The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 08, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    i fi-WTnymr WMHg,l'" 'ffmiF , ; i-
. ..'.jnififfiMt "(j'ijs' ia3!WT I 'v.T
npil6if n ijr!' -n,!iwvw -'- T wwcptmyljmify ' -itf ".jiiiefCTfWlwSH'J' "Jri-f" ""' $WW'W-''' "Wi
ruMM.t.1 V4'n rxpl "unjtiy. I-j; tii c jitii-
dne mblUhlnr .Company, At IW CtnH a Month.
' ; liniiitm"1" a- -t
O. t !)V.Hi:n IltwlucM JUtiaffer.
Kew V.rk omcct l!o mv
Sole Agent tor rorclBiAdwMlnif.
Cntcrcd t the I'tHlollUf lit (-'crouton, Pa..
S-cioml Claw Mall Matter.
When spaco will permit, The
Tribune Is always glad to print
short letters from Its friends bear
ing' on current topics, but Its rule 19
thnt theso must be signed, for pub
lication, by the writer's real name;
nnd tho condition precedent to ac
ceptance Is that all contributions
shall bo subject to editorial revision
tmi: riATjiATi: roit Aurr.tvnsixa.
flloloiinw'liiff InliiplilTow the prlfe per Inch
each Imrrllon, nJro to be woil wltliln one i'r.
DISl'I.AV. IMper Ite.ullna Portion
Lew than GOO Jm1ie .:'.. ,27."
50O IihIioji '.'il .-12 -
1000 " NT- .17.1 .1".
sooo " i.-i.i .: '
CO) " 1.1 .10." .1
Tor ojicIi u( tlmiiW, iro1ullmu of cotuloletire,
mid similar lontilliutlons In the nature ot ctl
dtlltiff The Trlhune inafcn a rhatgc o( 6 rents
It.itri of ('jlllcit AilvcrtlMin: hirnMinl on
Some weather prophet litis assorted
Unit four more snow storms are due
before spi'inu actually begins opera
tions. As tlio Identity of the author of
the claim remains u secret, it is likely
thai the Information was forwarded
upon n postal card.
The Visit of Air. Bryan.
T11K11K was a time when the
presence of lion. AV. J. Bryan
In Scrnnton would have been
the excuse for a vast amount
ot red lire and the sound of many brass
bands. On this occasion his coming
was tnilot and Ills solnpr will be unat
tended by a torchlight procession. Such
Is popularity. Yet tho man Is as great
a man as lie was six years ago. The
divine gift of oratory Is still his, the
swift sympathy, the splendid magnet
ism are yet as characteristic as they
were before his llrst defeat, lie Is
simply a martyr to an Idea. The chi
mera ot five silver Is to him as real
an issue today as it was In the im
passioned weeks when lie spoke against
the ""principles for which JfcKinley
fought and won.
In spite of his great popularity, in
spite of the broadening advantages ot
the political arena, Mr. Hryun has lived
u narrow life. Ills ideas have run in a
very small groove, limited by the con
fines of a section only of this great
country or ours. AVIth his superb in
tellect, his wonderful gift of utterance
and his fine ideals, he should noL be
the mail in be burled with nil issue
which is as dead for this nation as
Thotmes 111. No one lias ever termed
Mr. IJryan other than a good man.
That he is a mistaken one is due more
to environment than choice, lie has
lived too long in one little spot. What
ever may have been those mistakes,
our city is honored by ills visit. lie
represents a unique- type of American
citizen and one which in adherence to
principle it might be well if there were
more Imitators.
The backbone of
wonderful elasticity.
Engineering Projects of Russia.
