aa THE SORAiNTON TUIUUjN'E-SATUKDAy, .UAKU11 !!), 1002. THE MARKETS WATCHES 1 CLEVELA . w Superior biscuit. No biscuit or cake you buy at the baker's or confectioner's equals in fresh ness and flavor those you can make at home with Cleveland's Baking Powder. When you do your own baking, using Cleve land's Baking Powder, you know just what goes into your food; that it is pure and wholesome and has no. poisonous alum in it. Home-made baking is easy and economical if you use Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder. CLEVELAND DAKINO POWDER NEW YORK. STORY ABOUT A CONFESSION IS UNTRUE. Peckvllle Is Not Disheartened by the Terrible Destruction Wrought by tho Flames Thursday Morning and Plans Are Being Made for the Erection of a Number of Brick Buildings Families Rendered Homeless Have Been Compelled to Move to Other Places. Monroe Scott, the young man who was so terribly burned Tluusilay morn ins In Jay Uarrott's store, where the tenlblc Peckvllle conflagration origin ated, died ut 3.30 yesterday afternoon at tho home oC his parents, ilr. and Sirs. Asa Scott. He was 'M years of age. The story printed in the afternoon papers to the effect that Scott made a conlcsslon bcfoie his death, Is not true. Scott was not able to talk from tho time he was burned, and his hands were too badly burned to admit him to write anything, even if he had a mes h.igo he desired to communicate to the world in that wav. I'eckvllle is still in a highly excited .Mntp Qf mind over the fire, and yester day sentiment began to crystallze In favor of holding a meeting to consider tliu question of tho origin of the fire, and the lack of sufficient water pres sure the night of the lire. Thousands visited the scene of the (Ire yesterday, and It required tho ef forts of a number of ofllcers to keep the sightseers away from the ruins of the buildings. All were In search of bouvenlrs. NOT DISIIKAUTKNED. Though Peckvllle has received a se vere blow, it Is by no means disheart ened. This morning the work of clear ing up the ruins of AV. K. Hloes' ding Htore will begin, and a temporary struc ture will bo erected at once for Jlr. Woes. In the meantime, plans will be prepared for a modem brick building, which will be erected as quickly as pos sible. The building1 occupied by Hoberts Uros, as a general store, at tho noith oast corner of Main and Depot street, was owned by the I3ruudagc estate. JtobertH Uros. are negotiating for the purchase of tho site, and If successful will erect a big two-story brick and stone store. Tim plot of ground owned by W. P. Kutcham at Jluln and Denot street, which contained eight buildings all told, every one of which was destroyed, Is to have a large building, lOOxiiOO feet, erected on It to take the place of tho buildings destroyed. This also will bo of brick. Mr. Ketchum was the largest Individual loser by tho lire. He. had no iusurauco whatever on tho stock In his store, and only $2,800 on the Ave build ings, Clarke 13ros. are negotiating for tho leaBo of tho big Morgan Store com A Dangerous Disease, Crouu , Js dangerous, but thete Is timely warning, Tho danger signal Is hoarseness. A day or two before tho attack tho child becomeB hoaise, then a rough cough appears, T8 following night the child has croup, Jt can bo prevented ctii be warded off. There Is i remedy a safe que, and suie, too. It never fails. Jt Is called QJuinjbeilaln'B Cough Remedy, Ulvcu, us soon , us the child beepmes hoarse, or even i after the rough cough appears, It will prevent the uttuek. ' It has done so thousands and , i thousands of times and has never been known to fall, For sale by all druggists, v Powder akin- r akes delicious fiome-made Imitation baking powders lieinfj made from alum use in food. Alum is :i CO., pany's building, on Depot street, and If It cannot be secured they may build. The Odd Fellows of Peckvllle are practically rendered bankrupt through tho destruction of their line hall, but tho membeis ate not dismayed and the sentiment Is strong in favor of the erection of a new hull, which will be of brick construction. HAVE TO MOVE AWAY. Nearly all of tho families who were rendered homeless will have lo move outside of P.eekville. as there was not a vacant house in the town bpfore the lire. Several families moved yesterday to "VVlnton and Olypliant. "We will build a new Peckvllle that will be better and more substantial than the old one," said a prominent citizen of the town last