The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 25, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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:5Ffi&"News of
j; Delaware and Hudson Railroad.
5K N'ovomtitr 24, Mill. , ,, . ,
Kf'Ttaltis le.110 Culunclile at illy ttitlon as lol
$ rr Seranton and v'llkri-nurc-fl.Oo, . !t.0v.
iKUl, 111.01, 11.21 a. Hi.! I.W. l.. S.CO, 3.o0,
ft.flo,, lo.ot, ii.w ii. m. , ,
ftXStmdav trains leave at S.M, 11.21 a. pi-; HO,
AIM, 0.00, 8.33 p. in. . . Vi
Sp'or Alluinr. MialoRi. Montreal, nMtoii. "
jjF'jinland points, etc., ".on J. hi. I l- '"'
roAvaym.irf and lloncsdjle, Ti'. U03 mi
mami, tim ii. in,
'C..IA.. 4..t..
?... ----- "
ii:st n. ni.: 2.03 a. 111. ..,, ml.
sunilav trains artlc at 027 a. in.. -"'
J 28, 0.29, 11,3.1 p, m. , , ........
Pnmljv trains arrive tit Caibohdato from J
tniil nnd nono.-d.ile at 12.17 and 7.33 p. in-
, New York, Ontario nnd Western.
1 ' Kcpte'iiibor 17. 1101. . . .
Trains 1mvp Carbomlalc for Siraiiton at ,.w i
ni. ; 4.00 p. 111.
Sunday tialu- nt 7.00 a, ni. ; O.Ofl 11. m. ,
Tnlm leave Caibond.ilo for point iio'.'1' "'
11.10 a, :n. On Sunday at n.w .1. '" ri" "
leaving at 11.00 a. in. week dav-' nndlU'i 11. 1
Sundajs make connections fur New oM, coin
wall, etc. ..
Trains arrive fiom rjiiton at 11.10 a. in.! t
p. in.: frim points north, 4.00 p. in. , Mind.i.v
fiom herantou at 0. in :i. in. ami 7.1 1 l. in,
fifiii Cndodaitt 0.0(1 i. in.
Subset lbers to The Tilbune. are re
quested 'to leport any Irregularity or
confusion In the delivery of. this paper,
either to the Curhondule bruueh oC The
Tribune In the HurUe hulldlnij, or Itoh
eit & IleynoUls, newadenlciH. Some
ronfuslon In delivery hits been reported
to this otllee, and to uld in olllelent ser
vlro subs'ii'lbetM are urged to report at
mice any delinquency.
"Richard Mouahan Goes to Eaterson,
N. J., to Confer with Manager
Dooley, of Montreal Team.
There It ii possibility that Ulchuul
Jlunaliun, the proniislns' young Cai-buti-dale
ball nlaytr. will net a berth in
some nt the major leagues, lie is now
In Paler.son, X. J., wheio ho was to
moot Malinger Dooley, 01" the Montreal
te.'ini of the Kastein ItVtcuto. Even If
the negotiations for a place on the
Montreal team hi- unsuccessful, Monn
han will have the opportunity of be
coming known or Intiodueed to promi
nent league managers, who may see a
chance to have him accepted by some
minor league team, wlteie lie will re
ceive a valuable training, one that will
develop him into the good player that
he unmistakably shows promise of
. now.
The letter from Manager Dooley, re
questing the inleiview at P.Uerson,
was quite a surprise to Monahan, whose
modesty forbade the thought that he
would receive attention from such a
high source. The lecoinmendutlon ot
Monahan was made by some persons
)n Brooklyn, X. Y., who saw the clever
young man play and picked him as a
coming ball player. So when the letter
came from the Montreal manager a
few days ago, Monahan was genuinely
surprised. His modesty showed itself
again, and he was loath to acquiesce
In Dooley's wish until urged by hN
friends to grasp the opportunity and
meet the manager, by all means, if
even only for the purpose of becoming
known to one who has such prestige
in upper base ball circles that goes
villi the management of a big league
team. -s mentioned before, even It
Monahan is not successful on his visit,
be has the fact on which to congratu
late himself that he has been brought
befoic the peisonal notice of a big
league manager, with the circumstance
that It was unsought by him. The In
cident is sure to be piollfic ol" results,
if not now, then later on. lie Is sure
) to be borne in mind and opportunities
of development are most likely to conn
to him without much waiting, as there
Is a dearth of players in the big leagues
Unit is painfully embarrassing to the
Monahan Is. perhaps, the youngist
ball player in t'arbondale that has over
been In ought so directly under the
notion of the major league managers.
He Is a member of the Crescents and
Is regarded as a crack inllelder and a
sale, though not heavy, hitter.
Other Base Ball News.
The team of the fiubondale High
school Is beginning to get ready for the
season. The pleasant weather of yes
terday stirred up j-oiue of the mote
enthusiastic of the .students, and they
spent n few hours at pi act Ice In the
afternoon. The mateilul for ihe team
will be selected 'within 11 few weeks.
Is an attribute of manhood uuivei sally
desired. lfew people understand that the
only source of physical strength is food,
and that every one who has sufticient
nourishing food should be strong. Hut
there arc, thousands of punv people who
have plenty of good iood. ' How is Unit
explained? The
explanation is
simple. Food
does uot nour
ish the body uu
1 e s s digested
uud assimilat
ed. Diseases of
the stomach
5 ud other or
gans of diges
tion' aiid nutri
tion hinder the
proper diges
tion and assimi
lation of the
nutrition con
tained in the
food eaten". Thus
thi stre-uglh of
food is lost,
Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery
cmeiidiscasei of the stomach and its al
lied organs. It causes the perfect diges
tion and assimilatiuu of food and thus it
wakes uleu and Jvomen strpnu-
"I ludifiepJ iwcf b froiq indltfcilhu so
ba Jly tlitu.l.oouUi. ugt work wore than lulf the
lime, but" iloW ctto'wotk every day nrt cat any.
tiling I want," writes Mr. Victor r.. lUyden, of
J SUcbstonelJfottQwayCa.Va. "Wiiy? Hccaiiie
I took Or. R. V. Fierce' Golden Medical J)icov
', cry. It ,tuu put neir life and energy in inc. re.
