THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATU11 DAY, MARCH 20, 1902, 11 v-sss. 4. - Church and Sundau-School ' I MB A TlriduaAu Vrs ft 1 MS WIS A LADY oC Scrnnton 1ms received u paper from Honolulu, the Pnolllo Commercial Advertiser, contain ing u notice of a reception nt the (Young Women's Christian association, of Honolulu, In lionor of Mrs. Henry M. Holes, of Hcrnnlon. The report Hays "Mrs. Holes lias been an Motive iiseoctntlon worker for many years and a member of the national rommlttee. The reception Is given Hint all the local mHsocltttlon mcinboin may persoiially meet her. Mrs. Holes' daughter Is with her and will bo present at the recep tion. They leave soon for Japan. " The association has 3!i0 members, including stenographers, teachers, milliners, clerks and others. Their study classes are sllmlar to those In cities In the Eastern states, and much emphasis Is put upon the social life, which is said J to bo delightful.' Mrs. II. K. Coleman, the stale secre tary of Wisconsin, was the first gen eral secretary ot the Young Women's Christian association. They spent four years there most pleasantly. Among the Interesting fcatuics of the Y. M. C. A. there Is the Y. AI. C. A. building In the leper's district, where the work Is In charge ot a young native who was much Interested In the Y. M. C. A. in the city, and becoming alllletcd with leprosy went to the leper's district to continue his work tbeio for life. It Is. to be hoped that on their return to our city wo may hear fiom Colonel and Mrs. Holes of the beautiful scenery of Hawaii, the cultured and wealthy white people ot the Islands, and the dignified, hospitable and amiable na tives. What Univcrsnlists Believe. Next Sunday evening, Rev. Thomas B. Payne, pastor of All Souls' Unlver snllst church, will begin a series of nine sermons, to be given on successive Sunday evenings, on the general theme, "What Univcrsnlists Helleve." The sub jects and dates are as follows: March SO, "What Is Unlversalism?" A pres entation of Unlversalism In large out lino. April G, "The Unlversallst Con ception of God." Is God a tyrant, an Impotent,' Ruler, or a loving Father? April 13, "Tho Univrsnllst Conception of Christ." Was Christ God or the Son of God? If he eanm to save all men, will he not -do so? April 20. "The Uui versallst, or il Comtum Sense View of tho Hlblc." April 27, '"Hi? tJnl versallsl Teaching of the Awfulness of Sin." Can punishment for sin be es caped? AVill God receive at once "death Ijed" penitents into "glory?" May -I, "What Unlvorsalists Teach Concern ing Punishment." Does God punish in anger or in love? Who but a tyrant would punish everlastingly? May 11, "What Untversalists Teach Concerning Salvation." Is It safety from punish ment, entrance Into heaven and escape from hell? or a God-liko life each soul must live? May IS. "What Unlversal lsts Teach Concerning Man." Is he born "utterly defiled," or with both good, und bad tendencies? May 23, 'ferlptunil and Cither Evidences for a Belief, in the Final Salvation of All Men." Docs the Iilblo teach, does God's sovereignty, justice or love require that some men bo ctcrnnllv damned or an nihilated? These are a few of the per tinent questions Mr. Payne will ask and answer in, connection with each sermon. Kncli service will begin promptly at 7.30 o'clock. The general public is cordially invited. The Incompleteness of Things. A sermon out of the ordinary, was ,. thnt.prenehed last Sunday morning by Dr. J. II. Sweet at tho Methodist Epis copal church. Dr. Sweet's sermons are always filled with original thoughts and carry with them much influence, but he certainly .was Inspired with his subject in this ease. He spoke of the incom pletgness of nations and of individuals. It' w'as an effort worthy of a preacher o.f iintional fame and, safe to say, was one of the most scholarly, eloquent and 'pqwlgrful this popular pastor has given' during Ids year in Oneonla. t Drj Sweet has been unanimously re called tothe church here for the coming i;enr, ai)d none cares to entertain the "thought?- that tho conference will net pother than favorable upon the official Abo'&rd'8 rfquest. Oneontu Leader. RELIGIOUS NOTES. .The meeting at the Itullroad Young Men's Christian association on Sunday afternoon at 3.45 will bo an Raster ser vice. Tho male quartette will have charge of the muale, and will sing for the last tlmo this season. There will Tha( word hacking is expressive to those who have experienced the aggra vating constant cough, which is called a hacking' cough. Sometimes it is the result pf a cold, or of grip, and some times it is a consequence of catarrh, wmcu unchecked has gradually in volved the lungs in disease. Such a cough finds its cure in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which cures bronchitis, obstinate coughs, lung disease, hem orrhage, and con ditions which, if neglected or un ' skilfully treated. lead to consumption "I'or twelve years I was a hud'erer from catarrh mid was treat. eel by oue or tlie best physlctaus hi the State of Nnrtli Carolina, who said the trouble had reached my lungs,)' writes 11 r. J M, Pattern, of Clotlio. Transylvania Co., N C. I grew worse every day iintfl I tried Dr, I'lerce's medicines. Will bay Dr. l'lercc's Golden Medical Discovery with one bottle of Dr, Sage's Catarrh Keuiedy cured me, and to day I am well and hearty, and I will say further that my former physician, Dr, v, M, I.yday, recom. mends Mr. l'lcrce's medicines to me and to others. I am sure your medicines will cure any esse of catarrh that exists. 