The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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vjfel to tlic Scranton Tribune,
Honcmliile, March 21. Tho William
H. Stanton resltlent'o on court house
block la offrral for siilr.
The llvory IjuhIiicss of Murray &
Ilelcknrd has been dissolved.
AIcHsrn. I,. M. Atklncon, V. II. DolT,
K. II. Com Ulght, J. Kleflor tuxl U H.
Guckenbcriscr hnvo applied for a char
ter for n now corporation to bo known
iib tho Maple City Knitting mills.
Five persons were received Into the
Jlonesiliilc Captlat church Sunday
evening on baptlHin.
Colonel Cob Durlitnd and Dr. C. A.
IJuslnberrc nro roRlstered nt tho Ster
ling, Atlantic City.
Mr. and MrH. K. F. Tony arc spend
ing a. few tlnys In Now York city.
Thi! county conimlsslonerH have clfrht
county bridged to replace that were
destroyed by tho recent Hoods.
Messrs. J. I). Weston, W. II. Holmes,
John Kuhbai'k. John II. Weaver, Philip
Kranti5, Traill: Meyers and John F.
Hoe luiVe made upplloallon to the irov
ernor for it charter for tlio American
Knitting company thus It will be seen
thnt Honeedulu Is to have two new
The engine drilling tools and equip
ment for tho Wayne Development
company have been ordered. When
received a ttMt for oil will be made In
tho rear of tho German Lutheran ceme
tery. The Democratic county committed
will meet In the court house, Monday,
April 7.
Miss Mary A. Mumford, of the Na
tional Park seminary, Forest Glen,
Md., will spend tho Easter vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. C.
Rev. G. A. Place, of the Methodist
church, was called to Sidney, N. Y., on
Thursday to nttend the funeral of his
father, which took place Friday.
Word was received on Thursday
from Chicago, announcing the marriage
of Fred'O. Uunnel, formerly of Hones
dale, and Miss Gertrude Smith, of Chi
cago. The confeiees for the Fourteenth
congressional district will meet In
Jlonesdale soon after the Wyoming
count convention, which takes place
April 2S.
Milton Salmon, who is captain of the
Lafayette college base ball team, will
spend his vacation with the club on a
tour through the south.
The patrons of the lloncsdalo opera
house have a full week of enjoyment
before them. Manager Sllverslone has
secured the Dilger-Cornell company, In
repertoire, commencing Monday even
ing. March 21. Opening number,"Pulse
of Greater New York." A new play
each night, with up-to-date specialties.
The Lafayette College Glee club en
tertained a good house, Thursday
evening, for a short time, and did fair
ly well for amateurs. There war. an
absence of the smooth, sweet strains
in both vocal and mandolin. They were
evidently not prepared for nn encore.
Honesdale young ladies gave a social
dance at the close of the entertainment
III honor of the glee club.
Special lo the Scranton Tribune.
Unlondale, March 21. A. J. Vail is
moving his family into the Barrlger
The choir of the Methodist church Is
preparing an excellent musical pro
gramme for Easter Sunday.
lMgar Bunilck made a business trip
to Susquehanna last Monday.
Our local band has joined interests
with Mount Pleasant band. They will
alternate in regard to their places of
practice. Prof. Michael Krantz will be
the conductor.
The intermediate department of tho
graded school closed last Monday after
it successful term of teaching by Miss
Kdlth Smith. She Is now engaged in
teaching a select school.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hummer were
visitors In Thompson aver Sunday.
Mr. und Mrs. Harry Morgan, of
llrant, were welcomed visitors in town
Squire Elijah Carpenter's condition
is still very serious.
Ppivul lo the Scranton Tribune.
Tobyhannn, March 21. Mr. Peter
Schlelker, who had been suffering from
ti paralytic tlrolto for about a fort
night, died at about e o'clock tills
morning. The deceased was TO years
old. The funeral will take place on
Monday at i) o'clock from tho family
residence Interment will be In tho
Jones church cemetery, at Swlftwater.
Mr, J. K, Conn, who had been a suf
ferer from cancer; for tho past two
years, died a few minutes before noon
today. Deceased wau born at Law
rence, Mass., October 8, 1850. He had
They Are Ofton TogethorTheso Days.
They vVork Havoc All Over the
Country and in Scranton.
Weak, nervous, the digestion out of
order that Is whu,t alls a host of peo
ple. It comes about In this way; First
from overwork or other causes, tho
nerves are burdened lieyond endurance,
nerve waste Is not replaced, nerve
force la weakened, then tho stomuch
loses Its nerve-controlling power and
Indigestion follows, with falling
Htrength. When llrst Dr. A. AV. Chase's
Nerve Pills cunie to Rcianton people
could hardly bo convinced that this
great medicine would remove these
troubles. Now It is an accepted fuct,
bocuuso of their cure of very stubborn
cases no other medicine would liuiu
cuce. i
Mrs. J. L. Johnson, of No, 720 North
Main strot, Scrunton, Pa Euys; "Dr.
A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are excel
lent. I was fc' iHzy and nervous, and
the stomach digested Its food budly,
This condition Induced a feeling of de
blllty and latitude, Hearing of the
nerve Ptlla at Mathews liros., 320 Lack
nwunim avenue, I got u box, ami the
result has certainly been line. They
gave the stomach strength to handle
the food properly, the nervousness and
dizziness disappeared completely, Wnd
my general strength and vigor re
turned. Consequently I am pleased und
glad to recommend the medicine."
Dr, A, W. chase's Nerve Pills are
Bold at EOc. n box nt dealers, or Dr. A.
W. Chase's Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
See that portrait and signature of A,
W, Chase, M. D., are on every package.
been n resident of Tobyhnnna forty
right yearn, and wiih about 03 years of
tigr. He Is survived by his wife, n
daughter of the latu l'cter Creter, of
Scranton; bis parenlB, Mr, and Mrs.
