The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 10, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    i ttjl.WHt V
5 -
-"' V i
rj hie uoDEtw HAnnwAnR Bronx
Don't Take
Our Word
for It, stop nnd see whether Q
Clothes Wringer x
bought hero Is a bargain, fl
There aro at least a dozen Q
kinds horo to select from. Q
Prices $1.00 to ?0.00. Q
Footc & Shear Co.
JI9N. "Washlneton Ave X
Wo have been so
lmy nt lito at thi
OOS8 i:vatouv,
tllAt WO lUllll't tlllll!
to come heie every
Sow tint cl.iM
nre workinir iilnmr
Miioollily. Jon will
find iu licrc us tol
nierlj .
1N0T0X, nlicclor.
Wo have HO shares o the United
States Lumber Co. stock for sale to
day. The largest holders say It will go
to $300. Ranks will loan on it.
Wo have 5 shares of United States
Lumber Co. stock.
We have G shares of the County Sav
ings Bank nnd Trust Co. stock for sale.
Wo have Colliery Engineer Co. stock
for sale. If you want to buy or sell,
come and see us.
We have Dime Bank Co. stock for
sale. If you want to buy or sell, come
and see us.
Wo have Central Pennsylvania Brew-
United States Lumber Co.
Stock for Sale
lug Co. C per cent, gold bonds for sale
at $Sj, yielding over seven per cent.
We have Clark & Snover Tobacco
Co. stock for sale.
We have 5 per cent, water bonds for
We have some United States govern
ment bonds for sale.
Wc have some Spring Brook Water
Co. bonds for sale.
Naturally, you go to a good house to
buy a good tiling.
'Phone, 100; evening 'phones, 1SS4 and
M 11-2.
COMEGYS & CO. Brokers
Dime Building.
If You Could
get jour oje on the tiansfcr books of the United
States Lumber company it would take only a
moment to convince jou where to bo to make a
Kile or puichasc; all the time in the maikct with
(ash to buy and .t tc-ponsilile ngiccincnt to sell
which mean what it saja.
Wanted, all the time, good stocks ot all descrip
tions and full oSciings ot fame; alto high giade
i. F. Megargel &Co.
Council Building.
ever been In our store to sec the many
things wc hac to make your infant
and cliildicn well dressed and com
foitablc. It nor, it will repay jou to
gic us a little ot your time.
m rum; "n a ijv i a v a it
118 Washington Avenue.
A Cordial
Is extended to worklnginen,
clerks, women and to all, to open
a saving account with this Bank.
Mr, C. A. Beemer, now located In
I'lilladelpliia, returned homo last Fri
day evening for n short stay among
relatives and triends. Upon arrival at
bis home, be was greeted by a largo
number of his friends, who had gath
ered to commemorate the anniversary
of Ids birthday. The usual diversions
weie indulged in, after which refresh
ments were served, Among thoso pres
ent were: Misses Nellie Lewis, Phoebe
atnequaw, Myrtle Beemer, Lillian Mil
ler, Bertha Francis, Maude Allen, Cora
I'fckcrlnjr, and It. D, WclumlH, A. Q,
PhlfTer, W. K. Clurke, V, A. Beemer und
A. 1 Clarke,
The Christian Workers' league rtm
idueted u very delightful sleiglnldo
party to Dalton, Friday evening, Many
Interesting games were indulged In, und
refreshments wore served by the ladies.
Thoso present were: "Mrs. It. AV. Ayles
Avorth, the Misses Ida Kapn, Lenora
Uatsel, Kllzabeth Mlnzenberg, Lillian
Moore, Elsie Mlnzenberg, Anna Jones,
Martha Moore, Lavlnu Tomllnson, Jes
Me Evans, Augusta Hwuk, and Messrs.
ltudolph. Decker, Charles Moore, It. W,
liVylcsworth, James LuBarre, Lawrence
Kcnk, John Welsentlue, 13. J, Snyder,
ISVulter Zenk, Edwurd Stevens, Powell,
Dumes Iloffa nnd Henry Yolz.
Mrs. Ulrleh Wurren was tendered a
fcurprlse party Friday night at the homo
tyt her mother, on Crown avenue. Those
1 flothers
who attended the pleasant event were!
