at THE SCUANTOX TmJirNJS-TIirUSDAY, MAHCU 27, 1002. tw-ffWpi.Mrt m. U h-wy Tic. News al ?lLf?0JD TIME TABLES. S Dolnwaio nnd Uudt-on Raihond. 51 Vtnrinlior SI. 10n. CVtiIih km- t iilioiiiltlt nl tUv Million in fob -riw Sfrimmi wl Wlllwllwre -'. ; "'. '".) .Till, Id VI. tl SI n. m; liHI, 1.H, i! .0, I . 0(1, 7 00, 10 01, II 11 I), in . , Rfsinilin- triilin limn nt '.VI, Jl 11 i. "! '10' t in. s nil. . :, p. in. .., , Sl'or .Ml.niv. smihiiti. V011I111I. "'V: n 'liiillaiiil iiimiK lit, "UU J. in : M '' ' j'.lVr Wijinirl mill I lone? 111.-. 7 M. Hd" ' m ! Sumiiy 'iViUm Idle Wiinnit "' 1l't",,ll I I'M) .1, Hi i I I i in, .,.,, . n.irio , 1'i.ilm,. ,il 1'mIh.iiiIiIk from ',,V ' in",) Jind ScrinUm ai f.illcmi nM. (" "'','; , i V in.! I.'.'t?, iii, i.i i, I 2". i' On "01. v"'' " H "" 1 1. III. ?0 1. 111. ... n .. . "iindir Uilm nrlii' nl 'I 2" -i in : J'1"' ". it ."I, II Vi ii. in ,, iiiiiIu iiiIim nrrlio nf rn1n.ii.lili- l"1;"' "1 will ninl ltmipsclilc ni i 17 mil 7 " Ii ; New Yoik, Ontmlo nnd Western. "". . Vplitnlirr IT. Iil. . Tnliw Idle rulinmlili- tnr -. t mt..ii ill i" ' tii I -I (l i in similiv Itnliw 1 1 Tim i in iliv. i in . ,. I'nliM ll'IVl ( llllOlllllll f.ii iiulnlK ni," ,"' 11 in ii mi On Smith) it "ID i "I '""' .JimliiK ill II ml ii. in, met. ilu nml "I" ' Jiiiinh iiiiKi ii-iiuui lioiw Mr Siff cl ( 01n" JTiH. li. , . rrilii irilvc (mm srinlun nt II W i "' ' '" Jl in.! (run poltiu li.irlli, I ( i i in. vintli) ((inn mi mini, nl li In i in mil " '" l' '" Juin ( nl r, on p. in f Stlbscilbeis In Till' TliljIUU' Ml O le llet('(l III H'llllll llll il IcgUllll III- III' 'coilfu-Jlon III Ihi1 ibllleiv "1 this paper, cltllci Hi Hie Ciilbnnilnle blanch ol The Tilbune In the IliiiKi- building m Unb elt At Ui-.iimlds. now-dtuleis Some rnnltislon in dellviiy Ins bten n polled tii this iilllci .mil to .ilil In fllli lent .cr V l( e "llbst libels UK Ulgecl Id ii'iimt .it one c an) ili llmiui in ; NO "RiPPcR" ON - FOREST CITY LINE The Stoiy the Tiolley Kails Between Tcvvnr Noith of the City Yv'eie to Be Torn Up and That Binnch Abandoned. Proves a Pipe Stoiy Officials Laugh at It. 'It l'i In l.ui,;1!, " S ki i in- oihe litis I tin- Ht i mlii i !!tliu.i i (iiiimii ii )Tiil the w Ul( 1 -i lu ill il.-il slink's ih.ii it Is tin Intiiiiiivi to iii up tlii- i ails ol tilt- 1'oii'sl i "I t lliii anil alianiloii that In. null Whlli' tin- stiii; of the lipping pin i iiinusdl i lie uulli?. pLiipU-. Hie lcason Kicn lei th' application ot tin 'lipjie:-, )imiiK'llha; llu- lint- was mil payiDn-Has poslthfU lunn II is oin.' ol tin' U si Uto lulus thai I' ii'iillv woith I . i ii i; 1 1 i n k idxiill Now, Id llio-e who ui Ik nt hi- inipiesi(l iili tin- li-ul tin- loinp.iin Is nut niaK ini,' nlonej on the rou-t c'il line nt licitt'i Ht III. that tin- blanch Is a soniL'o of', to Uu'si il niiKh-lii- said that the liolkn- (.ouipanv !- mil tin- It'ast hit mii i li'il us to thf lt-M'iuie that the si.v niili-s ol tiaili :iUoi; r.u hnnilrtlc piotltui'. In other ouls. llit'to licud In- no i tun ti n tliri the Foicst ('hy liiu- is tidi p.iiiiK. it Is piiylns, anil pa.xliiK so vol iluil thi'if is not the UKiirst UioiikIh of .llmntlonlnir Un- mad. The quietus which The Tillntiu- tliu iiils on the ilppliiK Illinois will Ik uppi etlated l) the inciihants ol this c-it. Who ll.lM' llisiusseil Willi sunn fiiiebodlujjs, tliH iossll)lltl(s ol tin. abandonment ot the line Theie is ni iuiniellse hade .iIiioiik liu.-l stoies lion the illiiHes betwten C'ai bontlalf and 'FoK'st I'lU. and Hie shultlni,' down ot Hie tiolle line would mean an appli cable Ins.-, in ( '.ii bund, lie uicu limits lt will be a nllcl, theiotoie lo lenin that the iallwu. coiii' lias nnihinp lu lillnd about te.uluci up or hIiuiUiil' down in nihil wise cUsUiilihi linlilc on llili divis-lon In Ihe itnl ot the stiil-.e lulnt, .seltlfd, a. Is the beliet 'ust now. It llllfillt bt silhKi'-lii'i lilt stoi cf the pinpnsvil abiiiiilonniini ot tin line wiii due inobabh to a leuiall! piis-ui 1, an oilli i il ol the Si-i anion ltajlwity i o ilu. in,; n Isit to this- i !l scmif W"ei,-- iiui lie v il', w hen l hi iui.s bei,au in urn tl.iullhh i'ai boiulule, it was the i oillpau.v's intention to inn to Kme.-l Ml. Hit lepl was, "No; Il would pay us In . lei not in inn on thai line" I '.lit lie was inlHllltel ieteil. 11,' Meant toiniT( thai ust no p,Uioiiai;e in Utile. II nn, idiilil lie in pec, led, Il would bo a Miuu-e of Kltlll expense lo I eep the mad o'n'ii. MMit-n. on the otiipi- hand, i.n i nini"in would i un 1 a i Ii U ol tlecinictiou In lis mis and would ult ilsiv the Milelv ol its em plojep, I. ut iliin was nut the mean l'i'; that w ih i. 'I. n 1 1 ciiu his winds Tlioe wlio liiiild Ihe i email: inier pieled il to mean that the line was not A BLINI SVANDIiliKit. Didn't Know That Food Could Re- . "2 It"" ' xS'ie Her. . . - , UNI Mi ell-KllilW II Wlltdl' Ul-H lil.lliu-Nlttw "IS1!"