rir THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902. V, joooockxxxxxx; THE MODEtlH IlAMJTTAnB STOIK. Old English Floor Wax Is a pel feet finish for nil hardwood fioois. A light ttnnspnront wax which polishes easily docs not ilnko in cold nor becomo sticky In warm rooms does not show bci (itches nor heel mnika. Ono pound will cover a floor 15x20 feet. Price 00c per pound. Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. "Washlneton Ave 6 :xxxxxxoooooi THE i Scranton Investor Comcgys & Co. Editor Xo. 1. TOO Comicll IliilldliiK. til. 1. The United Matci T.iimlicr Co ttock i t iMng i rctf. K jou wnl In sell In trinatlonil Tptt Hook f'o stock tee Comegja K Co. Conic-jus i Co offer r, sin of the Dime lhnk i-lock (or Mir. Ml A A L'nclrrwonil la putting new life into llio Ihiul Comlcnaod Milk Co CamrtoH Co nITrr (oi -.lie 10O Mis o( II. &. VI Bink sloi k You cinnnt s t ninii ttian ubout $."00 (or mm (Ink A. Snoior Co. totn mori stock. Ml. 1 1 ink II. Valid IIiir ii the bct posted in in on bank Hock miIum in this cllv. In. Xovcmlior, ISflS the CounK Ituik mil Trust Co. ftotk told for vino; lad ly H will lor jboul ?IT0. In Septrmbri Comccji i. Co sold Title Cittir nntv A, Trust Co stok M02; tothv it tells tor about $125. Mr. May lump Rroit rncpch In fioi of the ranton C!ji nnd Vlnlcr Co. nt the lloird of Tmde mcctlnir Mon day Don't sell otir plopk. The two trillion jounir men, the Hw er nnil the book keeper who lion owed inoncv from (be bulk to buy I'nlted state- I.mn bei Co. (dock list Sip tember me now on "l'Ti" Uriel. A(ldici all rommunl cntionn to Comcgtd A. Co , b inkers and brok er", 70') Council Hldff. I'hone 100, l&l A Jill 2 Collery Engineer Co. Stock for Sale Two and 1 iio slnrc-. ppl lit ouu to COMICAL A, lO, Dime Hank Iluihlintr. M'lionc 1W, 1SS1 and 1111-. Juvenile Dresses Xccr more nttrartive than this tprnis for little Tots fioni 0 montlw to 3 jeai. Vc have not foigotten the little ml- of I, band S for bci we line the wj1i llnciu in beautiful colors, Pinup, billoi .ml Cibson dresues in Pirpe, and i mot it tuothc line of SPRI.Nfi CO MS. THE BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. Stops Linen Breaking Out method ot honing collais and cuffs by steam heated ma chines makes the linen pll.ible so It does not hieuk or ciack. Phone or postal. , I ACK f$ yVNA ILma' 303 310 Pcun .Ucnuc. 5IO PERSONAL, Attuinej Paul It. Ucitzel, n( I'lilljiklphiJ, ii li the clt.. Mrs. George iteuoie, o( u oik, is Mlin,; Went Sct.mton ti tenia. Vlis, George. Keith, of IVntli strut, is hitlns Ii lends in Wyoming roimt. Mtw Imu Van VIM, of Wa.libiiiu hlioet, is tin. guent o( relithcs in l.linlu. Mis. llcuij Jar-obi, of l,ifjitli! Muel, is tpeud. 5n' a few Uajs at lit. I'ocono. Mrs Dnid Haul-) anil win, of .IiiKmui ttioLt, line icturned home fioni ,i lt at Dimllle. MKs (Vila .Ioikn of Uifajttti' utrcct, i-. in lit r way to Uutte Cit), .Mont,, where (-lie will leslili., Ill Jennie Auwl, of Wilkes ll-ini, is the Micsl of Ml. ", (i Daniel", of Jij boiith Main iiienue. MIns i:dtth I'owlei, of South llj.ie Paik ai. niie, haii retumeil home fioni .i lslt wltli frleuJs tu Kp). Mis. J, I. ltoheiU, of South Main aMiiuo, is .In Middle Oramllle, K, Y atlciiillnif lier mo li-i, ' 'who U til .luniea r. Siillh, of Minneapolis, hu uiimu.l liomc after UltliiK liU btci, Mit. Mkliacl Pad. den, of Jackson tticet. M. Iteis, leute of tho Ijicinii theater and Academy of Muie, was in the tity jcsteidaj cu litis was 1o Wllken-Baire. Mri, llcnshaw, ot Philadrlphia, i. UltliiR at the home of htr on, .1, AttUut llcmluw, on Vortli Main auiuu. yra. John 1). Sheuei, of