The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1902, Image 1

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    - t - .a fr i?7W& iy
Objects to Senator Hawlcu's Bill
Tor the Oraanlzation ol
the flnnu Stall.
Ho Thinks the Unity of the Army
Would Bo Destroyed Authorities
Cited Showing tho Necessity of
Having One Hend to tho Army.
Tho New Bill Calculated to Ac
complish No Purpose Except to
Allow tho Secretary of War and
tho Adjutant General to Promote
tho Interests of Their Favorites.
By Inclusive Ire from the Associated Press.
Aynshington, March W). General Nel
son A. Allies today told the senate com
" nilUre o(i military nffuiis that it the
bill 'introduced by Senator Hawiey, at
the Instance of the war department, for
the organization of n general staff for
the army, should become a law, lie
would decline to longer hold his com-mlf-slon.
Tho renhon he save for tho
statement Is that the bill is titteily sub
versive of the interests of the military
establishment, and he said that ho
would not be a party to surli a pro
ceeding to the extent een of con
tinuing to hold bis place.
The statement was made in tho
course of si piolonged hearing by the
committee, which was conducted he
hind closed doors, and in which Gen
eral Miles touched upon a variety ot
subjecls connected with the army. The
portion of the bill to which he directed
bis special criticism Is that contained
In .Section 7, reading as follows:
" from .mil .itttr III" pivvie;e nf this .it t
tin' Miiior nfl'eci o the .limy Midi lie
,is,slciicd lu tnmniand i.uch portion nf the arnic
as' Ihe pnsident may ilirrcl. or In- detailed lo
duty Jn tin1 general start mrps. All duties pic
M'lihcd by law fin the cuuimandinc; General of
tin1 army .shall lie put formed by the ihicf ot sen-'
rr.ll Mall or othu- genual oniicr ilciKiinleil by
the fcctnlary nf war. Piuvlded, k Imiir .is
the prcs-cnt liciileiiatit Kcm-ral nf the army inu
tilities on the actlic 1I-.I, he fclull lie the chief nf
Hie PiatT, nnd upon the Kpaialinn bum
actiie service of tlie Mid lieutenant of
the army, tuld office, except as heiein proud hI,
thall to determine."
General allies said that if this pro
vision should become a. law it would
have the effect of 'destroying the unity
of the army, and he read numerous
authorities, including Napoleon, AVell
Ington, Washington, Cass and Grant,
to show the necessity of hnving one
head to the army and of controlling
authority. His own experience and ob
servation hud, he said, the effect of con
firming these views, and he gave an
illustration of its beneficial effect In
time of emergency, instancing the be
ginning of the war with Spain. "I
heard at midnight," he said, "that the
Spanish fleet had been located deltnlte
ly at Santiago, and I hastened to the
home of Secretary Long, where the
news was conilrmed, Shal'ter was then
nt Tampa, and I sat down theie, in tho
secretary's house, and wrote a dispatch
directing him to start Immediately for
Santiago, with the result that the army
was soon on Its way to the point wheie
Its presence was needed. Suppose," ho
added, exhibiting the message which ho
had sent to General Shutter, "I had
been compelled to get around to a
dozen or more majors, as umiiv col
onels and any number of generals, con
stituting a general stall":"
In the Interest of Favorites.
Then, ho added, in all probability, the
senior general of the army would not,
under the provision he had quoted,
have been In position to do nnythlng,
nnd he called attention to the clause
. relieving him (the spr' , general) ot
command and inalc,.i,"It possible for
any other ofllcer to be unpointed. Ho
declared that under Section 7, It would
ho competent to one day promote a
captain to the Dosltlon of a bilgadler
nnd thn next day make, him chief ot
staff, thus practically placing a cap
tain at the head of tho army. Wann
ing up somewhat, he asserted that thn
bill was calculated to accomplish no
purpose, except to allow the secretary
of war and the adjutant general lo pio
moto tho Interests of their personal
General Miles wus questioned as to
the reasons for locating the American
army of occupation at Tampa and hold
ing it there so long with tho rer luting
congestion, lteplylug to the llrst. 'ques
tion, he said that It was because of
the order to occupy Havana, Tho de
lay was due, ha salft, to the fact that
the American; army was supplied with
only sixty-four rounds ot ammunition,
which would not have been sufficient
for more than halt an hour of fighting.
Considering that Havana was one of
the best fortified cities in tho woild,
he said thut to have attacked It would
havo hee foolhardy In the extreme,
Ho declined, however, to criticize the
then secretary of war, General Alger,
for tho condition of affairs, saying that
probably any one elso in the position
would have done about what ho did,
He laid the general blame for this con
dition of unpiepuredness ut the door
of congress.
In the course of his remarks, General
Miles told the committee lu confidence
that, with the bill a luw, he could now
name the men who would hold the
places of honor provided under it, hut
the committee did pot ask for the
Secretary Boot's Repot t..
