' 'Bm'--ffimw ,WsBW'"'Jf (CWipWWWflPWS'i THE SGRAOTON TRIBUNE-MONDAJT, MAKCM 10, 1002. .:r " t J. (Se wanton Zt (6tme PuMMied Daily, Ktcepl Biin.1iy.1tf The ; Ttllx ne Publishing Company, at fifty Ctnti a Month. UVV R niCltAUD, IMitor. O. V, IIYXDKU, Business Malinger. t Kcw Yotk Odlcct U0 Nassau St. S. 8. VKIXI.AMV Bole. Agent for foreign AtlsMtlrfng. Lutcrctl at the rortoITloe lit amnion, !'" Seeond Claw Mall Mutter. When space will permit, The Tribune la always glad to print short lettors from Us friends bear ing on current topics, but its mle is that those must bo signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name, nnd the condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that all contributions shall bo subject to editorial revision. THE f l.AT JtATI! foil .Mivi:ivrjsiN'o. "fho following table liow the lnloo I lncU each iiicrtlon, upare to bo med within one P1; -- 1. . 1ui.H..' .'1 " "I'lill "linn of ISIdinir on lll&PI.AV. Less til in f.0O inrhe 00 inches looo Bono " B000 " Paper .23 .J.) .in .1", Iteming .in -.. 1. ... II....... .......II nmi.l.ilnnnf. TCI l.iriH U. Ill.llll.l. Il'SUIlltllM.'. .'I ..ii". .- y and Alinil.ir contribution-! In the tiatuie of ad MTtMiitf 'J he Tiiliune inaLci n iliariu' of "' rls n line. It.itei of rliMlflnl Ailoilllng f.irnlslie.l on application, SCRANTOX, MARCH 10, 1002. There In ii substantial sain for good morals In the court's refusal to re llconso MorrlB, Jones and Aylesnvorth. The protest of .Superintendent Day, which deckled the matter, is assurance that neither of these worthies will do their kind of business In the future. Little Likelihood of a Strike. r-r V1K ANNOUNCEMENT of T the retusai 01 the operators to confer jointly with the United Mine Workers of In reference to anthracite while a disappointment to America matters. many, Is at least better than prolonged suspense. AVo must say, In all candor, that wo cannot perceive the nlsdom of that refusal, it wns UlsmareU who wild that It never paid in diplomacy to Ignore substantial facts; and we know of no fact more substantial than that the United Mine AVorUers of America at this time represent abso lutely tile labor employed in the an thracite coal mines. AA'hether this would have been true had the present powers that be among the opeiators two years ago taken heed of the eoun hel given them by certain individual operators of ions: experience, is now a profitless Inquiry; the fact Is that it is true, and that it is a truth of practi cal importance in the immediate fu ture of the anthracite Industry. To deny a hearing to the represen tatives of the miners, lest it should constitute a technical recognition of an already substantially recognized fact, is a development of casuistry too sub tle for us to comprehend. However, It, also, ia now a tact; and the peitl nent question In reference to it is: Shall It be made the signal of another war? Under tha authority placed by the Indianapolis convention ia his hands and in the hands of the execu tive board, which is pretty much the same thing, John Mitchell could un doubtedly force a light and bring to it ii degree of strength- absent fiom the struggle of two years ago. But, on the other hand, the operators are now in better shape for a tight than they were then. There is no presidential elec tion pending; the unification of control of coal properties has progressed since than and the financial ability of the operators to endure :i long and final contest is much superior now to what It was then. Tliete considerations, no less than the fact that the mine workers are now In the main contented in the en joyment of the ten per cent, advance and by no means eager to jeopard what they have for the faint possibility of securing more, undoubtedly point in the direction of peace. John Mitchell is too good a general tu risk the con sequences of a desperate strike unless he Is convinced that the chances of vic tory are on his side; and it Ii Impossi ble to llgiiio out