A I Aim Siberian railway, accord
ing to the Commercial Ad
vertiser, seems to have been
only one of a series of great
engineering projects which have engag
ed the attention of the Russian govern
ment for many years. Its construction
has naturally forced other great public
transportation enterprises' into the
background; but now that It has been
completed and an outlet In the Xorlli
Paollle ocean assured other works of
equal or greater importance are being
projected and ate claiming the active
Interest of the government. The gen
eral aim ot these projects is threefold:
to realize as complete a communica
tion with the open sea as possible,
especially where Itusslan commerce de
mands It; to join northern and southern
lUtssln by a canal system for develop,
ing internal commerce; and to deepen
the Sea of Azof for commercial pur
poses as well as to create in central
Asia an inland sea which would in
crease the area of Lake Aral some six
or seven times, and at the same time
double the area of the Caspian sea,
whllo joining the ho seas by a naviga
ble channel.
The great engineering problems for
liussla in the future are, therefore,
mostly those of water communication
or of diversion of existing channels for
use In irrigation, A writer In the
March Forum, who has travelled exten
sively iinBusslu, explains these great
projects in detail. That which has
longcsj been advocated Is a great canal
aeross';Thiropean Russia from the Hal
tie lo'ftia fila'eU Sea, utlllning'the river
systems by joining the northward (low
ing Du.ua1 with tiie Dnieper. The tir
duousiatuve of tills undertaking does
not'ni 'the great distance to lie
dug tKvougli solid land, but from the
necessity ot deepening existing chan
nels tda minimum of twenty-eight feet
for alutut tt thousand miles. This canal
would traverse tlje best agricultural
soil ofHusltji, und the exorbitant rail,
way rales would make it a boom to the
whole implre by cheapening the trans
portutljiiof'gruhi, The estimated cost
of till canal Is .$100,000,000, but the
approbation ot so much money for the
Slberl.tii fd'ilwuy has necessarily at
feetedtlio' 'Immediate Jlmuiclui pros
pects rf any other great enterprises.
TberJ is also a daring und original
8chenieji(lQat-fori'deopenlng tho Sea of
Azof. .Tlitrf, and not c niuck Sea,
Is UiclnVmeutUQ southern outlet for
' ltusslaft commerce, and It will surprise
moat renders to know that It Is nothing
more fhuiV a shallow lugoou, nowhere
reaehlij; llfty feet In depth. This
shallowness paralyses the most mag"
nlflclenj system of water communica
tion iiuull Kurope the Vojgp, nnd Its
tributaries. It compels nea'golng ves.
sels tostund at u great distance' from
the ports, lu soiiio cases us fur as
thirteen' miles, unf load n tie open
roadsteads. .fl'he prouosed remedy for
this Is the deepening of tho sea nnd
the turning It Into n vast dock by the
construction of a dam, With locks and
sluices, netoss the Straits Of Kortch.
This scheme Is computed to cost less
limn $1,000.00, ultd promises speedy nnd
profitable returns.
A scheme which concerns a still
broader and more urgent phase of the
popular welfare Is the proposed crea
tion of an Inland sea lu central Asia,
Since emancipation of the serfs the
destruction ot forests lias I'ltuced a
marked decline In the humidity of the
'country. The result Is the increasing
liability to famine, always caused by
drought, and the forestry laws are an
liisuillclent remedy for this evil. Be
sides, the geographical position of Uus
sla Is Itself favorable to drought. In
many districts this drying process has
been going on until It has changed the
character or tho country. As an ex
ample it is Interesting to note that the
great Gulf of Albughlr, which was
crossed In boats by the Httsluns lu
1S39, In now completely dry. The Cas
pian sea has shrunk to half Its former
dimensions. Various remedies have
been brought forward at different times
for increasing the humidity and, con
sequently, the capacity for sustaining
an Increasing population In these vast
regions. The proposal most talked
about and favored Is that of diverting
the waters of the Tobol and Old, north
ward flowing rivers, Into central Asia.
The details of the scheme have been
worked out by M. Denichenke, an emi
nent nuslan engineer, In a book which
has gone through several editions which
Is estimated that over an area of noo,
000 square miles the rainfall would be
Increased so as to change the whole
character of the country, turning the
unproductive steppes and the deserts
of Turkestan Into land habitable by a
settled population.