Tho printed report of the testimony
of Secretary Hoot befoje ihe military
committee on this bill was made pub
lic today. In his statement, the sec
retary said that the general start of
the army, as It Is proposed to organize
It under this bill, would be simply an
advisory board, and that Its principal
duty would be that of an advisory
"It proposes," lie sold, "lo create by
detail from the olllcors of the army, a
body ot olllcors who shall bo charged,
In the first place, with the duty of
doing the military thinking, of doing
what the navy lias a board engaged lu
now, and what we ought to have In
tho army and havo not today. Tho
primary Idea Is not lo give orders. It
is to study and prepare plans for the
men who give orders."
Asked as to the place the commander-in-chief
would occupy with refer
ence to this board, the secretary re
plied that lie would accept plans made
by the board or not as he might please.
Tlie secretary continued as follows:
"The plan of the bill is to have tho
chief of sfnfT selected by the president
as commander-in-chief, and to have II
a detail, so thai ho will come In with
the president and go out with tho
Senator Hate "Do I understand that
there Is a limit to their power, so that
they will not interfere with the lieu
tenant general?"
Secretary 1'oot "Tho piopositlon Is
lo havo the lieutenant general to de
cide." As lo Ihe work of this character dur
ing Ihe war with Spain, Pecretury Hoot
Work During Spanish War.
"That work was done during the
Spanish war piactically by tho gentle
men in the adjutant general's ollicc.
Hut how many men did they have to
do It'.' Knch man was nt his desk, hav
ing loutlnc duties which were press
ing upon him enough for two men to
do, and It was only by working day
and night, with the halls thronged and
crowded with people, who were press
ing with ten thousand things, having
nothing to do with the really Import
ant duties they were performing, that
they were able to do these things that
ought to have been put in the hands
tTf men who had nothing else what
ever lo do. If we had not had an ad
jutant, general with the strength of
ten men, with a wonderful physique
and extraordinary executive capacity,
tho whole system would have been
broken down absolutely. You cannot
depend on having such men."
He also said that such a board would
bo of great assistance to the secretary
of war. "I want to say," he went on,
"that 1 believe that with 'the organ
ization as it was at the outbreak of
the war with Spain and is now, the
outbieak of any war would Irretriev
ably ruin any man who was secretary
of war. I think the organization is
such that It Is impossible that suc
cessful results can be produced until
they have been worked out by most
painful and expensive experience. They
will come in time, because the Ameri
can people will get up a jury-rigged,
extempore organization, which will be
adapteil to the circumstances, but you
will not have had foietliought and
provision and prearrungement and an
understanding of what was going to bo
done unless you get a different organ
ization in the time of peace.
Statement Excites Interest.
The news of General Miles' state
ments today before the military com
mittee of the senats excited gieat In
teiest tit the war department, when It
became known theie late In the day.
There was a very general Inquiry as to
whether by passing the criticisms upon
various officials as teported In the
pless. Gene1.1l .Miles had not exposed
himself to disciplinary lieatiueut. Tho
answer to this must be based on Ihe
exact amount of pilvllege which at
taches to testimony given before a
committee of congiess. This question
arose last week in the couise of Gen
eral Hushes' testimony befoie the son
ate Philippine committer when the
general sought to escape answering
questions which would Involve criti
cism by him of his supeiior ofllcer, Gen
eral Otis. It appeared that there was
u variance of opinion lu the committee
Itself as lo how far General Hughes
was at liberty- to violate army rules
and propiletles, even In answer to com
mittee questions, and the question It
self was left unsettled.
While Gc11e1.1I .Miles did not expect,
when he guo his testimony, thut It
would be made public lu any form, he
Is now willing thai li shall be published
by the committee, making, himself, the
broad statement tlmt tho statements
which were given to the press us those
made by himself hefom tho committee,
were misrepresentations, totally un
warranted and unauthorized.
Tho omission by the president of
his usual ride this afternoon, uud the
fact that ho and Secretary lioot were
In conference fnO nearly four hours,
led to the supposition iluu they weie
discussing General Miles' testimony.
This, however, was an erroneous con
clusion, for they were talking aboul
an aimy legulatlou, and the seeiettir.v
was unaware or the testimony until
ho returned lo tho war depui tment, hue
In tho afternoon.
Secretary Itoot exhibited Utile feel.
Ins when his attention was culled to
tho proceedings before the committee
He remarked quietly that ho was very
sorry Lltetiteiiuut General Miles op.
posed Hits bill. He pointed out 'that
under section seven, of'tyhlch General
Miles complained, the lieutenant gen.
etui would have greatly enlarged pow
ers In aimy fiianugement, Instead of
being restricted hi his. functions, as he
supposed. As to the question whether
General Miles had said anything whch
would require action at tho hands of
tho department or the president, the
secretary (Irmly declined to express nn
opinion, for the present at least, pre.
foiling to uwalt an official copy of the
committee hearing before reaching any
Business nt the Sessions Hold nt
Columbia Yesterday.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rrn.
