h?k ' -ftf jf - TJS -STST THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1902. at 'if r I THE SURMISES OF SADIE PLAIT r-EinuT mft," Willi Vim Aiinim r "Lord Maurice l'rycc niul Mr. 1 Dudley Itenslinw." The men bowed simultaneously, mid Mian Sudlo 1'latt looked up. 'Her brain was rapid of notion. She glanced from ono man to the other, fixing upon her liniiRlnutlon the face nnd form of ench the one short of Blntitre, randy linlreil, insignificant; the other tull, well Unit nnd keen eyed, nnd swiftly, hh she did nil thliiRB, alio limdo np her mind. She raised her head quite two Inches and smiled. Her teeth wore hrlllhVht and her eyes of that hazel which catcheH and holds the light. Hoth men were swiftly conscious of her charm, but Instinctively moved for ward, She looked again at the two faces reatllni? the words behind the lips of each; then she, In her turn, moved, laying her hand quite naturally upon the tnll man's arm. "1 don't want to dance n bit," she paid, "nnd 1 rather want to fvc the palms. "Will you ho guide?" What the tall man said neither he nor she ever wanted to remember. There nre some seconds, like some hours, that blot away mere words. In n dreamy way she saw the sanily halred person drift Into the lino of men, nnd the line Itself dissolve dejectedly Into the whirl of the room. She was conscious that the bright, Intelligent eyes of her partner were watching her closely, and that she was nlono with him In that curious and exhilarating solitude that belongs so markedly to a crowd. They threaded the ballioomin silence. 'At the door ho spoke.- "Are you always as summary an that?" he asked. "That poor little beg gar with the sandy hair" She interrupted him with a puille. "But lie was one of so many," she ob jected. "And people of title don't feel those little things their self-satisfaction is too thick." "Oh," he said, '"Indeed!" Then he looked away. Presently he smiled, but not finite as she had done. "I'd like to hear your views," lie said; "I fancy they are rather quaint." "It's my first time in Europe," she said, "and I'm not certain that I like being called quaint it has u musty sound." They both laughed as they crossed the hall, and a delightful thrill of nov elty raced through the man. lie felt that the staleness of life was after all ,a myth. There were waters still uu fathomed if one knew where to look. The atmosphere of the palm house .. w.is very green, the greenness of for ests and pools and moss. He drew her toward a low divan. "No, musty Is certainly the very furthest word," he said thoughtfully. "A stream at its starting, perhaps, or an ash tree in first leaf." He was in no way poetic, but the personality of the girl, her buoyancy and Utheness woke in him something new. She sat down and arranged her skirts. The slim point of her American shoo started a further run of thoughts. "What on earth have I done." ho said suddenly, "to deserve iny luck'.'" Her head was bent. She glanced up at him, and there was a glow of daring and of expectation in her -face. "I wonder," she said slowly, "wheth er you are just as straight and stead fast as you look. I wonder " Kho studied him attentively. "After all," she said, "nothing is worth while unless it's shared." "Anything of yours would be more interesting than well, than ninny things." "It began with my cousin with Enda Van Adam." She paused. "Edna al ways says that I must marry a title for everybody's sake. Usually I just let Edna run along. But yesterday she told me that she'd found the man. "Who do you think it was?" He shook his head. She fanned herself slowly. "Lord Ham Ice Pryce," she said, and she laughed a very low, amusing little laugh. Ho moved with a jerk, but she laid her hand upon his sleeve. "Now you've made me lose my place," .she said. "And I don't believe you see the joko a little bit." "Well, I" He leaned back. "Per haps the joko hasn't come for me," "Oh, ran't you see? Chance fixed it up In such a perfectly delicious way. I can picture it in my mind. Elllle in troducing you both. Edna watching us ncioss the room. I taking just a min ute to decide, then coming right away with you." Her color jose at the re collection. Ho looked at her attentively. "And why was it me?" lie said. He despised himself for the expectancy that ran through his words. "Why!" Her eyes were entirely frank. "Why everybody in the Uni ted States has read your book. My mind quite jumped whon I heard your name." He suddenly felt the air of the palm house growing close, "My name'.'" he said. He was uncertain how ills voice would sound. "Why, yes. I have cried nights over 'Beaten Tracks.' I know the name of Dudley Uenshaw better than I know my own," She looked at him with can did hero-worship In her eyes. Ho rose abruptly, walked n dozen steps, then wheeled about. His ex pression was a mingling of amusement, vexation nnd something else. He stopped in front of her, ills hands clasped behind his back, "MIsh Piatt," he said, "where did you learn to deduce? How did your selec tion come about?" "Vou mean how did I know that you were you? Oh, that was the simplest thing, I only needed onu tiny glance. "Why, nil