The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    w -" ! " --" i-f
" s ffc to r,T"fe y t'
""r I'RlfiilMis
at Ackernans' 138
Wyoming Ayenue,
Thursday and Friday,
March 20 and 21, 1902.
! ! $ ! 4 ! $ ! J ! ! 4 4 ! ! ! t I1
For 26 Year
Have been the leeognlzed stand
ard for brilliancy, durability and
covering capacity, and that rec
ord .""till leniains unbroken.
Complete linos of
Raynold'a Colors,
Raynold's Oil Stains,
Raynold'a Varnishes,
Cambell's Varnish
Crocket's Preserva
tives, Patton's Shingle
Whiting's Brushes.
Solo agents for
lews Bros
320 Lackawanna Aienucr.
1 'i ' ii.i wii w uuim ii
''Keep .to the Right"
With eyes open. You hear it
on every hand, because
Paying Dividends of 12
per r.niuim, and there Is mtlleirnt ore OX HAND
110,000,000) to continue dh blends at tills into tor
the nct fifteen je.irs, own and opetallng Mueller
liii tons daily; no debt-.
Thoo wishing to make a fife and profitable in
elmuit in a IMcd stock will do well. to write
me foi prctpictib.
136 Wyoming Ave., Scrauton; Pa.
J. P. COULT, D. D. 5.
Surgeon Dentist.
Twenty years' successful prac
tice In this county.
f City Notes, f
MXKCT COr.Vlli- icgiilur muling or llic
ulcct council will lio held tonl"ht.
.MONTHLY UANCi:. The ttircii ItUInc Wheel
men will gie the uuil monthly dime for mem
lcri and lady friends at the chili Iioil-o. tlil-t even
'nir, CIIIMNKY ITRi:. In iepou-e to n .till alirm
at 0.17 lJ"t evening Chemical company Xo, i,
cxtlnsuUliul a chimney tire in the hchulU es
tate icsldenco piopirly at S13 Js'iw ttieet.
P., L. J; W. I'AY-UAYK.-lM.Mnattr
11 begin pa) me the mine woiKeu on hatuid.ty
Jn the local eolllerlis for the Hut half nf March.
The lesular tchcdulo will Iw ptlnled (unioiimv,
MAST OP ST. .JOSlll'H.-Iit ft. I'etu' cathe,
dral yesterday j hli;li tu.i wa tcliUrated i)- 11m
rector, Ilev, l, A, O'ltcllly, in honor of thu fci.t
of Ilu dilheied u short tcrinon on
thu life of that Mint,
Y. W, C, A, SiUri'BIL Aiiollii-r of the popular
Young; WonieuS riirhtlm .iwilUIIou supper
wU he Jfheii Saturday cuiilii',' at tha aaoolatlon
raonw on WaihliiBton ueime. All ate Imlted.
1'lau to come and bring )our family,
SCIIAXTOV MAX bllOi'. Wonl va iceehed
line a few dax ago to (he eltiHt tint John
Spciuer, a )ouu; pun who joined tho Hingllng
II i os, ilion" hi tills city last May, wa shot and
killed In J'licii Mix, Aiizona, tome wcrts ago,
during a fitil.t witli a gang of ioujrl.1 who at
tempted to stampede the cheus.
LSATEU S.I.i:.-Mh Martha Kraiht, the well
known artUti will conduct an K.Mci' talc at h.l
lioinr, 5)2 Qtilncy avenue, on j'rlday mid fcjtur.
lay, March 21 and .'-', from 10 a, in. to 0 p. m,
Ml.v Kutlit, who haa spent tho last four )eai
fu Piesdcn and In New Yoik studying art has c-
luUIt fpeelmtM of her work ta show, 'lliese
uelude painting In oil. water tutor and chliu
d many rare cmbi-oidcrles. feho lus been to
onts jway ()at her towiupeoplo will bo glad for
hU opportunity tu see the lonely work wlikli
hv lus done.
