The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 08, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Church and Sunday-School
A Sunday school Institute will be
held In the Waverly Methodist Epis
copal church, Saturday, March 15. The
morning session will ho from 9 to 1.'
nnd the nftenioon session from 1 to 4.
The Institute will be under the dlree
tlon of the State Sunday School asso
ciation nnd Intei'-Donoinlnatlonat or
ganization. ltURh Cork, one of the
Held secretaries, will be present to ad
dress the Institute; also 11. W. North
up, Cllenbiii'it; Hew W. V, and Mrs.
Clarke, nnd llev. Clodshall, of Waverly,
and several clergymen and laymen In
terested In the advancement of Bible
knowledge. Everybody welcome. Sun
day school olllcers, teachers and srhol
ii re are especially Invited.
The men's meeting at the llnllroad
Young Men's Christian association on
Sunday afternoon will be the second
In the series to bo addressed by Rev.
Elliott A. Uoji. At hist Sunday's gath
erlng Mr. lloyl gave an excellent ad
dress and the male chorus led the sing
ing. A large audience of men was
present. Mr. Hoyl will give a straight
gospel talk on Sunday and the chorus
Trill again sing. The quartette will
render special selections. All men are
cordially welcomed nt the meetings.
Rev. Thomas do Gruchy, D. D will
present the paper before the Uaptlst
Ministerial conference in the Penn
n venue church next Monday morning.
Ills subject will be "True Self-culture."
Matters of importance will come be
fore the conference and a full attend
ance Is desired.
George G. Mahy, secretary, will speak
at the Young Men's Christian associa
tion service Sunday at S.4T. Men are
always helped by an address from Mr.
Mahy. as it is always practical nnd to
the point. The Young Men's christian
association male choir will sing.
Methodist Episcopal.
Kim r.nk -1'ravir and praise al O.SO.
The paster, III-. C. M. nlllln, will pie.uh .it
10.::ri. (.Live nii-cllug after lnoininc stiviecs in
8'iinlay school icoin. bund ly wh'Mil nt '2 p. in.
.Junior lciguc ;it njWl p. ni.; Scnioi lcurue lit
n:iO p. in. .l 7.M) tljo p.itor will wciclt.
htr.uiLccrs aie v.cUotnc.
t'linp.soii Methodist eliuirn l!cv. II.
C. McDcnnott, pitnr. I'ic.irliiiijr ,it 10.SO j. m.
nnd ,.30 p. in. Moniincr. theme, "The ( lirMiin
School a Xeiessit.v;" evening Ihnnc, "Tho
Vounp Man Saved;" Sundiy mIiooI, 12 in.; lnui
01 Irigue, '! p. in.; Kjmoilli league, C.:iO p. in.
All hailed.
Atbury Mctlmcli.t Kpiscnpal church, eonier
3Ionry avenue anil Deliwaic .stieet Itev. W. (i.
himpson, I). II., pastor. Devotional nicetinjr of
the lliothcrhond of St. Paul at !'."0 a. in.;
pleaching at 10.3(1 a. m. y pastel ; Sunday
m linol at 2.30 p. in.; l.'pworth Icipi" .it ti.20 p.
in.; picaehmir at 7.SH p. in. liy the pistor.
1'rjjcr inclintr, Wednesday, at .::0 p. in. Scats
frrc and all aio ueleoinc.
I'lowilcnce Methodist Kpiscopnl chuiih itev.
(leoifrc A. Cure, pastor. The Brotherhood d St.
Paul nicel for piajer at 10 a. in,; pieaihinc at
W.Mi; subjut, "ltciiicinlicrcd ami Heev.irdcd;"
Sunday school at 2 p. in,; llpnoitli league at
('.. ti; topic, "The Sccict nt lauluiancc," Joseph
Vickcru, leader. 1're.ichirir at "JiO; subject,
"lluiicil .inoiis Kilters."
A-U Street Methodist church Itev,
.1. It. Austin, pa-tor. Moinlncr preaching freivier
at lO.l'O, subject, "L'hristian UnsellUluieM.."
i i--. melting at 11. SO a. in., Cliailcs Croon,
leader; Sunday at ii p. in., JVter Ilarlnuu,
superintendent; Junior lA'atruo at It p. in., Mrs.
II. (!. Demies, superintendent; llpworth league
nt 0.13 P. m., Mi fierlic Mitchell, leailci.
livening pleaching seivico al ".SO; subject,
"spiritual Pile." A coulial wclcoiuo to all.
Cedar Methcdit Kphcopal church H.
P. lluty, pastor. Meeting ot Hie llrotherliood at
10 ai in.; lnoriiinc worship and sermon, 10..'!0 a.
in.; riumliy fdiuol, noon; Junior l.'pworth
lcflsue, tt.IEO p. in.; Kpworth leasuc, C.r.0 p. r.i. ;
oienins uoithlp, 7.M p. in. and others
cordially welcomed.
rirt (.'eiman Methodist Kpi-copal clmrcli, Ad
nnn ucnie ami Vine rticet Dninc i-ervlcis 10.30
a. ni. and 7.:.0 p. m. Sunday whool at nocn
and .it 2 o'clocl. p. in. at the Tajlor Arniie
chipel; llpworth leiuiic meeting at (i.n p. in.;
prj.xer mcetliiFT on lliiirvl.1) e(iiing.
Aflicati Methodlit chuuli, llowaid
plarc Dr. 1). S. lleutlcy, pistor. Preaching' at
10,) a. m.; Milijcct, "How to I'lnd Soul Kct."
Sunday fchool, 2.30 p. in., A. Poitei, t.uperin.
tendent; tons and pi.ner cert lev, 7.1j, conduct
ed li.v Mcs-n. (Salucs and Poller. Prcachlm,' at
7.1.1 p. in.; subject, "SeeKnnj and Sa Iny:, A
roidial welcome tu all.
Point Ateiiiie UaplUt ilumh, Penn .uciuie, be
tween Spincc and Linden sticeK Slrangin al
wajs wekonie. 1'rcac liintr. inoining at 10.W1 awl
c ruing at 7.30, by the pjslor, Itev. Hubert P. V,
Pierce, 1). 1). Moinlng pi.i,iers in the lower t du
ple at 9,13. Theme ol the moining tcrmon,
"llapid Transit llcliglon . did l'aliioiieil .No
tions About 1'iajci." Sunday clmol at II o'clock
at the homo church and tit !l.3() ut the Aineniun
Is often very mucli
against the wife.
Her strength is un
dermined, she loses
' find, ',,1,1 !, Htlikriiir
nd courage slowly leak away from her.