the cleverness of 'Beaten Tracks' is just showing In your face. And there's nothing so fine as intellect on the earth," Ho inndo n quick attempt to speak, but us quickly another inclination crossed hifl eyes. He dropped back Into his' piaco on tlio divnn. ".Miss Plutt," ho said, "suppose this nonen tity this Pryce were to really tell you that ho cared for you, Suppose that ho wero to say all that your cousin would suggest, and say it within half an hour of mectlngr you, what would you infer?" A PrJnfer Greatly Surprised. "I was never so much surprised in my life, ay 1 was with the results of using Chamberlain's Pain Balm," soya Henry T, Ciook, pressman of the Ashe vle, (N, c.) Gazette, "I contracted; a Bvero cuse of rheumatism early last winter by setting my feet wet. I tried several things for it without benefit. Orjo day while looking over the Gazette I noticed thut Pain Balm wus positively guiiranteed to cure rheumatism, so bought u bottle of it and before using twothirds of it my rheumatism had taken its Hight and I huvo not had a rheuipntlo pain lnee." Sold by all druggists. "That he was a fool," was her prompt reply. He drew back. "Yet Pntit Knlnloy in 'Beaton Tracks' tnnkes love to the hero lno In n railway carriage before they've beeii Introduced," Ills, voice was very quiet, hut there was a humorous twitch about his mouth, "Oh, that wns different," she said. "That waH a hook." "Some people sny that an author puts much of himself Into his work, is that n libel, do you think?" "I'loase, Mr. Itenshaw," she sa.ld, "don't. You're jnst probing for my lack of brain." "Hon ven forbid 1" He drew nearer and touched her hand. "Miss Piatt, you come from a more rapid land thnn ours, Perhaps you bring some of the rapidity with you. like the scent upon your clothes. I don't know, but you make mo feel that I have no time to loe. You are the most charming girl In the world, and I think somehow I PICTURE Find two other boys and their mother. Solutions for Last "Week's PuzzIcb: Monday, r.ii(.li ii Caitridgc box. lijllot box Jul bow Band box. 'luc.sday, Maich 4 Five pigs aio in bight. The left jaw- of the laige pig forms one pig. Then hold the plctuto upside down and nnotiier pig is found U the left of the largo pig. Wedncdiy, March li The lilile sill's aims foim Mmple Simon and Jack' light leg forms Tom Tinker. think that already you like me just a bit. Am I wrong?" "You're different from any man I've over met," was all she said, but she did not withdraw her hand. It was three minutes later, In re sponse to the rustling of a skirt, that their fingers fell apart. A moment later Mrs. Van Adorn strolled slowly past on the arm of the little sandy man. "Sadie, you bad girl," she said, paus ing as slip passed, "Mr. Itenshaw tells ine that you've treated him abomin ably; that you have't even given him a smile, though he waited sixteen min utes to be Introduced." Sadie glanced at the man beside her, at Mrs. Van Adam, at the sandy-haired individual; and her ptlde became sud denly like flat champagne. She opened and shut her fan twice; then very slowly she looked up. "I'm sorry," she suld, with one of her bewildering smiles; "but I wanted to see the palms, and Lord Maurice is something of a botanist. Anyway, we've been studying the tree of knowledge for quite half an hour." Her eyes were serene, and there was not a tremor in her voice. One at least of the four felt his pulses leap in admiiation of her pluck. Mrs. Aran Adam laughed. "Blllle will be looking- for me," she said. "Mr. Itenshaw, shall wo leave these people to botanize some?" Itenshaw bowed, and they passed on. For five minutes there was a silence that could be felt. Then Pryce arose. ' "Shall I go?" lie asked. Sadie rose as well. "Yes," she said uncertainly; "at least no." Then she suddenly looked up into his face. "To think that the man who wrote 'Beaten Tracks' Is short and stumpy and lias red hair" "And the other people?" he hazard ed. "The people w.ho have titles and thick skins?" For the first time her bright eyes drooped. "I'll neer make theories any more," sho said. "Theories dre horrid things." "Till they are revised." "And then?" "Oh, then" But there are some things that need not be written because they are not said In words. Free Lance, BRADFORD COUNTY. Special lo the feiiuton Tribune. Towanda, March 9. The Lafayette College Glco club will give an enter tainment hero on the evening of March ThU county pays ?i,6i9.i7 for prison, era In tho penitentiary and reforma tory, During the year Just closed, thirty-four prisoners from this county were sent to tho Eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia; tho Huntingdon re formatory has fourteen youths; tho House of Itefuge, seven boys and two girls, Mrs. a. C. Besley, of Troy, had her face badly burned by tho explosion of powder, which was In a package of paper that she put In a stove. Johnson & Son's furniture factory at Leltaysvlllo wus completely de ntrpyed by lire on Thursday evening, entailing a loss of several thousand dollars, with no insurance. The mill gave employment to a Jarge number, It being where tho famous croklnolo game boards were