THE SGRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1902. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR XHE BIGGEST LOCOMOTIVE IN THE WORLD. JONAS LONG'S SONS, JONAS LONQ'S SONS. JONAS LONG'S SONS. liinis ." A Store of many features and the most prominent of all is OUR GREAT kl J. ,8 Ic&MfM tm Without tho Tender, It Weighs 130 Tons, and from tho Point of tho Pilot to tho End of the Tender It Measures Seventy Feet Will Bo Used on tho Santa Fo Railroad. Tho Board for Today Plymouth Firm Gets Another Order from Far-off Siberia. The world's biggest and most power ful locomotive, nn American compound built at Schenectady by the American Locomotive comDtiny, In on Its way from the Mohawk vollcv to the fnr West, where it will haul heavy freight on tho Santa Fo road. It represents the highest achievement in locomotive design, the most notoble effort of 'Vmerlcan builders to uroduce nn en gine of enormous tractive power adapt rd to the needs of our trnns-contlncntal lines. This monster weighs, without the fifty-ton tender, ISO tons. From tho end of tho tender to tho point of tho pilot, this giant of the rails measures seventy feet. The top of the stunted smokestack Is Hlxtcon feet above the ties, and to such a height does the dome reach that Its top hod to be taken off before the loco motive could pass hi safety under tho oveihend bridges between. Schenectady and Buffalo. The massive boiler is perched so high in the air that a tall man can stand under It. Hut while tho dome If. thirteen feet above tho driving wheel axles, tho center of gravity is very low several inches below the ton lint' of the dilv ers. The engine gets its gieat stability fiom its massive frames, cylinder cast ings, driving Wheels and driving mechanism. On a level track 080 could haul a train a mile and a hair long. Its tracthe power is 53,000 pounds that K it could lift that amount of dead weight. Its gieat wheel bate gives 9S9 this world's record hauling power. Ten massive driving wheels, nearly as tall as a man, and so heavily counterbal anced that they appear almost solid, grip twenty feet of track. On these ten diivers, which gave the name of decapod to this type of engine, iL weight of 232,000 pounds is can ied. Tho pony trucks carries only fourteen tons, much of the weight of the saddle and cylinder castings being distributed over the drivers by the equalizer beams io distinctively of American design. It:, firebox is made of carbon stool tested to a tensile strength of 50,000 pounds to the square inch, Is about as big as tho bedchamber of a Now Yoik flat. Its two thick shells are held to gether by nearly -',000 staybolts, each one capable of lifting a yard engine without breaking. The grate area is sixty square feet, which is unappioached in any other locomotive ever built. The bottom ot the firebox reaches out over the tops of the drivers, after the fashion of re cent American locomotives. The heating surface measures exact ly -I.5S2 square feet. Between the tube sheets 9S9's boiler measures 1SV feet ind in the big barrel are massed flues, 1"5 inches In diameter. Placed old to end, these flues would make a pipe a mile and a half long. The massive low pressure cylinders are next to the forward dilveis. The smaller high pressure cylinders arc directly ahead, a constiuetion which makes ono piston rod do for each pair of cyllndeis. This is designated as the tandem compound. The live bteam is Hi st used in the forward cylinders, which exhaust into the thirty-Inch chambers of the low-picssuie cylin ders. The cylinders of PSfl aio the gieatrst castings ever made in the Schenectady shops. Their gross weight In the mold's was 25,340 