The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Cleaning g
Is not a pleasant tusk. It j?
can hi mode easier, how- JJ
ever, by ulng up-to-dnto
appliances. Instead of
tisltifr it broom to bout tlio
niiiii mil nlinctrt n
Lett's Carpet Whip X
ami ilo It light, Pi Ice 20c.
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave
Spring Styles
in Children's Coats
iicuost model In llromlcloth, Cluvlot end
hill.. The popular WIISON 1)111 SS in
,rh lnnlcrhHj nlo In Mri;c and fliml.
IIA1S fir between s isons mul inliU im
mu, 'llic newt -t lttnir f"i lltiln men
ami wonim "Dints" Mil loic, all
colors at
118 Washington Avenue.
Have rcmoicil fiom loom 212 to 200 mil 207
( onncll Iliiildlmr, i-oiond llotr, when, if in m
visloi, mhi will fiml i full lino of high undo
Mocks' ml IloniU on ule It wo Ime not sot
wlnt .toil unit, will flnil it foi jou if to lie linl
Will il-n iinil von i limir if jou viJi to sell,
nlw mm il tin nnil ot put i
la B d I'UljgUi Slit 4 WVa
Booms 206 and ,"207
Council Building.
Who borrows i hundred doll us need, it
ju-l is bad! as the nnn who leauuc? i
thoufiiul On ipprmul sccuritj wo .no
n ub to -icconiinoiMc tlio Minll boiioiu.
Mr". Gtoipri Citlln is sciiouslj ill.
lhioidcr I. Council is in I'liUnklpiili n
busit es-,
lihuul ItiiljU.i i rccoiiuiu fiom a seven.
iuikK of piKiuuoiiia.
Mrs. S. O Cltinou nnd iljuglitu, Poioihi, cue
jn jshiiiglon, 1) L
Mbcrt Dims, hi Soiiib Mini limine, his lc
tinned home fiom i tiip to Vtlantic C it
Mi. mid Mm Chirk? IhitUj, ot ishbum
Hicct, ire fuii(Iiii- i few dm in Ji oil,
Mi-a .Tumie Dinlcls, of Division j?ticer, '! in
teilainintr Mi,s lkrtlu Anibtioiij;, of Kindlon
Hie cnuigcmcnt is annoiiiKeil of Miv Hi Ion I!
llunnioi, of 1'ousl (.ill, I'l , mil linns D Hud
ton, of Dim ci, Colo
(luiles Iebei, of Co,ik, unlirlli, is bpmd
iiur hi-, Lifter v iciltou it tin liomi ut h's l i
mils un Iljinpton btrcit
1 ijiiI. M Spiucii, who lias bun .iliuiiln'lj ill
!ii liis home on Ch) iwmic, u iuonini lapldiy
iiml is now out of nin!,ir
Miss Until Choilo l.ooiuis, of. Mis. 1 b's m li ml,
?i.y oik Utv, is spiuillnj; tin l.aslti u ition
with hi i niotlni it Hotel .lei mill
I, Puoh, i pioiniiiinl I'lill idclnlii i InoKii,
vho his been wilnisli ill at Ilotil, .liinnii, is
now ncouiin.r. l'l . J. Unnii.ll Is . ttuidini:
lohn E and ltuliil SirJCjr, tons of .Wtoim,
.InliU V 'iiui.'it, hive Malum il tlioir Hiuliis it
3tllluilli) "stile- Viimil wliool. aftn a few
iliis v nation
liuim D Hudson, Mis, 1, Mmiou liml-o'i, of
llimci (olo, and Mf ikloii 11 llmnici, of
I'nicst CitJ, .in KUits at tin liomi of I II Sill.
hr, of Piovidenct roul.
L II fl'Uaiv, one of tlio Held liimus.ns foi
"Tlio I'niHisil 1 nijilopedl i and VI Ik, i in tlio
liti kiiperiiitiniliiilii); tlio v, ink in (nun clou
wall tin Kile of tin fiujilopidii
Mileiman Mjrou hmson uluimd homo jistii
laj fiom I two wciks' pit isiiiu tllp In rioridi
AMiilc at Sim mt i binliik's In nut Ml and Mrs
James 1 Kill uml M 11., of this Iilj
(luiles DoukIiiiI), ot North Iliomlej uumu,
who lus been iiin'i'"l foi tlio Wistiin I'nlon in
Humiilt, J. .1 , ioi siwril uK, has utiuiiid,
uml is nan located in the mitral lit J oflin.