Gradually the comradeship of husband
and wife is broken up. At first be takes
Ills solitary pleasures reluctantly, but
later He hardly seems to remember the
old days over which his wire in her
weakness mourns daily.
Women who find their health failing,
and womanly ailments fastening on them,
should promptly hegiu the us,e of Dr.
Pierce's I'avorite Prescription. It cor
rects irregularity, dries the drains which
weaken women, heals inflammation and
ulceration, and cures female weakness, It
makes weak women strong, sick women
well. Sick women are invited to consult
Dr, Pierce, by letter, ice. AH corres
pondence held us strictly private and
sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R, V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
I had been a Kiet sufferer from female weak
nets for about two years," writes Mr. t.uima
KlcliarcUou, of Uoe, Wayne Co., Ky. "Could
not io iny work part of Hie time. I took tour
bottlca of Dr. Pierce' l'avorite Prescription aud
felt as well as I ever did. I have aUo used Or.
I'ierce'a Golden Medicat Dicoery for ulceia.
tion of the throat with good retults and half
or one bottle cured my throat wheu J could
acarcely swallow."
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, 1008 pages, free, on receipt of
stamps for mailing only. Send 21 one
cent stamps for the paper-covered book,
... alumni tnr h rlntll.tiouud vol
ume, to Dr, R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y.
OF IfiEALTB! flk
$ ft
mllMi, on Pircott aenue. Voung Pcopls'n
Sitlety of flirNtliti llnilcatiir tneetlnir nt II.JIO.
Tlirnie of tlio rinlng senium, "I'lir- .Modern
PiodlgaN, r.r Who 1 4 to Blame " I'A.uiRcllaHc
fcnicei follow the ncnnoii, At the ntter'iucel.
lug thciii will be hc.ul flnitlnt; 'iml the putor
will IlltKtnilc lil aiMn-u with crujon 'lctdie.
I'llt lt.ipllt dundi, Hniilli M1I11 menue Itiv.
S. P. Mjllirvvf, pilor. 'Ihe iiii.iI unices Sib
luth iiiornhis itml 1 veiling, U.'M und 7.::o. Sun
day fchool, -J p. in., Dr. II, (t. Ilcddoe, supotln
leiidint. UiptW ouiur l'mple'ii union khIcc,
H.KU p. m.. In n-iietnlily loom, llritulur ir.ijer
meeting ediicda.v evening nt 7.:tD n'clucl.. Put.
tin I' .IMliomici inrnli fiotu (lie pulpit. All tile
welcome tu llie'c minIlch.
.laekcoii Street 1Ij,III diiinh-llev. 'llionm
du (Iriithy, II. II., p.ntor. Morning uiui'ii piuv
ei nicellng at 'M3, William Prolheroe, leader.
Al ll).:;o, bapll'tnil fenlie; the utor will Imp
ure ten candidate-, ami will give tlu' light li.iud
ut fello.hlp to foitj-cuie Into full incmhllilp
In the chinch, In be follomu bv an uildreci by
the putoi. Tuple1,'' "I lie MlnWrj of Sorrow,"
llili meeting l bili;ht and dieeiy mid nil ric
welcome; ut the clewc an after meeting will be
held. Seati) nie all dee.
North Main Avenue lljptM cliuich Vivhc ut
10.W; Ilium1, "(!od' (Ipen Tie isure House: :' p.
111., Silibjih ftbrol, William ChaiMicll, "Uperln
t . 1 1 1 1 lit. The iitci.ige collcctiuu In this school
l more thiiii !lu eenli tier iiiember; tni lily
scholars have been added to the cliuich within .1
month! fl.0 p. in., C'hil'tl.iu lliuleavor, Will
iam Hall, picnldetil; niietlliK-i enthitsl.i'-ttc, help
ful and well attended. St-nleu at 7..10 held In
Ilio Tiibeinade. Pallor Smith will preach from
the parable of the flood Samaritan and outline
the worl; nnd scope of the new S'eianton Insti
tute1 of Human Development to be opened In the
North Knd on Match 11, A cuidMl welcome to
st i angers.
Shlloh ltipt!t climdi-ltev. .1. It. lioddie,
pistor. Preaching, 1! a. in.; subject. "The 1'ul
filling of the Scrlpluici;" Sunday school. 2.S0 p.
m.; II. V. P. I', prajer meeting, 7 to 8 p. in.;
S p. in., preaching; suhieet, "Citht SecKinu
Slmierp." second In the scric. Meeting nil net.
Come In ard help u.
first WeMi Baptist dundi, We.-t Market
slicclltcv. .1. V. DavU, the iastor, will occupy
the pulpit both morning and evening, at 10 and
(I ei'ilocl;. 'Ihe evening service will lis con
ducted In KncelMi, during which a rendition will
he given of "Peace Be still" by the juvenile
choir of the above ehiirdi, being the vvinnen ef
the chief pri?c undei the Iciclrislilu of Willi mi
lohii Hoplilns at Hie St. Dnld's Memorial p's
teddfod held at Xorlli Scranton em Monday !.it.
Jlverjbody is cordially invited to attend. All
feats free.
Illikel.v- Baptist church Itev. David Spencei,
1). D., will preach at 10 ;in a. in., cm "The
Power of Christian Wonii n," and at 7.:i0 p. m.,
cm "The Power of Kalth." At :) p. m., he will
prcidt in Ihe Dudley Stieet chinch of Dimmoie.
l'iit Picsb.vteiiin Cliuicli Serviie, Ki.M . in,
ami 7.30 p. in. l)i. Mcl.eod will preach al both
services. Mid-week srnlii! Wednesday evening
at 7.11. Sir.mgMs weKoi.ic,
.second Pieslivteriin rhuteli, .Icllii'ou avenue,
between Vine ami Mulben.v Itev. .1, II. Odcll,
pistor. Moining worship, 1I).:I0; Stindav- school,
12 in.; 'voting People's society Christian Kucha
vor, (I..TI p. m.; evening noinliip, 7.S0, The pas
tor will oftldale.
(Jrcen nidge clmrcli Itev. I. .1.
Lansing, p.islor; Itev. I.. It. Poster, .wsU'.mt.
10.S0, se-iviie of worship, with sermon by the
pnstor; 12 ni., Bible school; fl.SO p m., Clni
tlan Pndeivor; 7,V,0, evening wur-lup, with m
inoii siMli In series on "filial s of Life;" sub
jeet, " Life an Invaluable Treasure." All
are cordially invited.
Piovidemc (huidi The pi,'o,-,
Itev. Dr. (Julld, will uceupy the pulpit at lil.f.O
a. in. and 7..K) p. m. Suneliy sdiool at Mon:i.
