The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 19, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Pperlat to lie Scranlon Trlbuie.
Pltlhton, Milrch 18. Dtiryen'a famous
"Willy" Rims was In evidence again
Monday and four membcra of tho gunr?
were today placed under arrest anil
held under ball to appear In court and
nnawer "the charge of. assault and rob
bery. The deedB charged wore com
mitted Monday afternoon JubI nt the
end of Duryca, near tho old IMieonlx
breaker. nohjtimln Ohainberlaln, u
truckwnlltcr employed with Ihc D. I.
& W. railroad company, waa going; hlfl
v rounds lighting the switch lampa when
lie wan accosted by tho nieinberfl ot the
Bang who asked liltn for some tobacco,
but before he had time to reply they
attacked him and robbed him of 'ia.
Chamberlnln went to Alderman Doyle1
at Upper Plttston, and had warrants
Issued for the nrrent of several of the
rang. This morning Detective Hpcll
imin assisted by Constable Wttle, of
Huryen, arested Thomas Clark, Thomas
Pryor, and James Brennan, ot Duryea,
and Mutthew Calvey, of Avocn. They
were given a hearing by the alderman
and tho three former held under $200
b.ill while Calvey wns required to fur
nish ball piece In the sum of $1,000.
William Frederick, of Center sreet,
was seriously If not fatally Injured on
Monday at the Clear Spring breuker
where he is employed. Shortly after
work had started young Frederick foil
Into tho coal rollers and had a mirac
ulous escape from being- ground to
pieces. As It was, he Is In a serious
condition. Ills Injuries consist of the
crushing of tho right arm so as to re
quire amputation; the bruising of tlio
face and a bad laceration of tho ab
domen. He was oared for at the Pitts
ton hospital.
Almost every colliery in this vicinity
was Idle Monday, It being St. Patrick's
day. Although the collieries were sup
posed to work, enough employes stay
ed at homo to prevent operations.
Judge Ilnlsey Monday morning re
fused a new hearing in the case of Mrs.
Uarabra Boyle vs. Plttston city. The
suit was one brought for damages to
the AVyomlng Valley hotel caused by a
Hood some time ago. It was tried by
jury and a verdict of $1,750 rendered in
favor of the plaintiff. City Solicitor
O'Brien applied for the new trial which
was today refused.
West Plttston Hose company lias
purchased a fine new team of bay
horses, the purchase price being MOO.
The team was given a trial hero Mon
day and accepted by the company. They
were purchased of Frank t'obti, ot
. Eagle Hose company, of this city, is
talking of organizing a basket ball
team for next season. The plans are
to seouro a lease on either the new
Phoenix hall, soon to be remodled by
the now owner J. 13. Kirby, or the
Keystone hall, and to consturot a wiiv
playing cage, similar to those used In
the cities. Each game will be followed
by a dance. The membership ot tho
company contains plenty of mateiial
for a first class team.
Mr. Chandler, father or Mrs. C. It.
Andrews, of Luzerne avenue, has been
quite sick for 'some time and was taken
to the Plttston hospital on Monday for
The Wyoming Seminary team will be
here on Friday evening of this week
and will contest for honors in a game
of basket ball with the local Y. M. C
A. team In Arinoiy hall. Theie will
also be a game on that evening be
tween tho West Chester Xornuil School
Iteservcs and the Y. M. i A. second
, W. W. Hall, of the ieul estate and
insurance llrm of A. J. Barber & Co.,
of this city was on motion of Attoreny
AV. II. Gillespie admitted to practice
in the several courts Luzerne county.
John Bliss and Mr. Haggeity. of
West Plttston, were before Burgess
Burlington, of Duryea, Monday evening
charged with attempting to break into
tho Biakley House at Duryca. They
were lined $j each.
- i. .. . .
TUNKHANNOCK. to tiie Str.mtoti Ttiluuie.
Tunkbannock, March IS. The county
commissioners had advertised to let the
contract on Tuesday for repairing the
Clark bridge across Mesboppen creek
in Lemon township, but word was re
. delved on Monday that the bridge bad
lullen In to the stteam and part of i:
had floated away, and ,vep.ilrs atv
therefore out of the question, A new
bridge must bo built at that point.
Testimony wns taken on Monday be
fore a commissioner In the divorce case
of I.ulu H. Sloeum vs. Fred IC. .Slocuiu.
Tho grounds of divorce are desertion,
and the parties from Nicholson town
ship. .Mrs. 'A, Welles Reynolds leaves on
AVednesday for Norfolk. Virginia, to
Join her husband, who is paymaster in
the navy yard there.
Attorney James K. Frcnu, who has
beep confined to the house with a
severe cold for several days, Is ahle to
bo out again.
Mrs, John Collins has removed to
the Hennlnger house on .Second street,
recently vacated by It. Wall and family.
Bollln K. Frear, ot Buffalo, Is visit
lug his mother at this place.
William Fralick, of Plttston, formerly
employed as n baker by Dwlght L.
Lyons, was calling on friends hero on
Frank Ace Is having some cxtouslvn
ieparn placed' on his residence on
School street
The situation iu this congregational
district Is becoming Interesting. In
Susquehanna county, C. F. Wright, our
present membor has the conferees and
aspires to a lenomlnatlou; in Bradford,
Mlal K, Lilly Is a candidate and has tho
confciees; In Wayne they nie for
Homer Green for the position, Wyom
ing seems to have no candidate but her
friendship may be needed by somo one
In view of these complications.
Veteran William Evnns, who has been
You Could Look
Into the future and see the condition
H V.I..Y. ....... -....I. It ..t....l
Trill brltiK ycu, you would neck relief at
once aud that naturally would Ik through
fAjjun Guaranteed to cure Con.
vllfV sumption, Bronchitis,
VvVA Asthma, nud all Xaiug
Troubles. Cure Cough and Colds in a day,
$5 cents. Write to 8. C. Wells & Co.,
Ia Koy, H, Y for free trial bottle.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purities (be Blood
In n precarious condition for some tlmo
at his homo on East Tioga, street, Is
much Improved.