pounds. Mueh of this great weight is in the halves of the saddle, the forward suppoit of the boiler. D., L. & W. Board for Todny. The following is the make-up of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western aoard for today: THI.IISDAY, MAIM II 6. Kxtus r.isl S p. m.,, M, l'miierlv .0 . in., J. r. llurkh.irt, 11 11. m., IloboUn, IWh. fuiiuy, MUtfll 7. IMi.iv lh,t l,:,o j, in,, r, r. Stevens a, m,, A. C, ll.immllt; 0 ,i, in., Hoboken. .1. Uciritj; VI ii, m , W. J. Mmlnj 11 a, m., n. Haggcrty;' 1 p. in., .1. II. .Mailers, with Butir'i new; 2 p. in., Ilobukcn, A. I', Mullen; 3 p. m., F. Van Wiuiner; 5 p. in., I). Wallace; (J p, in., A. II. Howe. Summits, i:tc U a, in., Ilcnnhan; S n in,, 1'iuunrelkn; 11 .1, in.. Mi-hoK; 2 p. in,, Thomp son; fii. ni Canlgg; b p. m., M. Ciinlc.v, with Jf. (ioldcn'w rrtw, Pu-hcrs 7 ii. in,, rinucrt.1 ; S a. hi., llousrr; Jl.l'i a ni., Jloun; rt p. in., (), IMitlioloinivv; 7..M p ni., Naunun; 0 p. in., W. II, lUrlbolo mew i 10 p. in., Lamping, llclpeis 7 a, ni., t.ilfne.v; 7 a. in.. Sinner; 10 n. ni., II. Coslar; C.n p. in., J,attiinri; 6,30 p, Hi., Midonrn. LMiast West 7 J, m 0'; 10 a, m., O, Itimlolph; 1 p. in., Thomas llnudlriii; 2 p. in., M. f iitnwiy; i p. in., F. .i; 0 r, in., John (iar.iB.ui; II p. ni , C, KlngMcy, notch: P.PO p. in, fiinnnlt March Slli is annulleil, II, II, Pcpevv will go on with .1, (lerrlty as flagman. .Times Blanch will go on with J. fictrity in place ot JI. O'Mallej. This and That. Tho Howell Drill company, of Ply mouth, Pa., has received an order from a large mining firm In Siberia for a number of mining drills similar to those used in the Pennsylvania an thracite mines. Tho Jeansvllle Iron Works company, of Jeansvllle, Pa., Is leported to have iccelved a fair-sized electric pump or der through the Denver Engineering company, The pumps will be used for mines In Mexico, After continuing for nine and a half months, the strike of the iron workers of San Francisco, begun on May 1 of last year, to enforce a demand for a nine-hour day, came, to a formal end Wednesday, Two-thlrds of the unions composing the Iron Trades council have noted upon a recommendation made by that body advising that the strike be prosecuted no longer and have voted to allow their members to return to work. The La Vida Corset Miss McCarthy An Expert Corset fere Representing tho LA VIDA CORSET, will be here for one week commencing Monday, March 10, when she will fit, take special measurements and explain the superior merits of this celebrated corset to all ladles who are In terested In the latest Ideas pertaining to corsets. We would be pleased to have you attend a special display of these celebrated corsets, when all the new mod els, embodying the essential features necessary to conform with the present fashion In dress, will be shown. Demonstrator on Second Floor IDJDg'SSODS r - ziM$MM lrs I I Contains the Largest and Best Selected Stock of New Furniture, Carpets, Rugs And Home Furnishing Supplies Ever shown in this section of the state. i Williams L enes, Wall Papers 129 Wyoming Avenue. MjnllUlly. ITALIANS IN ARGENTINA. Pneumonia always results from a cold or from an uttack of the grip, and may be prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This fact has been fully proven in many thousands of cases. Bold by all druggists. A Jtlilnn Journal Makes Some S tatt ling Allegations. Itonie Correspondence of the London Post. A storm In a tea cup lias arisen in the Aigentinc Ilepubllc, nnd especially In the wealthy portion of tlio largo Italian colony lesldent in Buenos Ayies over nn article published by the Cor rlere della Sera of Milan on the condi tion of the Italian