The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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A plain cake, made with Cleveland's
Baking Powder, is superior to a pound
cake costing twice as much made with
an alum powder.
Cleveland's Baking Powder is pure,
( clean and wholesome, and with less
,! trouble and concern makes the cake
( lighter, sweeter, purer, more appetizing
" 'and beautiful.
.,.,,- .nulnCD r n
Salo of Baltimore's Intel est in. West
ern Maryland Road May Not Take
Place Central Railroad of New
Jersey Changes Pioniotion of B.
T. Robatlian No Word Yet from
the Avondalo Fiiemen Notes of
Inteiest Concerning Raihoad Men.
Lackawanna Boaid for Today.
"None of tlio buls. icceled for the
city's inteiest in the Western l.tliioatl
is satisfactory to Major Hayes, and
unless lie changes his mind theio may
he no sale," says .1 Baltimore dispatch.
"The Maor said todav:
"'My piesent iiosition is of opposi
tion to the acceptance of any of tlio
bids. I am unalterably opposed to the
acceptance of cither the Varney or the
Hambleton bid, because the city wants
to ictiie cntnoly fiom the railroad
business and not be hanwicd with
stock, as pioposed by Hambleton, or
with bonds, us ofteied by Vainey. So
far as the Reading bid is concerned, 1
have a suspicion tliut ceituin intuests
aie behind it which would be harmful
to the peipetuation of the Western
Maiylund as a competing independ
ent line.
" 'The Fuller bid Is not acceptable
because the offcied piico is no: enough,
when it is tnken Into conslleiation
that the city will have to pay $9,300,-
000 for the letiiemont of the loans
Riiaiantecd by the city and the inter
est thereon to the time of matuiity.
3n addition I am not satisllcd with any
01 the bids, because of the lack of
guarantees. If the "West Virginia Cen
tial is to be connected with the West
ern Maryland, let the bidder guuiaii
tee us that the proper connection will
to built between Cheny Run ana
Cutiibeilund; that the teimlnul will uu
built at BaltlmoiP, und let the West
Virginia Central join with the bidder
In giving the guarantee that the coal
t utile will come to Baltlmote. Theri
I am firmly of the opinion that the ad
ditional guarantee should be gien to
secure the citv against consolidation
with the Pennsylvania or the absoip
tlon by the latter of the Western Mai y
land. '"To obtain an incieased pike and
to ncquhe these guarantees mav ic
nuiro new bids, but I am sine it will
bo better for the city to feel its way
rather than act hastily.' "
Central Raihoad Changes.
W. G. Besler, general supei intend
out of the Philadelphia and Reading
railroad, has been appointed bv Pres
ident George F. Baer to the position
of general manager of the Cential
Railroad of New Jeisey. The operat
ing, englneeilng and joadway depait
ments will repoit to him nnd be sub
ject to his oideis. Ho has alienOy
assumed the duties.
M. M, Richey, supeilntcndent of the
Philadelphia and Reading load, bus
been appointed acting geneial super
intendent of the Central Raihoad of
New Jeisey to succeed W. W, Wentz,
jr., who lias been lethed owing to Ill
ness. Vice-President C. II. Warren, also of
the Cential, has tendeied his jesigna
tlou to tako effect Apill 1,
R Is understood that thelieud olllces
of the Central Raihoad of New Jersey
How to Pi event Pneumonia,
You have good reason to fear an at
tack of pneumonia when you huve a
eeveie cold, accompanied by pains In
the chest or In the back between the
HliouUleiH. Get a, bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy and uso It as
directed and it will prevent the tluent
eped attack. Among the tens of thous
ands who have used this lemedy for
colds and la grippe, wo havo-yet to
learn of a single case that hus resulted
in pneumonia, which shows that this
remedy Is u certain preventive of that
dangerous disease. For sale by all
Keep to the Right"
With eyes open. You won't
need glasses to see the point,
f nlr ni'cfi' nrprnittirm in nvnid
alum baking powders, as alum
jnfood isdeleriolSt They may
UW hlatVlt - U1W(I IVIIW4 '(iWJ
will be consolidated with the Philadel
phia and Reading at Philadelphia on
.Apill J, and that several other chang
es will be made soon.
