tw ivyjvnp;, , THE SCllANTON TUIBUNB-FRIDAY, MAUCH Id, 1002. ftVT. ajSP XrHP- V ?W-f f." "- iu t V NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNK.1AN1NOCK. ppcrUI to the fcranlon Tribune. l'itliWliaimotk, Murili AHImf 1). Slcli Mil, of llaltlmnre, AM., Is tstttnsr her mother, Mrs. iJnlly ri. Mill, un W'uricn street. Mrs. .Kwrpli l'ilctt, of lloimr, N. V, 0 has . Iircn the guest Jli"' H"'1 '! Hilling, on l!isl 'llogn sliicl, the past two wool., relumed homo en Wednesday. I'.. I:. 1'rjor, oiip of the ofllclala of the Wyom ing Teliphone conipiny, was In town on Wed nesday. 'Hip company Intend to extend their business 1 tic coming reason liy putting In many iipproicmcnls nnil building new lines In connec tion lliricnlth. William lltans, n olei.iti of the C'lll war, is tl.lhgciou.Iy ill, ami little hope ut liii recovery is entertained. O. Smith Kinder sil in tiiidilni on Wcdnediy nllernoon lo innUc dlslitbutloii of the fund In the estate 'of Jains Utile, itecp.ved, lite of Lemon township. Ili.idlpy W. lifwl", ei., 1ms been appointed a jnctnbpis of the committee o examine law tu dent for iidniMon to the bar of Wyoming lounly. In the matte of the application of the tnunly t oninilsslunci to the coint of toinmon plea" of Dauphin cpiuity, lo secure state nld in rebuilding the bridge ncioss the Susn,uobaiiua Hicr nt this IiI.hp, and tin two bridges on Tnnkhannoih creek, dtstin.iod by the recent flood, the court of Hauplilii county hate apKlnted Charles Cook, eitll engineer of Liicrnc county; Clinics Pos ter, I.U7crnc ooiuily; Victor Plollct, of llr.ulfoid cnunly, and Asa P. Heeler, of W)onilng county, slcwcis to csamliie the locations, and nuke re port lis to the mil liability, etc., of building these In liliti", on or befoie Apill 7. The btldgps on 'luukhiiiuoik Click aie Incited it Dhon, anil lit the old fair gi ootid nbnto Nicholson. Attoi-net- V. K. l.ltllc piesuiltd the petition In be ll lit of the county iitnmlsIoiiers on Tuesday. Among the matte is disposed of nt the abort session of iigiuiunt ( 0111 1 on WeduesJai, wcie the rule to set oil' costs paid against judgmrnt for letmn of miLbisc money in equitable eject ment case of Brink et at. -, Mcngcr, and the cueptlous to ilHilllm'.s u-poit In tlie estate of liutli ('. Mtcrs, deceased. The couit ailjourned until 'ihiir-dij, March. 27, at '.) a. in. The .limn il finneis' institute oicin at the court lionsp tills (Hun-da) ) morning. It will be in session brie foi two di)s. numbci of speak cis fioni a distance will be In attendance, and an elaljoiate piogianune ins been ananged b) the committee hating the milter in cbaige. Ocoige II. Patterson, of Lemon, was lull ing in lowu on Wednesday. Robert .1. Little, patmilct's clcik in the 1 nlteil Plates )i isy, left Thursday night for oiktottn, ta., under oulers to leport for duty on board the ciuiser Han I'rancisco, which is sta tioned thcie. The Kan 1'r.ineUeo will be sent t" a European station and is expected to tike put in the nial paiade which will be one of the fca tuics of the coiiiiution fcslltitios in .lime. Olitu- II. lie, nobis, of West Mdmlsuu, .icrom jiinied by hi, mother, is li-iting iclatitcs at this plac e. Attoino) Junes P. Tear is confined to the house ly illness. Mis. Maigitol l.nplnm, of lln-ill Hill, is vis iting her diughtei', .Mis. Stephen Hnbiiisop, on Second street. A lrttei his been icicrtcd fioni Hun. 1!. .1. .loulin, who In-, stalled on a tup to the 'noun lain legions of N'urtb C'uolina, sf'itiuj- Hut lie was cypciioncmg no bid icMilts fioni bis lo-i? jouiney. The rarineri,' institute opcnrif help on 'Ihin.s day aflciuiioi). The llit ilij't. atleiidanre was lot "" l.ugp as expected on account of the bid con dition of Ibe loads. .lacoli 1". D.Miioud, of DoraiKcton, and I'm (is A. I.riomls, of AloOsk, Mile doing Iiusiness in town on 'Ihursdaj. Mercantile Appuisei (', M. Paikei, of Nicl.ol soi. is' calling on the merchants In towns vp the liier fliis week. - ' - - ' - Mis. I'aluilOlo'ce unit lo Si'ifi on Thiiidiy 1o visit ber husband who is in the Paikei- linspttal at tint plaie. Mr-. Damon A. Kmippenbmg, of Lake Caiej, is slopping with fiiends in town this week. Wilbur .lajne, a fanner of Itussell Hill, will dispose of bis piopeity at tint place and lemon bis family to the state of Washington next month. KEYSTONE ACADEMY. Spuiil to the hcianlon Tiihiiue. raclor.v villi', Much 1.'!. lialph slm-lds sp'nt Sundiy at Id-, home in New Milfeid, Pa. Aillmr .1. Cioss spent Miiida) with his loom inatc, Itichaid Matkey, in Wuveily. Owing In illness Pioicvsor llinmley Smith did not meet lit? closes on Wedresday. I'linrlpil HuUey pmached ip the Haptl-t clnii-.h at l'leetville on hmidi). MKs llulli Millei, who In- been caring foi Iier .i.l... M. -....III. I.. .l ... t l l.. Ol-llll .'US. ..-lllllll, Il.l llilllllt'll t, HI', IIUII1C III I ( tiir.i, .I i, Miss Milip Siijdjiu and Tboiuis I'uwill wcie among tho-e who tailed on fiiends in Ciaig en Satuidi.v, 'i jc coiiimlttces appointed by Hie l'hi Mil and Hr.vJnt I.iteiaiy societies to make .iiiaugeni -its for the nnnuil liaiupicl to lip held m May aie holding dally meetings nnd mo endeavoiin-, to make thp occ islon suipa-s all fi.imcr events, 'Ibe amiuil U'i.c leading ttuti-sl foi oii'U' la dles will be held Ibis (I'ridav) evening in the Alethodist chinch owing to the delay In the ai. ot pews for the lliptisl chinch. An admis sion of ten cents will be ihsigcd which will be appiopilated to the puloi fund In tla I.adlis nail. The following young ladies will leclle: Mi-, Ag ness llutton, Miss llettu Hallow, Mi-s Mibel I.lnd ley. Miss Kathaiino Mooie, Mlv, 'talk, JlKs Mm, .Ml-b Maile .Su-dain, Ml, Jui nip atklus, Dr. Lincoln Hullej, of llutkuell unlveislty, will Hive Ids huuioimis and popular leituie, "M.ptc lie s fioni rhaicoil" ill tho nialii c! of the acid, imy on Monday evening, Miuh 17. 