v v -- f -M. JV . ,r.,, ..... TErpp'T "i t- --.j5y-r, Irt-.A-.Jj7c5 TT ," N," f , ''3- -V -', U ,-,- JB-yr i 7 r THE SCUANTON TltlBUNK-TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1002. tho road for n wholesale ten hottso nnd has bcentfnVollng mostly In tho South, lie seemed more genial than over, and was the picture of vigorous health, isltlfiS News' of 'Ca,tbondtal& e,craU.se; " r t M M t Why ?" - r RAILROAD TltilE TABLES, Dclnwnio and Hudson Railroad. J Normlirr if, Hull, i Tmltu kitte Cdtlionitalc ut city Motion on lol- IV Sciniilnn mid Wllkr-vlllln H.IM. T.tHl, 8M JMII, 10.U1, 11.21 11. tn. 1 l.W, l.M. -". "'' Id)), 7.(10, 10.01, ll."t0 p. lit. 1 Similar inilin 1cmo ill 8.1V), 11.21 a. in.; 1.U, i2. Ill, 0.0l. 8.M p. lit. .. J Pur Allmnv, S.iiiilo(rJ, Motitic.il. llmlon, f illnulmiil point, rtc, ",) u. tn.! LI" !' '" tUHIC). j I'm- WmniiirJ mill llotirj., 7.4J, 1l. . '"! rUI", 11.22 "p. 111. ... , , Sunday tr.ilm Icne Wiiniuit and llulionmo at !i.:;0 .1. in,; 4. IS p. 111. . ... TuIih unite ul r.iilnmil.ilo fitmi llUi-llnni; nil Scrniitnn 11. follow! (I. VI, M..I7, .". ';; -. m.r 12.a7y2.tX). !l.l:l, I.2H, (I.0S, 7.01, K.SH. -'l 11. W p. In.) 2.(H n. in, S111nl.1v luilin an he- ut lt.27 J. tn.! 12.10, ,1.1), 4. 28, II.2H, 11,1V, 1 1. III. Snml.i.v li.ilm.jirilip nl Ciilioiiil.ili' ft out way. tuail mid llijiir.-iNIi' ! 12,1" mul 7,.V p. tn. , , 1 ' n '.,'.. ; ..' - " Now York, Ontario luul Western. ft'plMiilwr 17. Iflt. Tniliw le.lti- ('.lllioiiil.ili' for Sri.iuloii ut i.Oil.a. In.: 1.(10 p. in. Siiiut.iv Irnlin i:l 7.1m n. 111.: 0.llii. I". 'I'raliM 1inip Catliniidulp fur polnlc I""'11 ' ll.in 11. 111. On Sunday tit li.ln it. 111. H.ilH' Icnltii; nt ll.im 11. in. week il.n-- iftiil ".10 n. " KiindaiH iiiaki' i-oiuifrticiw for Now Voile, Colli' M.ill, ilc. Tinlm anlii" fiuin s, ',11111111 nl ll.ln .1. in.: ('! p. in.: fr.(iia'Miitt.n"itli....il0. H4l'J-i.t,f,,iH,,-v,:' Horn ClilnM.i 111 ll.wi i. 1T1.' THE CITY'S NEEDS ESTIMATED AT $39,000. Appropriation Ordinance Introduced in Common Council at Last Night's Meeting and Passed on First, and Second Reading Estimates Two Thousand Dollars Lower' Than. Last Year The Ordinance with Chnnges Over Last Year. The estimate of the city's expense for the coming year was shown last night to be fixed at SSSVJOU. two thousand less than last year. The ordinance con taining the annual appropriations was inttodiiued ai the meeting of common council and was missed on first and second readings without a dissenting vote and without debate. The ordinance with I he increase or decrease over last year's appropriations indicated. Is as follows: l'llo of ('iiiiniKiii-c'iiiiiicii, Nil i.i, I'tii-vmi, lulu). ilutnl l,y A. 'I'. 'I'Ihhiiimi, ( 'li:iii in:iti .Inint IN- tilll.ltCM Olllllllitll'l'. AX Olllll.VAM'i: Prmiillnic for the niiiiii.il .inpinitiiatiuii-i for llu fl-c.il j par from Apill 7, l!li, i Apiil (I. I!iii.l. Spelion I. l!c il in da iiiihI h tin- n'ln I inid rnmiiion cuuncil uf tti city of ('.iilii)tnl.ilit .iimI it is licioliy oiiKifnril li. (lie uiitliinily nf Hip ..une. Iliat tin1 followini; ;ipiiuprifitiniH l,i nnil .up lioii. li.v niulp for (lip IUe.il ,p.ir li.'innin Apiil 7, 1002, ami piuliiiK April 11, 1U0.;: la.vors halary 'I'ip.iuur'4 salary (niitrollpi'.s sal.ny City cloik's F.il.uy City (.olititoi'.s falai." ... Clpik of I'miiiiion (oiineil, 'lly riirlnppi4 h.ilaiy ... iiipl of tire iloiiai'iiupiit, Ml 7IH :t.Vi :;:o W) mo 1.2(kl 101 I'D aiki IlW ;,!v 7", mil 2imI 1IKI I0i) 1.1 . M,ilat' .il.ny l.initur mul matron Library u.soi'latEou Cily 3spor- mid a-Utantii' Jti'gul.ir poliip (iiui'pap, SfKI) "jiptial pullet? (liuii'.w. cf2.0 i.il'il of lllMlll Aistatils tn city i ninpcT, ini lilcnlai and Mlppltl", ll.viliaiil-i (iiii um.-i', lf.MI) l'ark-i CentlnKPiit finiU Unpipa-p,! IJS20) '..... FhpI I'l inline. ailvprliiiiiK anil l.M"nci.v for i ily l.iln.iiy Herniation m.ii lio.uil of lie lit li (iIpcip.i-piI S100) 1'iii' ili'i'.n tliicnt rii,. Iiom- (tipwl .., Water, ipiiI, pic (i.i- mul pli'itrip liulilliiK (imiiM-iil -2n0). liiidsi, etc l'llncipal nnil iiilclr.-l hi fumlcd ilclii (in iiciuhI .:,0H) S.'wpis and walpr louup't (iucivaM., S2ooi. City's liarp of ftupl inipiovcinria- (il,.. i rpa..p, 'M) ltpialriii(c ami srailinj; stieet-. (Iiuipa-ip. M ,r,0n) Hull and iiiw-iualk (iiicrpap Sl..n) J.i'xal ots for liens jiidmnenls aiul ilt- t. fen.