A Recognition of Ability.
B. F. Robatlian, brother of Common
Councilman U. K. Robatlian, who has
been chief clerk nnd piivate sccretaiy
to A. G. Thomason, general manager
of the Northweastei n Pennsylvania
Car Service association, during the
past six ytais, was this week placed
In ehaigc of the Central New Yoik
Car Service association, with head
quaiteis at Albany, N. Y.
This gives Mr. Robatlian supeiision
of car service over twenty-two rail
loads, and places him in one of the
most responsible positions iu the lail
ioad woild. He is a young man, SO
yeais of age, and has had much expe
nence in laihoad and general steno
giaphic work. His many ft lends will
be pleased to learn of his pioniotion
Under his new position Ben will have
a laige cleiical foice, many of whom
Ii.tvp been in the lallioad seivice many
5 ears. lie was lecommcnded for
pioniotion by Mr. Thomason.
D., L. and W. Board for Today.
The following is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
boaid for today:
WTDNL-smv, jr.uini t
l"lns Last S p :n,, L M Hillftl,
10 p. m., Gcorpc TJiomis, 11 p. m , Uobokcn, J.
Till USD Y. MUtCII :0
tras Kast 1 Jo i. m , HtzpUnck; a. in ,
Conlar, with John Ulster's ctevv , 0 a. m, Uo
bokcn, Mullen; l a m , Uobokcn, Iliiigllcb; 10
a. m , H. Dolicrty; 11 a. m , ,f. II itrC'inn; 1 p.
in , William lloir, with Uaugcitj'ri crow; 2 p. m ,
Uobokcn, Laugline.v ; 8 p. in., 1 Ihllet; 0 p. in ,
llobokcn, Itucgp; (I p. m , .. II. Iiuvvc.
summit", i:tc (i i. in , ,T. Uennigan; 3 a. m ,
I'rounfdker; 0 .i. :n , Mehols; 11 a. m , J. II.
.Misters; 2 p. in , Thompson; 0 p. m , I'. Mo
IJonncll, with Oamgg's crew; 8 p. in., Colden.
Pushers a. m, Widncrj 7 a. m., riuncrj ;
8 a. in , Homer; 11 45 i. m , Moran; (1 p. m , ('.
liartlioloincvv; 7.30 p. in , Jvaunuii; 0 p. in , O.
Jllllcr; 10 p in., Lamping.
Helperv " a. m , Gaffnej ; 7 a. in , Singer; 10
a. in , I K. Sccor; 0 13 p. m , Stanton; 8..0 p
in . McGovein.
IMras West CIO a. in , work train, J. O'lliira;
8 ii. in., 1". I,, ltlgers; 10 a. m , C. Klngalcy;
2 p. in., A. F. Ketcliuni; 4 p. m , O. Itanuolpii;
0 p. in , M. Carmody; 11 p. in., r. Wall.
I). Higgcilj will run I.angan'8 erevv on Xo. 53
SIiicli 20, and until fuither notice.
1". McDonnell will C p. m. Mimmlt Mircli ID.
William Cilllgau will go out with 11. Pohcrlj.
This and That.
Superintendent U. M. Rine, of the
Lackawanna lallioad, has leturned
fiom an ofllclal tilp to New Yoik.
Anonuncement is mude that the new
stock of the Lackawanna Steel com
pany amounting to $15,000,000, has been
laigely ovei -subscribed by the stock
holders of the old concern.
Tialnmaster J. J. McCann, of the
Lackawanna lallroad, accompanied by
his wife, letuined home yestetday
fiom a tew days' visit with lelatlves in
J. Selden Swisher, dlstilct passenger
agent of the Cential Raihoad of New
Jeisey, 1ms been gi anted n leave of
ubsence to rccupeuite his health, and
left jesterday with his wife for a tlnee
weeks' sojouin at Palm Beach, Fla.
