The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    - t , - H T f '
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(Je crattfon $rf Butte
roMMiccJ Dally, Except Sunday, lJ The Trlli.
tine rublUhlntt Company, at l'Hty Cent- Month.
MVY B. niClIAlin, Kdltor.
O. F. BYXDUi:, HunlncM Manner.
New York OfflccS ISO Nwu St.
H. R. VIU'.F.t.AND,
Bole Agent Tor Foreign Artvortllnjr.
Knitted t tlie Ponlofflco t Frnnlon, tM. M
Second CIA Mall MatUr.
When Bpaco -will permit, The
Tribune Is nlwixys glnd to print
short lottors from Its friends heav
ing on curront topics, hut Its rule is
thnt those must ho signed, for pub
lication, by tho writer's real name,
nnd tho condition precedent to nc
coptanco Is that all contribution
shall ho subject to editorial revision.
tiiu rur hat roit
The followliiff table shown ttii prloo per Inch
each Insertion, epjee to lie used within ono ycrt
niSIT.AV. Paper Itcidliiff Portion
I.rm than 600 IneliM .Bo .275 ."
fi" Indies 20 ,2J '-!
1000 " io .IT.'. .1".
S0O0 " 15J .17 .135
flOOO " .1.5 .IBS .15
For cards of Ilian1. ictolutlons of tondotrnro,
and similar cnntrlbutlonn In the Mature nt id
cttlMnjj The Tribune males n chaige. of 5 cents
Hates of Classified Adverlhlng furnished "
On December 20, we editorially unci
favorably reviewed Walter J. Ual
lnrd's article, "Our South American
Trade," which appealed In the Pro
tectionist for December. We notice by
the Congressional Itccoid that Senator
lluiinu iiuolecl freely from the article
In his ship HUhsltly speech In tho sen
ate, on .March (!.
President Schurmnn's Mistakes.
WK CSIVK space on this page
to a statement or opinion
by President Schurinan,
of Cornell university, on
the duty of the United States with ref
erence to the Philippines. It has Inter
est from the fact that Its author not
only Is one of the men whose opinions
on any subject aie entitled to weight,
hut also because, as the chairman of
the (list Philippine commission, lie has
had exceptional opportunities for f anil
ine an accurate opinion In this matter.
It may seem presumptuous to differ
In opinion from a man so well quali
fied as ho is to speak Willi authority
on this subject; but we detect what
Impress us as at two Haws In
Dr. Schurman's line of argument. The
llrst of these Is his statement that the
development of American trade with
the Philippine archipelago and the im
provement of the opportunities of in
dividual Americans In that aichipelago
do not depend and would not be pro
moted by American sovereignty. This,
on its face, looks unreasonable. Ameil
can sovereignty in the Philippines
would mean the full protection of every
American light theie. This would not
necessarily mean the sacrifice o any
native right or foreign right; but it
would mean that American capital
could invest itself in lawful Philippine
developments with thorough assurance
of protection; and that American en
terprise, when it had worked out prob
lems in the islands to the advantage
of both natives and those exhibiting it,
would be free from petty annoyance
and confiscatory exactions. The Amer
ican flag would mean In the Philip
pines just what it'means in Porto Itico
law, order .uyl fair play. That would
be to the manifest advantage of all
Tlm'second point of weakness which
mjj -view In Dr. Schurman's argument
is his endeavor to promise ultimate In
dependence to a people who have not
yet laid down their arms, It is use
less to parley with the man who holds
a pistol at your head. In parts of the
Philippines armed resistance to even
that degree of supetvisory and educa
tional American authority which Dr.
Scliurman admits Is now necessary in
the Philippines, and which the logic of
his admissions shows will likely he nec
ensary for a great many years to come,
continues; not, pet-Imps, so forcefully
as in former months, but still strong
enough to requite the services of a
large army of occupation, which has
its hands full chasing and capturing
predatory gueillla bands and breaking
up tendencies toward resistance in
mass. Now if the matter of Independ
ence is concededly something not t be
ctfectlve until a remote and Indefinite
time In the future, why complicate the
difficulties of the present with its pre
mature consideration? A homely old
saw recommends one hurdle at u time;
whereas, Dr. Hcliunnan Impresses us
a wishing to leap them all at once,
beginning with the one furthest otf.
