The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 13, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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!" -4 ! J ! I ! ! i
All Night."
Tlik comKlnt we hive
liearJ so otten that we
ttnow Just what to ie:om-
menJ for It. Our
Compound Syrup of
Wlilto Plna and Tar
Gives almost instant re
lief, a! It soothes the In
flamed bronchial passages
and quiets that annoying
25c a lloltlo
Prepare J ONLY by
Matthews Bros
,110 Lsckawnnna Avenue.
2 3 !! j ! 2 ! t 2 2
Paying Dividends of 12
per nnnum. ami there Is pufflclrnt ore ON HAND
tO,0UO,P0O) tn continue dividends at (his rale for
Iho iicvl llflrcn jonrn, own and operating bmiller
"2't Ion iliih; no ilrlits
Those wishing to mike a siTc nml profltiblc In
vestment In a listed stock will do well to write
me for piospectus,
136 Wyoming1 Ave., Scrnnton, D?n.
A New Art Store
Mm. O i:. Pratt wishes to innniintc lo Ihe
ladles of fen niton that klic will give
In lice woik until April nth, at In r store,
No MO W joining .no ,
Opposite "The I.jieutn "
J. P. COULT, D. D. S.
Surgeon Dentist.
Twenty yens' successful piac-
tlec In this county.
City Notes.
1 I.KV Ml.l.TIMi -Amnion lodge of I Ik, will
lolil a icfciilai hsmch (his evening it 8 o'clock.
M J. II.VV I lu selling capiutv of the Lv
(i mil is I..JI5. 'Iho Ac ninny lus nais for 1,5'I7.
1101 II (OINCIIA MH.r.-Roth the romniui
ami the M.lctt councils, will meet (onisht at tie
regul 11 hour.
1), L. AM) V. PY 1) V S 1 lie triiniiicn
were- piiil jcstcrdij, -mil the lcbiuai) jnjs will
In toiiclmlcil toil ij.
NUU; U.rCTlOV.-Sciantnn Hicvclc chili
will hold their .innuil clcitior of ofiloeirt toright,
followed b) A lunch and smoker fot the manlier".
1)1 1 IMA HUK.-T. V. Hoss, the
deserter from the United Males armj, who give
himself up to the police on jlondij night, was
tikcn biek to l'ort Hamilton jcstcrda.v by Pa
liolnun Potter.
SMALLPOX IV A0(' V case of Mnill po
lias been eli.covereu mTvvoi i, the pilient lieing
n bridge builder who reiently cime from .ler-ov
lit to assist In building the new rillroid
ciiinpanvV iidmt. The hotel in which he lodges
lias been r.uaniitlncd
Kl 0(111 IN ITM. I OHM -Jerome lieoc,h, the
pool expert, foinierlj of this utv, is plaiing in
tplcndld stvle in the champ'oiishlp contest mow
on in llrookliii He defialed P. II WaMi, of
New ork, on Tucsdi.v night, with a scoie of 127
(o 07 in thliteen name"
S1(.i: MVXU.I It I'uiik shciniin, who for
the lit few jiais In-, been eugigcd In mil about
Ihe local theateis, jcstcldav aeccptid tliu pmi
tiou of stige lnatngir with tlie n.uik Kicnaii
"lion Jo'in diigsbj" eoinpin. Mr. Shiiinin
joined the compan.i in Ullkts Pane last night.
J.i:Mi:V SI.UVICI.S-DiIU unices at M.
full's church, !j a, in and 1.' 0"( p. m, and
I'O p. m riiur.iljvi., b.shhs the above, at
a in. Ihe nooudav hiiIip is foi liusv people
Slid coiitluis but (went) mlitiilib this week,
the addieasei ale kimii In the lie v. r. It Hm.
mm, lector of the (liiiuh of the dond hep
lurd M'Tf.It HOI'Ull 10im -Detective Dilter will
leave toclaj foi Haniaburg to siciuo the blgna.
lure of Governor Stone to the requisition papus
foi 11. A, Itopcr, the luiikcr who skipped town
neentl), and who is liiulir aiiet in nv York
for embezzlement. Alter leaiug HariUhiiig, the
detectiw gois to Alhaii to fecuiu Oonnior
Odell's signature, and will linn go to Viw 'link
and bilug llopir on lion In time foi it lu.ulii,' on
atindJj night or bundi.x
si'piii:mi: opik i.ii.s to hi. 111:111. -ihe
lutmo officers of llu lto.ial Sulci) of (mod Til
lows will be 111 tint iit on I'rldaj and MtuuU..
