The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 25, 1902, Image 1

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fl Resolution Unanimously Adopted
bu the Convention o! United
Mine Workers In Session
at Shamokln.
The Demands That Will Be Made by
the United Mine Workers Before
Resorting to Stiike nn Appeal Will
Be Made to the Executive Commit
tee of the National Civic Feder
ation Mr. Mitchell Eegaids n
Strike as Imminent.
0) Ixcluslte Wire from The Vsouated I'ren
Shamokln, Pa, Match U Unlets the
efforts of the Chic Fedeintion aie ef
fective with the (oal opeiators, It Is
moie than likel that a lepetltlon of
the struggle of 1000 will occur In the
nntlnaclte legion. In that eni 110,000
omplojes of the anthiacite mines were
out on stiike for sK weeks.
The convention today of Distilcts No
3, 7 and 9. United Mine Woikcrs ot
Ameiiea, which districts compiise the
entire anthracite field, made a provis
ional strike decimation, leaving the
date to be decided upon by the execu
tive boards of the three districts. This
was piactlcally the last olllclal act ot
the delegates, and the convention ad
journed s-Ine die at 4 o'clock this after
noon. The adoption of the resolution con
taining the ultimatum ot the mine
workeis was followed by a scene of
vlld enthusiasm and the open house
lang with the acclamations of the dele
gates, who, with lusty cheers, appioved
the work of the speclul lesolutlon com
mittee and expressed their confidence
In President Mitchell
The convention ftom the fiist session
showed a disposition to insist on un ad
justment of the mine vvoikers' griev
ances, but the delegates weie willing to
lellntiulsh the question of tecognitlon,
providing othei moie impoitant con
cessions weie granted. This tact is
evidenced In the lesolutlon adopted to
day, which states as the chief demands,
n shortei woikday, a minimum day
wage scale, a unlfoim increase In
wages and the weighing of coal whei
evei mactlcable.
Strike Seems Imminent.
The Civic Federation is regaided by
the delegates as the last hope of the
mine woikeis in their demands for Im
pioved conditions, and the gi.tvlty of
the situation Is manliest In the woids
of President Mitchell: "I am fiee to
say that to me a utilise seems immi
nent." The lesolutlon adopted today was the
lesult of a dllfeience of opinion among
the delegates as to the methods to be
pin sued In enfoulng the mine woikeis'
demands Resolutions had been pie
seuted to the convention ftom all of the
distilcts, but none of them weie satis
foctoij to the entho body of delegates,
It was then decided to place the matter
in the hands of Piesldent Mitchell and
the district piesldents and vlce-piesl-dents.
Hetoio completing the diatt of
the lesolutlon, Piesldent Mitchell tele
giaphcd the pitsidentH of tho coal
caii.vlng loads, milking u last, appeal
foi a eonteienco.
The telegium was as follows:
ll (111! I lilJll Of l!l' lllllMnllCII I lC til
n.icitain If tout eunpai) will Join olhu aie
HuaiUe toil eompinln In eonfciiiice with ti m
iiiittce tcjirct-cnting iintliiaclte mine wuii.i'H fur
purpose of disc listing ami adjusting irliun m
which aflut nil tuuin inlfs iiiul ill (inilo,n
alike, 1'lcasc ansvtci.
He leeelved seveiul teplles, one of
which was fioin Piesldent Uaer, of the
Phlladelplilu and Heading Coal and
lion company, and all of which i of used
to meet the lepiesenttttlves ot the
union, Otheis made no tesponso, Tho
text of tlio leplles weie not made pub
lic. This resulted In the foiniulutlon of
tho lesolutlon pieseuted today, and nc
(oi ding to President Mitchell It was
adopted w Ithout a dissenting v ote. Tho
resolution piovldes for tho appointment
of u committee by tho tlneo executive
boouls, who will cany tho mine woik
eis' demands to tho conciliation com
mittee of tho Civic Fedeintion, with an
appeal to thit oiganlzatlon tor nbslst
anco, Tho dlstilct exec uti vo boards met to
night to select tho fnuiteeu delegates
who, under the piovisloiiH of tho leso
lutlon, mo to comptlso tho committee,
After the meeting Piesldent Mitchell
said tho membeis had not been named,
but that men fitted foi the mission by
their knowedgo of tho situation n the
anthracite coal region would bo se
lected. During tho day Piesldent Mitchell
was In communication by telephone
with Recietaiy Italph M. lasley, of tho
c'.lc fedeiation, to whom he announced
the decision ot the convention. This
aiganUullon Is empowered by its con
Rtltutlon to use Its good olllces to pie
vent sltlkes when appealed to by one of
the parses to tho pioposed iiipture,
In tho; event of their falluie to secuie
Batlsfncftoiy concessions tho committee
appointed, tonight will leport to the
aibtrlct executive bouids which vvero
authorized' by the convention to declare
a strike.
Tho puiJjoso of tho convention In
mispcmllntrV. work at tho mines thiee
rtnys In f.iejh week after Apt II 1st, If
negotiations aio then pending, is to
pi event the storage of coal by the com-
panlis by piodutlng an amount suffici
ent only to supply tlic existing needs ot
tho market.
President Mitchell said tonight there
had been a misapprehension Concern
ing the sentiment of tho convention. All
of tho delegates favored conservatism,
ho said, but they were unanimous in
tlich demands for an adjustment of
their grievances.
Mr. Mitchell's Statement.
