- il'io'v ! J XV V -'"' w '-r - 10 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, l!)02. "? INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR VALUABLE INVENTION or JOHN TERN. It Will Have a Tondency to Work a Revolution About Wnshcrles De scription of tho Appliance by Which Culm Is Ilomovcd fiora the Bank to the Conveyors E. L. Ful lor Syndicato Will Bo Successful in Getting Contiol of the Bond. Tho Bonrd for Todny. John l-"crii, mipcilnlenilent of the Ox foid w'nidieiy, oporutcil by the Dela ware, Lnokiiwnnnii nnil Western com pany, nml inventor of the Kern Tfttcnt Slntcploker, hnH nn nppllcntlon pend ing nt WiiBhliiBton for u patent on rt "stiew conveyor," which will ho lined for conveying culm from tho ihmiPH Into tho main convejois and thence into tho wnsherlea for scpmntloii. M piescnt the culm Is taken ftom tho dmnpB nt n pitch of 43 degrees, nnd when the pile Is reduced to about halt, tho lomaltlder Is shoveled hv men Into the conveyors. The Fern nppllancc will do away w Ith tho water Hush pans and those used in Hushing culm Into tho conveyoia, and tleoroiif-p the labor 10 qulrcd ftom So to 50 per cent. Tills appliance Is to be attached to the main conveyor, and will do the work now done by the hose, water and Hhovolers. The Having in water used alone, without the labor Involved, is nn impoiUnt item in the opeiation of w ashcrles. A working model is now being built, which will bo placed in operation at the Oxfotd washciv as soon as com pleted. The appliance consists of mov able screws, fifteen feet long, which gather in the culm for a distance ot thirty feet. It is attached to a wire lope, which is tho (hiving power or Bhaft, connected with the engine which operates the main conveyor. The scicvvs nie worked on tho coll pl.in, and cany the culm into a hop per, and thence into the main convejor. The weight ot the screws is sufficient to cairy the culm, thus sustaining the pioper gi.ult.itlou. It is adjusted to anv position by means ot iopcs at tached to a. windlass nn the main con veyor. These ropes elevatu the sciews, lower them or pitch them to light or left, as leiiulietl. The featuie of the appliance is the "joke" In which the cogwheels aie joked together, thus keeping them In "mesh," as the inventor puts it. Those who have teen the appliance pionounce It a eiy pi.iUlcal and Ubcful Inven-tlon. Pohertyj 2 p tn Ilotioltrn, Abratnij fi p. ni., A. 0. llsmmll) fi p. m.t Itobokcn, Mullen, Summit, ttc. 0 a. m., J, OarrlgRi 0 a. m., 0, Frounfelkerl 10 t. lit, I'. McDonnell, ultli Mrholl'fl crewj 2 p. in , Thompson) 0 p. rn , 3, llenlgint 8 p. nit l. OoMen. Pushers (J n m., Wldnorl 7 a, m., l'lnncrlyj 8 a. in., 0. .Miller! II, r a, m , Mown; 0 p. in , C, Harlholomcwj 7.10 p. m., Murphy! U p, in., W. II, liartholomw 10 p. ni,, "Limping. Ilolpcm 7 a. in., I", N.iimiaitl 7 a, m., Slnjterj 10 a. m., Sccorj 0.43 p. m., Stanton) 8 SO p. in., Mcflovrin. INtrm West CM a. m I'. Doudlcrinl 10 a, in , C. KlnrtlM-yl 2 p. m V. Wall', 11 p. m , L. 1). Lnttlincr, with Castncr'j crcir. notici:. O. W Fllrgenld and rrcw villi go on No, 2 March 20 to Irani Morris k I'mcc dlt talon. John Winters will take Ills run, No. ft-', Mirth t. Wllllim Ollllrcin will go out wllli II. Dohcrly. II, Matlipnaon report for A, 0. Ilaminil, T, Gibhons rcporta (or J. .1. Kcarncj. HAVEN'T RETURNED HOME. Mino Workers' Officers Arc Still in Shamokln. None of the United Mine Workers' officials fiom this tllstilct returned to this city from .Shamokln yesterday. Woid iccelvod at tho district head quarters was to the effect that Presi dent T. D. Nlcholls was going on to New York as a member of the commit tee cinpowetcd to effect a settlement with the assistance ot the Civic Fed eration. Among the superintendents and op erators here tho belief Is strong that theio will bo no strike. The idea of an every other day stilko Is practic able, they say, hut would hardly bo to the advantage of the men, even It the companies should tolerate such a sys tem, which is not likely. Krle, 2d rr ,.,.,.,..... Si 6lU fit Bill Illinois Central ,...,. ..UP, llli ltott 141 !oul. (c Naali loiti 100 lOfl'i KW'jj Manhattan .,,,,. mi w 1UU mU Metropolitan SI. It.v..,.,lM IOS'4 107' 17,4 Mexican Central .....i, SOtt 20U 2'1 29 Mn. K. &T IT Mi Ol'i KlH KW MliMiurl i'aclllc ,,, lOO'i. 101 HKI'4 look N, Y. Central ......,,,,10.1 103 102H W2H Norfolk & Wcttctn ,,,, SOU 60'J fill's MU Out. k Win .11 mi' 32 32T4 l'enna. Ill It ., I SI IMU iTOH 151 , Peopled am ion; loift ioi'i iom ltcidlti(T f" S7 SOU OT Hcn.ling, 1st IT 81'a fil'.a 8li MU Ittadlnrr, 2d IT M',i fii 1)1 CA llepuhllo Sleet M 18 17'i 19 llepnhllc Steel. IT ..... 74H 7t; 7IJ4 7I4 .southern 1'aclOo 0.1 CVi 0li Ol'ii Southern It. It rUH 32 32!4 SJH Southern It. It., Pi.... PH4 fl'l "114 Pl Tenn. CojI k Iron 71 71N 70 70U Texm IMeiflo WK 40"' 40', Union PaHOu 100 ji looVi 0'l, W'i Union Pai inc. IT S7)J fS ri 89 17. S. J,rather 1T4 IPi 12'i 12i If. S. Leather, IT SJIi i Si'i 8J'li U. S. Itul.ber 18VI 19'1 ITH 17 V. S. Ituhher, IT nil 0214 01 niVi V. N. Steel 12'A :' tin '2 II. H Mecl. IT Dl'd PIl nVf, PtVi Halil 21 2114 2.IU 21U Wnlnali, Pi 42ai 1 1 1 Wrlcrn Union TOU WJ SO'i MT4 I'.xilhldend. Total Mle, 503 000 nhirc. cincno nitAi.v & piiovimox M.vnKi'.r. w hi:at- Miy Julv COItN- May JulV OATS- May July POItlt- Miy July I.AltD- M.ij July itins- May Open. IIIeIi. 