THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-FBIDAY, MAUCH 21, 1902. B i OPINIONS HAVE BEENJECEIVED LOCAL OASES DISCUSSED BY . SUPEEIOR COURT. Mnjorlty of tho Court Agrees with Judgo VoBburg's FlndlngB In tho Hnrtloy Appeal In tho Matter of tho Estnto of Ezoklol aummaor. Judgo Beavor Comments on tho Exceptions in tho Matter of tho Condemnation of tho Factoryvlllo nnd Ablngton Turnpike. Copies or tho opinions of the super ior court In tlio four loeiil discs de cided nt Htirrlsburs last Friday wore received yesterday by' I'rothonotary Samuel II. Stevens. Uelow aro given In full the opinions in two of tho cases In which the court entered Into a discussion of tho merits of the cases. The first is the opinion of Judgo XV. XV. Potter In tho Silas Hartley appeal from Judge Vosburg's dicislon In the matter of the auminacr estate. It is us follows: , We liolil with Hie court below tint llrrklcl riimimjcr made tiio moneys to lie pjlil his idow n charce upon tlic f.irms devised to Mi son. 'J'lie Intrnl of tlio entire ulll M In accord with IhU construction. 'J lie Lidkiukp of the particu lar clamo Is lint It the Ihrcc pons "bhill acrcpt Ihe alioo property, It shall lie on condition tint they pay iinnually an equal portion to their mother, Clorlmli (limunier, of sK per cent. In terest m :!,OUO, iind, If needed for her support, nlso Ihe principal, each pajlns ono-thirel." 1'iom IhU InngiiaRc, It appears that the tetv li luiiplcil the pj.wneiits by the deliver with the clcKe of the 1'irid, and made the payments a condition upon which Ihe devises should vest, rpon the authority of'ii appeal, 13 l'a. Superior court. 2.'l, the real e.tat thus devlkcd buam'e In equity iluruea'ile with the pajmenls to be made to the tesUtorN widow. "Ihe order of the court below, it is aliened, Is not dear. The defendant, Hartley, is direr Icl 1i pai I lorind.i (iiinmiacr nirrur of Intercut, Thec seem to iiiiiount to -02. It further elirccla 1lnt n Minted nt amount of the principal to he pild "lo inline the Mine to 00, uliiili will re iimIii a charge on the land." "Ihirf .ipparmtly means the principal (liaise upon the indict of Hartley Is reduicd to Mem, and Ihe balance of cne-thlid of tlio piimipil Is to bo paid tn (.'loiltid.i (iiiinniacr. W mi innvtri'ctl. Hie majoiity of Hi's court ale el the opinion tliat Hie deuce Fhuulil Ik; at ilrmeil. I personally hold to the liciv that there U no proof hhowinjr lint tlio widow needed any juit of Hie principal. Mie had been able to Hie Mitliout incnrrini; debL up i (lie time of t lie bearing. 1'iirthimiorc, the principal of the clnigi1 would lemain, subject In null dimands as lirr prmen ncic--itici might licieafler inil.e upon il. In obedience, linnet cr, to Hie diitc tions of the majority of the court, the order is inlercd that the decree of the loiirt below be, and it is hereby .illirnied. TUISNiniCK OPINION'. The second is the opinion of Judge James A. Be.iver in the nmticr of the condemnation of tho Factory vllle and Ablngton turnpike. It reads as fol lows,: Hie proceeding under reiiew, to vacate no much of the raclor.iiillc and Abington Tinn pike and l'lauk load as lies within the limits of i.ickawanni lounty, were hud m pursuant c of Hie provisions of the ait of June 2nd, 1SS7, P. I. :.(. 'J he petition lontnin-, a description of Hie road to be vacated and tcts fortli that it begins at one of tho tciininal" pointti of the slid turn pike and is continuous theieftom to the line between Li Plume borough, in Lackawanna county, and racinrjullc borough, in Wjoming (oiiuty. This is all is lnpiiicd by the tcnus of the act refeircd to. Tlic title of the act clcaily indicates that the proceedings to i.icalo a turnpike load lies and are to be lonfhic 1 to the portion lying within Hip limits of that particular county. It is en titled "An act authorizing the inndcmnation of turnpike roads or highways, heretofore or here lifter constructed, wholly or in part in any county of this commonwealth, for public live, fieo from tolls and toll gatis, and the assc.