The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    f- H .('.
J. 4MM L ,
I The News of
fAV4 iAoW'
. ,
"".Delaware and Hudson Railroad.
m Xovfmbcr SI. HWli ,. ,.,
gratia trine CiiliomUlo nt tlly Motion- m Ml.
KKof Serontnn nnd WlllcM'lUttd-U.W, 7.M, H.W.
,WW, 10.01, 11.21 !. in. I 1.U0, l.W, 2.60. ',
.(fo, 7.00, lo.oi. ii.oi) p. in. . , .n
'Sunday trains Icavo ml S-.V), 11.41 '"'I M0'
,2.M, S.0O, 8.3S p. in. . ,tl . ,.fw
Tor AlhAny. SJtJlPs. Monti Ml. 's'l.on:,
Ktlnd loliit, etc., 7.00 n. in.l '' "'
'KorWmort and HoncsuMk, 7.22. U-05 " "1,i
.3.51, 0.22 p. in. , . ,.,,ble
,T SumMy trains leave Wmnmt anil Itoncwue
,nl 0..10 a, in. ; 4.45 p. in. ...m... n.rii
Trains airCvc at Catlwinl.ile If""' U''HS in r,i
,nml Scrnnton m follows! C..V1. 8.3;. two- J"-"'
. in.! 12.37, 2,00, il.13, 4.2S, fi.OJ, 7.01, 8.H4. H.ol,
fji.87 p;.m.: 2.03 o. iii. ,,,
Sunday trnlnVairlvo at 0.27 u. in.: 1M0, .J-1''
4.2S, fl.29, ll.fij p. in. , .......
Sund.iv- trains arrive nt Caibonu.ile wm
tnait and llonesdJlo nt 12.17 and 7.5Ti p. in
Now York, Ontario nnd Western.
Frplcmbrr 17. mil. . m
Trains leave CJibondulc for s-'uanton t "
til.; 4.00 p. in.
Sunday trnlm r.t 7.00 a. in.: 0.WI P.m. .
Trains Ic.ivo Cuuondjlc for points noitn "
11.10 a. in. On Sunday at !U0 n. tn. 1"J
luring at 11.00 a. in. week dav nndP.JO a. l "
Sundjjs nuKc connect Ions for New Ji'ik, i-Oin-ll.
He. ,
TinliiH airivr from Scr.inlon at 11.10 a. in.s "-J,"
p. in.: frc-ui points norlli, 4.00 p. in. fMimUJJ
fiom Scranlon at 0.10 a. in. and i.4 1'. '"'
from Cadofli nt COO p. m. ' " ,
JThe D. M. I. Holds a Successful
Dance in the Burke Building.
Events, to Open the Season After
Lent, Being Planned Knights of
Columbus Reception and Dance.
St. Aloysius' Dance Other Affairs.
The D. M. I. dunce, which had been
rncerly anticipated among the young
people of tlu town, was quite all event
last night.
Thf! successful affair was conducted
In tlie iiurke building;, and wan a
source of groat enjoyment and pleasure
to a couple of hundred young folks,
who are conspicuous in the town's
social lift'. Many of the guests of the
D. 51. I. were from out of the city, and
the pleasure which they they enjoyed
Impressed on thoin the true hospitality
of their hostesses. The dance room
from 0 o'clock until the "good night"
waltz was a moving picture of pretty
robed maidens and their escorts, whose
iMijoymont of the evening was the high
est. Firth provided the latest dnnce
music, the three and four-step move
ments meeting with the highest ap
proval. The ever-popular waltz was
also well patronized.
This was the first dance at which the
V. M. I. entertained, and It was voted
u decided success by all the young peo
ple, who were generous in the acknowl
edgments of tlie hostesses' hospitality.
Among those from out of town were
5Ilss Dora Tennis, Emma Moon, Ida
Giles. Itachel Orimths, Annie Grlfllths,
Uesslo Freas, Mary Swiek, and .Messrs.