!'1 hell.leelliii,' ii elt'eets nf i-ttli. Iiun woiK. Mi),, wiilctf. "(impe. NiMtMHllo'uld be talell li'KHlail un one vpjijl it 'loiili I put mine i old in .the niyajnliiK- Willi hot milk ot-eieum poui eicer II. and II In ilelleloiiH, nouili.i iligt'iilid lix'iiKilieilliiK'. Ppnie iltiit' as" I t-alu to a lady It loud wii wat i meal puiTeiPt- fiolii dspep. slff and jins been an Invalid for Hie jciin and wliii m a incie tk(iletou, IC I lmil.iinly hnown ou Mioiier you inii'il lipi,l)tiu jctilTmed nil yeaiii.' Slfillciolviiil lit nip liisijtjulse mj'iiI anktil moSrmtr 1 Moultl lmvcxlone '1 slioulil liauj-piit on on CluiieNiith HienlcfiiHt Kooil,' J lepjied cilllto icmlldeiltly. 'Did ott iver.,lil'ir ut' It'." Oil )i'b bbo had ht'iird of It bill novel Hied It us shn ne'et! ihCd 'hoi uitt;nlou ealled to it eHpeiTnlly iuid had not thought ii ap piled to her ntedic, Now,' I wild, ,'lf, itm Mlll.Jt)t xtt about 'If'uinl 'Iry Otuiitw.VutH lot u week, f In to tliiws) a da), r will Biiai'.in tpo you will lisa up and cult me bless. cd." Shu took my advice unci followed It faithfully. When I .nv her about a week later sho looked llko u dliTeient pet son although she, had only khIuhiI two pounda lu weight, but ahe said nlin felt bo much better nnd at longer and lum greatly impioved in health and btiengih since using the food, Sho la getting well and ou can hn uglne her delight ia unbounded. Jly own oxperleneo ami that of others, (h uudiclent evldonee of the solentlllc value of a food that supplies ment to the eyetem and bulltla up the brain and nerve renters." Name gloti b Tostum Co., Uatttle Creek, Mich. Ca1bbnc(ale pAll1g utidir ji ii v elirunmtaner and It would In iuiiic piollltible to nbuniloii It The aim let, loo Unit il would H" ilili'c liutidredK nt' dullatfi to leopun this line, lollowllifi tin- six nioiitliH t-esna-linn, nie as ubHttrd HH the ilppliijr noli seive. An nltlclal of the company ye- tfidiiv jam' it ns hl-t opinion that one litimlied (I'llhus would tovei the ex pense liieldeilt to Hettlim1 the load In Mhape aKciln. Almost nil of tills mini would be paid lor labor ln'clcailng the rail" nt the dlit which. In 'numinous places, rniH tliuni to (he deptlt nf a half a inol l.lttle clamnse l)dH beeli done to the (icilioiid wins. The cable and the lied wilts aie ItUai-t. M'lie wiles mip plvlllif iowei to the .slgnil lights, bow ex el- weie .sllghlly tanlpeied with. Smile copper thlnl, supposing tllPtn to be saleable, cut them lor a dlHtunee ol fteveiul hlllldied feet, before he dls coieied that his biirgnlii was a bad one THE SCRANT0N TEAR TO PLAY CRESCENTS Manager Lawson Has Annnged with Local Mnnngei for Exhibition Game In Scir.uton on Apiil 2G. Two Caibondale Plnyeis to Be Given Tiinl by Scinnton Manager. I'li'Mc will be awakened elillitlslasiii imionir base bill trunks lu the ( Ity when ihe lead In M'he Tiilutne today that the i'iimimiii ate to pluy n game wltli tin Sir.uitoii lenin of the I'eiin '.huiil.i Slate la-aKlie .Mun.igei A I. Law sou, of the Si tan ion te.ilu soimbl a dale loi mi e-chibl-lion irame with the c-iestenls. and (" ieidn the local manar.ei lecehtd word tliat the t'lescints should eoiue lo Athletic pink. Seranlon. to plu n gun le oil Satuid.iN, Apill -d As mentioned betoie, this unnouiKe nienl will (rente unbounded eiitluts' I i'iiii .mump local laiis. who will be mil in lone on the day an aimed, and will .Kionipau the team to Scinnton witii a bin suppK ol eiitouiatfenunt tin the ilaeis and determination to le Ihe inofslonal leaguei a I it ii loi then inoiip 11 Is something to It el llatteied cier. tin S'ccuilng ol Ibis mime, .and theie's no mistuking the eui nesint'ss and igm which will 1)6 lint into tin- pi climin.M-v woik, in oi di i to rnaki the lontesi Intel estlug The ineinhti.s ol the t'lesienis me ietiieste(l lo meet ibis (eiilni, in tlieii looms, on Salem -iM'liue, lo illsitibs il. ins for ihe pi.icilc'f nnd other ai langemenls u the game Auolhei lute l tslim, base ball Item Is thai Mnnngei Law sou is going lo i;ic two nieinbeis ol the Cicsients a tilal on the Scunum ti.iiu MMu- plueis .in- Waltei Lolttis, ihe i.iKhei, and .lames Muu.iy third baseman. Moth plnois lu tlieii positions, aie with nut an eipial in this seclion This I" liaclll tone piled b toiisci atl o ludge.s ol good ball pl.ning. If the vnunj- men pioe .satlslai loiy, the aie asuieil ol a plate on the team .Ml. Lot tils. howepi. will piobabh not take ad milage ol the oliei, as be ha othei plans in view. MMie unsolicited oiler Is llattetillg to these populat pl.IMM s TO GIVE BAND CONCERTS. P. 0. S. of A. Musician:, to Euteitain the Public Ptee Dining the Sum mer Mouths. Caibonilale is as-uu-d ot a suit a of I lee loneetts (IniliiL, ihe eenings of the i inning Miiumei. The melodv N to lie pi ov hied b. Ibo band of the local camp l'utiiollc Sons o! Aiucile.i. the inembeia ol which hae ihoiililfiill and geneiously ol uuttiied to mid to the tlinini of the btautitul suiiimi'i- nights b nMideiiiig u s(loitpil piogi.unme ot niiisle loi the i ntetlalnmenl and i njnynienl ol the i Itli.ens of Caibondale This will be gt.itelul news, p.u lli ular 1 slute It lollows uttei u ye.u, last si asim, when this pnpului means oCili tei taliiinenl was lnucli injojed by leslileuts of till i sta.soii. In oiclei lo pioIdi' tiiuils to ussi.