Lancaster, Pit., Maich 20, Tho Phila
delphia Melhodlsl conference In session
ut Columbia this morning passed a
resolution providing that inemoilnl ser
vices for departed members shnll bo
held on tho ihst day of the lOOll con
ference and on the Hist day of each
succeeding confeience. It was ult-'o re
solved to deslioy all papers and testi
mony relating to conference trials from
1K01 lo the time of the last meeting of
the general conference. Dr. McLaugh
lin, cot responding secretary of the Sea
man's home, made an appeal and ad
dress on behalf of that Institution. Dr.
.1. M. King, of the Church Extension
society, stated the board has aided 171
churches. Dr. George K. Hoed, presi
dent of Dickinson college, reported that
the attendance nt his institution dur
ing tho past year was GoM, tho largest
number of students ever enrolled there.
Speeches were made by Dr. C W,
Hlshell, on behnlf of the school of the
ology of the Doston university, and by
Dr. ti. P. Ittiymond, for the Wesleynn
university, of Mlddlctown, Conn.
The board of trustees of the Metho
dist Episcopal hospital presented Its
report, showing that 774 patients had
been treated In the past year. The re
ceipts were 3GS.0SU.Str. which, with a
balance from previous years, summed
up a total of $71, 1111. 28; the expendi
tures were $60,148.07. Hills due and un
paid, howuver, will exceed the receipts
by $G37.88. The board requested that
conference set aside tho collections of
the second Sunday In May as a dona
tion for tho hospital.
Vote on Bill to Protect President Will
Bo Taken Today Houso Wants
Miles Correspondence.
Ry rctcbwtie Wire from The Associated Pres.
Washington, Mai eh 20. Throughout
today's session of the senate, the bill
providing for tho protection of the
president of the United States was
under discussion. Just before, adjout 11
ment an agreement was reached to vole
on the measure and ponding amend
ments at 4 o'clock tomorrow. The
speakers today were Messrs. Pettus
(Ala.), Hawiey (Conn.) and Nelson
(.Minn.), in support of the hill, and
Messrs. Hawilns (Utah), McCnmbor
(N.D.), Malory (Fin.), Carmack (Tenn.)
and Money and McLauiin (Miss.) In
opposition to It. The' speeches in the"
main were a. reinforcement of argu
ments that have been advanced heie
totore, few new points being raised.
The principal point made by the op
ponents of the measure was that fed
eral otllcials ought to be treated in the
courts precisely us are other citizens.
Three substitutes for the bill nie
pending uud will be pressed when the
voting begins tomoriow.
The house today made very slow pio
gress on the river and harbor bill, dis
posing of only thirty pages and leaving
about fifty pages still to be considered.
The river and hnrbor committee again
today succeeded in defeating every
amendment offered. Mr. Hellnmy, of
North Carolina, during the day took
occasion to denounce the Ciumpneker
proposition to investigate southern
election laws and designed to stir up
sectional strife. He appealed to tho
conservative Republicans to defeat the
Representative Ihnieson, of Texas,
Introduced the following resolution of
"Resolved, That the president be, and
he hereby is. lespeoU'uIly requested. If
the same Is not incompatible with the
public Interests, to transmit to the
house copies of all correspondence ie
latlng to, and papers beailng upon, the
matter of the recent lequest of Lieu
tenant General Nelson A. Miles, to he
assigned to duty In ihe Philippines and
to be allowed to put into effect tlu-ie
u plan outlined by him having for Its
purpose and being calculated to bring
about 1111 Immediate cessation of hos
tilities in said Philippines without
further loss of life on either side."
Valuable Property Wrecked by the
March Winds.
Sp1d.1l In the Seminar) 'I illume.
Stroudsbiirg, March 20, A gale that
blew uilh a velocity of eighty miles
an hour raged all Wednesday and until
an early hour today over Mom 00 coun
ty, doing much duniage to property,
etc. The kitchen inof of tho Hotel
Montunescu, at Swiftwnter, was torn
tilt and carried many feet away,
A new, large dormitory, built near
Helm Lake, was completely torn off Its
foundation and curried n number ot
feet aw.iy. Fences and tiees ar blown
down lu all pans of the county,
Ily i:ilinle Wlie mm The Assoilalfd 1'iess,
I'.ili.-, Jlinh SO.- On application of ihe Panama
laiut U'lupaio, ll.e 1 It i today ,p
piuud Ihe i-Velilu.ll ccsduu of the canal plop,
itly lo the I'nlted .Slate., .iibjeil In ,1 icsene 11
Muling liiOiIIIU.ilioiw to be nhlalmil fioni the
('iluiiiblm Knuriiiiuiit loii'i-rnlni: ailblcs 311
and '.'I. of the .ncirC'lin ill.
Superintendent of P. & R.
Ib i:ilushe Wro from 'flit Associated l'eai.
Philadelphia, March SO. W. A, Ciauett v,a o.
iliy uppnjuted Kene1.1l upeinlcndtnt of (lie
I'lilladilphU and (trailing Hallway iciiijuny 10
hum id W. (5, JI-dIci, uIiii imIbiiciI je.riiduy.