Abraham Conn; one daughter. Harriet
H., and three sons, Edward, Gilbert and
Itockwcll. Funeral will be held at his
late residence In Tobyhannn on Mon
day morning at 10.30 o'clock. Inter
ment will be made nt Forest Hill ceme
tery In Scranton.
Special lo tlic Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, March 21. The fair of tho
Congregational church will open In tho
Opera, house Monday evening. The
Star Drum corps will have charge of
Monday night's programme which will
be as follows: Selection, by Drum
corps; song, "He Laid Away His Suit
wwwi I ihiiu wiwii, mimtnMlimm tlC J, .iliifT, .Mill i, . i n mJ&vmmmmawmvA
While KobliiMin Crusoe was watching
the savages, three of them were very
near. Can you llnd them'.'
of 'Gray," Miss Stella Davis; solo,
selected, Harry Carr; selection, by
Drum corps, "Every Race Has a Flag
but the Coon;" Swinging exhibition,
by Tom Wntkins; song, by William
Watklns; song, George Brown; "Dolly
Gray," Drum corps; solo, Miss Hughes,
of Scranton; selection by Drum corps
and baton swinging contest by Wat
kins brothers.
A. M. O'Donnell, Esq., is confined to
his bed by injuries received from a
Miss Pearl Golden, of Dudson street,
is 111.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Swartz, of Scranton,
have Issued Invitations to the wedding
of their daughter Anna to Ike Joseph,
a prominent young Forest City business
man. The ceremony will take place in
the Linden Street temple at !i p. m.,
April S, A reception, will follow In
Guernsey's hall.
Mrs. Ira Knapp, died Wednesday
after an Illness of several weeks. She
was thirty-four years old and a highly
esteemed resident. The funeral took
place at ten o'clock this morning. Ser
vices were conducted In tho Methodist
church by llev. II. L. Clark. Interment
was made in Hillside cemetery.
Rev. G. W. Wilson, the evangelist has
recovered from his Illness and is again
conducting the services in the Metho
dist church.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, March 21. C. C. Wil
marth, of the Heady Pay store, was a
business caller in Susquehanna, Wed
nesday. Mrs. Llllle Stevens and Miss Winnie
Gelatt, of Keuka, N. Y., are In town
this week, called here by the serious
illness or Mrs. L. A. Golutt.
('. L. Clark and Morris Vail, of Mont
ilale, were looking after business In
terests In town yesterday.
Rev. P. It. Tower made a business
trip to Carbondule and Winwood on
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gates returned
to their home here Inst Tuesday, after
spending a few weeks with their chil
dren In Scranton.
The present school term will close
with an entertainment, May 2. There
will bo no graduating class this year.
Miss Nellie Bloxham, a trained nurse,
who has been caring for her brother,
who has been sick In Blngliamlon, is
expected to come home today to spend
a little time with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. II, Bloxham. Her brother Is
recovering rapidly.
The condition of Mis. L. A. Gelatt,
who has been sick for over a week, is
n trifle encouraging.
Dr. McNumara was called to Htar
rucca about noon todajj, to attend a
woman who, It Is said, took two ounces
of laudanum.
Mrs. Elljuh Cook is quite seriously III,
Hnrry B, Searles, of tho medical do.
partment of Syracuse university, is
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. F.
Searles, for a short vacation,
Special to the Scranlon Tribune.
Fuctoryvllle, March 21. William
Murnetto, phyBicul director of tho cen
tral blanch of tho Young Men's Chris
tian nbHoclatlon of Philadelphia, will
glvo an exhibition of contortion, slack
wlro and chair balancing, assisted by
some talent Jroin Keystone academy,
Saturday evening. In Slsk's hull, admis
sion, 20 cents. Proceeds fur the benefit
of Keystone Academy Athletlo usso
clatton. Sonio fifteen ladles met nt the homo
of Mrs. Bruyton, lust Wednesday, and
made a quilt for the Rev. and Mrs,
Caterer, of Daltou,
The degree staff of Puulowna lodge,
Daughter of Rebekuh, will meet Mon
day evening for practice. Every mem
ber of the staff Is requested to be pres
ent. An auction of the oh) pews, cushions,
carpet and windows will bo held In the
Baptist church Saturday afternoon,
March 21.
Mr. and Mrs. George W, Cilsman
have Issued card" announcing tho mar
riage of their daughter, Harriet B., to
Webster S. Hobs, Tho ceremony was
performed by the bride's pnstor, llev.
J, N. Lee, Wednesday, March 10. Mr.
nint Mrp. Hoss will be at home lo ther
frlonUa after April 1.
The funeral of Sirs. William K. Wil
liams occurred yesterday morning at
tho family residence, on South Main
street. Deceased had been a HUfferer
from heart trouble, but her Illness did
not oauso her to be In bed. Yesterday
morning she called her daughter to
wait on the other members of the
family, und when they hnd gone to
work she went Into tho room to speak
with her mother and wan quite 'Htur
tled to find her dead. Hesldos her hus
band, there are six children and one
sister, Mrs. Thoman Coxe, of Vandllng,
The funeral will take place on Monday
afternoon nt 1 o'clock. Services will be
Jn the Primitive Methodist church. In
terment will be In Hollenbnck ceme
tery. She was a member of Degree of
Naomi, Mystic Chain, and Ladles'
Homo Mission society. Both societies
will meet tonight to ninlto arrange
ments to attend the funeral.
The death of William Marlon oc
cutrod on Thursday morning tit the
home of his sister, Mrs. Michael Dcv
ers, after a lingering Illness. The fu-
neral will take place at 12 o'clock to
day. Interment will be in St. Mary's
Miss May D. Strong, of West Pitts
ton, will give an address on "Missions"
tomorrow evening In Langcllffe church.