.Innior l.'ndeavor, .t."0 p. in.; Senior Kndeavor,
fi..'l" p. in. 'Ihe olTeiings of the dies arc for fer
eign intsioi,
Waslibnin Street Preshctcrian chinch liev.
.loiin P. Moffat, ). )., pistoi. s0njocs t 10.30
a. m. and 7.311 p. in.; Bible school at 1? m.;
Christian Endeavor Juniors at 0.20 p. m.; Cns
tlan Pndeavor voiing people at (i.20 p. m. Braver
mecllrg Wednesday, 7.::o p. m. 'Ihe paslor will
Pleach morning and evening. All welcome.
Ad mis Avenue chapel, Xevv York street The
Ilcv. dames Hughes will preach nt 10.30 and
7.30. School at .1 o'clock. Christian Pnde.ivor
at G.!.-,.
SI. I.uke't P.nish ltcv. Itogcrs I-racl, II. 1).,
rector; Itev. IMvviid .1. Ilaughton, mute,
fourth Sunday in Lent.
St. Luke's dundi 7.30 a, in., holy commun
ion; 0.13 a, in,, Sunday mIiocI; 10.:;o ,i. m.,
inorniiig piavcr, litany and jormon; 7.30 p. in.,
civcning piajev and sermon.
St. MurkV, Dunmore 3 a. in., holy commun
ion; 10.30 a. m sermon nnd holy eonununhu;
3 p. III., Sund.i school; 7.30 p, in., evening piav
er and sermon,
St, (irnigeV), Ol.vplunl .;;o p. ni Sunday
school; 3.30 p. m., evening prajer and seimon. "
Past L'nd Mission, Fig street 2,'!0 p, m., Sun
day school.
South Side Mi.sslcin1J.:.0 p. in., Sunday mIuoI.
Cliuicli of the (food Slicpheiil, loiner Monsey
avuiue and tiieen Itidge street Hey. Piaiicis li.
Batenian, reeloi. I'ouitli Sunday in Lent, Holy
fomniunion ut 7.30 j. ni. ; moining piavcr at
10.30 a, in,; Sunday nlioul nnd lectoi's vu-,
2.30, p, in.; evening pravcr, 730 p. in.
St, John's Mission, (Meihout Hill, Piovldnne
Sipiuc Sunday sdioul, 2 p. in.; evening pr.ijer
ami seriiiou h.v Itev, P. It. Batenian, I p in.
Reformed Episcopal.
tiiaic Hc'tonncel LpNcopal elmieh, W.voinlug
avenue, below Mulbeuy stieet -Itev. (ieorge L.
Alilth, luster, Piijer mid piaisa service, 0.30
.1. Hi ; divine v.oislilp, 10 30 ,i, m, and 7,30 p. lo
. W. Adair, esq., secretaiy of tiei Itaih ud
tMiiisr Men',. Chilstl.m ssoelatlon, will spe.t
nt both sfniicf. Sjhluth s hoot ,n I- m ;
mwiK' People's Sueiety of Cluistlan Pndiavii,
U.JH p. in. Bible study Momliy ulteinooii nt .!.:.o
o'clock, (ieiiige li. Sanbnin, iw cf tin1 1 1 c- -euj
MUdoii, will have ehaige and speak, I.osju
sliidj Wednesday evening at 7.30 u'dod.. I'Mjer
meetinc. at .. Sells tin1. All ale welcome,
Evnngelicnl Lutheran.
I'liuah Sunday In I.cul. (iu-pel, .lolin vi, I -1 1 ;
i:pistle, till. Iv,
si. Milk's, W.i-hbuiu and I'ourle.rlh stieel
Itev. . L. Itaniei, Ph. l pjtor, Seivlee, 10.M)
a in. ami 7.30 p. ni. Luther bague, u p. in.;
Suucla.v school, 12 m.; .MU,lon Hand, sainilay 2.30
p. in. Moiiilnj tlbjiil, " InUt'i, haeritho for
Sin." i:cniiig subject, "Hie Bread of Lite."
SI. PauPn, shoit uiviuiis-llev. W. ('. L. Lauer,
patior. Sen Ices, 10.10 a, m. and 7,W) p. in.;
Sunday m.Iici.,1, 2,30 i. in.
SrluiiV, Mifflin avenue Itev. A. O, tiallenkauip,
pistol. Sen ices, 11130 j. m. and 7. 'A) p, m. ;
Sundiy school, 2 p. in,
(In 1st Church, Cedii' avcliil) and Illicit strac.i
lev. James Witke1, pjsteii. Scivlccs, 10.311 -i, m.
and 7-30 p. in.; Sunday ndiool, 2 p, m.
St, I'ttei'n, Pic-eott .ivmue Itev. John Ban
clolph, luster, Si vices', 10.3U a, in. ; s'tuid ly
school, 2 p, III.
Lm.iiuul tic i nunc Polish LullnTJii cliuicli, Itecse
lleel llev. I'eldliuiid Kitlelineler, putor,
Prcaclilns in Polish laiisuai;e 10 a. in. Sunda
kchoul, 2 P. in.
llul TilnllJ l.ulhcian dmicli, corner Ail.uui
aviiuiu und Mulbeuy stici'l I'oijtth Suiul.i) in
Lent. L'pMIc, (ialill.nw. iv, '.'t-.'lls Cuspel, John,
t, 1-13. JUv. A. (I. Kbert will eonduct iervltcs
at 10.30 a. in, and 7,30 p. in, ; Simdjy Khuol at
12; Luther l-Mjpic at p, in.; Mission Hand
meets Satul.lay at tMO a, in. AH welcoiiK1. All
teats flee,
.Ion h'vuiiLjvlual l.utlieraii I'liureh, 220 Mil
lllu avenue Itev, A. O, (Jalleiikainii, pattur,
Muiiiin; ot-rvlce, 10,30, tubject of kciuioii,
"I'eber dan Lcben luth dc-ui TckIc!;" Sunday
school, 2 p. ni.; Bible clave, Itev, UiUcnl.imp;
infant clasj. Mis. (Ijllcnkaiiip; evening senicj,
7,30, "Der Propheten Woit 1st nicbt Jieii.chen,
Sondeiu (lo(te Woik.M Lenten service, Wednei
day, March 12, S to I) p. in.; tubjoct of tennoii,
"Christ Before the High Pric.!." L'nslhli every
third Sunday night In the mouth.
