The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 10, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    , , f - - t-T 'u ti i' ' -.' vwr5Fvifw --vA'',ir'yr-",'"rr' T(w'T'ifwiwv'im?Jw "r'H'S' ' IwfcarCTgwpWwyy w- e V ,
IWWHBIIWIIWW Uil 'I ' 9 II I 1. . I , ! " " wiphp-iwww. w- -j n -.. .... ... --T-r-.- -; ;--;, --- . -; - -- --i?, '.T !J T-T . -'T-.: T .:T'T "J ' MIL ' """ ' " " J " " " ' -ipmhuuiim. " ' m " HI I I II wl II 1 1 1 ILI 1 1 HI i ui aw t 1 1 1 1 uiilMtMWI II I W I i III I MBWWPWWWWPWPWIW
r rs
Pearly Teeth
Healthy Teeth
Sweet Breath
nnd a
Clean riouth.
Prepared Only by
Matthews Bros.
320 Lackawanna Avenue.
J. P. COULT, D. D. S.
Surgeon Dentist.
Twenty yeais' successful prac
tice in tills county.
City Notes.
A niG CON'CnitT.-Tho Lafajetto College Glee,
Banjo and Mandolin cluli.i will give .1 joint con
cert in the iiigli school auditorium on Match 21.
H'ALIj AUXlMAItY. The annual mectlii,; o
tlif McAll Auxiliary will be. held In the lcctuie
room of the Second Pic&b.itcrlan church this
afternoon at 3.30 o'cloek.
HIS LEO FHACTUnED.-John Roche, 22 years
old, residing in .Ternijn, was caught by a fall
of coal while at work in the mines on Situu'ay
end was taken to the Lackawanna hospital.
tian Workers league will hold their leqular
weekly meeting at Mitchell's dinini; loom, RJO
Xorth Washington avenue, Tucdiy evening;,
March 11, at S o'clock.
lnju his received a tclcgiam from Iiadcna, Cal.,
jiiiinunclnc that the condition of his father,
John .lermyn, is much improved. The elder Mi. is suffering fiom heart trouble.
rOMMITTrX TO MI:i;T. Tliere will be a meet
ing of the Republican standing committee of t lie
'Ihud ligislitivc htiict. m the court house Sit
uiiliv, March 22, at 2 p. in., to IK a lime for
building a primary election lo select stale dele
galea. to r.iincT a ninth. r. s nndtrcy, piopiie.
tui of the Hold .Jcrnivn, has iiinohlicd i plot
r ground lttKlOO fret .it Portc-ninth street ami
t-eventh avenue. New Yoik, wheie, it is .said, .c
intends to erect a 11-sioiy tUc-proof hotel whhli
lie will himself conduct, ,
Jltpiil.v M.irhill .T, W. Snjder will Iciiu this
mi.rniug for I'llKbincr, having- in chnge I'wd
J. Robinson anil William Ittidei, who vue li.t
week wmlcnccrl bv Judge Alchbihl lo the We.t"in
peiulenuaiy, and I.intfoid Smith, (he loloied boj,
who gocb to Hie Huntingdon lefiniu.itni.
ll.VKIHI, 01' Rl.Y. WII.UAM lllldAU.-'l he
funeial of the I lie Rev. William lab.-ar will be
held Ibis aftrmoon at 2 o'clock from the )un
luorc Methodist llpienpil clniuh. 'I lie scrinun
will be preaihcil by Rev. Austin f.'iiihn, l. I).,
presiding elder of the W.vommg dl-liict. and iu
tuniciil will lie made in Hie Dunmoie e.'ini'le'y.
rO,.Srll!,i:S OHGAMZI:. The constable of
the coiintv hive loiined an .isoci iticn for the
purpose of taking steps to prevent the compe
tition (if detectives, deputy constables, etc. An
other meeting; will be held this aftirimnn at 2
o'clock when wa.Vj. and meins will bo disius,n!.
The officers elected by llio .issoclitlon are a. fol
lows: 1'iesidenl, Richard llairou, Dickson; tec-
dl dd dd l 0 idid)S
8 Mt A I
For Monday Buyers.
it Wash Goods Si
S Silk Warp Pongees, a light weight suiting, gt;
lis suitable for waists and dresses 20c c&
s Printed Embroidered Swisses 12c s.'