His son, Charles C. Swisher, has been
appointed acting dlstilct passenger
agent to servo tuning his father's ab
sence. Mr. Swisher has been with the
company for many eais and has
earned a vacation by his faithful ser
vice, '
Assistant Superintendent C. 13. To
bey, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western coal depaitment, stated yes
terday that no woid has as yet been
iccelved fiom the piemen at the
Avondalo mines In refeieuce to their
willingness to accept the "swing shift"
Inaugurated. He further stated that
the nine Is not iu shape to stmt up
even if the men aie leatly to lesume
woik, owing to the water in the mine1?.
Iu nil piobablltty, he said, the men will
be leady to lesume woik when the
mine is open uguln for business.
Meeting to Discuss Ways and Means
of Securing It.
A coufeienco will bo held within a
day or two between the special com
mittee of the boaid of trade and a
number of the leading locomotlvo engi
neer from this part of the state, for
tho purpose of discussing ways and
means for the bringing of the 1901 con
vention of the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers to this city.
This gathering Is considered the prize
convention, because It remains in ses
sion for an entire month and bilugs
between 700 and 1200 delegates from all
over tho United States nnd Canada
to the convention city, These do not
remain for two or three dajs mid then
fill away, like the delegates to other
big coin options, but remain for weeks
at a time.
The Brothel hood of Loconiollo En
ilneers Is lecognlzed us ono of the
soundest and most wisely conducted
labor organlnztlons in the country, nnd
Its membcts are repicseutntlvo of the
very best citizenship In the districts In
which they lle. A. B. Wurman, F. L.
Wormsor and 8. B. Weyland comprise
the boa id of tindo committee.
Madame Blauvelt Will Go to Eng
land in April.
Tfie picFcnt tour of Mmo. Lillian
Blauvelt will, In all probability, be her
lnct In America for some years, Be
ginning Jan. 18, when she sang at Car
negie hall, New Yoik, the tour will ex
tend from Maine to Knnsos, and in this
pcilod she will sing In some thirty odd
conceits, lecltals and oratorios. In the
middle of Apt II, Mine. Blauvelt salts
for England, wlieio she opens the gi cat
London may festival, Which takes
place the week of Apill 28 to May 3.
During the coionation season, Mmn.
Bluuvolt will appear ivciy week in
London In a series of lecltals, together
with Ysaye, Becker and Busonl. For
the autumn, Mine. Blauvelt has been
engaged to sing at all the gteat British
festivals, among which tire the Nor
wich festival In the week of Oct. 20 and
23, und the famous Welsh festival In
the week of Oct. 11, held at Caidllf.
Atrangoments have been also complet
ed for a tour thiough Scotland and
England duilng November and Decem
ber following the festival pcrfounanccs.
Madame Blainolt will be heard at the
artists' conceit in the Now Aimory on
Thursday ovenlng.Apill 3, for the bene
fit of the Homo for the Filendless. The
other artists that will be heard at the
concert are Ben Davles, tenor, and
Fritz Krelsler, violinist.
Recorder Doesn't Appiove of Paying
Back the Fines Collected from
Membeis of Eureka Club.
It Is understood that Recouler Con
neli will v.cto the lcsolution passed by
councils two weeks ago directing the
city solicitor to confess judgment in
f.uor of Attorney John J. Mutphy for
a sum equal to the amount of the
lines collected by Police Magistrate
) Howe fiom Chailes Major and the
J other pei.sons .aicsted with him in the
1 eureka club house, at the coiner or
Lackawanna ami Adams aenues, i aid
ed some months ago by the police.
Major was lined for keeping a dls
ordeily house and selling liquor with
out a license, while the thiity odd
males and lemales attested in the
place weto chatged with being in
mates of u disoidetiy house, nnd wen
also lined. Malor gae ball on the
chatge of maintaining a gambling
house and was acquitted on this charge
by a juty.