-t in nil lug out tills populm and publli .-tplilted iiiotment, tlie I O S of A i iiinp lias auangecl tot a pnlilli eutt r tulninenl. It will be ghen ut tin (liautl on Hatttida alteinoou and eve ning, when Ljin.iu liowi will int.sent ids telelnated 1llo Illg plc-luies,. A.s the ellteipilst Hieka the public good. It ought to be paliouixtil to the extent thai mil an empty .seal will leiuniu. Will Remain Heie. Lewis liiiullik, of liiceulleld. dis posed of his ptopeit ut public salu a lew d.i8 uijo, with the Intention of going in New llnmpslilie to follow ngili nliuiiil puihiiitH theie. lie has r.hanged his mind, however, and will leiuniu ut Uieenlleld. Ho be em pin) pd b Ileiuy IMoss. Positions with Milllneis. .Miss Nolllt I'm ell, ot the West side, lias uctepteil a position in the mllllueiy piulins of .llss CJallagh, on Cliuu-h Htieei. Miss Saia O'lloyle, of nundaff stieot, has i oniuieiieeil her duties as sales lad lu the mllliiieiy rtuie of Fellow h Co. With Metal Working Company. Ileiii Hutldy, who lins betn winking l,ii l'tunk Walsh, the foundei, has u hlgiied his position with him and at copiPd one with tins Ciiilioiiihilu Metal Wot king eoiiipaii . MeetingB of Tonight; tlvoige I.', liiiudolph ctuiip, .'Jons of Vc'teiuiis, liiaueh a'J. V. M II. A. Caibondale c union, t'atilarehs Mill taut. Ei-io omciols on a Visit. A delegation c,r olllelnls ot thu Ihle louipauy passod tlitough the city yes letchij, on a lour of Inspection of the company's propeity heicabouis. They had tlieii own piivato eui. St. Paul's Luthexau Chuich, be Mites Hood Fildu), i.sili inm,, 7.W) p in , i.i hpeehil cull is extended to the patents to hi lug their children to the etos of Chrlat iii-t-oidliig to Ills i'ouniiiind, Matt., NlxiH, ".Sutfer little i-hlldien to come unto mo" truster .Sunda Sabbath ng!iool, 3.S0 a ni., lils toiy of clulst'd j-esuriut'tlon, unci, If th uic good, pi"-i) i with Eter prk-j: JO.llO a. ni., HtM-vJees on the Knit ter. Oospel HI. Aiitl-k, Jtvl.l-S. "Cliilit'n ipsuiiectloii it matter of fait, ptoved beyond ,1111- ilnulit." I Cir xviU. "If Clil-ltt he not ilspn, ltien,Js tun- pleach ing vain, and join- faith is ulmi vain," fnine, ileal- and lie ble.sned, TO BEAUTiry THE PARK. Pi o visions Mndo for a Wealth of New ShrubB and Flowers. .Memo) lid milk, which Is conceded bv vlxltms to be the pipttlest small park In Xnrlhe-iiHlerii I'enns Ivaniii. Will be inoiu or a gat den of beauty this year tliun exer. Silpeiliitemlelit of t'atks .loseph AleMinder. who Is tightly Jpahiusof the beatttlcH of the pink, has made addi tional ptovlsloiiH thin year lo enhance the iippeaiance of the tiltmgiilar plot or Niiluie'ii gloilPH that Cuilnituhile can mi happily boast ol. Among the menus to linpiovn ihe paik will be new shrubs and How pis lo take the plum or the old ones which have given their best sei lee A goodly sum will lie cvpeiuled, and Judicious!), too. l'ark Ke.eper Udy will give hW best efforls to cnitng for the new iilanls, Park SUpeiliilendenf AleMiiider de sltes to publicly acknowledge his up pieclatluii or the ninny aids thai luie been glel the park bnald by Stteel loieinini John ICIIIppii. Air. Kllleen'M elforts in this way have been unite a factor lu the woilc of maintaining the appcaiance of .Memorial park and Mr. lexundei- w ishes tlmt lie be given thu credit he deserves FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Candidacy of G. B. Van Gordei- Is Glowing in Favor. The eaiidldue) ol G. U. Vim (iender, one of Cuibondule's pionilnent eltl-zens, Tor county (onmilssloner, seems to he meeting wltli moie fuvoi- almost eP))' di. Assiiiances tome anew to Air. Van (it)iilPi' that sii)ioi t will be given the idea lo i'ai bondalo repiesenl ed In the olllce of the count) conimis sionets, which gieatl) eiicouiages him in lll eiroit.s. Ml Sail Colder has been one ot the most laltliltil woikeis lu the Uepubll i in in))!.1 eer since his lesldence In c.irbondnle. Joi over tblity yeais. and loi this leason he feels wauanted in auking foi suth suppoi t In ills cm dldnc that will hi lug sue ecss. Al though he h is held ininoi olllees Ibis Is the Hist tiine In has sought a higher o'llt t and this nicixc he did not make until igoiottsl uiged lij his li lends, not onh In. Cm bondale. but thioughout the valley, lie Is one ol the eltv's leading ( ltlezns and always loiwaid in every inoieineni In Cm hnndale's be liall. THE CHARITY BALL. Eveiybody Seems to Be Piepaiing for the Big Society Event. As ihe (lil)s pass, ihtle Is moie e 1 denee that Caibondale will have splen did lopie'sent itlon at the big thaiilv hall In