'Iho popu l.uity of Hi, llullcy speaks jr a ciowikd bouse. The "Dei'stili-h f-kuk" which was su suece-s-fully glviu on two, evenings will bo glvu af Daliou on 1'iiday evening, .Much 21. As u luge number of Dalton peoplo who picteut wIpii il was given at the iic.ulcni.v. It is ccilalnly n lorn plluieut to the pailkipauts lo bp Jsl.ui to ui it away fiom home. huge number of shutouts and te.u litis went to Pii.iiitiin on Monday evening cxpettlug to bear Hie famous llr. ltus-cll Conwell, of I'lillielelphla, Aliangements have been made to have- Hi. t'on well give us oui ;n coiiiineiieemc nt aildicss. PECKVILLE. 'nt. ami Ml-. V . .1. Curst li-luriiril ,.!iulit to Tjlielr home at Worcester, X. Y,, niter speml- Instil lew uijs wiiu t lie liners iare-uts, sir. amlVlrs. Judson Callender, of West I'etkville. Til If will be a ball held nt Orand Anuy cf the ytrpuhllc ball on the aftiinoou and evening ovVl-ircli 17. jf" .Mis. U. V. Mace Uslttd Iier iliughler, .Mis. Heiinlsnn, at I-inosboro, jestcnlay. Illchaul lliadley is spending a few at Sloe una iiqtij, Jlr. Wllllint I'ago Is letuverlug fioni an at tatk of cpilnsy, CLARK'S SUA.M1T. At the lat rffeular meeting of tlio Ahiugtoii ('Oiiuiiandciy, Mr, 1!. II. llunlap was elected to the highest ollke In the gift of the uiemlicrs. AVe coiiKralulato Mr. Duiilap, who has iiierited the oltico by bis uiircnilttint- efforts for the good of the order, A Printer Greatly Surprised. "I wan never so ifiuclt sin prised in my life, ns I was with tho results of using Chamberlain's I'aln n-tlni," says Henry T, Ciook, piesstnuu of the Ashe Vllle, (N, C.) Gaaette, "I contracted a B3vera cuse of iheumatlsm early last winter by getting my feet wet, I tried several things for It without benefit, One day while looking over (lie Gazette ) noticed that I'aln Halm was positively guaittnteed to cure rheumatism, so bought a bottle of it and befoie using twoothlrds of It my rheumatism had taken its (light and I Imvo not hud a lhqumatlc pain since," Sold by all ''I'UffgtStS, An entertainment nlll be given at the Medio dll Ilplccopal chufcli on l'rld.iy evening of this vctU. A grannphone Is to lie the attraction. The neat building for the postofllce l Hearing completion and will noon lie ready for the, ue of the pcwtmnsler, Ward fl. Parker. ltev. and Mr. Van (loreler, the evangelists who Inve been tonilucllng revival services at flip Afelhodlrt Kplncopal cluirch, closeit the series by the meeting of last Sundiy night, llolh wcie grrally pleaned with the losult of their woik here and repeatedly cxprccd their thanks to the members and others wlio had mlile their stay o plenant and profltflhle. OLYPHANT Thomas O'llouil, of t'tlca, N. V., is spending a few- ila.vs In town. Ml-j Clara Totter, of s-cianton, wltl open a PICTURE Find her son class, j,i fancy necillewoik In Mis. K. I,. Stone's fuinltuic stoic on Lackawanna stieet, coninienc liU tonioirow- aftciuoou. Mits Klizabetb Owens' diss in elocution will give a iceital in the lilakely Hiptlst church, Tupsdiy evening, Jhicli 2, under the an-piccs of .Mrs. 1'. W. slnip-oi)'. Sunday school cla--s. A Luge number fioni lieic .it tended "l'loio tloia" at Iho I.t count theater in Scianlon last night. The following list of letters lonialn.iu the pn-tottKc imcalled for: Mis. Snub Doughcrtj, Mi- -.iry Davis, James V. C'av tgan. 1'vaii Jones, Asi Jones, Jliss I.llliau Jones, James Kloc-bo, Kennedy, Xoia Ijoughncy, Jlay McCawley, All-s, Annie Phllbln, Miss Bonnie Vonetta. John V. William-, nt Talk, Wilkes Ilaiic, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. I,. William-, of Susipipjianni -.licet. Mi-. i:ileu Miuphy has atceptcd a position in Athtiton .t. Sutton's Cash stoic U TlieaticaL TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. MlKl'M "l'loiodoi.i." Aft ci noon and ul$ht. ACAHKMY 01' MUSIC Chester Ho Vondc com pan.!, Attn noon and night. tSl'AIt --'llie li ly Aloiniiigt Oloiit-s." Aiteinoou and night. "Floiodora." l'nnee lliniy skipped u. We didn't let on that we felt slighted. Xo one ever does until In has a balm at band. Xow, we speak of the slight, for cant we saj "Huh, haven't we sot l'loiodoi.i?" Who is Piince lfeiuy, anjway? o one comes foi waul with ai-lhenlitated le-eoid of lluee mill- --" - " - , . .' ' i "J ioiulie's wivc.s leaving tlieii happy homes to Join him. Wlieie in all his suite is there a double seNtctle that has to bi itpleulshed cvciy thiec inonlhs because people fall in love and elope v.lth it? Width page of what hk-toiy tells of any old piince at nil who bad to septuple bim-elf to even begin to satisfy those who sought lo see liliu? Who, whcip, width aid whit? let lis ask. Ajp, Scianlon has had and jet has I'lorodora! The ninth heialde-d, ninth mimicked and miudeicd "Tell Me Pretty Maiden" his been dune in Scranti'ii b, a leally truly l'loiodoi.i double siNtitte. In the "shade of the Sheltciing Palms" has betn listened to by a S'ciantoii au-li-cnee as it was lendticd bj a tenor lovn who sings it sk or seven times u da v. "1 want to He a Milltaiy Man" has come upon us as it (.line upon llioidwuy, ( 'lliat the woilc of that most excellent coipi of piess agents v.hlth Messrs, Klshei fi lt.vley have toumilsslonicl to make "ITorodoiu" u ro, Ins not been wllbout imlt In Stiauton was atlpslcd by the ciush at Hip opening peiformam-e ltt night at the l.tcum, and a ghince at the ticket lutks toi tills uflriiioon Jiiel evening, X'utlilng befoie that ever tried It on for lluee times in Stiauton did Mich a business. Manai-ei Dufl.v was bony bo didn't book It for a wetk. And llioadway piiccs incvalled at that. The flist epiestinii about last night's ppifoiuu.ite Is as to how tlosely It approaches the Ilroidway mllile. 'Iho tin-wer is that It Is not one, whit bchliie! uii'thlug eie-pt ilj nlre but not the rpiaiitlly-jof the thniiis and 111 that Is Hindi liejond whit would be especteel iom a load company. Thcie mo seventy-two lo-tiiineil people In tho eat, and the men and maiden, am as hanelsome and pi pt ly a lot d.i was cut gotten togethei In a road conipanv, Tho "Holore.s" Is Alls, Delia Viilde. and slie Is lu every way fitted fot the put, t-omliijiliig with raie guee und be.uily, a oce of esiellent qual ity. Ilei singing of "l Only Love" x.d om. of the rally delicious things of the evening. Ml, firaie Dudley o-sajs the part of "l.ailj Holy, wood," made famous by Kdua Wallate- lloppe'i, and tlic part lost none In fame lev Mls Dnill.