All, especially young folks, should be
There will bo a meeting of the Mich
ael Davltt club in O'Mnlley's hall on
Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. All
members should be present.
William Mulr, a. student at Blooms
burg Normal school, is spending a few
days hero.
Leo, the 14-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas MeNally, was kicked in
the ear by a mule while trying to
mount it to bring to the barn last
Services will be conducted as usual
in the Primitive Methodist church to
morrow. Preaching morning and even
ing by tho pastor, Rev. James Moore;
evening subject, "What Benefits Are
Derived from the Life, Death and Res
surrection of Jesus Christ."
Michael Douglier and daughter. Kale,
left for Marquette, Mich., on Thurs
day evening, to attend the tuneral of
the former's son-in-law, William Staf
The Presbyterian church, Rev. S. II.
Moon. D. D., pastor. Services Sunday
at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Subject In
morning, "The Obedience of Faith;"
evening, "The Rule of Many Gods and
of One God." All welcome.
Peckvllle Baptist church, Rev. J. S.
Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at
10.30 a. m. und 7 v. m. Morning sub
ect, "Christ's Triumphal Entry Into
Jerusalem." All uro welcome.
II. E. Dlkeninn returned yesterday
front a few days spent with Susque
hanna relatives.
All members of Harper lodge. Inde
pendent Order of Odd-Fellows, are re
quested to meet at Odd Fellows' hall
at 0.30 p. m. Sunday, March 23, prior to
attending divine services at the Metho
dist Episcopal church.
"Wall Street Review.
Nov York, March 21. Tod.i'. ntock market
was Mill highly and, tlitio was ab
tioimal activity in stocks which am usually not a
figure In tliv trading. Coi.sidei.ibiy incite attcn.
lion, however, was given to the reprcsentativi
6locks in the list which nre iuitc gencially higher
as u result of the daj's trading. In moot in.
stances tlu guiiu arc mricly fractional but in
Midi Hoiks a St, Paul, Louisville and Nashville,
Illinois Ccntiul und M. l.ouIs and San Francisco
there are nubs mttal net trains recorded. Hock
Island moved rapidly upwards In the last hour
to lfcO, u net rise oj 7li. Sugar was inclined to
be hcay during the early dealings but became
very strong towards the close, rising more tlun 3
points over lint night and clpsln vxltli net
Kaln of 2. Amalgamated Copper wa hemy
all day mi a lather smaller volume of dealings
man mieiy mil ii late ucoveiy lelt it onlt a
traction lower on the day, Tho inetuUtion in
Coloiado Fuel continued very active und feverish,
tin- prlie rising at one time 1T over hi: nlRht
und then fallinc 1 under, 'llin change on the
ilij was a fraitlonal net 1c. Tenncfecii Coal and
Hocking Coal vvVie allectcd In ympathv. The
inertia of the United htatcj SUrl ktocki 'was uif
ilUtuibtd, Conspicuous new candidates for buv.
ins diinand amount the less prominent ktoiks
wero the Minneapolis, bt, Paul nnd Smlt trie
Marie ttoiks, the Duluth, South Mioio und At
Untlu stocks, the Keokuk and Pes Molnc ttocU,
International Pump prefeired. United States Hub'
her stinks, the Ilubhcr floods Mocks and Anierj.
can Telephone and Telegraph. The italni In these
ran all the way fiom I to u points and vvtre en
tirely without any published expUnallon. They
wero balanced by iclawcs of 1 lo 3 points amongst
sliKki of a ktiufUr ilau, which have had pre.
viom advances The local traction stocks were
rather dull and heavy and were apparently not
affected by the plans adopted jetcrday read
justment of capital. The late rile in the market
vvai to t.ome extent In an expectation of a lavor
able bank statement tomoirovv, The market closed
about Meady ami near the top. Total sales to
daj, Oil.vwo shaies. 'Hie bond market win tome
what Irregular, Total tales, par value, ipj.CW.oixj.
United States bonds vvcie all unchanged on the
last call.
The follonlntr quotations are luir.Whfd Tin
Tribuno by llalght k IVcese Co., 3H-313 Mear
llulldlnf. W, p. Huuyon, iiuna'cr,
Open, lllifh. !.ow. Close.
American Sugar 131i 131 J3u urn
Am. Isicomotlvo 31i 32-), ' 31U 321 J
Am. locomotive, l'r ... ! l) 1135I m
Ant. Car foundry 31J4 3iVi SJ?J .1151
American lee ,, 80 MVa UMi 1'JH
Amal. Cupper "Hi OH, CM C4&
Anaconda Copper StM :i 3D 3cl
Jjtililwn 5T 7 Wi TS
Atthtson, l'r VHt l7,4 P7U 97H
lUlt. k Ohio ...llYlli lOlS 1(V,U JnfllJ
II rook. II, T ,,,.,. It; 'I, ns vok 07
Col, A Southern 27 2i4 27i
Col, Southern, l'r ...... 42l 4i 41V4 VJ4
Col. fuel tt Iron ...... .107 HwU 10$ 103
Chic. cV 0, Y 24 2IH 21 2I4
Clilc, Mil, c St. P .1..I1WH 107U A!t lOIjl
Chic. tt. I. V I1 172'i, lTOJi KiMi 1T!):
Chicago k Alton mm... 30 r.n !U XK
Kile i,.. .17 .17'i D0V B
Krle. Ul l'r ..., tM law (W STi
Crie, 2d l'r Ki ,' MH K
Illinois tVntral ........IWl H2H 110'i 142
IxniN. k Nnsb ...10SV4 10DW WiH KM
Manhattan .H4',, 13111 Vi m
Mrttoimlllaii IIHU KtsVi 1H ldSW
Mexlcsn Central 29',s 21 2:la 204
Mn. K, k Tei l'r M SI S II
Mlvnurl Paclllo ..i...lnaU mil, M 101
N. V. Central .i.......l(J.'ii M1 Kl lWVi
Hnt. A. Wet 324i : StMi 32,i
Norfolk k WcKtem 'Mi M M'.b MH
Pacific Mall 41 4.1 It 4.1 ,
I'enna. II. It lfl lil'i 1W 15l.
