The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Cpeclil ft- the Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, March 10. Dunn AVutrous,
in Philadelphia, hits been a
few days nt the home of his parents,
IMr. nnd Mrs. Oeoi'Ro II. WatrotiR, In
this pluce. lie returned to Phlladcl
Dhln this inornhifr.
MIhs Mny Courtilght, ot Clniu's
tlreen, la a finest oC relatives in this
F. J. Hardy, of Hush, has moved Into
the house on West Church street,
Jately vacated by 13. L. White, and will
conduct n first-class boardlne house.
It Is rumored thut Admiral Kiunn
feon and family will spend the coming
summer In Montrose, occupying the
Jtcv. A. L. Post residence, nt the head
t Cherry street. The admit ul conies
liore, It Is suld, on tltc advice of his
physicians, who believe that our pure
.fountain nlr and comparative quiet
jnny prove greatly beneficial to the
distinguished nutlent.
timings & Van Cumpen, our new
iNtrnlturo firm, take possession tomor
row nnd throw their doors open to the
public. In addition to.a new and splen
did "l U of line furniture, Messrs.
J Plinru .': Vnn Cainpon will handle n
y"ii haudhoine assortment ot car
' 'iit?s, the prices of which will
itimi'tivo to the nurchnsinc
host of friends wish the new
i .). IJ. Small officiated at Zion
Methodist Episcopal church
nilng before nn appreciative
ki cation. Ulshop Small preached
a now ei l'ul discourse from Exodus
ill. 3, his theme being "The Burning
Hush." Special music was rendered by
the choir, under the direction of Miss
Ktta Brown.
E. D. Gill, superintendent of the
Montrose canning factory, has accept
ed a similar position at Central City,
Mich., and will leave for that place in
a few days.
John H. Mungor is assisting in the
tomposlng room at the Republican of
Jlce during the illness of the foreman,
Dames Morris, jr.
J. 31. Jeffers was at Lynn on business
it few days since.
Undertaker John li. O'Brien is the
Jiewly-appoinled health officer of Mon
ti ose borough.
Montrose Is again in the icy embrace
of winter. The publication ot spring
poems has, theiefoie, been indefinitely
Miss Kittle Sheiidan, who bus been
visiting her sister, Bits, T. F. Kelly, in
litis place, has returned to her home,
In Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Harrold le
tiuned yesterday ftom Friendsville,
xvliere they went to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Harrold's father.
Rev. A. T. Biodrlck is visiting his
In other, Rev. P. F. Brodrlck, at Sus
nuohanna. HONESDALE. to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdalc, March 10. That Fieedum
lodge, of Odd Fellows have an active
membership is shown by the progress
they are making. On Monday evening
eix new members were initiated, one
leinstatetl, and two elected.
An interesting programme lias been
piepared for the local institute, to bo
held in the Honesdale High school
building, Saturday, March 22.
Mrs. George Mackle, aged 27 years,
died suddenly Monday at her home,
Foi tenia. The funeral was held at her
late residence at 2 p. m. on Wednesday.
Deceased Is survived by her husband
tmd four small children.
A large house will greet the Lafay
ette College Glee, Mandolin and Banjo
dub Thursday evening on their llrst
visit to Honesdale.
Workmen are engaged placing fire
escapes on a number of Honesdale
buildings. Among them are the post
office and Independent buildings.
Notwithstanding Wayne county Is
consldeied a banner hay county,
Honesdale dealers are lecelvlng baled
Jiny by carloads from Michigan.
Robert Broadhead, colored, died last
night, after a lingering illness, at his
homo on River street. Deceased was
,for many years in the employ of Con
ti actor R. II. Brown.
Rev. C. L. Percy attended the fiftieth
anniversary of the Calkins Baptist
church this week.
Miss Eleanor Kimble is in Boston,
Mass., studying music and elocution.
The large uudlence In the opera house
last night was more than delighted
with the concert by the Mendelssohus.
Marguerite Smith, the child Imperson
ator, captured the audience with her
Not lone since there was a great ruu
en the fish markets because it was an
nounced that fish was food for the brain.
Of course the fallacy of the fad was soon
exploded. Normally the food we cat
,uounsiies brain,
inerves, muscle,
ibones, etc.,. each
jiart of the body
'salts, lime, ac-
jcordiug to its
rneed. When the
brain begins to
ehow weakness
or the nerves be
come sensitive it
is a sign that
there is a loss of
ithe nutrition
,contained in the
'food eaten, and
this loss is in
general due to
disease of the
stomach, and its
allied organs.
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures
diseases of the stomach and other organs
of digestion and nutrition, It enables
the perfect digestion and assimilation of
food, which is the source of the strength
of botjh brain and body,
I was troubled with very frequeut headaches,"
writes Miss Belle Summertoii, of San Diego,
Duval Co., Texas., "often accompanied by .evere
xomiting: bowels were irregular uud my atom
uch aud liver wented contluuolly out of order.
Often I could eat almost nothing, and sometimes)
ubsolutely nothing, for twenty-four hour at a
time. I was entirely unfit for work, and my
-whole ayitem seemed bo run-down that I feared
u fererc kick spell and wji very much dis
couraged. I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's
l, olden Medical Discovery ana ma so witlt sucb
satisfactory results that before finishing the
third bottle I felt titrfectlv able to undertake
ilutiei attending pub) id school life."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser in paper covers is sent free, on
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing only. Address Dr. K,
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
A m
llrst number. .She was repeatedly culled
to the platform.
The popularity of both Colonel Coe
Durland and Homer Greene Is shown
In their contest at the prlmarlen on
Saturday last. In two election districts
Mr. Diirland's delegate was elected by
n majority ot one; in one district Mr.
Greene's delegate was elected by a
majority ot one. In two districts the
voto was a tie, and nt the convention
Mr. Greene received the nomination by
it. majority of one. Two better men
could not have been named for the
congressional contest,
Special lo the Scranlon Tribune.
Welsh III1I, March 19. The lobln does
not enjoy this cold wave, nor does any
one else.
David Thomas, of Scranton, was call
ing on friends here, Sunday.
Miss Vcrda Morgan has returned to
Can you read
her home, after a. visit with friends in
David Williams disposes ot his per
sonal property today at public hale.