Objection was made by Attorney
Murphy to lolations of the law in the
ttial of the other cases befote Magis
trate Howe, and coutt a en tiled the
decision of the Magisttate in all the
cases. While there was nothing in
the opinion specitlcally dltecting th
paying back of the flues collected, At
torney Muiphy decided that this would
have to be done, and accordingly took
assignments of the claims of all the
cat ties inteiestod.
The tesolution directing the confes
sion of judgment in his favor was
passed thiough councils without oppo
sition, but Recouler Connell has le
lused to sign it and will send it back
tonight. He bcliees that thOpeisons
lined weie unquestionably guilty of the'
offenses chaiged and that It would
be an injustice to pay back the fines
collected because of some technical
He pioposes to gle Mr. Muiphy an
oppoitunlly to light out his case in
court by biinging an action against
the city.
Gathering, with Local Interest, in
Euiopean Railroad Train.
A letter leeelvcd In this city a few
dajs ago by a well-known lawyer,
bilngs foicibly to mind the old say
ing that the woild Is not such an
awfully big place, after all, and le
counts a tiuly remaikable meeting last
month in a conipaitment of a railway
train speeding between Deilln and
Pai Is.
Tho passengeis in this conipaitment
weie entltfcly unknown to one nnolher,
when they enctied the tialn in Beilin
on their start for the long jouinoy to
the metiopolis. Theie weie live alto
gether. A lady and her daughter, both
well-know 11 In Scianton; n Russian
physician, and an Ameilcan nnd his
w I to.
The Russian could speak English
very well, and begun to speak of his
admhatlon for Ameiica. Ho said that
ho was a tesldent of Kief, a city in the
southern pait of Russia, and that ho
had a young Ameiican physician as his
"His name is Clearwater," he said,
"and he comes fiom a place that you
cull, let me see Scianton."
The lady und her daughter explained,
with nstonlshmcnt, that they knew Dr.
Cleai water in this city, several yents
ago, and told the Russian their names.
The mention of tho name caused the
mauled Ameilcan lady to Inteiest her
self in tho coiueisatlou, and to maUo
tho still more sui pi Islng announcement
that she was born iu Haw ley and went
to school with tho young lady's sister.
She, too, knew Scianton, and had heard
of Dr. Clearwater. Thus was leseivo
thrown off, and tho jest of the journey
spent by tho paity iir if they had al
ways been old ft lends.
Gialn Diying Plant to Be Added to
E. Robinson Brewery.
Tho contuict for the consti notion of
a 10,000 building to contain a grain
dilng plant, us an ndjunct to the n.
Itoblnson's Sops' biowery, was let yes
teiduy to Comad Schioeder, by the
Cential Peiinsylwinla Riewlng com
pany. It will bo elected on the noith side
of West Linden stieet adjoining the
boiler house, nnd will bo an uiuato
building 35x00, of brick and stee) con
struction, with piessed brick fiont and
stone trimmings.
Tho gialn doing plant will be an
Industry new to Scianton. At piesent
the gruln as it copies from the mesh
tubs la canted in chutes to a laige bin
and sold for little or nothing to fui
mers for cattle food.
It Is an excellent and cheap substl-
&7DirXia&jfr4 leumilxJliat cures a cabl tis
f7 ..-yL-. JL,.
(y Shopping -M News 1
50 Choice
Silk Waist
1 dtLcITlS
This lot received yesterday comprises
exclusive styles of
Foreign and American Make
THE BIG STORE'S own selection not
two patterns alike in the entire lot. Not any
like these to be seen in the city.
The choice of selecting a Silk Waist Pat
tern entirely different from your neighbor is
your opportunity.
And at the price per yard asked for sucli
values will surely meet with your favor, at
75c to -$2.50 a Yard
Third Floor.
Scraiifosi's Eig Store
tute for bian, and when dried and put
up in sacks llnds a leady inaiket both
hero and abioad. If it pioves as piof
itabie as expected, similar plants will
bo attached to tho company's other
laige bieweiles.
Evangelistic Meeting largely At
tended Last Night.