Mrs. Louise Frantz, Nicholas Brown,
August I'otry, Henry Scblentz, Mat
thew Knoble, Henry Dankwertzs Ulrleh
Warren, William Backer, L. Ilcncford,
Illchard Uoldniullcr, Otis Bollror, Will
.Tntissen, John Chase, Fred Kollerinan,
J. Wldiner, Henry Engol, Harry Bur
schel, lltulolph SchaefCer, H. Stelngleln,
Franklin Warren, Henry I'otry, Will
Graff, und the Misses Louisa Blatter,
Wanda Warren, Cordelia Danltwertit,
Lena Dimkwcrts!, Amelia Blatter, Car
rie Blatter.
A very pleasant stirpilso parly was
tendered Mr. Chuilcs M. Vungorder at
ills homo on Grove street, Dunmore,
Friday evening, Those who attended
were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Warner, ot
Scranton; Mr. nnd Mrs. William Welsh,
Mr. and Mrs. Mnrk Bensley, Miss Mae
Dnvls, of Scranton: Miss Grace Har
vey, Miss Eva May Hedglon, Miss Hen
rietta Clark, Mrs. Thomas Clark, Mrs.
William Wldener, Mrs. Sntuh Swurtz,
Mrs. II. a. Smith, George Wetherlll,
John Harvey, Phlletus Crnbb, Lemuel
Jones, of Dunmore. The evening wns
pleasantly spent In games up until 10
o'clock when refreshments were served.
Afterwards all departed for their
respective homes wishing Mr. Vnngor
der n long and huppy life.
Jll.s lljille IViry, of C.tpoiKc lUinue, spent
Saluiiljy and Sunday with tilcnds in C.tilioii'lalc.
Miss IMn.i Kv.nn, n( Tajlor Mount', Is enter
tflinintf lirr cousin, Mta Amu Vide, ol Con
cva, X. V.
Mks "Jlargaiol flllte.tple Is In Derby. Conn.,
where she Is the gucft of her sister, .Mis. .lamc.s
1). Kennedy.
1'. .1. Tooliey, nccomp-inied by bis ton, l'ran
cl. left yclnd.iy for New Voile city, wheie ho
will snend a week on business.
Express of That City Devoted Near
ly Three Pages to a Description
of It Yesterday.
The Buffalo Express yesterday devot
ed nearly three pages to a description
with prof'ro illustrations of the plant
the Lackawanna Steel company is
erecting at Buffalo. The article has the
following with reference to the build
ings now completed:
Hack to the north end of the ground., nearest
tlio oflicc building, the isilor notes a line of
four brick buildings in a row lakevvard. l'ir.-t
is the storehouse, CO feet by 100 feet; net is
the duplicate-machinery building, 10 feet by 200
feet, nct is the carpenter shop, CO lect by 1'i0
feet; neU is the locomotive boiler liouav, ill feet
by 73 feet. Mining on past this low of buildings
tho visitor flndj a second row. l'iist is the roll
shop, S30 feet by 40 feet; next is the pipe shop
and toolhouso, 50 feet by 500 feet; ne.vt U the
boiler shop, 05 feet by 'JT.i fcetj next Is the pat
tern shop, CO feet by 325 feet, ami the pattern
storage shop, the same sie, and nct is the povv
ei -house No. 2, at ftet by 100 feel. Advancing
toulli or away fium the city still farther, the
vWtor comes uson . third row of buildings,
rlftt is the forge shop, TO feet by 2.'j0 feet; r.ext
is the machine shop, S3 feet by MO feet, and next
is the foundiy shop, 00 feet by .V10 feet.
Thene buildings aic all finished, all arc niick,
solidly built, 'they fotni a column of buildings
three luiiks deep. In thenehes they constitute
a far greater plant than may be .-.een anj where
el-e In it near Ilulfala.