As these schemes concern vitally the
development and even the safety of the
country, they will persist and will prob
ably be realized, or at least suggest va
riations that will. That they are well
calculated to Increase enormously the
food-producing and conierclal utili
ties there can be little doubt, and the
steady perseverance of Russia In
achieving her alms, combined with her
patience and the force of a. great his
toric tradition, can only fall to win
new engineering triumphs as notable
as that of the Siberian railway.
The stalwart Republicans of Susque
hanna county cheerfully traveled
through immense snow drifts to attend
the convention at Montrose the other
day In order to voice their political pre
ferences and vindicate party principles.
The Susquehanna Republican as a rule
Is composed of material that Is not
easily daunted by the elements or led
astray by sophistry.
The Dog and His Day.
CRAXTON Is not the only place
where the dog question has
been recently agitated. The
same condition of affairs has
existed In Washington and as a result
tiie commissioner of the District ot
Columbia lias approved the following
amendment to the statute already in
"If any owner or possessor of a llerce
or dangerous dog permits the same to
go at large In the District ot Columbia
to the danger or annoyance of the in
habitants, lie shall forfeit and pay a
sum not exceeding $20, and If such ani
mal shall attack or bite any person, the
owner thereof shall be fined not exceed
ing $30, and the dog shall be killed by
any metropolitan police officer, or other
person having like authority.
"This paragraph shall be construed
as applying to any dog running at
large, whether licensed or unlicensed,
and a dog which attacks persons, dogs,
or animals shall be considered as dan
gerous and an annoyance to the Inhab
itants In the meaning of tills act."
it would seem that this offers a prac
tical solution of the matter to the au
thorities ot this city as regards dogs.
It might also be suggested that if own
ers were required to register their ani
mals and If it were clearly understood
that dogs found loose without u collar
indicating such registration wore to be
conveyed to a pound, to be destroyed,
there would soon be a lessening of the
tramp dog evil.
Previous to last week the hill section
ot the city has for a long time been a
place to shun, as no rest, night or day,
could be secured from the hideous
howling, barking anil lighting of dogs
which swarmed over the streets in
groups of ten to twenty at all hours.
-Many of these seemed to be absolutely
ownerless and looked as It they sub
sisted by a scavenger system alone.
Since their removal there has been
peace. And while it Is to be regretted
ir any valuable animals were killed,
there are less tramp dogs In that vicin
ity. The manner In which the railroad
of this vicinity recovered from the ef
fects of tho recent snow storms speaks
volumes for the elllcient management
of the great systems. Within the past
few days the lines centering In Scrauton
have encountered obstacles hitherto al
most unknown in railroad operation In
tills purt of the country: and in fact
It was predicted that In some Instances
weeks would pass before passenger
trafllc could be handled with any do
gree of success, Tot lu spite of the
rorimtmuio opposition rrom snow and
floods the various lines have recovered
with marvelous rapidity, and by ex
change of courtesies have been able to
run trains nearly on time within a few
hours after a storm. The resolute
heads and Indefatigable workers In
charge of the railroads of northeastern
Pennsylvania are entitled to unstinted
praise for their enterprise lu the hours
of trial.
... .. .
An exchange calls uttcutluii to tho
discovery made In Chicago the other
day which may be of interest to lire
depattment ohloluls everywhere, There
was u lire in one of the "skyscrappers,"
tlnd, although not much damage was
done, It was noticed that the (lames
went up the elevator shafts with ex.
traordinury inpidlty, considering that
In this particular building there was
nothing for them to feed on. When nu
investigation was mado It was found
that the steaniplpes, Instead of being
covered with asbestos, as tho law de-
mauds, had been covered with some
Initammablo material. Them had been
one thin layer or nsbesios paper, then
n thick layer of felt nnd ilnatly a can
vass covering. When a match was put
to the felt It burned like tinder. The
discovery explained at once several
mysteriously rapid tires In "fireproof"
buildings, and a thorough Investigation
or pipe coverings all over the city Is to
bo made, Possibly It Would not bo a
bad plan to have Investigation made In
this city.