Inteiest In the eangelistio services,
which aie being conducted the Penn
Avenue Baptist church 'is glowing
dully. Last night the main audltoilum
was crowded and Rev. Dr. Haynes'
powerful seniion on "Resui rectlon"
effected several convoisions.
The doctor chose for his text, I Coi.,
xv:44, "It is sown a natural body; it
is laised a spiritual body. Theie is a
natuial body, and there Is a spiritual
body." The doctor said that the gieat
question which was asked by Job, "If
a man die, shall ho Use again V" has
perplexed the human minds of eveiy
age since. It can't be answeied by
science, by history, or literature, and
man is left to depend absolutely upon
the Word of God for a leply.
The Woid of God, Dr. Haynes said,
states plainly and clearly that there
will be a life after the grave, and that
Immortality is not a tlgtr.ent of the
imagination. Ho decluied that the
spiut lhes after death in a spiritual
body, and that thete are no such things
as disembodied spirits. Ho quoted a
number of passages fiom Scripture to
pioe this contention.
Belief in the lesunection of man, he
declaied to be the keystono in the inch
of Clnlstlan faith and asUed how un
saved souls could expect to pass an
existence in the lealnis of the blessed
after death.
John O'Dowd Arrested Yesterday by
Biewing Companies.
John O'Dowd, who until tecently con
ducted a saloon in Olyphant, was ar
lested yestoiday ut tho Instance of
William Ciaig, ot tho Pennsylvania
Riewlng company, nnd also at tho In
stance of the Kejstono Biewing com
pany, on tiiaiges of obtaining goods
under false pietenses.
It Is alleged that O'Dowd puichased
beer from both companies after his
business had been sold out. He was
held under ?S00 ball by Alderman Rud
dy on tho one ehaigc und will be given
a hcnilug today on the other.
O'Dowd is one of the men nuested
some two weeks ago by Puttolmau Mc
Mullen for luteifeilitg while lie wus
locking up his (O'Dowd's) wifo on a
chuigo of stieet walking. At that time
he thieatened to piefer ehaiges against
tho olllcer, but has appaiently changed
his mind since,
Membeis of Local Union No, 07, of
Bookbindets, Celebrated,
Tlio members of Local Union No, 97,
Intel national Bookblndeis' Association
of America, celebrated the flist nnnl
veisaiy of their oiganlzatlon In Blat
ters hall last night. The gathering
was an Infounal one, A bountiful re.
past was served and a number of those
piesent piade iinpiomptu uddiesses.
"Piofessor" Kuuz, Qf South Scianton,
This lignator ! on erery box of th gouuita
Laxative BrornoOiiiiiine Tabut '
"Keep to the Right"
With eyes open. The novelty
of the occasion will amaze you.
New York, Ontario and Western.
In Ufeet luosdaj, Sept. 17, 1001.
NOUllt UOL'M).
bcae Lcaie Arrive
Train?. Sm ronton. GiilioniIalr. Cadosla.
No. 1 10 80 2,111. 11 10 a in. 100 p.m.
0. 7 C 10 p in. A. CuliondalcU 40 p. m.
Mltnil bOUND.
Leavo I.pavo Arri
Trains. Cidosia. Caibondalc. Fcranton.
No. 0 700a.m. 7.10a m.
No. 2 2 15 pin. 4 00 pm. 4 10 p.m.
Leave Lavc Arrive
Trains. bcranton. Carbomlalc Cadoaia.
No. 0 8o0a. ill. 0 10 p 111. 10 45 a. in.
No. 6 7.00 p 111. Ai. Carbondalu 7.40 p. m.
?0U1!1 POUND
Leave Leave Arrive
Trains. Cadoila, Carhomljlc, Scranton.
i r, 7 00 11 in. 7 40 a. m.
No. 10 4 SO p. m. 0 00 pm. 0 45 pm.
'trains Nos. 1 on ivccl: dajs, and 0 on Sundays,
make main lino conneUlons for Nuv Yoik city,
Middleman, Walton, !oiVYieh, Oneida, 0,vvego
and all points west.