'Ilicj will attend i ccUIn ition giun li the loal
auemblies In rinlcj's lull on I'liday niglit, and
will tliciibehes meet at the limit n on hatiudi.
'lliose who will be hcio aie as follows: Pruiilti,
J)r. Macflrcgor JlonUgue, Maine lio pninKr,
lion. Holt Apgir, Trenton. V, J : tua.'inr, 1 J
Miltehoiine, llhodu Ulaud, Kiipicme kiuiMij.
A J. Dates, llajtou; biipiciile iounselha, (on,
llobinson, Dostou; iliairman loniuilttii' on laws,
Hon. John Mulligan, oiiUh, V V.; wipunic
medical I'Sjmliiu, Dr. Haul, ilkii llane
Aelcnowledged with Thanks of the
Management of Hahnemann,
The directors of the Iluhneniumi lion
pltal deshe to exteiul their thanKsi for
the follow liiB Uonatlonh foi Junmuy
nnd Februmy, 1902;
Mrs. Frank Vanillins, Ballon of Ice
ci earn; Mrs, TUchurd Oukford, hipped
cream; Mm, W, D. Zehiuler, Ice cream;
Mis, H. M, Doles, old muslin; MIsh n
K. nichmond, four pounds butter; Mrs.
Geoige 13, Smith, tuouallons Jee cieam;
Mis. Frank Chi Istlan, sugar, coffee, two
packages rolled o.its; Mis. R G. Wuld-
Good for the Babies.
Theie Is no better medicine made for
b.ibles than Chambei Iain's Cough Hem
tdy. Its pleasant taste and piompt uiul
effectual cures mak It a favorite with
the mothers of small chlldien. It
quickly cuies their coughs and colds,
preventing pneumonia or other serious
consequences. It not only ouies cioup,
but when given us soon as the cioupy
cough appears will pi event the attack.
Chambei Iain's Cough ItemeUy contains
no opium or naicotlc In any form, and
nay be given us confidently to a baby
18 to an adult, It always cures. For
jjlo bv all diuggiats.
nor, two gnllont lee crenm! John Nenve,
repnlrlng bntteiy; religious services,
llev, Mr. Alrlch, singing by Miss 13.
Anncnmn, Miss J, Wilson, Mips F,
Scott, M!m 12. r. Freari Mrs, George
Sanderson, old nlght-dresies! John
Roth, $!is i:iin Pnik Lhtirch, chicken,
celety; Mis. W, S. Miller, lending mat
ter! Mis. T. It, Wiilklni, two gallon!!
Ice cienni! Dr. II, U, Ware, staff lecord
book; Mis. II. M. Holes, milk dnlly dur
ing month; Mis. Alfred Hand, Ice
cteam; Jacob fschlcbil, one tank oxy
gen; Mrs. 13. H. Still ges, two gallons
Ice cie.itn; Mim. Wotmser, flow em;
Mis, Hlmon Hire, two do.en orunges;
Jim, 12. Cnnnell, rut Mowers: Mrs. C,
U. Hcott, ton nunits milk; Mm. S. II.
llnlnes, leading matter; John Hotli,
can fiult, veitettiblei; Mm Gussle Wlll
Inms, two nightgowns, one bottle of
Nof peptonelds, onn bottle of Hypo
Phosphites; Mm. 13. It. Secton, books
and music; Mm, (', i. Scott, fle iiunits
milk; Miss "Welsctugor, four glasses
Piovlsion Made for a Legislative
Committee Synopsis of the Pro
posed Constitution.
At the third day's session of Wilkes
Barru convention to foi in u State Fed
cintlou of Labor, It was decided that
nt each annual sehslon a legislative
committee of three shall be elected, nnd
that the clialnniui of the committee
shall attend each hession of the legis
lature and make a thorough leporl
weekly of whut Is done, and also keep
a lecord of how the lcglslatom alii or
oppose legislation in favor of the woik
Inginen. The ch.iltinnn Is to get $'i a
day and f.ue.
The state Is to be, divided Into seven
dlstilits, and a committee was appoint
ed to do this woik. Aid was offered the
miners in theli endeavoi to get a fait
and just (settlement of the existing
diflUultiox, and it was decided to send
a committee to see the legislative com
mittee of l.illioadcm, which meels at
Heading next month, to plan harmoni
ous action legal ding legislative niat
tom A lelegiam was iccelved fiom Piesl
dent GompeiR, appiovlng the woik of
the fedeiation. The dues for the year
weie IKcd at half a cent a man for the
local unions, $', for the rentinl and
stale bodies, and $1 Initiation for the
new unions.
