The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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11 ,,
Church and Suriday-Schoo
f iLgV ' '' ' ' P'lxl v" r7'
""iiu ln i !
rliJ MU1 rautdly iiiipiuaclilnjr the
mo oC tho flftv-flt'fit session of
yoinlnir rotifcicncc, April 10,
lit AVuvrrty, N.Y, Tlio bluhop to ptcstilo
1b Jlov, H. M. Merrill, whoso pluco of
Jesltleilco Is marked ClileiiKo, 111, This
Mill nmku-thu Hlxth time that thin con
foroncu htm been entoitalned In this ile
llRhtftil New York town, viz., In 1854,
18111, 1873, 1881, 1891 ulld now In 1002.
JtlHhop JiiiiM presided over the Hint
uiul Hecomt eennlunn; Ulshop Ames, tho
third: lilBliop Andrew, the fourth:
Ulshop Uowiimn, the llftli, uiul Hlnliop
Met rill to prrelde over tho sixth, tn
looking over the list we find that of the
llfty-ono BeHslons, counting the coming,
tucnty-Hlx lmvei been held In I'ennsyl
viinln, mid twcntv-llve In New Yoik
mate. AVllken-llane, Pn., Ulnghamton,
N. Y , and "Wavcrly, N. Y., have each
cntei tallied the qonreience six times.
Hcranton, Pa and Owego, N. Y each
Jlvo tlinew. Cnrbontlnlc, Pa., and Nor
wich, N, Y. each four times. Hones
dHlo, Pa., West Plttstoii, and Oneontn,
N. Y., cirli three Hums. Twenty-eight
bishops have presided, while fourteen
Feci darics' have looked after tho "s'rrl
Ind" part of these fifty conferences.
Thli will make Ulshop Merrill's third
presidency of 'Wyoming conference
3S77 at llonesdale, 1890 at ninghainton,
nnd 190:! at Yv'aveily, N. Y.
The llrst session of this conference
was held In Carbondnle, July 7, 1852,
nnd this, Its fiftieth nnnlveisuty, would
have been held in that city but for the
disastrous Hie which destroyed its
church. Ulshop Hcott presided, and
sixty-two nilnistois responded to their
Jinnies. At that conference Rev. Dr. Y.
C. Smith was lecelved on tiial: Ke. C.
J,. Rico was admitted into full connec
tion, and llev. G. 'W. T,ench was elected
and oid.ilned elder. These are the only
living members who weie connected
with Wj online at Us birth. The num
ber of members and nrobationeis weie
12.C77. The dlstilcts were three In num
ber Newark, Susouehunna nnd Wyo
ming. At the close of the first session
these weie Incieased to foui, and, with
the exception of 'Wyoming, lemained
Ttlnghamton, Owego, llonesdale and
Wyoming. Our Wyoming district em
braced a territory which In ltelf ap
peared as .i small confeience, fiom
Newport on the south to Mount Pleas
ant on the north; fiom Ttinkhaunock
Mehoopany, Smlngville on the east to
Hawley and ileech Lake on the west.
Out of this teriltoiv, north and west,
the llonesdale dlstiict was cieated.
AVe have now siv distiiets. tlieie being
added to those already mentioned the
('hen.mgo and Oneontn. The number of
inlnlstois Is now 2S.", and of members,
4G,r.(14. in 1S12 the highest sahuy paid
to any of its clergymen was $55(1, by
AVilkes-B.irio church, Wvonilng dis
till t, Rev. Nelson Rounds being the
f oi tunato minister Thei e w as no Sci an
ion then The highest salary paid In
the Newark (now tho Owego) dlstiict
was .$.'140. In the Susquehanna (now
Rlnglinmlon) district, $300. Now, In the
territory of Ihese three districts tlieie
aie. -thlr,ty-one chyrges, paying fipm
$1,000", to 51,000, Sciunton standing
financially at the head.
In ISDfi tfie Wvalusing dlstiict was
milled; in 1SC2, the Lackawanna dls
tiict, or the confeienie was readjusted
to make six distiiets, Scranton, now
Kim Pink, and Piovldence being In the
Lackawanna district, and Hvde Park
in the Wyoming. 'Wyoming and Lacka
wanna together had twenty-six charges.
In ISO!), by change of confeience bound
niles, tho Chenango and Otsego (now
Oneonta) distiiets of the Oneida con
feience became nait of tho Wyoming.
Then Lackawanna was united with
Wjomlng. making seven districts, until,
at the close ot Rev. r. T. Wplker's term
as presiding elder of AVynlusIng dis
Ulct hUlS78, that district was absorbed
by .theOwego, Ilinghamton and Wyo
jumg districts, and the six distiiets
constituted the conference then as now.
It mnjJ,be of Inteiest to many to knov
the names of the piesiding elde'-s who
hnvo (served tills Wyoming dlstiict
fiomvtlio first: I), A. Shepherd, George
PelcYllllam AVyatt. G. Peek. Reuben
Nelson. II. It. Clarke, G. P. Poiter. G.
vAJk, G. 11. Hair. W. II. Oliu. Austin
C.rJtnn,'jt. W. Van Siholck, M. S. Haid.
.T.lyBckinau, A. Grlflln. It may bo of
lmjllpjyj'.intPi'esl to know that only two
oC-tltcfe Yt remain, Rev. Dr. M. S.
3 '19 W'"Sv has been honored bv the
churph at lfirjje In be'i y elected to the
FecTeinyys-liiD or me unurcii Kxtenslon
society, but whose membeishlp is still
with us, and our piesent elder, Rev.
Dr Griffin
In IS'it, Scranton first appears In tho
minutes, Sciunton and Hvde Park be
ing marked as "mission," with A, II,
Of the face of a healthful woman with
the face of one who is sick proves that
qute often a sad face is a sick face.