Mr, tiJirelt appointee. Charles A, )le,uh tuner,
liitindent of he Xtw Vmk ilhMun, and .1, II.
WuirliiKtun, Miperlntiliduit nf the Philadelphia
division ,
Stmnahan Is Collector,
V) Ksthulte Wirt from the AwoiUled I'm.
Washlnsriun. March en .nii nra,,!.!,,,., ,uli..
lioinbHlcd Xn'JiiH X. StMiuhin to bo lollulur
of (Uttunu for the dUtilct of Xew Voik,
Pensions Granted,
"' l'$ijiuhe Mirc 'ro'" '""' -Wi'lalrd l're,
tVa&hhjgtjDii, March 2o John Huntsman, c(
Scranton, hxi bctn granted a feri.ilon uf $3.
One of the Liveliest Scenes Wit
nessed In the House
of Goniinons.
The Colonial Secretary's Hematics
Concerning the British Who Lose
No Opportunity of Slandering
Their Countrymen Arouse the Ire
of the Irish Nationalist An Un
parliamentary Expression That
Stunned Mombors of the House.
The Offending Member Suspended
for Ono Week.
By Kxiluiiie Wire from the Aiociated Prcj.
London, March -'0. One of the live
liest scenes witnessed In the house of
commons since the palmiest days of
the Irish nationalists, ended this after
noon Willi the suspension of John Dil
lon. Dining the discussion ot the
South African affairs, the liberal lead
er, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman,
vigorously protested against the gov
ernnient's conduct in uttering "malig
nant slanders," In calling the liberals
"pro-lloers." These slanders, Sir
Henry said, were used for party pur
poses. The government' which had
been going fiom blunder to blunder,
claimed Immunity from criticism, and
If this continued It would follow "the
precedent ot the evil days of the
American war." The speaker proceed
ed to give a. bitter, detailed criticism
of the government's treatment of the
Boers, and Its miscalculations, declar
ing that the honor and Interests of the
country were just as dear to the lib
erals as to the most supercilious de
fender of the government's policy, anil
the liberals would continue to protest
In the name of the righteous and gen
erous traditions of the nation against
the methods of the government.
The colonial secretary, Mr. Chamber
lain, in the course of an equally Incis
ive reply, said he deslied to deliberate
ly accuse Sir Ilgurg rampbell-Banner-uuiii
of losing no opportunity for sla'ii
deiing his countrymen, the soldiers and
the government. Consequently, the
"malignant slanders had come from
the opposition." The speaker. Sir Wil
liam Court Gully Intervened and de
clared that the term "malignant slan
der" was unparliamentary.
Uoth Sir Henry Campbell-U.inner-man
and Mr. Chamberlain theieupon
withdrew the words timid cheers.
Mr. Chamberlain, proceeding, referred
to the Boers who are lighting on the
British side, when John Dillon (Iilsh
Natlonallst) Interjected, "They aie trai
tors!" on which Mr. Chambeilaln re
toited: "The honorable gentleman Is
a good Judge of traitors,"
A Scene of Confusion.
A scene of great confusion followed.
When order was partially restored, Mr.
Dillon demanded a ruling on Mr. Cham
berlain's words.
The speaker said: "An honorable
ipember spoke of soldleis serving un
der the British Hag as traitors. I
deprecated tlie interruption and 1 dep
recated tlie retort 'bf the other mem
ber." Mr. Dillon then said: "I will tell the
right honorable member that he Is a
damned liar."
A dead silence followed this remaik.
Such unparliamentary language seemed
to stun the house.
The speaker Invited Mr, Dllluu to
withdraw the expression, hut the lat
ter said: "1 will not withdraw."
"Then I must name you," said the
The government leader, A. .1. Balfour,
then said; "I beg lo move that .Mr.
Dillon be suspended from service lu
the house."
The motion was carried by J4S to -IS
Mr. Dillon Immediately, by direction
of the speaker, left the house, amid
wild nationalist cheers, and Mr. Cham
berlain lesumed his speech,
Mr. Dillon's suspension under the
piesent rules, cannot exceed 11 week.
Ilo would have been much mort? se
veiely dealt with had the new uiles
been lu force,
The Political Situation Is Critical.
Approaching Revolutionary Stage,
lly i:ibhlic Willi fiom The AoUled I'rm
Port An Prince, Iluytl, March 1!0,
The political situation Is critical. Tho
authorities continue making arrests.
The piisoneis of Importance are taken
on board Die Hnytlau warship Crcie
A. Plerot.
Tho authorities hem believe the dis
turbances lu Iluytl will bo quelled be
fou they reach the stage of being con
sldeied involutional y.
Huntington Mine Workers Adjourn,
llj l:.ulii!le Wire limn 'the AHuiLtcd INi'H,
llmitliutnii, V.i March 20 Thu annual ion
ferelice if the lTn lied Mine Wcrkeit of Aineriv
jdjoniiiid tnnlKht, nllei a Ihlte dj)i' atMilJ".
