The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 29, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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HfWT'Ww 'Ltrri.
pi-fcowOtjAJ',, ywvvvAAiiwwAiAAW
Contnlns All of the Popular nnd Up-to-Drtto
Numbers Easter Servlco
Announcements Merchant John
Rlttonhouso Will Retire from
Business John Keehn Killed In
the Mines Literary , Exercises.
Jackson Street Baptist' Notes and
Othor Items of General 'Interest.
Tin? eiiiriiSe-ineiit of Halter's orchestra
to piny at the first annual Informal
Kaster clanco of the Wqst 'Sltln Cunti-iii
Republican club, In St. ' David's hall,"
next Wednesday evening, has cfkUricd
eiuiic-ers iroiri an puns en uie uy .10
look forward to thp event with much
pleasure. t
The social committee of thp fclub. nlip
to make this dtim-o euul. If not bettor
than any heretofore held In West
Hc-ranton. The pnrlortf pf St. Leo's JjJ t
tallun liave been secured for reception
) 00111st. ' " '
Suitable lofrcshmenU will be ijroYli
eil by Caterer Hoblnsoii, of the Elet'tilo
'Ity Wheelmen, and the hall will bo
tastefully decorated for the event.. The
balcony will bo icserved for those w.ho
come as spectators. DiincliiR will be
Bln at S:I!0 o'clock, and can luges will
be ordered for '1 o'clock.
A programme of twenty dance has
been arranged, anil the orchestra wll
bo made up of It. J. Bailor, ilrsL vlolm;
Charles Moore, second violin: Chester
r.ildgmen, clarionet: Theodore BatiRCh"-'
man, piano: William Grluitlis, trom
bune; Thomas Miles, comet: M. Tlghe,
diums. The programme will be as fol
lows: riitir i-.uir.
Two-Step, "lluitliriji in Arm-." ( h.iinbns
V iltr. ".My CoIIikp C'lniin" Mo-e.s
Kivo-btop, "(in Way It it k nnil Sit Down,"
lulled, "I In- Minlleis" Hnhcits
'Inn-Step, "Ml. Hilki-peili" ilni III?.
Mall, "lllijii'" Mujiij
'lunMcp, "('iinli' Itellr" Lanipe
Will, 'Tliuiiiluiu" Mil. 11 1
riw-Mi'p, "M.i lliou-.v llibe" Moure
IvvuSlcp, "Itcubcii .mil the M.ilil."
Intel 111 ivsiuii.
1'Alir SIXO.M).
Tno-Mep, "Tell Me, l-ielt.v .Manic 11" I111 it
bills'. "Obi-pili" Kniclit
1'ive'Mrp. "My Honolulu Liil," lohnsiin
Linens, "I'nsj (Jinllei" I)e K011 11
To.stcp, "Ain't Pit R Minne" Witinii
W.iltr, "t)ur Wedding Da.v" T0I11111
Willi everybottle of Dufonr'H I'rcm h
bouxllt ft inn store vvc will give away one
package of l.iitcr
101 S. Main ave.
It is the universal desire of all
feminine humanity at" present. &
It is throbbing in- tlje :h'ea;'r.tsofi
the women in this city, ari"d'"it is g?
within the reach of ' everyone j
who hits on this notice, and &
those who don't, for that matter.
We ask you to inspect our en- $!
1 Women's Siiits
iS Everything else being equal,
' the goods and linings nnd
a trimmings the same, tallor
' made is far and away superior
iS to other makes you pay moro
if From $TQ a,itl Upwards
1 1 . f ' li o-
' Silk Waists , .
K Made ns 'ihey' ishould he,
5 shaped right, finished right.
i3j Here they nre;int'JHPt;' the .Heat,
C pretty effects everybody wants,
9 in a great ran'gofj'cqw bl'pnd
S Vines. . t ' '
r "
a-Pancy' Hosiery
ri 11
There's .n, choice collection
here of the latest fancies in
Ladles' Hosiery, 'Stripes! in
the jtejw shades, drop stltbh
lng nnd otw ,etf w'tHv A .good
generous ' supply m to choose
.' Good iGltfufey ;. .
