" V rtv y tf"Tf 1 e 1 ',,' rp THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1902. .&?y5 AC ;xxxocxxxxxx?5 HIE IIODKHM UAItDlYAItf! BTOtli. THE STERLING RANGE It lcnponnlblo for inoie Kootl bieiul than tiny other range In tlio vvoiiti it never fulls on baiting: tiny. The Steillnpr used less fuel and vvcais twice us long 111 ordlnnry 1 tinges. "Has No Equal." Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave Q 'ViVVh fsAAAAAAAAAU United States Lumber Co. Stock for Sale Ten Miaie of Pulled Stnlct Luinuct fumpinv Mink lor Bile. Apply itt onci to It. i:. rOMI (JS , ft), lliokers Dlino lljnl. IlmilMiii,'. Juvenile Dresses Neir moro ullraollic tlnn thU Bprlng for llttlo Tot fioni tl months to .1 jcuri. IVc Inve lint forgotten the little miss of J, fi and 8 for lici ve liavo the v j-ti llncni ill beautiful colon, l'loue, Sillnr :,nd (lllispn drosses In hcrge, and n iiiol at- 1 trae.tlc lino of hl'ISIM! CO Vis. THE BABY BAZAAIt 118 Washington Avenue. ake Us Prove It If you have your doubts about this being different fioni the 01- dinaiy laundry, send us a few pai eels and make us pi ove that we aie hupeilor. LACKAWANNA THE A UN DRY, 203 310 Tenn Avenue isnjimmxm Councilman ". M 1'inn is 111 at his home en I'roUdeueo load. II -. KIiirJjiu) U seriously ill at Ins home on Midison avenue II C, IlijnolnS la It) l'liilailclpliu (liis week, at tending 'luptcnie couil. Mn. Cluy (Meilimit, of lJlko lime, who lus liecn isltliuf her paicnls on .Nuith Jljin aenue, has leturned to liei home. Mr. anil Mis Samuel lfuuSon, of Denver, ( ol,, au Nitini; tlio lioiue of Jlr. mid ills h II. Sicklu, of INoith Main avtiiue Air. and Sin. John J. Thomas of 1T19 Xortli Slain imiiup, and foii, Danlil, have u turned home aftci tptndhvs several vvceU with frlomU in Allcnlonu. IN UNITED STATES COURT. Trial of Thornton Cases Resumed Befoie Judge Archbald. In the United States court yesterday afternoon, befoie Judge Archbald was lesumed the trial of the cuses of P. jr. Thornton, of WilUes-Btitie, against the National Absuiance company of Ite land, and the Secuilty Insuiance com pany of New Haven. When cotut adjourned at noon Sat in day, Mi. Lonahan was just enteilng on the oioss-eN.imlniitlon of the plain tiff, wlio is the first witness. The eioss eamination was concluded shortly befoie 5 o'clock and then Mr. Medall ion enleied upon n re-dliect eaminti tlon. The plaintiff Is .seeking to collect for the loss of n llbi ary valued at $J,000 and household toods valued at 51,000 on two a.1,000 policies held In the de fendant companies, in his proofs of loss he detailed tlio l.'-'OO books compil ing his llbi my and all the ai tides of household gootls. On dlioct examina tion tlio plaintiff was lequiied to give each book and household ui title to gether with Its aluo and a bilof de set Iptlon of Its chin ncter. On cioss-ex-amlnutlon he was again taken over the biimo ttutl, The plaintiff did not attempt to give many of the names of the pintles ftom whom he pui chased his books, futni tmo and the like, but on le-diiect ex amination he Identified cashed checks amounting to $.1,100 which ho hud ill awn on himself to himself dining a period of about two jeais pi lor to the lire vvhlch money, he swoie was all spent for fin nl tine or books. The plaintiff wus on the stand at adjourning time It Is. likely the case will not bu concluded liefoio Tluusduy. TONIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT. Mendelssohn Institute Company at the High School. The Mendelssohn quuitetto company will give a conceit at the high bchool auditorium this evening. A leatuie of the concei t will be child impersonations by Miss Maiguerlto Smith, and she will be gieeted by a. huge audleuto as her uppeaiance has aroused much entlttih lasm. Her Impeisonutlons of clilldien and their dialect aie said to be about