HiinlliiKloii u telccicd at the pl.uu for holding
tho nct 11111111.1I ineellnir, lint little Infoinutloii
is uiu'ii out a lu tho work of the (.oiiuntlon,
but tho prevailing upinlc-11 teiiiw to lo that, lie
lu4 ihe opciatorn (lull make Kimo toiiicvdoiu
that an- demanded, a general ttiku n thu two
Yiiglula will be oidnid by May 1,
.Keogh Defeats Stofft.
Ily dilutive. Wire from The Associated l'rns.
.New York, March 20, In tho prodWoiul ion
Umuoiu ihaiiipioiikhlp tournament lu lliookhu
Ihe llit afternoon uaino was wen by fluiks
U'rkfon. the Wyoming luwhoy champion, who de
feated Wjlllim I!. Mil mic by a sioie ot 1&1 to 71.
Toidvht .Jiruine It. lieoeh, nf llutlulo, dvfiMtcd
II. I'. Slvli'l of ('ku'laml, b) ,the upre of HI
to W.
President Cnssntt Believes Opposition
Is Based on Misapprehension.
B lUclinltc Wire frnm The Aaiotlttfil t'rfiu.
Now York, Match 'JO. President A. J.
Cnssntt, ot the PcnnH.Uviinla railroad,
said today that ho believed the oppo
sition to the tunnel bills, to further his
company's plans to lim Its trains Into
New- York city, was based on misap
prehension. Mr. Cnssntt said that the
company wanted a perpetual franchise,
but that It was willing to pay proper
compensation to the oily. Mr. Cassatt
"The Pennsylvania Uallroad company
only desired such legislation ns would
permit the granting of a perpetual
franchise under which Its system would
furnish to the public, In conjunction
with the Long Island Kallroud com
pany, a central passenger station In
New York city, nnd a through rail con
nection for Its Now Knglund passenger
business. The bill, In fact, takes no
powers from the ropld transit commis
sion, and confers no powers upon the
board of aldermen which they do not
now possess, excepting that It author
izes that bonrd to grant a perpetual
franchise to tunnel roads extending be
yond tho city."
Eight Hundred Revolutionists Un
der General Penrtlozo Are
Besieging Carupant.
Ily i:dmlie Wire fiom The Associated 1'reis.
AVIllemstad, Island ot Curacoa, March
20. The A'enezuelan revolution, headed
by General Mutos, seems to be taking
form. Kight hundred revolutionists,
under General Penalozo, are besieging
Carupano, a seaport town In tlie state
of Bermudese, and the revolutionists
under General Mongas have surround
ed Barcelona, the capital of the state
of Bermudese. General Velutlnl, the
Venezuelan minister of the Interior, has
been despatched on a. special mission
to Barcelona, but it Is said that he will
arrive there too late. General Klera,
who escaped the pursuit of the Vene
zuelan government troops, near
ebo, In the state of Falcon, Is march
ing In the direction of Tucaeas, a sea
port town In the state of Lara, which
place Is to be attacked on land by his
troops, and from the sea by the revo
lutionary steamer Bolivar. alFo known
as the Libertador.
The situation Is said to be critical for
President Castro.
The Venezuelan fleet is not in condi
tion to pursue the Bolivar and the
plans of President Castio to captme
her have failed.
The financial stale of affairs In Vene
zuela. Is as bud as the political situa
tion In that country. Tile government
clerks have not been paid for six
mouths and coffee Is unsalable.
Deadlocked on the Question of Ad
mitting More Clubs.
Ily i:ilisiiie Wire fiom 'Ihe Aiviilatnl t'u-".
Hnzleton, Pa.. Match 20. The mali
ngers of the newly-formed State league
of base ball clubs met here this after
noon. Reading, Hazleton. Scranton,
Wilkes-Barre, Lebanon and Lancaster
were represented. Applications from
Williamsporl, Shamokin and .Mount
Cnrmel for admission to the league
were received, but the delegates are
deadlocked on the question of Increas
ing the circuit to eight clubs. The
league decided to apply for protection
in Class C lu the national association
of minor leagues.
The following umpires were appoint
ed: ' Frank Southard, of Serauton:
George Gill, of Newark, N. J.; Edwaid
Jeffries, of I.aucaster.and James Grant,
of Heading. The season will open May
i and close Labor day, September 1,
each club playing fifty games at home
nnd llftv .'inroad.
The delegates are at work tonight on
the schedule, which will be announced
toniorrow.when It is expected the dead
lock on tho Increase of tho circuit fiom
six to eight towns will have been
Sj Ktcluiirt Wire from Ike Aiioeiited I'reu.
Philadelphia, Mauh , 'i'liiLu'clphli In!."
(lilrieu and llutu Oiah.un, ot this city, fnuitht
k round nt the ltn.iduu Athletic 1 lull lo
night. The bom, uhub was ,1 ici.v tun.' one,
was In mry w.iy In O'llrlen's fam.
fil, I.011I., Umli 2i. -iiid" III 1, nf Cleu-
land, and "Abe" llell, uf Sail I'luiuh.n, fn.iKht
ttltrvli fu-t louiUi lu .1 dr.1.1 b-fuie the lvl
i:ud Athletic ilub loi.lxht. Iliuad 'i. the .iir
Hlc.or thiuuidi'iut.