7J 7214 7JH 42H 3IH mm 10 OJ n f.7 U 73 TTi fl',4 42'4 3I4 10 K 10 25 0 70 !ISO Low. 71 ?4 72 SS saw 4I'4 3I1 ITK) 10 0J noo 11.70 Clof. 72Vi 73U R1J SS'i 42)4 3I'4 11P2 10 07 0 02 n.72 8 73 8 E0 PENNSYLVANIA DAY The Fuller Syndicate. A dispatch from Baltimore h.ij.s: "U. L. Fuller bald today that ho and his associates would hu fullv able to satisfy Ma or Hajes that they do not represent tho Pennsylvania lailroud in their bid for tho Western Maiyland, and that the inteiests back of his syn dicate aio as strong .is tho PoniiHyl .inla. Ho said the bid of the suidi t.ite would be inei eased to meet the demands of tho mayor, and was confi dent that It would eventually be ac cepted. Asked lelative to tho lepoit that the Wabash was behind his .syndi cate, Mr. Fuller declined to discuss that question. The syndlcute is said to con sist of Edwaid U. Fullei. of Swanton; Moses Taylor, who Is heavily Inteiested in the Dcl.ivvaie, Lackawanna and Western; Walter Scianton, president ot the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany; Cornelius Vanderbllt, Walter Delano, president of numeious coal companies, and a dliector In the Lack awanna Iron and Steel company, and Fairfax S. Landstreet, who has been general manager of the coal intetests of tho West Virginia Cential. The syn dicate Is said to control the West Vir ginia Cential and Pittsburg railway, nnd nccoullng to repoit Is arranging for extensive developments of that piop eity. Mr. Tuller said that contracts have been aw aided for 1,000 steel coal tars, each of fifty tons capacity, at a cost of $1,350,000. "The first step taken will bo to util ise the Llttlo Kanawha lailroad and other small lines which hnvo lecently t changed hands, with tho view of seem ing direct connection with the Wabash and a western market, and also secur ing to the Wabash what Mr. CSould has long desired, a good supply or eastern coal. "It Is lepoited that i:0,000 aties of undeveloped West Viiginia coal lands, lecently purchased at a cost of over $.2,000,000, have been pooled by the West Virginia Central and Wabasli Inteiests, nnd that these roads will at once ex tend their lines Into the teultory to open nnd develop the acquisition, The land lies in Gilmer, Lewis and Braxton 1 ountles and Is along the proposed ex tension ot the Little Kanawha jallroad. "The Wabash eMension of tho Wheel ing and Lake Eiie into Pittshuig is to be utllUed to give the new line an en trance Into that city," T., L. and W. Board for Today, The following is the make-up of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: TUISDAY. MAitCII 23. Ilxtras JIat S p. 111.! Hoboken, r, r Sievi'iwj 10 p.. ru., 1. Caanau,;1i; n p. in, Hoboken. Oliver. wnnM-sim, m Alton 20. i;tr.i Kast 1,30 a, ni I Van Wonncr; 1 a in,, llolioken, J, Oerrity; f a rn,, Hoboken, I", Case, vWth U. JI. Ilullclt'd crx; 10 a. 111., John llaxtcr; 11 a. 111 , Hoboken, Itlngllib; 1 p. m., At tho South. Carolina Inter-State nnd West Indian Exposition, Charleston, S. C, April 16, 1802. Pennsjjvanla day at the South Caro lina Inter-State and West Indian Ex position, Charleston, South Caiollna, will be appropriately celebiated on Apill 10, next, when Governor Stone and his stnff, accompanied by tho state commissloneis, will visit the gieat semi-tropical exhibition in a body. Bo sides the attendance of tho governor and his distinguished associates, pi onii nent pel sons from all parts of the state will go South to assist in making the event one of the most memorable In the history of the exposition. At this p.nticulai season of the near, the city of Chaileston itself is radiant with blooming floweis and summer's sunshine, ofteiing to the noithein tourist a series of diversions and lest ful attractions that can bo found only in a southern clime, where the folldge never loses its veidute, nor tho mock ing bird ceases its song. But Charles ton with its numeious natural and his torical charms, Its battel y and pic tuiesque harbor, Its Isle of Palms and great gray Fort Sumter, its quaint stieets and wot Id-famed St. Michael's Is but an appropilate setting to the "Ivory City" glistening in the sunlight, on the edge of the Ashley liver. It is doubtful whether .1 more romantically beautiful spot PNlsts an where in this count! y than the tract comprising the three hundred acies occupied by the exposition. The handsome buildings the Cotton Palace, the Palaces of Commerce and Agriculture, bordeilng the Sunken G.n dens, and standing in bold icllef against a dim, purple, hazy horizon line, formed by boughs of towering pines across the liver, make a picture In the afteinoon sun woilh traveling thousands of miles to see. Tho Southern Railway operate." thiough Pullman sleeping cars dally between Philadelphia and Chaileston leaving Philadelphia, Broad stieet sta tion, ti03 p. in., ai riving in Chaileston at 3 35 p. m. Excursion tickets, good eleven days, only $19 80. Charles I, Hopkins, district passenger agent Southern Railway, 828 Chestnut stieet, Philadelphia, will take pleasure in fur nishing all Information. M:V YOIIK f OTTOX MAItKHT. Open HIrIi. Low. Clo. , SS" 81)0 8S2 S8J C7 8.07 SfiO 8(d , 8 -7 S0.1 (US 8 iO , SIWS SOS S5i 8 V) 840 S.I7 802 SJ3 JulV March Ma . July . Scranton Board of Trado Exchango Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Did. Asked Lackawinna Dairy Co.. Pr GO County Swings Dank & Trut Co.. 300 l'lrst National 13 ink (Carbondale) coo Third National Bmk 650 Dime Deposit and Discount Bin!,,. 