1 recommend them to all.", If you ask your dealer for "Golden Medical Discovery" because you have confidence in its cures, do not allow yourself to be switched off to a medicine claimed to be "just as good," but wlilch you did not ask for aud of which you know nothing. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is scat free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send si one-cent stamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound oluuie. Address Dr, R, V, Pierce, Buf falo. N. Y, mM bo iituii'lctte selections nnd solos by Messrs. Jones and Long. Secretary W. AV. Adair will speak on the theme of the day. This Is likely to bo the last gospel service In the old building, and It would be a great pleasure to the management If tho railroad people would make It a day of reunion and would come out .with their families. The department will be moved to tem porary aunrters early In April. ttov. & P. Matthews, of the First Haptlst church, of West Heranton, will read a paper before the Huptlst minis terial conference on Monday morning In tho Penn Avenue Haptlst church, Subject, "Unleadened Hrcad." SERVICES IN THE VARIOUS CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal. Klin I'.nk VcthoilM t lunch At V.O .1. 111., ciil.v unialiip; ut 10. SO .1. 111., tho pastor, ('. II. (Ilflln, I). 1),, ulll mi Ka'tcr ser mon; clusi mcctliiR in Sunday celiool loom lit (lo-e of lnonilnc emicco; Sunday school at 2 p. 111. j .minor l.ciiruc nt X'M p. m.; Senior League at li.iio p, 111. L.i.trr intisli'. with spc-chil attractions- and .1 kIioiI whiles by the pastor, at ".SU p. in. Str.uiger welcome Aslmr; Methodist l.'nlxopil (liurili. 1 01 ner ; Mon ry avenue nnd Pchmnre Mirrl llc-v. V. (1. Slniison, l. 1)., p.i.tor. Peiotlonil meellnic of the llrotherhood of M. I'.iul .it !UI) 11. 111. II ip (Inn, reception of intiuhcis anil pieuhlns at KJ.WI a. in.. Iiy the pastor. Sumlij kcIiooI 11 1 'i.'io p. in. Special Kast(.r evrulscs by jounc people, lip worth league at (i.UO p. 111. 1'ie.irliiiig 11 1 ".." p. m.,u.v the pistor. Pi.i.ier mcrtiiitr. UViliieMlay, nt 7.30 p. in. A programme of i:.nler iiui'ii will he .111 appropiiajc ft-aluic- nt tills church. Seats free and all jrcMvrieomc. Ali .Mie"t .Uetlio.lM Kpl.-copil. iluinh Iter. I. It. AikIIii, pastor. Morning pleaching ei lco at 10..'!0, Mihjcil, "Tlie lte-siincctloii';; el.m ineeling at 11.S0, Charlei fiwip, leader; Sunday nhool at 2 p. 111., Petri, mi perlnteiiiknt; .lunioi League nt .'! p. in.. .Mabel Mltehell, leader; Lpwoith U'.igue at (i. I" p. 111., Peter Ilniltiuii, leachi-. i:cning pie.ic.hing sei Wee .it 7."0 h'iKkK. A eoicllal wekoine. unuc Methnilist KpUcopil chinch P. P. Dotj, pa-toi. At ill a. in., meeting nf Iliotlurhood of St. Paul; 10.KII, Lastcr henke, rnioii by nslor. Noon, S'undav scliool: :i.:)0, Junior Kpwoith League; fi.IUl, L'pwoitli League social senile; 7,"(l, eiening woi.ship and Million. Sjieclal leister niiiaie. All cordially welcome. Court Street Methodiit Kplscopil ihurili (!. ('. Lyman, pastor. (Jla-. tl.15, 0. II. lleWitt, leader; Lister sen Ice, 10.311, conducted by tho .Sunday school; Sunday school, 11.45, (!. It. Claih, supetiiil indent; .limior League, 2.30 p. 111.. Mr. Jtyjnt, snpeilntendent; Kpworth League, ('..30 p. m.; pleaching, 7.30 p. in. Hap. llsin of clillchcn at the morning senile and of adults- at the nenlnir soitice. Seats- fiee. Hampton Street Mclhoilist chinch ltev. Janus lleiuiingei,. iutor. Pleaching ut 10.;;o, subject, "The lln.inic-c.lion of I'hrUt"; Sunday school at 2 p. 111., an Pastel Lilly; in tennediate league at :i p. 111.; Senior League at G.30. Pleaching muWco at 7.30, subject, "Marv's l.aster i:perienie." Special music pnnided for all the sendees anil .111 inlcicsthtg piogr.imnie tor the Suiuliy school at 2 ). in, Pirst " Cornian McthodNt KpU0p.1l ( liurch, Adams .i enue aud Vine sheet (5. Ilobllin, pastor. Diline servlce-, in o'clock a. 111. and 7.30 p. in. Theie will be communion senile in tlie inoining and loe feast in the n cuing. Suudij school at noon and at 2 o'clock p. 111. in the T.ijlnr ate. nut chapel. An Kasler progi.unmc- will lie ren deled at botii of these sessions. Afiican Methodist Chinch, llo.v.nd Place llr. I). S. ltentley, pastor. Pleaching, 10. "10 11. in. Subject, "Hie or Life." Paster imislo by the choir. Special piogiainme in the Sunday seliool, 2.30 p. m. Mh-sionary mas.) meet ing, 7.1", p. 111. Interesting Vaster recitations intcipeised witli inn-.ii- promises tol no lilglily entertaining. An offering for the cause of utisMotis, homo and foieign, will be taken. A welccui" to all. Baptist. Penn Aicnue Haptlst church, 1'rnn .-iienue. belween Spiuce and Linden stieels. Stiungei alwajs welcome. Pieacldng, morning at 10.30 and etening nt 7.S0, by tlie pastor, liev. ltolicrt P. V. Pieiec, I). 11. Tlie oidinance uf hip'tlsm will be .