THE SCRAOTON TmWNFRlDAY, MAHOH 21, 1002. "WU'KI t"fn;i qMs; m V Wall Paper Shades Picture. Frames and Paint Brushes V t . We have opened two temporary stores to dispose of our reserve stock, which was in our cellar during the recent fire from which we so greatly suffered. This stock, which was damaged by water and smoke, will be sold at practically your own price, together with the undamaged stock from our warehouse, as we intend reopaning at our old location within a few weeks with an entirely new stock. JACOBS & FASOLD Temporary Stores: 505 Linden Street. 308 Washington Avenue, Opp. Tribune Bldg. Theatrical icaL J TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. LHLTJM Delia Tox in "The Little Mam'selle." Malil. ACADEMY 01? MUSIC Chester De Vrndc com lnnv. Afternoon and night. Sr.VR Sjm T. Jack's Builesqucrs. Afternoon und night. "The Bond of Honor." Tlio Chester Do Vonde company presented "The lliind o( Honor" at the Academy ot Music last nittht. 'lids afloinoon the bill will be "Dr. .TcLyll "id Mr. 11 dc" and tonight "The World's Mys toy." At the Star. 'Ihc Sam T, .lack Iliillcsquo company appeared nt the Star jesterday upon a return engage ment, and nu' an entcjtainnicnt supeiior to those presented on previous visits. Tho tioupe, which is miiuigcd by Mabel llarlelon, is one of the original and leading burlesque organization! and is Kept up to date at nil times, lite list ol olio staid contain", in addition to Uazlcton and Vcddcii Julh Natus, lloyt and Self and others well-known f.ivoiitcs, the names ol several new specialty artists of unusual tiiciit, including Adam-, and Kelly, the Crawfoid Sisters and I.a Dello Lulaln. 'J lie living pictures and musical numbcia were enthusiastically applauded ycsteiday, and tho en teitaimncnt throughout vvaa heartily enjoyed by l.iige nudiinces, day and evening. The company will bo at tho Star the balance ot the week, uftcrnoon and evening. Delia Pox Tonight. English people say Americana are fickle toward tliclr favoiitcs. While it mint be admitted that theic is more than u giain of truth in the strlot me, America cannot be said to be faithless to her htagc favorites. Lillian Russell U quite us pop ular now as sho was a decade ago; so are Francis Wilson and i host of others. Including Delia Tot, who has Just been distinguished by America's only l.otta vrho sas the believes Mis Fox represents inoie than any other icigning artiste the com pound of qualities necessary to successorslilp to the l.otta mantle. Jllfcs Fox, by tlic way, is to uppear here to night in "Utile Mam-selle," a new comedy ot tlie kind with which Lotla used to delight her eountle-s adiniieis. "Up, York State." 'I he new country play, "Up York State," with David Hl.gins and Georgia Waldron, its authuia, at tho head ot n flue company, will be at the Itvecum theater Saturday, March 22 (return en gagement). Tliis new drama Is an interesting story of the unconventional type, well told, and net In tho proper but not overdrawn atmosphere of due lustlell). It has all the marks of the skillful vvoimanshlp of one who knows how to appeal to every section of an audience, Kveljn Ulaii-, the noble-heal ted girl who ucit. flees her lovo and hopes to pay an honest debt, is in the hands of Georgia Waldron, a creation of much feeling und distinction. And the Darius Green, of David Hlgglns will rank from now on as one of the hot oflerlngs of the stage. "Up lurk Stale hid u run of over 100 nights at the Fourteenth Sticct theater, New Voik, where It plajcd to ciovvded houies ut eery peiformauce, "The Volunteer Organist.". Tor fifteen jcarj the theater-going people of the United States and Canada luvo bem laugh ing at Felix Haney, the well-known comedian, VAIII) 17 A-l-fl will beas" strong at ours If you try: Shiloh's Consumption "" . w -t, and ours U so strong we 1 jlll fcj guarantee a cure or refund Vrf t uiouey, said wc send you free trial bottle if you write for It. blllLOlCd costs S3 cents and will cure Coa sumption, Fucuuioula, Bronchitis and all Luug Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold In a day, and thus prevent serious results. It has been doing these things for GO years, S, C. WKU.8 & Co.. I.e Roy. N.Y. I nan a vaurvi iwut ibaviiviait b)iwuiva GREAT Fire Sale! Begins Today who has been tho laughing- success of every play with which he has been connected. His first great niece's -was In William A. Brady's "Way Down East." This season he is playing; the part of Ebb Utter, the leading comedy rolo in the beautiful pastoral play, "The Volunteer Organ ist," which will be presented at the Ljceum, Monday evening, March 24. PITTSTON. Special