mrwmmmm Wk,rt UMM ESrSa2SSBS35 & IfWPP I BPFSrtir'PHEBm prwfr r ,," rf :.. ' r ' r. "'ffiftrrjfra . jt 'ra srcr.w -"i twa-vt m---,'---! j. rar''" rr "Wy-TW-? ' . t . . 'tj IH1 10 THE SCKANTON TJ.tIBUiMil--THLllSDAY, MARCU 27, 1002. Light, Sweet Wholesome Bread, Cake Delicious Pastry arc more easily, speedily, unfailingly made with ROYAL AKING Royal Baking Powder is the great est of time and labor savers to the pastry cook. Besides, it economizes flour, butter and eggs, and, best of all, makes the food more digestible and healthful. The "Royal linker and Pastry Cook" over .Soo practical ami valuable cooking re ceipts free to every patron. Send full address. POYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST. Compiled by W. J. Ballard, of Schenectady, N. Y. "Isn't the United States u woild lower? Yesteid.iy was Hecietuiy Hay's tegular weekly icteption time lor diplomats, and lie was called on by repie.veiitutivps of nunc than twenty-live nations, including nil the Rteat count) les of the eaith. And eveiy one of the calleis came on business of ini poitnnee to his iroveinment. A few jcnis ago on "diplomatic1 day" diplo mats weie conspicuous by their ab sence, or if thev came It wan to make putely formal calls. Kussla. and (let maiiy hae rIumi the United States fiehh asviiianeo of their of the 'open ilooi' policy In China. It was Ameiican statesm.uishlp opened the door, and the nations of the woild aie admitting the wisdom as well as the justice of the policy." Troy Times. The editor of "Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia" has Just .stated the total of giftH to educational and phllan thioplc objects in this countiy In 1001, counting only gifts of ?:.,000 and up wards, as UKBiejMtltlR $107,UCO,000,whlch is SGO,00O,00O inoic than in WOO, and $44, 000,000 moie than in 1S99. Mr. Wit states the Chinese 1'iovince of Slums! alone could supply coal to the entire woild, even at the piesent enoiinous lato of consumption, for a peiiod of 3,000 jenu. This was the estlmat made by Baton Hlchto fen, the celebinted deiman geologist. Sir. Wu draws the practical conclusion that American entetptlse lias a large Held In the Celestial emphe, and that It is well to cultivate fiiendly lelations with a countiy whose coal bin is as well supplied as that of China. In spite of the Boer war the exports of Cape Colony, South Afilen, for 1901, weio $M,000,000 against $40,000,000 for 1I100. The figures for impotts uie $120, 000,000 against $9,-),O0O,00U. Tills gives us some Idea of the chances for laiger gains after the war Is clo.sed. The first Egyptian Medical Congrets will be held at Caho, Egypt, Dec. 10 1M. 1003, and Indicates long sttldes in the piopulsive power of money, which lias fenced the land of the Phuraobs to tise to the physical necessities of the mllllonnlte.s who Invade Its historical scenes iu Hocks every year, A reinnikable evldenco of the esteem In which Picsident McKlnley was held liv the working people was affoidecl iu Homestead, Pa., iccently The major ity of the employed of all grades con tributed half a day'n pay to the Mc Klnley Memorial Fund. Tunkhonnoek (Pa.) Republican. The first statement of net earnings of tho tnllronds of the United States for 11)01, Is given by the Financial Chroni cle, Thu roporL on gross tevenues ap peared some weeks ago, Tho not for the year, for 1CG.491 miles of load oper ated, wuh $828,1102,183, compared with $461,161,655 In 1000, u gain of $G4,800,530, or) nearly 14 per cent. Tho largest monthly Ineieaso In gross was In Octo ber, of 1G.25 per cent,, and In net, In A Dangerous Disease. Ctouu Is dangerous, but theto is timely wnrnlng. Tho danger slgnul Is hoarseness. A day or two before tho attack the child becomes bourse, then a jough cough appears, The following night tho child lias CI ODD. It can bo pi evented can be w aided off. There Is a lemedv-" ii safe one, ' ' nnd sute, too, Jt never falla. It Is culled Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy, aiven, as soon ns tho child becomes hoarse, or even ntter the rough cough appears, t will pi event the uttuck, It lias done so thousands nnd thousands of times and has never been known to fall, t Jfor. sale by. nil diusulstu. , f . ,n POWDE There are cheap baking pow (lets, made from alum, but their astringent and cititet ijiing qualities add .1 dangerous element to food. 100 WILLIAM ST, NEW YORK. July, ot 26 Ofl per cent. The smallest In both gross and net occuued In Decem ber, when the gains weie 3.43 and 1.33 per cent., respectively. The following is a tecord of the gross and net earnings for the live-year pei iod, including 1897: Not firn- Nil. If. 17 If 'IS lh'1'1 1100 1001 .i,iwi,m i,oi .in,2o,oo Mi,'iii,vh .. l,llS,Vil,Oflu :!nl,20l,(HJO 21,'Nls.JM .. ljcm iTtooi ui,ni,oni) lo.ot;, ,iu .. 