The fundamental n or In his whole
article is lack of faith hi tho underly
ing fairnebs and righteousness of the
American people. Their f.ons and
duughteis In the generation when this
now academic problem of the final dis
position, of the Philippines shall bo-i-ome
vital can safely bo trusted to do
what Is right, Any attempt to tie their
hands now would be both Inexpedient
and also, in all probability, Ineffectual,
We do pot expect, ond wo certainly do
not wish, to live to see the day when
the American flag shall be hauled down
from whero Dewey and Menitt hoisted
It, to make way for any other emblem
either now In existence or yet unborn.
When tho Filipinos become better ac
quainted with It wo have no doubt that
they will learn to feel tho same way,
Tho predictions of the hot summer
prophet, whether believed or not,
would bo regarded with pleasure Just
now. $ ;
An Opportunity for the Census,
ONIJ Or the things which may
llshtfully bo expected from
''he census bureau after It has
been reorganized on a per
manent basis Is a careful compiling of
vital statistics, In both of the last two
censuses jfjerures us to the birth rate
and as to' Us variation according to
locality and nationality data of the
tlrst importance from many points of
view were collected but not tubulated
and thus made available for scientific
purposes. The reason for this no doubt
wus the exhaustion of the appropriation
before the, work of the census wus
L-omuleted-. The lminensr waste In time
and money resttUln-r from having to
organize each eOnsun separately has
Ween a heavy drag upon tbc efficiency
of these decennial Inquiries. Hereafter
this will not be felt; nnd It Is sincerely
to bo hoped that tho subject mentioned
will receive duo attention.
Next to the enumeration of the popu
lation we can think of no subject of
Inquiry of larger consequence than
this. If the assertions made by a num
ber of distinguished obstetricians con
cerning tho decline In tlio size of Ameri
can as compared With foreign-born
families be correct, a problem of far
reaching Influence Is Indicated. We
have no doubt that these assertions arc
made honestly and In good faith; but
they admittedly rest on a narrow basis
tho vital statistics or .only six states.
What. Is needed to define this problem
Is a comprehensive Inquiry covering
the entire country. That would show
Just what the facts ate, and It would
aid materially In estimating the future
population, something which Is of Im
portance In statesmanship. Tho vari
ous states are untrustworthy collectors
of vital statistics. They lack a suit
able machinery of collection and also
the authority associated In the public
mind with a census conducted by Uncle
Sum. All that Is needed to secure the
desired information is assent from
Washington. Tills should certainly be
The hopes of the Democrats who In
tended thnt failure to enact Cuban re
clpioclty should become an Isue have
received a severe jolt.
The Strange Case of General Allies
IT HAS recently been made public,
not by the administration, that
General Miles, after evolving an
unsolicited plan for the pacifica
tion of the Philippines, submitted it to
the secretary of war, who disapproved
It; and then took It In person to the
president, who likewise declined to
authorize Its adoption. The public has
not been Informed as to the character
of Ceneral Miles' plan and the admin
istration has not seen lit to take any
notice of tho incident.
It will be recalled that General Miles
was prolific In plans for bettering the
conduct of the war against Spain. His
first effort In that direction was an nt
tempt to convince his superior officers
that General Wesley Merrilt had no
use in the first Philippine expedition
for more than BOOO men, although it
turned out that more than seven times
that number had to be sent eventually.
Another of General Miles plans was to
march uu army overland In Cuba
through mud and swamps from the
eastern end of the island to Havana,
a feat that would hardly be possible
in a time of complete peace, owing to
the difficulties of transport and of
keeping in touch with the base of sup
plies. This, also, was rejected, as was
his subsequent plan for withdrawing
Sliafter's army from Santiago before
the fall of that place and Its use in an
overpowering swoop upon Porto Bico.
There were many minor incidents in
connection with General Miles' conduct
during the Into wai that as spread
upon the records denote singular pet
ulnnce and jealousy. These were pass
ed over in silence at the time, but they
added to the burden which President
McKlnley had- to bear, and they had
their part in weakening the Influence
of the majoi- general commanding-.
For the administration now to turn
down the officers who have been work
ing night and day In the Philippines by
summarily abondonlng their plans and
substituting the plans of an oftlcer who
has not been on the ground and whoso
temperament as developed in recent
years In tho atmosphere of intrigue
prevailing In army circles In and
around Washington makes It uncertain
how long he would stick to a. line of
conduct after marking it out, would be
an unheard of proceeding. The admin
istration needs no defense for its action
In these premises.