-ps uf aitlom (ik'prrjM1, il,.'00) ,.CIp.inlni; iai'il tiwl J?pnir to pity Imlldiims i'Hoai(l of revision uf tntpi, and appoaU Tilling and urailmj; tor continuation of , rtrooklyn htipft to .ppntli avpiiup, pl J; nf Dp1.hv.up ami llmUoii lallruail ;0ii'iiitiK Ninlli avpiiup, IipIwppii MuiiiIiik and ('Iiiiil)i fllpela Compilation of cily ouIIiijikps (Imrp.iM., , ) (01) 2.IKII 1-0 2.0.KI r.,00,1 :in -(..'no ,(ki 1,01X1 ::,7oo ::.'.) 2.IIIM 1,01X1 noi 2U0 lui :.oi riHi AiiKH'Sati' miiuiinl lipipliy appiopr'ulpil..v:o,(MO The Increases and Decreases. The Increase tills year, over last, in the police fund, Is due to the Increase plven the police by ordinance of coun c"ls over a year ago, and after tile .Adoption of last year's appropriation "urdinance. The appropriation for special police Was Incioased $25, though Chief JlcAn drow nsked for ?LT, more. The Item of JM has stood since the time of Chief imggan'H regime, years ago. when the police needs or the city were appre ciably smaller than today. As will be noticed, there is a separate Item of S4S0 for fire hose. The purpose .Is to keep this fund Intact, for tha Xtui'ehase of hose only. In the Item of repairs to streets, thete its an increase of $1,500 over last yen?. 3 his gives upiJiHui.fiE-wJva It will coVt ,to repair tho streets after the recent jfloodsi'llibtigh this sum may not be sttf iS iftnt. There has been a notable dei tease tuaflo In tho fund for principal and In- gorostof funded .debt, and the fund fqr .egal costs, tlie aggregate amount helnfr ,320, Tho increase In the street ' ij.ighlhig fund is duo to the comtneuda jle Increase that was made In the ntiip- er of lahips. 'litis covers the materiUl ' iChargealn tho two ordinance. ;, S Tho ordlnttnce, when It was read liv ai.o clerk, was referred to tho estimates Sommlttee, which reported favorably forthwith, Tho measure tlten tpilekly' tombed tluoiigli t1 I'cadlnlitC-.wlUiopt gny dobSlT.J 3taB'ii8t"'fiXjecU-al'lhat any ShntfrlnC OlHillgeHrwi(iSbi.iriad'e before il Is ado-preo."-' " ' m In order that Mlfk (t,..lt.,n ..... ...... . ryrltliqta umlucihtiftte lyRrpTyeotBftiiiga. I "'raodTFoTthe'fiatresf 2! Thei) Is,iiq VsUer medicine made for 9)ablesnntln Utttfniberraln'H CoubIi item- tTreWftrcWesi malto it a fuvorlta with IhQ piQtherH of small thllJr&n. it rjUlcUly curea their tousim una culds preventlngr pneumonia, a othoivaerlouB tpnsequenceB. it not only.urea croup but when given an soon as tha croupy (rough appenra will prevent the attack, puamberlain's Cough Itemeay-contahiB no opium or narcotlo In any form, and ptay bo given aa confidently to a baby K.to tyl dult. It always cures. For JWle ,by qll-drussUU. , , ... Hon of councils, April 7, It was decided to meet next Monday evening. Tito illHposHlou of this measure was tl'.e mot Important business of the evening. The report of City Controller Wheeler ft.r nine months, to iJec. .11, 1001, was next lit Importance. It was n careful and exhaustive report untl so Impressed tho members of council that at tho suggestion of Chairman Collins, n mo tion by Mr, Wltitlleld, seconded by Hairy Musters, was adopted, directing the same to be published as. prescribed by lr.w. The report showed a balance on De cember .'II, last, or $7,7C!l.7S. The minor business of council In cluded the payment of a number of bills unit the granting of tho monthly roiiulsltloiis. of tho Columbia, and Mit chell Hose companion. Ccunellinan Hurry Masters asked the chair for Information its to what au thority lite fire chief had to direct the purchase nf hose companies' supplies in n particular store. He hail been asked, Mr. Masters said, by several ho.'ienten lately, us to this. The chair man replied that he had no knowledge of the Hie chief's authority or power, :,luit sttppused the pltrchasi'A should be made where the best products could be b uiglil for the least money. This eon i hided the Iiuitllry. .Mr. Whitfield uskeil that the general sidewalk ordinance be taken from the table, where it has rested for several weeks, bill later he withdrew his mo tion. Council was notilled that $1 ,R0 insur ance on lite Mitchell Hose lioupe and $,-.,0110 on the city building had ex pired. The matter was referred to committee. The only absentees were Messrs. Kennedy, I.ofltis and Murphy. M. E. CHURCH