-s-juent upon the proper lounty of the damages to iihiih the owners or owneis theicof may 1c entitled by a jury of view, duly appointed by the court of quarter fecasions of the piopcr county, and providing for the maintenance of any biich condemned load or highway by the piopcr city, township or district." It is i cry clear, from a consideration of the provisions of the cntlie ait, that no one county of tlic commonwealth could be compelled to pay for any portion of a turnpike llng within tho limits of anothir county. . To what extent the Jury of view hhould con sider the ndiiccd value of the portion of the turnpike Ijing in W.iomlng county, by reason of the taking of tint portion in Lackawanna county, iv c need not now consider. This is a ccrlioiail under the provisions of tho tixth sec tion of the act and our concern heie is simply with tho regularity of the proceedings. 11 the appellant is dissatisfied with the amount of Hie nfsessmint of damages, it had it-, remedy under the eighth section, which provides for an ap peal to the court of common pleas of the proper county and the Judgment or vvlilili is mane, "re- leviable- by the Supreme couit upon writ of er ror as in other cases." In addition to this, the appellant has failed to print the testimony, upen which the assessment of damages made by the ileivois wis based. c arc unable, therefore to enter into the consignation of the question of damages, even if we ivcio legally empowered to do so. MAP NOT REQUIRED. At to the third specification of trior, which complains the rcpoit of Hie viewers is lr legular nnd void, In that it falls to contain a map of. the entile turnpike ronl, In accordance with (lie lift li Hccticm of the ait, It is. perhaps, enough to say tint this section does not icqniip n imp of tho entile turnpike load to be iittachrd to Hip report, but a map of only so much theicof ns will show "definitely the points between ivhlrh the same is condemned for public me," Whether or not the map conforms fo the require incuts of the nit, however, wo aro unable to determine, as It Is not printed. 'Ihe iccord, as picscntcd to us for our consider ation In the pilnted paper book of the appellant, is In nil icdpcets regular nnd conforms to the pioilsloni of the act of atfemlily under which the proceedings were had. Tlio decree of the court of quarter s-chslons, in attirmlng tho report of the Juiy of view and dismissing the appel lant's exceptions, is, therefoie, uillrmect and the appeal dismissed at the costs of the appellant, Tho other two opinions are in the cases of Edgar and Reynolds ngalnst Callender, In which the decision of Judge Kelly Is afllrnied, They sub stantially follow Judge Kelly's disous- How to Prevent Pneumonia. you have good reason to fear an at tack' of pneumonia when you have n seven? cold, accompanied by pains In the chest or In tho back between the Bhoulders. Get a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and use It as directed and It will prevent tho threat ened attack. Among the tens of thous ands who have used this remedy for colds and la grippe, wo have yet to learn of it single case that has resulted In pneumonia, which shows that this remedy Is a certain preventive of that dopgerous disease. For salo by all druggists. 