300 Kconomy Mpht. II. & P. Co u First Natlonil Bank 1300 Laeki. Trust & Safe Deposit Co.... 103 ("lark & hnoicr Co. IT. 123 Scranton Sailngs nank 500 Traders' National Bank 223 ... scranton Bolt is Iut Co 125 People's Bank 135 bcranton Packing Co 35 FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. 'M " -....A.rrrinrirnnAanAAnj' FINANCIAL. 1 115 115 115 ... 115 07 07 103 Lackawanna Hallroad Low Rate Excursion to New York CItv. April 2nd, 1902. " On April 2nd special excursion tickets will be sold to New York city and re turn via tho Lackawanna railroad, good going on all passenger trains of April 2nd and for return up to and in cluding Apill "th, nt late of ono way fare plus ono dollar, for the lound tiip. Clilldien between the ages of C ami 1 years, one-half the adult late. A Dangerous Disease, Cioun is dangerous, but there is timely warning. The danger signal is hoarseness. A day or two before the attack the child becomes hoaise, then a lough cough uppears.' The following night the child has croup, f It con bo prevented ,' can be wurded off, Theio U n remedy . a safe one, and sure, too. It never falls. i, It s called Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Given, us soon an the child becomes hoarse, or even nfter tjio rough cough appeals, It will prevent the uttack. It has done so thousands and thousands of times (" nnd has , never been known to fall, t For sale byail diuggists. ,' THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, .March 23-Todaj's stock inaikot began to reflect tho expectation of the coming triple holiday from Thursday until .Mondo afur Katter. Fo Ions an interval in tho tiadlnc jl vaja prompb bomo tloaing out of accounts. 'Ihcre was a revival of apprehension tills mornlritf of labor tiouble in th-j anthracite legion, which ecenu to hu Jmtifled in view of the contingent order of the convention licforo adjournlne for a htrlko unlcH iirtnln diiiund arc compiled with, 1 casfuranin mi the pirt of those connected with tho coal InterisU that no strike un nntfMmti.i were not wholly efkethe und theie aa muiio aitlvo liquidation, especially in the IteodlngH The ISiUanco of injunitioiii aRiinst notcru lullroacN forhidiling nbalcs and rate tutting vjs not uu. I'vpcitid, but tho reiorted dcerminalon of tho in Inmate rtmui'ailon to hold .1 further and ttrin.' cut Inquiry into I ho rate question )a a suipibe and u ihlllinpf iiiiluente, Piipararlons for furtlur suits in state courta ngaliist the Iorthcrn Sj uiritled rompany were to lie reckoned with. The tistimony of tho nrintlpiU in II10 great contist for contiol of noithuutirn railroads vvhlcli U he. Ing takm in it legil iontc.-.t ia read with great attention in Wall strict and not with altogether rt assuring ilfcet or Kiitlment. There wa n slump of more than 7 points in llvansWlle and 'firre Haute. The adunte was nnmed in Colorado Fuel alter sonic urlv heavinesa ami the stock nlned 3V4, allowing for the dividend olf, North American nude a further upward 1UM1 und late in the day the Kansas City and Southern stocks, and tho MInucjpoll, ht. Paul and bJiilt Me Jlarip atocka forgid upwanbi without ivplaiutlon These gains were the cxieptlon to the rule which was on the sldo of losses. Auialgauuted Copper was supnortid in face of the postponement of the Anaconda dividend inutile and closed with a small gain. Total sales tod 11, 63M00 chaics, Ihere was heavy silling of the Wabash debtntuie II bonds, with a loss of 1V4 per tent, Utheiwise bonds were irregular. Total sties, pir value, 2,JJO,000, United blates bonds were all un changed on last tall. The following; quotations ire furnished Tin Tribune b) llaight i. I'retss Co., 31U15 Heart Building. V, 1), Itunjou, manager, Open. Illifh. Loir, Close, Ariul. Copper , 02 DJU el 02 Am. Car Koundry 82',4 aii ltl li Amcritan lco ,,,20 a) lo?i 10 Amer. Iojcoinotive, . ,,, 32U 3214 M! 3lW Am. I.ocoiuothc, I'r.,,, 01 PI i ot Apt. fcmelt. & lief. Co.. IWj W iW i',i American Bugar ..,.,., .13H il 131 ys Anaconda Copper .,.,,, 'Jaii H) a s,ii Atchison ...,.,..,..,,,, 77Ti 77T 77 77', Aicnisou, rr ,,.,,,.,,,, 11(54 V'M VI VJ a uiw ,,,,,,, ,,,iuu nun juo'ti juu '. fAlt vu tH Ualt, brook. It. T. ,.,.,,,,,, W GOV; Chicago & Alton ....... 351 35H VOV4f -mcago a Aura ,..,. ao-s afk Biti 3hlc. & O. V SIVi 2i 21 2194 'Chic.. UiU & St. l.iet Wiaj 102H iajI L'hio., It. L & P .......nOH I8IV3 170U 170 UUf, IWVi lUoli 27 20i'j 2 Hi 41 2J',5 :,'H4 Chic, Col. Fuel & Iron Col, & Southern ........ 