to tl.e Scranton Tribune. Pittston, March 20. Tliomas James, the South Main street barber, was on Monday of this week granted an absolute divorce from his -wife, Maud James, to whom be was married four years ago. Judge Whcaton's name was attached to the de cree. llalovvell Oliver, ot South Main avenue, is at Alexandria, Va., tor a feit days attending the funeral ct a relative. Tiis rear end of one of Armstrong's grocery wagons collided with Morse k, Booth's bakery wagon on South Main, near Water street, this af ternoon and the latter was overturned. The inly damago was the spilling ot the bakery goods on the pavement. The traction system between this city and the county teat is still crippled to each an extent as to causa much inconvenience. No schedule lime is being1 made owinj to poor motive power, two ot the company's dynamos having been mined by the, recent flood." Theodora Carter, a young; man residing in Oregon, was kloked Id the fac by a mule in the No. 0 miiio yesterday afternoon. Several of his teetl wero loosened. A movement is on for a benefit entertainment for tho Pltteton hospital, and it has been tug gested to have Harry Dixie, of Scranton take charge ot the affair. Tho officii Is and vvoikniea at the Heidelberg colliciy of the Lehigh Valley at Dupont, are steadily Betting the upper hand of tho flood of water vvldcli drowned out the shaft the past tew weeks. The water is bclnc lowered at the rate of two feet every twenty-four hours and this morning was within twenty feet of the bottom ot the shaft. Mat tin HefTeron, an aged citien, died at his home in Tort Griffith esterdny afternoon. John Rejnolds and family, of llughcstovvn, will make their home at Cressou, Pa,, to which plice a number of local people are emigrating, Mr, llejnolda will move his household goods next week. Mrs. 1'icd L. Woiuiscr and daughter, Mis. Aclc crman, of ficrau.on, were guests at the home of Mis. M. Giecnwood, of Under street, josterday. The tlnal event In Knights of Columbus lcctuie i om no will be a lecture by Condp II. Pat toll on "Macbeth," and will take place in Keystone hall April i The Lester Shoe company will close lis estab lishment at the corner of Main and llrond streets next Saturday and on next Thursday move to Auburn, N. Y where they embark in business. Enoch Cleaves, a well known old resident ot PICTURE FlnU the thiee 4 ' V. At Yoijr Own Price. this city, jesttrday afternoon, while in Beni' tor Drury's grocery store, was taken ill, and was removed to his home on South Main street, where he expired in a short time. Deceased was (!) years of age and had resided here for many j ears. A wife survives. The funeral will taka place Thursday afternoon. Interment in Pittston cemetery. Thomas F. Kaliler, ot EiceUior street, died last evening. A coroner's jury has been empan elled to ascertain the uaose cf death. Mr. Kaliler was 80 years old. lie was visiting friends in i:ast Pittston. While seated at the piano he vs taken with .i sudden sinking' spell and fell from tho stool. A carriage was procured and lie was quickly taken to Ins home, where he expired a half hour later. Tim Women's Home Missionary society ot the Wyoming district ol the Methodist Episcopal con ference will meet in the West Side- Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday and the. following pro gramme will be carried out: Morning session, 9.80 o'clock Devotional exercises; Mrs. 0. L. Sevcrson; gieeting, Mrs. W, If, Jackson; ic sponse, Mrs. W. G. Blmpeon; staging; reports, iccording secretary, treasurer, cot responding sec retary; paper and deacoiiesn work, Miss Helen Santee; report of conference secretary of dea coness work, Mrs. Dr. (iiltln; solo. Miss Ciaia Langford; remarks. Mrs. G. B. Eulp; supplies, Mrs. J. W. Thomas, ppointmeat; of acommilteesj adjournment, Afteniow session, 2 o'clock Devotional, Mis. W. U. Peck; electloo of officers; icports from auxiliaries; loeal work, Mis Haivley; reading, Mis. J. W. Davis; singina; lessons and sugges tions from executive meeting, Mis. II. C, Mc Dermott; duet, Miss Maneh Emory, Miss May Emory; leniarks by conference president, Mrs. Dr, Mrs. J, W. Thomas; appointment Of committees; meni. Dernlr Grifflit, ot West Pittston, has been choen temporary secretary of tho Luserne Coun ty Tree Bridge association, owing to the illness of Secietary T. A. Long, of Wilkes Barre. The city patolmen will be out in new uni forms In a short time if they can adjust a diffi culty with the union cleriicnl. The patiolmtn left their measuies with a non-union tailor and Business Agent Jojte, ot the Allied Trades council got after tlreni. Mr. Joyce