Kdwnrd Oiles, Arthur Piser. William
Hitler, William Young, Hurry Grllllths,
Murten Wheeler, Claude Stacker, Rob
ert Freas, Ralph Rymer, Lewis Piser,
of Jermyn; Miss Cris IJyrnes, of Green
Tlldge; F. M. Gardner, esq., of Forest
rity; Bessie Calloway, or Archbald;
Margaret Maxwell, of Jermyn.
The Knights' Reception and Dance.
Of the post-Lenten events, a social
affair which Is eagerly anticipated
each year is the reception nnd dance
of Carbondale council, No. 329, Knights
of Columbus.
This society event, for It always
reaches this dignity, will take place In
the I3urkc building on Wednesday
evening. Invltutions will be sent out
by the knights today.
The reception nnd dance will be a
fitting opening of the soc'lal season
after the subdued spirit of the Lenten
season, and the knights have arranged
to this end. The Mozart orchestra will
contribute Its part to the festivities by
providing one of its superior pro
grammes. The ball will be beautifully
embellished with artistic decorations,
and will present a charming appear
ance to the pleasure-seekers of the
evening. The usual social triumph is
alined at by the committee in charge
of the enterprise.
On Easter Monday Night.
The opening of the post-Lmiten sea
pon, Easter Monday night, will' be
marked by a social to be conducted by
u comparatively now organization iii
Carbondale, but which is galninc won
derfully In prestige, the St. Aloysius
Total Abstinence and Literary society,
The social, which will be in observ
ance or the ilrs t anniversary of the
society, will take place In the Burke
The True Way to Get Well.
Tlie tales told of how food will nuiko
people well are nearly always Interest
ing. A young lady in Cleveland, O.,
says: "I had an attack of nervous
prostration and Dually had to give up
and go to bed. Did not know what
was the matter with me. My physl--.clun
told me that I should tnko a trip,
Innd a fnvorlto auntie, who was at that
Itlme u visitor at ny home, urged me
Ho ra turn with her. The doctor said
4-1 might get out of bed In n few days,
und so, although I was still very weak,
rl made the Journey, which vas a short
tone, to ClovolaiHl. ' ' '
There I gave out again and hud neu
tt'nlffla badly In addition to my other
kiervouH troubles. While In this con
Mltlon I was urged to change my food
fund try drape-Nuts. I had tried
ajape-Nut8 at homo but .did jipt like
tlitm'feecA'uso 'i dl not use them right,
-hYins put-hot- water- omitcm, hut
under the advice of a friend I started
1" oh Grape-NutB.'unrt, cream (n"vory
rlcMrtJrtft.That,lvan a. different story
u,RI?enjoyert .thqtf cod' greatly.
ffilifi&f"fiv Oitys'fl.pelran 'tQ'.'get.strontr,'
it1lf30w,Hie;ac&la?'lo )lo dpwn. I forgot
toSMJrvOli 'that I Jmd been Buffering
nlStffkttfdiiflySpopBlu, This gradually
leftVnen I had arape.uts f00,i fm.
breakfast and' supper,
Shortly, after. I,,iluf on Desh
fc)ld lsov
li'ubout six weeks. Wheu X returned
Jfomevall my frlonds remarkurt on my
!fiupraVe'd "appearance, and vigor and
atfength Iihad regained paid me well
45r my lob'd experiment.
2Jn addition to strength of body I
noticed a remarkable Improvement n
giy mental Btrcngth. It was a pleasure
to,me to read and think and great big
viorrles that woud' have put me to bed
th my former condition slipped pt, as
iully without oppressing iiio u all.
fame given by I'ostum Co., Hattle
Wf H'.bi
building, and an enjoyahlo nffnlr Is be
ing iilnnnod for. Firth v(l he the
intislclan, mid the hnll will bo decor
tiled In keeping with tho event. The
members nnd their friends uro tiwult
lug thu night with keen anticipation.
Tho Clover Leaf Assembly.
The Clover Lent Dancing assembly
will resume Its weekly meets this even
ing In tho CiirUo building, rrofosrtor
Will Collins will conduct the dancing.