-icimlnistmed at all of lhe sen ires of tlie die. Moinlng piajcii in tlie loner temple at 0.15. Theme of morning seinion, "Pinm Di-ath to Life, or tlie (iioalest (Jue.stlon of the- Age." S1111d.1v schoQl at 2 o'clock, with appropriate K.ntor exeieiscs in the aiiditoiiuni of Hie clmicli. Special services- at the Amennan Memoiial mis siou. Young People's! meeting nt ii.30 p. in. Theme of the eiening semion. "Tlie Cicate-d Desiie of Life and How It May Ite Tlcalbcd." Special Paster muale- by the ("lioial union of the chinch, under the leadeii-hlp of Prof. Haydn Kliih. Me-morial lliptist chinch Jlev. V. I).iei, pastor. Sen Ices at 10 a. in. and (i p. m. The pastor will preach Welsh in tho moinlng and Kuglish in the eiening, ,n usual. In the after noon, tlie Sunday school and church choir will gbo nil Paster niudcal piogumnie, lecllatlons and respoiislte rejdingi, entitled, "Life's Morn ing," conducted by .Mr, Lewis Jones. After the ctcning -semion, the church will celebrate, the Loiel's supper, when the sanitary communion outtlt. Just purchased by the chuich, will be used for the first time. Shlloli, Haptlst chuieli Itei. J. 1). lloddic, pastoi Kjlrr senilis, hoth lnonilng and even ing. Subject at 11 a. 111,, "Ho Is Itl-en as He Slid," 'lhe choir will render special music nt both seniles, with sclccl anthems-. Sunday school at 2.3D p. in. Let as all tiun out to the Sunday school, 7 to 8 p. in., Haptlst Young People's union prjicr ineeling. At 8 p. 111., shaip, piiMihiug sertiee, subject, "What Think Ye of Christ?" flood mude at this senile, us Air. Nelson and otheis will lender some special anthems on the Hostmoitlon. Ne.t Sunday, April 0, will be a public sertlee of luplbm. 1'lrst Welsh IlaptUt church ltev. 1). 1), Hop. Mn, pastoi. Ka.ter Knndij. In the morning at 10 o'clock, Kngll.h sen Ice, subject, "Tic Itlscn Christ the Central Pact of Christianity." me- i-M-miiK scrtiio ai 11, in naish, lu both sen ices, aiithcina by Hie iholr, under the leader, ship of Piof. W. Kluis, and solos by members of the chulr will be glicn. Preabyterlan. Pirst l'ioslitcrlan Cliurili Dr. Mcl.eod's theme, morning and etenlng, will be "The Resurrection of Our Loiel, and tho Cliilstlan's Itclation There to," Stungois i.'eleoine. Second Piesbjtcrlai. church, .Irirrrson avenue (he-tween Vine and Mulberry stieets) At 10.30 morning worship; 12 111.. Sunday school; (1.30 p. 111., oung People Society of Christian Kn dojior; 7.30 p. 111., tuning woishlp. Appro priate scunons to the Paster scuon will bei preached by lley. .1. H, (Mell, Special nmslo ai ranged by Mr, J, M, Ounce. (Sicrii itidgc Picibjtciian ihuiih liev. I, J, Lansing, pastor; lle. I,. II, Poster, assistant. At 10.30 a. in., Paster senjees of uorJiln. will. seinion by the pastoij 13 in., lliblo school, l.'a.tcr music 111 an iiipartinentsj p. m., Chrutlan Kndeator, At 7.M p, ni Kasttr worship, with an address by Ciicwllcr I.ulgl Augolliil, nalor of Hie Wuldeiislan churih, I'orano, Italy, Mr. Angcllnl is a' liighly iustnictlic and thrilling speaker. All are Invito. Providence I'icsbylerlan cliiirc.1t -The pistor, ltev. Dr. (Jnlld, will occupy the pulpit, Special Kaster services at 10.30 a, 111. and 7,30 p. m. Sunday school at noon; Junior J uJcmor, 3.30 fii., ne-oiui i.imraiui, u OJ p, III, Oflf 1 illVS. tspeclal Cuitir Washhuiu Slroet Presbyterian iliiiuh liev, John I', Mollat, 1). p., pastor. Smiles at 10,30 s. in. and 7.30 p. 111.; llthle school at U 111,; Jiuilor Clirl.tlaii 1'auleavor at 3.30 p. m.; Voting People's Christian Pmlcaior at 6.20 p. m. ; prajer meeting, Wednesday ut 7,30 ji. m. liislcr music, with Urge chorus choir, lu the moinlng. Kaster sermon alto. In the evening, a delight ful musical service, wjtb. full ore lustra. Short sermon In tlie eveiiing. Special lllblp school piograinnic In the audience room at dose of Hie morning service. Offering for foiclgu missions in the evening. All welcome. Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church, comer fSiuiinci avenue ami Pilec slrcct -Sunday K.I100I ne -j cicioiK p. in.; in the evening the children will have cliaige of the eivlcc. The proaniintno Is Hie best In tho history of the church. All nro welcome. ('upoti.o chapel (Clrccn Kldgc I'lesbvterlan church Pleaching nt lo.i.'O and 7.30 by the ins tor, ltev. L. It. Poster. Sunday school at !l p. in,; Junior Kiulcaror, 1 p. 111.; Senior Kndoavor, !.) p. in.. Piiijcr ineeling, 7.30 Tlnirwhi) evening. Welcome to nil. Sunrise pinjer meet lug. (1..'!0 Paster lucrnlng. vdaiiH Avenue chapel. New ork sheet Kits lei music at 1II.3U 11. ni I i.t choir of tin- ihun-li. At -'I o'clock by Iho oieliesha mid the scholars of the Sunday school, nnd at 7.3H hv tlie choir. Consldeiahle cflorls have been made to make tho seli.ii i-H of Paster Day the mol uccc-lul e-vcr held in (ho chapel, ltev. Jaiuos lluglies will do. liver 11 hurl tidihei ill eich scivlce. We c poet to sec the ehapel mmileil. Episcopal. SI. Luke's i-lnticli Kasler Day ervlces: llolv coniiniinion .it 11 ami S a. in., and 12 noon; morning pin.voi and seinion nt 10.30 n m. , Sun day school services at 3 p. 111.; evening piajrr and sermon 11 1 7.30 p. 111. Church of the (fund Miophnil, corner Moinev avenue and (iicen llldgo shoot, liev. Pi.iuiis It., lector. Ka'ter Suiidaj. HoK com million at 7.31) a, m. Morning pi.i.ier, holy nun minion anil seinion at 111.30 .1. 