Manya woman has credit for a sunny
cllsposjtion who would soon be sad of
face and irritable of temper if she had to
endure the Womanly ills which uiauy of
lier sex'have borne for years.
Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription
cures the diseases which are the source
of to much pain and suffering to women.
It'establishes regularity, dnes debilitat
ing drains, heals inflammation and ul
ceration and cuies female weakness,
Jtre. Cornelia Jlcnson, of Coalton, Iloyil Co.,
Ky., writes "in October 1889 I gae birth to a
baby nnd tlie trentmeut I received at the hand
oftfie midwife left we with falling of the uterus.
I had no health to bpeak of for three jears. I
had another baby which was Hie third child. My
JieaUJi began to fail and I foiiucl royelf com
pletely worn out. I had so many pains and
nehes wy life was a burden to me and uUo to all
the family, for I was nervous and cross and I
could not sleep. Had lour doctors conic to see
me but nt hit found I was klowly dying, The
doctorisaid I had lier,luugund uterine trouble.
I was ill 1k il Tor months uud when 1 did get up I
wm n sight to behold, I looLed like a corpse
italLlug about. I commenced to take Doctor
Tierce's Vaorite Prescription, Ooldeu Medical
Discovery1 and 'I'elletv und ever since theu I
have been a well woman. have biilicred all a
woman could suffer ut my monthly period until
since I began the use of for, 1'ierie's medicines,
but now ) can bay I have no pain, The dark
circles around my ej cs nre going away aud I feel
better in every wuy. My checks are ted and my
(.Win U white, but before It was as jellow us
saffron '
Accept 110 substitute for " I'avorite Pre
scription" there is nothing just as good
for weak aud sick women.
Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are easy
aud pleasant to take. A most effective
Kchooninakcr as pastor. In lSTiG, Scran
ton Is marked alone as "mission," with
George Peek, pastor. In 1S57, and from
henceforth, ll was no longer maiked
"mission." In 1838, 1J. W. aorhtun Is
pastor, uud tho list to date Is ns fol
lows! 1SC0, G. S3. Unncroft: 18G2, J. V.
Newell: 1881. J. A. Wood: ISM, N. W.
Kverett; 186", 1J. D. Sturdevant: 18G9,
.1. ('. Nobles: 1870, Philip Krohn; 1872,
George P. Porter; 1873, I. T. Walker;
1875, L. C. Floyd; 1S77, J. CI. Kckmun;
1880, .1. 11. Smith; 1883, L. 0. Muller;
1S86, .f, K. Pi Ice; 1890, C. C. McLean:
1S91, AV. If. Pearce; 1890. C. M. Glflln.
In nil, twenty pastois. Dining the
same lime Hyde Park, now Simpson,
has had twenty-one pastors, nnd Provi
dence chinch, dating from 1852, has had
twenty-three. These have been possible
because of the past time limit. With
tlnee yeais and five years? ns the Itin
erant's longest pastorate, It was no
dlfllciilt matter, just before conference,
to prophecy ns to pastoral changes,
both prospective and real. But today
only three changes can be asserted as
absolute in the entire conference: One
by death, one by limitation of presid
ing elder's term of office, six years, and
as Rev. L. C. Floyd has served the
Blnghamton district for the term, he
moves at the coming conference, and
one who must move to make a place
for Dr. Floyd and to become presiding
elder in his stead. Undoubtedly these
will necessitate other changes for the
proper adjusting of the work.
The pastors ot our city are doing ex
cellent woik. Dr. Glflln fully sustains
himself us a. great preacher and most
helpful man. Dr. Bennlnger, of Hamp
ton street, the young man, scholnrly,
eloquent and active, Is In the midst of
a woik that ledounds very greatly to
Ills ciedit. He has made the impossible
possible, and when In his new church,
beautiful for situation, he stands to
view the accomplishment of his hopes
and faith, he can well rejoice with his
heiolo people and take new courage,
with added comfoit to his heart. Rev.
G. C. Lyman has proven "a workman
that needetli not to be ashamed."
Theie are not many wealthy men In
his chinch, neither Is the community,
in which his chuich is located, noted as
n settlement of rich people. Y'et loyal
and tiuo to church and pastor, and
pastor loyal and true to church and
God, they are living to make the church
a gioat factor of good in Park Place.
Rev, F. P. Doty, of Cedar avenue, has
done, and Is doing, splendid work for
that society, the daughter of Elm Paik.
A new site has been proem ed and soon
a church, moie in accordance with the
needs of the work, upon this new site,
will leward the pastor's faithful woik.
Rev. G. A. Cure, Providence: Rev. II.
C. McDeimott, Simpson; Rev. W. G.
Simpson, Asbury: Rev. J. R. Austin,
Ash stieet, are all doing most com
mendable work. We do not assert, in
view of these facts, that no changes
will be made in our m-esent city
chinches, it Is possible that following
the conference nil of our punlts will
not be occupied by present pastois.
Twentieth, Century Conference.
The chief interest at present, among
the Baptists of Kastern Pennsylvania,
Is centred upon the great conference
which is to be held in Scranton, April
14 to 17. The programme is an excel
lent one and could not be surpassed if
arranged for our annual May meetings.
Our churches ought to be looking for
ward with eagerness for the feast
which awaits them.
The array of talent secured for these
meetings ought to be sufficient to
arouse our Interest in the matter. Some
of our ablest men are to be with us,
and will piesent all phases of denomi
national woik.
The afternoon and morning sessions
are to lie of great value, ns the com
mittee lias assigned to these the
choicest minds. The progi amines will
soon be letulj to dlstilbute.
Successful Revival Services.
The evangelistic services which have
been In progiess at the Penn Avenue
Kaptlst church during the past week,
have been most successful. The con
gregations have been large and many
conversions have been reported.