Everybody knows where to
come for Gloves of the best
qualities nt 'the most moder
ate prices. This is no appeal
to the imagination, for the
Gloves are here to' be seen nnd
sold- .. , ,-'
, ij ',-. i V.'.ltL
i"iW tiitti
Globe" WapeboJjsel
Tvvo-Mtp. "I.eadltnr IIAIN'S.'. .'"... .TllM
Wultr, "'An Aulimin HuiK' '.,.'?' Lower
I'llc-SUp,"''! AjIii'I HoliV loVc'cti No .Mote,"
' ''" Tllwr
Tvvo-Slep, "I Want (0 lie 11 Military Man,"
St. David's EpiscopnlT Church.
Good Friday services were hold yes
teidoy In St. Diiyld'o Episcopal, church,,
tiudcr thot direction of the rector. Hev.
13. J. Mcltonry. Litany and penitential
olllces were said at 9 a. m mid de
votions were hold from 12 to .1 p. in.
The Kaster services will be as follows:
7.30 a. 111,, celebration of the Holy
Kucharlst; 10.r.0 'a. In., celebration In
tiolt, plain song, 109, "Welcome, Hap
py Morning," Sullivan: holy commun
ion, W. H. Monk: "Jesus Christ Is
ttison Today," Morgan: anthoni,
"Jesus Lives," Spinney: "Angels lloll
the Hock Away," Anmnthea; "He Is
Illson," I'nran; 7.30 p. 111., choral even
song: 3.30 p. m., children's vespers.
Killed in the Mines.
John Keehn, or' North Bromley ave
nue, employed as a miner in Tripp's
slope, was killed by a fall of roof while
at work on Tliuisday.
Deceased was 38 years or. age .and Is
siiivlvcil by, his purcntfl nnd the fol
lowing brothers 'and 'slstei's:,' George,
Arthur, Mrs. Noll, Mrs. Albert Uuttcr
mun and Miss Christina Keehn.
The funeral will takei pluce at 4
o'clock tonionow afternoon. Services
will be held In St. John's German
Catholic church, and interment will be
made In the Gorman Catholic ceme
tery. , .. , ... -
Grand Easter Rally.
Invitations 'have been Jsj tied '.for ' n
grand Hasten' rally ,irt the- Hampton
Stieet Methodist Episcopal Sunday
.school tomorrow afternoon at L' o'clock.
The music -will be tielightful and the
exercises refreshing.
The dedication and Jubilee exorcises
of the new "Embury Methodist Epis
copal church will" ' ocenr on May i.
Prominent speakers will oc.Tu'esent. '
A -Literary Session.
The Young Jeoplej.s spde,ty of.,, the
Welsh' Congregational -church' held'r'a
literary session last'ercuing, at which'
a paper was read by H. II. Mosier, on
"The Young Man Who Is a to
His Country."
Mis-s Catherine Evaim sang a solo,
and several questions were discussed'
under the leadership of Miss Sarah J.
First Bnptist Cliuroh.
On. Kaster Sabbath, at both morning
and evening services) of the" First Hap
tlst church, payments on bonds and
subscriptions will bo gladly received.
Tills will be an Easter offering, and
the amount paid Will be credited on
your account. The money to bo paid
should be -placed in one of the bond
envelopes and marked with your name,
and the envelope placed in the collec
tion basket.
Change in Business. ' ' '
Jolnj IUttenhouse,. the Nm'tih Main
iivi'ime merchant, will 'retire on Amil
1, having disposed of., his Interests iji'J
! EaV",
i will a k !