People's Oas KM lttt. 102" HBii
lleadlnp; f.'i Ml M14 M14
lltaillnc, 1st l'r 0 81 Hn M
Itendlmt, 2d IT D7(, fls'i 07 "'
lleiiubllc Sfeel Wi 18 l',l 1U
Itepiilillc Weel, l'r 74J4 74 W 74
Southern 1'aclllc ns ftiVi 0.' fl-l'i
Sonthuii It. it 32 S2i iV MM
Southern It. II., l'r .... PiHi D7 IMsi MW,
Tenn. (Val A Iron 72 72 71'i 71U
Texas A: Pacific 4(171 40 40 40
I'nlon I'acine, IT 874 S7i S7Vt H7"Vi
Cnlon I'tilflc! M 100H Wi 100
C. S. leather 114 12 ltH 12H
V. S. Leather, IT Ml1!, HI4 M "I'd
C. H. Hlibber ly 17 10V 17"j
If. S. lliibber, IT M'-a 01 , M'i GO',
IP. S. Steel 42U 42 42'. 42
II. S. Steel, IT 0l Pli D1U W14
Wiil.wh, IT 13H 431, 41 CI
Western Cnlon 00Vi 'M 'A f))i
Wabash 21 24 24 24
Total rolei, 0I1.MX) sliarM.
WHEAT li. Hlitli. bow. Ctoi.
May 7 74i, 7.1 73-S
July ... 71 K 741 74i
Mav .'..7. f 01 " CO'l
.luly 00 01 TOU Wi
Mav 4.11 41V1 mi '.
July . B5V4 S-'Vi "'
May ...T. 1."."' 1.V70 V,.", 13.(12
July 1'.70 13.!) 13.70 13.77
Mav' ...7. O.l-i 9.47 0.43 P.43
July 0.(!0 n.00 P.4j U.37
Mar R.52 P.33 S.f,2 S.S",
July S.07 8.70 i?.07 S.07
Open, lllrch. Low. Close.
Marcl 8.W S.Oi S.8S S.2
May S.St 8.?4 fi.7 S.7')
JhIv v. S.87 H.8S S.7S S.S4
August S.CH 8.07 8.S0 X.V1
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr CO
County Savinns Hank k Trust Co.. S0O
KirH National Bank (Carbondalc) joo
Third National Hank 530
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank.. COO
Lconomy Llpht. II. & P. Co ig
Kiret National Hank isoo
Kacka. Tru't A: Safe Derwsit Co.... 103
Clark k Snovrr Co., IT. 125
Scranlon Saving Hank 300
Traders' N' Hank 223
Scranton Holt k Nut Co 12;
People's llanK 133 ,,,
Scranton Packing Co 33
Scranton Pawentcer Hallway, first
Mortgage, due 1920 us
People's street Hallway, first mort
gage, duo 101S 115
People's btiect Hallway, General
mortgage, duo 1021 lis
Scranlon Traction 6 per cent. .... 115
Economy Llgli'i, Heal k Power Co 97
North Jersey k Pncono Ice Co 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co 103
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
Flour $1. do.
Deans ?2.40.
Butter ITeJv creamery, SOc.; June creamery,
2dc. ; dairy, 22c.
fliietc 12'iil3e.
Errs Nearby, VJc; western, ISc.
Peas Per biu-liel, $1.73.
Marrow Ucans Per bushel, (1.33al,(Q,
Potatoes Per bushel, 83c.
Onions Per bushel, Sl.CO.
New York drain and Products Mirlsat
New York, March 21. ITour Dull and lurch
steady. Wheat Spot easy; No. 2 red, M".e. cle
ator; No. 2 red. B7i I. 0. b. afloat:" No. 1
northern Dulutli, 82ic. f. 0. b. afloat; ontions
ruled fairly steady all iliy but near the close
unloading by room traders cauol a sharp break
and Ust prices were '4e. net lowed; March clowd
79,0.; .May, 70!ic; July 79e.; September,
79,,ic Corn Spot cahy; No. 2. 07?sc. elevator
and 07c. f. o. b. afloat; options had an early de
cline, then rallied but closed weak at HaVSc. net
decline; May closed ii"c-.j July, tj?c."; Sep
tember, K)c Oats Spot easy; No. 2, ISc;
No. 3, 47'y2C.; No. 2 white, 52e.; No. 3 white,
51c: track mixed westtrn, 49',a50e.; track white,
SlaS'Jr.; options dull and irregular, nilinp; gener
ally wcok. lliitler Steady; 1 reamrry, 2.4a:iOc;
do. faciei)', !Sa22c; cnamerv held, 23H2rtc ;
renovated, '18.i24'jii; imitition cicamerv, 20a
24 Vic ; fctate dairy, 2!v2Sc. Cheese I'lnn; tt'ite
full orniin, fcinall early make, fancy colored, Ma
13c; do. while, 13al3'c; full cream, luge
fall make, fanov coloied, 12al2Vc; do. white, 12i
12'jc Eggs liircly sliady; state and Punml
vanla, lOUc.; wvatern, HlVic; southern, ICal'j'ic
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
Chicago, March 21. drains were nervous and
erratic again to clay and set speculators guessing.
