The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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. 4. . 4.
For 25 Years $
t a.
liavo been the recognized
standard for brilliancy,
durability and covering
capacity, and that record
still remains unbroken.
Complete lines of
Raynold's Colora,
Raynold's Oil Stains,
Raynold's Varnishes,
Campbell's Varnish
Crocket's Preservatives,
Patton's Shingle Stains,
Whiting's Brushes.
Sole agents for
Matthews Bros.,
310 Lackawanna Avenue.
"Keep to the Right"
With eyes open. Something for
nothing. See Sunday papers.
Express and Drayman
Freight and Furniture moved
with care. Piano moving a
Residence rear 228 Frank
lin ave. New 'phone, 740.
J. P. COULT, D. D. S.
Surgeon Dentist.
Twenty years' successful prac
tice In this county.
I City Notes.
TKACllKIt' I'H-ll.ll - 'I lie tiachcis of the
Fceial tily uliool, will lie paid this liininiiiir.
OMII'IIOX ( KITH AL.-TVIi-si.iiih ieciu-d
fimn C.illfouil.l aunouine Ilia tin- iowllton u(
John .Irumn i,
POCKIIT (ifll)i:. Tli.c iiiw i-ue uf tin-
ton Pocket julil will lie ilMiihiilrd today. He
Mile iiuil s;el .1 lion (0),.
MIOKIIlt AVI) MlCTAU-IIMsion Xii. 17, An-It-lit
Onlor of Hibernians, will i-nuduu .1 miioU-i-iiml notion nt 11 -i lull, tU Ljik.iu.miM
.ncimc, next Monday nliilil.
SCLCIAL MKLTLVfl.- iiiiptiu of the
Asocial ion o( Ihn Home loi the rilendlcis will
lie held on Mondjy Jt 4 o'llmk ill tli( looms
if the Young Women',. CIiiWIjii a,orj!on.
.lOSIK'A HOWLl.l, TO WLU.-flty Controller
Tjiilra Howell niched woid jesleiday Hut Ills
hiothcr, Joshua W. Howell, toinieily 11 well
known lesldelit of t Ilia lily, Is lu he inunleil on
March 2" to Mi. ILnrit-t M, tluiles Jt Napa,
Cul. -
SLItVffT: I'Oill'OMIIl.-IIev. (hailis Ni-winsr,
of lheUunmoru Methodist lipisiopal ilimili, is
minpelbj)) hy Illness in postpone his utiuoillK i-it
triiiioii-Jj the incmlicij ut llin Women' Chus
tun Teiiipeiunic union fiom t onion on- cicnint:
lintil AlSTlI 5.
WAX'CNKW tlllAL.AiplUjlin fur j new
trial witj-he made hy the dcfciiilauW In the
u( I', Mi-Thornton JiTJlu-t the rfecuilly Illinium e
company, uf New Haven, unit tlin Xjtioiul As
mranco company, of Iiclaiul, in wlihh .1 f i tlit t
of ijsl.OOft foi the plaintiff was irporleil In
Unltid 'States rouit lat TuoJ.i.
1), Ii.AM) V. PAV DWS.-'lhe employs of
the Tailor, Kcyr Valley, Wfit Sirantoii and
North Scrjnton lollieric. will he uid today. On
Monday,"th Diamond and Mom miplojes win
lie paid.--anil on TuesdJ, (ho Aoudjc, Aui-hln-iliifci,
MUs, UolUtCJd, Pitlrhone and Wood w id
mine il be paid. v
SUCOKfchPUl, i:STKUTAiNMi:ST.--An cntcr-talnmenk-piicti
in the hall of the Afilcjii Mutli
odlst Eptnopal chunk Wednesday eicnliiir was
u nintt iVci-e'ul rtent In ecry lespcct, Among
the fcatyri's were a Juby tableaux, joprjiio toloj,
Jliit Uenir and Jit Ciitttu Lawieneei olo,
Ilcrllu Smith; motion noug, Master I..ter Ilalejj
reeitatio)ir George Dureef, On Thurday, Apiil
JO, the eiitftalinpnit will be itpcated villi the
addition of a Tom Thumb wedding and a inilltaiy
Keep to the Right"
With eyes open, All the news
about this great occasion in
S c
Sunday's papers.
