F " T t-H yt-f ' ' ; w THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1902. D ixkkxxxxxxxx; TllE ilODnitlf IIAnDTTAnE OTOIU. DO YOU NEED a strong and perfectly rc llnhlc nali or gnrhnge enn. ir bo, nsk for the WITT COnnUQATRD ASH CAN (Strong In every part fitted with absolutely tight cov ers. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washinsrton Ave A boooooooooooi Spring Styles in Children's Coats newest modeli In Ilroncldoth. Cheviot nnil Silk. The populnr (ilUSON MUMS In wiwili in.ilcri.'il-i; ulso In Sciro and Cheviot. 1I.V1S for between srnsoni and midsum mer. The newest thins ''' '"tin men and woiiitn. "Dents" Kid (Haves, all colors at THE BABY BAZAAlt 118 Washington Avenue, pi' pi ( Co. Have removed from room 212 lo 20fl and 207 Conucll nuildlnjr, hoeond floor, wheie. if an in vestor, yon will find a full line of high Rrado Slocks and llond-t on Nile. If we lnve not sot what you want, will find it for you if to lie li.nl. Will also find ,ou a Imyrr If you wiMi to tell, always at the market pi ice. 1. "P. Megargel & Co. Rooms 206 and 207 Conncll Building1. vmamn rmiwEsm Better Laundering If there i a nun in Sciautnn who wants his linen 1. Hindered heller, we would like an opportunity to convince him that our wotk is tupcrlor. LACKAWANNA A UN DRY, SOS-310 Pcnn Avenue. 5g?K am0smtsBBD TROUBLE AHEAD. Conference Committee Will Not Agree on Clerkship Item. "Unless the select council will agree to the re-insertion of tho Item of $G00 for the salary of the clerk of tho com mon council in tho appropriation ordi nance, there is every prospect that tho measure won't bo passed for some time yet. The members of common council are almost ti unit in desiring a separate clerk for themselves, and refused on Thursday night to concur in tho notion of select council in cutting tho item ot $000 out. A joint conference committee will now have to be uimolntcd. There is a very good chance of this commit tee framing a report suitable to both branches on every one of the disputed items except the one mentioned. SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Diary Record for the Week. Monday, March 21. Miss Mao Keller resigns her position with Messrs. Sainter Tiros., to accept another with the Fanners' Dairy Despatch. Mr, Samter telephoned for some ono to take Miss Keller's place. Sent Mrs. Susie McOrath, who goes to work this afternoon. Idwal Powell goes to work for tho Colliery Engineer Co. Tuesday, March 2.". Jos. D, English, nftor spending only four mouths in the shorthand department, secures a good position with tho Peck Lumber Co., at Peckville. Request for a young man, good pen man, to work In a freight offlre. Wednesday, March 1'fl. A telephone coll for a lady stenographer. Salary will ho $30 per month at the start. Thursday, March "7. Learned that John Stevens, a night student, s as sistant bookkeeper for a bridge com pany at Pittsburg, and that ho is do ing very well. Also learned that Louis Drtvies, of Pittston, has received pro motion. Friday, March 21). noy P. Walter, of Vosburg, reports that ho has secured a bookkeeping position with Touhlll Bros,, at Pittston. Many now students to come next week. I inn .'i n.i ii All aboard for Now York I Tho an nua spring excursion of tho Now York, Ontario and Western railway will take placo on April 7. Get In Hue, and purchase your ticket. Low rates, and tickets good for six days. Our Special Brow Of Easter Ueer will bo found nt all hotels and restaurants. Cusey & Kelly Brewing Co, Special sale today on line cigars. Dean, 414 Connell building. Both phones. Enster Hominy ami tlio Two Days following will lis tho spring vacation, at (ho CO.NSKUVA TOlty. On Thursday April 3, i'U&mm) vll be resumed and I he work go forward from that date, with new classes, (or i cw ktudcuU. J. Alfred Penning, urn l)lrocior. I.F.Mo WILL BE A GREAT CONCERT. Coming Benefit for tho Homo for tho Friendless. Muslcnlly nnd socially the Homo for tho Frlondless concert will he one of the biggest successes In numbers nnd enthusiasm ever given In Northeastern Pennsylvania. Tho public can hardly realize what n feast of music there Is In Btoro for It, for tho violinist, Fritz Krelsler, ns tounds by the triumphant perfection of his art. tinder his bow tho strings sing for him n tone thnt Is human nnd as full nnd rich ns that of a 'cello. Men nnd women seemed almost fran tic upon his recent playing of tho "Devil's Trill," after which ho was re called six times. Mr. Krclalcr will play the "Devil's