'- tiered my health and made a man of me unce
-; more, J med to vrelglt 17a but had gotten don 11
. to 144, oo'w ani Vaclc to 160 aud will soon be hail:
' at my 'old welgbl If nothing happen:,. Your
t mcuiciac u uvur 11 u."
Accent no substitute for "Golden -Med
ical Discovery."
p3ie People's Medical Adviser, 1008
jpages,r on receiptor stanjpa jtp pay
. expense of wdiling only. Send 2 rone
cent stamps for the paper-covered edi
tion, or 3; stamps for the clothrbouud
volume, to Dr, U.V. Pierce, JJijiTalo, N.Y.
MAMI, (liU l. Ill, , .......tiU
'""Sunday train leave Waviuait ami HonMiUia
Tat 0.311 j, in.) 1.13 p. m. , .,i... inrre
lTi.iliu arrive at Caibond.ile '"'" "HS8 'n M
und, Seranton at follows: 0.30. S.37. H..j. V
2 .". I 12.37, 5.1W. 3.10, )., .0S, 7.01, S.S1. .'!(
" IMf fsm
Ah yet there are no signs of organ
isation among the amateurs ot Iho val
ley, despite the oncouniRemeiit tin own
out by the Crescents, of this city, by
nppenrlnrr eoily in the Held. Not even
Archbald or llonesdule has woke .tip.
Cheer mi, yonder villages, and give
Cnrbondale it chance to mid more lustie
to Us already bright reputation.
Charles W. Johnson, a Cavboiulaliau,
Advnnced to Succeed P. L. Itay
mond nt D. & H. Locomotlvo Shops.
Charles YV. .lohnson, of Washington
street, has hud his ability and Illicitly
reeognlz'-d by his superiors. by being
advanced by Master Mechanic. Itennlu
to tho position of assistant foreman at
the Dolawaie and Hudson locomotive
Mr. Johnson succeeded' l. Ij. Ita.V
mond, who came from Allentown, but
who left the city for another position
In St. houis, after being in his duties
only n few weeks. Mr. Johnson as
sumed his duties yesterday.
The new appointee Is n native of Car
boudale and has a long term ot fallli
rul and elllcient service under the Dela
ware anil Hudson comuanv to his rec
ord. This fact, Unit tho company ad
vanced one of their associates to tho
position, Is a matter of general satis
faction among the employes at Iho
shop. Mr. Johnson's nioinotlon is re
garded as timely, as he hns won the
place on his met Its. Jlo has the good
will of the men who will be tinder him.
Mr. Johnson will be assistant to
Koreniun Fischer. He has the kind en
couragement and best wishes for suc
cess from his numerous friends.
Oidiunuce Finnnlly Passed Throug'h
Councils Both Bodies Meet.
Tlie nppioprlnllon ordinance Is now
leady for the various signatures, hav
ing passed both, branches of councils.
Tlie ilnnl readings were last night, when
it passed second and third in select
The only other action of select, which
met in special session was the final
passage of the ordinance piovldlng for
a Hie hydrant on Park street, in front
of the property of Mis. Hates.
The next and last meeting of the
present select council will take place on
Monday morning at 9.30, the day of the
leorganlzatlun of councils.
Common Council.
Common council had an Important
meeting. Mr. Kennedy reported for the
building committee that the insurance
on the city buildings had ben reduced
for $12,fi00 to $10,000, and' $1,000 had been
added to the insurnnce on the contents.
Tne select council oidinance provid
ing for iho grading of North Main
avenue was passed on one reading. A
report was sought for by Mr. Thompson
on ills license ordinance, now two years
old, but It was not located, being sup
posedly in the city cleik's otllee.
(.'ouni'lf'adjourned to meet next Mon
day night to pass the Ninth avenue
grading- ordinance In time for It to he
signed by Mayor Kilpatiick before his
leaving olllce in order that it may he
Mrs. H. J. Hockenberry Departs from
Cnrbondale, Amid Many Regrets.
Mrs. II. J. Hoekenbeiry leaves today
for I.eGrand, Oregon, wheie she will
join her husband and make her home
with him at the other end of the conti
nent. Mr. Hockenberry left here sev
eral months ago to accept the position
of superintendent of schools, which he
now holds.
Mrs. Hockenbeny departs fiom Cnr
bondale amid the slnceiest regrets of
a wide circle of friends, who highly
valued her friendship. She is a woman
whose lnllueiice was a factor In the
church, where she labored, aud among
lhoe in whose society she moved. Khe
was so endeared to her Itiends that her
going will be a personal loss. 12ven
though separated by many hundreds ot
miles, her remembrance will be cher
ished by llio'-e she leaves behind her in
Carbondnle, wUoso Intimate nc-miaint-ance
with her revealed the womanly
qualities she happily possesses. Many
prayers for safety and continued hap
piness will accompany her.
Mis. Hockenberry's sister, Miss
Martini Hoffman, nceomuuiiles her to
her western home. Mrs. Hockenberry's
sons, Raymond and Myron, are still In
the east and will llkelv remain In tills
part of the country. Raymond Hocken
berry Is taking a course In Syracuse
university 'and will follow archil eetiurt
when he llnbiies, Myron Is Inking the
academic course at Dickinson school,
Grand Chief Odley Installs Officers'
df Court Sicoln', 'No. 242.
The Italians of tlie city have been
Initiated Into the mysteries of the For
esters and liavo formed a court the
peisonnel of which Is made up of the
sons of Italy. Saiurday night tlie of
ilceis of tho new court, which Is known
as S-l-c-o-l-a court. No. 2 IS, were in
stalled by Deputy-Oraud Chief Robert
Odley who was assisted by .Martin
The new odlcers of tlie coin t aie:
Chief ranger, Joseph Reba: sub-chief
ranger, Joseph Clrlko; treasurer, Mut
teo Cerra; financial secretary, Salvatoio
Pugllauo; recording secietury, Frank
Costlntluo; senior woodward, Francisco
Mnnlldo; Junior woodward, Amino
Ross; beadle, Frank Feirls;
Junior beadle, Domlulco Mendcstiuo;
trustees, James Adlnosa, ;t years;
Frank Flora, - years; Antonio Ultima,
1 year.