Mr. Williams will join his family, who
aio living at Carbondale.
Mrs. David Jones, who has been vis
iting her people at Peckville, returned
homo last week.
On Friday evening; next, the Ladies'
Aid society will serve warm sugar In
the school building.
W. K. Moses closed a successful term
of school on East Mountain lecently
with an interesting drama.
The many ftiends of Harry F. Rey
nolds will be pleased to learn of his
safe arrival at his home in South Gib
son today from China. His father,
brother Frank and sister Bessie met
him In New York. Mr. Reynolds has
been practicing dentistry in China for
four years.
Miss Lizzie Moses, who is a student
of the Stroudsburg Normal school, is
expected home this week. Her brother,
Will, will return with her. wheie he
also will enroll ns a. student.
The liidriiage of Miss Grace Rlng
dorph and Jabez Llewellyn was solem
nized at the home of the bride's pnr
ents on South Main street, Monday
evening, by Rev. R. M. Pascoe. At
7.30 o'clock tho couple, unattended, en
tered the parlor to the music ot a
wedding march played by Mrs. Pascoe.
After the ceremony supper was served
to a few guests.
The funeral of Peter McMullen took
place yesterday morning from the fam
ily residence on the West Side. A
requiem mass was celebrated in St.
Mary's church by Rev. M. F. Crane.
Interment was made In St. Mary's
cemetery. The pallbearers were: Ed
ward' Gibbons, Patrick Dornn, AVilllum
Gilbnilth, John Reap, Thomas Hanlon,
Ebenczer Frlese.
The funeral of Helen, the 8-year-old
daughter of air. and Mrs. Michael
Gentry took place yesterday afterhoon.
Interment was made in St. Mary's
Mrs. Michael Callahan, of the West
Side, was suddenly seized with paraly
sis on Tuesday evening. Her condi
tion Is quite critical.
Misses Mollle Reap und Kate Tlgue
have returned from Elmhurst,
Rev. W. J. Hart left yesterday for
his home In Jacksonville, 111.
Rev. J. J. McCabe, ot Auburn, was
a visitor In town this week.
L, D, Sanders, of Delta, Colorado,
forwarded as a present to the Avoca
Hose company tho handsome deer's
head which is now on exhibition in
J, II, Anderson's store, Mr. Sanders
was an active member ot the company
previous to his removal west,
T. J, Llewellyn, Richard Richards,
William Gordon and Frank Little ate
the delegates to the miners' convention
at Shutnokln,
m i
The Tajlor borough counclluiet Munda even
ing. Among the business transacted wu the an
nouncement by President II, K. llaul, of his
committees for the coming as follows; Itoid
committee, John It. Johns, John Hodge, .Samuel
llarlos, William Jones, James Morris, David (Irif
fithst hiring committee, John I', Thomas, David
11. Uvans, Jphn Hodge; purchasing committee,
William T, Kmiu, John I'. Thonus, John It.
Johns; auditing committee, (Jomer Joncv, William
Jones, William Price; oidlnance committee, Will
iam Price, baniel liailos, William T, Evaiu,
David (IrltnUrr, giiewnco committee, John
Hodge, David H. 1 Ivans, Comer Joue; piluting
committee, bamucl lUrlos, William Jones, John
J, Thomas' police committee, John Morris, John
It. Johns, John I. Thomas, William T. Dv'aui,
John llodge, Duvld H. Ilvans; pole, wires, etc,
David flillntlu, William Trice, (Joiner Jones;
rue department, Wllllmu Jones, (Ipmer Joints,
Samuel Hsros.
Ml) Su'an Mouls will have her Spring Millin
ery Opening of Fjiio Pattern Hats, I'rldJy and
Saturday, at 12S Wjomlng ave,, Scranton, Pa.
The Young Men's Christian association held an
impottaut business mettlng last evening.
A very pretty wedding ceremony w? sol
enmited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Decker jesterday afternoon, when their accom
plished daughter. Miss Dells, waa united in mar
riage to Frank outer, also of this place. Kev,
J, L. Hue performed the ceremony Ihe billev
1 3 I atolAir tJbbvT BSi
mild vc Mini Cora Matthew and the groom
man was Mr. L'ugeno Reese. A wedding tcpiit
was sen od.
Frederick llepp, one ol Ihe pioneer resident of
Old Forge, passed an ay at Ills home on Mitln
street on Tuesday at the age ot 74 enrs. The
itincrat will be, held at the family resilience Hits
afternoon nt 1 o'clock. Interment will he made
In the forest Hill cemetery, Uunmort.
The leu moiillis child ot Mr. nnd Mrs. lttd
Thomas, of Main strict, died on Tuesday ccnhig;
alter a llngcmg miles'.
The llcv. I)r. Jl, S. floihhall, ot W'nverly, li
will ghe a strrcoptlcoit Icetitrc on "Home and
the Catacomb" In the Methodist Episcopal
church on Friday evening at 7.M o'clock. Pr.
(lod'hall li nn eloquent speaker. A free will
offering will be taken.
Hie Anthracite tllce club will meet till evening
for rehearsal lu room In Llewellyn' lull.
Mrs. Matthews, ot New York, has been the
guest ot Mrs. John llvaiw, of Xotlh Tajlor, dur
ing the past fen'
Lackawanna Valley loiindl, Xo, 81. Junior Or
der t'nlled American Mcclivan!c, will meet this
evening In regular session.
Mis. Janet Ovvriu, tit Main short, ha le turned
home from a few tl.i.vs' lli with telatlvoe In
i:dvnttl.v illr.
It was s.ul urns to the liuny fiiendt aud rela
ting of John T, Nnllln to learn of hi sudden
death ot a. Scmnlonl prhate hospital, after n
week's Illness of pneumonia. The deceased wa
once n prominent young man of this place and
has a large number of friends to mourn hi loss.
The funeral will take place worn his late home on
Hickory street, Scranton, this afternoon nt 2.:i0,
father Loftus, ot Green llldge, preached an
this provetb?
eloquent seimou at the sen ices held in br. James'
chinch last evening.
The bottom vein of the Stcnlck Cierk which
has iccently been drowned out is expected to be
ready for opeiation this morning.