27 Col. & Southern, Pr .... U Del. & Hud , 171 rrio .,....,,..., 37 lite lit iV .,.,, C9li 171 37 09U 171 i-Oli Gift, 171 MH 05 1IOND3. Scranton I'asscnscr Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 I'eoplc's .Street Itillway, flrat mort gage, due 1013 People's btrect Hallway, Ceneral mortgage, due 1921 Scranton Traction 6 per cent Economy I.ignt, Heat fc Toner Co.. N'oith Jcrsev A. I'ocono Ice Co Consolidated Vattr Suiply Co Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected b) II, O Dak, 27 Lackawinna Ave.) I lour $1 00. Hcanv- J2 10 llutter I reli creamer', 30c; Juno cicaniery, 20c ; dato, 22c. niece 12'i.al3c. lgg eJll).l, 10c; western 17al7JjC. 1'ta.i l'ir bushel, SI. 7". Jlarrow Ucans Per bmhcl, ?1 ljal.10. Totatois l'cr bushel, InVc. Onions 1'cr bushel, $1 0.) Philadelphia drain nnd Produce. Philadelphia. Mirth 23 n licit-(-tead ; con tract glide, Mirch S.1'1 iSIc ( orn i.e. lower .Nn, 2 inlcd JI111I1, (k1iu,I'..c. UaU -Unchiiiged .No. 2 white cllppid, 51i . Wool I nchuuid I'rnvisionv Firm, good demand; wntein liet ill st, smoked, 12t.allc; western bief, knuekl. ami teiidd, smoked, Hall.; licet him', ''to 30 .0 50, haiu, h. P. cured. 111 tlnccs, lOkaPHLe. 1I0 skinned, 111 ticiics, liy.illV.; do do. loose, ii'iari"jc.; mini, miokcil, a-, to imml ami 11 irigo, Hal'jc; lnms boiled, boneless, lsalOc shouldeis, pickle cured, in tierces, bis'ie.i do do sniokod, Pi'lVic,; bicikfist bacon, as to brim! and iverie, 11j12i.; lard, wistern it fined, tierces 10'si ; do do. do tuln, 10V4U10a5c. ; do pure city refined, in Hence, 10e ; do. do do in tubi 10al0'.e. Iluttir 10c lower; cvtia western ertiincry, 20t.; do. niarbi' prints, 31c. tggi htendj ; flesh neaib, lo'-.iblc: do. western, 15M 10c; do. southwestern, Ijijaldc; do southern 13c Cheese linn; cv ork full cream, fancj null. Ue ; do. do fiir to choice, liable Ititlned Sugars ITnchangid. Cotton Stead. Live I'oultrj Hrm and higher with a good demand lowls, 12'aillc.; roosters, SiS'Sc; vilntci cluck ins, 15a20t.; spring chicl ens 23a30e.; ducks. Hi Ijc; geese, llal2c I)res-ed Poultrj Firm, gooi dinnnd; fowb, choice, Uallc. ; do. fair to good lUU12t. ; old roostere, Si.; chickens, western. 12 ulic; turkes, tholec to fincv, 15alGc. ; do. fab to good, llaltc; dinks, lOillc. ; geese, balOe Tallow Dull and unchanged; city piime in tierces, ut. ; country do birrcls, Oaoc ; do dirk, 5Hn5?4C. j takes, tilic. Itecclpts I lour Q.J00 bancls and 2,212,000 pounds in sacks; wheat 0,000 bushels; corn, 11,000 bushels; ints, 1,300 bushels Shipments W belt, 12,000 bushels; corn, 10,000 bushels; oats, 10,000 bushels. New York Grain nnd Produco Hiirkot New Ycrk, JIarch 23 Plour Aiiout stead and uominallv unclungcd. V heat Spot steady, No 2 red, rUtfc. elevator; No 2 red. SOVic. f o. b ilioat; No. 1 northern Uulutli, bl?ie. f. o b nrloat; options lower nt first then recovered, but flnallv icldcd and closed ',Sc. luwti; Mirch closed 7S'ic; Mil, 78i,ic ; Jul, "Ssc. ; Septem ber, ec Corn Spot stcidv; No. 2, tK338c. ele vator and MV". f. 0. b. nlloat; covering of local options opined Ann and thin weakened liter which rililcd with wheit, dosing about stead it n paitinl ',ie. nit adunie; JIuv clo-cil ul'8c.; July, ftl'&c; September, 01l. Oits -iiot many; .No. 2. 47i.; .No, .J, 4Ue.; No. 2 wmte. 50c; o. 3 white, 40e ; truk mixed western, 47 aWsc; trick white, 40at3Ut.; options irregular but gcuerall weiker. Ilutter Steidy; creamery, 22a2?c ; do. faitorv, IS i22c, ; ciejineiy held, 21 J 20Ke,; lenuvated, 10i2IVjC,; imitation cicamci, 2a2tc; state dairy, 22i27c. Cheese Firm; 6tatc full cream tin ill, eirl make, finey colored, 13a lJiJc; do. white, luallVlc; full cream, laige fall make, fwi colored, 12al2'Jo.: do white, 12il2Uc 1'ggs rirm; state and Penn-hanla, 10c; wistcin, 10c; southern, 15iial53ic Chicago Qrain and Produce Market. Chicago, Mirch 23 Speculation in grains was ot .1 tee saw nature today. '1 lit ic was less force to the intikcts than on Monday, leaders were lea ncthe and there was nolliiiu for the geniril trade to follow, (,ood 1 roil w cither anil an absence of expoit haslnces worked ugilnst the bulls and at the close Ma wheit was a si ado under Ma, Miy roin 9e. lowir ami Mu oats 'ic down. Provis ions ilo'-cd 2lsa7'Ac. lower. Cash quotations were as follows: 1'loui Dull and ia ; No. 3 wheat, 70a721(ie i N'o. 2 rid, 78',a7fi.e., No. 2 oats, 419i nl2a(,c.; No, 3 white, 411450. ; No. 3 white, 42Vi alJ?iu; So, 2 re, S7',ic.; fair to choice malt ing, O3ab0c ; No. 1 tlivsud. 1.C8; No 1 north wenem. il 72; inline tlmnthv sicd, filM; rnas poik, V 83il5 00; lird, if!) W'iat) to; short ribs, tldis, SWab.iO, dry failed shoulders, THaTJic ; short Hear sides, VlOiO.20; whUUe, ?1 -0. Chicago Xivo Stock Market. Chicago, March 23. Catlle-Ileceipts, 0,600, in cluding 423 levins; maiket steady; good to prime stiei-;, 4O6O17-, poor to im ilium, J12.U0M; stoik isr nnd feeders, l2 50a3 23; tow., $1.40l5.fiO lielfeis, S2.50a0; canners, sl.10a2.td; bulls, Ir-'Mi 0; calves, f2 50iO 25; Texas fed steeis, $3aO. Hogs Iteeeiits todJ, 2,000; tomoirnw, 33,000; left nvir, 2,000; BalOc, higher; mixed and butihcrs, SU.iOaOttf; good to clioiee heavy, M50a0.7U; rough heav. M,25a0.40; light. $eU0 43. bulk of salts, ftl33a0t30. bliecj Iti-celpts, U,00i; sheep strong; lambs strong to 10c, higher; good to tholce wetheis, !