A number of new members havo been
enrolled, and an enjoyable season Is
The Most Successful of the Series nt
Trinity Episcopal Church Miss
Sailer and Mr. Blackwood Assist.
Those who cast aside tho thought
of tho wlldness of the elements last
night and gathered In Trinity church
to enjoy the third and last of the
Holies of Lenten recitals could not help
but express tho one opinion that there
was some sort of a hoodoo over tho
weather that was parceled out for
these delightful musical feasts. Every
night of this season's recitals has boon
unploasant.mllltatlng somewhat against
the attendance on each occasion. Uut
while the weather feature has not been
it success, such Is not true of the re
citals, of which Hist night's was the
grcntest success.
The potrons of last night were priv
ileged to aguln hear Charles Doersani,
the former church organist, and to
enjoy him nt his best. Mr. Doer
sani Is now diligently upplylng himself
at conservatory work In New York city,
but ho made the time and sacrifice
to run back to his ndmlrei-s at Trinity
and provide them with a. nmslcnl feast
that was a brilliant ending of tills
year's Lenten recitals. Mr. Doersain
was assisted by Miss Lydla Sailer, so
prano, and Harvey J. Blackwood, 'cel
list, both of Scrunton, whose efforts
were a worthy contribution to the
evening's success.
Mr. Doersam gave three numbers, all
of which were rare offerings; but of
tho three the first, the sonate by llhein
berger, met with the mosL appreciation,
As mentioned before, It was a. great
delight to the admirers of Mr. Doersam
to see him at the organ again, and his
work of the evening wilt be recalled
with keen delight.
Miss Puller's charming voice was in
spiring in DePugh Evans' arrangement
of "Lend Kindly Light." Mr. Black
wood's playing on the 'cello was char
acteristically clever and artistic. The
programme was:
Organ Sonate, Op. li,
Josef llhelnbcrger.
Soprtino--" Kindly Light,"
D. Depughe Evans.
Cello (a) "Melodic," (b) "La. Clu-
quantaine" Gabriel Marie
Organ (a) Pastorale, (b) Allegro,
Arthur Foote.
Soprano "Show Me Thy Way,"
Cello Swan Song Saint Snens
Organ Coronation March,
Svendsen Allen.
Important Event of the Year in
Ladies' Auxiliary, Brotherhood of
locomotive Engineers.
The most importnnt event of the year
In the Ladies' Auxiliary. Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers, took place
yesterday in Cambrian hall, on South
Church street, when the annual inspec
tion took place.
Coupled with the inspection was the
installation of ofllcers, which save an
interest to the day's proceedings which
will be a topic of discussion for some
The ledge was honoicd by the visit
of Mrs. John Gnhagan, of Wilkes
Carre, who Is a representative of tlie
Grand lodge. Mrs. Gnhagan also dis
charged tho duties of Inspecting offi
cer, and In a manner that was edifying
and Instructive. There were also pres
ent a number of visitors from the aux
iliary at Wllkes-Barre. The visitors,
beside the inspecting ofllcer. found
much to Impress them, in the standing
of affairs of the Carbondale auxiliary.
The inspecting olllcer, it is needless to
say, will be aide to make a splendid re
port of matters In tho local auxiliary.
The Installation ceremonies were
beautifully impressive. Those who were
inducted Into office were: President,
Mrs. G. II. Dlmock: vice-president,
Mrs. S. S. Orltman; secretary, Mrs. M,
Meyers; treasurer, Mrs. O, K. Hlsted;
chaplain, Mrs, W. Hyatt; insurance
secretary, Mrs. G. II, Dlmock; guard,
Mrs, Frank Dail,
After the morning exercises, tho
ladles enjoyed a splendid dinner at
Coddlngton & Thompson's restaurant.
The exercises were concluded In tho
Babe Is- Out of Danger.