Tho resolution piesented at today's
session of the convention of the United
Mine Workers of Ameilca by the
special commltte appointed Saturday,
made a provisional strike declaration,
and was unanimously adopted.
After Its adoption, President Mitchell
made this statement:
Our conuntion todnv unanimous!) idopted the
refommeiid itlons submlttrd In a special .omtnlt
toe composed of the district prcidenU aid vice
presidents md nil 'elf
'Ih1 tcolutlon recites Hie eflorts niidc b) tlio
rcprccntitltes of (lie anthracite mine workers
to secure i juint conferenee; c alLs attention to
the repeated clolatlons of the prompts eoniejed
in tlicir notbes, posted one jeai icto, as well
aa th ir failure to urn out the verbal under
standing icichcd with the icproscntitltts of the
coil cirrMiitt lallrondi list March
The resolution m ealls ittcntion to the watte
scile wlikli wai dratted md unaniinouslt ndopt
eil bv the contention, the cMiitlil fc iturci of
which are: A shorter work daj, a minimum
di wage scale, i uuifoini Inerr ise in wages and
the weighing of coil whirctct the phjsieal i on
ditions of mining would make it prat tic ibhv
It furthci cplilus that upon lutcilUitlou it
is found tint the itcrago annuil cirningt of tie
mthracitc mine worker 1-t tonsldcriblt lops than
in am other important industry, while the num
ber of fttilltlcs and injuries, in proportion to the
number of persons cinplovtil, in grnter tlnn any
other industry,
'J he lesolutlon then declares tint the mins
worlcrs cannot with honor to themselves oi in
Jiutice to those dipendtnt upon them continue
at work duiiiu 'he (oinuiK cal, under the pres
ent low w tses and mdchulte conditions of em
ployment, and provides for I eneial 6usiiension
ot work to take clfict upon i dale to be desig
nated by the evecutivt boiriU of Districts , V
and 0
It provides, however, Ihat before lusoitlrg to
fiiicli drastic measure-, ami with i linBenncr hope
for a pe iccful solution of the perplcvimr pioblem,
an appeil will lie made to the executive com
mittee of ,the industrial ilipartmcnt of tho a
tional Civie l'tderatlon. Miould the Civle fed
erition icfuse to act, or should they fail in
theii efforts to cftett i Mtlsf-icton adjustment
pi lor to April 1, and If. uftei tint dite neiro
tlitiops am ktlll pcnilins, all anthriLlte mine
woikcrs evtepl tho-" imcssurv to keep the mines
in lipid liill leinain aw-av from the mines,
Mrippinjrs, wiisheuis mil brcaktrs on rlucdavK.
Thinadivrt and sauidiis if eich vcek. Should
i Mi Ike tike phce no siltlomeut will be made
in anv M'pirJte dhtilct md will not tcimiiuti
until it has beni offlclallv ileclaied ended bv a
convention upicsintiu' the lime anthiailte U
tricts Tie committee to ncgotlite with the ( uie
lVdention has not jet bun apuolntfd
Commenting on tho action of the con
vention, Piesldent Mitchell said: "I am
fiee to confess a stiike is Imminent."
Should a stiike occur as a lesult of
today's declaiatlou, over 141,000 mine
woikeis would be lendeied Idle. Of
this number neaily 120,000 are on the
membership lolls of the union, the du
ties of the remainder being of a chai
acter which lendeis them ineligible to
Appeal to Civic Fedeintion.
New ynk, Maich 24. Italph M. las
lcy. secictaiy of the National Civic
Fedeiation, today made public the fol
lowing telegiam.
lion VI, II nun, thairmiii of tin iiidusliial
deportment, Nation il ( Ivie I'ciUulion, New
Aiitliiuite mine woikirs hive fillid hi iheir
cffoilK to emit i ntlttciTK ill of w ue !cil- unci
hive deilarcd for a su-pciIou of wuik, to taki
(tteiC upni a tl It.- to be dc.lKinted bv dl.tilit
ofliceii. I am diluted to appeil to iiidusliial
ikpirtmeiit of ( hie 1'eeb ration fn Its Intel
icntiou to uvcit I lie IhitiUird IliO ' ton
tllct John Milelull,
President I niled Vllne Workein of Vmeiica,
Notice was given tonight by Mr. i:as
ley that tho conciliation committee of
the National Civic Fedeiation would
hold a special session Wednesday
morning ot this week at fedeiation
headquarteis heie to consider the
thieutened miners' stilkc, f-'enator
IIutitM has telegiaphed fioin Washing
ton that he will attend, and otheis who
aie epected at the meeting aio Jlishop
Potter, Oscar Ktiaus, Chalks A. Mooic,
Frank P. ISaigeiit, James Dime an, John
Mitchell and Ftanklln McVeigh
Ten Years Imprisonment and Heavy
Pines for Neely, Reeves and
Il,v I'teliulvo Wire from Hie ocjted l'
Havana, Mai eh 2k Tho tilals befoie
the Audentla court of tho cases ailslng
fioin the embe'lement of Cuban postal
funds have tesulted In the follow lug
sentences: C AV. F. Needy, ten yeais'
linpiisonincut and to pay a lino ot $50,
70; .
W, II. Jteoves, ten veins' Impugn
ment and to pav a line of $J5,C00,
I'stes a, Katlihoue, ten yeais' m
pilsonment and to pay a line of ?33,G.ii.
D luliulve Wire from The AiMidated I'rui.