Philadelphia certainly will be unique
If the programme Is carried out to allow
mi' camera ilends to attack tho prince
during his brief stay In the Quaker
city. The Insurgent press will doubtless
yawp uliottt Ashbrldglsm but It this Is
Ashbrldglsm with regard to the enter
tainment of distinguished guests, give
us more ot It.
Reports of "discontent lu China" are
again abroad. The fact Is the Celestial
kingdom Is large enough to allow some
portion to be discontented most ot the
time without seriously nrt'ectlug the In
terests of tho country at large.
Palerson having experienced the
woes of a, Chicago lire and a Galveston
Hood, ought to bo permitted to enjoy
peace and prosperity from this time
Strange us It may seem no mention
Is made of baked beans in the reports
ot the banquet tendered Prince Henry
at Hostou.
Russia's pledges to this country in
regard to the rights of other nations In
China would look better In writing.
Dally Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus,
The Tribune Astrologer.
.Wiol.ihe o.i-t: 3.21 a. in. for SiturJay, March
t. IfOJ.
A child bum on this day tvill note that there U
hope for the who can attend ilnjly ihuieh
service itml still keep her mind fiom tho pros
pective l'.ijlcr bonnet.
The man who gets in on the ground floor docs
not always have Mich a pleasant lime ilui'lns the
Kvcn the hu-lllni; man will never succeed if
he pcnNta in chasing: n ilclu.-loii.
The man who feels mole concern for the health
of the liyilropliobia-lpjiinir public than for the
euniforl of liU pet has not the wealth of nft'ee
lion that should characteilzc the ownership of
a bow-wow.
The lactase lmoiied woman does not need io
take to the lectuie pUtfonn, She ran sjeneially
senile an nudience at home.
It li ciiier to giow poor gradually than to get
rich quick.
1'cw nun can lo.-e their hearts and retain their
Actloii-s louder than woids when applied
o a luss diuiu.
Ajacchus' Advice.
Do not judge n man'.', character by the amount
of hiiow on hh sidewalk, lie may not take tho
"The Anal adjudication of the boundary dis
pute between Uolii.i, Pent and Ilnizil, with the
foiinal relinquishment of the thousands of square
miles of land involved lo the two Hist mentioned
countiici, may in.nk the beginning of a new
era. In this part of South America. Tho territory
under dNpiite, with the adjacent regions in the
Andes mountains is said to be veiy lich, and
Americans should not penult the people of any
other nation to anticipate them in the exploita
tion of this field." Consul K. K. Kennedy of
'The indebtedness of the Tnlted States to
Ciieece for utrunU up to the picsent, this sea
son, exceeds lfl,0(IO,O0O. Half the above amount
could be paid by furiiMiing Gleece Willi the sul
phate of copper consumed yearly by tunant
glowers, not to mention the coal, the iron and
steel, mechanical und electrical supplies and nu
merous Miialler items which come trotu without.
Such Aiiiciicau gooda as have found their way to
the Cireek maikcl, whatever may have been their
coat, have at least the recommendation of 'gooil
quality.' Small as the Oreck maiket is, when
conipaiid vvllli the laiger Kuropeau countries, it
has a gieatly augmented iuipoitaiice when con
trolled fiom the Ve-,teni hemisphere, in that it
niatcii.uilly contributes to Auieilcau trade su
premacy in Kuiope." Consul '. V. .lachMin of
I' (Our Hist contiact in (iieece for sulphr.te
of copper has jiut been nude for ijdJ.OOO).
Itepoitlng cm (Seiiuany's trade with Aiiitiall.i
Con-iil Hell of Chemnitz, fieinuny, says: "S.vd
ney is one of the strongest competitive- points
on the globe. She occupies a unique geograph
ical position almost on the opposite sldo of the
world fiom all the gicat centers.
1'ioni all nations, fiom all climate, traders
meet here with their vuilous vv.ues and compete
in the open maiket on exactly equal terms.
