grand Com
nnni'ir sli C, A. SAtt'sxTntt. The gill was ,t
mitirl-c to Compiiilon Aldildge,
'I lie giatc miikii imnlly adapted by tho 'u
piriiiu coiiuiiandei.v is now being nude nf lion,
ami is tolorcd while, gold, black and led. 'the
lomiiianditits .ue ury gcnerill) inirhing llie eii of tin-it frateis,
'tutla totiiiiuiidii.t, No. mi, of MiKerspurl,
oil Match til, coiifeiied I lie oidu ut the lied
funs and chiili'iio in full and elaborate fuihi lit
the llihei building, .Muny tMllntr ionip.inlc.iis
wire picsitit from lonn.s und cities In tho Wei
ll n mil of the stite, sir II. Ii. 'IVaiiKcr cc
iiiihil the station uf iiM'iciiin ctniiui.iinler.
Ill Hid I'rtlate Sir Hit, ,lamc (,' lloughtei, of
Mountain ('lit colllllijildu.t, No. '.'nil, I'l.uUille,
leu bun platid ill ilurgo of a ihuiili In Mainli
Cliuiik, Caibon count),
-Mai tin l.ullici loiuuiaudei.t, No. .117, ut
iijtu, on Apill 111, will hold u fiuthir dill!
hi, the higher ile-rees in Malta temple,
Nliaiigtmintt .no being nude for wu tprilil
loiniH.itloiis of the (iianU loinmaniliit' of i'liiii.
s.thanla, to be held this tin nth r,t Altoona Mid
Siudtoii, to be piesldcil uMi b) (Irand Com
in Huh i sli KlUha S. I'ornwald.
'Ihc dedlialioii ot lall.u tiiiple, (illuiin
Sipiaie, Soimitllle, .Mat.o liuKi., on Match '.'7,
b.t snet coriimaiider.f, No, Is, wa uu ctvut
of gtett Iiiipoitaiiio ti the order In New bus
hud, tor the cci.i a; was fiiinUlied by
the I'li.t i.glment uithislia, anl lor tin- lnu
tuit and tlaulng by I'iiue'.s ealiotia. 'I lie
didlcatloit kertlics wtie eonil'iiiKil by flrand ,
Loiiniia'ider sir Oloii Vouiiff. and Sir Houif.
)j S, I'lenellhu aitul aa jn.iatcr of cer;montej,
Addrts-tj ttiin ilclttereil by Supipine Coniui)nd
Sir (iitrce Stcna. Jones, (lund (irneralisiiii3
Sir W. M. I lurk, (Irani Hecordir Sir John W.
llhkf, (lunil 1'ielate Sli W, Oiant. Sir Iloh
crt .uce uml otlirit, A banqu-t lomplcttcl the
gala ocejilon v
The Meteor Sails,
Ily K.ulusltc Wiie fiom the Aociatcd Fren.
Nnv Yok,"" Apill 1. Tho Herman emperor'
Amcilian built taiht Meteor III sailed for so'lh
jiiijitun todi.t. She Uisei quarantine at l.H p.
in. outwaid Lojnd.
Each Side Made Concessions and an
Amicable Adjustment Was; the
Result Eight-Hour Day at Old
Nine-Hour Wage Is Granted, but
the Old Rate of Wages Is to Be
Fald on All Work Contracted for
Last Fall and Not Yet Finished.
The expected painters' strike came
and went In a day. All the Journeymen
employed by the larger firms, excepting
twenty-six employed by Jacobs it Ftvit
old and Charles lleilg, lumalned 11 way
fiom work, yesterday morning, as the
union had d'"ccted. Dining this day
the master painters ami a committee of
the strikers got together, and by giv
ing and taking succeeded In adjusting
their differences.
Tho men had been receiving a mini
mum wage of ' cents an hour for nine
hours. They demanded that beginning
April 1 they should receive a minimum
of 28 1-8 cents for eight horns. They
also demanded that on all out of town
Jobs the employer should pay their
railroad fare and board.
The master painters were willing to
concede ull these demands, providing
they did not go Into effect until May 1,
and providing further that Journeymen
when laid off on account of slack times
should not take Jobs at less than the
master painters charged.
The two sides could not agree and,
yesterday, the strike order went into
effect and was generally obeyed. In
the afternoon the master painters as
sembled In the store of Jacobs & Fas
old and met u committee of the strik
ers, headed by Walking Delegate Peter
Holton. After a lengthy conference an
agreement was -at rived at. It was in
substance that the journeymen's do-'
mands should be granted, to take effect
as of April 1; that the old rate of
wages should obtain on all jobs con
tracted for last fall and not yet com
pleted, and that when a journeyman
who is laid oft takes nn Independent
job he shall turn it over to the shop in
which he was last employed.