1 ,'171,12.1,00(1 IM,if),CK)0 2',2.",III7 .. I,522,.i0'i,000 02v,9i2,OiK) (H.tlM.'ioO United States Steel coipoiation will, this year, spend st.,000,000 for Inipiove ments and enlaigenientb in the l'iltb burg dlstiict. $4,fi0",000 of the $5,000,000 capital stock of the London Dlhttict Electtlo Ti ac tion company is owned by Americans. The lemninlm,- $393,000 Is divided be tween London and Berlin. Thete is $310,000,000 of United Stales steel piefencd stock, on which u year's dividend lenuhement.s are $3-i,700,000. Intel est, sinking fund requirements nnd depieciatlon charges amount to $31,500,000, so that annual net earnings of $67,200,000 ate necessary to meet all tequliements ahead of tho common stock. Tho company's net earnings for the curent fiscal year aie expected to reach $110,000,000. The $510,000,000 pre fened stock Is held by 2-',000 people. (Now York Tt Ibune.) The oft-iepeated statement that this company's success benefits only million all es, falls Hat In the face of the fact that its prefened stock Is owned by so many thousand people. Doubtless tho linger volume of common stock is as widely distributed, to say nothing of the thousands upon thousands of Its wage-eat nets. Westetn Union Telegrnpb company shows net earnings for the cputer end ing March 31, partly estimated, of $1, 330,000, an Inciease of $90,814 over tho .same quarter of last year. Life Insuianco to the extent of thir teen billions of dollats Is canled In tho United States, equal to $1C0 for each man. woman and eliilri nf mm nnn. . . w ., I'",'' uiiuion, or jbuu ror each family. i'lto insuiancc flguies for twenty billions or $250 per capita, or $1200 pqr tamlly. The Nicaragua canal will l.o mi Ameiican canal. Though longer than a uiiuui acioss uie- isthmus at Panama would be. Us ireOL'iniihlrnl nnqltln., i such that It will brintr our P.u.ltln nnlk closer to our Atlnntic poits, nnd that Is really the pilnclpal puiposo In cutting thiough the isthmus." Troy Times. The Capo Times publishes sonio facts and figures that tluows an Intel rating light upon the niuch-tnlkecl-of concen tration camps and the general condi tion of affairs In Fouth Africa. Oiey college, In Uloeinfonteln, has been open all thiough the wnr, the school for gills In tho same town is now quite full, while In nil thefother towns fechools are regulaily established and lutgely at tended. In the concentration cumps, 13,282 children ato In attendance! t schools organized under Hrltlsh author Ity. Altogether, in tho towns and camps of tho Change Itlver Colony ulone, six teen thousand children nin 1 rnli'ln- i Htnictlon, which is twice tho number attending school under the late Orange Fiee State government. Itepurts of tho woik being donu me most encouraging. ioioiho uuriHuan liuarulaii. The census Is of u llttlo moiu than half n million concerns In exact ilg ui es, Cl2,57t). Save tho 2.5 per cent, above noted, the whole of tho thirteen thous and millions of pioduct Is consumed within the borders of tho United States, This production employes 5,. 310,598 wage earners, to whom W.323, 407,257 is paid, Tho Increase in tho value of the product was 39 per cent, slnco lbOO, of tho number of establish ment 44 per cent., and of capital in vested, 51 per cent. South Carolina lias 3,763 manufactur ing establishments, increase 5S per cent, with $67,000,000 capital, Inciease 130 per cent. Vearly vvuges, $9,500,000; increase, 72 per cent., and yearly pro- duct, 58j000,000j Increase S4 per cent. I Enormous growth for only ten years, Washington bIiowp, following the same order. 3,631; Incronfle, 131 per cent; $52, 000,000; lnrrense, 53 per cent.: $19,000,000; Inciense, 73.5 per cent; $86,000,000; In crease, 107 per cent. California next, using tho same ouler, gives 12,582; In ciease, 58 per cent,! $203,000,000; ln c'tense, 10 per cent.! $17,000,000! IneteitBO, 15 per cent.; $30J,000,000; Increase, 12 per cent. Minnesota follows, In the snin arrangement, with 11,114; In ciease, 48 percent.; $165,000,000; Increase 30 per cent.; $35,000,000! Increase, 17 per cent; $26.',000,000; Increase, 37 per cent. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Story to tho Effect That the United States Steel Corporation Will Build Another Plant. Hepoits fiom HtiiTnlo say that the United States Steel cot-potation Is plan ning to utect a big plant on Clrnnd Island, It the piojeeted btidgo between tho island nnd DnfTalo Is built. The purpose of the coipoiation in erecting tho plant is said to bo to light the Lackawanna Steel company, which lias a great plant in South llufialo. Though It Is denied that negotia tions have been opened, it Is said on autboilty that the United States steel management is not averse to taking over the American Can company on fair tot ins, and that it is waiting for the annual tepnrt of the latter com pany to aid It in estimating the value of the propel ty. This leport will be ready In about thirty days, the Ameri can Cm company having completed the lb st year of Its operations, Mutcli "i. I It Is announced this afternoon Hint the details of the plan for Issuance of $250,000,000 United States Steel bonds will piobnbly be given out In a lew da s. D., X. nnd W. Board for Today. The following is the make-up of tha Delaware, Lackawanna and Western boai d for today: M.I)M.s)V, MAIKII J'l l.Xll.l l'll S i II 1'. in , Willi in Ultt. m, llohuken. M. Luighne,': Hun wllli I), lljggett.i'a lilt ll-DW, MMICII 27. IMrai J:j-,I 1 ,U i m., Ilnhoken, Met ttlirr Ine: I a. in , II (. IHiriti; r, a. in , llolmlan, llutgg, 'I ,i in, llolmktti, . .1. Mosieij III a. in , t! r Mip(9; 11 a pi, lioliikin, .1. II. Swarl; 1 p. in, . Kowij i p in. Iloho- km, J. . Ucvliu, .