Thinks People Ate Too Hasty in
Blaming Aldermen.
C'lmi-leH Hchlt-!!, of Nidge sheet, wits
ni-pi'sU'd yoslenl.ty tit the Instance of
Mrs. Anna Ecle, who clutifjcH lilm
with ansuult uiid Imtlery on herself
and on tier son, CIiui-Ich. Mis. l-k-Ue
alk'BPs tlinl her little hoy Was passing
Schliz's house and stopped to fool with
hit dog.
.Schli'z, f-hc says, took offense and
coining out, slapped the lad over the
face. Mite started to Interfere, where
at Schlrz slapped her nlso, she avers.
The warrant was Issued hy MnL'isttate
Howe, hut Hchlt-z went hefore Alder-
inan lluttennan and entered hnll lu
the sunt of JIIOO. This prompted MubIs
trate Howe lo make a few remarks
yeHterday afternoon.
"There's a case," said he, "that could
have been settled If I could have got
the parties together here In my otllee.
It's only a trivial matter and one that
should never be brought to the atten
tion of the grand Jury. It may pos
sibly be one of the contributing causes
for another grand jury report censur
ing aldermen for sending In unhnport
unt cases, yet what can we do? If a
person comes here and Insists upon
swearing out a warrant we've got to
Issue one. Then the defendant goes
before another alderman and enters
ball. In many Instances, we get no
opportunity whatever to decide upon
the merits of a case. I wish people
would take tills fact Into consideration
when they start out censuring the al
derman along this particular Hue."
Tailor Found Unconscious in His
Room at Bristol House Yester
dayCondition Critical.
Charles Leroy, of Factory vllle, vho
came here on Monday last to accept a
position with E. J. O'Malley, the North
Scranton tailor, was found unconscious
yesterday morning In his room at the
Bristol house, corner of North Main
avenue and West Market street. Gas
wtis escaping from the gas jet, and had
Leroy not been discovered when lie was,
he would have undoubtedly have been
It was the smell of the escaping gas
which attracted the attention of the
hotel people, and they hurriedly opened
his room door. lie was lying in the
bed, undressed, and theie was no evi
dence of any attempt having been made
to stop up any cracks in the doors or
windows and thus prevent the escape
of the gas from the loom. These facts
are considered to be amply suillclent to
dlspiove the theory of suicide, at llrst
advanced. It is believed that the gas
was left turned on through negligence.
Efforts to revive Leroy were made
by a physician, who had been sum
moned, but they were unsuccessful, and
he was removed to the Lackawanna
hospital, where he partly regained con
sciousness, but again sank into a coma.
His condition last night was said to be
Lafayette Men Attracted a Fair
Sized Audience.
The concert given by the musical
clubs of Lafayette college attracted a
falr-sl.ed uudlMice last night at the
High School aivlltorluni. It was an
exceptionally good entertainment. The
Glee club was very strong and did ex
cellent work. One of its members is a
Scranton man, T. P. Eynon, of the
West Side.
The Banjo club played well and the
mandolin 1 enduring- of a Ituebonslein
melody in F was among the features of
the evening. The singing of the
"I-'lorodor.v Sextette" and "I Wan't lo
Be a Military Man," called forth much
Y. W. C. A. to Give an Old Folks
The second entertainment in the
series of three at the Young Women's
Christian association will be an "Old
Folks' Concert," on Tuesday evening at
8 o'clock. The following will be the
Piano Solo Mis. llakei Soh Mls (iaiaifju
Tliu .MI.--tM lil.ick, h.ilnion, (I.iiiik.hi
Violin Snlu Mis. Lister
Solo Ml.s lllail.
Trio Ml-cs, .-Million, Cu.iy.ui
Scranton Business College.
Monday, March IT--Miss Lillian M.