111. Sunday school uiui ucioi s cia-s, -.-..,o p. 1,1, i;vtning prayer, 7.3(1. ChiNl's chinch, cornel Washington iivinue ni.d Park sheet ltev. is. S. Ihdleiitlne, lector. Pas tel sri vices; Holy c onuniinion. 7 a. in., 10.30 n. 111.: Sunday senool, 2.30 p. in.; evening pinvrr and sermon, 7.30. All seats fu-e. All ncliome. St. John's Mission, Oderhoui Hall, I'rovide-ue Squ no Sunday school, 2 p. in. Kvening pi-aver and seinion by liev. I". II. IJ.itcm.iM, I o'clock.' Reformed Episcopal. (iraco llefoiinecl Kplscopil chinch. Wyoming avcniio below- Miilhcny street Ceoigo L. Aliieh, pi'lor. Piaici .mil iiral'e 'eivlce, P.30 a. 111.; divine wotship, 10.30 a. in. anil 7.30 p. 111., communion nt the lnomlnjr senlco. Pieacldng by the pastor at both services. Sunday school Kaster exercises, 1.1.30; Young People's Society of Chi Mian Kndeavoi at (!.3(. l.e.s-011 stud, Wedne-day evening at 7.."0. Piaur meeting lit S. Seats all fiee. Sii.ingers welcome. Evangelical Lutheran. i:v.mgplcal Lullieian Pistcr Suml.iv. f!opo, Mails Mi:l-. P.pltle, I Cor. v:0S. t. Maik's, Poiirtcenth and Wasliliiiin s,liects Hev. A. L. Ilanier, li. I)., pastor. Sen Ices at 10.30 a, 111. and 7. 30 p. m.j Lulhei League at 0.30 p. 111.; Sundiy 'clinol, 12 m. Moinlng sub feit, "Tlie C'cilalnty of CluM'ic Hi-sunoetiou." Matin sen ice at II a. m. ; holy communion at 10.30 a. in. The Sunilav scliool will under an Pastor seivic-c- at vesper's, 7.30 p. m. St. Paul's, Slim t iivcnue llov. W. C L. Lauer, pastor. Services at 10.30 a, ni. and 7.30 p. in".; Sunday school, 2.30 p. in. The holy com munion at morning mi vice. Christ chinch, Ccdir avenue and Iiin.Ii sheet ltev. James Wllke, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in. ami 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school at 2 p. in. Tho hole communion at the morning scivic-r. St. Petri's, Pie-cut t avenue llov. John Han dolph. pistor. Sen ices at 10.30 a. m. ; Sunday school, 2 p. in, The holy communion will be eelelii.ileil .it tho inclining senile. I'ni'iianuel Ceimaii-I'olish lunch, sheet ltev. I'eidlnand Sahelineiei', p.H fni. Soiviio iu tlie Polish Liiigiiage, 10 30 a in., and in (ieiniau at 2 p. in. Zions" eliiiicli, 2211 Millliu avenue nev. .v. ii. lianenkaiiip, pastor. Moining ser vices, 10..10, alinoliition by confessicin; 10.30 a. in., sci mon, 'subject, "Clnist 1st Aiifeislanden"; 11.30 a. ni., administration of Loiel's supper; 2 li. in., Sunday school: 7 p. ni., one nf tho mo-t beautiful and finest Paster progiuniiucs, called, "Kasler Lilies," has been picpared by the Sun day sihool. Miscellaneous. All Souls' l'niveisali3t church, Pino sheet lie tweon Vlanis and JcITciiiii .iv rimes liev. Thomas' II. Payne, pjslor. Special Ka-lrr ser vice at 10.3d a. ni. The pastor will pi each on "Christ's Piennise of Immortality"; liolv ccin iiiiinlon; Sunday school at 12 in; owning ser vice at 7.30; subject, "What Is Pnivcisallsm"? Hist senium in special seiios on "What I'niver salists Helleve." Seats free. Shanger.s alwa.vs eoidi.illy welcomed. Piec Methodist chinch, l'lini eliapel, (liecn Hidge S D." Moller, p.istoi. Pleaching Sun day inoining at 10.30, and in the evening at 7..'0. Prayer mooting, Wedne-diy evening at 7.:ki. Kvciyhody is coidially invited. Conic thou with us ami wo will eh tlieo good. All seals ficc. Pirst Piiiuitlvc Methodist, Creen liidge ltev. (,'. Lees, pastor. Hegiilar pleaching service In die pastor at I0.30 a. in., subject, "liesuncc lion"; at 7 p. in., subject. "A Lifted Curtain " Reception of new ineuibris at tho morning ser vice. A welcome to all, Cos-pel Tiibomailo, JoOVison avenue, Duninnsc .lames l.eisiinian, pastoi. Sunday services: Kis ter seinion, 10.30 a, m.; Sunday scliool, 12 in.; Young People's Missionary meeting, (1.30 p. m. There will bo a baptismal service in connect ion with the evening nice ting at 7.30. Tlie albdav meeting of tho Chllstiau and Missionary Alliance will be held on Tucsdiy at which Hev. J. H, Von Noiel.1, of Heading, Pa,, will bo the spoakr. Seniccs at 10.30 a. in. and 2 and 7.30 p. in. BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS nv iu:v. iioiii:rtT r. v. imkhci:. n. n. Prom Authoi'n Notes iu "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," 1'ublls.hcd bv I', II, Itcvel i- Co,, Chicago, III. EASTER LESSON. ".IISjL'S lllhi:.V." To.t: "lie li, he n not here." Mark 1(1:0. Kaster commemorates the lUing of Jesus Christ from tho tomb, lively bunday is nit Kaster cliy, for it U wciedly kept in memory ol Hint who lived ami died for all mankind, ami who roo from the giavc triumphant over death, and who now situ at tho right hand of Pod, TOLD IN SCRANTON. It's tho Evidence of Scranton Peoplo Published in Scranton Papers That Has Ma do Such a Reputation for Dr. A. W. Chase 'a Nerve Pills. Standing clear nnel distinct, marking the difference, tho superior merit, the adaptability to present-day aliments Is the volume of local testimony fop Dp A, W. Cliuso'8 Nerve Pills, it's so dif ferent to tlie ordinary remedies refer ring to cures made at distant points wlilch