It is now announced that Russia has
it Monroe doctiine that will not allow
the United States to collect Miss
Stone's ransom money from Turkey.
It Is a safe guess that this announce
ment Is a woik of fiction.
Value of Applied Science.
IX A RECI3NT icuort to the state
department from Stuttgart, Con
sul Omini analyzed keenly the
causes of Geimany's lemarkable
commercial advance and dropped some
hints not without value for the Ameri
can people. Common belief credits tills
advance largely to tho victory of Prus
sia over France In 1S70-1. Mr, O.tnun
attributes It more largely to the em
phasis placed in Germany upon scien
tific education, upon applied- science.
And In support of his theory he makes
a convincing show ot circumstantial
As a lesult of this emphasis there are
today, he points out, more than 4500
thoroughly trained chemists In Gorman
factories, not to speak of 5000 as
sistants, all continually studying how
to Improve piocesBes and Introduco
economies. The sugar industry Illus
trates tho practical application which
the Germans make of their educational
system. In 1S40, 151,000 tons of beet
root were crushed, from which S.0O0
ton3 of raw sugar were produced, show
ing about GVi per cent, of raw sugar
extracted fiom the root. Twenty years
later, 1,500,000 tons wore treated which
produced 128,000 tons of sugar, or about
8 per cent. Last year, about 12,000,000
tons weie crushed, which produced
1,500,000 tons of raw sugar, raising the
percentage to 13. This advance Is due
entirely to scientific treatment.
The production of dry colors, chepi
Icals, and dyes In Germany shows a
corresponding increase In product and
In dividend-paying capacity, Compar
ing, tho statistics of the dyeing Indus
try of the year 1874 with those of 189S,
It la found that, notwithstanding prices
In 1898 were considerably lower than In
1874, the net Income in 1871 wus 21,000,
000 inarkb, (about $0,000,000,) and' in
189S wus 120,000,000 marks, (ubout J30,
000,000.) Tho great Increase of earning
capacity Is duo largely, says Mr, Oz
mun, to the constant labor of trained
men, who by application of their tech.
nical knowledge have so cheapened
production that they have succcded In
getting this trade away from the Eng
lish, who formerly controlled it. An
other Illustration Is found in the manu
facture of artificial Indigo, a chemical
process for making which was discover
ed In Germany about thlrly-flve years
ago, It was started with less than
forty workmen, nil told. It now em
ploys over 0,000 men, and has a stnff.
of 148 scientific chemists, and by plac
ing this substitute upon t1e market at
a very low price they linvo nearly
ruined the nntttral-lndlgo Industry of
The Gei-juans have also discovered a
method for obtaining ground slag from
steel process, which Is used as a fertil
izer, and lOnglantl, although she pro
duces as much steel as Germany, has
become a good customer for this article.
The Krupp gun factory Is another In
stance of this progress, too familiar to
need description, but tho latest Is the
discovery by tt Oermun chemist, by the
name of Glcbler, of a. process of hard
ening steel which makes It, tt Is said,
14 per cent, stronger, GO per cent lighter
and one-third less costly than the
Kiupp, Harvey, or Uoehlcr steel. Tho
Inventor will not sell tho secret of the
process to any foreign manufacturer,
but will retain It for tho benefit of Ger
many. This, It true, will glvo this
country an enormous advantage In
naval matters, for, with a lighter hull,
lighter machinery, and lighter guns, a
very much higher rate of speed can bo
produced for a given consumption of
fuel, which means also an enlarged
steaming distance. A century ago, tho
ICngllsh and French makers of scientific
Instruments were far In advance ot tho
Germans. During the last twenty
years all this has changed. The value
ot the exports from Germany of scien
tific Instruments for the year 189S was
about $1,250,000 three times what It
was In 188S and the work gave em
ployment to 14,000 people.
Study of these facts has caused Con
sul Ozmun to question whether In the
United States the relationship between
the scientific shool nnd the factory Is
close enough. It probably is not at this
time; but it is becoming closer year by
year. The old-fashioned way of meas
uring production by rule of eye and
thumb Is fast giving place to well-developed
scientific processes. Just as
sensible people no longer build houses
without employing architects or try to
erect great industrial or public works
without mechanical and civil engineers,
so it Is becoming the rule in American
Industries to utilize the services of
skilled chemists and other trained men
of applied science, to do by accurate
and trustworthy means what our
grandfathers were wont to do crudely
by guesswork. Nevertheless we have
not advanced so far in this direction
that there is not yet plenty of room for
further progress. We can still learn a
lot from Germany.