the bust on the stage, The company itself Is an unusually stiong one and will gle a veiy lino pi ogi amine. Seats can be leserved at Powell's. Mr, Edward Baxter Perry, of Boston, &P Will present the pic giJiiunu olfeud In unotlur column at dig Ihhd of the Alt l.t Itultal C'nuue, l.y the coxsi:ity.. '101U', touionovv at R p. in. kluip in (luftuy lull. J ALFItUJ I'JIXS J.NUTOX, Director. Effl .Vli . SsHii5Sl j wS E. BAXTER PERRY'S RECITAL. Will Be Heaid in Guernsey Hnll WodneBday Night. The foitleth recital by the Oonseivn tory of .Music and the llilid In the conise of four Aitlst lerltnls, will be given by tldwuid IJtixter I'eny, or Hos ton, tomoirow (Wednesday) evening, In Oueinsey ball, beginning at S.S0 o'clock. The diagram of seats Is now optn lit the Conveiimtory. Mr. Potty In tlio oilgluator tmtl thief repieiontiitlve' of the Planofoi to Lec tin e-llecltal, of which he hns given lif ted! bundled In the United States In the past twelve yeais, His plan Is to pie face each composition with a brief talk, calling attention to its Uefccilptlve or emotional characteristics and the cir cumstances of its oilgln, thus tender ing It doubly Interesting because fully Intelligible to all. Mr. Peny's pio Brannue Is us follows: Introduction and Hondo fioni "-onalu, op til llcethovrn spinning Sons fioni 'TIjIiir Dutchman" jRiicr I.it Stiiccnlo Kluilc ltuliiniteln ll.icirolle in II ltuliiiistcin Irilhv, Op. M, No 1 (,'odard C.iprhi' lVp.-nnol, Op. 117 Slo-lcnntki Mcluslnp hullo II. II, Peri) llerteue Chopin Walt, 1 I it, Op. IJ Chopin i'olouilkp, Op, ."it Chopin ANOTHER MAD DOG. Veteiinarlan Discoveis a Case Dumb Rabies at a House on Gibson Stieet. of Another cas-e of dumb uibies was dis closed j-esteiday by Dr. Ilelmer being summoned to tie.it a sick dog at a house on Gibson stieet. It was a Blenheim spaniel begat of a pair Impoited some years ago by n local fancier, and about thiee eais of age. The dog showed signs of lassitude, then giadtially became paialyzed and yesleiday was o helnless it could not move about, and seemed to he com pelled to exett every bit of Its eneigy to laise its head. The flesh of the light hind foot was chewed nwav to the bono, indicating that it was at tills point the poisonous bite was Inflicted. Dr. Ilelmer took the dog to his et eilnaiy hospital to despatth it with chloioform. . This makes ten tases of labies that h.ie been brought to the attention of the veteiinaiians dining the past two months. About half the cases ha o been dumb labies and half vicious The veteiinaiians declaie that theie is an epidemic of the disease now piev alent and that dog ovvneis should exer cise the grentest cue in piotectlng their dogs from Infection. As the disease can only bo communicated by a bite the muzzling of all dogs for a lensonablc peiiod, It is claimed, would wipe it out. "t do not want to be an al.timist," said Di. Ilelmer to a Tribune lepotter yesteidny, "but I want to emphasize what I have all early said in the public pi ess regai ding the danger of a sptead of this tenible disease. If a man be comes affected with the labies he will die. Small-pox can be cuied, but not labies. Its development can be checked by pioper tieatment in the proper time, but once it develops It is positively fa tal. Vicious labies can of comse bo readily detected. The symptoms of dumb labies aie dullness, diopping of the lower jaw. bleaiing of the ees, wobbly locomotion and finally gtadual paralvzation of the legs and spinal col umn." DR. VAN SCHOICK INJURED. Was Tluown from a Carriage at Coldwater, Mich. Rev. It. W. Van Scholck, D. D., for meily a well known Methodist minister of Scrunton, hnlng filled the pulpits of the Piovldence and Simpson M. H. chinches, as -well as serving as pie sldlng elder or the Wyoming dlstiict, was seriously Jnjuied nt his home In