THE SCR ASTON T11TJ3 UN Ji-TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1902. ,v nf riil.lWiril Dally, r.tcepl Piin.liy.liy "I"','1''1'' Une Publishing Compaiu, nt Kllly ( enH Mouth, I.IVY S ntCllAIll), l.Mlior. O. K. IlY.XUi:i:. llmlneis .Manager. New York Olllcct 1M "vwx,, SI), Bole ARcnL tur V'orrltfii Ailtcrtllns. 1 ntc-rcd al the Podnfnce nt ntiiluu, IMi " ctoml CUm Mall Uiltcr. When spado will peimlt, ' The Trlbuno is nlways glad to Iprlnt short letters from its friends wearing- on current topics, hut its luie is thnt theso must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's ienl name; nnd the condition precedent to ne coptanco is that nil contributions shnll bo subject to editorial 10v1b1; tiii: n,.vr iiati: i-on Aiivi'.iiusisn. Tlic follnvvliig talilo kIhiiva the price per Inch r.irh lnf rllon, fp-iee In lip ncd within une .vein riliiiintnsidliMOii I Jill DISPLAY. I'.ipcr Ite.-tcliniS l'o1tlnn l.em than MO lining .; .:!;." .TO (0 liuliei LM .21 -' 3000 " 1(1 .17.". .VI .WO " 1V, .17 .H (00(1 " r, .(H .1 Tor c.inN of thank, resolution of loinloleiiee, unit frlinlUr cnntrihutlntu In the uilurr of ml vrrtldnrr 'Hie Tribune makes a iImiiiv of renin a line. !latc of c"'iaIflcil Advertising furnished on npplle.itlon, SCHANTOX, MAUCII II, 1902. Prince lli-iny need never again look the .South In the fiice. lie hits nctimlly "chatted nleiipjiiuly for 111 teen min utes" with Uooker T. WnHhliiKtoii. A Just Demand. Al "V" WOKK tliitt Ikis for years H lieeu done by the ,1 . Younir -Mou'st Clulslliin Asso ciation nnionir the men of this city has long- hoen a leeog nlzed porter for good by the puic tlcal ipsults nccoinpllHlipel. Fif teen or twenty yeaM ago the ralhond man was to the l.'ast what the cowboy Vwis to the West, :i haul drinking, leekless fellow geneially. lint owing to the higher stamlaid deniand ed by r.illroad ofllelals anil the efl'oits of the Young lien's Christian Associa tion the conditions hae entirely i h.iugeu. Today the hind dilnklng r.illioad man is the exception, and while this condition has been In ought about geneially In the the asso ciation heie In scranton has done won deis as its shaie In the lesult, It has neailv a thousand r.illioad men cm oiled in its membership. Xe.nly eveiy man of the thousands employed bv the Dclnuaie, l.aclcawanna and Western eveiy week comes in contact with the woik at the building. The building consists of four cheerless looms and two bath looms. The men make these looms their he.tdqu.n teis, with the jesult that they sue almost compelled to climb over each other to move about. Despite tills poor equip ment :i gie.U educational and spiritual woik has been done. And now it Is piopospd to move forum d and demand u new and commodious building and the public will be asked to do its Mime. The Delaw.ue, I.aekaw.inna and Western Itallioad company has always p.iid the s.ihules ol the secietailes nnd furnished the builc.Ing at " lack.i w.iuna avenue, which was loimeily a Hi e engine house and stable, in addi tion to this the loinpany now donates 510,000 besides giving the pieseiU site. A $30,000 building will be elected. This Is exceedingly geneious on the com pany's part when It is considered that It Is doing similar woik all along its lines. The company gave $10,00(1 to ward the old Y. 31. (J. A. building on Wyoming avenue which was binned a Jew yeais ago It was inner a good In vestment for the company or the men, as the building was loo inr away Mom laihoad heailiiuai ters, and this with other clicumstances made woik for laihoad men that the sole benellelai'ies of the company's gen eioslty weie the young men of Sci un ion geneially. The public will be asked to conti Unite about Slfi.OOO, the cam ass tor which Is now being made. Xo class appeals nun e stiongl.v to public sympathy than the haidy ralhoad men whose dully toll bilngs to them all Muds of hard-t-hlps as they navel the noun bound highway of steel; and the uittle of the ambulance down the avenue eveiy clay tells only too vividly of the hot l ens that suuoiind their woik. Fifteen thousand doll. us Is a small Invest ment lor the public to make, lor the i etui us 1 1 mil this build ing will be a thousand fold In the added secuiity and safety to those who i Ide over the mud, it will help to make the men better. It will alfotd them comfort mid leereatlon, all of which ale so necessary utter the tense slialu of their daily nips. It will afford every uillioad man a c-hancu to pel feet himself In ralhoad lug, as It has become absolutely necessary for public safety that the model n railroad man be an Intelligent, studious!, steady man. The new building will help to nmktt him all of this. To the ti.ivellng ptiblio this means a steady hand at the tluottle, a clear eye and an Intelligent Inula behind It all, And peuueutliUJall, thjs Is thq lollglous ef fort tu.Uufe constantly lifting the men Into better unci nimo comfoi table lives. Aside fiom the f-oe-ioty queens of Now Ycnk, Prince Henry litis encoun tered very Utile toyulty thus far dur ing his visit. Fusion and Confusion. M AYOlt l,OW Is meeting the 1 $ common futu or officii VrJL holdets, He la being ciitl- cized for what lie does and for vmt hu does