Catherine, tho only child or Mr. and
Mrs, A. It, Jones, of yayne street, who
has been dangerously 111 of pneumonia,
passed tho crisis yesterday, and tho at
tending physician, Dr. Wheeler, now
looks for the rapid recovery of the lit
tle one. Tho friends of tho family will
lie greatly relieved by this encourag
ing news.
Theatrical People on Vacation.
Miss Lillian Pouckert nnd Miss Helen
Thomas, both of this city, who are
members of a dromatlo company pro.
duclng "Uncle Tom's Cabin," are home
for a brief vacation, The company In
which they uro cast Is playing In near
by towns.
Home Prom Wedding Tour.
Hubert F, Clark and Mrs, Clark, for
merly Miss Muy Klrkpatrlck, are homo
from their wedding tour, After April
i the newly wedded couple will ho lit
homo In their nicely furnished rest,
deuce, at '':! Canaan street,
Qilleen's Leg Broken.
While walking on the Delaware and
Hudson trucks, near DuudufC crossing,
lust evening, Charles Gllleen tripped
and fell and fractured his right leg,
He yaH taken to Emergency hospital,
Will Reside in Philadelphia,
John Walsh, of the West Sldo, will
leave In a few days for Philadelphia,
where he has secured u promising post,
tion. Tho well wishes or many friends
will accompany Mm.
Butcher Meets With Mishap,
P. I. MoKennu, the South Side meat
dealer, met with a mishap , yesterday
which gnvo him a little more excite,
ment than ho usually ernves for. The
team which ho was driving took on an
extra spurt of speed and in flying
atotig the wagon was, overturned. Mr.
McKcnna had to hustle to get out of
harm's way. Ho succeeded, but his
wagon was badly damaged.
Some Ailing nnd Others Are Itecov
cring. Miss Grace Slinroll, of Clark avenue,
who Is employed In tho ofllces of tho
International Correspondence Schools,
at Scrunton, Is home from worlfwlth a
severe attack of grip.
iBiidor Vail, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Vail, of Wyoming
street, is suffering from tho whooping
Mrs. T. ,T. Skinner, of Terrace street,
who litis been dangerously 111, Is Im
proving. Mrs. P. J. Joslln, whose condition fol
lowing mi attack of ncurulglu, caused
great alarm to her family, continues to
Improve and will probably be nble to
sit up before the end of the week.
Mrs, Martin Mannlon, of Pike street,
who was taken with a hemorrhage
while worshipping In St. Rose's church,
Sundny, Is now out of danger.
Morgan Thomas, president of the
poor board, who has been severely 111
nt his home, on Church street, Is Im
proving, though he will not be out for
a number of davs.
Miss Lucy Spall, one of the clerks
of lteese firos.' store, Is home on ac
count of illness.
Will Arrive in Washington.
Miss Marjorle Powderly left yester
tcrday for Washington, D. C, where
she will take up her residence with her
brother, Hon. T. V. Powderly, com
missioner general of immigration.
Miss Powderly is a native of Carbon
dale, whose parents were among tho
very pioneers, not of Carbondale alone,
but of this valley. Her departure,
therefor, from the place of her birth
will be keenly regretted by a wide cir-'
cle of friends, who are united to Miss
Powderly by the strongest bonds of
friendship. She . will be especially
missed by her sisters In the Ladles
Catholic Benevolent association, among
whom she had a strong Influence. She
was, also, always an ardent worker
in the church work in St. itosc's con
gregation. Bridge Abutments Swept Away.
Tho bridge over the Fallbrook creek,
where the stream crosses Scott street,
has had its abutments partly swept
away, leaving the bridge half support
ed and In a dangerous condition. City
Engineer Kupp is arranging for the
necessary repairs. The bridge Is com
paratively new, having been built with
in a year. The abutments, however,
are somewhat ancient, having stood
for nearly twenty years. The flooding
of the creek bed 'and the later releas
ing of tlie frost in the earth, caused
the bridge foundation to give way. It
will cost about $75 to cover the repairs.
Former Carbondalian to Wed.