It Is hard to verify, There Is a reason for Dr, A. W. Chaso'H Nerve Pills commanding homo evidence wher over they are known. It Is their won derful Influence in bringing up tho standard of nerve force, Mr, Henry Alberls, of No. CIS Birch street, Scranton, Pu says; "For about tven vours my back and Id, inn. .o i... , ,,eea ,jore( jume und tho secretions in Dau snape. morning seemed to help mo until I cot Dr. A. V. Uhusu's Nerve Pills ut Matthews Bros.' drug store No. 320 Lackawuuna avenue. They did the work, curing the soreness and lameness, making the secretions healthy, and generally giving me health and strength." Dr, A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills are sold at EOc, a box at dealers, or Dr. A, -V. Chase Medlclno Co., Buffalo, N. Y, See that portrait and signature of A. .Wt Chase, M. D., are on every package. Jesus rose aliovc the rmic, above .lcrinnl"in, almvc Iho clouds, nlmve the sliirs, In Hie thioiie of tlod. Pioni Ills open lomli theie rises Willi Its Loid the tellglmi of Hie cross. Ile.voiul Jerusalem, lieyoml Palestine, hoyoiul Mnoedoiila, beyond the seas, beyond the daikiies of lieathriilsin, cMcnds the kingdom ot tho Itecleenii r. Prom the dark iios of le lomli of Je.sus tlsci Iho Light nf Hie world. We worship u living- fhiM, Wherever Ills gospel lias been piochilmed (hero has come life HinBl and liglit and lihoily Have wo bicn bh-s'ecl becauo Jesus lives mid lovrs us? 'I lien till II out to all tho wurld Unfl -The Loid Is llisen lu-!c"d " Tho plan cf lnlcniplinn cinhiaies, 1. Til Inciirn.itloii of the Son of (Sod 2 ll' gospel of paidou and pe.ui 3. Ills atonement for sin. I. Ills ipsiirrectinn fiom the dead, ac the divine seal to Hie mission and lulnisliy, the purprse and Iho power of Jc-siis Clulst. 5. Ills ascension ti, Iho throne of Cod as our Intciccssor anil Mediator. 'Hie remtroclien of Jesus Is as Important in the puiposo of Cod as his incarnation ami Ids ileitli on tin- iross. The ro.siuicction of Jesus ClirUt is A Historical Pact; A Spiritual Tuilli; A Pound itiou of Chllstiau Hope. At Paster tho Clultlan world stands lcveienl'y nt Hit- empty tomb ot Jein of N'.irnoth; but with fallli's laiger vision we behold him li-c above the giavo, almvo .lciii-.ilcni, aliovc the clouds, above the stiiM, to Iho whole "lie over livelli to make Intercession foi it,." Prom the open tomb of Jesus ( IuM there rises tlie le ligion of tlie cioss, hiving .1 song for every voice, a hope foi every life. Natuic mid giaic impress Hie lessons of the lesuiiiellon. The cl.tyhic.ik, tho spiingllme, tlie buisting nt the bud, the opening egg, the ic denned life, ale paons of vietotv for life fiom Iho tomb, how wo shall live again wo nnj not know, but wo do not doubt Cod's many piontl es "s I live, jo i-lull live al-o." Vc do not ones- Hon tlie existence of tlie'liuttcifly because vo e in not uiiilcihi.nid tlie han-formation flout wen in life to wing life, nor i-hnuhl wo doubt oui irloii- fled existence beyond the grave because we can not untlcistand liovv (.'oil tan hailstorm lis into his image. It Is not so kh.iiige that wo thill live again as wc may now- live. The lily seems tu bo the queen of the ilowcrs for tlie Paster time. I hive driwu Hie piehne nt a illy, and en each petal have vviltton .1 thought appiopiiato In tlie l Csiirt ee t ton. A wo study the pk.nt life fiom the Illy bulb In tlie illy in bloom, may we not with faith's laiger vision behold inn ghuious losiuiectlon, when tlie bodies ol out humilittion i-li.ill be (hinged into the likc-uo-i of ('htist'n glorious body. Illesscd thought that Jc-us is the lcsiu lection aud the life, and If wc ate- in Christ we fclull live eternally witli Hun. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR MARCH 30 FIRST QUARTERLY REVIEW. iiy m;v. j. i:.;in, n. n. Secretary of American .Society of Ilcligioui l.'dm alio;. l.NTIIDDl'CITO.V. Our ktiidios for tluoe months have boon lu tho book of AlIs which sketchc the vvoil; of the Apostles, it i, :i notiycibh- feature of the Pool, that utter giving the n lines of the eleven (.lud.i having committed i-uiuilel. two only me uiintloneil, Peter .mil John. Thei- is ev- Idoneo all vvcio pte.senl on many occasions, but I'eter nppiais to have lire n Ihi-h Iciiclor and moutlipiece. Stepiieu und Philip, Ivvu of the deacons, come into piomincuio, and kIicivv that tlie iliit mill plan of the early tlmo poiinitled the iniploviuiiit of lielpem to the Apostles, and that lhe Holy (ihost vvus granted to auboidiiialoj) us well as to ptlncipal-, u fact, of gteat nignlflcenu-. nilsl' l.Usxj.N'. Januaiy 3. 'Iho I'lomlso of l'ovver. Acl.s 1:1-11. Me have hero the pin giunuuo nf .loi,ns, ani.ounceil dm fug his laid inn iientii on lite faith for the govirniucnt of the Apo.lli. Instead ot u constitution for the chine h, and legulallom and instiuctlons which might have been mlsundei stood, ho pi utilised the Holy Spirit under whew illumination ami guld mice e lull e li officials Hero In act, und iliieotcd that they cliouM do iiotliing until the Siilrlt vvus given, i-plrlt filled men vvero to Iiy the tlons on which the filtiue cliurtlt be Imilded (Kph. ili'JO), vvlilih would thtiefore ho both Divine ami human. SKCONIl l.l'.hhOX.