The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 18, 1902, Page 7, Image 7
THE SCRANTON TlUJiUNJLTUJJJSDAV, MAHCH 18, 1002. t i i NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Jpeclal In llic Scranton Ttllnuir. Montrose Mnrch 17. Ooorco llnltiin, oi: ninglmmtmi, spent Sunday with IiIb family lit tlicir home In turn ninco. QUHtuvc CSorlBSP. Jr., of Gibson, spent Sunday with frletulB In this nltiee. ThomiiH Culby, of Dlmock, will re jiiovo with his fnmlly to Montrose this spring. Mrs. II. II. rorilhfun nnd MrB. A. l. Tltnmn witnessed "Florodorn," ut Scranton, on Friday evcnliiff. U 11. TltBWorth wub u visitor in Hcrunlon lust week. Hdltor JuincB P. Taylor continues to Improve In health, but in not yet able to resume his journalistic duties. Miss Frances K. Aminerman bus re turned from Scranton, to which city she was smnioned by the death of her father, nnd is again attending to hor duties as stenographic clerk in the law ofllcc of YV. D. 11. Alney. Misses Bunnell and Plerson, milliners, arc in New York city, studying the new styles In feminine headgear and select ing n new spring stock of fashionable millinery and fancy goods. Tames Morris, jr., Is confined to his hoirte, on hake avenue, with an attack of wleurlsy. Political signs multiply, pointing to the popularity among all classes of Ite lnibllcans, and the people of the county generally, of the candidacy of Editor Henry T. Dirchiinl, of the Susnuehanna Transcript-Ledger, for the Republican nomination to the state legislature. The Sunda-i- dinners at the Tarbcll house are becoming a special feature at that popular place of entertainment, and the elaborate and wholesome menu set forth by Landlord Raynsford yes terday attracted the patronage of a largo number of our townspeople. Homer Greene is AVayne county's choice "Tor congress, but there arc solid reasons for the belief that when the district conference meets, the matter will bo speedily and satisfactorily set tled In favor of the people's choice and Susquehanna county's favorite son Hon. C. Fred Wright, of Susquehanna. The funeral services of Miss Emma K. Richards, whose death occurred at Scranton on Friday, were largely at tended from St. Mary's Catholic church this afternoon, Rev. A. T. Broderick officiating. The interment was In the family plot In the Montrose cemetery. At St. Mary's church last evening, the pastor,- Rev. A. T. Brodrlck, preached a powerful and appropriate sermon, taking as his theme, "St. Patrick, the Patron Suint of Ireland." He spoke with special emphasis upon the youth, the humility, the splilt of prayer and the faith of St. Patrick. The address was forceful and eloquent, and was at tentively listened to by a largo congre gation. P1TTSTON. Sprciil to the Scranton Tribune. Pittstou, March IT. While playing with pome companions on Spring street yesterday afternoon, Carl Trumbower, young son of C. K. Trumbower, of the Globe 'Warehouse, fell and broke one of his arms. Joseph Bolchune, of George street, this city, who has seen service in the Philippines with Company E, Thir teenth Infantry, is expected homo this week. For the second time within as many days Hie Y. M. C. i. team of this city on Friday evening defeated the Iilooms burg State Normal school in a game of basket ball, the score being IG-G. The game was played in Armory hall, this city, and was one of the cleanest seen here this season, Rev. D. M. George will preach bis farewell sermon in the Welsh Congre gational church, this city, next Sundny. Sol Hirsch, the well known real es tate dealer of Wllkes-Barre, is engi neering another project for the estab lishment of a hosiery manufacturing mill at Duryeu. Several New York capitalists have offered to Invest $70,000 In such a venture if local capitalists will raise $10,000 for a building. Fifty per cent, of the latter sum has been already pledged. Harry Klllian, of Susquehanna ave nue, has been promoted to Jill the va cancy in the head clerkship at the Cox ton office of tlie Lehigh Valley Railroad company. Rev. W. L. Riley, D. IX, Held secie tary of the Anti-Saloon league, spent tlie day in tills city in the Interest of the league, This morning he preached in tlie Broad Street Methodist Episco pal church, and this afternoon ad dressed a large gathering of men in the Broad Stieet Presbyterian church. HONESDALE. Epeclal to tlie Scranton Tribune, Houesdale, March 17. Mrs. Minor Carr, of Scranton, Is the guest of .Mrs. Coo Durland, The Mendelssohn quartette will ap pear In the opera house this (Tuesday) evening.' This number closes a sue- WATCH DOGS. Ever on the Alert Alive to Every Form of Oppression Kept on Edge. Burdened Beyond Endurance, Nerves Qlve Out. The machinery of a mill thut grinds day nnd night 1ms to shut down now nnd then for repairs, It is the emtio way with your nerves. Overwork, dose application, our ways of living bring about nerve waste that sets up t-ymptoms of various kinds, it i)u,y be falling strength, weakness, languor, headache, sleeplessness, etc. What ever it Is, nervo force is lacking and the means of restoring rests with Dr. A. W, Chaise's Nerve Pills. A great many people in Scranton vouch for this. Among them is sirs. Joseph .Mitch ell, of No, DIG Linden street, West Scranton, Pa., who says; "Br, A, W. Chase's, Nerve Pills mo ilne, I wus nil out of order, nervous, and could not Bleep, weak and miserable, The kid neys were 9lugglsh and tho back lame, Nothing seemed