r'- j b - I ."- THE SGRAOTON T1UJ3UNE-WEDNESUAV, iMAUOJf 20, 1902. 0 f " NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. Hpcefdl to Hit Seraiilon Tribune. TttnKlinnnoek, Miuch 25. Ud wind V. Fitrijo, the newBdcnler, Is busily en KUReil In tnkliip mi Inventory oC Ills stock, unci prpp.ivliiK to movo from Ills present locution In the llnrdwoll block to his now qimrters In the Wyoming Democrat building, Cleorgo 1!. I'ntterson, of Lemon, wuh ii culler In town on Monday. Joseph W. Flntt was summoned to Syracuse nn Sinuluy, where hla dnURh ter, Miss ltutli, who Is u student In the unlveislly there, Is very 111 with un pendleltlH. Hhe will ho hi ought homo us soon us liusilble. Wllllum I". Hillings and funilly, of Kingston, ppent Hundtiy with his mother, Mis. Perry Hillings, at this place. A innrrlnge license wus Issued on Monthly to 11. C. Hoffman, of Sornn ton, and Miss Koso Jackson, of I'cck vllto. Mrs. Hurry D. Billings has returned home fiom the sanitarium at Worners vllle, much Improved In health. Hutry Cassldy, who Is employed at Wllkes-Uarrc, spent Sunday with his mother here. A. K. Adams, superintendent of the Farmers' Dairy Despatch company, wuh a caller In town on Monday. Howard liuck, who Is employed In a bobbin factory at Allenlown, spent the Sabbath at his home In this place. AV. It. Arnts and family are visiting his father atJ'en Argyl. Pa., this week. Miller Culvr Is removing to the reai denco recently purchased by him Am South Putnam stiet. The Lafayette College Glee club, which wus to have given a concert at the Opera house this (Tuesday) even ing, have cancelled the date. Clarence Ceorge, of Sayie, spent the Sabbath with friends in town. The case of S. L. Tiffany vs. Nich olson borough, trespass, for damages to leal estate, caused by change In the grade of stieet, was tiled by uibitru tlon at Nicholson on Monday. The funeral of the late Daniel Melvln will take place this (Tuesday) morn ing at 10 o'clock, at the Catholic church, under the direction of ltcv. P. J. a crush. II. N. Patton, of Wlllluiiisport. spe cial pension examiner for this district, was looking after pension business heie on Monday. - FACTORYV.LLE. Spccl.il to the Scranton 'Iiibunc. Factoryvllle, March 23. Miss Leon.i Pennett spent last week-in New York city, purchasing spring goods. Hoy Keinmerer, of Yonkers, N. Y., spent Sunday here with his mother. Hoy has charge of a district up there for the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Bliss ppent Sun day with relatives at Camptown, Pa. The Misses Jessie and Louise Wrig ley, of Scranton, were at the home of Abruin Wilgley, over Sunday. Arthur Keinmerer, of Bloomslmrg, was home over Sunday. Miss Josephine Lindsay has been en tertaining relatives from Vestal, N. Y., the past few days. Mis. John. Itenchler, of Wcht Ser.in ton, wus a pleasant caller here lust week. The Athletic association of Keystone academy gave an inteiesting enter tainment in LIsk's hull, last Saturday nlglit, to a fair sized audience. The borough auditors met last Sat in day night and audited the accounts of the borough for 191)1. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Kdlth Du Hoise, of Dai ton, to Wlntun C. Wrigley, of this place, on Wednesday, April 'Z. Paulowna Ttebeknh lodge. No. SS, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, will bold a. masquerade social at their hall on Friday evening, March -S. A genu ine gootl time Is in stoie for all who attend. Thcio will be religious senlee-s at th homo of THlinghast Jhvyton, next Frfdrty afternoon 'at 2.30 o'clock. The Itey. Caterer, of Dalton, will conduit thim. All are welcome. , Mrs. Hannah Chase, through her at torneys, Watson & Dieh, of Scranton, lias brought suit for damages against the Lackawanna lullroad, for the death of her husband, Lyman II. Chaw. Charles Bieyton died at his home In Fiskvllle, II. I inbt Filday night, lrom heart disease. Mr. Hieyton i finite well known In this town, The Aid society of the Hnptlbt church Will serve an Easter supper at the church, Wednesday evening. Kggs will head tho menu. Christy Mattliowsou, the world's greatest huso ball pitcher, left here , Monday foVNew York, where he will report to the Now Yoik club for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Doolltttle, of Klmlra, N. Y are down here, spend ing some time with telatlves. NEW MILFORD. Special in tlit Scranton Tribune. New Mllford, March 23, The men of the Presbyterian church will conduct n waim sugar social und entertainment in the ohm eh. parlors on Thutsday evening of this week. Kvery one will be welcome), Clayton Moxley, of Dalton, wus in town Saturday, Miss 5Cuu McConnell entertained the "W, and O, club at her homo Monduy evening, Mr, uiHl'Mrs, Fred Clink, of Cuibon dule, visited at the home of Mrs. C, M. Shell), Inst week, Two children of William Walworth i. we beriously 111 w;lth pneumonia, Mrs. Jumes Tennant, of Dalton, visit ed friends in town Sunday and Monday. Miss Sarn McConnell, of Blnghniutoii, visited her brother, J, C, McConnell, tho foie pact of the week. MIfs druce Golden, of Cohocton, N, FAKTH"?" strong as ours If you ry 's Consumption eanrt ours U to strong we guarantee a curcor refund lnouev. mill vat lu-nrl .