Trill" nt the home benefit next Thursday evening. Of Madam Blnuvelt's voice and style an exchange says: "Mine. Ulauvelthas gained both In" vocal and Interpretative powers since she was here last. Her voice Is broader and fuller throughout her extended range, u voice of warmth and richness, or bell-like quality, won derfully fresh and sweet." Two arias from famous operas are upon the Home for tho Friendless pro gramme, which uro the best of Madam Blauvolt's repertoire, and the ballads which are on the programme she sang last week In Stclnert hall, Boston, where they were rc-demandod. Tho successes of Ben Davis are too numerous to mention to hear hlni sing tho "Salvo til Mora" number from Gou nod's Immortal opera "Faust," will re pay all for attending the concert. It Is not to be wondered that u great de mand for sents Is already on when the brilliancy of the programme is consid ered. CAR AXLES STOLEN. Number of Bellevuo Men Under Arrest Charged with the Theft. They Have Records. Four Bellevuo fellows, with reputa tions not of the very best, were arrest ed yesterday morning by Delaware, Lackawanna and Western speclnl ofll cers on tho charge of stealing valuable iron from the Bellevue breaker. They were all committed to the county Jail by Alderman M. J. Buddy after a hearing. Lieutenant of Police Feeney was no tified early yesterday morning thnt a wagon loaded with iron, and driven by three men, had been seen to stop in front of Muscat's junk shop in Cannon court, Bellevue, and tho iron unloaded. The lieutenant ordered a policeman lo watch the junk shop. He also noti fied Special Oillcer O'Grady, of tho Delliware, Lackawanna find Western company, because the wagon had been seen coming .from the Bellevue break er. O'Grady, together with Special Ofllcers Spellman and Brennan, went to the junk shop shortly before day light and found' eighteen initio car axles hidden under some straw out side. It was later learned that these had been stolen from the Bellevue breaker during tho night. The ofllcers kept a watch, and when John J. Welsh, "Machlo" McDonough and Patrick, alias "Butcher" Flnne gan, put In an appearance and claimed the Iron as theirs, they placed them under arrest. The accused men .were lodged In the police station. McDon ough and Finnegan denied having stolen the Iron, but Welsh clinched the story about the wagon by saying that all ho had done was to ride on It for a short distance. He declared that Mlchnel Judge, who is well known to the police, hud been ono of the party. This statement led to tho arrest of Judge, and all foul- men were arraigned before Alderman Rud dy for a hearing as soon as his oflico was opened. The evidence presented was so strongly against tho accused that ho held them each under $S00 bull for their appearance In court. They were unable to furnish ball, and all four were committed to tho county Jail. Judge, who is believed to have been the leading spirit of the party, recent ly served three years In the peniten tiary for burglary. He was at the time of his previous arrest a member of the celebrated "Dead Lino" gang, which flourished years ago on the Bellevuo flats. McDonough was arrested about six months ago for breaking Into an Ontario and Western freight car, but the charge against him could not bo proven. The other two, Welsh and Finnegan, are well known to the police. Swai'thmore College Offers to young men and women com plete courses In Arts, Science, Letters and Engineering, each one of which Is intended to Insure broad and liberal culture, nt the same time providing an opportunity for extended study in one chosen Held. Tho college Is under tho management of Friends, but distinctly non-sectar-Inn. Its policy is sound and conserva tively progressive. Tho equipment Is complete. An able nnd experienced faculty not only guides tho Instruction of tho student body but keeps In close relationship with the Individual. This intimate fellowship between professor and student Is possible only In tho small college. Intelligent Physical Culture is an Im portant feature of tho college. Tho handsomo now Gymnasium for young men completes tho equipment for the best possible work In this department. For catalogue, address William W. Ulnlsall. president, Swnrthmore, Pa. Do not forgot that tho Now York, Ontario and Western railway annual spring excursion to New York city takes placo April 7, Tickets good six days, Greatly reduced rates. Mnke a Note of It. Tho division ofllces of tho Lackawan na