-3a3 50; western sheep, Ip3.23a0 nathe lambs, $ta0UJ; westirn lambs, S3 23a0bO, Buffalo Live Stock Market. Past IIutTalo, March 23. Cattle IteeelpU llgliti sttadv and iinehaned; tops, $7,73abSO; others, $W,U). Hogs Heielpts, 3,0(0 head; active and fialOo. higher; heavy, J.l)Oa0.tWj inUed, 3.734 0 8J; light Yorkers, 0 40aO0; pigs, WlOafl'iO; loughs, sfti0 23; slags, if lal.W. Sheep and Imbs ltecelits, 3.000 head; stronger lor uuibs: theeo scarce and'tlnn; sheep, tops iulcd, W.50a5.73j culls to good, SJ50a5 40; wethers, 3.75aU, tear Hugs, $3UOa0.23; top lambs, S0 70aU.75; cults to good, gl 70J0.03. East Liberty Live Stock Market. Kast Libert, Marcli 23 Cattle Steady; chobp, $0 00j0 75; prime. $d20j0,40: good, K50u5.W, Ilogs Stead ; inline bogs, $C.73dtl SO; best me diums, 0.7DuU73; heavy Yorkers, fo 33a0.0.3; light Yorkers, $OSOaOW; pigs, $ta0 23; louglis. Ja6.20. Shce Steady; best viethers, f3.',0a5 00, 'mils and common, $2.Wet; veal tahes, $7aTT3. Oil Market. Oil City, l'a., Manli 23.-Credlt balances, 113; certificates, no bid; shipments. S9,lSd bjrrtli; average. 70.427 banclt; inns, 'Sd.UI baircli; av erage, 71,610 bainls. The Greatest Oil Greatest Oil Gushers and the Success of Recent Times The kinds of oil this company produces are those in which the supply is much less than the demand at this time. Ours are illuminating and lubricating oils not fuel oil. An oil company which, acting on the soundest and most conservative business methods, has without doubt acquired a success in less than ten months that staggers belief. No other company in the field ap proaches it in success. Read the following biief statement of facts: Tut In Our Own Money. 1. Tho promoters of tills company nut In our own money ttnil mitdo the rompnnv a sue ccsh beforn nmlcluu; tiny extended public ofTer of stock. ThlH compiitiy linn no Bnlurled mana gers' Hat, though four of Its directors mo per Koiiully employed In miporlntcntllng ItB opcrtt tlons. Never a Stock Scheme. 2. It never vvriB a stoclc-solllnir scheme liv vvhlcli nllogcd "bunkers" nnd "fiscal agentH" got from 50 to 7." per cent of tho funds. In thin company nt lerst 00 per cent, of tho funds re ceived lmvc pono directly Into pioperty nnd oil wells and pobslbly 10 per cent. Into general ex penses. The usual modern oil company opei ntes tho other way. Tho ofllcers or dlreetots of this company hao not ono cent Inteicst In stock bales. No Fuel Oil Scheme. . 2. It never would have anything to do with Spindle Top or Beaumont fuel-oil propositions. There's nothing in them. We can buy Spludln Top gushers outright for $15,000 or 520,000 und yet some oil companies arc taking ono well and a patch of giound about ns big ns 11 lot In 11 graveyard and putting a lur valtto of $1200,000 on It. What becomes of tho extra $l,lS0,0OOr No "Par Value" Scheme. i. Wo never did have anything to do with thnt new method of faking tho public by which "par valtto" slime- of 1, 2, R and 10 cenm flro helng Issued, tho uvcrniro subscriber believing tliat he Is buying par valtto shares of $1. Such business looks fishy on Its laco. I'coplo who bought such shares would, in nine canes In ten. not have done so if tliuy had known tho leal par value. No "Fake Dividend" Scheme. fi Tills company never advertised tho pay ment or prediction of big, quick dividends to iiiducn customers. It never bought plnj oil-out wells und pretended it wan paying dividends fiom production when it was not. Tho ofllcers of this company nro not mixed up In any others, nnd If they vvero they wouldn't pay dividends fiom stock sales in old companies to get gud geons to swallow new ones of tho sumo type. "How to the Hue, let thu chips fall whoro they may." Whin tills company begins the puvment of dividends llioy will bo legitimate nnd no stock will then lie for sale. It seems impossible to ronielve what clnsn of people will buy stock of a 1 ompany at a cut rate which professes to be paving big dividends at the sumo time. Tho lln.tncliil absurdity, it not vvorje, of such a pro posal is amazing. We Publish statements. C This Is tho onlv company we havn heard of that publishes tlnaneinl statements showing its income and for what disbursed. No doubt Ilia othrrs would cheerfully do so, hut it would result In dcinnglng tho liver of tliclr companies when tho public cumo to seo whero tho money was going to. Wo announced somo weeks ogo thnt wo would retlro from tho newspaper ad vertising columns, and tills Is our lust, uppear nnco now on anv scale. Our gusheis coming In with such beautiful regularity, wo believe it a public duly to announce tho samo and glvo tho public Investor a, clinnoo as well as tho prlvato one, no he or sho could put his or her money into a company of substance. No "Free Lunch" Scheme. 