such a preponderance in this case. AVhlle it is not Impossible for police men to err In making arrests, nn oc casional mistake were better than un rebtiked street-walking. Some critics of the pi went city administration evi dently mean to rind fault, no matter v hut Is done. Fnir Play for Labor. THE EXTENSION of the old age pension plan over the 15,000 employes of the Metro politan Street Hallway com pany of Now York, insuring for faithful tiervants of long service adequate pro vision In their period of outworn use fulness, Is. uuo(her econoinlo sign of the times. Tnlsi'Olppuny, upder the signal ly elllclent ilmnugunient of Henry H, A'rcclund, a graduate from the ranks, had already gained favorable i epila tion for humane treatment of em ployes and jisii result had built up a qualltp-f'5H;vlce'-imong those em ployes which Is the envy of street rail way managers of other cities, The ad ditional step now taken Is really an evolution. The hccrct of Mr. Vreeland's success In dealing with the labor problem, so far uslt can be explained apart from the personality of the man himself, lies In the fact that he has discountenanced utterly-jjll. forms of socialistic alms Klvlnanpd lias made It u rule to do nothing' for the men under him tltut they are not willing, when given the chance, to do for themselves. He has provided chances for the employes un der his direction to occupy their hours of lefaure profitably In wholesome iimusemcts, jn social relations und In hearing good muslo and Instructive lec tures. And he has personally Inter ested Himself in beelng that they have taken advantage of those chances, The result s that while the wages paid on tho lines under his contral are no higher thun on competitive Hues his company has tho pick of t)ie njeu and employment on tho Metropolitan la sought-after, In the March number of the World's Work ,th,ero s nn Interesting descrip tion of a "model' fuetQiy In Holland position h .si 1 .11 which the wilier, Dr. William H. Tol limn, thinks offets numerous Ideas for American adaptation. In It the factory owner is a kind of venerable patriarch, enjoying a benevolent despotism over the dolly affairs or his Industrial- chil dren. For Holland the picture Is beau tiful! but for a country ot dnuocrnllo Ideas nnd Ideals, like the United States, Is Is of small exemplary value. The American worklngumn, though easily led around by professional ngltators, does not want to be coddled. He Is, however, tuifreeptlble In tho long run to liberality and fair play. The old-age pension jihui comes under this head. So does the provision by employers of opportunities for labor's self-government. When these factors shall have been exhausted It will bo time to con sider what next. i. AVall street has now seen Secretary Shaw. He got there tho other morn ing before anybody of Importance had yet came down town; did quietly und quickly what he had to do, and then went away without a single note from a brass band. Tills was certainly a shock to AVall street traditions, but be fore Secretary Shaw gets through, we shouldn't bo surprised to hear of more. Close It Up. V THE leports which are being sent out from Washington In re lation to the attitude of those leprescntatlves who represent beet sugar constituents to the admin istration's demand for justice to Cuba be correct namely, that they will stand In resistance to the last then there Is just one thing for loyal republicans to do and that Is to combine with patriotic Democrats and crush this greedy re bellion. if a little coterie of men is to hold up the whole government and write bad faith upon the national escutcheon as well as fallme upon tho most deep ly cherished policy of the late AVilliam McKinley, now being faithfully carried forward by Theodoie Roosevelt, then It is time that the country knew the names of the obstructionists and all that Is behind their incomprehensible course. e read that another effort is to be made to pacify these insurgents. This has