Calvary Helen med Church, Monroe avuiue aud
Gilsoii ttreet- llev, Marion L. 1'Iror, pistor. Set-
lce. 10.30 a, in. nnd 7.30 p. m, Sunday tdiool,
11.43 n. in,1, nnMl.iii llndeavor, 7 p, in. I'myer
meeting Weehic-day, S p. in. Oatctld'ni Kilnr
day, .'1.30 p, ni, Sunday sul.Jectn1 "Clnlst the
('rent Prophet," 'Tin1 llcfuge and Stluigth."
All Soul's tiiilvcrjiallst diuieh, Pine street, be
Ivvicu Ada mi nnd .lelferson nvcliufs llev. Thomas
II. P.ihe, pittoi. Divine sen lee, with sermon,
nt 10.30 a. m ; subject, "l.rnleii I.essoiH, or.
With Jesus In ill Temptation!" Kumt.iy school
at 12 tu. Seals flee. Stiangcrs welcome. No
evening srivlce.
l'iisr Pilmltlvc Melheidl't ehiiidi. tlneii lllilvrc
Itev, O., paslor. llcxular iie.iehlug ser
vice ill 10.30 a, in. nnd 7.30 p. m.i suhluts,
luoiiiltig, "An Open llenvelii" cvciillig, "Al
most, livt Not." All nrc welcome.
Pice Methodist church Itev, (I. P. Ate will
preach In the I'luii chapel, Clncn Itlelae, Sundiy
at 10.30. All.aie welcome. Itev. S, II. lullir,
I'ltst diiirch (ChiWIan, 310 Adnns
.ivciiue sum,ij services nt 10.30 a, in. mid 7..'0
p. m.; 'uiiil.i.v school, 11.13 a. in., subject, "sub
stance." Totltno'ilit met tings, Wednesday
cvenlnns nt 8 o'clock, The cliuich Is nlo open
cveiy day elmiiig the week. The Bible nnd all
L'hiistliui Science lllirutuie is kept In Its free
public leading room. "Science and lleallnvr. with
thy Key to the Scripttnc," by Maiy Baker I'.dd.v,
will be loaned to investigators without th.uge.
Visitors ami letters of Inquiry are welcomed and
given courteous nlteiitlon and Infoimalloii fiee.
I'lrst Chiistlan church llev. It. W. Clvniel1,
pistor. Pleaching at It n. tit. . by W. J. Wright,
of W.L-hlnglon, j). ('. At 7.30 by the p.iloi.
subject, "(io.l or Mammon." Siindaj fchcol at
10 a. m.; Young People's Society of Christian
Lndeavor, (1.13 p. m. All arc1 welcome.
(ospil Tnbeiniele, Jeircison avenue, Dunmor1
Jaines Lelsliinaii, pistol, 'utidav servnes:
Picadilng, 10.30 n. in. nnd 7.30 p. til. Sunday
tdiool, 12 in. Young People's incellncr, 0..'.0 p.
in. and Ml'slonar.v Alliince )neetlii,
Tuesday, 2.30 and 7.30 p. in.
by iti;v. Roitcitr p v. riKiicn, n. d.
Pioin Author's Notes In "The Sunday School
Letoii Illustratoi," Published bv P. II,
Bevel & Co.. Chicago, HI.
(iolden Tet "Tlieicforc they lint were scat
tered abroad went cvervwliere pleaching the
word." Ac. villi I.
Doctrinal Thought Prenehiiig the Word.
The city, SAMABI.V; the disciple, PHILIP;
the service PIti: vC!!i:i, JIM'S CIII11V1'; the
results, CiltUVT JOY in that city. No doubt
Philip knew a great deil about the vvlekedue-s
down ill Samaria; pel haps he knew all about the
false pielen-ions mid the souciy of Simon; but
he ire idicd Jesus Christ unto the people. Be
did not ndveilise Simon by iccitlng his wicked
ness, not set before his hearers the vitencsS of
Ihe lit.v; lie just preached Christ.
"And Philip went down lo the city of Samaria
and preached Christ unto thi'iu." Kesiilts: "And
there was gicat joy in that city." As Philip
hi hi up the beauty and purity and peace of Jc-us
Christ, wiihcclnc". lied away and hid its tacc.
Philip eliel not mention the specific evils of so
city nor advertise the wickedness of the city, but
remembering tho vvoids of the Loid JesU, "If I
be lilted up will diavv all men unto me," ho
preached C'luist unto the people. Philip pro-
chimed unto them the Clitist of COMKOIIT for
soriovving hearts; the Christ or SYMPATIU lor
burdened lives; the Christ of IIIXOM'IMA'IIOX
for the wandering ones of earth; the Christ of
JOY for the penitent child, weary of sin and
coining home. Instead of hardening Simon's
he.ut, the go'pel melted it by levealing the love
liness and power of Jesus the Sivior of the
The people HKAItl) the word so lalthfully
pleached; thej SUV what Jesus could do; they
III:lH'.VI:D in Philip's preaching and in the
Christ of Philip's menage.
Sl'l.tir.STIO.Ns. Draw the outline of a heiit
aud nuke a few in irks to indicate the walled
city of Samaria, Above the city diavv an open
Utile with its rajs falling on the city. Write
the vvoids "Hearing," "Seeing," "Believing" as
thu lessons are developed.
'Ilieii was iov In Samaii.i whim Jc-us vvn- made
known, lime will be Joe in jour I tc when
11 u.
"lor tlic-ic is no nine! name under lieiven
yivcu nincim. men, wheicbv we e.iu hesavid."
S raiiton, i'a.
Acts, vlli: 3-17.
IIV lti:. J. li. (HLIILltT, D. 11.
Secretary of America". Soelely of ltclic,iou
INTIJl)l'(vIION',-0ur K:vii. for two mouths
lute been taken from thu Hist seven cl'iptiia
of tho book of Acts which deal emlv with the
(hi Lilian church In Jciuialtm. It was .hi mil.
iutr tu the plan of Jesus (Acts ill), tint the
gu.pcl cjaineii it s llrt vletoties in the eilj vvheio
lie) was loiidemmd, which was the siialcvlii
mlnt (or a vvyrid-vviiie piopaganeh. During thu.e
earlj move-menu Christianity tool, up a fonu
suited In tho genius uf the jicoplu auioiig whom
It. cuutcrls weic secuitd, a fciim nut .iltogcther
adapted to the olhei' pvoples living in dLt,.iiit
paili of Hie Itomjii iinpiic. Thu ilghtli clup
ler is the bvglnniug of the hieloiy ol Hie cliuicli
oiitsldu uf Jcriivilein. 'the lueiiit a, he advaiicis
wed, bj week in his kindles will nolo the 111
mienccs tint vvctu ines-t potential in the new de
parture, the ionise puisued by tlio woikrn, and
tho lovv t banco in foims of uort'.ilp and eloi.