not; and the least charitable of his ciUUh me those who voted for blni und who are, therefore, morullyjtiaiuiii tu. Bus$iu blip, The situation In New Yoilc is worth Htudnijrbecuustt it lllust rates cm a lu'B$;jscale the essentltil absnidlty of the ujttempt tq conduct city government In this coliutry un a non-pat Hkiui or fusion hauls. We think It will hu ad mitted that In point of personal ihauio ,ter, trained ability und bietulth or view Mr. iiovr nieiisures dp very close to the ideal chief executive of a municipality. No important fault Is to be found, therefore, with the man who lepiesents the fusion movement In our chief city. Iu Qfar us he hut) had fieu choice the men linltnl by him to shine the te stiouRlblllllest of conducting government In New Ytil us It should bo conducted arc; equally ei editable. Thelv liverage of ability, ihuriU'tcr und exiieilence Is very much higher than h-is uiiiitmmly been tine. Wo have no doubt that liicfo men tile trying to the full extent or their ability to do their duty Willi absolute honesty and lldetlty to the best Interests of the city as tlu'j tee ilium. Now, what Is the tomtit? Hefoie Mr. how hud been In olllco three weeks n leading minister of the gospel, who poses us uu especially commissioned piuphcl of 1 1ghteousness, the Jlev. Dr. Parkhurst, came out In an open letter, virtually ehtirBlng .Mr. Low with con tempt of his ollkial oath In not cen ttallzlng alt the energies of the police department In u ciusatle against Sun day liquor selling. This has been fol lowed up by other complaints fmin other sources until today them Is hardly ti bond In common among the heteto goncous coiiglomeiallon of political de ments which fonned the hacking of the fusion ticket itt the lccent election. Mr. Low was not elected as, a Republican and he bus, thuiefore, no right to ex pect the support of the Jtepiibllean or ganization fiiither tlmti what Is due to any ofllce-holder fmin citizens ululer his Jutlsdletlon; yet It Is nil liilemst Ing fact that the most uncomplaining and unselfish suppoi t that he has re ceived from any quailtr has come from this very oigaiilztttlon, -which Mr. Low al one lime and most, of his Citizen I'tilou lolloweis at all times accused of all that was vicious and cortupt. If an election for mayor of New Yoik weie to be held today, do jou suppose that the opposition to Tammany would stand the ghost of a show of defeating that compact oiganlzatlon? Not a bit of It. The period of coheieiice among the elements which foimed the lecently successful opposition gone bj. Jt takes nothing short of l evolution to ef fect such toheience and then it lasts only for a day. Thai Is the lundamen tul drawback to schemes or political it geneintlon which omit to piovlde per manent oig.tnlzatlons to cany them thiough. Hudyaid Kipling's lecent c iltlclsms of American inelhods of leconstiuetlng the I'hlllpplne.s have failed to excite anything mom than tin Indulgent smile. People of this country bine long since ceased to legaid Kipling sae in the light of ;t spoiled boy, whose limited genius has been hugely omu shadowed by his abnormal conceit. Funston in a New Role. Y A SPi:i:ciI wholly im piomptu betoie the Lotos club of New Ycnk on Satin - day night last, Utigudier Cleneial Funston, the Kansas whlil wlud, disclosed .a new phase of his many-sided thui.iiter. t was a capital speech, lIo.ii , clean-cut, witty at times, at other times eloquent, and at all times dliectly to the point. A c oinplete steuo glaphlc icpoit of it appealed In the New Yoik Kim of esteiday; and those who wish to be set stuiight its to occur i ences iu the Phllppincs ought to get the speech nnd lead It camfully noin beginning to end. We have not loom hem for mom than a lew biief cullings. Hem is one: Funston had been telling ol some of the splendid men who had lost their lives in the Philippine fighting men like Law-ton, th llon-heai ted when suddenly he said: Ami mm I iiiii uuiii to nii ,. mrthm.r iilinli I hope urn gnuliiiitn mil nut uilici-o; .mi solinr lo -.n It jn-l ,ii mililli .u I i in l,ut lie iilio luie sen uiii iikii killnl, vilm li.tu- seen "iu nun die of liphoul fciu, die of dii-cntei.v lu lhe Iioj-pltil-, .mil iilio line litiiicd tlicin in liiindiuN of nmiilo, ;;i in, in Hi-. Plilllppinc- i-ljiuN, led lilt tcil.i iilimit His .subject VII of tliuii- nu n iihu Inie flllili sinie the niotuli of .l.muil., HMD, li.uu diid not In cms,, the I'lllpliius iejll.1 uiiicli t Iu lUlitiip.- .i- iiust lis, but luuiw tin,, line kcpl up li.t .i lot ot uilsiiitorineil .mil inih Kiililid people line in llio Cmteil IJU'-. t luie beiu told In .i iiiiiiiIki of imiicci nt olll-nl- of Mull Link, .iftii tin a- suiitiidei oi iiflti llalr (.iptuie, Hi it I lu i- weio I ( pi up miIi l .iflir .Ijiiuui, IIHW, l,,i llic hope lint llie pioplo'of the I lillui stiles lloulil iuiiip Hi,. Kolillilllelil to iilllulriii Iioiii the IsIiiiiIn I told with mil jii.i iKsli.itiou uli.itiier I'.v ncii o le-etud .i in. in in Amiin.ildii lilni-ell. I .i lold that llie iiotoiiuiis Vli'jjlidiino, In I. una, l , I'.ililn'ln miii; mim of tlic-e nun nude am send of it at all. s,ui il uioll h ,iso, two pilule Mllllhls ,,( tlit l'tiint.i-foiiilli I iiitnl slates inlauii.i d.'stiud fiom llio I mini Mates ami.i, joined lhe 1 illpiuos and (oiilIiI Mitli tliim. 