-, p I). W.illuc; 0 p. iu.. HiiLoken, lliaili. .Summit-, 1,1c. I, i. in, .1. Ourlgg; a. in, 1'ioiuift IKci ; II a. in, C. McDonnell Willi NulinU' new, U ji. in., .1. II. MiMcn with I: Mc Milstn's new, fi p m, .1. lknniga i, b p. in., M fiohlcn. I'ushci-b 0 i in, IMdiirr, 7 a. m , rmncii), S a in . O "Viillir, 11 I", a. in., Morin; 0 p. in, C. Iliithulomen; 7..'HI p in., Minpln; 0 p. In, W. II. Ilarlltoluiiien; 10 p m , Limping. Helper- 7 a. in, Ciflim; 7 a in, immn; 10 n. m , Secoi (l n p. ni Stanton, b 30 p. iu , yu fiocern. IMiai WcM ID i. iu, .lolin fJihigin; 2 p. in., A. I. Kililium, I p iu, o lttndolph; 11 p. in , M. C iiinuih. Miner. M. I. Ilcniiigan mil , I dm .unl cuw-i will go on .No. ', Mind J7, to Icnn M. and I'. lliM-IOII. GETTING TOSTED. Method of Asking Questions Rapid ly and Not Waiting for Ausweis. 1 loin thu Dtlioit rne Tris-. He had the look of a man who would not gle another in. in a lair show, and it wis only ti minute after lie sat down in the bent beside the cowboy that his natuie was fully exposed. "I suppose you hao had some uar iow escapes f i om the Indians'.'" ho quel led as ,i Mai ter. "Well, es," was the reply. "It was only two months ago that I was tid ing tic toss " "And of )ou have seen bents In plenty?" intemipted the Easterner. "Yes, I've seen beats. One day about six weeks ago, as I was looking for stray cnttle among the footliolls, I " "And I have henrd tho wolves out tlieie ate veiy savage?" "WohesV Well, the timber wolves nte bad ciltteis to meet when they hnppen to be hungry. One day last winter, when the snow was about thiee teet deep, I was making my way around " "And it Is tiue about thete being s-o many lattlesnakes out theie?" cut In the questioner, "Theio's rattlesnnkes, of com so," re plied the cowboy, after a puzzled look at the other, "and mebbe they aio as thick as the papeis tell of. Yes, I'e seen a heap of 'em myself. I was just thinking of a narrow escape I had last summer. 1 hail got otf my cayuse to look for trucks of lost cattle, when " "And weie you ever in a piniiio lire?" "Prattle fire? Yes, tluee of lour of 'em. It was only last August that as I was loping acioss the praltle about twenty miles wide that " "And how about landslides and ava lanches?" "I've seen 'em both. The biggest landslide 1 over saw was two yea is ago hist fall. It was over at Panther mountain. I was within half a mllu of tlie base " "Weie you over urn over by n stam peding held of cattle?" Inteuupted the listener. "Yes, I was," slowly replied the cow boy, who seemed to be out of sorts. "Was It u big hei cl ?" "About 10,000. htceis." "And, 'of course, )ou were trodden into a shapeless, lifeless inabs?" "Of course." "That will do thanks. I've always had considerable curiosity about the West and thought I'd post up a little. Much obliged for till your Informa tion, and good-day!" ONE ITALIAN DEFECT. I'lom the Nov York htm. Desiilte the ery Uugo Increase In the number of Italian voters In thu city of Now Y01I; In lecent yeais, their great adaptability to Ameiican methods of business, nnd their well Known cliuilsh ness, there Is now 110 Italian In any etfectlvo otllco, and though repeatedly, and especially In the Second and Sixth Assembly dlstilcts, Italians have been nominated, they have utmost Invari ably been defeated, It Is also true that in piopoitlon to their numbeis Italians do not occupy a very piomU nent place In public nffaiis here. The reason for this condition of af fairs politicians (hid in the fact that tho ability to ntulte concessions, to give and take, see;hs to be lacUIng unions the Italian politicians of New Yoik, They have petty factional controver sies which do much to dissipate their Htiengtli. Thus In tho Second Assem bly dlstiict, which Includes tho Sixth uuul, theie uie two ilvul factious of Italians, known us tho .Sicilians and CEYLON GREEN ob BLACK Is celebrated for its Par ity and Economy. Its del icate flavor and full, rich body make it appeal to all lovers of good tea. Converts are being made every day. Are you one? A8K YOUrt GROCER FOR Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. DELICIOUS. Sold only In Lead TaokeH. 