The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Major Wnllor 'nnd lieutenant Day
Said to Havo Tormented One Na
tive of Snmar Four Days Before
Death Released Him Minds o
Accused Men Bollevcd to Be Af
fected. By Exclitiltc Wire from The AlsocUlcd l'ttn.
f Manila, March 0. A court martini
htiH been ortlirctl lo try Major Utile
John V. T. Waller and Lieutenant John
II. A. Day oC the Marino Corps, on
March 17 next, on tins charge oC execut
ing natives of the Island of, gunmr
without trial. Some of the elrcuni
Btanccs In the enms aio peculiarly atro
cious. One native was tied lo a trco
and publicly Hhot in the thigh. The
next day tbo man was shot In tho arms.
The third day be was uliot In tho body,
and the fourth day tho native was
Friends of tho two ofllcers attribute
their actions to loss of mind, duo to tbo
privations which they suffered In the
Island of Snmar.
Tho privations suffered by Major
Waller and Ucutonnnt Day probably
were enduied during tho expedition of
Waller and a detachment of marines,
)Vho started la tho last week of Decem
ber 1001. from Lnnnng, on tbo cast
coast of Sainnr, to cross the Island to
JJascy, about thirty-five miles on tho
map. Incessant rains from the start,
swollen streams and other natural ob
stacles made the marines' progress ex
' tremely slow, and when their rations
were consumed tho men became ex
hausted rapidly and chopped along the
way. Major Waller became separated
from his brother olllceis, Captain Por
ter and Lieutenant It. P. Williams, and
tbo greater part of the men and pro
ceeded toward TJasoy, where he ar
llvod on January !. with two ofllcers
and thirteen men. and also Lieutenant
Lyles of the Twelfth Infantry, who ac
companied the command. The major
leturned to the mountains the next day
for relief, bat turned back to Casey
about ten Inters, his trip having been
Timber Would Not Float.
Captain Porter was to have built
rafts, but the timber would not (loat.
Tho second day after separating from
"Waller, Captain Porter moved toward
Lanang, where ho airlved on Jan. 11,
""with two men, all exhausted physi
cally and mentally.
Possibilities of the Postal System.
Cheap Mall Facilities One of the Chief Factors
in Our Prosperity and Progress.
" Common is the commonplace." The
most valuable of civil benefits is such a
commonplace matter, that we scarcely
give it a thought. It would take a win
ter on a whaler nipped in an ice floe to
make us truly appreciable of the worth
of the postal service. What a wonder
ful thing it is! Wonderful in its organ
ization, with its vast machinery for the
collection and distribution of letters, its
railway mail cars, its route riders, the
unfailing order and precision of its
methods. Wonderful it is too in its re
sults. It knits together families widely
separated. It carries across the sea
some tender lover's ines' age or perhaps
a little flower picked from the daisied
grave of an English churchyard. Every
hour of every day the mail bag is packed
with words which waken love and laugh
ter, and words which deepen the furrow
in the cheek and dim the failing sight
with bitter tears.
But with all this there is going on
through the mail service a dissemina
tion of human knowledge, a reaching
out of human help which is one of the
crowning blessings of our century. The
correspondence schools led by Chautau
qua, aic sending to ever)- village and
hamlet the broader knowledge which is
so eagerly craved by many who are shut
in to the homely "duties of a humble
life. Without the mail system this plan
of education would be impracticable.
Every mail, too, carries irom the great
centers, the advice of gieat physicians,
which it would bo impossible for the
distant public to obtain were it not for
the mails. Few people realize how
many thousand people depend on the
mail service for medical treatment. Not
long ago when some postal affairs were
being discussed in connection with the
erection of the new postoffice building
in Buffalo, N. Y some light was thrown
on this subject by the statement that
the mail by Dr. R V. Pierce amounted
daily lo something over 1,500 pieces.
Of course this is not a common case, be
cause Dr. Pierce's relation us chief con
sulting physician to Buffalo's famous
institution, 'The Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute, makes his advice and
that of his staff of nearly a score of
bkilled and experienced specialists much
sought after, especially by women, to
the treatment and cure of whose special
diseases Dr. Pierce has devoted over
thirty years of almost constant labor.