'Ilit.i line i iptuuil and bn ui,lit bcfoie ,i inillt.ii commission, i a pi u eial i oiut martial, I should "ii, and la-t .l.ui iin llui inn iM'iulcil fui Kivins aid und i mil foil to the iiieudiH of lhe I iillnl Sian-. 'llu-e mill iicie pool, lm, in, nil kiIiIIch, hum ln mm piobibli nii-licl, in i.ue liidunil to do vilnt tln.l did tlnoiub owi-liidiilKiuie lu nitiu iuluM i .inn mid toiihl not piolnhl.i lie .iluTtlnr lilauinl foi vihal thi.i had duuc 'II e.i Jiad not oppoilunitli's foi a plopu iimlel.l.lliilin,' of lhe (dilution, and I uutiiii' In Fa; tint Unlearn a fiial main nun II. lhe I nileil Mates iiho hue done mote hanu nitli their pen,, and mole h.iiiu wild llu'li inoiitli,, lb in t lu-.-, nun did with the Ui,it'loi;ensiii i MU s, H,,t t Ik c oiled to thu ineiiii. I do tint want lei i,i au.itlilni; Inula), lull, .is 1 ii,i, lliu aiinv lii-ls liittirly about ibis lni,liii.,y, 1 I. ne no (piauel uitli the lulu who tlilnU Hut we should Hot al tlrst hale taki n tiin I'billppiiie Island, I lulu no iiliiiel Willi the in. ill wlin llilnks a whole lot of thili'N but wlio iotr, not ia too iilinli ahoni il lion ; hut alt tha-i, men who luie bun niiliu and lulkiui; about Uili lliliiu ami keeplni; lhs nailire allie nnd in llie IKIil toda- I h) Hut I lloulil lallier un anj one ot tlii'M- nun lijnitid lunircil foi lie.uon, IuiikciI tin Kiiiin; aid and comfoii 1 it the i'iifiii.1 than K-c the liiiuibli'st Mildlei' In I lit- I'ldletl M.iu .mill Ijliitf on lhe Inld of lialile, ( Vpplaiiso and c heers). It is priftct! pifliei for in to hive all toils of opinion, about Hie atliUiblllli of holdiiisr lhe Philippine Isliiul as in uhilliir llicv .ue umtli ai'.ubhu' In us or whether Ihey .ue a bunion to us we aie petfictli jilstitli il In baling u iniiij iplnion.1 about tin in as lime aie Isl.iuiU iu the Philippine; but, for lu.imi'i, Nile, lit us keei those i pinions to niuelifi until the mlt iiIkiiIj of the luiltiil' Mates lias bun miahllshcil niei evny ripure imh f ihone l.laioU, and Hun lit us U'tt lo.'ithir mill pull halt Jinl Utilit lhe Hilui; out union!; ouui-hts. ((Inns and plolouKei) ap- pllllsl'). tieneial Funston toie into shmds the sentimental hallucination of certain aiitl-lmpt-ilullst eulogists that Agulii alilo and his outllt weie hiuh. toned pattiots on the tleorgo WaHhtngtou or der. He ilesc-bed trcun peisonul Idiowledge scene after scene, of utteily utioclous Inliuinanity commuted by Fil ipino insurgents under ordeis from their leaders such scenes as the assas sination of Luna, which Agulnaido con fessed to Fnuatoii mid nought to excuse by saying ttat If Luna had not been put out of the way he would huve hup plunted Aguhiuhlo us dictutor and ho continued; It would bo impossible to eugiiuate the num. bcr of 1 1 lined Hut luie been commuted by the insurttmt leaden, a lines alinat aitalnt their own people, the aajhutloiv( of I'lllpluoj, not only time ivbu wt-rc upci,tcil of Uoiutr hi tjnipatby wild the Vlnerlcfim, lint ieople who Ind rcfiHC-il to p.ij ItiMircrnt lne, men lurninst whom there nil no Mispldnti ttlmlcvrr. The luinlber woitlil inn not only tip Into the Inmdieih, but even Up lulu llie IIioii.niimI'. 'Mine Jj lint ii town In the 1'lilllpptne Id aids In vililili men line not been msawlit ited by the orders- of these men, iiutl (lieie In hot il finale clilcf, Ironi Amilniild.i ilon n In the lenient leader of n bind of Riitirllltis, viho imilil not be put on ttlnl iiml coniltleil of liuinlir befoie nti)- Jury In the I'nlleil Mates-doutirlglil, ilelllieriite, enlibblooded luuriter. Wlittlcver may be true In the genera tions to come, General Funston Is In no micei Utility ns lo the Immediate duty of the American people In lespect tn this Philippine pioblein. lie says: It rnimot be c.ild that, these piople ate fit tor relf-Koicinuniili It Is peifcctly ridiculous to I m -nttlne 'itch .1 thluir. tlf ronrn', they clamor for it, nnd of roiirse when I i) they me not tit for fclf'iroiciiituenl I do not mean that they ure not lit for Mime xuch iiiiieriimelil ns Ins been Khcu to Hum unitd .tiitlse T.ifl, but 1 mean iiti'otnte Irdepoiitliiice t)f ioiire, ns 1 ct-Jlsl before, lliev chinor for It; mid people sayi "Why don't vie do Willi llieni as we did with the Cubans? l'lone lt II lo (hem und tin n let Ihcui line it." If .urn lint n I i eat -oltl child Hut Insisted upon pli.i I"? wllli n uibliot poker, would -oil lei him lime Iti Now, I tlilnl, ,-itiil would jiguc with hliu tor it leu iiiiinitis, unit thin, if lie insisted, I think ,voii would lake him into Hie bedioont mid spuik him unlit lie Rot over the Idea. No, llieie Is uu oouip.ul'on betviren the t'liliniis and Hie i'illplnos as far n-s their tapacllv for elf. uoieriuntnt Is eoneeined, 1 don't lie iiwuke n'clils iidmiilin' the Cubans, nnd I know tlirni ptclt.i well, bill It eannot be denied Hint the rillpliin liisiirKcnlv liaie not und neur had umonit Ihcni such nun .w Hut lnaRiiitlciut M.ilmo (,'n me, such n mill as (iucl.i, or fucIi h man ns bluet, and doins of olhir InsuiRent ihlefs; ucli men as Palma, who was one of Iheli leaders in lhe Kbclllon of '!". 