60c, 60c and 70c Per Pound, liio Ncu poll tuns. Tho candidate nf one is invariably opposed in the colony by tho other. In dlstriuis wheio the liiii-thciM, n.,11 ,....,.. -' """"oi !' iiuuiurty mc, abound, thoy refuse to fi .itemize lth the southern Itullans, holding: that the latter aie Intellec tually their infeiiots. I'lovlnclal clls putes and even township contiover.sie.s scpninto Italians in New Yotk and .stand In the way of tho bolltlailty ...1.1..1. ,., -.. ... . ... .,.in.ii uinur luieign-uorn constituents of New Yoik have found, If not lndls pensnble, at least n great aid to suc cehs In politics. AVhether tho younger generation of Itnllans hoin In tills city will lie hi'tter politicians is a question which lemalns to be detentilnod, but that the local Italians have learned llttlo of the bklll and shrew of the Irish leadcis in tlie waids In which they have .supet &eded them Is made apparent whcneer theie Is n. primuiy contest and election, n social or po litical function, a club meeting or a sidewalk debate. AN UNDERGROUND RIVER. What Geologists Declaie Is Under neath the Copper City. I'lom the Annum! i Stand ml. Dining the development of tlie new coal dlscovetles noith of Anaconda, Mont., some montlih ago Indications weie found that tended to ptovo that Anaconda Is located over a huge un tlergiound ihei that is moving at a fast tate. A numbei of local geologists and other interested citizens endeav nted to find out if thete is anything in the supposition, and it is .said that the tesult ot a number of experiments litis shown almost conclusively that bucii is tlie case. It was also announced by the oiig inul dlscoveier ot the subtenanean liver that below the water Is a gieat body of coal, latgo enough to supply the United States for ears to come. A few of the theoties advanced nte Intet estlng. Coal dlscovetles have been made on tho mountains surioundlng tho city. The coul formations in all instances ate said to be the h.-ime, .showing that they aie but brandies of some main body. In tegai d to the subtenanean liver more pi oofs are given. At vatlous times wells have been dug east and west of the city which tilled so rapidly that they ovei (lowed. The number of snilngs near the cltv nml tli i,. i!,t ., X" tinct geysers some miles east of Ana- coudti are Included In the list of Itemn moving tlie underground river. In a number of places on the mountains south of tlie city a stream of water may be started by simply poking a stick into tho giound. Silver Lake has no known inlet or nutlet, and yet at certain seasons ot the year the suifaco of tho lake is mote ueptesseci tnan at other times. Last bummer a number of oyster shells were found by woikmen excavating on the - -" r. tt- nlll back of the court house, and so It goes. Tho theory is by no means a ,.0., ., i .. 1 ,1 iiiLiiiin new one In Anaconda, it otlglnatod some months ago among those who have investigated it. and the strange supposition has never been lost sight or. nspecially when the wise ones have llttlo to do are their thoughts given to tlie wntery bottom of the Copper City. ENGLISH GIRL'S FOOT. 1'roiu the N'cu Yoik Mall .11. ,1 i,.w.j , . , 41 A ' A Sill IcrllMv nimhriuD.ii,. lt.ic l,n,... t. V .T...i . , i, V llif,' on for some tlin,t in the English newspapeis lclatlve to tho somewhat Intimate subject of tlu young English ,.,!. ,,., , ,' 1 .b '-"'h'laii woman s foot, or i.uher, her shoes, 'lliu modern English girl Is tall tall In a senso and to a degiee that the Gib hon cat toons of the stately American girl do not even ndumbrate. In the atlstocrntie set, 111010 often than not, she towers over the heads of fotetirn Kontlenien. Eons Beneratlons of de-s-cent from tall fatheis and mothers and vliunouH years of outdoor exeiclse have made her whut alio Is veiy occa bloimlly a six-footer and with hands ami reet In due pioportlon, Thu nolo of olaint has at last been tnumled. It Is held that "tho dniigh tcis of Annlt" aio exercising too fieely, If they would wear the dainty shoes that aie women's tiadltlonal udorn ment. Whllo the misvver Is made that the appaient size of tho English Klrl's foot Ih duo to her sensible prefetenco for, easy shoes, It Is admittedly an incomplete explanation. One tea son for the Kiowlnsr popularity of tho Ameiican shoe In London Is thut It loolts neater and ti (miner and decided ly HinallVr than the English tdioe of tho same size, Out anuther leason Is that tho Ameii can woman lesldent In London cannot Und uu English shoe small enough to (It her foot, One shopper relates In a London paper that the smallest sizes she could Unci in a Itegent street btoie were sixes. The exhibition of royal idles recently opened ut tho new gal lery furnishes Inteiestlng testimony that a genet ous uudeistundlng Is no meie development of the modern Ama zonian bplrlt. The boots worn by Queen ElUubetlt a lulucess. preserved In tho collection, are inmost as capa cious ns the allpptns worn by George IV ut his coionutlon. , THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. ."w i one. Match SO -Toilu) ' utock timlcel was n um-j ilull mill profeiIon ii nffalr. Color ulo J ucl ittiil Amiilffiitimleil Copper nlootlicil lii-twccn llicni a large tuoimrtlon of tlie .liy'n clcillngii (nan 1,0 .np !','," l" "" ,lo"ft 111' "rat named tanned Jii in s nicr l"t night mill tlir copper tok l; l"ii Colormlo 1'ucl loU the Rfcater ntt nl t he Riiln mi rcilWiw liming the littler iirt of ii V , Ainilnamiteil tetalneil nil lull n itinli triiillon, 'Hiiro un no new ileiitouitcntf In Colorado Fuel, iiihI the lirne tritiaelloni In Ihc Mock were h) the fiitue brokiM in thttie ti" ; mill acthc in II. 1 tic preferred mule tin open JW Jtimp of (1 point. r,'liweil 7 mnl rallied 1. rrmicwc Coal wuh lirm In njmpilhy Imt tlie other coal tod, ere negl.