ORGAN. It Will Be One of the Finest Instru ments in This Section. The First .Methodist congregation, which will have as line a house of wor ship as can be found among the Meth odist churches In this section, will like wise boast of an organ Unit will be unequalled In tills city, and without an equal in Scranlon, save Klin J'ark church hi Unit city. While a technical description of the organ would be better appreciated after It lias been used for the first lime, a comprehensive idea of Its properties or parts may be timely. The most con spicuous feature Is the number of stops, which, generally speaking. Is the criter ion by which an organ is judged. There will he a total of forty-three stops, dis tributed as follows: Great organ, 7; speaking stops, 7; small organ, 11: ped al, 4: mechanical registers. 7; pedals, 11. The number of pipes In the organ will be l.iifiO. which will produce a mighty volume of tone. As compared with the organ that was destroyed the new Instrument will lie almost double In power. An idea of its increased superiority can be gained when It is mentioned that the old organ was regarded as perhaps the best that was In the ity. j. P.. Aloler. of Hug gurst'own. 11(1.. Is the 'contractor. Tlie plans of the chinch will be ready for contractors to bid on within a week. The illness of Architect l.angley, . of Hcranton, prevented the plans from be ing ready Ibis week. Positions in Scranton. Miss Margaret .McDonald, of South Main street, has accepted a position as stenographer with tlie International Correspondence schools at Scranton. Miss Itosalie llurke, also of this city, accepted, a similar position just prior to Miss McDonald. Doth young ladies sire graduates of Prof. Scott's commercial lnstltute,vhich Is quite a compliment to this city. In this respect, it might be mentioned that Carbondale Is very well represented among the stenographers In tlie Corres pondence schools, six of them being from this cil.v. Meetings of Tonight. Division No. 11, A. O.. II. ' St. Vincent d'e Paul, , . Lucre tin lodge, 'Daughters of Ite bekah. Lackawanna tribe, lied Men, Knights of Honor. Local lfill, raited .Mine Workers. Carbondale Cycle clidi. Daughters of St. (leorge, School Teacher 111. Miss Nellie Judge, of Itoblnson ave nue, lias been absent friiin her duties as teacher hi ouu of the Fell township schools because or a severe attack of grip, Genial Andy O'Connell in Town. Andy O'Connell, the genial Andy, was In town this week, shaking Imuds with his many friends). Andy has been on A FIVE O'CLOCK TEA. MWW '" ' " a'3KH tit ifl i if Swiff ii Ti .jmitfik .A;?EliiiiOiBB&s5 IJHHbW! I .. i .1 . ,' waigraBs3asai3 The Tribune today presents a most Interesting picture, a group of wee Car bondale misses having a splendid time at a 5 o'clock tea, as it were. The group Is one, of the moat natural ami cutu gatherings of llttio folks thut could be persuaded to sit while tho picture pmn preserved their likenesses, In this respect tho picture Is remarkable, Thu expression of each one. as she cen ters her Interest In Haby Peck, who Is tlie guest of honor in tlie gathering, Is as natural aa can be, anil there Is no doubt of the group talcing a prize In a photographic contest. It Is certain that many pictures which huvo been uwurd ttl prizes In numerous contests of high THE ELECTRIC LIGHT DEAL. Hon. E. E. Hendricks nnd Hon, John T. Reynolds of This City, Presi dent nnd Vico President. T.he deal by Which the Lackawantta Valley Light, Heat and l'owcr Supply company acquires control of the electric lighting plants nt Archbald and Jermyn was consummated yesterday. The change gives to the Lackawannti com pany the lease of the two plants In the boroughs mimed, In tho re-orgnnlzatlon Carbondale llg ures (utile prominently, Inasmuch as two of the higher olllcers were chosen from this city. They are Hon, K. 13. Hendricks, president, and Hon. John F. Iteynohls, vice president. Mr. Hen dricks held this ofllce before, but Mr. Keynulds' election was the first time that Carbondale had more than ojte rep resentative In the executive board. Con siderable of tlie stock of the Lackawan na company Is held by residents of this cltv. AN OLD FOLKES CONCERT. Musical Affair in Preparation for Benefit of M. E. Church. An enterprise for the bcuellt of the Methodist church that Is