'Ihese men will Fit- fill) i Is t iLf.ii laie of all ili;lil. (laiei.t put Into It every nut he hail, with the ieeptlou uf a 'ew Hiousintl dotlats, which lie Rale In Ills wife lo Inc on; Hie same Willi Jlaceo; lhe tJme villh dozens and do7ins of otliti InsuiKent leadeis. Some of them wire nol Moilli, pciliaps, but Hitie line been ubiolutcl.i no men hi the Philip pint' Islands, If we except Antonio buna, now ileitis, .mil Pablo Tiison, who It i-til t living, Mho li.ur Chirac ler .intl real patriotism eniiiiirli lo inible tin iu to form u Koteiniiient oiei theic nnd kiep II (rniiiir for as long as M moullis If we wltlidraw fiom the Philippines toihy, llieie would be linlf a doen kinds of clill war inside ot p mouths; there is no possible doubt of Kien- c lilt r would Rather Ids followeiH about him, ami lliev would burn nnd loot and in itch up and down the toiintrj, eaeli nnu killiiiB Ihiw opop-ul to him, and llie woild, I am Mill', would hold the I'niteil Stales icsponsllile. Testimony of this kind outweighs a lot of mushy sentimentality of the kind that always takes a position contimy to that of the government. As we said in the beginning, Ftinston's speech should be mad in Its entirety by all who desire to be wcli-lnfoi tiled on this sub ject: The Washington Star says that "It is disheartening to note that senators am caieless about anlvlng at the capltol in time for the chaplain's prayer." There Is no question that the set vices of an evangelist could be well employed in assisting the chaplain of the senate. Cloveinor Odell and Pmsident P.oose velt am conferring In AVashlngton to Unci out, It is nimoied, who Is who in nmplm state politics. When they have found out, we hope they will let the public know. It would save a lot of guessing. Captain Cutter's partneis in cheat ing the government. (Jieene and Gay nor, hae foi felted their ball and skipped for parts unknown. This leaves Cartel's lnjuied Innocence lole In a badly damaged condition. Although the outlook Is somewhat discotiiaging at ptesent, Mr. Schwab is in hopes that the time will come when his poitinlt may appear in the daily in ess without being aceoinpained by a cut of a loulette table. The epeilencelof Prince Henry In this country 'hits doubtless convinced Miss Uoosevelt rjiut she is altogether too liall to undertake the task of lepiesentlng this nation cm the other side of the water. Senator Clink, of Montana is now be ing talked ot as a pi evidential candi date. Them seems no question that the copper king Is piopeily equipped when It conies to the matter of paying the Height. st. Latest advlies fiom Tlen-Tsln- Indi cate that Sir. Ititgsdale does not pio pose to allow any ragtime diplomacy upon part of the Fmncli consul to operate against Ameilcan Intel ests. If the cancellation of Miss Roose velt's Intended visit to Ihigland to view the eoioiuuion is tiny satisfaction to Itejiresentatlve Wheeler, let him make the most of It, The coutiovetsy over the responsibil ity lor the capture of Miss Stone bids tair to mouse tho ultimatum geim to action in the vicinity of Constantinople, ItecognlHlng that translsthniiuu ca nals ate not built eveiy day, the 1'en tial American statesmen propose to makes hay while the sun shines. Jt Is u pleasilie to note that there Is no dissension In the opinion that the maple sugar ciop will bo all light this season. A little more gatitude lu Cuba would haul nuidi! the melpioelty pill much easier to swallow at Washington. In the caso of the Ktrurlu, wlmless telegraphy seems to have missed a mre opportunity to vindicate itself. Of course, the neNt premier of Cimat lliitiilu will ho Joe Chamberlain, isn't hu John UuIIImu personified',' Mr Hryau Is undoubtedly an lutemst Ing orator but his topics have been over walked. SUNSET IN THE REDWOODS. 'lite ky U IIIji, Hie bUy U 0-e, l'alutcr and fainter Hie ndnuoil flowo; 'Hie ninths would be tulll; 'II m iliiK-dovo s lallitirf, 'llie fond slti-K ,f Jlllii' Oil the Jelloiv lull. Lullaby, lulLbl, (link.- the epiall, l'ater mid fa.tei the- lulvid fall; 'I lie viiittU glow- till. U the lint; dove ralliuui ''lis Ihei loietliuU tjllln.- On the puiplc bill I.ot L the lilac, lout the lose, In the sliadou- Hie rabbit kwjujj 'the vilmU are c-t ill; The rli-dou U dirmulni;, The flint ktai Klemiilui; Over the daenvd lilll. J dim VJWe Clif jur . iu tho Qvnlury, .GALUSHA A. GROWS ENCOUNTER WITH KE1TT IS Till: COUItM: of n lilnbly appreciative re lewr o the eventful 'publle caieer nt lion, (lalieln A. (Iiotv wlilcti npprurrd In last jVunilt' Istiie of ttie New Voik Sun, n ver sion of Mr, tliow'n famous, elieounter villh Coil" Krensinati Keltt, of Sitilli CarolliM, M given which Is replete Willi historic detail. The lecent 'I Mtlaiurlti episode In the finite retailed It to the trtollecllon of the older ueiieritlou and ultra It toinpirallie Inleiejit for the newer, 'J lliu la the Siin'.s nt count : On the afternoon of I'rliliv, l'tbnurj B, is',?, the lione was toiiddrrinir 1'ieslileiit HirIijiiiii'i inevtiiRe, leronnnendliiir Hie iiilinllun of Kansas to the I'nloii iintler the I.etoinpton comtltutlon iitlopteil In Novelnbir of Hip pitvloint )ear. Va rious niotloiw bud been mule for lis deposition. Alevander