Word has been received hi this city
of the marriage of u former Carbon
dalian, Maurice Guest, who will bo
wedded this morning in Sayre, this
state, the homo of bis bride. Mr. Guest,
who is now living in Catawissa, was
employed in the Delaware and Hudson
locomotive shops during his residence
in Carbondale. He has a host of
friends here who wish him and his
bride abundant happiness.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Tonight.
The strange story of Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde wilt Interest patrons of the
Grand tonight when the Schiller com
pany will present the dramatization
of Robert Louis Stevenson's fascinat
ing story. This will uliidoubtedly at
tract a great throng.
"Dora Thorne" yesterday afternoon,
and "A Heart of Fire" In the evening
pleased two big audiences yesterday.
The company grows in favor dally.
Meetings of Tonight.
George E. Randolph camp, Sons of
Division No. 3, Ancient Order of Hi
bernians. United Mine Workers, No. S77.
Branch No. 77, Ladles' Catholic Ben
evolent association,
Ladles' auxiliary, Railroad Trainmen
Carbondale council, No. U24, Royal
Area mi m.
Changes in D. & H.
Harry T. Williams has resigned, his
position as chier stenographer to Su
perintendent Manvllle, of tho Dela
ware and Hudson, to accept an ad
vanced position with the Carbondale
Machine company,
Mr. Williams will bo succeeded by
Joseph Glennoii, a graduate of tho
business department of the Carbondale j
1!H" rilllfUJ,
Back to Carbondale,
Jllss Ethel Robbins, who left Carbon
dale some time nco in company With
her parents for Kentucky, where they
havo made their home, has returned
from the Blue Grass stnte and Is stay
ins at the homo of Dr. Stevenson, Mlsa
llobblns failinjr health was tho cause
of lier return, the climate In the South
being harmful to her.
Meeting with Success.
Jl. J. Martin, formerly of the ilrm of
Dougherty & Martin, tho Park Place
grocers, is now the rcurescntatlve for
Carbondale and neighboring places of
tho big pickle house of II. J. ileitis,
with oiuces In Pittsburg nnd all around
tho horizon, Mr. Martin Is meeting
with deserved success,
Father Morrison Preaches.
Hev. Junies P. Morrison, a former
resident of Carbondale, who Is now an
assistant priest lu New Brunswick, N.
J Is visiting at his home, on Belmont
street. Last night ho preached an
eloquent sermon at the I.enten service
in St. nose's church,
Attended the Nallin Funeral,
Mrs. John J. Monatuin, Miss Cather
ine Monuluiii, Joseph Monahan, Hon.
The Quickest Cough Eradicntor.
ll'iom the Shoitsville. N, V-, ICntcrprUe.)
Tills Is the month that one takes cold
so easily and quickly secures that
"hacking4' cough, which Is 60 per
sistently disagreeable as we know by
personal experience. And we also
know that the quickest eradicator of
such cough has been Chamberlain's
Cough Beinedy, and which has been
our stuunch standby for neveral yeari?.
This Is no paid "puff," but merely a
just recognition of nu Invaluable
remedy for coughs, colds, and all lung
uffectlons, and like the Editor, It hus
scores of other staunch friends lu this
town. This Remedy Is for sale by all
ToCuro Woman's Ills, Lydln E.
Plnkhnm's Vegetable Com
Sound SacccctlH. Mrs. Paulino
Utlson Writes :
"DitAft Mnn. Pinkham s Soon after
my marriage two years ago I found
myself in constant pain. Tho doctor
said my womb was turned, and this
caused tho pain with considerable In
flammation, lie prescribed for me for
Secretary of Srhcrinorliorn Golf Club,
Brooklyn, Now York,
four months, -when my husband became
impatient because I grew worse instead
of bettor, nnd in speaking to the drug
gist ho advised him to get Lydla 13.
Finkham's Vepretnblc Compound
and Sanative Wash. How 1 wish I
had takon that at first ; it would havo
saved mo weeks of suffering. It took
three long mouths to rostore me, but
it is a happy relief, and -we arc both
most grateful to you. Your Compound
has brought joy to our home and
health tome." 5lns. Pauline Judbok,
47 Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
5000 forfeit If above ttttlmonlal Is not senulni.