Rare Ribbons g
Dolly Vnrden and Elorodorn
Ribbons, Polka Dots and Bo- J5;
man Stripes, Moire and' Polka 5i
Dot Combinations, White Warp $;
on New Shades, Narrow Blaids, ,
Peau de, Soe, Bpw-Knot Bib- 2f.
bon for Sashes, 10-ineh Lib- Si:
erty Satin Ribbon, Gauze Rib- JS
bon in Black, Pink, White and ST:
Light Blue; Two-Tone Satin St
Ribbons, entirely, new novolty. 5.
Confirmafion g
Dresses .'; . , . ,
Fine French? Lawn Dresses ST,
for Q to 12 year old children. JJ;
Tucked yoke with inseftjoni' t
Ruffle and Berl;j'a, of EmbroldC 5?:
ery or lace to match. ;
Fr!c3S, $U8 io tB.5fl. S
'V h"
All kinds of New Neckwear
for feminine weal", Stocks, Ja
bots and Puff Ties of Silk,
Satin, Mull'and-Chiffon.- The
pink of thwnew fashions:
Every facility. Is for
seeing and -examining 'to 'the
beet advantage, the beautiful
Easter things spread" out for
your special benefit.
the business io Miss 11. Timlin, of
North Lincoln avenue, who lias been
bookkeeper lit the store for some time.
Air. Hltten 'house will devote his time
to the secretaryship of the Hetall Gro
cers' association, and the sate of Dr.
Hand's condensed milk.
j.,. Jackson Street BaptUt Notes.
'The decorations are certainly unique
'fortfUnstcr. -Thu'inuslo Is excellent. The
lui'Ko chorus, assisted by the orchestra,
.wjll render the special music, under the
cdlelent leadership of Chorister Lewis
Davis. Let us make It a Rfeat day.
The plan 'of our superintendent Is a
Rood one, imd'n sociable will ho held be
fore long to cultivate the social side of
our Sunday school. '
The Baptist 'Youiiff People's union
mooting next Tuesday night will ho
both spiritual nnd social In nature. The
right hand of fellowship will be given
to new ' members by the president,
Alfred Hoberts, and address of welcome
to the now members by JIiiBter William
Nleholls,' and other features. On llie
whole, It will be one of litre, profitable
meetings. The society Is prospering,
and Is a strong- factor In our church
Next In order will be the raising of
suillclent funds to paint our church.
All llif "i Ser.inlmi cliiijr utoro will lie (.I0501I
tiiinuiimv nloriiliiB (mm 10 'o'lloil; lo Vl.W
The new lp.1111 of Mack liorms .", 11 ml (1 jpam old,
now in l'rln-'s stable, wore piniluicil fioin I.e
miller Vun Murcli, of Olilnclilll.i, for Km. Tliev
are beaut ies ami ueigli 2.1XJO iioiuul.
, Theie will lie 11 ineetliiK of tlie commit-
tre of the Hc-l Mile Centnit Itonulillciin dull
at the inoorm llih oenliiir. All nieiiibcrs lire re
quested .to attend.
Alderman Kellott-, of the fourteenth waul, will
fro to lloneMlale toda., Ii.hIiir been cnlleil theie
by the lllne-y of his biother, John, lie will le
turn homo oh Tuenlay.
A number of Sedl7Tcltl7eiis held an Informil
rrcrpllpii in C'nnpcrathe lull last Mcnlmr In
honni of l)i, ('ail Sundbeek, of Sweden.
Wind has been rceehed fiotn llo'ell llinli,
who Is in the, statins that lie is U"
cotiirliiR his health and cnjo.s the climate end
MI'S llnlniii O'.Mallej, of 1721 Jaclcm hticet,
fell down stalls at her home and fiacturcd 1 er
The lein.ilns of the l.ile Mrs. Itlchard,
of Meriilfm Mrcet, weie Interred in the Calhe
dial criiictery ysteiday, .ifternoon.