night. That Is the sentiment voiced on all sides. GOOD FRIDAY OBSERVANCE. Ceremonies at St. Peter's Cathedral and St. Luke's Church. Good Friday was observed yesterday at St. Peter's cathedral with all tho solemnity of ceremonial, with which the Roman Catholic church commem orates the day on which tho Saviour of Mankind gave up His life for the sins of the world. Tho mass of the pre-sanctllled was celebrated at 8 o'clock by Rt. Rev. Bishop M. J. Ilolmn,, assisted by up wards of twenty-five' clergymen from various parts of the dloce.se. This ceiemony has come to be called a mass, but It Is In reality not a mass at all, and differs essentially from the cele bration of the mass observed on every other day in tho year. The bishop and the assistant clergy men were all attired In black vest ments, and all prostrated themselves at tho beginning of the ceremony, wbile the altar was dressed with fresh linens by the acolytes, this being sym bolical of tho dressing of tho wounds of Christ. The second part of the cere mony consisted In the adoration of the cross, which had been draped In black since Passion Sunday, and from which the coverings were slowly lemoved, u veallng first the right arm, then the left arm, and finally the body. The otllclatlng clergymen prostrated thomrelves before the cross with bared feet as an act of humility. The host, which had been consecrated on Tluus day, was next removed In solemn pro cession from the jeposltory on the side altar to the main altar, wheie It was consumed by the celebrant, Bishop Hoban preached a brief sermon on the cruclllxlon. In the afternoon tho sing ing of the Tenebral was concluded. This morning at S o'clock the' lire, pascal caudle and Busier water will be blessed and a solemn pontlllclal high mass will be celebrated. At the "Glo ria" tho draplngs, which have been hung around all tho ciosses and statues In the church since Pusslon Sunday, will be removed. There were special services at St. I,uke's Episcopal church yesterday at G u. in,, 10:30 a. in., T:4.r p. in., and be tween the hours of 12 in. and 3 p. in. The latter service, which consisted of the reading of special selections from the scriptures, was largely attended. Theio will be baptisms In this church today at 10 a, m. and 3 p. in. QUIT THE CLOTHING BUSINESS. Henry J. Collins Proposes to Move to Texas. Henry J. Collins has retired from the clothing business, and In the course or a few weeks will move to Texas, to en gage In the real estate business and mining. He has been In the clothing business In Scranton for thirty years, and cnnie to be regarded as one of the city's most prominent merchants. His stock of clothing hns been pur chased by John Collins, for many years head clerk for Henry J, Collins, who Is opening uu u store In Pottsvllle, MORE STONE THROWING, T, R. Hughes and W, E. Greeley, of Green Ridge, Injured, Stones wore hurled through tho win dows of a People's line car on Capouse uvenuo last night. The stono struck T. R. Hughes, of Green Ridge, on the shoulder, Indicting a painful bruise. Hroken glas3 struck W, K. Greeley, also or Green Ridge, In the eyes, Injur ing them seriously. The stone throw ers escaped,. are cheap, but are unsafe for mineral poison. QUINTETTE OP THREE AT LEAST TO BE TRIED AT NEXT TERM. First Case on the List for tho April Term of Quarter Sessions Is That in Which Michael Davis of Moosic Is Charged with the Killing of Martin King, of Minookn Thi3 and the Argentis and Cosgrove Cases Are the -Ones More Likely to Go to Trial. The trial list for the Am 11 term of quarter .sessions, as made up. yester day, by District Attorney W. R. Lewis, contains live minder cases, and the piesent expectations are that three of them at least will go to trial. The first ewe on the list Is that In which Michael Davis, a Moosic borough police ollicer, is charged with the kill ing of Peter King in a Mlnooka haloon one Sunday morning in February last. The defense will be represented by At torneys John J. Muiphy and F. J. Fltz Mminons. They are ready for trial, and so Is the commonwealth. Tho case in which John Argentis, of Providence, Is charged with the killing of Harry Fredeilc, last Chtlstmus morning at the home of Annie Hulleat, on Providence road, Is the second case on the list. It will be a short case, as the cotnnionwealth has but few wit nesses, and on this account It will be possible to have it tried, if the Davis case Is disposed of, In three or four