-Jauu try 1.'. Tho Promise ot Power rulflllecl. Actsii:l-21, The most favot able time iva diwen tor the fiilllllinent of this proml.e, it natlonu feaat clay, wlien .lerti.aiiin was filled with people fiom nil paits of tho win Id. The Ssplilt canio upon tlie entire company n,ein bled lu mi upper loom, attci'dod by leni.tikalilc plieiioineiu, mid cinpovverlng Hieni to kpeuk for eign languages. An it result tlie niultltude, drawn tutjitovi, iiiaiu uou uuueriinoii, unit the oppot lunlty is impiovisl hy Peter to ilellirr .t ici mon, wlien ipilet was lesloiccl, und a piofouml linprt'soiou was produecd iniou ull inlml.. This was tlie Initial revival under the Cliiistian ilis pi'iisallon. THIIII) I.C.s.'jOV.-.laiiuaiy 111. 'I lie- Kai ly Chili tlau Cliuiih. Acts li:.'ir-17. Hue l u giaphlo plcluie of Iho chinch iu a tlmo of gioat itllgiotn Inteicat, showing what men do under tho guidance ol the Spirit, and with vvliat icmilU, 1. They pleached lepcntaueo und faith in Jesus f'hil.t and csliortetl, lelying iiion Hie declaiatlon of ths (ictopel. S. Thctec who inched tho word weic liiplliisl und added to tin- chinch, uu JuuoJiO at one time of three lliou&ind njuN. ;i. The whole compaiiy Jtlcndeil puhllc Kit Ite fur In stiucllon prajer and communion. , Tho ovo that dominated all hearts gave gtoat joy won the favor of tins people ami pioinptul to coiuuuiully of gtwd. 0. Theie were daily acce&ium to the (huiih. roritTH I. i:ssov January so, 11U ijmo llan Healed. Acts lllil-li). 'iho bapil.m f Hie Holy (IliOMt, eianicsl to tho Apohlles ut I'enteccxst, piciand them to be mlnUtors of llto flo.pel. It not only gave them Intellectual anility, but it Clolhrd I hem witli power, They cealicd Unit power, as Jeans lud done, in peifouulng miracle., uccoidliig to his pioinlse (Matt. MS). In thU hi son we have a remuikable tun a nun lanio front bltth Is Instantly restored und made to glorify fiod. 'lhe incident drew the wondering cruvvd tos gctlier to that Peter vvus ieimilteU tu testify fur Jciu as the irsl phjskian. l-'HTH MJs&tl.S-.-VVbiuiiy 2. 'lhe First Per- seiutlou. Act Wil-12. lu his speech after c urlnj; I fKCw P f rK rM w MMMAmfmf v J Jloaltli will coino witli nil its lilessiiifrs to thoso wlio know ilia way, nntl it is liminly a fiuoa tlon or right-living, with all tho term implies, but tho efforts which strengthen tho system, tho games which refresh nntl tho foods which nourish uro Ininortunt, cucli Inn way, whilo it is also advantageous to hnvo knowlcilgo of tho host methods of promoting rrecdoin from unsitiiU tary coinlltlons. To assist nature, when nnturo nertls nssiotniicc, it is nil iniiiortant that tho nieilielnul agents used should ho of tho best quality ami of known vnluq, iiml tho 0110 remedy which acts most henellcially and pleasantly, as a laxative, is Syrup of Figs manuracturcil by tho California Fig Syrup Co. With a proper understanding of tho fact that many physical ills are of a transient char acter uiul yield promptly to tho gentle action of Syrup of Figs, gladness anil comfort como to tho heart, and If one would rcniovo tho torpor and strain nntl congestion attendant upon a con stipated condition of tho system, tuko Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom Jrom tho itches niK! pains, tho colds and headaches and tho depression duo to inactivity of tho bowels. In caso of-" any organic trouble It is well to consult a competent physician, but when a Iiixativo is "required remember that tho most permanently gratifying results will follow porsoual cooperation with the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs. It is for sale by nil reliable druggists. Trice fifty cents per bottle. Tho excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from tho beneficial effects of tho plants used in tho combination and also from tho method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential In u, perfect family laxative. All tho members of tho family from tho youngest to tho most advanced in years mny uso it -whenever a laxntivo is needed and share alike iu its beneficial effects. W'u do not claim that Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of known value, but it possesses this great advantage over all othor laxa.tives that it nets gently mid pleasantly without disturbing natural functions, In nnywtiy, as it is freo from every ob jectionable quality or substance. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy tho genuine and tho full name of tho Co. California Fig Syrup Co. i3 printed on tho front of every package. A MFMKIIA Louisville, Hie lame mall I'eter leferrcd to the lesiirrectlon of -lesus. 'Uiis nioiisod lite S.nhlucce.s, who denied the lestuicctioii (Matt, .wiii'il). The Apostles wcio niresleil mid oast into piison. On the next iLiy they weie luougiit lierotc the Sanhediiiu, the lovvish high c unit, whoso business it was to iiiugo of all uiatteis of docliiuo. Tiiete Peter i-pokc iig.iiu. evplaining li.icl hi in done tn the laiuo Ulan, ami giving ull the gloiy to Jesus, whom ho pioelaimed as iicu fiom tho dead, the head of tho iliiiuh, I In; Saviour of men. SIXTH l.i:sO.V. rcl,m.ii.v ti. The Sin of Ly ing. Acts iv:: In v : 1 1 . 