But though this example is out of the
ordinary, it may berve as an evidence of
the amazing benefits reaped by the pub
lic from the mail service. It puts every
outlying hamlet in touch with the most
advanced medical specialism of the day.
It gives at a cost of a two-cent stamp,
the skill and experience that it has taken
years to acquire. Literally at the cost
of a two-cent stamp, since Dr. Pierce
invites sick women to consult him by
letter without charge. And this would
seem to be one of the most remarkable
services rendered by the postal system,
perhaps the supreme service of all. For
1 while it is a spleudid thing to be uble to
shop in New York while living in Kan, and a grand thing to be able to
command the learning of great pro
fessors while working in the Michigan
woods, it is a still grander thing that by
means of this cheaply supplied service,
men like Dr. Tierce, who have the dis
position to lie helpful, are enabled to
place their skill and knowledge at the
disposal of those who are bciug dragged
down by disease, without the possibility
of help from those about them. When
one contemplates the vast and far reach
ing benefits of the mail service, so briefly
touched upon in this article, it makes
the familiar gray uniform of the postman
the most glorious of all uniforms, for it is
worn by the soldiers of the army of peace.
It makes one feel like taking his hat off
to the ou-rushiug mail train, and cheer
Jmjj 'the work and wisdom of Uucle Saw.
Lieutenant Williams nnd more than
thirty men were left In tho mountains
In a similar condition. A relief ex
pedition reached tho mnrlncs on Jan.
IS and paved Lieutenant Williams and
nit his conipanloiiB willrtho exception
of ton Men, who wore not found and
who undoubtedly died from starvation.
Ciiptnlu Porter, Lieutenant Williams
and eighteen men were taken to tho
hospital nt Tacloban, none- of thcni
vory clear In mind 'regarding much of
the limn covered by the period of suf
fering. Major Waller was disordered
In his recollections. The olllclal re
port of the war department at Wash
ington nald tbo HUiTei'lngs of Major
Waller's command for twenty days
could not bo described.
Mnjor Waller rendered gallant ser
vice with the United Statea ninrlnes In
fhlnii during tho march of the allied
forces fiom tho sea lo PeUln. He was
appointed to the marine corps from
Virginia and was commissioned second
lloutcnnnt on June Hi, 18S0. Ills first
sea duty was on tho frigate Lancaster
In the Mediterranean, which vessel
was present at the bombardment of
Alexandria. The Luncnster landed u.
Kind the father
detachment of marines, Including Lieu
tenant Waller, who won distinction in
breaking Into a burning store and re
moving between 13,000 and 20,000 rounds
of cartridges at the risk of their lives,
thus saving the lives of numerous for
eigners who were living close by.
Waller also rescued a score or more of
Greek women from a. hospital which
bad been set 011 tire by the Alexan
drians. Ho devised a. -.adder out of
bed clothing and lowered one woman
after another safely to his men on the
Waller's Career.
Waller was promoted from first lieu
tenant in 1SS5, and in 1890 he became
captain and was stationed at the
marine barracks. Is'orfolic, from March,
1S91, to March 1S93. He aguin joined
the Lancaster in September, ISUj, and
went to the Newark in July, 1S9C.
Captain Waller- was transfeired to the
Indiana when the destruction of the
battleship Maine In Havana harbor in
dicated war with Spain, and ho had
charge of the second battery of that
ship. When Admiral Cervera's fleet
came out of Santiago harbor Waller's
battery llred 1,714 shots in sixty-live
minutes. In November, 1S99, Major
Waller, who bad been promoted to that
rank July 2.", 1S99, was stationed at the
marine barracks at Oavlte, where he
remained until early in June, 1900,
when he sailed for Tnku with a de
tachment of 100 marines and took part
In the lighting at Tien-Tain on July
10, assisting in capturing a fort west
of the north city. v
After leaving China, Major Waller
leturned to Manila and from there,
Oct. 22, 1901, he went to the Island of
Sumar with 230 marines. Soon after,
-Major Waller attacked a force of in
surgents occupying a strong position
at Sojton, and after two days' desper
ate lighting carried the position. Two
of the marines and twenty-six insur
gents woie killed. Major Waller de
stroyed the insurgent quarters and
seventy houses.
