kt- j-wmfv i -t w ?.--, SB3, -'- '.J- fibiin ration THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, .1902. TWO CENTS. 7f,V n"" ( jsi Mm CURRENCY BILL TO BE INTROBUCED Chairman Fowler, of tlie Bank ing Committee, Explains the Measure. A SCHEME TO RELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT Tho Purposes of the Bill Are to Transfer from the Government to the Banks the Responsibility of Protecting1 the Necessary Gold Re serve The Measure Provides for International Banking' and a Di vision of Banking Currency Under a Board of Cantrol The United States to Be Divided Into Clearing House Districts. Dj Inclusive Wire Iroin (lie Associated rres. Washington, March 9. Chairman Fowler, of the house committee on banking and currency tomorrow will Introduce an important llnuncial meas ure framed by the Ilopubllean mem bers of the committee after confer ences extending through the last two months. It brings together into one financial measure a number of propo sitions which have been urged sep arately heretofore. Air. Fowler explains the purposes of the bill as follows: To transfer from the government to the hinks the rrrponsibility of protecting the ncccs'-.iry Rild ro-rc and the burden of funm-hine; poM for exports, thereby fivinp; cur conmirur horn tlir dcMrurlivc- apprehensions proline out of i.nds upon the "gold in the ticasurj," winch tan now" only he replenished by a lax imposed upon the people through the t-alc of bonds and to provide a currency alwavs responsive and ode ipiate to the demands of tiude everywhere and to equalize and lower the average rjte of interest in all paits of the United States; to secure for American enterprise, and American capital the privileges and opportunities of engaging in inter national banking under natiouil law, and so hy a foundation upon which to build an American merchant marine; to remove the last vr.'lljc of douht with regard to our shndard of value. The measure proudc.1 for iutcnialional bulk ing, and a ilivlrion of banking and cmrency is established under a board of control, instead of a flngle individual in the perron of tho comptrol ler of the cunency as heretofore. Ths board will consist of thicc members, whose terms of office oro for twelve ear, also arranged that only one member will letiro every four yeais. national Banks Assume Obligations. If the measure now inlioduced should become a luw, it is confidently belieed that tho national binks will assume the cuircnt redemption in gold coin of one hundred and thirty millions of United States notes. In consideutlon of the obligations assumed by the national banks, they will have the right during tho succeeding (he jear3 to issue gradually as busli.css may rcqtiue an amount of liink notes equal to tiily per centum of their paid up and unimpaired capital; provision being made also for an emeigency circulation. As the notes are taken out for ciiculation the banks will deposit wltli the gov ernnierit a guarantee fund of tlie per centum of the amount of tho notes so issued. Tlie national banks hereafter will be lequlred to pay inteiest upon the govern ment deposits at tlie rate of 1 per centum per annum. This Die per centum guarantee fund and the tax upon the bank notes, will be used to protect the bank notes and the excess of such taxes with the interest on the goernment deposit! will be used to pay off the United States notes which His banks to assume to currently redeem. It Is sis (cited that thu whole one hundred and tliiity millions of United States notes which the banks have assumed to curientiy lecleem, will be paid oil in thirty ,10:11s out of the tacs collected upon circulation and interest paid by tlie banks upon biu eminent deposits. The United States will be divided into clearing huuc diftrietn to facilitate the current icdcmp tioiv of the bank notes, so that the amount of notes outstanding at any time alwajs will be o delimited witli the amount of trading to be done, precisely us checks and drafts lcllccts the amount of commercial work being carried on. By and with the consent of the board of '.on tio), banks may have more than cue place for do ing business, being authorized to establish them telves in the various cities of the country. Xo bank note of a denomination less than ten dollars will be issued and the tecrctaiy of the treasury thall not Usui" a sliver ceitlilcate of a denomination greater than five dollars; and theie uftcr, upon the presentation to him of ouo hun dred silver dollars of amy multiple thciccf, and a demand for their redemption, shall exchange gold cqln for the same, . THE LEDGER COAL ARTICLE. By Kuluslvc Wire from The A'soelated Press. Philadelphia, March P. The Ledger in It3 coal article tonmrow will say: Tho anthracite coal trade continued icstric'td in output and tiunsportatloii tu market during thu past week, llinewed storms uiul Hoods In teifered witli mining and the movement of .