sajs he hat no desire to dlrtaTe wheru the men shall buy their clothes but aVs thorn to see that the union label is placed on tlieir garments. The Tailors' union of this vicinity has asked ticlr employers to sign a new scale of wages, and several conferences between the two parties have been held within the past few dajs. The local union has the consent of the National Fed eration to enforce their demands, and unlets their grievances are adjusted a strike will follow. Miss Mamie Anthony, who has been einplojcd in the offlce of the b'pilng IJrook Water company in this city for the past eleven yeais, has ie signed her position, and has accepted a position with the Lehlghton Water company. Her sue. cessor hero is It, N. Harris, ot bcranton. PUZZLE. he lis to this w(ll. "Keep to the Right" With ejyes open. "Watch tomor row's papers. SfSfVllllll ." THE MARKETS WaII Street Rt1w. New yoik, Msrch 20.Tlisiso-callcd specialties till occupied the largest share of attention In the stock market today. Their movement were not quite so wide nor so feverishly emtio as yesterday, but there was still an eiceutlia Ir regularity In this portion of the market. As for the standird stocks that usually make up the bulk of tho trading by reason ot their latge cap Italitatlott and representative character, they wero negletled and sluggish, as for some, time past. Tlitre war some evfdclic amongst th sntlitaclts rtrrlera caused by the rattier 'threatening atti tude assumed by the miners' conference at Hha' tnokln, but tin declines In llnf-group were lim ited to fractions and good recovering wefe made. There was good support In St. Paul with out any explanation for the buving, which gave rise) (o the supposition that the Support was part of the plan (o facilitate the operations ot specu lative pools elsewhere In the market. Colorado Fuel was again a conspicuous figure and touched K'terdsy's high livel again at 107 closing with a net gain et H after, a very e.rrallo course dur ing the day. This movement setintd to have a sympathetic effect On Tennessee Coal and Hocking Coal, but tho United states Steel stocks con United neglected and heavy as thy have been ever since the proposed bond ftsuo was announced. Sugar was sold early on profcastd disappointment over the terms of the bill fr redttfins; the Cuban sugar tariff, but later it rose strongly and closed with a net sain of a point. Amalgamated Cop per continued quite active and was bought by the shorts to cover a net gain of about a point. Amengrst the minor stocks tliera were some new candidates for favor, while attempts to market tfarr stocks recently bought at high prices made broad Inroads on those prices on very email tales. There was a conspicuous demand for Chicago Union Traction and International Power and the newly lifted corn products stocks were ad vanced mors than a point over their first tale price: The local tractions advanced in response to the ononuncrment ot the favorable sction ot stockholders In the Brook! n Transit company, and the Metropolitan Street Hallway company upon tho proposed capital, readjustments. The rse of 3!i in Lotir- Island seemed to be in sym pathy wttli this group. The market elated quite active but irregular, Total sales today, 384,000 shares. Tho active spccuUtlve issues in the bond market were inclined to be heavy but tlie general list was irregular. Total sales, par value, f.5,450, 000, United States bonds were all unchanged on the last tall. The following quotations are furnished Tlie Tribune by ltalglit & Preese Co., 314-315 Meais Building. W. D. ftunyon, manager. Open. High. low. Close. American Sugar "M 1,11 4 12SH 131 Am. Locomotive, 31 32 315, Si Am. Locomotive, Pr ... 03i r34 3)i 03', Am. Car Foundry 31i 31 ji 31 31i American Ice 21 21 21 21 Am. 6mclt. Itef. Co.... 41 4?i U 6i,3 Amal. Copper 02ft Mi 0i 61 Anaconda Copper 30V6 SOi 29 vs 30Vi Atchison ml TS 7751 VY$ Atchison, Pr ...'. 07i 97si WVs Wis Bait. & Ohio 107 107,i 10816 100ft Brook. B. T flGSi 08 tVi 67i Thee, h Ohio K 46 40 40 Col. A; Southern 27?i 28', l 27 2714 Co. fc Southern, Pr .... 42i Vi 42 42 Col. Fuel ft Irort 102,4 107 102 1064 Chic, k G. W 21 24?i 24 2i Chic, Mil. & St. P.... 164 193U 184?; 103 l MC, II. 1. 