-cled nnd Iilh.v. Anictliitii telephone tov ;i nnd North Anierlojit tallied In ;t orr lut nlBht VllnneapoIl, ,i. Paul nnd Sault Sle Mario win at one lime up i poinU nnd the nrifrrrnt .1. flitr un, ttntin llrnine-N Iu one or Inn of the prominent railroad Motlii Imt the tendency nf the ijrnenil llt a lower. 'I lie factor ItitWiu tuff the tnirket were prnttlttllv the Mine ni lliiwe of jelcrilnv, I lie llircat of u ftilke hy the mllindte pilnir lti a wldesproiil liilliidico iiul Will slrn.1 opinion Ii h no inr.ini ronlldioL nmilnst tln innlnlililiv f il... ttllie in m pinfeiiMcil on Mom! u 'Ihe (oilirc tlmiKchiH a n inle were h- nllulitty iiIIchIuI hy the lilmr idhtatloti, hut l.ickmnutii tin In a lolciit lircnk nl foir and a hill The ii.niliix ndjourmnent of the CxcIiiiikc finin Tliuirilii mi til Jlondiy hid the mini cflet t nl ( iiwIiik .1 losing up of lonltaiK 'Ihe tniiket rlowl in. Tot II file tndav, 110 nharei. 'I line H n ilihl In Imtlrtipv to the prim of hondi In (nil pithv ullli tho Htotlw. (Sieen Hav and Wi Merit clihcnliiie II'h mho an rceptlnn with it rlw of 1'j Total ihs, pir alue, J,nilil,ilUi) Fnlleil stale bond weie all tun hinged on tin lut call. Tlie follow Inc quatatlnm are furriihrd The Trlhunc by Ihlght fc Frccse Co., .1HJ15 Meari Uulldlng. . 1). llutij on, manager. On, I, llh.l, Low. tij .lilt- !ilfi, Hii Hl'A 2V' Close, i.ltt. an is .11', !!', iil 112 2i1, Am n. copper in Vm en rniiinin .... aH4 Amerldn Ice li Alitor. LoconiotUe ... . .'(Pi Am. LoiomotlM', I'r .... lirH wu .'ii'Ji i M't. UlTA Itl'J 1k 20 1 1 , 07 1im'j rl .'in 21 'S IB-I'x 17'H, 101 -'o-'i M ."(,5, IM'h ".l'i lltn 10 1". Ill Pis 2)'S 211 lilot,4 1M r.'it.. :u'i HU U'l 101 ,-.i.' in 71'!. fit's op, 7in 40t'i n'fi ss 12J4 P21,i 17V4 Cl 42 ni 2P4 12", If) m. Mnelt. k lief. Co.. Kl'l American Sucar , IIP, .. Jb", An icond i Copper Atchison Atihitoii, IV .. . II ill. k Ohio ... OiiTj, 10vR UVi . svh 2l'd IB IV l"o .HI7H . J'l io-(s 07 l(l(, m wi 2IM tiUV 170 IU7a "Hie. R'i,ii .IilS di'4 .-.I", III', W.'i 111 1ll7'i 2')", 21't. n'1 wi ui.i'. :i2it 10."5R IliU .lr 2-t'ii 17 KIP'. M'h !)") i.H 1101, 10I.IJ 1 1 lr'(. 107i 21 21'S "iVj 1l.2l Wi .!2 It T. iIiIciro A. Alton hie 'mm" & m X1'" : .'": i .- v inc.. i( I. r ( nl. I'm 1 fc Irni Col. ,V Soutlnru ( ol. A. J-uuthcin, 2d l'i Krie i:ric, lit I'r i:rie, al l'i lllinoii Central apt lVt .'.I nut. iikii, . ..1II"K . ..H7T, . .. 2') ... . 2I. mo . ..iii.: . ..' . .. . . ... UVa . ...uo3; hum liOttN. k N uh ' Manlnttin lnr,A, Metioiioil an St. Hi Mcxkm Cenh ii ... Mo. Kin, k '1'et ... Missouri l'ltlfii- ... V . CVntial . . Norfolk & We-tem . Out ,c, it I'lclllc Mill "IVniii. It U iVnpli'f, On lleulin.' IHl 41' It'll" ')ti lOl'f. 10l), .JOiJ lletiltiiir, 1st l'i si'k SOI, n7- 171 7P (lf.H SOU Ci IS 7P, ( 1 '123s OP, 70 j 10 005, S7Vi 125, ;2, 1714 2 12 III 211, 12 'W llf-Mlnir, 2d I'r .. . Kepulilic Sleel Itcpiildic Steel. I'r .. Southern 1'icihV .. . "Southern It. It .... Southern 1!. It , I'r I'inn Coil k lion ,. 'Ieis k I'lilflo .. . 1 nion 1'itiflc I nlun 1'iciflc, l'i .. 1" S l,( ither IT. S. l.iMthei, Pr ... 1 . . Iiul.lier . ... I', s., I'r .. P. S Meel I" S ,S'ee1, IV . V ibidi ilia-h, l'i We-ktn I niun i: dividend. r.S . 17T , 71 ii. (IP., .12',- iiiti 70i 401 1 00 ss ii1; S1 17'S Ii2 II is 'II 2Ut 4211 SO'a 0i', 70 40 w f7V. 12Vt 2V, 17'S 12 IP, OI-'H 2t'J I2'i bi's CHICVOO (J11AIV ,V 1'IIOVISION Mnivi:r. 1 1 i:t- Mnv .lull ( Olt.S Vln lulv ors Mil .lulv . . . . 1'OIiK- Mav Juh I, UID- May Jul! inns. Mav Juh Open. 72'S 7J'i r.s'f r. i 42", a IN . PiT. . 10 0") . 0 1.2 . 0 72 , ssn . SS" Illirli 7ii 7! '. I', f034 l.'i Low . 72'4 ."ii'h 12 fl'i ITii iu ir, Cln'e. 72', 71-S VI' S I2'!i 1I.L2 lli .11 W P. 111 M) 0 72 0 '.'-) 0.70 l'S2 '(72 s.S7 8 07 ,ssn SS2 E.02 nm:w oitK enrrov marmit. 0ien. ll'eli Low Close MI.1 Vaicli h(.7 Si,7 S "kf bis S.VI s(,j Ml s l! S02 "Mav ., July ., Aiiut - 12 S "is S. iS M.l 8 U Scrnnton Board of Tinde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. I.acknu.inm lljlry Co., Pr. Countj Savins Hmk k Turn Co. I'lrat Natlnnil n ink (Catbondalu) . DM. fiO SOO CW aoa Asked too , Third .Natlonil lianic ' Dime Deposit ami U.scount Hank., , rconom Ueht. II. & I'. Co I'irst Katlonal Hank 1100 15 500 Licka, 'Irust i Safe Deposit Co. Clark sroier co , i'r. Scranton S-ivinci Dank Tndera' Vntlonil Hmk Scianton Knit k Nut Co People's Hank Scianton I'acKIn; Co liONDS. IJj IS5 Scranton l'aiscnet-r Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1IC0 I'conlc'a Mrect Itallwjv. first 1 115 Race, due 1013 115 ('topic's Street ltillnay, General mortgage, due 1921 lis Scranton Traction (1 per cent 115 I , IV,, II...IVII U .Ft, ,1.