elements in Argen tina. The article wan wilttcn by Sig ner Barzlnl, one of tho cleverest Ital ian Journalists, whom the Corrlero della Sera lecently sent an special correspon dent to South America. Slgnor Barzlnl described tho affairs of the Argentine Republic as being al most entirely In BrltlBh hands, and proceeded to draw b picture of the Italian quarter of Buenos Ayres, which, though probnbly accurate, was not In accordance with tho Ideas prevailing in Italy on the subject, Ills uccount of the comparative poverty of tho gieat innsH of hard-working Italian emi grants who go to tho Argentine Uepub Ho believing It to be nn Eldorado, open ed tho eyes of many people in Italy, but what seems to have stung the wealthier portion of the Italian community is the way in which Slgnor Barzlnl revealed their callousness toward their poorer fellow countrymen and their readiness to drop Italian speech and customs and to become moro Argentine than tho Ar gentines, This tends to destroy tho cherished Italian belief that there exists In South America a "Greater Italy," thoroughly Italian in sentiment, and also an unfa vorable light on the character of tho wealthy Italians who have until now been considered to be the chief sup porters of Itallanlta beyond the seas. These wealthy Italians havo levenged themselves by excluding Slgnor Bar zlnl fom their clubs, but the Argentine press, and to a great extent the Italian press praise the correspondent for tell ing the truth. Slgnor Barzlnl an nounces his Intention of going to the root of the whole question and of stat ing plainly what he sees to bo the facts. TO PREVENT GROWING OLD. From th Philadelphia Record. An Illinois school teacher (S. V. Kel ler, of Medora), proclaims his discovery of the truo elixir of life. lie is now about 71 yeais old, but has the physical agility of a man of 30. To convince a body of vlsltoih, "ho jumped over the back of :i chair, danced a vigorous double hhuflle and leaped over high obstacles with the greatest ease." "See!" ho exclaimed, giving a spring fiom the floor to the top ot a table, "my legs arc free and easy ns a child's, I am younger than I was thirty years ago." How lias ho achieved this le nuwnl of his pristine vigor? "Simply by believing that I am not growing old." It is tho concession to time which mulcts men old, and by an exer cise of the will this man has compelled himself to believe there is no old age except from those who surrender to the delusion that tho body and mind lose vigor with the passing of years. At any rate this treatment is harm less, its worst effect being to lead a man into the commission of youthful minis, xiic iuiiii'iuu mm me Fnucutm of Professor James, of Harvnid, who has placed the "don't worry" euro on ti scientific basis. He atlirms, for ex ample, that we do not run away be cause wo are scared, but are scared be cause we run away; that by nutting ourselves In the attitude by which an emotion expresses Itself we experience I the emotion. We do not weep because j wo are sad, but sadness Is tho product ! of our tears. Theiefore wemay assume Mint 1,m .in v,A, lirmntHA .1 t .... 1 . 