Toi (uilliLr intoi niation consult ticket agents.
J. V. AMlhltSO.V, O 1 A., New York.
J. E. W'l.LSH, T. I'. A., Scranton, l'a.
gave an amusing and bewlldeilng ex
position of his poweis as a hypnotist
The officers of the union had the ai
rangements for the aftalr In chatge.
They aie as follows: Pi esldent W. L.
Glass: ice piesldent, John P, Bolaud;
lecordlng secictur, V. J. Ackland:
financial secietary and tieasuier, AV.
C. Williamson.
Looking Over tho Site of New Power
House nnd Shops.
Lldwiud P. Decker, ono of the chief
englneeis of tho Westlnghouse, Cliuich,
Keir company, or New Yoik, which
Is to Install tho electrical cniilpment
of tho new tiolley coinpun, was In tho
city yesteuluy viewing the site of the
rolling mill and blast tuuuiee, wlieio
the new load's power house and' shops
aie to bo located.
Plans of the buildings aio complete
und tho woik of consti uctloii will bo
commenced as soon as the giuuiid can
be clem cd and leveled,
To make moio giound, It Is pioposed
to 1 any Roailng Hi 00k tluougli the
whple length of tho piopeity b means
of a big sluiceway
It Will Probably Be Passed by the
Select Council,
Tho laws und oidlnunces committee
of the select council will meet to
night to consider tho lesolution In
tioduced by Common' Councilman P.
V. Culpln, dliectlng the dliector of
public works to inuko tin estimate of
the cost of di edging tho I.uckawanim
It is uudeistood that the lesolution
will be fuvoiably lepoited and that It
will be passed by select council
ut tonight's meeting. The lesolu
tion is on!j Intended ns a sort or pfe
Umhiury step In the light dltection.
Councilman Oulpln does not believe
that the Uver can be di edged this com
ing summer. He only deshes (o hue
councils Becuie u know ledge of the
cost of the woik.
Every Year
We do more business,
How is It done? We know; by
experience and watchfulness for
possible improvements, our
monthly trips to the markets of
the world, and our special buying
facilities enable us to get just
ahead ofthe other fellow for styles
and values. We handle only the
the best, see our spring line of
Hats, Storm Coats,
Neckwear, etc
It will be worth your while.
412 Spruce Street.
Is not euougb.
Must be white,
Must be sweet,
Must be delicate.
now White Hour
Will give you all and
We only wholesale it.
Dickson Mill&Grain Co.
Scranton and Olyphant.
"Keep to the Right"
With eyes open. Watch the
papois closely for the solu
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In 1 licet Nov s, 1001
Trains leave Scianton for New ork At 1 40,
SID, 0 03, 7 50 and 10 05 a 111 . 12 4, .140, 3 ii
p m lor New oi!t and I'hilvlclpliia 7 50,
10 05 a 111 , ind 12 45 and ".If in Tor Tob
lianni At u 10 p in. l'or UtiUalo 1 13. b 22 and
'I 00 a m ; 1 53, 0 50 and 11 !" p. m l'oi Dins
himton Jnd a station 10 20 .1 m and 110
p 111 tor Oavvrgo, Syracuse ind Utka 1 15 and
bli a 111 , 1 5o p m. CUvvcgo, Sracuc and
Utica train at 0 22 a. 111 dallj, rccpt Sunday.
1 or Jlontroic 0 00 a 111 , 1 10 and 1, 50 p m.
Jsuhol'on flttornniodition 4 00 md b 15 p 111
llloomsburi; Div sion l'or N'oithumbcrland, at
C 15 ind 10 05 a m. , 1 53 and C 10 p 111. Tor
l'hinoutli, at S 10 a 111 ; 8 10 and 0 00 p m
bundav Trains For Jcvv ork, 140, Jll, f 05
nnd 10 03 a m ; .140, S i! p in. l'or llufTalo
1 15 and (122 a. in ; 1 5, 6 50 and 11.15 p. m.