to help mo until I got ft bfix of..tie nerve pills at Mutthews Bros', drug store, No. 320 Lackawannu avenue, Since I topU thein I sleep well, don't jerk und talk. My nerves ure steudy. I feel stiong, und the kidneys me working well again. I am more than pleased, and triad, to recommend tho medicine," Br A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold at 60c. a box at dealers, or Dr. A, W. CJhaso Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y, See tftat portrait and signature of A. W. Chaue, M. V., are on every package. cessful entertainment course, under tho auspices of the Presbyterian Christian Endeavor pocioty. The Mcndclssohns have lind four successful seasons, and glvo a high class concert. Tho com pany. Ih strengthened by Helen Faye, soprano, und Marguerite Smith, an ac knowledged qUeen of child Imperson ators. Judge Alfred Hand and daughter, of Scranton, spent Sunday with Hones dale relatives. Saint Patrick's day la passing very quietly. Aside from tho wearing of the green, It would not be noticed. At the primaries Saturday evening, In his own election district, Colonel Coo Durland received 217 of the 352 votes PICTURE Can you read here towns in California? polled, and in Homer Greene's "district lie received 67 of the 9S votes polled. The Lackawaxen reached a higher water mark this morning than at any time this year, as a result of the warm weather and melting snow. The recent flood opened art underground water vein which passes through the cellars of tho Delaware and Hudson station and Spetigue's hardware store. The pumping has been kept up almost con stantly ever since the flood. The announcement of the coming of the Lafayette college Glee club is hailed with delight by the lovers of college songs. Their mandolin and banjo clubs are pleasing features of their enter tainment. On their first appearance in Houesdale, Thursday evening next they will meet a royal welcome. The dia gram opens Wednesday morning at Chambers' drug store. AVOCA. The death of Peter McQueen occurred yesterday morning at the family resi dence on the West Side, after a brief illness of paralysis. Deceased was about HO years of age, and had been a resident of the town for more than thirty years. Ho possessed a quiet disposition, being of a religious turn of mind. Besides his wife, the following sons and daughters sur vive: Mrs. George Frue, Misses Mar garet and Kate, Peter, Edward and William, and one brother, Hugh, of Susquehanna, and one sister, Mrs. Wil liam Nebone. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. A requiem mass will be celebrated in St. Mary's church. Interment will be In St. Mary's cemetery. Helen, tho 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glnty, of Grove street, occurred yesterday afternoon at the homo of her patents on Grove street. Deceased was a bright little child and was at school until last Tuesday. This is the fourth child' they have lost at that age. The funeral will tako place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tho funeral of John Cumin will take place this morning from the family residence In Scranton. The remains will reach hero at 11.0G o'clock. Inter ment will be In St. Mary's cemetery. Rev, D, J, Uustln preached tho ser mon at the Blessed Virgin's Sodality reception In St. Mary's church on Sun day uvenlng.' Miss Teiesti Burke, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with friends here, Mrs. Anthony Swift, of the West Side, Is suffering from a seveie attack of bronchial trouble, HOLL1STERV1LLE. Special to the Scranton Trjtiuue. Holllstervllle, March 17. A feeling of sadness fell upon this community when hearing of the death of Mrs. Betsey West, who died at tho home of her son, William J, West, of Royal, Susquehan na county, at 2.30 p. m. tho 12th Inst. For over fifty yeais, Mrs. West has lived here, and for many years has been In poor health. Her husband, the late Charles M. West, died In '88, which placed greater responsibilities i upon her, und the death of her daughter, Hattle M In October, '91, seemed to undermine her health still more, How ever, she bore her sutferlng very pa tiently, and mado her home here until last fall, when her sons thought best, when considering her feebleness und advanced uge, that she should live with ono of them, nnd her choice was with her son, William. Mrn, West, for muny yeiim was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and u great worker in the Sunday school. She was a quiet, helpful iielghbor, ever ready to administer to tlie alck und needy, kind and' benevolent to those with whom she associated, and she lived u beautiful Christian life. In her death the Bona lose u loving mother; tho brothers und slater, an affectionate re lation; tho Methodist Episcopal church, a zealous I worker; the community, a consistent Christian woman, The iu nerai services were held at Royal, tho Hth Inst., at 2.S0 p, m. Interment was made in the family plot at Clifford, Mrs. West was 73 yeurs of age, und Is survived by three sons, William J of Royal; Arthur U, of Hamllnton, and Charles N., of this place; also by two brothers and one sister, Rev. Mr. Hooper, the new pastor of &CJrfie(cl --""' I i - M the MethmllBt Protestant church occu pied the pulpit horo last Sunday morn ing. He expects to movo his family hero soon. The retiring pastor, Hov. S. D. FIsk, was recently chosen president of tho Methodist conference, and ex pects to make his home here. a. a, Holllster, of Scranton, wan a recent gueBt at tho homo of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, 13. B, Holllster. Theatrical TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC Chester 1)0 Vc-nde torn puny. Afternoon nnd night. STAR "The Tuxedo Club Buflosriucrs." After noon ami night, "Hawk's Hoost." 