Instructors Who Will Lecttire Dur
ing Week of March 31.
The tiniiuul institute of the teachers
of the city kcIiooIh will he conducted In
the auditorium of the high nchoot dur
ing the week beRlnnlng Monday, March
31. Superintendent Howell Is niranB
Inpr an excellent prosrninnio and will
have several of the lending Institute
Instructors from various parts of the
country In attendance.
A. K. Wlnshlp. of BOHtoiwdltor of
the Journal of Education mid nil In
stitute lecturer of wide repute, will de
liver n Hei'les of lecturew on' English lit
erature. AIIkh Harah Loulre Arnold,
author of tho wrles of texL hooks
known as "Stepping Stones to Litera
ture," Will he another of the Instruc
tors. She will give a series of talks
on "Keadlnc."
AIIhs ttuth Gould, of New York i-lty,
a graduate of the 1'rutt Institute, and
who was so popular when she lectured
here two years ago on drawing, will
give two lalkM on "I'oslng." In which
she will give helpful lnwlrilrtlons as to
the best methods of pot-lng children as
models for drawing work In the higher
grades. Dr, tlieen, of West Chester,
will give a seilcs of talks on "The
Great Poets."
Tho umucs of the other Insliuctorn
will he given out 111 a few days as soon
as Superintendent Howell has com
pleted the preparation of the Institute
programme. Tho Institute will open
Monday afternoon, March Ut. at 2
o'clock nnd there will be two sessions
dully, one In the morning and one In
the afternoon.
Have Completed Work of Auditing
Accounts of County Officers
for the Year 1000.
County Auditors V. E. John, A. E.
Klefcr and 1'. AV. f'ostello yesterday
Hied their audit of the accounts of the
county officers for tho year 1P00. Tho
receipts were $;!r)3,fl2.-t7, nnd the dis
bursements $31.'!,'J17.r!). The receipts in
excess of the disbursements are .$40,
072.8S. The expenses of the county for
the year IflOO by departments follows:
Assooncuw $ KSOS.t.'!
AiUiitMn? 2..1S7.40 widely 300.00
Appiehension of mm del on .'nO.Sl 1.1OT.73
C'onnly LOnimiloucis' olflee 7.C0O..V)
County ofl!ce ,1t,0tli.K."
Coimtv iiuditois 'J.S17.00
Court house giound? 1.1R0.UO
("Vim t c.pcnoa .'. "7,121.41
fVimmouwealth co-li ot,122."0 of "oldiei-. 700.00
niith'. and ik.nlis 1 7.:'.".
liiion of townships and boioiiuhs.... 111.00
KUrtloii i'penCM 1j..'iI1.77
KjIiiii S.SUi.lO
llmnnerjlioii of school chlhlicn nsO.'Jj
In-iil. itii'o 7-!l."0
Inipe.'ichmrul ,, ;,0
inquests ;;. ,:io..j i
IiK.m foinuts ",o.O0
l'i lilt Ins mid -litioneiy ",fi.V'.IP.
l'0-.lflse nnd irenue .stamps 3lf:iT
rirmliims Cln.M
Publle buililinc: cNprn-e? !J.!9ri.!l
Prison epin5i's i,S2". II
PiNon lwtnd ..l:07.(ll
llesislratioTi dimaires l,:!71.00
Mate JI3..T0
Male Indii'tual lpformitury Pll.raj
Mate hospital lor iluonie insane n.tu
Male uiiclli 172.50
Mmdry epenrs :!l7.t'0
T.ixe- refunded ,.,.... i,.'7
Teniiwrii) loins CO.sOoO.1
Cniideiniullaii of turupike.s ::iP.iil
l'ire wardens IIOO.'J'J
Count) drtei;lie 1,11S.:;.I
Comity l,'i(M c.spenses O.M)
Military enrollmenl 2,-J'j2.'J7
S'ldhrs' monument o.?,::i0.$5
tsimdiiieei .i?alnr c-coimly (onuiils-
sionir '..... t'P7.27
Thompsons ho-pital fACO
Total $31.1,217.'!!