The eight hour day will be divided
Into two shifts of four hours each, from
S to 12 a. in,, and 1 to 5 p. in. The new
schedule practically means only the
cutting down of the houis of lalior.
The wages still remain at $2.25 a day.
The master painters who have signed
the agreement are: Jacobs & Fasold,
Charles Rerlg, Alex. Naegll, George
Brlegel, Hulbert & Lyman, Charles Ly
man, Stewart & Fowler. Fred Klugt,
Jacob Kossman and F. J. Johnson.
Delightful Affair Given Last Night
by Company F in Armory.
The members of Company P. Thir
teenth regiment, conducted a ball at
the new armory last night, which was
a sort of small edition of the big char
ity ball which preceded It on the previ
ous night.
The same beautiful decoiatlons were
in place, and Bauer's enlarged or
chestra of seventeen pieces rendeied a
finely arranged programme of dances.
There were about 123 couples in attend
ance. The following ladies acted as
patronesses: Mrs. Ezia H. nipple, Mrs,
L. A. Watres, Sirs. T, II. Brooks, Mrs.
Willard Matthews, Mrs. Franklin Hen
shaw, Mrs. George C. Merriman, Mrs.
F. F. Merriman, Mrs. D. W. Powell.
Mrs. Francis Lynch, Mis. Hairy V.
Logan, Mrs. Frank It obi Ing.
The committee which had charge of
the affair consisted of the following
members of the company: Lieutenant
A. J. Breig, Sergeant Chester L. AVelss,
Sergeant R. T. Tost, Sergeant Leo
Bartz, Sergeant Robert Bonney, Ser
geant Robert Klple, Corporal W. 13.
Powell. Clinton Price, Samuel Newton,
Floyd Brutzman, Peter Grimes and
Clinton Phelps,
List of letters, remaining uncalled for at the
Scranton pctstotllce, Lackawanna lountj, l'a.,
Apiil '-', JW-'. I'cisons calling tor tlict letters
will pleam say adicitKed and glte dale ot list.
l.'iu II. Hippie, postmaster.
American Ice Co. Koms, Anton
American News As-ti. Keith, William-. I.
Ateii, I'd. l.aiy, Mrs. Nittic
Anileison, Julia, wi Ion-kalian. Mi's. Sadie
Stilling I'. McCarthy. Miss Xoia
Aitntrong, Maggie T. McGarfree, Di. thoiae
Allen. Hoy A
.tiurry, r.uimi
Arch, Willi no
Aniltisoii, Ml.
Abro-lna, Mis. Mary
llionu, John (i,
flieniuiii. Nellie
IlJItie, .Mrs. William
tinmen, John
lliown, Mis. f.uey
Mattel, i:iiiet
Hunker, Waltei I)., l.'eorgc
ll.miiiaii, (.enure
Umki, .Ioseiliine II,
Hrcimlo, Ceowe
Illeliper. .linns
lloyd. II. T.
"Mock. Treil
Minuid, ilamld V
Muiph), Herman
.Mai tin. Mis. Ili-ibert l.
Millard's (talleo
Majrlch. i:ittiu
Ma-on, C. F.
MinmxL, Miss I'li.rentc
Mulljlj. W. J.
Maisfutl, Mis. Allies
Mooie, W. II. II.
Millet, Mr. Ctaiks
Muriui. Miss Kathnli.e
Mill-dike, Kail August
Midler, hallle II.
Niw Knulund llonflu,' Co
Ilairetr. Delia
Neaty. Anthony
Mliir, .MI.vh M, M,, phutollir. William A.
Ciilliiaii. .folin
I'likiTiiiv, Mis C
Cullioinc, It II.
Coin Ift, t, X,
I'ormOl, 1. i:.
'iilliiT. .Michael
I'ooh, .MJiH-nc
I'ninmctt, Mltliail
l'ainilirll. Ml Mii;
Ciileuti, 'llioiius
rusii-tt, 11.
CruIUIiiuli, hamuli
tuiiutvjt, .Miit. S.i ru 1 1
Cm-Icy. M. CVtclilllo
Cianfonl, Jack
Clark, Mln Martturct
Ut'trlik-, Mi. C.
tt nrlli
bavin, t'l.inl,
Duiker, 'lino.
Daro, I.Ma
Uatics l.ulu
IK1l.n1, 'fli'iiua.
Durkln, Ml.,s S'ji.iIi
IKinry, Ilirry
Uatfi, Klkis
rHii't, Ml OIIr C.
J'runt. Kilum
1', Hairy
I'.llllllicl, I'lJIlk
I'jir, Mr. Aut-'ii-ti
(lililiuii., Ml-"i II.
(lltiliOIK, M.
lilMl'lH. I.I 'ill'
lli-lil, llulieit il)
1-1 nil, I.. ..
I'l'tlll, Traill;
I'oliicleMfr, Mix nnl
IMllcrsoii, William A.