(1, .... Ktonomy I Irii;, Heat .v. l'nucr Co.. ,?!ur"',.',-?c:,' ,V l'T lc,e 51 Consolidated ittr Suppy Co w !)7 10 J Scrnnton Wholesale Market. (Cotreiteil by II. C. Dale, 27 Uiikjuaiuu Mc.) I loui .G0. Jlians f-MO. Ilitttcr rrcli cicuncij, :.0e., .lime ticamery. 2d ; dilry, 2. Clieot 1214 ilJe. Vm-i Niarl.y, 10e.; wtatdii 17ali'ac. 1'lTi I'CI lllblll'l, 5-I.71 Mai low Huns I'd liiiliel, &1,J5iI,1U. I'otuloc IVr lniln I, Mi . Onloiu l'ei bushel, $1 W). New York Grain and Produce Mjrkot ' "w York' 5,lltl' ai.-KIoni-MoiP attlie and steadier, Wheat-Spot mm; No. ml, mtb. (u. 'llt"" So- - lt,Ji fa ' '; No. 1 '"'V11 ""ij'tl". WV. I. , b atioit; options Horked comidiiabl) higher on a broader iitu lithe trade uni light pit mnriiiK. iu fare .if a ii'vtrlctwl tvpoit buslnis ami tho iluu as Hun ul sc. net uihaiue: Much clased 7&7(.: Vn. 7Ti.e.; Jul. 70!ic; hiptunbii, 7h8(. C'tiu .vpot firm; No, 2, (ilXc lUval'M and c.7'f,i. f. o. 1 1. alloat, bull ludcia in (hliago doinliutdl the option inuket, loulng' prhes nvri .1 unt histlici 011 a K'lic of slioils. 'tho luaiktt tlox'il firm at 1(. 11 t advance Mu.v 1 Ui-eil l'l7se ; .lull, oiTse.i v, pieinbt'i, u5i'. (lata vpot sleidlti; .No, .', 4bt , .Vo. 't, 17c; No. J Uillc, Mllit.l No ;i white, ,Mlc; liatk luKid vusKru, JSali'i ; trick fhlte, 4S'jaJne, , options (jencrilh lliuur with corn. Hutlir vteid) iu liner), 2-'aiM. ; do fictoi, ISl.'.'i ; tu iniiiv lit!. I. 21a2il'.l., lino v .it I'd, 0i2l!c ; ill 1 1 11 1 ion uniuicr). 20t.'i ; aUto ililr). .'-'i27i. C lius l'liiui utile full cnaju, nn.lll 111b luiki, fJliii iiiloiid, UlU'ii, ilu, ulilte, l.lill'ii , lull (iiameiv, laiu'e, till inike, Ijiicj (oloiiil, 12i12',h- ; 1I0 white, l.'i 12Vi.c. IVics bit' lib i fl.llo ml t'c lin-j Iv uilj, loii.; western, lVlul'ii : mviilliern, lI'iiDUc Philndolpliln Qraln nnd Produce, I'lillaiMpb'.i, llanh 20 Wheat, J.c IiI.'Imi. March, Blatipjii, Coin-'.c IiIkIki; ,N,i 3 iiiImiI Mauh, O-lVjiiiH. Hits Ilull uml iMak, So, 2 vNliito cllppeil, WWU, Hutter-l i.V lower, c tia viesttru criniito, 2t.; do n.jilii p,lui, 2'o. I'KP Meadi j ncaibj, IVUHh.; do, wist tin, IJljilOe. j do HiilhweMttii, IJi.jlu., d.i toiithcin, lie, I Ihcm- I'lllili New nrk full in am, fancy rinall, lit 1 do. do, (ail tu (hour, lluUe Heliuiil buin I'lun. Lottou-I'li-cluiujul Tallow; clu inline, in tlticis, C'ic ; lountrj do., IjiihK, Uid'ki.; do, djik, 6 Is a1?i( ; lakm, U'ii, Poulnj Stcailj, fjlr demand; UnU, li'jilic; old ro.nuu, M.-.',i.. ; wlutir f lilt hi in, HkiWo ; rpi'ug chlikins. 20io; ducks, llillo., gf.e, IliUV. Hrinl POultn Finn, fair lUnuml, fowl,, tholte, lh.; 1I0 fair to uoiid, liili'.st.; old luostini, i ; chlikins, wtstein, l'.'Jllc; ducks, IO1II1 ; gee.e, iiilOe, It.' it'ipH -I'lour, 2..VK1 biritls ::,U.1,0(i0 pounds ill tatks; wheal, 4,NW ImsheU; coin, I OK) bush c's; oats, 7,001) bulul. Milpmciits Wheat, 4. Hl bushels, toin, 1,01)0 bibhtUr oat., 7,000 b.ith Chicago Grain nnd Producs Market. t'ldcago, Maich 20. iiunlpulatlon b rpiculatoit Iu all pits 011 the bcuiul of, aid 11I vmilul In damage lepoii. in winter uheit. InHutiiceil Mronir and aotivo nuikeU. May wheat clOMil c. hhjlitr; Ma) k.iii I'U adv intd and ilav oau W. uu. PruiUioiu iloxd 7lalCk to FINANCIAL. NVESTORS llefore making- ronunt'linpnta, pleaw ecconl m fie privilege of nubtnlttiiiff cut ilerrlptlvc Hit of lncalnicnt. SpencerTrask & Co BA.MKERS 27 & 20 Pine Street, New York MCMtiKtis n. v. sronc i:tiiANoi:, OFFICII OF TIM G30. A. TreatfwaN Mining Company 7 w llllam Sirtet, New Vorlt. To My FtletldM Airalti! Sonif time ago I advised you to sell your dtoonu Consolidated stock, which jnis then tiuotetl tit .10 a shaie, and buy Oeotge A. Trendwvll compinv stock nt $7.f.O n share, thus getting four shares of the CI, A, T. stouk for one ot the fit cone. .Since then the Clieeiie has gone clown and the Ct. A. T stock has gone up. .Many of you accepted my advice and have pi olltcd by the tinustictlou I still think It l.s for yottt Interest to sell Oieene stock and buy Tieiul wi'll. for the tollovvlng teasons: 1. Tlie tli eeii company 1h cniltiills-ed at six million dollats, the Treadwell company at only tluee millions. Other things being enua, thetefote, one "lime m the Tteadwell Is eiiuttl to two shares ot the Gieone, 2. The ptoperty of the Tteadwell company Is at least the equivalent iu men. and In the piobable extent of its me oodles, or tlie (.Ireene ptoperty. .1. The ote.s of the Veicle Cotipr-r Belt where the Tteadwell company mines aie situated, have neatly or iiullc twice the peicentuge of copper that the cues of the Pauaueas where the Oieene piopetty lies liave. Tlie Verde Bell oies aveiage tiboitl ten per cent, copper and the Cannnea ores about five per cent. I. Tlie ores of the f'nnaneas have low and those of the Vet de Hell high values In gold nnd silver. With low pi Iced copper this consideration Is of the utmost Inipottance. ii. The Veido Dlsttfet has n verv gieat advantage over the Cnnanea dis li let in Its accessibility, Its compara tive nearness to lnuikit nnd Its oheap ei fi eight tales. fi The Voi rte dlstiict has whatever Anther advantngp results to It fiom being In the United States nnd under the jttilsdictloit of the Stais and Sttipes. 