l. hteplietis, uf (leoritla, movcil to refer II lo the miiiitilttrc on territories! .limes HiiKlies, of Indiana, to a special lommltten ot elcien; Mr. Hulls, ot IlllnoU, to n special torn lulttee of llfteen, villh directions for It lo make an IniCHtiiritloii nnd tepnrt. Mr, (iron bad the Hour, nnil cillielsed llie president, lontrastlnp; his net Ion lit the pentlliiir nutter with that upon the admission of Minnesota, Upon the epiestlon of t'trilcrliiir the previous question on the motion ot Mr. Harris, n filibuster was lifRini which lasted thioinxlioiit the lilcht. At about U o'clock lu the moraine of Siliirdaj, Mr. (Iiovv was utamllni; near the extreme rluht on the Demoeratic side talklnic with Mr. lllek man, an untl-becoinpton Democrat from his state. Neaibv, on the ndjieent ulle, sat Mr. Keltt, of .Smith Carol in i. Vti. ('ultinin, of (leoicli, from his place lu the center ot Hie hall, iisked unanimous consent to make a mitfceptioti. 'lids Mr. (Iiovv lefu'ed to ciie, but at the rumenl of W. 11. KiirIIsIi, of Indiana, afletitatd Hie ran elldite for vice ptesldeut on the ticket with Hen cral llintoek, he itithdicit the objection. Mr, Qultnmn'a niRKO'lion was, that In view of Hie fact that tho pending- motion could result in nn Hood, all inotiom Mibxequtiit to the motion for the previous question on Mr. Harris' motion to tcfer, be viilhdiawn. Whether or not this would haie been done It Is impossible lo say, for iu Hie uieiiitlmc Keltt, rcsuilliiir (Iron's objection, lose fiom his. seat, and going lo where Uroif was Dtandlni;, insolent ly inquired: "Whit do j on mean by objecting? If jou want lo object, go out to jour nun side." Crow lesponded: "It's a free lull; I'll 1 c wheie 1 please." Keltt lost control of himself at this, which was not tti.uige, for cieiy one's nines weie on edge oiei Hie ntuiu of the piotiaitetl iesson. He Mieeietl: "You're nothing but a lll.nk Republican pup py. (,'et lntk to jour own side." Mi. (Iron, btlll keeping himself In hnnd, said: ".'o niittcf wliat 1 inn. no nigger diiier can eiiek his whip over me." 'Ibiu Keltt stiuclc at (iiow- nnd instant!), of couise', tlte house was in the utmost disouler and etilement. M title Hioiv and Keitt weie indulg ing iu Hice peisonalltles, Iti'iiben Davis, of Mis ftis.sip)i, u brother of .Teffeison Davis, had come up to them, and he nclecl licllt lu- the right aim, just as Keitt , stunk, at Oloii-, m iking the blow- of no effect, mid in pulling lilm half-w-iy l ouikI , exposed liim lo Hie full foice of (lion's return blow. II caught Keitt just under the lift eir and down lie went on Ids knee', as fir .13 he could go, in Hie press that Miriomided him. 'the mea in front of the delc was filled with 11 .shrieking, struggling mass of men, in indiiidual conflict wlieievir possible. 'lhe ltenulilieaiis hid replied to defend and suppoit (Iiow, while the Democrat, weie as leady in behalf of Keitt. Owen I.oiejoi, of Illinois, and I.amar, of Mississippi, held lite center of the (.cciie for a moment, while one of Hie most actiie paiticipaiits was Hie usually Maid and pie id Mott, of Ohio, a Quikei. THE PROMISED LAND, BY WALTER J. BALLARD WH VT stion'cr tostinionj- can be asked as to the value of Itcpubllcin policies and 'lontiol Hun the fact that the wage-earners of the stale of Iiuw yoik deposited $G7,0U0,(Xi) in tlie- suing banks last jeai, and now haie s,l,uew,(00,(00 lo their credit? 'Ihougli the It 11st eorpoialions of Hie slate of Xew Yoik haie lueieised Hun le-ourus eluiipg Hie past .six bj s,-t!,0(jn,(00, (1.10 per tent, gi eater Hun their Ineieises fiom lS'lu baekwaid to dates of organ ization), the saving banks also ineieased their ro-ouiecs iu lhe same sv jears bj- VISO.OOO.OiXi. If p.i it of out leallrcd liilanee of tiade is not in the foregoing lnctease of aets, wlure did the addition 1! uioiiev come from? "llie untluaiite eoil inineis are miking inoie monej- and liaie fcleidler 1101k than at anj itnie lu the history of the Hade. Theie is li,tlli' 1 bailee uf anj' coal strike." Dairy l'ituni ial News. On Apiil 7. '7,(100 operatives al 1'all River, Mass, will get a lalse iu wages. A pioiiiiiiiut lliirllngton and (Jiiincy lailroad ollieiil, Just retiiiued fiom the Wist, bajs, "1'he banks aie full of money, and Hie merchants' ktotks ue leduecd to lower points than ever befoie." "lecl 1.1II mauufactuiers are so lieaiil.i loaded with oideis tint enougli ears and locoiuotlies can not be found to bring in their supplies, and to cairj out the lluishitl pinduit. Delntaie and llniNnii (.'.111.1t (Italluaj) com pini's annual icpoit llows a gloss gain of $1(1.. 000,1)00, and a net gain of $l,r,no,00), after extra oidiuuy espeiidituies. As this is a coal propel l.l, ami as iueii.i-cd coal shipiueiit mean busier fac tories. Hie Infi'itnees aie obvious. snings bank deposits iu llie I idled Slates now iggiegate . HO.OMI.UOO and ale the laigest of anj toiintrj III the woild -New tiik state ,issesil values of leal am! per son il ptopeiti is (j,6i0,OUii,ihiU, an iiieit'Jae of i),000,000 oier lMU 'Hie torn l'rtiluet lompini starts with sstf.DOtl, (ichj eipitul; will lousuiue .'