Merle Cnrlln, who has a position In
Wllkcs-Ilane, Is visiting his mother at
this place,
1 i i
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, March IS. Henry A.
Hi owning, of Scranton, was calling on
ft lends in town Inst Monday.
Norman Dickson and son, of Max
well, lowu, nro visiting relatives here.
Mr. Dickson's mother. Aunt Ilitth, ns
she Is known, Is In very feeble health.
Find Jack's father and brother.
Mrs. B. J. Crlsman returned from
Hainesburg, N. J.. Monday evening,
where she had been visiting lelatlves
for ten days.
The six principle Baptists will hold
their weekly meeting at the home of
Miss Amy Cnpwell, next Friday, at 2.30
o'clock. All are cordially invited to
attend. Rev Mr. Caterer, of Dalton,
will conduct t.. services.
Mrs. Will Lord and Mrs. George Sny
der, of Nicholson, were callers in town
last Saturday.
Mrs. Fannie Roberts, widow of the
late James Roberts, died at her home
near the tunnel lust Monday, after an
illness of sevetal months. She was a
highly respected Christian woman,
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs.
J. Kohn and Mrs. Norman Mott. Tho
funeral will be held Wednesday at i
o'clock at tho Baptist church. In
terment in Evergteen cemetery.
Benton Colemun and family moved
into Fred Ostcrhout's house on Mill
street, last Monday. Lewis Rlfenberg
will occupy tho Dr. Brundnge house,
vacated by Mr. Coleman, and Mrs.
Sarah Wood will live In her own house,
which she recently purchased of Lind
sey Brothers, where Mr. Rlfenberg has
lived the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Rossi tor nro going to St. Louis,
and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Reynolds will
set up housekeeping In Mr. Rossi lev's
house on Railroad street. Mr. Gorton
Chase, of La Plume, will occupy the
Hinds house on Academy street.
Special tr. the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, March IS. The marriage
of Eli B. Crandall, of Uniondale, to a
girl claiming to be Bertha Edwnrdson,
of HoiH'sdale, with its developments,
lias been the sensation of the week In
tills vicinity. Tho Tribune last week
printed the account of the ceremony
and gave all the known facts, but Mrs.
Grundy nnd the writers of the press lu
their search for "good stories" have
provided tho gossips with plenty of
material. Unfortunately for the sake
of the truth the writers would not
spoil a good story, and the various
accounts are by no means tellable.
Bertha Edwnrdson, the innocent coun
try maiden, may be Phoebe Lestlnator,
! but most of the other assertions are
discolored. The lady boarders at Cun
ningham's hotel had nothing whatever
to do with the affair, and the bride,
Bertha or Phoebe, whichever she may
be, has not deserted her liege lord,
They arc living together In Scranton.
Tho proverbial St. Patrick's day
weather came one day late this year.
Ritchie, (he magician, the last of the
popular entertainment course, was at
the opera house last night, and pleased
a large audience,
Hev. J, E. Biodhead will probably
take up his duties as rector of St.
James' Episcopal church, Jermyn, soon
after Easter, His departure from For.
est City will be greatly regretted. Ho
Is to be succeeded hero by Rev, Sir.
Derby, of MaiiBlleld,
Druggist Alfred Davis 1ms been iu
Scranton the past week, 'on account of
the sickness nnd death of bis nephew,
Samuel Lewis.
Special tu the Scranton Tribune.
New Mllford, March W. The Wo
man's Christian Temperance union will
meet at the home of Miss Francis Wil
son on Thursday at 3 p. in,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Waterman, of
Hallstead, spent Sunday with relatives
Georgo Moffatt, of Binghamtuu, w'as
calling on friends and relatives In this
place Saturday.
Miss Beatrice Carpenter, who Is at
tending school at Keystone ncudemy,
was home Sunday.
Mrs. Harry Bnrtlett, of Blngliamton,
visited her parents hero last week.
, Mis. Charles Qulnn entertained her
nephew, John Golden, of Cohocton, sev
eral duys last week'.
Joseph McCounell is seriously 111 at
his home In tho township.
Miss Nina Moore, a teacher In the
Harford public school, Is 111 at her home
in this place.
Miss Uttlene Moore, of Klnguley, Is a
guest of her grandmother, Mrs. L. W.
The ladles of the Baptist eliureh will
conduct a social and entertainment at
the church on Thursday evening of
next week. Tho entertainment will eon-
slat ot tnblenus, pnntomlnes, readings,
nnd music. An old fashioned npplo cut
wll also be among the representations.
I3Vcry one Invited,
The Inst quartet ty meeting for the
conference year was hold Saturday
evening In the Methodist church at 2
o'clock. Tho presiding older wns pres
ent nnd conducted the services.
Tho gentlemen of the Presbyterian
church will conduct a warm sugar so
cial and entertainment nt Iho chuielt
In tho near future.
Special lu tlic Scranton Tribune,
Thompson, March 18. George Gelatt,
j of tho Bcranton Correspondence school,
Hornnton, wns doing uusmess in town
Mr. and Mrs, Chnrlcs Sumner, ot
Unlondale, spent the Sabbath with
friends bore, returning yesterday
L. W. Sanford, of Gibson, was a
pleoBnnt caller In town this morning.
M. 3. Compton nnd son, of Sprlug
vllle, returned to their home yesterday,
after spending two or three days with
his son, Prof. E. M. Compton.
Our jeweler, C. A. Lnmont 1ms brok
en ground for an addition to his store,
in which he will have living t.. vt
ments. Miss Sarah Lyden, stenographer for
the Unlondale Milling company, re
turned to her work this morning, after
a short visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Lyden.
