;x5 12; THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1902, V o M EVEIANK sBakiii gf Powdef 6L H "' produces cake and biscuit that are rare, sweet, light, delicious and in "'. 'the highest degree healthful. The Cleveland name and trade- mark are a safeguard against im purity and imposition in baking powder. ade from purest most healthful ingredients r-i cn AMn RAifiNr pnwoFR en AIllni -Is use,d.as a c,ieaP snbslitutc for crenm of CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER CO., tartar m making many baking powders. It is a , NEW YORK. corrosive acid, condemned by phvsicia s as dangerous to health when taken with the food. THE BBIDGE AMENDMENTS. No Further Effort to Be Made to Secure Their Adoption. The attempt to seure the adoption of amendments to the bond ordinance providing' funds for the erection of bridges washed away by the recent flood has been practically given up and It is understood that they will not be Introduced in select council because of the fate they met in the common branch. Recorder Connell, while desiring the incorporation of these amendments in the ordinance, has given certain mem bers to understand that he would sooner have it pass without amend ment than to have it jeopardized by the insertion of anything whatever. It is believed that provision for the bridges will be made in a second or dinance to be introduced after the re organization of councils and that pro vision will be made for the viaduct in this measure if the lecorder is satis fied that the majority of the citizens of West Scrautou are agreed upon a location for this structure and if ho is able to secure something like a reliable approximate estimate of the actual cost. PECKV1LLE. Ttcv. I'. Cimlall will iirr.iih in the Mctliod'st church, Sililmtli morning, on "What the Poorest Cm Do," and in the ccnine, on "Treasure Kept." Ilia I'i n.bytcrian church, Upv. S. II. Moon, ). I)., uitor. Scivitcs Sunday, at 10.30 a, in. and 7 p. in. Suhjcil in morning, "Help fro:n Kindled JlinlV'j cicninc, "Tho Concr!on ol u Man of AlUlr..." All welcome. The Ii.id!n' Aid sourly of t lie Treal'jlcrlan chmc.li will hold a ?a!o of hrown tread and caKr, M tm day afternoon, Maich 2'i. Calcs cd all kinds will he Fold at u my reaonaMc pifte. Mr. and .Mr. J. K. Dojle, Mr. and Mrs. X. II. .lelniH'ii, and .Mr. uud Mis. V. CS. Iluid nt (riulcil the Kolden ucddiiiR of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam .MI.Iiihui, at Caihondalc, jcslcrday. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR PRESENT SOAXE OP WAGES IS TO CONTINUE. NoticcB Posted nt All of the Collier ies in This Region. Yesterday Won of This Fart of tho Coal Elold Do Not Want a Strike Charles H. Warron, Vlco President of tho Jor aoy Central, Has Resigned Tho D., Xi. & W. Board as Made Up for Today Other Notes. The notices to tho mine workers re garding the attitude of tho operators on tho subject of the wage scale, which have been expected for some time, were posted at all of the D I & W. collier ies yesterday morning, and reads as follows: The Delaware, Lackawanna and Wotern llallroad Company, Ofllee ol the Superintendent Coal Mining; DcDartment. Scranton, Ia., Mmli II, 100-2. nouci:. The rates ol wairwi now in effect will lie con tinned until April 1, 1IHX), and thereafter, nib. Joct to sl'ty days' notice. Local dWcreiic.es will, n.t heretofore, he nil JiKtcil with our employee at the ieicclte col lieries It. A. l'hllllps, Superintendent. Similar notices were also posted at all of tho collieries operated by tho Dela ware and Hudson company, tho Scran ton Coal company, the Pennsylvania Coal company, Hillside Coal and Iron company and Temple Iron company. Just how the notices will be considered by tho mine workers 'is problematical as yet. About all of the locals of the United Mine Workers of America have elected their delegates to attend the conven tion of the three anthracite districts, which will convene at Shamokin, Tues day, and in all probability the matter of the wage scale will be officially acted upon then. It is generally known that the mine workers In Northeastern Pennsylvania do not want a strike on April 1, and the more conservative of them believe in "letting well enough alone," as they put it. They are doing better in every way at the present time than for years past, and they do not want trouble. Aside from the trouble at the Avon dale, Pcttebone and Woodward col lieries In reference to the "swing shift," there is no apparent dissatisfaction among the men at this time. Warren Has Besigned. Charles II. Warren, vice-president and 'general manager, and for the last year practically the supreme executive officer of tho Central Railroad of New Jersey, has resigned his office. It will take effect Juno 1, next. Kver Hirii'c his first connection with the New Jersey Central, in ISO", Mr. Warren has been the active suirit In tho administration of tho company's property, He practically reorganised the operating department, effected great Improvements In tho traitlo de partment, and was mainly Instrumental In brjnglng nbout the Improvement of tho road's physical condition. Ho was successful In winning several labor strikes for tho railroad, and In pre venting other strikes. Appointod Foreman. John II. James, of West Scranton, who has been assistant Inpldo foreman or tho Cayuga mlno for a number of years, has been appointed foreman at tho same place, to succeed II, a, Davis, promoted to bo district superintendent. Mr. James Is a brother of Hon. lid ward