I'ui Iliiulianilon md a stations 10 20 a m.
lilconisbui k Div ision Leave bcranton, 10 05 a.
m an C 10 p. m
Pennsylvania Kailroad.
Schedule in tflett June 2, 1001.
Tiains leave fccranton: 0 2S a m , week day",
through testibule train from likes Ilarre Pull
man bullet parlor car and coaches to Philadel
phia, via I'oltstllle; stops at principal inteime
tliate stations .Mfo connects for .Miubur), liar
risburg, Philadelphia, llaltimore, Washington and
for Pittsbuig and the west.
OSS a. m, week dajs, for Sunliury, llarni-biirg-,
Phihdelphia, Baltimore, Wa6hingtou and Pitts
burg and the west.
1 42 11 m . week days (Sundavfl, 1.6S p. 111 1.
foi hunburj, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, llaltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and the west
P 28 11 in. week davn, thromh vestibule train
from Vt ilkes llarre. Pullman buffet parlor tar
and toarhc to Philadelphia via 1'ottsvlIIe. Mops
at principal intciiticdUto stations
4 27 p. lp . week dajs, foi I'.azleton, faunburj,
liarrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburtr
.1. 1). IinuimSOt.. Gen. Mgr.
J. U. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Kfkct Novcmbci 24, 1001.
Trains fu Carbondalc leave fcennton at 0 20,
S 00, 8 53, 10 13 1 m. i 12 00, 1.20, 2 84, 3 62,
S 29, 8 25, 7 57, 0 13, 11 20 p. n' ; 1 11 a. m.
for JlonesilJle 0 20, 10 1j. m.; 2.J1 and 3.23
P. in.
Foi Wilkes DarreO'is. 7.4S, S41, 9 38, 10. 4J
a in.; 12 02. 1.42, 2 IS, J2S, 127, 0.10, 7. if,
10 41, 11 20 p in.
l'or L . it. It. Points 0 38, 0 u3 a. in ; '2.18,
4 27 and 11 30 p in.
l'or Pennsylvania Jl It. Points-CJ3, 9.38 a.
til.; 1.42. J 2s and 4 27 p in.
For Albany and all points north d 20 a. in.
and 3 52 p. in.
l'or Carbondalc 8 00, 1123 a, m; 2.31, 3.J2,
C 02 and 11.17 p. ni
lor Nllles Ilane 0,M a, m , 1202, 103, 3.23,
0 32 and 9 17 p. ill.
l'or Mbanj nnd points north 3 S2 p. in.'
For Honesdale 8 50 a. m. and 3 52 p. m
W. I PIUOH. U. P. A., Scianton, Pa.
New Jersey Cential,
In Effect ivov. 17, 1001
Stations in New Yoik, foot of Llbeity street
and &uutli Uir, X. It.
Trains leave biranto-i lor evv Yoik, Philadel
phia, Katten, lictlileliini, Allentuvvu, .Mjuch
Chunk, Wli'l.' llauu, Achley and ".ilkts-liaiie at
7.10 a. ai , 1 1'. in and 4 p. in, feumlj, '2 10 p, in,
(Juakei C'iti Hxprcn leaves biranton at 7 80
a. in., thrcusli tolid vtlbulo tun. with Pullman
lluftet Parloi Cain, foi Philadelphia, wlili only
one ehaiue of ti for llaltlnioic Washington,
I). O., and all pifmlpal polms nuulh uml west.
For Avucj, I'ittmon und Wilkes Uaire", 1 p. in.
and 4 p. in. SiiikIjj, '2,10 p. id,
For I-on0' ltraiuli, Ouan (Jiovc, etc., 7.30 a.
in and 1 p. in.
For lieaciinj, Lebanon and llanisburg, via AI
leiitovvn, at 7, -0 u. ni, and 1 p. in. Dunday, 2,10
p. m.
lor I'otUvlllo at 7 30 a, in. and 1 p. in.
Foi latcs and tiekcts upplj tu agent at station.
C. I DU11T, Ceil l'a Atft.
j, s. swisnnit.
Dlst. Puss Ant., Seianton.