arousing keen Interest Is the old folkes' concert, which will take place sonie time In April, in the Walt building on Church street, whilst Is the temporary home of this congregation. The concert will appeal to all who love music, and that means everybody, for there will bo u programme of mel odies that will be popular as long as they are preserved. W. D, lOvans, the choirmaster. Is arranging the pro gramme. While most of tho talent will be from Carbondale. a Tew soloists from out or the city will assist. The date will be announced In due time. LOST A FINGER. Painful Affliction of Michael Bren nan; of Dundnff Street. Michael Dreiinan, of Dnndnff street, who has been working In Philadelphia for a number of months, came home a few days ago to rest and seek treat ment for a painful sore on the Index linger of his right hand. The affection Is a felon, which gained such progress before being cheeked that II brought about the loss of the linger which It at tacked. Tlie rest of the hand Is also painfully inflamed and will require faithful treatment to heal it. Mr. Uremian is a young man who has a host of friends who will be grieved to learn of his allllction.. PASSING OF THE SNOW. The Gradual Thaw Is Welcomed by Carbondale Residents. Tlie gradual thaw that is In process is being gratefully regarded by Carbon dallans. particularly those whose properties were In the neighborhood of streams that illicit become nilschiev ious, bul nothing like during the last Hood. There is a -good deal of snow here on the hillsides, but it Is going away so gradually that no-Inconvenience is be ing felt, save In the outskirts where water and slush are ankle high, while mud Is abundant. . All fear of.the creeks hereabouts is out of mind. To Philadelphia for Joseph F." White, of Fo Treatment. rest City, hi'.s at the Harrison house last night. He Is en-route to Philadelphia to seek treatment to restore ills failing health. He has just returned from the Hot. Springs, where he was recnpor.ill.ig, After a Contract. J. 15. Nicholson has gone to Chicago, where he will spend a week. Mr. Nich olson's mission is to secure a big con tract, If possible, for the firm which he now represents, C. I!. Scott & Co., ma chinery and electrical supp'les, Scran ton. Club Men to Meet. The Carbondale Cycle club will meet in regular session this evening. The members are urged to attend, as there are several propositions awaltiuc; ac tion. i ' " Mr. Lathrope Improving. K. D. Lathrope, or tlie ICvcuiug Lead er Publishing company, who has been 111 at his home for a week, is improving and will be able to go to his olllce In a IV w days, A New Position. Dan Peel, of Wyoming street, com menced work yesterday in tlie phar macy of ,. W. Reynolds, Resumes After Flood, Tlie Carbondale Milling company, whose plant was almost destroyed by the Hood that came down the Delaware and Hudson tracks from Dundaff, re- standing did not approach this one of the little folks. Tho children are, with owt exception, of well known t'urbondalo families, The cute baby is Helen Peck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hymn M, PeclJ. Next to her is Dorothy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, U. S. Wonnacott; then comes (lladys AVonuacoU, daughter of Mrs. A. It. Jones; Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ihtgene Wonnacott ; iSiua, daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Z. A, Wonnacott, of Wayinart. The little folks were assembled to enjoy tho party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kugeno Wonnacott, on Darto uve nue. The picture was taken by Cramer, - j ;- ' waa tkfcbAi It is pure. It is gentle. It is pleasnnt. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is goocr for children. It is excellent for Indies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over; It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. m sinned operations yesterday morning, Included in the loss was a dynamo, valued tit one thousand dollars, which was rendered practically useless. A SUDDEN DEATH. Miss Hattie Tltley Expires at Homo of Her Hostess. Miss Ilnttio Ptley, of Chenango Forks, died a somewhat tragic death yesterday. She was visiting at the home of Attorney Charles llorton and Mrs. llorton, on North Main street. During the forenoon she was seized with an attack