7. The Gieone Consolidated company has a more extensive and expensive equltiment than that of the Treadwell (ompany although that of the Tread well company Is by no means small and is being i.ipldly increased but it has alo a large Imlobtcdnehs incurred In pioctning this equipment. Tlie Treadwell company Is ftee ftotn debt and pays its way as it goes. I would rather have a smaller equipment than owe so much for a larger one. 8. All things consldeted, I believe the stock of the Oeoigo A. Treadwell Min ing company is a safer and bptter In vestment than any other mining stock open to the Investing public. It Is because I think so that the com pany bears my name. GEOffQE A. TREADWELL 2J'.c lnitliir fisli ipioldtions wire ns roll.vvs: 1 lour Steidi ; No. 'I licit, Tl'J i. : No. '-' ml, TIM'O'it.: No 2 nliltc nlt, Hi4i-( ; N ( viliitc nll, 4f'4i.; .No. 2 ne, .'iT'-c : No 1 fliv Heil, l dsj No. 1 iiortliclirn, tl.72l5; mes limit. l(. 05il(l 10: lard. 'IW.; hliort 11I1-, idi. s7nai-S-.; drj Mlleil sIiouMcm. 7",4i7"tf.; shmt deal sldey, ''Ml; vvliikki, l. 10. Chicago Live Stock Market. Cliicago. Vhicli JO CiltlolteulpN, II'.IKV), in cliiilliiir 100 Texam mid SIX) vscl(.i.; stenb, Itood to priiiu htecm, H ."0i7..r.0; piun to nn 1II11111, Yl '-'iill III; tnckers nnd fitikin, v.! .'.OiS 10: low-, SI "iOitiVI, lieifiri, l'i id; c innt ih. slloiJ.10; I id's, fi -Oi-,; tilvn, W '.oji. "i: r, as fed Mich, ifiidj vuMcrn Urre, MfHUO II.vs Kutipls In ill, 40.000; tonionott, ,n,000; lift mcr, 4 000; oitncil weik: clnstd strmtj: inixctl mil Imt' In is SI ?0 id 70; Bond to iliol.e lie-ivr, fH.IJu! 7JVL; relish licm, Sj! ijaiir.0; li'ht. MUOiO.M); lmlk of ules vii Siatl ,ri. Micei Hiieiit-, lb.tKul, hlieep and laiiitis, Ntcadi ; goud to clioku vetlui, 'n .irrfl: Mi-htcrii itirlinis, 'Jia'l; native lanib, t.J5af!7J; u-tern lnnUa, M 4111.20. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Hast IlufTalo, Mircli 20. Cnttlo Heccipfs, llulit, cavlei: veili, top-,, $?iS0. Hoj-ll . ceiiL, (1,000 head; slow to Re. lomr on ill urilis cii)t pic-.; hem, SfiWiO.'M; inlvcd, 1,(1701(17.1; piL'i, frt 1ViU,.'5' rouclH, ill()i(i20, stiles vl'JIi I 7.". Hicep and I.anili ItccelpU, 10,(M) liead; i.pcncd li.idi; closed .lilOc. lowir; tlnip. tops mixed, s.1fi0i5 7V conini.iii to filr, si Wi 1,71; welhcrs and jcirllnir. 5 71i0; top lambs, yiGOa (j.(k1, culls to Eool, H SOifi 15. East Liberty Live Stock Market. Ikist Liberty. JIardi 20C'attlc Vtc idv : tliolc", 10 (Mill 71, pinne, H20in40; booiI, vSIUil'iO: Iloprt Steadv; prime hoivj lioni, 0.7.1a0SO; ln-t nieiliiiniN e0 '0i0,r0; pli;,; luiicli-., ifli (.20 hhceivsti id beM itlni, $170i1IM; culls and coiiinuii, SJnOil; vcjl talvci, 7i7 75. Oil Market. Oil (ity. Pa., Vlirth 2n-Cinllt luliiins 111; crrilflcitis, no bid; tdiipuuuK 11I,01J IniitN; nur.tKC, ni 11111 naritis; runs 101,179 t.airtls; av cfiKO, 70,020 bairtls A "For Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by the casual passerby. A "For Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may be contemplating a change of residence. Four lines one time, 10c, Four lines three times, 25c. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In J.h-it, .Not, J, 1001, Ujiiii leno vtrantnn, I'o- Pliilailtlpb a and .Ntw lurk via l & II. 11. It . at O.JO mil 0.8j a m , and 2.1, 1,27 (IHatk Diamond J.vpriaj), and 11 JU p. iu bun da)., I) k U. II. it-. 1-3S, 8.27 p in. lor Uhltt Hutu. lUrletuii aui pilnclpal points in the coal re.'iuii. via I). & 11. ii. It., tiii, '.' ID mil 4 27 p. tu. t'oi l'ottsvillc, 0.W a in., 2 pi For' Ilcthlrhcm. ltaitou, Ileadlu.', Ilarrtvbi.ig, and pilutipal iiitciincdiaie .totloit., via ! i II. 11. II , n.M, O.Sb a in. 1 2 lb, 4 27 (lllatk UU luoml I.vpros), 11.0 p, in bunda, II, i. . It. II., 3a a in.; 1 Sv, b.JT p m. Fur Tuukhaiiuock, iowanda, l.linira, ltluca, (itueva and principal inteiimdlatu utatloiii, lj i , L. and W It. It , S.10 a. m. and a.50 p. m For (itpiia, Huclu'iter, Huflalo, .Niagara tallj, riiUasu and all wlnla wckt, via I) & II II. II, 7, If, 12 0.1a. in:; 1.42 3.21 (black lllainoid Is. prtsO, '.'S. 10 41. II. .SO p. m. buudajd, 1). k II. 11 II , 12 OJ. S.27 p. in Pullman parlor Jul lctpiiur or Lehigh Valley Parlor tarn on all Iralm botuem iIUm llarre and eu loil., Phlladolphla, llutfulo and suapen lou Hride. HOLI.IN II. WII.HUlt, l,m bupt, 2C lurtlamj kllltt, Ntw ulk ClIAlll.LS b, LLC (i.'ii IMm. gt , 20 Cortland itlid, Ntw luik A. U. NONHMiLllUlt, Hit. Pa. Ajl , bautb IWtlilviuiii, Pa tor titktU and Pulliuau riMiatlon apply to city ticket oillve, W I'uUUt biiuare, Wljkw Dane, Pa aiaamg I OF SCR ANTON. Capital, $200,00( Surplus, $550.00 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Ooeil Saturday even in era -j aT-.l from 7.30 to S.30. 