1. - ' him. w u liui liuiutm: IIVI'1 UJ1L IJCClUlSU of tho passing of the years, but because we expect that tho passing of tho years will produco deciepltudoj and wo placo ourselves in tho coripspondlng attitude and frame of mind, Kmerson's Wild Spree, Tho lloslon Herald ii editorially rcloiulld for an allegtd, tradition that tells how Jljlph Waldo llincnon, the sago of Concord, owe went on a wild, ei.lli.:f enrce. Weary of Matem Aurellm, Akott uwj (ho tereno heights of Concoii, he ic soiled tu (nake 4 plunge Into tho tortcx of irjnio und follylln a gnat illy to tee loe jnd the Uclom at, ilose 131 po and thus lurn hy eieit inec of tli under world, lie went straight to Ilia saloon of 'one llriglum in Ho.iton, in those daya far faiuid among ll.inard students ai the aborig inal Imentor of more ''fancy drink" than any one since the days of Father lUcehns. Ilewild ered by t)io f est he eccne and the cndle-u lUt of betcrages he bad never heard of, ho asked Ungi ham widen one of the whole bibulous catalogue might biij relied on to impart the largest turn total of experience in the ehortit possible time; to which Jicvout inquiry genial Urlgham who ut once took in the situation U bald to haw re. plied: "fill, J gucis a glass of lemonade would be the rUht thlny for you." FRIDAY AFTERNOON wrL.CLO Owing to the storm a week ago today, many people were unable to attend the spread of good things that awaited them at the Hour Sale. By request we repeat the same offerings with additional values from the Grocery and House Furnishings De partments. You will find these items very interesting and profitable. Sale No. 1 Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock, 27c 35c 7c 49c Sale of Shopping and Market Bags Good size, made of import ed rush ; a verv unique shopping basket. Ten-cent kind, , this sale ....:..'. OC Sale of White Semi-Porcelain Cups and Saucers An elegant opportunity for you to lay in a supply of good porcelain ware at a price not very often so little for such a grade of goods ; (Ic. regular, value, this sale, cup and saucer . )C Sale of Thin White Semi-Porcelain Plates A-l (uality,all sizes. A rare chance to stock up at a small investment. The price asked for this plate is about half the regular value. Marked for this hour sale, each DC Sale of Brooms One of the quickest sellers placed on sale for .sixty minutes ; made from best corn, sewed three or four limes. A most satisfactory broom, value up to IJOc. ; this Friday hour, buy them at Sale of Clothes Baskets Well made, from seasoned willow. This basket is a splen did bargain, and to satisfy the large crowd we will restrict the quantity to 1 to a customer Sale of Semi-White Porcelain Large Coffee Cups and Saucers Just the size we all like to sec wnen nneci witli tnat delicious beverage. Kegular value 12 cents. L'or this hour sale, cup and saucer Sale of Wash Boilers A large size wash boiler, no cover. Do you need a boiler? Then come today and buy this (if)c. kind for one hour onlv, at '. Groceries We are selling Tryphosa Jelly Powder, a dainty dessert. FREE to the first 500 after one o'clock, a sample package, also a booklet full of receipts for preparing "Tryphosa." Sale of Peaches This line on sale for sixty minutes today arc a fine grade of Pie Peaches. Guaranteed to be as nice as some you are now paying 15c. for. Buy them this Friday hour per 3-pound can, for .' .' ". aC Sale of Peas Early June Peas, the Belfast brand ; those who have used them know their de licious qualities, and for those who have not. we will say. this will be your opportunity to try them ; samples at counters for inspection. Regular price 13c. ; this hour sale, per can Sale of Macaroni Manufactured by C. F. Muller & Co.; quality the best; regular price 10c. ; for this hour sale buy it for Sale of Codfish Guaranteed fresh, just the kind to make codfish cakes. Regular 10 cent kind. For this hour sale Sale of Prunes Choice California Prunes, bright and nice, for this one hour sale, buy them at, per pound Sale of Salmon One pound, tall cans, red Alaska ; quality will equal the kind you pay 15c. for. For this hour sale "C Sale of Vienna Cocoa A superior preparation of Cocoa, in its most nutritious form ; regular price 40c. per pound ; for this hour today buy it, at 1 OC Sale of Women's House Wrappers Made from flanncllcttcs, outings or percales, fabrics in the most approved and latest style. Separate bodies, full flounce at bottom of skirt, small ruffle on shoulder, pleated front and back, neat turned down collar nicely trimmed with ribbon and braid. This is an opportunity that no Scrantonian who needs a wrapper should miss. FZasily sold regu larly for 1.