Wealthy Negro Assasslnnted.
11 Hxcliuhe Hue from the Auclitid !'re.
I.lttle Kink, Alk., MjuIi Ai. -(,'uin W. 'Ihenip
i.nn, 11 we.illh.t n!ilo, ului . tin- )a-l
inlured lutiiibi-f of the I.lttle HciA ilty (uuu
ill, Mai ai-savilnilid a7 nlxht ,11 hU hwiut In
this 1 1 1 . The motile mid thn pcipdratoi- n
unknown. 'lhouion w.n Miuck ilimn uttli an
axe Mon after lulduiiiht lis he i-r.tilid his I. nine.
Klumpp Released,
II) Kxiluihc Wilu flout 'the Autiatcd 1'ni.s.
(fraud ItaphU, MI1I1.. ilar. li 2' 1. William
libuupp, .in 1 Hid uud held in UMoib, nli ue
plck'ii of inuiplleliv lu llw luutdir of his wife
ulio died al l.oucll ihu itl.4 into limn
laUn In a lieuduhe powder tint I111 throuxli die
mail, v,i ivleai.ii today, nn m;e lining htrii
made ai;alu,t lulu.
New Oil Gusher. I
Hj :jiluiie Wlie (lotit The Animated Hrrji.
Ilaineiillle, O., Maun 20.-TI111 fnlley Oil
company, of I'ilUhmv, iruik an nil Kiiil.ii a few
mlltn touthej-st of Uie today. The nil uliot l.p
fid feet uhou' the dciihk uud it ibmlng al the
lato n( too baiieU a dj.. Two wells l-'fentl)
dilllcd by the (cmpaiiy piudmed unh ji.
' Anti-Quay Man in Tioga,
fly i;icbul Wire from Ihe Ai-oilled I'rfii.
WilUboip, 14., Manli SOKx-Ui'iirfaiMitatlvi)
It. K, Voiunr, an auti-Qujy nun, was tudi)
elected iluirnun uf lh Tleja cnunly llepublt an
coiiuulllie. Tho prinuileo Kill Ik: held Ma) SI.
Rhodes Unable to Sleep,
By KiclusHe Wire from The Anorlnlrd 1'rru.
Coic Town, Mauh 20. A bulletin Vlwucd at
midnight aj8 the luuy difficulty of Cecil Ituodtj
hat been ameliorated, but that, owing to tlie
licUt. the valient is unable to sleep.
Petitions of Abbntte nnd Keller of
Lackawanna Arc Refused.
D) r.xilmhe Wire from Tlie Auodulrtl I'rrm.
IlnrrlBbUrg, March 20. The board of
pardons refused today to commute to
life Imprisonment the denth sentence
of Milton Sheets, who will be hanged
at Somerset on April 10.
Pardons were recommended for John
II. MeKlWee, Chester, larceny, and
Margaret Fltzpatiiek, Schuylkill, adtil
lorv. Pardons .were 1 of used Stilveiio Ab
batte, Lackawanna, second degree
murder: M. II. llowells, Dauphin, for
gery; Joseph Keller, Lackawanna,
manslaughter; William Schultz, Phil
adelphia, keeping bawdy house, and
Andrew Toth, Allegheny, serving life
imprisonment -for first degree murder.
Tho caseft of William J. Elsenpower,
Philadelphia, assault and battery; Wil
liam BiiKch, Klk, first degree murder;
J. B, Bennett, Allegheny, forgery;
Jacob Penscndorfer, Philadelphia, first
degree murder, and John Giant, Lan
caster, receiving stolen goods, were
held under advisement.
A Resolution on Its Way from That
Country to Mr. Kruger.
By Hxclusbe Wire from the AmncUtcd I'res).
London, March 20. The feeling In
Ireland Is well Illustrated by a resolu
tion now on its way to Mr. Kruger,
"care of Queen Wilhelmlna," adopted
yesterday by the Edenberry (Kings
counts) guardians, an elective body, as
"We desire to record ou'r admiration
of the magnificent stand the bravo
South African republics have made
ag.ilnst the colossal might of the
British empire and to congratulate the
humane Boer leather, Delarey, on his
recent great vh-tory, which not only
covers England with disgrace and ridi
cule, a result eminently gratifying to
the rest of the civilized world, but
which must have a chastening effect
on the jingoes of the greatest helot
I empire the world has ever seen."
The Department Somewhnt Annoyed
at Persistent Reports Regard
ing Miss Stone's Ransom.
Hj l.ilc-lie Wile (nun 'Ihe Wnl.iteu' i'nn
Washington, .March 20. The peislsl
ent circulation of teports that the
state department laid made a demand
upon Turkey for reimbursement of the
money expended in the ransom of Miss
Stone is causing a gooi deal of annoy
ance to the ofllc'luls of that department,
it can be stated as a fact that the
state department has made no such
demand on Turkey and consequently
the Turkish government has not flatly
refused to pay.