been tho cry for weeks past, and so far as we can see they are no nearer to pacification than at the beginning. That being true, it is time to try another tack. If honeyed words will not avail, use a club. The country is grow ing anxious to have tills vexing matter settled. It Is believed that the country could bear up under the withdrawal of Lord IVumcefote, the British ambassador. iTKInley's Doctors Not Yet Paid. -IIE ROCHESTER Democrat and unronicio in a umeiy editorial calls iiltentlon to the fact that congress has still neglected to perform a "national duty" by falling to provide for pay ment by the nation and government of the debt incurred through the ser vices of the eminent surgeons and physicians who attended President McKinley during that terrible week last September after he was shot down by an assassin. Tho murderer in that case did not aim at the man but at the president. McKinley's life was declnied a forfeit because he stood for government and law and organized society. There has never been a thought in tho public mind, or withholding full and ample compensation from the learned and skillful men who so nobly and so ably devoted their professional services to his welfare between the hour he was shot and the moment of his death. AVhlle unreasonable de mands should not be granted, it is hardly probable that any of that char acter have proceeded fiom that quar ter, and niggardliness would bo justly resented by the American people. It is true, as tho Medical News says, that "the surgeons in attendance literally staked their futme careers upon tho exercise of tliei.r judgment and pro fessional skill under the distressing and inconvenient circumstances in which they were placed"; and It Is equally ti lie that "the unfortunate ter mination of the case does not lessen the moral responsibility of the na tional government to provide due com pensation for tills." AVhy should tho government be so slow about paying its Just debts? Neaily six months have passed since President McKinley's death, and over three months since congress assem bled, it Is time now for action. A noticeable fatness In the advertis ing columns of the New York Sun fol lows the settlement of its long-standing dilferenees with tho Typographical union. AVhether this has any special significance or not must be left to In dividual inference. That both sides weie ready for peace seems evident from the avidity with which they jumped at It, It Is probable that botli have learned some wholesome lessons A sensible view of tho army canteen question Is taken by Major Oeneral liiooke, who says he regards tin can teen ns u temperance measure, but hopes tnnt the beerless substitutes now being supplied at some posts by-Y. M, C, A. Influences will prove effective In keeping the Idle soldier out of mischief. In other words, ho bellevos in going by the evidence. AVhatevor will do the most for the welfare of the nation's defenders Is what ho wants adopted! regardless of theories or theorists, Nicaragua has given notice of her wish to cancel the treaty of extradition by which Yakeo criminals are subject to arrest within hep limits, and the be lief Is that fioino wealthy American crooks inado It an object for somebody In Nicaragua to prompt this action. I3e this as It may, If Nicaragua wants our ci (initials she should be permitted to have and to hold them the more the merrier, The pepole who put up money for the release of Miss Stone should at least be provided with complimentary tickets to her lectin es. ''. Senator FUnn retired from politics mainly because politics Hrst retired from him, TRADE WITH SPAIN IS AGAIN LIVELY Special Cortefpotulencc of Tim Trllmne, Vt'anlilngon, March U. COI.Ml:llCIAI, relation between the United btalc an J Spain hare been resume.1 with apparently giealrr coullallty nnd ter talnly nilh (jieater ncthlly thin ever hefurr. The figure of the treasury lmrr.ni of ulatbtlen uliow that lioth the. Imports Into tho I'nllcd Kliilcs limn fpaln