Madhon aMiiuc, is .erioiuly jit of pneumonia and tt iwu feared last night that fital rrstilts would pnme, Ml Anna )jis, foinietlj emplojid in thu (Uobe warehouse, lias aciqited a jiosttlou Willi Miu Atkemiaii, the M'joinini; nxnue milliner. John Shean, icpresentlnir "fho Volunteei Or pjnlit" compan), which will be teen at the l.j icuni on Vrlday and Hatmday o( next week, wat In tho city Cbterdij, number of frlcuaU were iiitertalned l.,i r. tliur Tucker, ot 1010 'Jajlor apmu, Tuesday night, Picicnt were; Mlex llelui Stuiiipp, mclla, Wolff, Katheiine, Stiumpp, Ida Hun. lir, Augmta Mentz, Cora M'aiinan, Miggle Mlt lir, Mer. Aithur (I. m llouten, l.ouln Ifeltw )na)cr, Arthui Tinker, William Jlenl, Althni O'llrlcn, Charles Haheiland, fieoree Sajr, Pred Tucker, Ldard Hunker. Drink "COFo" and jou will not havo dyopepsla, In Ouei'iiscy Hall I131a tonight thcie will be a piano rteitul by students from the U O ,N biniVATOHV, There will be ilas-i ind wlo tiuinbera on the pro.'ramuie and an exhibition of re KiittD cf the t'uclton Kundauientil 'train in!,'. 8 o'clock. J AIJHIEO TEN l.NOTO.V, Dhcctor, COMMITTEES ABE ACTIVE. nntsing the Money for the New R. B. Y M. C. A, Building. The building committee and the sub committees of tho Hnllrond Department of tho Young Moil's Christian associa tion nre very active these days In a canvass for funds for tho new build ing. Tho response both from the rail toad men nnd outsldo fi lends has been very giatlfylug. Of the $30,000 icn"lrcd to complete the canvass successfully, $-'0,000 Is now tiBsuicd. When $5,000 mote linn been lnlsed the company sub scription becomes binding. Evoiy ef fort Is being put forth to secure this amount by .Saturday night. Friends who have been seen and aie expecting to respond will confer a great favor by advising tho building committee before that time as to tho extent of their sup port. Among tho lalltoad men tho locomo tive rnglneeiH nio setting tho p.ico nt present, hut as thoy had u slight start over the otheis In tho matter ot or ganization It Is expected thnt n much batter proportionate showing will be made bv the others within tho next week. Tho canvass Is now fully or ganized and Is progressing satisfactor ily In nearly all the departments. It looks as though the long contemplated building for the railroad men would be a reality In tho very near future. A public meeting of the building commit tee and tho sub-committees will be held Saturday afternoon at fi o'clock In the rtnlhond Young Men's Christian asso ciation hall, to which all Interested are invltea. Full reports of committees will be lcccivcd. m R0BATHAN SELECTED. Elf teon Bepublican Commoners Want Him for Chairman Gillespie Got Cleikship Nomination. Fifteen of the twenty-one Republican membeis of common council convened In cuuciii Inst night in city hall and selected E. n. Bobathnn and John B. Gillespie as candidates for cliniimnn and clerk, lesnectiiely. Jlr. Itobathan's nomination was unanimous, but there was a lively little fight foi the clerk hhlu nomination. The fifteen members who were pies ent nt last night's caucus were as fol lows: John J. Evans, Thomas TV. Thomas, John Homy, J. 15. Casteillne, T. J. Snow-den, Daniel Evans, W. "W. Evans, D. AV. Sealing, E. E. Robathnn, John Jones, A. L. Lewis, William Knoepfcl, 'William Lewis, Theodore Fuller and Mathlas Stlpp. Those who did not attend weie Luther Keller, H. E P.ilne, O. B. Paitridge, Alfied Harvev and E. "W. Evans. Tho flist four membeis absented themselves purposely, while sickness was given as the reason for the failure of the last to appear. A. L. Lewis was unanimously