.U.OuO.WhI bushel of coin jt'ail.i. O111 lotal nation il bank lestiiiiees aie lion --7-,:,'XK (KK) against if ),:s(7,U0(),oeji) six jear ago, an ineiei.e of 2,;i7J,()(l,CH)0. )u Pebruarj, IbW), in dividual tltposits iu our national Links were ?!. (iH.uuo.wm ai'ihu-t tJ,Uil,UiKi,flDU now, an luejfase of vl,UH,000,om Our money c in illation il fJ, Sls),nu),0tKi tjaliist ,01J,ufl(i,i(Hi, an ImrcaJt of s-fil'.ouii.otiO or neiil.t seven dollau uioie for eveij man, woman ami child in lhe eoimlii. As the Mucinous son of Hie i-tale of Teuni'ssie, Hint ir ili nt (dd .NutltnuilUi, that gland Mimid-uiouij mill, Aiitheii .laekson, nld: "The siiiplus iiioncj of Hie fulled Mile Is now line deposited lo siiili good uihaulage .is lu the pocket of lhe people." That Dtinoiiatic nile deeieatte tiade Is pioitu b.i the fait tint 111 lSno (after four jeais ut D.mocratic coutiul, our lailroad earnings, gto-s and net, weie lets than in lb!).', mid that lu U-U, (after 111 e j ears of Itepubllian lontiol), the gro-s enniiiL'S item iplJs.iit.Mi.iXMl inoie, and tlict lift, 178,000,000 nunc than in 10(1. 'I bo (invciiiintut Is taking mure iiiuncy Hun It is spending, vihucas lu s!M, Is').", ami 18, its uutgu was latgir iluu its inioine. .Sew ioik 'I lines. OUTLINE STUDIES OF HUMAN NATURE Worried by Fool's Prosperity, ht'cictui) Mijw will lie tli j klui'-lellir ul lii admliiUti Jtlon as tuuii u lie' sits Into luiui'ss, lie illiLstiutrs mast uf liU propositi Ia Jim dote. A visitor vj eoiiiil4lnliii; of u nun out vvot wliu luil iiuilu u lot of inuiiry l,y aicldeiit jinl xt llie t'peiisi) uf vvurHiiiT men. "It tceiiii a klumo Hut tucli tin ji -liuuM ifvt no litli," .3I1 tliu vlailor. "Tlut rriiiiml-i nie," .aid t lie tt-ctctJt), ''of i nun I Ik .nil uf out in luvvj, 11a uoi iiIjvIiii; .i-Vt'ii-iip one nlitlit Willi tome frieiitU, unci Jl- tliotij,')! lie vvjd u ifooil ftven-up plJle-r lid cuuM not vvlu u tunic, lln ut tor tvvu lioum JiiJ utc-wed unci fumed uml lojt klf-ield). Kiiulb I'C tin csv iluvin liU CJrdc in clUxtiit und acid: 'flio moot al ji miner (riiJcncy ul the lgn uf tliu tlnuj Ii lm rnoimoiu lucMnrity of iliu-coiic fouls,' 11 ii J ujlU-d out ut tliu loom." l'iiifJjur Hi,, patch. The Pope's Joke. Vl'llltan, 1' fWllj c. 11, nf l'lt.s Iai,1,..l In u quiet little kaliic r.ot Ion.- Bi at the is- .lolui 1', Poller, of WW omlii, wliu nfteitvanl actepted 11 ihallenge from linger A. Pryor, of Vlrglnli, and delected liovvle ktilirs (or weapon, who was a dead .liol with the rifle, the van quisher uf bears with a knife and ambi dexterous, was one nf llie filet at (lion's .side, plunging through bis foe, whom he mvept ildo lo the right anil lo the lelt. M Keltt went down, William llarkilale, of MMlipl, tlirevv his arms around rirovv, ami was nt II I holding hint when be 1 err I veil a blow from Putter, ll.uM.ile thought It came from Kllliu II, Wash Inline, who with his brother t'adiv,ilader was In the aisle, ittul afkeell "Did jou strike liiof" .Mr. Wa'hbiirne trpllctl be did not, but ll.nks dale did not bellrvc him and dropping (Irov, drew luck to ntrlke Wasburne, The blow was topped, however, bj' Cadwalatlrr Vuibitmc, who endeavoied to lilt luck, The blow was a glancing one on the torelirid, lifting from ll.uksd.ilc'n fc-alp the wig which lie woie, until then without the knowledge of tils assuclalcs, Tlie night of hJ 1aro poll canned .1 general shout of liughler, the cue thing tiredfut to avirt further tumble. II nuordcil 11 vent for the oicrwrought feelings of Hie combat ints, hos tilities cea.sed, and iu a few moment order was irstornl. I.atir an udjnitinmenl followed unlit Hie next Mondaj, when Mr. Keltt made 11 handsome ud og.i. "It Is clue to fair dealing," be 1..1I1I. "Unit .1 should afiunie upon inioclt all irapomlhlllty for Hie act iuiolvlrg a violation ot lhe liouse, its dignity ami Its decorum. I was the aggressor, and wlntever lesponslblllly attaches to the act, propci ly belongs to me alone. "It was, however, casual, midden and irci drntal. II id also due lo Jib-tlte J should make whatever other reparation Is iu my power to the dignity and dccoium of the bouse thus vio lated. "1 do tint in thc'expiesslon of my piolot'iul icgret at the occurrence. Personal collisions are alwajn unpleasant, seldom excusable, rarely Justi fiable, never in a legislative body. If any blow was directed at me I am not conscious of It. 1 am, at least, utterly unconscious of having le lelved an." So delicate were Hie condition then existing, that befoie -Mr. Keitt nude the foregoing state ment he pent a friend to notify Mi. Oioiv of the pin port of It and ot the exact words of the closing Hlitence and tn a.k if there would be any objection on his part. After consulting with Klllm II. Washburn, and discussing the purpose and effect of the words, Ml. (Irow said he conlent for Mr. Keitt lo make the btatenunt which llieicupon followed. Mi. (how, also, made a htatenicnt, sajlng Hut fiom early childhood lie bad been taught to be lieve tint all fights among men weie disgraceful, especially among the lawmakers of a nation. "Yet the right of self defense." he added. "I recognize as one of llie inalienable gifts of mm. lo be exercised cm all occasion and under all circumstances, when It Is necessary to piotect life and pciton. At the last sitting of the bouse