Death Rate in the Philippines
Shows Marked Decrease,
liy l'.xcliislic Nile (10111 the Associated Pico.
Washington, March 0. Surgeon
(icnernl Sternberg today received tho
health repoit of the military division
of tho Philippines for the month which
ended Jan. 15 last. The percentage
of sick was (i.lii and tho total sick
2,531 cases. Theio were fi9 deaths In
tlie month, a decrease of IS compared
wllh the previous mouth.
Colonel Pope, who made the report
just before his death, says the small
percentage of the sick and the few
deaths are especially gratifying, in
view of active military operations of
the most arduous character In Samnr
and natangus. Tho situation In re
gard to bubonic plague Is much more
favorable than at tho time of the last
report, Only three cases of the dis
ease occurred dm lug tho month, one
1 elng Harry Dunn, a iuarterinaster's
employe, who died Dec. 27,
Special to the Sainton Tribune.
New Mllford, March 6. Hegardless of
tho storm, u large audience greeted the
Hawthorne Musical club at the opera
house Wednesday evening. The fol
lowing programme was rendered: (a)
March, (b) Caprice, "A Shower of
Smiles;" (0) polku, Dl Concert; (d) sex
tette from Lucia, mandolins and gui
tars, club; descriptive, "Ten Minutes
With tho Minstrels," club; .inubical
sketch, "Tho Professor and Ill3 Chinese
Pupil," Mr. Colby nnd Mr. Ruy; troiu
bone soo, "The Magnolia Serenade,"
.Mr. W'olley; deserlptlvo, "A Trip to tho
Country Fair," club; cornet solo, "The
Last Chord," Mr. Messer: songs, cotn
Iqtie, Mr, Wolley; trick violinist, Mr.
Osbood, as Pncle Reuben; (a) musical,
glasses duet: (b) cornet and trombone
duct, "Tho Prison Scene," from T10
vatore; descriptive, "A Trip to New
York City."
The following young ladles will enjoy
a slolghrlde to Halstead Saturday even
ing where they will be guests of Mis.
1). P. Waterman: Misses Lettlo Wood
house, Js'lna Moore. Ml.mie llradley,
lna Aldrlch, Mildred Kmpot, Mqttle
Yall, Desslo Bradley, Margaret Empet,
Maude Trumbull, Y.wx McConnell, Pan
sy Miller, Helen Hutohln? una -Lou
Van Cot.
MiamiMlilillliiliiWM wmimm iminwiililiiiia Maiiwm mwii nsii-rTf iiiwwwuii fnn imam
lA'CRt'M T.cctinc by Hon. Wlllltun .trniilnm
At I)I.M Corse l'.t.Uon company. Afternoon
anil night,
rTAH-"(iuccii n( the Orient Iliirlp.liicm." Af
ternoon nnd night,
Hungarian Court Orchestra.
Some who li.ul Won to Ihe i mpliotiy the
night before .mil who nttrndeil the Ljceuui Inst
night might tie Inclined lo he n hit captions nnd
In uncalled for neictlly discuss the
Court oichcsti.i lit connccllrn Willi Coney Mnnii
boiiK these mine would llkclv nilmlt,
how-cur, when they mine to 1 1 1 1 tile It over
that the suggestion contained In the dlseulon
oliiiewlil win inonipted by a italic to cuiclso
wit lathee thin cilm unaffected imislr.1l Jiuljj.
The llungiiiiii Com t oictioslui Is n irrv en
toitaluliur institution, it Is lotuposcd nt four
vlolln, n cello, Ii.ts viol, llnte, clarionet and
harpslchoul or "e.inibaloni" plncrs. The loider,
and two slsteis,
Ilcnj.miiii Annlcid.u.i, nnd M.iv Anislcidmi. vio
linists, me .mists of Luc ahilltj, and MI-3 Tan
nic Ani1.terd.11u, who plavs the novel "cjni
baloin," a sort of combination of itvlophonc and
zitlici, U :i lent ul..iblr perfoiiner.