of weakness. Hlie gasped and passed away before Mrs. llorton. who was nearby, could aid her. The deceased was the dauchter of Cohin I'tley, of Chenango Forks, N. Y. Hhe died on her birthday, having been IT, years old yesterday. She came here two months ago to receive treatment for a disease of tlie heart. She was re lated to Mrs. llorton. Last evening services of the dead were conducted at the Horton home by Jtev. A. F. Chaffee. This morning the deceased will be taken on the Erie flyer to Chenango Forks for burial. BOY INJURES EYE. Willie Fitzsimmons Meets with Ac- cident While at Play. While engaged in some boyish frolic yesterday, Willie Fitzhlinmous, 12 years old, of Canaan street, had a narrow es cape from dangerous Injury. He gashed his eye and Is now in lhner geney hospital for treatment. Tlie boy was running along Canaan street and In his speed he came against a barb wire fence, which caught him about the head. His right eye miirerea most, that organ being lacerated, but not dangerously, however. There is no fear as to his sight being destroyed. The lad's sister, Frances Kltzsim mons. Is' also an Inmate or the hospital, having been admitted on Friday, as stated in yesterday's Tribune. Funeral of Felix Devnnncy. Tlie funeral or the late Felix Devan n y took place yesterday from the fam ily residence on lirooklyn street, and was marked by an outpouring of friends that bespoke the esteem of the de ceased. Services were conducted in St. Hose church where a high mass of re quiem was sung. Dtirlal took place In St, Itose cemetery. Not Going- to New York. Common Council John Nealon. who recently resigned liis position under the Ontario and Western, at Mayflcld, Is not going to New York city as. lie In tended when submitting his resignation. He will remain in Curbondnle. This will be' good news for his many friends, who would sincerely regret bis leaving here. Among- D. & H. Employes. Jacob Fltel Is a trail i tit his old stand at the Delaware and Hudson round house, after a brief illness. Guy Little, llrenian of the Iloncsdale passenger engine, Is al work after a two Weeks' Illness. Out of Hospital,' John filler was discharged from Kuiergency hospital yesterday. He was admitted several weeks ago for treat ment for fracture of his leg, sustained by falling. Serving on Grand Jury. Kdward Yarrlngton and V. J. Hughes, of this city, are In i-'cranton this week serving on the grand jury, which was convened by the court yesterday. THE PASSING THRONG. Mrs. Timothy McGarry. of Terrace street. Is III. P. II. Carey, of circen Island, N. Y is In tho city. O. O. Oswald, of Scranton, was In tho city yesterday. llobert Gardner spent Sunday with friends In Scranton, Mr. and Mrs, K. H. Stone weru Scran ton visitors on Sunday. .Miss Mary (ierrlty has returned after u brief visit In Pittston. Claude, Oliver was a visitor In the FJectrio city on Sunday. Miss Mary Moran has returned from a visit with Scranton friends, Mrs. Haydeu lSvuns spent yesterday with West Scranton relitlvc3. Mrs. Patrick McGarry is uulte sick at her home on tho West Side. Miss Jennie Yoyle, of Olyphuut, Is tlie guest or Miss Alice Hushlelgh. Lou Dunlin, of Hlngliainton, was a visitor to Carbondale yesterday, Frank Walker, of Pittston, Is the guest of Martin O'Neill, of Brooklyn street. Miss Agnes Hastings, of Pittston. is tho guest of Miss Florence Murray, of Plkp Htreet, Itev. A. F. Chaffee was in Scruuton, yesterday, attending the funeral of tho lute Itev, William IOdgar, once pastor '"MWlllllHiiiaOlfVlNllVartlllKail.'Vr.'i.VtlXllHlllilltfHi'iilnWK mimliwhtltlkUMiifrirttilHi SvrjDu6tf rios mmily lajc&tiv of the Methodist Episcopal church In this city. Misses Mamie and Annie Stevens spent tho Sabbatli with friends in the Electric city. John Hennessy, of Dlnghamtou, mak er of the "Three Star" cigar, is at the Harrison house. Daniel Monuuan, of Honesdalo, is the guest of his cousin, lVchnrd Monahan, of South Main stree-:. Misses Cella Hrady and Catherine Walsh, or Mayfleld, were visitors In Carbondale yesterday. Misses Hattie Scutt and Amy Ditt more, or Jermyn, were the guests of Carbondale friends yesterday. George Paul, of the Miners and Me chanics' bank, is spending a few days with his parents In Oneonta, N. Y. James Gorman. manager of the branch of the Boston Tea company, made a business