It would seem by this state
ment tlint women would savo
time and much sickness If they
would get Tjydia 13. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound at once,
and also write to IMrs. Pinkham
at Lynn, Mass., for special ad
vice. It is freo and always helps
James O'Neill, P. O. Donnelly, Patrick
J. Mannlon, all of the Harrison House,
were In Scranton yesterday in attend
ance at tho funeral of tlie late John T.
Nalllu, who was laid at rest in the Ca
thedral cemetery In the forenoon.
John Oberdorfer, of Pittston, was
at the American House yesterday.
Theodore WIce, of Cincinnati, who
fly WHM Ji
i Wf 1
M H Yhr iff
I I V V" V M U
anan" Shoe
For Men
The manufacturers of this
famous shoe for men cut only
the best of selected leathers.
The lasts are designed by
professional last makers, and
every shoe, when finished,
passes an examining depart
ment to insure perfection.
We are now showing many
new lasts for spring wear.
Among the most popular is
the 'Colonial" and Blucher
"Oxford." Samples of these
special lasts are displayed in
our corner show case. Look
tit them. It will convince you
that "Hanan" Shoes are su
perior to all other makes.
Sco tho new Hanan"
lasts displayed In our cor
tier shoe case,
linn been nt the Harrison House'' for
several days,, left the" city yesterday.
Ho represents II. Rosenthal & Co., wine
M. r. Judge, of Hcrantoii, was In
Carbondale yesterday on his why to
Itlchard J. Unrrctt, of Oklahoma, was
registered at the Harrison House yes
terday. W. a. McEdwards, of tiltnlru, N. Y
division passenger agent of the I2rle,
was tho guest, yesterduy of Russell
Shepherd, of the local ticket ofllce.
Poor Director James llurko was In
Scranlon yesterday attending the fu
neral of tho lute John T, Nnllln.
Miss Susan Morris will have her
spring Millinery Opening of fine Pat
tern Hats, Friday and Saturday, at
128 Wyoming nve Scranton, Pa.
Tlie fjjtul supper nlvcii muter the nimplrci of
the Utiles' Aid vociety of the CoiinreRatloiuil
church In Windsor hall lt evening win, ,i an
ticipated, a giciit micecw. In f.iet lt success
tiotll Kudally and flnjnct.illy exceeded expectation,
The tables which Weic urr.iiijted lrnRtlml'C
thloiiRh Hie hall wctc decorated Willi flmveM
and ueoiitcd u most Inviting tind tempting op-licaiiiiu-e.
'fh( wnttrciws were inot tullcltoui In
looking after the wants of Ihelr RiiesH nnd every
one who partook of tho supper were delighted
with It. The society under wIhmo auspice tho
supper Was given uic tn he congratulated on their
success. Those who had chaigo of the prepjra
tion of the faggots were: Mrs. .1. T. (Irliflths,
Mrs. Joseph ,1, ifoherti, Mrs. David Powell, Mrs.
Williams, Mrs. Hannah Hiimpluey, Mrs. Ob-cih,
Mrs. John V. Williams and Mrs. Pi Ice, of Moosle.
The wnlCrcsics were: Mlsees Jnnct Williams,
Mary I'ugh, Sara .lames, Cora CirlflUhs, Ceitle
Wivell and Mesd.unes W. T. llolieils. Will Cole,
Samuel Mcnitr, T. 1.'. (Iritfllhs. William Whell,
Samuel ririfflths, TIkhiiih Williams, (,'roige 1M
iiiumls, .lolm ltecse, Mls,c Maud lllll, Amy Will
iams and Maggie llrltlHli. Mrs. lieu Morgan and
.Mrs. Krlse had chaigo of thn lee cicinii atnll .md
David Powell served the c;mdy.