'I he second week of the engagement of the Chester lie Vontle company opened yesterday with the presentation of the four-act drama, "Hawk's Roost," with Mr. Do Vondc In the rolo PUZZLE. the names of four of Mill Ooldcn. At night, "'llic Bond of Honor," a play vviittcu by Mr. lie Vondc, was presented. The bill for this attcinoon is "Night in New York" and for tonight "Ten Ton Pool." Tuxedo Surlesquers. A Illicit and snappy performance was Riven jcteiduy at tlie Star theater by tho Tuxedo Club IluilcMiucif, who opened a three dnvs' en gagement. Tlie fiist pait of tlie piogrannnG con sists eiitiicly of an olio which intiodiues several clever aits including a ic.illy laughable sketch entitled "A Pleasant Evening," by Hodge, Iliy vvaid and Lineastei, and a ilivri hong and dance turn by tlie two Heed Dialers. 'lliere is nlw a novel act by Anulnt.i a won derful revolving tiapivc pcrfonner, who received much applaiw. A Inulcaipie entitled "Camping Out" winds up the cuicitaiiiineiil. Delia Fox. TUie i a hieey lot of quaint chaiaclcts in "The Little Mam'sellc," the new comedy In which we ate lo sso iieie shortly that delightful uitiate, Delia Fox. In addition lo tlie roles plajrd by Miss l'o. licr's t a dual jiait tlicrc is a scieamingly funny type in an awkward inaid-of-all-vvoil: who is passionately in love. An ii.isciblc old country wife, a joung ru-tio who want-, to be comideied ,i devlllMi lake, nnd a host nf other more oi le-.s Inteiestliig per. ton.igis aie included in this stage fimiiy. MUs Fox's engagement is for one night onlj, I'll. daj, M.irili 21, at tlie L.vccum theater. STAGE NOTES. Joseph Halt, who U stalling in "I'usy Ciiaud. pi," has puichoscd the solo lights to ptcscnt a diamatlzation of the "Poor Little More" sketches haw, Lien appealing in the .Sundaj edition of tlie New Vmk Ilciald. Tlie play, "I)u ll.ur.i," teuns destined for still greater public patron ige. Tlie cjiaige lias been made to Anthony Conmock that u novel of that name- fioin tlie Trench, just published in New Voik, is fearfully Imtuoial und should be up preS'.ed. Olga Xethoisole and (J.-oigo V. Ledcier aie in (ouespondence witli u view to the lattei's nun aging the Kngllsh emotional actrcy. on n star ring tour of the United States no.! season. Mbs Xethersole will tour the Lnglish piovinces this spring. A drama, the title of which may be trans lated "'Hie Cihl Savage," is making quite a ttir in Park A tavage ?lrl is caught in tlie wood, educated and then leturncd 'to her people. Her learning is found to be a cine nnd leads to tlie destruction of tlie heroine. Au?utuA Tlioin&i lm his work mapped out for him for the the jeois. Itefore wiling for Uurope, Cliarlr-i I'rn'inun iigned .i contract with tho playmight calling lor his ten-Ice tor that period, nnd one piaj, at leaat, guaianteeil each &ca:,ou. Heoit fiom Xew York ay that on tho night I'llnio Henry appeared at the Metropolitan Opera llou.o tho receipts weie f7B,01O. Orchestra chain, biought JU and box teats as high as ?200. Clara Bloodgood rerelvcd ho much applauso for her work in "Tho Way of tho World" that i:isic He Wolfe, the ttar of tho pioductlon, U reported to have becomo jealous, with the letiilt that the former will leave the company Mauli 10. Mrt. SjwiIi Ooncll Lo Moyno will take Mrs, Wood good's place. THE MARKET Wall Street Review. ow ork, Match IT. Tho general tpeciilatlvo sentiment In Wall street was a good deal en touraged by tho Improved condition of the money outlook as illtclosnl by the J-aturday bank state ment. It developed, however, duiing tho course of the day that the professional contingent still mako up the market to a large extent and very little following was attracted bv the advuncing tendency of tho market, Tho principal oeratioiis aho were inclined to revert to the industrials and specialties. This was partly due .to the fact that no relaxation was nppaient in the in terest latcs. Call loans mled ut 1 per cent, and over, 'lids was rather convincing coirobor ution of the supposition that the showing of tha banks on Saturday was due to n shilling o( loans to other Institutions rather than to their cancellation. Amongi.t the flould ttocka and tho fcoulhwfbtcrns generully there was tome ngieei incut in a 6how nf strength. A Hopeful feeling in regaid to tho winter wheat crop, a reported increase in earnings by Wabatli for tho tecond week in Mauli and the pievjjenf go.ii over tho acquisition pf the Western Maryland rail road all conduced to this sticugth. There was tome protlt-taklng in Manhattan but it continued to tliow btrength on laige dealings in common with the other local tractios. Iljltlmore and Ohio ond Its related soft coal curlers fhovved ttiength. Outside of this thu advances in thu ullrouil lut teemed to be of a special charactei aj wtie those by the ludilias. Sugai thovved Increasing strength during the day and rose 2 oer Saturday, Other striking gains were In the local gas companies, tho electrical c'omnanle, Continental Tobaccu meferied. Minneapolis Bt. Paul und Sault Ha Mario preferred and Hut. land piefcireU. On the other hand