Lehigh Valley Itnllioad,
111 l.fUcl, -No. 3. tooi
'liains leivu Scranton.
Fo- Plilladelpt u and .Ntw ork ia I) i. 11
It it., Jt 1 md VM a. in., and 2 18, 4 27
(Iliad. Diamond hspr-'S.-,), and 11.39 p in Sun-
dajs, I). A, II II. il, I 53,,S27 p. til.
lor Uhltu II iv in, ilazie'ton and piineipal point
!u tho coal itifiois. U II. & II. II. II., tfo8, 2 18
and 1.27 p. m. Foi I'ottsvllU, 03 a, iu., 2.18
For Hetlileheni, Fasten, lleadlii.-, liairhbutg,
and miueliial inleriiitdlatu kUtioui, via I), i. II,
It. It, 1X3!?, IMS a in i 2.1b, 4.27 (Ulaek Hla.
iiioml i:prcss.), ll.u0 p. in hundajs, l). i. 11,
It. It OiS a in,; 1.5S 8 27 p. in.
For Tunkhaiinoek, 'lovvuuda, l.lnilu, Ithaca,
Geneva and piluilpa! inteiinediate btuttons, vlj
V.. 1.. and U. It. II , S.10 a in and J 50 p. m
For Geneva, liveliest?!, Iljftalo, Magara Fulls,
Chicago and all fioiiila west, via ). i. II It It ,
T.4t, 12 tU a. m.; 1.12, J.iS (Ulack Diaiuuid l.i
pus.), 7.48. 10.41, 11 oO p. in. buiidjjs, 1), It II,
It II . J 2.02, t 27 p. Ill
Pullman parlor and ilceulng oi Lehigh alU
Parlor eais on all trilns betweo , (ikes Uarre
und New toil.. PliiladelphU, llulialo and bu,pcn
sioii llrldgc
ItOLI.IN II. WII.IIL'fl, dm Supt., 20 Cortland
ktieet, New ork.
CIlAIILLs !?. I.H-:. Cvn Paw. Aet.. 2(1 Cortland
Ueet, New Yoik.
A. , SOWM U'llini, I)v. I'm. A.'t , faoith
Hethlciieni, Pa,
lor tickets and Pullman reservations appl io
city H'Vet ufM, 0U Public bv-Tj. "U- 'Ux't,
Www iyv
lleforo maklno; t.oinmlttmtht, nleise
record in t'nj privilege of fiibinltllnij
our ilccrlptlvc list of investment.
SpencorTrask & Cc
iir.Min.ns n. Y. stock i:ciiasoe.
'Phono 2007. Old 'Phono 7o.a.
'f Strike!
Buy the
"Siuoot," the Typetvritcf
Man, takes pleasure in ex
hibiting its merits from morn
till night. 1st floor Guernsey
Building, Scranton, Pa.
Manufacturers ol'
Old Stock
.j, .j. .j, ,5, ,j, ,j, .j. .$, .t. .. .j. .5. .J, .$. - .J. -J, !
N-SSl, Scranton, Pa.
Old 'Phone, 333i.
New 'Phone, 2P3S. l
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $550,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large ofsmall.
Open Saturday eveniuga
from 7.30 to S.30.
Cor. Siiteentli fct. and Ir ns Place,
American Plan, W 50 Per Paj and Upward!
Kuropean I'Un, l 00 Per Bay and Upward
Eficclal lUtes to I'amlliei.
---f -- -- -- ---- -t
I For Business Men
f. In tlio neurv ve i vruuie-sisi .
Oltiriet, .
For SIioimom
j mlnutep walk to Watiiunakers;
S minutes to Bleed Coopet, Big ,
Btoio. i:nay of access tu the Great T
Dry Goods Stores. -f
For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars. glv. "
trig easy transportation to all
points of Interest.
Cor. 11th ST. ft UNIVEHSITV PI
Only one Block from Broadway T
nOOUlj, Jl I Up. r'rlcei Reaioimble -
p$& MILLING co. tSEI