Aleclt Malllsli, a miner In the Krlc collleiy,
wm painfully burned about the face and head
yesterday. While preparing a blatt hU foot
slipped causing him to fall fonvaid, Ids lamp
coming1 In contact with the powder. An explo
sion followed from which he received Ms in
juries. He was taken to his home on the hill at
Mayfleld and was attended to by l)i. Jackson
nnd 11101114.
XIr. and Mrs. John Day, of Peekville, were last
evening the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hob
crts, of Main street.
C. W. QiiQIckslll, of Wilkevllaire, and Miss
Mayhclle Jackwn, of Harvey's Lake, are the
guesli of Dr. and Mrs. llyron II. Jack-on, of May
The junior pupils of Misa Elizabeth Owen will
give a piano lccital in tho Illakcly Daptixt chinch
next Tuesday evening under tho auspices of Mrs.
Frank Siuipon'n Sunday wliool chi. It will be
interspersed with vocal music and leadings. The
admission will be a silver oflcving. Ice cicmi
and cake will be on sale at the close. The pro
gramme is as follows: Duet, "The Imps Itcvel,"
Iionheur, Ml-sc.s Owen and IMitli Morgan; piano
solo, "On tho Meadow," Lichner, Miw l'.lizibetli
Lewis; leading, selected, Ml Mildred Ch.ules;
ftp 7S? ?."-
V K3r t 'r i" .'-efcsiWBBEak
ill wm&f IfIs $m8t
lu Vs&PS&a TttgflJ
An 'WStmiffy "ftl ZtlfflV
The Perfect Shoe for Women
The question has been asked many times during the past
month, "How did you secure control of 'Sorosis?' " The only an
swer we can give is that it was offered for our consideration and
knowing its world-wide reputation we accepted. It's a ladies' shoe
that excels both in quality and appearance and the fact is well
known that "Sorosis" wearers cannot be prevailed upon to wear
any other make. We appreciate the support already given our
new venture, and with unbounded confidence invite the ladies of
this city to a department which is in every way separated from all
others. The spring lasts include the new " Colonidl" dnd
" Oxford'
XWlxm0r TRADE MABK. alfr -
piano solo, ".Minuet ila Mozarl," Scliiillioff, Miss
Kdltli Morgan soprano told, "Walling," Millard,
Mrs. 1). 1). Lewis, Scranton i piano olo, "Iteitticr
Itose," Langc, Miss I'airle Morgan', trio, "Valse,"
Blrcahbog, Misses Morgan, Lewis and Blnilwonl
reading, selected, MIm Maud Wcalherhog; Scran.
ton) piano solo, "(llpsy Hondo," Haydn, Mls
Myfawny Lewis) soptano solo, "Out of the
Deep," T, J, Davis, .Mrs, II. 1). Lewis! piano
solo, 'Trjgratit Violet," Spindles, M!1 Ithc.i
8lniott duel, "Witches I'llght," lluucll, Sitae!
I.ewU nnd Ontn,
Mr. and Mis. P. K Muiphy attended tho fu
neral of the late .Mm N'atllu si cratiton yettei
day .
Mrs. William Kvaus Is 111 nt her home on fourth
tttet, Illakcly.
-Miss Suan Moirh will li,ue her fcprlng Millin
ery Opening of Fine Pattern Hats, Friday and
Hatmday, at I2tl Wyoming avc., sjcianton, Pa.
"Under Two Flags" will he produced by the
Dllgei-Cotnell company at tho Father Matthew
Opera house tonight. The company is one of the
best that; has appeared heir- for some time nnd
large homes witness the peifntinancis each even
Ing. Prices 10, SO and "0 cents.
Mtacc Maty Kennedy and Anna Lailit, students
nt Hlroudahtirg .Slate school arc homo for
their lister vacation.
Mis, I.llidenuau and Mlos Alice Kelly, who
have been to Sow Yolk puithaslng spilng lull
ineiy goods, have icturncd homo.
Mr. and Mis. M. II. Wademan left yestciday for
t'onklln, X. Y to attend the funeral of the for
mer's brother, the late Aatidiew Wademan.