This coait was transferred fiom
h'erauton to Dili city.
Miss Grace Palmer of the Maple City
mid Stephen L. Gates, Formerly of
Scriuiton Maided By Rev. A, P,
U will b a pleasant surpiise to their
Ilonesdalit ft lends to hear of the mar
riage of Miss Urnco U Palmer and
Stephen L. Oates, which was solemniz
ed In this city yesterday by Rev. A. F,
Chuffee, pastor ot the First Methodist
Mr. Gates and Miss Palmer came
from Houesdale on the noon train nnd
took dinner at tho American, In the
afternoon, they sought Rev. Mr. Chaf
fee n his study on North Terrace street
and Informed hlin they desired to be
wedded and receive the blessintj of a
mairlngo In Cnrbondale. In a few mln
fffmiiimiiiiiZTii ijiiiii SfaMmSh-lillll ill iiJT?utniiiiuM"""B
Mrs. Helen Farrell,
Saranac Lake, N.Y., says to every sick
woman, " Try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. I know it will cure you."
"Dr.AK Mrs. Pinkham: Although I have never given a testi
monial before, I feel it a duty as well as a pleasure to advise sick
women to try Jjyilia 23. Piiiklisun's "Vegetable Compound.
5y experience I found it a most valuable remedy for the peculiar ail
ments known only to women. A large number of my friends have
been cured, and very recently a dear friend of mine who has tried a
number of physician's prescriptions without relief gave up in despair,
when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was suggested to
her. It was her last hope, but it proved a Godsend to her just the
right medicine for me, she says now she is cured and just the right
medicine for every sick woman say I-r- try it and you will find it will
cure you in very short time." Mrs. Helen Farrell.
When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation, weakness, leneorrhocn, displacement or ulceration of the
womb, that, bearing-down feeling", inflammation of tho ovaries, back
ache, bloating (of flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous
prostration, or are besot with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness,
lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
" all-gone " and " waut-to-be-left-alone " feelings, blues, and hopelessness,
they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles.
Mrs. Piiil-liain invites all sick women to -write lier for advice.
She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynu, Mass.
utes the couple were Mr. and Mrs.
Gates. The bride wore a most becom
ing: travelling sown of dark blue. There
were no attendants.
In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Oates
left on the 4.V,:', D. & II. train for a
trip north. Mr. Gates was formerly
from Scruntou.
Coming- Wedding- of Miss Ella Boland
nnd Patrick F. Hughes.
A weddintf nnnouneeemnt that caus
ed a ripple of pleasure in Carbondale
society is the news of the coming mar
riage of Miss Ella Roland and Patrick
F. Hughes, which is to take place at
St. Rose church on Wednesday, April
2, at S o'clock hi tlie forenoon. Mr.
Hughes' prominence In the- business and
political life of the community gives a
decided Interest to the announcement.
He has been a member of the Carbon
dale school board, holding the office ot
president. Miss llolund has been one of
the valued teachers in the high school
Odd Fellows of Olive Leaf Lodge
Choose Their Candidates.
The Odd Fellows of Olive Leaf lodge,
No. ir.C. met last night and nominated
officers, who will be chosen at the elec
tion on Monday evening next to act
during the coming term.
The nominations nie as follows:
Xoble grand, Frank Wells; vice-grand,
.r. 1!. Falmouiituln: secretary, Charles
F. Whitclock: treasurer, Edward Hall:
right commander, Adam McMynn;
trustee, C'luis Schultis; dlstilcl deputy
grand master, Isaac Singer.
Edwin Moon's Funeral.
'I In- 1j-I 'ml lili'i out Hi, hud uf the ble
IMnla Jloon hcic hflil sjliml,!' uitcinooii. 'Iho
lmily h.i Inflight m (hi-, city over tlie Dcl.iw.irr
.mil IIihUdii uud .it .!.1S. II vj, una .it . lie
ilt M.aloii bv .1 limi! number of liU 11U111I come.uil t(i Miplcnontl inuili-ry, wliuo in
leiincnl w.ii in iilc.
U llio Ki.ui', Dr. Wluili'ii, ..i-un uf I lie lie
nun H.iiiNt ilimi-li. ofilcl.itol. 'Ihc- i.f
lluu'tii. v.ik laigf. Auioiiir Iu inot li.iudioiiic
wn- .i pirn- m-iii liy lli fellow ill III?
Mnii-i)u l.oii .it, aiiangeri In tlie foun
uf .1 lni;i' aiuil, upnn tlie f.ue ol whkli lr-atcd
i l.:.i(l,.-inllir li.iiiiinei'.
Hie pilllKuifiH ef Willi mi IliukK-y, Mkli-nl
(li.uly, A. I'. Ki-., NH-ori lli-ll, l'i.iiilv AlWity.
I'l.inl. Iliilill, Ci".i y.' . Unwell :iinl .lu.rpli lU-i-ell.
Miss Tyron's Funeinl.
Tlie uf tlie Uti" Mi-' l.niii-c T.uoi,
ilaiiiiliter of .Mr. anil iiiv. (.'ioirp II. Tjion, h,is
Ik lit on Sjtniiliy attdimcii. Huv. A. F. f'h.ilU'e,
Ubtcn- of tlie l'iut .MolliuilUt, u.inlucie.1
the ieniM nt tlie lioiwe mi Dale aii'iiur. A
ipiarlelli' lompos'il of II. 1', t'l.nU, Allien )Ma
brook, Mi, s .Icmile Until r anil .Mi- I'Iji.i Hun
him. muk fevi..l apprupiiat' M'lei.iloii. Ilnilal
.is III iiineliiy.
'I lie tullcmliii: .uti'il at p.illliiaroi: Aitliiu
trplic-ii-. liilllii l'cll., X. 1'. Mi!ilic-u, Aiilile
IliiuK, i:. W. Ki'.MioliU ami All.erl IMulimok.
The Dingram Opens.