Tho total assets of tho county are
$1,026,1-103.21, and the liabilities $310,
000.00. Assets in excess of liabilities
are $716,05.21. Tho assessed valua
tion of property in the county for tho
year 1900 was 539,69.i.9BG.00. The county
tax duplicate for 1900 was $280,000.00,
and the stale tax duplicate was $26,
111.01. u
Those Selected to Act at the Charity
The following have been named as a
lloor committee for the charity ball:
Seraiiton 1'iof. .1. 1'iank SIprpI, master cf
ceremonies: M. I'. f-ando, chairman; Dr. Wal
ler M. Iteedy, M. T. How ley, Thou. A. tttiddy,
John 1'. (IIMioiis, fieorue Claike, It. J. Munaj,
cmi., Peter Miami, T. P. Dufty, esc., It. M.
O'Uiien, 1'. O'Malley, Frank V. Ponl, T. I, fior
don, 1'iank MeAmhew, John A, Co'.Hi.s, T. .1.
DulTy, P. V. Connolly, William 1J. Hoche, Ui. II.
A. Webb, Dr. John O'Malley, Dr. I'. L. Meliraw,
Pr, John McC'imiIi, John Tuohey, csrj., Plank
Donnelly, e-q., II, V. Miean, est., .lames W.
McKcnncy, e., John (hipster, esq., John .1.
lliirkiu, John McCourl, esq., Peter J. Ctimntliurs,
Ihonias J. Murphy, Michael CzJ.ikoui.kl, James
Hell, esq., M. J. Itilddy, esq.. T. J. Collins. Pi.
J, 1'. Saltiy, Dr. J. .1. Diennan, Dr. J. J. Hutli
an. Jr., Dr, J. P. Stanton, John .Meltalc.
l'lttslon John (I'D. Mamran, William Iiy,
Austin Poweis, .M, N, Donnelly, esq.
WllkesJIane ( haile.s l.euahan, esq, (', M.
lkiwmau, Captain James Kenney,
Olyphant James Joidan, P, r, Duikln, II. J.
Carbnulalcrratik II. Clllloid,
The members of this commit toe nro
veo.uested to meet tonight at the
Knights of Columbus club house at 8
The Pingev Posts Making the Many
By-Paths of Present Day Troubles
All Seem to Point the Same Way
Lack of Nerve Force.
Day by day thu columns of this
paper bilng new ovldonc from Scran
ton people of tho great work being
done by Pr. A. W, Chase's Nervo I'IIIh.
Why they accomplish so much Is
easily explained thoy nro prepared
with an eyo sluglu to lestoilng nervo
force. They accomplish this object,
which no other medicine In the world
has evsr been able to do; that's why
hundreds of Hcranton people offer their
Mr, .Samuel Rogers, of No, J2S Hydu
Talk avenue, Seraiiton, l'n says;
was In a run-down condition, head
ached, nervous and sleeping badly and
the appetite poor. I was told of Dr.
A. W. Chase's Nerve 1'ills nnd got a
box, As a it'sult I sleep and eat well
again tho nerovousness and headaches
aro gone and my general strength back
again. 1 am very much pleased with
them and glad to iccoiumend them to
others. This 1 can do conscientiously,"
Dr. A. W, Chriisj'H Nerve Pills aro
sold at fiOc. a box at deulerts, or Dr. A.
W Chase. Medicine Co., Culfalo, N, y,
Seo that portrait and signature of
A. W. Chase. M, D., are on every
package. For sale in Scranton at
Matthews' llros., 320 Lackawanna avenue.
Compliments for District Attorney
Lewis nnd Jnil Warden W. T, Simp
son and Commendation of the Food
Furnished tho Prisoners List of
the True Bills Returned and Some
of the More Important Ignored
Bills Doings in Common Fleas
Court Other Court Matters.