ilnv. At the head of the second week's list aie the three homicide cases growing out of the street car strike. In which Sylvester F. Cosgrove, Frank Kofchln skl and Frank Klngsley are charged with the killing of Daniel McAullffe. The Cosgrove case Is to be tried Ilrst. The disposition of the other cases will depend on the result of this case. Tho criminal libel case In which Wade M. Finn Is piosecutor and W.W. Scran ton, defendant, is set down for Wed nesday of the second week. It may have to go over again, however, as O'lhien & Martin, who are counsel for Mr. Scranton, are also counsel for the defense In the L'osgiove case. There will bo thieo courts in session each week. During tho first week, Judge Edwaids will sit In No. 1, and Judge Kelly in No, L. A Judge Irom some other county will bit in No. 3. Judgn New'comb will be in No. 1, Judge Ed wards In No, 2. and an out-of-town judge In No. 3, during tho second week. A RETAINING WALL. D. & H. Compnny Will Build One Along Lackawanna River, f R, Manvllle, general superintend ent of tho Pennsylvania division of tho Delaware and Hudson rallioad, has no tllled Director of Public Works Roche that tho company proposes erecting a substantial retaining wall nlong the easterly bank of tho Lnckawnnna river between the former plant of tho Illu minating Heat and Power company and tho Lackawanna avenue bridge. The company's trucks at this Joint were almost undermined bytho recent big flood, nnd when an attempt wus mado the other day to fill in that por tion of the bank which hud been washed away, tho city stopped the wbrk. The decision to build the wall was urilved ut for this reason. SECOND BASEMAN SIGNED, His Name Is F. C. Ross and He Lives in Now York. Manager Uiwson, of the Scrunton club, has signed F, O, Ross, of New York city, u second baseman, wio has played during the last season with the Newton, N. J,, club, the strongest Inde pendent club In that state, Frank Qulgley, who w.-is signed for second base soino time ago, Is being flirted with by the Minneapolis club, and us a mutter of precaution Ross has also been signed by Manager Law son. This makes the fourteenth player signed. The team Is complete with the execution of pitchers. OUR INTERNAL COMMERCE. Winlilnelnn, Mnnli 23. Till: ILIIM'AIIY nummary ot Inland ioim Incrci', Imucd liy llio treasury lnucau ot tnlWIe, lepoiH the jmiRirM f h.iilc InoiriiicirlH in t tic illlTrrriil lurU ut the Limed Milri lor (lie llr-t tun iiioiiIIh i tho i.ii (lnl.ir 3r.1i. 1licc IIruii'i niu Kiilheicd ttiinugli the tn-opcrallon oT die Lumiiiruliil miMiilfttllons, Ir.idc peilodluli mill triiinpoitntlon companies, and present tium month lo tmmth irundt In louipariiioii wllli the corresponding period for the. pic-tcdlng r.ir, "I ho ictelpH of whc.il, fri i ample, ut four leading spring wheat markets for llie cvcn inontln of die nop Jr.ir cmlliiit Willi March I, KM!. mr 1 l,8A!l,!!2U binlicN, comp.iicd with tll7,7A!MU7 buslicN for the t orrcspondlng )c rlml of the preceding jrnr. 'Jlili Inctoiise fin given a decidedly similiter Impulse to tralllc and Mitnex throughout the eii Urn northwest where ii Icluill lo good !nreli hat stimulated Itiinil writ lun lo mi eilr.iiucliii.iry extent. At the four winter wlic.it iimlkcU the condition N reversed. Il triple for the Ilrst eight months ot the tr.vp ve.ir ending Willi Miinli I, l'.Ktt, wtic 10,1:11,5.!". inidiels, t umpired with fi'.SW.ui.! budicls In lutll. The output of ftotir ut Minneapolis for the first iilno weeks of this 3e.tr shows a lofiil of 2,501,101 bancl, toiiipircil with '2,2W,iM barrel! for the i orrcspoiiding period of 11)01, ntnl 2,M-!,'II battel In 1000. 'Ihc average shipments per week thus t.ll this U'li' ti.ivc nmotiiiteil lo !!8.I,:I0I luiifls, complied with 244,197 lurid In H1, and 300,811 kinds In ltXXl. The northwestern nitidis of whc.tt In More nt Minneapolis mill Diiluth show tint Minneapolis iciithcd its maximum In (he work rntling with January !!.', while the Motks nt Dii luth Mill lontlmic to nccumulJte, im.iltlinr t lie tipenlni; of I.ike iiatlc.illon. The tr.iftlc muvenicnt of Ihc tuck nt five west ern in nketH ('IiIciiro, Kansas City. O111.1I1.1 ntnl M. Joseph fills behind that of the preceding two cars. l'or I'cbruar.v, 1IKH, lliwc markets received ll,S7 cure; for Will, 41,01 uw, and for WOO, 41,5')!) cunt. The ntinicriial receipts, hnw etcr, for the two months cndlnj; wilh l'thruiry continue to exceed thove of the preccdlm.' two