'lite piu-peiit.v of the chinch epo-ed its uieinher to teiuptatiotis of v.iiious Kinds. One of three was h.vpociisy, n disposition to clilm virtues which weic- not pos-M-s-ed in older to the uppioval of otheis. This led Ananias and his wife Sapphh.i to false hood. They desitod to conform to the custom of othor disciples who g.ivos tin ii piopetly to the chinch. Uy so doing they pte-cntcd only put and asserted that they had given all. 'the in-tant death of both, at the wotd of I'otet, was a fear ful it'll ihutiou, hut it awakened fear iu the mind) ot all and taught a much needed k's.-oii. Si;Vi:XTII I.I-O.V.-IVliiiiir.v lfi. The Second rtiH-cutioii. Acts v ::i.1-1.!. The glowing popu larity of I'eter and the inci.Mshig uuiuboi of clis ciples iAib.eiI the Jewish autliotilies to fuithei tin- lagoni.-in. Anests weic made hot the prl'tm cloots wcio Hiperiiiturally opened. These occur louces suiptised tho liilei-. who called the Apos tles to answer tor their tontine t, and I'etoi po!,e for lu-, ,ivsiK-l.ttra, again list living foi Jesus, (.'amaliil, a doctor nf the law, appoasrd the 'oiiu cii who would hive -liln tlie Apostles, aud tip m his pio-eut.itiou, lenient measures wcio adopted, and tlie ca,o was hiiuiiniirlly dismissed. i:i;mn i.i-on. rcimuiy w. Tin- Ano.t of Stephi-n. Acts vi.'l-l.". Tlie c-onniiunlty of gojils, lo-iiltiug Iroui biotheilv love, pieciiitatod .t Miifo nit account of laco. tho (Jieoiitis against tlie Ilclonl-tf. This led tn lhe et.ililisliin n uf the older of deacons, m-voii men lieing lirst olec.ed and then ordained. Among the-e, appointed ineic l.v to .servo laities, one of Mipeiior tnlent, lieoauio piomiutnt as an atlvocalp of Chllstiau doc'.iluo, riuhlo to icslst his wisdom eertuin of the syna gogue employed false witnesses and fuimtilatul the cliaige uf blaspliuny miun which lie was ar lestccl. NINTH l.i:v-0.. Tlie Stoning of Stephen. Ads vilt.ll to vili'J. Stephen, tlio iliaeon, appealed bo-foil- the council to defend himself uoaliist il.o cliaige. Ills speech vv.n IIM hlsioileal uiul thn Invective. Ills lieiy dinunciatlon of his eneniiee moused their hut Indlgnatiun mid they lushed upon lilm and stoned him to death, Iu the luld-t nf (he cvcitenieitl lie was peifntly calm. VWons of the celestial world weto gianled tu liliu, and ho died, the- liist Cliiistian in.ulji, imploring ineiey upon Ids siayci-s. One witness on this occasion, a young man, Still, ltocaine. a persecutor and af titwaid uu Apastlo. TII.VIII I.i:iM)S. Maich '. The PUIples Sciitteietl. Acts viil;;M7. Saul uave hiuisclf, witli eiieig.v, to poisecuto the iluinh lu Jtiiisalem, iletiiinlned In i-Mlrpate what lie ic gariled mi uhoiiiiuable lieres.v. To escape his mur derous pursuit the disciples lied In eteiy illteo Hon thioughntit legions roiintl about. At Hut I lino, Philip went to lhe city of S luiuil.-i, piciihed aud inaelo coitvertii. Among these was Simon, a sonoior, who afteiwaid hluceil tliat ho had em braced Christianity with motives. Suit secpiently I'eter iiml .luhu i.imo tlowu tiuiu .Inn alein tu see that Hie whole gospel had heen tic livtied and to i-et Hie (lunch iu order. i:i.i:vi:.nth i.isos .ijuh iu. -uu. rthiop. Ian Converted. Acts ll:ifij.(). Pltlllp's woik at Samaria toiniluatiil with the toiuiug of Iho pos ties, lie was immediately siiiuinontil by lite Spliit to travel soiilltwaiil, and iu tho hlaliway fiom .lei tisjloin to Kgjpt he fell lu with uu Kthloplan eunuch who was leading Iho hook of Ji.iiah, us lie lodo In Ills chariot. Ilclui' invited I'hliip liistiiie lfl the iiiiiueh and upon fession of his faith baptized hint at lite mac! side, liu uiedialel) llicreiitir ho was calletl uway t ,j uu other pait of tin- country in both instances, tatli- miMivo to mo lime ivmit. riilllp appeal i to have In eu u Mi-d ot miu'ito hum toady ut all times lu liu what ici)iios piompl action. TVi:i.rni l.lSO.-.-MaKli ai. Tunpeiaiiio l.ttsou, i;plt. t;ll-'JI. lu litis passage the pic etpt on ti' Is deposited as a subordinate pioposlllou among many cstclleut iilleraiuis cm tlie siihji'ct of gooil living. It i, mid pot ho iitnii. ted without seriously mat liny tho warnings and advices given by Iho apev-lles, llo beel.J lu deliver bolieveii (rout tainalll- by Iho only succclul liielhoil, iiaiuolj by Hie Spirit of (,'ud. 'Iho ani mal und m es of nun uie licit set iu upKivitiuu, pieM'Utiug that eutillict vvhlcli every man cvpcrleitei's, Ihcrp ure no more iiupoilaut wolds iu all the lessons pf tin- nuaiter than those of the Itlh vere. Tho doivtiwaril liniluuy of luuuaii lutiiio must be aueslid anil tlio upward inovcuient eiieuiuaged. COXCI.l'SIOV. And so cvel lesson uf the ijuaiter boars upon tlie vvoiK of I liu llolv Spliit. It was promised and given to the Apasllcgj it msde tlie early church harmonious and prospci ous; ft enabled (he Aiiastles to woil. miracles, tu cuduiu persecution, to peak the Iiutli with boldiicss. Its prcscuic made sin a ciltue puulsli. able witli death; it sustained men when tiled and lalsed up filenJ, for them; It iiualltied and SW& y?f&jt99th' remedy that curea a void la oue cloy Rv m wmwp ((? San Francisco, Cal. Ky. Now WINTER RESORTS. Sea end ot Virginia avenue, the most fashion able avenue in Atlantic City. Within a few steps of tlio famous Sttol Pier. Complete with all conveniences, including steam heat, sun par lor, clcvatoi, mid hut mid cold baths. Table unsurpassed; cliiect ocean view. Hates sj.50 to i-.':.P() per clay; $1'J.U0 to $13.03 weekly. Write foi booklet. I. R. BOTHWELL, Formerly of Scranton. thou Einrilipil Mpplirn; it,? mU-inn uies out of vcafUMM. (!i-(vitU'-; it (.irrit'd .1 1110-10 lo an fiiiitiiriny; Jjptim. 'I'hU Kime spEiit will como tn twi.v in.iti, iil"Iuo the .umtnl that is in lihn aixl e.ult jut dt?clop tlit' rpult. TAYLOR. KollnvvliiK is tlio Knster urograminc of tlie Mpllioelist Episcopal church: Mnrnlnir Hymn, eoiiBrogtitltin; prayer, pastor; anthem, "Christ, the I.oiel, Ih Itiscn Today," chorus; psalnw and Gloria, ronRi'Cffutlou: eluet, "In the Cross cif Christ I Glory," Mrs. Atherton ami Mr. Wntkius; hymn, coiiBieRiitiou; sermon, Pastor Henry; anthem, "Resur rection," chorus; doxology. KvenliiB Hymn, conui'L-satlon; prayer, pastor: anthem, "Hallelujah, He Is Risen," chorus; announcements anil offering; solo, "He Was Desnlseel," It. "Wfttklns; sermon. Rev. C. 13. Henry: antlicm, "Rtullant Morn," chorus; hymn, "Dia dem." Tlie Etister inuslc at the town churches tomorrow will be of an un usually attractlvsj natuie. A musical feast Is lu store for the congreKittlon of the Methodjst lOplscopal church. The church choir, under the direction of Richard Wathlns, have rehearsed an excellent pioKratume. The edifice will he tastefully decorated for the occasion. The exercises will he held hi tlie even Inp;. Chorister Professor U. 13, Jones, of the Calvary Haptlst church, has pre pared a splendid proKrnnime to he ren dered tit tomorrow evening's services. The pastor, Rev Dr. Harris, will deliver it special sermon at hoth morning and evening services. Interesting pio grammes have heen prepared at other town churches. Mrs. Smith and (laughter Ethel, of New York, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. William MacKeiizle, of Union street. Tlie following ofllcers were elected hy Minooka Ttlhe, Xo. 217, Improved Or der Red Men, for the ensuing term at a recent meeting of tlio triho: Prophet, David D. Orilllths; sachem. Samuel James; senior stigumore, John Wright; Junior sagaiuore, Harry Price; chief of records. William C. Howells; assistant chief of records, David Ileecham; keep er of wampum. Jnmes Maplcson; trus tees. Thomas II. Jenkins; representa tive to grand tribe at Lebanon, Pa., Philip Noakes; oltermtte, James Hef fer. The above olllcers will ho Installed at their next regular session. The drawing for a silver watch for the benefit of John K, Matthews, who has heen unable to work for tho past few years, will ho held in Mewelyn's hall on April 15. Tickets 25 cents. A Gibraltar of Fame. "My. My! I don't know what to tell you uuout foist" Is what Chlmmle Fad den wiiuld remark If ho woro to at tempt to descrlho Atlantic City, and Jiiiimie strikes tlio null light on the head. Atlantic City Is vast and It takes time to thoroughly digest It. There's Its board walk which Is re nowned, Its hotels are models of con venience nnd elegance. Its habitues number Into the hundreds of thous ands and coniu from every part of the hemisphere. There Is no gala day which can compare lu the slightest de gree with Atlantic City's Kuster Sun tiny, when tho board walk presents a sight amazing and wonderful. The surf at Atlantic City Is worth Ulpi SUilltjSIs This Blgnaturo In on every box ot tho gonuind Laxative Bronio-OuinineTabiet- M 5fl t York, N. Y. Iffice Desks and Office Furniture New and Complete Assortment Beinfj the LARGEST FURNITUBE DEALERS IN SCRANTON Wo carry tho greatest assortment of up-to-date Offlce Furniture. You are invited to examine our new line before purchasing. 121 Washington Avenue. ffT'S'W" a can be relied upon always to pake No work. Na worry, Kq dlsap. pointmcntsi No Indigestion, Al most no citpctlse. Wo a PaeuagoX m'tJItvollrj.rlti. Vllubl premium llti in. rlD4cd Tberr itnoinmrenif3tllkt"Nons3uh, Yuur riltr khdul.t tiave It. Tell v It hi offers 4Ubtlta:t. VSOULBCa.,SyrMea,(S.Y, ; r. t,. r trfff" .'TiiM'liii'!- SftweaBSf.i3rBF. 3'roPMtWfr-l iMwrosBJ Is? f m&wmm " HiMonnell going far to see the great breaker tumbling over each other inajestlcaljif i as though endeavoring to show off for1 C It... .......L.., t 41... ll. .,-.,.! 1 etiw teiiiiiEiuute-llc ,it lliu Ullltiijc;-, OIIICCJ" tho Jersey Central put in effect Us supeib 3 liour service between Nevy , York nnd Atlantic City, tills bea'h seems but ti short distance from n,st only the metropolis but the surrouinl-,, ' lug world, and tho tralps, which leavo the Jersey Central's Liberty street stU tlon, Now York, nt 0.40 a. ni. and a.-It) p. iu., ure mnrvojs of convenience. This Is the line which passes through I.uWewoml ami has nhendy proved popular til the extreme, on Saturp day, thR ystli (if Jlareh, n special trull for Atlantlu1 City leaves above station at 1.30 p. ni., aud u return train foiJ Now York leaves Atlantic City Hasted Sunday at 5.30 p. in. If you want til know how to get to Atlantic City e;dj to m. M, uurt, genera) passenger ,itHeht. noom Q.10, Central building, H3 Liberty street, rvew York, for time table. l'ostul curd will do the business. A 'N