-oal, 6j that the demand is as laigc U3 heretofoie, and the1 supply of most piles short, Vaiious idle collieries, however, ale being gotten Into ord"r jaln and theie will probably be a bet to,' to.il supply for this week, Tlie advent of spring, vvih more settled weather, will bring some lellef, but It will take considerable time for tlie coal produc ing companies to cope with the demand and then Oil up the vacant storage jurds, 'J lie pieseut piees cf coal it I now ewpciled will contliru' until May and the usual spring discount not be put Into edict until that dale," Will Give Work to 8,000. By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Asiocftted Press Plumokln, l'a March 0. The local collieries jf the Philadelphia and Heading Coal and lion company and the Union Coal company, which weie closed down last week by the Hood), will rsuine operation; tomorrow, along with a mini- er of mines operated by Individual companies, Jlaihoad sidings are .again flee of water and snow, and cam are being supplied to the collieries. The resumption of operations will give work to, S,(tt) nen and boj who have been out ol ciiiplojment Uiicc the recent storms. Mv, Wilson Will Not Resign. By Inclusive Wire from the Associated Pre. Washington, March t). Tlie attention of Scire, tary Wilson, of the agricultural department, kji called today to icports that ho contemplated soon resigning from President Roosevelt' cabinet. 'Jlc secretary treated tho subject tcry lightly, declaring that the repoit ww news to him, and adding In reply to u tpeciflu inquiry that lie kid no intention cf taking the step suggested. BERLIN PAPERS SATISFIED. Highly Pleased with the Reception of Prince Henry. By Inclusive Wire from the Associated Puss. Eerlln, March !), Some of tho dally papers have begun summing up Prince Henry's trip to the United States. Their tone Is one of complete satis faction. They declare the prince' trip was never Intended to have any speci fic political alms, but merely purposed to bring about an Improvement In the popular feeling In both countries. The Boersen Xeltuug admits that Its most snugulne expectations have been exceeded by the occurrences of the prince's ttlp, and says the bealtfelt cordiality displayed by the Americans was gi eater than could have been ex pected. Tho National Zeltung Fays that Prince Henry 'and the Americans have learned to understand find appreciate each other, nncl that thu icsult at tained Is out of the common. It Is a not-to-bc-forgotten incident, says this paper, In the busy rush of modern life. PROGRAMME FOR THE WEEK IN CONGRESS Attention of Senate and House Will Be Devoted to Ship Subsidy Bill and Rural Free Delivery. By Exclusive 'Wile from Tlie Awocial'd Pre.. Washington, March ?. The attention of the senate will be divided again this week between the ship subsidy bill and the bill providing for the punish ment of persons who assault or kill the president of the United States, the former holding the place of unfinished business, and the latter coming in for consideration when there; Is no one pre pared to speak on the ship subsidy question. Among those who have an nounced their Intention to speak on the ship subsidy bill is Senator Vest, but the condition of his health, which remains far ftom robust, may prevent his addressing the senate. Senator Mallory also will talk on this subject, but beyond these no set addresses have been announced. However, there undoubtedly will be a number of short speeches on the bill, No prepared speeches on the presidential assault bill have been announced, but there is no doubt the lawyers of the senate will continue to find more or less to say about It whenever opportunity shall offer. At odd times, the calendar will be taken up. Altogether, the week in tho feenato promises to be an exciting one. The house this week, after disposing of the bill to classify tlie rural free delivery service and place the carriers under the contract system, will devote its attention to appropriation bills. The' postofllce appropriation bill, which will bo taken up first, probably, will re quire three days. It will be followed by the river and harbor bill. It Is re garded as a foregone conclusion that tho rural free delivery bill will be de feated when the vote is taken tomor row. EIRE AT MISSION SCHOOL. Buildings Used by Teachers at Jap an Are Destroyed. By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Press. Lebanon, Pa., March 9. Rev. Dr. Jo seph Lembergur, treasurer of the board of commissioners for foreign missions of tho Reformed church in the United Slates, was Informed by cable today that the schools for girls at Zendln, Japan, which is maintained by the church, has been totally destroyed by fire. The school took care of 75 girls, all of whom were saved. The loss Is esti mated nt $5,000, which Is partially cov ered by Insurance in a London com pany. The school wns established about fifteen years ago, and enjoyed the fa vor of tho Japanese government which at first was opposed to It. Miss Lena Zurlluh, superintendent of the school, Is now In this country, and in her ab sence Miss Sadie Lee WIdener was In charge. 