nnd export from the United State in .Sp.iln were, with n bIiirIo exception, greater In the calendar jeir 1U0I than In nny preicillnir e.ir. Our Import from frpalu clutliitf tho .c.ir eliding with December, 1001, ninounteil to $7,UIIJ,T."S, iliul our export to J-piln weie Ifl,rs.N?tl. Coinp.uliiir ICOt with l.'nl, It 1.4 hliowti that nur lmpoit from Spain hac grnwii fiom fl,DO0,l7 to 7,0I0,",, ninl that cxpoit to Spain from the I tilted Stale h.ne Increased fiom $12,837,17" to $lcl,7S5,711, Coniparln present condition ultli thoic of l.W, it appear tlml our Import fiom Spain hae lucre ised from !M, MS, SOS In 1OTS to I lie nliove mentioned figure, 7,OIO,ViS; and our c.xp.itt to Spain from ?S,ojO,. I7."i In 1S!)S to 1111,751,711, a. already aluled, 'llil month In I lie conimeite ullh Spain I cs peclally intcicitltis at the present moment In xicw of tho fact that our exports lo many of the oilier European coiuitilc Miow a decline. In the calendar e.lr IPOI our cxpaits lo Austria Ilitngaty, 1'ianco, Geiinanj, tliccie, Italy, l'oitn. pi I, Itilsila, Sweden and N'onvay, .Snllzcrland nnd tlie. Culled Kingdom rhnvr n dccreaie as compared Willi 1WW! while to Spain Ihcy ehow nn Increase from !if.,'JC0,!ll7 to MU,7S.i,71l. On tho import tide, our Import fiom Amtri.vlluupiry, (Jer in.iny, l(utl.ii Sweden und Norway und Swltz cil.iii.l bIiow ii dccic.no, while llin'.o fiom Spain line lnciiMcd from .$.1,.1S2,( (12 in 11)00 to $7,010,. 7.1S In IDOl. The following1 lahlc show the commerce be twtcu the United Stale mid Spain in each calen dar j ear from 1S11I lo IHOI: Import Dxports into (lie from the rolled Scale United btatc jear. fiom Spain. loSpiln. 1S!il $I,U0M7. 1-',SS7.I77 lS'U y,'J.-,S,I.U 11,011,(111 1M 4,93,1,710 l:!,SSl,7e3 OUTLINE STUDIES OF "The Scotch Result." William Inglis has a story which illustrate what he calls "the Scotch lcsult." lie told it to the Alclinc aociation, the other night, i-ajs the New York Tribune, together with seveial stoiic of hi experiences in 1'iance, when he was an art student in l'aii. Mr. Inglls was a isitor at a Scotch yaclit club on the Clyde during1 a legatt.i week, and one night he Was called on for a btory. Knowing, lie saji, fiom book and experience, Hie ilcn'lty of Scotchmen lo Amciican jokes be told the broadest, mot pointed story he could think of. II wa the old chestnut of the inebriated Iiis.li man, who met a policeman and ask.d him tlie time. "Three o'clock," said the policeman. "01 didn't beai," said the li Mini in. "Three o'clock," the cop yelled. "Mime, Oi didn't hear that, either." 'I lie cop then bit him tluce whack on the head with his club. "Piil 0ii hear tlntV" lie asked. "sliuic," Faid l'at, "Oi beanl lh.it, and 01 do lc fur thlnkin' it's ilom glad Oi am that Oi ilfdn'i mate ,xe nt twilc." 'lime w.i not a ilpple J .ippiecMlion on the lowt. of Scotch faces befoic him, fiI.1 Mr. ingll. They, one and all, wcie blank, and tlowly each Scotchman di .lined id whiskey lo hide the fart. "Siiddenij," Mild Mr. luglis, "I saw an old Scotchman in the far corner break into a biuile. hiowly he icmoxed hi pipe iiom bis mouth and blew out a cloud ot smoke. 'Hoot, moil,' he said, 'but je canna blame Iho pollccmon, for a' that. It do be :i wee bit haul to be asked the same question tlnee time?.' "lh.it B what 1 call the Stolen le-ult," Mr. lugli concluded. Stories of Eugene Field. "Did j on ever hear the fctory ot how llugene riclcl Mttlid a bar bill in St. Joe befoic uoius lo llemcrf" askcd Mr. C. II. Haikvll, a JII-.-Hiuil politician and new-piper nun with Col. It. C. Kciciu at the New Willaid, of a Washing ton Post leportcr icccnjly. Mr. Haskell ieides, in S;. .Toe, whtie Held "did loi.il on the St. Joe (fa.ctle," "I'leld was in debt, a uiiul, ami was piepiv ins to leave fur Denver, wheie he had a piopcct of a good job and he pel to pull out a Utile money and lelleve Rome of his oblisation. lie got a little money together and went among hi uedltoi-, asking thun to tcttle on the loiwvt po-iblc bail. l'ielil wa of such a lovable naliiii' that nobody could gil an','iy wilh hini, and the salouii-keeper in question, who liked him imincn-ely, said: 'Well, (!cne, if you'll give me ii dollar I'll call it squaie." Hold threw a dollar on the bar, the piopiietor tinned aiound and put it in the diawer, and wa smpilseil on tinning- back to fee l'ield btill btaiidim; theie. 