-ml free trial bottle if you write for it. SHU.OH'S coats 25 cents and will cure Con. sumption. Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold iu a day, and thus prevent serious results. It lias b.-cu clcint; tiiese tulugs for CO years. fa.C Wgixs & Co , I,e Roy, N. Y. Ksrl'f Clovvr Root tea corrects the Stomach iwnr-tnrffin Y., Is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Clint lew Qlllnn. The Wise and Otherwise club arc nuiklng preparutlons to give an ontcr tulnmeut, a gypsy encampment, In the near future, for the benefit of tho Presbyterian church. L, O, McCollum nnd Fred Hiiyden Wert; In Hnllstend, Monday, on business. THOMPSON. Special to (lie Scranton Tribune. Thompson, March 25. C. 11. Jenkins was in Scranton yestcrdny, In tho In terest of the Thompson creamery. Noble Thomas, of Stevens Point, was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cro zler, Satuulay night and Sunday. Linn Spencer is In Chautauqua, N. Y this week, putting In a steam heat er for tho Steam Heating company of Thompson. Klmer Moxley, of Jackson, visited relatives in town Saturday. Harry B. Searles, after a couple of weeks' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mis. L. F, Searles, returned yesterday to his studies ut Syracuse university. The Thompson Creamery company is booming tltese days, and Is having as much milk ns it did at the tlush time last year. This, when butter is 30 cents per pound, Is quite encouraging. Evangelist and Mrs. Slddoll are hold ing meetings in Stnrrucca this week. MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. ftrmncmnwwmwmmintvnm - ITT Villi" ..-"--?- '-'fn-H'iT-'"' r Hub a dub, dub, . Three men in a tub; And who do you think they be? The butcher, the baker. The candlestick maker; Turn 'em out , knaves all three! ' Find Jack Spratt and Ills dog. Mr. and Mis. Harry Mills, of White's Valley, were guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Lewis', Satuiday and Sunday. Mrs. Lucy Ann Lewis, who is 79 years old, is quite sick at this writing, at her son-in-law's, John Bennett, In tho township. From present indications farmers are going to real) quite a harvest of maple sugar this reason. Mrs. L. A, Gelatt, whose sickness has caused so much anxiety among her many trlends, is Impioving, and bids fair for a complete recovery. Miss Lena Whitney of North Jack son, Is spending a few days with her uncle, Dr. Fletcher, at Carbondule. Philo C. Spencer, of Mt. Pleasant, aged S4 years, died at his son's, G. F. Spencer, in this place, this morning. He had been here since the nth of No vember, and had been in good health for a man of his age. This morning, the lctmlly aioso as usual. They heard hltn cough a natural cough at 5 o'clock. Mr. Spencer went away on tho S o'clock train. Soon after S a. m., Mis. Spen cer went to see If the aged gentleman was about ready for breakfast when, to her surprise, lie was dead. His wife died seventeen years ago. He leaves lour sons, Chillies C, John M., Orvllle AV. nnd David L, of Mt. Pleas ant, and George F of this place. Mr. Spencer was a life long member of the Methodist Hplscopal church of Mt. Pleasant, and his funeral will be held in that church next Thursday at 1 p. m. K. K, Gelatt started his saw mill this morning. He has a large accumulation of logs In the yard. SPRINGV1LLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Sprlngvllle, March 23. Ziba Lott has undergone an operation for appendi citis at the hospital at Sayie, tho fore part of lust week, which was a success hi every way. George W. Thomas has the wull nearly completed for his barn, and Is framing the timber. Ho will huvo it dono before tho roses bloom again. Will H. Kerr Is making-arrangements to put up a horse burn, for himself, as soon ns the weather will permit, Will West nnd wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lake, G, P. Stang and wife, and Mis, T, W. Stilckland weio entertained by Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Culver, ut their home, on Saturday evening, The evening set for the Hcbekah so cial at Jerry Lymun's proving so very Inclement, only a half dozen ncbekahs were present, Mr, Lyman Intends to go to Colorado as soon us he can close up his business heie, J. M. Stllwell, of Meshoppen, was hero on business the fote part of the week. He owns n saw mill over on the Whlto creek, two miles from here, und Is shipping largo consignments of lum-' ber to parties In the valley. Maple sugar-making does not seem to bo a very paying business this, sea son, tho yield of sup not being as good as ut other times, Syrup Is selling at $1 per gallon, Not since tho "palihy" days of Graver Cleveland's time have tho people of this little hamlot been obliged to go away from tho business part of the town for mull. Now there has some dllllciilty come up between Postmaster Tuttle and C, A. Hungerford, tho owner of the postollice building, and