1 1 S 1 1 1 NO HOPE FOR MRS. MAYBRICK. Not Included in Coronation Amnes tyHer Mother's Statement. Dy Exiluslve Wire fiom The Associated Piim. London, March 9. Tho Batoness do Rouques (mother of Mrs, Florence May brick) denies all the reports that her daughter will be Included In the coro nation amnesty. She 'said to n repre sentative of Tho Associated Press; "f have not received Information of any sort relating to Mrs, Maybrlck's pos sible release, I have no anticipation of such lolcaso or knowledge of any In tended coronation amnesty." The officials of tho United States em bassy say thero Is no possibility of any action In Mrs. Maybrlck's case In the near future. Three Jailbirds Escape. Hy 1:.h1uIc Who from Tho Associated Press. Knowllle, Tmn., March 0. MlUhell Mlzcleh, in jail 011 4 (haiKu of inuidor, and (jeortfo Tai lor and laaae Woodey, wanted for small f tenses, brol.e Jail ut Itulledje, Tenii., last night. When the Jailer went to feed I ho men they over powcied liiin, tool, his pistol, loclu-d him in .1 cell and departid Steamship Arrivals, lly KuluthoVirc fiom The Aoelat!4 Pie.j. New Yoik, March U. Arrived; IAcpjitahie, Havre, Prawlo Point Passed; lljverford, Ant werp for New yoik. llorta-r'ayal Arrived; Klrurla, New Vork for Liverpool. Cecil Rhpdes Improving, fly Exclusive Wire from The Aiiociated prm. Tape Town, Match . Cecil Ithodcs, who is hurierim from ogliM pectoris, paited a good night a 11 J was better today. 1 KLUMP MURDER MYSTERY. Poisoner Is Apparently No Nearer Apprehension Than n Week Ago. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Piess. Grand rtaptds, Mich., March . The mystery surrounding tho sending through the mnlts of a poisoned head ache powder to Mrs. Ada Klump, of Lowell, causing her death a week ago today, Is seemingly no nearer a solu tion thah on the day of the arrest of William Klump, her husband, last Thursday. The theory that some wo man In the affections of Klump con cocted the plot find carreld It out, still holds wIVh the ollU prs who arc con ducting the Investigation. Klump appeared worried and restless In Jail today and was not disposed to talk about his case. His brother vlf Ited him during the day and advised hint to tell tho truth, which William said he had done nnd would do. Sheriff Chapman stated ho wns working on a new cuuc, but could not tell the nature of It yet. FRENCH AND AMERICAN CONSULS IN A DISPUTE A Wrangle Over Two Acres of Land at Tlen-Tsin Is Liable to Causo International Complications. Hy reclusive Wire fiom Tlie Associated Press. Tlen-Tsln. March . -Tho mission property here, which Is In dispute be tween the French and American con suls, is less than two acres In extent. It borders the American mission tirou erty and was previously occupied by undesirable Chinamen. The French con sul stopped building operations 011 the disputed propprty and placed a police man there. Tho French flag has not been raised over the property. The American consul here, Jamrs W. TUigsdale. Is maintaining a 11 rm atti tude, and does not believe serious developments-, to be likely. The affair Is in tho hands of the French and Ameri can ministers at Pelcln. The English Methodist mission of London, the American board of com- 1 mlsslonors for foreign missions and the American Methodist mission all have property within tho extra legation claimed by tho French In Juno. 1000. Since that time the American missions have purchased the adjoining piece of property. Tho French now claim thin latter property, and h.ive been collect ing routs and levying taxes thereon. Mr. Hagsdale protested against such actions, and caused American flags to be hoisted over tho property in ques tion. ARMENIANS TO EMIGRATE. Those in tho Erzerum District Will Go to Russia En Masse. By IXclusive Wire from The Acochitrd Press. London, March 9. The Constantinople correspondent of the Times says the un bearable prosecution by the Kurds and the Turkish authorities has resultPd in a determination on the part of the Ai menians in the Erzerum district to emi grate en masse to Russia. Gross outrages by Moslems on Chris tians are reported from two villages near Monastlr. The British, French, Russian and Italian embassies at Constantinople have presented a collective note to the 1 porte protesting against the systematic 1 hindrances which harass the Cretans' in their personal and commeiclal Inter course with Turkey. The Novoe Vremya, In an article, quoted by the Vienna correspondent