jcars. The urrlwils ot cattle, hops, hlicrp, hoixcs nnd mules nirRrciriiled 5,(117,27(1 head, complied with a,iVl.U& head last enr and 5,lll,3j( head tlin preccdimi jenr. The uieni;o wclcrht of host lecclted at Chlt.npro for February of thU jear was Ml pounds lighter than for Febniaiy, Ml. Tor the two months ending with I'cbruuiy this j ear's Ihc ittock receipts at Chicago amounted to 2,(KK) carloads mote than for the torrespoiidlng pcilod of last jear. At Kansas City rtcclpLs and shipments show n fall In numbers. Carload nr lhals hate decreased from 22,000 cars In the first two montlis of lhOl (o 1(I,(I.U ens for the cone (.ponding period of lWKj the ohmio of traflle it thus being unfavoiably aflceted by the production In supply. Likewise the feeder movement tie creasid from 115.SD7 head in the first two months of 1001 to M,374 head during January and Kclini my. At Omalia receipts declined, but hhlp ments and local consumption hate been con siderably enlaiged over last jear. At this mar ket the average weight of hogs has tillcn elf 20 pounds compared with February, 1001. Iteecipts and shipments nt St. Louis bear out the same geneial conclusion, both for February and for the two niontks ending with l'cbruaiy. At St. Joseph, however, an advancing tendency is fctill in control of receipts for February nnd of ic ce'pts nnd Miipments for the two months enllmr with February. Local consumption is paitlcu larly active, though the feeder movement is losing giound. Stocks of cut meats at Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha and St. Joseph are noticeably laiger than they weie at the end of Kebruiry in 1001. For the nine weeks ending with March 1 the hhlpmonts of cured meats from Chicago fell otf fiom 121,000,000 pounds to 101,000.000 pounds, II ough theie was .1 gain of over 13,000,000 pound) in ihcssed beef sldpmcnts. Throughout the list llieie is a tenileney to llgliler tratle attiviues in produce, though theie are many noteworthy ex ceptions in the coinnieii'ial aitlvities of the gi.Mt interior maikcK Lumber and wool at Chuin niti show liberal gains over the first two month of UAL At .St. Louis wool receipts are two and one-half times larger than in the llr.t two months ot lat jear. 1 lie leceipts of liioom corn at In dianapolis for this jear lo the end of Felnuary amounted to 1,,132,(X)0 pounds, of which onlj 103, SOD pounds weie shipped. The hay trade sliovvj rem. nl, able incieises ot receipts nt Xcv- Yoik, Cincinnati, St. Loais and Chicago out of eight leading markets icporting in the east and wot. On the (ircat Lakes theie arc klgns of an early opening of tiatfic. 'the bureau's lepoit of win ter tiafllo thovv tint IbO.lOO tons weie handled, mostly In trans-lako biiiiness, dining Felnuary of this jear, as compared witn 10S.il.fi! toiu dining February, l')01. For the first two months of thh jear the freight can led was 3b.l.5Jj tolls, oti). paied witli .1bS,7SJ tons in 1J01. There weie 1,21" atiivals of tes.sels lepresenting a registered ton nage of L.Ti-IJi'i'l tons nt tvventy-foui ilitTirrnt ports puitieipiting in winter liafilc. The trunk line movement of (lour, grain and piovislons fiom Phicago und Chicago points eastward for the Hist nine weeks of the cunent jear atctaged 173,0(iS bauds of flour, compared with 101,075 bairels for the corresponding ptilod of 1001: 1, 5tl.lS8 bushels of grain compared with 2,:i;fi,Hl bushels in 1001, and 20,117 tons of provisions, ciniiparcil Willi 22,303 tons in 1001. At New ork the giaiu and flour receipts for 1'ebruiry were 4,(J03,b01 bushels (Including flour and im-al uduced to liiishels), compared with 8,4'X).0'U Inishi'ls in February, 1001. At lloston the receipts for two months of tills jear (including (lour nnl lneil icduced to bushels), were 4,017,001 bushel-, compared with 7.'