Senator Proctor is right. Talk at this
time of Cuban annexation is out of
place in the United- States. We are
pledged to give the Cubans a chance
to go It alone. That pledge may or
may not have been wise but it has all
the moral force of a contract and must
be lived up to in good faith. This is
necessary not only in justice to the
Cubans but even more in justice to our
selves. The time to talk of annexation
is when the substantial people of Cuba
ask for it.
The Pittston Gazette is correct in
saying that it would be a relief to the
business community if Instead of an
nual agitation and strike talk three
year agreements could be Introduced
in the coal fields between operators
and mine workeis. We doubt, how
ever, thnt this will ever be possible.
According to Minister Bellamy Storer,
tho information to tho effect that the
young king of Spain Is a weakling, is
incorrect. He is a bright, "healthy boy
and capable of occupying tho pitcher's
box on almost any amateur nine In the
A well-known scientist Is endeavor
ing to solve the problem of ptoduclng
steam without fuel. Nothing is easier.
Tho matter Is demonstrated at nearly
every meeting of the Scranton councils.
After persuading General Funstou to
submit to the Interviewer, the knock
ers are now complaining that he talks
too much. It seems impossible to
please some people.
The fate of the peach crop seems to
be In doubt, but Chairman Jones an
nounces that the Prohibition party will
be all right this season.
IMItur of The Tilbunc.
Mr: Amrileaii l)uiitus, to the muulior of
1,200, luc been oulrutl for the com la of the cniphc after three montlu' of toinpetl.
the ten agaitut keu'ral nuUcn of otlitr nation.
IVtiolcum fiom the port ot PhlU.
delphU slmo Jiniwry 1 weru more than 1.13,000,
too gallons, against siMMVU gallons for the wine
peiluil la.t vf.n,
' Portland, Die,, spoiled !1lU'i,S47 Inulich of
grain in J.inuaiy, the laige-t month's eoit
Hum that iit on letord,
Tlieio It jnt lfl,IS5,00O,00O in urn- faur, on it
compai lnon ot our linpuitu c.iiorU tor ipoi,
with tho.e of fircat Ililtalu, Her piiHha-Q r
teoded calei by iiw)u,ou,u00, while our sales c
teriled our puichawa by (fJM.OOO.OOO.
We uie feeling pretty bad because our cxpoita
(leaving out the fi,0tx),0u0 Bent to Portn Itico
ami Hawaii) tell oft JU'.OuO.OOO in 1P01, but the
feeling U bomewhat oflet by the Knowledge that
(Jreut lliltaln'a exports tell oft ihjO,000,000. MUeiy
low company.
The following tlgurcd, in lound inllllom, tell
the story ot our Increased csporU In 1001 otcr
1M1. 1001. Cain.
(heat Itrltalu 4Vi MS 1IU
Germany W IS! Vi
Canada ,,..., , 41 107 CO
ftetlirrlandi ,.,,,.,.., fit 81 S(
Mexico , ..,,..,,,... IS ;) si
Italy , , II .-It tiO
Austialaoia .,,, ,,, U 27 17
Cuba, , , '1,,, II J7 i
IlrilMi Afiku .1 21 ;l
licmnurk , 0 n
China , 8 U 10
Aigenthu , J 11 it
The laigt-kt propoitlcnate galu ii th lit It Uh
Africa, on fug to t lie war, but Willi Ceuminy und
temal other our balcj in 1U01 ncie more than
double thOM! of 1S01, Our acruge monthly c.
rti for 1001, in lound millions, woe 110,
ugaiiut Gicat llrltaln 113, (lemiany 00, Trance
ul, Netherlands (1000) 50, Aiutia-Ilungary Si,
t'uiopcan ltu&la 30, UritUli India 30, Ilclgluiu i!S,
Italy 21. Our contluuou lead teems uuurcd.
l'or tho twche monlln ended January at our
export weie $1,437,000,000, aglnt imports of
HW,00O,O0O. Thiu our foreign tour in 1901 gain
ed im S307.OOO.0O0.
for the bit tlx Itepubllcan jear our experts
exeeeded our ImpoiU by I luce thousand mid
foity-onc million of gold dollar.
Wgltcr J. DaUrd
Schenectady, X. V., JUrih 19,
By, Jacob tlmiM Mitirnimi, Chaliman of Iho
Plttl Philippine- Commlwlnn. (Copyrighted by
the Christian nnde.or World nnd lleprlnted
by Pcnnlwlon.)