ot the Times, referring to the unrest In Albania and the Russian ambassador's note to the porte demanding protection for Christians at Ipek (Albania), says: "It Is time to put an end to the san guinary horrors of which the Slav population in old Servla are the vic tims. Slav blood cries to heaven and Russia. If Turkey cunnot bring reason' to the wild beasts which she has let loose, Russia will be obliged to take tho task on herself." TESTIFIES AGAINST BROTHER. Aged Criminal Tells of Plot to Rob National Stock Yards Bank. By Exclusive Wire from 'rue Associated I'reu. , Belleville, 111., March 0. Thero was n dramatic scene In the circuit court here to-day. Harry Meyers, ono of the most notorious safe-blowers In tho country, who is serving a twenty-year sentence in Chester penitentiary, was brought here to confront his brother Charles and testify against him, Syl vester a'avlgnac and John Stevens, who are on trial charged with the National Stock Yards Hank robbery. Harry Meyers, who Is C3 years old, swore that the nlan to rob tho hnni.- was laid by himself nnd John Stevens 111 unesier panuuuiiary ueroro Stevens wu released, and Implicated 11 promin ent man connected with tho bank In the scheme, Meyers confessed also that he had blown tho safe of tho Star Rrewery at Uellevlllo unci Implicated a St. Louis saloon keeper In that job. He pro fesses to huve jepenteil of his crimes, but Is believed to be actuated by mo tives of revenge. Bradford Will Indorse Elkln. By Exclusive Wire from The Anoclated Preaj 'i'ovvanda, Pa., Match 0. The Iiradfoid county llepubllcan primaries, hold je-iterday, to helect a candidate for lopgit'-at In the I'ourteeutli dis trict nave the county' cndorMinen? to M, 1), l.llley, who received about 1,'JOO majnilty over W. J, Yuuntr, the unti-tjuay undulate. The county convention on Thursday tu t elect dele. Kutct to the Mute convention will jiidure At torney John P. Dlkin for soveruor. i 11 State Base Ball League. By Inclusive Wire from the A&oclated Pieu. Willlaiiiipoit, Pa., March 9. William A. Wit. nun, of Heading, piesident of tlie 1'cuiii.ylvani) State Uagao of Pose ball clubj, u nude ar rangements to have fhU city represented In that organization this season. The league it now com poted of clubs in Sciantou, WilkevIUnc, llaile ton, Heading, Ltbanon, Lancaster, Mt. C'armel and Williiiuisport, m 11 ii Illness of Mr. JtlcLeod. 11 Exclusive Wire from tlie Associated I'reu. New York, March U. A. A, Mcl.eod, former president of the Philadelphia and Iteidlmr rail load, who lias been kUtfcrlug fiom an attack ot angina peetorU, was much improved tonight. VANDERB8LTS ENTERTAIN THE PRINCE The Royal Visitor Meets a Number ol Persons ot Sortal Prominence. HEARS CONCERT BY THE ARI0N SOCIETY Favorite American Songs Are Ren dered by the Prize-Winning Or ganization of Brooklyn Tho Sing ers Highly Complimented An Elaborato luncheon Served at the University Club. Try Kxdusivc Wire from Tho Awoclaled I'rnu. New York, .March 9. Prince Henry ot Prussia was the central figure today in (mother round of entertainment ar ranged in his honor. He first listened to a concert at the Waldorf-Astoria largely made up of his favorite Amer ican songs, the concert being arranged at his request. When that was over ho drove to the University club to a lunch eon which was not concluded until mid-afternoon. At night he was the guest at dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Cor nelius Vanderbilt and met large party made up of persons of social promin ence. When the prince bade farewell to tho company at tho Vanderbilt home ho went to the New York Yacht club for an informal reception, and tho hour was lato when he returned to the Waldorf-Astoria for the night. He found time between the four main events on his programme for theday to receive a delegation representing the commercial club of St. Paul and several callers, and to finally complete tho arrangements for the last two days stay In the coun try and his departure for home. He had intended to be present at the relig ious services on tho imperial yacht llohen.ollern in the morning, but tho case of scarlet fever which developed there t.evcral days ago altered that plan. Instead he remained nt the hotel ai Ising late and bre-ikfastlng at his leisure. It was the Arion society of Brooklyn, winner of the kaiser's prize at the sing ing festival In Brooklyn in 1900, that furnished tho morning concprt for the prince at the hotel. It had been oilgln ally nranged that the singers should serenade- the prince aboard the Hohen zollern yesterday, but in the change of plan the serenade was abandoned. The prince met Dr. W. John Schlldge, chair man of the music committee of the so ciety at tlie dinner Saturday night and expressed regret that he was not to have a chance to hear the club sing. The doctor suggested that It