Mr. ColIiu, j joung ln.iu who i-i cmijlovod as
a driver on IheTJtciriik Creek culm bank, be
came ill jeiterday afternoon from the unell ot
sulphur from the training bank. He seemed tem
porarily insane and it look thiee men to icmove
him fiom tho bink. lie leeched medical treat
ment immediately and H now iciting nieelj.
l'atlier Cnrrau, of Wilkcs-Haiie, will pleach a
tciupeialicc sermon at fct. James' chuich Sunday
ACADUMV Ol' MUSIC-'Chester Do V-vnde com
pany. Afternoon and night.
STAlt "Tlie Tuedo Club nuilefquers." Aftr
noon and night.
The Counterfeiter's Daughter.
At Ihe AcJdmy of Music last night the Ches
ter Do Vonde company presented "The Coimtci
feitcr's Daughter," a five-ait iluini of gieil in
leiest. Thii atteinoon "'the Heio" will be seen
and tonight "Ilond of Honoi."
Delia Fox.
'Hie comedy company which thai Miie-fun
comedienne, Delia 1'o.v, will bilug here tomonow
night for one performance of the scason'i hlc
laughing micccs, "The Ijittle Mam'gelle," in
cludes such well known lauglmuUeia as II. ,.
Walton, AV, J. Monlgomeiy, . fcterllng, J. Cai.v,
George Kiumett, A. It. Carter, Gussie Halt, I.ea
Diookfleld, Mildred foreman, Olga l.ast and
IJle.moil Waldo. Tho sale of seats opened this
morning at 0 o'clock.
"Up York State."
"I'll York State," a new rutlo drama which
has just closed a most biiccersful run at the
fourteenth Street theater in New York, will he,
seen as a return engagement, at the I.jceum the
ater ou .Saturday, March 21. The new play, ai
cording to that famous critic ot the New York
Journal, Alan Dale, is the best tecu in Xevv Yoilc
in a long time. II tells an interesting and realis
tic btory of life in a wmll Ullage In I ho Adlion
dacks. Ihe authois, David lligglus and Miss
(Jeorgia WaiUion, arc the stars of the company,
They will be assisted by tho original .New York
cast. The play is given with unusually handsome
ecenery und accessories. "'p York Male" is said
to be the hit of the present teason in Xevv York,
pla.v Ing for over 100 nights there.
"The Fast Mail."
In speaking of "The Past Mall," the Detroit
Tree Press of August 0 saj.; "The that lull
work of the new scu.on ut Whitney's opeia housu
was begun vvitli a matinee jcsteiday, when tlu-ic
was a Miifcssfiil anil lueinoiablo icvlral of 'The
fast Mill," This vva3 one of tho fto( popular
hits that Lincoln J, Caitcr airbed at as an ui
tilicer in the- Held of tho mechanical drama i rid
from season tn season It has ieldcd that inde
fatigable worker and enterprising manager a
largo measure of pioperlly. Pleasing specialties
arc interpolated by wa of embroidering the pel
iormanco pioper,"
'The fast Mail" conies lo the Academy 'of
Music for three nights with in.Jtiuei-4 Tuesday and
Wednesday commencing with lnatlmes Tuesday
and Wednesday commencing Monday evening next.
(luce (icoigc is the poxessor of one of Ihe
finest dramatic! libraries in America,
Clara. Morris Is lepoited to be wilting a novel
tu ho called "A Paitcboard Crown,"
i;ila Wheeler ilco, tho poetess has appeared
as a, stage writer in "Her first Divorce Case,"
Sew Yoik has three Hebrew theatres In suc
cessful operallqn, aud now llrookljn is to have
ChailM frohinsii auuts thai there are not
enough stars, and that theic are loo many thea
ters. (Icorge Monroe, the fat comedian, will appear
next season with a new play, "'llio Doings of
Mil. Dooley."
James K. Sullivan is to linilals houls Mann for
the benefit of the Iondoners In "All on Account
of Kllia."
Amelia Bingham will not piuduce "Hearts
Aflame," She requested the author to build up
the character assigned to frank Worthliijton,
aud upon lefueil chopped the piece entirely.
Wireless (tlegi iphy lias readied another stage.
11 has been intredu(ed among the dramatic
"eftects" nf a new plai,
l(day night at the Academy of Music crery
lady holding reserved seat coupon will reaenc
u set ol hindeoma pen etchings sketched by Ches
ter Pe Vonde, tho talented and pleasing joung
lonisntlo actor wlio doses a successful two weeks'
engagement tsiturdaj night at this popular house.
"Keep to the Right"
With oyes opon, You'll know
all nbouHt on .
Wall Street Review.
New York, March IP. U Is not often that the
slock market witnesses such u series of spectacu
lar ami sensational moveinent.1 aa it was ti ealed
to today and In rather a dull market at that.
In fact ihe dullness in tho general llt was ex
treme and prices of tho Important railroads stocks
moved only vvitli tho utmost reluctance. The
tivual favorites amongst tho Imliisti I its had it
linger shale in the tiading, both Amalgamated
Copper and Sugar occupying fulily prominent
place. Hut It was amongst the stocks which are
traded In only ut intervals of weeks As ii rule
that the speculation was fleice and t lie price
movement violent. Theic was nothing in the way
of ncvvji to explain why bujlng orders for l,Gni)
shares of Coloutdo fuel should make a wide
opening in that stock all I lie way lrom par to
107. compared with OS hul night. Neither the
high point of this range nor the low point was
touched again during the diy, hut the dealings
continued very heavy and the, lluctuitloas fevei
Mi. Activity was revived in New Yolk All
tliukc with a Jump of 10)i in price and a suluo
quent relapse of fully bill tint. North Americin
.suffered from realising utter the opening advance
but foigrd tipvvauls again to O'i above last night
and fluctuated wildly. The ilsc of 31,!. lu Ceneral
Electric and II In VetliiEliouse were clue to runiois
oi consolidation hut both of these reacted slurp
ly. American Ice iclmundeil 2?s from Us recent
violent decline. In the lullroad list Chicago, In
cllanapolls and Louisville was lushed up l',& on
distinctly foimulated minors dial it was to be
placed on a 4 per cent, dividend basis. Titp in
the day St. Louis nnd San Pram isco sprang Into
activity .md sticngth with an advance of nearly
1 per cent., due lo published repoits that the
company conlimplated nil extension to the P.i
rjllo coast. Theic was some lute strength also
in Atchison which was pnctlcally tho only tail
10 id stock in the list of llrst iiurjoituncc which
moved as much as a point. There was comidci
nhlc demand, however, for haltlmorc and Ohio.