Heavy-laden ships come fiom the c.i-l, from
the we-t and limit the noith; mourn! Cape of
(iood Hope, Cape lloin, through the Sue, and
through Toires Straits. Ships fiom more than
twenty nations lido at anchor in Sydney harbor.
The goods liom cvuy commercial country ate
pushed on the maiket by enttipilslng ngeuU and
displayed In gloat salesrooms, rivaling In up
pcaiance, in rapacity and in skill of management
tlioo of the mot pretentious cities of Europe
and America. There is baldly a shop (cvciy iihcc
vvheie goods or vvaies are sold is u 'hop under
the law In this country) in Sydney vvhcio Ameri
can aitlcles ale not displayed und told. The
same Is true to a less degree of (, Aus
trian, I'rrnoh, Japanese and other guods, At the
annual 'royal show' the lluest exhibits are in
American machinery. goods need no
'Introduction.' They aio familiar to every bujer
lu Sydney and so popular that we now sell almost
llui'e times as many articles u.s we did but s!'
ve.ns ago, and almort as many as all other for
eign countries combined."
"Xow is the tlmo for Ameilcin manufacturers
to get a stronger foothold lu this country. The
fntiodiicilou of our goods into Ihigland has enor
mously itiuciscd iluiing tho last year. At pies
enl tlicio Is a demand, paniculaily In
l.lveipool, lor Auieilcau agilcultiiral Implements,
fiiinltuio (both oilier and household), bnou and
shoes, electilcal appliances, bolts, nuts, etc. One
suggestion iiiado several times in these lepoils
is telteraled with emphasis; Do not let consid
erations of cheapness or gieuter piollls lead to tie
ti'iloratlnii of the original high sl.uul.ud of goad."
Consul noylo ot Liverpool,
"Tlicio is not in the whole of Slam ut present
one American liou.u competent to consider a
business pioposlilon or a government contract, to
push Auieilcau trade or la represent American in
teiests, Other natioiialllies ure well npieentrdi
they are constantly seeking business, and in tho
event of opportunities aro leady to consider
tlieui at once, it cannot bo expected that busi
ness will seek Ameilcaus hero any more than in
other countries; nor if It is sought out by the
tonsillar representative, Hut the necessary three
mouths' delay lor a icply from America will fall
to jeopaidlito our iutricsU lu tho matter. An
Ahieiluii business house shovild bo established in
Bangkok. Alter three years and a half ntl
denco here I am persuaded that for the light
Kind of peoplo thcie is au excellent outlook In
this country."- Consul ( Hamilton King
of Dauglcok,
In view of a remit statement by M. IMVott,
the llusslau seeirtaiy cl iluauce, to tho eflcU that
IfussU was' in u, bid way from the standpoint
of (he treasury shoving, u Nport by Consul lien
cm a I W. II, llollovvay to the slate depaitment is
of Juiciest, Under u St. Petersburg dato line he
says that the ttoiU ot 1'ieiieli and llelglau vein
panics doing biisluecs in llussiu, have depreciated
fiom forty-six to lilnriy-nino per cent,' All Hits,
lie declares, is the direct lesiilt of comnuieiul
and financial cilsltt. The list includes gljss lac
tones, iron und steel woiks, gas und cleclri'Ml
companies und coal mines.
"There is no moic, iiioiulslng Held in any (oiui
try pciliaps for the inlioduction ot laundry ma
chinery Hum Xoiinandjv If the prej'idice ot the
people wro once overtomj a well equipped
bteain laundry would undoubtedly jleld large
return', and money nivalis the American who lias
llie requisite push and patience. One ot the
neeiU of nil offices In this country Is a Rood Wot
ting paper. The article In general use l Very
poor, VfoltoM liavo frequently romincntcd upon
the excellent quality of the American blotters
ueil at llils consulate. "--CcnMil Thornwcil
lla.tnc of Itomn.
"lVimnnrnt foiclan (ride In American coal
will depend upon!