trip down the valley yesterday. Misses Sallle and Kate Gallena, of Dttnniore, wire the guests yesterday of Miss Mary MeLane, of Brooklyn street. Mr. and. Mrs. John T. Roberts, of Scranton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Isger, of South Main street. Captain Thomas Murphy, of the Cor respondence schools, Is on a business trip nlong the Ontario and AVest'ern road north. Mrs. J. J. Moran, of Wllkes-Barre, has returned home after a row days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Finlan, on Brooklyn street. Miss Maine Charlesworth, who has been thu guest or Mrs. Harry Harrison, on North Main street, returned to her home in Green llidge yesterday. Myron Hockenberry returned yester day to resume his studies at Dickinson college, Carlisle, after a visit with his mother. Mrs. H. J. Hockenberry. -Mrs. Hockenberry will leave in a few days for Le Grand, Oregon, where her hus band Is located as principal or schools. l"iyses Wonnacott, manager of Won nacott Dros.' Pioneer Steam laundry, has returned from a two weeks' visit In Washington. D. C. During his ab sent e, Mr, Wonnacott visited a number of big laundries and acitulred a good deal of practical knowledge or the business. Patrick Kearney, or Yandllng, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Kearney Is a leading citizen or Yandllng, and holds the olllce of borough treason r. Mo has been treasurer Tor two ternet and is held In such high esteem that he can have the olllce again from I ho borough council, if lie cares to (111 It. .Miss Lettle Horgan, of Elmirn, who has been visiting at the home or Dr. and Mrs. William McGraw, returned to her home yesterday. .Miss Horgan. who Is an accomplished vocalist, a soloist in one of the principal churches In EI mlru, added a number of friends to the wide circle which she enjoys in this cily. Cold Damp Feet Won't Cold Give "You n If you will take in Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets, signature cm box. time Laxative E. W. Grove's JERMYN AND A1AYF1ELD. Mrs, John Solomon, of Main street. was summoned to JohiiHtown yesterday by the Illness of her two grandchildren who have been stricken down with scarlet fever. The funeral of Willie, the child or Mr. and .Mrs. Frank ilemehighl, will take place at "J o'clock this afternoon. Services at the home on Second street at .' o'clock. James Tucker and Gomer Lewis are the delegates selected to represent lo cal No. 1025, Hulled Mine Workers, at the coming convention at Sliainoklu. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. F. McDermott and child u ro spending a few days with South Scranton friends. Willie Little, of Coloradd. Is hero cm a visit, after several years' absence, at the homo of ills brother. Ontario and Western Conductor John Little, of Itushbrook road, Mrs. David Jones and daughter Mary and grandson David, of Forest City, wore yesterday guests of Mrs. Henry Mayuard, of Main street. Henry Fjtzpatrlck, of South Scranton, was a visitor here on Sunday. The stocker Hoso company which have been lying dormant for thu past year are to reorganize at a meeting to be held In their rooms on North Main street this evening. At Thursday's meeting of Itushbrook lodge, No. 850, I. O, O, F tho Initiatory degreo will be worked which will bo followed by a lunch and smoker. A fagot supper will be served In Windsor hall Wednesday evening, March 19, under tho auspices of tio Ladles' Aid of the Congregational church. A large number of tickets have been disposed of, The child of Mr, und Mrs, Will Hob erts, of Second- street, suffering with diphtheria, Is slowly Improving, tho symptoms yesterday being quite en couraging. W. J. Bergan, of Peckvllle, n former Maylleld resident, who was recovering Its component parts are nit wholesome. It nets gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances, It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome nromalic liquids which arc agreeable and refreshing to the taste, AU are pure. All arc delicately blended. All arc skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by LIpOlfSA pj)YRjJ San Frsxncisco, Cal. Louisville, Ky. Now York, N. Y. FOli SALE BY ALL LEADTXO DnUQUlSTS. V:VJW'iA - - from mi attack of pneumonia, has suf fered a relapse and la again in bed. Miss Bertha. Coon, of Main street, was a Scranton visitor yesterday. Mr. P. IT. Collins, or South Main street, who was Injured while at work last December and who has been con fined to his bed ever since, has recov ered sumclenlly to be able to sit up a little each day. OLYPHANT The new borough council held Its first meeting last evening, with Presi dent -Brown In the chair. All members were present. The bills of Mrs. Wil liam Wheeler, for $.'