iinoiiiKinient Is undo of tin roiiiliu; inn
rlJ(,'o of I'rofiuoi It ink Downs 1 Ittill, ot ish
jliKloii, 1) O., Hid Mli Josiplilno J.i Monto Mei
i ei i in, (lJU!litii ot Mi. nuil .Mir. I hnlia li
Jlonto Meriiu in, of ill (Jiilney imiiiii' Tin
leiiuinny will In pi i fount d ul tlio hoiiui of tho
brido on April 0 at H.O p in. l'iofesor f.lttill
was daintily a lo.nlii In the hlBh Fihool and is
now pinktwr at tin United S-latts Niial oil
Kraloij, Don't Delay Your Hot Ciobs Bun
ri.tco It Alth Hunley, l.'O Spuue
Holy Thuisday llowois ut Cliuk'H,
comer of Waphlnton aveiufo and Kputca
n,. ii ! m in- - -
Hot Cioss Buns
Ji-or Clood Fiiduy, IJuuley's, I JO Spun e
htieet. '
McCllntocli can bo found at H8 Wusli
lnBton aenue, with a JCiiU line of Unstop
Jlcmerini; plants and novelties,
Sixty .Minutes Make an Hour
and to mill lion"
of iiiiulial iiiftrm
t luns aiu iriuii
ot ibo con&::u-
v ruin cai.ii
wilt Our niclh'
ods gbu it student
mill a knowkdo
of tliu gubjiit, a)
to make tho ttudy
c harming) now and
J Alfred l'nuhij
Inn. Itir.M'U r.
sen u At
PiOKianimpi of tmisle for Easter ser
vice., Intended for Sutludny's Ttlbunc,
should ipucIi this odlio not hiler than
Thursday aftemoon.
Airangements for tho Duality Ball
Will Do Completed.
At a nicotine to be bold tonight ot
the Ki'iieiul loiniiiltteo In ihittKO of
next Monday night's chailty ball, the
final atiniiBuniintrt ttlll be completed.
The leceptlon Kiininlttee nnined Is com
posed of the follott'ltiB.
irantoii Meihiiie II. I. III, .lames I I'm
mlnif, T. l Mchlii, 1) T O'Mallej, l'. .1 CasM,
11. I I.jiicll, I' I O'Mnllij, Ilia funnel!, J. J
Carroll, 1! .1. Mi .Villi, .1. I. O'llmlo, O. tl. Po
land, 1'. ,1. Itiuno, A V, Dully, Joseph Cuies.e,
,7. II. Doile, .Inliu l'.ihe.i, Amliroso ller, V. .1.
KVlli.T, I'. O'Millei, M. W. flaike, Patrick .Tor
doti.'tt' II PiiBgui, limotlij Ilurke, nim Ciwlik,
John J. Drown, M. V ttwnbs, .losepli O'llrlcn,
lilchihl O'llilcn, .John (ilbboiis, 1' 1. Drown,
John I'. Kcllj, M. V. -junto, .1. J. Wtitili. M. I.
Killj, l'etei lloblinir, i-r,, Prank Cailucel. M. V.
Iljnn, It J, Murraj, James Hell, II. .1. Ilomke,
P. 0. Miirariree, Mirj thue, John HiirKr, V. t.
JliDomlil, A. 1. (asei, ttllllain Kcll, M. K
MiPoinhl, (liorKi Keller, T. A. lludil, V. h
JlcCinn, J V. .MeVnilicwn, C. V. O'Malley, .1.
P. lloilie, 1'. J. Ilrim, 1) .1. Canipboll, Oinrad
ischioedir, I. J. f-ullinii, Prank Dukcrt, 1". T.
fniiwai, 1" V. Smith, 1) H. McgaiBcc, P. J.
( Hike.
Plttftou Atcd lines 'llionias Mipgan, Joseph
U III. a Us. i rt ILuitiinn, I f. flliltilif lb 1 HOPS
M. llolind, John McOalireu, l'red Stcginiloi.
I illjoniiuic Mesuimrs J. A. iveiiy, .1 imva i.
Loftus, II. A Kelh.
Iloiiisdak Mrs Lliirles MiCaitlij.
llawlej M11. I . II. Mmrij.