The grand Jury made Its llunl report
to i-otirt yesterday and was discharged.
Its llndlng was as follows:
T.i tho Unhniuhlt, the Judaes of the (milt of
(oilier Sessions of l,.u l;:i.iini.i I oimty:
'J he giand inquesl in and tor tho enmity of
LaekawMiuu usped fully iepoil as follows:
'I lie .mention of the iitainl Jmy was railed to
almit four hundred eases, of this number about
two bundled and fccnty-lhc wero lirnoicd for
the le.isou llut the pinseilllolii did liol appear or
for Ihe reasons' the eiidenee was insuf
ficient. '
'I lie Kiaml jury vi.Kcd the seernl comity
buildings and found the "line In a cleanly (.in
fill inn and well managed,
'I lie si.ind Juiy lnleileed seieral of the
prUi.iris now mnflnrd in the coanly jail of
this loinit), for the- purpose of iiserrtilntliir how
thry weie frd; and the) Invariably informed
Ihe crmd jury tint the food supplied to thini
wis of noil qiuility and siifllclently supplied,
tinder the able iiijii.iki liunt of the w.liden, Mr.
W, T. Simpson, (he (onilltlon of the jail Is pei
feet. 'Ihe grand jmv cordially eteml ihelr Ihinl.s
to the ditiiel. altorney for Ihe able manner in
whli Ii he isiiiiluets his ollke, mid also for his at
tention to the (rrand July while they weie ill
The u-ritid Jmy is also thankful in lipstaR
Jieob Hitler for hit. attention while the Sji.iiitl
jnr) w is in session.
Hi spect hilly submit tcri,
S. .1. Matthews 1'
The true bills returned wore as fol
James Siillhan; llany lloltol.i, liros.
Itetnard Uiady; Harry llottoli, pios.
Dennis tirade; (leorjie Wani'li, puis. '
Dennis llrady; Michael Jlahobhick, puis.
Thomas Pudib ; ll.iuy Hollola, .pros.
Thomas Ituddy; (Jcorge Wanhh, pros.
Pennl.i Ilratlr: Harry Hottola, pro-.
William Cotton: bom n. Day, pio'. llinld) ; Michael Mnholchick, pios.
Ian Ilonunoski; Joseph Warlnu-l.i, pio.-..
.loin Mc(!owaii; Maic-arel Harry, pros.
i'alsi: pi!i;rr.x-i:--.
Men ill J. Kishpauirli and Vila Klsbpiucli: Lien
ten ml John Dais, pins.
Menill J. Kishpaiicli and Ada Kislipjiigh; Lieu
tenant John Dai.s. pro.
I'et'i I.lpoHie?; II. I,. Ta.iloi. pioj.
Merrill J. K'islipauKli and Ada Kis'npuigh; Lieu
tenant John Dads, pios,
m:lu.t; ov su.vnw.
I h irles .Ijii obs; Pied ddison, pin-,
hahatoie Lappillo; James J. Kelly, pun.
Aieh piuilap; John Hank, pu!.
lUnJimlu P. Ilunliek; II. A. Sianton, plus.
i:ila .Maud Manlor; P. A. St mton, pio-..
(.'(nice (IiLsle; Mieliael M.insikp, pio.
.lohu Kera; Jlichael Mascaijppuis.. . . ' .
Joseph Lmiaiii and Mcolo ( hanci; N.i.ilius
P.nyeolino, pio-.
Abe I'osiier: John fleicle, pios.
Pud Si black; Marsaict Sililack, pios
roitciw.i: KNTnv and pi:taini:ii.
Frank Xoaek; Jo-eph Pajra, pios.
Tone) Minotll; Ixjul-e Minnie!, piox.
1'illinan Oimble; Moni- Weg-.nan, pio-."