-j's enactment. She is quite as dainty and piquant as the original cf Hip pait and Ins "a way with her" that Is truly captivating. Her won. laiim in for it big sbaie of tlic applause. MUs t'laiuts (iotelon ns "Angela Rllfaln" sing "The IVIIow Who Alight, " in good volte and a most win some way. William ('. Alaudevllle who has pla'cd the lead ing male lole In some of the biggest comic optu uicfsscs jnesenls "fillfaln" and makes of It moio Ibau did any of tliore esi.ijlng ho pait 111 tl.o inetropolls. Tin wine can bo said of Alf, O. Wheelan, tho "Anthony Tvvcedlcpuiich," who Is far fioni content with the woik tut out by the cieaior of the pait. Tho "I'Niik Abeiroed" ol Cluiles 11. Dowers Is Iho singing lilt of the pcifouuanee. His ten dl I Ion of "In tho Mitde of the Sheltering I'alm," was most artistic, It was truly a treat to heir this sweet song w- sweetly binw, "Captain At. tluir Dongal" was veiy creditably done by Thomas A, Klt-iuaii, In tho "(ialloplng bong," width Links a erne of tho best tilings in tho teoie, he, witli Miss Roidnii, won a double cncoie. The double sextette is claimed to be the best that ever did "Tell Mo 1'ietty Mtlden." As to this it need only bo said If then) Is a better it Is certainly perfection. low It could bo done better than it was done last night is not possible; to llguic out. Of the tone; itself the day Is too lite to say aught of ft other than 'Hut it is all that any one ever said It was. An especially pleasant dUuppvlutiuent to some who anticipated the cominjr of a "rijioejora'' load company, vw that it livings are all brand, new. Ilia show was completely rehabilitated fur the Mirdl tirus .eaon In New Oilcans. The I beautiful colors of the Mllngs are tilt bttfllt am) fresh, the costuniea arc lirand new, ami not evert n tombUtico of lagging on Iho part of the per formers would Iridledte that tbli loinpany luls tinrclecl 13,000 miles and will tonight celebrate the close of the first six niOntlis of Its oiganlM tlon. Qny Morning Glories. Sun tonliiier'n (lay Morning Olorles appeared at the Rtar jrslenlay In n laughable musical comedy In, two nels entitled "A Hunch of Nerve." The troupe was lite in arriving In town and It was 3 o'clock geforo the curtain went up. The- audi' enco was good minted, however, ,nnd gave, the (llotlrs a hearty reception. The specially ar tists In the company possess talents of a high order. The Conlurebrot hers, aciobits and contortion ists, and Dravvrp, the Juggler, gave exhibition Hi-It were novel ami in melons. oCopcf and Shall, the clever soubrettcs, were up to date, nnd Armstrong and l'orlcr surprised tho old-timers In tho audience by actually Introducing a new Joke, llrooks In others gave mi amusing sketch and Olg.i Orlolf and ber assistant rendereil musical selections In a way lint callrd forth loud ap plause. The Moinlng fllorlc will bo seen at the Star the balance of the week afternoon and evening. "Captain Jinks." Htlicl llarrjmore In "Captain Jinks" will be PUZZLE. and daughter. at the l.vctum thcatei, Siluiday, j, matinee and night. The chaimlng love theme, the- wit of Mi. Pitch's lines and the lutmoi of his situations, the acting of Mi-s llaiiyiuoie, all set in a peiiod favorable to comic- cITects tlic peiiod in-nkcd in the fashion plates by the (iiccljii bend, ticmcndous bustles and thigivms and other absunl l.islilons the-e elements ap pellee! lo the public's ta-tc for ellveision. 'then, too, thcie wa- a coullal acknowledge ment of .Miss liaiT-more's inherited light to be consideied a- an attiess, and when she tri umphed in the lolc, (-ratification was sinceie and piaise freely bestowed. STAGE NOTES. Malip Dinickson, who his lice it Ida uniiu-st's undcisludy with John Diew's, did 'o well letcntlv, while Mr. Drew's leadiua; Inly was ill, that she has been engaged foi the pait ot Alice in suppoit of Kobe it I'desun in "Soldleis of l'oitune." The realistic diann, ".Night in New "iiik," was presented last night at tlic Aracleui of Music: be foie a delighted audience bv Iho ("tipster Do Vonde company. In (lie afternoon 'Tin Old Wil low rami" was the bill, l'or toil n tho nlti.ii tions aie: Atteinoon, "Woild's fhtal M'steiyj" night, "Dr. Jekjl and All. If-de." .Mrs. l'atiitk Campbell will finish her Ameili.iu tour in May, letuming to London in lime foi the- toionation ceieinonics of King IMwaid VII, on June Si. it is Mrs. Campbell's jiite-ntinu to pipeline a. new play on that ottasiou at the Itoyilty theater, the London plajliou-e of whith she is the liiinigi'ie-s. It is slid that the miiiagenient of "The Xevv Yoikeis" got u table offer tu open in London, June '. Hin I)il.v, who was jilajlng in (.hirngii at Hip time was wind, "Cm jou 'do the New Voikeis in Indou in June-. What elo jou tlilukr ' 'the conipdhu lcplied: "1'icfei to ton tinue doing llieui in this tounfiv. Thi-ie ale moip of llieui and aie inoie easily done at honip." Dramitie statistics alp both cuiious and in teic'sting. u ntlor who has bun tunnetted with a -tJtk tniiipany fourteen jeais leteutly siunuied tii his cvpeiienees. As '-lieav.v man" or villain of the oigauiation in that lime he has killed 0,00(1 pioplt- of all age-, sce-s and con ditions; stolen a sum of money thicp limes tie sip ot the uitlonal debt and committed suicide over -.'.IKiu time-. Ill an intpivlevv leccntiy cabled fimn l'.mnpe, Hleaiior Du-e sa.vs: ".My foilliioiuliitr toiu will be mi nwan'n song, so far as stagelaml is innteiiiid. It will be thiit.v-nine jeai-s iip.m Ottolin slnte 1 became .in .litre's, 1 ailed at Hie age of four, Stiitlly speaking I have- lived my whole lite on the stage. 1 was bom in a l.iilwaj aui.igi while my poor niolhei was tiavtlinj fiom imp night stand to anotliei, Af ler giving thildhood, -.with and my best jcais to the diaiiii, tail I bp Id lined foi wishing to live foi ni) own sake hcreaftci?" Marvelous Insight of Mr. Wllkie. A shoit time ago u visitor fiom a wistun state entPied tho otllce of John II. Wllkie, thief of the see let si IV lie division ot the t'nlted Stalei Tieasiuy dipiitment, bcaiing a Icttvi of iutio diittion fiom ,t (omnioii tiiend, i chips the Su. unlay livening lit. Ho was accompanied bv his daughln, a ieni.iik.ibly pictly gill. 