Coldwater, Mich., jesteiday. He was out diking with another clergyman when his lioise inn away, thiowing him out. Both ot Mr. Van Seholck's aims weie bioken, and he suffeied a serious iiijiny to his neck. His son, It. W. Van Scholck, jr., of East Mntltet stieet, this city, was ad vised by telegraph of the .seilous mis hap to his father, and he lett nt nnr for Coldwater, Rev. Mr. Van Scholck lias ii host of fiiends In Sciantnn unci vicinity, all of whom wll legiet to leant of this inlsfoituiie to him. SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Willlamspoit, Pa., Maich 10. Wo aie also in need of tlioioughly competent stonogiapher. Wiie It you can letammend one. Wllllnmsport Co. The saniH company lust week wiote for an assistant book-keeper. We tan only till the place by tiansfoulng a young man who Is now lining a good position. Buck & Whitman. An Up-to-Dnte Move, The up-lo-dato nietllods whlih pie dtnninatci the .Teisey Cential aie again show n la the plaeliitf In service a Pi.plness Men's Fast expiess foi Phila delphia, which leaves fioni the station toot of Liberty stieet, New Yoilc, at U p. hi. each week day, oirlvlng at Read ing tci initial at S p. m, A new morning train leaves Philadelphia at U.30 a, in,, ai riving In New York at 11.30 a. m. Another move, Is the arranging of u tart tluougli service between Eastou and Philadelphia, making the time be tween the points In less than two houis. The New Jeisey Cential hits je cently announced that beginning about May 1st, theio would bo opeiated an liouily bervlco between New York untl Philadelphia, and that all ttalus would urn dliect to the Reading termlnul, ob viating the change of curs at Wayno Junction. Closing Out, The Mathushek Piano Munufuetuiing Co,, of New Haven, Conn., iiunounco that on account of lething from the utall business In Scranton, they will close out the lomaltidtT of their Pianos at .i eiy low Ilguie, Cash or on lim ited time. A few Organs from $33.00 to KO 00, Cull or write. 531 Spruce street. The Mousey avenue Sand Pit Is now optrii. Apply at Luckuwunnu Biewlng Co, MINERS WANT AN AGREEMENT THEY WILL- PROBABLY INSIST ON RECOGNITION Piesident Nichols Says That a Wilt ten Contract Is What Is Needed Claims That the Oporatois Have Not Lived Up to Tonus of Notico Posted After Last Stilke Declares That It Would bo Foolish for Men to Again Accept the Opeiatois' Meio Promise. That the ofllcets of the I'nlted Mine Worktis of America will recommend tit the convention to be held In Sham okln next weelc that the oigntilzatlon Insist upon an ngi content with the opeiatois was plainly Intimated yester day by Piesident 'I', b. Nlcholls, of District No. 1, In an Intel view bad Willi a Tribune num. When asked If the question of a lecognltlon of the union will come up ut the convention Mr. Nlcholls said. "It undoubtedly will. The ofllceis of the oignnlzatloii, after a euieful con sldei.itlon of the needs of the men onl ployed In the autln.iclte Held, have foi initiated a policy or plan of action for the consldciatlon of the conven tion Just what this policy Is It would not be policy for mo at this time to state. It will be piesontcd to the dele gates assembled and they can act upon it as tbey will. "You must linden stand that the sen timent In lnvor of a lecognltlon of the mine woi iters' oigiinlzatlon and of on agreement with tlio operatois Is glow ing. The men nio leallzlng that their best Intel ests depend upon a lecognl tlon of their oigunization by the com pany. And what do I mean by a lecog nltlon? Not simply the friendly gieet ing of Piesident Truesd.ile or some other big toal man and the rcmaik: 'I'm pleased to see joli, gentlemen,' when the ofllceis of our oiganlzatlon wait upon him. That is couitesy but It is not a lecognltlon of the oigan latiou. WANT AN ACnilEMUNT. "The lecognltlon that the mine