Warm sugar and Ice cream social in
Grand Army hall this evening, for the
benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Sun
day school library; and Ladles' Aid In
same hall tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. L. A. Gelatt, mother of F. M.
and E. li. Gelatt, whose illness was
mentioned in these items last week, is
not improving, and her condition is
more serious each day.
Mrs. B. F. Barnes Is not improving.
The others reported heretofore as on
the sick list are doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gelatt, of Scran
ton, spent the Sabbath with tho for
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
E. W. Pickering and wife, of Jack
son, spent the Sabbath with friends in
Rev. P. R. Tower gave an address
before the Epxvortb league at Stevens'
Point, Sabbath evening.
If any one desires to purchase a
line lot witli a fair house upon it In
Thompson, cheap, the oppoi limit y Is
offeied now.
Liveryman J. L. AVitter has bought
the farm recently owned by Clarence
Lewis, just north of the Jefferson
J. L. AVitter has sold his livery busi
ness at the Jefferson house barn to
Liveryman Augustus Burns.
Special tu the Scranton Tribune.
Hallstead, March IS. Mr. and Mis.
B, W. AVatermau spent Sunday with
friends In New Mllford.
Mrs. Jumes Slmroll and children, ot
Blngbaintou, were In town on Satur
day. Wanen Preston, of Bloomsburg, Is
spending a few days with his parents
lu this place.
Miss Maud Harudeu was a guest ot
Mrs. W. E. Barnes over Sunday.
Mrs. H. B. Carpenter and daughter,
of New Mllford, visited Mrs. P. R.
Carpenter, tho last of the week.
Miss Nina Terboss Is confined to the
house by sickness,
Georgia DoWltt, ot Binghainton, was
a guest of Mrs. George Lamb, Satur
day and Sunday.
Miss Kathryn Suiinnerton was a
Blngliamton visitor Friday.
Irving Church has returned fioni
Dr. Merrell was a Scranton visitor
Mrs, Maud Hfues returned to her
home in Scrunton, after spending two
weeks with her aunt, .Mrs. P, R. Car
penter, Elmer Tlngley, ot New Mllford, visit
ed friends In town on Sunday.
Superintendent Moxley and family
spent Sunday In Lestershlre and Blng
liamton. Mrs. T. J, Connor and Mrs. Morris
Stack visited friends lu West AVIndsor
last week,
Mr, and Mis. Ernest Read spent
Monday in Scranton.
Mrs. Fred Van Wornier visited Blng
liamton friends, Monday,
J, F, Fitzgerald, who has been treat
ed at the Moses Taylor hospital In
Scranton, has returned homo and re
ported for dutv,
C. H. Wilklns, assistant grand chief
of the Conductors' Brotherhood, was
In town Monday attending a meeting
of the conductors ut their hall.
Mr. Klstler, ofK SyrucuSe, was visit
ing at the home of .Mr. Walters, on
Chase avenue, last wpek,
James Snover Is visiting, In Scranton
this week,
Rqv. L, W. Church Is visiting his
sister In Deposit.
I "Keep to the Right" I
I With eyes open, nud you H
g won't be left. This Is no J
I joke. I
Wall Street HovIbw.
Xcw York, Jl.mli 18. Tlic recent clmr.ii.lcr of
the stock market was not materially changed lo
ill)'. Pnccuhthc1 Incursion Into Hie field ol Hie
usiulty linpoitant stocks wote few nnil desultory
'in character. . Now and tben a seemingly active
liiulnit innU'tiicnt Mould develop lu Mine stotkd
tlmt lint been occasionally n matket leader In
tin1 piit, but tin! activity would m suddiuly rub.
hide nnd the ilculing rccrt to mime niely nc
tho ftocl,. Tlic IiIrIi priced Fprrliiltteo, roulinmd
In Minmbls Inquiry nnd u humber ol low nlird
Indmtrl.iU were uNo boiiRht up to n romldcrnbly
higher leiel ot prltc. The minor rnllwaili ucrtf
Icm i'oii.ilcuoa, although a few ot I horn ion
tinned to show wide movements. Thero new
lifelines on troftt-tnklrite In these rtnwi ni well
ni the new tlrotitf points. The most eronplcnoiH
movement of tlil kind v,n in Koitli American,
which Juinpid about In uu crrntlu iniunir in the.
i nurse of n .icniatloiml ruH.mce of ll'.i; poind)
on inimu.illy heiiiy iIpjIIiirs. The mou'inJiit
wns without riphinattnn beyond tho loiitc tlmu
Riwulp nf tho ii.ilI.iMllt' of tin; company's win
mcheiihc thortcr rlirlita for the purpose of hoiii?
frreat ionolld.illon xchenio. Other .'toiki not
mu illy prominent whliii idiow striklni; ad
vjiicpi were American and I'outlneutul Tobacco
piefcrrcd, (Icnernl Kleclrlc, PullnUn, Colorado,
Union Traction, International Pump and Itvit
1.1ml preferred. Anions' the more prominent
Mutk Amalgamated Copper continued nitHe and
found mpport alter the recent hcay decline.
.Much of tho bujlnpr attributed to the demand
from the nhoiln to cour. Sueur, on tho uther
hand, wns le.icllonarv on account of the disap
pointment oer the reduction of the tarllT on
Cuban siiRnrn. An Instance of (he dUposltlon to
take profits on Rood news was the nelluiR ot l'n
ilflo Mall on the passage of the ship subsidy bill
liv the Mii.itc. The Xcw York publlo utllltus
also sullered fiom prollt-taklng; after some caily
advance. The most coiiMi-nl movement of the
day was In the coalers, which represented a
speculation on I lie outcome of negotiations be
tween anthiadte miners and operators tor an
agreement upon lclatious during the coming
.cji-. l.nchiiwiinns made a charnctcrlillc ad
vance of 7 points but the gains otherwbc lan
between one and two points. The inoilemting of
the weather in tho wist bad dome influence lu
causing higher price, although the late ri"o lu
the wheat market, somewhat modified this Influ
ence. Asldo fioni these cases the movements of
Ihe day were almost entirely duo to Individual
causes. Total b lies todiy were 015,20(1 nhnics.