Mi's Jennie Uinry,' of Smith buinner aicnue,
who Is hojauinlni; In Marion, N. C, lint sent her
Iiaients some natle wild flowcis Tor K.i.-lcr.
i:an Daiis, of 'oulli'M.iln incline, who was nr
icsted fni lieliu (lunik and disouleily, was fined
?." in polite com t .losterdty,
Otjj, Wood,, of Newton, anestril for liclnir ill
tosicited, was sent up fr trn ilajs.
A niasipitiade surptlse puty was held on
lliiii-alay c-MiiIni; nt the lioini' of Man in Conk
lilt, on Tenth Mu-cl, 1 lie ociaslon bciiiR his thiitj
M'cond birthday. A laiite number of fiiiesls weic
'llie In nitiful cantata "Itesuirritiou Piy," ill
be lemlereil by the ililblien of the Tabernacle
bllllilay'Mhilol toluol urn' eelllli!j. '
Ilai'i, Lewis, of West T-iiawanna aienur. Ins
Iieen leinoMil to the l.ickuwunua, Mif
fci inpr fioin rhc'inualisiii.
Good Eriday Services in the Churches
Largely Attended Burglars
Enter a Hotel.
Well attended services were held in
nearly nil the churches on this side
yesterday morning. In observance of
Good Friday. In the evening services
wete again held at St. Mary's Gorman
Catholic church and at St. John's
ohutoh on Fig street, which were large
ly attended. Services will be held
tills morning in St. Mary's church,
commencing at G:45 and will continue
until 9 a', in,
The usual Easter services will take
plac.e in all the churches tomoriow
morning, )uul the classes confirmed at
the Church of Peace and -the Christ Lu
theran church, on Cedar avenue, last
ASu),','will partake of the Lord's sup
per tor tne nrst time.
"( Hotel Broken Into.
The saloon owned by Alonzo Hub
bard,, at .1328. South Washington ave
nue, was burglarized at an early hour
yesterday morning, but the hoijse
breakers were scared off before they
had a chance to ransack the place.
The burglars gained admittance to
the barroom by prying open the tran
som and forcing back the lock. The
noise they made woke Sfr. Hubbard,
and he proceeded to Investigate. They
.(leard him coming evidently, and hast
ily, grabbing two bottles of whiskey,
over the' b.'ir.s nitule off, ami disappeared
without leaving a clue. The many
petty cases of thievery on this side re
cently, lias .created qUtte a stir among
householders, and the hardware deal
ers are disposing of large quantities
of firearms.
Duffy Committed.
Michael Duffy, of 217 Prospect ave
nue, was given a hearing before Alder
men Lentes yesterdny on charges pre
feried by his wife, drunk and disorder
ly, assault and battery, and threats.
Ye'sterday morning while drunk he be
gan to abusp her, He threw a heavy
mine shoe at her, which just missed
her head and went through thp win
dow. Then he threw the hi end out,
and would have done her 3erious bodily
harm had not a neighbor Inteifered,
He pleaded dilnk as an excuse, and
begged for another chance, As It was
not the first offense, however, he wns
fined $n for being drunk and disorderly,
nnd on the other charges was held for
court-in ?300 ball. In default of both
ho was committed to the county jail.
llrnry Meters, who .tailed In business for
lilinself, gau' .1 paity lo hU fellow craftsmen,
the plumbery in MliU hall lat culling, 1.111I
they spent a pleasant eM-iiin.
A baby.slrl ha conic to id-idden the home of
Mr. and Mr, (leorsje Kchem-i, at till) Illich sheet.
A HKilal inct'tiliK f Hie Klondike llowllnif club
Is railed foi tonionow- ulttiiiuon.
The luncul of llie late Mis. Miller will take
pbic'tliU afternoon at U o'clock.
T, A. Donohoe, formerly of the Truth, a stu
dent ill the Dickinson Law school, this slate, in
spendini; the Caster -nation Willi lelatheit en
lids side.