'Iho ghl had a bad bmln on her (hick near the (oi lier of the light pip, olid the ,tor said smll lugl.v, as tin- wpie leaving; "I didn't stilko in ihughtii; she got tint biul-o In another wnv." The chief leaned back in bis dull, holding Ids Inlet" pipe III Ills hand, and looked iliiiiulitliit for a moment, "I think I can tell jem lion il luppined," he said. "On tho nioinlng of tho day befoie 'e leiday she was sitting on iho sblo or hti berlh ju tho sleeper fiom Indianapolis, Site limed over to laeo her shoe, the. rai liuthed, and sho fell aeioss Iho aisle,, stilkiug iier bead m, the anil of the oppnaito seat," Thevisitoi was aslouuded. "Wcie jou on the tialuf ' lie uskid, ".No," leplled the thief, "but I leisou lu this way. Peisouil violente In the case ot this joun licly Is out of Ibe question, Painful accident sonietimei. occur fioni iodliig with the edge of an open dooi in the daik, but in that ca,o tho biuU-e would most likely c been on some piouilneut featinp, lko the tiinple, the thoe'e bone or tho nose, mid not in llm sllglit depres sion near thu You have bcni on the elcipci ler two dajs, for jou told nit- so early in join conietsalloii hcie. 'Ibe biul-o is not xrry hob one, so It oceuiid almost ccitalu Hist the ntililcnt occuricd fiom a fall on the- tiulu, .is much as, and not inoie than, elebteen limns ago. My lessoning Is quite simple, jou see." Hoth tlsltnis CMnessed their amazciuent and took their iiate, 'tho father then went to the office of one of tho higher ofilclals ot tho tieas my department and In a stralghtfoiivaid way explained that ho had i ailed to epic,ss Ids up picclatlQii of the chlet of the senet scrtl e. "I bate just lonio li-oni Ids ofllte," lm said, "and In hiv shott iuteitlew I was fonilmcii lliat lie is Iho liet man who evei otcunled tint plate," 'Ibe official spoko about tho mailer to Mr Wilklo the uet day, and the thief (old of thu Vltit and of the suppostd ditettlvu Iiuldent, "Hut It wasn't it clever Ihhis at all," ctild lie, "and I inmt wiltc a letter lo (hat man, I didn't think it w.js going to make such a fuss. Somo fiiends of my family came fioni Indian! two or lluee dais ago, and I beard then, up at the bouse tailing about a pictly girl on the sleeper from Indianapolis who fill auosi the nlslc- fiom ber beith while dicsslug and bruised her fare. When that man bicught Ids daughter Into tho plilto and tedd wlieie they came from it Just popped Into my head that line was the girl my fiicmli had been talking about " THE MARKETS Wall Stroct Hovlow. Xctv Vork, March 11. Today's stock market was again an nlf.tlr of specialties, ami the mote' menl In Hie artltp leaders of the inatkct Was exceedingly contuVcel ami Irregular and prcfcntcd many illicit rcvcrsils of the recently prevailing inotcmcnt In rpeelat storks. The stocks of tho largely capilallred inltroad n'slems of the country, which assume tho leadership of tho market ill llmis of great general spccuhlloti were neglected jnel almost Immovable. In such slocks as Union J'aclnc, Southern Pacific, Atchison, St. l'aul and Missouri r.icillc. ns well as many other usually actlte stocks, the outsldo range for tho day did not cotcr more linn half a point, In some only a quailcr. Vet tho large dealings In some of Hie largely rnplltllzcil Industrials and lu l illioad specialties' of small capitalisations there wa tilf ilelcnt aelltlly to gltc tho market somo appear ance of animation. Amalgamated Copper con. ttnilpil flm Inntl arlttrt ali.nL. I.. 4t. .. .!..! n.,.l the acute weakness of jcsterilay was overcome by vigorous suppeirt. Alter ruling a fraction lielow last night elurlng the early pirt ot the diy, it rase abate In the altcrnoon and finished With n net gain of n point. Sugar took Amalgamated Coppers place In the column and Eiilfercel an ex treme decline of nearly :i points but rccovereel all but a fraction of It. Tho tarjlng opinions on the chances of Cuban sugar for a tariff coil cession were the rpculatlvc in this stock. Manhattan was scry nclltp and ndv inccil scry strongly, tlthcr strong points were North American, tho International sliver Blocks and a number of minor specialties without any exph nation. S'ticngtb In Hip soft coalers vva,s clue to the belief that agi cements been reached with the miners. The anthracite roads, on the other hand, reflected n recutreiice of uneasiness over Hie labor question, due to lepoits of a threatened strike lu the l.ackawMnnn compiuy's mines. Reports of labor contioveisles In various pirts of the country wcie ilisruspcd with interest and wtre a somewhat depressing factor generally. ,, ii- .iiiiinuriir iu.iiis 111 conse'iiiie-iice were iiiici niptcd 111 their advancing tendency of jesterday. The rite in St. Louis Southwestern preferred was due to the announced sueiess of the plan for the (oiitcislon of the cnmpiuj'-t second income bonds. Tiaelp leprts fioni the iion and steel ielustry were rc-ponslble (or Hie advance ill the stocks of com panies in that (Hide, in whith the United States Steel stocks pnitlclpitcel only niodciately, owing to the dl-euloii of Hie piopo-dtion for n bond is sue for letlremeut of put of the preferred slock nnd for fliqiililn-j- iiddlttouil pioperties. While spe cial stocks wcie advancing, others wele affected by pioltt-taklug sales after having enjojed icccnt bub slantlal advances. Total sales today, flTS.TO thaics. lionets were iiregulu. Total sales, )nr tabic, .'!,:H0,(X10. ITultcd Slates new- 4's declined and tho old I's !i per cent, on the last call. The following quotations are furni-hed The Irihuno by Halght k 1'ieese Co., illt-313 Mcars Uulldlng. W. D. lluuyon, manager. Open. High. Low. Close. American Sugar 1'ilVi l-JePi li! li'i'i Amcr. Locomotive aijd 31 :il !ll Am. laicomollve. Pi .... ri VI',!, WTJ fti-j Am. Cai roundly .'It 31s 30'si 31 Am. Smelt. & ltef. Co... 4B'J4 4HTit 4(i'4 4fi Amal. Copper C.!" (lo'i l. 