'I lie ill. ii. mi fur the enliit.iIluiK'lii li.i tlie
1'oli.Mle Cnivi'lailv tile.' .m.l IJanjo dull, Mlili-li
Hill l.e at the llJlitlit eliuuli. opeii.'il
l.Ml llllit A llieru i a iiuiiiIki' ol la-ncial ail
niMuii I ii Kit s out, It wotilii lie a U,e(iiow
for lli(u.e lm waul to amue tlioinclr of nooil
H-aU to liao thrill H-M'lviil in. in thine m .llde
in the felitie pcn. The .iiMlliunal cot ii only
11 irnH. The ,iiliiiiloii is ..1 ii-nU.
Was Well Known Here.
Wmil wa irlril in thin city Ia-,1 runlni; uf
Ihe ik.itli of .Strplit'ii Krllr, al III-, home In
Aiora. .Mi. Kelly, who was one of ilu plonena
of Ihe .illei, luil uuuy filrnili in ('ailiomUlr.
Amoiiif Ills irl.ille.s nip Mr, I'atrlrU llaily, ot
Suvrulli nuiiiie, ami Iho fjiniiy of llkliael rule
man, on 111" Wmt Mile, lie ua (Ml Je.iu ulil.
Tho will l.iUc- plaiu Wi'dne-.l.i.i iihiiiiIii.
Millinery Opening,
Out' puij eslill.ll of iiupuitril iiilllluriy will
llilrie.t iu. The llaU, Toques anil llumiutt of
our own uiaKe ami ili-oln am rcjiial to tho now
rt liiipiirlril iiratlonv. Opeulus li.' Weilnc-iliy
ami ThuiMljy, Martli 20 ami SJ. Moiy K. (ill
IjjsIiv, :U Xmlli fliuiili ttii'd,
News of an Engagement.
New. ha hem luene.l in ('.iihniil lie of the
Liilf-Hjiuiiut of Mi.j Mjiy It, Jlavucll, ilniifliur
..( Mr. n i nt Mr. .l-iiiiei 1'. Muvl'1I, uf (.'auluiii',
lo.. fuimerly of Cailwiuljle, la Joopplv Doaue,
ll.ui i-i, .1 I'liiiilniiit ulturney of the toun.
Secured a Position.
.IiM-pli l'ouileily. ol High Khnol, h.u ,-inrpliil
a p.wltnu with lliu Ciilioinlalii l.imnli.v. lie, Ii (n
ilui-n of tlie principal route, in the illy ilU
likt. Home from Law School.
Jutiph I.'. Illi'inuii, ot South Main .licet, ijlne
home la.t cHiini; fruln Dickinson Law oeliool at
Cai'lMe. lie U hero loiin-ml the JUiier vacation,
The Hold-up Case Collapses.
Tlicic ni a re-liD-uiug otcrJjy In the allowed
liljhwa rohti-ry tato from JlJ.UWd Attorney
Secretary W.C.T.U.,
I'. II. Timlin appcaieil for Patrick Ilairett anil
romiucnl Aldeiiiuu Atkinson that alt thai coulil
lie prou-ii agiilnst ihe aecuseJ wai larceny. 'Ihe,
ui-e of larceny was then .settled anion? the
p.utii'4 ami Ilanett w.n iliehataeil. As Ilinelt
was lepanlril as Ihe prliHipal, llmlily will aUo
he immune fiom .prosecution
Getting Their Saloon Licenses.
(,'ulle a delegation of Carlionikilc rcstauiant ami
hotel proprietois went to Sciaiiton yeslriilay and
piid over ihrlr the Iiumliril anil tlffi ilollar--, pel
linjc in leturu llic-lr llquoi licen'S for the comiiifi
j e ir.
Ainoiii! thoc who rmiclieil the county tirany
wcic: Thomas A. f.impbell, f'hicf McXuIly,
Zophet, bainuel Mllliami, of the Ameiii.m
liouse; Louis Kelikop, I'lank P. Drown, ' .lolm
llioln, .m.l f.'eoiKe Kosj?, of Simp-on.
Meetings of Tonight.
IliiUluii Xo. II, Ancient Order
St. Vincent lo Paul.
I.unretl.1 lodire. Dauliteis of llel.eknli.
Knights of llonoi.
Loral union, 11111, I'liiloil Mine Woikci.
Dmilhter-. of t. lleoige.
Returned to Normal School.
Mis .lane Moril'on, who has been U-dtiwr ut
her home on Sutlw&lain stieet. leturned jisler
il.iy, to legume her studies In the State Xuini.d
-ihool at Chester. Her father, Aldeinian Moiri
oil, accoinpjiuid lier on put of the journey.
Returned to Work After Illness.
Mis (irate Simirll, of Siunitoii, who has been
ill at the lionie of lur parents, on Claike aie
nue. has rituimil to Scrantnn, where (.he is mi.
plojrd in the biancli ofllte oT W.Hlibiini-Ciosly
Co.'s mill, of Minncapolli', Minn.
Sold His Trotter.
Abe Salmi In. diiio.sed of his .splendid tiottltif,
lioi-c to llmke llio.-"., of Peianton. Mi. Sahm li.i',
lines laid for another llje- wlilcli is now in tie
hands of a Xew oik tate borsn owner.
In Position After Holiday.
Miss Lllrabrllt J'aily, uf Seventh aienue, lias
lelmned In liei unties as tale.-dady in Ihe nill
liniii pulois of .Miss (Mllashy, aftei the wlnlir
Wednesday nnd Thursday.
Opening il.i. Volt will see the newest in
mllliuciy if jail Mit oi.r Mine Make yom- n'
lections eaily. l.ny Jl. fiallashy, l Xoitli
( linicli fctieet. -. '
W. A. UukIkh, of her niton, is In the uty.
A. I'. I'm pic made a bu.lnrfs trip to ciMpie
ha una ,eitcidiy.
Mr. .lolm J. Moiuluu and dauxlilir, Helen,
clsiteil in .lirinn je-leid.t).
Croiue Mailem.iu atlcnded the Ceoice lliirdkk
'.lie at ftitiulleld ettuljy.
l.e:u lii.-H'il. who has been llt inr at lCienej,
mi- a ieu d.s, has lelmned home.