Ohplmit Meil-.nus LmkIi and lonlin
ki.iiiliii iIi.lio t 1 1t AtiriiiMi T .7.
O'llojle, T. P. H0I1111, esq , f. 0 llolaml, P. J.
lonwn, Irmk Diekcit, P I. McCann, Di John
( moll, 'J'. II tt 1I-I1. P. J. ltuiiie, Dr. J. J fiul
li in, Hon '1. f. DiiKgiii, esq, M 1. llealey,
1 r ink Ilukei, 1 1 ml. Cailucel, lion John 1'. llu
lett, . T lis(), Hon M. I' McDomhl, Hon
J. I Itoilie, ttilliam Kelh, r. .1. uisej, iiiciiiru
DUiiin, P. P. Hon lei, (.icrgo Keller, John Clb-
Inn, c . I, .lislin I. Kill. 1 T. ItOlllO. Jo
Fiph OMlriin, 1' J Iciiiiiiigs, lion C P. OJIal
In, lh 1. 'I ttalsli, Pclei, ji , II. T.
iwielt. 1 1 ink r mown, u. a. ivcnj, j- no
1111, . P DnITj, Pelir Iloblins:, fi , D. '
l uupbill, Joseph i"cssc, ( ontiil '-ebiou'ir, J
It Dt.1i, M P lliiin, John J I aim, lim
olh. lluilo, lohn lluike, L J. MiNilI), M. P.
ttiiniu i p ttllk. .lnlm T. lliown. uibiose
llu, II .1 Collins, Pinnk Alcgiigee
t'ubonilile Hon J J u cin, esq
ttilirsUain Hon lohn Ijnch, lolin 1' Jen
ahan, is , (.ioiko Mcgmaicr
1'illslon Mossr. II tt (1 Itm le. rllOllllS Ml
louei, John '1 Mulllii, 1 (1'l.oile, eq
u nil inispou noil Linues i. jiuiiii'i, i-si
Iloinsilali-Mi T 0 Council
lliwlcj Ml P OC oniioi
Ohplnnt Mi 'Ilionns lonlin ,
Aiibbahl llou 1 Phllbin.
New Select Councilman Will Biob
ably Contiol Oiganization.
V J. Coleman, tho new Demociatlc
seleit councilman ltom the Sixteentli
tt.nd, contiols the organi.ttion of the
select council, oi at leabt the selection
of a Ilpinoci.itlc candidate for chair
man, with the Democi.ils In tlio major
ity. Tlio two candidates foi the Demo
ciatic nomination ate .lolin J Cottello,
of the Thiid tt.ud, and John J. Mc
Andiew, ot tho Tcnt-fltst ttaid. Ac
coidlns: to Miy good authoiity, e.ich
ot these candidates lias four membeis
pledged to ibis suppoit, as follois:
Costollo Jlehin, Quinnan, Cojneand
McAndtew Vaughun, Began, O'Boyle
and Cosgtoie.
This, ilth the candidates' own Aotcs,
ttotild ghc eac,h five ballots In the cau
cus This lemes JIi Coleman, the
ileienth man, iilth the deciding ballot,
lie lias not jet committed hlmbelf and
hub pledged his oto to nelthei candi
dtte. Tlieio is a htoiy cuuent to tho
elfect that he does, not faor cither
candidate, and that If the Demociuts
expect to win out they will have to dc
ildo upon someone other than Mr. Cos
tello oi Air. JIcAndiew
The Economy's Gift Carnival.
One of the mobt unique celebtutions
that Seiantonlans llae ever been
ptUllegid to attend, took place jcstei
day attetnoon, tthen the Economy Tur
liitiuo Co celehiated their ttteltth an-nlvet-ai.
in a btjle, long to bo
lcmembeiod by tliose who attended
and it seemed that almost cveiybody
was theie.
As jnu entcied tho fiont door a num
boied ticket Mas presented, to you and
tlieu the inteiest in seeming bonit
iiundbomc piece ot fuinltme com
menced Up and down tlio vnilous aisles tho
lines of jieoplu ptogiessed and the
piesi ttMinlngs of tho pabt tteek had
evidently Inlluenced them, because
their ejes ttoio "to tlio ilglit." It Is
ptesunied ther thoughtb weit on tlio
numbei pi luted on tho pasteboatd in
Now and then some lucky peison
would make known tho tact that her
number was In sight, tthlcli, coupled
wltli Htialns of .sweet music for tthlcli
I-atti enco'a orchestta ttas lesponslble
made tho afternoon botli exciting and
oi ally pleasing.