M, Peter' uiid M. Jcveph's societies-anil ilia
litikilit ot St. Ileome will lecehe luilv coin,
nmrilon at St. Mjij'u 1 liuuli tonionow liioinliig
at If o'cloik,
111,' Stlili-j'. lam,' Muling U ki'
auttctl to 'cure all toughs. "No cure, 110 pay."
for laleby all iImIim,
A spielal lister H-rilfo will be held ot tlm
Vounit Wumcii'ii (hrlstian tusiUtloii .Sunday at o'clock, Mb- btroni;, sulc secular), will
lead. Them will be spttlJl music. All women
ami ulrb uie cordially iuilled to ullciul tills
The adiuiueil lllblc (la-si will meet Monday
eunlng. All ineinber are uteecl lo be prei-ent.
(.. 1. tlnrn Inr -ill ullO 1141. Kpinn'fl rilljft.i, lnK .1,.
Ill 111 B.w.v .". -." -- - ---.-.,- .....,. Iu, ,,ia
Jliroat and Luns, llio Croat nuaranleed lemeJy.
JVould jou believe lhat 11 U said on its merits unJ
aiy uiujcuic i uiuim " iiiw pivpiieior ui
(lii, wonderful leiuedy to alio )uu a sample botllo
lice? t ucter falU to euro acute or cliroulo
coulu. All liiusflsU cell Kemp's Datum. Price,
he. and 60e, '
Fen'&. Hat and Furnishing Shop,
A handsome souvenir to every purchaser on. opening day
He Had a Very Narrow Escape from
Death Institute of Human De
velopment Is Expanding Rapidly.
Classes Have. Been Formed Old
Folks' Conceit Given in the Audi
torium Was a Very Successful
Affair Y. W. C. A. Notes Stu
dents Home for Easter.
Thomas Crabb, a resident of East
Market street, met with u serious acci
dent, -while nt work In . the Dickson
mine, yesterday afternoon about 4
o'clock. Crabb was at work in his
chamber, with" his laboi'er, when a" por
tion of the roof, called an elbow, fell,
striking- him on the leg, near the ankle,
which seriously sprained it.
Crabb escaped dentil by jumping to
one side when he heard the n'olse of the
full. He was taken to the surface by
his fellow-workmen and carried to his
home, which is across the street from
the mine, where he received medical
Progress of the Institute.
The new institute, which was for
mally oneno'd In the North Main Ave
nue Uaptist chinch tabernacle a week
ago last night, is rapidly progressing.
Tlie number of members bus nearly
reached the two hundred mark.
Classes have been formed for both
afternoons and evenings, for ladles and
gentlemen. It has been decided that In
the near future the gymnasium classes
will give an exhibition in the taber
nacle for the benefit of the institution.
Dr. Young, physical director of the In
stitution, has taken up his residence
on Church uvenue.
Old Folkes' Concert.
The old folks' concert, given in the
Auditorium last evening by the mem
bers of the First Christian church or
North Main avenue, was well attended.
The progi amine wns Cull of interest
ing features. The village choir rendered
several old-time songs. The dialogue
of the lawsuit was an amusing feature
of the evening. The following p.ulicl
pated: Plaintiff, William Parks; de
fendant. Nancy Parks; lawyer, AV.
Pettifogger; judge, Mr, Quackenbush.
Solos were rendered by Ian Smith,
Lady Dnnncr and John Iticketts.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Mr. Sanborn, supeilntendent of the
Rebcuo mlslon, on Franklin avenue,
will address the gospel service In the
association parlors tomorrow afternoon
at 3.30 p. m.
Miss M. Lees, of Green Hidgo, will
sing, and MiSH Nellie Pierce will bo
pianist. All young women are hfvited
to attend.
On Monday evening the young wo
men will have the privilege of Inviting
their gentlemen friends to the associa
tion parlors, for a musical and social
evening. No admission fee will be
charged, and all are welcome. The
social committee, In chnrge of Mrs. YV.