(2(I,3'1 bu-hels In 1001. At Phil adelphia lite leduction is from n,77.W2 bushels of wheat, corn and oats to 2,414,3.11 bushels this veal, lliltiniore's leceipts likewise detlined from 5.4112,257 to l.Kil.SIS bushels, not Including Hour. The receipts of domestic tobacco at New York for the Hist nine weeks ending with l'cbruirv, 1002, weie 13,010 i.ise--. compared with '23,(i5I tases a jtar ago. At Itoston traftlo lias felt the ttrects of a icduced trop movement. The favor able position ot domestic wool in the lloston maiket at the beginning of the jcai is ev idcncjil ill the fact that out of .1 total of (oielsn nnl domestle leceipts amounting to 103,345 hales, 8'i,t.14 biles came fiom domestic sources, and 1.!, 401 fiom foreign foutees. Milpmenls of lioots and shoet fiom llnstmi ot ovei 1J0 teivvns tlnoughout the country outside of New Ftiglnnd. for the first nine weeks of llie jeai, were 701,771 cases, c um pired with 770,713 ca-cs for llie torie.spondins period of 1001, In coastwise commerce, on the Atlantic and flulf ports one piominent featuie is the cairiage of coal by bilge lines and schooners to lloston from Middle Atlantic ports of distribution. Dining Ftbruait dome-tie toa,tvtl-e leceipts weie 221,1.11 touiM tint of total leceipts ainoimtlug to SbS.lbJ tons. Iteecipts nnd shlpiiicnts of uieieliandUe lie tween New York and New Lngland poits aie given fm nine leading points on the eastern cout. Fiom New olk four leading coal companies ie port Januaiy shipments of :I47.751 tons to seventv t.l pcclfied dcstinatloin, mostlj on the New Lug laud toa-'t. Hepoiis of pirt of the movement from Philadelphia for Januaiy give a total of 177.C8I toils. During Januaiy a total of 512 et sels in the coasting trade .irihrd ut llaltlnioie, lepie-fiiting a ii-glsteied tonnage of I I7.S1S tons, Dmlng i'ebruarj 41(1 toasting levels airlvcel at New Yoik. In iniithein tenitoiv the cotton movenient for six iiioiiIIh ending with Fcbinnv, U'02, leached a total of h.ull.UOl bales, of which 2,1117,310 bales came firm Tcms teuiterj, liitluding Indlm Ttrrltniv; 2,71.i.MS hum the other ffulf states, and 3,2iiO,4.Vl biles from tlie tlantle coist stales, llie grain movement tnvvarels the ffulf is. best leeasurtd bj llie total ileaiances of coin, wheat und oats Irom (ialvtston and New Orleans. For the Hist eight months of the current fiscal tcir thei-e two ports itinlriliutiil to eport withdraw als i'0,U3,0tiO bushels, compared will 31,000,872 biblieli for the eoircpondlng jierlod of the pie ceding jear. 'Hie shipments of pig Iron and cavt iron pipe in southern territory for February mnoiiiitrd t 143,010 tons, onlv 400 Ions of which passed Into cport trude. 'Hie receipts of leaf tobacco ut eight southern maikets iliiilng Feb iinrv were tlie smallest In three jcars, (In tlie i'atlfle seaboarel the receipts of pioduce ut r-Jii Frantlsci) are reported- for a series of ye.u.s, showing a detlded ru lease in lurlej-, oats, beans, lie und potalucs. 'llie led wood lumber shipments loui upper California exceed those of tlie preceding Iwo vears by at least a million feet. 'Urns far in llie season beginning Novem ber 1 cltius fiull shipments hive reulied a total of 7.B.VI eais. mostlv to eastern points, compiled with 8,551 cai for the cm responding pcilod of list fcis-in. Lumber shipments from Tacoina to eoastwl.o points foi the two months ended Willi February were 8.810,000 feet, and to foreign des tinations (1,541,515 feet. , The coal trade on tlie I'ennsvlvanla llirs east of Pittsburg and File to March 1 of lids jear amounted to fi,U7.l,7lA Ions, ccuipaieel vvllli 5,021. run lnn. ii tear aao. For the seven months end' lug witli .lanuirj, 1002, the Chesipeake und Onio handled 3,301,813 tons ot coal, l.(i21.3.17 tons of which wtnt to tidewater, compircd with 3.012,178 loin a jeur ago. of which 1.501.418 tons leuelied tidewater. Tlie nalllmore and Ohio coal and coke shipments for eleven months ending with Febru ary rcKlictl a total of 18.U17.fi72 tons. Tho aver ugt weekly shipments of ConnelHvllle coke for tlo lust nine week of this year weie 10,405 tars, compared with 10,005 cars year ago. Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. bTOCKS. Bid. Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr, ,, 60 ,,, County Savings Hank & Tiust Co,, 800 First National Dank (Carbondale) J00 Third Ntl6nal Hank ,, 50 ,., Dime Deposit and Discount Dank,, iiOO ,.. Kconomy Lisht. II. I', Co. .,,.. ... 9 First National hank , 1300 ... Lacka. Trust & Site Deposit Co,,,. 105 ,., Clark ic Snover Co., 1'r ,.,, 125 ,., Scranton Savings Dank ,,,, , 500 ,,, Traders' National Hank ., ,,, 225 ,,, Stranton Holt li Nut Co.,,,,,,,,,,, 125 ... People's Hack ,, ,..,,,..,,,,. 