In the nuttei or pioaiammo there wis'-full
satisfaction for tho-e who complain that conceits
.no tou eljsiul. Dlicotor Auistenl.1111 evidently
aimed at the giutilication of the tastes of lho.-.c
whose won't complaint about the &:iow s-toim was it Kept thcni fiom the njinphonv loiueit.
He did not wholly ruihcw tho ili-i', hut in his
few inciirMons in (hat leahn he rttidiomly ihoo-,c
the tamilur cMsaIo in ,Uri "Coiuciio Hon-gioi-c"
for in-taticc.
Selections' fiom Comiod's "Kaa,t," Mei.delv
kolin'i. "."punt,- Son?," "Misercie" fiuui "II
Tiovotoie," "ncl-"u-," "Ihe flower Sons" and
the like .110 liimples of the pioai.iinme and en
tole iiiimlieis. A nirdliy 01 patiiutlc .iIm, .i
Soiki tun-stcp and eien "TiuKe.n in the fetia.v"
wue not comideted .illogcthcl out of plae.
' the auiiunce liked the vaiioiy .s .ittislod
by the fact v lieu the Coonod's K'lerlioni
bioupht "Tiulicji in the Miaw" for an cncoie,
Hie ciuoie al-o picnokul an cnu le.
11. Huikc;-. Jones, the voral toIoM sans a
mimbci of luiao hultctioiiH in good oiie.
'Ihe concert was one of tho H10ckw.1v toui.e
of entcitjinmcnts- and h.ul a Iji'kc pition.iRe,
"My Kentucky Home."
At the Ac.'dein.v of Mu-ic la.t nlhl the plr-
tUiefUlle MMlthtlll lltanu. "Mv lv. titn. t.i- lli.ti... "
was Die.senli'il liv 11... C'nn m.......... i.. '
an exceptionally deter uiantici.
This altcriioon il,c l, u ,t. "'. n.nitu',,
"Queen of the Orient" Company.
A llwl.v nig.inl&itioii loiuposod p'ntialh i.f
wlnlis anil partially of black, lieifan a lluee'iiais
fiiR.iKeineiit al the Star .ietenljr. It is i.ill.'d
"'Ihe (Jueen of the Oiienl" company and bum
an euteilaliilii peifoiinanie.
lu the olio a number of hlKli , i.,.? v.inde
ille aits weie jsiwii.
( Hon. John Grigsby.
AimtUr line bit of loiuedv iliu.iil.r Woik, is
done in Hie lion, .luhu (lilisbi, (he play In
which I'lanl; q Mailing (hi- beasoii, bv
.Mr. Jklnljie, as Hie lieull, ineiduilalb a Mt
eian of the .Me.lian wai. 'l"he ilialiv lutweeii lr.
.Mtiubie and .Mr. Vli.cuit as the ti'.o hemes of
(intercut was, Is mo.L eiitcilaininub limiij, and
the ellum Is leaclud when tlicsu twii id 1 wai
ilois and Mr. Coke (Mr, Murii.i) the ileil:, luie
an aleoholle game of domuio,'s to iclebiate .fohu
(irliffbjV ilcitinn to the olllio ut judse of th"
Supirnie iomt of lllmU,
"Captain Jinks" Coming'.
11 de nteli'ii "Cj'plaln .link ol tlir Mi
lines," with lUhel lljirjniuie in the inlo ! .Mm-.
Ticntoni, tin-joiiug Aiueriiau pi Inn iluuna, will
be at Ihe I.ieiim tiuatei, Stlmday, Mauh n,
"Captain .links" will he plajrd by cvutly the
Mine coinpiii whleli hid it In hand al the end
of last kci'.son at tlia (laniilt tbealei, cv Yolk.
ibeiy cndcaior Is to he mule to ruiulmie JII.s
ll.iiliiloic'4 fclaiiiiie cutMifiment ju.t a It lie
nun. llils i. the fiiht pliy in whlili the was
the center attraction, and both hhe and her mar
nger, Chailcs riohuiau, an sieatl gutificil that
olio to ,nui ctuld cany a sdcie in Ne.v oik
(or id) (oiisecutlie pcifoiniaiues, "raptain .links"
lecoid of last tnrln:; and winter.