T. J. Pi Ire, uf siiaiilou, a warden at the loimly
Jtil under MieillV (lemons, was In Caibondile ji's
lird.iv. Mis, Timothy .Mit'.irthj ami tdstir, .Ml.x llo.e, of Ihe it Side, (-pent ,uMeiil.i, In
Miss Diss l-re.n, of Jriliiu, and Kdilli Junes, of
Miauton, weie the uiiesU of Ml. and .Mi. II. A.
Piupli .Mtteidaj.
.lulu. II. Welsh, uf Sciantun, division paxseuir
and fi nislit iisinl of Ihe Ontailn ami Westeiu, in the tit esteiil.i,u
Kukciio Cukk, the funeial iliiriti.r, of Scian
inn, was a C.ulionil.ile visitor e-tridj, Ihe pu't
of I' lllnilor II. A. I'm pie.
An iippni limit) will be givrn to luar an eiel
lent piosianime by the imU pupils of Ml-s
I'llcabcth Ohcii, of Providcnee, at tlie HLiht'l)
Daptist iliureh tlil eu'iilnt,". Al tlie rlose ut the
n c Hal, ice in am aud lake will be cold, A clher
olTerim; will be i.iU'ii at the door.
MUs .lunette Mncley entiitjiiuil a umubii- uf
liliiids at In i hi.iiiu ill lllakely I'lida.v nenin'.
The time was delightfully passed hi i.udi and
nihil- kooI.iI dlu'isloiis until about uinlnlht,
One of the most prevalent, annoying
and irltatlng troubles Is itching Plies.
Suffering 'ones do not bellevo they cun
bo cured, because they have tried so
many remedies that failed, it is now
an admitted fact that Or. A. w.
Chase's Ointment never falls, and lo
Impress upon Scranton people tho nb
soluto surety they huvci, Matthews
Rros, ure authorized to guarantee sat
isfaction or refund the price paid.
Mr. P. J. Munley. of No. GIG 3rh
street, Scranton, Pa., suys: "For eight
years l had been a sufferer from Itch
Ing piles. Some nights I could not
uleep at all, and In hot weather I lost
lots ot time ut work ivlth them, the
Irltutlon wus so great. 1 tiled every
thing with no success until l got n
box ot Or, A. W. Chase's Ointment nt
Mutthows Urns', drug store, 320 Ijacliu
wanna avenue. 1 used part of the box,
and have seen nothing of the trouble
since. This result I consider wonder
ful in the light of past efforts und fall,
ure to cuie. It's a great ointment."
Dr, A, W, Chuso's Ointment is told
at COc. a box at dealers, or Or, A.
W, Chase Medicine Co., Uuffnlo, N, Y,
See that portrait and blgnuturo of A,
W. Chase, M. D., are on every package.
nlirn a ilttliioiM luncheon was nmrd by the
MI'S Ltitil Kilward. of lalnanlscllle, Is Ult
luff Jirr utaiiiliiiotlier, Mi. Mary I'ttAcrl, of Dela
ware Mreet. .
.Mbw.s Limits Wailns and Annie fallen bac re
lurncil to Illoomslmia; Stale Xoitnal nchuol, alter
a ten da)V lacatinn.
.Ml . Viola I'ugli, ol Ihlllmorr, Mil., la the
guest of tclatiie nt this plarc,
.lewder 1!. (I. l.lojil left Riturday to Ppeml n
month ut Old l'olnt Comfort, Vn,
Ml lmy, of lloston, Is the mini of Mrs. M,
11. Hull, (if lllaketj.
Divld i:aim, ol Seranton, f-prnt Sund.iv with
relatives in town.
Mm. Jixnpli Kennedy, of Hudson sheet, Is ssr
IcniAly 111.
.Mis. Lotltla lteec M'lsltliigrv1.illmal (Irren.
Jolm Mojd, of Wllkevll.uie, h,m a lsitor In
town jMtinliy.
1 "' m
The 11101111)01 of the Lpworllt league of the
Methodist 1'ptrropjl tlmtclt are making ftriauite
menlB for nn riitirlulnment, in tho nh-ipe of u
mock trial, to bo nlirn In tho chinch bariiicnt,
on 1'rlday eicnliiR, Apt It I, An this Is tho
entertainment of the kind eior presented in .In--myn
it wilt be it noielty and will ho doubt draw
a large crowd lo witness It. Tho cliaigo uf ml
mission will be 15 ernla and tlckcls can he pro
cured .of line ot the iin'inbem.
Tlie funeral ot tlie late Mis. Stephen Miller
will lake place this morning. A kliort neulie
will be held at the hoitso nt 11 o'clock, after
which the remains Mill bo taken lo the I'irst
baptist church. llev. Jtiyiiard It. Thompson,
who will li.ui. chaige of the eerricM, will be
assisted by llev. Mr. Whalen and Kltlcr (how,
Sf Carbondale.
At n quaitcr to a o'cloeU jeslerday mornlmt
fire was diacoicieil In the hotel ocruiiled by
Jolm Jiedon, on the hill nt JIa field. In response
to the alarm tounded by the pump slufl wliistlo
tlicj Wliltmoro and Wllliaui Walker hose i-ompinles
ri'sponcleil, tlie foimcr' getting n stieam of water
upon the buuilng building fully file minutes
befoie the aliiial of the WalkciV. tlotb eom.
panics winked inergetle-ally in s-iibdulng the
ll.unrs, which had got such a fiuu hold tint
thiy weie uiublo lo extinguish it until tho build,
ing was almost consumed. They were, liowcier.
Mtcccs'ful hi preseulng the ndjoining buildings
from dc'tnirtlon. Tlie hotel was owned bv John
Itothc, of OI. pliant,
Mrs. James Jlann cud daughter, I.ibeila, of
l'omtli street, were Seranton isilors jc'tcrdjy.
l'lillo J. Snjder, of II etiecr, who li.ii I een in
ill health for tome lime, is in fiu Ii a eiltleal
condition that Ids death f.s niomciitailly e
peeled. His .son, CIjiciicu I)., of Spiing Drool,-,
i.s at his bedside.
(leoige It. Jeimjii. ot Sxititou, was a business
caller here jcslcidiy.