'Was theie unjlliiwr il-ci' he Hiked. 'Well,' leplied l'ield, 'don't jou usually tct 'em ip when a man pis his lullt' "Another time, in CliicaBO, l'ield had a bill of l or SI at a ic-.taur.int, Melville 11. Stone one day afked l'ield and seveial other news paper men to lake dinner with 1dm. '1'he place wliiie l'ield owed the money wa a popular cut Ins house for the piofcsdon, so tlie paity went tlicie. The bill for the meal was pretty big, m l'ield tipped it oir to Hie waiter to put hi ac count in wilh it. The waiter did so, and Stone, after giuinbling about the high pike, paid the whole thin?, lllulit luic U uu incident whbii show why it wa impossible to be Iliad at Held. A dav or Iwu later bo told Stone about the Irltk lie'. I pl.i.Mil and made such a joke out of it that Stone had to set 'cm on lu the boy again for beiiij,' eay.' Why Shaw. Won His Case. Seeietaiy Shaw practiced law in Iowa before lie went Into bjt.klnir. Today he told feme L-ltui.s how he wen a iao because one juror held out fol liliu. A joiuii; fellow wa on the stand. The oppos ing lawjer dic-vv fiom him tli.it lio did iwl woik, and had no desire lo w.oik and wa not ashamed of liU Uzl .-. "Vnu eonie of a good-for-ncthlns family, don't un" linked Shavv'ji oppoicut. "Oh, I don't know," u-plled the wltnci. "hii't It a fact that join- father is a miserable woilhlcss, lovv-elov n cicature, with no ilandin;; In Iho cumiuuultyr" ihuudcied the lawyer, "Can't say," leplied the Willie. "I'eihip ou had belter ak father himself, Theie bu is tiltlinr on lhat jiirv." Washington Cor. Xcvv Voik Woild, In His Home Town. Seuclarr I.hiil- is one of the most denioiiatia citizens mi rarlli, lively time he net jihance lie roc li.uk In his old home in Mistarlni'ctts, wlnre he U Kgarde.l as one of themselves by Ihi'l simple inhabitants, One day, on one ot these vacations, Jir. I.oni: look hid laun.hy im der Jit arm und cairiril it urouud iu the local lauudiy. A day or two Intel, fri'linir tho need nt a clean collar and shirt, he trotted around to the lauudiy lo find out if it ws ica.ly. Kilter iue tllo Utile shop, he nude ids In.pihy of the man in clurte. "j my lauudiy read S" "I'll fee," leplied tlie man, Thin, tinning to waul tin back room, wheie his wife wa, ha sbouteds . "ii. Mkfy! Is -loliim mi .. luundiy done )ett" Waslilnsioir.T in. Job's Atlvantnges, What's the iwtler little boy!" inquired the kind lady, toppW before a tobblns uuhln oi the sticet, Y "11 t'ot a boil yi my miU," wiilinpcrcd the boy. V "Vcs, but Just IhliA how many belli Job bad." X "I know, but think uvXlh' padienco ho had, too!" leplied the boy. OhlcVsjtale Journal. Congressman's SmitVs Fee, Whcu lliiuy ('. Smith, of Mlihlin, btartcd tu practice law lie bad u liU Hut clLnt a actio, en.) he won tho ease. The licarlnf.was before a local nuvUtiate, and the rliarge wo stealing a riii. A! in cneut was tinpiojccl Qi a fjnu 1S'M ,,.,.,,,.., ,1,07;,,r,0 1.1,47',2.10 180,, ,1,$2.,1N) 10,rOI,474 1800 ,,, ....,.,, :i,7S0,lll 0,80I),UO 1807 .,., ,,,. .vtKi,m u.noi.oo 1SIIS .,,,,...,,.,.,,,, n,()00,.10S 8,0,'iO,475 1W) G,:!H,C1 ll,r29,777 1D00 ,,,,,. -,,-,18,(102 15,200,017 lOOt 7,010,7.