'Keep Jo the Right" "JlVitli eyes open. Important developments tomorrow. DANGEROUS SURGLRY Should He the Left Retort) Many people suffer from piles, be catlso after trying: various lotions, salves and ointments without relief or cure, they come to tho conclusion that a surgical operation Is the last resort, and rather than submit to tho shock and risk to life of an operation, prefer to suffer on: very often, however, tho tiflllcted ono Is over persuaded to resort to tho knife, and even though tho oper ation Is apparently successful, nnd there Is complete recovery from the shock incident thereto, the result Is In variably the same; tho piles sooner or later return because their causo has not been removed. This result Is a logical one, Inasmuch ns the knife re moves tho effects of tho disease only, while the causo remains as before. Thero Is claimed to be n remedy which does remove tho cause, hence eradicat ing tho disease, and that Is the Pyra mid Pllo Cure; it Is In the form of a suppository, is applied directly to. tho parts affected, and brings about a com plete cure, quietly and painlessly. In this conectlon the testimony of Mr. John Cullen Bryant, the well known bookseller of Haverhill, Moss., Is of unusual Interest. "I desire to contribute an unsolicited, but purely voluntary testimonial in favor of Pyramid Pile Cure. I have suffered for more than twenty years with hemorrhoids, and have consulted numerous physicians and expended a great deal of money for medicines that did mo no good. I had often seen Pyra mid Pile Cure advertised, but hesitated for months before buying same, think ing It a patent or eiuack remedy that had no merit; but having tried every other remedy proscribed I was finally persuaded one year ago, to try Pyramid Pile Cure. I bought a fifty cent pack age at tho drug store, and while I may not be permanently cured, the past year has been tho only year of my life worth living during the past twenty years, and nothing but tho Pyramid remedies have wrought this change. I offer this testimony for the benefit of suffering humanity." slon of the law bearing on the points in dispute. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. D., L. and W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up of th Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western board for today: TllfltfeDAV, MARCH 20. IMras l.'asl S p. in., Hoboken, It. Hiiogg; 10 p. in., M. l'lncity; 11 p. m., Hoboken, .1. 11. Sn at tz. ritlDAY, .MARCH 21. IMraa Cast 1.30 a. m., A. f. Ilammltt; 4 n. in.. II. (illlgin; fi a. m., Hoboken, r. Case, Willi .1. W. Dcilne's crew; 0 a. in., Hoboken, Harvey; 10 a. in., W( W. Labar; Jl a. in., 1). Wallace; 1 p. in., O. W Kit7gerald; 'J p. m., Hoboken, llrady; 3 p. in., W. .1. .Mosier; 5 p. in., Hoboken, McLane; li p. m., T. JkCarty. Summits, L'tc 6 a. in., .1. Hcnnigin; S a. ni., rrounfelker; 9 a. sn Nichols; 11 a. in., J. II. Masters; 2 p. in., Thompson; fi p. in., 1'. Mc Donnell, with Carries' crew; S p. in., Oolden Pushers 1 a. in., Widner; 7 a. m., Finnerty; 8 a. in., Houser; 11.15 a. in., Moran; C p. in., ('. Ilarthoomew; 7.30 p. in., Xauman; 0 p. in., W. A. Bartholomew; 0 p. ni., Lamping. Helpers 7 a. in., (Jalfncy; 7 a. nt.. Singer; 10 a. m., K. T.. becor; fi.13 p. ni., Manton; S.30 p. in., MeOoveru. Ultras West 8 a. tn., William Klrby with Castner's crew; 10 a. in., L. I). Lattimer with (lah.igiu'H crew; 2 p. in,, C Kingsley; 4 p. nt., A. K. Kitchum; C p. m., O. llondolph; 11 p. in., M. Cannoeli". NOTICE. J. T. Duffy wilt inn Pickup, commencing March 21. J. J. Kearney will run No. CO, March 21. Carney and crew will run 5 p. in., East, in stead of Ruegg and crew. I Van Wormcr and crew will go to Hoboken on No. 12, March 21, to learn Morris and Ksscx div ision. J. J. O'Hara and crew will remain on Woik Train, 21st and 22nd. John Watklns reports for Laughney. 