13S ,,, Ecranton I'aiklug Co ,,,, ..,.,, .., 35 I10ND3. Eeranton 1'ast.cngrr Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 ..,..., 115 ... People' btrcct Hallway, first mort- gage, clue 1913 115 ... People's btreet Hallway, Ocucral mortgage, duo 1021 ,., 11J ,,, ct. Traction 0 cer ceat. 115 ,. riovements : f-J Guarantee! Chains : A Gents' Vests, I Pony Vests, N Dickens Vests, S Ladies' Guards, Secret Locket Chains. A TMimzmmwzzmwxwHmtMtfivnKmmwm DSAV10ND3 FINANCIAL. INVESTORS De'ore making comml'tments, please record in I'm privilege of nilniiltting our descriptive list of Investments. SpencerTrask & Co BA.MKERS 27 & 20 Pine Street, New York jiLJinnns x. v. stock i:ciiAsan. We offor, to yield About 5 per cent., $250,000 (Total Issue, $i,oco,ooo) . BUTTE ELECTRIC fi POWER CO. Butte, Mont., Jm 5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink ing fund Gold Honds. Denomination 1000. Maturing 1 to SO ,c.ii9. I Rudolph Kieybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STBEET, NEW YORK CITY. u.iwMwm.iiwtmMviimK3wsKKXia nitlA rrjet PTR LV J.lOX &VK7s6 1JF.fi n U&il DAUNbtHtiuriiLmiuj.iq Economy Light, Heat k l'ovvcr Co 07 Nortb Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 07 Consolidated Water Supply Co 103 Scrnnton Wholesale Market. (Coirectcd by II. C. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) IToui Jl.ou. lleans .J. 10. Ilultei Fre-li crcamciy, S0c.; June creamery, 'Joe.; daily, L'Jc. ("licese llilial.te. Lski Ne.irb.i , 10c: western ITalT'.ic. 1'in-l'cr Inbliel, sI.ij. Mairovv Beam l'cr bu-liel, IJl.L'JaLlO. Potatoes Per liti'liel, tSe. Oniom l'cr bushel, 1.K. Pbiladelphin Grain and Produce. I'lilladelpliia, Marc h 'JS. Iluttcr l'lim; piints, lc. lilRlitr; etia vvetein tieiuui.v, 2Jc; tlo. neirby piints, .We. Ltrtrs I'irmel ; lie-.li neaiby, liVialUi.; do. vvestein, l.V.allic; do. houtli ucilein, IS'.xilbt'.; do. Miutbtin, 1'ie. C'lietwe I'll in but qultt; Xcvv York full iicinn, fancy Mii.ill, l.'.'t.; do, du. rill toclioUe, llapj-c. Ite flned hiuai I'liclianscd. Cotton No iiuilc. Talloiv hte.ul.v; illy prime in tierct'o, d?it.i tountry tlo., lianels, (i.i'l',i.; daik do., JVj i."iaii . takes, B'if. Live I'oultij Dull and tuvvls limei, fowls UilJ'sc.i obi lootteir, hVji'lt.; vvltit r tbickens 15iJ0e.; i-pilns cliickeiw 2iU'J."ic; diuUs, l.iaUe.i Bte-f, lOallc. Dio-Mtl I'oultiy Dull; fowl-., tlioite, lji.al.'ie ; tlo, tail' to (rood, iijt l'Jc.; old loo-ten, hi.; vvoitciu clikktio, l'Jille.j duckt, 10 llie.; creeae, SjlUc. Chicago live Stock Market. Chicago, March 'Jh. Cattle ltcceipt, 2i,0W, ineludiiiLr no Texaus; irooil tu pume steein, tium iu.ll, "H).M.l7; poor to medium, LJ5aO. Ill; Mink t in mid feeders, J.'JU'.i.'i; tuw, $l.'J.'ir,.riU; In If ii s iJ..ri0.ir,.7,'r. tanners, I..Vi2. 10; ImlN, irJ..';i a.10; talves, irJSOul; Ten fel sleerii, ir-Wl. Uorh Iteecipts toda.v, 21,(MK; toinoium, 2.!,0iKl; left over, 1,000; jalik'. Iiiulier; iloiiun ea,v ; mixed und buttlieii-, Ml, Piad.WI; kciiuI tn clinic t heavy, iiil.70i(l.irji,ij iourIi lieiv), W.WaU.llj; llijlit, Vil.25 ull.M; bulk of Mid, stfi. I"n0.7.". Mitep-lt.-ceiptt, 1,000; slicep and limln, steidy; (rood to tliulie vvetlieis, iffufl.lOj vvettein lle.'p and r.ii llncri, V; natlvti IjiiiIm, l.iiOail.m); vveteui lainlw, ifJ.S3I.H3. Buffalo Iilve Stock Market. i:.it Itiitralo, .March J.. -Cattle-lleceiits lluliti dull; veil tops, 7.dOa7.T,1. llo- lie teiptii, 10..10O bead; opined iiitlve and Slide-, bleth er, cliteiiiK euaier; lieav.v, iJl.li0a7; iiiImiI, (.S0i 0.00; VtnkeiN ).01all.;U; lllit do., i.,Vlill.(l; pit;, J.JJ.iU..!.'); loiiKlb., fil.lthd.li.".; states fl.-J.'i l,75. Plieip and Lambt -IluelpU, l.'i.imi head; slow for lauihv, linn tor kbeep; tops, inKcd, fl.2i 11.1.0."); lulls and bucks $.I.S0al.M; wethein, ir'i.70 1,(1; tlolnt; dull und lower, top native limbs, l,0" il.73i lop western lambs, i.Sl)illl,(l; fiir lu good, O.lSaiMO; culls and common, TI.'-0a.'i.T3. D., It. AND W. BOARD FOR TODAY. The following Is ttio nialto-up ot tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: ritlDAV, MAHCII 23. i:lux llal 8 p. m., llobokin, fcleviiu; 11 p. pi,, V. Cawnaujli. SA'll'HDAY, Jl AltCU 20. IMiajt Last-l.SO j, m., llobokin. Olivet; 4 a. m,, I'. Van Wouiier; S a, in., llobokin, Ik M. Ilalletti 0 u. PI., llobokeir, ltliiKlieb; 10 u, in., J, llavlrr; II u, in,, llobokin, J, II, Mi Cain; 1 p. m,, II, Dolieity; 2 p. m., Iloboken, .1, r,eiril; i p, m,, ,1, .1, Muiray, with I). ll-U'ijeitj's crew, cl p, in., Uoboken, A, V. Mullen. huinmlU, Lie, II a. in., J, Canlfc-L'; 0 u, in., riminfelkeri 11 a. m.