-3 10,78.1,-11 The export from the United State to Spain arc chiefly articles, for mo in manufacturing, int. Ion, lumber, crude mineral oil and tobacco be ing Iho principal article in the llt, by far the largest in the Iht being; cotton. Our Imports from Spain are chiefly fruit and nut, wine, chemical, coik and cork bark, and Iron ore of a vpcclal tirade not readily produced In the I'nllcd Slate?, Lemon and oranges form a much mailer pioportlon of the Imports now than ft few years ago, due to the tact that citru trull aic now largely produced In the I'nllcd States. The liupoilalloii of rallns baa alw grcaty leduccd in value, by reawn of the increased production of raisins in-tlit? United State.. Import ot pre fcrxed and oilier fiults fiom Spilu hae, on (he other hand, increased, as have alo Ihoje of al mond and other nut. Tlie following- tabh show the principal ar ticles Imported into tlie United Slate from, nnd exported from the United State lo Spain during the flscal .xcar 1001, the detailed flguies for the calendar jear not bclnsr nt present available! l'rlnelpil article imported Into the United Site from Spain, flcal year 11X11. rrull und nut $l,Cr,l,Sa Wine f.S0,10J Coil; marmfactme 410,017 Coikwood und balk "0,171 lion ore !).!, 710 Principal article exported from the United State to Spain, fl'cal jear 11)01. Cotton tll.204,070 T.eat tobacco 010.1G7 Staves 071,214 Crude mineral oil 4S0.001 Hoard 200.G0G Wheat 271,028 I.ocoinotlio engine 210,228 Cars 227,900 Com 10,-,0S7 HUMAN NATURE oulsido the town wheie Snillh first Iiiiiib uu hi shingle, tho .voung lawjer is said to have taken the precaution of hiring a carriage and riding out to the fanner, wheie he seemed piomisc of negro's wage for a few dajs as ids lclaincr. "I made an eloquent plea," said Mr. Smith jeslcrday, in lecountlng the proceeding of that case. "I did not fail to ring tlie charge on (he down-trodden lace and all that soit of thing, wltli the result that my client went free. Still, I had a soit of llngciing suspicion that the Addict wa3 certainly all my man deserved, ond when the case was over I wauled lo be lid of him. He continued lo haunt my olllee. " 'Why don't you go out and rinse aiound with tlie bojsf" I said finally, in some im patience. " "Deed, bos, I thought yo' fee wai too small, an' 1 want jer to accept this 'eic ring.' "And tlie negio produced fiom bis jeans tho ling which bo had been supposed to have stolen." Hut Mr. Smith rcfu-ed to accept the proffer of stolen goods and applied himself to the pioseru tiou ot other cases, which have Rained him an eminent reputation with the legal ptofes'lon in Michigan. Washington lcvt. Jerry Still Holds His Job. One of the coloicd men employed on the senate side of Hie capllol i Jenj-. He i grizzled and old, and bas been theie many ycai. Not long ago it was decided that a jounger man should have .Tony's place. Jeny wa told about it, but lie kept steadily at work. I'inally, in devia tion, Sergeant-at-Anus Hausdell sent for Jeiry. The aged negio came into id office. "Xoiv, Jeiry," paid Mr. ltandell, "we've got lo have jour place. You can't stay hue any longer. You'ie discliaiged." "Oh, quit .our foolln', Mas'r Han-dell," seid Jerry. "You'ie kecpin' me fiom my woik." He toddled back and is theie still. W.ih. cor. Xcvv Yoik Wot Id. Further Data Wnted by the Bishop. Aichlii-hop Ityan's fi lends (ell this sloiy of Lis giace: 'the archbi.-J.iop was about to take a train for llaltimoie at the ISioad slieet station when a young man accosted him, saving: "Your face is familiar. Where in bell have I seen jou?" "I leally don't know," said the aubblshop, blandly. "What part of hell do jou come front!" Philadelphia Times. DISAPPEARANCE OF YANKEE. l'lom the Chicago Tiihunc. The -vital statistics of Mi-saeliu-.elt, le. cully published in un ofhual report, aic causing con siderable surpiiic and much dicmslon' in the newspapers of lli.it slate. Troiii statements print id in these papers it appears that during Hie year MX 7J.SS0 babies weie born in Massichu setts. Of this number 37,772 were boj-s, .".'i,0ll gills; Bl.OOfi of native and .10,002 of forcijn patcntagc. 