made. The new council, sworn In Inst week, have chosen the following board for tho ensuing year; Treasurer, W, H, Dodge; chief of police, M, E. Miller; night officers, j, w. Allen and W, II, Benedict; street commissioner, Charles Butty. The salary paid the secretary la ?30 a month; chief, of police, 50j nlslit officers, $15, and street commis sioner, ?I5 a month. The Thomas Paint company's fac tory nt Waverly litis been destroyed by lire, at a Joss or $20,000; insurance, $lti,000. , During tho ite flood, an experience will be remembered by Bruce Dodge, Stanton Blgler and Morris Dodge, of Wyultislng. They were rioatlng down thq river In a bodt to Sugar Run, nnd when they reached the river bridge they were nearly taken from their boat by the Iron girders. The water at this point was very nwlft. Before they had a chance to again sot up from bowing over, the bont strucli a largo tree, just below, which capsized their boat and broke It, throwing the young men into tin- Icy water. The Dodge boys climbed Into the tree, hut their coiupnnlon mot with a moro exciting experience, and, utter some trouble, gained a hold on n limb. With the aid of help, who came to their rescue, the two wero rescued safely by topes. Mrs. Elizabeth Wtttts Maklnson died nt her homo in Townndn on Friday, itger 70 years, after an illness of about five years. Her entire life wns spent here, Throe daughters and ono son survive her. Funeral will bo held to day. i m ' TUNIUIANNOCK. Special In llic Scrsnton Tribune. Tunkhannock, March 9. Miss Mary PUZZLE. Thursday, Maich tl J . Beaver 1'alK Chcs- ter. ::. Kile. I. Tte.ulin. l-'liday, Maich 7 One shier is ju-t above the doorstep, between two chlldu-n. Hold plctmc sidouiijs and the other sister is formed by the bodies of the two Ingcr boy. Next Ii-ilil picture upside down and find the fitlier at the base, of the laisc tree. Patmday, Maich i) "Judge not a book by its cover." Collins, of Lovelton, who has been the guest of Miss Nellie Boyce, on Pine street, returned home on Friday. The Monday club will meet at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Heed, on Bridge street, tills afternoon at 2 o'clock. Damon A. Kunpnenberg, of Lake Carey, visited friends in town on Sat urday. Ex-Sheriff George L. Kennurd, of Meshoppen, was a caller In town on Saturday. li. A. Mack, who formerly conducted a bobbin factory at this place, is now engaged in the same business at Allen town. Iteporls from his business at that place are to the effect that the factory is so rushed witli orders that it will be necessary to work night and day for some time to come, in order to keep up the demand for his bobbins. An order for !!00,000 fibres were re ceived one day lecently, and a ship ment of 100,000 to the state of Maine last week. Charles Belter, of Wllkes-Barre, was doing business In tow n on Saturday. The sham lawsuit in the nature of a breach of promise case, given at the court house on Friday evening, drew a large attendance and the house was packed. All the parts were very well played for amateurs, but the acting of Mrs. W. D. Sampson, as tho fair plain tiff in tile litigation, is well deserving of hearty commendation. The enter tainment was a decided success. It was given for the benefit of the Presby terian church society. Trial list for April term of common pleas, commencing April 21, 1802: 133 June term, 1S98: B. J. Hewitt vs. James E. Fretir, executor; Interpleader. 110 January term, 1901: Mrs. Lyman Chase vs. Eva B. Crofut; interpleader. 33 January term, 1S90: Judson Lutes vs. H, a. Deltz: trespass. 102 January term, 1S93: Smith Tewkes bury vs, Horace Buger; appeal. 234 August term, 1S9; William Paden vs. Lehigh Valley Railroad company; trespass. 100 Juno term, 1S99: Frank E. Engle man vs. Whlldln Foster: assumDslt. 123 June term, 1S99: William B. Swisher vs. C. A. Spencer nnd R. II. Reynolds: replevin. 122 April term, 1901: W, P. Smith vs. II. G, Deitz; ejectment. lit Juno term, 1901; John Ludt vs. Lehigh Valley Railroad company; tres pass, 10 October term, 1901; D, H, Dorn slfe, administrator, vs. John F. Sickler; ejectment. 137 January term, 1902; McCormlck Hnrvcstlng Machine Company vs, George Piudy; assumpsit. 100 Juno term, 1900: George Brungess vs. Spruks & "Walker; trespass. HI January term, 1901; S. L. Tiffany vs. Nicholson Borough; trespass, 20G January term, 1902; William Smith vs. Judson Valentine; appeal. 