Utter, of Tunkhannoek, goes lo work on
the books of the Household Outlining
Tuesday, March IS Wm. E, Koins,
of Hornellsvllle, N, i, writes that he
has secured a position with the AVor
den Bros.' Mfg. Co., at Uansvllle, N,
Y. Mr. (Corns took a three months'
A gentleman called this evening for a
lady stenographer.
Wednesday, Murch 1!) ltocelved 11
telegram from Uuffulo for a llrst-class
stenographer. Have not yet been able
lo 1111 the place.
A eoi-poiutlou asks for u lady steno
grapher. Thursday, March iO A gentleman
writes that he tequlres the services of
u competent stenographer.
Learned that Miss Mattie Kuapp has
resigned her position with the Scran
ton Mercantile Co., to accept another
with the Colliery Engineer Co.
Mr. Cont-y reports that he Is now lu
the oillce of Master Car Builder Can
Held, or tho Lticka, It. H. Fred Gray
Is lu the same oillce.
Friday Murch 21 Herman Schmaltz,
of PJttson, has resigned his position
with thu N. Y 8. and AV. It. It., at
Htroudsburg, to accept another, as as
sistant book-keeper for the AVIIIIams
port Staple Co.
Students nre alreutly enrolling for
tho spring term,
Loaded Shells,
Twelve gauge smokeless ut $l,fiO per
100; black powder, $1,10 per 100. Only n
few hundred left, at (Ire sale of Floiey
& niooks. Open evenings all next week.
All the New Spring Styles
lu clothing now being displayed at
lllchards & Wlrth's, ;'C Lackawanna
All athletic goods, tennis and golf
goods very cheap at Florey & Brooks'
fire sale,
Make a Note of It
The division olllces of the Lackawan
na railroad, freight and passenger de
partments, uie now located In Booms
608, 603 und 615, Meats' building.
Attorney Walker Vigorously Re
sumes the Argument Which WaB
Interrupted by His Swooning, but
the Law Was Against Him and
the Evidence on Which Ho Rested
His Case Was Adjudged Incompet
entVerdict of 1 8200 for the Plain
tiff In Welsh Damnge Case.
Fully recovered ft om his cullapse of
the day befoie, Attorney James M.
AVulker, yesterday morning, resumed
his argument In the Williamson-carpenter
ejectment suit, consuming nearly
an hour In one of the most vigorous
speeches ever made by a young at
torney at the Lackawanna bar.
The law, as .ludge Kelly reviewed It,
was however against him, and the
motion of the opposing counsel Major
AVarren and Mr. Scrags to exclude the
testimony on which the defense rested,
was allowed. The plalntlrf asked for
binding Instructions, but Mr. AVulker
protested on the ground that some of
tho papeis offeied in evidence were not
originals, but only certllled copies, and
there was consequently a question as
to the veracity gf the witnesses who
testified hi support of their being cor
rect copies. Judge Kelly sustained Mr.
Walker's contention and submitted the
case to the Jury. Tho Jury found- a
verdict for the plaintiff.
In the case of John E. AVelsh and
others against the city of Scranton for
damages growing out of the widening
of Robinson street a verdict of ?200 was
found for the plaintiff.
A verdict of $31 for the plabulrf was
returned In the case of Antonio Margot
to against AVHliam A. Moore and Mary
Two juries sealed verdicts just sifter
the udjournlng of court. One had In
hand the case of rj. It. Thomas against
Patrick Leyden. Mr. Thomas is a.
sewing machine agent. Mr. Leyden re
sides in Minooka. An agent of Mr.
Thomas' delivered a sewing machine
to Uie Leyden residence at Mrs. Ley
den's holiest. It was to be left there
a week on trial. AVlien the agent went
16 Minooka to consummate the expect
ed sale he found the sewing machine
lying in the gutter in front of Leyden's
house. It was a total wreck.
Leyden admitted he threw it out, but
sought to excuse his action on the
ground that It was placed on his prop
erty without his consent. Judge Kelly
ruled that Leyden had no right to
throw the machine out and gave the
jury binding instructions to find for the
plaintiff. The amount of the damage
was left to the jury. L. P. AA'edeman
lepresented the plaintiff and- John H.