H. Sadler, Is arranging an entertaining
The promised Scotch evening will oc
cur a few weeks later.
You can get It at Davis drug store.
Peter Jackson and Mrs. Ellen Mar
chell, both of Providence, were married
on ThiUhday evening at S o'clock in
the Methodist parsonage, Rev. George
A. Cuie performing the ceremony.
Their residence will be nt 407 Clearvlew
Fine lino of Kaster peifumery and
box candy at Davis' Drug Store, Prov
idence square.
A special feature of the Easter pro
gramme in the Methodist Episcopal
church will be the unveiling of a mem
orial tablet to the late Ambrose Mul
ley. "As a tribute to his Christian
character and loving sacrlllce" for that
church, J. T. Nyhurt will act for tho
olllcial board In the ceremony of un
veiling, Easter egg dyes at Davis' drug 'store
on the hquure,
Mrs, Thomas Shepheid, of Fanderson awniv,
lelt for Philadelphia, to spend Kaster with friends.
Ale lile Morgan, of l.ehlsh iinheislty, Is spend
Ine the UaMer xacatlon with hi, paienti, on
( liurcli uu'iiue.
Hev. Jame.s It. Ljiuli, ot llonesdale, Ulted Ills
paieuts- on Maigaiet au-nue, Thursday,
Miss Mary I". Wells, ot llieaker stieet, went
uiiilei operation at the Siruntou I'rhatu hospital
during tlie Hist part of the week.
Mis. Pifil .1. Phillips, of Xoilli Main avenue,
who has- been ilsltlns friend In New Voik fin the
put week, is expected to letiiiu home Mondaj.
William llaiictt, of Wist Maiket sheet, U i un
filled to hU home with a serious attack of pneu
monia, 'Hie member of Uie Clioial union aiij, reipiested
lo meet foi iclieaisal tomuriuu' eseiil"!.' after
church, about I) o'clock, In O'MjIIij's ball on
West Maikel sheet, ,lj iiuinbiH uie reiiuesttd
lu be picicnt.
Walter llenedlct, of !.chl'H uiilieislty, united
home last'c'Hiiliih? lu spend the Kaster vacation
with his paienw on .North Main uiiuc.
Mls-i Mjilau Hill and Miss IIUU I'oiulu, ulon;
with PiofeJtor Malklnsliaw, will tako pait in the
muslc-al Kasler servleen at the Pilrcbiutr Mctli.
udist i him h, In cluit,e of Mr. Ikiijaiulu, on Sun
day. - i i i ......
Duiimoic MelhodLst cliuitb Iley, Cluilen II,
Xewlui;, pastor. Morning: smlcs wilt bo In
Omiko of the Sunday school, .Supeilntendent I),
Powell, when the K-ry pleasing concert eicrcUe,
"Kaster Joy," will be reiideicd.
Seniles lu (he Piesbyterian church at the
uiual hums'. The pailor, Ilei. William 1'. (lib.
bomi, will picach morning, nnd etenlng, and
the choir will icudei special lautei liiusic-. The
Sunday school will also rc'lcbmtc the day nitli
an eitra son; service.
Dudley Sheet llaptist iliurch The evangel!!,
Hev. UiUuii, will picach inoinlug and evening,
and Mi.' Wilton will slug. The revival services
will' be continued next week in charge ot Mr,
Uu) Mm. VtlUiu. Convert Muudjy nlxlit. At
fB"nTrrTTnriitiii'nifnirii,'Triiiiiiiiiiiiii n mHii J
(burned in the enamel) arcSJ ft
Wo claim Purity and Safctv. and
substantiate this claim with Chemists'
Note the blue label used by ui (and
fully sustained by recent U. S. Circuit
Court decision) to distinguish our
absolutely pure Arntc Nicl-el-Stccl
Ware. This label is paMcd en every
piece of ccnuine Agate Wore.