rullroad, freight and passenger de partments, aro now located In Booms COS, 600 and 615, Jlears' building, Our Special Brew Of Easter Beer will bo found at all hotels ami restaurants, Casey & Kelly Brewing Co, Azaleas in Full Bloom As un Easter offering, Clurk, llorlst. Easter Jlowers at McCllnlock's, lis Washington avenue. Easter Gifts. Easter flowers give depth, and soul (o the occasion. A beautiful selection ut my store, Clark, llorlst. i i Easter Remembrance, A fine blooming plunt Is tho best. Clurk, llorlst. John Harper 6c, Cigar, Seven for 20c. Co-uj'Ben, agent. GREATES EDUCATIONAL CONTESTS The Tribune More Thau Doubles Its Offer of Last Year. OVER A SCORE OP SCHOLARSHIPS Opportunities for Educations, Valued nt Thousands of Dollars, Will Bo Presented to Successful Contest ants Courses Are Offered in Syra cuse University, Willlamsport Dickinson Seminary, Keystone Academy, Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School, Washington Schoo.l for Boys, Brown College Prepnratory 'School, Wilkes-Bnrro Institute, Scranton Business Col lege, Scranton Conservatory of Music, Lackawanna Business Col lege and International Corres pondence Schools Others Are to Be Added Later Those Not Secur ing Scholarships Will Receive Ten Per Cent, in Cash of All Money Collected Special Honor Rewards for the Best Work Each Month. Contest Will Open May 5 Those Wishing to Enter Should Send in Their Names Now. THE TRIBUNE has nearly complet ed arrangements for tho greatest offer ever made in Scranton, and undoubtedly the greatest offer that ever will bo made. For the past two years It has presented to the young people of Scranton and Northeastern Pennsylvania an opportunity to secure advanced educations for the work 'of a few months. The first year there were five scholarships offered, and last year eight; but these offers pale Into Insig nificance when compared with what is in store for those who enter the ranks of earnest canvassers this year. Ar rangements have nlreudy been made for more than a score of scholarships In some of the very best institutions in the country. List Not Yet Complete. Although The Tribune's list of schol arships for this year's Educational Contest Is not yet complete, enough progress lias been made to enable us to -inouncu the fact that there will be a contest this' year, and that it will be more than twice as large an undertak ing as last year's, both in tho number of scholarships to be offered and In the value of the special rewards to be given contestants. Contracts, representing nearly $7,000, have already been made, and this amount will doubtless be largely Increased before the contest formally opens. It has been decided to begin this year's contest earlier than the two pre ceding ones, for the reason that the young students to whom tho contests especially appeal, will not be in the midst of examinations nt the time of the opening, and can devote much of their spare time to becoming acquaint ed with the features of the contest, getting Into the routine of tho work, and becoming greatly interested before vacation time comes around. Description of Scholarships. Agreements have been signed with tho following educational institutions for this year's Educational Contest: Syracuse University, of Syracuse, N. Y Two scholarships, four years each, In either the College of Applied Science or the College of Liberal Arts. Tho full tuition charges aro to bo paid In each scholarship for the full period of four years. For young men. Willlamsport Dickinson Seminary, of Willlamsport, Pa. One scholarship, for tlnee years, covering board, tuition, furnished room, light, heat and wash ing. For a young man or woman. Keystone Academy, Faotoryville, Pa. One scholarship, for throe years, cov ering board, tuition, furnished room, light, heat and washing. For a young man or woman. Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School, of Carlisle, Pa. Ono scholar ship, for three years, Including board, tuition, 'furnished room, heat, light and laundry. For a young man or woman. Washington School for Boys, of Washington, D, C One scholarship, for live years, Including tuition and' mld day meal. For a young man. Brown College-Preparatory School, of Philadelphia, Pa. Ono scholarship, for three years, with full tuition charges paid. For a young man. Wllkes-Barre Institute, of Wilkes Barre, Pa. Ono scholarship, covering three years, with full tuition charges paid. For it young woman. Scranton Business College, of Scran ton, Pa. Threo scholarships, unlimit ed, In either shorthand or business courses, For young men or women, International Correspondence Schools,, of Scranton, Pa. Flyo scholarships, unlimited, In any subject taught at tho schools, with all Instruments or hooks necessary. For young men or women. Scranton Conservatory ot Music, of Scranton. Two scholarships, each good for piano Instruction to tho value of 475. For young men and women, Lucluuvjinna Business College, of Scranton Two scholarships, In either short hand or business courses, cover ing a year's Instruction euch. For young men or women. Other Leading Institutions to Be Added. The above list of scholarships, largo as it Is, is not yet complete. Arrange ments are well under wuy, and In some cases nearly perfected, with other no table Institutions of learning, both In this Btate and In others. As the con tracts uro signed, due announcement will bo made of the additions to our list of scholarships. However, should no others be udded, the above notable collection of schools Is one that affords un unlimited range of choice, suitable to almost any taste for advanced edu cation. Students will thus be enabled AJuL THIS YEAR'S SCHOLARSHIPS. 1 Scholarship in Washington School for Boys ? 1,700 3 Scholarships in Syracuse University, nt $432 eacli 804 1 Scholarship in Willlamsport Dickinson Seminary 750 1 Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School. .... 700 1 Scholarship in Keystono Academy GOO 1 Scholarship in Brown College Preparatory School 000 0 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools, av erage value 807 each 280 1 Scholarship in Wilkos-Barre Instltuto 276 3 Scholarships in Scranton Business College, nt 370 oach 225 2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at 885 each. . 170 2 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at 875 each. 150 20 80,370 to perfect their education at home, in nearby schools, or may go outside tho limits or the state In their search after knowledge. Nearly all of the scholar ships we announce this morning arc eo-educatlonnl: among the twenty enumerated fifteen are open to young women and nineteen to young men. Every Contestant to Bo Paid. In addition to the scholarships open for selection by those who will be In the lead in the contest, the samo policy will prevail this year ns In the two former contests, viz: ench contestant who Is not sufficiently advanced In the list to enable him or .her to make a choice before the scholarships aro exhausted, will receive 10 per cent, of all the mon ey turned Into The Tribune as the re sult of their work during the contest. This moans that every contestant Is to be paid. Those who fall to receive enough points at tho close of the con test to entitle them to a choice of scholarships will receive back as soon as the contest closes 10 cents ot every dollar they send to The Tribune. Additional Rewards Each Month. A now feature Is to ' bo added this year, which has not heretofore been Incorporated In the Educational Con tests. In order to stimulate the con testants and bring out their best work ing capabilities, u special honor re ward will be given each month during the contest to the ono who returns the largest number of points during that month. These special honor rewards will take the form of valuable and 'use ful presents, such as watches, books, etc. On the first day of each month the totals of each contestant for the preceding month will be summed up. and the special honor reward will bo given to the one who has made tho best showing. This new feature should give added interest to what will un doubtedly be the most active contest ever known in the history of the city. Contest Will Open May 5. This third Educational Contest will begin on the morning of May 5. This i:i about a week earlier than the oppn Ing date of last year's contest. Al though there are now five weeks in tervening before the first day this-preliminary announcement Is made in or der that the young people of Scranton and Northeastern Pennsylvania may become acquainted with the fact that Tho Tribune is to liave a contest again this year, and that It Is to bo the greatest one of any this paper has con ducted. At the close of the contest last year, many Inquiries were made as to whether there was to be another, and a number of young people then expressed their determination to enter should such be the case. It is for this reason that we have decided to an nounce our coming contest at this time, so