Bonner, tho defendant.
The other case was that of I. P. Pro
vodssek against M. E. Worden. The
plaintiff was u sub-contractor under
the defendant for the slating of the
Blakely Baptist church. The contract
price was $300. Mr. AVorden refused to
pay the bill and suit was brought. The
defense was that the work was not
done according to specifications and
that the cost of putting the Job in proper
shape was greater than the plaintiff's
claim. R. A. Zimmerman represented
the plaintiff. AV. A. AVllcox was attor
ney for the defendant.
The case of James Jt. Dainty against
Michael Devlne was referred to At
torney R. L. Levy.
The following cases were continued:
E. F. Carroll, et. til. against the Scran
ton Railway company; D. B. Madden,
et. al. against the Scranton Railway
company; Johanna Ferdinando against
the city of Scranton; Bridget A. Moran
against the Scranton Railway com
pany; Emma Haas against the Scran
ton Railway company; Joseph AA'alker,
et. al. against C T. AVlse, et. al.; E. K.
Thomas against Margaret Collins; E.
E. Thomas against Nora Collins.
Councilmen Make Answer.
Lewis Richards, Henry McGariity,
G, C. Rles, John Kruchank and John
Rellly, members of the borough coun
cil, of Dickson City, made answer yes
teiday in Clerk Daniels' ottlce, to thu
petition of ten citizens of the borough
to have tho councilmen removed for
lading to reorganize within ten days
utter the first Monday In April as re
quired by law.
The respondents deny that Stephen
Beddoe was a member of council from
tlte First ward, and that J. C. Iluf
nagle was a member from the Third
ward; and further, they deny that
theie is a vacancy lu the First wurd,
They then go on to deny specifically
that they failed to reoiganlze within
the time prescribed hy law, and make
the averment that reorganization wos
effected on Monday, March 3.
The litigation grows out of the dead
lock In the Dickson City council. The
faction lu cmitrol are, the respondents,
Exceptions to Mulley Estate Audit.
Exceptions to the account of the
auditor in the estate of' Ambrose Mul
ley, deceased, were argued yesterday
In orphans' court before Judge John B.
Steel, of AVestmorelund county, special
ly presiding, Judge A'osburg was
counsel at one time und consequently
could not hear the case. The attornoys
representing the purtles were George
D. Taylor, H, B. Price, Hon. A. A.
Knapp, AV. F. Boyle and V. D. B.
Alney, of Montrose,
Judge A. A, A'osburg Iieurd testimony
in the uudlt of tho estate of Charles
Stuart, deceased, for the purpose of
distributing tho funds in the hands of
the executor Joseph Stuart. No excep
tions were filed to the account of the
executor, but a claim was presented
against the estate by a daughter of
the testator, Mrs. Collins, who paid tho
funeral expenses, and claims (his
should bo lepuld her out of the estate,
The executor claims she had In her
hands enough money of the testator to
cover this bill, and therefore it H not
a valid churge upon this fund. TlievJ
testimony was conciutieu aim tno mut
ter will come up for argument at u time
to be hitbsequently fixed. Attorney C.
AV, Dawson appealed for tho executor,
and Attorney W. II. Husltinder, for the
hi the estute of Nellie Ryan, ot al.,
minors, the audit of the exceptions filed
Keep to the Right"
With eyes open, See Sunday's
papers. All about this extra
ordinary event.
You Are Invited
To y v. Join
to the account of M. F, AVymbs, their
guardian, were continued on account of
the absence of one of the counsel In
Interest, The attorneys for the re
spective parties arc George S. Horn,
T. P. Dtllfy, C. It. Pitcher and AV. II.
Properties Sold by the Sheriff.
Sheriff Schudt yesterday sold the fol
lowing properties:
l'h')ierly of th.irlei Kitl-duirer, In Suaiilnn,
to I'l-nnsyhiinhi rja jnci I'liud and Loan uso
U.itiiiii for S4II.31.