Oulliiun. (ieniaoi
lliatiluitil, J, II.
Itjjn, Mn. Sunn
lldlmikPI, AilrlU'lt A.
lloprr, (.'. A,
llfiil, Mott-tfr
nithauKori. I'.llalittli
llcliliiviiri, M. X,
lit an, William
Itliikcr. Ml, Mar
M-ltotli. Mo.. .1
sliiniuii, Mii-s A,
.vluatt, Kn-il S,
Mmtlet. Ili-it
-il.itt, Mi. Mta
Jiiliv, T, M,
t-inlit ,v Co., K. It.
-nillli. (icoigc W.
SI111II, fi,
tNillli-y, C, W,, l. P.
sullltaii, -li.lm
Mil) Hi. I'.it
M.-I, W. .1.
Mdiic, William I,.
'IVim, ( link".
'ltd, riiiMuiilnr
WIlltf-lKl, lll) I
Ht.kiitf, Pr, l.ilttii.l S.
WIllltMII'CI.'. .1
lloliiJIi-, I lank
Hickman. I'm!
Writer, Mi- Mary I.
IIuijIk's, J.11111 , lie Sil-Watnr, lli-inj
iller v, in.ur, ,1 t .
llat, Ml., Ill 1 (i, WIUI.111K, .litlitin
II imi'ti'ii. Wi'sltt I,. Ujwiii', .Iiwi.Ii dii
lltttitv, ItJiie (Villi itno'i. , C,
I1NI1, K. II.. M. I)., BlSWilliatiif, si,
seiimil uti'in, W.tlirul, II.
-lorilrnioti. Ml V. -I, i':,, IU11111.I, pt.(jt)
.Iflilliiiji, W, 1'.
1 l'AI.1 VX.
Antonio I'rJtJineiu, Si'Jilmi k:wm!,tg, i.,ni.
rttU L'atoni', (iuliT)i.i (.iliimbo. I'ijiucao t al
lit, t'ati.'l.i ( ilul.t, r' I)j 'hj.
- J o 1 1 1 KiuliukajtU, .I0f.1v I', swnll
7.lllittky, frank l.c-ttliiottltz, Wolil-ch SiiUIii-U,
.liiiiiit- Kllnut, Mliliat Coitkuttlnt, .lurrf Urlt
klrtticli, Anthony Stitviiiskl, Kjrliuliw 1'jh'ii.
1 ikiiy, lli't, lllijn Kloii.l'j.l,t, Vattily Jattkii-
Btant U111I1I., ban I'nica. Uoitmt' 1Ii,mU
lniiz, .luozai i-akiliiukjs. I.uilnttk W1II11L, Jan
Wuliirias (2), itJiiu. Ilislak, MatlJ hMrak,
illohat Ztur, Ito.tanly lti.i'tj. .Iom'I'Ii Vo'.s,
1'oucl Hiiilniket. Wattzenld' Ixiziu.j. tiulm
1'cliilk. Anclro llatlnn, Jan alkmie. Antonl
a What We Aflverfisp
: .: : r. : .
What We Sell Advertises Us
fj We always make a chance customer a constant custonier and '
j they make other?. H Is an ndvetilslng axiom that there Is no better
2 "tlvertlsci' than tt satisfied shopper. NV have lcason to believe that Jj
."J nui PUstoineis ure til ways satMtcd; wc try to make litem so, at all f;
A events. m
' Hercerized Skirts
9 An Immcnsr' lot of blank beauties nnd the iiiat!ilcs are the best IT'
J we tivcr saw, Tlie finishing Is perfect, the styles are particularly ML
i j, attf active, ttiti! the pi Ices are inoderatc, g
1 $1.00 to $3.00 Each I
9 Mptt tiiarnilng Skirts with nine rulHes, nccordeon pleated llouncc,
4 itinppcd srants, Hlrongty made and finely finished; went' better than &
1 $2.00 Each
5ilk Skirts -
IS Many haudsotne things among these tustley Silk stklrts and the 5j
height of perfection Is reached In their make-up, W".
$5.25 to $20.00 Each
And Intel mediate price1?, ( .
Washable Skirts
"5 Made of fine Wash Goods, with deep llounce and riifTlp, hand- WZ-
VS sontely trinimcd. Weur well, wash well, becoming to any one. &
45c and Upwards C
Tliese aie mciely objtot lOHflona; they teach not only utility but 5!
moniy. Moic and moie of the ilry snods huplness contrpn here. Wl
9 economy.
4i The test of time convinces us that our efforts uie being apprecl- tL
S ated. S
I McConnell & Co. I
5 Hen's Furnishers and Women's Outfitters, g
I 400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
We are showing; the finest Hue of Brass Beds
ever seeu in Scranton. Their finish is perfect.