The convention committee of the
whole discussed nn amendment Pie
sented by J. Mahlln Baincs, of Phlla
deljiliia, a delegate fiom tlie Clgai
niakets' union of that place, to the ef
fect that the executive council shall
constitute a legislative committee and
that no membei of the state fedeiation
.shall at any time go to Ilanlsbuig as
a lobbyist.
The discussion foi and against this
amendment brought out much useful
Infoi mation, and after the vaiious
points had been thoioughly dlseiibsed
the matter was placed before the con
vention to decide by -vote and the
amendment was lost.
An abbreviated leport of the commit
tee on constitution was given out. It
is, In pait, as follows:
Tins organisation 'hall be Inown is 'lie Penn
Mlwmi Mate Palliation of 1 nboi nnd shill
confirm to its lulcs. etc. The object shall lie to
encourage the formation of Ion! icntral trails
and labni union m ill cities ind towns in the
filitc. Vlso to assist in the establishment of in
ttnnil and international trades unions
To encourage the punliip of union libel goods
'lo agitate Mich questions as mat be foi the
benefit of tlie working closes in order we
iua, obtain tlie emctnient of such nieaiues lij
the stite legislature
To conect abues under wluili the woiking
chses are lalwring so as to insine cr,uitable
rights and jut piiMlegis
This Federation skill nicer inniiilh on the
second TiicmIiv of Vlarch. Delegates fiom (en
locil unions thill constitute i quotum foi the
transaction of business
Special meetings si all be filled liv the pie-i-dent
ancf fifteen affllhtid unions. Two months'
notice must be gien
o jierson slnll bo eligible lo membership un
less he or she his beer i member of a libor or
giniation sk monllis prioi to the date of con.
vention This docs not apph to unions organized
sis months prioi to the coin cut ion
.o lioxcott M ill lie iiproicd bj the Pi dela
tion until a thoiuigh nnc'stigiticn has btm
mule, und i filthfil itlcmpt to icmove (lie laiisc
of the griiiaiuc,
Celebinted Insulator Case Again
Before Judge Aichbald.
Tlnee months ago, Judge Aichbald,
sitting lu United Slates flicult court,
lendeied a deeislon lor the plaintiff In
the contested patent cat.e of the l,
Thomas & Sonri' company agalnht Fied
M. Locke.
The patent In dispute was on an In
sulator for high cm i ent electrical w Ires.
In his opinion Judge Aichbald said
that theie was an old way of manu
factuilng the Insulntois, but the plain
tlif company was making them by a
new piocess anil the defendant com
pany's method of manufactute was an
Yesteiduy Judge Aichbald heaid a
motion by the defendant company to
modify his deciee ho as to penult the
defendant to maiiufactuie by a leitaln
method, which It claimed iwiesponded
to the "old method" icfened to In the
opinion. The motion vvus made, It was
asset ted, lo avoid the possibility of
pioceedlugs for contempt of lourt.
The plaintiff lompnnv aigued against
the motion, contending that It was
nothing mote oi less than a lequc-st by
the defendant tliut the com I aci as its
Aftei healing authoiltleH emoted on
both sides, Judge Auhbnld decided that
the motion, if gi anted, would be equiva
lent to committing the com t on u (iieh
tlou brought up liieguliitly, and the
motion was oveiiuled.
Attorney Unwind P. Oennlsoii. of
Syiacuse, appealed tor the motion, It
was opposed by Attorney Uubeit How
son, of New Yoik iit
The announcement of the coming of
the I.afaett College Glee club has
caused u iluuy of plea&ant anticipation
among musical and society people.
College glees appeal not only to all
loveis of music lu generul, but lu par
ticular to all college men und those who
am luteiesteil In the intellectual woik
of our people. Thehe bongs i epic-sent
the higher social lite of the student
vvoild; the esnilt de (oips, a veiy
laige list of patronesses has been se
emed and this, in addition to the huge
uliiinul and the host of fi lends, will
make the conceit of Muich lil a notable
society event.
The IIIrU school audltoilum will ho
suitably decoiated for the occablon.
Tickets ut Powell's.
