The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 01, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    F if TWf ? '' WTO' S,
1 ' tftW
w ' T 1 i l T. i' "
Why is ROYAL
Baking Powder bet
ter tKecti Jtiy other ?
Because in its mammoth works a
corps of chemical experts is con
stantly employed to test every ingre
dient and supervise every process of
manufacture to insure a product ab
solutely pure, wholesome and perfect
in every respect.
The most wholesome food and
the most digestible food are made
with Royal Baking Powder,
What the Lackawanna, Delaware and
Hudson and Jersey Central Did
During' the Year Gross Traffic
Earnings in 1901 Compared with
Those of 1900 Resignation of E.
E. Nowell, General Yardmaster of
Scranton Terminal of the Lacka
wanna Company.
In the last issue of the New York
Times' weekly financial review Jltlton
J. Piatt considers at length the recent
nnnual statement of the Lackawanna,
Delaware and Hudson and Jersey Cen
Iral railroads, noting that after meet
Iiik all expenses and fixed charges, but
before making deductions for improve
ments and additions to property, and
sinking funds, these roads in 1001 had
a net income of $14,020,740, divided as
follows: Jersey Central, $3,863,4S3: Lack
awanna $.",552,181; Delaware and Hud
son. $4,604,076.
After deducting $2.r2u,127 for improve
ments, the Lackawanna paid $3,030,034
on $26,200,000 capitalization: the Jersey
Central, after deducting $640,000, paid
f5.'.!2.MJ3 on $27,411,500 capitalization;
and the Delaware and Hudson, after
doliieting $1,233,360, paid $3,370,707 on
$.M,fi4o,700 capitalization. In other words,
of the $14,000,000 which was available,
the bum of only $.",830,000 was distrib
uted to stockholders, about $4,400,000
ftoing into the properties in one form
or other, and $3,800,000 or thereabouts
being added to profit and loss surplus.
Comparing gross traffic earnings in
ailOl with those of 1900, Mr. Piatt finds
an aggregate increase of 10 per cent.,
divided thus: Jersey Central, from $13,
ft75,646 to $iri,2SC,700, an increase of $1,
811,063; Lackawanna, from $20,8S7,763 to
$23.'507,634, an Increase of $2,619,871; and
Delaware and Hudson, from $11,484,180
to $12,178,6S3, an Increase of $694,491.
These gains, as he shows, are due al
most wholly to better conditions in the
coal trade. Coal transportation, al
though accounting for lets than one
half, or only 46 per cent, of the total
earnings, accounts for all but a million
dollars, or 78 per cent., of the Increase
shown above, this being the distribution
of amounts and gains:
1WW1. Tall. Incirav.
Iirny Central, ..f(t,'Js:liu.l $ 7,2iii,Sl7 $ fiir.HU
I ivuwuniM s,.V;3,32:i lo,Tti,:i4 2,211,021
lid. k liudao.i... 4,1)1)11,411 .ri,ltU,7ll 4i1",'!.'
Total $l!),M5,3S7 $2J,li:i,l02 $3,023,015
iifiitciiANDisi: piicKiiir i:aii.ix(!s.
1000. 1001, Increase.
Jersey ru.tral ..$1,711,(1.:') $5,073,117 ?i2',378
LaeUttaiiiu 7,171,111 7,171,1132 3,511
Del. k Hudson... 1,037,778 4,003,233 .".7,lt.O
Total 15,(I72,023 !10,:H3,3il7 .?;170,379
miscei.l.vm:ous kukigiit karxinos.
11(00. 1001. Jiiereaw.
Jcn-ey Central...')! .'170,80!) 9 n7!),720 S iiio
I.jcUv.ini.a 0"J,0')7 1,001,25) t:o,l',3
Del. k Hudson... M,002 lt7,4Jrt 21,128
Total !fl,5S0,WS 91,028,111 $S8,110
1000. 1001. lucreae.
Jewry Central... 2,5(.0,al $ 2,002,710 ? :,ii
I.iek.ivv.nma I,1m1,232 4,522,33:1 SM.l.U
Del. k Hudson... 2,2(,(i! 2.1J2.274 lM,27u
Total lfi,0(yilj $0,557,403 ?33,0S8
Directly In line with tho foregoing
comparlHons Is tho item of operating
expenses. It shows up as follows;
1000. 1901. Increase.
Jcri-cy (-enlral,.$ 7,878,310 $ 7,823,217 $ 6.1,000
Uckauamu ,,,. 13,7M,H2 la,fll2.1b0 110,002
Dil. k Hudson., 0,020,110 0,377,031 317.M2
Total $27,000,007 $27,811,503 $153,001
The Jersey Central docs not publicly
classify its frelcht aa to articles or
groups of articles, but tho comparison
of the other two roads In this mutter Is
1000. 1001. Increase.
Products of Tons. Tons. Ton,
lerrictilture ,.,, 1,577,633 1,819,174 8,S59
Animals ., 800,800 271,113 V310S7
Mines 1,03(3,910 IM0,1S2 70,434
Forest 412,035 402,255 10,080
Manufactures ,,,, 1,017,041 1,172,213 125,201
Merchandise ,,,,, 750,010 871,101 IH.Mt
Miscellaneous ,,, 1,202,004 1,203,070 01,300
Total ,,, ,. 0,390,712 0,500,653 100,011
anthracite coal,. 0,001,133 7,303,057 l.EOO.Wl
Aeufrepito 12,181,875 13,033,710 1,176,835
A powder to bo shaken fnto (he shoos. Your
teel (eel kwollcii, nerou and hot, and get tired
easily. It jou lije .iurtlujr feet or tight shots,
tiy Allen's Foot-East. It cools the feet, and
makes walking eay, Cures swollen, sweating
feet, ingrouiuj; lulls, llittcra and callous spots.
Utllcec corns and bunions of all pain and gives
rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all drug.
glts and shoo store for; 25c. Don't accept any
institutes.'; Trial packufro FUEE, Address Allen.
fc OJjutUd, Lo Key, H, Y,
i:i.AVAni: and uud&on.