M 4
All tho vi-itor has noted thus far is cl
thcnoith end of the site and pertains to the
ltes-emer piocet.s. It is not the puiposc here to
touch on what is .vet to be done. It is enough
to uic a faint i(Ie.i of what already has been
aicomplMiid. Pcihaps it is ju't as well, bow
ever, for the lluffjlo tititn to know that the
company nUo will build an opcii-be-ltli plant
for tho opcn-liiMrtlt piocess ami that it will be
southeast of the llessrtnir plant that is licie ile
sciibed. The open-heailh I'ontuictlon work will begin
without delay nnd it means buildings and struc
tures additional to a number bejond the ability
of the lay reader at piesent lo follow. Combined
with the Ilestenicr pioees3 the open-heailb pio
cess will give tho Lackawanna Steel company a
plant in the world, the l.uget single
steel plant in tlds country at present.
The highest ofllclal at the plant is Henry Well
Him, the ger.cial manager, a big- man with a
bushy bcaul and a knowledge of the steel busi
ness ltnsiu passed in the world, lie is the timtcd
ae.sMant of l'ieident Walter Scranton. lie was
manager of the plant at Kcianton, recently le
tiuaied fioin a trip to visit the great steel
plants of the Old World, and is in full author
ily at the new plant. Ills assistants aic .1. 1!.
S.nage und Aithur Scranton. Mr. Savage is a
voting giant, taller own than the picsident of
the company. He is smooth-shaven, flnu-fea-tilled,
spectacled and pleasant luaimeicd. Ar
thur Seiantnu is :i biothcr to l'lesldent Wither
Scranton. 'Hie ililef chll engineer is C O. Conk
ling; the chief mechanical engineer Is 1'. Dal'.
'Ihonipson; tho chief electricil engineer is 12. 1).
ltfmomlson; the chief chemist is .1. Cox; th"
master mechanic is Ccutgc and (lie out
side foreman is btirllng Pox". Arja Williams, tlic
assistant seietaiy of llie compiny, alo lias bis
office in the building.
To be head of a ilepirtment In this companv
means innic than a little. For instance, tbeic
aio about 73 meihanical engineers now working
under Mr. Thomson. Then- aic 23 or nioie civil
rngiueeis winking under Mr. Colliding, without
counting the dozens of loduien, uxiiieu, chilli
mc and otheis who make up tho vaiious coipi
under cueinccis. Dining these so-called dull
winter uiontlis theie aio out 2,300 uitii emplojcd
inside the high fence on tin- wolk of coiistiue
tion alone.
Local District Conventions to Be
Called In April or May.
The election, In Bradford county
Saturday, of delegates to tho Bepubli
cnti slate convention, which is to be
held In IJarrlsburg next June, makes
the ninth county election of delegates
In the present campaign for tho guber
natorial uniiilnatiou, The other coun
ties which l.ovo elected ure: Berks,
Carbon, Chester, Jefferson, Union,
Snyder, Indiana and Susquehanna.
AJ1 of these delegates aro for John P.
The next Interesting primaries will
bo held on Friday In Blair county.
Here the voters will pass directly on
the merits ot Mr. Ulkln and Colonel
L. A. AVulres, of this city. Under the
Blair rules, Colonel AVatres fulled to
register in time to get his name on tho
1 allot, but Mr. Klkin waived this point
and tho names of the two are now on
tho ballot. Blair bus been somewhat
Insurgent In the past, and It therefore
affords a fair field for testing tho cur
rents of public opinion in reference to
the gubernatorial nomination. Politi
cians throughout the stuto aro await
ing ItH verdict with Interest.
There was talk on Saturday among
locul Republicans of prominence of
culling the Luckuwanua district con
ventions about the last of April or first
of May. It Is argued that this would
be plenty of time for the state con
vention, nnd also late enough to make
unnecessary separate conventions later
for the nomination of candidates for
the legislature, Tito present Intention
of the Republican county leaders is to
nominate delegates and legislative
candidates at the same time, thus sav
ing considerable expense. It Is the be
lief of some that by the time Indicated
the canvass for the nomination for
governor will have been defined wjth
uutllclent clearness to niuko unneces
sary any division of lofal opinion on
that point.
Three Places In the Central Part of
Scranton, Complnlned Against by
Superintendent of Police Day, Are
Among tho Sixteen Refused In
This City Seven Remonstrances
by the Municipal League Succeed
In Defeating Three Applications.
No Licenses nt Lincoln Heights.