0. W. Chubb will go on with V. Van Woirncr as flagman until further notice. William McCarthy reports for .1. If. Hevinc. A, X. Iloitrcc reports for J, II. buarU. This and That. New stations will also be erected at Clark's Summit and Moscow during tho coming year. The Scranton Car Foremen's associa tion will hold their next meeting on the second Saturday evening in jpril. Master Painter B. F. Miller, of the Lackawanna railroad, has returned from his wedding trip and resumed his duties. C. M. Burt, general passenger agent of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, returned to New York yesterday, after a business trip to this city. New shear, punch and bolt heading machines and cross-cut saws have also been ordered for the car shops, all of which will bo run by electricity. A machinery crane for handling freight and other heavy work in the Blnghamton yard of tho Lackawanna railroad has been placed In position. It Is a steel structure and weighs several tons, - Plans have been submitted for the en largement of the Paradise tunnel on the Lackawanna railroad, and It Is expected work will soon be commenced on tho job. A new Rlehle testing machine, for testing Iron, bolsters, brake beams, etc., on cars was placed In the Lacka wanna railroad car shops yesterday. Its capacity Is 2,000 pounds. Fifteen new freight cars a day aro now being received by tho Lackawanna railroad from tho American Car and Foundry company, together with four refrigerator cars u day from the Day ton shops. Superintendent Illxson, of tlio Lack awanna' railroad bridges and buildings department, expects to begin work soon on the remainder of the new Scranton round house. Twenty-two stalls have already been built nnd as many more will be erected before the entire building Is completed. A temporary bridge has been built by the Lackawanna Railroad company across the Susrtuehamm river on the Hanover and Newport branch, ono mile below Plymouth, which Is used In transporting coal from the Auchln doss and Bliss mines. The old wooden structure, GC2 feet long, was washed away by the recent (lood, Trains wU bo run over the temporary structure for the first time today, and work will be commenced Immediately on the Iron structure which will be put In at that point. Lackawanna Railroad Lqw Eate Excursion to New York City, April 2nd, 1002. On April 2nd special excursion tickets will be sold to New York city and re turn via the Lackawanna railroad, good going on all passenger trains of April 2nd and for return up to and in cluding April 7th, at rate of ono way fare plus one 'dollar, for tho round trip. Children between the ages of 5 and 12 years, one-half the adult rate. DAYLIGHT STORE Every Week Brings You toOur Great AFTERNOON Follow'this entire list from the first hour sale to the last minute and it will lead you to a wealth of bargains. Don't miss the House Furnishing Two O'clock bale. More than passing interest manifested in this department. Today will be exception ally good. Come and see. Sale No. 1 Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. X-7 -A Sale of Toilct'Paper Good quality, full. weight and full count; usually sold for tie. a , roll. For this Friday hour buy 7 rolls for ctw5C Sale of Easter Glass Vases Imitation of Spun Crystal. This vase is an extraordinary value. It is neatly made, the design is very peculiarly worked, and is an evidence of some skill on . . the part of the maker. Value 19c. For this one hour, each 1 UC Grocerieshi Grocery Department Sale of Soap Tlic well known brand "Mohawk," made bv Swift and Co. This soap is well Roasiifiprl nnrl minrmiti.prl tei 1e L'iic. ; but for this hour, 12 bars for 25C Sale of Ammonia Full test, large -gallon bottles, sold elsewhere from ISc. to 2oc. per bottle. Buy it for one hour today at. . .' 