1J0I. Increase.
Ton. Tons.
7110,501 ;)7!),8:1
120,100 10,MI!)
I,40t3,ixii 7,i:tr
(WS.'in 1P5.517
3,57.",S7(I io,mi
231,571) S,2t',fl
(SI3,53U 41,0J1
Product of
Agriculture ..
Manufacture1) .
Merchandise .,
Miscellaneous ,
Total 5,500.3(1.-,
Anthracite eoal , 0,011,002
AirirrcMle ....12,201,307 13,037,')5S 833,051
Decrease. ,
"As to coal department results, while
these show large totals of sales and
earnings, it is known," writes Mr. Piatt,
"that cost and expenses of operation
eat up all but a small amount, and
leave only moderate profits, the trans
portation of the commodity being the
more remunerative feature. Neverthe
less, the fact that so much has beets
done to improve the status of the an
thracite industry makes it interesting
to see what has taken nlnce here.
Lackawanna and Delaware and Hud
son show coal department figures In
their reports, Jersey Central gives re
sults for tho Lehigh and WUkes-Barre
Coal company. Collating these, the fol
lowing constitutes the display of re
ceipts, expenses, and profits, with the
comparative changes given at the foot
of the table:
Sain and Cost and
taming. Expense. Tioflt.
Iliigh & W'kcs.12,57)l,2l7 Sll.OOS.SdS $1,367,379
Lackawanna .... 23,008,717 20,370,101 1,0.13,613
Del. k Hudson.. 10,921,033 15,517,020 1,107,307
Total, 1001
Total, 1000
..57,500,(127 $52,800,508 $1,613,329
.. 41,597,097 41,713,131 2,831,800
Ineiease, 1000. $12,911,930 $11,133,107 $1,753,403
An analysis of the' above figures,
however, indicates that tho improve
ment was somewhat unequally shared
1001, COMPARED WITH 1900.
Increase In Increase In Ineiease
Sales mid Cost and in
Earning. Expense". Protlt.
Le'h k Wilkes.. $2,520,100 $2,491,509 $ :i,C37
Lackawanni .... 5,740,860 5,301,299 113,501
Del. & Hudson... 4,C3S,P01 S,353,059 1,235,213
Total ...
1(12,911,030 $11,153,107 $1,753,163
Yardmaster Resigns.
K. K. Nowell, general yardmaster In
charge of the Scranton terminals of
the Lackawanna railroad, Including
tho Cayuga, Taylor, Keyset' Valley and
Winton districts, has tendered his res
ignation to Superintendent E. M. nine,
to take effect today.
He will be succeeded by C. C. Poltz,
of Akron, Ohio, who has been yard
master at that point for the Baltimore
and Ohio railroad.
J!r, -Nowell has been yardmaster in
this city during tho past 13 months.
He was formerly with the Baltimore
and Ohio railroad.
Dv X. & W. Board for Today.
The following is the make-up of tho
D., L and "V. board for today:
Extras Eost-8 p. m., lloboken, O. V. Kit,
(jer.ild with M. Smith's crew; 10 p. ni,, II, till
ligjii; 11 p, in., Huboken, Oliver.
lMraa East 1.30 a. m., T. McCarthy; 4 a. in,,
Ilohoken, E. M. llallctt; 5 a. in., (1. T. Staple;;
!) n, in., lloboken, llingllcb; 10 a. m,, A. II.
Rone; 11 a, in., Hubuken, J. II. McC'.mti; 1 p,
in., C. W, Dunn; 2 p. in., lloboken, J, Ucnit.r;
3 p. m., II. lllsblnir; 5 p. in., lloboken, A. P.
Mullen; 0 p. m W. J. Moaler.
Summits, Etc, 0 a, m., .1. IlcnnlBan; 8 a, in,,
KrounMker; 0 a, in., Nichols; 11 n. in., J, II.
.Musters; 2 p. in., Thompson; 0 p. in., J, Carietf!
8 p. in., M, Coldcn,
Pushers 6 a. in., Wldnerj 7 3, m,t Kinnerty; 8
a. in., Homer; 11.45 a, in., Morin; 0 11. in., C.
Rattholomew; 7.30 p. m., Murpliy; 0 p. 111., W.
II. llartliolomcw; 10 p. in., taniplnc.
llelpers-7 a. in., (lalTncys 7 a. 111., Slnscr; 10
a, in,, Sccor; 0.13 p. 111., Stanton; 8.30 p. 111.,
Extras West 10 a. in., O, Randolph; 2 p. in.,
M. Canuody; 4 p. ui., T, DoudKan; 11 p. iu., C,
I', McDonnell will run 7 p. in. cMra with
Nealls' crew, March 31, until further notice,
(tonductors A, II, Howe, J, II, McCaun and M.
Laughcny, will report at trainmaster's olllee, S
a. in., April 1.
l L. Rogers and V, A. llartliolomcw and
crews will t'o on No. 2 April 1 to learn M. and
E. dhislon. ,
V, V, Kesley will ro out with J, (ierrlty in
place o( J, Illanch until further notice.
J, niuneh will go out with J, A, Rush, in
place of II. O'N'eil, until further notice,
Thomas O'Mallcy will go out with Larkln, next
New York, Marcli SI, The Easter holidays be
ink' over, a period marking the return of many
of Wall street's leading oerator3 from llieir a
cations, should bring' about increased activity in
tho market. The standard shares all having a
bright outlook, many of tho lower priced iuts
are at present worthy of attention.
Americtn Ice has declined to nominal figures
and will more than likely pass its current divi
dend. The weak holders have been puretty well
shaken ojt The American Ice company has
nearly a monopoly of the ice business of nearly
all the Urge Eastern cltlca and will bo certain
to rise again and da buslueai at a good profit.
Its plant and goodwill should be more tlun
worth the present price ot the property,
Colorado Southern, Iowa and Wisconsin Cen
tral are also good to buy at present. Iliey, like
Chicago b4 Great Western, are bound to be
Ukrn in by larger system! their prices should
gn higher.