-1!) up to $2.00. This Friday on the Second q -. Floor buy them for oUC Sale of Fancy Percale Finish Calico Over 2,000 yards of this desirable goods will be placed on sale today. It is the new shade of blue and extraordinary finish that gives to this calico a steady demand at all times. Xcat patterns and odd designs. Sold at this hour for, a yard DC Sale of Ribbons Pi inches wide, polka-dot, and stripe taf feta, all silk and a 4-inch all silk plain tafYcla. metallic finish. A tempting item for this Sixtv Minute sale. Ribbons always play an important part in every wardrobe. Ihc regular value is 15c. This Friday sale 9; 7c 5c 4c- Sale No. 2 jL' i -A, p 4-54 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. Sale of Toilet Paper Highly medicated, silk finish, full count, quality guaranteed; regular value 10c. For this hour, each. This 10c 6c 7c Sale of Combs An eight-inch Goodyear Rubber Comb, easily sold for 10c hour buy it at Sale of Battenbcrg Doylies in Art Department This doylic is hand made, pure linen, size is 12 inches, worked up in a pretty design and usually sells for 75c. For this hour buy them . at, each '. " ' 4yC Sale of Women's Seersucker and White Muslin Skirts The seersucker skirts arc plain, colors ox blood, blue and grey and fancy stripe. Deep ruffle with two narrow ruffles, hemstitched. The white muslin skirt has deep cambric ruffle, fine tucks, trimmed with Torchon lace. Rcgu- lar value is 08c. For this Friday hour choose from lot at 0C Sale of Boys' Doublc-Breastcd Suits Size S to 15 years, blouse and vestee style, :t to S years. All colors, dark and light. Every garment is well made and usually sold up to $2.50. . For this hour buy them at p 1 ." Sale No. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock. Sale of Men's White Shit Is Linen bosom, reinforced front and filled seams. Neck band lias patent button hole. A good quality muslin, all sizes. To make the quantity last the hour they will be limited to two to a customer. For this hour sale, near Wyoming entrance, buy them at, each XC Sale of White Aprons Full length, hemmed: other lace in sertion and tucks. A generous length of strings. Buy ,- them today and have money, for this hour, each J!iiC Sale of Children's Hose German heel, double toe and knee, wide and narrow ribbed, sizes (5 to !)A, made the same as v a 25c. hose. For this hour, buy them ut, pair." 1 C Sale of Percales This lot comprises two widths, 112 and .'Hi inches witle, all spring shades, mostly cardinals and blues, includ ing black grounds, with a wide range of patterns. Regular price is 10c. For this sixty minutes buy them at C Sale of Bureau and Stand Scarfs Scarf is 18x72 inches. The Stand Cover is size HOxJM) inches. Made from honeycomb material. Both styles are fringed. Regular value is 25c. , each, For this Friday hour buy them at, each, , . . , , . , . , 1 DC Sale of Boys' Knee Pants All wool Knee Pants, plain blue, neat plaid checks and stripes, dark and light, .1 to 15 years. Small sizes are trimmed with bows. Best waist bands, sus- ,, pendcr buttons and hip pockets, all seams taped. For sixty minutes only for , , , , 4--&C Sale of Wall Paper One of the greatest Wall Paper specials ever held in this city. 5,000 Double Rolls suitable for kitchen, dining room, hall and bed rooms, Regular value from So, to 15c. a roll. For this Friday hour on Third Floor, choose from !5 neat and pretty patterns, at per double roll, ...,,,.,,... ,. , ,, , ,, ,,,.,., 5C Advertisers of Facts Only 9 n Jonas loiii s M)ii tVWS-i Lager Beer Brewery Uannrocttircra or OLD STOCK PILSNER 405 to 405 N. Ninth Stroot, Tolephono Cnll, 2333. ,n Hotel Chelsea Atlantic City, N. J. Now Open, 300 Ocean front rooms. 