The plain, earnest and forceful
preaching of the evangelist. Dr.
Haynes has been productive of good
lcaults and a wide-spread Interest has
been cieated In the levlval work.
Scores of persons not usually found
among church-goers have been In at
tendance, and many have turned over
a new i leaf In life. It Is understood
that Dr. Ilnynes will remain over Sun
day, and will preach at tho Penn Ave
nue church Monday, Tuesday and
("Wednesday evenings of next week.
These are gteat meetings nnd all
should Injur Dr. IIayne.
Religious Notes.
Itev. Dr, Haynes, of Wnghamton, will
deliver the address at the men's meet
ing of the Young Men's Clnlstlan as
sociation in Guernsey hall, Sunday af
ternoon at 3.43. Ills subject will be,
"Judas Went to His Own Place, So
AVill You." The Young Men's Chtlstlan
association male chorus will tender
special music, and u very profitable
hour Is promised.
Next week will be a biiBy week at
tho rooms of the Young Women's
Christian association. A dally noon
service will be held, Tuesday evonlng
there will be a concert under tho direc
tion of Miss Salmon, Misses Black and
Oarlgan being the soloists. Tho two
follow ing days there will be an Kaster
sale, when the many beautiful things
some of the prominent young ludles of
the city have been making for sevetal
weeks, will be sold.
Methodist Episcopal,
Dim l'jik I'rajer and praise meeting, B.80,
O M, (ilillu, 1). ., tlie pastor, will preach at
10 SO. Clawi meeting: in Sunday uhooi room at
cloe of morning eeniictf. .Sumlaj U.I100), 2 p.
in.; Junior League, .1.S0 p. in. Senior League,
u.30 p. in,; public worship, 7.SU p, in,, the pastor
will pi f Jill. St 1 ant; i'M " welcome,
Simpson Melliodl.t L'pUcopal Cliuicli llcr, II.
O, McPumott, pjitoi, 1'iojclitng at 10.30 a. 111.
aud T.'iO p. 111, Horning theme, "Looking- Willi'
in." llKiilns tliuiiv, "A Strauge and Unequal
Coiitctt," 'flic other ten uea at the Usual Iioum.
All not wouhlpping elsewhere cordially imitcd.
Court Street Methodist Lplnopal ihuicli (I. (3.
Ljmaii, pa.tor. tns, o.ij, o. I). DeWitt, leader;
picachiiiB, 10.B0 by Hcv. A. B. Conger; Sunday
hiliool, II. IJ, CI. It. Claik, superintendent; Junior
l.cJirue, 2.30, Mr. Jlrjant, kupeilnteudcnt; I'.p
worth League, (1.30; pr?acliiig 7.20 by Hit, A.
n. Conger. lliccllon ot three trmlecv Wednesday
etenlnir. fonts frtc, KlratiKcrs welcome
M. K. chinch Rev, 0. A, Cure, pastor. The
Rrotlierhood of St. Paul meet for prujer nt 10 30.
I'rcathlng, 10.30. Subject. "Offered and Reject
ed." Sunday school, 2. p. m.j Kpnorth I.casue.
0.45. Topic, 'Dlfficultle In Ihaiigcllrlng Hie
World." Henry linlili, leader. I'reaclilnir, 7,r.O
. ni Biibjerl, "V Supper Under simdo."
Cedar .Ucmie II. i:, i luircli-ltew I'. P. Doty,
putor. 10.00 i, in,, nicetlnit of tlio Iliotlierlioodj
10 .TO a. in., inornliiB worship and neinion by tlio
pntor; noon, Sunday bcIiooI; 11.30 p. m., Junior
l.'pnorlli League: 0.30 p. iu Senior llpwortli
league: lu p. in., eciilng worship and sermon.
Strangers and all others cordially welcome.
Ash .Street Mcthodlil Kplscopil Chuich Hev.
J. It. Austin, paitor. Morning preaching'' scr Ice
at 10.30. Subject, "Tlio Secret ot Contentment."
Claw mectlnir at 1O.S0 a. m.; Chaiiei Cioop,
leader. Sunday school at 2 p. m.j Peter Hail
man, superintendent, Junior lcajrua at !t p. in.
llpwortli lcaxuc ot 0.43 p. in.; His. If. O. Pen
lies, leader. Kienlng; preaching 6erlco at 7.30. A
coram welcome.
Hampton Street llethodlit I.'plscopal Church
Her. James Wenninger, pastor. 1'ieaching at
10.30. Subject, "Is Gallo'a Attitude In llcllglcn,
the Attitude of Men Today?" Class meeting at
11.30. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Intermediate
league at 3 p. m. Senior league at 0 30; leader,
J. W, Colborn, Zoning preaching sen Ice at
7.30. Subject, "Tho Weeping Jeam." A cordial
imitation to all.
Drst German Methodlit Kpiscopal church,
Adanw avenue and Vine street (1. BoblHn, pas
torDivine senlces, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 D. m.
In the morning, the subject will be "The King's
Jubilee"; in the evening, "In the Garden." Sun
day school at noon, and at 2 o'clock, p. m. in the
Taylor Atenue chapel. Kpwoith League meeting
at 6.15 p. m. During the coming Passion week,
sen ice will be held on Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday cenlng.
A. M. ,'. church, llowairt place Dr. T). S.
Ilentley, pastor. Pleaching, 10.30 a. m. Subject,
"A Hoyal Guest with Kindly Honors." Sunday
siliool, 2.30 p. in., A. Porter, superintendent,
bong and prajcr sen Ice, T.13 p. m., conducted
by C. H. Gaines. Preaching, 7.15 p. in. Subject,
"Lot's Choice." A coidtal welcome to all.