Tho lalns in the i-outhwett were decidedly bear
Mi in their influence over wheat, while a con
tinued heavy export bnslne-a in c-asli wheat tend
ed to induce higher prices, riuctuatlous tvere
fiequcnt and other grains acted (sympathetically.
At the close May wheat had lost "le.; Mav com,
"naSic. and May oat Uc Provisions (.till acted
contrary to grains end closed ,-mKIc higher. Cacti
quotations were as follows: riour Kisy; No. 3
wheat, 72a73U'.; No. 2 red, SuaSJc; No. 2 oats,
43ial1?c; An. '.! white, l(ic; No. 3 white, II
alS'ic; No. 2 qc, A7a57',c.; fair to choice
malting, 'laC7c.: No. 1 flaxseed, fcl.W; No. 1
northwestern, $1.72; mess pork, J13.50al3.33; lard,
5O.37'a.10; (.hurt nl, sides, $S.13.i3.(A; dry
sailed sboulderr. VmWiC.; bhort clear sides, tflte
t.10; whiskey, $1.30,
Buffalo LIto Stock Markot.
Eist llutralo, N. V.. March 21. Cattle He
tciptk, lot) head; market active and full, linn at
Thursday's advanie; veaLs, blither; tojis, ijsS.fiOv
8.75; others, 3.W)aS,25. Ilous Receipts, 0,000
bead; market active, heavy and mixed tirades
higher; best heavy, JS.tilaO.bS; mixed, $t3.70aU.7J;
pigs. Srt.10ail.20; rouKlis, f5.73afl.10; fctass, ?lal.30.
Miecp anil Lambs Iletelpts, 11, CM iicad; market
10a ISc. higher for Iambs; rheep and ycarlinp.,
full, firm: Miccp, tops mixed, $3.C0a3.7S: culls to
fair, $4a5.t; wttherb, V.SOaG.15; yearling, $a
U.30; top lambs, i-il.HUU.tX); culls t'- food, Ma
Oil Market.
Oil City, Pa., March 21. Credit balincef, 115;
certificates, no bid; hlpments, 11:1,1417 barrels;
veracre, 80,017 bands; runs, 88,1b,! barrels; av
trage, 73,033 barrels.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTKD-Ily young- man drlvlnu
horses; has had two years experience and all
round woikman, willing and honest r, Addrem
Charles JI. Carey, No. 1710, roar of Price Hreut,
SITUATION WANTED- y,,un7 man employed
as bookkeeper in the afternoon, wishes Ilka
situation, for morning and evening, Addiess 11.
A., caro of Tribune.
SITUATION WANTED-Ily a soUi- Industrious
man as collector or usslMunt In ofrlce. Can
Blvc beet of reference, Address "II. U.' Ttlbune
POSITION WANTED-At once by a )oun',' wo
man familiar with bookkeeping nnd c-uirt
records; also deeds, bonds, moitgagea and
leases; a Rood copyist, llox II, huiinton.
SITUATION WANTED-Ily respectable colored
man as porter, private, coachman or driving
for doctor or office work, Addicvs II. A.. 310
Penu avenue,
SITUATION WANTKIV-Hy middle aced woman
a. housekeeper in widower's family . Call or
address M. J., 147 South ltcbccu avenue, city.
WANTED A thorotiithly practical and experienced
bulnes man desires emplo)iuentt familiar
with office work and a good silcsman, and ad
xcrtUement writer; best reference. Addreit A.
W, Johnson, General Delivery, Scranton,
Keep to the Right"
With eyes open. For the story
of a great event see Sunday's
4 tines 10 Cents
Marc Tlun Pour Lines, 3 Cents lor Rich Extra Line.
Tor Kent.
UdOMS AMI ItntJ.r.S In fill narta of the city
Furnace beat and steam heat. Sec J. C. Zur
flleh, C17 Lackawanna, avenue.
13 HOO.Mi:i) one-half of a double house, at 012
Clav avenue! steam heat", In Rood condition,
See J. C, Zurfllch, 317 Lackawanna avenue.
roil ItP.NT Klve rooms at 627 Wyoming avenue.
KOIl HUNT One-half double Iioukc with all mod
ern improvements, on street car line. Inquire
712 N. Main avenue-,
FOn IlKNT-Onc-lialf double liouw: at 11.00 Pine
street, 18 per month. Apply 030 Harrison
KOIt HUNT Six-room flat with bath, ntcam heat,
Kai range nnd all modcrh Improvement from
April 1st: rent reasonable. Call earl). Pretl C.
Hand, P0.I .Mulberry street.
1IA11N FOIt IIRNT $12, April 1st, three box and
three single stalls and wash rack, rear of
.124 Madison avenue. Inquire at (134 JUdpon ave.
HAItN FOIt RRNT-Aprll 1st, three Iwx and
three slnirle "tails and wash rack. Inquire at
C3 Madison uvenue, rear of SU Madison avenue.
FOR 1IKNT A beautifully untuned house of
twelve rnomj, all modern conveniences. In
North Park; line location. Apply 102b Klectric
avenue, Norfli Park.
FOIt HUNT Store building for rent in Dickson
City. Pa. Ilulldliur Nl feet by 2 feet, cellar
under all, and second story can be arranged for
a family. All in good repair ready for une. Two
coil breakers and mines close by employing over
a thousand reople. An enrerpilsimr merchant
can get a large trade. Apply to William II.
Itlchmond, lllclunond Hill, 3123 N. Jlaln avenue,
.nrranton, Pa.
FOIt HUNT Store room on second floor over S19
Lackawanna avenue. Plate glasx front. In
quire of Krotml.-y Bros.
rurnishod Kooms.
FOIt P.ENT With board, n very large funiished
loom. Inquire at OtU Linden street. Faurot
DEMKAIIM: furnished and unfurnislied rooms for
rent. 1,22 Washington avenue.