Chester De Vonde Company.
fhestiT Do Vonde ami hU iwcili'iit conipaji
will hisin their week's fiigugetnrnt at the Acad
emy -Monday, .March 10. The plia aie pioduied
Willi thu mine caio us a dollar attraction, heme
Ms t'licuomciial micceo. Then) will be a J it till
ila's attroitlou every nltrlit; also (lit ilass spe
cialties will bo intioduccd. "Ten-Toil llooi"
wilt be the opeulic bill. Tho titlo is derhul
fioin a Ilrltbh foit tint was located near Ui.
andiia, Kgypt. Tho MowIiie up of the untie fort
lu the thild act U one of Ihe gicik-.t plt'.e. e(
biatteciaft ever attcmpled.
The aboe play will he presented by the Ches
ter De Vcindo block company, which licgliu u
two week's enaattcineiit al tho Ai-aduny. Mat
inees will be (,'beu dally c'Vicpt llond.1.
Tbeodoic Kiemer, who wioto "The 1'atal Wed
ding" and oilier mclodiaum, has dramatUcd the
Diddle biotheu' exapade. The play U called "A
Jietiieiate Cliauco," and will lie pioduced nest
William Ni iris U to become a star in the fall
under f.iebler .V Co,' inanaircmcnt in a ihauutUa
lion of Henry M. Illoesoni'i, '( hftkei.." Xonis
will he icmembered in lliU ilty foi his tpleudid
woik m tho menu!!) poet in "'Hie Children of
tho (ll.ctto."
lians for the la.t nl.iit of the l.icum theater,
New Vork, lime been announced. It will be
Mauh ii and Annie l(iissil and her pre.Miit coin
pany wilt play "i'lie (IlrJ and the Judjie." Al
tho uid of the couiedy Miss lliit.tll and her coin,
panloiu will iccilu an cpllojuo written for the
occasion by A. i;. Lancaster, Then Miss llussell
will nuke a speech, the farewell w'ouU lu tho
theater lu whtcli Kduaid II. Sothciu spoke tic
first of its Ions uieer under Daniel riohuiau.
bouienlr booklets with piilinco of tho success
ful pU In the theater, louj and lloucl record
will be rIicii to tho audience by Mr. frohniiu.
(Irouud for the uew- l.reuui lu liiiy-Oftli ktriet
will be broken April 1, and flic opening will
piohably oiriir n.t N'oieuiher. Cduard II. Soil.
rin, Mr. I'rohman's stock company and Anule
ItiUtcll will be its piliiilpal ltruiiU.
Of Treating Dyspepsia and Btomnoh
Troubles Is Useless and
The almost certain failure of the
Blarvatlon euro for dyspepsia lias been
proven Unto nnd ngaln, but even now a
coiirsij of dieting Is generally the first
thliiir recommended for n case of In
digestion or any stomach trouble.
Wk JT&, JhT5!
Many people with weak Indigestion,
ns well as some physicians consider the
first slop lo take In attempting to erne
indigestion Is to restrict tie diet, cither
by selecting certain foods and lejectlng
otheis or to cut down the amount of
food cnlen to barely enough to keep
soul anil body together, In other words
the starvation plan Is by many suppos
ed to L the Hrst essential.
All this if radically wrong. It Is fool
ish and unscientific to recommend diet
ing to a man already suffering from
starvation ' because Indigestion Itself
slaives every organ, nerve and llbre in
the body.
What people with poor digestion most
need i, abundant nutrition, plenty of
good, wholesome properly cooked food,
and f-omqlhlng to assist the weak
stomach to digest It.
This Is exactly the purpose for which
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are adapt
ed and tho true reason why they cine
the worst cases of stomach trouble.
Eat a Hiiillelcnt amount of wholesome
food and after each meal take one or
two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to
promply digest it.
in tin? way the system is nourished
and the overwoikod stomach rested, be
cause the tablets will digest the food
whether the stomach works or not, one
grain of the active digestive principle
In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets being
xufllelent to digest 3.C0O grains of meat,
c?gs or other albuminous food.