Tho bond maikct was dull but stcudy. Total
tales, par value, !H,!)70,(l0O. 'Die United States
bonds weie all unchanged on the last call.
Tho following quotations arc furnished The
Tribune by UaiRht & Prceso Co., 011-315 Mean
Building. W. I), Itunyon, manager.
Open. High. Low. Close.
Anieilian Sugar Vli 12-iTs 1271a 127i
Am. Locomotive :, Bi'H :tl8 .1I"i
Am. Locomotive, l'r ... W P.1!f, ftt P:i',s
Am. Cur Koundiy aiTs 82 ill?! I?i
Am. Smelt, k ltef. Co.. 10 W lt,i,i Copper tt'l'A (ifi I2U
Anicond.i Copper S)?i, HOij. a) I'Oli
Atchimon Til',4 7UW -,il 7Vj
AtchliiMJii. l'r P7 w7',8 UOvi 07
Halt, k Ohio lOtiU KHili mfl.a 10O?i
lirooMjn R. T 07 071'j (it!'! (.(?
Cbrs. k Ohio 10(4 pl 4(Yt 4(i'i
Col. k Southern 27 279i 27 27!i
Col. k Southern, l'r.... 1.1 11 .! 41
Col. Tiicl & ln.n lO'.a !ib7i HS'-j t'S
t'hlc. k (1. W 21 4'.i lOI'.i JH?i
Chic, .Mil. k fet. I' UM'.i JOji-j 1M',4 lOISi
Chic, It. I. k 1' 171V4 171?s lilli 171','i
Chicago k Alton :ij94 Holi :JV,'i M
Del. cfc Ilml lil'i 17:H'i 171. 172Vi
1).. L. k W iV, 2S7 2b J 2S7
r.iic ::fi?4 :t70i wi'i :i7?i
Kile, 1st l'r US 0') t; (WT4
Kile, 2d l'l Blii .r''"?s fit's MVi
Uliiiolk Central ltd HOVi 310 110
Loub". k Xah 101 lill',i 101 lOIVs
Manhattan 13. l.tfft 134 '4 1SIV4
Metropolitan Wi llte'Ji 108 lllj'i 11,3 HViTs It KK'i
Mexican Central , ;M!-J SOU "O's :;0
Mo. Kan. k Te 21TJ 2tTi 2f4 2l-
Mo. Kan. & Te., l'r .. 549i nt-i ul 51
Missouri Pacific 101 101?4 IUO'6 Kslvi
. Y. Central liSI W 3(11 Kl'i'5
out. k West : s.ivi avx .rtvj
Norfolk k Wc-,t .Viv 57',i ?A 07
raclllc Mall 4Sif. IS'.t HI 40',is
I'enna. li, n l.",i 15H 131 lfilH
l'eoplo's (!os 101 W2j lOO'j Wl
Heading r,ii 57 Blj M's
Heading, HI l'e Sl',4 W hi .'K-s
Itciding, 2d l'r u'i i?i OTi OSU
Itcpublie Steel IS lSi; 17'fi IS
ltcpublic Steel, l'r 7l?i 7.', "W, 7t?i
Soutbciii Pailtlc fl." , K"5 il",l U
Southern It. It., l'r I P7 Mli !)(l?4
Tcim. Coal k lion t.0 7(1 llii (lO'.i
Texas Paclllu 40 11H 10 41
I'lilnn Pacific m 1(H) Oil',., ill?;
V. S. Leather 11 llvi 11 ll?i
t'. S. Leather, Pr Sl S1h St'4 SH4
IC S. Ituhber 151; i,-,i i;,7j
I'. S. ltuhbei, Pr M 5(i .Ml Oil
I!. S. Steel L?4 UV U'a MYt
V. S. Steel, l'r P.V; silVa t'j'i U',14
W.ibn.1 214 2,!'i 2.1 2 0i
Wabash, l'r 1.1 4'! i:p,j a 19s
Western Union OH, uie; (Plli i)lj
WIIL'AT Open. High. Low. Close.
71U 7.Vi Till 71
7JU 7.-,- 7.11, 7o
m-; 02v; (it'i ni";
Bl'i 02 lll?s lll'i
ni ui tnTi tt3;
:k, soil ,)jti "o
T1.41) i."i.i(i i;.:ij i.-,.n7
llil) l.'i.JJ J.I7
1.37 H.:I7 i.:li I' "
d.OO D..VI ".47 !'.I7
S.H) .S.KI ,.lil .s. IU
S.0O S.02 S.fl0 d.oj
Open. High. Low.
Manh H.W, fl.(x) MKI !.in
.Mav S..VI S.Sfl S.S'i S.S7
Julv 8.dl S.1U S.S 8.1)0
August S.71 s.7,1 S.(1S .(S)
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr ,
County Savings Hank k Tiust Co.
I'lrJt National Bank (.Carbondale) .
Tblid National Dink
Dime DcpoMt and Dl-ount Bank.
Lconomy Light. 11. 1 P. Co ,
ITrst National Dank
Lacka. Tiutt k Safe Deposit Co...,
Clark k Snover Co., Pr, ,
Scianton Savings Hank ,
Tradeis' National Hank
scianton Holt k Nut Co
People's DanK
Scranton Packing Co
Hid. Asked
123 ...
500 ...
2.'.-, ...