Tuttle pro poses to move the business to his own building in tho south end of tho town on April l. The patrons are very much displeased over tho affair, und tho financial cud of stationery and candy sales will probably look like thirty 5ehts nftqr the change takes place. Aspirants for political honors are quite plenty In Sprlngvlllo, with two for representative and one looking for ward to tho position of sheriff. It now transpires Hint the hotel sale la not a sale, the whole thing having gone through, nhd llodney will stay until some other fellow comes along with some cash. The graded school will close on Fri day next, two weeks earlier than ubuuI, on hecount of not having two weeks' vacation during the. holidays, ns has been the custom. PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. PlttHton, March 25. Joseph Delulu, an Itnllun.wus seriously Injured this morn ing, while on his way to work at No. 10 breaker. Hln Injuries were treated at the hospital, T. W. Kyte's Btore, on the West Side, wns damaged to the extent of nboitt $300 yesterday morning by a fire, which started from n defective flue. The Exeter Machine company, of the West Side, Is preparing to enlarge its electric plant nt It's establishment. At present a large portion of the machin ery Is operated by electricity and the buildings nre lighted In a similar man ner. Ere long electricity will be used there exclusively. An order has been placed for a 230 horse-power motor und generator, and It Is expected almost any dav. The strike of the school teachers of Pltttston township has been settled at last, and the teachers have won a vic tory. Although they did not receive their demands In full, they came as near it as was possible. They had been on strike for four months for back sal-ni-inu enmn rif flm tpnehei's holding or ders for "sums ranging from $100 to $1,000. For some unaccountable leason the annual appropriation from the state und the receipts from the tax collector aie not quite enough to meet the board's burden of expense, and the teachers arV usually left with little, It any, money. Their only iccourse was a stilke. After a four months' strug gle the trouble has been settled. County Superintendent Hopper informed the board that unless the public schools wore kept open for at least seven months In the year the state appro priation would bo withheld. This would make matters worse than ever, and in order to have the teachers commence woik immediately the board decided to turn over to the teachers the entire state appropriation, which amounts to $3,100. AVhilo this sum Is not half enough to satisfy all the claims, it will give the teachers a percentage of their money. The schools opened yesterday, but theie was a slim attendance, many of the male pupils. having gone to work and a large number of the lemales be ing in attendance at the parochial schools here, Jacob F. Schmultss, chief of police of Hughestown, was last evening tendered a surprise party In honor of his birth day anniversary. Buigess Harry Hunt yesterduy served notice on the speakeasy keepers of that borough that they must discon tinue business, The marriage of Miss Jesslo Maiian Benedict to Mr. Eaton Steiner, a Wllkes-Burre dentist, will take pluce shortly after the Lenten season. Miss Annie Best, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Best, of West Pltttston, will bo united iu marriage Wednesday evening to Mr. George A. Frear.of Una dllla, N. Y. The ceremony will be per formed by Rev. Dr. S. II. Moon, of Peckvlllo. WHERE WASHINGTON WAS BORN. I'roni the 1'itUbuiK Clazettc. A simple eranlto thaft, a minlntuie Washington monument, at Wakefield farm on the lower Potomac-, marks the bpot whero Washington v. .11 bom nnd biought up. The obi country mansion was limned early In the last century, but tho brick chimney, within whoso arch four people could sit, and the corner itones, with a portion of the foundation, vvcro baled, A sueeeedlng gen ciatlou tore down the chimney and (lie remnant of the walls iu oidei to necuic the blicks. SCHOOL GIRLS. Tis a pretty age that time in a girl's life when she has all the beauties, of womanhood without the later lines of care and worry. But here and there even among school girls appear pale and drawn faces. Pale blood is at the bottom of the trouble and Scott's Emulsion can cure it. Scott's Emulsion brings back the beauty to pale girls because it is blood food. Send for Free Sample. SCOTT & BOWNJJ, Cuuk.tJ, 403 Pearl bt., N. V. ,jmini"'iJurrjUAjmw"'EJMuMUHijii.p . . -, 11 B IIWIWIWMUIJJMaiAJUM EniEIW TfaeaWcaL J TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. AO.Ul!:.MY-"Tlic lnt Mali." Allfrnoou ami night. HTAlt Itow S.uYll bomton llcllci company. Afternoon ami nlslit. ' "The Volunteer Organist." To ilratnallra a poulir book )i.i been i,bts vork of many a plijnrbrht in the pai. ltut come adapter luic (tone n few polnta failbcV In nil nnce by aiUpllnjt pla)n from songi tint liaa struck Hie publlc'n fancy. Ono viry titomlncnt ptujwrlglit went so far bick Into ancient lilv lory in to lake tlio old, old Jtnale "Captain Jink of tbe Norte Marine" nr.il weavq n ftory for tlio stajte around It. The most notable euccoM In tills soit of woik, boweier, In hem "The Volunteer Owi'Ut," tho story of tthicb, With elaboration, hn been taken by William llr.idy from bis Imiuimcly mccciiful sour of the samo title. Tho plcco as plajed on jtlie tinge nccefl Mrlly Intioduics scleral character not found in Urn boiib, but they are all piccntcd In such a natural manner lint one almost wonders bow the beautiful fconir prospered no well without tbeiu. The pl.iy will be seen at the I.jteum next Trld.iy and Saturday. Dot Karroll Company. 