James, former member of the legislature from tho Third district. D., Ii. and W. Board for Today. Tho following la tho make-up 'of tin Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western board for today: ntlDAV, MAltCIl II. LMras i:.ut 8 p. in., Holoken, llaneyj 10 p. ill., V. A. llattholomcw; 11 p. in., Hoboken, Car. ney. SATU11IUY, MAIICIt 13. Kxtro.i i:.isl 1.31) p. m,, T. Vltpatrkkj a. m., .1. H. MtCann: S a. in., II. Dohcrty; 0 a. in., Hoboken, J. II. Swarlzj U a. m., llohokcii, I'. Case, with J, W. DeUnc's cuw; 10 a. in., Will lam (lllllKan, with .lohn l!atcr' ucw; 11 . m., 1'. IlallcttJ 1 p. in., 1'. CaaiiaiiKli; 2 p. in,. Hoboken, llrady; y p. m 1'. Van V. owner; 5 p. m., J. T. llurhhatt; (1 p. in., It. nillliran. Summit, Lie t! a. in., .7. Currigg; S a. in., riouniclkcr; 10 a. in., Niihok; 2 p. in., .7. .1. Murray, with 1!. SlcAlllilci'i new; G p. in., J. IU'iilngun; 0 p. m,, M. (iolileu. 1'iiiliera 0 a. in., Wiilncr; 7 a, in., l'iniirrty; 8 a. in., J. If. Mas t erf, 11.45 a. in., Moiau; G p. ui., C. Daitholomew; 7.'M p. in., W. Hoar; 9 p. m,, W. II. Ilirtholomew; 10 p. in., Limping. Helper 7 n. in.. (iatTney; 7 a. in., Singer; 10 a. m., T, II. Secor; 0.15 p. in., btjtiton; S.M) p. m., 1'. McDonnell. Extras West 1.::o a. m "Work Train," Cast ner; 10 a. in,, John Oahijran; It a. in., O'llaru; 2 p. :n., C ICiiiKulcy; 4 p. in., Oenrirc Tlioina; 0 p. in., A. 11. Kctihuiu; 11 p. m,, U. Randolph. NOT1CK Want one SOU and one COO cnjjlne on additional puh(.r at S u. in. O. & W. Annual Spring Excursion to Now York. The announcement has just been made by tho New York, Ontario and Western Railway company that they will run their annual spring excursion to New York city on April 7. Tickets will bo sold at extremely low rates for tho round trip, and will be good for six days.- Many of our readers have visited America's great metropolis in the springtime, and know full well that this is the most beautiful season of the year for the trip, but to those who have not seen Now York In her spring garb.we urge you also to take advantage of this low-ralo excursion. If you desire any Information on the subject, it will be very cheerfully furnished by Mr. J. (.'. Anderson, general passenger agent, d5 Beaver street. Now York. Suppose you drop him a line. pmcEBUno, Prfachlng In Primitive Mclhodlat chureti, tier. V Benttey, pastor. Morning crtlcc at 10.30, Klltilect "Tlil rhrlltan trtnttlnif Alinml." IIvmi. In pcrrlcc at 7 o'clock, ubjt "The ltalnuow.l In llraen." Sunday rehool at 2 o'clock. ' liurgcss Kennedy lua.mwd the DicLtun City police officers to turn owr tlielr cqulptnttit to him tonight, Saturday, March 13, at hl.i ofllec In' the borough hall, front 7 to 9 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ilobta, of l'ro Idcnor, spent Thurtday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Isaac Dane, of Camiatt street. Miss Kidoro Jones, of Maple street, tpent Wednesday ccnlng villi friends at lljde Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Wear and Mr. and Mrs, James It. Oakey ultended the Llltlejohn-Lsc wed. illng lit Providence, on Wednesday night, wys j $s& til fSB vU-J raHS I A I j (9 J OF SCRANTON. FINANCIAL. INVESTORS Iletore making committments, please, record us tliu prhllcgc ol mlimlttlng our deiulple list of )neatmcnts. SpencerTrask &, Co BACKERS 27 & 20 Pine Street, New York Mi:.iiii:its x. v. stock lxchanoh. Wo offer, to yield About 5 per cent., $250,000 (Total Issue, $i,ooo,ooo) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Butte, Mont., 5 per cont. 1st Mortgngo Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds. Denomination $100. Maiming 1 to HO r,us. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK OITY. Li ni is m Lager Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. 5J7JT7-' Open 'Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PSLS,ER 435 to 455 N. Ninth Street, Tolephons Call. 2333. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. . BRING QUICK RETURNS rJJsJf,J t i IKI T J I W HOURS WJf H S' 1 M 2 to 5 Afternoon mV Vy W ) 8 to ,0 ; Evening mm Oarpets and House Furnishings We do not hesitate to declare that this will be the grandest display of Furnifur Ever dispjayed in Scrmton. Wtat we invite you to visit next SJ&$& You win una nere many interesting lebboiib, leauuiiK uiuucm way a .u....... -..- ----- -. f . , .. are original with us. Our great success in our branch stores has been achieved by stiaght , orwaid and . u dealing methods.by selling exactly what we advertise ahd by selling dependable merchandise at the ve y lowest -Possible pnees. These methods will also prevail here. If large values at little cost and courteous treatment to patrons bung propet results, men our success in bcranton is now assured. 1 hbm Is its wonderfully strong position in buying its merchandise. The largest orders placed in the furniture and -carpet markets are done so oy our buyers tor our many stores, wnicn are locaieu ui Detroit. Mich.. Toledo, 0., Springl Indianapolis, IncL Cincinnati. 0. You can readily appreciate the advantages of such extensive purchasing. Buffalo, N. & Lawrence's Orchestra SroSr A Beautiful Souvenir Sstf'0 Mr No Goods Will Remember the e old oeday Our ? . 2 to S O'clock in the Afternoon. 8 to 10 O'clock In the Evening. Opening Day Gome Early if You Can, Late if You Must, But Gome. OPEN FOR BUSINESS TUESDAY MORNING. Tfia, HiigarfiFi n ignTTtrinr VI SBJTTTTirlHI'""'1" "nniin III ' "'"" " bGkawaim Avenue. ASH OR ORE DST I j i At 2 O'CIock, i i i I ,JV