Mls Tillie Coleman, of Kant Urauch, is spend
ing a few days In town.
William Vandenoorl spent yesterday at Stev
ens' Point.
On Saturday evening the inembeis of Harper
lodge, Independent Older of Odd l'cllons, will at
tenr divine seivlces at the .Methodist Kplcopal
chuich In it body.
H. II. Ilrlggs is vUltlug Ills sou, II. II. Ilrlgi;,
at Washington, D. ('.
Miss iriHiiu Mollis will have tier spring Millin
cty Opening of Kino Pattern Hats, Friday and
Saturday, at 128 Wyoming avc., Sciantou, Pa.
List of lettcr-4 lemalnlng unclaimed in the
poslolflce at Peekville, P.i., week ending March
IS, WO.!: I.adles-Mis, C'avatungh, near Ontario
street; Mls limning, (,'entlemcii Dan Longhery,
Joicph Dcmford. I'oiplgn Antonio Matnlcvlch,
luele Korlornior, Joe llornejrhiick, Jllckat Nil
peilc, J.izl Ceno. Persons claiming the above
will please say "advertised' 'and gie date of this
list. I7. A". -Mace, iio-tinasler.
Cold Damp Feet Won't Give You a
If you will take In time Laxative
Rromo-Qulnine Tablets. 13. W. Grove's
signature on box.
Asked the Dandy About Hairpins.
M. Jean Curere of the Pails Matin, who ic
tinned lecently fiom .South Africa, has pub
lished a book upon what he .saw there, t.iys the
Youth's Companion. He is a lively Fienihuiaii,
and tells litely anecdotes of tho lliltlih com
manders, which, now they aro being uau-datcd
Into llngllsh newspapcis, are stilling up .i lively
commotion. Some me icscntcd as undignified,
others arc declared to be uutitithtul, and there
are hints that the clever gentleman fiom Pails
was occasionally inlxiufoimrd by way of jest, ami
failed to pel reive it.
However that may be, his little talks aie rap
idly making the louinl of the pics. One of tho-,0
which is most widely repeated and accepted as
Is rich in purity, delicate
of flavor and of greatest
strength. Try it now and
be convinced that it is
really the best tea. Take
no substitutes for there
is no substitute for Ceylon
Ceylon Tea
Bold only in I.snd Pnekali.
SOc, 60c and 70c Per Pound,
piobably hue, and nt least characteristically .in
vented if it is not relates an encounter of Lonl
Kitchener, grim, brusque and soldierly com
mander he it, with n dandy otrtccr who lia.1
an unfortunately cflVmlnate taste in trifles.
Thu young man came to him one day bringing
a liandkeichief upon which, in accordance -with
-i recent f.ishlonable fancy, lie desired him to In
sciibc Ids autograph.
Lord Kitchener took the handkerchief, a dainty
wkp of line silk with lace at the edge, and grave
ly inspected it. Ho turned it over, and tmnoil
it aiound, ai.d carefully nnfoh'eil It; llnally, the
cMivulnalion concluded, he remarked;
"This Is doubtless your sister's handkerchief?"
"Xo," replied the dandy, smiling amiably,
"It is mine."
"Ah!" .-aid Lou! Kitchener, meditatively. ."it;
is youis."
He handed it. back without wilting on It, only
Inqiiiiiiig as lie did so, with an air of serlour
intei est:
"And what sized liafiplng do jou wear?"
To' Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All drugglHta refund the money If It
falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
Is on euch box. 23c.
For Men
As in everything else, when
buying shoes, "Knowledge is
power. To know the leather
adapted for street wear, or
that most suitable for a dress
shoe requires knowledge of
leather qualities. Every one
cannot be a judge. We are
continually studying this prob
lem. All we ask is that you
rely on our judgment for the
best in leather and best in
style. See our new lasts for
spring wear at
$2.00, $2.50,
$3 and $3.50
See tho new 'Sorosis"
lasts displayed In our cor.
ner show window.