8 l' 172 1J3 J72 I,. Chicago & Alton ....... S5 30 V& Sfl Del. & Hud I71Vs 171 171 171 Erie 37 37 SO'i 37, ist i-r tn hSii 084 W Erie, 2d Pr 65 55 55 55 Illinois Central 140 140 1(0 140 Louis. & Nasli 104 103 104 105 Manhattan 134 135 1115 135 .Metropolitan 168 100 187 163 Mciican Central 20 29 29 20 Mo. K. & Te-s 24 24 21 24 Io. K. fcTe.t., Pr 04 -34 54 54 Mo. Pacific 101 101 100 100 N. Y. Central 163 163 163 101 Ont. & West 32 ,3.1 32 33 Norfolk & Western 56 66 56 50 Pacific Mail 43 45 41 44 Pcnna. It. R 151 151 131 131 People's Gas 102 103 101 10-2'i Beading 53 50 53 60 Reading, 1st Pr 80 81 80 80 Heading, 2d Pr 07 08 60 IS llepublic Steel 18 18 18 18 Itepublic Steel, Pr 74 74 74 74 Southern Pacific C4 03 05 63 Southern B. It 32 31 32 32 Southern H. It., Pr .... g 00 06 1)0 Tenn. fVial & Iron 71 71 70 71 Texas & racifle 40 40- 40 40 Union Paoiao 09 100 091 M Union Pacific. Pi- t7 87 87 7 U. a Leather 11 11 11 11 V. 8. Leather, Pr 81 81 81 If. B. Kubber 50V4 50 60 60 17. S. Steel 42 42 42 42 17. 6. Steel, Pr 05 0) 04 01 Wabash 24 24 24 24 Wabash, Pr 43 43 4.1 43 Western L-'nion 80 50. 00 00 Kx-diTldend. CHICAGO ORAIN k PROVISION MARKET. WHEAT Open. High. Low. 'close. May 78 74 73 74 July 74 75 74 73 CORV- May 01 61 W) 60 Mr 60 60 00 00 t)ATS- M-y 4.1 4i 4i',i 43 July 33 35 33 35 PORK- Mr 13,42 1.1.52 13.42 15.32 Jury 15.00 13.07 1560 15.67 LARD- May 0.42 9.45 9.42 9.43 Juir 9 52 9.35 952 9.53 RIBS- Mar 8.43 8.50 S.43 8.50 July S.57 8.65 8.37 8.62 NEW VORK COTTON MARKET. Open, High. Low. Close, May 86.1 8.S4 8.60 8.81 July 8.80 8.87 S 65 8 85 August 865 8.66 8 61 8.63 Bcrnnton Hoard of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Baaed on Pftr ql 100. 6TOOK3. Did. Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. M ,Ma County Savings Bank k Trust Co,. 300 " First National Dank (Caibondale) ,. ... too Third National Dank 650 ... Dime Deposit and Discount Bank,. 300 Economy Light, II. & P. Co. First National Bank 1000 Lacka, Trust k Safe Deposit Co.,,, jp Clark & Snover Co,, Pr ijj Scranton Savings Bank 5oo Traders' National Bank 220 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 135 People's Binit ......,.,,,.,.., 133 Scranton Packing Co 3t BONDS. Scranton Ptuengrr Railway, first Mortgage, due lv20 ,,,,,'. hj People rs Street Railway, first mort gage, due 1018 1 us People's Street Railway, General mortgage, due 1031 ,.; uj Scranton Traction fl per cent 113 Economy Light, neat & Power Co., ,,, 97 North Jersey k Pocono lea Co ,, 07 Consolidated Water Supply Gj,..,,, ... J05 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. (1, Dale, !7 Lackawanna Ave.l Four-4.CQ. ' Beans fMfc Butter Fresh creamery, 30v.; June ueamery. Svc.j dairy, 22e. " aiee(e-12al8c. EggsNearby, lOc,; western, ISc, Peas Per bushel, 81,75. Marrow Beans Per bushel, JI. 35a 1,(0 Potatoes Per biuhe), 83c. Onions per hu.liel, 1,W). Wetr Yprk Oftln and Froduee Market New Yoik, Marth 20,-FIouV-Lfss active and easier, closing; steadier wt)i vfheat; winter pat. enu, J.l.0aL23! winter straights, $3.75a3.83i winter extras, $3.!0a3.3O; winter low grades, tj.oo a3.10; Minnesota patent, 83.73aJ.00; Mlniistota bakeis, J.03a3.2J. Wheat Spot steady: No. 2 led, 80c. elevator; Nu. 2red, 88c, f. 0, b, afloat! No. 1 noithein Duliith, B2c-. f. 0, b. afloat; op tions sustained violent decline, reacblug num. erous atop a selling ordeis fiom hO cents down, 'the decline vvaj tiiully checked by nevvs. 0 fa big export trade, and covering rallied ptlres in tli last hour, tlie nuiket rloseing iirru at tin tliiuged prices; March closed 75iv.( Ihy. 0,; July, 60c; fiepteinber, 79ic.7 Corii-ipuot steady; No. 2, 07e, elevator and 67c, f, 0. b. afloat; options opened steady but soon turned weak sud vws generally depressed until the at hour vvheu covering started a rally and tloaed the maiket firm at ac, net decline; Msy closed GQHc'.j July, 63c.; September, wc. Oats bpot easier; No. 2, 48a4Pc; No. 3, 480,; No. 2 ern, 49a50c.; track white, MaJSc.i options niillrKi..fu, rr,imi-.. O.OOa .1,. ...... .. 18a22o.i creamer- held, 2Ia2tfo.; renovated, 18a 24c.i state dairy, 22a2se, Cheese Finn; itate -111! fVDlIn Blrrk J 11 AS vlas 111 ll A t mimm .AS-1 1. !s VSVU"I atiai V4J UV 14-VJf VVIUfCd 40 .. ic; do. while, 13al3!c; full cream, large THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Marc Than Tour Lines, 3 Cents for Cacti Extra Line. Tor Bent. FOR RUNT five rooms at 627 Wyoming avenue. KOIt mitTF-One-half doubft home with all mod ern Improvements, on street car line, lnnutio 712 N, Main arfnur. FOIl RUNT One-half double house at llW Pine street, 18 per month, Apply 050 llsirlson avenue. FOH IlKNT Sir-room flit with balh, llcani heat, gas range and all modem Improvement from April 1st; tent reasonable. Call earl). 