OUIt llb'TV to tho I'lllplmis Is the most Im.
porlant now confronting tho people nnd
got eminent of our beloved republic.
If we me to discover what vc ainilit
to 1I1, It li essential to discern tthat wo ought
to nsold. The Mrnlght nnd tnrrow path steers
clear of fins of tniiston on tho one ride mid
xttis of commission 1111 the oilier. And we ehatl
be able (0 fhic.ul our course with the more rer
lalnty If we note the cductlte hut forbidden
prospects which Jt paws mid hta behind. I
mean that what it is our duty to do to nnd fcr
tha nilplnos will become clearer If we consider
what our own moral pense and Christian con
wloiiMirM tells as It would be wrong to do to
and for the t'lllplnos.
first, then, It Is wrong to think ot the Philip
pines or their inhabitants ns the properly or
ponxraion of us Anieilcoid.
It t.s true that we have lawful sovereignty over
them; but sovereignty means responsibility for
government for peace, order, and internatloml
behavior. Sovereignty over a country doea not
signify a property right in It. England has tov
rrelgnly over Canada; but England does not own
a foot uf land In tho Dominion, nor has she any
right oter the person or property of any Cana
dian. Tho country In lt entirety Is owned by
private Individuals or It Is held by the Cana
dian government for flie public In general.
In the utno way the rlcc-fleld, the sugar es
tates, tho tobacco plantations, the hemp farms,
of tha Philippine Islands arc the property of In
dividual Filipinos; nnd the unoccunlod areas,
though now controlled by tho United States, ere
held in tiust for the people ot the Philippine
Islands; and, when n central government U es
tablished there, this trust will undoubtedly de
volve upon It, ns the control ot fhc public lands
within their own borders ban been devolved by
cmigreM upon the .several states of our Union.
All the natural resources of the Philippines
lands, mineral?, forests, fish, etc belong thus to
the inhabitant of the islands. Our sovcieignty,
so far ns it nffecte these, is simply n responsibil
ity for administering a trust on behalf ot the
people until the people are so organized politic
nlly tint they may undertake It for themselves.
Consequently any exploitation of the Philip
pines by the United States would be the grossest
violation of a Irnut; it would be the robbery of
nn orphan ward by executors, an outragu on
humanity, and a sin against high heaven.
Yet, stiange to Kay, there nic Amciicau; who
point tn the Philippines gold, coal, hemp, lum
ber, tobacco, and lands as means of enriching
the United States or its citizens! Of courte J oil
may go there, and buy these things, nnd iloxclop
trade, and make money; but so may 11 Spaniard,
i German, or an Englishman; and the lcult does
not In nny way depend upon America soierolgn
ty ocr the Philippines. Yet, undoubtedly, the
American jingo would use American sovereignty
over the aichlpclago to exploit the Filipinos for
his own selfkli ends. Tills. If pomittcd, would
be the unpardonable .'in of America against the
Secondly. It is certainly folly, and perhaps it
should bo called a crime, fo attempt to Amcil
c.mizc the rili.-iincs.
The Americans aie mainly of the Anglo-Saxon
slock, and our institutions are principally
of lTnglibh oilgln; but, though we admire our
institutions and find them well adapted to cur
need', and though we think liighlv of ouisehes,
more highly than of any other people, it is only
Ignotance of history or lack of foreign travel
that prevents our feeing that every other people
have the same bounding conceit of themselves
and the Fame complacent satisfaction of race and
nationality probably as ancient as the moral sen
timents, nnd they are not less fundamental. The
unload or untr.iveilcd Amercan may dream that
it is our mis-Ion to make Americana of tho 1'ili
pincw. Others bcttcis informed Know- tint is
as impossible .19 it would be demoralizing.
Itabert Louis Stevenson Ihcd many jcais in
the south Pacific, and in the year ot bis death
(1S9I) he wiote from his Samoan homo a goldon
letter of adviie pn this Mibjcct to .1 prospective
mUslnnuiy, who had been a fiiend ot his own
in England. Here is the summary and tho cli
max of that advice: "ltemrmber thnt nil you
can do Is to civilize the man in the line of his
own eivlllzation, such as It is."