Siianti.u lastei Alonday night, tht biggest sit iety event in tills vnlley in yp.n-. Among .lit women. Ihe maltei of gowns Is the iblet topit ol discussion, and U inn lie s.Ud that in the jjictuie of lieaiil) at ihe big gatheiing, Caibon dale's duimhifi.s vvill be a big pail. Tiieie will be eveiy accomniodntion loi tliose who go n mil this city. MMie tiaiu seiviie will be the best, as a special will take Cm bondallaiis home arte- the ball. Uauer's Thil teenth le gimeiit band will (ill the big ainioiy witli mush loi the danceis. THE GLORIES OF SPRING. A Beautiful Glimpse Given in Yes teiday's Millinery Openings. M'lie lli-t leal glimpse ol the glmle-s it spihig was given vesteidn), when the milllneis ol the town held their inenings Tlie day beautiful and the boweis ot beauty thai weie to be (omul in the ditleieiu headiiiiai lets tor cephalic adninmeiils weie thiunged thioiiglioui the day Conspicuous imong the beautiful salons ol fashion weie the parlois of Aliss M.ny H Ciall.ighv, on Chuicli stiet'l The pailots, width alwavs ie eal .it the best all the glories of the mllllueiv ait, weie novel so beautltully attiiietive than ve.stoiday. It was a mi' dlspla), which won new- lam els foi Aliss Callagh), who enjoys such a high ipputalion I'm line taste, stjle ami skill GOOD DEGREE OF INTEREST. Splendid Results of Meetings at the Beiean Baptist Church. A good degiee ol interest Is attend ing the special meetings lu piogiess nt the lleieaii UaptWl (hutch. At a meeting of the bo.ud nt dcuou, held last night, eleven i undid ttes rot baptism weie nppinicd Main ollieis have signified theh cleslie to entei When the story of Chinese atrocities filled the papas and shocked the world, it was the women who drew the pity and sympathy of all Doubtless many a wife who heard her husband's words of sym pathy for these women thought with a pang, of the blindness of men to the suf fering under theh very ejes. It is true. The suffering of women in China was scveie hut short. Many a wife suffers for years with a daily agony of p.iln, her nerves shattered, her strength almost gone, ami never hears u word of sym pathy. To women such as these JJr I'ieice'a Favorite Prescription brings the oppor tunity of a new life of health and happi ness. It establishes regularity, dries the chains which weaken women, heals in flammation and ulceration, and cures ,feiuale weakness. It makes weak women Flroug and.sick women well, Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weuk women, 'I 1ml falling of internal orgnm mul luul to go to litd every mouth li.ut irrc-Biilar periods, which would sometimes list ten or twelve da)," ivvrilei Mrs Alice I, Holme, of Coolsprhig ht X'liinutavvn l'a ''Hail also iutligesliou ko bill tlul I could Itartllv eui auv thing. Dr. fierce t'av oritc-Prescription .iiul -(iolileu .Medical Du cover) ' cured me loot tiirce bottles of the 'l'uvotite Prtstrjpliou' and oueot the'iiolikn Medical Discovery'" Sick people are invited to consult I)r, Pierce, by letter, frte. All correspond ence is lieKl .is strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address l)r, R. V, Pierce, IhtfTalo, N. V, Dr. Pierce's Pleasuit Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the sluggua liver, ' TO YOUNGLADIES. Trom llio Treasurer of tlio Young Toonlc's Glivlslinii Tom licninco AsHnclailon, Eliziiliolh Oniue, Tonrt Uu liiu1, "Wis, "Deau Miw. I'l.SKii.vMi T want to toll you and nil the young Incites of tlto count ty, how grateful 1 nni to you for .-ill thn bcnellts I httvo tocclvcd from usltip Lytlin 14. IMitkiinni's Vofjo tnblo Couiliotiiul. I suirercul for l iAW 111 III 'wi fi& AWmffi IV AI1S3 Iir.lZADETII CAIKU. eight months from suppressed men struation, nnd it effected my entlro system until I became weak and debil itated, and at times felt that I had a hundred nches in as many places. I only used the Compound for a few weeks, but it wrought a change in mo which I felt from tho very beginning. I have been very regular Hincc, have no pains, and ilnd tlmt my entire body is as if it was renewed. I gladly recom mend X,ylla 12. Pluklinm's Vege table Compound to everybody." Miss KuAiiErit Caixk. ii!) W. Division St., Foud du Lac. Wis. f5000 forfeit If aboie testimonial Is not genuine. At such ii time the greatest aid to nature is Lydia 13. Pinklinm's Vegetable Compound. It prepares the young system for the coming change, and is tho surest lclinnce for woman's ills of every nature. Mrs. Pinkliatii invites nil yomtfj women who arc ill lo write- Iter for free advice. Ad dress Lynn, upon the Christian life, and it Is piob able that a huge and valuable addi tion will be made to the chinch This worl; demousttates that the evangelist oi gospel singer is not a ne eessit) to a suteesstul tevlvnl meeting. APRIL FOOL'S DAY. Will Be Obseived with Unique Gath eiing by Up-to-Dato Club. Aplil foal's da), width vvill nf cinilse be the liiht day of the coming