( i ins1. Without doubt all this advaum vjs uu
eler the guidance of the Holy Spirit who was pre
paring lot the ecumenical church t.UU in).
IlIsPUBMOS. -(Verses S mid J. Attention
inust Hist U1 directed lo the method unplojed in
sending belleiets out of Jerusalem, Thev w -ut
as inU-IoiuiIc.s, cveijuhcie pleaching tho v.oil,
but they were induced to go because,1 of peisccu-
Hon, Ihe joung mnii,, who had tomtnicd
to the dcitlh of Stephen, moved by real for Juda
ism (flat, I ill), liec.ime Ihe efficient ngrtit of the
Huiliethliu in a tuuveincnt tu evtlipitc what wan
ilcmiril mi nboinlnable hctej-. He who nftet
wnul became the apotlo to the tlintlles (Acts
.xlli2l), began by dispersing the home chunk
Porlunately ho attacked Ihe common people, the
great miss of communicants, expecting ilaiibtlivs
lo Intimidate those who might be dlsuosed to
the new faith. This left the apostles in .Ictu
s.ilcin, where they tould mipetvlse iintleis (vei-c.
1), and sent It out into the villages those who
vveie heller niltplril to the m.ises, who tould
more easily ndjii't llu'iuselves nnd their teach
ing to the needs of the. various nimnuuiitles,
COMTltslOXS. (Voimm 5 and li). There thus
c.ime Into seivkc .1 body of lay evangelists, piob
nbly of either se, who, not well veicd In due
ttlnil niattei1), Iciicvv how to tell the story of
Jesus tu those of their own classes. The narm
the calls special attention to one ot these,
Philip, who had litcti chosen with Stephen und
other", n deacon (Acts vi !.",). He Journejed north
waul f i om Jciusalcm to Munnrla, which hid been
the capital of Israel after the revolt of the ten
tribes (I Kings, .vvl;2'), This cttj was on the
highway between JciiKilcin and Nuiaielh. Theie
Jesus pleached to the woman nt the well mid
gained some converts (John, Iv:."), ,70, and he
had directed that the gospel should be pieuehtd
theie (Acts i:S). 'Hie way had thus been pre
pared for Philip who secured a good rearing, for
'with olio nevoid the people waited on his tnln-'i'trj-.
It was .1 happy release nnd a high honoi
to this pood mm, that hiving escaped from the
bigoted luetroiKills, be astnbllshcd this second
center for the eatic of Christ.
Mllt.U'I.LS. (Verses 7 and SO. Philip was
mole thin u deacon, the servant ot tables In
ministering to the needs of widows (Acts l:li2),
and mole than n preacher declaring the tiuths
or doctrines of Christ. He seems to have aban
doned the Hist function and to have acquired
besides the second a power to work miracles.
This was in aecoidnnce with the promise of Jesus
(Mark .vl:17-18), a transfer to his believers of a
meusurc of the power which He hid displayed
on fo imny occasions (John .I:I7). These inline
ulous deeds were in kind the sime as those tint
wero wrought during the ministry of Christ
control over unclein spirits and the healing of
ell-cases. They vveie, moreover, of the same
value, the of the workers, the proofs
that thev- were supei naturally endowed and Di
vinely commissioned. Granted at the opeilng of
this dlspensition, this nullity was continued In
the cliuich long enough to setvc the proposed
piirpo-e mid then withdrawn. Samaria welcomed
and lejoiccd while Philip lemaincd.
SOBCLBY. (Verses 0, 10, 11.) In Jerusalem
the Christian lulni-tcr-, met the opposition of the
Jewish luciaicbj a new religion condemned
bj an old ecclesiastical body- that had sadlv dc
grnualcd. In its progies among the- nations
Christianltj' encountered other foes, peihaps less
formidable. Its triumph over them proved its su
perioritj. Tie fiist of the.-c was met at Sunarij.
Simon, who had long piactieed soiceiy, had
gained gicat Influence Willi the people of tint
city who icgardcfi him as a man among
them. Sorcery was one of the minj' sjstemi of
divination known to the people of ca-tcrn coun
tries, moie common In ancient time, it has
lift li supposed to lie of L'gjpliin origin (Kxodus,
vil, 11) when1 it was in fivor forty centuries ago,
from which country it wis curled into all land-.
The sorcerers veic impostors who prctendcel to
hivo ni.iglcil povvcis from the spiritual world
Ihej- weic leadeis of tho stars, intcrpietcrs of
chr.ims, fortune tellers, medicine men. Simon lnd
I done great things, and boasted ninth, to the as-
tonishment of the peojile.
BAPTISMS. -(Ver.-es 12 and PI.) t liristianity
was brought fate to face with this form of heath-
in supeistitiou and with its eminent lepiescnla
tivo in the city where he bad found popular fa
vor. Who shall triumph, Philip or Simon? There
was much to strengthen the bold of the lattci.
It was a daj of iguoiance, when ciedulom tier
suns gave willing heed to mjstciiei that seemed
tn satisfy the natural desire for knowledge of
, the unseen world. Bc-ides, the inliid ut that
time was under such londig! as to distrust ev
erything new, and cling i onset va lively ti the
old. What will these followers of Simon do,
what will he do, with the simple preaching of
Jesus His incarnation, life1, work, death and
lesurrection? Tho miracle hid much to do, per
haps moie than the teaching, with the le-ult.
' It may be that inliacles vveie allowed to olfset
I the black arts as in the time of Mosis. (Hvoiius,
i ill, 20.) But, whether by preaching '.r mliactcs,
or bj lwth, the outcome ilemoiistialed the power
of the gospel. The disciples of the sorccicr, and
i then he himself, confessed their faith and vveie
VISITATION. (Vei-es It mid 1.1.) The dis
pelslou of believers fiom Jerusalem ilid not
separate tbein from the mother church. The
pieudiing of Philip and others was not ii regular
and independent. The church up to tills time
al least prcseuved its unity, and that was not
i.iilv- spiritual ,..ud doctrinal, but organic. The
apostles who ret.ilnul their icsidence in Jciu
) saleiii, while piolubly they eeicised their chief
film lions, were ngaiiled, and they regaid-d
I themselves, as 'he1 siipcilulemleiit.s over the en
tile body of believers wherever they mulit he.