IMilladilphia, Match .'I "rim" lallahan, d
(lib illy, Imd Mlhhtb Hie betlir of tho kU
lound po wlh "loc" lleriiteln, of New York, at
Ilia WaihliiRton r-porllu.r club tonivht. 'Hie men
put u ji j tJ.t lioul.
Cliluuo, Mareli SI -"Kid" Carter, ot lliookljn,
knocked out Joe Chovnivkl, of Cjilwgo, tonight,
in (lie rlrtt ruiiiul.
Condition of Rhodes.
Ily I'vcluslie Who from tho Associated 1'icwc ,
(ape luvvii, March 55. Cecil Miodc? lud a
fair uleJit'k ict lait nl.-lit, but there In no real
Impieireiccut in Ida tondlliou
Cuba's Prcsidont-olect tho Quest of
Mr. Roosovolt.
By Ktcluihe Ure from the Aoclttil Viva
WnBhlngton, March 21. Mr. T. Vs
trada Palma, the presidont-olrct ot
Cuba, mot President Hooscvclt in his
ofllclnl capacity for the (list Hint' to
night, when tho formei was the guest
of honor at an Informal dinner at the
white house. The affair was Intended
as a mm It of rouitesy to Preside nt
clcct Palma, who expressed his high
appreciation or tho honor showed him.
The otheis present weie Mis. Hoosc
vclt, Secretary and Mis. ttoot, Minister
and Mis. Bellamy Sfoier, General Leon
ard Wood, Senor Gonzales de Quemlu
and Diego Tamayo, well-known CubniHc,
Who came over from New Yolk with
General Palma this afternoon.
While the affair was largely ot a
social character, the prospective trans
fer of Cuba fioin the Americans to tho
new government piovlded for by the
recent constitutional convention, was
discussed and questions Incident there
to leeelved consideration. The actual
date or tiansfer of government, It Is
said, has not been definitely detei mined
upon as yet. The date has been tenta
tively tlxed as May 1. and the ofllclals
of this government have believed It
could be accomplished by that time.
More tecently, hovvevei, It has become
apapient that for various leasons there
may have to be a postponement ot the
tiansfer to a date latei In the month.
A Measuie to Place a Tax of Ten
Cents a Pound on the Coloied
Aiticle Supported by Proctor.
Dy Hxclusive Wire from the t&ucnted Tress
Washington, Mai oh 24. Consldeto
tlon was begun by the senate today of
what Is populaily known as the oleo
margarine bill. The measuie places a
tux of ten cents per pound on oleomat
gailne colored In imitation of butter,
and l educes the piesent tax of two
cents per pound on oleomaigoiltic to
one-nuattei of one cent a pound In Its
uncolored state.
Mr. Proctor, of Veimont, chaiiman of
the committee on agiiculture, made the
opening statement in support of the
measuie. He concluded with tho ob
seivation that the pending measuie was
n measuie to piotect an honest product
against .t fraud.
A few bills of minor impoitante weie
passed befoie the bill was taken up.
Surgeon General Sternbeig Does Not
Regaid the Situation ns Serious.
Chaffee's Plan Approved.
B.v rvchisive Wire fioin 1 lirv ssociatc 1 I'
Washington, Maich 24 Suigeon Gen
eial Steinbeig has teceived ollichil ad
vices ftom Manila confirming the pi ess
repoits of the existence of Asiatic
choleia and plague In the Philippines,
but does not legaul the situation as
seilous, being confident of the ability
of the medical authoiltiob to movent
an epidemic of either contagion
The plan of Geneial Chaftee to ex
pedite the depaituie of the lemaining
battalion of the Thiid Infantiv from
Manila on the tianspoit Grant a week
ahead of schedule time, as a pieeau
tlonaiy meustne against the possible
sptead of the choleia to tioops letum
Ing to the United States, Is appioved
at the wai dep.u tinent.
Impoitant Conference Held at the
War Depaitment Yesteiday.
Ill I'xeliishe Wilt from the A- oeiattd l'n ss,
Washington, Maich J4. An impoitant
conference was held at the w'ai de
paitment this afternoon between Sec
letiuy Root and Geneial Wood, mili
tary governor of Cuba, in icgaid to
Cuban affahs. It Is mulm stood that
It i elated mainly to legislation neces
,sar to put the new Cuban iepub)lo
on a sound coiniueicitil basis at the
outset of its caieor.
Genc-ial Wood has expiessed the op n
lon that tho pioposed twenty pet cent.
eduction on Cuban Impoits will not
nffoid the deslied tellet to Cuba. He
Is endeavoiing to secuie mote libeial
concessions lor the Island.
Geneial Wood also discussed Cuban
affahs with tho piesldent todaj. Heu
atois Piatt, of New Yoikj Hule,
Spooner and Quay chopped In dmlng
tho confeienco and gao their views on
tho subject
Two Students Drowned,
Hy 1 ulmlie Wire fiom The .Woclutfd Press.
Ithaca, N, , Vljrch 21 Antonio Oil cm, of
Mevlto, and John Vutson, of London, I'nj , two
hulenls of Cancadilkt l'nparatur school hue,
mo iipiirtul to lute ban diiivvni-tl ivhlto tailing
on Lake Catum ,uitiida.. 'Iht-.v weie last mil
at ,1 o'clock in llie iftiiiioon. At that Hum a
blrmif wind was blov.iner. the mIiouI authoti
tlci hate orgunlmt i-iarchlui,' luittcs to lou
for llio niUiiner MudsntH
Corporations Chattered.