'& Silk and Mercerized Ginghams 25c to 50c" jg
S Egyptian Tissue Ginghams 25c &
Sea Island Percales, yard wide 12c jrJ
New Dimities, beautiful printing I2jc g
s rnniea inaia Linen oausies lac &
H Silk and Dress Goods j
jig Foulard Silks, beauties at the price, greens, sj
3 greys, blues, browns and rose 59c -;
g Prince's Twills, Beige Mixed Suitings, 45 ;
inches wide, in shades of gold, olive brown, g
;g greens and blues, a dollar fabric,' for 75c g
g Granite and Whipcords.all wool, 40 inches $-
,3 wide, new shades 50c &
g Pedestrian Skirtings, new selections of de- g
3 sirable shades and weights 75c up to $3.00 g
3 Black Wool Grenadines, Voyles, Batistes,
B London Twines and Open Mesh Goods for g
9 Suits and Skirts 50c to $3.00 g
Black Grenadines, Silk Mouseline, Em-
1-jS broidered Effects, Sewing Silk Twist, Stripes &
g and Figures, Mercerized and All Silk 50c to $3,50 fe
Light Weight Spring Suitings, Meshes and $i
;$ Crepe weaves, all the new soft shades.. 50c to $2.00 gt
1 s
Mears& Haen
I 415417 Lackawanna Ave. gi
relary, P. A. Cannon, OUtihints Irrittirrr, E. J.
NeAiy, Corliondilc! executive board, Mcvw. Itlih
mil llarron, .lime W. Clirke, W. It. Thorn n,
Law-rune ltooney, Timothy Jones and Michael
W:t.t AOAtNSr WINDOW.-A Jounpr lad nintfd
Stanton, cniplojed by fl. r. Moll, the fpilioe
Irect shoemaker, wa cleaning; the hi? Mi
BlflM window In front ot Hie hop on 8iturd.iv
inoriilng when he sllpyeil from the ladder. He
fell ag.ilnt tho window wltli great force l.rrnk
Ing It In pieces but cu-nped lilmwlt without In-Jury,
TIIUKt: MOIIP. UtOIRS.-The eeenllvc com
nilttee having in cliarg" the arrangement Mr the
natloml eluteddfod to be held In thU city ru
Decoration Day ha Just completed anaiiRcni"nt
with Hie Dr. Mason Male pirty, from Will ru
IIiitc, the fhvents, of IMvvnrdsdale, and a mlved
choir frcm Wllkes-llatre, all of which will imii
pete at tlu affair,
WHO IS RAU'lI STKVKSS? The police le
eched a telegram last night from Nligara Kails,
N. Y., announcing that a man named Ralph Stv.
era with n pipir in I1I1 pocket hciring tlic nd
dies "lilt Adami avemm. Scranton, Va.," had
been killed tlu re. The police made Investlgillon
at this addicsi luit nlglit but toulil llnd no ono
who knew such a man.
Fred Stevens Cleaned Out tho "Hub"
nnd Knocked Down Proprietor
Morris and His Bnrtcnder.
Theodore Morris, firopiletor of the
"Hub," tho snloon on Spruce stteet for
which a license litis jiiht been refused,
was knocked down twite, Saturday af
ternoon, by Fred Stevens, a country
chap from Sterling, Wayne county, who
floated Into town to suend.hls month's
wages. Incidentally, Stevens knocked
out a plate glass window In the saloon,
and laid the bte, tall bartender low
with a blow from his fist.
Stevens went Into the saloon early In
the afternoon and spent some time In
the back rdom. He discovered, nfter he
had been drinking for an hour or more,
that his pay, amounting to $40, had
been taken fiom his clothes. He
out Into the barroom and began to
make things lively. He knocked over
chairs and tables, and wound uu by
throwing himself against one of the
windows, which went down with a
Morris stalled after Stevens, but the
latter turned and knocked him down.
Jlorris got up ngaln and went at the
man from Vv'nyno county again and
was knocked sprawling a second time.
Then the bartender took a hand, but
as soon as he got within the ninge of
Stevens' arm, he, too, went down. By
this time Patrolmen Halt and Goeilllz
arrived on the scene and placed Stev
ens under arrest.