Scranton Passenger Hallway, first
Uortgagc, due 1920 , 115
people a birecc iianway, urst mort
gage, due 1013
People's Street Railway, General
mortgage, due 1921 ,
Scranton Tiactlon 0 per cent
L'conoiny Light, Ileal k Power Co.,
North Jerey A: Pocono Ice Co
Consolidated Water Supply Co
115 ...
115 ...
,.. 105
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Coricctcd by II. (J. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave,)
llutler t'roli cieaniciy, 27c; Juno ueaineiv,
25,i dairy. 22c.
llggfc Neaiby, inc.: wealtin, lsc
lVa ier biuhc'l, 1.75.
Potatoes Per Inuliel, S5c.
Onions Per bushel, ILOO.
New. York Drain and Produce Market
New Yoik, March 18. I'lour Quiet and a nhade
ea.ieri winter btralghts, ifj.gOa3.0O. Wheat Snot
fliiiii No. S led, duttc. elevators No. 2 led, fls-'ic.
f. o. b. afloat! No. 1 northern Duluth, 8j?4c. f. u,
1 1. utloati options wild up Ualo, In tho afternoon,
ilWil llrm ut '7ie. net advaneei Mauh flo-n-il
MHi'.i May, MTtc.i Julv, SPici Scpleinbei,
M)i,ac Coin Spot Ihiui No. 3, U!)!f, elevator
aud tiS'ac. f, o, b. afloat i options opened eailer,
but rallied puimptlv near the close, yielded and
closed easy at unchanged prices; May, UTttc I
July, lioKe, September, (lV4c. Oats Spot weak;
No. 2. luVjalOe.; x0. 3. 41)al0Hc,j No, i white,
WaMitc; No. 3 white, fUJic; tiucfv uilseil
weMeui. O'.'aJ-V. : Hack white, 5J.ilx',i options
eaiier at first, but iccoveied with oil). Ilntter
ktcady; tieamer.v, tlxiSc. ; do. factory, IS4221.1
iieameiy held, 20a25e.; iciiovatcd, 17lia2le.; imi
tation creamer), llU24c. ; Mule daily, 20,i27c
Cheee-I'll m ; itato full cream, small early
make, fancy lolocd, J2al3e. ; do. white, I2ii
Lie.; lull 1 ream, lu? fall make, fancy lolored,
ll?ial2c ; do, vvlilte, li?ial2e. lg. Vinncri
tale and l'enui,v Iv.mla, ilt4jc. ; wtttcin, IM'i'i
1U!H-. f t-oiitliein, ISlaJlUUi'.
Chicago Qrnin and Produce Market.
Chicago, Maidt lS.llad wheat nop ncwi, was
thu leading factor in the lecovrry ,.( blrengtli
in the wheat pit today utter jcMc'iday'4 weak
ness. The warm weather fmlucmed lower pikes
lu all grains ut tlio opening, but wheat lent off
Its strength and ut the Uovs May wheat was aj
ussc Idghcri May com, only u hade under uud
May oats ?(. down. Piovlelons ilo.ed un
changed ut 2Vii-. higher. The raih nuolatloiu
weio us follows: flour Dull and ttcadv; No. 3
tpriiis wheat, 70a71',ic,; No. 2 led, b.'atJe.: No.
2 oats, mji.f No. 1 vvhate. iHMUVv.l No. 3
white, 4ISSul(V.; No. i ije. MHu.; fair to cholco
malting, WaCic, : No. 1 seed, 1.08; No. 1
norihvvcstcin. 1 72; prime timothy M-rd, 1,11:
liiet full, $lj.53al5.ea)j lard, .27a!).30; short
4' Lines 10 Cents
More Tlinii Pour Lines, 3 Cents tor (inch llxtrn Line,
For Ront.
I'OIl HUNT SK lOomn, fecond floor. Apply SI"
Olive (licet.
l'Olt RUNT Slt-room flat with bath, steam brut,
gas range and nil ihodern Improvements fioni
April lit! lent reanonalite. Call eail.v, Pred U.
Hand, 1)0.1 Mulberry meet, ,
11A11N l'Oll llKNT-tl!!, Apill Int. ihiee hot and
three alngle abtlli and vvaMi tack, rear of
.121 Madison iivenue. Impilie t Ml Madison nve.
l'Oll HUNT Oood, hcillhy, wiperlor, luurloiu
liouwn, on Maillion anil .Icileitioii avenu-'i
Wo and I0, Sec thto before lentlng. Jones
till Spiuco Mrcet.
HAII.V KOlt HUNT Apill lt, three hot and
three Ingle MnlM nnd wkaIi rack. Inmilre. at
0.14 Jladlson avenue, rear of 321 Madlfon avtmie.
TOR lir.NT A beautifully flnlubcd housa pf
twelve roonm, all modem convenlencei, lu
North Park; fine location. Apply lOJ. Kleotrlc
iivenue, North Park.
TOR IlKNT Stole building for rent III Dkkion
City, Pa. HiilMIng M feet by 21 feet, cellar
under nil, ami second story can lie arranged for
a family. All In good lepalr leady for e. Two
coal breaker.i and mine clone by employing over
a thousand people. All enteiprlslng merchant
ran get a large. trade. Apply to William II.
Richmond, Richmond lllll, 3125 N. Main awnuc,
Scranton, Pa,
roil KENT Oil (Ireen Hldgo tticet, eight-room
model u hoii'.e, steam heat.
TOR RUNT Stoic loom on second floor over 310
Lackaivanna avenue. Tlatc tjla' front. In
milro of Krotokv Ilros.
Offices for Rent.
POIt RENT A few desirable office, both alnglo
and emulte, lu the new addition to the Cou
ncil building.
.H5 OFFICES ill Milte for Doctor, Lawvcr, In
Riirance, Dentist, Contractor, econd floor,
front, opposite Hotel .Icmijn steam beat, Inisln
and running w-alcr convenient c oiisplcuous ood
busiuesH. Joucfi, :111 Spruce stiect.
a?urnlshod Rooms.