When, then leu i1, intelligence of this vvoik in
Samaria reached Jtritsiicm, Hi1 apu-tles wua
eoiiviuiil und two of their number, Pde-r nnd
John, were cent to coi-sidcr iln subject. The
wisdom of such coiiue at that June Hue, whin
Inundations wile being laid, cannot be doubted,
II vv.w desli.iblc that the ne-vv movement shouU
bo rightly oiganlzed, and In order theieto fiuinp
thing of the cuniicitlonal sj,rit was neees-arj.
When the two men airlvid they were icieivcd,
and tlii'.v gave tliiniselves to the nutter of chief
concern, the baptism of the spirit.
BESTOWAL, -(Vcisos io and 17,) '1 lie e-uinrro-gallon
in him ilia hid not received the Holy
t.hoal whin Peter and John arrived. 'lln mem
bers had accepted Christ and had been biptla'd
Into Ills nam", thueby entering int.) the prlmuy
state as belleveis, It would seem tint tills WW
the ii-.ii il order (Ac-'.s, lv, 2), ,il It was
the i.i.e ill one iillur mtaiicc. The peoiile were
not jet In th enjoyment of their full privilege
they wue subst mil illy vvlieic the apostles who
prior to Pentecost. A higher si lie vvas po-sible,
to senile width Peter and John bad come from
Jtiiisalun. It was deemed neccssar.v, at least
Impoitaut, that the Siinaiiuu dmicli should
be .idvanied to the Mine spiritual plane as that
occupied by the el.urih at Hat metropolis that
the ivvn bodies should bo elurattcihecd by tlu
ono quality that they vveie under the mid
KUidiuie of the liolj Spirit, What wees liupait
ed we may not dogmatically nj. It is un Inter
esting f let Hut the two jpoatlei, laid their hands
on the heads of the people and prayed and that
Ihej tecrlved the Holy tlhost. There Is no rco
old of other bervlce rendered by the apoitlM.
IJl'liSllOSS. 1. liow loiivf time1 elipsul be
tweeii the persieiitlon luiulucted by Saul und till
uuivtislon? 2. What nlatlon was theie between
his eirly lilltei1 litHillty and Ids liter inteiito
lajalty to Christ? 3. In what way ,thi the work
at Samaria advance the latise ot Christ In oilier
ifgionsY -t. Have inluile'i disappeared flout the
iliuuli, and if so, why? 5, Of what value in our
iby is the Iditoiy of miraculous ileecU? ti. Was
Simon converted or did lie purpoia to gain new
sljiidliig will, ids lut follovveis, l'nd on wlut
giouuels is thu Jliwer In this epilation ijlvilli
7, Of what was soieuy an indication or pioot?
S. In the long rim, width is most potent in vvlii
nlng dUclples, pie-adiing or miraclen? 9. Why
vvelo Pclei aud John scut to Samaiia? 10. Was
their vldt an indication Hut under Hie ChtUtlaii
sjstem theie should be central government and
supervision I 11. Was their prajer and the uu
(osltlou of liauds ncceoary to the gift of the
spirit? 12. Is thero auj thing ill Christ's teaching
to thovv the cittcaey of piuyer for such puijiose?
13. What wire the dilferenci-s between thu Jiru-s-ilcni
aud Samiiitaii dmicli? 11. What feature
of the S'jniailtjn church jio presei-.ted in thU
This algnaturo li on eTory box of tS toni
Laxative Bromo-OuinineTttbieu
"TTCnrtjbtiiaiB&xlluAJiMsa cajji la ttuajto
The revival ineetlngs at the Tripp
Avenue Christian ehttreli hns contln
uetl all the week. The Interest al no
time wnneeli There wn nn excellent
niullenee luttt nlulit. There wan one
contcteslon niul nix Imptlmim at the
close ot the service. Tho Siintlny ser
vices will bo as follows: Suntlny
school nt 10 o'clock! sonntin ntnl com
munion at It o'clock. The topic for
Sumliiy evening will bo "Opportunities
mill Privileges." This will close the
special services. Thosu who lniVe
never hoard Mr. Wright will have ono
more opportunity.
luctepontlctit lloso Company, No. 1,
held Us annual meeting Thursday
evening nnd elected tho following olll
rers to servo during the ensuing yertr:
President, "William Nlckerson; vice
president, W. ,T. Hull; treasurer, Vic
tor JDurschcll; secretary, II. .1. Kelly;
llnauclnl secretary, F. 10. Nlt-kernon;
foreman, John C. Schlpntr.; llrst assist
ant, John J. GUI; second assistant,
Percy Oarr; first plpemnn, William .).
PttiTcll; second jilpetnan, Lewis J.
Pllckcns; third plpoimm, J. II. Alalncs;
first axeman, James O. McGlil; second
axeman, William
The Junior League or the Dunmore
Methodist Episcopal church held an
entertainment In tho church p'atiors
last night. A large nudlettco enjoyed
the efforts of the little folks. Light
refreshments were served.
There will be a joint mooting of ull
the miners' locals In town tonight in
Temperance hall. The district olllcers
will be present.
Dunmore Presbyterian churchHew
W. F. Gibbons, paslor, will preach
morning and evening. Horning sub
ject, "A Mansion for the Soul," Even
ing subject, "Tho Heart as God Sees
It." Sunday school at 12 o'clock.
First Methodist Eplscopnl church
Rev. Charles Henry Newlng, pastor.
Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.S0 p. in.
The fourth quarterly communion ser
vice, Sundny morning; love feast nt
9"!0 o'clock. The pastor will preach
Sunday evening, subject, "Need of
Uellef In Christ"; Sunday school at 2.30
p. m.; prayer service at 0.30 p. in.
Tuesday evening, Epworth League at
7.40. Wednesday evening, mid-week
church prayer service.
llev. David Spencer, D. D of Blake
ly, will preach in the Dudley Street
Baptist church tomorrow at 3 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Wilson, of
Scranton, will have charge of the ser
vice ot song.
The school orders will not be paid to
da', notwithstanding the notice in an
afternoon paper of yesterday.
Dan Powell litis returned from a
hurried trip to Owego. where he was
called by the death of Rev. Mr. Edgar.
Treasurer Waliler will cash borouch
orders on Monday afternoon and will
pay the school teachers on Saturday,
March 25.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Tunkhannock, March 7. C. A. Van
Wormer, esq., of Scranton, referee in
bankruptcy, was here on 'Friday to at
tend a meeting of the creditors of the
clothing firm of Skinner & Peters, who
recently failed. A compromise was ef
fected by which the creditors are to ac
cept fifty cents on the dollar lor their
claims. The business will be continued
by George O. Skinner, Mr. Peters re
tiling from the firm.