Wednesday eiening prajci, l'ridjj evening pieach
ins Baptist.
Penn Atenuc Iljpllst cliuicli, 1'eiiu atenue, be
tween Spiuce and Linden streets Iter. Jtobert 1.
V. Pieice, X). D., pastor. Special ctaiiRcllsiic
seuieei hate been held ihiiini; the past tteek
and will bo continued until Wednesday ctenin;
of till ttcck, under the leadership of Kev. L. St.
S. Hajnc, 1). 1)., of Ilinghamton, N. V. 31r.
Ifajncs will pieach Sunday nioiuiiig on "Griet
ing the Holy spinL of Cod," and in tlie ctening
on "flic Two Unpaidon.ible Sim." The cten
ing senile will be pieceded by a seitice of
siucd song, during which the fainiliir hyinni
will be illustrated. Dr. Il.nncs will preach Mon
diy. Tucsdiy and Wednesdiy ctening. Sunday
school at 2 o'clock a usual. Ctei.tbody made
rirot IliptM dirndl, South jfaln atenue Hot-.
S. I". Matthews, pastor. The usual morning and
ctening i-enjcei at 10 30 and 7.30 o'clocl.. Sub
ject for the Sibbalb will bo the cpmtcrly retiew
of tlie Sabbath school lesson. Sundaj school at
'2 p. 111.; Ui. 15. fl. Ileddoe mpciintcmlcnr. Bap
tist Young Peoples sertice, 0 30 p. in. In a-eni-bly
100111. Regular weekly prajer meeting Wed
nesday ctening, 7.30 o'clock. All aie coidially in
titcd to these s-ertice.
Jackson Street Haplist chuiili l!et. 'Ihonns
do Cruelty, 1). 1). Pastor. Men's morning pi.ijer
meeting, 0 30, leader, llrolhcr Lewis Pairy. Ser
mon, 10.30; Bible school, 2 p. m John Llojd,
Mipeiintendent. Kaster cIioum will meet at the
lIooc of tho Sunday school for lehearsal. Ktcn
ing sen ice, 7 sharp. Praise sertice assisted by
the oichestra, followed by a short address by the
pastor. Topic. "Amos and llli Plumb Line."
An after meeting will be held at the close of the
sen ice.
Shiloh Baptist church Iter. J. B. Boddie,
pastoi. Preaching, 11 a. in.; subieet. "The
Triumphal Bide." Tlie pastor wishes to sec oil
out as this is Palm Sundaj-, to hear this text
preached. 2 30, Sunday school. Troni 7 to 8 p.
in., B. Y. P. U. prajer meeting; topic. 8 p.
m., preaching; subject, "Heaten." AH should
hear this kcmion as tills is the second series on
thii subject. Monday ctening, closing topic of
the B. Y. P. U. Wednesday ctening, preaching;
Friday ctening, general prajer meeting. Ail aie
Crcen Ridge Baptist tlmich llev. I. X. Steel
man, ot Sidney, X. Y will preach both morn
ing and ctening tomoirotv. Morning prajer
meeting at 0.43; Juiuoi Young People Society of
Christian L'ndeator, at 3 30 p. in.; Senior Young
People's Society of Christian Kndeavor, at 0.30;
Sunday school at 11,43 a. in,
Flist Welsh Baptist church, West Maiket street
lict, J. V. Pities, the pastor, will occupy the
pulpit on Sunday net at 10 a. m. and 0 p. m.
Sunday school at 2 p. in. Tlie etcning scnicc
will be conducted in 1'nglMi. All friends aie
coidially Intited to attend. AH seals free.
Second Presbt te riaii church, .Telfereon atenue
(between Vine and Mulbefiy,) 10 30 a. in.; morn
ing wninhlp; 1J in., Sunday fcchool; b.M p. m ,
Y, P. S. C, H.; 7.30 p. m., et enlng worship, llev,
J. If. Odell ttilt prcuh at botii seitires.
Piotideuee Pieijteilan cliuicli Tier. Dr.
Cuild will preach at the nioinliig and ncnlng
scitkcs. Sunday tchonl nt noon; Junior I'll
deatoi, 3.30 p. m.; Senior L'ndeatoi, 0 33 p. m,
Seats of tho chinch arc free,
(liven lililge l'rcb) tei Ian thuich ltcv. 1. J.
Lansing, pastoi; llev. L. lt, l'oatei, assistant
10.30 a. m., sertice ot tvonJifp with seimoii by
the pastor; U in,, Bible fdiool; (130 p. m',
Christian Kndeatoi; 7,30 p. in., eteiilug ttoishlp
with mi moil by the pjstor, opening a wtek of
special hcrtiecs. Subjcet, "In An j'uiergcncy."
Sertlcea on all subsequent eteningsj of .the week
except Satuiday, All aie coidially intiled.
Washburn Stieet I'icsbtcriaii church He.
John P., 1), 1)., pastor, Sciviccs, 10.30 a.
Ill, uud 7,30 p. III.; bible school, 12.00 in, ;
Junior Christian l'ndeator, 3.30 p. m.; Clulstian
Endcator, Young People, O.'M p. in. Ihe cacia
ment of tho Loul'.s supper, adult and infant bap.
tism will be uduiinlstcied at tho morning sort lie.
Dldrr William Pat Is will be installed and boine
twenty new members will be received. All
coiniminicints ace requested to propvily sign ?nd
bring the token cards with them, I'ohcra will be
piesent early to teat all strangers, who an cor
dially welcome. The usual communion offering
will be taken.