Tho total Millie ot the gifts amount
id to $700,
air, Oottlnger, in lew of the fact
that many weio unable to find their
glttb, made tlio following btatement to
u Tilbuiic lepiesentatlve:
"On account of tlio fact that a laigo
number ot visltois weio unablu to
Health piopeily for their numbeis to
day, because of tho i.ast thioug, we
luno decided to extend the time In
which gift numbern may bo seaiched
for, until Filday, so thoio will bo no
ginuud for complaint on account of In
HUtllctent time. The public ute cotdlal
ly Invited to consult only their own
pleaame, In looking over tho stole,
fiom basement to top iloor, until tho
clobo of business on the day mentioned.
"Within a few dajs, wo shall tm
nouueu ii date through our advoitlse
mont In this paper when u beautiful
souveiili will be piesented to every
peison ptesentlng ono ofthe numbeted
tickets, This com so was, In
Older to nbctitnln tho numbei ot cuids
glen out, bo that a sufjicient number
of souenlis could bo oideied and no
body disappointed,
"Tho wisdom of this action Is illus
Mated by tlic vust atteudanco today,
tthlcli gieatly exceeded oui expecta
Haul Woikeis Leain Bnpidly,
Joseph p, lmgllsli, wlio has spent
jtibt four inontlis in tho Miortlinnd de
puttment of tho Sciantou UuNlncss
College, has seemed an excellent posi
tion in tho oilleos of the I'eck Lumber
company, at 1'cckWUe.
Ciaue's Silk Waist Sale.
Twenty-ttto styles at ?1 98. All col
ors, all sUes, big allies. 324 Laeku
ttunua u Venue.
Citizens Secure Liberal Conces
sions from tlie Scraiuon
Railway. GoiiiDanij.
Executive Committeo of tho Central
Labor Union Favors a Settlement
on Terms Proposed and Stilkeis'
Executive Committeo Calls a Spe
cial Mooting of tho Union for To
monow Night to Docldo Whether
or Not the Fight Will Be Ended.
Ono of tlio Partios Who Attended
a Meeting of tho Parties at Inteiest
Gave It as His Opinion That the
Stilke Would Bo Settled Before
Another movement to erfect a settle
ment of the sheet tar stiike Is afoot.
Tlio executive committee of the Cen
tinl Labor union, tluough two piom
inent citizens, hao been at woik for
some time past I'lideaioilng to sccuie
some concession fiom the company
that would losult in the stilkeis agiee
ing !o call off the stilke.
As tt lcsult of thebe ende.nois tho
tiolley company ngieed to take back
all the men as fast as plates could be
made foi 'them, one bundled to be
taken back immediately upon the call
ing off ot the stilke, and tho lomalnder
within a leasonoblc time, not to exceed
sixty das. The older in which the
stilkeis aiP to be taken back Is to bo
regulated by the stiikeis themselves.
The barn men aie to haie an Incieasc
in wasicb.
This vciy liberal concebslon taken In
connection with the lecently announced
advance in wages wasleemed by the
Cenltal L tbor union committee as be
ing sufficient concessions to moo the
strlkeis to give up their light and the
exeeuth e committee of tho union set
about tho tcsk of effecting a settle
ment. A meeting was held last night In the
office of P. A. Bariett, local mnndgcl
of tho J'lmlra Telegtam. Besides the
two citiens, who weie acthe in becui
Ing tho concession, theie weio picsent
the execuu'.c committee of the Ccntial
Labor union, tho exeeuth o committee
of the stilkeis and an attorney lepie
cntln,r the company.
The shekels' committee would not
commit themselves, saying they would
hae to submit the mattei to the union.
After the confcience the stiikeis' com
mittee icpahed to their own headciuai
leis and had an executive session last
ing until 1 30 a. m. At its conclusion
it was stated by the committee to a
Tribune topotter that nothing had been
done futther than to fiamc a call foi a
special meeting ot the stiikeis' union
tomonow night.
It is undei stood that the Cenlial La
bor union is dlspobed to Insist on the
htiikeis accepting these new terms.
One of tho men who was at Inst night's
confeience said to a. Tiibune repot ter
a: 1 o'clock this motnlng: ".'ou can
t.ay that the stiike will be settled be
foto Satuiddj."