7. Wo don't pay tinnaportallon to our wells or equip special trains. Wo put-thls money, thus wnjtcd, In lands nnd oil wells. Wo lot lli:SUIrS talk, not tho WIND of somo nlco fellow who has had a Jolly time and Is willing to appreciate it enough to help ring in tho pub He by somo wondciful y.nn about things of which ho has no practical knowledge-, "llead hoadh" aro no expense to tho A. & V. OH Co. If a man won't invest without seeing what wo have ho can pay his own wnv, as UJs going Is for his own satisfaction and notVmirs. Wo don't clulm to be uny of the "anointed," but wo KNOW that thero is no oil company which has advertised stock for sulo for twelvo months that dares make tho open showing that wo do or that can compnro with us In results. This Company Has a Greater Amount of High-Grade Oil-Gusher Territory and Larger Illuminating and Lubricating Oil Wells Than Any Other in the World Without Exception, as Explained. 1- Our Kentucky Gushers. (a) Tlio Jones Farm (300 acres) Glibber Is a liigh-grado illuminating oil-well brought in on Christmas of a 1,000 barrels dally capacity, which oil men s.iv wilt double on drilling a trlllo deeper in tho sand. Send for photogra phic Illustrations. ,te. Er7"Avci.ige dntlv cupuc itv of wells of this tpc in thu United States is only thieo barrel", and et they make money. (b). Our Wages Farm (200 acres) Gusher, In ought in Feb. IS, is a pine lubricating oil. Opinions ns to capacity of well vary from 2 0f0 to C.000 ban els a day. Old operators and Stand ard OH men say that "It's a wonder." It reallv ii, for any kind of oil, and more particularly for lubilcnting. in which wells that pump a barrel a duv aro considered very good. Our Barnes Farm (100 Acres) Gusher. (c). This gusher would have been In some days ago, but some trouble was oxpeilenced In -the. casing, and as thnt will soon bo remedied, our clrlllcts say that it will lny cither of the other two in the shade. Wo announce it now, ns It Is a big certainty. Tho oil is believed to bo tho tame as tho Wages Tatm. Others. ,J3) (d). Wo aie drilling along a four-milo "di vide" between livers representing tho Knox County, Ky Gusher Field. Wo havo nearly all of tho property several thousand acres of this kind. The wells drilled aro about half a mllo np.iit ouch. This tenitory was specially so li ctod by our Hold superintendent as the best in the county. Others had frequently passed It over. We acquired all of it wo could, or nearly all of the whole tract. Wo bellevo thero Is room for seveial hundred of theso guhera there. Wo will allot about five, acres to each. We havo 18,000 acres ot good land there be sides thlH big gusher strip. AVo havo nearly SO.000 acics in other counties and States. The tales! usner in the d JXJST BROUGHT IN BY US IN TEXAS. BEAD WHAT PRESIDENT FLOURNOY SAYS. A WELL OF THIS SIZE AND THIS KIND OF OIL HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN OTL PRODUCTION. Sour Lake, Tex., March 8, 1S02. Diiir Jlr. TJnver7agt: Following my telegram of yesterday, I am happy to intoim vou that beyond all doubt wo havo a magnificent well of tho veiy highest grade of oil. For thirty minutes yestcrdav it flowed at tho rato of a barrel a second. The flow was stopped by the choking of oil sand not quicksand, but tho sand out ot .which tho oil comes. This will not in any way interfero witli tho capacltj of the well or tho pioductlon of oil. Mr. Sinclair, who I have before in formed you drilled wells In every oil-producing country in thu woild, said to mo this morning: "NO FINEH Oil, THAN THIS KVBK CAMU OUT or THU GROUND." Wo aro now put ting down tho b-lnch casing. When that Is dono und tho well cleaned out which may tnko some time prolmblv tour or Ave days "YOU MAY Bi: ASSUHDD THAT Wf3 WILU IIAVH THU BUST WELL, OK ILLUMINATING AND LT-'URICATING OIL IN THU WORLD. A few davs ago T wrote in responso to your informa tion about our glorious success in Kentucky thot it Is my time now. My timo has come, nnd with it a triumph that will warm tho eoekles of your heart all tho dajs of your life. You will recollect that wo tested tho well upon a good show of oil ut SS0 feet, after which wo determined to go deeper. Oil was stiuck yes teiday about 11 o'clock AT 016 FGET IN UEAUTirtJL, COAKSL' TltUH OIL SAND, through which we went DC feet to pipe clay bot tom, ul which point wo began to withdraw tho drive pipe to set tho S-lnch casing. During tho opeiation of withdrawing tho cirlvo pipe tho well gushed to tho top of the derrick through the rotary, which dellected Its course, other wise it would havo gone .'10 feet or more over tho top of tho derrick. THU OIL, HELD IN THU Sl'NLIGHT. IS A BEAUTIFUL GOL DEN GIIEUN. ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM SULPHUR OR ANY OTHER INJURlOl S FOKEKIN SUBSTANCE With kind lcgaids, vours trulv, (Signed) II. W. FLOURNOY. Note. A barrel a second is over 75,000 bar rels a day. The following copy of a telegram Is a reply from Judge Flouinoy requesting conservative estimate: C. II. UNVKU55AGT, Vice-President. Sour Like Station, Tex.. Miuch 11, 1002 C. II. Unvcrzoght. 