, -
Business Men's Lunch,
Fiom the noon lunch menu, at Uan
ley's, 420 Spruce street, may be oi
deied: 0stei.s, chops or Just a cup of
excellent coffee.
They Won fiom the Ernnklins, and
Aie Still in Elist Place Lieder
krauz Team Lost to the Centrals,
South Side Team Is Still Making n
Try for Low Scoro Rocoid Backus
Tenm Won Tlnee Postponed Games,
and Is Now Tied with tlie West
The Atllngtotis, of the City Howling
league, ate still keeping up their win
ning sticak, and by taking two games
fiom their closest rivals, the Fiankllns,
last night, aie now fast and secuie In
first place. The games lolled by this
team weie decidedly not the best of the
night, and had the Franklins not fallen
down feai fully they should have taken
at least two. The scoie:
Mc'sltr Vet fit 174 4PS
II. Klrfer 1"(, 111 nil :,s8
'. Klefcr lid iiij mi ui
llmck r,s 1VI 112 12(1
I. Mifn IJ2 1 tft I'll 4V)
7-", T2S 7IJ Sl'i5
Ulrclni IiVi 11) 172 4 GO
ttutkins in p,i nn iir,
Djvls 1IU lli2 1211 42?
llobinson Ill) ill, 1MI 412
Andercgg 171 1 .S 12') 111
72J 711 0)1 '2117
lligb scoie Vlilster, 10!
High acrn,?o VIcistci, 1W
The Hi st class total of 2,111 was
lolled up by the Centials against the
Lledciki tins' tenm. Two games weie
won bv the foimer by big maiglns and
the first was also lost by a big niaigln.
Shaw had the onlv 200 s-coie made to
his ciedit. The score:
. U'ruls
Mnn 1,7 11 T,l oil)
isofili 1(, 1VI fnl 411
O'Conneli Ill) 17S 102 TuO
Whirton 170 TO VH) Bin
tones 110 l!)t l-l 61 1
72 foi bll U"14
1.11 DI.UKltVN
Mejei 11)1 111 102 1
nreig Pi; 111 110 111
Waldnci ld'i 111 1() 401
Kisele 171 101 120 "!!
Koch 177 lill lo.! oil
S(!7 701 7(rt 2102
High coi( shi, '211.
High incnge O'Conneli, 17fi 2 3
The poor uiifoi lunate South Slders
kept up theli losing stieak again last
night and giacefully diopped tlnee
stiaight to the Ilampie team, which
lolled a superior game. Tlie South
Slders weie'n't in it for a minute, the
highest game total they made being
only 740. The scoie:
Tot lis
Hull T.1 1 1 171 too
itolhumcl 10') IV! 102 M
Vturph, Ill 1,7 170 431
Ilres.-ei 12 2112 ll W0
I.jppin 117 1!S 17"j ' 170
7",2 75b S-70 2J'JJ
i-omn sinr
Jlrownell loo l.'i) l.o hi. I
cumin Kit 142 112 .' S
lliihold 14') HO 1,4 III
igrh 117 120 111 103
Wiith 101 IS". IV) .')l
717 710 720 2177
High scon liicssu, 202
High luragi Hrcsstr. 175 1 I
The standing of the clubs in this
league Is now as lollovvs:
on l ost P C.
ilingtons II ,, .722
Praul llus It 7 oil
Himpe's 11 7 oil
I.iederkrin 10 fc VjO
Ccnlrals S 10 .414
fcoulh Side 1 17 .Oil
The Tiackus team of the Not theast
cin Pemibjlvanla league, bowled a
postponed game with the Gieen Ridge
Wheelmen team last night and by tak
ing tlnee stiaight, with a total of 2607,
are now tied with the 131ictilc City
Wheelmen. The .scoie:
lMtht -
'lot 1
Peckham ls'i 117 1H 400
Moote 174 is.1 fit UK
lahiiuholt ...Ill 2H lc! fill
Poll 171 1 VI 107 l"2
Hopkins Is2 Mi 1H1 174
S7I Si7 S.'i 2007
niti.r.N muni: mii'i:i.mi:v
Tnlor , Hi") 1M IV, 4M
llonlsou 17, lul 170 41
Mason 170 117 lMl 477 in in Ilo l7h 111 412
Wikliil 101 111 lis 422
HI 7i 711 2!2j
lllali hioie llojikltis, 202
HIUi mugc-Hopkins. 101 1 I
The teams In the Xoitheastcin league
now stand us tollows:
Won Lost I' c,
llackas 10 S ,,7
flu trio (In Wheilmeii.. 14 7 nil
Sirautou Ilk. vile hib . . . 1 11 170
Wist Hud WlKiluifil . . . !) 12 .120
(linn Hidge Wliiilmcn . . 10 II 117
I.Iks . . S II . .M
They Call Eoith a Piotest fiom the
The following i evolutions have been
pasted by an oiganUatlon made up of
the Uthuiianhius of the cltj.