Sumner Avenue PrebjteilJn church, coiner ol
Sumner avenue and Prim street. Seitlcea tomoi-
row as follows: Sabbath school in the afternoon
at 2 o'clock, Bezaleel Daties, superintendent,
l'.tenintr service at i) o'clock, Mr, Peabody will
till the pulpit. Seats free. All welcome,
Capnusd chapel, (Oreen Ridge Prcsbjterlsn
cliuicli) Preaching, 10.30 and 7,30 by the pastoi,
Rev, L, It, Foster; Sunday school, 3 p. in,;
Junior endeavor, i p. in ; Senior rudeatur, 0.30
p, in,; prajer meeting, 7. iO Tliuitdjy evening,
Welcome to all,
Adam Avenue- Chapel, "New Yoik sheet The
Hot, James Hughes will piiach at 10 30 aud at
7.30. 1'tenlng subject, 'Tho Pievulent I u
Clulstian Tieatment of Aged I'eople." Sunday
school at 3 o'clock, Mr. Chandler, superinten
dent. Mi. Hughes will trull tint Men's) Bible
class. Tlie fhiUIIan Lndeator society will meet
at 0 43. A lotillal imitation i given to all peo
ple living lit the neighborhood of the chapel.
Come with us and we will do jou good.
St, Luke's parish llev, Rogers hiacl, l. 1),,
lector, Ret, lMttaid IUughlou, iinate, 7.30 a.
in., Holy Communion; 0.13 a, in., Sunday tchoul;
10.30 a, m., Litany and sermon; 7.30 etcniug,
prajer uud uimou.
St, MjiL'8 chapel, Duumoic 8 a, m , Jfol.v
Comiiiuiiioii; a. in., I.itauj and tcinnu; 3
p. in., Sunday school; 7.J0 p. in., etcniug sennon,
St, (ieorges',, 01) pliant 2.30 p. m., Sundaj'
school; 3.30 p. in, et filing song aud sermon.
&rTZlCZ&llkiuMtaJ)iiilJxueii tt eeXsxjMaaajtasi
Lsst Lnd in Isitlon -2.30 p. in., Sunday school.
South Side 2.30 p. in., Sunday school.
Church ot the Hood Shepherd, corner Money
avenue and Crcen llldgc street Rev. Francis n.
Ilaleman, lector, Sunday next before Ilastcr. Holy
Communion, 7.30 a. in.; morning pia)er, 10.30 a.
in, ; Sundav school and rector's claw, 2.30 p. m.j
evening prajer, 7.30 p. in,
St. John's mission, Oflerhout Hall, Providence
Square Sunday school, 2 p. in.; ctening prajer
nnd seimon by Itcv. 1', II, Bateninn, 4 p. m.
Reformed Episcopal.
(iiacc Reformed I.'plscopal church, Wjomlng
avciiua below Mulberry street Ceorge I,. Alrlrh,
pastor. Prayers, praise service, 0.30 a, in. I).
vine worship, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. Pleach
ing by the pastor at both sertice". Sabbath
school at 12 in.; Y. P. S. C. i: 0.30 p. in.
Special services next week: Monday, 3.30 p. in,,
Bible study; Wednesday, 7.30 p. m lesson study;
WcdnoMlsj-, 8 p. m., prajer meeting j Thundav,
7.45 p. in., communion; l'rld-iy, 10 30 a. in'.,
morning prajer and tcrmon. Heats free. AH are
Evangelical Xuthernn.
Kvangellcal Lutheian Palm Sundaj. Gospel.
Malt. jal:l.u. i:p,ti,, Ph. ii:,-,.n.
St. Mark's, Washburn and Fourteenth, Rev. A.
Ti. Ranwr, Ph. T pastor. Services, 10 30 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m.; IUtlier League, 6.30 p. iu.j Sun
day school, 12 m. Jlornlng subject, "Persever
ance In Faith." Kvenlng subject, "Tho Stone of
Stumbling." The rite of confirmation will bo ad
ministered at the morning service. Dally service
during Holy Weele at 7.30 p. m.
St. Paul's Short avenue Rev. W. C. L. Lauer,
pastor. Services, 10.30 a. m. and 7. 30 p. m.;
Sunday school, 2.30 p ni.
Christ church. Cedar avenue and Birch street
Rev. James Viitke, pastoi. Services, 10 30 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school 2 p. in.
M. Peter's, Prescott avenue Rev. John n.,n.
uoipu, pastor. Services, 10.30 a.
school, 2 p. in.
l.mmanuel (ieimaii-Pollih Lutheran church,
Reese street llev. Ferdinand Suttelmeier, pas
tor. Service in the (Jerinan language, 10.30 a.
m., and in tho Polish language nt 2.30 p. m.
Services on Tliuisday and Friday at 7 p. m.
Holy Trinity Lutheran church, corner Adams
atenue and .Mulberry stieet All nngllsh preach
ing. Palm Sunday epistle, Phlllpplans ll-BiH.
(lospel, Mall. X.M-LiO. Rev. William If, Beck,
ni Iiackville, will conduct services at 10.30 a.
m. and 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school, 12 o'clock;
Luther League ervlees, 0.43 p. m. Mission band
meets Saturday at 0 45 a. m. All aie welcome.
Seats free.
(race Kvangellcal Luthcrm church (general
sjnod), vomer of Mulbeny ttrect and Piescott
atenue Ror. Luther Heps Waring, pastor. 0.30
a. in, Sundiy school; 10.30 a. in., Illtine wor
ship, with sermon; 7 p. m., Young People's So
ciety of Christian Kndeatoi; 7,'iO p. in., ctening
sen ice, with sermon. Ilverj body welcome.
Zion Lutheian chmch, Mifflin avenue Rev.