I found mjself for Hie Hrt llinc unexpectedly en gaged in a pergonal eontlicr. To llie bouse I lender most cheeifully whatever apology is due for thl violation of its order and decorum." It wxs understood at the time tint Keitt's dis claimer of any knowledge of receiving .1 blow was intended tor the satisfaction of disciple of the code, which lequlicd a challenge fiom 11 mill leceiiing u blow. Keltt alwajs believe! that lie went down in the rush of meinbeis about I1I111, and not a the lesult of a blow. Mr. (Iron's plucky Uand on the Iloor on that eventful night wa-s highly appreciated bj Kansas Tieo state settlcis. They presented to liim a gold medal as a memorial of the occasion, bear ing on one side the llgure of an uplifted arm and lhe legend: "The Hist blow strutk for freedom." The output of everj- impoitaut industry lias eronnrusly increasid; tonsuinption ha outiiin production; bankrupt jnoperties are made solient, and we are pi.iing dividends on liundred of mil lions of lcvlvilicd capital stock. The change is complete. Dejond the power of ordinal j- compre hension. 1'es.siuiisiu is intellectual potcltj' (or iianownt'ss). Viw Yoik Timet, I'ncle Sam is oeeasionallj, and of his own ae e ord, exporting gold for money market purposes, but in lS'W) (during the nrjan dlstutbanee), all of bis creditor were clamoring for settlement, fearing that iltljy might mean pajment in tiflj cent dollais. 'J he continued activity of tire American maim factmei, vtliich I shown In Hie steadj- outward luoiement ot all inaiiufactures, is Illustrated by a leuurkahle increase in the importation of inaiiu faclurcLs' materials. They show in the single month of .l.imury an Inciea-e nf set en and .1 half million dollars and In the i-eicu months ending with January, an iuctease of titty million dollars, compared with the lOiiespondlpg periods of Hie pre ceding il-cal jear. The total increase in im portations dining the seven months ending with January is sixty-seven million dollars, of which fifty million dollar is in manufacturei' matci ials. "I re-isiirj- Bureau of Statistics. The following comparative Ugurcs iu round mil lions, sue-al: for themselves, a showing lav under Deniociallo tide, and immediate gain under lit publican policies and tontiol: Ityi.. 1SU1. I!i7. llauk ileal inees W 11 CI lliiiiness failme Ill iUci 151 Itallioad lecelpls Hon 11X.H ll'.'K 1'ig lion piotluclion U il 10 .ilue of slieep l-"t nil !1 I'oieigii eommcice IS',7 lr 17 li-l'i i:poils lOPi Mi'i ltVUM Customs receipts an Ml i7U Whit Webster -aid of Alamder Hamilton Is equally title- uf the advent to power of the He publliau pailj- on Marcli A, l&'i": "lie Miioto the lock of the national iesourcs und ahumhnt stieaiu of public revenue giishul furlli. He lout lied the dead l-olW of piddle 1 irdlt and It spiling upon its ftct." Tho Mauli distrlbiitioii of lutere-t ami divi dends is plated at s.3J,0Oil.00O, a against ?I3,(I00,. 000 lu IIKII. hem uuil slett i iu such plienomiual demand Hut hoiuii of lliu present iikn,lap over Into 1 Ml), ami lhe placing of some foieigu orders is lompulsuij. Tito census tlguie read like the "Talc of Allad din' Lamp," but unlike that tale, they aie Hue. e liaio Md.OOO mills, factories ami vvoikslioits, eniplovlng nearly 5,SuO,OnO wagu earners, drawing S.',o00,(KKl,lKi0 iu wagi'A every viar. 'lhe lapllal used is ilO,000,0CO,cKsi) or nearly as much a Hie debt. The Itcpiiblleau pari) born of llie patriotism of l.iniulu; ptx'scived by Hie soblieis of Hie I'nloii; llillsed lij Hie caution of (lailleld, and led into the pinmbcd land bv Hie wisdom of Mililnli"). Schenetlidy, X. ., -March 10. pnio of j nicvt cMfuiililc und plouj munber of one of thu loyal lion-ve of Kuropi'. 'I hi-, ladj, vvhu f Jin lei liirsclf an urlll, luinltd his portrJU iikjii u picic of cjnj, leaviiiK a LUiik at thu bottom In whMi the rcque-etc-d him to urito hU autoerjpli. When the picture vvj rcceivrd it i sin li jii alrocioiu curii-uture that the iiirintniJ of the liotutliolii tlctermlncii to destroy it, hut the pojM) would not penult Ihcui tn do o. Tu k i 1 1- hU pen, he wrote In Latin ihN Inscrip tion; "It Ij Ii he not afratJ. I.m Mil." Potter's Crockery, llltliop Ml hole, the l.i-JJ of the CallfornU VpUiupjl dioeee, It-Ill a t'ooj loiy on llbliop I'oltfr, o Xtw VoiL. When llilioi Totter vvjj In San rrjtiilico at the recent l.'plncupal iimveu lion he nude liU liiuiliju.irtcrj Jt the homo of II, fioeker, on Null lilll, tho iiuuilou lnivliig teen rented liy J. l'lt-rpont Jlonrau tor lilmwlf jnj tuc.'