Tho Walker Hose comp.ny will lo look to
their lauiels, which they arc in danger of los
ing since tlie Wliilinoic company has sprung into
e.lstence. The htler has made two leeoid
breaking re-pmi-es lu the la-t two flies in
A little sou arriied yeleid.iy nt the borne of
Jlr. and JIis. Cabin SnjUcr, of Scott township.
Assistant 1'oi-enian John D. Jones, of the fllcn
wood Shalt, is moving into the ('. 1). inter
property on Jlain si reel.
Iter. It. S. Jones, 1). )., of Pioildelire, who
officiated in tho church bunday,
priached a most foicible and eloiiuent sirmon
to a congri'g.ition that filled tliei ehtiich Sun
day eiening.
Mine rofeman Thomas spent Sunday with
WIIkcs-Darre fi lends.
Tlie repeat in jcsteidij's issue of The Tilbune
on a local page, eoi.eeinlng the propeved ad
M'sability of tlie Delawaie, Lirkawamu and West
rin roiupany locating their new tar fhop.s in
this borough was met with the greatest elelUht
by our people heic. The new industry, if hi.
e.itcd beie, would pioc a big boom tu oui
town, as it would mean the erection of many
nnd piolubly handsome buildings, which would
be neecosary to fiuni-h homes fm the fittein
hundi-ed einploics cvpee-teiL
The Oberamniirgau l'asaion l'lay, wldib was
given List cwniiiir nt Wcbei-'r, rink for the bene
tlt uf the Herman Lu'.bcian ehurUi, was wit
nessed by ii ciowdetl bouse, who spoke in 'the
highest piaiae of the peiformanee. TVenly-ine
!ceiiei weie produced together with a girat mini-bet-
of illiMiationa of the bitth, life, iriie-llllon,
lesuriection and atcirion of the l.oid Je-us
(Tilisl. and were ilesciihed by mi interesting
Icituier. Miss Julia Young, a noied (opi.iuu
Miloist, assisted in the p.-ifoimance, aint her
singing was much admired. The Pa-i-iou Pliy
will ie giien again this rvening al the link,
commencing- at 7..'!0 p. m.
Tajlor local, Xo. Irtl..', 1 nited Mine Umkeis
of America, caused n lesuh-tioii -it a recent
meeting forbidding any member from tiding mi
the ttii'ot iai.s uf the 011111011 Itiilwav im
I .any.
Tailor lodge, No. nils, Independent Older of
Odd lVlluui.', nomiualed tho following ofllceis
at .1 led lit meeting: Noble giaud, lticlnid
.Morris;! seeietaiy, . (i. Howe-IN;
trustee, James I'owellj lepiesei.tatiic tn
lodge at Liie. W. (i. Howrlls.
AIL ladies of this borough ate lonut'steil tn
meet in the luonis of the Young .Men's (.'liilstian
.i-roeiatiou on 1'iiday eiening at 7.KD o'cloil:.
MKs Ceitiude K.lw -on, of (iieenwood, left es
tenljy for Dloombmg, where she will entei the
htate athool their.
MKs .Minnie lllnker, of Wilkc-ltaiic, is the
guesl of Miss (ieilruile Jnnis, of Jlain stieet.
Mr. and Mis, Daily S-'rallli and Jlr. and Mrs.
James I'liilis were guests of Trillin's aud fileniU
in X.intieoke nu Sunday.
( amp -Xo. 7J!is, jrodein Woodmen uf AmeiLa,
bnie 1 lunged their place of niietltig for the fu
ture' aud lij icntccl Hie itcd Jlen'.s hall. The
net esIoIl of the camp will be held nel week.
Misses Maud Dtvis, Desle and Jl.uule Timlin
and D, T. (aifliths letiuiied Cseidar to H -utile
their olinllei 111 tho Miouibburg ho.. I,
alter liling lelatiies liere.
Special to the Seranton Ttibmio.
Jloutro-e, Jill ill 21. The i-atoblMumiit uf a
laige cigar .itfloiy in Jlnnlicisp i .1 piobabih'
of 1I10 near futinr.
The uld DeWitt residence uu Moiiuuifiit hciuaie
is utfered foi ile.
Tlit.mis Cathy ami fimlly, of Dinioik, will
lemove 10 this place, Apiil I, aud oeeupv ihe
irsidilici' of Ml J. Trance T.ilc-r, luimr ot .Maple
street and Jtiinimiciit miu.hi. They will enter
tain boatdcrs fiom Philadelphia and other cities
during the cummer.
A laige" number of peisons weie taken 'nto
full ineinlei.-lilp at the Metliodist Lpiscopd
e'hiuili jesteiilu.i Illuming. A number weie also
tijptizcd uud lu eh id into inrmbc-rdhtn at Hie
Daptist ihiin It at tlie morning mi vice ,esteiday.
Palm S-midiiv appiopilately oUscncil at
si. Maiy's chureli yw.te'idi'.. Tho pastor, llev,
A. T. Ihodeilik, picaehtd a poweiful dheuuitii
upon "Christ's Tiiuuiphal Lntiy into Jeiu-alcni,"
The ultais weio beaulilully deioiatid with
pilms. ThU being "Holy Week" M'tilics will
be held at St. Jlaij's, oil 'rilued.iy, 'lliursday,
I'llday and t-aturikiy.
Dr. D, C. Aii-.r.i, of New JlilforJ, was in town
(alitor James I'. Tailor lus icriiirird fiom
his icceiit H'tioiLs lllue.u, tufllctently tu again be
at Ids ilcjl; hi ihu Itepublleaii otllee.
ll.ilid, cldet sou of Jfr. ami Jhs. W. 1). II.
Alney, Ii ill at the home uf Ids parents on
Uii-iiy tticet.
. C. Cox, who i rapidly gaining nn envi
able 11 .illation as au up-to-date aiicllomir, 1011
ilniled iiij (.LccCMfully the public tain of a
lalload of weetem Iioimm at Hie T'aibell house
barn lat week. William is certainly u "hmki
pink" at ujiug tali. Jljy liU eludow- ueier
dlinlnUli. "
Wilbur 1'o.stiT Is prcpailiig lo lake up lii
lesldcuie lu suanlou tliii tpiing.