tlicrc vera, laud preferred. On the other hand there weie 4 number of sharp iclaps fioin recent high prices The liquidation in Amalgamated Copper i ou tlined very heavy, that stock leading tho list in point o( activity. Doubt over tho maintenance of dividends caused tho selling und little support was accorded it, At mi extieme decline of Wi tho stock touched (H',J. only about 4 point above tho lowest recorded price. The pi ice w.i a (8&A Y7Wtt&bt traction higher. The lt prices were generally below tho best owing to ft movement to take proflU in the final hour, but tho closing was alcady. Total Mlea today, 001,300 kharos. Wa bash debenture ll'S were active nnd strong but the bond market generally was uthrr quiet nnd Irregular. Total Rules, par value, ?t,3.),000. United Plates bonds Were all.fiiehanged on the. last call. The following quotations are furnished The Tribune by Italght k Frcese Co., 3U-313 Mens llulbling. W. I). Itunyon, manager, upon, illicit, ww, uiose. American Biigar ....... uiiv Anicr. Locomotive .., !l 1MH 120 128 31 31 40 02 ro 70 00 100 M 40 20 42 05 21 10t 172 55 171 80 C3 0t 140 101 135 H 30 21' 101 102 32 60 47 110 100 0.1 0 07 17 74 05 r.2 00 os 40 00 M 11 42 05 22 2.1 01 J12 32 sfl',4 OS'i 31! ft 70H 07 100i 00 40!l 21 tk 2414 1G. 17J 35 171 30 (M!i 01 140 101 l.tO 1CS 30 24 101 102 33 571, 43 181 101 B.) 81 07 1H 74 0.1 33 07!s 09 40 00 80 11 42 0'. 23 2.1 01 31 31 40 01 30 75 W 1M!4 113 45 20 4J 04 24 104 171 3.', 1,1 , 30 07 04 140 101 134 107 31 21 100 102 32 M 47 150 100 (V 80 07 17 74 04 32 00 IBM .10 tw Mis 11 42 83 23 23 00 Am. car l-oundry ,...., irj Am. Smelt. & Itcf. I. Co.. 4(U4 C)" 2U4. Amal, Copper ., Anaconda Conner Atchison ?fl Atchison, I'r, M& Halt, k Ohio lMH rirook. II. T. '"H flics, k Ohio 4Vy, Col. k Boullieri 2T Col. k Southern, Pr .. 41i Col. Fuel k Iron .. 95 Chic, k a. W .... Chic, Mil. k St. 1 Chic.,- It. I, k 1'.. Chicago k Alton . Del. k Hud L'rie . mi ..ltn-H ..172 .. MTi ..171 ,. Slltt Uric, 1st Pr Wi Lrlc, 2nd Pr &Ui Illinois Central MOU Louis, k Xasli 101?, Manhattan 13." Metropolitan VVt Mc.tlcali Central S0VI Mo. K. k T 21 Missouri Pactllo 100,4 N, Y. Central 1071i Ont. k Weat 323 Norfolk k Western 50 1'nciHc Mail 3 I'enna. II, 11 People's flss Heading Heading, 1st Pr ... Heading, 2nd Pr ... ltcpubllc Steel Republic Steel, l'r . Southern Pacific ... Southern H. K Southern II. 11., Tr Tenn. Coal k Iron . ..151H ,.inou .. 0.1 . S0T6 .. 07W .. 13 .. 74 .. (HTb .. ?.iV . . "7s .. 0!i Texas lMclhV 38 Union Pacific OOVj Union PaciJlc, Pr 80 llSi 42 17. S. Leather ir. S, Steel V. S. Steel, Pr .... Wab mil Wabash, Pr Western Union .... CHICAGO GRA1X WHEAT May July. COllX May .lulv OATS Miv Julv PORK May July LARD Mav July HIDS- May July 0.V.4 2J'i 23'A 00 .t PROVISION MARKCT. Open. High. Low. Close. 73 70 74 74 70 03 02 15 30 13.37 13.01 70 03 01 , 43 50 1157 13.03 0.31 0.17 8 4.1 8.03 73 Gl 01 14 30 11.33 IS 43 0.3.1 0.43 8.37 8.50 61 01 44 50 15.31 13.43 0.35 0.15 8.37 8.30 0.33 0.47 8.43 S.G3 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Open. . 8.0. . h.S.1 . 8.01 . 8.71 High. 8.03 8.88 8.02 8.74 Low. 8.01 8.83 8.80 8.09 Clofe. 8.0.1 8.87 8.01 8.70 March May . July . August Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Lachawanna Dairy Co., Pr. 60 County Savings Hank k Trust Co.. 300 First National Bank (Carbondale) 500 Third National Bank 650 Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. M0 Economy Light. II. k P. Co 4s First National Bank 1300 Lacka. Tru-1 & Safe Deposit Co.... 103 Clark k Pnover Co., Pr 123 Scranton Savings Bank 500 Traders' National Bank 223 Scranton Bolt k Nut Co 125 People's nam; 135 Scranton Packing Co 33 BONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, first Mortgage, due 1020 115 People's fctrect Railway, tint mort gage, due 1018 115 People's Street Railway, General mortgage, due 1021 lis Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115 Economy Light, Heat k Power Co 07 North Jersey k Pocono Ice Co oj Consolidated Watir Supply Co 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Conected bv If. O. Dale, 27 Lichawamia Ave.) 1 lour Beans $2.40. Butter Frail cieaiueiy, .lime eieiniery, 2jc. ; dairy, 22c. Cheese 12al3c. Eggs Nearb.v , 10c; western, lie Peas Per bushel, $1.73. Potatoes Per buihel, 83c. Onions Per bushel, $1.00. Now York Grain nnd Produce Market New York, March 17, Flour Barely steady vlth business checked by the decline In vvlieit. Wheat Spot easy; No. 2 red, Sfle. elevator; No. 2 led, 8Sc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du 1 Lit li, S3c. f. o. b. afloat; options opened firm and active. Tlie afternoon market turned dull and weak, closing nt c. net lower; Match closed 80c; May, Fuc; July, S0c; Septembei, SUc Corn Spot easy; No. 2, CSc. elevator und GSc. f. 0. b. afloat; options opened firm and active, later declined and dosed weak at ac net lower; May clewed 07c. ; July, 60c; Sep tember, 05c. Oat.