woik eis' oiganlzatlon wants is a wiitten agreement signed la black and white by the opeiatois and the ofllceis of the union in which each agiee to do cei tnln things for a ceitaln peiiod of time. That's the kind of ngieement we want. When the big stilke In the fall of 1900 was settled theie was no agieement. The coal companies posted notices an nouncing that they would giant an in tiease in wages amounting to ten per cent, and the continuance of existing conditions for one year fiom Apiil 1, 11)01, to Apiil 1, IDOL'. The men ngieed to accept this ineiease and the stiike was dedaied ofl. "In othei woids thes- agiced to take the word of the opeiatois without any wiitten guai antee that it would bo car lied out. And hae not the results al leady proven the folly of doing what was then done and the idleness of talk ing about doing It over again? The companies have neatly all, without ex ception, gone back on the piomises made In this notice. The opeiatois have failed to Keep their woid with the men and Is it any wonder that the lat ter aie dissatisfied?" "In what manner have the opeiatois gone back on their piomise?" asked the lepoilei. "I could lecount dozens of instances in which they have done so," leplied Mr. Nlcholls, "The Dela.vv.ue, Lacka wann and Western company has le cently intioduced the swing shift for 4 heir fit emeu and have dlschaiged the men who lefused to agiee to woik under it. The swing shift is one of the things that the mine woikeis' oi ganlzatlon has always fought against and one of the things which it was thought would not bo Intioduced this year when the company announced its Intention of continuing existing condi tions until Am 11 1. Its installation is a diiect violation of the notice posted in the tall of 1900. rNDnrt Tim n. & n. "The Delavv.ue and Hudson company has failed to continue existing condi tions in foiee. A new sjstem of i tin ning the cais close to the side of one lib Instead of sti .tight down the mid dle or the gangway has been Intioduced hi a number of the company's mitten down the valley. This necessitates the taking of the coal fiom the other side a distance of eighteen feet In many instances befoie It can be loaded on the car. Under the old system the men could load fiom both sides. "Tills now plan entails the expendl tuie of much additional time and labor without any additional pay. Its econo mical for the company because one side of th tinck Is kept fieo fiom took and when the coal on that side Is to bo vvoiked theio Is no lock or dht to clean up. The Intiodiictlon of tli'is system is a dliect violation of its posted notice that It would continue ex isting conditions in tone. This com pany has i educed the wages of Hb men at the Spilng Biook collleiy in Mooslc and has In many other ways violated the tonus of Its notice I could sit heie for bonis and tell you of other violations had I the time. Tlio Hiatal of it nil Is these notices aie lit tlo mate than woithle.ss" Mr. Nlcholls was exceedingly ihaiy about aii8W'pilng any questions legattl Ing just Mint the oiganlzatlon will Insist on lit the way of wages, etc. He Jersey Kggs, 25c da, Courseu's Gem Flour, $4.75 barrel, Finest Lucca Olive, $2,25 per gal. tin. Fine Imported Sar dines, 15c per tin, . y. uoursen. 