1'icd 0. Hand, 001 Mulberry street. DAWN I'OIt ItnST-12, April 1st, three box and three single stalls and wash tack, lear of 324 Madlion avenue. Inqulie at 0.11 Madison inc. BAllN' FOlt HEST-Aprll 1st, three box and three single stalls and wash rack. Inquire at 63 Madison avenue, rear of 321 Madlton avenue. FOR RENT-A beautifully finished lunne p twelve rooms, ail modern convenience,,, In North Park; fine location. Apply 1028 Llcctrlc nirntiim XtAslI Dsclr aavUIIUVf JIUdll I. at A FOR RKNT-Store building tor rent In Dickson City. Pa. nullding 80 feet by 24 feet, cellar under all, and second story can be arranged lor a. family. All In good repair ready tor use. Two coal breakers and mines close by emploving over a thousand people. An enterprising, merchant tan get a large trade. Apply to William II. Richmond, Richmond Hill, 3423 N, Main avenue, Scranton, Pa. rOR RENT Store room on second floor over 319 Lackawanna avonuc. Piste glass front, in quire of Krotoeky Ufoi. Furnished Booms. roh REST With board, a very large furnished room. Inquiie at 01B Linden street, l'nurot House. DKSIRAI1U-; furnished and unfurnished rooms for rent. 622 Washington avenue. I'OR RF.XT One furnished loom, with improve ments; also one on third floor, cheap. 027 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modem improve ments; private family; gentlemen prcfeired, at 537 Adams avenue. FOR REST Furnished front room, with heat, bath and gas; near court hoUe; gentleman preferred. Address Room, Box 209. FOR RET Furnished room; heat and bath. 66 Linden street. FURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT, with Iteat. gas and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale. SHOW CASES, counter, mirrors for sale chean. Apply at once. Gubin Diamond Co , 223 Lackawanna avenue. FOR SALE First class meichant tailoring es tablishment out of city. Inquire Lincnthal k Kaphin, 218 Wyoming avenue. HORSE FOR SALE cheap, one road mare, bound, gentle and good traveler; also saddle. Com pelled to sell for want of use. Inquire 303 West Market Blrect, city. FOR SALE Just arrived with forlv horses, good workers and driyers; weight 1100 to 1500; can be seen at 334 Raymond court. V. M. Cobb. CARPETS, linoleums and oil cloths sold every day 3 o'clock. COS Lackawanna. See auctions. FOR SALE Fine kindling wood, stove length. Two dollars big load delivered an.v where. Mail orders. Jennings, Central Mines cut. Also second hand lumber suitable for ail purposes, very cheap. 3. or Sale or Rent. I'OR SALE OR RENT Farm of niuety acres good sou, wen watered, good buildings, good mitt. six miles from Scranton. one and one-half miles from Clark's Summit. Lvlng on the south side anu joining summit Lake; a tuie place for sum mer home. Price leasonablc. Inquiie of M. II. Coons, Clark's Orcen. Wanted To Buy. WANTED A single or double house in Crecn Ridge or West Side. Price J3.000 to ?4.000. Address Box 200, city. Rooms Wanted. WANTED By April 1st, rlv or six rooms for light housekeeping, flat prcfened. Dan J, Xevvman. fall make, fancy colored, 12al2c: do. white, 12al2c. Eggsr-Easier; state and Pennsylvania, 13U.C ; western, 16'4c.; southern, 16al0c. Chicago drain and Produce Market. Chicago, March 20. Ofain markets followed a nervous and erratic course today. Speculators were adverse to the consideration ol any thing hut weather reports and these being abundantly bearish, prlce9 slid downward until wheit seemed to have arrived at an export basis, lairo sales on tho decline revived the dorman bull sentiment and helped other pits sjmpathetlcally. At the close May wheat was a bhadc higher. May com, c, lower and May oats, c. lower, ProvWuns closed ualOe. higher. Tlie leading- futures ral lied as follows: .May. 73a74a74c; July, 74a75c. ; September, 7la74c. Coin No. 2, 6lao;,a01c. ; July, 60a60c; September, 58c. Oats, No. 2. 41al1c: July, 35a35a35o. ; September, 20a20c. Mess pork, Mav, $15.42 al5.52; July, S15.60al5.(i7. Lard, May, $0.42 a45; July, $9.52aPS5; September, a).05a0 63. Short ribs, ifav, fS.43aS.50; July, Ij.57a8 62 ; September, $8.72a8,73. Cash quotations were as follows; Flour Easy; No. 3 wheat, 70c; No. 2 red, S0ab2r,; No. 2 oats, 43a43c; No. 2 white. 44a47c; No. 3 white, 41a43c; No. 2 ije, 56c; fair to cholco malting, SOaMr.: No. 1 rla need, 1,68; No. 1 northwestern, Sl.72; primo timothy seed, sfO.20; mess pork, Irl5.35al5.40; lard, .f' 9.37; short ribv, sides, if3.40a8.53; drv ultcd shoulders, 7a7ci; short clear sides, 3.00a9j whiskey, Ifl.oO. Chicago Hive Stock Market. Chicago, Match 20, Cattle-Receipts. 8,000, in cluding t cars Tcxans; heavy, steady; otheis strong to 10c, higher; good to pi line steels, VW" 7.10; poor to medium, $4 25a0.50; Mockers and feedeis, 82.50a3; iows, $1.23a5.30(" heifeia, V.Ma 0; csuncrs, vl.23j2.i0i bulls, $2.30a5; calves, $3a 0.85; Texas fed stecis, 5a0. Hogs te elpts to day, 37,000; tomonow, 32,000; left over, 6.0W; bulk 6old SalOc. lower; mixed and butchers, Vi.10 uO.15; light, il.00a6.30; bulk of sales, tO.13aU.33, Sheep Receipts, 15,000; sheep steady to 10c. higher; lambs, steady to 10,;, higher; good to cholco wethers. 