- Spot firai; No. 2, C2c; No. 3. file,; No. 2 white, 51c; No. 3 white, ; track niKed vwtcrn, 52a5.'tc. ; Hack while, OSaSSc.; firm at llrst, then lower with othei niaikets. Butter 1'irm; creamery, 21a2Sc; do, factoiy, 18a21c; cieameiy Iield, la2lc; icnovated, 17a'2Jc. ; imitation creamery, ISa 21c; state dairy, 20a20c. Cheese Firm; otate full cream, small early make, fancy colored, 12 ai:ic.; do. white, 12al3c; full cream, largo fall make, fancy colored, llnl2c,; do, white, Hal2c. Eggs Aetivo and firm; Mate and Penn sylvania, 10c. ; western, 10c.; southern, 13al3c. Chicago Grain and Froduco Market. Chicago, March 17, Freezing weather in tho winter wheat country following upon the wami rains that started growing last week tailed to scare grain speculators an much as had been feared. When the beats saw there was no marked strength on this Influence thev started in late to hammer tho bulls and succeeded not only in oveicomlng the caily gains but forced a week close. Mjy wheat nt the end of tho session had lost lalc; May corn, o. and May oats li lc. Provisions started strong but closed 2i 6c. to "UalOo. lower. Cash quotation weie as follows: Flour Quiet and firm; No. 2 pilng wheat. 72a70c.j No. 3 red. 82,'ic; No. 2 oats, 43al5c; No. 2 white. 40a48c; No. 3 white, 45a47c; No. 2 i)c 08c; fair to c noire malt ing, 00a03c; No. 1 llax seed, $1.08: No. 1 noitli western. 61.72; prime timothy seed, ?1.03j men poik, $13,21; laid, KO.30aO.32; short ribs aldni, ljS.23a6.40; dry salted shoulders, 7a7c. ; thort deal side, If8.00a8.73; whULey, $1.30, Buffalo Lift Stock JJnrktt. East Buffalo, March 17, Cattle Receipt, 2,, 730 head; market active, 10al5c, higher for choice eliipplnir grades with butcher stock, 2ai 3c, higher; choice lo best 6tccr.i, Jo,33.i0.DO; fancy liniihed quotable. (fl.00i(l,03; good slilp jira and ctporU, $0,10a0.30; medium, Jl.Oiljt); good butchcra. $3.50a5.75j light, $; half fat, fl.S0-ii.E0; flno fat heifers, ?3.7Ja0; light to good, rla3.50j flno fat conn, $l,75a3,10; fair to good, ? 1.25a 1. 03; runners and common, $2.50 at: CNtia fat bulls. $l.rt)a3; thin to good, $d.50.i 4,50; stockers ami feeders, etronger for good glades; best feeder, ?l,73a1; othcra, fl.3Ial.C0; slockcin, W.7Bal.40: good freoh rov4. .tionger; veaN. 3.60a7.73. Hogs Receipts, 10,500 bend; active, generully Dc, higher; lwt heav.v, fl.5li 0.U); few, 5U.IOJ mixed, fO.JOaii.M; good plg, W.lOafl.1,1; rough, 1,rSaU htags, Mlal.50. rjheep and Umta llecelpU, 22,000 head; market 10o. lower lor lumbaj tlieep atrongcr; bheep, tops, liiUfd. o.J0.l3.t; colli to good, $la5.:n; Weill eis, .).ft?a3.00; failings, iM.S3afl.23; top lambs, SOaC.03; culla to good, ?.75a0.5ii. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, March 17.-Cattle-Rccclpts, 20,000; actlvo and strong to 10c, higher: good to piiine stens, I.C0a7.10; poor to medium, 10; fctniktri and fccdeis, $-.'.50a3; i-owt, fl,23a3.50; belfein, if-2.50a3.73j caimeis, 1.25a2,;0; bulls S.2.30J3; lalvcn, WaO.50; Texan feci ateera, fl.73a0. llog Itcceipta today, :,000; tomouow, 0,000; left ovei, 4,500; bulk sold 10c higher: closed CalOc, oer; mUed nnd butchcis, JaO.50; c,ooi tu choice heavy, iI.:!.1jU.55; rough heavy, $uad.33; light, if 0.1(1.25 i bulk of alea, tH.13aU.tfi. Hhcc Receipt. 14,000; sheep and lamlw, IOjISc, higher; good to choice wctbera, fl.75a5.t; wtsteui cheep, ifUSaO; native lambs, ijuii.l.l; vveotc-rn lambs, 15.li3j0.75. Oil Marked Oil City, 1'J., March 17,-Ciedit baianccn, 113; certltkatci. io bid; nhipmenti, 10.1,011 baneU; average, 77.5-U barreU urns, 1)0,311 barrels; uverage, 73,(71 bjrrcls. This signature is on every bps ot tho genuloi Laxative Bromo'OuinineTaueu wiuedy that cure com In owe day. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents tor Each Rxtra Line. For Rent. I'OR REST Six-room flat with bath, steam heat, gaa rango and all modern Improvements from April lt lent reasonable. Call carl). 1'ied O. Hand, WXl Mulberry street. llAttSJ l'OIt RENT-$12, April 1st, three box nnd tlireo single stalls and wash lack, rear nf .124 Madison avenue. Inquire at 031 Madison ave. FoU KENT flood, liealthy, aiiperlor, luutrloui houses, on MadUon and Jclferson avciui.'s $.10 and ;40. Sec time before renting. Jones, fill Spruce street, IJAIUf FOR RENT Apill 1st, llircc box and three single stalls nnd wash rack, Inquire at C'14 Madison nvenue, rear of 32t Madison avenue. FOR. RENT A bemttlfully llnlshcd house of twelve rooms, all modern cnnvciilenrcn, in North Park; fine locution. Apply 1028 Electric avenue. North Park. FOR RENT Store and bmement for rent, So, 1551 Dickson avenue Mitsonlu building. Inquire of T, D. Howe. FOR RENT Stole building for rent In Dickson Cltj-. Pa. Building 80 feet by 21 feet, cellar under nil, and second sloiy can be orrangul for a family, AH In good repair ready for inc. Two coal breakers and mines close hy employing over n thousand people. An enterprising mci chant can get a large trade. Apply to William II. Richmond. Richmond Hill, .1123 N. Main avenue, Scranton, Pa. FOR RENT 111 Dalton, a funiMicd cottage of nine rooms for the season; one Of the best lo cations in the town: Ave minutes' walk to sta tion. Applj to O. W. v' llton, Dalton, Pa. FOR RENT 02.1 Green I Idgc stieet. eight-room modern house, steam .icat. FOR RENT Store room on second floor over 310 Lackawanna iivenue. Plate glass front. In quire of Krotosky Bros. Offices for Hcnt. FOR RENT A few desirable offices, both single nnd ensulle, in the new addition to the Cou ncil building. $15 OFFICES in suite for Doctor, I.vktv In suiance, Dentist, Contractni, second lloor, front, opposite Hotel .Terms nsteim lMl ,,asln and running water convenient conspicuous good business. Janes, 311 bpiuce ftrcet, v Purnishcd Rooms. ROOM FOR RENT All conveniences. Price rea sonable. Inquire 1.111 Capouse avenue. FOR RENT One furnished room, witli Improve ments; also 0110 on third floor, cheap. 