Among the big batch or Ignored bills
were the following: Hattle Seegar,
charged with libel by John Selgler;
Sttrah Ford, perjury, Ellen Nelson;
James II. ' McCarthy, embezzlement,
Mary Burke. Andrew Moran, perjury;
Ignatz Altmnn, pros. James M. Durkin,
forgery; James Maligna, pros. Mar
garet Dimler, perjury; Mary McCarthy,
pros. James Uucknavish, perjury;
Tony Lukon, pros. John Sackl, embez
zlement; Joseph Kolochl, pros. Thomas
Murza, perjury; Thomas Wclllngtona
vllz,, pros. M. McLaughlin, misde
meanor In oilice; Thomas Jenkins,
pros. Michael Luce, misdemeanor In
office; Thomas Jenkins, pros. Frank
Hulzsche, libel; W, F. Smythe, pros.
Louis Freedman, libel; George M.
Okell, pros. M. P. O'Connor, violation
of post laws; S. .1, Stevens, pros. Ella
Lynott, adultery; Anna Rosenkrantz,
pios. Annie Rosencranz, perjury: El
len Lynott, prox. Matthew Coleman,
embezzlement: James McC'arriek, pros.
Common Pleas Court.
All of yesterday was consumed with
the trial of the ejectment case of C.
II. Williamson against M. H. Cnrpen
ter, which Is one of the most compli
cated actions threshed out In the local
courts for some years. Early yester
day morning Judge Kelly admitted the
contlnuanco docket as evidence of
what was dona when tho mortgnge.
which Is the basis of tho nlalntlff's
title to the property, was given. When
court adjourned for the (lay evidence
on the part of the defense was being
Befoie Judge McCIure, In No. 3, tho
trespass case of John Walsh and oth
ers ngnlnst tho city was. on trial nil
day. Tho t-ase was opened for tho
city early In the day, and A, 11. Eynon,
f E, Daniels nnd George Ilrown wero
put on the stnnd to show that the
Walsh property wns not damaged by
tho opanlng of Itoblnson street.
Hearings in Various Audits,
In tho Orphans' Court yesterday,
Judge A. A. Vosburg held n hearing In
tho audit lu the estate of Jeremiah
Simon, deceased. No exceptions were
filed to tho account of tho administra
tor, but there tire sumo disputed clnlms
against tho pstate. Considerable tes
timony was taken with lefcteueo to tho
claim of Thomas Fletcher for boarding
the decedent, and for money which ho
alleges ho loaned to Mr, Simon, Tho
hearing will bo concluded on Am II 21,
tU 10 a. m. D. J. Davis represented
tho estate, and John F. Murphy and C.
V, Dawson appeared for the heirs and
tho claimant respectively.
A paitlnl hearing was also conducted
In tho estute of Erastus J. Parrott, de
ceased, Attorney M. W, I.owry appeal
ing for tho uccouutunt.
The audit in tho estate of Andrew
Nllbon, deceased, was also heard, theie
being no Iteins of dispute Involved In
tho distribution.
In tho estate of Bridget Collins, de
ceased, the. audit was continued until
March 26.
The audit in thu c-htuto of John II.
Itanck, u minor, was taken up, Attor
neys Dawson and -It. J, Murray appeal
ing for the Interested parties, lion.
Reward of Merit.
A New Catarrh Cuio Secures National
Popularity in Less than Ono Year.
Throughout a great nation of eighty
millions It Is a desperate struggle to
secure even n recognition for a new ar
ticle to pay nothing of achieving popu
lar favor, and yot within one year
Ktunil's Catarrh Tablets, the new ca
tarrh cure, hns mot with such success
that today It can bo found In every
drug store throughout tho United
States and Canada.
To bo sure a large amount of adver
tising wns uccesnry in the Hist instance
to bring the remedy to tho attention
of the public, but everyone familiar
with the subject knows that advertis
ing alone never made any article
permanently successful. It must have
in addition absolute, undeniable merit,
and this the new catatrh cure certain
ly possesses In a marked degree.