4-70 T ark nwn nun Av. - MMV l W I 1 1 said Unit the eight-hour question will come up for consideration at the eon leiitlon as well as the lb onion's griev ances which are to bo dtawn up to day at a meeting to be Held in Aicli bald. UOICS NOT HI2LU1V11 IT. The Philadelphia Times pi luted a story Inst wool; to the eltect that it conference had been held between President Mitchell, tit the United Mine Woikeis find J. Plcrpont Morgan and Senator Marcus A. Hniinn, repiesent liig the opewitors. The announcement was nmdo that Mr. Morgan had prom ised Mr. Mitchell that the ten per cent. Increase would be continued In foi co null that the latter hud agiced to an acceptance of this offer by the mine workeis' organization, Mr. Nlcholls was asked by The Tilb tine repot tor to exptess an opinion on tills storv, "I place no cicdonce la It, what ever," said he, "I don't believe thetc wan nny cotifeicnco hold and I don't believe that Jlr. Mitchell would agree to any such proposition. Besides the Idea of him ugioelng to any pioposl tlon on behalf of the 150,000 mcntbcis of the oiganlzatlon In the anthracite Ileitis Is palpably absuid. AVe have no one man power In our organization and a pioposltion such as that one could only be accepted or i ejected la convention." Mr. Nlcholls would have nothing to say whatever upon the probability ot the convention accepting such a propo sition assuming that It is to be olllelally made. TRIP TO PITtSBURG. Recorder Connell, Director Woimser and City Solicitor Watson Leave for Pittsburg. Recorder W. L. Connell, Dliector of Public Safety V. I,. Wormser and City Solicitor Oeoige M. Watson loft yes teidny afternoon for Pittsbtug wheie they will spend seveial days in investi gating cei lain phases of the municipal government ot thut laigest of second class cities. Theie ate seveial pioblems which have aiisen timing the last month or two and which the piesent city ad inlnistiation has found dlfllcult to solve because of a lack of Infoimatlon legaiding the inteiptetations ot exist ing laws In other second-class cities, alongside or which Scranton is as jet an infant in swaddling clothes. It is lor the puipose of settling some of th"se questions Unit the piesent trip of Recorder Connell and the other offi cials meiftioned Is made. Most Important of these matteis is the question brought up by the big coal corpoiatlons which object to having their coal nsbesed as flist class ptop city, contending that It should1 be placed in the same class as the sin face oveihead. The local assessois claim that all coal should be classified as fiist-class piopoity legtudless of the suiface and have asked City Solicitor Watson for an opinion on the ques tion. Theie aie ceitain soft coal lands lying within the limits of the city of Pittsburg and the tlnee local odlclals will ascertain the manner In which the coal is or has been assessed. Another matter in which Dliector Woi inter, in paitlcul.it, is Interested, Is the civil set vice i tiles under which the police and Jhe depaitments of Pittsbtug ate operating. It Is the In tention of ltecoider Council to establish civil seivice legulations In Scianton's police and flic departments just as soon as he and Dliector Womscr can agree upon a plan. The "llppei" bill says that such legulations shall be put In foi ce as quickly as possible and it is the intention ot the present ud niinistiatlon to follow out tills diiec tlon. It is piobable that theie will bo no seveie or difficult examination in lead ing, giammar, geography, niithinetlc ngieed upon but lather a geneial test of a man's fitness for dlschaiging the duties of policeman or flieman. MINISTERS' CONFERENCE. Held in the Penn Avenue Baptist Churcli Yesterday. Tbr Baptist Ministers' confeience met sesteiday in the Penn Avenue Baptist church and a very Intel estlng his.don was held. Rev. C. A. Spalding, the president, pieslded. The paper of the day was lead by Rev. Thomas tie Oitichy, D. D of the Jackson Stieet Baptist I'huich. His subject was "Self Cultuie," and ho ptesonted the im pel tnnce of developing the physical, In tellectual and sphlttial natuies of man in older to have a fully developed chnt acter. The paper was freely discussed by those piesent. Rev. A. II. Smith gave a leport of the ptogianune tmiinged for the coming mlssionaiy conterence of the vnilotis misslonaiy societies of the Baptist denomination, to bo held in