1 2iQ . Sale of Small Bottle of Ammonia This size is worth (ic. This Friday buy it, per bot- . tic, at , 4C Sale of Chloride of Lime For disinfecting and deodorizing. Regular one pound tins. For one hour, per tin Sale of Potash or Lye Regular price, per can, 10c. Buy it this Friday for one hour at Sale of Refined Borax Guaranteed pure; prevailing price, 12c. to 15c. per pound pack age. Buy it for one hour today, per one-pound package ,J Sale of Sand Soap Regular ftc. article. Buy it for one hour today for, per cake HIIIC WO. a I Begins Promptly nt 3 O'clock. Sale of Ginghams Style similar to the best Seersuckers; a fabric that will give you good ser vice; for boys' waists, skirts and wrappers ; usually sold for 9c. ; this hour Friday buy it at, i a yard 5C .Sale of White Shirts Near Wyoming avenue entrance Now then for a big sale ; this shirt is made df good muslin, all linen bosom, full length ; priced usually at 159c. ; quantity limited to two to a customer ; price, each 25C Sale of Writing Paper and Envelopes You will want a couple of lots of this combination; the value is above the ordinary. Paper conies in cream and azure, ruled or unruled, and put . up in pound packages, with 25 envelopes ; Friday for one hour 1 4C Sale of Dress Goods This is a combination sale of good values in pretty broken plaids, .with bright stripe effects and a 31-inch wide plain serge and brocade; usually. sold for 17c. a yard. .i This Friday buy what you want at, per yard 1 1 UC Sale of Boys' Knee Pants, Second Floor Sizes 15 to 15 years, in wool cheviot, dark blue and brown; taped seams; all double sewed; full cut; a heavy waist band. Regular value, J!9c. This hour Friday ' J5C Sale of Boys' Blouse Waists on Second Floor Made with sailor collar; size 15 to (i years ; also shirt blouse style, (J to 12 years, made from percales, duck and cheviot ; all washable mate- ,- rials; neat dark and light colors; sells today for one hour at, each 2i3C o - Vn 1 UillU ll() O I Bcglus Promptly nt 4 O'clock. Sale of White Goods 28 inches wide, cluster corded stripes; a choice of assortment i and very good value ; usually priced at Sc. ; this Friday at, a yard 5cC Sale of Solid Oak Bedroom Stands on the Fourth Floor Has neatly turned legs, Hi-inch box top, under shelf; a useful piece of furniture for any bedroom or living room; regular price . 75c. ; this Friday at ';' 53C Sale of All Linen Fringed Napkin'sSize 10 inches square; quantity limited; this lot was used for decorating and they are a little soiled, but well worth the price asked for todavy . each s ,' 4C Sale of Dimities This Spring's styles, very neat. and attractive figures; this is the time of the year when sewing is not so annoying as later on, and this opportunity today to buy this class of Dimities will be a boon to many and to you. Come and see. Regular price 9c; this saje, .3 per yard , . . , , , , , , , . , . 0lC Jona JONAS LONG'G SONS, i FRIDAY SALES In Basement Sale of Brooms Every home voultl feel lost without a good broom. The kind on sale today are made from good corn, three sewed ; medium weight, full size ; value l5 cents. For sixty minutes X3C Sale of Brushes Made from Sea Root, a dandruff or mirnc brush, and oftentimes used for domestic purposes. The size is not too large; will fit the hand nicelv, oval shape. Value l!)c. Today 12C Sale of "Egg Beaters This is called the Daisy Egg . Beater. Regular value lie. This Friday hour, each 1 C Sale of Pails Made of fibre, brown in color; light, yet durable. Size, 12-quart ; value 29c. Today jiC Sale of Plates Semi-Porcelain Plates, all sizes. Values , up to 9c. This Friday hour, each OC n first-class .' Sole! bv us Nf1r ff Totnlc Tlile lr,f f Pfif'ntc nvr. ttf Irilc i,,llir.ll wrn lc'lll r1nsp nnf- tnrlHv nt lintf tlipir fnrmrM first buyer at the ring of the bell. The