( W. NichoU; 2 p. in., Thompson; D p. in., lleunlKan. I'tuliers U a. m., Wlclncr; 7 a. m I'lniiertyi 8 j, m., O. Miller; 11,11 a, m., Moiun; 7. ho p. in., Muiphy; U p. m., IV. II. llariliolumew; 10 p. in., Lamniuz. llclpc-itt 7 u. m., (iaflnc) ; 7 a. in., Mu.'U 10 j.' iu.h hecor; 0. l.j p. m., Slanton; ij.SO p. in., ilttiottrii. I'.xtius Vcl Plj, in., John liiluk'iii; 2 p. m., A. Ik Kcttlum; 11 p. in., II. llaiidulph. NOTICE'. A. 0. Ila lit and iijuv and Couducloit lloai und Uttlmcr will xu on .Nju, i MjuIi l to learn Morris ami iti. dUWsn. , C. A. llvlau rciioit (or Tlivmiuuii. An excellent assortment of 11)02 styles. Stem winders stem setters, open face or hunting cases, ladies' or gentlemen's sizes, correct time keepers. Guaranteed against original defects. Cases : Elgin Waltham Hamilton Gold Filled Silver OfiVC HX a 1. 1 hji w? special attention G0.mB3& the result that nearly, or quite, been reached. The arrangement of Opals, Emeralds, Rubies, Saphires, Diamonds and other costly stones is exquisite and charm ing while the rich settings add to their beauty . CiS Jeweler and Optician. As well as women, have desires for new headgear at this season of the year, not only for the reason of display, but it's the time to cast aside the old for the new and look springlike. Nature does it, why not humanity? tm Are an important part of man's out fit, why not buy one now and get the benefit of our large variety. Never Had CONRAD'! 305 Lackawanna Avenue. (Trading Stamps, Green.) u &5?5gCX5fi5X$55X5?55gXXX RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Meet Nov. 3, loot. Trains leave Scuntou for New York At 1.40, 3.1S, U.UJ, 7.00 and 10.03 a m.; 12.43, 3.40, 3.3J p. m. For New York and I'lilladelpliia 7.50, 10.05 o. Hi., and 1J.43 and 3."3 p. m. Tor Tob lianua At 0.10 p. in. Tor Iiuiialo 1.13, 0.22 and 11.00 a. in. ; 1.33, 0.50 and 11.35 p. in. Tor Bins hainton and way htatlons 10.20 a. in. and 1.10 p. m. Tor Os,xego, Syracuse and Utica 1.15 and 0 2J a. in,; 1.05 p, m. Oavveuo, Syracu-a nnd Utica train at C.22 a. in. daily, except Sunday, l'or .Montrose 0.00 a. m.; 1.10 and ci.50 p. uu Kicliolbon accommodation 1.00 and 0.15 p. in. lllooiniibiirs ULislon For Northumbeiland, at C.33 and 10.03 a. m. ; 1.65 and 0.10 p. m. For l'ivmouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 0.00 p. m hunday Tiains ror New York, 1.40, 3.15, 0.05 and 10.03 a. in.; 3.40, 3.3.1 p. m. For HulTalo 1.13 and 0,22 a. in.; 1.13, 0.50 and 11.35 p. in. For IMiiKlunitoii and way ktatiom 10.20 a. m. lllcomsbuiff Division Ltave Scranton, 10.03 a. m. .ml CIO p. m. Pennsylvania Raihoad. Schedule in Utlect June 2, 1001. Tialiu leave Scranton; 0.3S a. in., week days, llirouh vestibule tiain fium Wilku-Harre. l'ull man buffet parlor car und coaches to I'lulader phla, via I'otUville; slop.-, at piinclpal inteune tllatc Btatio-is. Abo connects tor oiuibuij, liar ilsburg, l'lilliidelplila, Baltimore, Waalilngtoii and (or Pittsburg end the t. 0.33 a in., week tlajs, foi Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waslilnfton and Pitts bmg aid the west. ,,,, 1,12 p. m tek da)J (Sundavs, 1.53 p. ill,), for bunbiiry, lUrrUburs. I'lilladelpliia, Baltimore, Washiiu'.on and i'ltltburg ami the west. 3,2S p. in., week davs, through vestlbulo train from Wllltcs-Dirtv. l'ullman buffet parlor car and coai lies to I'lilladelpliia via 1'otUvillc. Stops at principal Intermediate stntiom 4.27 p. in., week diys, for lUtlcton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, I'lilladelpliia and Pittsburg. J. II, IlineillNSON. (Jen. Jigr. J. U. WOOD, Ucn. Pass. Agi. New Jersey Central. In F.flcct Suv. 17, 1001. Stations in New YorK, fooc of Liberty street anil South I'tir), N. It. Trains leavo Seiunlo'i for New York, Plilladel. phla, Lastrn, llelldtlit'iu, Allcntuwn, Mauch Cliunk, While Haven, Aslilt'J and Wllkes-Baiio at 7,u0i, ni., I p. m. and 1 n, in. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. Ouakcr Utv Ibpicu icnej bcranton at 7.S0 a. in,, through solid veitibulo train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Cam, for I'lilladelpliia, witli only biiu change of cam foi Baltimore, Washington, 1). 0 und all principal point boulli and vvcv.t, For Avota, Pituton and Wllkes-Baire, 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Long Hunch, Ocian Oiove, etc., 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. m. For Beading, Lcbamn and Ilarrliburb', via Al lentown, at 7,0 a. in. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 P. in. For Poltsvillo at 7,30 a. m, and 1 p, in, For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. O. SI. UUltr, Gen. IV-,, Agt. J, S. SWISHEH, DUt. Paw- Agt Scranton. New York, Ontario and Western. In KHect Tue.da), Si lit. 17, 1001, ) KUll III BOUND. Leave Leave Arrive Tialna Scranton. Carbondale, Cadoala. to 1 l0.W)a. in. 11.10 j. m. l.