II) i:ilusive Wire from 'Hi-Atooclaud I 'rim
lUrrUuurif, Mitf. 21. The follovvins thaitcr.
were luetl at tlie itale ikparlinint todui 'I he
I'ltt.buri; I'i.loa I'aikiuc,' culiipaii), 'ittbme;;
capital, ijl2,00ei. Wuirta imiipaiiv, capllid, fio.ouo, I iitoii Mipplj loin
pat, scvltdili'! capital, ?l,U0u
Both Eegs Cut Off,
ty I'xcluiivf Wire front The ssociatul I'io.i.
Ilairidiuric, March 2 (. -Hotlt lm were today
coiuplctil) kcvcrcd from the bod) of lull us 1 i,h.
er, u IT-.vearobl colored bo), etiiploctl at Hie
Pcnmjlvunla btiel vvorkji, stctllon. I'taher vva
run over bv a truck while ulccn vti llio uitiovy
KJutrc tracki in (he worka
Pennsylvania Tunnel Dill.
Or hxclusive Wire Ironi The Asiclattd I'tru.
New Vork, March 21 -rMavor Low totljj ilgned
the bill siitliorizlna' the I'cimivhanla rtilioad
to conMruct a tunnel under (he North liver, and
la build twe rjllruad Ulen in the borouglt of
ManliJtUn. flic bill now goet to the tiuveiuor
tor Il-al action.
He Galls Mention to the Evils That
Threaten the Downfall
of the Nation.
The Kentucky Journalist Believes
That President Roosevelt Wishes to
Be Dictator The Awful Deeds of
the Republican Party Held Under
the Glaie of tho Oiatorlcal Search
light A Glance at the Halls of
Congress Where "Old High Tariff
Dances the Can-Can."
llj I'teliHlve Wire from the Amsochled l'rci
Washington, March 24. About 150
guests weie ptesont tonight at the bien
nial banquet of the Vlrlgnla Demociatlc
association held in tho banquet room
of the Mctiopolitan hotel. They Includ
ed Demociats of national prominence
and most of the political leaders and
Democratic members of congress from
the old dominion. Owing to the fact
that the constitutional convention Is
in session and that the Virginia Better
ed assembly Is nearlng Its close. Gov.
Montague, Senator Daniel and Attorney
Geneial Anderson, weie unable to bo
piesent and sent their regiets. Col.
Robeit X. Haipei, president of the as
sociation, acted as toastmastei. Those
who spoke Included the following:
T. W. Bullock, of Kentucky; Senator
Caimack, of Tennessee: Mi. Lewis
Nixon, the leader of Tammany hall;
Hepiesentatlve Kitchen, of North
Caiollna; Itepresentatlve De Armond,
of Missouri and members of congiess
from Viiginla.
Col. Watterson urged on Democrats
a geneial union of forces In opposition
to impel iallsm In all forms. He said.
His Virginia Blood.
'1 hcn is no ihop of blood In mi veint which U
not V Irirlm I blood Although for purpose? of
mi ovu, havinp i deep design beneath them, I
chooei this cipital of the nation for my birth
place, my carllol vi.flon of paradise the very
t' lYvu of all in conceptions of honor and tlut
and trior) nestled iinoiitj jonder hills, ncrofs the
l'otumu, md when I no hence, my a-het aliill
lepose upon tho ihom of Kcnluclv, Virginia's
Hint limn and furest dluirhtcr. Theio setins,
therefore, mine fitiicM in mv ivittliier amouir ou
Anihovv, beinir a luiitncklan and .t JKniocrit, I
am gltd to be heio ind ou will net, 1 hope,
think me a-st miner anv consequential ails und
tji ices. If I old tint 1 ft jl vciy niuiii at home.
Wt ire Dtmocrit We love om country. Oiu
heuts beat tiue to its Itistitutlons Wc would
ltMUc the Kovcinmeut from tin hands of those,
who are tiimeiliiur It into a government of
the iiut4, foi the. mists imd b the tnists, and
restoie it to the hinds of those who lilt have
.some rcgiril for the litrhH of tlie people. The
Itipuhlican parti h a syndicated pjvtv. Aibitmii
power is lis motive, the almiethli dollir itrt
tiitlemirk. If it ii not tliecked in the unit it ifl
Kolns; it will in the mil suiel.v .Mevicinie the
The Man on Hoiseback.
Once acrain In the white house we have the
Mm on Horseback. A'fectlntj tlie of
the cowlio), he concede beneath tlie tilf con
fidence and queer manners of the broucln buster,
tlie sentiments imd ambitions, if not the talents
of a IJIir. 'In him, a little thine; like trettlni; nn
admiial of the n.vv, wcarlner the lvuicl leaven
of Imperishable lenovvn, a.i if lie- were a bib) in
arms, now- to be dandled and now to be epanked,
is merely an midicx aftalr betrun ind ciiiIhI
during utr moments between brcakfist and lunch
eon To him the reprimanding of the lieutenuit
rcneial of the arm), taown Biav in llie tlgliliiiff
of the batths of bin touutrv, becomes an ttnuislii?
horxtphi), mi jut to iclav liln mu.cles anil illus
trite liU hiidi niittlitiness, whilst wanting lesser
ofllcera of tlie aunt to obe.t onleis and u) notli
iiiir, s Ibtse tilings go foiwuul, partaklua'
hoiiiewhit of the thiractci of ftittn to divert and
blinds to hoodwink public opinion, ti bill of
annt le organisation U prepared and urned upon
lonure, which, it it becomes a law, will make
the powei of the prtsidtnt abolute, and width
It is not too much to tat, entitled, "An
net to make the president of the ITnltrd States
a mllltai) dictator." Ilecausc the teprinianded
lieutenant general, anvverinir (he nunmon of a
comiultteti of coiijcicsfl as was his tlut) ripifjaca
an opinion adverse to this bill, it Is inopo'od
to retire him from tho scribe, 'laken in ton
tieetlon with some otlitr inatteiH of moie or lcs.s
(liilstcr Eiitreftlon these aiL uitnates of most
ominous impoit.