chosen as pennanent chairman of the caucus. Sir. Bobathan's name was placed be foie the gathering by Mr. Casteillne, and he was unanimously chosen as the candidate of tho fifteen membeis pies ent. John B. Gillespie, of Noith Scianton, was nominated lor cleik bv John J. Evans, while tho name of James Mc Ginnls was put forwaid by Theodore Fuller, the new member fioin the Six teenth waul. Mi. Stlpp nominated As sistant City Clerk Evan R. Moiris, stating that it was useless to nominate anyone else, because of the decided stand in favor of Mr. Molds' election taken by several of the members not piesent at the caucus It had been piactlcally agieed upon at nr.st to insist that no candidate be declared nominated unless he secured eleven votes, or n. majotlty of all the Republicans In council. "When it was tllscoveied that no candidate could se cure eleven votes, It was decided to decline the man securing the votes of a majority of the members present, the candidate, thus piactlcally insisting that the absent membeis abide by tho decision or the meeting. The first ballot resulted as follows: Gillespie. 7: McGinnls, 6; Mori is, 2. Chairman Lewis declared that Moiris could not bo voted for on the second ballot. This resulted in the selection of Gillespie, by the following vote: Gillespie, 10; McGinnls, B. , Tho Republicans will have a majoiity of four on the morning of leoiganlz.i tlon, theie being twenty-one Republi cans and seventeen Democrats. Tho four membeis who lomalned away fiom last night's caucus, accoullngly, hold the balnnce of power nnd control the situation. Just what they will do lemams to oe seen. The principal objection utlsed by the membeis who lemalned nwny fioni last night's caucus Is that they weto not consulted about the selection of a can didate, op the fixing of a date for the caucus. Thoy. allege that a majoiity of the Republican members held a pie llmlnaiy caucus and selected a candi date, and that they would have been poweiless to prevent this candidate's nomination even if they had been pres ent. They Xm titer ullego that the cau cus vwis called by one man, Instend of by a committee, as is the usual custom. SUPERINTENDENTS' ELECTION. City and County Heads of Schools to Be Chosen the Same Day. City and county supeiintendents of schools me to be ejected on tho same date this v.u Tho county supetlntcndont Is to bo elected in the afternoon and tho city supeilntendent at night. The piesent Incumbents, Geoigo How ell and J. C. Taylor, aie likely to he candidates for H'-eleotlon, although It is possible Mr. Taj lor may look for tho city supeiln tendency, as he is being urged to do by many. R. U Davis, or Dunmoie, and Pio fessor Lloyd, or Dickson City, are mentioned as candidates for the coun ty supei Intendency Opportunities, Theie aie no luck or oppo (unities open for young people who have the education, Tho proprietor of the Luckaw anna Business college, have hud applications fop 6 joung people for otllco work. All good positions. We could have placed seven young people In fit at tate positions this week. The Lackawanna Business Colloge Is head nuaiteia for competent nllUo help. It Cujes Dyspepsia. My wire has been doubled with in digestion for a number of yeais. After using "COFo" about two weeks she began to feel better. She attributes her Jmpioved health to the continued use of "COFo" and would recommend t to all sufferers from Indigestion. FRANK CORNELL, Scranton, Pa. m Miss Susan Mow is announces her Spring Millinery Opening of Fine Pat tern Hutu, Friday and Saturday, at l'-S Wyoming avenue. DRAWINGS TO BE EXHIBITED MANY