We, the iniili i signed l.ltliuauiaii illlciii of
Sriiilnn, I Jikiu.uui i count, Pa, lepiesciitlng
tlie sj, Ulivtil'ii llcnetitlal tocieti, in luonllili
liiitllng .i-.Miiibkil, und after a Ihoinudi di-iiu
ilou of the miIj) -it, on Ihe I .'ill ila of M.iuli,
iwi, Ii4m lesohid-
Wlicrus, There aie cwral bills lukue I lie
M-iute and house) of ifpnocntathn o am ud
the iiuinlgiatloii Uws of llu I nllrd states, lu
tiudueid bj .Mio,r l.nlt,c, Hurious, Scoti, I. n
nut, (iraliaiu, halm, Waton, fel erinaii, Slijliu k
and Willi mi (ouiiill, i le
Wheiias, .Vluit of our rcpu'scntativi's and sen
alora icqulic that there shall lw lei led ami eol
lie I id and paid a dulj of s,t for t'Jcli and evi'ij
passenger not a iltli-u of ill) I lilted hljies
Whettas, Ihej uquiro lertllicales fiom a ili)t
clan of experience that be (the iiiilgiaut) is u
a ktate of good bodilj heallli, accompanied b,t .1
ceitllkate of u consul at eoiisulii Jjciit of llu)
I Illicit Mated in Ike kJliu ttale piulliie or
count that b'Jih a pkjukUn U qiullflid, tie
Wlielcjs, home lequlie that ail eiulgiaiit fliall
hie at the lime of intimkil cmlgialioii a pav
port of rcecut date fiom the sou'iniucnt Id .vlik h
ia Id eiuigraiil belongs! gianllng pcrmlviloii to
inlgiulc, and also a eeililkalu from tlia thief
olliter vi iiiininei of poliei- of the place wheie
buck imlgiaiit iiskki, ci'(tl(liig that he, or she,
is under no (large of violation of law, and haa
not been for the period of Die jears
Wliiieas, .Some require lliat persmu not "ll
ilL-posid toward the edablUhed order ef society"
kliall not be luluralUed at citizens of the United
blatis. and if naturalized ".ball be liable to
have lliclr luluraliatlcn or iltUcuslilp aimallcd
and cancelled."
Whrreai, They aik thai tlicoc aeU flull not ex
clude pertoua convicted of an otleiue purel) pa.
ArcYou Sick?
i v
Do you suffer from Kidnoy,
Livor, Bladder or Blood Biscaso or
any urinary trouble, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, Constipation, or if a
woman any of tho sickneBscs no-
gculiiirtoyoitrsexp'lf bo, send your
nddrcso to Dr. David Kennedy
S Coriioratlon, Rondout, N.Y., nnd
O they will Bona you absolutely freo
H a trial bottle of
Dr. Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy,
tho grcntost specific known to mcdlcnl
eclonco for tlio euro of tlicso ilieonscs or
any urio acta irounie. it nas neon usou
Oy pnysicinnn in uuspiiniB ana Bnnican
ulna for nearly thirty rears with iinfn.ll
Inir Riincoia. Its Bato in bd Inrco to-dav
ID can uo iouuu lie nay urug sioro. (,
."$1.00 a Ooltta or O for $G.OO.
Soooooooooooaoooooooooooc not involilng moral turplliide without de
fining clrarlv and delliillel What may be unilcr
stood In moral turpitude.
Wheieas, They w ml to glee lo tlie commis
sioner general of immigration almost absolute
rights In icject nn Immigrant, or to "detill
iinmlgiatlnn oMccr fm such service in foreign
lountrles in earning out Ilia said purposes, as be
shall direct," and such ollur nonsense. He It
llesohed, 'lliat taking these bills from a mont
stindpolnt, we condemn them as Inhuman end
unjust; wc li to (lee ce (he poor Immigrant of
Ills list penii, histoid to help liim. Such bills
are unniliiral. In the animal world the hw of
migration prcviils, and no birs will prevent the
liilgintlons of men. The bills ire in llagrmt dls
lord with the couuii iiidnients of the lllble, to
lice from the country where ou are persecuted.