"(I) Tim rotalilloliiiM nt of Hum ot steamers
with rrRiiIar salllnp dales, built for carrying
large coal mrgnr, tilted with ttp-lo-ilnle .ippll
antes and capable of being run tinder the most
economical conditions.
"(2) The erection of rool depots filled with
modern labor fining apparatus for discharging
and bundling coal,
"(;!) The cieatlon of a complete organl.itlon
for setllinf coal nml doing; nvvay with nil middle
men, "(l) The observance of the customs
of the foreign eoimliy.
"() The carr.vlng out of the leller and fpfilt
of nil ennlrnefs."Contul A, M, Th.ickara of
Rchcnecliulj-, N. V., March 7.
William Winler In Harper's Weekly.
Tlicio "lie, after all, luorc people In the woild
who rejoice over a refreshing draught of cool
spring water than them are of those who seek
for the line vintages of l'l.incc and Hie ltlilne,
or the mysterious alcoholic concoctions of the
American bar loom. The trouble seems to be
that, the manager ami the playwright and many
of the so-called stars confound the liieietilclous
likings ut the jailed impel lie for the popular
taste. In doing so we think they make n gieat
We place on sale -today
200 pairs of Men's Enamel
Double sole style9 you like.
. The Shoe you need just
now $4.00 and $oo grades
Onr Low Cash Price, $3.00
Lewis &Reilly
114-116 Wyoming Ave.
TO j
By a recent act of the leglsla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at tiie
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
This school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for those
preparing for college, and for
those studying music.
It will par to write for particulars.
No other school offers such superior ad.
vintages at such low rates. Addrcs)
J. P. Welsh, A. M.,Ph.D.,Prin.
Summer Session
July I tO AllgUSt Q, 1002
CoiireCH Milled to the needs of teachers ami
at lieu ;ue ollcicd In 1, iiusuases, I.iteraluic,
lllstoiy. Mathematics, Sciences, ami Peda
ROjiies Tho iii-liuolors are university pro
fetalis. Oppoi I unities for lilirarr and labor
atory vvoik. Healthful, rool and delightful
locality, i.liiui; inepon-ie.
Tutlon, $25.00
FOit riiKtf. ut, .ummess
The Registrar. Syracuse University,
Syracuse University
Syracuse, N. Y.
Offer. hi"h!e the leitular Colleite Conines, Me, lllectilcil nnd Civil Ihigliu'ciiiiK. Archi
tecture, JluJe, I'aiiitlnir, Law, Medicine, ho
clolouy and Pedagogy,
Over foilv of the icadlnir unlveiWlIei and col
leges of till- country and Humpe aie iciiei.ented
on the faculties. Tuition cxpciiies aie w moder
ate that they are le. than llio IYm In tome col
lOKei where nee tuition U uheii. Send for cata
I os ue.
I'liiverolly Rummer Session of l.Iheral Arts
Come., bciviiinlic July tit, eliding Aus, Uth.
For Mit!culais, fend for clicular.
T. J. roster, President. Elmer II, Lawall, ltea,
n. J. Foster, Stanley ft Allen,
Vice President. Secretary,
.J. :...
In older to make room
for new goods, we are now
selling our entire line of
Fine China at a reduction
of from
1 25 to' 50 perCent.
off regular prices.
Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
Fine Chine
oii to Ms,
It Wool lime
I ol II
His .
Opinions expressed by the leading
designers and fashion modistes lndlcnte
that of the prevailing materials for
this season's wear the sheer nnd soft
clinging plain fabrics will hold .first
place, close-sheared camel's hair ma
terials, and sill: and wool fabrics with
sirial llgures and stripes will comprise
the novelties.
Our assortment of crisp, sheer ma
terials is largo and very complete.