And this is as true of the political as ot Hie
rnoial and leligious apect of civilization. Our
political institutions .11c tho expression and em
bodiment of character and ideals of an English
speaking Teutonic community. Since the Till
pittas ate Jljl.ijan, nnd not Anglo-Sax'ons or
Teutons, it is cert.iiii that the political or
gaulztion in which wu live nnd move nnd have
our being will not bo adapted to them any bet
ter than it is adapted to the Indians half bleeds
and Spaniards of t'ential and South Ameiiea
who have not been induced fo copy or appropri
ate it. It is 110 part of nur duty, therefore, to
force the l'lllpinos into this 1'ioumtes bed of
our own making.
England has tried that game In India, and
what is the icsult? Here is what tioldvvin Smith,
the ablest of living EnglUi bisloilnns, declares:
"I eonfe-d I am not sanguine as to the tialn
Ing of one nation for self-government by another.
Experience dors not point that way. 'iheie is no
saying what might bo the result if Ibwton were
to migrate to the Philippines und take the
political nuisiug in hand, though even then
there would be the banters of uce, language and
leltglon. nut the nursing fatbeis w-Hl probably
be of a very different tla.s. We have done prub
ably at much ns is possible in India; but with
legaid Din main objut, that of Euiopeanlring
the Hindoo, IliitUli empire in India .so far is a
"You iiiibl begin, nt all events, by completely
severing your tutclaiy government In the Phillip
pines from the political influences and paitk-3 of
the United States."
Wo aie, then, to repcct thu l'lUpino-, as an
other lace, Willi other national cbaracteiUtlcs,
and with other ideals and M'liliiucntti, which,
though often unlike ours, are for thcni quite as
good, true, bciutlful, and v-fcntial us ours arc
for W.
The tights of humanity in them aie Inviolate;
they were Implanted in them by the tamo t'raa
lor; and, if they demand freedum nnd Independ
ence for the expansion and unfolding of their
own nature and cipaclty, it is only what wo tie
maud for ouiselveo. Any former impediment to
the free development of the political life of the
Filipinos Is, ns foon as they aie siifilrienlly or
ganized to walk nlone, uuw-airanted; and in
their ccs it is equally tyranny, whether It
comes from Spain or whether It conies fiom
tho United States.
Here, then, the light begins to illumine the
path of duty. Do jou ak, What Is our duty
to tho Filipinos? 1 answer, our duty to the
'Filipinos is to help them to help themselves, to
aid thein to develop their own powers wlthajt
undermining them to enable tUctn to get r.n
their pwn feet and giadually stand alone mid
'I his is what I found in 1MW that neatly all
educated and pioprrtted Filipinos wanted, They
did not legard Augutr.aldo or Ills to-called
Philippine republic as the leprescnlatlie of the
Philippine people, nut they never lost tight
of the fact that there was a PhlllpDlna people,
who had n countiy of their own, and who
wanted soma day tn icntrol their own destinies.
Only, ns the Islands luid been for tlnee cen
turies under Spaiil.h dominion, all hO -gov em
inent bad been destioycd; and they wanted the
United Stated to stay in tho airhlpelago long
enough to organize the Inhabitants politically
and get them well started in a career ot telf
government. That done, they wished a sovereign
and independent republlo of their own.
The one all-embisting duty which Americans
owe the Filipinos is fo give them all the home
lule they ileslie, and independence as soon as
they want it and arc fit to exercise It as well
as the average republic of Central or South Amer
ica. Of rourso this tin il step prc-supposes tho
political organization of the Filipinos, and an
oiganlo act for tlut puiposo fhould be passed
by the present coiigrew.
Such a measure should pi 0 vide for a popular
assembly ot lepiesentatlvu ilected by the Fili
pinos themselves. When that is oigsnlzcd, the
Philippine people will for the flr.t time havo
au official organ qualified to speak for litem.