CELEBRATED PICTURES TO BE SHOWN. Associntcd Illustrators of America to Give tho Initial Exhibition of Their Work nt tho Scianton Olub. Event Will Bo Opened Tonight with n Rocoption, nt Which Sev eral Prominent Artists Will Be Piesent .About 130 Oiiginal Draw ings Arc to Bo Exhibited. Scianton Is to have tho distinction ot being the locus of the (list exhibition ot the Associated Illusttntois ot Amer ica, the organization composed of nil the leading book and magazine lllus tratois ot the country. Tho exhibition will open tonight at tho Scranton club nnd continue ono week. The hours will be fiom 3 to 6 In tho afternoon, nnd 8 to 11 nt night. Tonight there will be a lecoptlon to which members may bring their friends. After tonight admittance will bo by card. Reginald BUch, one ot the most not ed of the Now York uttlsts, came to the city yesterday to supervise the hanging of tho pictures. Ho Is accom panied by Mrs. Birch and will remain for 8eveial das. F. Louis Mont, nnd Mrs. Mora, A. B. Wenzel and II. S. Fleming will come up from New Yoik to nttend tonight's reception. Other well known artists will bo present, It Is expected, duilng the exhibition. The pictures nre the original dtaw ings of the members of the Associated Illustrators, and have- nearly all been reproduced in the leading magazines nnd by the ptlnclpal book publishing houses. The collection was recently shown In New York and atti acted no end of intciest. Tho Scianton exhibi tion, however, is the (list that arises to the dignity of a salon. The New York affair was informal, and tho col lection was not as complete as that of the Scianton exhibition will be. LIST OF ARTISTS. About 1J0 drawings in nil aie to be exhibited. Among the nitlsta whose work appeals In tho exhibition aie: Edwin A. Abbey, Fiederlc Remington, Howard Pyle, W. Gianvllle Smith, T. do Thulstrup, A. B. Wenzel, Reginald B. Bhch, Max F. Klepper, Aithur I. Kellei, William T. Smedley, E. M. Ashe, Otto H. Bncher, Robeit Blum, Cllffoul Carleton, Harry Fenn, Thomas Fogaity, W. Glackens, Aithur Hemlng, Hemy Hutt, T. K. Hanna, Jr., William L. Jacobs, Louis Loeb, Orson Lowell, F. Luis Mora, Edward Penfleld, Hemy Reuteidahl, Albert Sterner, Alice Bai ber Stephens, Geoige Wilght, r. C. Yohn. Most of the plctuies aie wash and oil diavvlngs, but some of the most attractive of them are the pen and Ink sketches of Messis. Abbey, Birch and Lowell. What the visitors to tho exhibition will likely find Its most interesting featuie is the "dlfteience" between the pictures that have, been lamillar in the magazines and books and the oilginals of those pictures now being hung in the Scranton club. Whnt positively pathetic things happen to a drawing by Its being condensed to fit the page of a book or half page ot a magnine Is most vividly appaient. This is paiticulaily illustiated In Wendell's "Cafe De La Palx." Tho re production, It will be remembeied, was first seen In a page of Colliei 's Weekly. The oiiglual Is about four feet srjuaie. Bli ch's "A False Alaim" and "The Runaway," Wilght's "Following the Yachts," und Jacobs' two twilight stud ies aio other of the moie familial diawings which seive to show this dis ci epancy. SOME FAMILIAR ONES. The Pyle duelling scene made for Houghton, Mlfllin Az Co , to illustiate "To Have and to Hold"; Thulstiup's "A Close Call," leproduced by Hnipei & Bros.; Smedley's "Challenged," Remington's "An Indian Legend," nnd the Blum "Ai rival in Japan" are some of the pictures ot which the oilglnul will be found especially inteiestlng be cause ot tnmlliailty. Every plctuie exhibited is the piop- oi ty of the