FOR IH'.ST One fumihcd room, with Improve
ments; also one on third floor, cheap. 027
Adams avenue.
FUIINISIIKD 1100519 tor rent, modern lmprave
nicnts; iirlvate family; gentlemen preleircd,
at 337 Adams avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished front room, with heat,
bath and gas; near court house; gentleman
prelerred. Addrc-w Room, Uox 209.
TOR RENT Furnished loom; heat and bath.
C23 Linden street.
and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 339 Adams
For Snlo.
HOUSES Account of leaving the city the under
signed offers bis matched team of seal browns
for s-ale; are a first rlass and most desirable
pair, and arc watrantcd kind and true in all
harness; must be sold before April 1. A. U.
Mevens, 1101 Capouso avenii".
FOR SALE OR RENT Single house and lot, No.
1110 Mulberry street. Equipped with all'mod
em conveniences. Inquire on premises. John
Knolile, f)t E. South street, Wllkes-Itarre, Pa.
SHOW CASES, counters, mirrors for sale cheap.
Apply at once, (iubin Diamond Co., 25
Lackawanna avenue.
HORSE FOR SALE cheap, one road inarc, bound,
gentle and good traveler; also saddle. Com
pelled to sell for want of use. Inquire 303 West
Market street, city.
FOR SALE Just arrived with forty horses, good
workers and drivers; weight 110O to 1300; can
be seen at 331 Raymond court. F. M. Cobb.
CARPETS, linoleums and oil cloths sold every
day 3 o'clock. 508 Lackawanna. See auctions.
FOR SALE Fine kindling wood, stove length.
Two dollars big load delivered anvwhere.
Mail orders. Jennings, Central Mines cut. Also
second band lumber suitable for all purposes,
very cheap.
Tor Sale or Rent.
FOR RALE OR RENT Nice cottage with good
water, garden nnd fruit. In Elmhurst; tcima
to suit. Address Dr. Ilateson, 337 Washington
FOR SALE OR ItENT Farm of ninety acres good
soil, well trained, good buildings, good fruit,
six miles from Scranton. one and one-half miles
from Clark's Summit. Lying on the south bide
and joining Summit Lake: a fine place for sum
mer home. Price reasonable. Inquiru of M. II.
Coons, Clark's Oreen.
Wanted To Buy.
WANTED A Hngle or double houo in Oreen
Itidge or West Side. Price $3,000 to $1,000.
Address llov 200, iltv.
Itartl Estate.
HOUSES AND LOTS for sale in all parts nl the
city; also farms for sileior exchange for city
property. Call and ace J. ft Zurflich, 317 Lack
awanna avenue.
NOW IS THE TIME to buy property, when I
have bargains. Call and sea me. J. C, Zur
fii:h, 517 Lackawanna avenue.
FARM FOR SALE or exchange for city property
situate in Susquehanna county; improved;
well watered: suitable for dalrjing, stock oi
sheep raising nnd general fanning, llanjen, At
torney, 320',2 Washington avenue.
FOR SLE One-half acre lot, 7-room house, good
well of water, berry bushes, grape vinei", fruit
trees of dltlercnt Kind; will be sold cheap or
ml,;nt be exchanged lor house and lot In city, by
Charles 11, KoeniT, Spring street, Clark's Oreen,
or Sam Koerner, 32J Lincon ave,, Scranton, Pa.
FOR SALE New house on Cornell street, Hound
Woods Park; modem Improvements; rasy
lerins. wvppo cu cpring iiioou i.umncr L.O.,
Moosie, Pa,, or E, S. Woodhoitse,
FOR HALE One bouse and lot, modern Im
provements, and two improved vacant tots,
No. 512 North lllakely street, Dunmore, Pa.
Address Albert Jtnklns, South Canaan, Wnvne
County, Pa.
FOR SALE Furnished cottaeo at Lake Henry,
Maplew-Md, Pa., four beds, springs and mat
trcves, two stoves, all kitchen utensils; price
$.150. For particulars address It. W. OjUncl, 50
Watrrvi'lt avenue, Pla Infield, N. J,
FOR SALE At Clark's Summit: a pla.'e of five
acres, house and barn, good fruit; cheap for
cash. Inquire oi Mrs. L. Lindiay, 1111 North
Main avenue, city.
beis of the Republican btandine Cummltt..
of the Third Legislative district:
Notice is hereby given (hut a meeting of ths
llcpubllcan btaiiillng Committee of the Th'rd
Legislative district of J.ackavv.inna county will
be held at the Court House, Scranton, p.i on
Saturday, March 22, ltt.', at 2 o'clock p, m. A
full attendance of tlic committee U earnestly
requested, lly order of the chairman.
Attest:-J, E. WATKINS, Secretary.
Sainton, Pa., March W, l')02.
HllEUMATISM-AU parties tint wish can bo
speedily and permanently cured cf all va
rieties of Rheumatism by a vegetable compound.
Cures guaranteed. Inquire or uddrcfs J, E. Tay
lor, Scranton.
)our life, suececs in love, marriage, business,
etc. Descriptive photo of who you should rourry.
Satisfaction or money refunded. Send birth date
with 10c. for tjpewritten horoscope, including
copy of my book on atrolog)-. Prof. Peutcl, No. I
SO Linsdowne, Pa. '
Want AdvorHsnmonta "Will Ho
Xtecelvcd nt Any of tho Follow
ing Drup; stores Until 10 P. M.
Control City
AAUEriT BCHULT7, corner Mulberry
street and Webster tvenue.
OU8TAV P1CHKL, CW Adams ivenufc
West Bide
aCOHOE W. JENKIN8, 101 Bouth Uslo
iv enue.
South Scranton
TOKD h. TF.RPPE, 729 Cedsr Mnue.
North Scranton
GEO. V. DAVIS, comer North Itstn
rtnue and Market street.