might still take place at tho hotel and the prince approved tlie Idea. It was midnight but a few hours to arrange the affair remaining. Telegrams and telephone messages were hurried out to the mem bers nnd by 11 o'clock this morning ISO of them had reported at the' hotel, The Concert. The concert took place In the Astor gallery and began at 11.30. The prince sat In the centre of the hall, surrounded by tho members of his suite, the Ameri can escort, Ambassador Von Holleben, Consul General Uuenz and Consul Gelss ler. The chorus first sang "Pries Lied," and after that, at the request of the prince, an extended programme, which Included "Old Kentucky Home" und "Dixie." The concluding number was the Kroutzer's "The Lord's Own Day," and It was rendered very effectively. The prince was delighted with the serenade, and after slinking hands with the oftl cers of the society, addressed the mem bers brlelly in German, He thanked them for whnt they had done for htm, and congratulated them on their excel lent musical ability. He said, In part: "I never heard sweeter music from a male choir. I have heard other music in this country which has given mo great delight, and it hns brought mo to the conclusion tha.t music Is born In the human heart, without regard to the race or color. You should cultivate miislo not only ns a boon to yourselves, but for tho benefit of others." The Arlon society presented tho prince with an Illustrated address, and an nounced that during tho day a cable mussago suitable to the occasion would bo drafted and sent to tho kaiser. The luncheon nt tho Unlveislty club was given by the committee appointed by President Roosevelt to arrange for tho visit of the prlnco und escort him on his tour, and the hosts were Gen eral Corbln, Assistant Secretary of State Hill, Admiral Evans, Colonel rilnghnni and Commander Cowles, The party left the hotel ut 11,10 o'clock with mounted police as special guurd for tho carriage of the prince, A great crowd saw the departure from tho hotel and tho arrival at the club, but thero was no special demonstration. An elabor ate luncheon was served und there wus an Interesting discussion of the trip through the country, Just concluded, The Vanderbilt Dinner, The dinner given by Mr, und Mis. Cornelius Vanderbilt, In honor of Prince Henry, began at 7 o'clock. The Vander bilt liqnie, ut COS Fifth avenue, was handsomely decorated and brightly lighted. Mrs. Vnnderbolt received the prince and his staff, nnd then presented her other guests. Ovul shaped dining tables were placed In tho dining room and conservatory, und Ihere the dinner was served. Mrs. Vanderbilt had Prince Henry at her right and Ambassador Von Holleben at her left, and Mr, Van derbilt had Admiral Evans at his right und General Corbln at his left. Others at the table were; Mr, and Mrs, Ogden Mills, Mr. und Mrs. Lloyd Hryce, Mr, and Mis. Lewis Cass Ledyard, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hnyllss, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. Morton Erewcn, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Post, Mr. and Mrs. Droxel, tho Countess Grnv. Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer, Mrs. Cass Cnnfleld, Mrs. FranclsMC. Pendleton, Mrs; Rich ard Gumbrlll, Mrs, Lewis Chandler, Mrs. Dana Gibson, Mrs. Oakley Rhine lander, Miss Beatrice Mills, Miss Alice Babcoclc, Miss Jay, Miss Burden, Miss Anna Sands, Miss Barney, Miss Bishop, Admiral Von Tlrpltz, General Von Pies sen, Admiral Von Elsendecher, Vlca Admlrul VoiUSecltcndorff, Captain Von Muller, Captain Von Grummc, Count Quadt, Commander Von Rebettr Pasch wltz, Lieutenant Commander Schmidt Von Schwlnd, Baron Von Kapherr, David J. Hill, John Jacob Astor, Eger ton AVlnthrop, Stuyvesunt Fish, Aug ust Belmont, Robert Gerry nnd F. L. Polk. During dinner an orchestra played a selected programme. Thomas Cochran and F. G. Bradbury, representing the Commercial club ot St. Paul, Minn., called upon Prince Henry at the Waldorf-Astoria today and, during a personal Interview with the distinguished visitor, invited him to attend the unveiling of the commera tlvo tablet on board the American lino steamship St. Paul next Tuesday. Prlnco Henry promised to be present It possible, but doubted his ability to do so, on account of his sailing for home that afternoon. Prince Henry will visit Philadelphia tomorrow. Accompanied by his party he will leave for that city by special train over the Pennsylvania rallorad at S o'clock. Ho Is to be ofllclally re ceived by tho city, shown through Cramps shipyard and given a lunch at tho Union League club. He will re turn to New York at B:30 o'clock nnd in tho evening will Rive a. farewell din ner to those who accompanied him on his American tour. At the concert given by the Armstrong association for Prince Henry, Booker T. Washington, the colored educator and leader, was presented to the prince. 