Hut. turn frum tlie white houe to file t ipllol,
and look at tlio lteiiublicjiis In (on0'ti'.ss. 'I lie
trill of tho trademark is ovei them all. Old
blah tariff dimes the cancan in (lie hoasc,
wlill-t old ship subsidy dooa tlw retfiil it ion take,
w ilk in the senate llterjthlnt; for the B)iidl
i all a NoililuK' foi tin people. An I, not ton
ti'iit with their arbitral) power in the whlta
home und tlicir power ill tonitrr, the leaders
of IliU nait) of fidt-rallsin and false pretension
would lip opt n I'liuloru'rt bov tu fllcli thence the
hitch, pliatUal llaf of nt'trio tlomliiatlgii tl.o
i quill) diVripulnble md bloody shlit ff bectloiial
ngHtatiou, and, In older to make mire of the nevt
liuii.0 (hot aie pioio.slnir to brintr forvvuul an
ntbei force bill to smite the south; to bllicht
tho noith, and to comeit a land tieinim; with
lotti and peate into a land iteklnir with hatu
and strife Such is the banquet to wlildt tho
exit of alclilnlt), tho ttateHnin, und llie advent
of Itoo.ettlt, the lough rider, has invited IK,
Something- of a Jingo,
1 inn soiik'llilni; of a jlno nijelf I billete
ill llio cipandliur (.teatiims and tilot) of in)
touuli). 1 licttr sic llio tiau lioating above Die
doom nn )onder eapltul that III) heart ilot
nut throh with the jiioud, ulad thouitlil tint
in) t vi. do not fll with happ), exultant uais
tlut I too urn an Amcritan dtiuu fiod bless
the Hair, and (!od bles the bovs that Hfht ber
luatU it I would catr) it Inviolate, I would
keep Iheiii spotlev. And, with til in view, 1
want lu know what i Kolntr on una) out jonJor
uuicss tho niultitudliwuo, the )iitsteriou tvatcs
of the I'aelltt sea. 1 want other vvjluossfd than
self Miklnc; polltkiam and self txploltiutr sol.
diets tu tonic litre and tell lue, I tvfiue lo bold
Hi) tongue. lefuac tu fe.t content And, If 1
am tuld b) a whlpter snapper In shoulder .traps
that, iiiiIcm I do, I am j traltur to nit countr),
my reply to 1 1 m shall be it slap In the face.
1'rUmls, brother., ilfiiionati, let us bate done
wlllt ii, let un Hun our backs, on llie
pa.l, our i)esj to the future, calllnc; the old
right olT and the obi stoic square, lie who
stands with tuc ajraimt these things, Is in) com
tadc, no nutter what le thinks, or ever thought
about sitter or cold. He who would deny my
plate b) lii side to (Uht them, must cither
bo ci) perverse oi M'l) blind. Let us troisi
nu bililju till we come to thun. Hut already
we can see far ciioiittU ahead to tile our icck
ouIiil; 'I here will be but one test of a Demo
crat In Uvl-toe llie line toe llie lln, m)Iii
to arbitrary povvri and ab.olulUm, thou shalt
ro no further! we, too, aie In the expansion
liiulncM! b'ut our cvptnalon Ih for Hie Iclltjlon
of tli" cotistllutlon no less than for the religion
of, Christ and Hint crucified! our expii)lon
means pcice", not war; the honor, not the denu
dation of the lbiif'i and jml as Mircl) uj dclter
son wroln the eleolaratloii of Indcpcnilenre and
Jackson fouttht the battle of New- Urlein to
reskt despotism shall we make a new' Font Hi of
lul) and celebrate another eighth of .taniur) , in
resisting tills liprlglitcous scheme to ahollrh the
constitution and MexitJtilre the gotcrnmcnl
Houso Names Payne, Dnlzell and
Richardson ns Conferees.
By l-ixcluilte Wire from The Associated I'trsa
Washington, March 21. In the house
today the senate amendments to the
bill to lepeal the war revenue taxes
were non-concurred In and the bill was
sent to conference. Messrs. Payne (X.
Y.), Dal?ell (Pa.) and Richardson
(Tenn.) were appointed conforres.
A Blmllar course was taken with re
ference to the legislative, executive and
Judicial appropriation bill, and Messrs.
Bingham (Pa.), Hemlnway (Ind.) and
Livingston (Chi.), were appointed con
A Protege of Carrie Nation Wields
the Rawhide Something in Stote
for the Governor.
Br Kxcluslte Wire front the Associated Tees'.
Topeka, Kan., Maich 21. Miss
Blanche Boise, a piotege of Mis. Na
tion, horsewhipped Mayor Parkei, In
his office at the city building, today.
Throe times she slabbed the mayor, and
he then sprang at her, tore tlie raw
hide out of her hand and pushed her
into the hall As Miss Boise was thrust
out of the office, she exclaimed: "Thank
God, I've done it; I've hoi sew hipped
you, and now I'm going to horsewhip
the governor."