'Jho Dot Karroll coinpiny which Is billed to ap pear at Die Academy of .Mudc for tlueo niirlits and three matinees comnicndiif? Thursday after noon Is ono of tho stronfecst repcrtolie companies on the roid. The company, though new In thce parts, lus earned u wide reputation through the east. Mis Karroll, howcier, I well known to all the theater Rolnir public n the original of "Peck's Had Hoy," ond has nn excellent oppor tunity a Mamie liiennan to show herself In the new put iu the mot iiallstlc melodramas, "A Night iu Chinatown," which vlll be tho open ing bill for Thursday afternoon and night purlug the act many chainllng specialties aie Introduced. MH Karroll will Introduce her tele hinted character tpeclally toiulstlng oi long and dances, elr. On Friday afternoon and night "Peura Mine" will be the attraction and on Saturday matinee nnd night "Corner Grocery" will be the bill. ''The Gay 3?aree Burlcsquers." The folowhu' criliclin rclitcs to tho company to appear at the Star Thursday, Tiiday and bat uidiy and is clipped fiom a paper in a city In which they hae abcady appeared: "People were turned away at botli perform ances nt the Kmpirc theater jestcrdiy. The Gay I'aric Iluilcsquers' pioicd to be ciy entertain ing. 'The Hello of Tristo' Is the tltlo of tho opening burlcquc. It I quite funny and found great favor with, the audience. A long but mot excellent olio included in it numbers such good act ns John anil Nellie McCarty In 'The Wall btrect Hiokcr'j While and While in a (omedy boxing inalclij Allen and Ilurton, musical kings; and tho Itey foul flstcrs, nciobntic dinters and hlngcrs, weie well leeched. Mr. Alblnl iu clever nnd nmusing tdcight cf hand tricks, proved him self to bo one of the bet enterlainei in the cast." STAGE NOTES. Henry K. Dixey w-jll have an inipoitiut part in Amelia Hinghim's "A Modem Magdalen." "The l'ast Mail" was repeated at the Acidciny list night. The engagement will close tonight. Viola Allen will piy her annual vkit to (lie Isle of Man this summer, the guest of Mr. and Mw. Hall Caine. ltinuor comes from London that Alice .ieI-on U about to 'return to this country and appear oncp moie in light opcin. The new Lyceum theater, New Voile, iniy bo opened next December by Annie ltusell in I.n cctte Ityicj' play, "Mice nnd Men." Corinne has been engaged by George W. l.ederer for "Tlie Wild lto-e," the new musical faice boon to be pioduced in Baltimore. Word comes fiom Sin I'mnrlscr) that Camille D'Arvillc will letum to the ftage, making lier appearance in vaudeville at Detioit Apiil 1. Louis .Ma-on has been engaged by Katluyn Kid der n leading man in her new play, "Tim Coun try Gill," winch she will pinduce next month. Piank Worthing is no longer a member of the Amelia Hlngham company. Ill-, part in "A Modern Magdilcn" wa not to .Mr. Worthing's liking and lie decided to cpilt. Kiiko La Shello will shortly produce a new war play with the title "Comrades In Arms." Its author is lhigene Walters, a former cavalryman. It i stated that Charles rrohman owns 234 pla.vs and i the manager of thirtv-seven stars, besides owning the- propiietary right to GOT actois and aetrcs-e. Reports from PIttslimg and Clevclind, where Jnmes K. Hackett put on "The Ciisi," says Ih.at the piece is u failure and will have to be rewrit ten before again pioduced, Yvetle Guilb.rt's novel, "La Vadclte," which has just come out in Pan's, draw n'vlvid picture of tiie life of the Paiisian concert hall fingers, their trial, haidshipj and temptations. It wa under (tencial Methucn that Pergeant Campbell, the huiband of Mis. I'atiick Camp bell, wa killed iu battle two year aso in the Trantvaal, leaving ber witii two childicn, Hilda Thorn i wilt deseit vaudeville ami be one of next season' stais, appearing in, a play called "The l'isherman' Pmghtcr," written by Milton Nobles and Stanley Wood. Lou UM will be the leading man, DIFFICULTY WITH VERBS. Troubles That Chtldien Have in Learning' to Talk, l'roui the Milwaukee .Sentinel, It lias been truthfully said that chil dren learn more durlntr their first six years of llfo than during the eight yeats .spent in the ward school. Dur ing this period the child Miowh le inarkable precocity In learning the mother tongue, and appeals to learn two languages us easily as one, Ho will learn a foielgn language, If thrown among foreigners, bettor during these ilrst six years than he can in a com plete courso in hchool. This