210 Junimry term, 1902; Frunces, Gro gesky vs. Edgar Ross et nl.; trespass, HONESDALE. Spctlul to (he Scranton 'tribune. Hoiifidjle, .March tl.0u Thursday evenln(f lad, Maich 0, the members of the desiee team of l.iuietla, Hcbekali lodje, Independent Older o Odd IMlowd, of C'arbondale, tilted llunpwl.de lodtte and, in llieir usual plesslne; manner, pil. tlated four new membeis into Violet Hcbekali louge, ,o. iiu. (i, w. Hushes, of Carliomlale, Is the captain of (hU dtgico team and be bi thoioufjhly understands the, work, am) the team U dillled no perfectly that they are able to do llieir woik in a moat thaimlng: ua well :u mtiv factory manner. Thcic U probably no degree team wlikli doe thq work a perftctl) a thU for width Mr, Ilughe leitainly disenej much praUe and credit. After the Inltlatbn uu.ekih. oralo supper was ncd, to wliltli all present did ample justice, A social time was enjoyed by ull piesent, The out-of-town quests were; Mr, and Mra. 0, W. )luhcs, Mr. and Mia. tlaiber, Mr. and Mm. lfrjnz, .Mr,, and Mm. Welle, Mr, and Mm. Weir, Mcbdanifjj Lumel, William, Tonkin, S. N, llajley, Stlhjon, ItobciW, J)iv, Jonc, Car ter, Mki JtoberU, SIm, lfudd, Mrs. PIIU, Mrs. I'llce, J, Singer, J. Oppenhelmcr and Harry bill ton, all of C'arbondale; (1. (1, WHinarth, of ,p denvllie, and I'loyd Watson, from Whlto MIIU. Muiu W04 furnished by Btalf OrganUt Mr. Weir. Supper wa under tho upentlon of Mrs. W. II. Vartoe aud was a tuuus in every m-mc of the word, as ji thv entire culling-. r1 1 r - Tfieateic&lL TODAY'd ATTRACTIONS. IiYCI'.t'Jt llrockwny Course entertainment, George lllddtr, reader. Night. ACAIWMY 01' MUSIO-Cheter lie Vonde rom. piny. Night. STA11 Twentieth Cintury MahK Afternoon and night. Closing Number of Brockwny Course. We clip (he following: from nn extended notice of flcorgo ltlddle's appearance in Uoston ).,st season In conjunction with the lloilo t-jmphony oielictra It I from the pen of the noted critic, William P. Aptliorp nnd wn pulilMicil In the fioslon Traiikcrlpt. Mr. Illddlc will ghc the dol ing i.ur.btr of the llrockway at the Lyceum to night: "Not only baa his talent ripened well, but be liar made nn enormout ndutiio In the technics of Ills art, which ho now pmhes fairly to the pitch of lrluolty. To hear bhikcpciie's play so read, and .Mcndeliolm' iniitlc fo plajcd is about as delightful n Ileal an can well be Im agined. The public evidently expected great thing, for the halt wa.i crowded; and we inUUkc much It the lilglictt expectation? wci'o not leal hcd." " - V Frnnk Kcennn. It N rather an Interesting fact that in the mat ter of piny pinduclng theie uif olten t;i cater dif ficulties in mounting and costuming a play of modem life than one in which the action tnkca place In ancient time., lu Ida pimluetiou of "Hon .John (lilgsbx," this reason, 1'runk Kcen.in cxpciicnced and mcicame thin dlflluilty, Tho 6ccncs of the piny aic laid in Illinois, In 134. The f.i,hion in ilrcM of that time and :ilaec arc, of cotirfe, vaguely reincnibeird by many old persons, but Mr. K'cenaii found it almost impn'-lble to ','ct fiom any one source, the accurate infoimation he defiled. A Ion,' nnd pilient search through collection! of old print", however, w.n lewarded by tho nn earthing of pictured that sened admliably 3 models for tho die-u uml nmke-up of every char acter in the play. It h doubtful If tho peilod was cccr before eo accurately pictured on the stage as it is In Mr. Median's producilon of "lion. John ftrlgsby." Mr. Kceiian cornel to the Ly ceum tomorrow night. r - Innes and His Band. The coming cmragcincnt here of limes and his band piomhes to bo ono of the notable society functions of the piesent wltcr. The Sahara sale for this fc'lhal will open at tho Lyceum this morning- at i o'clock. Among the dktlnauMicd artists to be heard in the association with Innes' lcmaikable bind, are Ilorgtii, the famous Italian "Carmen," who have been brought from Italy especially for this tour; Albert!, Zernl, and Trances Uojdeu, n jounj; American girl who comes frch fiom a scries of artistic: triumphs in London. The following ladles will act as a boaul of pa tioncfscs for the fotlral: Mis. T. 11. Walkius, Mra. li. L. fuller, Mi. W. V. Hall-stead, Mrs. l 1). Simpson. Mis. 11. M. Holes, Mis. William t'on nell. Mis. W. W. Scranton. Mt- t.'eorgc 11. Jcr nijii. fho conceit will be iriccn at the Ly ceum Wednesday night. Sale for "Florodora." 'tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock the advance sile of seats for "riorodou" will begin. The engage ment ii for two nights, March 13 and II. The bo office window- will be opened at 0 o'clock slurp and it wilt be "Hist come, first sened" sliictly lo the letter. Xo teats will be laid aside without the caMi or a postofflcc money order for the full amoiit of the Keats accompanying the older and these will be filled only after tho line at tne box; oificc window baa been taken caic of. Not more than six seal-, will lie sold to enc puicliascr. 'Ibis is neccsaiy to piotect the leg ular pationage of the theater and to pre. cut the choice seats fiom falling into the hinds of speculators-. The company to appear hcic in "l'loio dora" is the big one of 300 pUi.vcra'rpeci.illy or ganised to pliy (he laige cities or America, car lies its own ouhestia of twcnlj-two nololsts fiom the famous Casino in New- Yoik and travels in its own special train of Pullman coachej. Chester De Vonde Company. CV'tei lie Vonde and an excellent company which begin an engagement at the Academy of Miiiie tonight, matincs daily except today. To night will be produce! the "Woild's fireit Mjs teiy," a dashing exciting romance lh.it never fags; is brilliant fiom beginning to end. A wo man's good name and honor dcinaii led at the point of the Mvord. This new and lomantic plav purchised at a guat cot. The costuming of this play a special featme. Mr. lie Vonde has never been seen to belter advantage than he is in this productian. Twentieth. Century Maids. That fanciful thing called in-nh.ition, aided by cieatlvc ability, artistic taste and ingenuity, richness of costume., lu.xniiaiico of m encry, ,uid that Indispensable ncce-sltj giib clnrniin? and chic, and vcmarkible for vou'.h, beauty and well nigh perfect voices. 