aitlst. The Associated II lustratois has as one of Its main pui poses the seeming ot the return of the oilginals to the mnkeis. That the members may be the moie encouiagcd to vvoik to this end, It Is one of the uiles of tho society that none but plc tuies owned by the aitlsts shall be hung In any of the exhibitions. This i ula may lob Scranton of one of the most Interesting plctuies in the collection, an Abbey sketch, which was purchased a few days ago by President Hudley, of Yule, It is thought, how ever, that Piesldent Hadley will ac quiesce In the delay of the delivery of the plctuie until after the Scianton exhibition. Chniimaii T. E, Jones, or the club's house committee, In chaigc or the exhibition, Is In communication with Piesldent Hndley on the matter. The catalogue to bo dlstilbuted at the exhibition Is a veiy .irtistlu publi cation. It contains icpioductlons ot some or the plctuies and Is embellished with chuiacterlstio maiginal sketches by various or the artists. ii ' Beautiful Millinery Display, The moat select and exclusive lino of ladies' trimmed leady-to-wear hats ever seen In Scianton was exhibited at tho Hotel Jormyn on Tuesday and Wednesday by Miss LeVny. The display Included the latest from the best Fifth avenue, Now Yoik, shops, und also an exqulslto line of Impoited French and Geimnn Hats. On Apill 1st, Miss LeVny will again visit Scranton, when she will also show a complete lino of Tailor-Made Hats. Diess Goods Clerks Wanted. Wanted Expeilenced lotull cleiks for dices goods and domestics. Must have good jefeiences Addiess, X. P, Q Tribune ofiUe, Offices for Rent. FOR RENT. A fow desirable offices, both single and en suite, in the new uddltlon to the Connell Building. Keep to the Right" With eyes open. Your invita tion may come tomonow maybe not. With oyos open. You must know what these words signi fy. Think! HAS RETURNED TO SCRANTON. Attorney David C. Harrington Again A Rosldent of This City. Attorney David C. HatiltiBlon, gen cral counsel for tho Intel national Text Book company, after tin absence of forty years, has jetumed to this city, and is now established In a suit of offices In the Connell building whore, ArruiiNi.v invii) c. iiauuimiiov. with more than half a dozen assistants, he looks after the legal end of tho business of the big school. When Mr. Harrington was a hoy his father moved from Catsklll, N. Y., to this city and located at Piovidence. That was in 1819. Two years later Mi. Hairlngton moved his family to this city and built tho thlid house elected in the city after the Lackawanna lion and Coal company began the sale of lots. He engaged In the furniture busi ness and in this had tho assistance of his son, who devoted his lelsuie time to the study of law, being admitted to pincticc at Wllkes-Bauo, May 7, 1860 Two yeais later ho moved to Wllkes Burie, wheto he continued In tho ac tive practice of the law until Decem ber, 1870, when he went to Philadel phia, whole ho has ever since been a piomlnent member of tho Quaker City bar. The gieat giowth of the Interna tional Text Book company made it de sirable to have tiie geneial counsel In this city, and Mr. Hariington has le tumed to tho scenes of his youth. Mr. Haulngton has been a visitor to this city at Inteivals ever since ho went to Philadelphia, but nevertheless has been gieatly suipilsed since he le tumed heio nt tho i evolution that has been wiought in Scianton and Its sur loundlngs. Only two membeis of the piesent Lackawanna bar weie admit ted to the Luzerno bar pi lor to Mr. Haulngton. They aie ex-Judge E N. Wllliud and Edwaid Meirifleld. Mr. Haulngton, Is