3.20a5,l0; western theep, M.fXi u; native lambs, flaO.OO; westein lainlw, f3,25n 6.0O, Buffalo XiY0 Stock Harket. East Iluftalo, March 20,-Cattle Receipts, light, market active and 15a23p. higher tor butcher's ttxk; veals, $3.5OaT.B0; extra, ?SaS.23. Hog. Receipts, 2,350 head; market active and SalOc. higher; heavy, $.70afl.73; mlsed, jti5a0.70; pigs, $0.156.70; roughs. Ba6.15; stags, fi,i3al.0. fcheep and Lambs Receipts, 5,400, head; market active and hade higher for lambs; sheep high. er; bet handy lambs, $8.70-8.60; mostly, ?0.73; culls to good, $5atiu5; sheep, top uiWed, f5.60a 3.75; culls to good, Mao 60; vvetheis, f3.'i5a0 j failings, 0a0,23. TUNKHANNOCK. fepecial to the Scranton Tiibune. Tuu!.hamick, 'March 20. Iho leiualus of the la(e IMIton Stout were lemoved on Thursday front the place ot tlieir Interment at Springvllie to Huiui!de ccinettiy, near this town. Tlie Lafayctle College Olee, Maiidollu and Banjo clubs will give a concert at Piatt's Opera House cm Tuesday evening, ilaicli 23. Mis. I.vdla Jenklur, the aged mother of Deputy Sheriff bamuil 11. Jenkins, died at her homo on Bridge ilieet, early Thursday morning, uflcr s brief Blue. Daniel Melviu, a veteian emplove of the I.e high Valley Ralltoad coinpan-, suffered a slrok of iralsls on Wednesday. Little hope U enter talned ol his lecovery, lie Is at the Nairep btrcet Hotel, at present, but will be removee' to the Packer Hospital at Sajre. SlUs Cuirlo Wtlbur, of Wilmot, Pa., visited friends at this place pn Thursday, Mis. Elizabeth MulIUon is very ill at her home on Bridge street. J. V. Wiggins attended the (uncial of hU aunt, Mrs. Francis Robeits, at l'actoijvllle, on Wednes day, Mrs. Elmer Vaughau l viiltloj- her daughter at MceUsgpan) this week. SITUATIONS WANTED PRDB. BRANCH WANT OFFIOKS. Want AdverttBOraents Will He Received at Any of tho follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 7. It. Central City ALBERT SCHULTZ, corner Mulberry street and Webster avenue. OtlBTAV PICHEL, 030 Adams avenue. Went Bide OEOROH W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FRCD L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. -forth Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Rtdgo CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dickson avenue. F. 3. JOHNS, 20 Green Ridge street. C. LORENSS, corner Washington ave nus and Marion street. Petersburg W. H, KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Sunmore J. 0. BONE k SON. Help Wanted Male. MAN AND Win! without children; nun must understand horkes and gaulrn; woman fur general housework; must be good cook; veiy lib eral wage for light piitles. Rcfeicnccs ic quired. Addrcs P. O. Bov 510, Scianlon. WANTED Expeilenied clothing; ualcsiium. Ap ply lUchaids k Wirlli, 320 Luckawanui avc. WANTED Two experienced steiiouriipliiis; ap ply to International Salt Co., Council build ing, Scranton, Pa. WANTED By one of the laigest and best nld line insurance companies, dWtilct nteut tor Caibondale and Ilonesdile. i:ceptlonally favor able contracts. Addioss S-npuiiitciidciit ul Agencies, Box 280. WANTED Salesman for Carpet De partment; young man to sell Wall Paper and Shades, also Sign Writer. Apply, Jonas Long's Sons. Help Wanted Female. LADV CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for Tie Tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guaiantoo for fust-class worker. Apply personally at Business Manager's ottice, Scranton Tribune. Recruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U. a ARMY Able bodied un married men between the ages ot 21 and 35; citizens of the United Stares, ot good character and temperate habits, who can speak, T"ad and write English. Fcr infoimation apply to Recruit ing Office, No. 123 Wj onilng avenue, Scianton, Pa. Boarders Wanted. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two niee men to board, German or English. Call any time after Thursday. All conveniences, S07 Harrison avenue. Wanted Rooms and Board. WANTED Two communicating rooms with lioanl, nrivate family prefeired. Two ladies and u gentleman. State lull particulars. Addicss C. II. D., Tribune offlce. Wanted. WANTED Second-hand milk wagon; Mato pmc and size. Address Milkman, Uribunc offve. WANTED Hoiso Power, new or second hand Please btate condition of same, cash price and where it can bo eeen. Jeniugs, Central .Mines, Scranton, Pa. WANTED Chairs to repali and recano; tend pos tal to James Pavno or 'phone John Hawks, 124S Providence load. Old "phone lll-.i, Gicen Ridge. Wanted To Rent. WNTED Furnished loom or rooms with oi without board; piivato family piefened. Young married couple. Address X. Y. .., Trib une. COTTAGE wanted to lent for the summer tea bon; plainly furnished with good vvatri, neai station. Clark's Summit, Glcnbuin or Dalton nothing fancy in furnishing or price. Addicss Cottage, Tribune office. WANTED ROOM'S For two adults, three or four rooms, furnlbhed or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, first floor piefernd. Address 11. B., Tribune of lice. WANTED Furnished houso or four or five looms for housekeeping. Addicss A. G. I!., Tilbunc offlce. Auction. 20,000 YARDS CARPETS, oil clotltA and mattings, one ton tablo silverware, one car load linen sheetB, table cloths, napkins, pillow cases, to.vels, 5,000 paiis fancy lace alliums. Mmy othei things too numeious to mention. At auction, 12U AVaidi ington avenue, opposite Connell building. Sales 10 a, in., 2 and 7 p, m, CUMMIXGS BROS,, ,Vui tlonecu. Real Estate. ' l-OR SALE One-half acie lot, 7-looin lioibr, good well of water, berry bushes, grape vines, fiult tires of different klmls; will bo sold cheap or be exchanged for house and lot in city, bv Chailes II, Koemer, hpring sticet, Clark's Green, or Sam Koemer, 52.1 Llncon nve., Scranton, Pa. FOR SALE New house on Cornell sticet, Round Woods Paik; niudeiu iinpioveinents; ra in terim. Apply to Spring Biook Lumber Co., .Moosic, Pa., or E, S. Wooilhousc, FOR SALE One houso and lot, modem liu pioYeineuts, uiul two Improved vaunt lots, No. 512 Noith Blakely street, Dunmoie, Pa. Address AlDcrt Jenkins, boutli Canaan, W.ijne County, Pa, FOR SALE Furnished cottage at Lake llemy, Maplevv-iod, Pa., four beds, spilng anil nut treej, two stoves, all kltclun uleiwIU; luko $J30. For particulars addiesa II, W, Osland, 53 Westcrvelt avenue, PI j Infield, X. J. FOR BALE At Claik'a Summit; a place of five acres, house and bam, good fruits cheap for cash. Inquire of Mrs. L. Lindsay, 1111 North Main avenue, city. Business. Opportunity. WASTE A partner with eight hundred dolais ill u good paving business, Address ('. , Tribune, ofllce, ffl'OCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay, Write for our special market letter. Free on application. 8. M. Ilibbard Co., uieinbeis N. V, Consolidated and Stock hichange, 44 and ill Broadway, New York. Established lSdl. Long Dlsianec1 Phone 2388 Broad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO 1.0 VN Quick straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V, Waiter, SU 315 Council building. Lost. LOST Monday evening, Feb. 7, bctvveen W0 mln avenue and Washbuin street, an oval brooch containing gentleman's pictuie. Under please return to or notify Ml Parsons, 417 'Ihir teentk street DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents MorsTlin Pour Lines, 6 Cents tor Uach Ustra Llm, Situations Wanted. SITUATION WYIEI)-l!v exnert nrrnuntsnl nml coi respondent seeks engugciiient; ready for woik on or befoio April 1; competent to take ihaige of the books, letters nnd annouiicemciits of n l.iluo fstabllshinent', vuiderstands cost ac counting, card mid loose leaf sjstelns and other short cuts. Modern, cure Tribune office. POSITION WVNTED-.U once by a joun wo. tniii familiar with bookkeeping nnd court reconU; also deeds, bonds, mortgages and leases; n good copjlst, liox II, scranton. i SITUATION WANTIin-lly lespeclable colored man ss porter, pilvnle conchmnn or driving for doctor or office woik. Addicss B. A., 318 Peim avenue. . SITP.VIIOV WANTED-lly middle aged woman us lioiifekeepor In widower's family. Call or address JI, J 117 South Rebec is avenue, city. WANTED A thoionghly practical and experienced business uinii dish is rmplovment; familiar with office work mid .1 good 'linuniiii, nnd ad vertisement virllci"; bel lefirencc. Addrcsi A. W, Johnson, flrncrnl Delivciy, Kciantou, Found. FOl'Ml A sum of money on floor of n Rtore in this city. Fmtlicr IiifOimatlon apply at Ihls IHccr A Hl'll' CASE was left at 62.1 Washington nvenue on lavt Kiliuddv by mistake. Owner can have it bv iippljlng nt above addicss. Storage. 