that till who may desire to compete may have timely notice of the event. Send in Your Name Now. Although no contestants can begin work until they receive the equipment, still all those who desire to enter may send in their names at any time from now on. The names of all those who in tend to enter will bo received and placed on (lie. and those first on tho list wilt receive the booklet and other descriptive matter just so much sooner than those who defer sending In their names until the last minute. On Sat urday evening, May 3, a canvasser's outfit will be mailed to each candidate whoso name is on the list, so that they may begin work bright and early on Monday morning. May fi. The first In tho field will assuredly have the first chance, and all names received before the beginning of tin contest will bo announced from day to duy, as soon as they reach this olllce. Any young man or woman is eligible to enter this contest, The purpose of these contests Is primarily to help the joung men nnd women who are anxious to help themselves. Each scholarship on tho list has been secured with tho end In view to get only the best and most reputable Institutions of learn ing. They are all high class, and offer a wldo range of studies, Rules of tho Contest. Tho rules of tho contest this year will bo practically tho same us thoso which hnvo governed the past two Ed ucational Contests so satisfactorily. In substance, they will bo us follows: The. tpeiiul irunul will lie given to the per sons murine the larvrH number ul points. I'uiuU will lie tridlled In rniitctanu Kcur- Pint! it pays to walk around to Coursen's for Cigars. Wo offer finest Porto Rica Cigavs, 0 for 25c. j 82,00 box. Im ported Eden nnd Henry Clay, S5.00 box. Sanchez and Haya Tampa Cigars at list prices. We offer nt a special La Constancia Cigar (worth 10c) at 82.50 per box of 50, I Be Ie, 0, Goursen. I I Cigars at Wliolesab. . I llur new subscribers fo The Scranton Trlliunc n fullowx: Points. One inontli'x Mitivrlpflon .,'') t Tluee iinmtlit' Milmrlpllon .... 1.2.1 i! Six month' Miluicriplion '-.Ml 'I One nil's ubcilptloii fi.00 l'J The ronti'Mimt with the highest number of point i will he Riven .1 choice fioiu flic Hit of (peilnl rewind,); the ionleit.ini with the second lilsheit nuniher nf pointt will he uiven a 1 holer of the iciiialnins iewaid, and ra on tluouirli the Hit. The totiteitanl nlm deeuret Die liiglu-st mini tier of polnti ilurliiB uny cnlcnd.ir month of the (onteit will metre 11 special honor reward, this reward helnir cnfiiely liideprndnl of the ultimate dl'po'dtlon of (he wliolai1ilp. Ilacli contestant falling to n'ture 11 Fpeclal re wind will lie (riven 10 per cent, of all money he or she turns In, All KuKiulplioiH mi"t he p. lid In advance. Only new'sulwcriheri will lie counted. Iteni'wali liy persom whoso n.nuei ine already on our ftuhscliptlon list will not he cndlled. The Tiiliune will imcatlj;.ito eai h Mih-cliption nnil If found Irregular in any way reserves the ilirht to reject it. No fiaiKfeis can he made utter credit h.11 once been ulven. All Mtliicripllons and the rali to pay for them imi'.t lie handed In ut The Tribune onlce within the week in which lliey nie secured, so that pjpeis can be sent to the pulnetibcis at once. Subscription mint be wiitleii on blanks, which can be seemed ut The T'llbunc office, or will be sent by mall. Contestants from Out of Town. These Educational' Contests are not by any means limited to the young people ot Scranton. In fact, in the two preceding contests, the out-of-town contestants have carried away the ma Jurity of the special rewards. In 1900, out of ten special rewards, only two were won by residents ot tho central city. The other eight were distributed among young people from Dunmore, Factoryvllle, Hyde Park, Dloomsburg, Piovldence, Curbondale, Lake Ariel and Moscow. In lflOl there were eight scholarships offered. There were two won by resi dents ot Hyde Park, one by South Scranton, one by the central city, and one each by Curbondale, ('lark's Sum mit, Providence and Elmhurst. Last year's fortunate contestants were: Wilhelmina Griflln, Providence. Garfield Anderson, Curbondale. Meyer Lewis, Scranton. Henry Schwenker, South Scranton. William Miles, Hyde Park. Norma Meredith, Hyde Park. Kay Buckingham, Klinhurst. Vida Pedrlek, Clark's Summit. Tills year there are already offered twenty scholarships. The contestant in twentieth place at the close of last year's contest had only threo points, it may take but