Oreen Eidgo
CHARLES P. JONES, 1337 Dlcksosj
F. J. JOHNS, P20 Green Ridge street.
O. LORENZ, comer Washington (
nue and Marion street.
W. II. KNEPFEU 1517 Irvine avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Faithful mamger to take cliarge of
distributing depot nnd ofllce to lie opened
In Scranton to further business interests of old
cKtabllshed innnufacturlng concern. S.ilary, fl23
per month and extra prollts. Applicant must
(unilbli good reference nnd hive "WXi cih. Ad
drees Manager, P. O. Ilox HJI, Philadelphia, P.i.
fl.S'O appointments made last year. Probably
0,(XW this )ear. Only common school education
lequireil for exumlnatlnn. Cutalogue of Infor
mation free. Columbian Correspondence College,
Washington. I. C.
SEVERAL ClfiUt salesmen wanted in every lo
cality; eperlenrt' imnecessaiy; gnotl salary
and expenses paid. Emanuel Co., Station J, New
MAN AND WIFE without children; man must
understand horses and garden; woman for
general housework; must be good cook; very lib
cril wages for right lurtles. References re
quired. Address P. O. Box Bit), Scranton.
WANTED Experienced clothing salesman. Ap
ply Richards k Wirth, 321? Lackawanna ave.
WANTED Two experienced stenographers; np
ply to International Salt Co., Connell build
ing, Scranton, Pa.
WANTED By one of tho largest and best old
line insurance companies, district agent for
Carboiidale'and Honesdale. Exceptionally favor
able contracts. Address Superintendent of
Agencies, Box 2SC.
Help Wanted Female.
LADY CANVASSER wanted to eolicit subscrip
tions for The Tribune; good commission of
feied with a fair guarantee for tint-class worker.
Apply personally at Dullness Manager's cfUco,
Scranton Tribune.
Boarders Wanted.
PBIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men
to board, Ucrmau o'r English. Call any time
after Thursday. All conveniences, 807 Harrison
Wanted Rooms and Board.
WANTED Two communicating rooms with board,
prlvalc family preferred. Two ladies and a
gentleman. State full particulars. Address C.
II. D., Tribune office.
WANTED Horse Power, new or second hand.
Please state condition of same, casli price and
where it can be seen. Jcnlngs, Central Mines,
Scranton, Pa.
WANTED Chairs to repair and recane; tend pos
tal to James Payne or 'phone John Hawks,
124S rrovldence road. Old 'phone 1113, Cirecn
Wanted To Kent.
WANTED By gentleman, .i nice room with pri
vate bath or a bed room with running water
and a sitting room. location near Adams avenue
and Mulberry preferred. Address O. (J., Bo 33,
Trlhune office.
WANTED Furnished room or rooms with or
without board; private family preferred.
Young married couple. Address X. Y. Z., Trib-
WANTED ROOMS For two adults, three or four
roomi, furnished or unfurnished for very
light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Addreos
M. U., Tribune office.
WANTED Furnished house or four or five rooms
for housekeeping. Address A. O, E,, Tribune
20,000 YARDS CARPETS, oil clotlis and mattings,
one ton table silverware, one car load linen
sheets, table cloths, napkins, pillow' cosee, levels,
3,000 pairs fancy lace curtains. Many other things
too numerous to mention. At auction. 120 Wash
ington avenue, opposito Council building. Sales
10 a. m 3 and 7 p. in.
CU.MMINfIS lIROi., Auctioneer.
Businoss Opportunity.
t-11,CO0 WILL PURCHASE buFlness block: cash
payment ?3,uw; rent, o,vu, which p-v
over 20 per cent on entire Investment and over
60 per cent, on actual cah Invested. IhU ii an
exceptional opportunity, and Is well worth loot:.
Ing after. M. II. Holgste, Commonwealth Mdg.
WASTE A partner with eight hundred dollars
in a good payins buslnct.8. Address O. V
Tribune ofllce.
STOCiv AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay,
Writo for our special market letter. Freo on
application. S. JI. Ifibbard k Co., nieinben N.
V, Ccnsolldated and Stock Sxchange, 41 and its
Broadway, New York. Established ISM. Long
Dlstince' Phone 2JS8 Broad.
Money to Loan.
straight loans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 lo 8 per cent. Call on N. V, Walker,
S1I-S15 Council building.
LOST Oold watch, cm March 17, between (ireen
street and Sanderson avenue. Finder plcaa
return to John A. Jones, 3 IB ffrcen street, or
William A. Jcnes, 310 Deacon street.
LOST Monday evening, Feb. 17, between Wyo
ming avenuq and Washburn street, an oval
Lrooch containing gentleman's picture. Finder
please riturn to or notify MUs Parsons, 417 Ttiir
tccntn street.
FOUND-A loot) S. II. S. (.lavs pin. Henry Volz,
tare of Simpeon a Watklr.t.
FOUND A sum of money on floor of a store in
this city. Further information apply at this
clean and modern up-to-sturazc:
separate rooms:
ldusl key: elevator. An
IiIhI fltoriCA fnr lintichM (T,-f ntn r-lilrlw
separate tforige rooms. Scranton Storage com.
pany, 113 Franklin avenue.
WANTED Experienced pastry cook. Apply to
11 N. Edgerton, D., L. k W. dining room.
:I. f f
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Mor rim Pour Lints, 6 Cent tor Uach Uxtra Uni,
District Court of tlic United Walet for tho
Mlddli! Dlslricl of Penn)lvanla, Harry Scliocn
liergcr, of Lackavvanni County, Pennsylvania,
liinkriipt under Ihe Act ot Congress of July 1,
lsiw, having nppllnl for a full dlstlnrge from
nil debts piovable against his estate under MliP
Act, notice Is lien by given to all known creditors)
and other persons in Interest, to appear before
the said Court nt Scranton, In mild Dirltlrt, on
the Hit day of April, 1U02, nt 10 o'clock In the
forenoon, to show cause, If nny they have, why
the prayer of the said petitioner should not be
EDWARD It. W. SiailLi:, Clerk.