Mexican Central and Mexican National present
a fatorslilo outlook for the future. Htcp.4 to de
velop American trade Willi the Ktlvcr Republic,
are being taken with greater energy than ever
before; I hew lines will prove direct beneficiaries
of tills action; their carnlnic will Inrrcao more
rapidly than heretofore, whllo more buyers will
be found for the share. These Mocki have a
better market at present than ever before, and In
flic natural order ot events, it limit and wilt con
tinue to Improve.
Tho matket strengthened 'perceptibly today.
Sugar crowd 1.13; Colorado Ktiel and Iron was
lively; L'nlnn Pacific, up and down; Tennessee
Coal and Iron wai higher. The lower priced in
diMtrlali were Mrong. Rock Nlaml led tho rail
laid, selling tip to lSOj St. Paul fell In line,
selling nbotc Mo!i; Metropolitan was ex-dlvi-dend
and was kept up, regardless ot statement
mado by the Insiders that the company was not
earning tin full dividend. Coalers sagged a tri
fle from the opening price. Union Pacific was
very strong and show every Indication of being
an immediate purchase.
A paper picpared by the Rusvlan ministry of
transportation for presentation to the interna
tional railroad congrc nt Budapest, shows that
In twenty years the length ot railway Unci In
European Russia (cxcliMvo of Finland) has In.
creacd from 14,001 to 27,487 miles. This takes
no account of the great amount nt work done in
Ala meanwhile. Passenger trafllc In Russia was
jut nbout three tlmei as htavy in 1900 as in
18S0, anil freight trafllc four tlmei as great.
flroM earnings incieacd 108 per cent., working
expenses 120VO per cent, and net earnings 20 per
The output of clgari for the calendar year 1001
was, according to the United States Tobacco
Journal, .',010,312,010, and of the little cigars,
710,007,001, or a total of 0.008,070,110. This
shows an Increase of 400,470,314 in the produc
tion of large cigars and of 125,Wy),521 In the pro
duction of little cigars. In contrast to this is
the continuous falling oft in the production of
cigarettes, which amounted for the past calendar
jrar to 1,000,000 in round "gures. The output
of cigarettes lias gone down to 1cm than 2,300,
000,000 from 01 cr 4,000,000,000 In 3S00.
The mineral pioductlon of Canada during 1001
was valued at $G!i,407,Ml, of which 12,S21,0(X)
was metallic and $20,582,000 non-metallic. The
growth is about 8 per cent, over 1000. The fol
lowing shows how the industry lias developed:
1SS0, $10,221,255; 3S0O, $10,7(3,333; 1800, !?J2.
581,513; 111(10, $04,488,037; 1001,. iU'),107,(M1. Cold,
at a icsult of Yukon discoveries, occupies the
first place, with $24,402,222, or more than a third
of the whole; coal, with a value of $11,721,122,
conies ML'.t.
Of tho 5,730,057 farms ill the United States,
1,514,210 irpurt dally cowh and dairy product,
Ilie laltcr, in 1S9U, wortli $172,300,253. The cows
number 17,139,071. There were produced from
the dairy, lows icportcd a total of 7,200,302,074
gallons of milk, nil average of 421 gallons per
ow. Of this milk, S,ll,t)l",,342 gallons were,
sold, for which the farmer icceived $184,842,202.
The fjrmers also repoit the sale of 20,7(18,0(12
gallon of cream, for which they received $8,8.18,
770. Mmi.i.'s Price Curient nukes the entire win
ter hog pick in the West about 10,373,000 hog".
Tills coinpaics with 0,277,000 for the preceding
winter season and 0,720,000 two years ago, which
was the picvloiiH high record. Tor the pa.t
twelve month the aggregate Western packing
lepresents obout 25,225,000 hogs1, compared with
2.1,000,000 the preceding year, nnd annual aver
age of 17,003,000 for ten jcirs piior to the year
now ended.
The total value of the product of the flour
mills of the United .Stales in 1S09 was $300,710,
003, 0:1 a capital of $218,714,104. Tho piodnct of
the 4SS.01 1,001 babels of wheat and of 241,020,240
bushels of corn used, was 102,524,094 barrels of
flour and 40,0.13,077 barrels of Be
sides this, there vvcro other products valued at
$l.?J.357,S(.t. making with the $348,183,800 of
Hour and the $7.1,177,102 of coin-meal the total
of $300,710,00! above given.
Since 1800 there lias been a decieasc of 21 per
cent, in the number but an increase of 7 .per
cent. In the capital of American boot and slme
manufactories. Number of wage-earners lias in
creased 7 per cent, total wages have decreased 3
per cent., but totol value of product has in
creased 18 per cent. Altogether, in lOpO. 1600
establishments turned out 213,b02,014 palm of
shoes or slippers, wortli $201,028,560.
The London Daily Mail reports that negotia
tions arc afoot for the formation of a huge Euro
pean iron combination, the purpose of which will
ho to keep up prices. According to a dispatch
from Brussels, the principal Belgian and Clennan
firms are not inclined to join the combination,
because the fall In prices enables them to com
pete, in the American markets.
The Southern railway reports gross earnings for
I'ebiuary of $,i02, an increase of $9,312 as
compared with the Fame month of last jear, and
net $7S1,3U, a decrease of $15,002. Tor tho eight
months ending Feb. 28, the gross earnings were
$2.1,211, 13S, an increase of $l,0"i!i,SU as compared
with the em responding period of Inst jear and
net $7,b01,121, uu increase of $134,703.
The Lehigh Valley railroad reports cross earn
ings for February of $1,M5,257, a decieaso 0!
$77,071 ns compared with the b.mie month of last
.vear and net "i!,50it, a decica of $100,518. The
Lehigh Valley Coal company reports grews earn
ings for February of $2,000,118, an ineiease of
$241,282 as compared with tho same month of
last year and net $21,700, an Increase of $.13,113.