As already stated, .Mr. Lelshman
some time ago lodged caveats with the
Turkish anil Bulgarian governments
saving the right of the I'nlted States
government to prefer a demand for
reparation nnd reimbursement In the
Stone case when It was able to fix the
responsibility for the abducllqn. I'p
to this time the olllelal it-ports from
Minister Lelshman supplemented by
verbal reports from Spencer Uddy, have
not put the state department In pos
session of sutliclent facts to determine
this question of responsibility.
Steamship Arrivals.
u Jluhiidie Wire from 'I lie Auociittd I'ffM.
New Vmk, .Much 'JO. Virhed: ll.iuifoid,
Autwcip. 1'le.iud: lllielu, llremeu. Sailed: l.a
Ga-ci'itiie, llaire, Naples Aulied: Tiave, Xew
V111I. for Genoa.'rpool niied: Maje-:li
New Will:. ((Heeii-town Sall-d: Oceanic, Ironi
l.luipuul, Xcn link, llaiiiliuur-Aiiiied: Peine
U jiiI.i. Nnv Vmk ila lijiimuth and C'lieibomg.
fti.ttcid.iiu Ail It id: MiMimr AinsteidJiu, New
ctl. I.i lluulutiiie sni, Mei. Sailed!,
Viw luik. I.iMtu l'.imeil: 1AipilUine, .New
101I; fui lime; Vadeiland, New Vnik fur Ant
well'. Mutiny of Russian Troops.
ll.i i:iluiii Wile (mill 'Ihe AiMiiialLtl I'lew,
St. I'ltiirbiilK, lllilill of the mil
tint uf It11.-1l.111 1 1 mips al Tula, when the tub
din. lefu-ed lu the uti Ihe ulilkein hale been 11
11 lied. II appealed Ihe Hoops filed blank iart
ildxc. but when liny were nrdeicd to file ball
eartilifite Ihe MUeani lefu-ed lo nbey, 'Hie nf
liur fbimiiJiiiHrur tin- whllirn iliiviitineil lo
kill the siuii.-e.iui, whiieiipiiii llu Hoops uttaik-'d
tin uftlul. 'Ihe lattei has .In' 0 ri-iiiimlied t'i
tlie lajiuiil Muiliids liny Inlllited upon him.
Steel Prices Advance.
Ily I'Ailiulie Wire from ihe Aucllid l'ir
I'ilUlillK, IM., Maich 20. imrllur of Ihe
pilmipal chain uiaLlnir Huns of Ihe cuunli.t v.i
held lieu- today tu iII-uki trade mattem and rw
prites, stieulit-ii iitlti lure Itpie.ililed aid he
luie adjutitliiileiil lhl afliinnoii It vat decided tu
adialne piteej ! a lull lu take 1 flei-l ul une,
'Ibis lliS lieieal.l unillK In llir illiliMl-ll pllie
ul ttcl ll.lls.
Henry Nye Captured.
0) r'ulmiie Wire Iruiu Hit Animated I'rm.
liitd'iiilf. I'.i., Mtit li in. lltmy e, who liut
and killed his wife al .veplu intuitu, V, ., la.l
'luesday 11I11I1I, was laptuied today near the ncne
of Ihu Mime. lu made po , c-Mau I.
Ily Dilutive Wile (nun The Attoclatcd l'if.
(,uii!o, III., Match Ai.-Ceuual I.IM11 II. II mi
llion, u puiiidruiii altoine.i and polltliau ami a
leader lu (ftaud Army ilu-les, died .udJcnly lu
da.t, ai-cd u, While pii.ti.llm.' an uiifuiutul
bifure lhi cluiill. 10U11, (ieneial llamlltoii tid
duilj vuvveitil and .ink lulu Ids chall dead.
l'aial).sU uf (lie heait Is idle t Ihe caiue,
New Voik, Mauh in. Jorfph Ik Andrade, for
fcK jejis Viiitzuelau luini.ter at Wai-hlnk'ton, died
Icda.i at Id.-. In me in tliU rify cf pneumonU.
tiuor Aniluile ia.s Iwrn tlxty-fuur jeari iiu In
Veilda. lie b.ul occupied nearly ciery bljli po
litical ofhee In Venezuela, and one time, ,a
president of tho republic Ills brother, Isnacla,
nas aU president. Honor Andrado was also lulu
Uter to I'raiuc ami o llnclind. lie was a wld
oner ami lad lhcd In retircrucat for several
ui. lie bad four children.
Resolutions Adopted at the Alter
noon Session o? the Con
vention at Sliamokln.
First Resolution Demands an Eight
Hour Working Day in All Collier
ies in the Anthracite Region Op
position Is Declared Agalnsti
Working- with Men Not in tho
Union The System of Blacklisting
Denounced The Reinstatement- of
Firemen Is Demanded.