ROOM TOR RENT All conveniences, Pi Ice ica
ionable. Inquire 1.1 1 1 Capouse avenue.
FOR HUNT Ono furnished room, with Improve
ments; also one on tblid floor, cheap. C27
Adams avenue.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modem Improve
ments; pilvato family; gentlemen pieicrrcd,
at 037 Adams avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished front room, with heat,
bath and gas; near court house; gentleman
preferred. Address Room, Uox 29!).
FOR RENT Furnished room; heat and halh.
CCJ Linden street.
and bath, gentlemen prcfeircd, at S.i9 Adams
Tor Sale.
FOR SALE First d:ij mciclmnt tulloiing es
tablishment out of clt.v. Inquire Linentlnl ,t
Kaplan, 21S Wyoming avenue.
HORSE FOR SALE cheap, one load mare, kouu.-I,
gentle and good traveler; also .saddle. Com
pelled to sell for want of inc. Inquire 303 West
Market sfrect, iltv.
FOR SALE .lust .-uilvcd with forty horses, good
woikers and drivels; weight UuO to 1000; can
be seen nt 334 Raymond court. F. M. Cobb.
CARPETS, linoleums nnd oil cloths sold every
day 3 o'clock. COS Lackawanna. See auctions.
FOR SALE Fine kindling wood, stove length.
Two dollars big load dcliveied anvwbero.
Mall orders-. Jennings, Central Mines cut. Also
tecond hand lumber suitable for all purposes,
very cheap.
For Sale or Rent.
FOR SALE OR RENT Farm of ninety au good
noil, well wateicd, good building, good iiult,
sW miles from Scranton, one and ouc-liilt miles
fiom Clark's Summit. Lying on the south Mde
and Joining Summit Like; a line place for sum
mer home. Price reasonable. Inqiiiic of .M. 11.
Coons, Clark's (Ireen.
Business Opportunity.
Wiite for our i-pccla! market letter. Free on
application. S. M. Hlbbaid k Co., members N.
Y. Consolidated and Stock fstchange, 44 and 10
Broadway, New York. Established 1W4. Long
Distance' Phono 23SS Droad.
LOST On Monday last, gold frame spectacles;
finder rewarded by ictmii to 410 Vyomiug
avenue. W. 11. Stuns.
I.OsT A pearl on Jeflersun avenue or
Linden stieot between Piatt Place and St.
T'eter'1! KinCer please return to 'J
Piatt Place. '
LOST Monday evenhuf. Feb. 17. between Wjo
uiing avenue aud Wnihbmn stiect, an oval
biouch containing geutlcuun'n plcliue. Finder
plcan) return to or notify Mlc. Parsons, 417 Ihli
ticnth bticct.
libs, sides, rs.:KU. 15; ihy hilled shouldeis, 7'ic ;
slioit dear hides, boxed, W.U0aS.70.
Buffalo Lire Stock Market.
East lluttalu, Match lS.-Cattlc-Itecelpts light,
ln.n Let generally ruled steady; veils, tops, 7,2."i
.17.71; otheis, .i.2ja7. Hogs Receipts, 2,100
brad; market active, gencially liialOV. higliei lur
good grades; bel heavy, W.7Ua(I.SU; mixed, il.U)
a(l.70; pigs, lfO.Mail.20j loughs, tf.tsQnl.10; stags,
tslal.OO. Sheep ami Innlw Receipts, 3,(sX); i-iai-ket
shade stlougir for lambs; sheep film and
scarce; choice quotable, M, IO.i5.nVi; others, &l.i
.1,4.1; wethers, if.".73id; lop lambs,'iiif.Til;
culls to good, i?l,73a(i.00.
Oil Market.
Oil Citi, l'a Match IS. Ciedlt balances, 11.1;
reitlfleatcs, no bid; tlilpmrnU, ST.'Jtl'i bairels;
.iveruge. 7H.432 barrels; inns, 7ii,s7 b.nieN; av
erage, 7.l,(i.ll b.inels.
bpeiial tu the Sciuutou Tilbuuc.
Duryen, Murcli 18.- Aguln tlic pioti.
poets of luivlnu a Hosiery fuotory In
our town 1h bi'leht. Mr. Sol. Illrsch in
nt tlio head ot tlio movoment, $70,000
litis bean offered us un Investment by
Homo New York cupltnllstt), but beforo
thin cun become a reality, $10,000 will
liuve to bo Invested by local cuptnllsts,
Fifty per cent, bus nlreudy been
A pleiisunt tsoelul event was lield In
the form of a blrtlidny gatlierlng In
tlio Lawrence Hose hall, Jlonday even
njf, under tlie auspices of the Ladles'
Aid society and Sunday school of the
I'rlniltlvo Methodist church. Tlio pro
ceeds were to e toward the pastor's
salary. The net sum, realized was
$89,20, The pustor or tho church la
Hev, William Paul, who came to this
churge about one year ugo. Tho con
gregation has petitioned eonfereuco to
ictui'ii Hev. I'aul to this place.
Tho debate held at the High school
Friday was very Interesting, Tho
question for discussion was, "Resolved,
That Country Life Is More Vrcferable
to Man Than City," The ufllrinutlvo
waa presented by Klslo Hughes and
Thomas Uoylo, and the negative by
Jumes Joyco nnd alary 'Weaver. The
ailirmattve won.
The following progruimnu has been
arranged' for tho literary meeting of
tho Epvvorth League Tuesday liven
ing: Organ voluntary, Ileatrlco Petryj
prayer; solo, Dan Jones; reudlug, H.
A. Greene; recttutlon, Minnie llarues;
singing, League quurtetto; recitation,
Nellie Dills; recitation, How
Kresge; singing, audience
Want Advertisomonts Will 3Jo
Rccolved at Any of the Follow
ing: Ding Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBUM' SCIIUI.TZ, corner Mulberry
treet and 'Wcbilcr avenue.