the father-in-law of Recorder W. L. Connell and Madi son F. Lai kin, of the Intel national Text Book company. FUNERAL OF JOHN T. NALLIN. Attended by Knights of Columbus nnd Commercial Tiavelers. The funcial of the late John T. Nul lin took place jesteiday moinlng fiom the home, 51!) Hickoiy stieet. A high mass of lcauicm was celebrated at St. Peter's eathedial by Rev. D. J. Bustln, with Rev. John J. Gilflln nnd Rev. J. V. Moylan in the sanctum y. The Knights of Columbus and the Commei cial Tiavelcis' association attended. The pallbeaieis weie John A. Nnllln, John F. Xallln, James Scott, William D. Roche, Michael II. Hlgglns and Wil liam B. Duggan. Interment was made in the Cathedial cemeteiy. m i ANOTHER TELEGRAM. Scranton Business College. The following telegiam was lecehed by the Scianton Business College on Wednesdaj : "Buttalo, N. Y Maich 19, 190.'. "Piot. H. D. Buck: Can you furnish mo ut once with a flist-class Smith Pieinlei stenogiapher and typewriter? "W " Any such descilbed individual, who Is unemployed, If theie be any, should lepoit to Messis. Buck & Whltmoie at otllce. i m ,. i i Lackawanna Railioad Low Rate Exclusion to New Yoik City, Apill 2nd, 1002. On Apill 2nd special excuislon tickets will be sold to Now Yoik city and le tuin via the l.ackawunna tallioad, good going on all passenger tiulns of Apill 2nd and lor icturn up to and In truding Apill 7th, at i ate of one way fnio plus one dollar, for tho louud tiip. Chlldien between the ages of 5 and 12 enis, one-half the adult lute. Spring Milllneiy Opening. Tho ladles of Sciunton and vicinity mc coi dally Invited to visit our stoio on out opening das, today, tomonow, and Satuiday, und Inspect tho newest and most fashionable in Spilng Milll neiy. Dougherty & Thomas, 128 Wyoming avenue, There Are Others, BUT Some one lemarked the other day, As the bread was passed on the silver tiay, It looked so light and snowy white That It certainly must the cook's heart delight. Oil, yes, we replied; but It's al ways so. Because you know, to Cour sen's we go, I And older the Gem, its always the same, The very best reason for its renowned fame. Cuursen's Gem Flour, $4.75 per bbl,, $1.35 per sack. E. G. Course 11. Sole Dlsttlbutor. "Keep to the Right jjffo jffi iSft "i- 3'ii'iiJt ,5r 3B MMHMHHHHH ARLINGTON WON THREE DEFEATED THE LIEDERKRANZ TEAM. LAST NIGHT. This Practically Cinches tho City Bowling League Championship for Meister's Men South Sldors Got n Hustlo On and Took Two from tho Centrals Hainpos Took Two from rrankllna nnd Aio Now In Socond Plnco WUkos-Bnireans nnd Green Rldgors Played. The Aillngtons have puicllcullv got the City Bowling championship won. They took three straight games fiom the Lledoikrniu team lust night on Zulagor's nlles. Tho scores made by both clubs were vciy pool, and tho Llcdctkianz bojs should have won at least ono game, hud they not fallen down very badly. The scoie: AitMST.ro.ss. lotal". 11.7 HO 111 MI in- (17 17.1- 171 II J II) 7 IS -2)10 Meister , ill Slouiiu I'.u (' Klefci lis Hautk 1 15 I. Klefcr 151) 110 171 li.S llll 117 7S1 mi j)i:rtKii vn AhWPrfl JV? 1 A llielff 1.') T.7 Wahlner lb.) nil I'lsele lie, m Kotii i-,i r.i ro- 110 i-.i no 111 111 in -no i-a -It) G02-J17O ') High wore Sloeum, lpd HIrIi acrnirc Sloctim, 171 1 1 The Hamoe team won two games fiom the Fuinhllns, and thus passed the lattei team, going Into second place, though far behind the Arling tons. Theie weie no 200 scoies, nnd the games weie devoid of nnv paitlculnr featuies. The scoie: 1 IlWhLIVS Ilirchcr U2 no C. Amleiegg 118 114 DaWs 117 17b Joiips llw ") J. Andcrepj: 170 171 72 773 'lolaR 1JI 4J2 110- 41J 1 J91 173 170 111 (si 7"0-22'i0 II lMl'1.5 ... II) ... 