William Mosler and wife, of Daiton,
visited friends in town on Friday.
Ex-Sheriff Alvlra Gregory andA. II.
Sterling, of Meshoppen, tveie In town
on business on Friday.
Mrs. George Baldwin is seriously 111
at her homo on Tioga street.
Sunday services at the Baptist church
will be as follows: Pleaching by W.
H. Shauger at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.
Revival services every night.
Sheriff Gray will hold nubile sales of
real estate at the court house this af
ternoon at 1 o'clock.
There will ba a short session of
Argument court -here next week.
Mrs. Jennie Thompson attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Thomp
son, at Luzerne borough, on Friday af
ternoon. A meeting of the cieditots of G. L.
Billiard, the bankrupt Meshoppen
grocer, took place here on Friday.
A popular illustvnted lecture will be
given by W. H. Shauger on Tuesday
evening, March 11, at the Baptist
church. Tills lecture has been ulven
more than ono bundled limes at dif
ferent churches In the stale of New
Jersey. Admission, 10 and 20 cents.
William Evans, who suffered a stroke
of paralysis. Is Improving slowly.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Brooklyn, March 7. Miss Ueliili
Kent, who has been teaching In the
Chester Springs Soldier's Oi plums'
school, has retui tied home, having re
signed her position,
J. J, Austin and lion. J. W. Adams
were ut the comity scat Thursday, at
tending the Republican county conven
tion. F. P.. Jewett lias, moved upon his
farm, where he will live with Mr, and
Mrs. Phiimey.
Mrs. John Dnran leturued from
Scraulon last Monday, where site had
been for medical li eminent,
Tho Telephone company is making
use of the sleighing in gutting their
poles upon tin; ground,
J, D. Peckhnni was in Sctantoa last
Nellie Kent has accepted a position
In the International Correspondence
schools and will begin ork thero on
William Terry has returned front a
visit with relatives in Rush.
A. R. Kinney Is moving to lite Will
Ely farm.
Hut for tho new wide Iron bridges,
the recent Hoods would have caused
much damage. As It was, the high
water caused some excitement, espec
ially that of the small stream running
back of Maple attc-ei,
The Unlversallst Sunduy school is
preprnlng tin Easter prosrumme.
Supetintendc-iit J. c. Taj lor. of
Scraulon, Dr. J. W. Kuedler and J. W.
Williams visited the IjoioubIi schools
on Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Williams, Jr., or
Montciulr, N, J., are visiting their pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Williams
Mrs. J, W, Kuedler and children mo
spending a few days at tho home of
Mrs. F. L. Curr in Scranton.
Mr. Byron Buckingham spent Tues
day and Wednesday with Sciantou
Air. Albert Billings, of, was
a guest nt the homo of Mr, W. F. Jen
kins over Sunduy,
The seven-inonths-old daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Shatter nt tlio Tollgate,
died Wednesday night of pneumonia,
after a short Illness,
The young people of the Baptist
Miss Gertrude Williams, Chaplain ot
Woman's Christian Association of"
Detroit, and Two Other Women,
Tell How Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Cures Periodio Suffering,
While no womnnls entirely free fromporloillcnl btifterlnir. H (loos not seem
to have been the. plan of nature thatwomnn should miflVrso severely. fj.Vtllft
13. Pinkhum's vegetable Compound Is tho most thorough female regu
lator known to medical bclcncc. It relieves tho condition which produces so
much discomfort and robs menstruation of its terrors.
nx v fc.-Osts.'wnw..1 n r.'sxwvw vv-
V X-Sj -
"Dear Mrs. Pin-kitam: and dear friend, for such your medicine
has proved to me; 'a friend in need is a friend indeed.' For ffeveral
years I suffered from Menorrhagia, or profuse and painful menstruation,
until my vitality was veil nigh gone, and as a last resort took .six
bottles of Lydia JG. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and was re
stored to health, to the surprise of my friends, and I now sing its
praises. GrateTully yours, Miss Gertrude Williams, lo Columbia St.,
West Detroit, Mich."
Two More Sufferers Relieved.
"Df.ah Mbs. PmitnAM: I had
been a sufferer of suppression of the
menses from girlhood, always appear
ing after time and causing great pain
compelling1 me to keep my bed. I
tried a number of doctors but without
relief. Having read so many testi
monies about the good Lydia 15.
Pinklmm's Vegetable Com
pound had done, 1 decided to try it.
After using only one bottle I felt
much better. I continued its use and
the health and strength that I have
to-day I feel I owe to you." Mrs.
CirAs. B. Gill, 1012 Winter St., Phil-
adelphia, Pa.
Women who are troubled with painful or irregular menstruation,
backache, bloating (or flatulence), leucorrhoea, falling, inflammation or
ulceration of the uterus, ovarian troubles, that " bearing-down " feeling,
dizziness, faintness, indigestion, nervous prostration or the blues, should
take immediate action to ward off the serious consequences, and be
restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia 12. Pinklmm's
Vegetable Compound, and then write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.,
for further free advice. Thousands have been cured by so doing.
REWARD We bsiYo deposited with tlio National City Bank ot Lynn, 55000,
which will bo paid to any person w ho can Unit that tho aboro testimonial letters
are not genuine, or wero published before obtalnliiL' tho writer's special per
mission. r.yuia
Sunday school of which Mr. Hyron
Buckingham lias been superintendent
for a number of years, surprised1 him at
ills home last evening in honor of his
llftieth birthday. Refreshments were
served and a very enjoyable evening
vvas spent.
Miss 1:111111a eiii dpenl Suiiilj.v in l'itls
toii, waiting lieu i-Istel1, vvlio Uvea at tI1.1l place1.
The untir m last week niaile Kie-at havoc in
our toads and did niiieli iliniaRe othmUsi1 in
HniHliinr ecllai.s, Unail-i mre lemlneil almost ini-pa-s.ilile-
and ptnlcstilan-i without iiiblii-r hoots
uaded in tvatel, ulte'ii U'.icliint," ahenu I lit Ir nliuc
'lln meeting1, at tlic MdliodM i:ii-copal
cliuicli, 1. mini ted hj Itev. and .Mrs. ('. A .111
liuiJci, will don1 this Wee1!.,
Mis, clliei Stone and .sun, of Waveile, l'a.,
vwie vHluH In town ii'ccnllv.
Mia. .1, .1, .Ic'i.iilniM is .m iloibly ill veith jineii
inonU ut In 1- huliii1 en lletlmiil btlt'tt. Ik1 Hindi
tiiui l.s hoiirly rluvvl,i inipiuvliu;.