'The two' chatted for fifteen minutes during which time the prince asked ' many questions as to the negroes. He asked Mr. Washington for a book of negro melodies and the latter promised to send him one. NEW YORK WAS NOT" DRY Brinks Could Be Procured Behind Boors and Accompanied by the Sandwich. Hy Inclusive Wire from 'flic Associated Prrovi. New York, March P. Despite the al leged promises of the snloop keepers that to day should be tho very dryest Sunday on recordlenfar-as -New York was concerned, the man or woman who wished had little or no trouble In pur chasing drinks. About the only notice able difference in getting one was that the thirsty man was not allowed to stand at the bar and In many instances he was forced to sit down to the "prop erty" sandwich, left over from earlier days of Raines law reign. But for all that tho day might be termed a quiet Sunday. A quiet tip was given to the crowds that usually hang about the Inside of the saloons that their presence was not desirable. In consequence the usual hangers-on kept out of the way. Captain Sheehan was especially act ive In the Tenderloin precinct and be fore the day was well along his men had arrested several barkeepers. In the upper West Side portion of the city the orders for a jlry Sunday were observed to a certain extent. On the lower east side of the city it Is doubt ful If one saloon in live hundred was closed. In more instances a man could walk Into the side door without any trouble. Along Seventh avenue and on the Bowery bar rooms that have prob ably not been closed a single day for years, did no bar trade at all. In many Instances the proprietors of these places had impromptu bars rigged up In the back rooms and served drinks there. There were few saloon keepers who would admit that there hud been any understanding, let alone orders, regard ing a dry Sunday. The total number of excise arrests in Greater New York today was thirty four. .... i - A TERRIBLE MASSACRE. Five Thousand Chinese Butchered by Russians. Dy Kr.clutiic Wire from The Aiuelited Prew. London, March 10. A dispatch to the Dally Chronicle from Berlin says that the Russian general, Grlbskl, who was responsible for the massacre at Blago vestchensk, has been dismissed from the army. According to reports of the Blago vestchensk massacre, about D.000 Chi nese were driven by tho Russians Into the Amur river. Russian troops on tho banks clubbed or shot any who at tempted to land, and the river bank was strewn with corpses for miles. Gov. Odell Dines with President. Dy Exckiive Wire from The Aiiociated Prec. Wakhlnston, March V, fjovcuior Odell, of 'evv York, dined with Preslilmt Roosevelt ai the white house IliU evcnine;, leuuinlmr altn the dlpncr until ,1 late hour, 'iW.urrow nlajit he will usalu dine with the ihief etecutivi;. Accoidlnj to tjic pieocnt plan 0! the (,'omncr lie will re main hero until Tuesday moruliip, although ho may return tu Albany late tomorrow night, 111 Wit here, be bald, h bhuply for recicatlon and ills mUaluu ia not to cIihu-m politics. p Miss Roosevelt Leaves' for Havana, Uy Kuclusive Wire from the AirocHted Press. Washington,, March 0. Mlu Alice lluiuevclt, the daughter of the president, with sveral frlcndi and accompanied by a maid, left here tonight for j vlilt tu (central and Mn. Leonard Wood at Havana, going by 'rail to I'lorlda, Mm. Har riet Illalne Ileal unci Captain Philip vveic nlui of the party. Mis HosevcU c-MWCt tu return tu Waslngton tho latter part of 1I10 month. t '" - Philadelphia Walking Match. Dy Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Piesj. Philadelphia, March JO.TI10 luce wn started at 18.30 o'clock and among Hi? seventy men that started were the following well known ped(k trlans: Pit Cavwaugb, Cillbcrt Ilarnei, lleorge Tracy, Harry Sheltou, Peter Hegelman, (icorge Norenuc, John (Hick, Tom llouarth, Jim Dean, Sam Day, Tony Iclln, Pat l'owvw, r'uuk Hart and Kd Cavanaugli. STEAMER ETRURIA NOW PANIC IN A HOTEL. Fire in the Vicinity Causes Quests to Rush Into the Streets. Tly nxclutlir Wire from the Avoclatcd Pren. Benver Falls, Pa., March 9. The Har old block was completely destroyed by Lflre at alt early hour this morning, en tailing a IOSS Ol 111)0111 J7&,UUl. tho loss on tho building Is $20,000. Of the ten ants, Smith & Flnklehor, pants ninnu facrturers, lose $10,000; McPhorson's wire jnnt factory, $3,000; McCandless Bros., grocery, $2,600; Edward Heyser, feed store, $3,000, and numerous small losses. Tho insurance cannot bo learned before tomorrow. The guests of the Seventh aVvenuo hotel, just ncross tho street from tho burning building, became panic-stricken and many ot them rushed Into the streets only half clad. The hotel was saved, however, and the guests returned to their rooms, unhurmed, ALARMING C0NDIT0NS PREVAIL AT JEH0L Bandit Soldiers Capture a Priest. 