'Jhc.-e arc the salient points to which can be attiihuted the pic-cmi-nent success achieved by Harry Mori is' Twen tieth Century Maid, which open a thice day.,' engagement at the Star theater toda.v. In addition to tlicic elrmenls h couduelic to pleasuie, the genial manigcr's unerring Judg ment as to the anui-emcnl public's wants, and Ids ability as a producer of bright and novel ideas in hiulcsquc enable biin lint only to keep abreast with the tunes but tar In advauie. Mat inee every day. STAGE NOTES. Sixty-four stock companies thioughoiit the country propose to keep going through the vvaim weather. Chailes I.enaul I'letcher, a monologlst, has quit tho vaudeville stage unci opened a school of act ing in Kan-as City. IMgar Seldou is writing an original play called "The liisli l'avvnbiokera" for ' the American Mars. Male Trumbull will be the leading lady. A thtater in Jackson, Mis,,, has been givvn n title by popular xote. Tlio honor fell to Julia Mailowe, aud heieafler It will he known by her name. Louis (', Ilehnian, of the theatileal llrm of 11 do & Ilehnian, died In lliookl.vn la't week. He left a fortune of ?l,500,000 made in the tlia alilcal business. Claia Dloodgood sajs that she will not net again until December, when sho Is to lino un Important pait In a new comedy wilttcn by CIvdo I itclt for Ihailcs riohman. Ticket speculation in New Yoik lias received a haul blow. , Luat week the com t ihne decided that the thealeu burl a right to ri'fu-o to accept ttikeU on the sidewalks, 'the case has been appealed. THE MARKETS SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The following quotations are furnished The Trlb, uno by M, K. Jul dan A. Couipjiiy, looms 703-1Q1 ucarj funding, acramon, i-a. Telephone, MOS. cjiieu t lax. American Sugar , 1"7 Atchison ,.,,.. "ib Atchison, IV .,,,,,,,.. Willi High Low Clos est. 7.-.14 ixiij OIH nan Site Hiili JU7i f.Pi lot m?4 IlW WTi tl-i ,ffi Is'ii 3tk -' W U,1 SlTi tll'i S7 irf, w; 40'i iiVt est l'tt ing, Vit 7H4 tk.'i nt JOtTi Jl?i lUITi 1 Oil '(, ni?4 lot rn li-S IV II1U ini',i as 4 ft)'4 JH6 am KiK 1.'?; mii wv, WJ4 n Mil Id J0(i JU4 JlH'i I'Wi 1IH 101 J'l7!4 Mb up,4 604 1 !!? ai 11114 474 0114 am W,i IS) ll'i S1T4 ml l2 Mi sa 7?4 llrook. Traction ,.,,,... ill Halt, k, Ohio lOJV'j rhlc. k (it. West. bt, Paul Itock Island Ksn. & Te... I'r. , Louis. It 'asl Man, Lieu led ... Met. 'traction .... MIso. Pacific .... South. IMeitic .... Not folk & West, . N, V. Central .... Ontario & West, . l'c-nna, II. 11 I'jclllu Mail Heading It. It. ... 2): ..ltllTJ ..ItUHi .. Blt ..101 ..tai lai'.i .. UC'Vi .. MI'S .. aiiVt ..1B2T4 .. H3 ..13J .. s7?i .. Sl? ... .)? bouthern It. II. Southern It. It. l'r. Tcmi. Coal & lion . Wfa If. s. Leather 11 I', h. Leather, l'r, l'ulon Pacific Union I'acilk, l'r. Wabash, l'r. ...., Col. r'uel & Iron , Amal. Copper I'coplo's (iai .,.,, Texas I'aclllu ,.,,., Am. Car Foundry , V. S. Kteel C, .., I-. S. Steel, t'r. ,, SH , mi. , urn A , 1714 L BrtaF THE TRIBUNE'S 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cent.s (or Each tlxtra l.tri: For Kent. FOR RENT BY W. T. HACKETT. Houses, Flats, Etc. Ponn avenue, Green Itldge, JI13. Wyoming avenue, Oiren llldgc, .'10. Wvomlng avenue, central, 15. Washington avenue, $'!.!, :15, 11), fit), ("5. Adnnvs nvenue, i22, 23, CO, M, CO, 03. Jederson nvenue, t40. Madtscn avenue, $10, Sjj. (Julncy avenue, $2J, 23, 20, 23. Clay avenue, fas, .13, M. Webler avenue, i2'l. Presentt avenue, lear, $7.00. Harrison avenue, ?IS, 20. Lackawanna avenue, !L!3, 13 (20 rooina). llldgc llow, $1S. fpruce direct, ?20. 1,'llden ttrcct, $13, 20, 23. Mulberry tticet, $19, 27, 2S, SO, 33, SO. ' Vine slieet, ?2.S. tllbson otrcet, $-',0. Myrtle street, t23, .10. (Irren Itldge sticet. V- 23. Delaware slieet, .1i3.CO, Capoiiso avenue. Sin, !3. risk nvenue, $S0. Sandeison avenue, $J3. South Main. $13, $21. WuMibuin street, if2J, North (fardcld avenue, $C, tf I'riic street, ?I0. Cedar avenue, S.23. South Irving, 20. McKeniui court, $13. Lee court, ?H.00. Dive court, $12. ' Offices. Central City, $0 upward. Barns. Lirge and small barns. Furnished Houses Lift upon personal application. Furnished Booms. List upon application In person. Stores. Make peisonal application. CALL UPON". T. HACKETT, Eenl Estate Exchange, Price Build ing, 120-128 Washington nve. TOIt HUNT A licenced hotel with 27 bed rooms; all modem iuipiovemeuts, Hood bar. llcut and license 1-120 per month. Apply to J. it, Dall.ty, 120 Franklin nvenue. rOH HUNT A beautifully finished homo of twelve rooms, all modem lOiivcnlenccs, in North Park; line location. Apply 102$ Lkcliiu avenue, Xorlli l'.uk, ' rOlt HUNT Pleasant, dcsiiable furnished home to very small family. Pait of second floor reseivcd. 