Couit on Saturday morning bnuded
down its decision in the matter ot
liquor license applications. Korty-two
licenses were refused and four held
under advisement. There were 770 ap
plications filed, i2S of which 'were from
Scranton. Tho applications not granted
Cliailes ("Itox-c.v") V. Jone.s, restaurant ,110
Spiuce aticrt, Illghth ward.
1'rank M. Ajlesvvoilh, lestaurant, 210 I'emi ave
nue, lllglilli w.ud,
.lohii Carioll, hotel, .127 Lackawanna avenue,
Klghth waul.
John Tuny, hotel, Hi Lackawanni avenue.
.lames .T. I'addcii, hotel, coiner Washington
avenue nnd Phelps street, Seventh w.ud.
John J. Cirson, restaurant, 1313 Division ttrcet,
l'lflli waul.
John l.ukan, holel, 1210 Moyil stiect, Second
John I'olcy, liclller, I'mirth w.ud, Scranton.
M. J. Ribbons, hotel, 2021 Luzerne street, Fifth
Thomas Hastings, hotel, 320 Meridian elrect,
fifth ward.
Agnes Xowlcki, hotel, 1101-3 I'lttslon avenue,
Nineteenth waid, Seranlon,
John J. Snyder, bottler, 1023 Summit avenue,
Tvvcnty-flist waul.
David O. Iteese, hotel, CIO South Main avenue,
I'lrtecnth waul.
James Moia, Willow- street, Second ward,
William Tuiko, hotel, Delavvaic street, Third
l'lank Maimiu, hotel, Tourt ward.
Michael J. O'llo.vle, hotel, Plakrly street,
I'lrst wuul.
John Astock, reslauinnt, lluoop avenue and
Iteaves street, Tirst w.ud.
John W. Ilrinl.', Exchange hotel, Drinker and
Ulakcly sticcts, Sixth waul.
Jocph Obelkewicli, restaurant, bridge and
Itlvcr sheets. x
V alter K.ik?n'.U, hold, Lincoln street, Third
Anllionv Chvviekleiiskl, lcstauunt, Conmutght
street, Third w.ud.
Michael Olicliiiiski, hotel, l'ancoast avenue.
Steven 1'eudel, hotel, Dclmont and Pack sticcts.
Punic Ooigcl, hotel, l'lne street, Ponrth ward,
S.vliester Hochnovski, lcstauiant, Ponrth wcrd.
Otiiseppc Laracen's, hotel, George stlcct.
L'mil Milleman, leslaurant, Maple stiect.
Jacob ll.utow.kl, hotel, l'ittston avcjiue, Oieen
wood. John MortinkI, holel, 1'iOspect avenue, (.'rccu
wood. John II. McDeimott, resiatuant, Lincoln
John O'Mallcy, hotel, Miin stieet, Lincoln
I'.itiiik McN.illy, hotel. Main road, Lincoln
I'.itiiik Council, Watson avenue, Lincoln
Louis ll.m ell, bold, Olenbiiin road.
William J. fiaiil, bold, on load ftom Scunton
to Newton,
O. S. Handilik, hotel.
O. M. Iu-islilh'i, hotel, Soulh Main sheet and
Luoiuls avenue, sixth ward.
Prank fimil.m, bold, Mellctl and Powell
sheets, Thiid waul.
P.lleu Hauls, Scolt load.
The four held under advisement
John J, Disklu, luvvu-liip.
1. P. Plahert.v, 122 I'cnn avenue.
Mai tin P. Laugan, 3i Lackawanna avenue.
Mai tin llealey, of Olj pliant,
The Jones, Morris and Aylesworth
refusals were the result of a letter
from Superintendent of Police Day,
complaining that they were notorious
resorts for Immoral women.
Seven remonstrances were tiled by
the Municipal league and four of them
were effective. These four were In the
eases of John W. Brink, of Dunmore;
Patrick J. Regan, of Dunmore; John
Can oil, of Lackawanna avenue, and
J. J, Pndden, of Washington avenue
and Phelps street. The three inelfect
Ivo remonstrances were those against
Thomas C'osgrove, of 130 North Main
avenue; Henry II. Jones, of 301 Spruce
street, and Mary Lopoytner, of 35 Race
Tho namo of P. J. Began, of Dun
moro Corners, does not properly be
long In tho list of refusuls. He and bis
former partner both applied for a li
cense for the place, and at the hear
ing Monday, Began withdrew bis ap
plication. The Municipal league pro
tested against Bolund being granted a
licence, on the ground It was made for
Began. No remonstrance having been
filed and tho league being unable lo
offer anything In support of Its alle
gation of bad faith, the protest was
The applications of John J. Carson,
1513 Division street; John Foley, 1-128
Jersey Kggs, 25c dz.