Is proved by the thousands of C-year-oltls In tills pity who speak good Kngllhh, xvhlle their parents cannot spealc Kngllsh at nil. Tho strenuous effort of these little ones to acquire a medium for the ex prestiion of their quaint ideas, as well as their desire to spealc correctly, xvus shown the other day in a conversation between a littln student and her (namina, Tho child had experienced much dlflleulty In mastering tho var ious foims ot the verb "to be," and had been corrected times without num ber by tho mother, who believes Unit the time to teach cotrect KugllBh Is during tho ilrst stage3 of progress. The child peislsted In mixing the "anus," "weres" nnd "beens" to an alarming degiee, and had been corrected, until tho mother had lost nil patience und tit last told the child that in the futuro she would not answer questions not properly framed, thinking this plan would make tho child moro cuieful in tho selection of words. The other day, tho mother was sit ting crocheting a jacket for tho baby, and Lucille stood near, wondering what her mamma was doing. Finally her curiosity became so strong that she said: 'Mamma, what Is that going to be?" Tho mother, busy counting stitches, failed to hear tho question, and con tinued her count without answering. The child, thinking sho wus not an swering beruusu sho had mado another hoiriblo blunder, thought a while, und at last Kfild: "Mamma, what is that going to aie?" This the mother heard, und simultan eously recalled tho Ilrst question of tlio child. Wondering what would como next, she mulntulned silence, and the llttlo onei stood In perplexity, first on ono foot, then on tho other. After homo weighty thinking, sha said: "Maminu, what uro that going to Is?" No answer, and another period of si lence. Then; j THE TRIBUNE'S 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents for Hicti Extra I. In;. For Eont. HOUSi: l'Oll HUNT in llrcm ItUlnc. AH lm. prnvcmcnlfl. tJall nr iiihlresi A. Conrad k Sons, 213 Wyoming avenue. rOH MINT Nice Hslit. airy room on first floor. 0.'12 I'rcBeolt ulenuc. l'Oll HUNT five looms, Ml1 Wyoming nveilue, all convenience. ltOOMS) TO HUNT for ntllcri or lnilnci tnir poses. Inquire 1 L. (.'nine, '.ill f.ickavvaniu avenue, roil HUM' A beautifully IhiUhed homo of twelve rooms all model n convenient et, In JJorlli 1'ork: line location. Apply Ittli! Klcelilo uveiiue, Xortli 1'ark. , l'Oll MINT Kljrhl room houses itty water. Har den, hum ninl chlckcry; pond location, North Main fired: cheap rent to ilidit pi it .v. Inquiie or addrcs4 W. C Wrlgley, I'actorj v lllc, Pa. SIOIIE l'Oll HUNT f.22 West Lackavvauni ave nue. Inquiie i'hlllp Sclmcll, 020 West batka vvannit avenue. TOR HUNT One-half double house with all mod ern Improvements, on stieet car line. Inquire 712 N. Main nvenuo. UAltN roil nilNT $12, April 1st, three box and three tilngle stalls and wash rack, lear ot 321 Madison avenue. Inquiie ut CJ1 Madison ave. I'OIt ItllNT More building for rent in Uickson City, Pa. building SO feet by 21 feet, cellar under all, nnd second story can be arranged for a family. All in good rcpiir reudy for ue. Two coal hioakors and mines close by emplojlng over a thousand people. An enterprising merchant can get a huge trade. Apply to William II, Itlchmond, Itlchmond Hill, ;J12J,N. Main avenue, Scranton, l'a. mil lir.VT Rlnrn ninn nn tf.fni.il flnnr OVCr !U0 Lackaivanna nvenuc. Plate glass front. In-, quire or hrolosl.y Ilios. Furnished Booms. DnS'.llAIilill furnished and unturnlshcd rooms for lent. 022 Washington avenue. l'Oll HBNT One furnislied room, with Improve ments; also one on third floor, cheap. i327 Adams avenue. , rUItNISIIER ItOOMS for rent, modem improve ments; private family, gentlemen pele:rcd, at VSi Adams avenue. roil IinXT Furnished front room, with heat, batii and gas; near court house; gentleman preferred. Addre?) Itoom, Ilox 299. roil HUNT Furnished room; heat and bath. C25 Linden street. rUHNISIIKD ROOMS FOIl IICNT. with heat, pas and bath, gentlemen preferred, at fj3V Adams avenue. For Sale. SHOW CASES, counters, mlirors and fixtures, foi sale at once. Uubin Diamond Co., 22j Lick awanna avenue. l'Oll SALE Cheap, icfrigcrator, gas langr, win dow screens, draperies. Oil heater and other household goods at CO! Washington avenue. FOIl SALE Laigo oik bookcase suitable for law ci'a or doctoi's office. 320 Monroe avenue. HOUSES Account of leaving the city the under signed oilers his matched team ot seal browns for tale; aie a Ilrst class and most desinble pair, and aie wananted kind and true in alt lurncs.sj must be sold bcfoio April 1. A. II. Stevens, 1401 Capou-e avenue. FOIl SALE Just arrived with forty hoises, good workeis and diiveis; weight 1100 to 1300; can be seen at 334 liaj mond court. F. M. Cobb. CARPETS, linoleums and oil cloths sold every day li o'clock. 