Before beginning her hoisevvhlpping,
Miss Boise gave the major a severe
scolding and accused him of being le
spoiiblble for the tact that the joints
are running openly in Topeka. She
then pulled the horsewhip fiom the
folds of her chess and befoie the mayor
knew what had happened she struck
him thiee times across the head and
shouldeis. Miss Boise Is about SI jeai a
of age, and Is a nurse by profession.
arusiciAN drowned.
J. H. Halm, of the Detroit Conserva
tory His Career.
11) Holtwivc Wile from the WoiiaU'il Pics
Detroit, Mat ell 24. J. H. Hahn, dhec
tor ot the Detiolt consei vatory of inuMc
and a musician widely known thiough
out the countiy, was drowned this
morning at Kngleslde his country home
at Carey lake, lieu Constantine. De
tails of the drowning have not been
leeelved. Mr. Ilalm left heie foi Kngle
side last Friday moiultig on a fishing
Mr. Hahn was a composer of leputa
tlon as well as teachei. He was boin
In Philadelphia, 'n 1S47. Ills musical
piogress was sue. that he plajed In
public at the age oi 7 jears. At 17 he
assumed charge of the musical depait
ment of the Cold Water, Mich , female
seminary, whine he temalned thiee
j ears. After a couise of study in Eu
lope he located here In 1S72 wheie ho
has lemalned since. Mr. Hahn was
formei ly piesldent of the Musical
Teachers National association and
president of the Michigan .Musical
Teachei. s association.
Secretary of Interior, Back in Wash
ington, Contradicts Reports.
II) r.c!ulic Wire fiom 'the AsoiIatcd Tress.
Washington, Match 21. Secretary
Hitchcock has returned fioin St. Louis,
wheio he was called by the seilous Ill
ness and subsequent death of his
brother, lie denied that he had any
Intention of leslgnlng his cabinet poit
folio, or over had contemplated letli-
He refused to discuss the lepoits that
have been cut lent, bevond asstitlng
that they weie without foundation. He
leplled In the negative when asked It
ho might not find It necessniy to ic
slgu in oidei to take tip the lesponsl
bllltles that had formei Iv devolved
upon his hiothei In diiectlug their pil
vate business In tho west.
"No Man Knoweth When the Son of
Man Shall Come," Weie Her LaBt
IV Fxeluslre Wire from Tlie Associated Press
Mlllvllle, N. J., March 21. While de
liveilng an address before a huge con
giegutlon last night In the Co-Workeis'
hull, Mis. Thomas Hoguu, a woman
evangelist, was stilokcn with apoplexy
and dropped dead.
The last woidH sho utteied weie: "No
man knoweth when tho Son of Man
shall come." She tell to the iilatforin
as the last word escaped her lips, and
befote a physician at lived hho was
Miller Diops Dead,
rpeeial to the Mianlon Tlibune.
StiolieUburg', Match 21 Mr, llohcit Hudtllcsoii,
of tino.vtT A Huddlctuii, the well known iiillliia,
dtoppeel dead, piesuinably, of .lellltto, while ie-
ilriritr soptn bells In the mill. Ptieased was
(L')ear old, and bis worked in it l.umb-r nf
mills I" thin ition, being a thorough!) piau
Ileal man at the- Hade
Fusion in Luzerne.
II) J.xdiultc Wire from tho Associated Tte.s
Wilkes llaire, March 21 t a nieetint; ef Ihr
Democratic county committee udu) a it-sol ilioit
was udoptrcl pledging the l.urerne Democrat) to
fusion with the indcpcr.dtnt ltepublltans in llie
nest state campaign if, in the e:iniuit of tlie
state leaden, such a course is deemed advisable.
Steamship Arrivals.
D) i:.cluilvo Wire fimn the Assgcialcd l'a.
.New York. March !!l -CleanU: KaljerMMU
helm Per Crosse, llrciiieu til l'i)iuouthlanil
Cherbourg. Gibraltar Vttlvcd: Allcr, even
loik fur -Vjpkj and Ueiioa
Eriends of Rev. J. C. Bennett, Pastor
of the M. E. Church at Lnnsfoid,
Alarmed at His Absence.
By rixcluslie Wire from 'llie Associated Tret.
Lancaster, March 2k Tho nnsterl
ouh dlsuppeaianco of Rev. J. C. Ben
nett, pastor of the Methodist chinch at
Lonsford, and his falluie to artho at
the conference at Columbia, is causing
gieat worrlmont to his wife and fellow
He left his homo at Lansfoid Tues
day ot last week to attend conference,
nnlvlng at Harilsbutg the same da v.
He went to a hotel theio, leglstered and
left his baggage. He then staited ftu
a walk, and was last seen going to
waids the liver. He had with him $300,
which his chinch wns sending to con
feience. A number of liuiuliles have
been sent bv his wife, but despite
strenuous effoits of his fi lends to Unci
him, not a single tiaco was obtained
fiom tho time he was seen going to
wards the Susquehanna. Ills baggage
Is still at the hotel. Itev. Mi. Bennett
Is R5 years old, and has tout childieu.
Theio Is gieat appiehetislon among
some of the membeis of the contoience
that he has met with foul pl.t).
The Official Records Omit
Many Features in Pub
lished Reports.
B) I vclusitc Wire fiom Tlie Associated Tresj.