'Phone 2007. Old 'Phono 79.2. Buy the "Smoot," the Typewriter Mao, takes pleasure in ex hibiting its merit3 from mora till night. 1st floor Guernsey Building, Scrnnton, Pa. Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Pennsylvania Bailroad. Schedule in Ulcit June 2, 1001. Tialns km i' bcrjiiton: t M u. 111., neck day.', tlirouitli vestibule tram from Wilkes Darre. l'ull mau liulkt parlor tar and toatlics to Philadel phia, vli I'uitsilllo; stops ai principal intanie dlato btalions. AUo tonnitts for aunbur, llar Tisbuig, I'hllidclphla, Haltimoic, W.isliington and loi 1'ltlsburg and lliu ct. U.iS 0. ill , week dajs, for Sunbury, Ihrrlsliuig, l'hlladelphia, Daltimore, Washington and Pitts burs aid tho west. 1.4.! p. 111., cck dajs fSiinilajs, 1.53 p. in), for bimbury, IlairNliur, Philadelphia, Haltlmore, Wasliim;:oii and I'ltlsbortr and tho west. 3.2S p. 111., week da)s, throccli Mktihulo train from Wilkes-Harre. I'liUinan bullet parlor cat and toarhts to Philadelphia via l'ottsvillc. Sto)j at principal Intel mediate btationv 4 27 p. m, vitik dis, for l!a7leton, Sunbury, liarriab irg, Pliiladdphla and Pittsburi;. J. II. HL'ILIIINVON. Gen. Mgr. J. U. WOOD, Ccn. Pass. Agt. Now Jeisey Central. In i:iteet .vo. 17, 1001. Slatlons in Isuv York, foot of Liberty street and Souili 1 crrj, N. 11, Trains lcao huanto'i for New York, Phlladel nhia. Kiutrn. Iltthlehim, Allcntnwn. Mauch (hunk, While Haven. Afhley and likes Darro at 7.10 a. m.. 1 p. in. and 4 p. iu. hunday, 2.10 p. in. cjuaktr Citi Hvpress leaves bcrantoii at 7..0 a. ni through solid vstlbulo train with Pullman HulTct Parlor Cais, for Philadelphia, with only onu change of cars for Daltimore, Washington, D. 0., and all pnntlpal points south and vveit. I'o. Avota, Pittsion and W llltes Uarre, 1 p. in. and 4 p ni. ImhuIi, 2.10 p. m. Tor Long Hranth, Oteau Oroc, etc., 7.S0 1. 111. and 1 p. m. Tor Heading, Lcbinan and Ilarrisburg, via AI 'cntoHii, at 7..I0 .1. in. and 1 p. m. bunday, 2.1a I. m. IVi PotUvllle at 7.S0 a, in. and 1 p. m. b'or latts and tickets apply to agent at station C. JI, UUUT, Ccn. l'v. Agt. J. S. SWISIIHIt. Dist. Pass. Agt., Scranton. Delaware nnd Hudson. In Llfctt Noumber 2l, 1001. Trains foi Carbondale leave bcranton at 0.20, 8 00, S63, 10 1 J a. in.; 12 00, 1.20. 2.31, 3.C2, C2J, 0 25, 7.07, 0.15, ll.Lci p. in i 1.31 a. in. For Uontsdalc 0 20, 10.1j. in.; 2.J1 and B.2B p. m. For W'llkesHarit-flO', 7.4, 8.11, 9 33, 10 41 a. in ; 12 IU, 1 42, -'.If, 3 23, 1.27, .10, 7.4S, 10 II, 11 JO p m For L V It. II. PolnU-O 3S, 0.33 a. in, ; 2.15, 4.27 and 11.30 p in For l'tnmylianla It. It Points 0.3S, 0.33 a. in., 1.1 J, .1 2s and 4 27 p m. For All any and all point north 0.20 a. m. and J il p. in SUNDAY IIUINS. Foi Cnbonihle S.60, ll.JJ a. in.; 2.31, 3 1, S.U and 11.17 p. in lor !II.' Haue U.J3 a in ; 12.GM, 1.53, 3.29, 0.32 ami 0 17 p. in. For Vlbaii) and point? north 3 52 p. m. For llonodale S 50 a in and 3.52 p. in. V. h. PlUOlt, U P. A Stranton. Pa. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, III FIRct Nov. 3, 1901. Iralm leave Scranton for New York At 1.40, 3.15, 0 03, 7 HI and 10 Oi a ill. ; 12.43, 3.40, 3 3J p. in. Foi New York and Philadelphia 7.60, 10 03 a in., and 12 45 and .iJ.l p in lor Tob). hauna At 0 1(1 p. in. For HuHalo 1,13, 0.22 and Ii 00 a m ; I 53, 0 50 Hid 11. J', p. in. For Illnic hauiton and way ttatioulO.20 a in. nnd 1.10 p. in. For O, vcjro, b)ratui and Utica 1.15 and 0 22 a in , 1 53 p in Oswego, byiaore and Utlta truln nt 0 22 a. in. dall), eccpt bunda), Foi Minitr.iMi POO a in , l.lo and 050 p. to. Mi hoi . i oniiiiodalluii 4 00 and 0.15 p. iu. llluuiiiMiii,' DiUflon For .Nortliumbtrland, t f S3 and 10 0-, a in j 1 Wl and 0 10 p. in, Toi Plvmoiith, at 8 10 a in ; 3 10 and 0 00 p. ni huudav lialnl For vv ork, 1.40, 3.15, llCH and 10 0 a. in j .M0, ii in, I'or Hultalo 1.13 and 0.22 a in , 1.63, L.50 and 11.3 p. m. For lliiijluinlein uml way itatlon-10.20 a. m, Hloombiirg Divialou Leave bciantou, 10 05 , pi, aui 0.10 p. in. . i . New Yoik, Ontnilo and Western, In Luett lutidaj. bept. 17, 1U01. MJlllll HUl Nl). Leave lav Arrlta Train No 1 No. 7 fvianton. Carbondale'. Cadtwia. .10.(0 a. in. 11.10 a iu loop, m' . 0 10 p in Ar, Caiboiidalo 0.10 ii. in vOUllI HOUND ' ' Ltave Lcavo Arrli radosia I'aibondale. Scranton. 7 Cl a, in. 7.10 .'. ... Tralm No. II No. 2 2 15 p. in, 1.00 p in 4 10 ii, iu, bU.NDAYh ONU , ,NOIi 1 II HOUND. ' " 1.5410 LeaVU I Arrtv. fralim. No. U N'o. 5 . bcianton. Calbondale, Cadoala. . b 20 a in. f 10 ii. in. ia in" 7,00 p in Ar tarbondalo7 40n i,l bOUl'll HOUND. ,'"u Leaio Ipeave Arilia ladoala. Carhondale. fxrautun uo a in. 7 40 a, lu'. Tialui No C Nu. 10 t ev p. mi . w p. in o la p ig. Don't Strike ! 'lianu No. 1 on week ill), and ') on biiiidaV, make main Hue lonucttiQUH foi Niw- oik elty Mlddletown, Walton, Norv.ith, Onilda, Onwtgi md all KlnU wut i IVr furtuor iiifuunatlon; ctnvult ticket agent. J f. ANIIi:it&ON(l P A..NiwSrk. J. L HLL311, 1 P, A.., Btranton, P. i ; J&-.