"When arraigned in police court yes
terday morning some of his friends,
who had seen tho fight. Interceded for
him and stated that, in their opinion,
ho had been drugged. Maglstiato Howe
didn't think so, and fined him ?10,
which was paid.
Atlantic City the Imperial City.
No other all the year round resort
can boast of being the people's lcefoa
tlon ground In the same sense as can
Atlantic City, and there is but one
reason why this far-famed watering
place is a success, and that is because
everybody in Atlantic City lsv for At
lantic City.
Its hotel men are royal entertainers,
not alono in the sumptuously furnished
hotels and the well-ladeu table, but for
actual onllventuent of their guests
thcie are always novel pastimes. Golf
and boating and bathing aie hut a few
of tho ways of amusement, but some
thing unique Is now being in ranged for
Easter week in the foim of a Hcnch
Show. Not. only have many of tho
entries at tho late New York Dog
Show arranged for the Atlantic City
Show, but many kennels which have
never heietofore been exhibited will
compete here. One of the big piers on
the board walk will be the exhibition
hall, and this, together with Atlantic
City's fai -known attractions, will in
terest multitudes on faster week. Tho
New Jersey Central lias the finest
three hour service to Atlantic City
from New York Imaginable, and it you
are going to the famous resort send
to General Passenger Agent C. M,
Hurt, 143 Liberty street, New Yotk
city, for leaflet No, 81, which shows
trains and other information. "
idi id d d l ld d-
Ho Pointed Out That Prodigal So
cloty, Prodigal Homes, Prodigal
Friends, Prodigal Business nnd
Some Prodigal Churches Are
Largoly Responsible for tho Mak
ing o Modern Day Prodigal Sons.
Said That He Never Marries Dl
voiced People,
Hev. Dr. Hobeit F. Y. Pierce, pastor
of the Penn Avenue Baptist church,
preached u sermon last night based on
tho ever fruitful parable of the prodigal
nr.v. ii. r. y. i'II'.uck, l). i).
son taking for his particular text, Luke,
15:13: "And there wasted his substance
with riotlous living."
In beginning his sermon Dr. Pierce
referred at length to the vast amount
of waste there Is In every department
of life, waste of food, waste of time,
waste In business and in countless oth
er matteis.
"But," said he, "the most terrible of
all is a wasted life, a life that is lost
utterly for good. This prodigal son
whom the parable speaks of wasting his
substance, wasted his opportunities and
wasted his fortune. Did you ever stop
to consider what he might have done
with his money and his intellect had
he not foolishly left his father's house?
"Prodigality always makes prodigals.
What amazes me as I look out upon life
is that men after the object lessons of
the evil results of badness, wickedness
nnd drunkenness which aie constantly
before them should go light into the
evil ways of sins with a remarkable
facility and ease.
"We sympathize with the piodigal
and pity him hut we should sometimes
study the things that made him
he is. We should study the causes as
well as pity the effect. Why did tho
boy go away from his father's house?
How was It in the homo before he went
away? Theie are a number of things
that are productive of prodigals and
and one of them Is prodigal homes.
"What about tlic social environment
of the home? Would it not be wise to
look over tho family record before de
ciding upon what caused the prodigal's
downfall? We need to learn. the lesson
that tho physician teaches that we are
responsible In many instances for the
eharactois which our chililien inherit,
Perhaps the prodigal son was
never taught tho lesson which every
boy should be taught the lesson of true
and loving lespect for parental author
ity. "Perhaps he saw about him the re
sults of too loose ideas regarding the
maniage relation a thing that may be
seen in too many of our modern day
homes. We are having too much di
vorce. Every week I am forced to
turn away couples who seek to become,
united In marriage hy me because
either one has been divorced. I never
marry divorced people unless they can
bring 1110 certificates from court show
ing me that they were divorced for
Scriptural leasons. I have married
hut two divorced people in all my
carer as a minister and these two had
been niairied before and courted again
like a pair of young lovers after they
had been separated by the law. If
preachers would more boldly proclaim
the sacredness of the marriage relation
there would ho less divorce applications
und moio happy marriages.
"Prodigal friends generally make
prodigal sons. God gives us friends to
strengthen our lives and to conduce to
our happiness and joy, but there aro
friends who are not God-given and
who Insidiously seek to lead us down
the way that leads to destruction. Be
ware of these and shun them as you
would tho beasts of tho forest.