It Is understood that the projected Denver-Salt
Lake Short lino will form the connecting link of
the shortest unite from New Toik to the Paclfio
roast. Trains will run from New York over the
lliirllngton'N connections, and from Chicago over
tho Burlington and Moffat line to Salt Lake.
There tho Clatk line will take, the trains to the
Pacific coast.
The final step in tho formation of the National
Millers' Federation, icprcsentlng a capital of
$400,000,000 and nn annual Hour output of 100,.
000,000 barrels, have been taken. The federation
is the national organization of tho various state
It is calculated that, owing to the close of the
South African mines during tho limt two and a
half years, the world's gold supply Is thort to
the extent ot $200,000,000.
New railway .mileage in 1001 was 5,222 ml!e,
the largcrt since IMS), Our total mileage is now
1(10,525 miles. More than 8,000 additional miles
aro under contract.
Tho Engineering und Mining Journal e.sllnntes
thn world's- production of quicksilver iu 1001 nt
2,000 tnclrio tons, or 8(1,310 Masks, a declluu of
102 tons, of 5,53d flasks from 1000.
The average dividend paid by Ihc lirgc fjer
man industiial companies for 1!X)1 amounted to
7.00 per cent., as compaicd with 11.50 per lent,
in 1001.
Last year the Cumrd fiteam-hlp compiny paid
8 per cent, dividend; this -tear, 4, The decline
represents a fall in ocean freight.
Tho American Ico company lias declared a
quarterly dividend of 1',i per cent, on its pre
ferred stock, payable April 13,
Eggs and poultry brought American farmers in
1S19, $281,178,035. The egg produot numbcied
1,203,S10,1S0 dozens.
Services Were Held at the House, on
Providence Road,
The funeral of tho lato Sterling D.
Tripp, who committed suicide Friday
by ahootlnfi himself through tho head
with a revolver, took place from his
late residence, on Providence road, yes
terday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Services were conducted ut the houte
by the Uev, flldetm C. Lyman, of the
Court Street Methodist church. Tho re
mains were taken nn tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western railroad to
Factory vllle, where Interment was
Tho deceased was only the adopted
son of Holclen Tripp, who married his
mother, who wus the Widow Huniall,
of Wyoming,
Wnll Street "Review.
New York, March 31. The stock market today,
alter opening strong ami with it show of energy,
almost immediately developed the spotty char
Meter wlilch has been the rule uf lato nnd felt
Intci heaviness and scml-slagnatlon. There was
another upward movcmint towards the end nf the
day, hut this upward movement showed signs of
boliiff abortive, like that st the opening, and did
not extend to a large number of stocks. fit.
Paul was about the only stock which is uuntly
Prominent to show an advance of over a point,
in splto ot the decrcata in net earnings for
February reported today, while Union Paclfio,
which reported a handsome Increase in February
net earnings, fell short of the one point ad
vance nnd reacted again before the close. Rock
Island's four point advance and the gains by
the Chicago and Northwestern stocks were not
very convincing, while the rise of all tho way
of from 1 to over O points in a group ot less
conspicuous stocks was quite Ineffectual to in
duce a Kpeciilatlre following. The Canadian
Pacific group, including the Minneapolis, Mt. Paul
nnd K.uilt Ste Marie slocks and tho Dultilh, South
Shore and Atlantic were most consnieuous In
tills category. Hocking Valley nlso forged up
wards 2j4. The activity In these was dwarfed by
the overwhelming preponderance of Colorado Fuel,
Amalgamated Copper nnd Sugar In tliu dealings.
All of tlieso were depressed after tho opening,
but lecovcred sharply, sugar rising n point
above last week on account of the report from
the committee on wajs r.nd means, of the Cuban
reciprocity bill. All llrce stocks reacted again
at tho close, which was irregular. Total Mies
today, 400,300 shares.
Some of the speculative bonds were inclined to
advance, but there was no general activity in
the market. Total sales, par value, $1,075,000.
United States bonds were all unchanged on the
last tall.
The following quotations are furnished Tin
Tribune by llalght k Frees Co., 314-315 Mean
Building. W. I). Runyon, manager.
Open. High. Low. Close.
Amal. Copper U',i 0HI C2'& (sta.
Am. Car k Kounchy .'12 UiVt .IIH 31si
American Ice lin, l"!i lll-Ift I'd
Am. Locomotive 31 :il"i oH'i Sl'i
Am. Locomotive, Pr.... 1)1 ni4 04 01i
American Sugar ....V..1.1H4 135i ISS-li 131
Atchison 77 Vk "VA 77'js
Atchison, Pr 07 97 07U 97'i
Bait, k Ohio lOOVi 106",', 100 100V1
Brook. Rap. Transit.... C5Vi P5't Clli 05
dies. & Ohio ., 4574 40 457s 4374
Chicago '& Alton 'I51. a.314 ."-Hi M!,
Chic, k fit. Wet 21',ii 21',i 24 ?1
Chic, Mil. k St. P 104 105 IG.1 105
Chic. It. I. k Pac 1"7',4 IV) 177 1
Col. Fuel k Iron 101 104V1 102 101
Col. k Southern 284 2.-- 2S 2SU
Col. k South., 2d Pr.... 42',-j tl'.i 42 42 Si'i ::7'.i ;t7'4 37',4
Erie, 1st. Pr. BST4 ' '8'vi '''
Eiie, 2d. Pr 55'i fiji 5". 5t
Illinois Central 141 112 111 112
Louis, k Nal 10t!"-i UUDi KM HW'i
Manhattan 1!i 131H 133 1'1.1'i
Met. Street Hv 100 10(1 104 10174
Mexican Central 30 31 SHV4 "')
Misso., Kan. k Tex., Pr. 5! r,Pi 51 BlVi
Missouri Pacific: 100 100 09 H
"N. Y. Central lfll Kll 103 IDS
Norfolk & West 50 5(1 6011 fflU
Ontario k West 3.1 3.'! :U '"4
IMcltle Mail 41 11 44 41
Pcnnn. It. R 150 liO 1WH l.'O
People's (las 102U 102U 102 102
Heading It. It 5S 5S 57 57
Heading, M. Pr. 82 81 SVA N',3
"Reading, 2d. Pr. fi'Ah ',! 0S 8'4
Republic Steel IS 18 1774 1774
Republic Steel. Pr. 74 74 71 74
Southern Pacific 05 RVS, CI- 05
Southern R. II 32 32 32 .12
South. R. It., Pr. 01 01 01 !U
Tcnn. Coal k Iron 71 7174 70 71
Texas Pacific 4(1 -10 40 40
I'nlon Paclfio 100 100 W 100
Union Pacific, Pr. 83 88 SS 8S
V. S. Leather 1.1 1.1 12 1274
IT. S. Leather, Pr. .... 8.1 83 S2 8274
U. S. Steel 42 42 4174 42
U. S, Steel, Tr. 04 04 0374 '
Wabash 23 2.1 2.1 2!