500 Troops. Despatched to the Scene Wires Ave Cut. By Kvilasive Wire from The Associated Picss. Pckin, March P. Chinese olllcials are greatly disturbed over the conditions at .Tehol (Cheng To), about 100 miles northeast of Pekln, where bandit sol diers have captured a priest. An ofllciul of the foreign office de clares thnt the Russians have already despatched 500 troops to .Tehol from tho Mancluuian border. Tho trouble began over the settle ment of claims of native Christians, and it resulted In rioting between the Christians and the non-Christians. Brigands look advantage of these con ditions to plunder the country, and the Russian telegraphic connections were incidentally cut. The foreign ollice rays that the captured priest is a Relgian. : It was reported March 7 from Pekln that the Chinese court had ordered the Immediate release of this priest in order to forestall tho entry of foreign troops Into the district of Jehol, which Is rich In gold mines. SECOND NOTE TO PORTE. American Legation Presents to Sul tan Communication Regarding Capture of Miss Stone. Bv Jlxcli'ive Wire from The Associated Picis. Constantinople, March 9. The Ameri can legation here today presented to the porte the second note referring to the capture of .Miss Ellen M. Stone. In this note It Is pointed out that Miss Stone was captured, tho ransom paid, and the prisoners 'delivered in Turkey, the brigands' must be within tho Turk ish frontier und should therefore bo captured. The note denies that the authorities were ever required to lessen their' vigi lance on the frontier, and asserts that only the movements of the tipops in the interior were Interfered with. The first not,e' presented to the porte by the United States legation at 'Con stantinople In the mutter of Miss Stone's capture by brigands demanded the punishment of the guilty parties. The porte, In rtplylng, repudiated re sponsibility. ' m- Will Defray Expenses of Convention. Uy Uxcludve Who from the Aifcociated Press. Sliamokln, Pa,, March 0. The Mcr-hants' Pio tectie association last night ieolud (n defi.iy ths expenses of the United Minn Wuiki'i.V conven tion which begins lure on March IS, .ccom modatlons for three bundled delegitei has al leady been procuied. The committee 011 enter tainments eipecta that in scveial days lodging for fiom aw to J.00 additional miners' icptrccn tatlves will have been obtained, THE DEATH ROLL. Uy Inclusive Wire fiom the Associated Pics. Mroudsbuig. P.i., March 0. II, I'ranl; Pungan, one of Ptioudsburg'ii most popular rltfiens, died early tfterday from the elfects of paralysis ami hcmonlujse of tho brain. Mr. Pungan was l,om in Philadelphia, llfty-elght years ago, coining to Monroe before the Civil war, in which the i'e leaded ciy nobly herved hi count!-. Washington, March 0. Following1 an illness of several wecltV duration, Mrs. haiah Jane Peiler, vvilo of evS.'nitor W, A. Peffer, of Kansas, died hero yesterday at tho irsldciuv of her daughter, Mrs, M. J. Mellhfiiny, Sirs. I'cffrr wad 70 jcirs old. i:-Senator Peffer, with A. PctTcr, jr., and Mrs. Millheiuiv were at the bcdaldu when cleat li occurred, bho leaves five children, The body will bo taken to lwn.-.u for Intc inieiit, Philadelphia, M.ucli p. Commander Joseph P, Micklcy, United SUtes nav), retired, died todiy at hU home near llnkciidauipia, l.ehtgli cptiu'y, Pa, He was ill for two cai. lie was about CO K.irs of aiic. lie cnteied the navy in 15111 as 4 thlid aielitaut iiiglueci. During the SpjnUli American war he terved 011 tint monitor Teiror, lie was letlied In Jat.uaiy, Jlioo, with tlie r-uiU of commander. i:rle, Pa Match 0. Dr. John 1'ranl.liii j-pabl-In., IlpHi'opal bishop of thu ttato of Colorado, died tonight of pneumonia ut the homo of his ton, llev. 1'iauk s. bpaldiiur, of thU city, 'Hie litter I seilously ill with tjphoid fever and bis verenable father vva Miin.uoneil a week ago. u stood the Join ley will, but hxc tiuco caught .1 severe cold whlih developed into pneumonia on Friday. Pittsburg, P.i., Manli U.IIou. Daniel Airueiv, former iliitf justiic of the Supreme court of l'liiu, s.vlwulj, died at .'