(Wp.m. So 1 .......i MHP- '" Ar- Caiboudale0.40p. in. 1,01 ' '"' soUlll BOUND, Lsavo Leave Arrlv Trains Cadoila. Carbondale, Scranton. Ko o 7tWam. 7.10a.m. So .... - 2-M P- '" twP- '" W P-1". SUNDAYS ONLY, SOU III BOUND. Leave U'avo Arrive Trains. 6c Miilon, Carbondale. Cadoala, No. o b.30a. m, O.top. m. 10,45a.m. No. 0 ,.... 7.00 p. in. Ar. Carbondalo 7.10 p, in. ' SOUTH UOUM). Leave Leave Arrive Tralni. CadvU, Cuilwndalc. Strantpn. Xo 6 7.00a.m. 7.10a.m. ,0. jo 4.30 p. in. B 00 p. in. 0.43 p. m. Twlus No. 1 on week daj. and 0 on Sundays, make main line conneclloiii for New York city, Mlddlctown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Oavvcgg and all points west. For further Information ccuvult tkktt agints. J. C. ANDUlisO.N, U P. A., New York. , i.'. WtLSH, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Reliable Hakes The designers of artistic R jewelry have given j to rings this season with the perfection point has Pj G S 213 Lackwanna Avenue. A Larger Stock Better Values. tu NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir tag l'lacc, NEW YOBK. American rian, ?3.30 Per Day nnd tlpwardj. Europe in Plan, $1,00 Per Day and Upwards. ' Special Itates to Families. T. THOMPSON, Pyop. -f---r--- -t--v- -r--r--v------- For Business Men In the heart ot tbo wholesale district. For Shoppers x minute?' walk to Wannmalrerst S minutes to Siceel Cooper's Big Store. Ertay of access to the ft cut Dry Goods titores. For Slglilscors One block from B'way Cars. Giv ing: easy transportation to all points of interest. FEW YOltK. . Cor. 11th BT. A UNIVnrtSITY VU. -f Only ono lilocis from Broadway. . ROOIIIS, $ 1 Up. ricef Keasonabla f-t- -f--f- -f-f -v- -f -f -4----f. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Hallroad, In uitcct, (Nov. a, luut. 'trains le.ivo Scranton. Tor Philadelpliia and New York via D, It II. II. I!., at O.Ss and 0.38 a, in., and 2. IS, 4.27 m hotel mei i (Black Diamond tMircss), aim u.au p. m. bun- j dais, D. H II. II. II.. J.5S. 8.W P. m. ' ,f -' " For White Haven, liailcton and prlnclpatipolntt in the coal regions, via D. H II. 11. ll 0.38f 2.18 , and 4.27 p. m. l'or Pottsvllle, 0.3S a. m., 2.18 r For Bethlehem, Faiton, Heading, HarrUburg, and piinclpal intermediate stations, via D. h II. It. It., 0.3D, lUS a. in.; 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Kxpiesa), 11.J0 p. in. Sundajs, D. & II. It. It., 0.33 a. m.; 1.5S, 8.27 p. m. For TunUiannock, Tovvauda, Lluiira, Jlhaca, (iencva and piinclpal intermediate stations, via D L. and W. It. II., S.I0 a. in. and 3.50 p. fn. For Geneva,, ltocliciter, BaBalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west, via I), k II. It. It,, 7.4S, 12.0.1 a. m. ; 1.42, 3.2S (Black Diamord Ex preaO, 7.48, 10.41, U.uO p. in. Sundajs, D, & U, It, It., 12.03, b.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and Bleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on all traini between Vi'ilkcs-Barre und New York, Philadelphia, Bultalo and Suipsu. blon Bridge. . . ltOLI.IN II. WILBUlt, Gen. Supt., 80 Cortland fctieet, New oik, ClIABLUS K. LKL". Qon. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortlantl stiect. New York. A. W. NONIIMACIlrJII, Dlv. Pass. Agt., Soutb Bethlehem, Pa, For tickets and Pullman reservations apply tcj city ticket oiliie, CO Publlo Square, Wilkca-Barre, Pa. i i in i ii .i .. .. ..,.. i Delaware and Hudson. In L'ffect November 21, 1001. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at 8.20, 6.00, S.5.1, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1.20, .'2.31, 3.62, 5.2'.. 0.25. 7.57. 0.15, 11.20 p. m,; 1.31 a. m. For llonesdale 0.20, 10.10a. in.; 2.31 and 5.29 P. in. For Wllkcs-Barre-0.33. 7.48, 8.41, 0 33. 10.11 a. m.; 12.0J, 1.4.', 2.1S, 3.28, 4.27, CiO, 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. For L. V. It. It. Points-0.38, 0.38 a. m.: 2.18. 4.27 ami 11. W p. m. For Pcnntylwiiia II. It. Points 0.S8, 0.33 a, in.; 1.4.', 3,28 and 4.27p- in. For Albany aud all ihjIiiU north 8.20 t. ra. and 3.52 v. in. V SUNIHY lltAINS. For Carbondale i.00. 11.33 a. m.j 2.31, 3.0.!, 5.52 and 11,17 p. in. For WIlkcs-Bauc -0.33 a. m.j 12 03, 1.53, 3.23, 0.I.2 Olid 0,17 If. in. For Albany and polut9 north 3,62 p. in. For llonodale 8.50 a. in. aud 3.02 p. in, W. L. PltYOlt, D. P. A., Bcwuton, 'a. N i i .