"Prodigal business often makes
prodigal sons. In business customs of
tho present day, the young man sees
much that Is not honest. Ho sees that
competition is so keen oftentimes that
his employers surrender honor to pol
icy. Up find that shoddy is put Into
clothing, that food Is adulterated and
that fnlse measurements and other
trickery are used to swell the pockets
of tho merchant. The young man
studies these conditions and It Is not
strange that ho drifts out on tho broad
sea of life without the rudder of hon
esty to guide him on tho safe course,
"Prodigal society makes prodigal
sons, Society should uplift, encour
age nnd ennoble men, but too often
It debases and ruins them. Fashion
has stopped In with Its glitter nnd at
traction and men's thoughts aro led
away from what Is noble and good to
what Is worldly. Fashion Is constant
ly sweeping men from tho firm an
rhorugo that holds them fast to a bet
ter manhood Into the turbulent waters
nf worldly glitter and selfish ambition,
That society which does not
foster education and stimulate, to
noble ambitious is a prodlgul society,
"Sometimes I have thought thut
there Is n prodigal church und that It
is doing Its share In the production of
prodigal sons, Sometimes the church
forgets tho perishing ones ubout her
end holds herself within certain nar
row boundaries. Sometimes Christian
people can do nothing that their
fathers did not do and aro afraid of
stepping over the lines laid down In
years .gone by. Such people make of
thejr church a prodigal church, In
btead of muklnrj It the bride of the
loving Gcd.
"The prodigal may put part of the
blame on the home, part on his friends,
part on his business, part on society,
pare on the church, but the blame Is
not wholly theirs. He cannot n),t as
Closed Until
March 20
Taking n necessary
S. H.
much blame on anybody or on any
thing as on himself, nnd he himself
must be roved first."
Special evangelistic; nervlees will lie lielJ nightly
In the I'cnn Avenue lljptlst clinrcti during tlu
last two weeks in March.
"Hurled Among Kings" was the topic of a ser
mon pleached last night by Hev. (leorgo A.
Cure, p.ntor of llio Providence Methodist Kplnco church,
.St. Peter's cathedral was crowded to the doora
last nlglit with a great throng of men who came
lo hear the special I.eiitea sermon preached by
Hev, l.oljir Mcl.nuglilln.
Superintendent George O. Sanborn, of llio Hoi
rue mMon, had charge of last night's servlioi
in ((nice lteformeil Hplscopal church ami dellv.
cuwl u helpful little talk.
"Personal Life nn Invaluable Treasure" was tho
liiplc cf a brilliant cennoii preached last night
by Hev, Dr. I, .f. Liming, pastor of tlic (Ireen
Hldgc I'resbvterian church.
W. .1. Wilght, of Washington, I). ('., filled
the pulpit of the l'list Chrlstlm church jmter
day morning. Last night the pastor, Mcv. H. W.
(.'I.vinei, fpohc on "fled or Mammon."
Hev. l.'lllot A. Hoyl dcliverrd the second of
ieilei of special addresses yesterday nflcrnoan r.t
flic looms of the Haitioad Young Men's Chv.'sllm
nidation. There was inspiring bins lug by the
chorus nnd quartette.
Hev. Thonus de firutiiy, D. D., pastor of the
Jncl.sun Slice! Hiptlst chinch, will read a paper
this morning before the Daptlst Ministerial con
ference .it the regular meeting to be held in the
I'cnn Avenue Baptist church.
Grand Jury Will Meet and Equity
Court Open This Morning Execu
tors Alleged to Be Insolvent.
The grand Jury will convene and a
eession of equity court open this morn
ing. Judge E. C. Newcomb will charge
the jury and preside in equity court.
The cases set down on the equity list
are as follows:
A. D. Dean, ct !. against B. M. Wlnton, ex
ecutor, and others.
Mary I.jdcn against Anthonj Lyden.
William Ii. l'urcell agiinst T. .1. Dougherty.
Jennie Deano against franklin Howell.
A. 1). Ic 1". M. Spcrccr against the Nay Aug
Coal company.
Following are the members of the
grand jury:
r.ugene Allen, pipe I.i.ver, bcranton.