OUBTAV 1'ICllEb, 050 Adinis avenue.
West Side
OEOItaE W. JENK1SS, 101 South Mala
av cnue.
South Scranton
FflED h. TEBITE, 729 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
QUO. W. DAVIS, corner North Mala
avenue and Maiket street.
Green Ridgo
GIIAtUES 1'. JONES, 13J7 Dickson
F. J. JOHNS, f:0 Giccn Illdge itiect.
C. LOllENZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
V. II. KNEPFdi, 1017 Irving avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTlin Tvvo cspeilenced ftenogriipheH; ,ip
ply to International Salt Co., Council build
ing, Scrunton, 1'a.
WANTi:i Ily olio of the laigcst nnd biwt old
line inRUi.imo (nmpinicd, district ngeiit for
Caibnndtle and llcne-d.lle. I'vceptloivdly favor
able contracts. Address Superintendent of
Aficncles Bos: 2SU.
W.N"n;i) A good slenogiaphei- at lnauufic
turlng plant, .vouug man' prefeinsl; must be
evpei lenced, tapld opeiator and good penman.
Addrcn application, giving lefeienccs, to Lock
Iio i'g.:. Sciantnu.
ACTlVi; man to lcpiescnt iepoiislble minufic
turing company iu lesldent and neaiby ecu
tics. Salaiy SIS per week and cpcnc. payable
weekly; absoiuteb- no canvassing. Permanent
position; splendid opportunity for advancement
Itefeicnces iciulred. Address Manufactuto, 72.1
Chestnut stteet, Philadelphia. I'n.
WANTED Salesman for Carpet De
partment; young man to soil
Wall Paper and Shades, also Sign
Writer. Apply, Jonas Long's Sons.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTKD A young lady stenographer and tjpe
writer in an insuiance otflcc. One who Im
dcrstaucla something about lioukkrcrping pie
tcrrcd. (live references, state nniouut of oxpeii
once and wages expected. "Pensmore," I.ocU
Hot 711, Scranton, Pa.
LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit swWiip
lions fci The Tribune; good commission of
fered with a fair gu.uanteu for fliat-clas worker.
Apply peisonally at Business Manager's office,
Scranton Tribune.
Hecruits Wanted.
WANTKD l'Oll U. S. All MY Able bodied un
wanted men between the ages' of 21 and 111;
citizens of the United States, of good character
ami temperate l.uiilto, who can speak, iad and
write English. I'cr infoimutiou apply to Heel lilt
ing Ofllcc, No. 1'J Wyoming avenue, Scranton,
Boarders Wanted.
PIUVATE FAMILY wishes to have tvvo nice men
to board. Gel man or English. Call any time
after Thursday. All conveniences, S07 Harrison
Wanted Hooms and Board.
WANTED Tvvj communicating looms with board,
pilvato family piefcued. Tvvo ladles and a
gentleman. State full Adihcss C.
II. I)., Trihunc office.
WAN TEll Chairs to lepalr and iccane; send pos
tal to .lames Panic- or 'phono .lohn Hawks,
121S Providence road. Old 'phone Hi-:), Orien
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED Tvvo or thu-c furnished looms inline
(llalely fen light housekeeping. Iteleience i
ihungcd. Addiess M. 11., 1 illume. otlKc, ily.
COTrAfil! wanted to lent for the sunune.1- -ea-son;
plainly furnished with good watet, near
station. Chiik'ii Suiumit. (ilcnlunn or Dalton
nothing fanij in fuiiushing or pi in-. Addiesi
Cottage, Tribune oillce.
WANTED BOOMS For two adults, threw ur out
loom-, luiiiished nr unfurnished for very
liglit housekeeping, fust Hoot piefirred. Address
.11, 11., Trlbuno office,
WANTED Furnished house or four or five looms
for housekeeping. Addiess A, (1, ' Tribune
20,00(1 YAIIDS CAIIITI'S, oil ilollw and mattings,
one ton table sllvcivvare, nun car load linen
flieets, table cloths, napkins, pillow- cases, to.veN,
j,0(Xl palm fancy late curtain-. Manv other things
too" numerous- to mention. At auction, 12i Wash
ington avenue, opposlto Council building. Sales
10 a. in., 2 and 7 p. m.
CtJMMlNfiS IlltOS,, Auctioneers.
Heal Estate.
FOB SALE New bouse on Cornell sheet, Hound
Woods I'.uk; modem fiiiprovcimiiln; lasy
teinn. pplv lo Spring Iliook Lumber Co.,
Mooslc, Pa., or I J. S. Wuodltoiisp.
l'Oll SvI.E U low- rale nud mi cay teiiiij. line
cornel piopeitj, upper C'teeii llldge; hotiso
Just put Into very cosy and uttiaitlve shape;
lot one of the finest in tho valley. (1. E. Ileaii,
till! Spiuce street.
l'Oll SALE-One house and lot, modem im
provements, and tvvo improved vacant lots,
No. 312 North lllakely street, Diiiinioic. Pa.
Addiess Albeit Jenkins, South Caiiiau, Vn)uu
County, Pa,
I Oil HALE I'u'iilshed roltage at Lake ltcoi.v,
Maplevvood, Pa,, four bids, spiiugs aud mat
ticssea, tvvo stoves, all Itilchcn utensils; pi he
s-l'A For iui titulars udiheiss It, W. Oslaud, So
U'csCeivcU avenue, Plainlicld, N, J.
l'Oll SALE At Clark's Summit a place ot five
acres, house- and bam, good Iiult; cheap Icr
cash. Inquire of Mis, L. Lindsay, till North
Main avenue, city.
Money to Loan.
straight loans oi Building ami Loan. At
from 4 lo B per cent. Call ou N. V. Vyaller,
bll-ilU Council building.