These bills lire intended to help the despotic
1 uiopein thrones, and not to protect us agtlnst
mucin. Foclai and polltlcil Injustice alwis
and rvmnlieic bring forth resistance and discon
tent. J.ven the constltutlonillsts of llussui, ni
hllists, nc debarred fiom landing in our trust,
aid lieelei-iidden tinted Stiles, and the piesent
iuiungi it ion laws are not mil stringent and re
stricliic, but do hum to the icil inteiists of cur
communih. 'lie goeeinmcnt should IicId tlie
itumlgriiils bv sending them fice of charge (o (lie
west, ami help those who arc willing lo settle en
i film as faini"rs, bv advancing them a loin
to bu i film on eisy ind long terms of in
stallment, and ill tins way to obeiile the over
population of the cistern states, and at last
We ask Hon. Willi mi fonncll, the represent!
the of our distilct, to introduce 1 bill to the
effect, 7 . Tint all honest iininlgriiits ind i o
llticil lefugees should be admitted: tint the
government, instead of ineicasing immigration
officers nnd their salaries should cieite a fund
to provide the liunngriiits with supplies of fai
met aim firms, ind to distubnle theiu eqinllv
lu the 'titej of the lepublic. llv oldir of Ihe
above mined soclctv.
1 rink Ziv itkovv-ki, J'lCsiilcnt.
I. Y. Coodrlch, Secictnv
.1 0. AllnAv, P. Diiluckis, Commitlee
Copies of the icsolutlons aie to be
foi wauled to Senntom Qu.iy and Pen
rote and Congiessninn Connell.
Repiesentatives of Avoca Sub-Dis-tiict
Meet Today.
An 13pwoith league convention for
tlie Avoca sub-dlstilet will be held In
the Avoca Methodist Episcopal chuich,
Rev. It. M. Pascoe, pastor, tomoiiow.
This pi ogi amine will be obseived:
Song scmu. ji,i Devotions K. J Sehoonovcr
Addnss, of Welcome .1' ( Kcllum
Hesponsc Ilss biiah Price
IJililo .Stud V. C. Mvcis
Al'll.llNOON Stss0V, 1 10
Devotion lirv. 11 VI 1'1-c e
Ike I cider "lle-t Method, of ( oiiikicllng
the L'i'vot ion il Meeting". Miss htta Mostellar
The Vlcmheis "riicii Put in ihe Devotional
Meeting" Miss llittio Mclu nz e
The league Mi mbership "What Oughl It to
Hi" William Wiiilerinule
He poiislbllllv "What Skill He the I'utiue
of Ihe Leigue" Vli-s I inilj Peirin
The .Junior League "Its Pu-ibllities"
licv. J I. Haee
I M.MNCi s,io, 7 10
Devotions Ilev. II A Keli
lieports of ( oiinnillces.
Address Ilev. l)r viistln (alllln P. 1'.
The ofilcom aie: Pies-ident, A. C.
Myeir.; iee-piebldent, Rev. Ilany
Kelly: scuetary and tieasuier. IVIIss
Jessie M. S.ntaln. Chaptei.s of the
Avoca sub-dlstiict: Avoca, Entoiivllle,
Lackawanna, Jlooslc, Old Forge, Pitts
ton, Hendham, Taj lor, Tunkhannock,
West Plttston, Yates.
-ddlid vd$d d iddSidii sDididditld:
1 Beautiful Lace Trimmings 1
: Edges, Insertions, Galloons,?hppliques, Me $j
r$ dallions and Cut Out Work, Alloons, Etc., in g
f-s white, cream, bisque and Egyptian shades, neat gj
r$ edges, from lOcto 50c g
rS More Elaborate Woik 25c to $4.75 g
1 New Dress Goods. 1
Nun's Veilings, Batistes, Tannice, Mistrals,
la Voyles, London Twine and Open Work Effects.
j5 Grenadines In Wool, bilk and Mohair. g
Ua Foulard Silks The largest assortment in g
is Scranton. Desirable styles and great values g
at 59c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 g
3 Just received shear fine goods direct from the mills g
-a The regular ioc grade for 8c g
3 The regular i2c grade for 10c g
-5 The regular isc grade for..... 12c g
r The regular ioc grade for 15c &
r The legular 20c grade for 17c g
3 The regular 25c grade for... ....'. ,.. 19c .;
;$ The regular 30c grade for 25c g
1 Mears & Hagen I
415417 Lackawanna Ave, g
Dl8coveied Emoiglng from a Eielght
Car, Where They Had Taken Re
fuge, When Their Hotel Developed
What Is Supposed to Bo a Case of
Smallpox, nnd for Fcnr They Had
Become Contaminated the Borough
Authorities Put Them Back in the
Hotel Under Quaiantlne.