.latob Ilelzel, meiclf'int, Scraiiton.
Owen O'Malley, mason, Hcranton.
Clinics I'. Hamlin, gentlemin,
Thorn is IVKe, farmer, Xoith Abington.
Tolii) Wilght, miner, ft-mitou.
Patrick rivnn, butcher. Si union.
William Jlivi-., minu, Sci.inton.
S. ,1. Matlhew-, pvislmaiter, Olvpheil.
Kdvvaiil Vuiington, rlcik, Cirbondale.
Midi lei Spellinan, litter carriei, Suantou.
( hailes Sitkler, collector, Siianlon.
W. Seranton Wolfe, agent. Si i ant on.
Ad mi Wliceici, lil hLmhiIIi, & union.
S. 1). Pivis, Jeimvn.
1'rinl; Dcming, liboiei, bir.intun.
Ihoni.H I'ari.v, miner, Sciantnn.
William Duiiaud, f inner, Spi ing lliuok.
I'. .1. linn in, merchant, Arantiin,
Mnk Timlin, mill hind, Stuiitun,
Ow.rgc fiili-oii, carpentoi, ScraMmi
.lames P. Ilvan-, Insuuiue agent, Suanlon.
1'unk T. Hughes, hale-man, Cirbondale.
Thomas II. l'lamiciv, t.r., i-hoomakci, s'n intun.
The constables of the county will
make their quarterly leturn to couit
Claim Executors Ave Insolvent.
In the Orphans' court, Saturday,
Judge A, A. Vosburg heard tho proceed
ings in the matter of the citation of the
executors under the -will of John Mason,
deceased, to show cause why they
should not furnish security or be re
moved. The petitioners, Jones Bros.,
the tea dealers, allege that two of the
executors, William Rawllngs nnd Daniel
Jones, were Insolvent, and it is also
claimed that the estate was not being
managed properly. Both of these alle
gations are denied by tho respondents.
Considerable testimony was taken in
the case, at tho conclusion of -which
Attorneys C. A. Battenberg nnd H. D.
Carey, who represented the respond
ents, moved to dismiss the proceedings.
This motion was opposed by Attorney
H. O. Wntrous, representing the peti
tioners, and the case was set down for
argument on Friday, March 14, at 10
a. m,
Judge Vosburs also disposed of a
number of other matters In various es
In the divoicc ease nf Midiael l.avellc against
Mien haiclle, couit uncle an order Saturday di
recting the libellant to pay the respondent ft) a
month allmonv,
H.v Attorney (laremo llalenllnc, Minnie Clear,
water applied Saturday for a divorce from her
husband, W. K, Clearwater, against whom she
alleges debcition, non-support and cruel treat
ment. They were nunicd in Jul, ls!l", and lived
together until April 1,1, 1SD3.
Young Women from High School
Played Saturday Night.
Two basket ball teams composed en
tirely of young women representing the
seniors of the Bcranton high school on
Saturday night met nnd defeated two
teams representing the, juniors. Both
games were played III the Y. W. C, A,
gymnasium and wero witnessed by a
large crowd, At the conclusion of the
play a lunch was served the players
In the parlors. The line up and score
of each game was as follows:
l'liisr omi:.
Seniors. Poaltlou. Junior,
Mk.s I'Uh left guard Miss Pail
Miss Smith right guard Miss Smith
Ml) (,'atcs cenlci MisH Hose
Miss 0'llole left forward Mis. WtUel
II I '1 bonus light forw-aid Miss lllne
Senior. Position, Junior.
MIm fellows, left guard Mls Hovvimn
MUs Ponuhoc right guard Miss Shallow
Mian 1'aust tenter Miss Kreenvin
Miss Woodruff left foiward Miss Salman
Mlsrf Nie right forward Miss Uonohoo
Proposes to Take Water from the
Susquehanna River.
S. M, Nash, D. M. Rellly. N. M. Elcke,
J, F, Boyer, of this city, and J. T. Eic
holzer, of Plttston, have been granted
a charter for tho Susquehanna Wnter
company, which pioposes to supply
water to this city and points between
the Susquehanna river and this city,
It Is the intention to have a jeservolr
on tho top of Campbell's ledge nnd to
pumn water from the Susquehanna
liver Into the reservoir, from which It
will be distributed.