11J3 Broadway, Now York: Well brought In todav In splendid condition; estimated capacltj by experts who saw it gush, fiO.COO barrels per day; oil of highest grade; can't ou tome and see It.' Answer. II. W. FLOURNOY. Just G'nsp nt It. With all tills great showing our authorized capitalization is only ($1,000,000) ono million dol Inrs, and wo still have a big block of stock in the trcasuiv. Did you ever hear of such a thing in your llfo? Why, somo of the Texas cheap FUEL oil people don't think anything of having more than that on ONE well and only one-bltty-fourth of an aero at that, vvhtlo wo have nearly tJO.OOO acies selctted oil lands and have 20 times ns much Gusher ferritin v as the whole ot "Spindle Top." This situation has been brought about by our successful develop ment and getting' In tho field early. How Is it, any way, for a record of only 10 months in husincss? Why, ono of our shares Is worth 20 to 2,000 times most of those in the market. IF YOU WANT ANY STOCK in tlil3 com panv, tnko notice that this price only holds good this week, or until our Barnes Fnim Gusher Is hi ought In, capped and connected, w lilcli is expected ev cry day now. Every Gusher means room for dozens more, hence tho 2"i-cont ihIso on tho first ono on each upw farm in our Gusher belt. Stock can bo paid for in throe instalments, it nnv convenience to ou. Tho amount for sulo Is limited anway, and it is going tiipidly every day. Last Monday our i ish orders alone exceeded $20,000 (for tho week, $T0,000), so vou seo tho special otra $",0,000 cash reservo bi lug put in tho treasury will soon bo sold. Wilte or call or send i omittances in custom ary nijnnei. Price or Stock. $1 per share. Par value. $1. This stock would be cheap at W per shuro now. Our pipe line connections will shortly bo made, when tho sales will entirely stop. Wo aio tunning a big force of drillers and pipo and tank outfitters, and aie providing a big cash reservo In tho treasury for contingencies, hence loasons, for present sales. GUSHERS regulate our prices. Our llrst sales were nt 2!i cents, before gushers; next 50 cents, next 73 cents, present $1.00. You may as well know it, as tho prlco is going up to $3 by New Yeni's. Every gusher bi ought In and put In shapo dovelops a now tract of giound and Increases tho price per sharo of stock 23 cents. This Is a fair ndvanco becauso tho proven ground will most likely itself in crease dividends such an amount annuallv. With our increased drilling forco we will short ly bo bringing In two gushers a month, if not more. What Our Oil Wells Are Worth. OH wells or production sell leadlly nt about $750 per barrel dallv production, sometimes more. At this rato, our pres i nt 1)0,000 barrels dally production would bo worth for the wells $3,730,000, or over thieo times tho whole capitalization of tho company. Present Merely a Beplnninjr. Our present gushers nre merely a be ginning, and are coming in now every month one or more. In six months' timo we will havo at least 4 times tho present number of gushers. Think of this In con nection with present value of the wells now drilling based on productioa value. Chance of Your Lifetime. It just happens that you can buy stock, now becauso tho plpe-ilno connec tion, hence sales of oil is a few months away, und having plenty of stock In tho treasmy, even -nt our low capitalization, we have concluded It the part of wisdom tlngencies and loi most exttnded operations. 1 - The Atlantic and Pacific Oil Co., 1135 BroaduDay, New York City, Cor 2flth E& ftiST BldSl' Judge Henry W. Flournoy, President. Executive Committee Charles II. Unverngt, Chairman; S. Qaleskl, President Provident Savings Bank; Jame3 C. tie La Mare, Counsellor-nt.Lnw. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In HiTect :ov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton (or New York At l.W, 3.1S, 0M, 7.170 and 10 03 a. 111.; 12.15. 3 10, 3uJ p. ni. I'd ttew oik und l'lillailclplila 7.60, 10 03 a. in., and 12,45 and 3 31 p, in For Tobj. liaiina At 0.10 p in. lor liutlalo 1,15, 0 22 and 0 00 o in.; 1 55, 0M und U.J3 p. in. 1'or Ding liamton anil way stations 10.20 a. in. and 1,10 p. in. Tor O.wego, Sjiacusc and Utlca 1,15 and U 2i a. in ; 1.55 p. in. Ojuego, byracuw and Utica train at 0.2.J a, in. dally, except hunday. Tor Jiontro.e 0 00 a ni.J 1.10 and 0 50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 1 CO anil 0.15 p. lit. Illboniiburg Division For Northumberland, at OS and 10.00 a m.; 1.55 ami 0 10 p. in. For I'iynioutli, at 8.10 a, m.; 3 10 and 1)00 p. ni faunday TraimtFor hew iork, 1.40, 3 15, 0 03 and 10 Oj a ni.i J.40, 3 3J p. ni. For HulTato 1.15 and Mi a, m.; 153, 0 60 ami 11.35 p. m. Fur lliniihamton and viay stations 10.20 a. in. Illconisbiirg Division Lwvo Hcrantou, 10.03 a. m. and 0.10 p. in, Hew York, Ontario and Western. In Uffcct Tuesday, Sent. 17, 1001. KOUTIl HOuSl). Leave Leave Arrive Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cadada, No, 1 ,.,,,..'0SOa' '" H.ioa.m. 100p.m. No. 7 .....i" -lP- m r. Onbundalc U0 p. m. no. .... goOTll HOUND. ' Te.ivo Leave Arrhe Trains. Cadosia. Cailwndalc. bcranton. No. 0 , (2,a, 7.oa.m. So. 2 2 13 p. in. 4 00 ii. in. 4 40 p. in. fcU.NDAYS ONLV, NOliril BOUND. ' Leave Leavo Arrive Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cadosia, No. 0 ,,.... BLOa. in. 0 10n.ni. 1015 a. m. No. 6 ,,,. 7.00 p.m. Ar. Caroondalo 7.40 p. m. ' ' "' hOUTil UOUM). ' Leave Leavo Arrive Tiaini, CadosU. Carbondale. Sirauton. No, 7.00 a. in. 7.40 a.m. No 10 .,..,., 4 SO p. in 0 00 p.m. 0 45 p.m. 