027 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern improve ments; private family; gentlemen piefcircd, at 527 Adams avenue. FOR RENT Furnished front room, with heat, bath nnd gas; near court bouse; gentleman prclcrred. Address Room, Box 200. FOR RENT Furnished room; heat and bath. 025 Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, ras and, bath, gentlemen preferred, at 530 Adams avenue. xor Sale. w-wwx. HORSE TOR SALE. Cheap, 0110 road mare, sound, gentle and good traveler; also saddle. Com pelled to sell for want of use. Inquire SOU West .Market stieet, city. FOR SALE The Best Rubber Tire Buggy in the city, cheap at M. T. Kellei's Lackawanna Carriage Works. PHYSICIANS will find it to their inteiest to call 011 me before purchasing their supplies; ictlr ing from business. Philip J. Vettci, Diuggist, 41.1 Pcnn avenue, Scranton. FOR SALE .lust airived with forty hones, good workers and drivers: weight 1100 to 1.100; can be fcen at 334 Raymond court. F. M. Cobb. CARPETS, linoleums nnd oil doth sold every day 3 o'clock. 503 Lackawanna. Sec auctions. FOR SALE Fine kindling wood, stove length. Two dollars big load delivered anywhetc. Mail orders. Joinings, Central Mines cut. Also second hand lumber suitable fen- all purposes, tery cheap. For Sale -or Kent. FOR SALE OR RENT Farm of ninety acies good soil, well watered, good buildings, good trait, ei miles from Scranlor, one and one-half miles fiom Clark's Summit. L.ving on tho south side and joining Summit Lake: .1 line place for pum mel' home. Price reasonable. Inquire ot M, II. Coons, Clark's Green. Real Estate. FOR SALE At low late and on exsy lei 111s. fine corner property, upper Green Hldgc; houc just put into veiy cosv and attiactivc shape; lot one of the finest in the valley. G. E. Dean, 010 Spruco street. FOR SALE Hotel property, 845 Capouse avenue. Inquire David M. Heillv or 114 and llfi Wv oming avenue, or Thomas P. Dufty, attorney, 40S Spruce street. FOR SALE One house and lot, modern Im provements, nnd two improved vacant lots, No. 512 North Illakely street, Uunmore, Pa. Address Albert Jenkins, South Canaan, W.ivne County, Pa. FOR SALE Furnished cottage at Lake Henry, Maplevviod, Pa,, four beds, springs and nut trees, two stoves, nil kitchen utensils; price M50. For particulars address R. W. Osland, 50 Westprvelt nvenue, Plalnlleld, N. J, FOR SALE At Clark's Summit; a pla.-e ot five acres, house and barn, good fruit; cheap for rash. Inquire of Mrs. L. Lindsay, 1111 North Main avenue, city. Business Opportunity. bTOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Wiite for our special market letter. Freo on application. S. M, Hlbbaid k Co., members N. V, Consolidated and Stock bxchange, 44 and Hi Broadway, New York. Established 1301, Long Distance," Phono 23S3 nroad. Lost. A VALUABLE silk umbrella, taken from Elm Park Chutch, Sunday evening In mistake. Would the person having thu tame, please icturn it to janitor of the church, LOST A pearl rosaiy on JcPioii uvenuo nr Linden street between Pint Place and Bt. Peter's cathedral, l'luc'cr pleaso return lo J Piatt Place. LOST Monday evening, Feb. 17, between Wyo ming avenue and Washburn street, an oval biooch containing gentlennn's plctuie. Finder ple.uo icturn to or notify MUs Parsons, 417 Thir teenth stieet. Miscellaneous. CUT THIS OUT A M;V departure for tho next 13 dajs jou ran buy illicit at the factory unit save thiee profits the Tcnbiouk Rivers Pufect rittlng Trouseis Company, of 211 Market strict, Phila delphia, have Just opened the second floor In their largo factory exclusively for mail order depart ment, Samples of cloth and self measurement sent free the following offer is only made for the next fifteen dava, we vvil make to measure ou regular $3 men's trousers for 2.73; our reg ular fd and $8 men's trouscis made to me.i.uro mr H50 and U. Tiousers made am) sent c. O, 1). with tho privilege of examining before, paving for same; salenuu and agents wanted; Ten. biook Riven, 2I Market street, Philadelphia, pa BEAUTIFY THE LAWN by wing- Canada tin, leached liaidvvooil ashes. For gale in any quantity. 73c. per loo pounds, tleoige SUson, La Plume, Pa, Political, TIURH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT-Po. tho mem. bens of tin) Republican Standing Commutes of tho Third LegUlatlvo district: Notice is hereby given that a meeting of tin Republican Standing Committee ot the Third Legislative district of Lackawanna county will bo held ut the Court House, Huantoit, Pa., 011 Saturday, March. 22, 1002, at 2 o'clock p. 111. A full attendance ot the committee U earnestly unucitcd. Hy older of tlie chairman. OSCAR VVN nrsiciuK. Attet:-J. 11. WATKIXS. SecroUr). Scranton, Pa., March 10, 1002. 3 Mora BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertis-monta Will llo Recelvotl nt Any of tho Follow ing Drug Storoa Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SClltJLTZ. corner Mulberrj street and Webster avenue. CIUSTAV PICIIEL. CJO Adams avenue. Woat Sltlo GEOROK W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton 1 FRED L. TEHPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Rldgo CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dickson nvenue. r. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street. C. LORENZ, corner Washington are nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Uunmore J. Q. GONE k SON. Help Wantod Male. r-"w".