Delightful Affair Conducted at Ex
celsior Club House.
A delightful masquei ade patty was
conducted last night in tho H.xcelsioi
club house and wiib attended by bev
euil bundled poisons. The affair was
a soit ot ufter celebi.itlon of the feast
of Purlin, and was designed especially
for the younger folkb, The ptocceds
of tho cake and candy sale conducted
In one of the looms will bo turned
over to the fund being lalsed for the
election of tho new Jewish temple.
The featute of tlio night wujs tho
singing of the mandailn's song fiom
"Sim Toy," by Sol Goldbmlth and six
llttlo gltls icpiesentlng his six wives.
Mr. Goldsmith was tho mandailn and
attiied in a full Chinese costume with
a celestial make-up he piesented a
most lomaikiible appeaiance. Tho six
lltttlo maids weio also attlted in Chi
nese costumes and the bong was len
deied in splendid style, Mists rtoso
Gallon had atianged this pan of the
pi ogi amine.
Sciantou Business College.
Monday Miss Mao Keller leslgned her
position with Messis. Samter Bios, to
accept one with tho Faimeis' Dahj
Dispatch, Mis, Susie McGiath was sent
to take Miss Kellers place,
Bicycles, 1002 Models.
"Wo have no old stock, all our ma
chines me cntliely new and up-to-date,
Cull and bee them at Com ad Bios.'
Open evenings. 21 J 'Wjnmliig' nenuo.
Hnnley's Hot Cioss Buns.
Older euily. at 420 Spiuco stieot, to
insuie pionipt delivery.
Easter Offering
"M01III.ll IOVI." K iho title of oui M tt Altr
FOI'MAUI for UASlPlt. JUi-' was palntul
cpietsly for in b) a lekhratid aitut u hao
liad It icproduicd at u laige ipuui litho
fciaphul in tin oil cuIuik klza llvis Indus It
is null a dunning mid uttrnctiM' subject that it
ehoulil Hud u plaie in eny home, bee it, jou
will pioiuio u iopj.
To all purihaserj cf A .V- P, Tin, Coffees, Spices,
l.xtus and lUkliu; poudu,
Monday, Maich 84 to Satuiday S9th.
Atlantic anil Pacific Tea Co,,
111 Laol.av.Miiiu Ave. Hil North Main Ave
'Phono W 2. Prompt dcl!cr, clv 'phone li)
Will Bo at the Now Aunoiy, Thurs
day, April 3.
To collect a mlsiindptstnudlng wliloh
litis arisen as to which of the ttto I'us
ter week Loiti'GitB Is for the- benellt of
the Homo for tlio Friendless, the man
itgcrH of llpit liiBtltutlon ttlsh to an-'
nounco that the "Homo" conceit will
be held on flutisdny cloning, Aptll !),
mul that tho ptrtlclpatits aro Muditmu
Lillian Blituielt, mipiano; Hen Davles,
tenor, and Fijtz Kielsler, loIlnlst,
Tills com pit Is attracting much ut
fitlon nmong tho music loving nco-
lo of this city and vicinity. It bus
been many a day since a combination
of such stteiigth has been heatd here
Kilts: Ktelsler Is undoubtedly the fa
vorite violinist of tho day. Faithful
to his Ideals, he exemplifies the aphoi
Ism that "genius Is an Infinite capac
ity for taking pains," and thus bus
achieved lcnnwn such as comes to but
ono man of u nation In a. generation.
Ben Davles Is a unlvcisal fuvoilte
tho world o er. llilltlantly gifted, he
possesses the magnetism which tin Ills
an audience and holds It. One of the
gteatest lcprcsentatlves of tho Welsh
lace of today he should be cnthuslnst
leillly gicetcd by his music loving cotn
patilots In this legion.
Lillian niumelt is one of the most
sought after conceit slngei.s in tho
wot Id, and it Is unnecessary to tell
Sciantou people that they want to hear
The Homo Is soiely In need of lc.uly
funds and by put chasing tickets for
this conceit piactlcul help can bo
Asks Damages in the Sum of $5,500
Because of Alleged Holding
Up of Its Cais.