711 (Julncy avenue. l'Ott Itn.VT 021 (fieen Midge sticct, eight-room model 11 house, steam beat. rOH ti:.N"T Ten 100m bou-e. !X)9 Mulbeirv street; all modern impiovenients. Inquire of D. Moses, 211 Wyomlnp: avenue. Jf l'OIl HLN'T Prom April 1, store room occupied by (bibin Diamond Co.. 22 Lackawanna nve nue; also floor above. Apply 1531 Sanderson ave nue. . POM ItLXT Sloie room on second floor over .119 Lackawanna avenue. Plate glass front. In nuiio ot Krotosky Bros. For Rent Unfurnished Eooms. lOlt TtLXT April 1, thice unfurnished 1001m, steam heat and all model 11 inipioveinenls at 717 Olive slieet. TO LKT Two fiont 1001113, steam heat, lue of bath. 12'1 Lackawanna avenue. l'Olt ItLXT l'ive or six: looms, bath room; all modern impiovenients. &12 Mom 00 avenue. l"OIl liKNT I'ive rooms. Inquire 327 Wjoming avenue. For Sale. fOit SLL' l.Ono.OOO kiln new red bird lommon bilck, Addioss (.cornre 1'. Kichliue, L.istuu, l'a. CAHI'i'.TS, linoleums and oil cloths sold cvciy day .1 o'clock. 003 Lackawanna. See auctions. I"01t SAI.i: Pine kindling wood, stove lciisth. Two dollars big load delivered anvw'ieic. Mall .irders. Jennings, Central Mines cut, AUo second hand lumber suitable for all purpose?, very cheap. FOR SALL Two light spring wagons and some harness, cheap. llvans, rear 11J2 Luzerto street. For Sale or Bent. POP SAI.K Oil llllXT Ten-room single hous, all modern improvements. 30tG Mousey ave nue. Inquire at 1115 Capouse avenue. Furnished Booms. FOit ItKXT One furnished room, with impiove nients; also one oil thlid floor, cheap. (,27 Adams avenue. rUltXISULT) ltOOMS for rent, modem inipwve. ments; private family; gentlemen piefcsred, at M7 Adams avenue. fOn HK.NT IXarnlshed fiont room, with heat, bath and gas; near coutt house; gentleman preferred. Address Itoom, llo- 2'aO, FOit HK.NT I'urnlsbcd loom; heat and bath. C25 Linden street. FUItNISHKD IIOOMS FOR HCXT, with heat, ras and bath, gentlemen picterred, at 533 Adami venue. Wanted Rooms and Board. WAX'TIID Two ccir.mtinlcntlng rooms vvllh board private family pirfeued. Two ladles and a gentleman. .State tull particulars, Addrcai C. II. 1)., Tribune ofllce. PojUicaL TIIIIU) LLOLSLATlVi: DISTIIICT l'o the mem beis of the llepubllcaii Standing Coiumittci) cf Iho Thhd LcgMativo di.lilcfi Notlcu is heiehv given that a meeting of lb" Jlcpublioau Standing Commltlre of the Third Legislative dlstilct of Lackawanna couiily will bo held at tho Come lloihe, Su-.iniini, l'a., on Saluidiy, Mnich 2.', liXJi, at 2 o'cloi k p. 111, A full attendance of tha committee U earnestly requested, lly older of the chaiiuian. OSCAIl VAX lirsKlltK. Attft: .1. 11, WATKIX.S. Sjcretary. S'ciantop, l'a., Maich 10, 1003. Scranton Board of Trade Exchnngo Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Co,, I'r. County Savings Hank &, Tiict Co., first National Hank (C'arbondale) ., 'third National Hank Dime Deposit and Discuunt Hank.. Lconomy Light, II. & I'. Co First National dank Lacka, Trust & Safe Deposit Co.... Clark 4: Snovcr Co., l'r ,,, Scranton Savings Hank ,,,, Tradra' National Hank , Scranton Holt !c Nut Co People's llanu .,, Scranton racking Co HOXDS. Scranton 1'avengcr Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 rcoplo'4 street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1013 , I'coplo's Street Railway, General mortgage, due l'JJl Ecuntou Traction 1) per cent r.conomy Llgnr, Heat A: I'ower Co., Noith Jersey & Pocono Iro Co Consolidated Water Supply Co Hid. Aikci SOD 500 eat to l-ioo ,,, 103 ,., l-!3 ... 500 , -'23 123 ... 1SS , f t I ns , 115 ... 113 ,,. 115 ,.. 07 117 ... WJ Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by U. (, Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) l'lour-H 10. " Heaii4-$2.10. Hutter I'rcali creamery, SOc; Juna cieainery. ZOe.i dahy, 23e. " Cheefe ll'MUv. lgg N'earliy, 26c. l'eji-l'cr bud.el, 1.73. rotatoei I'cr bushel, S5e. Onions Per bualiel, $l.co. WANT" SITUATIONS WANTBD PUUE. 3 Mori BUAN0II WANT OFFIGMS. Want Advartiafjmonts Will Be j Beccivcd nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M, Central City AI.nillcT BCIItJLTZ, corner Mulberry ttrcct and Webster avenue. QUSTAV 1'ICIIKL, 0:0 Adams avenue. West Sldo anoiiai: W. JUNKIXS, 101 South Mala avenue. South Scranton rnLD lu TLIU'l'L', 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OKO. W. DAVIS, corner Nortti Mala avenue and Market street. Green Bidge CIIAIIMIS 1'. JOXi:S, 1537 Dickson F. J. JOHNS, fi20 Green IllcUe street. C. LOiti:NZ, corner Washington av ive- nuc anu Clarion eirect. Petersburg W. II. KNCI'FEIi, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. dond a sos. Wanted. WANTK Chair to recane and rcralr: .end ,,.i ,1 to .lames l'a.vne or 'phon- John lltwks, lli rinvldencd road. Old 'phane lll-:j, tiiecn llldgc. Help Wanted Male. WAXTKD Kxpcricncrd ciuunsseis to take orders, no delivery or collections, salaiy ami com mission. Apply 412 Council building, between 3 and 0 p. m. WAXTLD Two expel ii need stenographers. Ap ply IMwaid Montague, 1'. 