month, Tuesilu) net, vvill be obspi veil by the n.embeis or Ihe t p-to-n.ite Hook club in an oiiglnal vvuj In ihe ev tiling the ineliibeis will as semble at the home of MKs UUubeth Thompson, -r, Spiinc,- stieet Heie the) vvill ciijov the diveislons .m.inged b the Allsses Anna Uunston, Tydki Gilnnell, Sat a Swigeit, Hetty Davles, Helen Uei i y and Miss Thompson, who will be the hostesses of the occasion. Theie will be games incident to the da), but the best idea of tlie spit It of the .ift.ilr e-an be gained liom tlie lhvm ing on the smait little Invitations tnat have been sent out. M'he ih)mes aie: 'V Utile nont-eii-t, now uiul tlitn, N itlMitil lit llu lit-l i.t imn." "V)iiil I'tio lu tuiue .it lit. Ilrin.r iiu iioin .mil liluw a liltt; iitl, iNti, biliu J f(i"lM) Juki', In i h villi tlnn'l, .viill'll KOt .1 liola.'' The iienalty for not biinging tlie Joke mention is tlie eoipoial punishment nln spoken ol'. An Inteipsting and cn ,1o)able evening is anticipated. THE MOFFITT HOMESTEAD. Will Be Built Into a Doctoi's Suite and Boarding House. Tlie old Arollitl homestead on South Alain slieet, the ot-cupancv of whhh has caused a good vital of spec illation, is to lie oicuplid as a physician's quin leis and u f.imilv hoaidlng house. All Munson. whose boaiding house Is now located on Noith Chuich slie-et, will be tlie principal tenant. He will occupy nil but the fiom or the (list iloor lor the accommodation of lodgets nnd boaidPis, M'he tiont suite ot looms will be taken b,v Di. Jesse Wagner, who will move tiotu his ptesent (tuiii tes on Ninth Chuich stieet, utlei Apill 1. The necessai) thanges and Impi mo ments aie uiulei way now. When the hoinestead Is teady, Ol. Waglifit will have a vpi) pleus.iut suiie lor his olllce. Mme. Blauvelt in Boston. M'lie Hoston Sunda) llt't-.ild In speak ing of Aline, l.llllaii lllauvelt's appt-ur-ance In that city last week said. "Stelnert hull was eiuliely lllled M'hiusday altpinoon lot .Mine. Lillian ItlauvC'lt's iccltal Aline. Hlauvelt. who Is un exceedingly haiidsonie wouuili. was looking paitlculaily well that ir teinoon In a Fiencli gown of palest giay crepe einhioldete'd with loses and tl)elr milage outlined with billliants. the transput out sleeves were tlnlshed with dee)) iuIIIps of lace at the elbows. On tlie tianspaient torsage weie woui seveuil ordeis which the uitlst liud 10 celved abioad Her hat was a white tile with pink loses. "Aline. Hlauvclt's ilch coloilug, her dark hair and eyes and Iter cast of features lenilnd one veiy niucli of I'.uti In her youiiKPi- days Theje was uiueh piitliiislasiu and applause and at the end a tepltltlon of her last song was grunted very gtueofully " Minn. Hlauvelt will sing lit the con con lot the benellt of the Homo tor the Friendless at tlie new Ainioty on MMiuisdii) uvenlng, Apill 5, at which thete will be niaii) Curbondalliins. MMckets aio on snlo at Clailv's drug stoic, A Cuie for Hiccoughs. A coiicsponiieiit, whose attention was uttimtcd by the account of the Illness of All. Case), who is suffeiliig from hiccoughs, sends the (allowing clip plus Horn ihe New- Voile World: Su ll.c (n, N J, 1V1, JO MU lima tyriiiju, die' lenlicu )uiinir IjiI) vvlm Iiu liuu nlilitttil vvlili liuoujih, ri ncjil) j iiiuiiiIi, In:, ill ltd iimiiil icluf. Ol ilio IuiiUimI ui )iiiro HUltJIu Mill lo tin lulllil) uw piovctl Clint In Hut i.ioiiuiii minis poiu tow tu fl ilupt it iiiiulf nt Jiii,tlt plautl en u luiulkcrdikr uij Inli.dtil .a IniiivaN tut ,jmi1 (In, jonnir a.J ' Hie U'viMin II Debuu , bl lliuidwu. New rk ill)-, mnt die uimily lu llu- Wuiltl io,if poiultnt on WcilntwLy it vvj. (nivvjrilcil to lliv tJiull) rilu plij.ltUl atUuilnil.' SIIjj Srln.'ri lutl ,'lcm un Ini i.u. Hit oikri lu In, htvliv nitrate nl .iu.vk a a uu curt, vva stilt from I onintil, N II llu- ouu UtJ.v i rip tui) licovcrinj,'' Clear Case of Small-pox. The eui ot Hurt Hull, of Wnyiuau, usnctil o ling jiinallMiox.was dlug. nosed yesteiday hy a physlctan who has pievloiisly tteated the dlseasp, and he pronottneed It u cleat' case of small pox. Dr. Logan, or ,Mciatiloli, iepiPsonta tlvo of the state board of health, who wits expected lo visit this oily jester dny and make iiirlher inquiries, will do so today. All the nccessnry piecau tlons have been taken, and there Is no danger of the disease emending. No new cases have been toportrd. Chnnges in School Teachers. At the special meeting of tho school houitl, M'liesduy night, Alisa Knthiyn A'. JCelly vv-iis elected substitute te.tch cf. which wus Hindu netessiiry by the leulguatlim of Aliss Lnlu Uotaild. Atlss Annie Htppheiii has been appointed to Atlas Dolcind'n place, M'he salary of Atlss Sarah Kwlgoit was raised liom $10 lo $15 per month. Casey None Better. MMie condition or lalwnid C'nsey. who is In n piccarlous condition tioin at tacks of hiccoughs, shows no lmpiove meiit. He seems to bo growing weak- THE PASSING THRONG. W D, Cornell, traveling passenger agent for the Chicago. Huiilugtoii and Qulncy railway, was lu town yester day. Alls. Thomas l'uyne, who has been visiting Mrs. James Smith, of Ollbpit sti-opt, for the past week, has ipturned to her home In Wllkes-H.uie. Horace Smith accompanied her for, a stay in that city. m JERMYN AND MAYF1ELD. MMinddpus McAudiew, un old and es teemed loHident of Maylleld. died on Tuesday at noon Deceaspd wus injur ed in the Glcnwood mine lour yeais ago and had never fully lecovered fiom ills injuiles. lie wus bom in County Alayo, Ii eland, seventy ugo and when but n boy came to Lattimer, Luzerne count), ot wiiieh he wus a pioneer lesldcnt. Several yeais ago lie came to Alayfield wheie he lias slnep resided and by his death the boiough loses a good honest and law-ubldlng citizen and his family a kind and lov ing husband and futher. Ho Is surviv ed Ity his wife nnd two sons, John of Huzelton, nnd Chillies MMie luueial will take place tills moinlng. P.intha Kellca. a KS yeais old slate picker,, employed at tlie Keystone bleaker, was seilousl) injuied, M'ues- dny morning bj fnlling under a moving train of empty cars which weie- being placed on the switch at the bleaker. MMie boy Jumped on tlie cais for a lide and In attempting to turn a biake fell tmdei the wheels, one ot bis legs was so badly Injuied that It is feuied um rmlutioii will be lesmted to. He was taken to the lmeigency hospital. Car bondale. The school bo.ud have begun the tui sade in earnest against paipnts who tef use to send llieli ehlldien to school and on Tuesday evening fom patents weie given a heating befote Justice Hills and weie fined a dollar each and costs the latter in the lour eases amounting to over twelve dolluis. They weie given until Wednesday evening, Apiil !) to pay the lines and costs. Aliss Mniga)et M'hompsou and AIis. Al. J. Shields, weie Rcianton vIitoi yesterday. Aliss Grace Pettlgievv, of Scianton, wus on Tupsduy the guest of Miss Uess Fieas, of Bacon stieet. Edith, tho little daughter ol Mi. und AIis. William Leymont, of Thhd street, is ill or btonchltls. Tlie Women's Home Alissionniy soci ety will meet this" afternoon at the home ol Alls. John Mellow, or Cemeteiy stieet. Alls. Isaac Aveiy, AIis. James Hauls, and sons, James and WlllUm weie In Scranton )esteiday. M'he Ladies' Aid of the Congiega tional cliuich cleared the lespecttiblo sum or $U1.4i bv their lecent fagot sup per which was such a gieut success. Hany llcniphlght is doing jur) woik a I Scianton this week Aliuulee Reynolds and living Aveiy, of Caibondale, and Funic Gendall, or Scianton, weie vlsltois heie on M'ues d.iy evening A little son ai lived esteiday at tlie home of Air. and Mis. Hugene Aveiy, of Foul th street. MMie supper to be given under tlie auspices or tlie D.iugliteis ot St. George, on Kasier Monday evening-, will lake place In Windsor hull and not nnieipilse hall, ns pieviousl) an nounced Dis 1. S Cituves und Al. J. Shields, attended tho meeting ot the Carbondalc Aledlciil association at the home of Dr. Alalaun, at Cm boiulule last evening. . j To One a Cold in One Day M'ako Laxative Dtomo Quinine M'ablets. All diugglsts refund the money if it falls to clue, li W. Glove's slgnutilio 1b on each box. 2"e. PECKVILLE. MMie Woman's Clnlsilaii Tempo mice union wlil meet on MMitirsdu) ut :i p in., at tlio home of Mis. "Henscoter, Alls. J. li. Slckler ttm daughtei will make their home with All. and Alts. Hoiace '"tour, on Alain slieet. Fisheinien are icporllng large c atelies of suckois at i'liuhuist leservolr these diivs Yesteithi) morning lite bioku out lu the lesldence of Hiiuy Pi lest, on Sev enth stieet, and had assumed good headway at the time of diseovei). Air. nnd .Mis, Pi lest were obliged to escape from tho burning building lu scant at- HEADACHE CHARMED. It Is the Experience of Scinnton Peo ple That Pioves the Magical Effect of Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills with Sick and Nervous Headache. It lias never come to any other inedl olno novel to all inedlc-lnes the abundance ol Scranton testimony showing tlio uneiiualed nieilt estab llshecl by Hi'. A. W. Chase' Neivo Pills. Theie Is piobablj no case of nervous oleic hvaduclio they w ol c ui c. Mis. James WuIhuii ol No. ;:i5 Twelfth stieet. Scianton, Wf, bll).B. -Dr. A. W. Chase's Neiw. Pills ,,, line. I began lo use them foi npivous sick headaches and nei vousness, and had gieat success In stopping them completely. Heteiitly I used tjieni to ovuiconio thu dcpusslon and weak nessen tallowing gilp and they woio again hilccessful, giving me hodily stiength und nejvo stcadlnesi. Ah an uji-iauiid ueive and gcneial timlu they aie ct and, and 1 am vc-iy much pluasjec( that my attention was ealled to them thiough Aluttliuw-n Jhos., diugglbts, ao l.ackuwaima uvenue. Dr. A. W. Ohaeti'H Neivu Pills aio sold at 00c, a box at dealeis, or Dr, A. W, ChiiHu Aledlchiu Co., Uuflnlo, N. Y. Rea that pomalt and slgimtuio of A. W. Chuse, AI. I)., uto on every pat-ku:e. Heritaireof Health Generation after Generation of Physical Per fectionWeaknesses Overcome by Dr. Greene's Nervura for the Nerves and Blood. Thi'oo generation'! of physical perfection ! What robust strength nnd over flowing happiness I What fuvinciblo advantage in tho buttle of life I Have, you Inherited imperfections from your ancestors, or htivo your children in licrltcd Imperfections from j on V In the light ot advanced bcienee the taints of heredity have lost their terrors, Tho nervousness, the lastlessncss, tho wakeful nights, thu twitching of eyelids and muscles all Indicative of Incipient epilepsy or St. Vitus dance tire overcome bv Dr. em: :- SlmSBrWMyMH If WmJd mLm tlfle prescription evolved from years of special study und practice. It has effected mores cures and received more commendutions from people of promi nence than any other remedy in tho world. Parents should give their children the benclit of Dr. Hrceno's great contribution to science and humanity. If j on feel the need of expert advice, consult Dr. Urcene, personally or by ettcr, at his olllce, 101 Fifth Avenue, 2sTew York City. Xo charge is made for 1 consultation, the. MMie Wilson Flip compuii) ie-spo-nded piomptly to the alarm, but owing to their being no flip hydrant In Hint vicinity could not lender their spi vices. Theie was a small Insuiuuce on the building and contents. OLYPHAMT On Sunday morning in St. P.itritk's chinch, nt the o'clock mass, spe cial Kaster music will be i outlet ed b) tlie choir, under the direction ot Vror M' V. Watklns. d's Alass in G will be sung in tlie following onlpi: Kyi ie, eholi soloists, Jtiss Lizzie Dempsej and Itobeit McCoimack; gloil.i, choir, soloists Mis. Jl. E. D.utes, Itobeit AlcCoimnck; qunrtelle, Aliss Aliss Lizzie Dempsey, Airs. Alary Pat ten, Itobeit AIcCoi mack, Frank Moiuli. Credo.cholr, soloists Jtis. Anna O'Boylp and Itobeit AleCorm.iclc. Jteginu coeli (Wernei), choir; Sanctus, choir; Uene dictus, cliolr, soloist Hoboit AleL'tn mack; Agnus Dei, soloists, AIis. AI :, Daites, II. McCoimack. Miss Nettie AlcDonald, oig.mlst. Next Sunday will be a day of especial il'uster inteit'st in tlie Blalcely Uaptlst chin eli, as the following pi om amine will Indicate. Moinlng, 10 'M Dool- ogy Lords piayer, In toncpit, an them, "Hosanna" (Gabriel), ehlldien's choir; Setlptmes, t.. .vii:ll-iri. duett, '-O SaciPd Head," (Dr. Jackson), Alls. Jlobeit Fipw, AIis. Jennie- Wil liams; piayer, untltPiu, "He Is Itis en" (Feails). seimoii, "Power of the Itesuiieetlon," David Spencei, D. D. , iluot. "Day of I.fl'e and Joy" (DulJoi.s). AIis. Di. U. J. Llovd, Aliss Chailotte Lloyd, piuyei; orfeilngs, song, "Lit tle Dells ol Custer" (Hntwistle), hll dien's choli , li)inn. "Welcome MMiou Victoi," I.Ki. benediction. 11.43 a. in. liiblp school. ( I" p. ni , Young Peo ple's union. V."0 p. in. -Hymn, "Christ the I.oul," 17; Stiiptuus, John, x..10 :;i. anthem. "Lilt Your Glad Voices" (Gabilel), chlkhen's choli ; solo, "MMie Ui'suiiectlon" (Hidden), Miss Jennie- Patten; seinion, "MMie Itesuiipctlon I.llv." David Spencei, O I").; anthem, "Ho Lives M'ddav ' (Hughes), ehlldien's choli J offerings song. "Nutlvea Glad Voices" (Hntwls tlt) ehlldien's choir, hymn, "The Day oi Upsuiieetlon," bit), lieiiedicllon. Jllss Louise Miowii, of Albany, N. Y.. is the guest of her limit. Alls Ihleu Hiown, at the Malum house. John Liilionsky, u Hungaiiau. jesld Ing at Prieebuig, wus Instantly killed b) u tuiln or empty coal cais. near Valley JuiiPtlon, below Olypbant, at S o'clock yesteiday .iiteinoon. Lahoosky was canylng sumo empty powdei cans at tin- lime of tile accident and failed to seo tho sec ond section ol the tuln. which wus making a "Hying switch." M'he lemitins weie liotiibly munglPd. the two legs being completely seven ed liom the body. I'lidci inker Prokopo vltz took thaige of thn lemains La hoosky leaves a wife in Hungary. TAYLOR. The Kpworth League of the .Metho dist Hplse-opul chuich will hold a lien entertainment in tho chuich uudltoi itlin toniouow evening, commencing at 7. o'clock. Following is the pto-grauuno- Selections from "S.icied Songs"; pr.iyei, by the pastor, Itev. c. II. Heniy; leading, extract tioni Starr King's essay on music, Miss Jeniilo Lander; essu), topic, "Tlui Power of Alusie," Aliss Lillian Hvans; votal solo, 'The Hurp Once M'luough Tarn's Hall." Ulchaid Wat kins; reading. 