Washington, Match 111. Geneial
Miles has leeelved a transctlpt of the
lecoid of his testimony befoie the senate-
mllitaiy committee', and was en
gaged today in revising it In aceoiel
auce with the piactlce of the committee
In such eases, betoio It is piinted in
the foun of an olllclal document It
will bo for the committee to deteimlne
v.helher or not thib document shall be
gUen to the pi ess.
Geneial Miles takes tlie giuuml that
his testimony was iciiitesled s-oleb for
the infoimatlon ot the committee and
that it is foi the committee alone to
deteimlne what use shall be made of It.
Tho tianscilpt now in the hands of
Geneial Miles is lit manusciipt and on
being leturncd to the committee,
piobably tomonow, will be sent to the
government piintlng olflce to be pub
lished hi olllclal foim.
The btenogtaphet's lepoit was sub
mitted tu Geneial Miles and the olll
clal repoit Indicates that ho followed
closely the wilt ten statement he had
piepaied and lead to the committee.
Tho main tacts of the geneial's opposi
tion to the war depaitment staff utniy
hill weie given at the time. Some lea
tuies, however, not lepoited at the
time, ate of Intel est. Concerning tlie
Inspector geneial's depaitment, he said:
In the bill mulct consldentiou, it U proposed
to abolish entiielv tin toris of in-pectois who
hive been most liiitiumiiilil in ltciliu tie1
ami) up to its hiirh ihaiictei and cfheUuiv .ml
in cllscovtilnc; def ilcations, iiielfklom v and mil
uilmiuisti ition, and, oil the othei hind, II. tu
inui iirin,; ind ttioitiua; jueiltoiious conduit,
cfilclene) and nbilil) In all llie different urn
mauds mil ikpirtiucms of the siithe.
Speaking of the geneial efficient) of
pay, tiuaiter masteis and tonunissaiy
depaitments, ho said:
Tin three departments meiitioiiid b lie iiiiilcied
most efficient crtiet in the arcst Cltll w u, the
wan of the fioutler, the t-piuMi-Vmrilcin il
and in tlie Philippines and China 'Hie uulnl
mlnisliatlou in the comuiU'uv denirtincut lint
otcisluucd hi much sulltrlutr in Is'is win not tlie
fiult of the svslein, bill of tlift-t lispimlhla
foi Its adininistratlnii mil, since it was evpo-td
and collected, I am not aware a siiult use
has been itpuiled vloii) a sohtlci ha-i not le
tiived Ids dallv food and pax when due fiom und pit iltparliiiiiits, ictttlti
1), ami thtse Into been pionipll) tiiu-poited
to him throiuli the title lent iniiiaciuiiit of his
ipi u tenn it cm' ilepiitmcnt
ruither along, Geneial Miles said of
the bill.
It U crntiali&itiou of th most pioiuiiueid
t)pe, aiuineiiU tlie power of the stall and in
etfett lemotcs it fiirllnr from tooth t lib the
Hshtliur forte of tlie iiiiui, 'Jbe kiluiiic i. letu
lutloiiii), casta to tliu winds the lissom nf .
110111111', and abandoiH nuthoiLs wliitli success
fullt tllliid w Ihruuirll the ino-t uiiliiiiable
wu cpoelw tif our ItUlni). Illf piopei'id pi ill
I. but .in ertoit to adopt and lostei, in .1 ie.
publican ((-I in of Kotiinmcur, such as outs, a its
tc in pi i ul .nit adipted tu inoimclilis lutliu
iinmeiise stindintt Jimlcs It would mm in tier
liuulie aid ltil-.-iar.l7t- the ml J II ami) of the
I nltej Males
Geneial Miles said that beroio the
Spanish war began he called nn IMesl
dent McKlnlP) and that when tho pies.
Idi nt Mild he supposed the in my was
icady he (Geneial Miles) said:
I lie anil), lis fai ;is the pcHuuncl is eonecimd,
U iiadt lot an) siithe, but linn N iiiuch ,u
be done In lie ttat of citii mint und tin ik(cii-c
uf I lie toist, ttldtll oiuht to R suppliid at tlie
olhtr cud of the c ipital
The pieMduut, ho added, consulted
membeis of ciuibic'ss and tho
defense fund was voted.
In addition f the petition of tho
statement hcietofoio published show
ing how tho piesldent could by pienuu
tlons make a captain chief nf stalf with
tho guide of lieutenant .reneiiil, Gen
eial Miles said.
It sens ta nic von are ilium in.' the door
wile tptit for a fiiluic dispol or an autocrat
It is not in nit judi.1 1 lit in itioiiUiici '.villi
the print Iph unit llitoiy ot tltniotiatti kovciii
mini, and for the bint iutciesta of tho ami),
vvhli Ii has cvlslrd moie than u luudred vrai.s
and fulfllled oil .tout rcqulicnuiils, to adopt
null a scheme
Cut in Two by a Tialn.
B.v Fvclusitc Wire from Tie Associated I'rcM,
llarrlsbiircr, March 21 James Unnc), aged 2i
)car, a farm band, wai cut in two by a freight
liaiu last nlizht, while walking en the I'cnri
fvhanla lallroad track it LucLnow,
Tlicro Will Be No BanlsliniGiH If tlio
Mllitaru Lenders Conclude
to Surrender.
The Bulger's Itequeit for Peace
Seems to Have Been Received with
ITavoi Tianavanl Leader Goes to
Consult with Piesidcnt Steyn.
Xondon Is Not So Sanguine As
tonishment nt the Hague.
B) 1 icluiive Wiie from The Associated Trow.