The rise of "'.k in Sugar was due to the agree
ment leached ut Washington upon the question of
the Cuban sugar turiil. and also to the certificate
of condition Hied with tl Massachusetts secre
tary showing large ir...easc in resources Mean
time there were wide declines in stocks which
liavc enjoyed recent periods of strength, the
lo-scs lieing caused by the inaiketing of onlv a
few shares. Amongst these weie losses ot 4 points
each in Chicago and Northwestern picferrcd und
Glucose prefcired tinst receipts, :! in Kvniibvillc
and Teiru Haute and a point or more in cari
ous otjierw. Wells fargo clipped U on one tian
action and rallied 2i on .mother. Ihc-e violent
movements ciu-ed so muih confusion und dis
trust amongst t-pcciilators generally that Ihe tiad
ing became neglected. The confciciuc of coal
Illinois at Shamoklti was also .i'i unsettling in
fluence, TotHl palej today, uOG.200 shaies. The
bond market wa lather dull and iiregulu. Total
sales, par c.ilue, J,U10,0nO. United States bonds
wciclill good on the list call.
The following quotations .are furnished The
Tribune by llaight A: ficcse Co., 314-313 Mean
Building. W. D. Ittiuyoli, manager.
Open. High. Low. Close.
American Sugar 121) luolt l'o'A J0
Am. Locomotive .'IITs 31 -llii, 31?i
Am. Locomotive, Pi ... M't, Uj )iyn w"j
Am. Car fouiiiliy .'Hit SITs .M'.n D,4
Am. .Smelt. & Itef. Co.. 16',s A -Ih'i lii
Amal. Copper oils Wit W'Si 0U&
Anacondi Copper S0V4 30i .Ml't :!l"8
Atchison 711 T7;g ru 77.74
Atchison 07',i !)7M! Ci'vi 'I7'.'j
Unit. & Ohio lOUVi 107 100 107
Brook. It. T. 071 li7Js 'iU lS'Ts
Clics. & Ohio .lfli& 41,14 aS'i 1,V!i
Col. A. Southern ., :!7VS 'S!','. 27 27J
Col. k. Souther 11 12'A l'. I2is !',
Col. fuel .V- linn 10J 107 list 10J "
Chic, k O. W 21 2ti 21 24U
Chic, Mil. & Si, 1' lot"; 105 101 10114
Chic, It. J. fr P 171 171'i 171 171V.
Chicago .t Alton 3i :: :',; :!,
Del. & Hud 172U 172',s 172',i VV
Llio 37!fc 37i 37 3714
lhie, 1st Pi- dSTi i'.i os?, 1W1
Lrie, 2nd Pr y fij'i Sj 5"il,i
Illinois Cintiil 110 110 l.l'l'j 1 iOTa
Louis, k Nash 101 i)l"i 101 10
Manhattan UiV 114 1351,2 UIV1
Metropolitan lfisVl-i 10) 2h3 Huj'-
Mexican Cel1t1.1I :.0i 30!i 2lij i'l's,
.Missouri Pacillc- 101 101'i 1003 101
N. Y. lb-lji 1I.3TA 102-1; U,lii
Out. & West SJI'.i, 3,tV4 33 33
Xoifollr k Western fl7 67 5fii Soli
racilio Mail 4551 til 4', 'i
Penna. R. H 13H4 iiiij ir.l jl?8
People'i, Cas 101U 102U 101'i 102's
Heading ."iii'.i !W .ril ."i
Heading, 1st Pr SI'i Rl4 0 SO'.i
Heading, 2d Pr fc.S"A dSi (,7Ta (JS
ltepublio Steel IS IS'. 18 1SU
HepublicSteeLIV Tlvs 71"R 71 7li
Southern Pacific 0.V4 Oi's 6 04Ts
.Southern n, R 32-1 3Jis 3'i 2u
Southern H. R., Pr !)7 ft7 rit.i l)o?
Tenn. Cml ,t lion 70 71',', il's 70i
Tcas Pacific 40',i 40'4 I0'i 4031
Union Pacific 10 !)1'A Mlk 0')a
V. S. Leather 11 11 lH 11
U. S. Leather, Pr ...... SIVs STft SI SI
V. S. Rubber lift 1j 1.1 15?c
U. S. nubbci, Pr ." .",7 flilVs
V. S. Steel 42 42. I2i 42'
V. S. Steel, Pr !', 'W, ; !:,
Wabash 24 2t aii 237t
Wabash, Pr 41'i 4J II 4m
Western Union Ol'i l',i 0l',i 91i
Total sales of stocks, 301,000 siu1P,-.
WHUAT Open. Hieh, Low. Close.
May 74-ft 7fi4 7.1 74',i
Jtilv 7.'i 70 'H 7l7s
Mav (HTs 01 o 01
July dirt 01?4 10 i0
Mav 41 41 4!'i 43sK
July 3ys 30 3.', 3?i
Mav l"i.37 1.1.47 1.1.32 11.42
July 13-W 13 02 11.30 11.02
May 0.37 0.12 0 31 0.10
Jills- 9.17 0.51 0.17 0-12
July S.32 S.57 S.32 S.,',7
May. S.40 S.17 S.40 8.43
Open. High. Low, Cln'-e
March 0.00 l'.on s.Ws S.m
Mav ...., 8 S'J S.o'i S.S0 8.S(i
Julv S.0I S.112 S.SS 8 8S
August 8.00 fe.70 6.07 H.fci
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. nil). Asked.
Ltckawanna Dairy Co., Pr. cq '
County Savings Hank k Trust Co., 300
Pint National Hank (Carbondale) joo
Third National Dank S30 ,,,
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank.. 300 ...
I.'conomy Light. H. & P. Co ,g
first National Dank 1300
Lacka. Trust k Safe Deposit Co,.,. 195
Clark & Snover Co., Pr, J5
Scranton Savings Danlc 500 ...