123 . . Ir". ... 10! Itoll ltothermel VtuiaJij ... lliesei ... 107 II". in 1st 1"2- (13 1 II 107 1 19 4 10 1JI JOS 10S 101 712221 i I.afhu 117 1 1. 077 7IU I Huh scoie Tiflui. T'S Illsrh au-igc I.iffln, 107. The South Side team, stiengthened by the addition of a. new member, suc ceeded in getting ild of the hoodoo which has put sued It, and won two games from the Centials. The scoie: CI.NTHM.s 'lo'aU Softh ill I I, 121 0l O'Connell IjO 111 1M- 411 Mmhill Ill 1 (I 100 IIS Mlnrton IV! 1(,7 11114(0 .Toms 1.7 17', 170 4 '2 7 U 711 71.02211 ' OUllt "IDI" lliomiell I(.'i I .1 147 V,l ANium IP. 11.2 112-410 I lei bold 141 111 !..- 17! i IXiiu Us Hi. II! 447 Mirth 170 12! 1)1411, 717 722 7M-2203 llih hcorc lliilxild, ("s. Hlli aerage lone-, ISO 2 . The standing of the teams In this league Is now us follows. Won lost. I1 (.'. Aillngtons 10 1 .717 llaiiuus 1! 8 (HO II .171 11 .170 M .12) IS .113 1'iankllns 12 I iederkian 10 Lintrals ') South Side ! The bow lei s' contingent of the Giten Ridge Wheelmen entei tallied two teams fiom the West End Wheelmen, of Wilkes-Bane, last night with ti ban quet ul the Elk cafe, followed by thiee match games on the Ilnnwe alleys. Two six-men tenuis from each club lolled against ono another, and the highest twelve i oiled u thiid game. The scoies made vcie as follows. i uisr fiwir. linen ltld,i, . 1 vLiinan-, 1,1, 1'uwlti, 13s; Mason, 107; Wcdiman, 101, Snidci-un, 132, Tn liu, 170; total, 073. W'ct Ind No. 1 WiUand, III; Wilsht, luO; l,d Pais, 2.S0; limes, 12S; lluntti, 137; (Irieu, Ul; total, 01J. bl.CO.ND CSAM1. t.'iecn Itidrfii o. II. Divls, 102, lluwlsoii, 173, Chapmin, 107, llitilicock, 107; Pond, 10, Mtliols, 118; total, S57. Wcat nd o 2 Wclckeu, ISI; 1 nub. 157; Kellj, 127, Itobblns, 1 0, Cair, 1 12, Helm, 123, totil, Wl, 'ilium cimi: (iieiu llulse Vltson, 171, (hipiiiiu, lSn, l'ond, 151; ltowhon, no, lllldicotk, 1.0, I'uyloi, Ids; total, 012 We.t lnd VW!'iud. 1V), rli,ht, 111, I. Di l-, 131; VNilckiuii, 117; I.ninb, l.Ji, . l)iU, 131, lot il, 071 -.- 1 4 Announcement. I wish to announce that the new liv ely located at 1415 Mulbeny stieet. faimci ly stieet car bam, will bo opened for business Apill 1. Patties deslilug to tent stalls should apply at the bain oi to Peter N. Iliinu, 802 Jeffeison avenue. Now 'phono 2057. Only a limited number will bo ac commodated. "kTpftn to the Rio-ht" With eyes open, You will soon H know why. W Fine Umbiellas and Faiasols st Wholesale and Retail. Our Spiing Line is now complete em bracing all the Now Coloia and Patterns. Laige Stock of Han dles to select from. Ropairing s and lecoveiing of every des ciiptlon. M, SILVERMAN, Prop., 813 Spruce Street. Promptness in Using PAINFS Celery Compound Means Quick Restoration to Health, IT IS THE GREAT SPRING MEDI CINE USED IN THE HOMES Or OUR BEST TEOPLE. Refuse All Substitutes and Imita tions That May Bo Offered You. If lu thu spring tltnu people at led with moi c piomptui'ss, decision, nnd wisdom, HUffeilng and mlseiy wotlld be vastly l educed. To put off tin wotk of legul.ttlng anil sticngthenlng tho netves, pin liv ing the blood, and regulating digestion, at this same time of the year Is it wii soilous mistake.. Run down, weak, ncivous, and din eased men and women cannot with safety lottise to use Baltic's Cdeiv Compound, the giotttest of vitallcis and health bttlliteis. The ouwaiil it nil tilumph.tut maich of the gtcat niedi clno in this couutiy and other civlll.ed lands should be posltlvi pioof that It Is light medicine for all who look lot stiength, lobustness, cuurgj, and