!, and F. M. Lynch, est:., for $310, were ordered paid, as were also the bill of the water company, S'J.GO; Delaware and Hudson company, $SL'.50; Atlantic Refining company, $11. Treasurer Van Sickle's bond In the sum of $30,000 was rend, with Mary E. Lynch, B. N. Kennedy, J. W. O'Brien, F. M. Williams and F. L. Van Sickle, -M. D,, as seMtrltles. Piesident Uroivn then proceeded to apiicunco his committees, which were as follows: Street Bosak, Mosley, O'Holleran, Ingoldsby. Light Jones, JMc.Malncs, Heap, Bosak. Finance Heap, MeMalncs, Jones, O'Holleran. Printing Mc.Malnos, Pettigrew, O'Hol leran, Heap. Building Fadden, Nea lon. ingolsby, Hoyes. Auditing Hoyes, Fadden, Jones, Nealon. Fire Petti grew, Bosak, O'lfolleraa, McMalnes. After Mr. Brown had concluded read ing the names, Mr. Reap created a sensation by making a motion that the appointments be rejected, and gave his reasons that the president had used Iiour judgment In making the appoint ments; that some of the wards were leperesenled more than others. Mr. Brown maintained that he had the power to appoint whom be pleased on committees and that that was final. He refused to entertain Mr. Reap's motion. A motion was then made that the order of business as used lust year be again adopted. Tlie Nealon ruction op posed tills and a lie vote followed, as follows: For Bosak, Brown, lie Means, Jones, O'Halloran, Ingolsby. Against Reap, Nealon, Pettigrew, Fadden, Hoyes, Mosely. A motion was then made to adjourn, with a like re sult, fi to (!. Mr. Brown then announced that he would adjourn the meeting himself, and left the council chamber, followed by five of his adherents. The remaining six soon followed suit, and so the meeting ended. A l lust night's meeting of the school board, Directors Nealon and Kelly wcro absent. Secretary Lally reported that It was the opinion of the board's attor ney' that the school district should de fray the expense of vaccinating the school children, and not the council. Tho question of providing proper tlraln age lor the grounds at the First ward school was discussed and referred to the building committee. The following bills were ordered paid: Olyphant Electric plant, $S; Philip Hastings, $12; Lawrence How aul, ST.fiO; Lally Bros., $Si:; W. A. I lickuy, $5; M. J. Geary, VM.li'i; John Pcmpspy, $!)-l.':."i; J. W. Patten, .$:',-,. It was decided to close the night schools on tho evening of .March 11. The II nunca committee was directed to ef rect a aottlenient or 1SH0 laxes with ex Collcctor Hob.in. lu-v. P. .1. .Murphy and sister, Miss Crete Murphy, have returned home from a visit to Dansvllle. N. Y. Miss Clara Hull, of lllakely, Is spend ing tho week in New York. Miss Georgia Thomas', of Spring Brook, is assisting at the postolllce this v eek. Mr, and Mrs. V, C. Evans, of Siisque hunisii Htreet, entertained a number of relatives on Saturday availing, In honor of Mr. Kvun' fortieth birthday. Tho time was most cnjoyublo spent In mu sic and conversation, and delicious re freshments were served by the hostess. A handsome umbrella and smoking Jacket were received by Mr. Evans. Tilt guests were: Mrs, Margaret Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Coalbaugh, Mlspes Mary, Georgia and Gladys Evans and Vivian Coolbaugh, of Pur yea; Mis. William Leek, Mrs. Elvira Jones and Mrs. A. P. Haines, or this place, PRICEBURG, Mr. Frank lllickens and Miss Alice Eley were visiting friends In Jermyn Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt spent Sunday with relatives In Green Hhlgo. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Weilantl and daughters visited relatives hi Scranton Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, of Green Ridge visited their parents In this place on Sunday. Mr. Henry Pierks, of Carmalt street, was a business caller In Scruuton yes terday, Mr. and Mrs, Chllds, of Maple street, spent Sunday with friends In Jermyn. u rO v'W:;tjtV:V?i:i.:!;;'An;tfj TAYLOR. Henry Strlne was tendered a birth day reception at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neglle, of Main street, on Friday evening. Mr. Strlne was 21 years of ago and his numerous friends gathered to celebrate the occasion. Ho was presented with a beautiful umbrel la by Mr. Neglle. Dancing and other amusements were Indulged in up to a late hour when refreshments wore served. The Union orchestra furnished music for tho occasion. Tho contest for tho gold watch be tween Miss Annie Davis and Mr. John Thomas and for tho set of china dishes between Mrs. Ann Valle und Mrs. Mary J. Evans, which was postponed' from Washington's birthday, will come off. on May 1". Tho Christian Culture class of the. Calvary Baptist church will conduct their regular weekly exorcises this evening when an Interesting paper will be read by Mrs. II. 11. Harris, Miss Leah Evans, Mrs. Janet Owens and Alfred Jones. For the first time since the strike wns declared yesterday the Scranton Trac tion company had cars running on schedule time. Tho juvenile choir which was recent ly organized to compete at tho national eisteddfod to be held In the new ar mory, Scranton, on Decoration Day, will meet tomorrow evening In Llewel yn's hall for their first rehearsal. W. If. Thomas Is the director. Material for tho now bridge to bo erected over the Keyset- creek on Oak street is being hauled to the place and work will be commenced on -the same tis soon as the weather becomes favor able. Miss Gertrude Jones, of Main street, has returned home from her visit with relatives in Wllkes-Barre. Master David Klnkor, of Wllkes Barre, Is visiting at the homo of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Jones, of Main street. Mrs. David S. Price and son .Bert, ol Clark Summit, were guests of tho for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John E. Davis, of North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fletcher have returned to their home in Wlnton after being the guests of relatives in this town. DALTON. Miss Sadie Mueklow, of Virginia, 13 the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. F. Bobathan. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bailey, of Scranton, were guests of Mrs. Mahoney last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, of Wllkes Barre, are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Eliza, Carr. A young son was born to them on Friday. .Mrs. Tennanl, of Illinois, Is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Moxloy. Mrs. C. n, Haslain, who has been quite 111, Is Improving. Mrs, W. A. Dean, who Is sojourning In Florida, writes some very Interesting accounts of her stay among the flowers and orange In that tropical land. The last quarterly conference of tho Methodist church was postponed from last Saturday evening to March 21. Thomas Hall, of Scranton, was a vis itor In this place Suiiduy. Boyco Stephens has accepted a posi tion hi the barber shop of Otto Brower. Fred Greene has moved back to his home In Clark's Green. S, E. Finn has sold his house and lot to Harry Dean, of Scranton, who ex pects to occupy it about April 1. The entertainment In tho Baptist church last Friday evening was very Aell attended. Tho programme con sisted of recitations by Miss Sarah Price, singing by Mrs. Montague and Cera Knight, and giamaphone selec tions by Robert Northup, On Friday evening the Homo and Foreign .Missionary societies will serve a tea In tho Baptist church from to ci. for ten cents. A musical and liter ary programme will bu rendered from 8 tu It o'clock .Mrs. Ir.i Kresgo visited relatives lr Scranton over Sunday. Tho P.illon Literary circle met at the homo of .Miss Mary Gardner last even big. Rev. Dr. Floyd, presiding elder of tiio Hlnghainloii district, preached an ex cellent sermon In the Mothodist church Sunday evening. On tho evening of .March -1 tho Hoso company of this borough held a meet ing for reorganization. Tho following olllcers were elected: President, T. II. Miller; vice president, C. P. Finn; sec letary. F. M. Francis; treasurer. Pr, J. W. Price. The company proposes, to meet regularly each month hereafter. Walter Purdy, of Scranton, called on his parents hero on Saturday. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 1-3. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 23c. '