Just to see for once how It feels to
be other than the defendant In it lies
pass case, and, incidentally, to chas
tise a fellow coi potation for not pie
ipntlng its employes fiom being vio
lently sympathetic with the street car
stilkeis, the Scranton Railway com
pany yesteiday Instituted a. $3,G00 dam
age suit with the Ontario and Western
Hallway tompany as defendant
Tho nolle load crosses loin hacks
of the defendant company at the neck
of tho Muylleld yaid Since the euily
pait of October, 11)01, the plaintiff sets
foi th in the statement of the case, the
eniplojes of the defendant company
engaged at and neai the ciossing, in
switching, hue, from time to time,
almost every day, blocked the cioss
ing, intentionally, to delay the plain
tiff company's cms, and that more than
one bundled ears have thus been held
up fiom ten minutes to half an hour.
For the loss the plaintiff lias sustained
by leason of these delays $"5,000 dam
ages are asked
Jan. S, 190J, the statement fuithei le
lates, a tiolley car bound fiom Cai
bondule to Sciantou was going over
the ciossing, when an engine that was
stationniy on one of the hacks, thlity
feet away, suddenl. and speedily stall
ed up and clashed into the cai, dam
aging it to the ox-tent of $ri00. The col
lision, it Is alleged, was due to a wilful,
malicious attempt fm the pait of the
Ontaiio and AVestein company's em
ploes to wieck the car.
AVIlkird, Wan en & Knapp leptesent
tho plaintiff compan.
Successful Affair Conducted in Y. W.
C. A. Booms.
A number of young ladieb pionilnent
in the city's soclul life decided some
weeks ago to conduct an Haster sale
foi the benefit of the Young AVomen's
Chtistian association. Plans' weie foi
mulated and last night the affair be
came a leality.
The association looms on Noith
AVnshlngton aenue huie been iians
foimed into a baaai. Theie aie fom
booths at which dainty fancy woik,
Easter novelties and candy ate on bale
and a Japanese loom, decoiated by
"Williams & McAnulty, In which pietty
gnls in Oilental gaib scivc tea, cakes
and ice cieam. Those in chaige ol the
sioiul booths aie as follows:
Taney "Woik The Misses Hippie,
Dostei and Simpson; Hastcr novelty
booth, tho Mioses Dlmmlck and Re
nclds, candy booth, Misses Salmon,
Stevens and U.inloy; domestic booth,
Hie Misses Hmma and Alice Bui lis,
tea loom, the Misses Noithup, Foulke,
Haekctt and Shepheid.
Tho sale will bo continued today and
tomonow dining the afternoon and
night. An Oldu Folke's conceit was
conducted last night In the conceit
toom under the direction of Miss Annii
Salmon. Those who paitlclpated weie
all althed In old-fashioned costumes of
ilfty veair ago and tho selections icn
deted weie all those delightful old alls
which never seem to lose theh chaun.
A tilo comprising tho Misses Susie
Black, LIda Gai.igan and Anna Salmon
rang two selections. "Ben Holt" was
delightfully sung by Miss Gaiagun and
that bcmitlful old song, "I Know a
Hank AVhoio the Old Thjmo Grows,"
was delightfully sung by Miss Black.
"My Old Kentucky Homo" was sung
by Alias Salmon and a piano solo was
icndeied by Mis. Baker.
Bepoit by Paik Superintendent on
Number in Monageiie. '
Someone sent a letter to Hceoider
f'onnell tho other du, asking lor de
tailed information teguidlng tho num
ber and kind of anlmnls on exhibition
In the menugeilo ut Nay Aug p.ulc
Supeilntendent Phillips was lequested
to make an Inventoiy of the llvo stock
on hand, and the following Is tho lesult
or his Inbois:
One alligitor.
'Jwo Isoilh Carollni I ui
'Jhrco Ploilda ml deer,
'J In co onpoMuni,
'llirm iiionl !).
Sit lacoon-
1 oui fo tquliicls
Tho superintendent neglected to men
tion several dozen of gold llsh owned
by tho city but it is thought that tho
person desiilug the infoimatlou would
not bo Inteusted in this fact. Tlio
whole collection is valued at some
whcio between 5100 and $500 Its lather
a small and uninteiestlng ono but Its
,i stmt and befoto many jeais elapse,
if piesent plans pievall, theio will bo a
zoological collection at the paik that
Scutnton need not bo ashamed of
The woik ot electing the new anlmil
houses at the paik will bo begun just as
soon us tho passage of tho bond oidln
anco which contulns an item or $25,000
for paik Impiovement pui poses is us
suied. Bids in actotdunie with tho
plants ah cudy piepaied will bo solicited
and tho contiact n, winded. The work
of improving tho loadvvuys In the paik
will probably bo begun next wenk. Un
tlll (he new minimal houscvi ate built
Celery Compound
Gives Them Energy, Snap,
and Full Life.