IN THE District Court ot the United States for
Middle District ot Penns) lvnnla lit the mat
ter of Morrli L. Beiiovvlti, Bankrupt. No. 151.
In Bankruptcy.
To the creditors of Morris L. Ilenowltr; ot
S ronton, In the County ot Lackawanna, and
district aforrwild n bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on tho 20th day of
March A. 1). l'HB, the said Morris L. llenovviu
was ndjudlcatcd n binkrupt: nnd that the flrsb
meeting of their crcditois will be held at the of
lice of the Referee in the (loviniment Building.
In tlm city of Scranton, P.t., on tho 31st day of
March, A. D. 11X12, at ten o'clock In the fore
noon, nt which tlmn the oatd ircdltors may nt
tend, prove tbrlr claims, appoint a Trustee, ft
ainlnc the binkrupt, and transact, such other
business ns may properly conin before s-ild meet
Ii'lf. C. A. VAN WORMER,
Scranlon, Pa 11X12.
Pioof of chim 0 cenls'.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the petition of the
Brookj Coal Ccmpiiiy, of Scranton, Penns)!
vnnl.i, n torpuralion i hard ted under the laws
of the State of l'cnm.vlvaiiia, aklng for n de
cree of dissolution of the said corporation, ns pro
vided In the Act of Assembly approved on th
fith day ot April, 1B.W. and its supplement", will
be piescntril to tho Court of Common Pleas of
Lnck-ivvnnn.i county on Mondiv, the 7th day of
April, 1002, nt It o'clock u. in.'
WELLES k lOltltl'.Y, Solicitors.
NOTICE U hereby given that the Spring Brook
Coal Compiny, Limited, a partnership as
aochtlon niganizeil under tlic Act of Assem
bly, approved 2d, lb71. has, liv n vote of a
majoilty In miuiber and value of Interest of its
members nnd stockholders, dissolved the said ns.
soclntion, and that the samj will be wound up
in the manner piovidcd by law.
WELLES 'ft lOHItEV, Solicitors'.
NOTICE is hereby given that the petition of tlie
l.atlln Out Company, a corporation elnrtctcd
under the laws of the State of Pcnnsvlvanlii.
asking for u decree of dissolution of Ihe said
corporation, as provided In the Act of Assembly
approved the fith iluy of April, 150, and In
supplements, will be presented to the Courfof
Common Pleas of Laikavvnnni countv on Mondav,
the 7th day of Apill, 1002, at 0 o'clock a. tin
WELLES k TORREY, Solicitors.
SEALED PROPOSALS will he received bv tho
borough clerk of the borough of Blakcly
until 0 ji. m Monday, March 21, 1M2, (or re
huiljlng that portion of the mountain road in
said borough from the Ontario breaker to a point
near the Ontario tunnell. Specifications: Road
to be made 15 feet wide, rounded up lo 3 feet,
in center, dltihes on both sides IS inches deep
and not less than 3 cross ditches. Alt work to
be done with llrst class material and completed
within two weeks fiom the date of letting con
tract. The lwroiigh council rcsccves the righl
to reject any or all bldn.
Attcut: OEO. II. REED. Clerk.
Pcckvillc, Ps.
Certified Public Accountant. -
Building, and St. Paul nullding. New York.
Estate Exchange Bldg.. 120 Washington ave..
Civil and Mining: Engineers.
Spruce street, Scranton.
and Coun.scllois-at-Liw. 003 to C12 Council
Booms 12, H, 10 and 13 Burr Building.
tlated on real estate security. Mears Building,
corner Washington avenue and Sprueo street.
Commonwealth Building, Rooms
19, 20 and 21.
003-rOJ, Otli floor, Mears building.
of Trade Building. Scranton, Pa.
Bank Building
JU Vvyomlng avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic, diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys anJ
genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to t p. m.
DR, I). (1. F.VANK, OSTEOPATH. 120-8 WASH,
ington avenue. Chronic and, nervous diaeosu
a specialty. Consultation free, '
Insti-uction Musical. "'
i'..79.l'KUSEI!, "VtTS. IIAC, TEACHEItioT'
oti-o Culture, llaunony, Coimlerpolnt ,aid
Composition, (impositions corrected and ia
vised for publication. 33 New York street."
it "- ,1'' '
Hotels' au'd Res'iauralits. .
nue. Rates reascnablc. -
P. ZIKOMIB. Proprletoi'..
senger depot. Conducted on the European
Plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor
Scavenger. -t
ceea pools; in vdor; only improved pumps ul.
A. 11, Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders JlOO
North Male avenue, or Eicke's drug ttore, cor
ccr Adurs nnd Mulberry. Both telephones;
iTjmcn, store 2Q1 Washington avenue; grrcq
lisuscs, 1930 North Main avenue; store U'l
phone, 762.
' ..... ,1 py.
Wire Screens.
joseph KUirrrEL. rear en lacka. av&,
bcianton, Ps., manufattuicr of Wire Screens.'
also ladles' vvaLts. Loulsu bhocmaker, -K(i
Adams avenue. '''.
v elopes, paper liigs, twlrje. Wareiioiue, IJD
iiiuuuigieu Mveirae,c:rncon,;rj. , . r
in Scranton nt the news stands of UcLsuJa
Bros., (W Eprucc and 303 Linden; M. Nortou.
322 Latkawanm avenue; I. a. Scuutztr. sit
Spruce trtet.
I i i
.as-rfS P