labels may seem a little shop worn, but the value is good. On sale on Third Floor today, for this hour 1 2c. kind, half pint size, for tic 24c. kind, pint size, for 12c Sale of Boys' Hose A heavy two and one rib hose ; seamless, double heel and toe; all sizes; the celebrated "Wandce" hose ; value 15c. a pair; for today buy them at, a pair 1 I C Sale of Wall Paper On the Third Floor, a most extraordinary bargain in new spring style papers. To make it convenient it will be sold in lots. For a room, size 12x12 feet : 4 rolls of side wall, Il rolls of ceiling and 1(5 yards of 9-inch border, in a fine va- riety of patterns ; price, a room 5"C n In s r I w t r natl I m r a i I vjtwu ui iwava aim jiisvi wuua iu iiuiluii i iur iui uii tuin; luuuy nrni rPnrr1iriic rnmn tf ,n A innlmc un'ln rrrnt ni mi if -ttltm . -w iU.viiwiW) VVHliw w vw . HVMV-J tllVtV. Ml-VU (kl Ull UtIIVl time from 5c. to Sc. yard. This Friday hour buy them at, ' per yard . ". 3Z Sale of Alarm Clocks A one-day lever time, made of extra heavy nickel, loud alarm; a guarantee of the quality will be suffi cient in naming the manufacturer. It is made by the Waterbury Clock'Co. If not satisfactory, return; value, $1.00 each, i, ' This hour Friday '. . . '. '69C Sale of Nottingham Lace Curtains Three and one-half yards long and full width. One corrugated curtain pole and a pair of cur tain .loops. The curtains are plain and figured centers, overlooked stitched edges. The combination would cost you at regular prices $1.75, but for Friday, on third floor, you can bitv them & nt ' $ 1 . 1 9 Advertisers of Pacts Long's JONAS LONG'S SONS, everv dnv for S bars for . 7C 9c - nrirev Fnrttninlc" will 1ir tlio mnliili iM l-i- 4 rtI i1 Only Sons SCRANION'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THSBS ENTemRlB1NQ OEALBnn 04Af aUPPLY YOUn NEBOB OP EVEtiY CHUnACTER PROMPTLY AND GATI3 PAOTOniLY. ' FOR SALE nUOnir.8 and WAGONS of Hit kinih! ftle Homes ami IltilldliiK lxitii at bmerilni, llOItSKS CLiri'KI) ancl CIKOOMIID at M. T. KELLER Lackawamu CirrltiRc Workt. J.B.Woolsey cCo CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealer In Plate Glass and Lumber OP ALL HINDS. SECUniTYBUlLDINOJtSAVINSSUVION Home Office, 203-200 Ilutldliij. N'c are maturity; ihaim tatli month whldi wiow a net craln to the investor of about VI per cent. Vp loan money. We also iivtio 1 ULI, PUD HT00K .100.00 per eluie, inter cut payable semi-annually. ALDintT HALL, Secretaiy. E. JOSEPH HUETTEL. rear 011 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer ot Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prepaid! for the tprlncj tcison. We make ull kinds of porch screens, clc. PETER STIPP. Ucneril Contractor, Ilulldcr and Dealer in Ilullelliiu: Stone, Cementing of cellar a spe cialty. Telephone 2592. Office. 327 Washington avenue. THE SCRANTON VlTRIPIED BRICK AND TILE MANUFACTURINQCOMPANY Makers of Paving Ilritk, etc. M. It. Wile, (Icncral Sales Agent, Office 329 Washington aie. Works at .Nay Aug, Pa., H. & W. V. U.K. RAJJLROAjrjJjETABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. Tn T.ffect Kov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton for New York At 1.40, 3.15, (W. 7.00 and 10.00 a. m.: 12.J3,. 3.40, 3.3J p. ni. For New York and Philadelphia 7.00, 10.00 a. in., and 12.40 and S.?3 p. m. For Toby hanna At 6.10 p. ni. For DutTalo 1.1S, 0.22 and 0.00 a. in.; 1.05, 6.00 nnd 11.30 p. ni. For Bind hainton and way ttallons 10.20 a. in. and 1.10 p. m. For Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca 1.15 and 0.22 a. ni. ; 1.00 p. in. O.'weito, Syracmo and Utlca train at 6.22 a. in, dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. iu.; 1.10 and 0.00 p. m. Nicholson nceoniniodat Ion 4.00 and 6.10 p. in. UloomsburK Division For Northumberland, at 6.30 and 10.00 a. in.; l.OO and-0.10 p. ni. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. ni.; 3.40 and 0.00 p. in Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.15. 6.05 and 10.05 a. in.; 3.40, 3.33 p. in. For Huffalo 1.15 and CI.2Z a. m.; 1.03, b.00 and 11.30 p. m. For Ulnghainton and nay stations 10.20 a. m. lllGonuburc Division Lcavo Scranton, 10.05 a. in. and 6.10 p. ni. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Meet Juno 2, 1001. Trains le-aie Scranton: 6.3S a. ni.. week days, through lestibulc'train from Wilkcs-Ilarrr. Pull man bullet parlor car and coaches to Philadel phia, ila Pottsiillc; stops at principal inteiinc diate klations. Alo connects tor Sunburj, liar nsburg, Philadelphia, llaltlmorc, Washington and for Pittsburg and Ihe iie-st. 0.38 a. m., neck days, lor Sunbury, Harrisbuig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the west. 1.42 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.0S p. m.), for Sunbury, HarrUbui'g, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the west. 3.28 p. in., week day, through lestiliuie train from Wllkes-Birre. Pullman bullet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via l'ottsvillc. Stops at principal Intermediate stations 4.27 p. in., week days, for Hailcton, Sunbury, Uarrlsbnrs. Philadelphia and Pittsburir. .1. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. rass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Noicmbcr 21, 1501. Trains for C'arbondalo leave Scranton at G.20, 8.00, S.53, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1.29. 2.34, 3.02, 0.29. 0.20. 7.07, 0.1 3, 11.20 p. m.; 1.31 a. m. For Honesdalc 0.20, lO.lia. m.; 2.31 and 5.20 n. m. For Wllkes.Barrc-0.38, 7. IS, S.41, .0.33, 10.43 a. m.; 12.03, 1.42, 2.13, 3.23, 4.27, 6.10, 7.18, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. For L. V. K. It. Toints 0.38, 9.33 a. m.; 2.18, 4.27 and 11.80 p. m. For Pennsylvania It. It. Points 0.39, 9.38 a. m.; 1.42, 3.25 and 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. nt, and 3.02 p. m. SUNDAY T1UINS. For Caibondalc 3.00, 11.33 a. m. ; 2.34, 3.52, 5.52 and 11.17 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre 9.33 a. m.; 12.03, 1.53, 3.23, 6.32 and 0.17 p. m. For Albany and points north 3.52 p. m. For Honesdale 8.00 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. W. L. l'UYOIt. D. P. A.. Scranton. Pa. Now Jersey Central. In Effect Nov. 17, 1001. Stations In New Y'ork, foot ot Liberty street anil South Ferry, N. It. Trains leave Scranton for New York, Philadel phia, Eaatcn, Bethlehem, Alientown, Mauch I'liunl:, Wlilt Haien, Ashley and Wilkes-Barre at 7.30 a. ni.. 1 D. ill. and 4 p. hi. Sunday. 2.10 n. in. Quaker City Express leaies Scranton at 7.30 a. in., through fcoliil lestibulc trim: with Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, for PhllJilelphia, ultli only ono change of cars for Baltimore, Washington, D. 0 and all principal points honth and not. For Aioca, PltHton and Wilkcs-Uatrc, 1 p. rn. and 4 p. ni. Sunday, 2.10 p. ns. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7,30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For Itcadlmr. Lcbamn and Harrisbuig, ila AI 'cntonn, at 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. iu. Fur PotUville at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. C. M. BUUT, Oeu. Pav, Agt. 3. 