1'iope'ily of duties Kalslnuer, In Sirimtoti, lo
the l'clm.U.ilil.l Sitings l'lind and Loan asrfo
ilatlon, for f(.UL
1'inperty of (leorKO, 11, Claik nnd .'. 11. Clark,
in W.nerl.i, to Dean, tittorney, for $iil.SB,
l'ropetty of Joseph Sdioltr, in Hi union, to
t'imy, ntturney, for $SS.30.
1'ioperly of Charles Oh em nnd Is uo Owens
in betntiton, (0 Attorney Ilailcnlliie, for 'IJ.O',.
l'ruperty of Helen l'olka, nilmliiMiJliIx, In
Scranton, to Curry, attorney, for $5.1.10.
1'iopoily of Ilvctelt 1'. Marrhm, in Dmimore,
to Woodruff, ntioiney, for $.11.00.
1'iopcrty of Lent Jlellody et al., in Carhondale,
to Wulker k lllll, attorney, forttl.lS.
l'ropcrt.v of .Michael DurlJn, lu fccianton, to
W. H. befall, attorney, for $TS.J..
1'iopcity of fieuige II. Claik nnd neorge W.
Ileale, ill fc'cranton, to S. B. Pilce, ultotiicj, for
Piopeily of Laura (lluel; and .lo-epli Qliuk, lu
C.irbondale, to fetuart, attorney, for 71.07.
1'iopcity of Jjniei II. Xolan, In Seunton, to
Hannah attorney, for S17.2C.
Properly of H. M. Patrick, lu South Ahliigton,
to Ilichl, attorney, for $50.20. v
Pioperty of Society of S't. Mhluel tho Auh
angel, in Old I'oige, -to lf.1nn.1l1, attorney, for
1'iopcity of Ann Kdwards, in, to
Dielil, attorney, for $0S.i:i.
Pioperty of Kdwiiid C. Dltnmiek, In South
Ahlngton, to Weill, ntioiney, for eS.lJ
Piopeity of Stanton Bellniccr, in Scianlon, to
Diehl, attorney, for -$01.1.0.
Piopeity of Kdw.ird A. MiCluiie, in ScrJiiton,
to Uiclil, attorney, for ;C.1.10.
Tiopcily of Ilridget Xcedham, in Old Porge,
to Diehl, attorney, for S71.00.
Property of .'. S. Woodhou-e et al., in Scran
ton, to Dielil, attorney, for -7(l."8.
Properly of William .1. i:ans et al., in Seun
ton, Jttoiney, for $.3" 05.
Marriage Licenses.
George lleppler 10.15 Adams acnue
Maud Kilmer SIT ltichter stic-t
William Moran's Lifeless Body
Found by His Mother in
Minooka Yesterday.
AVllllani Moran, who has lived for
many years in Minooka, was found
detid in bed yesterday morning about
6 o'clock by his mother, who went to
arouse him and who was startled to
find that life had left his body.
The cause of Mr. Moran's death was
pronounced to be heart disease by Dr.
Haggerty and 'Coroner Sultry, both of
whom viewed the remains. The dead
man was 47 years old and single. He
is survived by his mother and the fol
lowing Elsters: Mrs. James Duleavy
and Mrs. James Gannon, of Minooka
and Mrs. AVilliam McGulgnn, of this
The funeral will be held on Monday
morning. A high mass of requiem will
be celebrated In St. Joseph's church,
Minooka and interment will be made in
St. Joseph's cemetery.
Committee That Is in Charge of To
night's Event."
The supper at the Young AVomen's
Christian association this evening from
j.SO to 7.30, promises to be a very pleas
ant affair. All friends will be wel
comed by the reception committee, Mrs.
R. Q. Powell, Mrs. Ripple, Mrs. Peck
and Mrs. Can-.
The committee lu charge of the sup
per consists of Mrs. L. M. Gates, Mrs.