They comprise all the new coloring In
plain and novel effects. Many are
brought out In single dress cuts and can
not be duplicated. We would call at
tention lo the following weaves which
we are showing In a line of new col
orings and black:
Crepe Melange
Voile Melange
Crepe flu NorU
Voile Mouchet
Brociic Poln-
Crepe rtc Paris
Peau lie Grant
Canvas Cloth
Amazon Cloth
Kayiire Chenille Vigoreux
Grenadine Sole Albatross
Crepe flc Chine Prunella
Biarritz Cord
Sample dress 'patterns of some of
these materials are displayed in
show window this week at
510-012 Lackawanna Avenue.
New and Complete
Being tho
We carry the greatest assortment
of up-to-dato Office Furniture.
You are invited to examine our
new line before purchasing.
121 Washington Avenue.
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, 550.000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to 8. 30,
Done quickly anil reasonably
nt The Tribune office,
Qffipo irnifure 328 lacka wanna avenue.
iiibB niimiuio I s.We Give Grcen TrmIIng 5tnmps.
2dijy!fgyff"'''' --'!iiflBJftl ' iii "' -I i
g 1 The Opening of the
SiiiiSMw 1 New Dry Goods. House
$3 a Pair for Any
A Fashionable
Walking Boot, J
" TRADE MARK tn$' f I i
ON EVERY ry' dSdjff
4&0fk -W WeItedSole.
tiOT XjFhb. ft iS its i. 7A ,lS onrtiwuw
our Yim&TMm on every
Much Hglitcvand p8lCTMliW. SHE
more flexible than ''WcShshKJS
patent leather. SBr-SiSSjik.
Leather Louis XV. hteJ i gSWi
Exact Retirodi in nt ii.; c...i ct.
Has been an event of even greater interest to the public
than we had anticipated. Certainly there is something- very
attractive about this store. The goods are new and perfect. To
See is to Buy. Besides you are made Welcome hero; -wo want
you to feel "at home." It's a revelation to most women to
sse how varied and beautiful the stock is. It's a surprise
to see prices tacked on to some of the goods. Of course, you
will want to see them. You can. We are more than willing
to show them to you.
'$ Ladies' Neckwear
A choice collection of the newest things in Imdies' Neck
wear. La Tosca Net Ties, Stocks, Jabots, and in beautiful
combination of colors.
5 Ladies' Gloves
You'll soon find out where
qualities at the most moderate
A generous supply to pick and
things in Lisle Thread and Silk are
drop stitch and other effects.
Every grace of shape and goodness of get-up in tho gar
ments, and there's economy in buying them here.
f Men's Furnishings
Tho display of Men's Neckwear is of unusual
in fact, tho kevnote of the season la sounded here.
eral desire to observe tho
fouud expression in our stock
out any undue extravagance.
400-402 Lackawanna Avenue.
General Agent for (ho Wyoming District lor
Dn pout's Powder
Minlpg, Blajtlnjr, Sportlnu, Smokeless tnd the
llepauno Chemical Comptny'
Safety I'use, Caps nnd Exploiter, Kcom 101 Con
Iicll Uullding iBcraaten.
TIIOS. FORI) .....l'iltston
JOHN U. bMlTIl & SO.V Plymouth
W. f. MULLIGAN .,.,.., .....WllltesUarra
Story of
Favor 5tes
Style in Any Leather
to come for Gloves of the best
choose from. The new
particularly handsome;
Tho sen-
fashions in a fitting manner has
of men's Furnishings, and with
Atlantic City, N. J.
Now Open,
300 Ocean front rooms, 100 prl
vate sea water baths. Send for book
Allis-Chalniers Co
Successors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scrantqn
anu wiiKes-mrre, va., ;
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Minlni;
V &i
BssfiSiP-sSSSS extension Edee, ,
SSSSaa3 Medium Heel. .
Exact Reproduction of tlili Style Shoe.
Jlk taYlor
fl yIIMIi Unntl Welted .
Iwl BG$m SoIs' Kxtcn" I
pIpY PatcntVid.
Mi i
mffiffl IS BRANDED J. ,
Kibo . All
nt V5 Ideal " ;
I NkZy Dress
j Boot.
iffl$r8E5iv Cjjl TRADE MARK
Mucninery, Pumps.