Coursea's Gein Flour,
$4,75 barrel,
Finest Lucca Olive,
$2.25 per gal, tin.
Fine Imported Sar
dines, 15c per tin,
429 Lackawanna Ave.
1 Jt II
North Lincoln avenue! Thomas Thom
as, Ijvcrett avenue, corner of I'ettc
bono street! Thomas Hastings, 8Cd
Meridian street! Agnes Nowlckl, 1101
1103 l'ittston avenucj John J. Snyder,
102B Summit avenue! David G. lleese,
!ilO South Main nvenue, nnd all the out
of Scranton applications, were for new
houses, which, evidently, the court
thought were not necessary.
John W. TufTy, 42S Lackawanna
avenue, wns of tho firm Tufty & Me
Namara, lioe license wns recently
assaulted for Sunday selling.
U4NJJI ll.SIl'., 0.4S X'V.VlllJl.
John Lukan, who wanted a bottler's
license for 1210 Lloyd street, Is tho
husband of Mnry Lukan, who Is con
ducting a retail place on Cnpouse ave
nue. Court granted the wife's applica
tion but refused tho husband, evident
ly believing that one license for a
family Is unite sunicicnt.
Albert Buchln, whose license ns a
bottler, at 1101 North Main avenue, was
refused, was tried at the last term ot
court for soiling Illegally. Tho Jury
disagreed. Tho trial judge, however,
hud some opinions of his own evident
ly, ns to whether or not Bttclila should
have been convicted.
All four of tho applicants for licenses
for Lincoln Heights wore refused.
They were remonstrated against by
thlrty-llvo residents of the place.
Forty-three remonstrants, bended
z-.VII -. !!. 1t T.lM.r..
'by ex-Burgess Dan Powell, protested
against tho granting of a license to M.
J. O'Boyle, of tho First ward, Dun
more. They have been successful
every years for four years In prevent
ing him from getting a license. They
allege It Is In a residence neighborhood
and unnecessary.
One of tlic remonstrances thtft was
not effective was that directed against
Max Rosenfleld's application for a
wholesaler's license it t Olyphant. Some
of the neighbors protested that it wns
not necessary. Ineffectual remon
strances were nlso filed against John
Mednn, ot Maylleld, and John Mowts,
of Dickson City. In at least one of
those cases, It was alleged that the re
monstrance was inspired by a desire to
prevent competition.
The application from Glen
burn was protested by a hundred' of,
the residents of the neighborhood, who
alleged ho has been selling without a
license. Barrat's house was destroyed
by lire the night before license court
convened. It wns to bo rebuilt.
William J. Gaul, of Blind Man's
road, Mt. Dewey, whose application
was among "those refused, is a son of
William A. Gaul, who was tried at the
last regular term of court for selling
without a license. The jury disagreed.
This was the case, it will bo remem
bered, in which the question of guilt
hinged on the question as to when
blackberries arc ripe.
The five applications held under ad
visement are for places where exist
ing license is attacked for illegal sell
To Be the Right Hand Man of Gen
eral Manager E. E. Loomis, of
the Lackawanna.
Attorney John It. Wilson, of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western coal
department, has been appointed chief
clerk to "General Munager E. E. Loomis,
with headquarters in Now York. He
will assume the duties of his new posi
tion tomorrow, although the appoint
ment became effective a few days ago.
Mr. Wilson was at one time an out
side foreman at the Avondule mines,
where he obtained much practlc'nl ex
perience. He studied law with Taylor
& Lewis, in this city, and was appointed
attorney for tho. coal department in
1S0S, succeeding the kite M. I. Corbett.