'lhe population of the stale in tint jeais was 2,S03,:UO, ot v.biili number l,r,9',0S were native- bom and 8t0,::2t foreign botn. On this basis the Boston Herald figure that while the native botn out number ilie foielgu born by mole than two to one, tho number of bltlli among the foreign born cueeds those among the native bom in about the same pioportlon. The same paper stall lhat in 1WX) theie weie '21,312 inaii'iage-!, 10, ('),", among tlie native and S.S07 among the foieign born, but as the irjiilt of the-so mairiage; theie were I'.l thlldien of native aijd 4.4 children of foielgn patentage. The Lipid disappearance of the old Ameiicau stock has long been absolved in llostou, but fiom Ihcse slatiitic it would seem that the siine process is going on iu tlie state at large. It is not unlikely it is also going on all over New England, ond that the old Yankee tjpe is fast becoming a ineie mailer of tiadltion. A few jears ago it was only possible to (mil tho old fashioned New Kugiindeis in anv number in l'lovineetowu, M.irbleheaii and I'oitainoutli, X. II. 'flu so have now- been reduced to a ineie handful, it i- piobablc theie are some genuine Yankees jet lo be found beie and theie among the Vfimont and Xew Hampshire hills who pre serve the customs and traditions of the d.iv-3 of Sam Adam and, lo a certain ctcnt, the Yankee dialect, but they arc compaiatlvcly few, PERSONAL DRIFT. The mother of , Queen Dowager Maighcilta of Italy, tho Dowager Duchess ot (icnou, i scrl-iuly ill and her condition la i.iulng mudi anxiety in Home, Senator Oalllnger, ot Xcvv llamiblilic, sent to lhe libraiy of congiess the oilier day (or a llihle, which, one of the oldest rmplojes says, in fort v. two j ears is only the second time such a le quest ba lieen mado by a member of congress, Archibald Hard Danagh, a congressman from Michigan, and 'Jlionuj Itolieil Hard, a senator fiom California, gieat-giandsona of lllchard Hard, a soldier of tlie 1'ieiicli und Knglisli war of 173H 1700, met fur the first time iu Washington re cently. Sir Henry Irvine's sistj -fourth birthday was ceiebtJted at Itochcitcr, N. Y., wiicre he was playing, His first appearance was made in 1SJ0 in a minor part of "lllclicllcu," and by an odd iplncideiiio i:ilen Terry's debut took placn in the s j mo jear, she oppearl.ig as a child in "A Wlntei's Tale," Hear Admlial Howell will icjcIi the age limit for seivicc on March 10 and will then .e retiied. The admiral is senior (fflct-r of his grade iu the seivice. Ho cnteicel tha navy in 18.51. The ad. inlial is a native of this state. Ill rctliement will result in the promotion of Captain A. fi, Crovvninshield, the chief ol lhe bureau of navi gation. W. A. I', Moirii, an attorney of Madlton, Wis.. claims to be tho joungctt sou of the revolution now living. He was born -May 10, 18J2, ut Mor. rls, X, Y., and is a son of Jacob Morris, of Hat bush, h. I,, who settled ot HuttcrnuU, X. Y., ofteiward called Morris. Ills grandfather, I.vvls Morrl. was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. FINLEY'S lillil Iffi liKil : h Ml lis Silk ill h is Opinions expressed by the leading designers and fashion modistes Indicate that of the prevailing materials for this season's wear the sheer and soft clinging plain fabrics will hold first place, close-sheared camel's hair ma terials, and silk and wool fabrics -with smal figures and stripes will comprlso tho novelties. Our assortment of crisp, sheer ma terials Is large and- very complete. They comprise alt the new coloring In plain and novel effects. Many are brought out In single dress cuts and can not bo duplicated. We would call at tention to tho following weaves which we are showing in a lino of new col orings and black: Crepe Melange Etamlno Voile Melange Siamolse Oicpc da Nonl Hansncking Voile Mouclict Eollcnncs Brochc Polu- Granites telle Venetians Crepe de Paris Canvas Cloth Peau de Grant Amazon Cloth ltnyure Chenille Vlgorenx Grenadine Sole Albatross Crepe de Chine Prunella Biarritz Cord Sample dress patterns ot some of tbese materials are displayed In our show window this week at 510-012 Lackawanna Avenue. ALWAYS BUSY. We place on sale today 200 pairs of Men's Enamel Double sole styles you like. The Shoe you ueed just now $4.00 and $5.00 grades Onr Low Cash Price, $3.00 