At picscnt thero is none. And what that popu
lar assembly of the Filipinos petitions the United
Stitcs for, we must bo prepared to giant. We
will grant it, first, becauso we believe in govern
ment cf the people by the people, in the ttov
eminent of Filipinos by Filiplnw, not of Fili
pinos by Araciicans; and, icrondly, bccau.e what
a united nation like the Filipinos wunt they
will eventually at any cost secure. In 1S99 I
found tho Filipinos more or less disunited; but
righting sgalnut another rice and foreign domina
tion la unified them nd fired their souls with
the idea vf national independence, I
Of c$ure, w-o liny construct hlgtiiva.vj nnd
railways; we may encourage the Ingoing ot
capital to develop the natural resources of the
reunlryj we may buy up the lands ot the friars
(whom tho Filipino bitterly hate); we may
engage, ns we have done, about one tltous-ind
American school teachers (at the expeusn of the
Philippine treasury) to promote tho cducition
of the tlslnir generation) we may sepnrato church
from stnto nnd give all religious denomlnatlsns
the Fame opportunity which the Catholics have
hitherto monopolized! but, important ns nil
these things nre, they nto nil subsidiary to the
one supreme duty which the United 8UU1 owes
to the Philippines, nnd that Is the duty cf po
litically organizing the nation wltli icprescnta
live Institutions of their own, nnd granting the
nation thus organized increasing homo rulo nnd
ultimate) Independence when they want Inde
pendence nnd can use It as safely ns, My, Vene
zuela or Nicaragua or Chit"
So I close. America fo, the Amei leans, the
Philippines for the Filipinos, and government
of tho people, by thn people as the ideal of nil
nations. To Inaugurate In the orient n republic
dedicated fo that Ideal Is, I believe, the glori
ous "mission and the supreme duty ot America In
the Philippines.
Keep to the Right"
"With eyes open,
tody about it.
Ask every
Somobody wm
Gut Glass,
Clocks and
Fine Ghina
Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
ifrfr,fr,friV fr,f,fr44it
Meldram, Scott s Co.
126 Wyoming; Ave.
We are one year old Saturday,
and while our future a year ago was
uncertain, today we know we can
walk alone. Our success is builded
on a substantial foundation, the four
corners representing
Piiblic demands before out outo.
SoUnd ualiies fop soiind money.
OnsuJeruing Mthfiilness in aduer
fising. Careful buying and care
ful selling, Under guidance of a
billing, competent sales force.
Easter Neckwear
Because of our success we 'are of
fering unusually pretty Easter Neck
wear in Chiffons and Silks, Chiffon
Boas and Florodora Ties leading; also
a new line of Laces, Collars and up-to-date
Neckwear. The prices vary with
the material.
The Quality Is the Best.
Our "Ireland" Gloves are so well
known to Scranton dressers that they
need no introduction. A stylish, ser
viceable, satisfactory glove that pleases
every purchaser so well that, once
worn, nothing else may be substituted.
.. I.. , 1. . ,
1 T
W . . pi
Easter Shoes, 1
Easter Slippers.
Jiustcr Oxfords.
And Charity Hall Shoes and Slippers.
Lewis & ReiBly,
At 114-116 Wyoming: Ave,,
Where Good Shoes are Sold.
at which to prepare for teaching or
college, to tako a thorough course In
Vocal or Instrumental Music, or to
prepare for a Directorship In a Gym
nasium is
Literary Institute
and State Normal
No other school offers such superior
advantages, at such low rates. It
will pay you to write for information.
By recent act of the legislature
TUITION" is now FREE to those pre
paring to teach. Ask for Bulletin of
the special department In which you
are interested.
Spring term will open March 24.
J. P.
to lis and
Mi to
Wc have brought out an excep
tionally fine line of beautiful gauzy
Materials and Elegant I,ace Robes,
just the correct styles tor the fascin
ating evening gown. Many new
weaves and latest designs in Silks
adapted to evening wear, some
very select materials of rich elabor
ate patterns, some very neat small
figures and plain colors.
Spangled Robes
Spangled Allorers
Rich La co Robes
Chantilly Lace Net
Embroidered Chiffon
Silk Gauze
Point D'Esprite
Embroidered Veilings
Embroidered Ratist
Crepe do Chine
Silk Grenadines
Silk Lonisincs
Fean de Cynge
Crepe dc Paris
Moire Silks i
Rroclie Poiirtelle Soie
Fine Laces and Trimmings
Persian Tinted Cluny
Silk Passemanterie
Russian Lace
Chantilly Lace
Applique Bands
Flounces, Allovers. Etc.
010-512 Lackawanna AYenue.:
Office Desks and
Office Furniture
New and Complete
Being the
We carry tho greatest assortment
of up-to-date Office Furniture.
You are invited to examine our
new line before purchasing.
121 Washington Avenue.
T, J. Foster, 1'rcaldent. Uiner II. Lawill, Imi.
Jt. J. renter, Stanley I Alien,
Vice rieildent. 8ecrttr.
Gas Manfles.
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Femi Avenue.
" "U' . j; lr-afc;,- jj 'aMBdS21s.5fay g
v I