It Enables Them to Attnln tho
Blessings and Vigor of
True Womanhood.
Women and glils In oveiy slatlon ot
life who luivp used Palno's Celety Com
pound know tlmt It Is a blessing that
sick and lun down females cannot af
fotd to bo without.
Modjeska, Hit peotless queen of ni
tlstes, olceM tlio sentiments of thous
ands of women and gltls who have
tested the btiength making and lire
ghlng ihtuet of Pnlne's Celeiy Com
pound when she says: "I have found
Palne's Celeiy Compound the best of all
lemcdles for the neivous exhaustion
consequent upon the auluous work of
my ptofesslon." Overwoiked women
In the home, and weuk, languid school
glils hae found in Palne's Celeiy Com
pound the health and vigor it so
stiongly glial mitees.
Ida Mallory, of Allenvlllo, 111, with
the view ot benefitting young glils,
vvi lies as follows: "I was taken Inst
spilng with -what the doctois called
neivous disease and neuiulglu, and
thiee or four doctois heated mo all last
summer without doing me any good.
My father staited to tuwel with me,
and in our tiavels a friend told me to
ti y a bottle of Palne's Celeiy Compound.
My father bought a bottle of it and it
helped me so I toqk two bottles mote
which entiicly cured me. My father
has nervous headaches and ho has been
taking Palno's Celeiy Compound, and
sajs it has done him five bundled dol
lats woitli of good. Wp aie using the
fouith bottle in oui family, and wo con
sider Palne's Celeiy Compound woitli
its weight in gold for neivous and other
EASTER EGGS should be colored with
Diiinond Dies- Pour colon for 1 istci. 10 tint.
no attempt will be made to make any
additions to the menngeile.
The Schumann-Heink Conceit Eas
ter Monday,
to tin I ditor of Tlio Inbune.
The lumoi having been ch ciliated
that Madame Schumann-Heink, owing
to illness, had conceded her conceit en
gagements, including her appeal ante in
this city at the Ljteuni on Unstcr Mon
day evening, I deem it ptopei to make
a btatement of facts in the case. Learn
ing ot the lumois I have communicated
dltect with Mndamo Heinle and have
letelvod assuiances fiom hoi person
ally that the lepoit is untitle and mis
leading, and that she will positively ap
peal beio on Monday evening next.
She has also expressed a desire to pai
ticipate in the Chailty Ball and Imme
diately after the contort will go to the
Ai moi y in time for the giaiid march.
I tan asstue my subscribeis and pa
ll ons that the coming conceit will be
fully up to the standnid of my pievious
concerts and that it will be an aitistic
event w hlch w 111 be a litting climax to
my seiies of conceits for the piesent
season. PHED C. HAND.
Sciantou, Ta , Maich 2", 110-'.
Conind Bios.
Sell tho leading bicjcles of the woild,
Columbia, Haitfoid, Tiibune, Oilent,
Pierce, Monaich, Hacycle, and others.
Open evenings 213 AVyomlng avenue.
Bemember Hot Cross Cioss Buns for
Leave your oulei or 'phone Hanloy,
420 Spiuce sheet. Ji
Schlitz Bock Beer
Foi Haster. Older euily lot pionipt
dellveiy. A. W. Schiuder, 720 Adams
Motor Cycles.
AVe have them at pi Ices font $1C0 to
sjuO Call and examine them at Con Bios.', 21 J AVyomlng avenue. Open
Hot Cioss Buns
For Good Filday. Hanley's, 120 Spiuco
Haster hats will be ahov,vii by Miss
McLane, Match 2ti and 27. 222 Adams
m i
See sale ot L. J. "Williams' household
goods under liead of auction,
Call at McCHntock's and make jour
belpctlon of Easter plants. IIS AVnsh
lngton avenue.
Spiing Opening
Wednesday and Thuisduj, Mai ill 20,
27. Nellie Walsh, 211 AVjomlng avenue.
Holy Thutsday llowets at Clink's,
comer of AVashlnton inenuo and Spiuco
Fresh daily Iluylcr's
Easter Novelties,
Fine Chocolate Chips Cho
colate Cienms, 18o per pound,
Nut Chocolates, 35c pov lb.