pei niancnt health. It Is of tlio greatest Impiirtnnte that every sick peison should gut hist what they ask for fiom theli dttiggist or deal er. P.ilne'H Celeiy Compound, so ceii' biated for its dilutive vhtues, lias many vile imitations. It jou aio offci ed a substitute oi Imitation by tiny dealer, leave his stole and go to some honest merchant who will give 3,011 what you ask foi. Examine wi.ippei and bottle and see that the mime PAINE'S Is on each; no other is gen ulnne. It's Easy to Dya Ith DIVMOM) DVI.S lake no othei DANGER OF A "SQUEEZE. Men Oideied Out of the Nay Aug Company's Colliery. An extensive squeeze was tlueateucd ;,esterday at tho Nay Aug Coal com pany's mine In Dunmoie. The men weie ordcied out and the mules taken to the sut face. Wheio the Indications of the squeeze wote appaient, the company hands put in pi ops and it Is thought tliat a cavo in has been foiestalled Lowemhal's method as used bj Department of Agilctiltuie does show tannin in COFo. Ar. II. McLAUCIILAX, Assistant in Chemls'-v, 1'ilnceton, tho not EJ I "Keep to the Right" With eyes open. No admission fee nothing to sell. Wouldn't it puzzle you? vercoai A choice aud com plete line from which to make your selection. Perfect in Fit, Finish and Style John Clothier 416 Lackawanna Ave. Our spring importation of Kid Gloves consisting of nil the latest stylos and shades, for general wear. We are also prepared to meet the demands of coming' social events, with a complete Hue of Suede ,aud Glace, evening gloves in 12, 16 aud 20 buttou length. Price & Jenkins, 130 Wyoming Ave. $ Lubricating j Spring Boy Just ReceiYfi oils Malnnpii Oil & IVlanrfarfiPinct fnmhanu J 141-149 Meridian Street. OLD 'PHONE SB-S. NEW 'PHONE SS8I 4! 4 I' v 1.1 t. M 1 .1 xt 4-4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 res AT Bittenbender&E. J 126-128 Franklin Ave. I 4- 4 4- 4 4 4 4 ij 4 j ji jt 1 j tj ij j t j I ! 4 Jt ijl J J oJ J (J 444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 I Birthday Cushions just arrived. Come aud get one. 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cramer- Wells Co., $ 4 130 Wyoming Ave. 4 4 'Phone ic-j.a. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 xxoooooooooxox 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c c c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This yeai far excels any of oui pievious effoits in this paiticular line. The line Is laigei, nowei and con sists of moie novelties than ever befoie. Easter Cards We can supply you with almost anything you de tiic in the way of Easter Cnid. Toi the flist time we have a photogiaphic line of chickens, ducks, etc., mounted on hand-painted caids, which ceitainly ap peals to the Eastei line buyer. Booklets and Novelties The handsome line of Booklets this year has been limited, nnd an enily visit will be of some advontngo to thoso interested. The novelties which we cany this year aie chiefly thosa which we have impoited, including ducks, chickens, labblts and a host of otheis which aie new. Stationery Wo have received a num ber of new and swell boxes of Stationery in delicate shades nnd sizes, All expicsuly for qui Easter tiado. Reynolds Bros. V Stationers and Engravers, 0 Scianton. V OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business of I Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-IJurre, Pa, Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Z Machinery, Pumps. and Burning t 1 .. ... 4 4 Carriage : and I AminmirthSlpi'i Pneumatic 444 -or . 4 4 4 4 ! Our Easter 0 I )jfin fiv V VI II 3 t
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