Farmer Amns Mouls, of Johnson, N.
Y has located his runaway wife, their
two children, and her pai amour, Levi
Kelly, but It will probably be some
time before he can enact his contem
plated "foi give and foi get" scene.
The elopem weie suspected to bo nt
Avoca, and nt the Instance of Mr. Mol
lis, and with wariaut of Aldermnn
I.oftus, of Plttston, Constnble Michael
llealey and William Weatheis set out
In search of them,
Lite Tuesday night they discovered
that their quarry hud been at and de
parted from the Valley hotel. A case
or smallpox, or nt least a suspected
case, had developed nt the hotel, and
those of tho guests who contemplated
the quarantine made off to other quai
lers. The elopers were among those
who fled the hotel, but being stiang
eis, nnd known guests of the Infected
house, they were unable to Unit n
domicile and weie compelled to take to
a freight car, on the Delaware and
Hudson siding.
The constnbles came across theni,
jesterday motnlng, us they were cm
eiglng from the freight car nnd took
them Into custody. When the con
stables mniched them to a local
squire's oflleo to have them committed,
the boiough authorities, enteied a
most vlgoious protest against placing
the possibly-contaminated quartette
in the boiough jail, and after a long
eonsulntation It was decided that the
only pioper couise was to take them
back to the Valley hotel and have
them placed under quarantine with the
other occupants of the hostelty.
Farmer Morris has been telegiaphed
tho Information of tho an est and de
tention of the elopem It was his in
tention to immedlatelyseek his wife and
a reconciliation. Now, however, that
she is incommunicado, the teconell
llatlon cannot possibly be Immediate.
Michael Sullivan and Theodoie Knad
ler Held in Bail.
The cash register in the saloon of
John J. Monis at tho coiner of Penn
avenue and Spruce stieet was bioken
into on Tuesday night and a consld
eiable sum of money was taken. Mr.
Mouls suspected Michael Sullivan and
Theodore Knadler, two hangeis-on at
the place and swoie out warrants for
their arrest befote Alderman Lentes.
At a hearing before the aldeunan last
night evidence was adduced to show
that Sullivun was especially Hush with
money eaily yesterday morning and
had given a cab man a cilsp $5 bill.
As both men are seldom known to
have money Alderman Lentes held
them under $300 ball each.
Furnishings Are Being Removed and
a Tenant May Be Secuied.
Sanitary OlTlcer Butke was busily en
gaged yesterday in superintending the
lemoval of the furnishings of the
smallpox hospital to the Nay Aug en
gine house, wheie they will be stoied
and kept for use In case of another
outbiealc ot the disease In this city.
The hospital itself, which had not a
single patient, will not be toin down,
but will be left standing for use In a
futuie emeigency. An effoit will be
made to get somebody to live theie and
take care of It, anil It Is extremely pos
sible that if such a tenant is secuied
that he or she can have the place lent
C3EO. V,
MILLAR 8t CO, Walk In and look nioitnd. v
Jw NEW 'PHONE t 37 S
Housecleaning Time Approaches
Let us repair your furniture, make over your
mattresses aud clean your carpets before the rusb
SGranton Bediimg Cm
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
I We Are Stealing
I A March on Them I
It is not too poon for 1'aslcr. Von can't be too i irl. We have rushed thlnus
Ihot our l'jlci sloths miaht lie complile. There will be a uisli In u few divs, mil
neitlier shopping nor "nuking up" villi be (so convenient. Vmi sliiuM be brighllv on
ihe brlRhtesl festival, when cverbod'B cvei are on somebodv else, and ever boil) 'i eoa
tiimc is irtcrestlns. You can get Hie "correct thing" here, now.