F. D. Btewstc-r and Mrs. Garrison. Tho
ladies at the tables are Mesdnines
Brewster, Garrison, Lister, Brooks,
Rinc, Jones, Fellows, Freeman and
Howell; Misses McKennn, Short and
Osland, with their assistants, Misses
Gates, Rlne, Luce, Capwell and Wey
Was One of Carbondalo's Leading
Dr. lluel Hampton, formerly of Car
bondale, one of the best known physi
cians In the Lackawanna valley, is
very ill at the homo of his son-in-law,
C. P. Jadwin, of Adams avenue. Dr.
Hampton was 81 years old on Saturday
He became 111 on the Friday previous
and grew rapidly worse. For tho past
tvo days he has been unconscious, suf
fering from apoplexy.
Pleasing Entertainment at the R. R.
Y. M. C. A. Rooms.
Tile closing number of the menibets'
course of entertainments tit the Rall
load Young Men's Christian ussoclutloii
was given last night to a largo audi
ence. The entertalnera were J. F. Dil
lon, musical humoiist, of New i'ork,
und C. E. AVeston, monologulst, of
Scivinton, (
Their entertainment was one of the
most pleasing of tho course,
The fullunin;; schedule of pajn lias been ar
langcd by the Delaujiu and UuiUoii (ouipaiiy:
Mauli J.'. Mamille, Alanine, Legtrtlt'8 Cluk,
ion Btoicn, inckioii, lepalr thop.
JlJich 21-Olypluiit Lddy Creek. (Jrjfcv U-
laud, WI1II0 Oak, Jeiii,u.
Mai ill "5 (Juennuoil Xos. 'I mid 2, Spring
lliook, Laugilitte, l.atllii.
Munh Co Dolawjie, llajtlmottr mope, il.ilti
nioie No, 3, llalllmoie No. 5, Haltlmore Tunnel,
Mauh 27 Cilntun, C0.1l lhook, Puwdeily, Car,
boudjlu No. 1, Hackee llrook,
Mai ill S3 UMun, Plymouth No. 2, I'ljtiioutli
Xo. a, i'bmoulli Xo, 4, Plymouth Xu. 3.
Bicycles Cheap.
On account of fire, we will sell the
balance ot our stock ot wheels at iibout
half-price. Sale all next week. Open
evenings. F(orey & Biooks,
522 and 621 Spruce street.
Easter Neckwear
and furnishings at Richards & AVIrth's
326 Lackuwunnu avenue,
Four of Them Met and Elected John
F. Murphy President They Sny
That Today They Will Begin to
Exorcise tho Functions of Poor Di
rectors Mr. Dickort Said to Be
Acting Without Authority for tho
Last Three Years Old Board Is
Prepnred to Fight.
Scranton now bus two poor boards,
One Is composed of R. G. Brooks,
Frederick Fuller, Timothy Burke, Dr.
AV. A. Paine, Frank Dlckcrt, Samuel
AVIUIums und Thomas Shotton, who
were appointed by tho court. Tho
members of the other board are! John
J. Murphy, M. F. Hundley, Fred Xulif
and F. AV. Bergc. They claim title to
the office through an election con
ducted on Feb. 18 last. James A.
Evans, Thomas Shotton and R. G.
Brooks were also elected, but have not
Joined with the other four elected.
Vat'lotiB kinds of uupleusaiit complica
tions will follow in the wake of the
attempt of both boards to transact the
business of the district, nnd much liti
gation is in sight.
After the routine business of the old
board was disposed of yesterday, At
torney John J. Murphy said he had two
matters ( to bring before tho board and
asked tliut he be given tho privilege of
the lloor. On motion of Dr. Paine, this
was granted to him and Mr. Murphy
made formal demand for the seat from
the South ward of the borough of
Scranton for tho term beginning the
third Friday of March, 1S03, which ex
pired yesterday.