0. llox 17, Scian ton. CAXVASHS WAMT.D to solicit Mibsiriplions for 'the Tilbuue; liberal commissions ill lowed; only active men deslied; those with ex perience picferrcil. Apply at Husinnss Managers office, Sciauton Tribune. Help Wanted Female. LADILS to do plain needle vwnk lot us at home, wo finni-li mateilals and pay ft,' to slo per week. Send stamped envelope tu Slandaid Co., Indiana avenue, Chicago, 111. LADY CANVASSKll wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee or llist-class woikcr. Apply pciHinally at Husincss Manager's oltke, Sciauton 'Inbui.c. WA.NTLD At once, n waltic.ss; icfeicnccs le qulitd. Apply to Mis. X. Y. Lcet, 211 Jcf feison avenue. Help Wanted Male and Femnle. WAXin D Sile,-inen nnd sale-lailies. peimii.ent woik aud goud salaiy. Apply at loom Xo. 1, 427 Spruce stiect. Haul) building. 'Recruits Wanted. WAXTLIl I'Olt U. S. AHMY Able bodied un married men between the agca of 21 and :I5; cllieus of the L'nltcd Stutes. of good character and temperatu habits, who can speak, i"ad and write laiglish. Fcr Information aipl to HcuulU in? Olllce, Xo. 12J Wyoming avenue, Si.raulon, l'a. Wanted To Bent. WAXTIID l-'ioni thice to live jileasant looms convenient for housekeeping, dc.diablo loi.i tlon, two 1,'die-,, moileiale lent. Adthcss, giving partlcuhi.s, ".," Tiibune olflcc. WAXTLD It OO MS For two aelulM, three or fntu rooms, fuiulsheel or unfurnished foi veiy light housekeeping, tlrst flooi prcfericd. Addie.-.s M. 11., Tribune office. ,' WAXTLD ruinlshed hnue or four ur five looms for housekeeping. Addicts A, V. V.., Ttlbune ofllce. Benl Estate. FOK HAI.i: One week moie in which .to buy .1 cheap home, in I'.lmhuist. with good g.ud"u and liult. Trims to suit. Aeldicvi Dr. Hateson, ;i.l7 Washington avenue. I'Olt SAI.i: At Claik's Summit; a plaee of live acres, house aud barn, good fruit; cheat) for rash, liiqulic of Mra, L. Liudjay, 1111 North Main avenue, city. Business Opportunity. SlOCIv AND WIIHAT TRAiWItS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Fiee on application. 8. M, Ilibbaul & Co., members X, ., Cciisolidated and Stock Sxcliauge, 41 and 10 Ilroadway, New York. Established mm. Long Distance' l'honc 23SS Hroad. Money to Loan. $500, 71.0110, d.5UU, k.ig.'i- ainoimls at flvo and hlx per ec-.t. Seitt, Attoinej, 1012 .VIeais Building. ANY AMOl XT OF MOXKY 10 LOAN-Qulck, etialght loans or liulldlux aud Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call, on N. V, Waller, Bll-315 Connc-U bulhllnvr. Lost. LOSTSaluiday nflcrnooii, bil'vvccn Washington avenue, Delawate i-lii'i't, Adams avenue 111, el I in en Hldge hlreet, silver thiitelalne bag enu tahilng about W. I'liuler will bo icwaidcd by ictuinlug to Tribune office. LOST-Monday evening, I'cb. 17, between W.vo inlng nvenue and Washburn street, an oval binoch containing gintleiuan'h plctuie. I'lndcr jdc-t-o retuin tu or notify MUs 1'araoiii, 417 'Ihii. lceiith slieet. Boarders Wanted. UO.MIDF.HS W,XT1',I)- Laige well fiirnhhsd fiont loom and a bide jooui v.lili board in piivalu 'fainilv ; all .modem iinpioiciuenU. 1,23 Adanid avenue. l'lllVATi: FVMILY wishes to have two nl-o men to boaul, Ocimau or i:nglili. Call uny t.nu after Thursday. All conveniences, S07 llauuoii avenue, Easter Complexions, DASI'ITt tOirLi:X?t)-IOu'w.1nrTi'fwh completion tu match vuur Kasler gowns mil hati you jliould start at oueo and glvu it lanlul illrutlou. My Klcctiie'al Massage 111 ono hour vrlll make the face look 5ejn iouugci; ts ic freshlng and icstful, Supeitluoiis lulu, warts and moles lemoved. live brow coireeled. Hu rliaiun'4 Dciniatologlcal I'arlom, S12 Washington avenue. Storage. STORAGR Dr, clean uml moek'iii up to dato noiage; separate loonu; individual t.ovs. ,-Ievatur. An meai siciago lor nouseiioid ellecla, elf. Tnlity jcparate storage rooms, Stroiitou Stoiage com pany, 113 1'iaiikllii avenue. Miscellaneous, AMLIlirAN DKItnY-ltow to play the American iK-iuy in ine winter uoous to as to win with out fall, send addle! uml 2-. atamu tu J' M Itodgei & Co., Hoby, lndlotia. a .'Mi'llUI'l'.l'W"" DIRECTORY: Insertions 25 Cents Tin i Pour Miisi, fi Cent J for Bach Butn l.liti. PROFESSfONAL. Certified Public, Accountant. LDWUII) f. RI'AULDIXO. 2.rTlTAlTHi(3nANK niiiMimr, nnd Ht. l'anl Ilulldlng, New York. AfcllltoctB. L'iivvaiid ii. I)avis, Aitcinn:cT, connllC nuiuiiiig, rmiDi'.iticK l. nnow.v. aiicti. 11., ni:.E Mtatc llxehsnjfo niilg,, 120 Washington aVe. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. llAItDINO, TOO CONNKLt, nUU.nlKa Dentists. dm. o. 1:. i:iLi:Nin:itacii, pauli hoildino. bpiuce street, Scranton. Dft.0. C. LAUHACH, 113 WYOMIN'q AVKNUB. Lawyers. FIIANK li. DOYLi:, AITOIINI'.Y-AT-LAW. "onu 12, H, 10 and IS Hurr Uulldlng. r. K. THAOy, ATT'Y, COMMONWF.ALTH DLDO. B- n. uiipLonLn, attohnky-loass nlcio- tialed on real estate necurlty. Mearn Itulldln?, corner Uashlngton avenue and Spruce street. WILLAHD. WAIHIIIN & KN'AN ATTOllNKYS ami couiisellors-at-lavv. Hepubllcan Uullcllnj, vvashlnglon avenue. JCSSUf & JIISSUP, ATTOItNI'.YS AND COUN-(-ellois-at-law. Commonwealth Uulldlng, lloomi 10, 20 and 21. 1;V!AD W-. TIIAYElt. ATTOltNLY. ROOJH nq'-i!cL Dili floor, .Moors building. r"A- "'AT'lll"5. ATTOItN'LY-AT-IiAW. BOAUP "' "aelo Uulldlng. Scranton, l'a. ''n'TP.?0,, WILCOX, THADL'11'.S KATIOXAb Hank- flulldiji-f C. COMLOYi), 0-13 ItPPUDLIOAN BUILDING. Von',Iil:iJTHOr-r' OFFICII MOVUD TO NoT 211 Wyoming avrmie. Physicians and Surgeons. Ult. W. L ALLUN. 