Physicians, who formerly depended
upon Inhalers, sprays and local washes
or ointments, now use Stuart's Catarrh
Tabids because, as one of the most
prominent stated, these tablets contain
In pleasant, convenient form nil the
really elllclent catarrh remedies, such
as red gum, blood root and similar an
tiseptics. They eonlaln no cocaine nor opiate,
and are given to children with entire
safely and benefit.
Dr. J. .1. Keltlger, or Covington, Ky..
says: "I suffered from catarrh in my
head nnd throat every fall, with stop
page of tho nose and irritation In the
throat affecting my voice and often
extending to the stomach, causing cn
tnrrh of the stomach. I bought a fifty
cent package of Stuart's Catarrh Tab
lets at my druggist's, carried them In
my pocket and used them faithfully,
and the way In which they cleared my
head and throat was certainly remark
able. I had no catarrh Inst winter nnd
spring nnd consider myself entirely
free from any catarrhal trouble."
Mrs. Jerome Ellison, of Wheeling, W.
V.i., writes: "I suffered from catarrh
neaily my whole life nnd lnsL winter
my two children also suffered from ca
tarrhal colds and sore throat so much
they wero out of school a large portion
fir the winter. My brother who was
cured of catarrhal deafness by using
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets urged me to
try them so much that. T did so and am
truly thankful for what they have done
for myself and my children, r always
keep a box of the tablets In the house
and at the tirst appearance of a cold
or sore throat we nip it In the bud and
catarrh is no longer a household afflic
tion with us. '
Full sized packages of, Stuart's Ca
tarrh Tablets Mrrsdld for 'fifty cents at
all druggist.
Send for book on cause and euro of
c.itarih mailed free. Address, F. A.
SUiail Co., Mai shall, Mich.
A. M. Freas continued the hearing of
this audit to Monday, March 31.
The !'rnn)!a Telephone ii.ii,
nane hcLMii an oitl.iii tn renledn seslpi.lnv
against J. W, llmuiell to recoer pnv.".Joii of the
paraphernalia of a telephone pay station which
it is iillcKcd Ilunncll Ins in his lo-sis-ioii and ie
fuses to give up.
In the case of the commonwealth apMiu.t James
Itcllly, who was sent to jail Dec. II, 1U0I, in de
fault of $11 n month toward the support of his
wife, who had him ancsted for desertion, .Indue
Kelly jcsterdiy made an oulcr leleisiiifr him
from jail, it lining been shown tint he can not
pqssibly giii the requlied sccuiil).
Olll" M. & II. $1.00 GlOTCS in all the most beautiful &
2 shades Grey, Tan, Modes. Castor, Beaver Brown and
!?5 white. Guaranteed the best Glove at the price.
P. N. Corsets
CJ New Shapes for new spring gowns. We have all the jSs
; smart styles. These Corsets have the cork protected rust-
?2S proof steels, livery Corset guranteed to fit and wear. aH
S Prices from $1.00 to $3.50
g Little Beauty Corsets
A Hair-Dolliu' Wontler.
Handkerchiefs Si
X Ladies' pure linen, hem-stiched, one.quarter and one- 5T;
j half inch hem; fine shear goods. sri
15c Value for 10c ";
jS Finer Swiss Embroidered and Real Lace Handerchiefs si!
! in great variety. 25.'
f Neckwear g
J3s Elegant new line of Fancy Ruffs, Ruches, Silk, Mull 5!
; and Swiss Ties, Stock Collars, Embroidered Linen Turn- S
"S down Collars, Pretty Point Lace Turn-down Collars. ar:
! 15c to 50c fj
Xp, . ,
New Lace Al lovers, Edges, In-
f sertions, Tuckings, and a 8
Large Line of Dress Ii
Trimmings. fj
"Si New Lace and Irish Crochet Collars,
3 50c up to $5.00 S
55 &'
fMears & Hageni
415417 Lackawanna Ave.
According to Councilman Rush, the
Scranton Gas and Water Company
Repudiates tho Meter It Put in the
Rush Hotel Property and Demands
Payment According to the Old
Yearly Rate Motor Cut Down tho
Water Expense from S62 to S3.72
a Year Injunction Will Be Asked.