Easter Outfitting;. Our
3 Tli" raster fitjlci aro no at tlie cy
0& mil ficl.tnii linvAiwl tlir nminr nt .ltl T PH
-f jou will
r Ready-flade Suits
Hire vnu get the cxpiession of eorrcct sl)le, mil no doubt about It. oti cm trv
nne on, o'nil jou don't have to lake it unless )ou like- it Our collection ot bulls la
, ci) coniplct".
$ Wool Skirts
j llTccllcnt, well nnde giimcuU, nnd tlie
cloths are the litest. Minstrel, net, eta
: lnlnc, moleKln, cheviots miel bioadeloth
; 'fho pioper "hang" to cverv one ot them
nnd the prices .ire most moderate.
5 Pretty Silk Petticoats
in ..) .....1 1-1- i .hnn, n. fm,,,
5? iin niiterhH intl make up all tlut cmiltl
S Silk and Albatross Waists
5 'ilieie is iiotlilnic vmting in tlice WiiiU of our Thev me eperiallv for fis-
ildious vvoinrn, who lie bird to pleisc. Mule on pmpose to MiipiUc the vvonian who
i& (hinks she c mnot get satisfictory Waists uidy to wiar
j5 Jaunty Jackets
1 I mi An.l I'll rntil .Tutnfi
J.ton and I'll front .Jackets in all ize
Moin. ou hive nn eailv choice of
5 Several Ilaln Colt", too, for )0ur
7 Children's Coats
There lie Colts heie for ill sizes ef voungste, fiom 1 to M viars 'pi ctallv well
; nnde, wool aud hllk Vei) superior gaimenti. Look ihiuugh this gnat cloak loom and
' Know wnac i lie lasiuon vvonu is uoius-
1 McConnell & Co. 1
' The New Dry Goods House. Ladies' Outfitters. &
400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. $r.
t SB;
Xever has tlieic been a time
when all that is Ueautltul, ginee
fnl and elatxnate have been so
happily combined, as today's
sliowlnif In Satin Koulaids and
Satin Foulard
i:oulhlte all over designs
closely reseinbllUB lixce oveielret."i
and woven w neculinilv as to
defy Imitation, The excluslve
ness of the beautiful pattern Is
seen at a Elaine. Indeed, Satin
roulind holds high favor this
setiHiu, and unfortunate, Indeed,
Is the one who does not posses-s
such a Kown.
These goods need no Intiodue
tlon. They mo too well known,
and liked by up-to-date women.
In t-eauhlnu for beautiful pat
terns, we have been well lew aid
ed, and It Is dllllctilt to lealUe,
aftei notlns, the beautiful new
deslKHS, that It's s-linplj an old
f I lend In a new j;lllse,
126 Wyoming Ave.
The TUbuno will guaiantea to pi hit
our paper book quicker than any oth
er printing house In the city.
Scoti i Co
One et the nupy npen sloij; Inttrun S
tlni we would mil lu )mir iittiiitluti Is n(Z
llu- (olcnlnl, loltlllMN'S si Ml lllll'. t,
(MS (IIINA-A II Mil), DhNsl:, MTIIl'-
ill S IIODY foi ii foiuiihtlun. the ilcslgn is p
(Ti.sle In u'ltllne, cmbelllslied vvltli Crs- ipf
atitlirtiiiiniF. ia
I'm- .1 inodist prlee pitlein II his no "t,
iipnl, 11X1 111(1 MilKt. Von need ,
tint (online jour puiiIuki lo Ihe Ino g
p'eees, it Id in open itotk Sileit what 2cJ
j oil need WC,
134 Wyoming Ave.
Both 'Phones
Readiness for It
pinnatlo of (oinplrlrnss, 1 iIotmc of fmcv
tit dftlltt. Will Oil bCO lllC 111 C tllillk
Silk Skirts
(limning, chooEing of Nivv Silk klrts.
pel feet beauties. N" tioublc- to pick the
light kind when ou Fee it hcre,rcad made.
I'eTii de Soic mil Tifleti Silv ,ue me-st in
ilrnnnd and, of course, they piedonimatc
in our stoik.
n fH fiiit. tlmin-j .ii lint ci ilmm'o vinnr" llu
bt dtiimi
ilk l.tons of I'eau de Soie, luffcta and
these, now and licit.
K . K , V. , H ! , K t t t K . . H "!
9 O'clock a. in. to
9 O'clock p. m.
Suits, Jackets,
Skirts and
Silk Garments
324 Lackawanna Avenin,
Taki Elevator,
&" 'Ik
yHflBlL w
Formal Opening
'A 'A 'A "A "A mA "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A A '