'i (S'.cj An.icondt Coppei S1V1 Blli ."0ai nivi Atchison 71 Kit. 7IT& 7". Atchison, I'r txiifj Sin'-. m',U 0d Hilt. & Ohio Ki-.Vt ltnvi 101 la", Iliook. II. T 0.1H (ivj ciisj 0(7-, Ches. & Ohio 4',J W' lj5i t.'OS Col, ,t Soutlicni 'jr-U 2S'i 2T?s 27 Col. li Southern, 2d Pi-., tti 47 4VJi 4Vt Col. I'liel & lion IU-J4 Pi OH. SM-51 Chic, k (). W "I'fi 24")i 24Vi 21b Chie., Mil, k St. P l(,l l(!l K'tVi 10.P,j Chic., It. I. k V lirtl KiS'i ldjii lCSis Chicago k Alton 3d :'ij ;:n 3d Del. & Hud 171'i 171 ',3 371-3 171'i Kiie 3(l'i : .'WA SHU I'aip, 1-t Pi 07 d7 W (17 Dip, 2nd l'i- Mi', fil'i ,11 r.l Illinois Central 111) l'i'i'Ji l.i'i l.'wV- Louis, k Xasb 101 101 inj 111.1 Jlanhattan 1T1 ijjsj laia", 1J MctiniKilitan 1H7U pis'!. lOi'.i VTt. Mexltan (130 30"t 20:- 30 Mo. K. & Texas 24V, 21 21 21 Missouri Pacific (M 'n (6 Ki X. Y. Cential li,li lfij iflist, (ij Out. k Wc-t 3i JUVi :'.lVi H2V- N'oifolk .t Weslein r.ii'. ftiw, rsiV. CO1- r.icinp Miii 1-,'i pi ' isvi ts'i l'cniisvlvaui 130 1,10 1V) ."il People's Oas 100 100 100H Jfl0!4 lteadlng nt fiVA m'i fl llp.iiling, 1st Pr 8 U, SlVt SHi Hl'i Heading, 2d Pr hi,1! 07's fir.'i 1,7 lle-pulillp Steel IS lsH is 1SH Republic Steel, Pr 71 7."Vi 'it 7") Southern Pacific (1)3; cil 1,414 ',l"t Southern It. It :ai, 3.1 :;jif. ?,vt Southern It. It., Pi Oiti Pn'!i Op" fii, 'l)nn. foil k lion hsVi li'' lii'i lis Teas Paclflt 305J S!)t .!');, :,i) I'nlon l'acilie- ILS'U li'iij. Iisli 04 IT. S. Leather 11 11 11 11 I'. S. Leather, l'r SJ'4 Mil Mil Mil I'. S. Steel 42 t2 4 4 2 if. I'. S. Steel, l'i 01 un, ,,-78 ppj Wabisb 21 2.t'i 21 2."li Wabish, l'r 12 42 42 42 ( IIK'XfiO (HtAl.N ,v PROVISION- M tlt'lvln'. WIIIIAT j Open. High. Low-. Cln-e Mav 7h 7(, 7.V.'. 7.",i'. July 7lii 77 711 7o ( Olt.V May U2'i na, q (11 July (il dj'-s ill1'- id'- CJV1S Miy -n!H ivi 4.1 4V.'. Julv J.1-1 3fiU ::.v-H ::v'-s POltK Mav 1",.47 l'i 17 11tu 1.1 to Julv 13 U) im.ii i,-,.;,(i 1 -,..- I.UiD- Mi (ill nil ' -1.12 0.12 July !i..11 u.-'T l'.'l Kills 1 Mav S.I7 S.IO S II) July MSI S.01I S52 S.12 .nt.w toiiK rnrrov mmikih'. Open. High. law. Clo.p Miv s.s ,s,7S b.7R July MX) S.M S! S'M August S.7.1 8,7.1 S..01 8.0.1 Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr (,o Count) Savings Hank k Tiiist Co.. :,(M l'list National II ink tCaibondale) j'iq lliiul Nation il limit f,-,o Dime Heposlt and Discount II ink,, ;,00 ,,', Hconomy Light. IL k P. Co " l'irst Nitlonal II ink , lsuo Lacks. Tiu-t & Site Deposit Co..,, -, '" Clail; k Snotcr Co, Pr ..-, it Scianlon Sitings Bank sou Tiaeh'is' National II ink 22.1 ," Sdautoii Roll & N'nt Co j-, " PcoplD's Rank i5 Sciautou Patklng C'o "a- HOND. Scranton Passenger Railway, first Mortgage, due 1920 , uj People's street Railway, first mort gage, duo 101S us People's Stieet Railway, General moitgage, due 1021 in ... Eiranton Traction tl tier cent lis ,., Htouomv Light, Heat .t Power Co (i; Km tli Jeisey A I'oeonu Ico Co 117 Consolidated Wattr Supply Co 11)5 Scranton Wholesale Market. (('.incited by II. (!. Dab-, 27 Lackawanna te.l I'loui l.he). I!p.iu-2.10. Iluttei I'li-sh tipiiuuy, 27c. ; June ircuiiPiv, Up.; elaliv, 2Je. ( licfsc UWalJc. Hggs Neaiby, ISc. ; tiiMtrrn, V.'.f, PeasPer busliel, l,7.1. Potatoes Per budicl, Mi. Onions Per bushel, il.U), New York Drain and Produce Market New Voik, March 18. Hour MaiKet was fairly attito and steady until near tho dose, tvhtli the vthent bleak (backed business, Wheit Spot easy; No, 2 ml, c3j',c. f ,0. b. olioat; No. 2 rid, SoV. ilctatoij Xo. I nortberii Uululli, Sl'.ic 1. 0. b, alloat; options opened lower, milled tor a time mid then had .1 setoud bleak, tho itoso be ing weak at Ji0. net deolMio; Miuli ejosed Sl'tjc; Jluy, bl!4c; lid), SHie.; Septiuiber, SOTsc. Com Spot stead) i No. 2, fi'i',t. eletalor and M)i. f, 0, b. utloat; options mini (lrni ami Idgher, but gate wav with the latu wheat break, tloalug easy at Uaftv. net loss; May elosed Ci7,ic-. j lull, '(Sj;8i-. j Siplimhcr, Hoe, Oats Spot Hun, Xo, 2, 52c; Xo. ,1, flip,-, Xe), 3 while, 0Jt:c; (rack tnlved western, 5J.i32ic ; Xo. J! white, 5e.; tiatk white, Waif-.; options opened steady and ad tanu'd only 10 weaken with other 111 u kcls, Ilut tei Stead) i uramciy, 22j27i.; factory, lsa'lc; iieaiuery Held, ISaSlc. ; rtnotaied, Kla'iic; Imita tion creamery, UijaiJci state elaliy, 20i2Uc. Cheese Finn ; slate full cream, small eaily make, fancy cnloied, liuiac.; do. white, 2?iaUo,; full cieam, laige fill mike, fancy 'tulored, lP(al2f.; do, wldle, IBialie-. Hitgs Steady; stale and 'iuin)ltanla. l"q,; wcsteui, 17c.i southern, Cc. I Phllndelphla Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Marib 11. Wheat Uc. lower, lOulrait giade, M.111I1, b'lVjiNc. Corn Uc, low irj Xo. 2 mixed Maich, t!jailuic Oils steailv; Xo, 2 white clipped, 01 v. Iluttei Study, good demand; eMia we-tuu ireanury, iT'ie,: do. near by piluU. 3k Hggs-l'liui, He- hlghtri fresli neaiby, lOUc S do. western, loijcj do. touih western. WlsCj do. soul hem,-Hit. Cheese I'll changed; Xe wVuric full eu-anu, faiu-y (,ni,il, 12-Kci do, do. fair to cbolee, luifcaUtSi1, lteilued Sugais Oulct. Cotton Steady, Tallow (Juiet but stcadvi city prime In tleucs. Olse.j lounlry do., bauels, OHJl'Vic.; daik do., OssaJTie. ; cakes, tHe. Lite poultiy Pinn; good demand! fowls, MuUIUc.: old tuostirs, -.; winter ihickeiu, 1 la 17c.; dutks, llslOc.t gfee, ISalSc. pivsneil I'oiil-try-Flim, good lUnuind; fowls, cholte, pii.j do, fair tto gootl, Halite ; old loosteis. Co.; ibiekciu. neaib), l.'JlJc. i western d., IJjUc. ; THE TRIBUNE'S 4 Lines 10 Cents More Tlian Four Lines, ,1 Cenia for Hccti Bxtra Llnj. rov Rent. IIOlISi: I'OIt ItKNT inquire 111 Mulbeiry street, I'Oll fti:.N-t I'urnMied hou-e In final! family I situated nu the hill! Is ,eij" pleii'ii.t and desirable. 