tills city lioni Apiil 1 to 17. Those pitsent were: Rev. Yv F. Clnik, Rev, D. J. Williams, Rev. R. P. Y. Pierce, D D Rev. S. F. .Mathews, Rev. G. H. Cole, Rev. J. I-. Williams, Rev. O. R. Smith, Rev. H. P. Hast, Rev. R. R. Thompson and Rev. Uoddle. IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE. Exclusions fiom Scianton to Lake Lodoio in Seventy Minutes. The I). At II. piospectus lelatlve to Lake Lotloio and the appioaching sea son, says- "All excutslons to Lake Lo tion from points lit tlio Lackawanna and Wyoming A'alleys south of Aich bald will be i an over what Is known as "The Aithbuld Cut-Olf." Passen geis fiom Jeimvn, Maylleld and Cai bondnle will go on the tegular tialns. The schedule time to Lake Lodoio Is as follows: fiom Scranton, 70 min utes Dickson, 00 minutes; Olyphunt, G7 minutes; Peckvllle, fi.J minutes, Wln ton, CO minutes, Aichbald, 46 minutes. Ah a money maker for sodetles.Lako Lodore has no equal among tlio excur sion ichorts of tills section. The k" i mi mis mo absolutely lontiolled by the Luke Lodoio Impiovcment Com pany, making It Impossible for outside paitles to tet up lefiesfnnent stands, etc., In the vicinity, and, as theio Is no hotel In ptoxlmlty to the picnic glenoids, eveiy thing la sold under the auspices of the societies." Sectuo a date now for your excuislon befoie the most deslniblo ones an gone. Apply to W. L. Pioi, Dlstiict Passenger Agent, D. & II, Depot, Scianton, A LARGE SALARY, Scianton Business College. A Scranton Business College giatlu. nte, a joung man only twenty seats old, Is drawing a salary of $70 per week In New York city. He tttlbutes his success solely to the ttulnlng he re ceived at the Scrunton Business Col lege untl to close application on his part. Many S, B. C. students are draw ing latgo bulatles In New York, Phila delphia and Buffalo. " VACANCY WAS NOT FILLED SIXTH WARD STILL WITHOUT A CONTROLLER. At a Caucus of Members of tlio Board of Control It Was Decided to Eloct Michael Golden, Son of Hio De ceased Controller, but the Pluu Was Not Cart led Out Last Weel: An other Meeting Next Mondny Night. Pilco of Flist Wnid Lot Is Too High. The members of the school bo.nd held a tiftcon minute session last night dur ing which they failed to Mil the vacancy in the Sixth ward, caused by the death ot Patrick Clolden. A caucus of members of the board wab held loccntlv, at which It was de cided to confer the place on Michael Golden, son of the deceased conti oiler. Since then, some of those who attended the caucus have come to the conclusion that possibly the election of young Mr. Golden would not be the wisest thing to do under the circumstances and the filling of the vacancy was last night postponed for n week, the board decid ing to hold a special meeting for gen eial business next Monday night. Because of the uncertainty with le fcicnce to the man who will lepiesent the Sixth ward, Mr. Gibbons did not nnnounco bin committees last night. Piesident Gibbons, In an Intoimnl statement delivered fiom the chair, told the members that In his opinion they were paying altogether too much for the lot ndjolnlng No. I!" school In the Fhst waitl, which was leccntly pin chased. The lot Is about f0x95 feet in size and the boaid has agreed to pay $1,500 for It. PRICE TOO HIGH. Sir. Gibbons said his attention had been culled to the fact that $I,oOO was an exhorbltant pi Ice und befoie signing the order for the payment of the lot he went up to the Fhst waitl to make an examination of the pi opet ty. What he saw and heard led him to believe that the boaid had agiced to pay $2,000 moie than the piopeity was wot tit. The value of the surioundlng prop el ty would Indicate that such was the case, and, mm cover, the piopeity was actually offered to the boaid several jeais ago for $2,500. It was his deslie to Jsnow if the boaid