Wabash, Pr. 42 42 42 42
Western Union Tel 00 90 00 00
WHEAT Open. High. Low. Close.
Mav 71 7.1 70i.i ,1
July 72 72 71 72
Mav 00 (10 5') B0
July '01 01 00 0074
May ., 41 42 41 42
Julv 31 .11 !!3 31
Mav 1.! JH-C'O 1(1.37 10.00
Jul- 10.73 10.77 10.47 10.72
May 0.70 0.S0 0.70 0.i7
July 0.82 0.87 0.80 0.87
Mav 8.85 8.00 8.82 8.00
July 8.1K S.05 S.0.1 8.03
Open. High. Lcw. Close.
May S.70 8.80 S.ft-5 8.S0
,jt,(,. 8.80 8.S1 8.77 8.8.1
August 8.01 S.01 8.3S 8.61
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. 60
County Savings Bank k Trust Co.. 300
First National Bank (Carbondale) u
Third National Bank 550 ...
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. 300
Economy Light. 11. k P. Co u
First National Bank ,. 1.100
Lacks. Trust k Safe Deposit Co.... 105
Clark k Snovcr Co., Pr. 125 ...
Scranton Savings Bank 500 ...
Traders' National Bank 225 ...
Scranton Holt k Nut Co 125
People's BanK 135 ...
Scranton Packing Co 33
Scranton Passenger Railway, first
yortgage, due 1020 115 ...
Tcoplc's Street Railway, first mort
gage, due 1013 115
People's Street Railway, General
mortgage, duo 1021 115 ...
Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115
Economy Light, Heat k Power Co (17
North Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 117
Consolidated Water Supply Co 103
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. U. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
eiour ?,
Butter Fresh creamery, 30c; June creamery,
20c; dairy, 22c.
Eggs Nearby, 17c; western, 10a10c,
Peas Per bushel, SI. 75.
Marrow Beans Per bushel,,
Potatoes Per litthcl, 85c
Onions Pet bushel, $1.50.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia. March 31. Wheat e, lower;
contract grade, spot and April, 83a83c. Corn
firm; no. 2 iniseu, spot, anu April, &lafilc.
Oats Steady; No. 8 white clipped, 50.i51c
Flour Dull and weak; winter super,, t2.a3a2.0U;
do. cxtrac, S2.H0a:i,15; Pcnna. roller clear, s.21
a.'I.OO; do, straight, $3.flOa3.75; western winter
clear. $.1.30a3.U0; do. do. btrulght. f.l.03.13.83;
do. do. patents, Hw)a.l,'i; spring clear, $.1.15.1
:i.35; do. straight. $.l.50a3.75: do. iiatent. ikl.75
aS.ttO; do. favoiitu brands, iM.05a.10: citv mills
cvtra, $-2.1)0.13,15; do. dear, fJ.IOal.ikj; do.
MmIrIiI, (j3.05.i3.83; do, patent, W.IWal.Wj ije
Hour, $J.25a3.30 a bariel. Butter Firm; extra,
western creamery, 2So,s extra nearby, prints,
3(V. Eggs Stcjdyt fresh nearby, 15c, ; do.
western, 10c; do. loiitliwesteru, lUc,; do, south,
cm, 15c Clie e.e Firm ; New York full creams,
fancy small, lSe. do. do., fair to choice, lla
l'2c, llcllned utigan, Unchanged. Cotton
Finn; 1'lOc higher; middling uplands, 0c.
Tallow Steady; city prime in tierces, tie. ;
country, in barrels, do, dark, 5a5i',; rakes,
(!('. Live poultry Quiet but steady; fowls,
12al3c, ; old roosters, MsaOc; winter chickens,
13a'20c; spring chickens, 20i25c; ducks, 13allc,;
geese, lO.illc, Dressed poultry Firm, fair de
mand; fowls, choice, 1'2al3e,; do. fair to good,
Uu!2c; old rootcrs, 8c; western chickens,
ISallc; ducks, lO.illc. ; gcre, RilOe.
Receipts Flour, 2,400 barrels ond 1,032,000 lbs.
in sacks; wheat, 51,000 bushels; com, 21,003
iiusliriii oato, LOW. Shipments Corn, 2,500
bushels; oats, 4,000 bushels.
New York drain and Produce Market
New York, March Si, Flour Easier and a
elude lower, with business slow; winter patents,
$3.lOa4.15; winter straights, $9.70u3.85; Minn,
patent, if.1.70a3,85; Minn, bakers. $2.P0aV.!0.
Wheat Spot steady; No. 2 red, 82c. elevator,
and 85c. f. 0. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
6074c f, o. b. attoat. Options opened steadier
but was hammered down by the bejr clement.
Later rallied and clced steady at c. net de
cline. May clewed 77c.; July, 77ftc,; Septein.
ber, 77c. Cm n Snot steady; No. 2, 07e.
elevator, and 07c, f, o. b. afloat, M)y close I
05c; July, !3c: Sept., 4c.
easy; No. 2. 47c; No. 3. 40c.r No. -2 white,
4tial0c; No, 3 white, 4iw,j track mixed west
ern, 47alSc; track white, 4Sa55e, Butter
Steady; cieamery, 22a2Sc; do. factory. I8a22c,;
creamery, held 2U5flc; renovated, I0a21c;
imitation creamery,,:, tdate dairy, 22a27c
Cheese Firm; tate full cream, fancy mull,
13al3c; do. white. 1.1ul3e-.; full cream, largo
fall muke, fancy colored, I'2al2'4c. ; do, white.