Our Iron Beds cost you about two-thirds what
you pay elsewhere. '
Scranton Betiding Co.,
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
'Phone 2007. Old 'Phone 79.2.
Don't Strike !
Buy the
"Smoot," the Typewriter
Man, takes pleasure in ex
hibiting its merits from morn
till night. 1st floor Guernsey
Building, Scrantou, Pa.
StJinii, MjJU Ciiti'j, ,I07(li Druid, Satiuii Mini,
Vavll.t .iickoik1-.
West Scianton Station.
tMlli.mi Wiill.ti- AMintl. Xl.irgira llt),
fitltntli B. ft her. M1-h M. Cattii'V, iluirj tuiiu,
Miin- D.ilitrtv, Klli-ti puliuty, Itolwil II. Don
Ilii.'l'Jttlik ht.i 1., Ml II. l'aton. 3li. Willi 1111
IMwnbadt. Ruilcin'lii', lllilur lUirinicMti,
lluirv llihii'i, Jiu. Ilatiimiin. Jack McAu-l,
)l.urr I'. .vittJ, Mr. Mitv .Siiindvn., A. Wliltni't,
John Loftus, of Olypbant, Held Un
der ?S00 Sail.
Juhii l.ot'tus, .1 well-Htiown ymuiKr
man fiom Ol.vphant, was held under
J.'iOO hall In police court yesteuluv morn
intf by Mtmlstrate on the charge
of sK'tlliiK two dozen silver ltnlves and
forks I'liitu Nellie lily's disorderly house
on Haymond court.
The silverwaie was stolen on Monday
nlRlit. after Loftus had trained adnilt
tiinifi to tlie pluie. Ho was nrtested In
another dlsotdeily honns near by antl
eontessed to haviiiB taken the ltnlves
aud forltH. lie, tool: the police to a
spot on Mlllliii avenue, whine he luui
hidden the stolen uitlclftf, and they
w ere 1 ecovci ed,
Big Crowd Was at Music Hall Last
A IiIk dowd tinned out Inst night at
Music Hall In attendance at tho ihh'd
annual lull of the local union of tho
International Stujro Mechanics' a.-"r-oel.i-llnii.
Ui-r IfO couples wem In attend
ance and Die l.tiwrona- 01 chest r.i,
which was billed as licluir sli Icily "all
union," furnlKlicd Jlw iiutulc.
The I'otumllteo whlt'll had cli.ti'KO of
lite affulr mnslsled of ihu following
ineinbc-ts; Dald Martin, W'llllaiu
Jones, John l.oW.ur, John Murphy,
(.'lint Ice Hamilton, William rie.uilon and
Avlo Peny.
An Unfoitunate Mistake,
fit- ila4 ago 3 Ntvt Vutl. u'iciii!i hail n-.
cation tu tttltu a uranijpli .ibatit AitlillnM
lt t'iiU)tilioun, tin- ttill Itiiottn lrat-elci-
ami 1 mjliii'i 1 . 'Ihc iqjoitti way lulil that
after Mi. I'uliitilioun'i tuiiia tlie lrticif "M. I,
i'. Ik" (Mi'inUr uf tliu lntltnU' of Civil l.iijji
lii'ou) lwuM lie I'lace,
"Tlul'i. rJ) lit iiiiiunlii'r," llmiulit liu
touni; jgurnali.l. "M, I, I', K. iollt "jul.-c.
Can't forifet Hut,"
Hut tliu clUaJtantagc of ytiiu uf nuiiiu'ih'i
ttitj cntc uitalu illiitttatiil, tin itluu ll'Q it
I'Ortn's iujy ttji tinned in I la' let tt 1 jllei
Mr. Colqulioiin'n name were "It. A. 'I. b."
Sett Yik limci.
We Nell W
: " .
00 TO
Both 'Phones
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lanips.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
'253-327 Penn Avenue.
Mniliiliii'liii'i'i'S of
Old Stock
, Hrew.'ry.
N. tcv.'lltll bt-,
Scranton, Pa.
; Old 'Phone, 2331.
New 'Phone, 2935.
(ientral Agent for the Wyoming Diitilct fa
Dupont's Powder
MlDlni-, Hlaninj, Sporlinir, fiiiolrlen imj thi
llepaunc) l.'heinkiil Coiupny'
Safety Fuse, CM nd Kjploclcr. 'ficom 401, Cos.
nell Itiilklln.- ,ticrantcn.
1. W, ilUI.UOAX , WllkM-IUift
Allis-Chalmcrs Co
(Successors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufuctutlng Co., 3cranto
and Wllkes.ttarre, Fa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumpa,
E. Ril'S Ml
.; ;
. " l
"a .
7 ?'
i !!Mnl.t,i. -m,J!)JL3-Z4
j. - -j. JuCa k&5.fc,x
JmmiaMt i.tte w