-v v VJWV,rt WANTED-Immcdlalcly; a blacksmith to work on vvugon work, at .M. I, Keller-s Lackawanna Carriage Works. I ANY PERSON v ho will dhttibitto ciirulars for $3 dally should addle'sfc Standard Co., I Wells, Chicago. ACTIVE man to represent lesponslble maimfiu ttirlng company in resident and neaihy con ties. Salary $18 per week and expenses, pajablc weekly; absolutely no canvassing. Permanent position; splendid opportunity tor advancement. Refeicnces lequiicd. Address Manufjittiic, 723 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, pa. TRUSTWORTHY oung man for office position, this city: .20 weekly; experience unnece"ary, but good refeicnces anil flftv ilullais deposit ie quiicd. Wlmbrougli, 50 North Sixth, Phlla, WANTED Salesman for Carpet De partment; young man to sell Wall Paper and Shades, also Sign Writer. Apply, Jonas Long's Sons. CANVASSERS WAN! El) to solicit subscriptions 1 for The Tribune; liberal commissions al lowed; only active men desired; those with ex perience preferred. Apply at Business Managei's office, Scranton Tribune. Help Wanted Female. AN EXPERIENCED laundress wanted at tin Model Laundry, Dunmorc, WANTED A young lady stenogiapher and t.vpe wiiter in un insuiance office. One who un derstands something about liookkeeeping pie fened. Give references, state amount of experi ence and wages expected, "Dcmmoie," Lock Box 70, Knanton, Pa. LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tiibune; good commission of feted with a fair guarantee for fhst-daas woikcr. Apply personally at Business Manager's oftlte, Scranton Tribune. Agents Wanted. AGENTS, ATTENTION Do ou want something good, tellable nnd highest piy? Come and see me; ladies and gentlemen, W, II. Whllmoio, Villi Ofpouse nvenue, cltj, , WANTED Agents, both sex. in Sci anion. Green Itidge, Providence, Piicchurg, Pcckvlllc, Car bondale, etc. Light work; good salaiy. Call or address Manigcr, Room 1. Raub Building, 427 Spruce tlicct, Scranton, Pa. Boarders Wanted. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have. two nl-q men to. board, Geiiran or English. Call any tlma alter Thuisday. All conveniences, S07 Harrison avenue. Wanted Rooms and Board. WANTED Tw-i communicating 1001ns with boird, private family picfeued. Two ladles and .1 gentleman. State full paillculais. Address C. II. I)., Tribune olftce. Wanted. WANTED Chains to lepair and iceanu; send pos tal to James Puvnc or 'phono John Hawks, 124S Providence road. Old 'phone 111-3, Giccn Ridge. Wanted To Rent. WANTED Two or threo iiiuhJit'il moms inline dlately for light housekeeping. Hefeiineo ex changed. Address M. B., Trillium ultice, el'y. COTTAGE wanted to lent for the summer tea son; plainly lurnlshed with good waler. near station. Clark's Summit, Cilctiburn or Hilton -nuthtng faicy in iuniishing or pi lie. Addicss Cottage, Tribune nttlcc. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, three or foul loom-., (mulshed or unfurnished for veiy light liouw keeping. Ilisi Itooi pretnicd. Addict M. 11., Tribune ofllcc. WANTED Furnished house or four or tin- looms fur housekeeping. Addicss A, G. E., Tiibune oflice, Wanted To Buy. WANT TO buy a geneial stoic, cllv 01 rouutiv, for cash. Addicss Opportunity, laic of frib. line olllce. Auction. 20.000 YARDS CARPETS, oil clotli and mattin.'s. one ton table silvcrwuic, cine car load lini'ii slieets, tabic cloths, napkins, pillow cases, to.vols, a.UOO palls fanry lace iui tains. Many other things too nuineious lo mention. At auction, 120 Wash ington avenue, opposite Council building. Sales 10 a, m., 2 and 7 p. m. CUMMINGS IlltO-., Auctlouciis. Money to Loan, I5C0, 1,000, 11,000, laigv-v amounts at the and six per int. Rcctt, Attoiuc), 1012 .Meais Building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONkT TO LOAN-Quick! alraight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N, V, Wsller, 3U-315 Council building. Found, FOUND-Poikctbopk. Inqulie (.'. E. l'lillllps, 117 PitUtou avenue. Storage. STORAGE Dry, clean and modern up-to. il.ite stoijge: separate looms; individual key; elevator. An Ideal stoiago gQattr 11 traPRr.r household I'ffeils. etc, Tlilrly separate tor ioiiu. Scranton storage 10m. puny, i a i enue. Rhoumatism. RHEUMATISM All tiartlcs that wU,h ran be pcedlly and permanently cured ot all va rieties of Rhcuuiatlsiii by a vegetable compound, lutes guaranteed. Inquire or addicss J. E. Tay lor, Scranton, SITUATIONS WANTBD FRBE. DIRECTORY: insertions 25 Cents Tin l Pour Llnei, 6 Cent for Uch tlitr Mm. Qttuntions Wanted. SITUATION" WANTED-Ilv rmnrrlahlo rntnr.,1 man as pot let, private coaehmon or driving' for doctor or ofllrc work. Address B. A.. .11 Petm avenue. SITUATION WANTE1)-Ily mlcldle aged ivomar" ns housekeeper In vviclovvcr's family. Call or address M. J,, 117 South Rebecca avenue, city. WANTED A thoroughly practical ond experienced business man desires emplovment! familiar with office work nnd a good salesman, and ad vertlsemcnt writer"; best reference. Addrcxs A. . Johnson, Ueneral Delivery, Scranlon. A YOUNG person vvouhl like bather's washing to lake home. Address 300 South Ninth street. SITUATION WANTED by a young man, 10 v cats' old; would like to work In a stnro or loam n trade. .1. M 101 lllvef- street, Scranlon. SITUATION WANTEI)-By young man, "with a few years' experience, as bookkeeper. Can give references. Address F. ,t. Zettcrmin, 427 Lackawanna avenue. SITUATION WANTED Position ns cniltlrr or bookkeeper, by voting lady with experience: best teferencesj salary moderate. Address, 1311 Jackson street, LEGAL. APPLICATION FOR DISCIIAROE.