Mr. Murphy said he had been regu
larly elected for that period, and after
his election had asked to bo seated, but
his request had been refused. He
showed that Mr. Dlckei't had not been
appointed for the. term now drawing
to a close, and that ho (Murphy) was
the only person who had any title to
the oillce and he asked to be admitted
as a member. His demand was re
fused a second time and at his request
a minute of the demand and refusal
was spread upon the records of the
Mr. Murphy then apprised the board
that on Feb. IS last ho had been again
elected for a period of tliree years and
since Mr. Dickert lias no right to the
oillce, asked that he be ad
mitted as a member for the
term of three years, -which be
gins today. He called the attention of
the board to the fact that Sir. Dick
ert's term expired tliree years ago and
thatr the terms of Dr. Paine, Mr. Shot
ton and Mr. Fuller expired yesterday,
and that they had not been reappoint
ed. Sir. Shotton was elected his own
Sir. Murphy demanded that the cer
tificates of election of nil those elected
in February be leceived and the own
ers of them admitted as members of
the board. Sir. Murphy, James Evans,
Fred Bcrge, Fred Fuhr and SI. F.
Hundley handed in their certificates,
and they were read by the secretary.
Sir. Fuller, who was presiding In the
absence of Sir. Brooks, who Is in Eu
rope, tjaid that several of the certifi
cates were not in proper form, as they
did not specify iu what districts tho
elections were conducted. After a
whispered consultation between Messrs.
Shotton and Fuller and Attorney J. F.
Scragg, the solicitor of the board, Sir.
Shotton Introduced the following reso
lution, which was adopted:
Wheiejs, Certain claims aie made the
piescut hoaiil of dhcctois of the bcrautou poor
di'stiict is illegally constituted, and that the
di ice tors holding- Kiiil positions are not legally
entillid theirto, and
Wheicis, The Mine olaims luuo In the past
been ficipjontly made and legal rf.
toits instituted to sustain the F.ild contention, and
Wheieas, The present members of tho boaid
of dlicctorx of the Scranton poor district aie
holding their office by irtoe of jppointment fiom
the president judge of Lackawanna, county; theie
foie, be it
lteoled, That tho present boaid of dlicclors
decline to iciognic the claims of those dl
putiug the legality of the present board of ill-u-ctots
of .ild dlstiict as now constituted, and
further be it
Itesobed, That the pi ex nt board of directors
of the Mid dlstiict u all lawful means to main
tain their linhts to Mid office js aglln't the
afoicnjid claims and contentious.
Sir. Murphy said " the resolution
neither gavo them the otlk-es nor de
nied them to them. He demanded that
tho board go squarely on record, and
011 motion of Dr. Paine tho certificates
were received and the board refused to
seat the applicants. Sir. Murphy had
this fact properly spread on the min
utes, and when this was done he served
notice that the men who were refused
a placo on the board would proceed to
organize and transact the affairs of the
Scranton poor district.
"Where will you organize?" asked one
of the members.
"Right In this room." replied Sir.
At this point Sir. Evans, one of the
elected members, withdrew, declining
to participate In the organization of tho
second board.
Thu business of the old board dragged
along and there was no apparent de
sire to vacate and permit tho second
board to organize. Then Slessrs. Slur
phy, Fuhr, Bergo und Hundley got to.
gethcr In 0110 side of thu roam und
elected Sir. Murphy, president; Mr.
Fuhr, secretary, and Sir. Merge, treas-urM-.
When the regular business ot the old
board wus over the members decided
to go Into executive session to consider
plans for a new building at the home.
The room was ut onco ordered clear. It
was feared the new members might ob
ject to going and the pollco had been
asked to cleur tho room, but their ser
vices were not needed. All of tho new
members departed, and said Unit today
they will ussume the functions of poor I
The old board members say they have
no feur of the rival boaid, tliut even
admitting that the members mo to be
elected that there Is no vacancy In
Dunmoro or Providence township, and
that Fred Fuhr and F, AV. Berge, who
represented thesu (wo divisions on the
new bourd, hove no valid claim what
ever to a seat on the board or to par
ticipate lii tho organization of a board,
Tho old board members say they aie
prepared to fight the matter iu the
court to the end that thu exact status
of tho noor board may be determined
for all time and the uncertainty that
now exists ended.
Loughliirs ,x
There Is no gooil housekeeper but Mould ne ilalnl) Dishes for rcry meal
were It not for the ot being unable lo tqilme broken iIi(ik. If .Mill puicluw a
el fiom any of our open loek pattern ou can buy one piece or ft thwn.