Callenkamp, pastoi. Palm Sundaj-. 10 BO a. in.,
subject of sermon, "Wie ein Koenig ziun Todo
geltt." s.und.iy school, 2 p. m. Send your chil
di en. Bible clas bv the pastor. Infant mom
(contains now sixty little folks) giotts from Sun
day to Sunday Afrs. A. O. Callenkamp. Cten
ing sen ices, 7.30 p. m. "An dein Neiligen fie
vtasser des Rotlien Mecres." Satuiday German
school, eteiy Saturdaj, 8-12noon; all children
welcome. Holy Wednesday, 8 9 p. in., subject,
"Christiis for Pllatus." Gruener Donnerstag, sei
tice 7.30 p. m ; subject, "Kinsetzung des Neili
gen Abendm ihles," then confession and absolu
tion for all wishing to partake of Lord's supper
on Gooil rrid.ij-. Gord Tridsy, service, 10 30 a.
in., subject, "Hiie sind ge Kteuiigt auf Golgatha,
dook nur Kincr der Koenig," then adiniiiistiation
of Lord's supper.
Calvary Reformed church, Monroe atenue and
Oibson stieet Rev. Marion L. Tiror, pastor.
Service, 10 SO a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday
school, 11.43 a, in.; Christian Endeavor, 7.00 p.
in. Morning subject, "Behold Thy King Cometh."
Kvening, "The Anointing at Bethany." Service
Monday, 8 p. in , cleansing tlie temple. Tuesday,
8 p. in.. Rev. Bovle of ConBTeeatlonal church
trill speak. Wednesday, 8 p. m., "Last Words on
Laat Tilings." Thursday, 8 p, in., Addresq by
W. W. Adair, secretary Railroad Y. M. C. A.
Friday, 8 p. in., "Hie Crucifixion."
All Souls Universallst church, Pine stieet, be
tween Adams and Jefferson avenues Rev. Thomas
B. Pajne, pastor. Divine service with sermon,
10 30 a. in. Subject, "The Importance of Little
Things." Sunday school, 12 in. Seats free.
Strangers welcomed. Xo evening senice.
Zion United Evangelical church, 1420 Capouse
atenue Rev. J. W. Mcscnger, pastor. Preaching,
10 30 a, in. und 7,30 p. m. Subjects, "The
Chu'stiau Race." "Self Mastery." Sundiy school,
0.30 a. m. ; Jnior endeavor, 4 p. in.; Senior en
deavor, 0.30 p. ni. All seats fiee. Everj-body
welcome to all services.
Gospel Tabernacle, Jefferson avenue, Diuunore
Rev. James LeislniiJii, p istor. Preaching, 10 30 a.
in. and 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school, 12 ni.; Young
People's meeting, 0.30 p. in. Cluistim Mission
ary alliance meeting on Tuesday at 2.30 and 7.30
p. in.
rroni Authoi's Xotci in "Tlio Sundav Scliool
f.e&on llhiotiator," Published bt 1'. R.
Revel fc Co.. Chicago, 111.
(,'olden Tet "Be not chunk with wine, wheie
in is eciV llpli, v:lS.
H it nut sti-utgc that the word; of warning
cnnceining lnloicjnts- have been sounding in
thu ears of the world for to many lon,f jears, jet
thousands' fill drunhaidi grates eteiy jc!ir?
lively day we see the pitiful object lessoin of
the sad work rum H doing in the world,
Wo naturally think first of the diink curse
when we ".peak of Intemperance, Perhaps this U
because tlio multiplied temperance soiietim and
kindred agencies lute biought thu tenible etil
before our minds, and bo came of the dreadful
Mudotts and sorrow which the llijuor trulllo lias
brought to hearts and home all otcr the hnd,
Hut liitempcrance embraces other etlU of iinli.
viduah and society; Intemperance Inj-peech, in
rating, in the lusts and parlous of life, and every
excess which shatters manhood, debases the char
acter and blast the life.
The life that il temperate, in all things has a
iroun of honoi, 'Hut intempeianie ami dis
honor aro closely allied Is proven by fact und
hlftot). llhal temperance and highest hon
ors of tills world air inseparable is a fact estab
lished by Scripture and ppcrlence, By coutjnt
Victories oyer self.hood, the lust of the flesh, the
passions of life, by being pure, temperate in our
words am) actions and thoughts, we dally mould
snd fashion the crown which shall adorn the up.
light life and character,
This little picture places before ns the enduring
crotto of temperance aud the shattered crown ct
We must aim to keep tlie life pure uud free
from all etl) inllueuco. To be temperate menus,
that tte inutt be alulalncrs: .Not only refuse the
This elgnatnre is on eVery box oi tlio (jtunma
Laxaiive Bromo-OuinineTabuts '
t v & iSVi vS. 'J i
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Ono may tho sens nml
that men of nfiiilrs, who
nor tho Inclination, whether on pleasure lient or hushiese, to usn those
medicines which cnuso circssho imrcutlon nml then lcavo tho internal
organs in a constlimteil romtltlon. Syrup of figs is not lmllt on llioso
lines. It nets naturally, nets effectively, cleanses, sweetens nml strengthens
tho Internal orgnns nml leaves them in it healthy condition. ,
If in neeil ofa laxntho temeilytho most excellent Is Syrup of TIrs, hut
when unv thine more than a laxative is remtlreil tho safe nml scientific plnn
is to consult a competent physician nml not to resort In those medicines
which claim to euro nil manner of diseases. '
Tho Uullfornia KIr Sjritp Co. was tho llrst to manufneturo n laxatlvo remedy
which would gho satisfaction to nil; a laxntho which ph)slclans could
sanction and ono friend recommend to nnothcr ; so that today Its sales prohahly
exceed nil other laxatives combined. In some plnces considerable quantities of
old-tlmo cathartics nnd modern imitations aro still sold, but wth the general
dlfVitsInn of knowledge, ns to tho best medicinal ngents, Syrup of Klgs h.vs conic
into general uso with tho well-Informed, because It Is it remedy of known value
nnd over beneficial action.