'Irairu Nos. 1 on week davn. and 0 on Sundays, mako main line connections tor New York dry, Uiddlclonu, Walton, Norftlcb, Oneida, Owcco and all points nest, 1 or further Information rcmult ticket agents, J. O. AMJbilbOV, O. I' A., New York. J, V. UUL5U. T. 1". A, Strantou, l'a. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Xehlgli Valloy Knllrond. In KlTcct, Nov. S, 1001, 'lulu leivo bcrantnn, For I'lilladilplda and New York via D. & II. It It., at II 33 md 0 3S a m., and 2.13, 4 27 (Ulack Diamond Kspr.'K.), and 11.30 p. in. bun davs, D. i. II. It. It., 1.53, 8.27 p. in. For White Haven, llazleton and pilnelpal points In the coal regions, via 1). & II. It. II., u 3b, 2.18 und 4.27 p. in. Fot I'ottsvlllc, 0.33 a, m , .MS p. m, For Ilethlcliem, Faston, Heading, IlarrUhurg, and principal intermediate station, via 1). &. II. It. It., 1133, OSS a m ; 2.18, 4.27 (Ulack l)la mond Uxprcsa), ll.0 p. in. bundajj, D, & II. It. It., (US a, in.; l.M, 8 27 p. til. For TunUiaiiiiock, 'luwanda, I.lmlra, Ithaca, ficneta and principal Intermediate stations, vli D.. L. and M. It. It., S,10 a. m and J 60 p. m For Geneva, ltotlieiter, Ilultalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points nest, vlu I), i II. It. It, 7.4b. 12 OJ a in.: 1.4.'. 3.23 (lilac Ic Dlamord i:. press), 7.43, 10.11, 1130 p. m. bunds s, D. J. II, It. It , 12.0J, 8.27 p. m. I'ullirun parloi and sleeping or Lehigh Valley I'arlor tars on all trains between Kllkes Itarie aud New Vork, I'liilJdvipliia, Uutialo and Suspcit. klon llrldgc, ltOLLIN II. WILIlUIt, Cm Supt., !0 Cortland street, New orkt ClIAItl.Db ii. LKK, Gen. Pass. Agt., 2(1 Cortland street, New ork. A. V. NOMIMAUIKii, Div, Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, l'a. For tickets aud Pullman lesenations apply to city ticket cilice, 1)0 I'uultu bipurc, Wlku Harre, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. from Wilkes Darrc. Pullman buffet parlor car and cojilies to Philadelphia via 1'ottoville. btopa at principal Intermediate stations 4 .'7 p. in., week da a, lor Ij:leton, bunliur), llarilsUirg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, U, JJ, I1U Vjl.CU.l. uvn. Jig! J, U. WOOD, Gen. IMss. Agt. Pennsylvania Raihoad. Schedule in KHect June 2, 1901. Trains leave Scianton: 0 3S a. in., week days, tlirouJ.li vestibule train fiom Wilkes Ilaire. Pull man bullet parlor tar ond coaehea to l'liilsdeb phia, via I'oltsvfllfii stops at principal Intel mo diate stations. Also connects for ounbiin, liar rtsburg, Philadelphia, Ualtlmore, Washington and tor Pittsburg and the "1st. 0 33 a. in., ucck days, for Bunkury, llsrnsburg, Philadelphia, Ualtlmore, Washington and Pitts burg aud tho vet. 1.4.' p. ui., iik dj)S tbundavs. 1 63 p. in ), for btinbui), llarrl'burg, Philadelphia, Ualtlmore, W'aililnxton aud Pittsburg and tho west. 3.23 p in week daj, through vestibule train New Jersey Cential, In Meet ,vov, 17, 1001. Stations In New York, loot ot Liberty stieet and boulh Fun, N, It. Trains leato biranton lor New Yoik, i'ldladel. phia, lhistrn, Hcthlehtm, .Mlentonn, Maucli Cliuilk, vtb't.i Haven, Ashley and Wilkes Darre at 7. JO a. in , 1 p- - and 4 n in Sunday, 2.10 p. in. fli niter f-ltv kinretu leawj S, ranttin .at 7..M a. in., through solid vestibule trail, with Pullman lluffet Parlor Curs, fot Philadelphia, with only one thangu of cars for llaltlmoie, Washington, D. O., and all principal point.s south and nest. For Avoca, Pitistou und Wilkcs-Ilarrc, 1 p. m, and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2. 10 p. m. For Long branch, Oeean Groie, etc., 7,30 a. in. and 1 p. m. For Iteadlng, Lebaniii and Ilarrlsbnrg, via Al lentown, at 7.10 u. lu. ond 1 p. in. bunday, 2,10 P, in. tor 1'ottsrillo at 7.S0 a in. and 1 p. m. For rates and tickers apply to agent at station. ft M. BUnr, Gen. IV.. Agt. j. a. svwsiil'ii, Dist, Pass. Agt., Scranton, Delawme and Hudson. In litfect November 21, 1001, Trains for Curboudalo Ituve beiauton at 6 20, SOU, S5J, 10.13 a. in.; 12 00, 1.20. J.3I, 3 02, 6 .1), 0 25, 7,87, 0 13,' 11,20 p. ir. 1 31 a. in. For llonedalc 0 20, 10.1.a. ill.; 2Jt and 6.29 p, in. For Will es-Ilarre-41 58, 7.45, $41, 0 33, 10 41 a. ni.; 12 OJ. 1.12, J.IS, 3.2, 4.27, CIO, 7.43, 10 41, 1130 p. m. For L. V. It. It. Points S8, 0 3S a. m.; 2.13, 4 27 and 11.30 p, m. foi I'emuj hauls It. It. Foists 6 33, 0 33 a. in.; 1 42, 3 23 ami 4.27 p. in. For Vlbauj sud all points north 0 20 a. m. and J 62 p. in. bUXIMY THUN9. For Cailwndalc 3 60, 11 ,J a, ,m, 2 34, 3.32, 5.52 and 11.17 v. in. Foi WilU llarie-U.J3 a. in.; 12 0J, 163, J.23, J o.aj auu v it v in. INVESTORS Ileforo making rnnimi'tuicnts, please record lu) the privilege of submitting our dcscripttio list of investments, SpencerTrask & Co BA.MKERS 27 & 20 Pino Street, Now York 111:51111:111 . Y .STOCK i:CIIVNGE. We offer, to yield About 5 per cent., $250,000 (Total Issue. $1,000,000) BUTTE ELECTRIC fi POWER CO. Butte, Mont., 5 per cent. 1st Moitgnge Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds. Denomination 1000. Matin lug 1 to u0 j car j. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. For Alban.i and points north 3 S3 p. m For ihmcbdali- 8 60 a 111 and 3 62 p. in . 1. t'UiOU, D. I' A, berantou, l'a. i jl i.