Loughlln's t'olonlit Shape with laro gold border lor .111 luepciudo ware, we think, no tnuil. The body and n.U?c ate of Hie highest grade, the uliope classic, tho dee.
orations innk with the finest.
100 PIKCKS $13.75
Housecleaning Time Approaches
Let us repair your furniture, make over yout
mattresses autl clcau your carpets before the rush
1 begins.
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
if The Public These Days
rJ i The more )on look for close prices, the Iieller ou know dry goods cheapness,
25 the nearer jou come to as. The best people iu town bear dill testimony of what f
75J you can get for .1 little money, ptoWded you conic here. 55"
ca "
7$ IVlen's Furnishings $
't mong the many things for the coiuenleme of man, we pick out this ltnm,
;Jg Shield Teikii, Shield l!ows and Tecks,, natty patterns and designs. 25c. eaih. g
' Collars, tul!, Shirts', Night Shiits, and the choofclng 8 jours. 2?
S Belts and Beits
'Ihen'.s any quantity of the new Hells at the notion counter, and here's two J
3 of them: $.
? Ill 11k Vehct Hells, Willi Satin Hand; (Kjdurd and (Jilt Ilueklcs, 25c. each.
K S.ilin and Moire lincy Pelts, all sizes; Oxidized, (Jilt and lllack ISuihlcs. S5e. J
rs cjc''- s?
,J5, A templing lot of Snake Hells, the newest out. J5
f Here is Hosiery
75 2
.S. Lace Lisle lloslciv. edict! "Our Only." llniiKdoif fast double foIcs and Jj
75 IiecU, fine guage; a lirge and beautiful
ll'lll jMJlk J1U-.0 uie wuniiin.
Ladies' Neckwear
A lot of Washable W. Idle and Coloied Slocks, the kind to wear with Shirt
Waists. 50c. each.
Tlain and Dotted, Tuxedo Xet,
if White Goods
Tasteful and lefined women 1i.hp a natui.U longing for linn and pietty White
Dicm tioods. Hcic. you can find .1 ihoiie asaortimnt. and the bljies arc as new
us they make them. Lace .Stripe Dimities, Meiceried Stripes, Lace Liwn
Stripes, Plain nnd I'.iney Piqu", Indii Liuons, I'usi.m l.iwns, Plain and Dotted
Swisses Oipandies and the like.
Vaiicty, beauty, elegance .mil completeness are found iu this stock.
McContiell & Co.
402 Lackawanna Ave.
?($v$ W$M,n(f '?
Begins Xoday
Wall Paper
Picture Frames
Pal ait Brushes -
We have opened two temporary stores to dispose of
our reserve stock, which Avas in our cellar during the recent
fire from Avhich Ave so greatly suffered. This stock, which
was damaged by water and smoke, Avill be sold at practically
your owu price, together Avith the undamaged stock from
our warehouse, as Ave iuteud reoponing at our old location
within a few Aveeks Avith an entirely new stock.
Temporary Stores: 505 Linden Street.
308 Washington Avenue, Opp. Tribune B'.dg,
Cornelius ("licuo), of Pci.killle, WJJ aiu-sled
jesti'iday ut tho inUncc of Mary Lauiiou, aUo
of I'eikvilli', on thu charge ut seduction under
the pruiultc of inarrUxe, Aldeunau Uuddy held
him under $W bail.
Clurlijj UUiwirlli, who wo wntly bitten by
Dinner Sets
134 Wyoming Ave.
CO. AValk In and look around.
OLD 'PHONE 240-3.
Both 'Phono'
assortment. 50c, .1 pair. The tw-cnty-fhe g
La TosC.i-and Ilriw-cls Xct Velline;. 15e. a yard.
At Your
! Own Price.
a don? belonging to Mary, of Mulberry
ucet, .srtU-idjy began proceeding Uforii Al
di'imau Uuddy to have' the animal that. The Jl
dcrnuu has the matter under loutideratlon.
All athletic- goods, tennis and golf
goods very cheap at FJorey & Hroohy
lire sale.