3. ' Dlst. Pass. Agt., Scranton. Lehigh. Valley Railroad. In Effect, Kov. 3, 100!. Trains lcaio Scranton. Fo Philadelphia and New York lia I). & II. 11. It., at 0.33 and 0.38 a. in., and 2. IS. 4.27 (Black Diamond .prc0N, and 11.3U p. in. Sun. days, D. li H. It. IL. I.". . P; '" , , ii'l.t.,. lt II iiln nn find tiri nrtlnl I tifilnla In tho coal regions, ila l. k II. It. It.. 6.3S, 2.18 and 4.27 p. in. For l'ottsvillc, U.3S a. in., 2,18 For Bethlehem, Eaiton, lteadins, HarrUburg, and principal Intermediate) stations, Ia 1). t II. II. It., 6.38, 0.33 a. in.; 2.1S. 1.27 (Black Dia mond Expri'U), 11.30 p, m. Sundays, I), i II. n. It,, IMS a, ni.; l.W, 8.27 p. in. For Tunklkinuock, Towanda. Kliulra, Illuca, Geueia and pilnclpal tnteiiuediate stations, ill ,. , 1 It' I, 1, C lil n nt ..nil .M Ail ,. 1,1 For Geneva, Itochestev, Bjffalo, Niagara Falls, uiucago aim an poinn iirai, ia .. h. . , 7,48, l'.'.O.t a. in. ; 1.42, 3.2S (Black Diamond Ex press), 7.4S, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. bundais, D, & IL It. II., 12.03, 8 27 p. in. f . . 1 1 ... .. n ....l... mwl kl.trtlllll.. .11 L.lll'rll .I1PV Parlor cars cm all tuliu Wiivee.i At likes Bane and New York, I'lilladulpliia, lluitalu and bupen klou Bridge, ItOLLIN II. WlLBUIt, Cm, Supt., JO Ooilland sheet, Niw ori. eilAIII.KS K. LEE. (nil. HaM. Agt., id Cortland ttivet. New ik. , A. W, NONUMAaiElt, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, l'a. For tickets and Pullman resenatlans apply to city ticket office, Co Public- bquaie, Wilkes II. tie, fa. New YoiU, Ontnrlo and Western. Ill V:tl,xt Tiiedi-, Set. 17, IP01. .SOUTH UOUM), Leaie l.eaie Arrho Tralni. Sir.mton. CirbouilJlt'. CadoaU. Nil I ,..,... .10.W) a. in, 11.10 J. m. 1.00 p. in. v. V 0.10 p. in. Ar. CirboiuUlo UU u. in. MH'Tll UOU.SI). Lcavo t.i'ax Arrive Tralm. Oielusla, Giitoiulale. Scranton. No, 0 7,00a. in. M0u. in. vB 2.lJp. m. I.OOp. in. 4. 40 p. m, bUSDAYS O.M.Y, XOIITH DOU.SI), Leave 'l.raic Arrive Train. No. 0 No. 6 bcranton. Ciitionilale. Cidoslj. , fc'.ao a. in. 0.10 i. in. 10.41 a. in. 7,00 p. in. Ar. raiboudale7.40p. in. south uoum leavs Leave Arrlvt Cadojla. Carlwnilale. Fi'ranton. 7,0(la.iii, 7.40 a.m. ,4. SO n. III. U.OO D. in. 0.45 n. in. Tralni. Kn C No. 10 , Traliu Noi. 1 uii wi'tk elas.anJ 8 on siinjjis. make main lliir voimccllom for New York city, ttlelellctottu, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Uoiui; and all points uet, I'vr further Information ccntult ticket acentj. J. O. ANDKIISOS, (1. I'. A , New York. ). li 1:LSH, T. V. A., Scranteo, l'a. For Sale Immediate Delivery. Several Frame Buildings 2,000,000 Teet Lumber, all sizes 2,000,000 lied Jiriclc 200,000 Fire Ilrick 25 tons Corrugated Iron Kooiing 20 tons Tin Kooiing 100 tons 12-incli 1 lleams 100 tons Iron Columns 3,000 Cubic yds. Stone, rough and cut Several Car Loads ol Hoot ing Slate Sash, Doors, Etc., Etc., Etc. Also a. large lot oi Firo Wood at 50c per load L. I. & S. Co.'s Old Blast Furnace North Works Every Year We do more business. How is it done? We know; by experience and watchfulness for possible improvements, our monthly trips to the markets ol the world, and our special buying facilities enable us to get just ahead of the other fellow for styles and values. We handle only the the best, see bur spring line of Hats, Storm Coats, Neckwear, etc ' It will be worth your while. 412 Spruce Street. THIRD NATIONAL OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday eveninga from 7.30 to S.30. I! Lager occr.. Manufacturers of Old Stock .j. .. .$. .j. .j. . " N.S.. Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 233i. New 'Phone, 2935. THB MOOSIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 an (12, Com'ltti BTd'g. BCUANXON, PA. riining and Blasting POWDER UixU at Mooalo and limb lal Worka, LAPLIN RAND I'OWDBR CO.'S ORANGE QUN POWDER Bltetrle Hattartea. Eleotrla Kxploilara, oxplodlns blaati, tjafoty fusa ani RsfaunD Meal Co.'s exp'iI&.'vcs Keep to the Right' with eyes open. Everybody will profit and you can't spend a cent. mMAm$ ill I IS ? I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers