The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 18, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    raran "3?57'
-TH( rt"v. .,". v ,., w ll'l.Wii',iifT"i ' Tfv T T v. r ""-
C '
at Ackernans' 138
Wyoming Avenue,
Thursday and Friday,
March 20 and 21, 1902.
2 4 !$ 1S,'I !! 2 $$" 4 i4
This complaint wo have
heard so often that we
know just what to recom
mend (or it. Our
Compound Syrup of
While Pine anil Tar
Gives almost instant re
lief, as It soothes tho in
flamed bronchial passages
and quiets that annoying
2.1c a Bottle
.j. $-
Prepare J ONLY by
Matthews Bros
,1io Lackawanna Avenue.
4. " v
f ! $" J $ ! I8 4 I' ! i ! 4 !
fc.n: and rnoriTAW.K.
Paying Dividends of 12
per Annum, and there li sufficient oie ON" HAND
(M0,OIK),O0O) to continue dividend-: at thli rate fur
the net fifteen jcars, own and opcratinK bincltcr
Si'i tons dally; no debts
Those n felling to make 1 fife and profitable in
vestment in a listed Btoch will do well to write
mo for prospectus
136 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa.
i J. P. COULT, D. D. S.
Surgeon Dentist.
Twenty years' successful prac-
tlcc In this county.
Gty Notes
HOARD OF CHAniTIES. The Mond of A-v
fisted Charities of' Scranton will meet this
ficninff at 8 o'clock in the po-tinittcr'b room,
postoffice building.
MO.NTHIA" DAXCK. The (.'reen llidgc Mhccl
men will RJyc the usual monthly diner fur mem
jcr and hd.v friends at the club house Thurd iy
evening of this week. Diuei will furnL-h music.
Till! GAS mANTIHM:. The statement cu
ciliated to the effect that Hcoordn Council 1 h
figneil the ordinance awarding a Iran. hi. c to
tho ( 'oniumerV Uis compiny, is intorrett. The.
reeonler ttill ha this mcjsuie undei tomider.i
lion. THANKS i:lMli:SSi:i).Tlie inaun hos
iltal desire to r-eirci3 its thanks for the d
nation, through Mrs. (i. ,1. Hiilingliolf, of
IJI.Tj; being the proceeds of the clnrlty cu
ihic civci at the fiieen lildge Ilkjtlo dub
lnmiltK AND SOCI.Mi. A progiphp m-
lire party, followed by a bocIiI, was conduct. d
list niRht in St. John's hill on (.'mouse avenue
bj fieneril l'hil II. faheiidm council, No. J5,
Vouns Men's Institute. There was a laige at
tmddncc and an enjoyable time was had by all.
WOnKKHS1 I.KVOUK. The CluMt.ui Wctk
eis' Icicjuc will hold a meeting at the "Mmlcn,"
POT Linden ftrcct, this cvenitiK at S o'clock.
Cieoige 0. .Vihy will take charge ot the mct
Jng, and the Young Men' I'hrMlm iwociitiuti
quartette and choir will sing. I'.vci.vhudy wel
come. Cl'ItTAlXS ftl'.r ON l'llti:.-A bicee thioi.iji
an open window blew late curtain a;alnt a
gas jet In the homo ot Mr, and .Mrs, A. J,
Casey on Jctliron uenue last night and ciihmI
n fire. An alarm was niunde.1 but the, libra'
was extinguished without the aid of the fire com.
panics 'I he damage was slight,
l.AHCiK ADVANTi: SAI.i:.-iho,e having- in
charge the conceit of tho I.ifajit.c (lice club
me highly giatillcd at tho laigc advance Mln of
tickets. Diagram will open at PowiD'h tr.
iifkday 0 a, in. The club conuui-es thlitj in.
tMs and ghes a tpluidld tip-todite cm. etc.
khit they will be gieetcd bj ,i crowded liou'
lii certain! .
LKOrntii u m:v. n, j, iJUfii. -m to-
nightV rcgulai meeting of the Catholic His
torical (.ocifly lte. I). J, lluslln will dolhcr a
lictuio on "Tho Llteraiy .Setting u Dante." Mli
llaritet Waul will iindet a lolln solo, 'J ho
ipeetlng nc-st week will bo held on Mania
nlglit when tl.e Catholic Choial union will.icn
dci poitlous of Itaisliil' "Stabat .Mitel."
Sitt'IlCJIMUN'S n,I.L.-0-K of tin. laige-l
ciuwdd wlilili Music hall cum held gatbcuil there
thcie List Ulght in attendance at the annual
lull of Elcctne City Lodo of Switchmen. It
ii estimated that ocr V(W couples wcie in at.
tendance at the affair, which pinu-il u guat tin
ccii In cer- way, Tho decorations wcru spe
cially ehboralc ami included a number ot col
ored switchmen' jantcrns,
TUPTIVr COSn:HK.NCK.-At tho DaptUt mill.
Uterlal conference cstcr.lay in the Pcnn ,e
liua church, President C, ,. Spalding wa in
the chair. Ilev, Dr. L. M, 8. IIu.mils, of IJlug.
bamtoii, and A, 1.'. Waffle, of Albion, ., V
conducted the dewitlonal aerylCH, Dr, It. V.
V, Pierca dclhered a ihcply Interesting llliu
tratcil lecture on "Quo V.idls," for which tho
conference tendered t uiunlmoui ote of thanks.
Kent Monday itev. C. It. .Smith, of t'actor)tille,
will gito tho paper on 'The Deadly Kitrimc."
JIOIli; IilX'llUrrS.-lluslne was Iruk at the
local marine reciuillny Matlon, No. 131 V0
iii ing avenue, last week. Sewn young men were
enlUted by Major fl. Harnett and sent to League
Island uay ard, )cstcrday. 'J hey were:
John PatU, Green Iiidgc, Pa.; William H, IlalncJ,
beranton, Pa.: .lames M. Kgan, Duumore, Pa.;
Homer II. bteien. William Lilly, Daniel P,
llagen, ranle Moran, Scunton, Pa. The oung
men of Scranton and vicinity are beginning to re
alize that the induecnientt in the niaiinc corps for
good material are better than can be obtained
at the arloui kinds of labor ini; work, and for
till lewon th.ey are cnlijtin lu the marine
s "Coughed :
AH Night."
Housohold Outfitting Company Opens
Its Boors to the Fnbllc.
Never In tho history of Scranton wtis
a store opened under more favorable
conditions than the Household Outfit
ting company, who opened the doors ot
their Immense four store and basement
establishment at 322 LnckaWanna ave
nue, yesterday nfteinoon nt 2 o'clock..
Long before the npctiltiff hour an Im
mense crowd hnd (fathered In front of
the building, all anxious for n chance
to view the good things Inside.
From 2 o'clock until Into lust night
an endless throng passed through the
many departments of the large estab
lishment. Mnny times during the after
noon It was found necessary to lock
the doors until the ctush could bo ie
lloved. The now stoiu Ih Indeed a model one,
and presented a ptetty picture In every
department yesterday, with Its wealth
ot new stocks and gorgeous floral dec
orntioni. With the opening ot tho Scranton
store, tho Household Outfitting com.
puny has completed- a chain ot eight
mammoth stores, having two In Cincin
nati, and one In Detroit, Toledo, Hur
falo, Indianapolis and Springfield, O.
Tito various departments are conveni
ently arranged and contain evetythlng
that the firm name Implies household
and office furniture, baby carriages and
go-carts, carpets, lace curtains, por
tiers, stoves, ranges, pictures, etc.
Tho various floors are touched by a
fine modern passenger elevator, and
everything about the establishment
gives forth the impression tlint Scran
ton has made another important addi
tion to Its magnificent retail establish
ments. Mr. Ofccar Klpcman, the manager of
tho Scranton stoic, is also n member of
tho linn. Mr. Kleeman comes hete from
Took Three Stiaight Gamos from tho
West End Wheelmen Last Night
on Own Alleys.
The JJacKus bowlers rolled three su
lorior games last night on their own
alleys, v hiring them all from the West
End Wheelmen. The Electric City
Wheelmen dropped two to the Scran
ton Mode, club team, so that tho
Itackus ter.m has now got a firm grasp
on llrst place. They have the North
eastern league trophy practically won,
and -ttill have to fall down real hard
next Monday night to lose It.
The llrst game was won by the mar
tow margin of one pin, but the other
two gamer were won with good-sized
margins. The total of 2014 is seven
pins better than the total made by the
same team last week and stands as
the high grand total for the present
netios. The score:
Pecklnni ltn ,- y (a,;
Nnorc IP'S 171 i.S r.17
t'lhrenholt IcVi lit 1ST 41
Roll isfi 111 JVC w,
Ilopkini NT, .S ;vi) jy
&" S'- S3d 20J I
u;s.r i.xd wn:t:i.Mt:.v.
npickcsscr I'.S i Hi i !")
int ISO 171 si .-W
Inncs I'M IK, na nu
lluntei I" if," 1.17 -(til
Dnia li.7 211. ir,o :o2
Ms t-H 731 :i:i
High KOie llopkin-, 2J1.
High acerige llopkin', 101 1-S.
The West Side bowlers were in lather
poor form last night, and made a grand
total of only 2,369 pins, which was
higher, however, than the total made
by the Scranton Bicycle club bowlers,
who won two out of the three games.
The scoie:
scisanto.n- incvci.i: n.UIJ.
Ooiroin mi is.1! in.-, ua
Rnpci hi nt iv. m
Mitchell I7y IV) 1C0 Ml
1'olcy no no 121 jto
Waidell 110 ist mi J72
bl7 "J I 70S-2aS0
i:i.i:cutic cirv wiikf.i.mex.
McCiiicken J7 W 170-47(1
Williams Ui tn) 127 JI2
bail 17.'. HO ll'u. 4.V
Owens i.n i-ii ico- JlO
Wettllng 21 JM 1(13310
Sll S1U 7.:9-iin
High fcoie Wctlling, 221.
Illgli aicrage Wardell, 110 '2.'!.
The ElKs came out of their retitement
last night and rolled two 900 games
against the Green Itidge Wheelmen.
Th"y fell down on their second game
r.nd lost it by over 100 plus. The
(sw:i;n itiunr. viici:i.mi:.v.
Talor la) iui r,e ,-02
Honlson lu: in-, litt .12:1
Maton 171 liV, 1S2 S'S
Weih'maii ID.-, 171 lfi' o!
l'eittkr 1S1 Hi KM S7
SH7 Wu M9-2IM)
llutl 17h I7f H- ill
Plillllpi 10; 1M 1'is i121
Mooie 137 lit MO- 171
)lielcnspji)ier 17') mi 1,10 r.'.l
lllflil If") 170 ITU .V)
t'JI "till WiV- 2.1S
lllvb wore Haiti, 2111
liigh aeragi Haiti, l&l 2 3.
The standing of the clubs lu this,
league Is now jh follows:
Weill, Loi,.P(f.
Il'.cku. in s 701
I'.leclilc fit' liri-liii.n II II ,(2-1
f-ciuntnit Illcela (lul 12 P2 .300
l:ll,. 10 II .41.1
(.'reen lliilke Wheelme'ii 11 111 ,107
We t i:nd Wheelmen 'J 11 i73
Mombeis of Victor Emmanuel Soci
ety Dined in Cassese's Hall,
Tho fifteenth annual banquet of the
Victor Emmanuel Italian society was
held last night in CussehQ'H hall, on
I.acknwnnuu avenue, which was aitls-
tlcnlly decorated with the American
and Italian flags. Over ono hundred
members sat down to the elaborate le
puBt which hnd been uiepuied.
At Its coiicluslou a number of Im
promptu addresses were mnde, Frank
Itlcc.t, the ptesldent, acting as toast
master. Among thoso who spoke weto
Dr. I'. 1 (lunster, O. Muioslnl, Nlcho
las Cailucd, S. De Martina and J, A.
Lackawanna Railroad Low Rate
Exclusion to New Yoik City,
April 2nd, 10013.
On April 2nd special excursion tickets
will be sold to New York city and re
iton via the Lackawanna railroad,
gtml going on all passenger trains of
Api 2nd und for return up to and In
cluding April 7th, at rate of one way
faro plus ono dollar, for tho round
trip. Children between the ages of 5
and 13 yearn, one-half the adult rato,
Conseeratlon Was by Rt. Rev. BlBhop
Hoban, Who Also Delivered a Ser
mon, in( Which He Made Very
Pointed References to Many Exist
ing Evils Counselled His Hearers
Not to Be Drawn Into Disorder,
and to Observe tho Laws of the
Country. .
lit. Rev. St. J. Hoban, D, D bishop
of Scranton, preached a Bermon of
much Interest nnd Importance at tho
Fcrvlec, yesterday, in connection with
tho consecration of the altar of St.
Patrick's church, on Jackson street.
The bishop spoke substantially as fol
lows: 1 take It for ginr.tcd that most of ou arc of
Irish blrtli or IrLh c'.tracllor,. Accepting this I
will address jou as such, The Irish people lime
a religious mission. It is as tiuc tint the Irish
had a icliglous mission ns tint the Jews had n
religious mission. What mttvii lm Miflerod moie
for Its faith? PoAslbly the Armenians or Polei
luee mflered cipnlly with the Irish at the bands
ot persecutors, but no nition his siuffeicd so
much fcr lis faith ns the frlsh. Iheie is no
record of such awful outrages, such nwful I
Tinny as that indicted on the Irish to sv.eiec
them from the faith. I am as firmly comlm-ed
that the Irish bid a lcllglous mission as I rm
flint the Jews had one.
t'nfortunately, how many of us hae filled
to carry out lhal mission. Many of ou lnc
been models of ilrltie and propriety. Hut hue
we all preached Jesus Christ and Ills gospel by
our HitM?
Unfortunitely, my dcir Iri'li friends, wc hio
not all realized our mission. If all of us l .id
done what sonic haec done, would not the his
tory of the Unlled Slates lmc been dlflfeie'it?
How mniv In the city of bcranton aie doing
the things of which the Irish Catholic would
not be proud? Hac out then been lbes of so
brlet, probity, purity and l.oncst ? 'And ct
wr are inlssiomues.
Tliere is not one of us hut who should be a
misslomry for the spread of the light. Ate we
such? The American people ale a practical peo
ple. They judgo men not by their profclon of
faith but b their derdr. Tiny don't accept the
declaiatiun for the deed. Mny of the most noted
coniertH to Catholicism ha'.e become such by
the obsereations of the liees of humble Citho
lies. The Irish Catholic senant girl by no
effort other than her pure life has effected lmny
conversions. How much more can the intelligent
Catholic do towards spieadlng the light?
In the labor forld, in the political world what
can not the intelligent IrMi Catholic do?
Th" nerjge polificlm is absolutely convinced
that he can buy the Irish member of the coun
cils or legislature. To the Irishmm this roit ot
tiling is iinuitural and novel. The other man is
used to it and knows bow to i'0cr it up. The
Irishman e.ho sells hl-nsclf Is ilicoeeie.l. The
other sort of man is cute enough to prevent Ins
offense from being disclosed.
New York is, in some minds, nonmnii' of
conuption, in a political sense. I doubt if it is
as bad as Philadelphia. In New Yoik the cor
rupter is exploited. In Phil idelphh it is not
discovered, 01 if discovered, is floaked.
Irishmen do not selt v ourselves. Irishmen do
not put In office men who will sell their votes.
Hie sale of a vute is a bid baigain. It is von
who in the long mn must pay the price. The
distiller' trust, in testifying through its piesi
dent befoic the senate committee, admitted that
there was Jli,O0O,000 lost between the distiller
and th" consumer. You who are drinking vv'iis
ke.v aie paing for thi.
Cuipoi ilions will not hesitate to buy a man.
I do not want to touch on tcccnt local history.
It might awake some vinpleasmt thoughts. I
do not want to dwell upon the lecent conduct of
a corporation which went into our common coun
cil seeking favors. There i-t .1 possibility tint the
street car strike was mixed up in it. It is rot
impossible tint the stieet car strike inL'ht
have been settled but for it, To d veil in c!e
till on these things might be tuiplci-int for
some of trcisc v.ho are he:o Ibis morning, but
on this occasion, the aniuveiMry of St. I'atiuk,
who was the soul of cluritv, I desist, will
content uivaclf with saving do not be at the beck
ot any mm. If ou get something out of it
jour fellow rlli?en, jour neighbor, must pav.
ou may heir some say "If 1 do not lake it
sonic one else will." That is onlv the an
swer of the thorough rascal and consummate
bcoundrf 1.
You have been to the theater and paid money
to tee a redheaded, red-whiskered, rcd-no-eel
Irishman making a fool of himself. You hive
paid money to be misrepresented. I do not go
to the the iter, but if I did I would feel like
filling mv pockets with rotten iggs and egging
this libel ofl the stage. It has been done bcfoie;
it is too bad it is not done again.
It is regrettable tint the Irish Catholic, or
those who should be ill practice as well as pio-fe.-.sion
Irish Catholics, are fiequenlcrs of the
Immoral theater. There Is one in the same
block as the cathedral. It U u vestibule of the
house of prostitution. There, lubricity and
downright diitlness aie rampant. How luiny of
thf patrons of that pl.ii- ure Irish or sens of
Iiishf Mand at the cathedral coiner and fie
for yourselves If the patronage of IrMi Cath
olics was withdrawn fiom that place It would be
iiiaele tmmolltablc.
u is ni;f.'Ri:iTAni.i:.
'I his Ls nude the more regrettable when we
consider that statistics tell us that in the
Catholic parts of Iiclind, the men and women
aie the purest on flo.i's whole eaith.
He lionet in politics; lie pure in )our daily
life; elon't lm tuirowj do nut slop at helping
Iiiohijien. Work that we may all 1 bitter
American men and women. All nation. Utho
should unite in striving to uplift. This Is the
greatest lou'itr), the most olessed.counti, the
moot pro-peious counliy in the world.
Do not be drawn into dlt-culei, He obs,rwnt
of the loiiutr.v's laws. Reprehensible hided is
that occurrence in J(luooha the other night
No nutter whit we think of the strike1, wo
must abhor such an outrige Qf the eountLV's
liviv. Think of a mob of 2,tWt) stoning two men.
It no fault of the mob that it was not u
inurdii. And what n mean murder it would
have been, Two thousand against two! 'ITiat
is ani-cltf',
Tlieio aie niiteiialistic socialists anions in,
They are working ahiong tho nou-Kiisdlsli speak
ing'wfjrMiifjimii, 'f ljl,or leideis do not keep
their rc. open to (hi, they will find that they
will have lost control of llitii nun. This class
of socialists are tuemin of icligiou. of
You who luloic to liboi unions have a great
lisponslbllltv. Witch and see Hut no one gets
into power who Is autl-Calholle or a maltililis
tlo socialist, hi an mganlMtiou formed list
week in Wllkes-Ilauu one of the pilneipal niliv,
was given In a man who seurrlloush altai ked
the Sistus f St. Jiwpli'j Koundllug homo; who
wrote a vicious letter about Pallicv Phillips
and John Mitchell when they wir engaged in
settling the miners' strike, and who shamefully
abuseel Archbishop Corrlgan.
Iti'h-Catlioliis le on, ui guaid. In the name
nf llirlst and ht, I'atikk be on vum guird
agulnst those who would destiuy the faith that
is in ou, Reiueii.lKi that ou aie not mil re.
llglous but missionaries of .1 icllglon. Heuieui
her that the mere piofooioii of lour filth is
not iUllhicit, 11 jour daily life prove Hut
otir faith U a Jeively faith.
The services In connection with the
conseciutlon of the beautiful marble
altar wero of a solemn and Impressive
"Keep to the Right"
With eyes open. "Great events
cast their shadows before"
'so does this-one.
the Right"
With eyes open,
developments will
fow days.
follow in a
character. lllshop Hoban performed
tho ceremony of consecration and nf
terwatds celebiated a pontifical high
mass. At its conclusion he announced
tho granting of a year's Indulgence to
all who attended the consecration, and
forty days Indulgence to all who pray
befoic the consecrated altar on each
succeeding anniversary of Ht. Patrick.
Rev. J. R. Wholan, the beloved
pastor of St. Patilck's church, togeth
er with Rev. E. J, Melley, of St. John's
South Scranton wote deacons of honor.
Rev. John Erlcker, of St. John's Ger
man Catholic church of South Main
avenue, was deacon of tho mass; Rev.
P. P. Lavellc, of St. Patrick's, sub
deacon; Rev. J. J. Grlflln, of St. Peter's,
master of ceremonies; Rev. Daniel
Dunne, of Moscow, assistant priest;
Rev. J. Dunne, of St. Patrick's, assist
ant master of ceremonies. In the Banu
tuory wcio Rev. J. J. Jordan, of Rcnd
ham; Rev. J. J. Loftus, of St. Paul's,
Green Ridge, and Rev. Father Pagan,
of Great Rend.
The music was of an especially elab
orate character. It was under the di
rection of tho talented young chorister
and organist, ailss alary Johnson.
Two hymns to St. Patrick were fca
tuies of the musical programme.
Thomas Knight Supplied with the
Steel Stock That Roper Was Com
missioned to Buy for Him.
jdwnrd . Roper, tho stock bioker,
arrested In New York last week,
charged with embezzling ?2,300 given
him for purposes of investment by
Thomas Knight, of North Scranton,
will not have to stand trial. Detective
Deiter started down after him last
week, but was flagged before he reached
his destination, becattbc of a settlement
of the case.
One of Roper's friends came on here
with the shares of United States Steel
company stock, which Knight gave
Roper the money to purchase. These
shares of stock were turned over to
Knight, and the latter thereupon agreed
to withdiaw the prosecution. He was
practically forced to do so, because
after the fatock had been turned over
he realized that It was practically im
possible to make out a case against
Roper. The latter was accordingly re
leased fiom tho Tombs.
The police refuse to put any stock in
the indignant piotcstatlons of Mr.
Roper's friend that he merely wont
down to New York to purchase the
stock, and that he had absolutely no
intention of defrauding Mr. Knight.
Tho long interval which elapsed be
tween his departure and his atrest, and
the fact that he had neatly all his be
lonsmgs sent after him, Is proof posi
tive, they maintain, that he had no in
tention of coming back to this city.
The Tribune has been iic'ucstcd to give spice
to the following:
To the People of b.ranton and Kndorsrrs of
Christian and Industrial Education Anioi-g the
Coloted People South.
Deal Tricnds: Turner High School, with in
diistrnl work annexed, has been established at
Covington, Oa , a small but quiet town, for the
benefit of the poor bo.vt and girls in the rural
diolikts, in ordei tint it imy better rcieh and
help lift the masses who aie jet standing upon
the precipice of die daik Ftrcim of ignorance,
vice and superstition, beg-ring that )ou come
and help fcn.v them ovei; help lift them to a
higher standard of Christian civilization, for
should they plunge farther in it villi only be the
worse for them.
Having tiught foi twelve jeors in city and
rural parts, giving three-fourths of that, time to
city work and one-fourth to lural work, and
finding the latter field the most needy I abin
doned city work and began operating this fchool
October 3, 1S0S, soliciting aid In the way of ma
terial, money or individuils to work anywhere I
could. I hive succeeded in erecting a small
building Ifivll feet and the donation of three
other rooms for the past and present terms. We
are now in our fourth annual session and owing
to its growth we are much m neesi of a larger
and moru suitable building. The means for
canning on this work has been, aul is now very
meagic Indeed, jet, who could but feel reluct
ant to give it up when they see and know of
the existing ignoiance; see bo.vs and girls so
eager to rid themselves of the burdensome )ok(.
"The harvest Is gie'.it, and the lah'rers aie
few." Tills Is true. Why do 1 say it? It is
bi cause so nutiy for want of the nccevsary 4p
pnatus to mn the work, suitable buildings, cu
coiiiaglug words of cheer, give up and quit the
fl'ld. How sad, I can but titist the rich prom
ise of l hi!t: 'Tor I am thy fiod, I will rtlll
give thee aid," I am here and wilt ever look
uii Hie bright side and trut in Him who direct
ed my footstepi toward this needy Held wboth
Vr help comes or not. I am happy in Ills seivlce.
Again, it is all the endowments gener
ally aie given to colleges, universities and eeiu
inaries In laigir cities, nnd there arc hundreds
of our bojs and girls will never be able to at
tend them. Those who did get an opportunity
to attend schools mentioned, ami vvcin helped
to go luck and teach the less unfortunate broth
ers and slsteii.
Whit can they do without the Christian siu
pithy and help of thnsu who aie able to help
them? I am in the rural pirts siirioun.led with
ignoiance, among theve who arc putting faith
eu'iy efloit llny can to h.lp thcinselve. I ap
peal to every clnritable ChiMian flic nil, every
lover of educational ami industrial worl: to help
us. One cent will place a brick in the walls, It
does not nutter huw small Hie contribution be, it
tiny buy a hiick or font ot timber of sluic Kind,
All amount ou give, let It be li'uc nr small,
will tacitly encnuiage u. We know that tails
upon jou aie many but wo cirniftly beg jou
to strain n little and belli us. Out boye an I
gliLs are doing good wml. and ate anxioiii to
Irani tiades. 1 am using every honest ettoit
to help thim. 'Hie ettort to elevate the bo i
and girls in the luial districts is indeed u gieat
secrlilce, Anvthlng In the way ot strvlug tUss
tuitcilal will Iw thtnkfully received,
for any inhumation cnticcuiiiu me or my
woilc I refei jou to the Iliv. D, S. Rentier, 1),
)., pxstor llawaid Place Atrican Methodist Cpie
ii pal ihurih, our elt.v. He knows me and of
the work. Again, I refer jou to Ilev. C. K. How.
nun, D, D,, president l.uiory eolle'ge, Okfoid,
tia , one of the leading colleges (white) In the
stale. To Colonel 1. I. Livingston, eltrted to
the! rifl)-evenlh con,'iesS, a resident of my own
homo county, who now resides in Washington. 1).
('., as rouglessiuili fiom this state. 1 have .liked
MM Cue;U a Lawieiieei poster to visit the home of
the ladies and solicit any donation ihey will give,
Other contributions can be sent lu the ltev, Hi',
Hemic oi foiwardcd to the Tinner High School,
Covington, Ha.
Youis sincerclj,
M, A. Hates, principal.
DoiMtioiu will be a.kiiowledgcel H.iough presj
if need be.
i i
Judge New comb heard applications for natur
alization In court room No.. 2 jcbterdsv,
The will of Mm. Uridget Colemau, lite of this
ilty, was jcjleiilay admitted to probate. Xo
letters were Issued.
In the matter of the city ot Carboudale
against James C. Morrison, a rule was granted
jesterelay to show cause why the lieu iu the
ae should not be stricken oft and why the reiic
facias luueel thereon should not be quashed.
The lule h returnable to argument court.
'Keep to
Succeeds tho Late Patrick Golden ns
the Sixth Ward's Representative.,
Board Decided to Buy the Home for
the, Friendless Property for 820,
000 Mr. Welsh Says It Is Neces
sary to Put Supports Under No. 33
School Agreement with Township
at an End.
The vacancy on the board of school
controt caused by tho death of Pat
rick Golden, of the Sixth watd, was
filled at last night's meeting by the
Election of P. J. aiurphy. The nom
ination was made by Mr. Langnn nnd
the election was made unanimous.
Mr. aiurphy was sworn In and took
his seat.
Chairman John Gibbous announced
his committees for tho coming year as
High and Training T. J. Jennings chairman;
Otto J. Robinson, I". S. llaikei, W. J, Welsh, O.
11. Schilefcr, P. .1. Langnn, Peter J. Hilf,
Teachers I. S. Darker, chairman; II, J,
O'Malley, T. J. Jennings, Peter J. Ilelf, Dr. John
O'Malley, 1". J. il, J. II. Phillips.
Building Dennis J, Roche, cluiirnuiu; Otto J.
Robinson, II. T. Jn.vne, Anthony Walsh, II, J.
O'Malley, A. L. rraneois, I. J. lamgan.
Finance A. L. l'raneols, chairman; A. R.
K.vnon; P. J. Murplty, 11. T. J.ine, 11. J. Leon
old, 1.'. R. Lvans, W. I). Christmas.
Suppl O. H. Schrlefer, chalrmin; Jieob
Schaefcr, Dr. John O'Mallej, Otto J. Robinson,
P. J. Lankan, Anthony Walsh, Dennis J. Roche.
Tcit Rooks P. J. Langan, chairman; T. .1.
Jennings, O. 1!. Sclulefer, A. h. rraneois, An
thony Walsh, 11. J. Ix-onird, A. H. Kjnon.
Insurance H. J. O'Malley, clubman; 1!. J.
Leonard, P. J. Murplij. 1.'. 11. Kvms, Peter J.
Reif, Jacob Schaefcr, 11. T. Jane, Dennis .1.
Kindergarten W. J. W', chairman; T. J.
Jennings, W. 11. Christmas, J. It. Phillips; Dr.
John O'Mallej', K. S. Bilker, A. 11. P.jnon.
Rules A. It. Lynon, chairman; P. J. Murphy,
Jnrnb Selnefer, .1. II. Phillips, i:. J. Leomrd,
Anthony Walsh, Peter .1. Reif.
Auditing K. K. Kvans, chairman; 11. J. O'Mil
ley, W. .1. Welsh, 1'eter J. Reif, Dr. John
O'Malley, W. R. Christmas, V. J. Murphy.
Special Committee on No. 21 Lot W. J.
Welsh, chairman; W. II. Christina', A. II.
Lnon, O. II. Schriefer, E. 11. Lvans.
The vacancy on the committee on
manual training school, caused by the
retirement of Captain atay, was filled
by the appointment of air. Welsh.
air. Jayne, chairman of the special
committee in the matter ot purchasing
the old Home for- the Friendless prop
erty, on Adams avenue, recommended
that the board purchase the property
at $20,000, with the idea that it be util
ized for a manual training school, an
annex to the High school or No. 33
air. Jayne explained that $20,000 was
the value put on the property by the
city assessors, .so that there Is no ques
tion as to its being a bargain. There
are five lots, with a frontage of 200 feet
and a depth of 160 feet. The board is
required to pay only $1,000 down and
the balance In five years.
The report and recommendation wero
adopted by a vote of 20 to 1, Mr. Phil
lips voting in the negative because the
board is required to pay interest on the
balance during the live years.
Tho necessity of putting some sup
port in the mine workings under No. 33
school was called to the attention of
the board by air. Welsh, and on motion
of Mr. Jayne, the board instructed Ed
mund A. Bartl to report what should
be done to secure the foundation.
air. Jennings laid befoie tho board
the request of the High School Athletic
association for tho use of the audi
torium for an entertainment. The le
quest of the High school faculty for
permission to visit schools iu other
cities, during the Easter vacation, was
also presented by air. Jennings. Both
matters were referred to the High and
Training school committee.
The matter of fixing the Easter vaca
tion was refeired to the teachers' com
mittee, to report next Monday night.
After some discussion, the boaid
granted the request of St. Peter's con
gregation, of Peteisburg, that tho board
should present to the church the tem
poiary building built as an annex to
No. K.
The failure of the Lackawanna town
ship school board to agree to continue
the arrangement by ivhlch tho Lincoln
Heights schlldren were permitted to
attend Nos. 13 and .12 schools, for $15 a
year, was explained by Solicitor D, J.
Reedy, and the matter of excluding
those pupils was leferred to the teaeh
et.s' committee.
air. Evans wanted that such ot these
pupils who wanted to continue In the
city schools might be: permitted to do
so by paying a half-year's tuition of
$7.C0, air. Jennings thought this too
generous, air. Barker thought that It
was not establishing a dangerous prece
dent to allow these pupils to finish the
year, If their patents were willing to
pay tho pro rata tuition, Mr. Jayne
also favored air. Evans' ptoposltlon,
aiguing that It was unfair to these
pupils to exclude them from the schools
at this time, Tho Evnns' motion wus
carried without opposition.
P. J. aiurphy, the now member of tho
board, Is 28 years of age, anil by occu
pation a bookkeeper. Ho Is In the em
ploy of T. F. atcDonough.
Joseph Hilggj, of Pittston, was a vl,lto? In
Mluooka jesterday.
Miu Molile Siider, of West Pittston, veis vl,.
illnj at the home ot hei sUtei, Ml. C, W. Oil
lagher, bunelay.
Robbie Olbboius, one of Miiiooks', leading
equine sports, hit puiehaud a handsome trotter
and lias placed nu Older fur a two-miuutc har
ness of , tl. Me (.lei an.) hu intends miking
sonic of the folks tike his du-.t duilii the com-n-
season. The animal Is a tiiu looker and has
a good lecord,
' I Ml ..
Low Rates to California,
Parties desiring to mako a trip to
California, ArUon.f or New aiexlco,
either for business or pjeasme, cuu do
so now at a small cost. Dally until
April 30, Inclusive, tickets maiked
"Colonist" may be petrcliased via.
Southern rallwuy at rate of $17,00 from
Washington and $.9.50 from Philadel
phia to Los Angeles, San FrancHco
and other points, correspondingly low
lates from other points.
Tho Southern railway operates
through tourist sleepers from Washing
ton to Los Angeles and San Francisco
without change, leaving Washington,
9:50 p. in. every atonduy, Wednesday
and Pilday, Tho berth rate in these
sleepers Is only $7.00, two people be
ing allowed to occupy ono berth If de
sired. Personal conductors and Pull
man potters go through with each
sleepor. There are other new, con-1
SILVERWARE is a large
been such a steady demand, wc
tion of the public to it as often nswo should.
There nro so many now designs with our low prices, it would
tempt you if you are in need of any. ,
TEA SETS, Hand-Buinishcd Quadruple Plate SJS.OO
BUTTER DISHES. Hand-BuinlBhcd Quadruple Plato 2,30
BREAD TRAYS, Hand-Burnishod Quadruple Plato. . 1.75
FRUIT DISHES, Glass Lining 1.75
Housecleaning Time Approaches
Let us repair your furniture, make over your
mattresses and cleau j'our carpets before the rush
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
I If We Have F
i We Can Pleas
We are aggressive aud progressive as buyers
and sellers. We perform every promise aud our
prestige with manufacturers aud importers creates
many price possibities that would appear exagger
ated to the uninformed.
Utrosnal Skill and Taste Displayed
in This Collection of Coats and Suits .
This parlor full of ready-to-wear things holds
the mirror up to the foremost fashions of the hour.
Every garment made by skilled people; no 'prentice
'hands practice on them.
The Correct Thing in Silk
It's a simple thing
best stock," but we have no need to say it; every
body knows it. The nattiest things to wear you
ever saw. There is none too good for us this season,
n.r for you either.
Kor richness at low prices our Silk Waists
out-class anything that fashion favors.
A bigger money's worth than you usually find,
and satisfaction with every purchase.
McConnell & C0 1
Men's Furnishers and Women's Outfitters.
400-402 Lackawanna Avenue.
8"4(H42 5VMGT&r AV
As agents for Dockash Stoves and Ranges we
carry a tuii line or tne repairs necaea ror ordinary
occasions. If your stove needs repairing 'phone M
or postal request will bring our man to locate the x
trouble and remedy the same with as little ex- J?
pense as possible.
W trivp Hrppn Tffifiincr Shimns. fy
" t' - --
... i ' ji . Liiaw-J-1-1:''' "i ' 'J' . -i-. V
Better mfctre meat than this camioi be made at borne.
It lb at. julw, fruity, clean and much more economical.
We save yttt the weary choppltiB, boiling, scediu-j, peeling, tnian.
Last year we sold ten million ( packages,
Each package m.ikei, two large (or three small) pies.
So (at least) there wero huenly million ' ionc Such" ralnce
Beware of so-called " wet " mince meat sold fromonen palls,
" None Such" is condensed that Is, compressed In air-tight, water-proof carton
locts. a package. Premium list of "1847 Rogers Broa'," silvorwaTc ncl03ed.
W your grocer won't supply you, notify Alorroll-Soule Co., Syractax, Pi. Y.
'qjMjxiai- -w fy f "ii .. ; ".pwy. ' "m -l i-gcr'r.r- 1 t-TTrtx
venlent and economical features con
nected with the sleepers which may be
ahcertalned fiom Charles L. Hopkins,
district passenger agent, Southern rail
way, S2S Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
O, & W. Annual Spilng Excursion to
New Yorlt.
The announcement has lust been
made by tho New York, Ontario and
Western Hallway company that they
will run their annual bprlng exclusion
to New York city on April ". Tickets
will be sold at cxtiemely low rates for
part of our business.
There 'Jiatj .cc.
havo uoglectod to call tho atten
134 Wyoming Ave.
CO. Walk In ami look aiound
Both 'Phone,
to say, "The largest aud
n i
tho louud tilp, nnd nlll be good for fix
Jluny o our leaders have vUU d
Amct lea's gieat metropolis In the
springtime, and know full well that
this is the most beautiful beason of uU
j ear for tho trip, but to those wh liuV
not seen Now York In her spring gurbAW
111 go you also to take adv.intugo of this
low-rute fxcuislon. If jou deslte an
Information on the Mibleet, it will bo
very clieei fully furnished by Mr. J. (.'
Andetson, general passenger agent, fU
Heaver street, Now York. Suppose you
diop him a line.
Jaw waw wb xbwifoxto ww&
eased Others t
e You B . B 3 I
a.ij-L-nnLg--j"ym"i nwymigCTiwTMgi