Traders' National Hank 225 ,,,
Scranton Holt k Nut Co 135
People's Danu ,.,,,,,,,., 13s ,,,
Scranton Packing Co 33
6cranton Passenger Hallway, first
Mortgage, due 1020 , U5
People's Street Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1813 US ...
People's Street Railway, General
mortgage, due 1921 111 ,,,
Bcranton Traction CI per cent lis ...
Economy Llgnt, Heat k Power Co 07
North Jersey: P010110 Ice Co ..,,, ,,. 117
Consolidated Water Supply Co 0o
Scranton Wholesale Market,
(Collected by II, C, Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave,)
I lour $1 W. '
Ilutter fiesli creamery, 2c; June cieamery,
25c. j dairy, 22c,
Cheese lSH-aUe.
fggs Nearby, JOc,; western, Ibc.
Peak Per bushel, Sl.73.
Potatoes Per bushel, Sic.
Onions Per bushel, $l-W.
New York Qrniu and Produce Wrket
New Yoik, MJrch 19. flour Inactive und Hi
JOc. lower to hell. Wheat Spot caslni No. S
red, Sele-. elevator: No. 2 led, Me, f. o. b. ulloati
No. 1 northern Duluth, 624ac. f, o. b. alloati op
tions tended downward all day aud the closo was
weak ut : net decline; Match closed 7044c,;
May, 80c.; July, 60c, (September, 7uc. Corn
Siiot ray; No. 2, Unc, elevuloi ami (lijic f.
o. b. alioal; options became weak and heavy and
closed lKv. net lowei; May ilosed eXiHc-.; July,
U3Hc.; be-pUiuber, 0t?ie, Oats Spot casiei; No.
2. 40aMtc.; No. 3, 40c-.; No. 2 white, OSWaJJc.j
No. 3 white, 52c: track mixed vvcsteni, SUS2c;
truck while, Maisc.; options opened steady but
later declined with other grains, ilutter firm;
creamery, tSjaSDUc.; do, faotor)-, 1m21c. j cream
ery) held, 20a23',se.; renovated, jeail'jc; imlta-
YyT7f!t&Vaii remody tbat cures u colel )n one day.
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Tlin Four Lines, 3 Cent for Each Gxtra Llna
For Ilcnt.
foil Itl'A'T nne.liatf douhln home with ull mod
em improvements, on street car line. Innulic
713 N'. Main avenue,
l'Oll MUST One-half iloublc home nt PalO Pine
street, ?18 per month. Apply 030 llarrlvin
l'Oll HUNT Six roonn, second Horn.
Olive street.
Apply CI"
fOIt lli:XT Slvroom Hat Willi tilth, steam hcaf,
gas range nnd all nindcrn linprovenients from
April 1st; rent reasomble. Call curl, frcd C.
Hand, H Mulberry sheet.
1IAIIX I'OH HUNT lr-12, Apill 1st, tin Co box and
Ihieo single stalls and wash lack, icar of
324 Madison nvenue. Iniptlio at Oil Mndlon ao.
HAILS' l'Oll HUNT April 1st, three box and
three single stall? und wash lack. Inquire ut
031 Madlfon avenue, lear of 324 Madi'on aveniic.
l'Oll HUNT A beautifully finished home of
tvvelve rooms, all modern lonvenlence, in
Xorth Park; flue location. Apply 102S hloclrlc
avenue, Xortli Park.
FOR HL'.ST Store building foi lent In Dickson
City. Pa. llulldlng SO feet bv 21 feet, cellar
under nil, and second story can be arranged for
a fanillv. All in good repair ready for use. two
coal hieakers and mines close by employing uvcr
a thousand people. An cnlcipilslng rntrchint
can get a laigc tindc Apply to Wllllini H.
Richmond, Richmond Hill, .1421 X. Main avenue,
Scranton, Pa.
FOR HKXT '12.1 (lieen Hldge street, eight-room
modern hou-'e, steam heat.
FOR HLXT Stoic room on second floor over 319
Lackawanna uvenuc. Plate glass fiont. In
quire of Krotosky Ilro.
Furnlshod Booms.
DKSIHAHI.L furnished and unfurnished rooms for
rent. 022 Washington .Hemic
ROOM FOll HKXT All conveniences. Pilcc lea
soluble. Inqulic lull C.ipou'-e avenue.
I'OH RENT One fuinUicd loom, with improve
ments; also one on Ihhd tlocr, cheap. 027
Adams avenue.
FURNISHED ROOMS foi rent, modem improve
ments; private familj ; gentlemen piete.-red,
at 037 Adams avenue.
TOR RENT Furnished Iront room, vvitli heat,
bath and ga; near comt house; gentleman
preferred. Atldreis Room, Ilox 203.
TOR RENT furnished loom; heat and bath.
625 Xlnden street.
and bath, gentlemen pretence), at 539 Adams
For Sale.
I'OR SALE First clasi nieiclianl lulloiing es
tablishment out ol city. Inquiic Lluenthal k
Kaplan, 213 Wvomlng avenue.
HORSE FOR SALE cheap, one road marc, sound,
gentle and good tiavcler; alo saddle. Com
pelled to cell foi want of me. Inquire 30". Welt
Maikel slicet, rltv.
l'Oll SALE Jusl ai lived vvitli foit horse, good
vvoikcis and driven; weight Htm to 1300; can
be seen at ti34 Raymond court. V. M. Cobb.
CARPETS, llnolcunn ani ull cloths sold cvciy
day 3 o,'clock. 303 Lackawanna, See auctions.
I'OH SALE fine kindling wood, stove length.
Two dollais big load deliveicd nn.vw'ieie.
Mail orders. Jennings, Ccutial Mines cut. Also
second hand lumber suitable foi all purpose;,
very cheap.
For Sale or Rent.
FOR SALE OR RENT farm of ninety acies good
soil, well walciecl, good buildings, good liult,
six miles from Scranton, one und one-half mllei
f l om Claik's Summit. Lying on the smith side
and joining Summit Lake a fine place for sum
mer home. I'rico leasoiublc. Inqune of M. H.
Coons, Clark's Oiccn,
tion cieamery, lf.i21!6i'.; -state .d.ih.v, 22.i2Sc.