A full assortment nf thee enods for RilMivnU
the Icidinc nr.PAnr.MKNT and HOUSE
Booklet thoningJ'tiC'Wmtt cf our laid, etc.,
Jrce to any address. . (
I A Dozen.
Big' Bargains in Fresh
I 7
0 Joyce Storesj
the evening service, the jiislor will pieaeh a
n'rvlce apiiopilati' lo the season. Special inuile
has been airanneil bj llie choli, under the
leadership of ( liolimasler M. P. Mitchell.
Tilpp Avenue C'liilstlan chinch Um moinlng
ienice will be given up In Kaster exercises cf
the Sunday school and communion, 'llie even
lug seivice will consist of miislci ami u sermin
on "The Iteoiiiieclion." The morning Mivice
will begin at 10.RU o'clock, and 'llie evening
service at ".) o'clock. Kver.vbody Is made
welcome, and the mcinhcis of tlie cliuicb and
Sundaj school are iequiate.1 to he present at
both sei vices.
Mis Kathrvn Itichauls enteilained a few ot
hei friends at her home on llizg sheet, Thuii
day evening, Thoe pioent weie: Misses .li-f-slo
Fink, faille- Miller, llachel Jones, Irene Se-s
ion, Stella Sexton, Sadie I'oslei, Blanche'
lulus, llessle t'uinmiiis, .Minnie Webbei, Mlllali
Webber, Hazel Wlntclsteiii, l.eab Moweiy, Xett .-
Pinnell, Amu lllancb, Addle Young. I' 1
Sawjii. Arlliui Haas, ll.ui Kill-. 1'H'd Alii
mire", (I met 1'iulci, Stephen IllchauK llanj
lloau, llany lloinbakcr, Althui Sehlinplf, I'.d
Mlllei, Will I.i Fontaine, tthui Webbei, 1'rcd
Webber, Wesley Webbei mid Wa.vne sklnuei.
John lliown, a student at St. Mar)', enlliae
is spenillng his Kastc'l vacallou with his niulhii
on Waul sheet,
Mi. and Mis. I". 1'. Mirriiuau, of Dim sheet.
spent jeslcnl.i at Dig I'mid.
Ileni) nines, ol M-waiK, . - me k-'i
ot Ids paieuts on Dudley tluc-i.
Chaile .leglei, of Irving avenue, who lu
hre ii in the empto) cf llie lJtkavv.uma St ue
association foi sevual .veal., lias aieeptul u
inoie luuutlve posllluii with ItlehanU iV- Wiiih.
Mr. and Mis. A. II. lll.ii klntoii, Mr. and Mm.
(Icorge II. Smith, Mls Agues Sbavv, Miss foi-
nella fiulplu and Jnlin II. (lalulu, whu liave
pent the past mouth In I'loilda, lehuneil hoiue
on 'fliuisilay evening.
II. i:, i;idui, siuiekcepei- for llie Kile Hall
mad iciupjiij, Is siiiouil.v til wllh piii'iiinuiila
at his liome, and but slliibt li"us aic eiilu
lalueil foi his lecovei.v.
Lackawanna Eallroad Low Rate
Excuislon to New Yoxk City,
April 2nd, 1003.
On April 2ml special excursion tickets
will bo sold to New York city and re?
turn via the .uckuwannu railroad,
good going on all passenger trains of
April 2nd and for return up to und In
eluding April 7th, at rate of one way
faro plus one dollar, for the round
trip. Ohlldieir between tho uges of G
and 1-' yeurs, one-half the adut rate.
Correct Easter
For Men
Cloth -Front
$ 1 2 to $20.
They are the nearest thing to a perfect
fit that the tailors art has yet invented.
A beautiful array of NECKWEAR
for Easter in our Furnishing Department.
326 Lackawanna
Lyceum Theater,
iao'esmo Schumann-Heink
iiiiunimi' imnev nl,.,ll
by 1 sni.' Tiii:oi)o'iii: iiKJiiintuKis.
Tinier direction l'led' P. II mil.