! o'cluik this niornlnt at bis residence fu lieaver, Pa, The venerable Jurist bad reached (he lemarkabfe uge. of 0.1 ycais, Daniel Agucw was bom at Ti colon, N. J., Jan uary b, ISfti), Ids parents icinoviiur to Pittsburg .1 ejr later, lie wa iducated in the public, school and graduated from Urn Westeiu university, lie cast Ids lot with tho Wilis party and was promi nently identified witli the ltepuhllcan party in later .vcuru. in ltC3 ho was elected Supremo court Justice on the ticket with Governor Cur tin. In 1370 he retired from the bench, continu. Inf, however, to take an active part in politics. In 1S31 Judge Agnew married Elizabeth Moore, a daughter of General llobert Moore. He 1) sur vived by six sons and daughters. :r AT .The Gunard Liner Towed Into tlia Harbor of Horta Yes terday. WIRELESS SIGNALS WERE NOT ANSWERED Tho Dig Steamer Without Propeller or Rudder Although the Etrurla Had Just Finished Speaking by Wireless Telegraphy to the Um lnin, as the Accident Occurred, the Signals Failed to Work When an Effort Was Made to Again Secure the Attention of the TJmbria. fly i:ihisivc Wiic from The Anviciatcd l'reiw. Iloifn, Azores, March 9. The Etru rla was towed Into port and anchorcil hero at C o'clock this (Sunday) oven liifr. All on board are well. She had 11 comparatively uneventful passage, except for the breuk-dowu, which occurred during the dinner hour of January '!',. When this occurred, the Etrurla had only Just .finished speaking by wireless telegraphy with the Cunard line . steamship Pnibrla. After the accident was discovered, tho Etrurla called the Uinhria wlrclcssly for one hour, but without success. Upon examination, it was found that tho s-hlp's propeller hud broken off out side tlie tube, and that the rudder hud been carried away by the propeller. The Etrurla then scat up rockets, which were s-cen by the !rltlli steamer William Cllrr. Tim latter bote down nnd w'as alongside in llfty min utes after the accident. She stood by until'duyllght, when, after sevcr.M at tempts, she succeeded in passing a hawser aboard the Etrurla. The tank steamer Ottawa arrived on the scone nt this time. Thu William Clltt then attempted to tow the Etrurla, while the Ottawa attempted tQ steer her. The hawser, however, snapped. The Ottawa stood by for two days and then left for Fayal, bearing the second ofllcer of tho Etrurla, to report the dis aster and' obtain assistance. In tho meanwhile, tho crew of tho IStrurla had made every effort to 1 lg a jury rudder. The first such rudder was carried away immediately an at tempt was made to use it. After fur ther efforts, lasting for two days, a second jury rudder was successfully adjusted and is still in position. Passengers Praise Crew. The passengers of the Etruria were satisfied they were in no danger, and they praise the conduct of the captain and crew of tho vessel. After the acci dent the passengers amused them selves with the usual deck sports, and concerts were held in the first and pecond cabins. Only those who were anxious concerning business matteis chafed at the unavoidable delay. The Etrurla. reports having sighted the Italian mail steamer Sardegnu, fiom Naples Feb. 20, for New York, last Wednesday, March o. The Sar degu.i stood by, but finding sha could be of no usslstuncu, proceeded on her course. The Etrurla was hoping to commu nicate with the Xorth German Lloyd steamer Kronjirln. Wllholni by wire less telegraphy. Hut her mast who broke In several places and she was unable to repair It until the weather had Improved, when It was too late. After the accident, the passage of tho Cunard steamer was entirely unevent ful and theio occurred nothing of In terest beyond the dully runs of the vessel, which ranged from sixty to 11 hundred knots. The Etrurla will wait here, for the arrival of the royal mall steamer Elbe, which left Southampton for llorta yesterday. The Elbe will carry the Utrurla's passengers to England. Tho Etrurla will then bo towed home by tho two tugs which are now on their way out from Liverpool for this pur pose. Tho passengers on the Etrurla. am looking longingly toward the shore and waiting for tomorrow morning, when they will be ablo to land and become acquainted with llorta and tho Island of Fnyiil. HIGH WATER AT EVANSVIL1E. AZORES Great Alarm Is Felt on the Green River in Indiana, fly i:Uii'Ive Who fiom Tho Asjociated Pies, IJviinsville, hid., Much 0, There is great alarm hero over tho lush water. At 0 o'clock tonlshl the river stood ut 39.G feet and was still 'hlii:,-. It J.s ulmost certain a etagc ot 41 feet will bo leaihed. Tannera in tho low lands are trylnsr to save their corn in crib. Several saw mills alona (Ireen Illver are submerged and tho loss, will bi lirge. A fctaiji' of 41 feet will ba tho hlglWt blue v tlie great Hood of 18St. The iut will not be reached hero before Tue day noon and by that time tho river in mini places between here und Cairo, Ml., will be tec miles wide. ii- Great Run of Coal Down the Ohio, Uy Kiilualra Wire from The Associated Press. Cincinnati, March p. The present rise in the Ohio liver has started a great run of coal for I lie Ohio and Mi:iMlppl alleys. The rlvermen .ay mo! e than S,Q00,UX) bushels from tho Pitts 'burg dUtrict and mora than !!,000,00u from tin Wot Virginia mlnea out of the Kanawha are no'.y on the way, 1 4' 4- WEATHER FORECAST, 4- Woldngton, March S. Forecast for -f -s- Monday and Tuesday: L'astcrn Pcniuvi- 4 'vania, fair Monday, increaslujr djudlneis -f -f Tuesday; fresh north winds ihllllns tu cast. -f t .11 V 1