Ono of tho Trio Charged with tho
Killing of Daniel McAullffe la
Held' to Ball, Together with Ed
ward Sharrak, nn Ex-Special Offl
cer, for Extorting Money from Old
Eorgo Snloon Keepers Kofchlnski,
It Is Alleged, Impersonated tho
County Detective.
Frank Kofchlnski, a deputy con
stable of this city, and Edward Shar
rak, n former special ofllccr of Old
Forge, wore hold In $1)00 ball each, by
Alderman Ruddy Saturday, to answer
at court for extorting money from
Old Forgo saloon keepers.
Kofchlnski Is also held to answer for
falsely representing himself to be the
county detective.
Tho story of a raft of witnesses was
to the effect that tho two defendants
wont among the saloon-keepers of Old
Forge with warrants charging them
with selling liquor illegally and, nfter
placltif: them under arrest, settled the
cafces for whatever they could extort
from them.
Kofchlnski Is a former agent of the
Municipal league. He Is also one of
the three men Indicted for killing
Daniel McAullffe, on Luzerne street,
during n fracas growing out of an
nttempt to make arrests for stoning
trolley care and assaulting Seranton
Hallway company employes. Sharrak
was a special ofllcer of Old Forge until
last Monday, when the council took
his commission away from him be
cause of his alleged extortions from
Sharrak was represented at the
hearing hy Attorney M. J. Donahoe,
KofchlnskPs attorney is F. E. Beers,
of counsel for the Municipal league.
County Detective Phillips, who is
prosecuting the case, was represented
by County Solicitor H. L. Taylor.
February 20, It appears, Kofchlnski
presented himself at Alderman Rud
dy's office and swore out warrants
charging Illegal liquor selling against
George Hush, William Sussavlch and
Paul Prannock, of Old Forge. The
alderman said he would have tho war
rants perved forthwith, but Kofchln
ski told him It would be unnecessary,
as he had engaged an Old Forge offi
cer to serve them.
That was the last the alderman
heard of the warrants until one day
last week, when Hush appeared at the
alderman's office for a hearing. Tho
alderman knew nothing of the hear
ing nnd questioned Hush as to what
he was driving at. Hush went on to
tell that the county detective and
Special Officer Sharrak had arrested
him for selling liquor on Sunday, and
further that they'had tried to get him
to settle by paying money.
County Detective Phillips was in
formed, nnd he set about an investiga
tion. AVord had come to him that he
had been impersonated by "bleeders" in
various parts of the county, and he was
waiting for an opportunity to bring
some one of them up with a quick,
sharp turn.
Saturday, when Kotchinskl and Shar
rak were arraigned to answer the
county detective's charges, they were
confronted by a dozen witnesses to coi
loborate the story of Hush.
All three of the saloonkeepers for
whom Kofchlnski had sworn out war
rants, together with members of their
fnmilies and others, swore to the false
impersonation and extortions.
Prannock said he settled for $4.."0.
Sussavlch testified that he nald $17.50.
Agnes Strulufsky, another saloonkeeper,
told that they threatened to an est her,
but she bought them off with S17.50.
Charles Sussavlch testified that they
bled him for $30.
Sharrak and Kofchlnski wero al
lowed to testify. Shurralc denied that
he told the victim that Kofchlnski was
the county detective, but ndmitted ho
accompanied him when he was serving
some warrants and that he was paid $2.
Kofchlnski declined to answer nnv
questions, after being sworn, basing his
refusal on the ground that his answeis
might tend to Incriminate himself.
Attorney Donahoe argued that as It
was not shown that Sharrak had Im
personated an oillcer or taken any
money from the saloonkeepers, he
ought to be discharged. In Kofchlnskl's
behalf, Attorney Beers argued that the
charge of extortion was Irregular, be
cause Kofchlnski had no authority as
an ofllcer outside tho city limits. The
proper charge, he argued, would bo
Alderman Ruddy did not agteo with
the attorneys for the defense In either
contention, and required the defendants
to glvo ball for court.
1'nder Ibis heading -short letters if liilcict
will be published when aetompanled, foi publica
tion, by the vvntei's name, The Tribune does not
assume responsibility for opinions here expressed, I
The Debate Not Void,
IMItor of The Ti Unite.