503 Lackawanna. See auctions. FOR SALE Fine kindling wood, stove length. Two dollars big load delivered anywhere. MalKordois. Jennings, Central Mines, cut, AUo second hand lumber suitable for all purposes, very cheap. Heal Estnte. FOR SALE New house on Cornell street. Round Woods Park; modern inipioveiiitnts; i.y terms. Apply to Spiing Brook Luinbei Co., Mooic, l'a., or E. S. Woodhoibr. FOR SALE House containing 0 rooms and lutli; will (.oil for sl'0 if tnlrl nr- n.wn -I I In Mjrtlc street. FARM FOR SALE or exchange lor city property situate in Snsqueluiiua coiintv; impiovcd; well watered; suitable for daiij'lng, stock or sheep raising and gcueial fanning. Hanjcn, At torney, 32!)!-. Washington avenue. FOR SALE One-half acre lot, 7-iooin house, good well ol water, bony bu-hes, grape vines, fiuit trees of difieicnt kincU; vUll lie sold tlieip or niignt bo exchanged foi house and lot in tltv, Ly Clonics II. Koeinei, Spring stieet, Cl.iik's (ircen, or Sam Koeinei, u2! Llncuu ave., Scianton, Pa. FOR SvI.E One houo and lot, modem im piovemcnts, and two liniuovcil vacant lots, No. 512 Noith lllakely street, Dimmoie, Pa. Addtcss Alucit Jenkins, houth Canaan, Wnvne County, l'a. FOR SALE Fin nlt-hcd cottage at Lake Henry, Maplevviod, Pa four beds, spilngs uud nut tievses, two stoves, tilt kitchen utensils; piim s-iJO. For paitlculan addicss R. W. Odind, GU Wct.crvelt avenue, Pialnfield, N, J. Business Opportunity. HARNESS BUSINESS l'Oll SALE oil easy tcnm, in u town ot 5,000 Inhabitants, and no othei shop in tho town. Addicos Harness, Tribune oflU.o. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Write for our special market letter, 1'reo on application. S. M. Hltibaid 4c Co., members N. , Consolidated and Stock S.xcliange, 41 and 16 Broadway,- New Yoik. Established 1601. Long Distance' riiono 233S Broad. Lost or Strayed. I.OsT OR STRAYED from 423 Pieseutt avenue, use iiigiu, wime uuiiciog, itewaiti to finiler. l)n Id J, Reedy, Attorney. "Mumnin, what nm Hint golns: to were?" Still no answer, and tears filled the blue eyes nnd tlio red lips became pursed with perplexity. The eyes lllled nnd mn over, and still the mother snt unmoved) with a mischievous smile lm kliiu In hor eyes, wnltlner for further results, unci doturmlned to liiuke up for all this miffiilali by n bountiful supply of htiBs and hisses. In one Htipremo effort, as thoiiKh reallaliiK that this was her last chance, ijuciiio burst into a mighty sob uud, breuUlnp; tho bonds of self-restraint with which sho had bound herself, screamed out: ".Mnmnui! Whut was Unit u-goln' to was!" Raillery. I overhcaid a lbcly argument between llueo collige gills while wailing foi u i'jlh iu fiont of tho publiu library the other night. "Which Is coneet," akcd thp (lilt, "to sjy 'lieiu tho eoiiieV or 'licie it comes?' " us the attention of the trio, was dliected tovvanl a car appioachtiig in the dUlunee, ' ilciu It ioine,' of rouise" ciuphaticallv de C'ljicd une of (he gioup, "No, I Ihlnl; 'hpic! slie eonie.' it prcfeiablc," quickly ii'tortcd the firnt -pcaker, still watehlug the- cur. "ou uie both vvioi.g, jpu aiubolh wrong,'1 spoke up tho third, Juiuplig up and down ii. illidly; ")ou sliould bay '(jero lie tomes.' " 'I lm iciiuiU tij aii'.iisnl the other tnii that lliclr uttcutloii was suddenly divided fiom the rapidly Hearing c.u, as they laughed In feigned dciUion ot their lonipjiilou' si-il-c of grammar. But the gill v.ho had spokin l.iit kept hci rjes on (lu- tar, watching it cloudy as it fume mure clearly Into view. '(llil. I urn right," she ikouted at them n unexpectedly that the two turned tovvanl the street at once. "sou, it U a null e-ar," tho iiolulcd out trj luiipUautly to the wuprU'J couplp who mvv hie of'tlw vvhltc tiollejs cumins- down the traik; "hero he loines." Boston llecord- WANT" SITUATIONS WANTUD I'ttBE. HRANOII WANT OFFICES. Want Advortlsflmonts Will Bo Received nt Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AI.nr.rtT SClIUIrZ. corner Mulhcrrj street and Webster avenue. OUSTAV l'IClILL, OJO Adams avenue. West Sldo atOltan W. JENKINS, lot South Mala avenue. South Scranton I'lltD L. TCHl'l'E, no Cedar arenuc. North Scranton (3EO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Ridge ClIAIlLr.3 V. JONLS, 1M7 Dickson avenue, r. J. JOHNS, f20 Green ltldge street. C. LOItUNZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. 1 1 Petersburg' W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. O. BONE tc EON. Help Wanted Malo. YOUNO MEN wanted any distance, omv letttM, homo evenings and icturn to us, We paj S per thousand send addiesscd envelope, pjitlculai-s and copy. F. M. C. Dept. 413, lto. 1111, l'hlla- UCipiIld WANTED Experienced silesniau, for domestic! and linen pepartment. Addie.s Jonas Long's Sons. WANTED Men to leitn bulier ti ide; new s.vs tun; only eight wctk required; wages Sitmdajs while le.uni'ig; tools doiitid; dip lomas awarded; steady position positively gun aiileed when thiaugh; catalogues mailed (ren. Jloler's liaiber School, New York city. WANTED Two experienced stcnographcis; ap ply to International Salt Co., Council build ing, Scranton, l'a. WANTED By one of tho jiget and hc,t old line itismanee companies, district agent for Catbondale and Hcncsdale. Exceptionally favor able contracts. Address Superintendent of Agencies, Ilox 2i0. , Help Wanted Female. LADY SOLICITOR to work exclusively among women; pioposition recommended by all plosiciins; good profits, for worker. Address 1'., Tribune ofilce. WANTED A capable Christian woman to be housekeeper and assistant in.ltion in one of the institutions of this cily; one who can teach tho girLt domestic living iu all its bunches. Ap ply to "Clnlmian, 20'J Jefferson avenue, Scran ton, Pa. TWO YOUNfJ women wanted as billing clerks. Must bo uccur.ile und quick at figure.