Lewis &Reilly 114-116 Wyoming Ave. THIRD NATIONAL UK OF SCR ANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. -, HENRY BELIN, JR., General Aeent tor the Wyoming District (or Dupont's Powder Uinlng, nlullny, Sporting. Fmol.elfss tnei the Jltpoemo Chemical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Eifety Fuse, Caps and Exploder. Itoom 401 Cou ncil Ilullelln.' .Scrantcu. AQUNCIES, TIIOS. FORI) , .....I'iltJlon JOHN II. SMITH k BON , Plymouth W. i:. UULLIQAN Wilkei-Iljird Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickie reasonably nt Tlie I rlbu &K3Se $ JmT I L'ArtNouveau j "Modern Art." FOR tho last two years France, Ger many and Austria have been swept by an artistic enthusiasm for what is known as the modern art, or L'Art Nou veau. Many of the treatments are rather extreme, but we have chosen such as are simple, direct and dignified. In the opin ion of prominent decorative writers this is the most artistic modern art treatment of the season. In the various colorings it is a suitable paper for halls, dining rooms, libra ries, the parlor, the drawing room, or the bedroom. Williams & McAnulty 29 v EDUCATIONAL. I EDUCATJONAL. S Swarttimore College ) SWARTHMORE. PA. UNDER MANAGEMENT OF FRIENDS f I. I Otters Four Courses of Study j Leading to Degrees : " L The Course in Engineering PREPARING FOR BUSINESS LIFE, OR FOR THE STUDY OF THZ LEARNED PROFESSIONS Character Always the Primary Consideration Extensive Campus; Beautiful Situation and Surroundings; Sanitary Conditions tho Best; Thorough Instruction ; Intelligent Physical Culture. CATALOGUE OV APPLICATION WILLIAfl W. BIRDSALL, President ice Desks anil New and Complete Being the LARGEST FURNITURE DEALERS IN SORANTON Wo carry the greatest assortment of up-to-date Office Furniture. You are invited to examine our new lino before purchasing. j 121 Washington Avenue. ! f j ijt t j i jt j t j In order to make room for new goods, we are now selling our entire line of Fine China at a reduction of from 1 25 to 50 per Cent. off regular prices, t Mercereau & Conned, 133 Wyoming Avenue, 'V ! ! Office Furniture j?-tt i j2 1 ill ImBJl" J23 odiitf Ui I Fine Oliisia Wyoming Avea j The Course in Arts lip f.ntin.QP in SnenrP The Course in Letters By a recent act of the legisla ture, free tuition is now sranted at tlie Literary institute and Slate Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will piy to write for particular!. No other ccliool otters such superior ad Nontigcs at such low rates. Aeldrcsi J. P. Welsh, A. H., Ph.D.,Pda, Summer Session SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY July i to August Oi tool Cmiinc-i fulled to tlie- needs of te.ielieri and 1 others uu oflued (n I.iURU iscs, l.ili-f.ilurc, llbioiy, .iiaiiieinaiii-., ruiene-e-s, ami reeu irogio. 'Hie, lnliuelors .no ludui-nity pro fessors. Opiioitiinllliw for library und luior. ateiiy v,m;. llcillliful, rnol und delightful loeallty. l.iilns inc)en,ic. Tution, 925,00 ron nuct'i.Aii, addiikss The KenMrar. --.rucuso UnUerslty, SYRACUSE, N". Y. Syracuse University Syracuse, N. Y. Offir, lieslde lhe resul.il- L'nlle;ro L'ouiac, Me. rlunlial, lUct Iricul ond Civil :iij;iiiee'rliii;, Arelil lectuie, Jliulc. l'jintins:, I.a, Medicine, So. eloloe:)- and IVdagov. Our forty of die lejdine; uniieifUles uud e-ol. lege-) uf thU country ami lluropo aie i-enrr.seiilei( hi tho faeullies. Tulllon cipeii'-ei, aro to inoder. alo that they are W than lhe fee in come tol lecres wlie-ie lice tuillun i giten. Sejul for cau. logue. I'nhertiiy Fuiiiinei- S"ion of Liberal Aril fouipes, betflnninif July to, ending Aug, Otli. t'or naitie-ulara, cnd for cliciilar. SCRAHTON CORJIESPOIIBENOE S0H00L1 SCRANTON, I'A. T. J. Foster, President, timer II. Ijwtll, Irtit. It. J. 1'oster, Stanley l, Allen, Vice President. Secrettry, Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scrantoa and AVtlkes-Uarre, I'a. Stationary Englnea, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Tumps. I Free Tuition .