Sir; Your nur.vca correspondent wu cither
misinformed or U abusing his pi iv liege as tor
respondent. He repoiled the debate which ic
(iirrcl in the Hrkk MctliottUt Hphxopal thut. It
March 1 n being ohl, Will jou kindly cniruct
this statement to do Justice to all concerned, as
it was not void, the ileilslon being given t faur
competent judges. Very respectfully,
II, (Irrluald Down,
Puiyca, IM MmcIi S, ItOJ.
Wyoming Conference,
IMItor of Tlic Tribune,
hiii Nearly one-halt of the $2M lus been le
eched for the "ltcv. Joseph llartwell Mimonul
Church." 'Ibis inattrr vas i-uinuunctil by con
ference action last ) A line beginning lias
been made,
The plans and work wero left to the oftlceis of
tho Conference Historical tociciy. llvv feci that
they have placed the case before all (he mcmbeis
of the conference as best they know how, Wc
must report at the mining scssUmi of the tontcr
encc. 'that is near at had. If the bid In in who
have not yet contributed will toon nnd vv'nt
they wish to give, wc shall hope to icacli the
amount asked before t onfcretiec,
The, semi-centennial ordered for the coming
session will be held Thursday afternoon at '-'.30
o'clock. It is thought that a rare piogrammi:
has been arranged ond iv will be full of Womlng
conference history,
The officers of the jcclcty ugc all members
who shall attcrd tlic conference to bring con
tributions for the archives of the Historical m
cicty. Any arid cvetj thing that has histoiy
or will aid In making it, is asked for.
On tills Occasion the report for the "llartwell
Memorial i'und" can bo made.
Mauley S. Hard,
i I'rtswciH in
I Danrton, 111., IV, 2S, lCW.
President JIli'-v'-l Se-lcty.
Fine China
WHILE wc at all times keep a full line ol the
cheaper aiid inedluiu-prlced.DINNER SETS
our stock exhibits a pleasing variety of FRENCH
CHINA, either In course sets or stock patterns. We
aim to secure such shapes and decorations as meet
tho favor among cultivated people and wc think we
have met the demand pretty nearly right.
China f$&ll 134 Wyoming. Ave
X (1EU. V MIL.LAK & CO. Walk- In ami look around.
Housecleanmg Time Approaches
Let us repair your furniture, Miake over your
mattresses aud cleau your carpets before the rusb
Granton Betiding Go?
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
The Man
Who wants a good, serviceable shoe,
at reasonable price, would do well
to call and look at the following:
Men's Enamels, $3.00 and
ill's Box Calf, $3,00 and
Men's Yicl Leather Lined
'4 'A 'a "A "A ' "A it ' "A "A "A "A 'A 'A A "A 'A
1 Great Opening Display of J
1 Fine Muslin Underwear I
'Ihe ncwcsl prmtU Iii the iiiiikels
our Muck. The bitehlcit and bc-t
examine tlic- ft,ile-, the ipi-ilMics, the
astonished .it the little to-t there
S This Department Is on
ri.i,iTi. iiMiinwui frnin limtli
INIIIIIII III! I .,i,.. U . . U... ........
ut cisilv .icicll.le. Ae in-i.t tint .1
will prove lhat thoc v,hu have wailed
jf5 Night Gowns
r. .., 11. ! ....-:... 1..
15 Corset Covers
.. . . ...,.,- ,-...-.1.-1 t.-lt.l.
lll.irciui, 1'H'U, im- niiii' , 111 .1 i." '.""',"., 1. ., 11 1
JCIsht Wo mizlit add neat, natty and nil the lint of .idiccttvcs; the itnni K
will (.land thmi. Thtv arc plain and tiuumcd ami evciy kind of htjlc, not foisel
liii" the "Marguerite." Tal.o notice of the extra fullno.s, of the, shiiK
Viaile Ol III111IIICS. v anii'iici. j.hiiii 1 h- ......... .. .-
dimmed with new piUuns of slylWi imbroidery and lace., or juii can biu t hein
plain if jou want them. All kliiils. of inetty fchipe-, including tho-o sldrred at
the waUt.
S Chemise
i.i ,. r.nml lusl ns il.ilntv. and
, .,in nf r.,, nliri.'. l,on- Cloth." Dimities
j3 kind cither. All the different stj let. arc hcic. g.