Woitli 00c.
Oianges Sweet rntlt 15o
pel" dozen.
Strnwboiiies eveiyday, 15o
a box.
9 Ul
Best Goods for Least
T 1
unyier s
West Slders nnd WIlkes-Barreans to
Boll on Filday Night.
The three postponed gatnes between
tlio bottling tennis fiom the AVcst End
Wheelmen, ot Wllltes-Hune, mul Iho
Electric City Wheelmen, ot West
Kriitnton, nro to be Willed on Friday
night at Wllkeit-llitrie, On theh' le
sult depend the hopes of tlio West
Slilets fot tlio Nottheiistcin league
ttopliv. They must win till thtee of
tlio games to tie the Utickim team.
The a eiages for the second seilcs
have not jot been compiled, but it Is
known Hint Chmlcy Mooie, of the
Backus team, will be high man, with
Hopkins, nlo of the Biukus team, u
close second. Mooie tolled twenty
four giimes while Hopkins tolled thtitj.
Hostel How eis at McCHntock's, 118
Washington nveiiue.
and Thursday
of this week.
All Are Invited ,
All Are Welcome'
The touch of the
custom bench may be
readily noticed ou our
young men's Suits.
Be sure aud see
416 Lackawanna Ave.
. I! U'1L' Jg.'ffiW
i """Haas
I 'iMWiiwti wi imftaw ii w tin i'ihibi ii ii u w
I f a 'i
:, i
sir' '4i
E3i2j Cvpyngtit lywby lift ,,ub tUluJ
d vd d d i $ d di d id S idd id d d i $ d id i d --
IliU jcii far cNtels any of our
irciloin ifforli, in thli rurtkulir
line 'Iho lino h laiuer, newer
tltl.l COllsUU Of 1I1IIK. llUlvltlO oiei befoie
il Easter Cards
Wo cm tupplj jou wllll .llinoat
aiijtliini; jou dislio in the '.ij
cf l-uotir G111K
lor tho Hist time ve lino 1
lihotoguplilo 1 1 1111 of diiiluiw,
ducU, eti , lnounteil on hind
lulnled 1 ud, whlth ccrtainlj
upjH 1U to tho 1'istcr lino bujei.
1 Reynolds
Stationers and Ensravers, Scranton.
1 Lubricating end Burning !
Fp itwmixMinomiTTi rT"- '"riurfinr inn &r
I Malony Oil & Mandlaciiiring Company,
T 141-149 Meridian Street.
$ 5 I S t4 ! ' t4 HI t i4 i "
Going out of the b-
cycle bttsiucss. J
We are closing out at
A Few Ladies' Machines
S15.00 EUCH
See us before buying.
126-128 Franklin Ave.
jjf mt m.j i iiiumiu n.i,. j.
S ! 'I4 ? ! ! ! I ! 4 3 J J ! 4,
We do more business.
How is it done? We know; by
experience and watchfulness for
possible improvements, oui
monthly trips to the markets of
the world, and our special buying
facilities enable us to get just
ahead of the other fellow for styles
and values. We handle only the
the best, see qur spring line of
Hats, Storm Coats,
Neckwear, etc
It will be worth your while.
412 Spruce Street.
Tine Umbrellas and Paiasols at
Wholesale and Betail. Our
Spring Lino is now complete em
bracing all the New Colois and
Patterns. Large Stock of Han
dles to select fiom. Bepaiiing
and lecoveiing of every des
ciiption. M. SILVERMAN, Prop.,
313 Spruce Street.
The latest and best in the pillow
line, producing a burnt leather
effect handsome and unique.
See our line.
r uracil lu.9
130 Wyoming Ave.
Booklets and Novelties- g-
1 In hiiiiUuiuc line of Ilouklefs Si
this jou his beiu llmllcd, and ,n )
(Jill Mlt v ill In of Mime ml lEf;
vnnuso to llmso Inttro-tcd 'Iho
uonltks vihlih mo lain this
Mil nip rlilellj thoo which we
, lim imiioiud, ini ludlng ducks,
ihickins, 1 iblnU and 11 host of
othcis ulili li an. lien.
Ue Ime ircelicd a number of
new uml twill boxis of .Si,illomn
in ili'lu ild bludis mil bliis All
evpuwlj foi our lji.ur trade
Every Year