12al2c Eggs Easle; state and lVnn.1., 13
al5c; western, 15 lie.; wuthcrn, llftslV.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago. March 81. Cattle Itecelpti, 2,000;
sctlvj and stioni; to 10c. higher; good to prime
steers. 40.COa7.20; poor to medium, fl.25a0.50;
I'lm ftrlrn f lt,U tin..!. Mtlt
ndvnnri'ilns rnnn .11 tho yje. nllnt.
,ri 14 1,v"u",,a-UImcuu"UJ'
- Eastern
Oil Go.
Alia tin frt Itrt n aliABit t h.k -!.. .
H. l-,nry oharo on-. No im
cecmiu uiviuuutu. muck ,tay uorr
on the Investment. Why not get In
now unci bo lu u coilUoii to nollt
D7 cne riior
L. i:. Pike k Co.. 400 llenl IMatel
Trust bld'g., 1'lillailelplil.i. Open
niiniiav anu 1 inirsiiay eventn.'s.
Before making committments, please
' record us the privilege of submitting
our descriptive list of investments.
SpencerTrask & Co
27 & 20 Pine Street, New York
fctockers and feeders, S2.50.i5: cows, 1.2"a5.75;
heifers, S2.20.i0; canneis, $; bulls, W.JO
a5.25; calves, if2.50.i5.75; Texas fed Mi'trs. .5.2()
Hogs Ilecelpts today. 12,000; tinnoii ow, :,;
left over. (1,000; ,, to 10 cents lower: nilvd
and biitcheis, !Ml.40.iO.!K); good to elude e heavy,
&0.75a0.(i5; lough lieav.e. M.IOaO.CIO; light, M.M0
u0.6.i; bulk nf hales. $il.lrun.7.'.
Sheep Ilecelpts, 11.000; .sheep and lambs, slicing
to 10c. higher; good to choice wethers, $5 15.51);
w lutein shi-rp, 8I.25jO; n.itlte lambs, l.50.i
0.75; we-teili lambs, If5.2ja0.85.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
East Buffalo, Mairh 31. Cattle Iteccliits, 5,000
head; heavy und butchers grades, steady; com
mon, 15a25c. lower; best stceis, $0.i0..V); med
ium to good shippers and etport steers, .f5.73
nll.25; light to piune biitchcrK, l.50.i5.50: prime
lieifers. 95.25.i5.5U; otliers, Sl.50il.50; liest fat
cow, $t.50a5; c.inuers and conunon. 2.501.1.50:
feeders, $5.25i5.r0; lich cows and spiiugcrs, 3.50
aU.75; veal tons, $7.5017.55; others, 0a7.
Hogs Hi'ceipU, 20,100 head: fairly active at
steady piiees: heavy, 5.tXli7; inised, SJ-li.SOi
0.00: pig", 50.2UaO.30; roughs, Ca0.25; stags,
Slieep and lambs Ilecelpts, 18,000 head; lambs,
steady; slieep, llrni, top mixed, ?5a0.25: com
mon to fair, &3.50.14..7): top lunb, .0.50.iO.C5;
louimon to fair, ?5 50.i0.25.
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
Chicago, March 31. Speculation in grains was
active and nervous today, following the iriegiilar
antics of the? corn pit. At the close. May wheat
was unchanged; May corn, 7sac higher, and
May oats, ,4c higher. Provisions weie weal;
for .1 time, but rlcced unebmged at 21,c higher.
CjIi quotations were as follows:
Flour Easy; No. 2 spring wheat, no bid; No.
3, 70a70c; No. 2 red, 77a78c; No. 2 coin, J
No. 2 oats. lllfcell-'Sio.; No. 2 white, Itiiljc; No.
3 white, 42allc; No. 2 rye, 5Qi.'7',&c. ; good
feeding bailey. ; fair to choice mailing, 02i
07c; No. 1 flax seed, !1.(S: No. 1 northwest
ern, ?1.74; mess polk, per barrel, ?10.50alfl.55j
llid, per 100 pounds, y.70,iO.72l,; short libs,
sides (loee), 'fs.bOaS.OO; dry called sliouldei',
(boxed), 7asu71,sc; whiskey, f.'M.
East Xiberty Live Stock.
Eait Liberty, March 31. Cattle Active;
choice, iO.O0a0.75; prime, ?0.20aU.IO; good, $5.50
Hogs Lower: prime lieavies, ms.85ail.00; best
mediums, .fd.S0a0.85; heavy .vorkers, ifO.05.iO. 75;
light jorkers, !j0.4()a0.50; tough, r,afl.2".
Sheei Slow; best wethers, g5.05ai.S(); culLs
and common, $2.50 ll; veal calves, ijJljO.75.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect, Nov. 3. 1001.
Trains leave Scranton.
Fc Philadelphia and New York via D. k II.
It. R,, at 0.S3 and 0.33 a. m., and 2.18, 4.27
(Black Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. m. Sun
days, D. k 11. 15. lb, 1.58, 8.27 p. ra.
For White Haver, Harlcton and principal points
In the coal regions, via I), k II. It. 11., 0.3S, 2.18
and 4.27 p. in. For I'ottsvillc, U.38 a. m., 2.18
For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg,
and principal intermediate stations, via D. k 11.
It. It., H.33, 9.38 a. m.; 2.1S, 4.27 (Black Dia
mond Evpress), 11.30 p. m. Sundays, I), k II.
li. It., 0.3S a. m. ; 1.0S, 8.27 p. 111.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmira, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via
D., L. and W. II. It., S.1U a. m. and 3.50 p. in.