-Notlro is hereby given that Joseph It. Gunstcr, as signee, tor the benefit of tho creditors of the Scranton City Bank, has applied far a discharge of himself ns i-Hlgneo nnd the sureties on Ii'h bond. A rule has been granted by court to show cause why such discharge shall not be granted, icturnable April 7, 1(K2. at I) o'clock . in.. WELLES k TOHREY, Attorneys for Assignee. IN RE: F.state of William Edgar, late of the City of Ovvego, County of Tioga, and State of New York, deceased. Letters testamentaty having been granted to tin; undersigned on the above estate, all persons having claims or demands against the same will please present them for payment, and all tho-u indebted thereto, will make immediate pay ment lo WILLIAM A. EDGAR, . DAN POWELL. Executors. CHARLES W. DAWSON,. Attorney. ESTATK of Joseph Ober, late of the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County, Pcnnvl vanla, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate have been granted to the undersigned. All pcisons having claims against the saute will present them for pavnicnt and all prisons in debted thereto will please made immediate pay ment to BARBARA OBER, Executrix. BEERS k G11AM11S, Attorneys. NOTICE 1s hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the The Title Ouarantv and Trust Company, of Scranton, Pcnn., will be held at the office of the company, 135 Washington ve nue, Scrnnton, Pennsylvania, on May 17, at 10.SO a. m., lo take action on approval or disapproval of the proposed increase of capital stock of said company from $300,000 la $750,000. RALPH S. HULL, Secretary. IN RE: DISSOLUTION of the New York. Wyoni ' Ing and Western Railroad company Notice is hereby given that the application of tlie New York, Wyoming and Wcstein Railroad company, a corporation Incorporated under the laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for a decree of dissolution, will be heard by the court ot com mon picas of Lackawanna county, on Monday, the 31st day of March, 1002, at D o'clock a. 111. of said day; and that unless cause to the con trary be shown at or befotc that time a decree of dissolution of the said corporation will then be entered by tlie court. BEERS k GRAMBS, Attorney!. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. 23 TRADERS BANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, CONNELfj Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B., REAIi Estate Exchange Bldg.. 128 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING. COO CONNELL BUILDING. Dentists. dr: C. E. EILENBERGER, pauli building. Spruce stieet, Scranton. DR. C. O. LAUBACH. 113 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. THANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 10 and 18 Burr Building. ' D. D. REPLOOLE. ATTORNEY LOANS NEQO tlated on real estate security. Mears Building, corner Washington avenuo and Spruco street. WILLARD, WARREN k KNAPP, ATTORNliYI and counsellora-at-lavv. Republican Building, Washington avenue, JESSUP k JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN Commonwealth Building, Booms 10, 20 and 21. UDNVAJP ,V- THAYER. ATTORNEY. 003.004, oth floor. Mears building. ROOM! L' A. WATflHS, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building. Scranton, Pa. PATTP'SON' A- WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONA Ran!; Building ' C. COMEGYS. 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A'.,v.,.Bi:iF,I0LIi'' orncu moved to no. all Wyoming avrn'i", Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. V. ALLEN, avrnue. 31J NORTH WASIIINO'10.1 Bit. B. W. L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE 330 WASH Ington aveiiu?. Residence, 1318 Mulbcriy. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and genllo-urlnaiy organs a specialty. Hours. 1 to 4 n. in, Osteopathy. OR. II. G. EV.V.S OSTEOPATH, 120-8 WW. ington avenue. Cliionlo and nervous diicuj) a specialty. Consultation free. s Instruction Musical. P. C. PEFSEII, McS, llAaTTincIlTfiliriiF voice Cultuie, Harmony, Counterpoint ran,1 Composition, Compositions coirectcd andfie vised for publication. 3.1 New- Yoil: street, Hotels and Restaurants. t THE ELK CAFE. 121 AND 127 FRANKLhTaVE nue. Rates reasonable. P. Zli:aLF,R, Proprietor. ECRANTOV HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. k W. PA9 senger detut. Conducted on the Europo n,an' .. VICTOR KOCH. ProprleUt. Scavenger. ' A. B.'cLKANS PIlTvY VAUIT8 iNl) cess pools; in ors only Improved pumps llltd. A, II. Brlggi, proprietor. Leave orders --HOC North Main avenue, or F.icko's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.-. Seeds, G, R, CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUJtS-f-rjmen, store 201 Washington avenue; gets a houses, 1030 North Main avenue; lioro tcl phont, J82. - Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR oil LAOKA. AVB., Scranton. Pa,, manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladle wjl,u. LouIm Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MEOAROEE BROS,, PRINTintb' SUPPLIES, EN vclopes, paper bags, twine, Wureiioiui, 134 Washington avenue, Scrauton, Pa. THE W1LKEBBABHE RECORD CAN BE (AD in Scranton at the news stands ot ReUmau Bios., 400 t'pruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna, avenue; I. 8. Scltutier, 211 .Eoruce street SI m 4 Jri . -"t '-i s vl -..,-A- I S ,-4-rSSis