Iaindon, Mulch 21. Tlieie Is good iea
sou to believe that J.oid Kltehenei, In
his Intei view with Mi. Sclinlk-Keigei,
tigiecd to vtitliehatv the banishment
pieiclaiuation, issued in Septembei, If
Geneial De Wet and the othei Uoer
lendeis sin i end) led
In the liotr e ot ominous todav thu
wai st'ctetuv, .Mi. lhodilcK, announced
that a foi might ago .Mi. tschalk-lieigei,
the acting piesldent of the- Tiansvaal
Uoei-t, intimated to loid Kitchener his
deslio to be gianled a safe coii(Hi('t
thiough the Miltlsh lines and back, in
in dei to see .Mi. Steyu, foi mot ly piesl
dent ot the Uiange Tiee State, with le
feienie to the possibility of peace pio
posiils. Kltehenei, with the ton
sent ot the government, hud acceded to
the leiiuest.
The announcement ot the w.u f-om-l.iiy
was teceived with chceis
Little disposition Is lelt heie, hot
cnei, to the visit of the icpie
sentatlves of the Boer government to
Pretoila any too hopefull) Olllclal
eitcles epiess the eloubts held thiougli'
out of the ability ot Acting President
SehalU-Iietgei and the other Chilian
lendeis of the Hoeis to Induce such men
as Geneials De "Wet and De I.a ltey to
suiiendei Possllilv, thev think, the
lepicentatlves of the Tiansvaal gov
ei nment uie deslioiin of suing toi peact ,
but theie Is nothing to show that they
have any authoilty to impose submis
sion on the eominanileis In the field.
The most hopeful sign they see Is tho
announcement that Ioid Kitchener
peiniittcd Mi. Sclmlk-neigoi and his
companions to pioeecd to tlie Otange
ltivei Colonv, the contention being that
unless the lhitMt commandei In chief
in South Allien, who Is on the spot
and theietoie most thoiotighly eonvei
sant with the situation, lceognieel the
pnsslblllt) of ftullful lesults and be
lieved in the good laith ot tlio Tians
vaaleis he would not hate peimltteel
the vlsltots to continue theii jouinev
to the,iitois tit theii Olango
River Colonv allies.
Cautious Heseive.
The same cautious tcseive pellnt.ltc3,'
the uewspapei utteiances and the e oin
ment In well-lnfoiiiHd elides Home
slgnlllcaiKe Ih attache el lo the Tact that
In appioachtiig l.oid Kltehenei Ml.
ischalk-Uutgti and those
v. itli him have can led nut to the letter
the advice give" l the Ihitish toielgn
secietni). l.oid T.ansdowne, in Ills lepl)
to the pence note oi the Xethei lands
gov ei nment, that the tiuiekest and most
Mitlsfaetoiy means loi arranging a set
tlement would be by dltect eouiinuiil
catlon between the leadois or the Hoeis
anil the Uilllsh eeininiiiiulei in thief In
South Afllca Hut time is no sign
that the Tiansvaal mission leeelxcd
any mandate tioin the lighting gen
eials or that the latter tile piepaied to
iieognlre the authoilty of their acting
president, Mi. Sehulk-lhimei, to ne
gotiate teiins lor peaee
Piesuilllbly the lattet satlstleel faiid
Kltehenei that he hud eeilnln cleat lv
deilned iiioposals to submit lo his all),
Piesldent Stejn. lint the best Inloi
matlou rioiu South Afiica elepucatis
nny belief In the llki'Iihood of a hliiiul
taneous suiiendei eif the buigheis still
lu the field cm the older u the Hoer
goveinmeht Almost tho best to b
hoped lot Is that the piesent ovci tuns
will so modify tlie situation us to hilnqf
pence neaier
The rst. .litllies's tia.ette eMiaets
fiom the uullluiiiiiiatlve despatches
thus far leeelved fiom Pietoilu tho
thcoiy that .Mi. Schitlk-lluigei nnd tho
other numheis of his paitv poshlhly
have ahead) Miiiendcied and hnvo been
leleahed oil piliole for the puiposo of
seeing Piesldent f)te'n and Do Wet
Tho Hague, Match -'1 Acting Piesl
dent Sehalk-Huiger's anlval at Pie
tnila astonished tho lloei cticles heie
It was sin mined that the step inker
was connected with tho Institietions
sent to l.oid Kltchncr to coiiiniiinlcatt
the text of tho Anglo-Dutch notes tc
the iloer leadens.
An At mist ice Aixanged.
I.nndon, March 23. Tho Dally Clirmi.
Itle, this moinlntJ, asseits that an ai
inistlce has been nuanged pending the
duiiitlnn of SchnlU-Uurger's mission
to Geu Do Wet and that oftonslve
uiieiutious against Do l.t ltey and llotha
will be suspended. The tlueo geneiaU
hnvo itgieed to obseivo the nriulstlic
honotably until tho letuiu ot tho cp.
voys to thu Hoeis lines. It Is believed
c ontlnues the Dally Chronicle, that tin
eiivojs, uftet actiualntlng Ootha vvltl
the lesult of their mission, will again
confer with Loid Kltchnor nltliough
no aiiauEcineut for tho second confer
ence has actually been made.
Wathliiloii, JIaicli 21 lor-tait for
'lueeda) and W'cdnesila) : l.isicin IV o -
4- s.vltanla (ienerall) fait lucmlay and Wed
-f iioda); light nortluast witicU
t -t -t- -f -t- -f - -n