The position vacated by Mr. Wilson
in the coal department will, in all
probability, be lllled by tho appoint
ment of Daniel R. Reese, a well-known
young attorney, who resides at Ply
mouth. Mr. Wilson has earned his promotion
by strict application to duty and by ac
cumulating an Invaluable fund of in
formation pertaining to the mining in
dustry. The position of chief clerk to
Mr. Loomis, while he was In this city,
was held by C E. Tobey, who has been
appointed assistant superintendent of
the coal department, .
The appointment of Colonel It, A,
Phillips to the general superlntendency
of the department, as mentioned ex
clusively In The Tribune on Saturday,
has met with popular approval, und the
general opinion expressed is that he
will cement the already pleasant rela
tions which exist between the company
and its employes.
They Gathered in tho R. R. Y. M. C.
A. Saturday Night.
An enthusiastic meeting of the Scran
ton Car Foremen's Assoclaiiin
held In R. !t. V M. C. A. hall .Saturday
evening. President L. T, Canlleld was
In tho chair, cud a large reprtsentntiou
of the membership wis present.
A lengthy discussion was enjoyed
on the best remedies for hot boxes, and
un Imaglnnry cuse was cited on Inter
change rules, which proved to be very
instructive. Another subject which re
ceived some consideration was "Re
ceiving and Delivering Cum on Nota
tion Records,"
Tho subject of "Piece Work, Its Ad
vantages! and Disadvantages, Who
Does it Interest?" was to liave been
taken up, but owing to the lateness of
tho hour was postponed until the next
meeting, which will bo hold on tho
second Saturday evening in April,
Arrangements were made for having
tho minutes of tho meeting printed In
the Railway Master Mechanic euch
month, nnd those who join the associa
tion will receive copies of tho paper
and puy tho subscription price in lieu
of annual dues.
Sixteen new members were taken
Into the association Saturday evening,
bringing tho total membership up to
106. A communication wns received
from Secretary AV. W. Adulr, ot the R.
R, Y. M. C. A tendering tho associa
tion tho use of tho building and Invit
ing the members to co. operate In fur
thering the plans for the proposed new
borne of the R. R, Y, M, C. A.
There will be a meetlns of the Sennitou Alumni
n ... li ill 1,il. nt, W(ilmsil.iv tihrht. M.111I1 1J.
at 7.30 o'elock at the homo ot Hobert Caroon, en
Boutli Main avenue, lor we purpose 01 cieciw;;
oMu'M ami nuking urranscnienu for an nter
..l.,..,,.nf ,wl ui.hl ulileli twv will hftltl In tho
near future. The following pUjcrs arc rcn.ueate.1
1. .. ,. ,1- 1'.. ..,- Vllnlll.. 1.,.,1
10 rciKHi: j-usu'w iv'i, . ... uvu,, , ,.
Dariett, Jamej 1'crrU, Thomas lUriliny, AUnn
tfn,lncns.l,nr TliniTt.i sfef'juii. John Clark. Will
(iallah'hcr, llobert Curoii, Bjuford Phillip.', l''ied
JtcUlnsoi), ueorge Jiaruugiuu auu inn 4jum.11.
ALjo all uluers interested in the club.
Fills In an Exceptionally Ablo Man
ner One of the Most Important Po
sitions Under the Company Thos.
J. Snowdcn, Common Councilman
of tho Second Ward, Makes an Ex
cellent Public Ofllcial Something
About Colonol R. A. Phillips, tho
New Lackawanna Superintendent.
One of the most important positions
under tho Lackawanna railroad is
that of master car builder, and It
takes a man to 1111 It who is thoroughly
familiar with every detail of the car
from the casting ot a wheel to the tint
ing of a palaco car. The company wns
extremely fortunnte In the selection of
L. T. Canfleld, who Is a recognized au
thority on car construction, and the
confidence placed In him Is best evi
denced by the revolution of things he
has worked in the car shops operated
by the company. From antedated
equipment nnd customs, Mr. Canlleld
wrought out such changes in the
Scranton shops, by the introduction of
up-to-dnto methods and machinery,
that the place is scarcely recognized as
the plant of old.