-.. Applv in own liandvritlng, giving lefercnccs, to "lull ing Clerk," Tribune office. YOUNO LADIES wanted any distance, ropy let ters, home evenings and icturn to iii. We pay $3 per thousand send addressed envelope, pirticu-. Ian and copy. F. M. C. Dept Hi, Hot 1111, Philadelphia. WANTED (Jlrl for general housework in family of tlnce. Apply to Mrs. John N. llughts, 1001 Ridge Row. LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tribune; good commission of feicd with a fair guarantee for first-class woiker. Apply peir-onally at Business Manager's ofiiee, Scianton Tribur.c. Agents Wanted. ACJENTS WWTKD To sell the Maiki" Menthol Inhaler; quick selling article; 2." u week easily made. Call nt 017 Mulberry stieet. I. J. Marks. Bocruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able bodied un married men between the ages of 21 and &j; citizens of tho. United States, of good character and tempeiale lubits, who can speak, rad add write English, t'ei Infoiiiiulion applj to Recruit ing Otllcc, No. 12J W'joming avenue, Scranton, l'a. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-As housekeeper; ran give gooil lefeienee. Audreys 1.. .1., 'tribune oltlce. SITFATipX WANTED-lly a compi lent gill for general houscvvoik oi cook, tall ..u-.! Frank lin avenue, city. WOMAN wants wink at washing, ironing and houseclcanlng, Addicss ii, II., Tiihune office. TWO OIRLS would like a position as Hist and second ghls or child's nuise; icfcreuccH given. Addiess Bo-; lus, Montiose, Pa. Board Wanted. WAMIlf) Board in country (during July and August), for finally of five, or fiunlslied house, vvith'hoaid ncailiy; niu't bo near station. Addiess W, It. 0., Ma Monroe avenue, Scianton, Hoarders Wanted. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to hive two nice men "to board, Cicniian oi English. Call uuy tima after Thursday, Alt conveniences, b07 Harrison avenue, Rooms and Board. FOR RENT Two t oniniunIc.it lug rooms with bojid in pi bate family. Hot u'J. Wanted Rooms nnd Board, WANTED Two rur.municatlng looms with board, pllvata family piiferred, Two ladies and it RciitUinan State lull paiticnlais. Addnsi C. 11, D Tilbuno iifflte. TJnfurnlslied Rooms Wanted. WANTED Two, tluee of four iiniuinlshid looms with modem conveniences near unu.il city foe man nnd wife. AddresH Mi-s F. E. Wilson, (121 Wathlugton avenue. Wanted To Rsnt. WANTED ItOOMS For two adults, tlnco or four rooms, lurmsucu ur uniunii.iieti lor vcr light housekeeping, tint Hoot preferred. Addieu M, B., Tribune ofilce. WANTED Fuinlshed liomo or four ur live looms for housekeeping. Address A. C, I.., Tribune office. Storage. TORnGR Dry, dean and moduli up-to-date stoiage; scpaiale looms; individual kevs: clevatoi, in ideal stoiago foi household clfeets, .etc, Tldriy separate stoiuge looms. Scranton btoiagu eo;n pan j, 113 Fiankliu nvenuc. Miscejlaneous, HARD WOOD FLOOIIS-T'he lwt nude, and ut (he lovvct piice, at 0. W, llis-ilci't, Jii Green ltldge stieet, Rheumatism. RHEUMATISM-All mitlm tlut vvUh ran bo sucedilv ami pcuuaueutly curd of ull va. rictie. of illicumatliin by a vegetable louipouud. I'uiw gvaiaiiteed. Inquiie or addrc4 J t. TJ'- ior,rocuiiuuu, a DIRECTORY; 3 Insertions 25 Cents MoreTlui Pour Lines, fi Cents for Kncfi Ultra Llis, LEGAL. A JIEETINd of the inembeta of the Uickuvvamu Store Assoclntlcn Limited, will be held ut the otllcc of the association In Scranton, Pa., cm Mouthy, the lllh day of April, A. I). 1IXK, ut halt i.isl two o'clock In the afternoon, for the purpose of taking action upon tho question of dissolving The Liekaw.inim Store Association Limited, by voluntary actlcn of Hie membeis, and, In cuse it Is decided to dissolve tho Mhi association, then for the further purpose of elect ing three llquldltlng trustees to wind up Ills n Ha Irs of the association according to jaw. II. S. FAIRCII1I.D, Secretary. Scranton, Pa,, March "2, 1POJ. IS REl ESTATE of William .1. Lewis, late of the CUV td SeiJiiton, County' of Liickuvinntia, Stale of l'eiins) hauls, dcieiued. Ltters testamentary on the mm cupallve will having been granted to the undersigned on tho above esliitc, nil persons having claims or de mands agalnt the same will please present them for payment, and all those indebted theieto will make Immediate pa) incut tn THE LvCKAWAN.NA TRUST AND SAFE DE POSIT ( O.MPANV, OF SCRANTON, s Executor. WELLES & TORIIEY, Attorney. SEALED PROPOSALS. THE UNDERSItlNEIl will lecelve proposals, at the mill, for painting the entire exterior woodwork of their factory, one coil oil pnlnt. Will furnish