Diagram opens Tiiurnday,
Tickets. U30, V
U7tli, at U a. m.
Lyceum Theatre
M, RKIS, Lessee and Minager.
A. J. DUPFV, lluilness Manater,
hpei ial Satuulay Matinee.
The Much TulUcil of I'lay.
Volunteer Organist
l'jidoisid by the Clersy.
1'rlceh 23, W and 7 eeiils.
Matinee, 23 and SO ic-nts.
.Seals niivv on talc.
t'ii.m.i:s ntoiiMAs i'
In IMvvaul K, Ilitec'a DiauutUation nf Maurice
Tlioiiipaun'is Auicileaii lluuuncc,
of Old Vancennes
IhailM I'lohmau'ii nevvcl hl- i-eenle prodiirlinn.
I'lCMiited tlie fciuie in evel) le--peit as al the
llaiden Thealer, New VniU.
l-llces 2' lo l.M).
Sau nvv lead.v.
Academy of ilusic
U. nUIS, Lee. A. J, DuOjr, Managjr.
'Ihuiodav, I'liday .saluiiliv "' 'i-e
Dot ?arrol'
and Superb Coniiunv.
TliU afternoon and cvenluir, "A Nljlit In Plilnv
I'llic-s 10, 20 and S0c; iiiatlnees, 10 and 20c.
Openini; with a bpeclal Monday Maiiuee,
Dainty Irene Myers
I'rlici 10, 20. and ?0c.i luatlnte, 10 and 20v.
and Boys
You will find every
thing here from Hat to
Hose. What will inter
est you particularly, how
ever, are the new suits,
We can show you all the
latest shapes and patterns
in these, including asplen
did representation of high-,
class ready-to-wear gar
ments from the best man
ufacturers. This cut represents our
celebrated Patent Hair-
which sell from
Easter fllp8nIccMarch 3:'
Concert by
Till lU'.MH .!!(! : I (JUAIi
tiii: iiKMnimnr.n ou.nTr.Trc.
violinist, int. isadoiu: ix'ckstoki:.
.00, ijl.ciO, $1.00 and "5 cents.
men sciiooi, Ai'i)iToim-M,Tn:si)AY,Ai'niii i
Hill heiiii'Aniiual Tour
1'iuciitJtlon ol tho
Most iilamiom
Moving Picturas In thj World
lMsItively everthluir new. An entile new roilcc
lion ot Anii'iiean ami I'oieltrii Scenca: includliu
Chlni, the Plilllppliies. .South Africa, Venice, ths
I'.in-Anic-lIcnn, Die., lite., Kte,
'llie lun.'.t elaborate and microvilli exhibition in
Aineriea today. The result of our Perfected Mcc
luiilfin U the nearest approach lo
Pictures Without Flutter orVlbratioa
Than Has liver Before He en Attained,
I'llccs. 2j, .13 and 5ft cents.
Diagram of re&crved caU at I'owcil'a music)
tou, Saturday inorniiii;, Maieli 2-1.
ALK. O. HEnni.NOTOM. Hunger,
'lliineday, Tilda), ."atuiday, Maich 27, 2$, 29.
"In Gay Paris Burlesquers."
matiniii: i:vi:v day,
lutetc'Jted and thould know
MARVEL Whirling Spray
ui buciwii. llett-Sir
eat- Moil Convenient.
I cicaniei tssiasu
MAIIt'VI.. ,,,-iikt
oilier, but wnd lump for It-
lumutetlbook-Miia.HBlei, w
Ilii (lurtlc-uiart aim mm uoiu in
vatuieliltits ladles .ll.UVi:i.tO.,
lloom COO, Times Oils., Kevy Ycrk
1 Fire Sale of I
Wall Paper and Shades. I
I Jacobs & Fasold,
1 505 Linden Street. 1
k Ever
UaiJe-lcd.! l " ?)
lit for Ic. V jth
lin v lir.