Tho quality of Syrup of Figs is duo not only to tho excellent combination of
tholaxatlvo nnd carmlnntlvo principles of plants, known to net most bencflclnlly
on ihe sj stein, with ngrccablo nnd refreshing nromntlc liquids, but nlsn to tho
orglnal method of mannfneturc. In order to get tho genuine nnd Its boncitclnl
effects ono should always noto tho full name of tho Company California rig
Syrup Co. printed on tho front of every package.
intoxicating up. but to abstain fiom eteijthing
which destrojs both bod- and soul. We must
abstain fiom cvcijtliiiig which ll-nslave', vthich
is V-icious, which is I-ntoicating, or which is
WV must be temperate in speech in thought
in judgment in lit Ing.
"Dare to say no" when the tempter avails.
"Dare to do right," when duty U plain.
'iliis little plcturo lepresents tlie heart pure
and white when all I'.VIL is cast out.
Scranton, Pa.
Eph., v: 11-23.
Secretary of
American Society
ot Religious
IXTUOIIUCTIOX. The scupture appointed for
our study vtas not designed priniarily
to inculcate tempeianee. That viitue is lorn
mended but once m the cntiic passage, and then
in a negatite precept, (Veise 18,) which ii
grobped with other tulues intimately lelated to
it. Paul's chief motive in wilting may be learn
ed from the lontevt to piomote in the church
at rpheius the higher tjpes of Clulstian chaiac
tei. This is indeed the purpose of the entire
epistle. In the biief ctiact befoic in the apos
tle ftist wains against the etll influenced of the
imgodlj,t (Veisci 11 and 13.) then offeis ceitaln
piactical duectlous by which iIiom influences
in ly be oteicoino, (Verses 11 to 10,) and closes
with a statement ot those fundamentals' upon
which eveij' genuine and holy life inu--t be
bullded. (Verses 17 to 21.) in this- amljois,
which will be followed in this exposition, tcni
peiancc tindi its place under the last head. It
Is hoped that in this ii.eidenlnl wuy the topic
assigned b Hie lesson committee may receite
at least the enipbi-is inlended bj- the iniplred
W Mt.N'I.Ni; Paul luges the I'liheslam to hate
no fellowship witli the conduct of the ungndlj-,
which he talis the wmks of daikners. He prevcnls
two motltes.
Xl'ltl'lirLL (Veiee 11.) Recalls' the) aie
altogether unprofitable, iliej' bling no financial or
social gain, no teal pleasuie or adtantago of any
kind. If, for the moment tlieie eenls to bo
sonic do-niable ipialitj, something altiactite, this
will wholly disappear In the long tun, and will
be surelv followed bv lass, by sutterlng snd
death, 11ns is one of the must potteiful dis
suasions that can ha oil tied concerning sinful
&IIAJli:iTL-(Ve!e U) Rut on the oilier hand,
the deeds of the tvleled aie so llRhy and loath
some Hut one may lint even speak of them, so
fllty that they aio peipctrated in secret, the
actors themselves being unwilling to have them
known, Tlie apostle is here speaking oi tlie
Centilc Idolaters, and of their horrid mysterl-s,
which abounded with detestable wickedness and
which none were peimltted to ditulge upon piln
of death, lleroditus, tlie father of profane hii
tory, gites an ai count ot the practices In heathen
worship, but conceals tlie worst featuies, out of
legard to Ins readers. Surelj-, (lie Christian
ought to refrain from such scandalous conduct,
DIHKCTIONK. It is nut ei'ough for one to nh.
stain fiom the pietatling Mies, He must veek
to oteuoine thcin, and Paul shotts hot thh may
be done,
RKPROVIMJ.-CVeiso ll.) We uuht In our
places and at proper tunes witness against Hie tins
of otheis, and endeavvi to convince them at thejr
sinfulness, We must do this seasonably und
leasouably. We may tptak tn them, but this is
a veiy delicate lnjttei and must be attempted
with gii'Jt piuilencc lest unenso be given and
nutters made woise, But sometimes uu con-teit-ilion
and holy lire i. Hie best kind of ie
pioof, making speeeli rntiely uuuecessarj .
JIANn:Sr, (Vfo W.) The good conduct of
the Christian set over against the bad conduct
of the sinner Is to be prUid, fiuthcrmoie, lucjusc
b icntiait the evil of the latter is ilesclo,ed.
What Is excused, and even commended, when seen
all alone, becomes odious, nhriv the light of a
good life shines upon it. (Matt. V, 111.) And it
te by this eiionne that tin Is lepioved, uud thU
is one of Hie most effective methods of oveieoming
evil. Without ever speaking a wold qf com
meiidation or icbuke a man may help In i
leruiiuatfng the UDpiotilable and shameful things
k A fflrwPiiHr . . . s ti
visit every lnml ami evcryvv hero will flint,
tiro well informed, limn neither tlio tlmo
'-"y SByksffl
tint nnV Iiurt soiielj', if lie only picsen's the
example of true piet) and genuine goodness.
I.UMIMjU-. (Verse U ) Hence comes the
dult, a terj' stern cliitj-, indeed, for .1 ( liiMi.m
to be a light in the woild, (Phil, ii, 3j,) m Hi"
midst of the abounding dukitcss. He must awake
out of the indifTeiem-e in which he is too often
found, und aib.c from the state of spirituil diMth,
his condition bj' nature, and he must know tint
the new- and bettei life is not soniithln" to he
obtained bv his own rfToils, but something to
be itnpaited to him. CliTist will give him light,
and then he will be luminous with a super
natural potter, a reproach to ell sinners.