711 I'ulncy atenue. ?3fl WILL HUNT lianitsiimely fmnWied home on tho hill: steam heal. M. II. Ilolgate, Com monwealth building, I'OIt IIH.Vr-liarii tontalnlng lm. tnlls and wash rack! welt nikiptid for light ihltlng leaiili ioss(s-loii Aplll 1. Inqulio Moneey iiventie. I'Oll HUNT The Co.vne leslilem-e, e oilier of Adann and Vine, Irom Apitl 1. l'Olt llllST Stole lmllilli "(ol rent In Dlekson City. Pa. Uulldlng W feet by 21 led, relhr under all, nnd stcond story can lie urrangril tor a family. All In good lcpilr leady lor ue. Two coal breakers and mines close by i-mploj Ing over a thousand people. An entei prising mere hint can get a large trade. Apply lo William II, Itlchmond, ltlehmond Hill, 3123 X. Main iivinue, Scr.inton, Pa, l'Olt HUNT 117 Wyoming atenue, a ery deshable 13-ioom modern reslelenie. Apply at Hick ett's real estate agency, looms U and 10, Price building. I'OIt III1XT in Walton, n furnished cottage of nine looms for the season; one of the best lo cations In the town; fltc minutes' walk lo sta tion. Apply to (J. W. Carlton, Hilton, Pa. I'Oll MINT Three adjoining looms in Paul) building, especially adapted foi luwjeis and doctois.- l'Olt HUNT Store 221 Lackawanna avenu. now occupltd bv the (iubln illinioiid faj., and two floors otcr the Scotch Woolen Mill Co. at 22 1. I'OIt HUNT House 1I0S Capouse ateiiup, conto n ing nine looms and all inoilrrii Inipioveiiicnts; street cais pass the door. Inqulie at ll'il Snider son atenue. POM HLNT Sls-ioom flit with bath, steam heat, gas range and nil modem improve ments fiom Apnl 1st; rent icasoinble. Call early, l'red C. Hand, !'! Mulbcriy streeL I'Oll HUNT V lieiutifully finished hou-e of twelte looms, all ninilcin eoinenlcnees. In Korth; fine luiallon. Apply 1028 I.leiltlc avenue, Not th Path, l'Olt Ill'.XT 023 fiicen Itidge stieet, eight-room modern house, steam heat. roil lH'NT Stoic mom on second floor otcr 31') Laikawanni atenue. Plato eLcs Iront. in quiic of Kiotoskv Hios. Furnished Hooms. P.OOM l'Olt HH.N'T All contculeiito-. Piite lei sonable. Inqulie 1.111 tapoiw- at time. TOI, ItHXT One furnished loom, with Improve ments; also one on thlid tloo:, thcap. C27 Adams atenue. I'URMSlinn HOOMS foi lent, modoin Imprjto incuts; putatc family; gentlemen pielc:nd, at S!7 Adams atenue. l'Olt ItLM' furnished bunt mom, with heat, lnth and gas; neir court house; gtntleman prefeircd. Adelicss Ilooin, Ilov 2'M. I'OH ItllXT rurnished loom; heat and bath. oCu Linden stic-ct. rUIINlSHIlD ROOMS FOR RCXT. with heat, t.u and bath, gentlemen pictcrrcd, at .',10 Adams atenue. For Bent Unfurnished Hooms. I'OIt 111'N.T Vpii! 1, Hupp tiiifiiinf-.ii il ns, steam heat and all modem impiututicnts at 717 Ollte street. For Sale. nocsLiioi.i) rmtxircRi: for, tables, tluii-, stands, dining loom i noi lure, bedionin siiKs, gas lange, eh.ipeiii-, e u M. W, (Juerusey, 131.1 Capouse .iteiuu-. ll()l'.-,i:iI01.U ri'llMTl'lli: for sab- at d.lj l-ul-i.. atiiiup. .Must be sold Ibis tuck. l'i .NO foi sale cheap. Inquiic .!") Wtb-lei ate CAHI'ITI., liuoltuuis ami ml elolh- sold 'tei.t da u o'clock. .Ids Lickawanna, Seo auttions, I OR SAI.i: -nn- kii'dling wood, tote lrii'th. Two dull ii s big load dcllteud antn'ieie Mall onleis. Jenning-, f'cntial Mill"--, tut. Vlsii second baud lumbci suitable foi nil,, tciy cheap. I OR tsU.I' Two light spilng w igons and some, theap. Lv.ins, it-ar 11J2 I.iuerne stieet. For Sale or Kent. l'Olt Ss " Oil IH'A'l Paim of i.lnely aerps good soil, v.pii wateicd. good biilhtings, e,ood Hint, sl utiles fiom Suaiitou, one and ouc-liilt iiiIIps tiom Clark s Summit, l.tiug oil Hip south side and joining Summit 1 al.p n Hup ptiee foi sum ipi 1 home. Pritp li.isouabli. inqulie of M, II. toons, ( link's dieeii. (iilke)s, tholte to fuiic), I.IiHh'.; elo. fan- to good, Halle-.; dutk-. IQilli.; gpe-e. Milk. Up-tellils-l'loiii, l.Wiil bind- and 2,-2-sl,() puimdi in sacks; whe-at, HI IMS) Inisliets; 10111, S.O'sl loi.ii. els; oats, .",,)") bu-hels, 'hlpimnts Wheat, 1 !, ins) biishtls, nun, J.diW bushels; oils, 2,000 bu-hels. Chicago Qralu and Produce Market. Chiiago, Maub U. 'Ihcio was a t irlct.t of cv . I I.. II... ....I.. ..!,., ,...!.. l ...I...... it',iiiiies 111 no; ,, .11. 'i,s it.iui . t,,siiiss (hilaililiiieLJhp optiilug, .1 good slieugth detpl oped l.itn, witleillaili in llie eoai-p gialps, but 1.. .1... I ,l.n I ....!.... 1. . II... .........1 ... HI llie run lite il-lili siuiueuur iiieiiut srt-mu 11, bo ill older and Miv wheal elospd vi.ii,, pntei; Ma) com 'si-Jie. lower and M.i) oats, "se. hUtiii. It.... I.!. ...J ..,,... ...... ..III.. .,.,,,, f . I.1L.I .1 I Lll 111.. ... ( iuit-li.ll, (I,,., i,'i ,11ns r,..'.i. ."..., u n.i.t.i., ... St-, lentil". I'H'li (piutatfoiis weie as folio v... lloiil Iki-) ; No. .'! spilng v.lip.n, ,'tijiTii-,; No, 2 led, WVi-st'Sc; No. 2 oats, ,aliji-,; No, 2 whlle, t7iil-s1AC'. Nn ;i while, V ilii'ai.; tin In i hulii' nnlliiu, Odailoi' ; No. 1 llp. -nd, M.l.s; No, I noitliwestiin, -JI.72-, piluw iliuotli) spnl, Iftl.lOili.CII; ini'-s poik, irlj.2.1; laid, MII..I21..; slioit libs, shies, -s.::0it. l"ij eht sailed shouhhis, 7!si "lie, i shoit ileal side-, -, cOifi.?,". Chicago Live Stock Maiket. ( hicuao. Martb 1'1,-C.UIIc Reeelpi,, 7,500 In (ludhig 271 Te..iusj hi.ny Heels Iott, ollms steady to strong; good In pi Imp siecis, -fii.'in ("5; poor in inidiiim, tjl'uii..!!); stocke-is and fpcdeis, s,2 ,"cia1 2.1; tovts, tjl.lnil Sj; lauiins, vl. ill ,12.10; bulls. S-2..W.II.M; mites, XiaO.;i(); Tt-sas fid siecis, I.7pi5.IsI. Hogs -lletclpls, 22, (); toinoiiovv, 21,oii; lefi ot.-i, 1.000; slicing to ,i.-, Idgliei, iloslug dull; iiiKeil und butiluK, sili (1,00; goocl to tholep licit t. Sn,tu.iilia); loiuhs,, (HMfUUiiO; light, s-suid.-jj; bulk of sales, SH.IOail.i'1. Sheep Ritelpls, SoO; sheep ami lambs, attite and siiong; good in ilnilni tti-tlieis, VI lo a.1,20; vestein slni und )eaillng, il.nor,.W); V uiiutliiibiulsl.llflP -lU1uotld-l.i;i!liu...lii; 7L 71! nalltp lambs, iuuiii; western lamb., si 20.111 ;o Buffalo Live Stock Market. Past Huttalo, Mirth 1J. -Calllc -sujiply lUlit ami full steady; teal 1011s. $7.20i7.7a. Hogs lleceipls, 2,1)10 head; fault- intite nnd ,'ulU'. hlghn; heat), ipl.53aii.T0; inKid, Stl.iiUaikU.1i plis, SUa(l.l5; iiiiijlis, fl.WlaOlll; stpgs, isl 3.1)1, V); closed sliong. sheep and Lamb. Iteiclpt., D.UM lie id; full stcadvi sbeip, lop, mixed, -!r.2.'ia1.00; 1 lilt to good, iflal.ll; tvpilieis, s,1 73; cal lings, Ki.TJaU; top lambs, sj)55a(l no; culls lu t,ooil, J 70ad.0O.' East Liberty Live Stock Maiket, Hast Libert). JlJKli VI. -Cattle Steady; itiolce, $ej tlOab.TI; inline, 1-OiU.lO; good. ts', Hogs Iligliei; pilniij licltles, UOaO.ill; bct me dltuiu, tefiOui.W; heatv 01keu, wkMatUSj, light io., ssl.21.KI.tO; pUs, isilall.11; loughs, Vi?'