a few points to secure a scholarship valued at several hun dred dollars. Those desiring to enter the contest or wishing further Information, should ad dress, "Contest Editor, Scranton Tri bune, Scranton, Pa." John Harper 5c. Cigai Seven for i.'ie. Coursen, agent. Which aSS St Be? If n S3 DERBY you got more intrinsic worth than any one else gives for S3, and as much wearing quality as some you pay more for. If a S5 Hnt got a KNOX nnd you have tho best derby 1 made. All the good spring styles. Hero you will find Eastor Neckwear with unusual snap nnd stylo, at the price 50c. Fire Sale of Wall Paper and Shades, Jacobs & Fasold, 505 Linden Street. ill "0N TiJSuAi(r Pino Umbrellas and Parasols ot Wholesale and Retail. Our Spring Line is now complete em bracing all tho Now Colors and Patterns. Large Stock of Han dles to select from. Repairing and recovering of every des cription. I M. SILVERMAN, Prop,, 313 Spruce Street, ' We Offer This Morning Green Peas, Dentin, now AHparngun, Dhubarb, Cnutlllower, Spinach, Knle, Lettuce, Onions, Ilndlflhes, Mint, Cu cumbers, Celery, Salsify, new Carrots, now DooIp, new Potatoes, Mushrooms, Cress, Tomatoes, Egg Plant. Ducks, Turkeys, Fowl, Broilers, Cap ons untl Squitbs, Ferris Hams, 'Bacon nnd Smoked Dcet Tongues, Oysters, Clams nnd Fish. Malaga Grapes, Florida Oranges, California Oranges, Apples, Bananas and Strawberries, now Maple Syrup and Maple Sugar. Pierce's Market, 110-1M Pcnn avc. Schlltz Bock Beer For Enster. Order early for prompt delivery. A W. Schrailer, 720 Adams avenue. A complete Hue of Ladies Kid Gloves: Pfittl GlOB, $1.50, $2.00 RewierGloves. $1.50. $1.75, S2 RBbi ffllHSL SL TO- S2.50. S3.50 At One Dollar we show the best Glove on the market, also a line of Gents Street aud Evening Gloves. Price & Jenkins,. 130 Wyoming Ave. Coal Exchange. Logical Reasoning When the best clothing made Is to be had, at the price asked for the other kind, and tho patterns aro new and exclusive, don't you think It Is worthy of consider ation? We will take pleasure In showing you. 3 tJUtfilUD Clothier 416 Lackawanna Ave. aESCBaKZ3KCE2S23 Easier I06S mm TH DIFFERENT KIND Are you hunting Let us help you we've an unusually choice and exclusive assortment of EASTER CARDS 1c to $1.00 Many novelties among them. Next to flowers, tho card Is, of course, the most popular greeting; but, my ! what quantities of Stationery ve're selling this year. Paper and Envelopes, in fancy boxes, 25c to $175 Exquisite qualities in dainty packages expressly designed for Easter-tide and paper '"by the pound." Can you think of any thing more appropriate ? Social Functions After Easter A demand for invitations, Guest Cards and Menus the "Prendergast Store" should be your firsfpolnt of Inquiry. R. E. PRENDERGAST, 207 Washington Avenue. OF STATIONERY STORE. 1 OUR EASTER DISPLAY S !S 'I'liis jcar far cvrcla any of our iruvious rlTorli ill tliU lailknlar line. Tlio lino is Liijci-, m-iivr ami coiikUU of moio iiuwlluj than cier More, 1 Easter Cards Wo can supply you with almost Anything you ilrslro in tho way1 of llaster Caul. Tor tho llr.t tiiuo wc have a iholoi;ruphlc lino of dilikens, ilucU, eli., tnountoil pn ImihI palntcil oanW, which certainly Appeals to tho llastcr lino buyer. ! Lubricating rs5 sk Stationers and Engravers, Scranton. 51 OILS Maloney Oil & Maniiiacfdring Company, f T 141-149 Meridian Street. X OLD 'PHONE S6-S. NEW 'PHONE SBBI 4ts2$i & $ 4 I f t "$ $ Going out riftlie Kl-, cycle business, jr . 4 4 4 4 2 41 4- ' 4 0 ra 8 Ul u We arc closing out at A Few ' Ladies' Machines AT .$15,00 EACH See us before buying. 4' 4 4 4' Bittenbender&E. 126-128 Franklin Ave. g j j 4 $ $ i 4 4 4 ! ! 4 4 $ ! $ 4 We have this day re ceived a fine line of Slocks'' and Belts to match in black and colors. Your Baster out fit will not be complete without one. Cramer-Wells Co. 130 Wyoming Ave. 'PHONE 353-3. Allis-Clialmers- Gq, Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. CM Cash. i&&, g J and Bells pretty Easter Gifts Booklets and Novelties 'file lumtl.oma lino of fluoKHi ml tliii ycir lias lieea llinllnl, ami mi eaily ilt will lie ot bomo ai- ;; lantaco to llmso Infrnvteil. Tin) " liovi'llles nlilili wo lai'V thli Si )i'.ir are hlrfly those which wo lmo iniporlrd, Intiuillnir ilwU, S ihlikrns jabl.lt ami a host ol 51 others which aic new, j. Stationery , g Wo have received a number of ' new ami swell boxes nf Stationery "gj; in ilelicalo nliaiU'3 nml sizes. All .-' t'.prrMljr for our Uaster trade. 2?. and Burning ! rn !