Common Councilman William Hindi
will go Into court this morning pray
ing for nn oidcr to compel the Scran
ton Gas and Water company to desist
fiom shutting off the water supply to
the propertlci of his mother, Mrs.
Catherine Hush, situate at 111 nnd 113
South Seventh street tuul 2oS Itnllro.ul
Two years ago, ngnlnst the protest
of Mr. Hush, tho company attached n
meter to the Seventh street property,
then occupied by the Rush hotel, on
the Kround floor nnil ns tho residence
of three families on the second tloor.
Previous to the installation or the
meter the rate for the property was
$62. The ilrsl month the meter was
in It registered only $t.3'i worth of
water. Ench succeeding quarter tho
registration was lessened until the
period of the last statement, ft
was down to $2.17 for seven month'!.
Mr. Hush, acting ns manager of tho
property, went to tho company's ulllco
nnd preferred payment at tho meter
rate. The company refused to nccopt
his money, demanding, s-o he alleges,
payment pro rata at tho yearly rate.
Mr. Rush absolutely refused to pay for
anything more than what tho meter
had him charged with and left tho of
fec to return with witnesses, who might
latet bear testimony that he tendered
payment, according to the company':1,
bill. Twice In the presence of wit
nesses the tender was refused, and on
a later occasion the company Is also
alleged to have refused payment o' tho
bill for water ni the Hush residence,
until settlement was made for Ihe
Seventh street property at the yearly
About a week ago the company
threatened to shut off the water from
both properties if the bills were not
paid forthwith. The notice went un
heeded. Yesterday afternoon tho com
pany shut off tho water from bol'i
Mr. Rush will Institute cctulty pro
ceedings to compel the conican.' to
turn on 'the water until such time, :-L
least, as the company proves by leg'il
proceedings that the yearly and not
tho meter rate should bo paid.
John Havencarap Received Big Sen
tence in Binghnmton.
John V. Havencamp, who was arrest
ed in this city a few months ago, was
sentenced to eight years in the Atiburn
state prison by Judge Parsons, of Bing
haniton, Monday. He was charged with
grand larceny, and assault In the flint
It will be remembered that Havrn
camp's partner was killed on the rail
road, near Carbondnle, and that ho
identified the body as his own. He was
later arrested on Washington avenue
by Detective Stephenson, of Bingham
ton, who happened to be in the city.
Ho had previously shot at the detective,
when tho latter tried to arrest him,
Marriage Licenses.
I'rank ONtcr Ta.dor
Delia Decker Ta.dor
(hailea I.1. Young I'hmoutli
Margaret Jones Tiunnutli
one sie smaller afler usinjr Mien's 1'oot-n.isP. a
powder to be: shaken Into the Mioes. It makes
tight or new (.hoes feel easy; giics in-tint lellef
to corns and bunions. It's the gicatest comfoit
diseoiery of the age. Ones and pieunts swollen
fen, bllsterp, callous un! .sore spots. Allen's
I"oot-cac is a eeitain cure for bwtatlnc hut,
aching feet. At all druggists and shoe stores,, Tiial package FHHi; by mall. Addreis, Al
Irn S, Olnutead, I.e Itoy, X. Y.
Ask to see it.
Candle Light
It Is a pretty word, a
your formal dlhncr io you
social function Is enhance
and five llghtHj single stl
Cut and Pressed Olass, wl
d by
and slllc.
Wo have an cxceptlona
1 lino
1ji 23c and COe1.
GEO, V. IVIIl-l-AR &.