Dry, clean aud model u up-to-date
siotage; scpaiato tooiiu;
individual kevs; ilcvator. An
ideal storage for houseliold ctfccls. etc, Tiilrtr
separate tloiage ruonis. Scianton stoiago com
pany, 113 Franklin avenue.
ItllEUMA'lISM-Alt luitlcs that wish ran bo
speedily and peimanently cuicd of all va.
rictles of Itlieumatlsm by a vegetable compound.
I uits guaranteed, iimulie or address J t'. Tay
lor, bcranton.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Mors Tim Pour Lines, 6 Cent lor l!ch Untr Uu,
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION VANTl:l)-llv emiert armut.rsnt nA
correspondent aeelia engagement! teadr for
vvork on or before Arll 1; competent to take
clnrge of the hooks, Ictleiti and announcement!
of a large establlshnientl understands cost ai
counting, card and loose leaf systems and other
short ruM. Modern, caro Tribune office.
POSITION W'ANTKli-At mice by a joumt wo.
tniii familiar vvllli bookkeeping and court
i (vol lb I also deed', bonds', mortgages ami
leascsj good copyist, HeA II, Scranton,
SITUATION WANTED-By lespectable colored
man i,h porter, private coachman or driving
for doctor or office work. Address n. A.. 31(1
Penn avenue,
SITUATION WANTED-By middle aged worn in
in housekeeper In widower's family. Call or
address M. J 117 South Itcbccca avenue, city.
WANTED A thoroughly practical and experienced
business man desires employment; familiar
with office work and u good salesman, and ad
rciti'cmcnl writer; best ifference, AdelicM A,
w. Johnson, Central Delivery, Scranton.
A YOUNO pel son Would like barrier' washing to
take home. Address MOO South Ninth street.
SITUATION WANTED by n joung man, 16 ycats
oldj vvould like to work In a store or leaiii
a trade. ,1. M., 101 lllver atrect, Scranton.
SITUATION WANTED-lly joung mm, with a
few ears' experience, an bookkeeper. Can
give references. Address T. J. Zcltcrumn, 27
laii kavratuu avenue. '
SITUATION WANTED-rosltlon as cashier or
liookkeeper, by joimg lady with expeilcnce;
best lefercneca; salary inodciale. Address, 1011
Jackson street.
hcrs of tho Ilepubllcsn Standing Commiltcu
cf the Third legislative district:
Notice is heiehy given that a meeting of fhs
llcpulillcan Standing Committee of die Tliir.I
Legislative district of Lackawanna county will
be held at thu Court House, Scranton, pa,, on
Saturday, .March 22, 1002, at 2 o'clock p. m, A
full attendance nt the committee is earnestly
lcqiiested. It' order of the chairman. ,
Attest;-.!, E, WATKINS, Secretary.
Scranton, Pa., March 10, 1902.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received by llu
boiough clerk of the botough of lllakclv
until 0 p. in., Monday, Maich 21, 11K, for le
Imiljlng; that portion of the mountain load iu
said borough from tho Ontario breaker to a point
near the Ontario tunncll. Specifications: llouil
lo be made 15 feet wide, rounded up t S feet
in center, ditches on both sides 18 inches deep
and not less than a cicws ditches. All work lo
be done with first diss mateasl and ronipletcd
within tvvo weeks fiom the ditto of letting con
tract. The borough council icsceves the right
to reject any or all bld.
Attest: OEO. II. BKED. Clerk.
Peckvllle. Pa.
IN BE: ESTATE of William J. Lewis, late of th
City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna,
State of Pennsylvania, deceased.
Letters testamentary on the nun cupatlvv will
having been granted to the undersigned on tin
above estate, all persons having claims or de
mands against the same will please present tlirui
for pajment. and all tho-c indebted thereto will
mako immediate payment to
WELLES t TORRKY. Altotneys.
Certified Public Accountant.
Building, and St. Paul Building, New York.
Estate Exchange Bldg., 126 Washington are.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
H. L. l'l
cpruce airect, acranton.
itoonis vc, if, iu and IS Burr Building.
tlated on real estate security. Mears Dulldln.
corner Washington avenue and Spruce street.
"'l counscllors-al-law. Republican Building.
Washington avenue.
Coinmonwcillli Building, Rooms
19, !0 and 21.
WW'OOs, 0th floor, Mears building.
of Tradu Building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank Building
A:.)v:.. ni:iTHOLK, office moved to no!
Ill Wvomlng avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ington avenu?. Residence, ISIS Mulberry.
Chrpnlo disea.-es, lungs, heart, kldneji an I
genlto-urinaty organs a specialty. Hours, I
to 4 p. m.
DR. II, 0. EVANS, OiThOPA'lll, I.Hi 3 Well
ington avenue. Chionic and ueivous dlseas-s
a specially, f onvullatiem fice.
Instruction Musical,' T
Voice Culture, Haimouy, ( muilcipoiiu -w
Composition. Compositions i-orreitnl an-Pu-vised
for publication, ai New York street,
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Rates leuonablc
P. ZIEQLER. Proprlstor.
senger depot, Conducted on tlio Europei
plin, VICTOR KOCH. Propriets
Scavenger, -
cess pools; u? 5dor; only improved pumps used.
A. 11. Brlggi, proprietor. Leavs orders .Cod
North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug ttore, 'cor
ner Adarrs and Mulberry. Both telephonM.
eriinrn, store 201 Wasuluxtou avenue; ttei
homes, 10JJ Noitli Main avenue; stora tdi
phone. 782. -.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladies vvaltts. Louls bhoemikcr, JU
Adams avenue.
v clones, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1:
Washingtcn avenue, Scranton, Pa.
In Scranton at the news stands of ReUmsii
Bros., 10U Spruce aud 50) Linden; M. Norton,
fi Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutier, til
Spruce street