C heese Firm ; stale full cieam, small culy make,
fancy coloicd, 13c ; do, white. l.!c; full cie-ain,
l.uge fall make, fuiicy eoloied, 12c, do. while,
12c. l'ggs film; slate and Pennlvam.i. Ilic;
w eater n, l(,?ic. ; southern, IGalo'fci,
Chicago Grain and Produce aVIarket.
Chiciigu, Muicli ll. Wcathei conditions and
piedictions fevored beais in the giaui ,its today
and in spite of luuneioiH ciop damage icpuit-r
wheat led in ic general bicak. At Ihe dose o(
tho session May wheat had lost "jc; May corn, a
I'iC. ; and May oiW, -Tic Provisions weir con
ttarto grain and closed tic. higher ull .uoiiiid.
Cash quotations were us follows: Flour-W cak ;
Xo. 3 spring wheat, 7Ha74o.: x0- L, lit fyi.
S2';C.; Xo. oats. 4t'4a4iyjc; Xo. ; white. 47u
47',fcc; Xo. 3 while, 41l,fcilit-.; fair lo dioice
malting, (j2uBjc; Xo. 1 tl.ix bted, i1.08: .No. 1
uoithwosteiu, 'jl.72: prime timothy seed, VI ."0;
mess pork. -lB.30ilj.3j; laid, 'rO.'M; short libs,
sides', lj5 :)5aS.,VJ; diy salted shouldeis, 7'si7'ic;
slioit cleat slde-i, S U0.iS.T0; whiskey, sl.y).
Chicago live Stock Market.
Chicago, March 10. Cattle Rec-elpts, 20,000;
steady, 10c. lower; top prime stecis, MI.75aSC5;
ioor'to inedliini, !al!.2j; stockc-rs and feeders,
S2..l0a3.2i; cows, $1.23; Ten fed otccis, l,7oa
(l.r,o Hogs Receipts tod-y. 30,000; tomonow,
11,000; left over, .1,0011; steady to stiong; iiiKed
and hutclieis, V'-lOul.S?1.-; good lo ehoicu heavy,
SU.40aO.(a); lough heavy, Jll.10.i0.31i light, M 01a
11,03; bulk of sales, (113.10.40. Sluep Receipts.
11,000; sheep and lambs, strong and higher; good
to chohe heifers, ftl.21it.50; western sheep, $1,73
at); native Iambi, 'f4,,iu.7j; western Iambs, ! 21a
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
fast Ilullalo, Maicli 10-('attle-ltecelpts, light;
flini; cals, scaice nnd higher; toys, 7.50ab;
light to good, iKi.JOa7.2-l. Hogs Ret e-lpts-. 2.000;
opened slow, but nearly all sold, 3 al'V, decline;
heavy, Jfl.OOaO.TO; mixed, lf0.5jaU.(fl; pigs', $0,10 1
(1.15: toiiglii, s?l,7JiO; stags, $lal00. Sheep and
Lambs Receipts, 12.400; falily nctivo ar.d a shade
higher for ull giades; slucp, top mixed, ifl.Vi.i
3,00; culls to good, $4i.l.40j withets, 1.7"nU;
j catlings, ifO.iO.2J; top lambs, tO,70ali.7.1; culls
to good, ttJaO.B.1,
Oil Market.
Oil Clt, Pa March 10. Credit bilauce.-.. Ill;
ccrtillcutes, no bid; shlpiiietils. 77,740 liauels;
uvcrage, 7tS,3eJ b.iirels; runs, 60,00(1 bauds; av
ciage, 74,OJS luriels.
Paying tho Doctor.
In conveisutioii Ihe other day about the pecu
liar views that commercial men sometimes en
tertain about piofrssional pcrvlccs Dr. S, Wclr
Mil hell told the following storyi
" veiy wealthy man fro.n Ihe West came to
consult me ubout uu utlaik ot vertigo. Ho Mid
that ho bad just returned foim a tilp lo Euiopi-,
where he had consulted eminent specialists, but
the had filled lo unord him my permanent relief,
'A pie) tie Ian III London,' he said, 'asked ran vvhj
I did nol make an attempt to bo cuicd uoaier
honic. I thought! on my wuy out West, I would
stop over to tee joii.'
"'lias any physician von have visited looked
into jour cars!' I Jfked,
" '.Vo, was his reply.
I nude an examination of his ears, removed
soiiio wax und u substance that appealed to be
baldened remnants of cotton wool, I scut Win
away then, and told him to come again in a day
or two. He did so.
'Well,1 he- eululined, 'I am turcd. How
inucli do I owe oui"
" 'About SJO,' I reiilied.
"As he elievv a check he atked: 'Hid .von
know- when joii llrst examined my cars Hut joii
could cure wel'
"When I fold him that I had a very lair con
viction that 1 could he taldl 'Well, ou atu u
blanked tool. You should hive said to'ni": "l
think l tan ime .vou, and I will do so foi U,lcX,
Xo cuic, no pay," You would have got jour
inoiie without 4 1I1UIIUUI,'
" 'Oh," I wid, 'If 0U feel tlul wav ubont it
theic ae tevcial little c luiitic in which 1 am
interesled, and-'
" 'Xo, no,' he Inter lupin), 'that ii not busi
ness. I have my ouie? and iou have Hie" price
jou atked. Tlie transaction is closed.' "Phila
delphia Times.
ThUelgnaturoU ou every box ot tho genuine
Laxative BroinoOuinineTabiets
Want Advertisiments Will 3Jo
Kecelvecl, nt Any of tho I?ollow
Ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. itf.
Central City
ALDERT SCHIILTZ. corner Mulberry
street snd Webslcr avenue.
OtlSl'AV P1CIIEL, CM Adams avenue.
West Side
OEonai: w. jenijiss, 101 south Mio
South Scranton
FREU L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. V. DAVIS, coiner Xoith Main
avenue and Market street.
Groon Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dickson
F. J. 'JOHNS, 020 Green Hldge street.
C. LOnEXZ. corner Washington ave
nue and Marion street.
V. II. KNEPFEL. 1017 Irving avenue.
J. 0. BONE k SOX.
Help Wanted Male.