Ry i:tluslic Wire fiom The Associated Prcu. j
Shamokin, Pa March 20. The most
Important feature of today's session of
the coin'entlon of Districts Nos. 1, 7 and
9. ITnlted Mine Workers of America,
was the adoption at the afternoon ses
sion of several resolutions. They wero
the result of various alleged grievances '
unnounced In the convention by tho
dlffeient delegations and were present
ed by the committee on resolutions.
Most ot them "were of sectional, rather
than general Interest, but their tono
was not the less emphatic. The llrsc
resolution adopted demanded an eight
hour working day In all the collieries
of the anthracite region. Others were
adopted as follows:
Deiii.indiiie; the lecoirnitiou of mine i-oniinitlrei
h;i opcratois in the adjustment of disputes lc
H11UI113- in local til Ikes,
Pcdai-iiii,' opposition to nwkliiR- uith men not
mnubcis of the Mine Viukein' union
I'j.orlwr .itbltiation nf trade disputes.
Cnudeiiinlue; the uctlon of the Delaware and
Hudson Hallway cninpan.i for ihuurlnir the con
ditions of implojmeiit ut I'l.imouth, which e
rulted in .1 leduction of waw and liolatlon of
Dem.uidiiii; the leliistulemint of the lliemrn
d!-i-li UKctl by the Delaware, Lackawanna, and
Western li.tiboad lonipauy ul tho Wooihvard.
Amndale and Peltelwni- lollleilen, wlie. rifuwil
to comply with the lompany's order lenulrinir
them to work pu is knuwn as the iWlrg
shift" r-.K-lcm. I - ' " --)
Piuildiii for a. -inteinatlo examination 'cit
uoiklnr cuds.
ltc-iuelln)r the state fun can of niinei and niln
iiiK to irlnt not le-s than -J.i,u00 mpies nf Ihe
mine laws in the r.iigllsh language for dislrlbu
Hon anionic Ihe mine voikcih.
('iriileiiiiiinic the .item uf bkukllstina; by com
panies of disc burned emplo.ies.
President Thomas Barrett and Sec
retary James Mullahy, of the Station
ary Firemen's union, camofromWllkes
Uarre, today, and appeared before the
convention with an appeal for the co
operation of the mine workers' union
in the efforts ot the firemen to secure"""'
nn eight-hour working day. The co"h
ventlon took 110 action In the, mutter.
President Mitchell said the resolution
concerning the recognition of the mino
committees had no reference to tho
recognition ot the union. Thnt matter,
he said, would be covered In the report
of the scale committee, who will havo
finished their work tomorrow.
The published statement that the re
plies of the operators . to President
Mitchell's request for a conference
might be construed as a virtual recog
nition of the mine workers' union, Mr.
Mitchell regards as Incorrect. Refer
ring to the letters ot the presidents ot
the operating companies, Mr. Mitchell
"We do not regard them as recog
nltion In any degree."
Senator Hanna Names the Members
of Committee of Conciliation.
By Kwluslie Wire from Ihe Associated 1'rfM.
.New Yoik, March 20. Senator Mark
llaiiuu named the members of the com
mittee on conciliation of the Civic Fed
eration, whose appointment wan pro
vided for at the last meeting ot tho
executive committee. According to tho
by-lnws, the committee was to consist,
ot the ofllcers of the executive com-)
mlttee, M. A. Ilnuuii, chairman; Sam
uel (lumpers, first vice chairman; Os- f
ear r, oiruu, neituiu sjit" ciuiiiuiiui,
Charles A. Moore, treasurer, and Ilalph
M. Kasley, secretary, anil nlno men, to
be appointetl by tho chairman, llln
appointments nre:
AichblBhop Ireland, Ulshop Potter,
Franklin McVeigh. John Mitchell
Frank V. Sargent, James Duncan, .,.
Kiuttsschnltt, William It. Pfuhler and
Marcus M. Murks.
Tho committee- Is to- take up threat
ened trouble between capitalists and
worklugiiien, with a view to settling
Labor Lenders nt Passaic,
ll.i Kxilutlie Wire, from 'fie Associated I'tm,
J'ailr, X. J., March 20. Ihe police annoume.l
tiulaj thai fully halt the mill employes of this
illy am pl.inuinjr a strike for higher waives, tu
start April I. 'Ihe police of ilcUU say labor lead
ii from the coal reu'Iora ot Pennsylvania, uie Iteie
foimlui: plans. About seicn thoiuand pwiu
.lie luttli'ited,
.utal ilita for Mauli SO, Utt.';
Illuhei-t tiiup.ialuu- , 51 dcgict,
l.uivist uiupcratuio ,,.,,.,,,, , SI dtgrtts
Ililatlie humidity:
a. 111 , ,., Mper cent.
h p, in ,,.,.,,,.,,,,,.,,,.,..,,.. "i percent.
Precipitation, Li hours ended S p. n 01 inch
- - --
- Warhington, March SO. I'orrcait for -4-
-f Kildsy and Saturday; Dastcin 1'ennnl.
-f isiila. fair Friday; incrrjlna; cloudiuesi
-f Satitiday, probably rain; fiesb north to -
-sf rai viuu, -ss