. Simp Stead) ; best witheu, W.OOa.1.70; nils, and emu mull, 2.i0a.l..'i0, teal ealte,, $7a7..W. oiTMarket. Oil 111), Maub VI -Cicdit lialjutp,, jli; m tilkatis, nu lild; sliipint nt. Ul.ial i.ainU; imi Jge, 70AIS b.irul.; inns, 1U2.0.1U banel,j aim age, 7J.I12 liaricl-. Excused, A llllln Caiulnldije gill wa dUoieied whls peiiug in sclieul, and thci leuchei .ikctl : "What wcie )ou sajing to the gid w t0 jou when I taught )ou wliUpj'iiiiil' Tho little culpilt hung ber Iwad ivi a mo liitnt ami then replied: "I was only telling Iier Itutt iilnj 'up, locked in )our new- drcjs.'" "Weil, that )et I know-but we niut-thi' (lass in spelling will pleav (jud up' ChiWIan KesUttr, 5? SITUATIONS WANTED MtANOII WANT OFFIOKS. Wnnt Advertlsqruenta Will Do Received tit Any of tlto Follow ing Diug Stores Until 10 P. M. Centrnl City AMllllIT BCIHILTZ, corner Mulbcrr; street and Webster atenue. UUSTAV PIUllLL, CJU Adanu avenue. West Stdo CrOROI! W. Jt'NKINS, 101 South Mala atenue. South Scrnnton ITIHD h. TUltPPL', 721) Cedar avenue. North Scrnnton GLO. W. DAVIS, corner North Miln venue and Market street. Green Bidge C1IA11U:S P. JOXCS, 1M7 Dickson sveiiuc. r. 3, JOHNS, MO Green Ridge street. C. I.OHLNZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marion street, ret'jrsburg W. II. KNi:PFi:i 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. noxc & sox. Eolp Wnnted Malo. WANTED Snlesmnn for Carpet De partment:) young man to sell Wall Paper nnd Shades, also Sign Writer. Apply, Jonas Long's Sons. CAN'VA-MIII.S W.XTl'l) lo solicit sub.eiiptlons foi 'iho Tilhunc: commissions a. lowed; only ncllve men desired; thn-e with c. pirlincc picfcricd. Apply at lluslncs Manigcr's ofllcc, Scr.inton Tilbunc. Help Wanted Female, WAX'I i:n Good cook and lefeienccs; al-i f'i blight cupful joung liuise in lid foi Hire e-.v i n it-old child. Apply Mis. thailes Coursen, IK! Washjingtrn atenue. LADY CANVASS-Jllt wanted to solicit siibseiip tions foi 'flit Tiibune: goud coiiuiiUsioii of- fercd with ,i fain guaiantee foi hrst-cliss woikir. App! persoiialM at liusincss M makers otllce, btiantou iiibui Lgents Wanted. W N II D Ageilts, both sev, ill Scianlon, Giecn Ridge, Plot ideiitc, l'uccliuig, Ptckvillc, Cai- boiul.ih', etcv ILj:ht uoiki gooil sylaiy. ;all or nlctip-s Managei, Hnoui 1. ILiub Uulldlng, in - ...... JL.-H ...4 .... I. spline stieel, pcrautnii. Pa, 3! jcruits Wanted. AN"Ii:i) l'Olt U. S. ARMY Able bodtcd un- man led 111 In bclweeii the ages of 21 and ::3; eiliUH of the! t'nlted Stales, ot good chaiactcr and tempciate l. suits, who can speik, iad and tviito l.ugllsli. IV 1 infoiiuation apply to Recant ing Oitkf, .N'o.d2J Wjomlnsr atenue, Stiauton, f"- ) T Wanted. w N"ii:i-iioi power, new- 01 second hand; please state e iilitiou nt -anie, 1.1-11 puce aim wheie it tan bt-Vseen. Sn.iutoii, I'.i. Jennings ( Mines, Boai'ders Wanted. IMIIV VI i: 1 VMHii." wishes lo have two iib-o men to bond, Ucnyan 01 Liiglish. Call any time altei Tlmrsday, vll contciiienies, b07 ll.urison atenue. Wanted Kooms nnd Board, W A.N rr.D T w t ee.ii.niunicallng looms witli bond, pnvale family pitltritd. Two ladlis and .1 geullcnnii stain lull pailkul.ils. Additss CI, II. I)., 'Iiil'itiiu otllce. Keal Estate. l'Olt SLi: 'Hupp atie tiuck nnd pnultiy fiini, lointid on old depot hill, overlooking town; splendid pi. 110 foi siniinn ipsliltiite; till inlniKes walk to eii'pot. John it, Ztvcl'ig, 1'atloi) title, l'Olt S..M.I: New- Iiousp on Cninill sliept, Itound Woods Paik: umdeiii iinpiotenienls; easy li-iuis. Npplv '0 "pilnir Iliook Luiiilin- Co., .Moosie-, l'a., 01 i:. S Mouilhein-i', l'Olt sM.r.-7-)oi;ni eotlago at (iliutiuni, one .'.tie 1 mil; all kinds hull; ebcip. Addie-s Prank Hill. l'Olt s.M.I' At t'lail.'s summit; a pli.'o of llo acu-s. house-' nnd bain, good fiuli; cheap for cadi. Jmpiiie ot Mis. L. Lind.-a), 1111 .North Main auntie, city. Bu&ineos Opportunity. MOcITTni) Will: IT TRADLRS without delay. Mi 1 to I01 our eptital market lrttei. l'i 00 on appltinltoii. s. ). Hitdiaid Co., membns .V. V. Ciiisullelaied and Stotk S.tliango, II and IS llioadway, New loik. IMablMied ISul. Long Distance' Phone 'VMS Uroael, Money to Lonn. fJUO, SI.1"'1. 'd.Vsj, laig.'t anioiuits ut lite and sl pel 11-1., Atloiuc), 1012 .Mean llullilllig. A,NV AMOl NT OP MONl.V '10 LOA.N-O.ulck. straight loans or Uulldlng ami Loan. At from i to 0 per tent. Call on N, V. W'aiker, Stl-Jlj Connell bulldlnj. Auction. 20,lssi VMIIIS ('MIPI'.l's, oil clotlis and mattings, one tun Iubln silieiiv.uc, one ai loul llmoi sheets, lublp lotlis, napkins, pillow- 1 isp, to.,eN, ,"i,i. pairs taucy late H11I4111-. .Man) olhtr things ton luminous to mention. At milium. 120 W'ali ingloii attiiup, cpposiio Cciuiell building, sales 10 a, 111,, 2 and 7 p. 111. C'l'MMl.Nl.a I1IIOS., Auctioneeis. HoiisHS AT ACCIION The iiiiilti.igiieil will sill nt public sale at tho ( ulek stables, Sunn ton. Pa., Sadiidat, M.111I1 ii, at lO.ilu a. 111., one isrload rami, Caulagu and Hi it llnue-. Sale positite lain 01 shim, ll.ul. lliolluu. Wanted To Buy. WANT '10 buy u gcnciat sloie, til) ur eoiuiuv, for iah, Atldiivs Oppuiluml), tale 01 t'lib tine nihil. Wanted To Rent, WANTLI) ItllOMs l'or two adults, ilucc 01 foul looi'is, finntiliiil 01 unfuiiiUlietl loi tciy llaht boiisikieplug, tllst (tool preftlit-d. Addle, M. II., 'liibuup if Ike. W AltTI'.n ruinlsheil buiisu or luui 01 lite looms for liou.tkct'plnji, Addiei A, (J. I.., Tilbunc otllce. Miscellaneous. AMiiiifi' Derby in the wiuttr books o us to win ttiih out fall, Hii'l tnldiewi and :;i tUini) to 1' -M l!0ilot'ij i: Co., Rub), lutjiaiu. ANT WATI'H A coninetent w litipss. Apply to Mrs. Htnry Ilelfn, 1,17 Jelfeison .Hemic. WRECT0H.W - . 3 lnsertion.s 25,Cents, MonTlui Pour Lines, 6 CeWfor 'UichtUtfa Llft!?- PROFESSIONAL. J'wSNN.jiiiMi Certified Public Accountant. 