CIRCI'MSPKCT. (Verse 1.1.) What his thus
far been urged is not easilj' attained. No me
coms to it bj careless and thoughtless method-,
but bj- great watchfulness and painstaking. 'I hero
must be constant attention to .ill the clipiin
stances of life. One must look ctcrj- waj- lest
some deceptite or ensnaring inlhicnee be cxer'ed
or .oine compromising attitude is nsunied. ( ir
cuiaspection and caution are lcqulrcd. One must
vtalk, not as a fool, who is adventitious and
reckless, hut as a wise man who ponders the
path of his feet, (Prov. IV, 20,) and threads m
a straight and ture wav.
REDF.niHN'C (Verse 10.) If this is to be done
one must redeem the time, oi, more liternlly,
buy tlie opportunity-. The metaphor is taken from
merchants and traders who dillgentlv improve
the seasons for their business. It is u great put
of Christian wisdom to scire the Lronblc
moment, to improve it to tlie best pm poses, bv
watching against temptations, hy discharging
duty find bj- engiglng in tho-c deeds that leid nn
to success. .Much of the evil In the world maj
be oterconie In this way because much uf it 1s
i.iuscd liy a eoutiaiy eouise. We should be mot
ed to greater dlligcnco in well doing because of
the etil about us.
rUXDAMIlSTVLS lining thus warned igilnst
the deeds of the ungodly as imfiuitful and titanic
fid and hating adtUcil conicinlng Hie mode of
otercomlng the etil by repioting it, evhlbitlng
it, and lltlng luminous, clicuinspcet and enrne-t
lltes, the apostle presents ceitaln pimciples on
which n good life mi) lest.
KN'OWiXO. (Veise 17.) He ineiuiuns (list an
acquaintance with the mind of tlie Loul, a
tlioiougli fumishing with tho truths of serlptuie,
(Psalm I, 20,) by which comes fieedoiu, (.Inlin
viii, 32.) sanctitieation, (.lolm 17.) and gicmth.
(1 Pet. 11, 2.) An understanding uf Hit Inn tiutli
foillfies tlie mind, Rites holy desiie .mil quick' ll
ed puipo-e towaid the good Without Ibis no
man can be .tioii.'.
SI'IRITITAL. (Veise 1!.) "He filled tmli the
snlilt." Men should labor for u plentiful ineisiiie
of the giaics that aio piuduced by tin- spult of
Cod. (Hal. V, 22.) They should not be siti-tn'd
with .1 little of the spirit, but should u-phe after
gieater incasiiics, indeed to be Idled so as to be
controlled. (Act.s ii, t) And In older to ilu this
they must avoid diuiikenness, or the eviessi o
n-i of wine, which ministers to tlie lut cf 1 he
flesh and opposes the woik of the spiilr.
SIVOIXC! (Veise 10.) Music Is llio laugitiae
of the liearl and is priziil by all men. Hill lime
uti- two kindi' ot music, thas- songs whicli In long
to tlio wicked, gi'liei.illy the ullcianies ot llinse
v.ho aie cuutiolled lij' .ippitilis; and the
wngs of the icdeeined, pstlnts, hjmiis md sphll
ml compositions. 'l(ieo last uie iiim-iI "s
tieularly helpful to stieiutheii the spiritual n.itiuo
and istabllsh one In puiposis to bo good, Thej
should dlsplaie the songs nf the iingudl) tl'.sihu
xi, w
THAMtl'l'L. tVerse 20) A it'ioguitlon nf
blessings should bo accompanied by tho spiilt
of giatllude to the supremo fither who is the
giver of all good, Otheivtiso halt the stvect nf
life Is lost, (Pjahu M.H. 1). (iiatltudo is beau
tiful and piofltable, Rut Hie rhrlstiiu should ir
member Hut all tlio euod lecelted is tluoiuh
.lesus Christ, (.lohn Hi, 10.) and Hut eieiy i ir
Liiinatance In life merits the (-latitude of a good
man, for whom all things work for good. (Rom
iil, 28.)
SniMl.SilT.-(ein SI.) .Men aie lighiiuiis
as they appreciate the relations which Ihet sits
tain to each otlici hi this woild ami udjust thtin
wives lightly to thi.-e lelatioiis, l.otc is thu nf
fectiou which ouglit to tourn, but when
biought to fullness it will prompt to submissl n
Hut I.-', to a iniituil jieldlng ot each to the nthei
The apostle utleis in inc veise the geueial lat'v
on his subject, and then I'vpjiuis or appliis that
law- in Hie vein's following, Hist to tlie laiiulj
and lint to the church
COXn.l'SIOX, Retelling now to the siibji.i
of temperance, width the committee dcins to
present, we see its setting in tlie pisage lliiuik
iiiiuss is in opposition to splrilualitv. Ulioiui
eeuiiei under the dominion ot strong diink piowm-. detclopmeiit of his higher lutuie whi h u
is Hie puipose of Divine giaee to pioiuule. He
indulges hi phjtiial appetite at the rvpeiue uf
ids soul. I'laliil) this thought is icntuil in cm
lesson. Whoever bleaks ilottu here will fall ulinlv
In all eltoiis to respond li thu piecipis cit !
b) the upostle. Tin- Miboidluatioi, of the body
to the spirit is cs-cutial to a good life. (1 l.'oi.
i; 27. Ileie is the i.iost pottirful pha for
ttiiipeiauce'. Rut let it be rcmeiihritd Hut em
peiuuee is tlie voluutaiy act of the iiul.vldual.
(2 Tim II, 22.) Abstinence fioiuriliuhullL dtiuks,
whin foiecd bj legal eiiaetiiicut, ma bung
phjtiial piolit. Rut all eraili euine's
lluough a peuonal ii'Jutfgn Htei.v man must
judge, lesulte and act foi himself. He ttlii) wins
u Victor) over Ihe drink habit is a spiritual heia.
4 ' i
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