WANT ED Expel fenced clothing hilrsmiu. p
ply Hlcluids k Wlilh, .V2u 1iokiiwaiin.i ac
1VAXTED Two ep"iiinccd 'tcnogiaplieis; up
ply lo lutcinitlunal t-xlt i'o Connell lmlld
ing, Ki.uiton, Pa.
1VAXTED Hy one of the laigest and best old
line Iii-iiiancL' riuupanlo, illslilct iccnt foi
Cuihouiljlr und lloiicsd lie. ilxceptioiiilly Iivoi
able conliacH. Addiess iip(ilnteinlcnt of
Agencies Ilor 2s0.
WAX'iEll A good slcnogi.iphi'i at iiiaiiufii'
tnring plant, .voung man piefcneil: must he
cH-lemed, lipid upemtot and guml peniiim.
Addicsi upplicutinn, giving leleiencc-, 1" Lui U
Ilnx Cli-'l. .viau'.on.
WANTED Salesman for Carpet De
partment; young man to sell
Wall Paper and Shades, also Sign
Writer. Apply, Jonas Long's Sons.
Help Wanted Pemale.
WAXTL'D-niil foi genual
,113 Mudisou avenue.
hou-ework. Applv
AXTED PiottMtint l.ulv slinogi rphei .mil i.vp -wiitei;
steady position; icliuhle I'lm. (Jive
age, experience, lefeicnce-i and sal ir.v expeclid.
Aililie-s !s. 'J'., Trlliune- ofhee.
HDY CANVASSER wanted to solicit sub up
tions foi The lubiiiie; good conniiinsion of
feicd with a fair gua tauter- foi fli-.t-cl.iss vvoikir.
Apply peiroiullt at Business .Managci's office,
bcianton Tribune.
Boarders Wanted.
PRIVATE I'AJIILI wishes to have two Hire men
to board, Geinun or English. Call any hmo
tftcv Thurtdaj. All conveniences, s-07 ll.iiiuon
Wanted Hooms and Board.
WANTED I've iiii.mumi itlng louiiis vvitli bond,
pilvute family pielciied. Two laillc- ind -i
Rcntlciuan. State lull paitiLUl.ii-. i Aili'tcsj C
11. D Tribune office.
WANTED Iloi-e I'own, new or second hand
Please Mate condition ot inie, ca-li pi he und
vvlu'io it cm be sien. lenlngs, (Viitial Mine.-.,
rMiantnu. Pa.
WAXTED-Ch.iir tu lepaii nnd lectin-: nnd pos
till lo .lames Pat ne nf 'phone John ll.ivvkc,
12IS PiOMdeiice load. Old 'phone 111.1, Ciiceu
Wanted To Bent.
WAXTED I'uiiiUlicd loom or looms with or
without bo.ud; pilvato famll.v puun-i.
Young man led couple, ddie-s .. Y. '.., Iilb
une. COTTAUi; wanted to lent for the summer cca
sou; plalnlv fiuulshed with good water, neai
station. Claik'n iSiunniit, Uleiibiun or lallou
nothing funcy ill fuinkhliig oi prlec. Addirss
Cottage, Tttbunc ofttce.
W'AMT.D ROOMS l'oi two adults, tlnec or four
looms Imnhhcd oi unfuinislii-d for vei.v
light housekeeping, IlKl tlooi piefcneil. Addles
M. U., Tribune oftlce.
W'AX'TED ruini-hed hou-e or four oi live moms
for hou-ekecping. Addiess A. C. L., Tribune
20,000 YAltlls HPI"TS, oil clothi and mattings,
one ton Libit bilvcivvnic, 0115 c.11 load linen
sheets, I ihle cloths, napkins, pillovf- c.i-cs, tn.vcls
B.000 pairs fancy late cuiliiins. Many nllier thinrs
too niiinrrous lo mention. At unction. 120 W'adi
ington avenue, opposite Connell building. Kilos
10 a. 111., 2 und 7 p. in.
CL'MMIMTS 11110., Auitioneers.
Ecal Estate.
I'OR SALE At low- i.ilc and ou iiiv lernis, fine
corner property, upper t.ipett Hldge; liou-e
Just put into cry losy and atltadlvi' shape,
lot one of the Illicit in Ihe xalle.c 0. E. Dean,
010 Spitteo stieet.
l'Oll KALE One home and lot, uiodeiii Ini
pnivemi nt, und two impioved vacant lots,
Xo. 012 Xoith lllakoly streil, Dunmoie, Pa.
Adilre-w Mueit Jenkins, fsouth Cariauu, W'lijuu
Count), Pa.
I'OR SM.E Pii'iilshed cottage al Lake llenrv,
Maplevviod, Pa , four beds, springs uud nut-tiesM-s,
two stoves, ull Mtdicn iiunsiH; price
II3I). IVr tiattltiilars .nlditss II. W'. 0land, 60
W'esl.c'1'velt .ivcnue, PI rliiflclil, X. 1.
FOR SALE At Clark's btnninit; a place of live
acres, house and barn, good ftuit; thtap fur
cash. Inqulic of Mis. L. LlnJsay, UU Xorlli
Main avenue, city.
Business Opportunity,
b'lOCK AXU WHEAT TIIADEHS without delay.
Write for our special market letter. 1'ico on
application. S. M. Hllibard i. Co., members X.
Y, CLnsolldated and fctock bidiange, 41 uud Hi
llroadvvay, New York. ItablUhid 111. Long
Distance' Phone 2-ISS Proad.
Money to Loan.
straight loans or Uulldlug and Loan. At
froui 4 lo 0 per tent. Call on X, V, Walker,
811-313 Connell building,
LOST On iiuuday latt, gold flame spectacles,
mulct icwarded lo leluiii lo 410 Wyoming
avenue. W, II. Moru.
IOsT A pcurl icto.nry on Jifltrson uveiiuu or
Linden street bclvvetu Plait Place ami -Si.
Peter's lutlicdial. I'lnc'ev pleafu icituii lu V
Plait Place.