MUs May I). Miclig, I'k.Ii.vIc-iIjI i.retldent of
Hie Home Mlvdonjiy toiietieo, will he pieseut
at (he aiimul ineclilig of 1 he .Homo and Tor
clgti Miuiiiiiaiy tocletk. of the I'leJi.Mfii.m
chuich, lo be held in Hut clime I) on 1'ridiy
alteiunou at U o'clock. All ladiejjie coidjjb.
iillilul (u ba mejenl.
l.M) l-"01l bLK. Dy Hie lot cr oeii', adjoin
ing -sijuiic WilliamV piopci'ty, wlittli sou pay
thc c niipaiiy from ii lu iiio 11 lol, and I wilt
aril U.c cJt'io for Unity rr cent. I. Jiiiiilie
of Wallace sliiiui', rrictbuig.
Cold Damp Feet Won't dive You a
If you will talto in time T.nxuUvo
Hromo-Qulnlno Tablots. 13. W. Oi ova's
slBUaturo on box.
Greene's Nervura is the True
King of Medicines.
More Powerful Than the Most Absolute Monarch, for It
Creates Health and Strength. Dr. Greene's Nervura
the Greatest Cure Known to Man.
At this season of the year you need n spring mcdlclno for your blood nnd
nerves, for your nerves arc weak, your blood impure, nnd your trystcm is rim
down In vitality and vigor. You need tonltifr up, HtrenRthenincf, vitalizing-.
While not cxuutly sick, you aro out of order, feci languid, tiro easily, do not cat
orhleep wull, have headache, stomach trouble, neuralgia, rhcutnutlsui orlircp
und kidney complaint. You tiro feeling nervotiH, out of sorts, and without your
usuul (strength, vim, cncrj-y,nnd vigor, uud you need Dr. Qrccnc'a Nervura blood
aim neryo remedy, which is exactly
what will &ct you right again tho
best spring medicine you can possibly
The only mi re way to enrich and
purify your blood is bv tuklm? Dr.
Greene's Nervura, the greatest blood
and hervo remedy in tho world.
There is nothing equals
this sovereign remedy. It
is simply Infallible. It
nweeps out nil impurities,
vitalizes the blood, enrich
es the life-giving stream,
strengthens tho nerves,
regulates all the orguns,
invigorates the entire sys
tem in fact, eliminates
every vestigo of weakness and
disease and makes you strong
and well.
Oct Dr. Greene's Nervura
blood and nerve remedy to-day.
You need it now, and now is the
best and easiest time of year to
nu cured, uont sit, and
fret over your weakness,
troubles, and pain, but get
this sovereign remedy and
be cured.
Dr. (ireene's Nervura
blood and nerve remedy is
unlike any other remedy in
the world. Don't, therefore, be persuaded to take something
else claimed to bo "just as irood." There isnothinrrclsens rrood
and as sure to cure as Dr. Greene's Nervura. Call for it and see that you get it.
Dr. Greene's Laxura Pills bhould be kept in the house, for they ure tlie
sure euro for biliousness and constipation. Sugar coated, easy to take, certain
nnd pleasant to act.
Dr. Greene, lot Fifth Avenue, New York City, who has the largest nnd most
successful practice in the world, can bo consulted free, personally or by letter.
There is nothing to pay for consultation, examination, and advice, and the low
price of his wonderfully curative medicines places them within reach of everybody.
The aboie cut illii.tiate. lnnv a distliiKiiWiod
laMjei- and politician v.n t-erioulj Injuiid be
eause lie could not leaeltly hear llie
tMiuutU ijf the itii'et.
'this aeildcnt ir incident is niii to which many
wlm an haul or he.ulni; aie frequently exposed.
Two nupuintaiiccs ot the wiitc-r eie inn doiiu
and killed bv ihe i.its in one Doth liad
latartli of the bead, nhirli had i'tem!cd up
tin cmtiiclilJii tube, leadiuii fumi the lluoat tu
the middle ear, and wile iptile haul of healim,'.
lu both case tin i'oionu'3 jury decided that
they came to their death bccait-i of inability to
hear and hied t.intls that weie intiudid for
Hem. What happened lo them i ot tuauent
on tun in i, ami in tluci e.i'ie.s mil uf lorn nii',-li'
hi., hem picciitcd by tho hmi of Miuit'i, Catanh
Calaitli of the tubes leading I mm Hie lluoat
in Ihe middle! car, W Ihe cause ut thiec fouiib.
of all of Hie ilc.ifnis. Small'. Catai rh Tableis
will nun the! 1.1I.111I1 and Hun ielore lieailutr.
That lliey nctnally do thi Is a fact of dailr
nicinuiice, as ullottil by Mull IctlcM i'.s Hie
"I Kitireuil tor eau hum 1aU1ll1.1l deafncsl
and kpeut hundred! of uollarH with Hjicciallt-i
without iillef. hliurt'-i C'ataitli Tablets com
pletely lined inv eataiili In .1 few weeks and
today 1 can hear .1.1 well as I evil- 1011M. Tiiniei
W. brown."
Mr. ('. It. Itiliibiandt, of Itiuhc.stir, . Y.,
hajs: "1 liaiv huilercd linicli fiom i.itjirli nf
tl.11 head, Uncut anil htomacli. 1 Used eprj)A,
iulialers and pcwdeii. tor inontln at 11 time Willi
only lljiht 11 lief ami had no hope nf euro. 1 Iml
not tlie inciii.s In make a cIiiukc of climate,
wlih Ii N'emeil my onl of uue. Last
i-ptlni, I lead an aeiouiit ol fomu leiiu-kablii
cures made by Muart'iJ Citarili Taliletn and
promptly bought a flttj cent bo tiom 1 1 1 v ding.
Sii-plini Hell, aitcd about M jw'. 'Hcl 'il "'e
lionio of his dausliter, Jin. Jamci llilhooley eo.
teidiy 11111111I11K, attei 1 few weeks' lllnesj. De.
eea.-ed was a lioenukcr and tlietii ate lew ioopIc
ill town who ran leiiiiniber when lie Hut caiuu
beie. Ills lu.p was .1 mnli.svoii', for many lol.
twru, and at i-pliimui; .aiin none lonld excel
btephin. Ho U Mil w til by two daiishleu, )lu.