Skirt Chemise $
La The demand for these handy garments inei ca.-c. We won't presume to tell you
w why vou sJiould wear tlicm, but thcy'ic hcic if you want them. w
T5 Long SKirts
. . . ... f . ...- 1-- i.- ...
Ann biiori fthins, ion. i't- "
to the last stitch tlic garments arc
'X Drawers
. . . . .. j. . .
T hue . a 6tv e aliont llie-e inai jou 11 bmh num..-. . .... .... ,...,.....-.-....
of fine Muslin. Cambric and Knglish Iiong Cloth; plain and trimmed, embroidery,
tucks and nifties; extremely full width even in the cheapest of them.
The Underwear Is All
t .. , .. t e . , .-..t
s-. n. ,. ,,,, 1 1. , nf .1 .im's
opuliilly for our felling und all yuu want of them. Ouiliiy good, make superior;
they arc stuuly as well, as ttylish and they're low priced.
cConnel! & Co.
The New Drv Goods House. Ladies' Outfitters.
m - -.-.. -.
400-402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Will Hold Convention at Archbald
Tomorrow to Present Grievances.
President N'icliolls, of District No, 1,
T'nited Mine Workers, litis called u
convention of tho stationary firemen
and onsrlneera who belong to the Mino
Workers union,
Tho convention will take place In
Swift's hall. Arehuuld, Tuesday after
noon. In tho notices bent out by Presi
dent Nleholls the firemen are requested
to send a dolegute from each colliery
to the convention who will ho able to
present what grievances there may bo
amonK tho men ho represents.
These grievances will not be disposed
of by the convention but will bo for
mulated nnd presented at tho mine
workers convention of the three dls
tilcts to be hold at Shamokln, Tuesday,
March IS. ...
The reason that the convention Is be
Ing called Is thut there are some glluv
nnces among the firemen at some of
the collieries over tho now system of
shifts. Tho now arrangement Is par
ticularly unsatisfactory so far as It
governs work on Sunday. It Is tho
purpose, therefore, to ascertain the sit
uation at nil the collieries nnd then lay
it before tho Shamokln convention,
A conference will bo held tomorrow
between It. A. Phillips, the new super
lutendent of the Delaware, Lackawan
na and Western company's coal depart
ment and u committee of the com
pany's employees from tho Avondale,
AVoodward and Pettebono collieries
which are now closed as the result of
the refusal of tho firemen to agree to
tho new "swinging shift" recently In
troduced. The whole question of the Introduc-
Both 'Phonet
$4,00, Now $3.00
$4,00, Now $3.00
$3.60, Now $2.50
fi MORPHY, --
"A 'A "A 'A "A "A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A "A "A "A "A 'A 'A 'A
and the are bnuclit to sell. Xo heirlooms in
at pilies In nuke ll.em 1,-0. bet aiiv wmiin
(tuitions 5i7C, the c-aicful unking; shell b
is to piv.
-the Second Floor
.md ffinfii-tni! ur too jiiiich minium, ana
- , ,-
i.iicful imiipiii-nn nf qualities .mil prltts.
for this sale have ic.i-on to be thankful.
n f.11.- ......ill , nn ltun fl,.. Mnrv nf nur A"W"
T... flilli nti. I I1 lirifflii-lin. Thee nm
much cheaper than they urd to be,
mid to forth, and not the "Itu
Hour bievc"
ij i!! tho rlntli pvinrt. thn trimminer
i."..".. "- ,- 7---. -- ---.-"
uipcrior. There s good choosing a, well.
.1, -.-.M.. .!!.. All It... niti. cliinna vrinilo
KdllriL- but new- goods, new" stylet, mido
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Ponii AvemiD,
tlon of this shift will be discussed and
there Is a possibility that tho dllll
culty may be adjusted. An effort was
made by the executive board of the
United Mine Workers of America, to
arrange for a confeienco but tho ofll
cials lefused to confer with any except
their own men.
A-'',h f
'teyfafr :
A 1 j.
-a. ' j,.1'.- . Art i. atafrfc
irr-n-rr r- -. -ft. ' - -
Jilt. I Mljilli n'l ,11
I L " Iz