all p.ilnls and oils ourselves. None but responsible) putlcs need figure on the job. The Scianton Lace Ciiitaln Company. U. S. Poslofllee Building, Scranton Pa.. .March 23, 1902. SEALED PROPOSALS will be lecelved at this building until 2 o'clock p. in., Monday, April 7, 1902, for furnishing fuel, lights, water, he, miscellaneous Hiippllcs, washing towels, bulling ashes and spi inkling streets for this building din ing the lUc.il yeirs ending June 30, 11)01, or melt portion of the )ear as may tie deemed advisable. The tight to reject any and all bids Is icserveel by the 'lcjnui) Department. EXIt V If. RIPPLE Custodian. Auction. KATUItDAV, MARCH 29, 10 o'clock a. m. shup Wc will sell entile contents of the tcsldcncp of L. J. W'illhms, 6J2 Madison avenue, mar Vino stieet, consisting of Hie following: Bedroom suits, cupels (Axniinlstcr and Bnts-els). i ut gl.ussw.uc, sldoboaid (cost fTI'iOO), two (fnind father's clocks, French pallor suit, bedding, linen, pUltucs, Peie cabinet upright grand plane, nil paintings, cutlery, lace curtains, pir lor tables (In oak), 10 foot extension t ible (tikt $11). 00, in oak), dining ch.iir.s, dishes, cooking iilenslls, crockerv, silverware, table linen; in shoit, )ou will find everv thing for housekeeping. Ever) body attend; no limit, no leservc; every thing must be sold. Silo positive; rain or shine, Cummliigs ilios., Auctionccis. , 20,000 YARDS CARPETS, oil clotlis and mattings, one ton table silveiwaie, one cai load linen sheets, table clotlis, inpkins, pillow eases, tn.el, 5,000 paiis fancy lace curtains. Many other things loo numerous to mention. At auction, 12il Wash ington avenue, opposite Connell building. Sales 10 n. in.. 9 mill 7 ii. in. 10 a. Ill,, ami i n. in. CUMMINOS BROS., Auctioneers. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONE TO LOAN-Qulck. straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walkei, 314-31o Connell building. PROFESSfONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C SPAULDINC. 2J TRADERS BANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL' Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B REAL Estate Exchange Bldg.. 120 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, COO CONNELL BUILDINO. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBEROER, l'AULI BUILDINO. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. O. C, LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. WTI.LARD, WARREN is KNAPP, ATTORNEYS anil tounscllois-at-Law, 00J to 012 Connell Rulldii'g. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.' noouu 12, H, io and 18 Burr Building. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS NEGO tlated on real estate becurity. Mears Building, corner Washington avenue and Sprues street. JESSUP i- JESSIIP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN-tellors-at-law-. Commonwealth Building, Roomi 19, 0 and 21. 1"5JVABn W- THAYER. ATronNEY. R00M1 Wl-'Mi, Oth fioor, Mears building. U A, U'ATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARli 01 Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTP.?0'V WILCOX, TRADER'S NATIONAL Bank Building C. COMEGYS. 0-13 RPPUBL1CAN BUILDINO. A.v,ni:,!r"01'1'- oitice moved to no. 211 W)om!ng avenue. Physicians and Surgeons, DR. W. E. ALLEN, SU N6nTllWASHINarON avenue. UK. S, W. L'AMORE UX, OKriCE 339 WASH ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chionlo nUca.-es, lungs, heart, Mdne)i ami genlto-uiinary organs a specialty. Hours, I to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR. 1). G, F.VANS. OSIT.OPATH. 12C8 WASH. ington avenue, tluonle and neivous disfiesee pcclally. Coiisultalion dec. -. a speck Instruction Musical. P. C PEFSEIt, MIS BAC. TE VCUEIlwOF olee t'ulluie, lliimouy, Coiinlerpolnt "."und I'oinposltlLn. tJiiripysilloiis cdiifeled an k is visid foi publlcallon. -JrNiivv Yml: stieet:! Hotels nnd Restaurants. t, THE ELK OtFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE. nue. Bales teasouablc, r. P. Z1EGLEI1. Proprietor, SCRANTON HOUSE, NjLMt D.', L. & W, VJit. forger depot. Conducted on the European run. vjuiuh ivucn, rropnetor. Scavenger. ', A, IL BRIOOSCLEANS PRIVY VAULT'S ND ceu pools; no jdor; only improved pumps Ud. A. II. Briggs, proprlitor, Leave orders'lliK) North Main avenue, or ElcLe'g drug ttore.cdr. ner Adairs and Miillicny. Both telephones." Seeds; a. B, CLARKE i: CO., SEEDSMEN AND NUR rr)inen, stoic 201 W aahlngton avenue; grenci Inuscs, 1M0 North Main -avenue; sioro tuk phone, 762. 3C Wire Scieens, JOSEPH KUETlT.Ti, HEAR Oil LACKA. AVE., Ssranton, Pa,, manufacturer of Wiio bcreem. Misceilnneous, DKESaMAHINfJ FOR CIIILUBEN TO GI1DFR; also Udixs waists, l.ouisc Shoemaker, 21 J Adams avenue, ' ' MEOARQEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. F.N v clones, p.ipT bags, twins. Warehouse, 10 Wosliliigten avcrue, Scranton, l'a. THE WlLKESBAllltE lU'COHD CAN .BE HAD iu Scranton at the i.cn'i stand of Rtl.iirua Bios.. 400 turuce and M.I I.liulcn: SI. N'nrlon. L 322 IjkUwuiuu avenue; I. & Schutzer, 211 f Scruce street. n v lor,6cutn I" jk