For Oeneva, lluchester, Buffalo, Niagara Fal's,
Chicago and all points west, via D. k II. B. It.,
7,18, 12.03 . m.; 1.12. 3.28 (Black Diamond Ex
press), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Suudajs, D. k H.
11. It., 12.0J, 8.27 p. 111.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Volley
Parlor cars on all trains between Vt'ilkes-Ilarre
and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen
sion Bridge.
ltOLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Coitland
stieel. New Yolk.
CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt 20 Cortland
btrcct, New York.
A. V. NONESIACHER, DIv. Pass. Agt South
Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to
city ticket oiilce, C'J l'ublio Square, Wtlkca-Darre,
Now Jersey Central.
In Effect Nov. 17, 1001.
Stations in New York, fool of Liberty street
and South I'ciry, N. It.
Trains leave Scranton for New Virk, Philadel
phia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Mauch
Chunk, White Haven. Ashley and Wllkes-Barre at
7,30 a. in,, I p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in.
Ouukcr Cily Emu os leaves Scranton at 7.S0
... .l.n....l. .nil, I i.eltl,ii! Ir.tln t.tll, Hi.lln..n
IK III., imiru.M o..... ....-.... ..(....... , Mtitu.u
Bullet Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia, with only
1 one change of cars for' llaltlmurc, Washington,
I n r ...! ..II ..vliw.lnol n.lntu Lnitlli i,,..l .. n.f
4J. J,t IIIIU l ',...... ,.... uu...., h... KM.,
For Avoca, Pitt-toii and ilkcs-Uarrc, 1 p. m.
and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2,10 p, m.
For bong maiici!, uciau uiute, etc., c.uu a.
in. and 1 p. m.
For ItcaJlnj, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Al
lcntown, at 7,30 a. in. and 1 p. 111. Sunday, 2.10
p. m.
For Potlsvllle at 7.30 a, in. and I p, m.
For Utej and tickets upply to agent at station,
C. M. BURT, Qcii. Paa. Agt.
Dlst, Pass. Agt., Scranton.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In EffeLt November 21, 1001,
Trains fur Carbondale leave Scranton at 0.20,
8.00, 8.53, 10.1J a. 111.; 12.00. 1.20, 2.31, 3.53,
5.20, 0.25, 7.57, 0.15, 11,20 p, in.; 1.31 a. 111.
For lloiic-dale 0.20, in.; 2.31 and 5.29
PVor WIlkesBarre-0.33, 7.18, 8.41, 0.33, 10.41
a. m.; 12.0.1, 1.12, 2.1S, 3.28, 4.27, CIO, 7,4s,
10.41, 11.30 p. in.
For L. V, It. It. Points-0.3S, 0.3S a. m.j 2.13,
4.27 and 11.30 p, in.
For Pennsylvania It. R. Points 0.33, 9.33 a.
ta.i 1.42, 3.28 and 4.27 p. III.
For Albany and all (saints north -0.20 a. m.
and 3.52 p. in.
For Cailiondalu 8.60, 11.32 .a. m.; 2.31, 3.52,
5.52 and 11.17 p. m.
For WHUs-llaiie 0.33 a. m.j 12.02, 1.03, 3.23,
0.32 ami 0.17 p. in.
For Albany uud points north 3.52 p. m.
For lluncsdale 8.00 a. in. nnd 3.52 p. in.
W, L. PRVOIt, D. P. A Scianton, Pa.
Pennsylvania Railroad. . e
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1901.
Trains leave Scranton: 0.33 a. in,, week days,
. I. ....... I. . ... I1...I.. frs, V'MV,.J.It,.n I'.tll.
lllll'UII H7UUUIV ,... ....... .. .w ... u..-
man bullet parlor car and coaches to Philadel
phia, via Puttiville; stops at principal lutein...
diste btations. AUo couuectj tor ouubur, liar
rUbuiy, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and
lor PitUbuig and the wet,
0.33 a. iu,, week da)S, (or Sunbuiy, llarrltbuig,
Phllsdelphia, Baltiiiioii-, Wavlilujton and Pitts
burg and the wot.
1.42 p. m., week da)S (Sundaes, 1.53 p. in.),
for Sunbuiy, llarrl'buig, Phlladeliihla, Balliinure,
Washington and Pittsburg and the wevl.
3.23 p. in., week days, through vcstiikilo train
from WilktS'Uairc. Pullman bullet plor car
A Five Per Gent. Investment
Wc offer subject to 'advance In price without notice the
Consolidated First Mortgage Forty' Year 5 Per Gent, Gold Bonds
of tho
Webster Coal and Coke Co.
Free of Tnx in Pennsylvania.
Redeemable at 110 and Interest
Rrice, Var and Interest
Temporary Quarters
135 Washiigtoi Avanue, Scrantoi, Pa.
Share a Year
Pays $8 Per
Established 1832
Incorporated 1901
Capital Stock $200,000
110 rer
For full Particulars Call On
T. C. PERRINE at the Store.
635 and 63f Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. HOLMES & SONS, Bankers.
Participate In
J All Profits.
Well Down Over 700 Feet
Tli follemitiff telcsrum vas rrce-iuei f-.iniula y, Match '11, Ironi our liclil manager:
"Springfield-Beaumont Oil Co.
Springfield, Mass.
Well seven hundred feet. Quicks ana cased off. Enpid progress from
now on. Check."
Thlt inelicitc that OHrvierll rjIiifiI 200 feel
sttiKc oil in I he next 800 or U0 feet fo.
Act Promptly if You Want
Springfield-Beaumont Oil Co. Stock
At 5 Cents a Share. S
Tho Sl'ltlXdnKUllllIArMOXr OHj CO. in ,m oipr.iniiitlejii of cti.iiiiiliiury merit." 'n
ofllcns ,imlilirettors hip rcirM'ntiit i liii-!iies men of Xe'W KiikIjikI. They .no men o( the
highest stanilini; and Ihc company is aiMiictl .t iii.iiugcmeiit (lut ejiuiol be Mirpjiae'il.