0 STORAGE 1)0, than nnd modem up-to-date sloiugc; sepal ate looms; Individual kevs: clevatoi. An Ideal storage for household effects, etc. Thirty tepiintc i-torage ruonis. Scinnlou .toiage com pany, 11." l'ranklin avenue. Rheumatism. RHEUMAIISM All naitles that wish ran he specdll.v and permanent!) cured of all Va lletta of Rheumatism by n vegctnblu lompound. I'uies gtmantccd. luqulio or addicss .1, L. Taj lot, Scianton. Political. TIIII1D LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT To the mem beis ot the Republic-in Standing Committee of the lhiul Legiilitlvp distllct: Notice is heiebv given that u meeting of ll(o ltcpubliiau Standing Cmiiiiilttee of the 'Ihlnl Legislative district of Lackawanna county will lie held at the Cnutt lloiwe, Siianlon, i'.i., .on Saturday, ilaicli 22, 1002, it 2 o'clock p. in. full attendance of the committee is earnestly icquestcd. By older of the chairman. OSCAR VAN 11USKIRK. Attest: .1. E. WATKINS. Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Maich 10, 1002. LEGAL. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received Ivy the boiough cleik of the borough of P.lnkely until 0 p. m,, Monday, March 21, 1002, for K bulljlng that poition of the mountain load in slid borough from the Ontario hrciker to a point mar the Ontaiio tunncll. Specific itlons: lto.ul to be made 13 feet wide, rounded up to 3 feet in center, ditches on both sides 18 indies deep and not less thin 3 cross ditches. All woik to bo done with 111 -st class miiterhl ind romplJled within two weeks fiom the dntc of letting con tiact. The borough council rcecves the right to leject any oi nil blily, JAMES NICHOLS, President. Attest: GEO. B. HEED. Clerk. ' Pe'ckvllle. Pa. PROFESSfONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. 23 TRADERS BANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD II. Building. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELIi EREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCH. B., REAIi Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Washington. ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 600 CONNELL BUILDING. Dentists. DR. O. E. EILENDERGER, PAULI BUILDINO'. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. O. 0. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENU& Lawyers. UILLAHD, WARREN U KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counselloia-at-Law. 003 to 012 Connell Building. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 16 and IS Burr Building. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS NEGO tlated on real estate security. Mcars Bulldln;, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JESSUP k JES3UP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-tellors-at-lavv. Cominonvvcallh Building, Roomi 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOMI 003-004, Oth floor, Mcars building. L. A WATRE9. ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, BOARD of Tiado Building. Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAIi Hank Building C. COMEQYS, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDING.' i. W. BERTHOLr, orriCE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wjomlng avenue. Physicians 'and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREUX, OFFICE 330 WASH ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic dheajes, lungs, heart, kidneys and Kcnlto-uiinaiy organs u specialty, Hours, I to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR, D. 0. EVANS, OVW.OPATH, 126 8 WASH Ington avenu, Oluouli- and nervous disease) a special!, Consultation fiee. " Instruction Musical. P.0." FEUSEIt, MIS.HAC. "tEACIIEkTW Voice Culttiie. llannony, Counterpoint and Coiiiponitioii, Compositions conectcd audire vised foi publication, 33 New Yoik street." Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK OAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE. cue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Proptletor.. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. k W. PA3 cengcr depot, Conducted on tlio Europeaa plan, VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor, Scavenger. A. B. BHI0G3 CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no )dor; only Improved pumps used. A. U. Briggi, proptletor. Leave orders '1100 North Main avenue, or Elcke'a drug store, cor. per Adams and Mulbeuy, Both tcleplionei.- Seods, G. R. CLARKE & CO.. bEEDSMTIN AND NURi. erymen, tloro 201 Washington avenue; gteen houses, 1030 North Main avenue; ators tele phone, 782. :V Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 LAOKA. AVKT, bcranton. Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladles waists. Loulsg Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MEClAliaEEUltOS., PRINTER.' SUPPLIES, EN velones, paper bags, twine, Wareuouse, lull Washiugton avenue, Scranton, Pa, THE WILKEbBARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at the news stands of Hcisinan Bros., 40e) tprucc and 503 Linden: M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna avenue;1- I.-i-S.1 Schutzer,fll Spruce street. ,