wanted him to Sign the oidet, and for that tenson he bad laid the tacts as he found them befoie them. Mi. .Tayne said thut for some yeais theie has been a necessity for moie land at No. 23 school and w hen the committee leeommended the pui chase of this lot he voted to adopt the lopoit, i dying upon the judgment of the mem bus entirely. Since then, he has been told ficquently that the pi ice was en tirely too high and he felt it would be to the best interests of the board to lefer the matter to tlio new building committee and the attorney for the boaid for consideration. SPECIAL COMMITTED. W. J. Welsh amended the motion to have a special committee of live act in conjunction with the building commit tee. The amendment was accepted by Mr. Jayne nnd the motion to lefer adopted. Piesident Gibbons was in structed not to sign tlte order until the lcpoit of the committee has been pie sented. On motion of Mr. Batkei, it was de cided to pay the night schol teucheis next Satin day and tlio day school teachers on the following Satuiday. DAMAGE DONE WAS SLIGHT. Eire of Unknown Oiigin in a Cloth ing Store. At G 30 last evening the occupants of the third floor of the Thomas Banow in.in building at 217 Lackawanna ave nue, rushed into the stieet shouting fue and a patrolman turned In an ahum fiom box 15, at the Coyne house coi tier. The fliemon went Into the upper floois looking tor the blaze and not finding it theio sought it on the giotmd floor whoie B. Lehman conducts a clothing stoie. The door was bioken open and the store; oom seaiched for llames, but while theie was some smoke, not as much ns a spaik of lite could be dis eoveied. It was not until a sliding door lead ing into the cellaiway at the side of the stoic, well to the iear came into view that the location of the blaze was fixed. The door was toiced open and with a few minutes woik by the chem ical companies, the flic was extinguish cd. The loss will not exceed a few dollais. It Is coveied by $9,000 Insur ance. The flic stalled among some old clothing and papets on a shelf in the cellnrway. Its oilglu Is not known. An odor of keiosense which the llie men thought they detected In the hall way leads to the suspicion that the file hud been caused by the explosion of tin oil lamp. Tim anival of .Mr. Leh man, however, dispelled this suspicion, He stated that no oil lamps aie used on tlio piomises nnd theie never has been a chop of keiosene In the store to his knowledge It was also shown that the flio was not caused by elect! e wlies as the cuiieut was turned off In the hallway. The only explanation Supeiintendent Feiber could give was that a match had been swept Into the hallway when l1 F YOU call yourself a crank because you're hard to please, you're the man we want to get a hold of, Our derbies will please you. KNOX SPRING HATS are open for your Inspection, WmvmmsmsmmmaaBmmsmm Thousands of Famllio? Havj Hoard tin Joyful Naws That PAINE'S Celery Compound Hakes Sick People Well and Strong. A House to. House Cnnvnss Would Show That Thousands Are tielng Cured. The people who have not heaid In some way of Palne's Celery Compound and Its wonderful triumphs over the diseases and ailments of life, cannot bo counted as newspaper or magazine lendeis, nor aie they amongst those who aie III touch with tin medical pro gress! voncss of the time t. A house-to-house canvass (If that wen possible) of families whcio Pulne's Celeiy Compound Is being used dur ing those early spring days, would dis close an overwhelming amount of evi dence legardlng the Implicit confidence' that Is placed In thin greatest of nil spilng medicines. It would show the enormous number of people who uio being cuied of some form of neivous ness, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, Indiges tion, neuralgia, iheuiniitlsin, head aches, kidney and