The Company Owns Outlright
Great tracts of land In the errcatcat oil-piodtirin
immediate vicinity of the gie-ut SOOi) lurrcl O
incorporated tinder the laws ef tho 'talc of Mai
and iion-aoic-Mililc. No pieferied ktral;.
only a matter of a vhoit time ulu-ii it will he o:
block U Mill on mIp AT S f'KXTS A MIA UK.
We haee- an Al!SOI.t;Ti: Cil'Alt VSTIIB OK A
of 5D jit r cent, down and the halaine when Cus
tervca llio lieht to udeance piieo villiout notiee'.
$:00 buys 10.000 shares; $230 down.
$100 buys 2,000 shares; $50 down.
frit0 II T MTPKl PV
t0 Il J DUvlVJLCIy
3SI Main Street, sprliiartloltl." Mass.
We want a first class representative for Scrauton and vicinity,
dress K,, Tribune office.
and coai hes to I'lilladelphla via rottbvlllc. Slops
at principal intermediate slntlont
1.27 p. 111., we-ek dayH, tor lla.letoii, Sunbury,
Ilarrl.biiri'i riiiladelphla and l'ltUburc.
J. 11. llUTCUIXfeO.N. (Jen. Mer.
J, D. WOOD, ticn. l'aio. Agt.
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western.
In Hffcct Nov. 3. 1001.
Trains leave .Scranton lor New York At 1.40,
3.15, 0.1)3, ".DO ami 10.05 a. in.; 1-M3, ::.lel, 3.U
p. in. 1'or New York and rtilladelphla 7.50,
10.0S a. in,, and.12,15 and ii.t'.l 11. m. Tor Tob).
hanna At 0.10 p. m. Kor lluflalo 1.13, 0.22 and
H.00 a. ni. ; l.M, U..r0 iiral 11. M p. 111. i'ur Uini,''
hamtoii and way station. 10.20 a. in. and 1,10
p. m. 1'or OsweKO, byraituo and Utlca 1.15 and
fc.22 a. in,; 1.53 p. 111. O.tte'go, !Sracu'i and
Utlca train at 0.22 a. 111. daily, exeept bunday.
Tor Jlontruse U.OO a. ni.l 1.10 and 0.50 p. m.
Nuholton accoiiiinodatlou 1,00 and 0.15 p. m.
Ulooinburg Division I'or Northmnberland, at
(1.33 nnd 10.0S a. in.; 1.55 and 0.10 11. in. Kor
l'l mouth, at 8.10 a. in.; 3.10 and 0.0O p. in
Sunday Trains Kor New York, 1.10, 3.15. 0 05
and 10.05 a. 111. i 3.10, 3.3J p. in. Kor lluifalo
1.15 and 0.22 a. 111.; l., 0 50 and 11,35 p. m.
Kor DlDKluinton and way ttatioiu 10.20 a. m.
llloomslnirir Division Leave Scranton, 10.05 a.
111. and 0.10 p. in.
New York, Ontario nnd Western.
In EHect Tuesday, Sept, 17, 1901.
J,eao 'eM?. Arrht
nviln. Scianton. L'arbandale. Cadoala.
Vl , 1 10.M a. 111. 11.10 a. in. 1.00 p. ,.
Ko" 7 ....... 0.10 p. in. Ar. Carbondale 0.W p. m.
Uueo ,''".v? Arrha
Tnlns ' CadU. Catboiidale. Scrantgn.
i"luS, 7.00 a. 111. 7.10 a. 111.
Ku ....... 2-5 !' " lM !' '" ' W l'- '
Leave Uau Arrlva
rn'iiK Si union. Carhoudjle. Cadoaia.
Tnliw Seianlon. Carbondale. Ca
i'o , U.10 p. in. 10.13
CX" B ...... 7.00 P. m. Ar. Carbondale 7. 10
. i.i.
p. in.
Leai'd Lcaeo ArrliA
Xn C
Cadeiala. Carbondale. Si rauton.
T.CI a. in. 7.IU u. in.
Nu. 10 ,,
" . .m .
NO. IU 1, ...!..... ........... -w ,..,.
Tialiu Nos. 1 on week da), and 11 on .Simd.i,
inako main line coniiccllouj for New York city,
111. 1.11. t. ..m VVullrai. Norwich. Ollalda. Ourira
I) 00 p. in. 0.13 p. m.
aud all points west.
Kor further Information rcnsult ticket agents,
J. I). ANDKllsON, 0. I'. A., New York.
, U. UXLSU, X. I'. A., Scranton, l'.
A Safe, Sound
Permanent and
Profitable business
Pays $8.00
Per Share
a Year.
elm ins week
cnellni; -M.ueh ii. . W'c chould
tr di-tiiet of Te.n, nnd N now ilrillimr in tha
usher tliutea struck M.neli II. The company it
ne. The capitalization is only $.100,000, full paid
10,000 IIAIIUT.I.S of nil a day alrrnly, and it it
n a dividend-payine; lalf. A limited amount of
CsrsillIK, and xee aie .sellin.- .sloek nn the plan
her i.i struck, Uuy at ouee. 'Ihc company re-
I ?."0 buys 1,000 shares; $2." down
$10 buys 200 shares; $5 down.
Fiscal Agent,
Rooms 4.5 Republican Building
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir Inf Tlacc,
American Dan, J3.M I'er Day and Upwards. ,
European 1'lan, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards.
Special Rates to Families.
Tor Business Men
In the heart cf tbe wholesaU
For Sliopiicr.s
K minutes'' walk to Wannmakers;
3 mlnutca to Slreel Cooper'u Big
Bture. Knsy ot access to the sreat
Dry Good Stores.
For Sightseer
One block from D'way Cr. 1
Iiik easy transportation ta all
points of interest.
Only one Htock from Broadway
Pnrirrn $1 Tin khstaurant
nUUUl, ipi Up. prCM Heasanablj
Done quickly and reasonabl)
t The Tribune office,
A 9,
s ,x
v '.v
t -f-j,.,, : i
ew. -