51J NOKTII WASlUXOTON avenue. Wit. S. W. L'AMOUIMIJ.V, OFFICII 330 WASH Jngton avenue. Resident c. 121S Mulberry. Clirnr.le alsen.-cs, lungs, heart, kidneys and Konlto-urlnary oig.-ms u ipceialty. Hours, I to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. l! D. o. i:ANS, OSTLOI'ATII, 126 S WAMI fiigtnu avenu". Chronic and ncivous disease! a s-pecmltv. Consultation fiee. Instruction Musical. r. c. i'i:csi:it. Mrs. bac, 'il'aciii;ii op V ofco Culture. Haimony, Counterpoint an I Composition. Cniinodtloiia corrected and ic vKcd for publication, a", New Yoil: utrccl. Hotels and Restaurants. mi: i:lk cut:, 123 and 127 ntAXKLix ave- nue. Rates reasonable. r. ZIKOLKIt, Proprietor. SCnAXTON IIOUSi:, XLAlt D, L. & W. PAS sengcr depot. Conducted on the L'uropeaa rli"-. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRlflOS CL11ANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cen pools; in jdor; only Improved pumps used. A. II, Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders lloa North Main avenue, or Ilicke's drug store, cor ner Adaies and .Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. G. It. CLARKi: i: CO., SF.HDSMLN AND NUHS crjmen, store 201 Washington avenue; great homes, 1930 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 732. Wire Screens. josf.ph kui;iti:l. isi:ar 511 lacka. ave., Scranton, l'a,, manufactuicr of Wlro Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDltEN TO ORDHR; also ladies waists. Louise bhoemaker, 2U Adams- avenue. MEiAH0i:i: BliOS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN velojiC3, piper bags, twine. Warehouse, ISO Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKES-HARItE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at the news stands of Itelsmao Bros.. 4CKI ipruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton, '!2i Lackawanna avenue; i. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. Situations Wanted. MllWriOX WAX"! r.D Portion as cashier or buokkecper, by young lady with ccperiencc; best leferenccs; saliry moderate. Address, 15tt Jackson ftieet. A HOOD COOK and lauudift-.s wants a place, ply 317 Mulbeny street, oj'ty. Ap- A YOI'Xtl MAX of good addie'H and refeicncc, lUviH-s a talailiel position in this city, with lellablc 111 111. Addles-., 1. 11., Tribune ofhee. WANTED Position by a young man, age 22, in bookkeeper or uist.iiit and Ivpewiitcr, vvhcio good haul wnik c-alli for adviiieement. No ex perience e.xiept a thorough bn-lncjs college train ing; can glvo iifeicuce as lo eliaiacter and abil it ; location this or New Yoik btnte; good pen. man: cniicspoudcme llh-lted, Addie.u Wesley 11, Wcavci, Lope?, Nilliun county, Pa. HTI'ATIOX" VVAXTED-lly u young man froinf New Yi .'k as lunchiiiin. Munck, 707 Deacon sticct, city. SITI'ATIOX WAX'IEI)-llv middle aged woman, as housekeeper lu vvldowci'.s famll. Call or addirss J. II.. 1117 bimmilt avenue, beianton, l'a, SITI'ATICl.V WANTED-By a young man vvltfc four ycMi cvpciience around gioeery toie Will accept position nt anv honest work. Stronj nnd iudustiious, II. 1',, 312 Mulberry sticet. SrU'.vTION' WANTED lly .1 butcher; good mir ket man, ped.llei, bologna and Mihige maker; can cine and pie kit) all kinds of mcatM At meat 1 utter aud slauglitciniau. Addicss Butcher, "It Linden sticet, West Piltstun, P.i, SI1TA1IOX WANTED Work by tlio day or wash. ing and iionlug to lahe homo, Address t'. u., Ti Ilmiio offlc,', SITI'ATIOV WANri:i-H)' .1 .voting Rill to help with light hoii-ewnik or, tike, care pi dill-ilie-ii; sleep homo iilglua; udihcss L. J-'-, a-'l Birch stifot, Bhautnatism. 1 f tS si fs. HllEl'MATiiM-.U parties that wish ran be upcediiv ami permanently unci I of all va. littles of Hhcumatlsiii by 11 vcgrlablo compound, Cuics guai anlccd. Inquire or address J. E, Tay I01, Sciauton, LEGAL. NOIIC'i; Is hertby given that an application ,wjll 'be made tu the Governor of I'rniujlvanU on Wcdnesdaj. the Will day of March, A, . IM, by Alfred P. Trautvvelu, Nlculal II, Hlllei, Oiat ten A. bluger. I'lank diehard and George M Laubslilrc, under tho Act of Asssmblv of II. 1 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to piovido for the Incorpoiatloii slid rciu lation ot ceitaln coilioratlous," appiovcd Ap.il 2'), IS174, and the supplements theic-tu, for tho charter of an intended corpoiatlon to he call! 'ho (alboudile CTiemlcal company, the Chirac ter and fibjeet whereof Is the inanuficture an-l sale of cheiiiical piuducls, and for these purpeues In bavis povsi-os ami enjoy all the lights, bcneflli uml inlUlcu-ci of the said Act of Ansembly and III supplements, ii, w. f,.vniuoii:, fsoiicitor. Siranton, I'cb. 21, 1U02, NUI It'll is heieby given that the pilltluu of tli illln Coal Company, a cofporatfon eluitered under the lavv-4 of the .State- of rcnnsjlvaula, uskinir for u device of dissolution of Iho said etuporatloii. m piovlded In tl9 Act of Assehiblv apiiroveil the Oili day of Apiil. IS30, and lu mppltinenU, will be rrecntecl to the Oouit ol Conimou Picas of Iaickawumu countv on MonUv, the 7lli dav of piil, li)2, at U o'clock a, in,' WELLES & TOIMIUY, SollcltOM.