Mi'. Knoiis und daualitci have1 leiiiuud tiom a
Visit tn I'lill.nli-lplila.
While1 the ili-uMun li'tranliiiu1 lleeiisin Is iml vot
I. m. uu, it s Mil1 tu iissiiine that Mi. l'l.ilik
Tvt.riniL will iimtiiiiie In bii.lness as heictcituii1.
We aii loi innate, in liavinir (in .1 piopiii-tm- ,1 with tin- many unnii iiiilltles nt .Mr. Ten
nanl, and llii-ie has hem Ic.s i.nise fur ill,..
f.ill-jcllun limit!!; his leslileiu-e th in Ini1 many
.Mali pii-vlmis,
The 1evh.1l Jinlios which aie lieiiu; held in
the. Metl.udLt 1 lunch continue1 to ui'iw in lutei
cst. 'Mm. will he tcnlees tiilt ivenin', Jtei, i, the evaii.'eii, will also picaeli Sunday
iii'iiniic and 1 tcmiu,',
.Mi, William III111U mid il.iujcliUi, m-, writ1
NlJIltin Wsllme V csll'l ll.l.V,
Mi, L.-uls. .Inner, m tiiildhiio, wa In Inwu
't ue-il.i .
II?,-, Haild, nf Meilintr, uUttd In the
revival eivues lal eleliln.
Mis, Snail ll.ul-. nt Klliilun.-t, i-iilit vi'.stil
day with ll'-r paiiills, Mr. Jinl Mis, Ihailes
llev. C. II. I'leutlie ami Itev. Ilavb will c(.
tend tin1 of Itei, U'llll.uil IM.mi1 in eiau.
tnu tol.i,
l.jutL'lke. the little sell id Ml. mid Ml.s. Ilmjic
Junes, is ill with liiuiichiils
They Ave Putting an End to Isola
tion 011 Farms.
I'ltui) the .Nov otl, 1'rihtine.
Old western iilalnsmon su, that thu
liarheil wire t'enees have donu .uvuy
with the ojci life of tlio piitlrles. So,
too, In the furuilutr eountry of West.
01 n .New York lias the telephone wite
wrought n ehungowhleh vvnuld ho nf
louUhlUK 10 the h'oiisfholilet'.s who oc
cupied the homesteads and t-otliiKes In
the valley of tho Ueui-seo and uloni;
the south short! of Lake Ontario even a
deeade at?o. People who live In crowd
ed elties, where distance Is reckoned
hy tho Ume It takes a rapid transit ear
to whirl fiom one block to another, do
not understand what Mteh an upp.irent-
(ly slight Innovation means. There thu
grgcer, ma ttocior, antt me caterer can
ho summoned or instructed at a mo
ment's notice. Conveniences, these llti
tie things are called, In the country,
distance Is anywhere heyond tho front
door that only a horse can cover with
satisfactory lupldlty. It s true that
V:.lllJ.i - .V VW
" Di:ar Mns. riKKHAM : I write
to lot you know how thankful I
feel toward you and your remedies.
Words cannot express the benefit I
have received from Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I
had been troubled with my periods
being very irregular and painful, also
suffered with my back and ltidneys,
but now I feci like a new woman. I
cheerfully recommend your remedies
to any one suffering as I was."
Mns. .Iajies Cox, 528 Washington St.,
Camden, X.J.
1'iDKaam iiioaicino uo,, A.ynn, junos.
electik1 railways tire jolnins: village
to village with steel bands, but electric:
cars run only on stated schedules, nnd
sometimes not even then. Besides, only
"main traveled thoroughfares" are fol
lowed by tho "lines," and crossroads are
an unavoidable necessity.
Suppose, then, that Johl Smith lives
on a cross: miles from the nearest
village. John's b.tby. on a dark temp
estuous night, suddenly develops un
mistakable symptoms of croup. What
did John do ten years ago'.' Ho left
the baby with its terrllled mother and
hitched old Tom on the road cart anil
plunged through the storm nnd tlio
darkness to tite village alter Dr. Hriutl
lem, and then back again, three hours
later, wet, weary aud woeful. Or, sup
pose that .lone's house caught lire or
was broken into by s. Again,
ho had to ride miles fur assistance. If
he hail an important business elignge
nien which ho couldn't keep that day
in tin- city, something about pnylng o'l'
tho mortgage or reducing tin1 note or
any of these little matters which farm
ers sometimes 11ml themselves forced to
bicker with, he had either to trust to
the malls or take the train to "town."
just to teturn again.
That was in the old days. What does
he do nuwV Just steps to tile1 'phono
calls up central aud In a minute is con
nected with whomsoever he desires to
converse with. The doctor comes on
the jump, tho giocerynmu brings the
Hour, the lawyer receives the explana
tions, all for u small expendltuie. John
understands this puuty tliormighly
now, its Is to bo seen fimii thu j.wiuwlfc
nblo increase in Hie. thickness! of iho
subscribers' books of tlio telephone cs
changes. Another evidence of the rapid esleiit
of country servlco is uutlceublo. In .the
Institution of sc.orcs of so.called. "Inde
pendent" companies, which supply ser
vice fur tountry allstrluts, generally In
the neighborhood of a largo ceiuial
city, fiom which rad.lato In all dlreo
tlons, llko the threads In an Immense
spider's wub, ihe suburban connec
tions to small village's, which In urn
connect with the farm houses In their
vicinity. It is a weak and iineuterprls.
ing part of country theso days
ciiunot boast its telephones by Ut"
dozens, with "urban connections." In
many cases this system is extended by
a scheme of eo-opetatlon, wliev)y hlf
11, dozen independent lompaulcj. qom
bine their lines, t-o that thij. furvu'o
may stretch half way tietoss 11 stiUe.
This assimilation by the, "ruiul dis
tricts" of what have hltlwi'lli ue.?n con
sidered city c(invmtlej,e,r.s l val
idly changing the vopiUtlim (if !b
countryside. The people Jie.-lwiipiiunK
mote closely knit in their r;atlojis, jUih
char.ieterlbtlcH of the ccimuiuiilty u,rt,d
the henellts which sming flplil RiH'Ji
itssoclatlon of Interests aie hlowly tjih
lug bhape, and little by lltllv the p)d
tiuiu Insulaiity, If the word can, lie
used In, such a (tonuiciion, is dlitn
lietulng, ,lt wilt not be long, its "Mie
pressut I'eUe uf piogus, hefpre th'
coutury oh aeparate fetituro.of iuod
ern llfa will dlwppettr. Jlvery city will
have Its "attic plain" and the clover
meadow will Iq the dQorvard of the de
partment stole