1 -'! C SPAULOtN'O. 2.1' TILVHKlia iinT, Jliildlng, and St. Paul Building. New York. Architects. LDVVAIH) II, DAV13, AllCIHTLOT, CON.N1XU tlulldlng. , rin:i)i:incK r,. nitowN. arch. n.. rkaIj . tslttti! Hxchange Hldg., 120 Washington ve. Civil and Mining Engineer. II, L. 1IAHDINO, GOO CO.NNL't.Ii IIOILDINCI. Dentists. DR. O. 12. HILIINIIIJROIUI, IVULI RUIbDINO, Spruce street, tJtranlon. DR, 0. 0. LAUDACII. IIS WYOM1NQ AVHNUE. Lawyors. ritANK H. HOVLL", ArrORNHY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, IL 10 and 18 Burr Building. D- b- itni'LonLc, ArroRNiiY-LOANs isr.oo. tiatcd on real eotate security. Mears Dulldlng, comer Washington avenuo and Spruco islrcct. W'lLLARD, WARRILV & KSAPP, ATTORNRYS ami ouiiscllors-at-lavv. Republican Building, washinglpn avenue. JLSSUP fc Ji:sSUP, ATTOltNI'.Yfl AND COUN-sellors-at-lavy. Commonweallh Building, Iloojni K mJ,1? 3 TIIAYfin. ATTORNHY. ROOMS Wl-DOl, oth foor( jicars huildlng. L' WATn':s- ATTORNnY-AT-LAtV, BOARD 'Trado Uulldlng. Scranton, Pa. '"'iiTFPn0,, WlMMX. TRADRR'Sl NATIONAl ""'" Ilulldlng C. COMUOYS. D-13 RPPUnLlOAN BUILDING. A'wn':,F"or-'''. orncn moved to no. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. L ALLLN. 51J NORTH WASHINGTON avenuo. DR. S. W. L'AJIORRAUX, 01TICH 33D WASH ington avenue. Resilience, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic dlsca-cs, lungs, heart, kidne)s and genito-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to i p. m. Osteopathy. DR V. (I. HVANS, OSTLOPATH, 1M-8 WASH iiigtou avenue. Chronic and ncrtous diseases a spcilally. Consultation fiee. Instruction Musical. I.c- i'i:i;si:it, mhs. n.c. ti:aciii:r op 1 oico ( ultiiie, ll.iimony. Counterpoint and Composition. Compositions conectcel and ic Used for publication. .11 Xevv York street. Hotels and .Restaurants.' Tin: ixrc capi:, 125 and 127 pranulin avu- nue. Rates icusonablc. P. ZIROLKR, Proprietor. SCRANTON IIOUSP, NRAII D L. & W. PAS senger depot. Conducted on the Kuroneaa Plan VICTOR 'KOCH, rroprlotor. Scavenger. a. d. nnmos clhans privy vaIjltsani) cess pools; no -dor; only Ijupioved pumps used. A. U. Brigg9, proprietor.! Leave oidcrs 1100 North Main avenue, or L'icke's drug store, cor ncr Adams and Mulberry. Roth telephones. - seudsr 0. R. CLARKH & CO., SIlCDSMRN AND NURS crymen, stole 201 W'asidngton avenue; gieen hsu.'ca, 1010 Noith Main atenue; storo tele phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOSLPII KUHTTP.L. ItnAR 611 LACKA. AVH., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. HRKSSMAKINO TOR CHILDRILV TO ORDIIR; also ladies waists. Louis-a blioeinakcr, 21J Adams atenue. MLOARCCR BROS., PRLNTT.HS' SUPPLIES. LN telopes, piper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1M Waslilngton avenue, Scranton, Pa. TIIK WILKHS-BARRK RRCOHD CAN BR HAD in Scianton at the new-s stands of Rcisinati Bios.400 tpiuce and COM Linden; JI. Norton, .122 Lackiwamu avenue; 1. S. Schutzer, 211 Spiuce 6treet. Storage. STORAGE Dry, clean and modern up-to-elite stoiage; sep-irate looms, iliilitiiluil kets: cletator. An ideal loiago for household elfects, etc. Tidily scp.u.itc- stoiagp room-. Scranton Storage torn pant, 111 l'r.iukllu atenue. Lost. LIU'T on the seat of 11 Delaware and Hudson cai, between Jtimtii 1.111I 01) pliant, Wednesday morning, a pui-o tontalnlng u sum of inop.t 1'lndtr will bp suitably icnanled by returning; same to the owner, Mi. (Jeoijo Wlllinus, Jcrint,u LOST Satuieliy afternoon, bttwceu Washington , atenue, Del.nt.11u stieet, Adiuis atenue and Hiecn Illdgc stieit, sllter chatilaluo big con Lulling about W. I'iudtr will be icttaided by lctuiiilng to 'iilbunp ottue. LOS 1' Monday culling. I'eb. 17, between W)o mliig atiuuo and W'.islilnnii stieet, an otul brooch 1011I. lining gentleiiian's plume. I'lmfer leliiiu to 01 notify MUs Parsons, 417 Tlili teeiith street. Situations Wanted. Sltl'VTION' WANTLH By )oung imn, with a few je.iis' i.pciieinp, as bookkeeper. Can give icfciiuus. Addipr.s i J. Ztttcrnuii, '27 l.aikatvanua atenue, Siri'ATIO.N' WAN'ti:i)-lly a )onng gill ot light hoiiscwoik or huuscwoik in smalt (.null). Call ut tot 'Ihcodoie stieet, city, SI'l CATION WAN"li;i) Position os cashier 'jt bookkeeper, bt .toung lady with cpeilencfV. best lClPiniUj.; salaiy. Jliotlriiitc. Address, ln Jackson stieet, , ,, ; . iai- Sl ri'ATIO.V W'AM'KH-By middle aged MOinati, as houspkienei 111 wielowcr's family. CalUtiT jilihtss J. It., 1117 Summit atenue, scianton, IV SIITA.ION' WNTr.n-ny .1 )olmg man wall lour )tais pspirli'ine aiounel giocei) stiK, Will incept position at ant honest woik. Stiiu and iuiliistiious. 11. P., illi Mulberry stieet. SIll'ATION WNTi:i)-Hy a butilier; good iiis'i kit man, piddlei, bologna anil sails ige maker,., can 11110 and pleklo all kinds of meats; Al meat (inter ami slaughterman. Address llutihei, isl Linden stiet'l.. West Plitston. l'a. !L" - ' K T2T- 17 T r Politlcttl 'HlTltD H'(7lsI.Aili: HISIIIIi,T-To the nieiji- bi'rs of Ills' Republican St ii ml 111',' ( oiiinnUS-s cf the 'Hiird Li'ghlatlto dj-tilH' JJ. N'otiie is liciiby glten that a meeting or Republican standing Committer "f ll" ThJCi LeaMatiU' ilistiltt of Laikattiinui count) wt-l bo held at the Couit House, Stianion, Pa , &. satmelat, Mauli 2-', 1IKK, at 2 o'clock p. in. full iitteiiiliuie if the commltti'o is I'an.etffc. nuutsiid. H) oitlcr of the iliaitinau, ' ()sl Ut VAN JII'SKIHKci Allest!!. P V Vrus, b:tietar). snuiiton, Pa , Jlanh, ID,- l'nW Rliatiuiatism, JtlllXMAUbM Ml naitics that, wish i-an bpicdll) aim peiiuauciiii)' iiuiei 01 an u ie-b o HlicuiiUllini la a tegetablu ioiitpom-11. lii'lio Cults buaiauictd, Iniiuliu oi uddiewi J. :. Tjjii lor, stranioii LEGAL, . iilY.'lif of nutlget llalk, laie of "tho lit) . beejimoi), l.aeUt,uiiils,. t'uinn),. Peiin.tliaiua. deejusjl. $xjt f t ; . i w ' l.ttli te.taini'iilarj JipoJ (lie ibjv nJSt.lte hav ing ben gianted -l'Ai,l'Ji-Ti0iif uil Pliiftns bif iiiK ehilnis agalii'l'nhpnieflll present tliuu lor luuni'in una iuop linuntesi mere t 11 plux! make iiamejuMjU IwJVWVs-P' i-e. . ' -.MRS. MTl(ftiyHdiiliiristtl.t!A 0m&) ii