Mr. Canfleld was master car builder
of the Chicago, Rook Island and Pa
cific railroad fof several years prior
to 1S;)C, when he became the Chlcugo
representative of the Standard Rail
way Equipment company, and from
there camo to the Lackawanna rail
road in April, 1S99. He is the patentee
of several articles of railway equip
ment, a practical mechanic, and is
thoroughly conversant with thd needs
of the road. In the formation of the
Scranton Car Builders' association, re
cently, Mr. Canfleld took an active
part and was unanimously chosen its
llrst president. He enjoys the confi
dence and esteem of the men employed
by the company, and Is an organizer
of marked ability, having repeatedly
demonstrated that fact since he joined
tho Lackawanna forces.
To have to begin life's battle as a
doortender In the mines of one of the
biggest coal companies in the country,
and, at the age of thirty-eight to be
come general superintendent of that
company, is an achievement that makes
the average man wear plumes. But
Colonel Reese A. Phillips to whom this
most enviable extension has come Is
not nn average man, nnd In the matter
of vanity is very far removed from the
average. It can be safely predicted that
no one will ever discover from any
change in the colonel's demeanor that
he has come Into a. position at the
head of 1S.000 men In twenty-six col
lieries with nn annual output of 5,200,
000 tons of coal.
Colonel Phillips' career Is one that
might well be held up for tho emulation
and encouragement of the young. In
1S7-1 he secured a job In the Jersey mine
ns doortender at seventy-five cents a
day. He kept pushing ahead from one
position to another acquainting himself
thoroughly with all the ins and outs of
practical mining und in the meantime
studying during his spare hours to nt
himself for the best positions the oc
cupation of mining could afford. In
1SS0, he joined the company's engineer
corps, nnd perfected himself by prac
tice and study In this branch of min
ing. For a short time he worked with
tho Philadelphia and Reading company,
but returned to the Delaware, Lacka
wann and Western company In 1S83
nnd continued with the surveying corps
until 1S87, when Superintendent Benja
min Hughes made him assistant fore
man at the Dodge under the late Ed
ward Jnines. Four years later, he
succeeded Hon. John T. Williams, as
foreman at; the Oxford, and after two
ears was transferred to tho Pettebone,
ns superintendent. A few months later
hewas selected as un assistant general
superintendent to succeed the late
Thomas J. Phillips,
When E. E. Loomis became the su
perintendent of tho Delaware, Lacku
wnnn and Western coal department he
retained Colonel Phillips as an nsslst
unt superintendent, and before many
uiontlis passed the colonel's merit made
him the right hand man of the new
head of the department.
The appointment of Colonel Phillips
to succeed Mr. Loomis as the local
F YOU call yourself a
crank because you're
hard ta please, you're the
rnan we want to get a
hold of.
Our derbies will please
are open for your Inspection.
head of the department wan not only
Unsolicited! but wholly unexpected. In
fact, Colonel Phillips did not know Hint
Mr, Loomis was to be transferred to
New York until the letter containing
the announcement of ids promotion wits
handed to him.
The voters of the Second wnrd have
once more demonstrated their com
mon sense by electing Thomas J.
SnowdPtt to sttccceil himself In the
common council. Public sentiment has
been aroused In tills ward ever since
the bribery revelations ot it year and
nioro buck, airtl only men who aro
thoroughly representative and whnpo
reputation for honesty and Integrity
placu them oven beyond suspicion,
hnvo been returned to councils. II. S.
Alwofth, Joseph F. Evans, J. B. Cas
teiilne and 'I'. J, Hnowden, the present
common councltmcn from tho wnrd,
comprise a quartette that equals the
tepresonlntlon of any wnrd.
Not leaHt among these four Is Mr.
Snowdcn, who as a member ot the
lumber firm of Mason & Snowdcn, oc
cupies a place among the lending busi
ness men of the city and who, for this
reason, believes In conducting tho nf
falrs ot the city on it buslncss-llko
basis, Ho lias not had much to say as
et on tho floor ot the council, but
those who have observed the careful
consideration ho gives measures In
committee: and who have listened to
the suggestions he has bad to offer,
know that ho Is a man who will not
stand for anything that looks like a
"deal" and who will not hesitate lo
speak his mind if he deems It neces
sary at any time. The councils of this
city need many more representative
citizens, such as Mr. Snowdcn.
Will Sing at Home for the Friendless
Concert, on April 3.