.1.11111 Clilhooley ami ln. Tlmmas llurke, ot Old
rnrge. llr. John I kiiinery, of i'ittktou, is a Hs
in. 'J lie I111u1.1l will lake plan tomutiow aftei.
noon ut.ti,3d u'clock. Jntciiucnt wilt lie in bt.
Jlaij's iiinneiy ,
'Ihu fuenul ot Vi.s. William Uilllauii took
plaee ycttcidiy afliriioon, 'Ihcio weie many
hcttiitllul lloul itublcnu about the taiket. Thu
llnine Jliision toilcly sent a bouquet of icl ojcj
the family, a pillow: the lio famil. of - aint
11... ., ..lllnii-. Xl.iluo asomlilv. e.ilta lilltea.
Service.! Weto t-onduilcil ill Hie I'linilllve Slellio- I
ilUt by llev. Janus. JIoou-, Intuntent was
in j Ue u llolleubaik luinetco.
funk (iiad), of liiowiuville, Is ciitically ill.
Mr. l'eiKiuon, if Lincoln Hill, is mirciim,
fiom dioj.v.
The lumial of William Marlon took phiie m
.Saturdjy afteuuion fiom Ihe luiNkmi' of bU il
let', ill-. Julil Hovel., :-i'H lei weie held In St.
Mai,.' rhutcli, Intumnii wa made in si. Mjii's
Mi.. 'Uuma Mi'XjII.i uud fauillj will have HiU
week in Join her Im.Luiul in HaikMUtowu, ul.eie
t Ue will ic'iidc.
John HcvtJii, fun-nun oil ihe lUlsUl Tucuit line,
l(t on ,aturcUy In nnjeilulind the cotllUllou
of u nwjf biidije 4, hjl Hftw,
'I lie Udle' Aid uictutv of the McHunlUt Kl'U-
copal' chunk will have a tale of cuubltd on I'll-J
5, Wmm2MMmMU
- w
sW and" tittcli pculthe benefit from th-ifc
one paikaiie that 1 continued to uc them dally
until I now consider myself entltclv free fiom
Hie iIUkusHiik animyanic of catarrli; my head i-i
clear, my digestion all I could ask and my henr
iiiB wlilcli had begun to fail as a result of the
catarrli, lias greatly improved until I can heap
a well as eci"
.Mrs. Juno Pillow, Ihe well known modUte,
kijs: "t finally had to stive up pcro-onal atten
tion lo my ciistomits, became of my Incicasinu
deafness and In consequence many of them went
eleewhcie.' I was in despair for tpeclalists weiueil
powerless lu help me. Muaitis Catarrli Tabid
cmcil me in just n little white no completely
that now 1 hear as well as eier."
Army Siugeon C. .S. Uenrly beeaiui mi deaf
fiom catanh that he was forced to lesiijn lit-
position, and abandon his piotcssiuu. Ho bays:
"Of louii-c- iny inherent, piejudli-u
was hhd to oieiconie but knowlnff tho great
bencllt you bad leeclu'd, my dear (Jeneral.
lluousli Hie lice of Stuait's Calarih Tablets, I
Usui "them. Tho uieat icllef 1 epeiienced was
truly I am 'now entiiely cuied and
c-o back to my old peat )iet muntli."
Jfr. 1'. Mlttliell lliiwej. the famous liarjtone.
in a pirtonal letter to .1 filend eildi "1 am n
In bail, to my beloved piofesslou nest mouth.
Ibis will surprises you, I know, tor when 1 last
ts-.w you 1 neier expected to tins avjln, but I am
entirely cuied of my cuturili and my hcuilnsr is
now a acute aa eier, 1 tued Stuart's Catanli
Tablets al'd in tliico weeks llicy luil doim fiir
1110 more than all tho spccialMs, t wliom I paid
thousands 01 dollaii, and mm 1 am entirely
Miurl'rf Oalarili Tablcln are for sale lit every
dim: hloru for Wi cents 11 bov. Wilto to V. A.
htuait Co,, Mnisdiall, Mich., for tlitlr free boob
uu catanli and lt.s cuie.
day afternoon at Hie .Methodist LpK-opal par
Donate, JESSUP.
The funeial of Mrs, hemuii took place fiom th
koine of Michael Me Andrew, of the Noitli Kud,
vcaterday iiionilnif. V lole-uui bluh nais of re
iiulcni was celebrated in the Aichbald (Vtholio
church by ihejuslor, llev. I'uthfr Comciford. lu
leimint wa.1 niadi in the Auhbald cemetery,
Father Curran, of t;jt Wilkes-Dane, preaihed
an cliiiniciit neiuiou lu of. James clmrclt Sundjy
excnlpt;. Ills wmion was ba,ed on "Tcmpei.
unce." Ik- told the bcnitlt deilvcd fiom a .trom;
lailel fuilrty, whicli lias dropHil tu wven mem.
ber in Hiis limn. S-onie time iq,'o Hilt Mjelcty
eontaliicd nearly 10O nieinbew. He ingcd tEtrTrm
ruts to Kt tlie ilillilU'ir and jouni; men r
back into Hie iank of Hie tciupcramo soolf'.i.
He nln tiiKid tho people to attend the e'ter
taiiunent which will ho given at St. Jamw lull
L'ater Mondiy cvc-iiini;. 'I lie ptoceedj of VU tn.
leitulimient wilt be for llie puipexv uf Hicut'th
i'liilis; llie bt. Jamu nvieiy.
Tlie ioruUj.'li M. lawsuit is Low in pio
yi.W at Serjntoii. As a utailt, iho wbolc loiiu
ell, with many oilier., ucie lalle-is tu tjerantoii
,veteiday. ' ,
Miwes Jennie Dond and Mjmcf audlcy,it
.sujntoii, spent fMin.Uy at (be Saudley rutlUerie,
on IK pot street. 1
To Cure a Cold in Ohe Day
Tako Laxatlyo Uromo Qufnltio Tablets.
All drufc'Blsts refund tho monoy If -It
(alls lo cure. K. W. arcive's'slgnaturi
is on each box. -of.