liver diseases. Now is the time when Pulne's Celeiy Compound can show astonishing and happy icsults to the sick. Now that spilng Is with us, giving a piomise ot tine weather untl now beauties, It should lend eiuoitragcmcnt to the woik of getting well and stiong. The use of Palne's Celery Compound for a few weeks will tiuly astonish eveiy debilitated, weak, and sickly man and woman. The change fiom a mud dy and sallow complexion to a fiesh, healthy color, with blight, spaikllng eyes, unclouded bialn, the enjoyment of loficshing sleep, clear, fiesh blood com. sing tluougli the bod, will be the .sure lownitl of eveiy usei of Palne's Celery Compound. Accept no substi tute or imitation. See that the name PAINE'S Is on the wi upper and bottle. DIAMOND DYES cular imlliii':; am tnlor inci filll Nevti fade! the stoio was swept at B o'clock, as is the custom accoidlng to Mr. Lehman, and this match being accidentally Ig nited after getting into the sweeping bag, statted a fhe that did not make Itself noticeable until after the pio piietots and cieiks had gone a little later than 0 o'cioc k. & Department Wo make our Repaiilng Depai tinent a special lea tuie of oui business and guai antee the neatest and most dm able woikniaushlp In all tutieles cntiusttd to O'.".- C..U o. Watch Cleaning and Re paiilng is done by most skilled and expel lent eel woikmen, and the eiy best of woik is a ceitaln tesiilt if ou leave jour watch in our hands for lepalis. Bilng in jour Watches. Clocks, Jew eli y and small wines and we will piomise you FIRST-CLASS WORK, no DELAY and MODER ATE PRICES. a Luu Hi'U'ja'ljii jg Eye Specialists, Jewelers nnd Opticians 213 Lackawanna Ave. s Gowns This is the season when a dies are preparing for Spring Gowns. The first im portant thing to consider is that you have a well fitting corset, if you have not give us a call and we will see that you are properly fitted with the latest up-to-date models, Corset Fittiug a Specialty. Price & Jenkins, CORSET PARLORS. 130 Wyoming Ave. I Pino Unibiellas and Paiasols nt Wholesale and Retail. Our Spring Line is now complete em biaclng nil the New Colois and Patterns. Large Stock of Hnn dles to select fiom. Repaiiing and lecoveiing of eveiy ties olptlou. AI. SILVERMAN, Prop., 813 Sputce Street, Lubricating OIL.S Malony Oil & Manufacturing Company, f 141-149 Meridian Street, a OLD PHONE 26-2, $$$.$ $$s$$$$ M' $ , KKl.'t- We are sole agents for 5 i I The Paints best House in the world. warranted oil paints. pure linseed This Hue Seventy-four shades. comprises different Insist on having Masury's Paints for in side and outside work if you desire a good lasting job. BittenbenderS. 126-128 Franklin Ave. ?) cj t jt j j jt tj ji j i t. , ? rg. .J . . . .J 3 4 h !' S"1 S i Duiiiiit tin pist lm many new mil ttrikiiii; noicltiis m "-ofl Pillows lino licm nrlelnilcil Ai soon as tiny iotru out vc Kit IIkiii. Sea Grass Pillow The Jitol iinwltv in 1 lif Pillow Lino Is cilleil tin SIIV C.ltXSs PILLOW. It Ii mow striking -nul unique tlnn .in thing j it piutliiicil in tlio vv ly ot Pillows. Sec Window Display. Cramer-Wells Co., 1 30 Wyoming Ave. ! '! ! J .7. The Hartford Typewriter Till machine I' rrcoBnl7fcl cvrrywliop m Hie host and lilo-.t In tvpcwrltcr run Ftructlon. Tlio Ilailfonl Compiny hi' (aim no lne mil cxponsiii; salos le pirtmcnts liko its competitor, lint sclh IliroiiKli rrliablo uKints, tliii' saving to puiclia-crs tills Eieat item ot expense. Price or other Makes... SIO!) rrice of Hartford's 0 Your Profit 40 Reynolds Bros., Hold .Unmii I' illilliifr, MittoncM and L'nsnvcrs .(12 Spruce Street. See New Spring Neckwear. Lawyeus The 'rilbiiiie will ijtiaianteo to print your paper book nulcLei than any oth er printing hotibe lu the city. end Burning NEW 'PHONE 28BI Liquid Colors ! The Newest : Pillow Novelty szmaa. Spring. Styles t