.u. Two liH-ii, luisiui; the house uue moiiilnu-, looltrd up at it, ami one Jld: "line in Crucker'a liottery." UW)Vli J'Qttcr vvj jcut comlnt; dowii the tv -s. FINLEY' Novelty Hosiery Our fcprlns; lloalety dlsiihiy In un un usually attractive one, every stylo In picked ft 0111 tho choicest products of tho best foreign und domestic iiumu- fautuietR. DeslcnH that utc aure to PIoiiho women of rclhicd und fiiHtldlouB tiiHtes; assortment complete In nil tho now styles and ninny old ftivoiltes aa well. Prettily Embroidered Designs Openwork Luce Effects and Side Clocks Predominate - IMUIMUIU 1IJIU Mi. WU1 tUJUIllt UlUIIUl'lil In plain pllk, INIp thtead and fine col- 4 rt ltttriti iu,i nuniti). Ladies Black Cotton Hose In gauze, jrossanier and medium weight, In fine cotton and llHle tin end; extra vulues at l!iic., Mc. and nOc. Lace Effect Hosiery Special value iu Ladles' Ulaclc Onen vvork Hose, at L'oc, Mc 7uc, $1,00, Jl.5, $U0, 51.75. Lace Embroidered Hose Kuncy J'mhroldered Laco Hosiery, In plain black and color novelty effects, at ijc. ssl.00, $1.25, $l.r,0, $1.7o. Ladles' White and Black In laco stripe effect and polka dots, at 30c, Tiic, 51.00. Ladies Black Silk Hose In plain, diop ktltch and openvvoik, at $1.00, $1.2,-, $1X0, $1.7, $2.00, $2.30 and $2X0. Men's Hosiery Black, in fine cotton and lisle tin cud. In all black, and black with white soles, at 23c. Fancy Hose Ulack lisle lace, sill stitched, stilped openwotk, 23c, S5c. and COc. Cliildien's School Hose, 121V-., l'Jc, 23c Children's fine cotton lisle and lisle opcnwoik, 23c. to 73c. 510-512 Lackawanna Avenue. ALWAYS BUSY. We place on sale today 200 pairs of Men's Enamel u Double sole styles you like. The Shoe you need just now $4.00 and $5.00 grades Onr Low Cash Price, $3.00 114-116 Wyoming Ave. OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on saving's accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. lie lieuiil (lie li null. Jinl, j'li.inuni;, .aid Mini IukI) : "I.M-ii.-e mc, KHilleiiicn, lint tliU U I'uttir'. iroilerj," .New urk I'onuiu'iiijl. Ills Passion. A neai-u Hi-"' wt'in lulu M'- ' ' "line fur the uf lii.slltutiiii- a iliioiiic J'jiiwt hu wife. Sir. II I'lGienleil lo i)iietiun liim in lu I1I1 fjiuumU fui iuiiiililnt. .Nuliiim; tint the Iimii'k voice fjlleci liim, Mr. II luukul up fiu,n hU pjpirti, and iivv- tlut hi.' Iijik were iiimiiui; ilovvn uver tlie clicek-i uf the uppllciut fui tli vurcc. "Vh.v," tjlil llie lJiv.vir, ".von wmi lo cjic a gnat Uc'jI foi uur wife? Hid ui lnvrt heir ' ".iite lu-l, Ml? I Jest aiijl.vrcd lit r' ' II1I4 UJ more thin plolVs,Ionit elUliil.t (Olild ullliatJiul, and Mr. K Implied until llie neiiiu olfeiiilcil, taiiiiil hit iae fljevvheiiv -hhent Moiie Papn's First Patient. "Iluilliy m aUnice," fjj 4 pli.vieiJii, "my tvvu ho'i (jot lulu my (.uiisiiUliur ruum, vvlicie they l'i'.in 10 pUj ul Ulut Muitui.' I'u'.i-nll.v one uf them unlocked the door unit illielcieil n kkeletoii. 'i'uohl Wlut are ;uu 'frjld ul' lie aske-iL 'It'll nothing hut an old tkillliiKtpii ' HV-vvliwlieie il,U It conio from!" ukwl the other with clutteilu,- tulh. 'Oh, I Uvin't Know I'apa' had it a Ion time. 1 ej.peU it wai hU tir.t lutlent. 'S-Itoiliiulfr rot'Wilinj. si EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition 13y a recent net of the leelala turc, free tuition Is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School IJIoonisburg, Pa. to nlt those preparing to teach. Thin school maintains courei ot ettidy for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will piy to write for partloulri. No other school offers such suncrior ad vantages at audi low rates. Atlclrcss J.P.Y.elsti, A. II, Ph. D,(PiIa, Summer Session SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY JulV itnAllRlnto, 10(12 Ciiiiim"! Milled to lhe nifiN eif loiichrra nnd ollie'M nie nffericl III Linciiigi-, liltcriilure, llitoi, Miitlii-inntlc-i, .Si li-iu 1 1, nnil I'od.i KciKit", 'lhe liiftructeirs are tinlvcrilty pro fesnori. (Ipportimlllcs for llhr.irv nnd hiiior ntoiy work. Ileallliful, tool and delightful lot lilt). Living iiicNpiiiH,', Tution, 925.00 roit c'liiruhAit, aijdiu'.'W The KcKittrar. i-rnciuc University, SYRACUSE, N. Y. Syracuse University Syracuse, N. Y. OITus, liesli'e the Polleite Courses fe, Kleitricnl .mil f'lvil Kiiitineeriiicr, Archt tu line, Music, 1'jintlnir,, Jtciilcine, bo ciolocj and I'cdiKog. Over forty of lhe le.idlnir unheraltlos uml col Icrcs of this country nnil Kuiopc ale nprcM'iilt'd on the faculties. Tuition cspc'ii-ci inr mi moder lie that the aie l("si tli. in the feci in ome col li'KCs whcic fne tuition i-i Riven. Fcwi for lata loBiii1. I'liiversity Summer s,l5iim 0f Liberal Art! I iniiH's, liei?iriiilnr .lull lit, outline; Auk. fill, l'or pailieulars, tend for circular. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE BOHOOIi? SCRANTOS, IA. T. J. Totter, President, rimer II. Lawall, Iteas, It. J. 1'ostcr, Stanley 1'. Allen, Vice Trcsident. Secretary. oinplete Being the LARGEST FURNITURE DEALERS IN SCRANTON We carry tlio gieatest assortment of up-to-date Ofllce Furniture. You nie invited to examine our new line before purchasing. 121 Washington Avenue. star J t it Jfr ,J 4 , j Jt . i v eoe n In order to make room for new goods, we aro now selling' our entiie Hue of Fiuo China nt 11 reduction of fiom 25 to 50 per Cent. off vegulnr pi ices. Mercereau t5: Connell, 132 Wvoraint? Avomte 4. ,j, .j. 4. j. .j, tj j c 2 I 4 i' h ! i i Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Jlachlne Business ot Dickson Manufactmlne Co., Scranton and AVIIitea-Uarre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Hollers, Mining Machinery, I'umpa. Cil PE kivT.icrt? r, U 1 1 tliUf I II lAIUig-trL"rSTEK3i Linotype Composition ' Book or News Done quickly anil reasonably at The Tribune office, 7""" """ !" Office Desks end Office Fnifore New and MMmm fA To 11 H llj nil H n in y -s.,