'Tho Oilgln of tlie Hai p." Aliss Laura Ilattcm; leading, "Wolfgang Aloaifs Prayer," Aliss Uleliards; oi gun volitntiuy. selection fiom Alozart's mass, Airs. Phillips; it cltatlon, "MMie Lost Choul," (with or gait accoiupanliiient), Aliss Sauili J. PUci; leading, "lleethoven's Aloon llglit Sonata," Aliss Jessie Nichols, leading, "MMie Oigan milliter," Aliss Nina Ohuste'ud; unoiuiiicements. Tlie Allthi.icite IJlua club Will meet lilts evening foi leheuisal In their looms in Llewellyn'ei hall. All mule sitigeis aie lonllall) invltpcl Wllllains division, No. 01, Suiio of M'cinpeiuiiiP, (let ted tlie following olll cars foi the ciiiuing term at Tuesday evening's mcutlng: Pat worthy pa tiluich, Miss Alurgaiet AIouls; wor th) .isfsoclatc, llm Mcuey Plmicjck; cliaplln, lleibsit l.yuch; i funding soc rwtary, ,Itcsa Lloyd; aulvtant, Atlwi Jennltf Davis: ilnanctul gu-etary, lleu- Greeuu 8 Ncrvtti a l emedy for the nerves und blood. Dr. Greene's Nervura FOR THE NERVfiS AND BLOOD. Is your child weak and puny V Does it grovf tired when ut play? Is it always peevisli and disstitlsiled V Docs it have poor uppctitu with had breath and Irregular bowels? 'ihcse symptoms indicate do- rangementof the nerves und blood, and if not overcomo vvill handicap thu child throughout life. Dr. Urcene h JNorvuru rcm- dy for the , nervoa und blood is perfectly adapted for the suc cessful treatment of children. Tho iN'ervura Is vege table in com pound and en tirely harm less. It is not a. pat ent medi cine, but a bcicn- jamin Jenkins; condiie-toi, Kaa AIoi gans, couduttipss, Aliss Esther Pln iiiick, Inside sentinel. Finnic Nnsh; outside seiitinel, Steil Punier. Tho above otllcpis will be installed nt thu -iet tegular meeting of tlio division An clnboialc musical programrtitl will be lendeii'd ut the Haster sei vices of tlie Methodist Episcopal chut ch Oil Sunday next. MMie deeoiatlcms aid in chatge of the young ladles of the (lunch and tlie music Is In chaige of Choir Dlicctor IMehard AVntklns. A le.iheaisiil ol the ( holr will be held oit Satin da). MMie (ougiegation ol the Stewuit Me moiial cliuieh, Iteudli.'im, will leolieu their fair and festival on Monday evening and vvill continue for thieo nights. Al tides of tlie most usetul and substantial design w 111 be for sale at the vailous booths, which will ba beautifully deeouted. A musical pt-o-gi amine will be given each evening,, consisting of the best of local talent. A valuable door pi lye will also btj given each evening. Cold Damp Peet Won't Give You a Cold If )ou vvill take in lime Lavitlvo Uioiiio-Quinlne Tablets. H. W. Glove's; slgnatutP on bo. AVOCA. MMi" death of P. J. liauett oceiiued, on Tupsila) moinlng. after a Ungciliigr illness. Deceased was about 45 eairt of age and wus one of foul teen ehll dien, he being the last one to die. 'The-timc-iul will take place this afternoon ut L'.;ii) o'clock. Uileiment will be In Si. Aluiy's eenietei). M'he Home Mission society o'f llitf Piimitlve Alethodist chuich will meet at tlie home nf Mrs. Gcnige Cmey this afteinoim at ;) o'clock Uev. James Lelsliniun, of Scinnton, will give a Hlble leading at the Al lium e meeting tonight al 7.:i0 o'clock. MMicie will be a shoii business meet ing at ihe dose Prjjei mepting at tl o'clock on J luster mutiiing. M'he eleciih light company aie In stalling a new generator an engine of. J"i) l)oi se powei. The home ol Alls. Alaiy Ale.Mullen was the scene ol a pleasant gatheiing on Alonday evening, when a host of iriends siirpilspd her in honor of her sev cut v-sec oud birthday. They pie feiited in r with a handsome- quartet cd oak chnli. Supper was .served and the usual social dlvrslous weie indulged In. The luneul ol Stephen Kelly toolc plueo esteultiy afternoon fiom the le sldence of his daughtei. .Mis. James Gllhooley, ot Alain stitel. Services w-eio held lu Si. Alniy's church. Intel -ment was tmido in St. Alnry's cemetery. Hot tioss buns for sale at AlcQueen'a bakeiy teiiuoiiow. AIis. Alaig.uoi AlPvander retuiuecl honie .vestfiday, ntter seveiul months visit at tlie home of her daughter on Staten Island. ' lte, Petei Lynell, ot Prov IiIpiico, prcailipel a beautiful senium on "Player" lu St. Alary's chinch on M'uesday Dr. and Airs. W H. Pei left yeslei day to spend a lew weeks at Phlludch phiu and Atlantic- City. AN UNNATURAL ATTITUDE. A ceitain lawyer, says London Tit-. lilts, had his pcntiait painted In Ids fnvoillH nttltudp, standing with one liiiuil lu his pocket. His fi lends and clients all went to see It, and every body said: "Oh how, like' It's the very plntuie of li I in " All old fin mcr dlbseilled, "Tuln't like, no 'lain l," said he. clr.vy looking out of tile eoi nor of Ills u)'i "'Tuln't like?" exclaliucd everjboely; "Just show us wlteieln 'tuln't like." "'Tuln't like, no 'tuln't." tespondett tlie oltl fuiniei. "don't jou see ho hui got hli hand in his pocket.' Twould bo ah like ag'ln If lie had It In somebody clsa's pocket." USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. V puvutii to uc tual.ui mo I la- klioiw. Your (us cl kuolltn, iiuHiUk .mil hut, antl ctt lir, I iud) It )un l:ji mulling tcuC CI tlslit lluo-i, tiy Vllfii'. Inol Law. Il cuuU Uu (ui, jii.1 nuU( wjIUIiik il-, I urn MVulltn. kivvJtln uot, lUKIuHllllj! HiiU, M!tl uiul cullciu 4lul l(ihv4 ijiiu Jihl liiuiloiu ot all ulii uiul uli 4 itft aucl iojj)((..jt. 'h it todjy. Sgld by I ill uia:l.U iiicl kbua lmt Ivt iJc. Ti i jl U41L.,. , IMtfT tdJ Allen s. OluvJejiO, l.c HoiN ,