John T. Wutkins, who Is managing
the concert for tho Home for the
Friendless, to bo given on April 3, re
ceived word on Saturday that Mine.
Eugenia Mantelll, of the Metropolitan
Grand Opera, could not bo secured, as
supposed, on account of an engagement
on the Pacific coast.
But the great, good news Is an
nounced that the famous soprano,
Lillian Blauvelt, will be here Instead.
Scranton Business College.
A Scranton Business College gradu
ate, a young man only twenty years
old, is drawing a salury of $70 per week
In Now York city. He attributes his
success solely to the training he re
ceived at the Scranton Business Col
lege and to close application on his
part. Many S. B. C. students tire draw
ing large salaries In New York, Phila
delphia and Buffalo. '
A Place of a Million.
Aristrocratic, home-like, comfortable,
that tells you all about the gem of
winter resorts, Lnkewood. Ninety min
utes from New York takes you to
Lakewood, where the wealth, fashion
and culture of the country gathers.
The hotels there are numerous and
cater perfectly to everybody's wants
at a reasonable cost. Thousands visit
Lakewood at this season to get rid of
the doleful and uncomfortable March
winds, which are un unknown factor
in the weather there.
Golf, polo, ping-pong, hockey and
similar dlvertlsements entertain the
Lakewood visitor, and If you are In
terested to know about this famous re
sort, send to C. M. Burt, Gen. Pass.
Agent, New Jersey Central. New York,
for the Green Book on Lakewood.
This great sale Is drawing
timings of eager buyers. Spe
cials mentioned In Sunday papers
on sale till week.
These are Interesting:
Good large full size, In elegant
new designs and pattern. Special
value, each. Cfle,
Narrow and medium edge.
Splendid value, yard, Co.
32 inches wide, excellent
quality. White Salo price, Co.
Come tomorrow; bargains
Fine Umbrellas and Parasols at
Wholesale and Retail. Our
Spring Line is now complete em
bracing all the New Colors and
.Patterns. Large Stock of Han
dles to select from. Ropairlng
nnd recovering of every des
crlption. M. SILVERMAN,
313 Spruce Street.
1 Sute
! BiifMiis i
in j
$$$$$ $$6$0 -&
Oils, Paints and Varnish
I Malon'ey Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street. T
We are sole ngeiita for
4 4"
The best House
Paints in the world,
warranted pure Unseed
oil paints.
This line comprises
Seventy-four different
Insist on having
Masury'a Paints for in
side and outside work if
you desire a good lasting
126-128 Franklin Ave. 4.
I '! 1 ? & ! 4 $ 4' ! ! !" ! 4 ! 4
4 4-4-2
Diirlnj tlic pist manv ntw ami
stilklnR novelties In Sofa 1'illovva luvc
liofii oiielnatod. M soon as thry torn;
out wo got them.
Sea Grass Pillow
Tlio l.itcst novcltv In the Pillow- Line U
called tho SUA OltASS PILLOW. It in
nioie sliiMiiK mid unique tlun. anything
jet pioduicil in the way ot Pillows.
Sec Window Display.
Cramer Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Ave.
4 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 4 4 41 41 4 4 44
4 4 4 4 4) 4" 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4"
1 Tlie Hartford Typewriter
4 4"
Tills machine Is rccoznbtd everywhere
is the host and latot in typewriter con
struction. The Hartford Company tu
tains no large and expensive sales de
partments like its competitor, but sells
through leliablo agents, thus savins to
pin chasers this great Item ot expense.
Trice or Other Makes... SI0I)
Price or Hartford's 00
Your Profit 40
Reynolds Bros.,
Hotel Jtmiyn riiiiUllnjr,
Stationers and Kngravers.
4 4 4 ! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 4 4" 41 4 4
,i Spruce Street.
See New Spring Neckwear.
Tlio Tribune, will guarantee to iirlnt
your iinper liool: qulrker tlmn any oth
er lu'liitiner Itausa In tlio city.
$ $
4 41 4 4 41 4 4 4 4a 4 4 41 4 4 41 41 4 44i
: The Newest I
4 4-
t nSIow :
4 41
TXT tf . 4
4" RkLnvTfTH-4-T 4-
Spring Styles
, 1