Eousecleaning Time Approaches
Let us repair 3'Ottr furniture, make over your
mattresses and clean your carpets before the rush
Scir&nton Beddmg Ga
Lrtckmvnnna and Adnnis Avenues.
Trust Your Eyes
and Your Fingers, Too I
IJ Kconomy which Mights ipialilv
,..(i..iii.. i-uiiiiiiiu'u. t r Hir nil l'.llll'll .Miilliaic oil ,M'm ll.lllf, l!0"l VW1T I lie liefil v.
in the hud and enlitlid to price pintoetion a I I'll iuie tune. a;
Theie's ever) thing here the joungstei' neoK and lots nf them, loo. 'Ihere'i an Sfc
nn pmcIIciicc In their get-up that Is sttUfilng In nris. mothers, lleie is a biief i'
and paitial llt: C-'
-iiaue or nn maleiiuls and trimmed
Illlnd CiiilnoUlery and the like.
hort Presses, rai Ii
Long I)i escf, each
Mule of wks I.T-n and Cioehet
eionornies aie as mait.ed In tli's line
v n-iiiiieiT. 1 ipucn 1 ijunei nnn iiinioiii mm. nunc up into ne.u and tasteful
.SJ 1 tile gaimenls for ciiildien 0 months to ;: )eus old. .nd the pilics nnge fiom
taf uOe. upwards.
g U'oo ami 'Ilk C'roc'ict Poolers to keep the babS left imnfurtable, .111 1 the
, piifes begin al in.-, and go up.
2 Peautiful Whilf t'hmicl Slmils hind and machine cnibiuideied, 3Ue. each
f0 and up.
5 Viiin-or-k ami lvii; " lotli Sklrt rmbioMcrj' anl linu-litdi liimmins. .VJ
s radi .Did lip,
m h.-dford Cords, ( iilna .silk and Cicam forded t-ilk. made up into Long Coal-,
beauliriillr made duel finished. Jl.u'i deli and iifinaids,
( aahmere llo-e, with silk heels and toes; pink, blue, while, tan, red ant
" black. 23. a fait.
j Think of ari.vlhh'g foi the dailing to wear rf rmiise none :ue half so good as
In by eIreTcs. but we hae Mime nice things here and there's no doubt of the ecnn.
35 oiii). Do .lour buying here and vou'll bo ghd to line found a place that boai
0 lisjblr niaiks of being conducted in your intciot.
I McConnell & Co. I
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
S . $ 4. 4.
Can only be had rightly in a flen's
Store. "That is our opinion." It will be
yours, after seeing the kind that is
shown by
String, Bows, Puffs, Tecks, Band Bows,
Four-in-Hands, Imperials, Etc., in season
able colorings. If you don't see what you
want in the window, go inside. You'll ' r
not regret it. " ' I
305 Lackawanna Ave;
! ! ! "h ! ! 41 ! 4 ! & d J 2
iHl Blft WfflikTftlTI-fl3TBli
oCatiW Mowers Sharpened
A Lawn Mower should always be sharpened
and cleaned at the beginning of the season
Don't wait till you must use it, but let us fix it
now. We will call for and return it upon request
by 'phone or postal.
We Give Green Trading Stamps,
pretty name for pretty things. Krom
live o'clock tea, the charm of every
the lights. Cnndelabrns In three
In ttoninn nnd Htirnlshed Sliver,
dainty, protiy Shades In paper
assortment of line SHADES, 10c,
134 Wyoming Ave.
C O, "Wall? In and look around.
BDth 'Phones
to clravag."ni'e, lleie von :;rr rmalltv and
with Valeix icnui", Swiss llnbi olden- L
7-, . 1 ;.,-, no
". to 7 "(J ?
Silk aril lu nil the fashion ibk i.lniies. The
ji an).
.. .j. . 4. 4. .. . 4. .j. 4. i- 4. .j.
'b b $ & ! "J 4 ! ! b ! ! & ! .