LOST Monday evening, Peb. 17, between
ruing nvenue and U'a.-l.luui meet, an oval
brooch containing gentleman's picture, rinder
plruie return to or notify Mis Paitom, 417 Thii
(ce'iitli street,
FOl'XD-Ou Wi'iluesday on $00 block, Pino stieet,
bank bill. Loecr will call -- Alcxaudcr I'
Hunt, Ul Laduwauiu uvcuuv.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
MonThat Hour i.lnes, i Cents lor Hnclillxtra Lint,
SltuatlotiB Wanted.
B1TI ATTOS W ANTED-lly exiert accountant and
correspondent seeks engagement; icady for
work on or before April 1; competent lu take
charge of the lionlis, letters and annouiiLcnicnli
of 11 huge establishment; liiiilerstmnU coit nt
1 minting, csnl und loose leaf nvstnns and other
short t uts. Modern, care Tribune olflcc.
POSITION' N1ED At once by n joung wo.
milt familiar with bookkeeping nnd court
lcccmU; nl-o deciN, bonds mortgages uud
lensei; 11 good rop,vlt. llov II, Siiantoii.
HUTJATIOX WANTED -lly respectable eoloied
man cs poller, pilvute coacliinuu or driving
for doctor or offlie vvOik." Athltcss 11. A .110
Penti avenue.
SITI'ATIOV W'NTED-lly inlddte iged woman
as liniisekcepei in vvMovvei's famll.v. Call or
nilihes M J., 1I7 South llebecca avenue, city.
WANTED A thoroughly practical nnd experienced
business man desires emplovmcnt; f.unlllir
vvitli ofllce work nnd n good salcsmuu, and mi
ce rlisi inriit writer"; best lefcicnce. Ailclrcti A.
W Johnson, Ocueial Dellvciy, Scranton. '
A 0UN'(1 person would Ilka barbrr's washing to
take home. Addiess WW Month Ninth street.
MTl'ATlOV WANTED by n oung mn, I(! oan
old; would like In work In a store or learn
n trade. .1. 11. , 101 River street, Hcranton.
ill CATION' WANTED Position -is cashier or
hoi kkctper, by voiui'i lady Willi experience,
licit icfeiinces; sal try moderate. Address, 1311
.liickfOti street.
Dr, dean 11 nil modem up. to
il He floragt", sepaiale rooms:
tinjlinun kevs; elevator. An
ideal slorign for household elicits, etc. Thirty
sep irate stoiage room. Scranton Htorago com
pinj, 11.1 I'rnnklln avenue.
HillX'MATlb.M All tnrtlea Hut wish can he
spcedllv uud peimaiuully cured nf all va
rieties nf Rlipumitiuu by a xegeltblc eompound.
Ctues guiianlccd, Inqulic or address J. L". Tay
lor, r-cianlou.
Tllllll) LEUISLVUVi: DISTRICT To the meni
heis of the Republican Standing Committee
of the Tlilul Legislative distrlit:
Notice is herein given that ,1 meeting of the
Republican Standing Committee of the Third
I.i'gl-lativc di-ltliL of Lackawanna county will
ho held at the, Limit Hon-, tstrantou, Pa., on
Sutiudij. Maiih 22, PjOJ, .it 2 o'dock p. in.
full attend into f the ruininltlec i-s carnestl
iciucs(ed. Hj oulci of Ihe chairman,
Attest: ,7. V. W VTK1XS. Srcietary.
Sciunton, Pa., Jlaich 10, l'TO.
M:LED PHOI'IHALS will be received by the
boiough c lei U of tin- borough of lllakclv
until (I p. m., Monday, March 21, 1002, tor re
buils'liig lint puilioii of the mnuntaiu road in
"aid boiough fiom the Outaiio bieakei to j point
11e.11 the Outaiio tiiunell. Spccltlc.itioiis: Road
10 be nude II feet wide, rounded up to ;t feet
in (rntcr, ditches on both sides 18 inclicjv deip
.mil not less Hi in ,! rioss ilitdies All work lo
be dune wiih fii-t ilns niateilal and completed
within two weeks fiom the date of letting 0011
tt.icl.' The boiough (ouncil lesccves the right
lo icjeit .iiiv or all bid
JUIEs XKTIor.S, President.
Attest: filO, II. HI. El), ilerk.
Peckville, Pa.
Certified Public Accountant.
Dulldlng, and St. Pavil Iliillding, New York.
E-tate Exchange Illdg . 120 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Scranton.
uud Couiellois-iit-Lun. 00 1 to 012 (tonncP
Rooms 12, H, 18 and 8 Burr Building.
tlated on real cotale security. Mcars Building,
corner Washington avenue and Spruco street. .
scllors at-law. Commonwealth Building, Roomi
19, 20 and 21.
MJ-tOI, Oth Ooor, Meats building.
of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Hank Dulldlng
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ington avenue. Residence. U18 Mulberry.
Chronlo dlseajc?, lungs, heart, kidneys and
genito-urinary orgaus a tpccialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Ington avenue. Oliionlc and nervous diseases
a specialty, (loiiMiHalion fiee. 1 Z?
Instruction Musical.
lolec f'ultuic, Harmony, Counterpoint jt)id
Ciininokliion. C'oiupo-dllous corrected und -re-ltcl
for publication. MJ New- Yotk slieet. ,
Hotels and Restaurants. a.-
Till,' EIK Cxl'E, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AYE'
nue. Kates reasonable,
P. ZIEGLKR. Proprietor;,
tenser depot. Conducted on the Europesn
plan. ViOTOrt KOCH, Proprlctotv-
, cess pools; no sdor; only improved pumps mud.
A. II. Briggs, proprietor. Leave oiders 1(00
North Mslu avenue, or Eicke'a diug store, cor'
per Adams and Mulberry, noth telephones."
irjinen, store 201 Washington a venue; grctl
houses, 10'U North Main uvenuc; store tele
phone, 762. &
Wire Screens,
bcianton. Pa., manufacture! of Wire Screens,
also ladles vvuUts. Louise HiounaUer, 21;
Adams avenue.
vclones, paper Ivag. tv Irie. Warehouse, Hi
Wasbltigtcn avlnuli. JScrsucon.iI'j,
in bcrauton ut the news standi of RcUmati
Bros., 40(1 t'prucc and WJJ Linden; M. Kottou,
l21 Lackawanna avenue; I. S Rebut", 211
Spruce ctrtet.