100 pri vate sea water baths. Send for booklet. J. II. THOMPSON ii (JO. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigli Valley Bnllrond. In ritcct, Xov. ;i, 1001. Tulni Iciimi Scrunlnn. l'or PlilUilclpbl i anil Xcw York la I), k II. II. 1!.. at fi.XM mil 9.83 a. in., and 2.1S, 4 27 (Mack Diamond IJspusO. unil U..1U p. in. faun, thus, I), fc 11. It. 1!., l.GS, S.27p. in. l'or Ahlti! ll.Utn, Itizletcn .mJ pilnclpal pdlnlj in tlie coal legions via . k. II. 11. It,, OSS, 2.13 and 1.2" p. m. l'or l'attstille, 0.33 a. m., 2.13 p. in. l'or nctlilrlirm, Enton, Itcatllnjr, UurrUbu-ir, anil pilncipil intermeillitc ktations. via 1). ti II. 11. It., n:;8, U JS a. in.; 2.1S, 4.27 (Black DU nioml Upns), 11. JO p. in. Sundays, 1). 4; 11. It. It,, !JS a. ni.: l.Si. fc 27 p. in. Tor TunUiinnocl., 'loanda, Klmira, Ithaca, Geneva and principal liitmnmliate stations, via D., I.. and . It. It., S.tO a. in. and S GO p. m. For Cieneva, Ituchestci, DutTalo, Nlagaia FalLs, Chkaco and all point' V"-''. via D. II. It, K., 7.4S, 12.01 a. in.; 1.4J, .1.28 (lllack Diamond K-prcs-0. ".48, 10.11, 11.J0 p. in. iundajd, D. & It. It. 11., 12.0J, 8J7 p. m. I'ullnun parlor .mil Bleeping or Leliiffh Vnllv Parlor cars on .ill train between Wilkei-Barre and New VoiK, Philadelphia, Dullalo and Suspen sion llildgc. KOLM.N II. Hll.nuil, Con. Supt., 20 Cortland street, New York. CHAIILKS S. LEU. Gen. Pass. Age., 26 Cortland street, New York. A. W. NO.NUMACHCn.'Dlr. Pa. Agt., South Ilelhleneni, Pa. l'or tickets and Piillmin icservatiom apply to city ticket ofllu, U0 Public Square, Wllkcs-Darre, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Kflrct Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton for New York At 1.40, S.15, 0 0', 7.60 anil 10.0,, a. m.; 12.43, 3.40, 3.IU p. m. l'or New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a. m., anil 12.1S nnd .1.31 p. m. l'or Toll liauna At 0 10 p. in. Koi Buffalo 1.15, 0.22 anil !I00 a. in.; 1.5, 0.50 and 11.35 p. m. For Blum liamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10 p. in. lor Oswego, iyiatufe and Utlca l.lfi and ti 22 a. in. ; 1.55 p. in. Owego, Syracme ami t'tica train at 0.22 l. mi dallj, cscept hundaj. For Montio-c BOO a. m.j 1.10 and 0 50 p. in. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0 15 p. ni. Bloom-tail b Divbion Fnr Northumberland, at 6 35 and 10 05 a. in.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. in.; 3.40 and 0.00 p. ra Sundav Trains ror New York, 1.40, .1.13, 0 03 and 10. 05 a. m.; 0.10, .'.33 p. in. For nuttalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. in.; 1.53, C.50 and 11.35 p. ni. For Blnghainlon and way station-) 10 20 a. ni. Blcoinsbiiifr Division Lcaic Scianton, 10.05 a. ni. and 0 10 p. in. New Jersey Cential. In i:ilci.t Nov. 17, 1001, Station? in yew York, foot ot Liberty sliced and Siouth Pert, N. it. Twins leave hiranlon fnr New York, Fhlhdel. phia. Kastm, Bcthlcluni, Allcntoun, JIlucli Chunk, Wiili- Haven. Ashley and WilkevBano at 7.S0 a. :n., t p. in. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. Quaker Oil Umiich lencs Scranton at 7.MJ a. in , through solid vestibule train with Pullinni Bullet I'jr)or Cars, for Fhiliddphla, with only one changi! of ens for liilllmore, Washington, 1) C, and all prim Ipal points south and vve.,1. For Avoca, Pittston mil ilkia Barrc, 1 p. m. and 1 p. m. Sumlij, 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Clove, etc., 7.C0 a, m. and 1 p. ill. I'm Itciding, Lebanon and llarrisbiug, via AI 'enlovvn, at 7,.!0 a. in. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For Pottvillo at 7,30 a. m, anil 1 p. m. Foi latcs and tlrkeN apply to agent at station, O. JI. BUUT, Gen. IV.. Agt. .1. &. SWIHIIin, liit. Pa-s. Agt.. Pinnlon. Pennsylvania Hailroad. Schedule in F.ffcct June 2. 1001. Tiains leave fccranton: 0.33 a. in,, week daj-i. through vetlliulc train from Wllkes-Barre. Piill nan buffet pallor cai and cuaches to Pluladcl. nhia. vi Pottsvllle, stops at principal interim;. Iliatc statiuna. A No loiimeta for hutiburj. Har risburg, Philadelphia, lUtiinoio, Washington and tor PM-buiB and the west. 0 33 a nv, week dajs, tor Simliury, llarrisbnrg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Plttj. burg and the vvci-t. 14' p. in., week days (bundavTS. 1,53 j. ni), foi bunbury, HirrWmrg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wathltwton ami Pittsburg ami the west. 3 "8 ii ni., week davs, through vestibule train from Wllkes-Bairc. Pullman buffet parlor rar and co lilies t Plillideli.hla via Pottsvllle. Stow at principal Intel meilUto-ttations. 1 "7 p HI . week divr, fur IJjiletnn, isunbury, PtillJ'Mphia in,l Pitt-burg. .1. II, linnilMH, Gen Mirr. .1, 11. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt, New York, Ontario and Western. In t.tlcit Tuesday. Sept. 17, 1D01, NOIITU HOL'Ml Leivu Leavo Arrlv Si rj it'iu. CarlioniUle, Uiuosla. . ,10 0 a. ni. 11 10 a. in. I 00 p, in. ,.o,10p in Ar. tiibonuaieo.iop. ni vnimt nniiN'li. LeuHi Leave Arrive Cadosla. ('arbnndale. Rrrauton. 7 IllV in 7 in n ... '".'.',,' 2 l'i p in. 1.00 p. m. 4 10 p.m. ilMMsO.M.Y, MOliril nOUND. Leivo Leavo Arrlvs j-iimlon. f MiboniUle, I'jdojia. , , , S. so a, ni. o 10 p. in. 10. 15 a, m. ,, 7,1X1 p. in, Ar Cirbondalo 7.10 p. in. SsUlTH BUL'N'U. Lojve Leave Arrlv t, Ciiboiiilalf. Strauton. , , , 7.00 a m. 7. 10 a, pi. lialna Nos. 1 on vvck ilajs, and 0 onbundajs, make main line mnneiiion. mr iii m, Middletnvvn, Wali'm, .Nurvvlili, Oneida, Oavvcga and all points west. tl , , . For furthii Information rcn-ult ticket agenti, J. t'. AN'IMIHhO.N, 0 P A . New York. J, i:. WFLSH, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Delaware and Hudson, In Ffiect .Sovinibcr 21, 1001, Trains for Caibondalo leave Scianton at 0.20, 8W, h.St 10-U "'i "w- - '"3' 352. 0 20 0.23, "57. ".15. U.20 p. in j Lit a, in. For llonejddli 0,20, 10.15a. in.; 2.31 and 5.29 P'For Wllkesdlarro-O 39, 7.43, S.41. OSS. 10.4J a. ni; l-'.ai, J.l-', 2 IS, J.2j, 1.27, ti.10, 1.i, Iruiuv No 1 No. 7 Trains No. 0 No, 2 'Iraiin No, o . No. 5 .. Twini Nn 10 For L. It. II. Points 0.3S, 0.33 a. m 4.27 and 11. au p. in 2.13. ir, uuu . i" .... For Pcimsjlwiiiu it. II. Points 6.33, 0.33 a. in. ; 1 ii. 3.21 .inn - p. in. For Albany and all (mints north 0.20 a. ra and 3,52 p. in. Sl'.NpAY TltVl.NS. For Carbondale h,50, JLSJ a. in.; 2.31, 3.52, 5.52 and 11.17 p. in. lor vllkea Bsrre 9.33 a. in.; 12.03, 1.5S, 3.23, 0.32 and 0 17 in. ' For Albany and points north 'i.BJ p. m. For lloncsdalc tJ.50 a. in. and 3.52 p. ni. W. L. PUYOIt. I). P. A., bcranton. Pa, Erie Hailroad, Wyoming Division. Trains for New- York, New burgh and intermix dUte points leavo bcranton as follow : 7.20 a. ni ; 2.25 p. in. Arrival 10.W a. m. trom Mlddletoun, Honei dale, llawley and fntenuediitc points. 8.20 p. in Irom New ork, Newburgb and IntcruicdUu points. No Sunday tralua. i ,X -f ;