Dr. Ilaiiandson and Dr. itedwell lee
oiimiend these tablets in all cases of
defective digestion because the pepsin
and diastaste In them aie absolutely
free from animal matter and other Im
purities, and being pleasant to the taste
are as safe and harmless for the child
as for thu adult.
All drug stoics sell this excellent
preparation, and the dally use of them
after meals will be of great benefit, not
only as an Immediate relief but to per
manently build up and Invigorate tho
digestive organs.
The following iie.olalioiu aie
furnished The Tub-
line by .M. S. Jmd.ui fc Cuiin
lauy, rooms 7O.j-i03
.Mean uuUiliiis, suaulon, Pa
Telephone, .1003:
1IISH- i.ov- c 10S-
Ameiicaii .Sugar V27Vj
Atihion 7.ili
Atihi-oit. Pi !mi
llrook. Tiauiou lit
Halt, fc Ohio '.a
tTile. & (.!. V UlU
St. Paul uaVi
Hock 11 mil 1U.-.U
Kan. & TVs-., Ii 25
Mm. Kleiated 1.1111
o.i ";
'.)')) I
1.11 v-i
VII i,
Met. T'l.utloli
.Met. Ti ac lion
.Mis'omi Pacific ....
Nmtlicrn I'.uilie ....
Xoifolk & Wi-ilcin
X. V.
Out. & We-t
1'uii.a. It. P.
I'ldlu' Mall
... n't
... lil
... r.i',4
... KPJi
... I(i
... .i4
... sou
. .. .12' .
... Mil
... iHi,,
Ill' I
lii'idimr, I'r
.Nuit hem II.
iniilicin It.
It ,
Tinu. Coal ti lion
r. .s. Leal I icr
ltublirr lol'i
I ni. ill I'.lr iflf
I'uioii l'.Klllc, I'r .
W.tlnsli, I'r
Western Union
Col. l'ni'l & Iron ..,
Ainil. Copper
I'Li.pIc'-i (!as r.icille
Am. Car roundly ..
( . . Sleel Ci
L'. Mcel Co., I'r
. sit;
. I2
. i0i
, M'i
. Ii7"
. 1-i-Ji
II ,s
10 'i 077s
i'k l"l'.'
M-", .I'll 3
Scranton Beard of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Hd. Asked
Lackawanna Dally Co.. I'r ,i
County -ailngs llmk & Tiu-t Co.. coo ..'
l'u'it Nitloral Ilittk (Caibondale) cxi
Third Natluual Haul; jvsil
llime l)epa-lt and lliscinmt Hank.. ::i)il
Kronrmv Unlit. II, ii I'. Co 4
ITrst National Haul: iron
,acki. Tiu.t k Sale Deposit Co.... p7
(Tail; k Snovrr Co, I'r ij,t
huanton Sa lugs Hank jon
Tiadei'.s' Hank 221
r-cunlnii Holt Nut Co.,, J2.-,
People';, llaii.c 15 p1
Suantuli Packing Co ' 33
Scranton l'ascnzrr Hallway, first
Mcitsagc. due 1020 H5
Peoples Micet Hallway, flis: inert-
gage, duo IMS 115 ,t
Piople'H htiict Hallway, ticncral
inoitKage, due 1121 in ,.,
Scranton Traction (l per cent 115 ...
lAonomy Light, Heat it Power Co n;
Noith Jer-ey . l'oionu lie ( o 117
t ciisiillil lied Wnler r-tipply Co in,-,
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Collected by 'I. (1. Dale, 27 I.aikawiinm Aie)
liom l.!Xl. '
Ilultei I'ioIi cicanuiy, KUe. i June ucameiy.
2.l!M2l'.!iC.; daii, 22e. "
Cheeto lUial2i'.
1'gg' Neaiby, :.0e.
1'eas Pir hii-hel, 1.73.
Potato Per bushel, s;e.
Onions Per bv.ihel, isl.tlO.
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
Chicago, M011I1 (I. Cattle llcieiptrf, 0,600, in
eluding 500 'Icwus', stead! good lo prluiu htcci,
).50aU.W)i poor lu miUlitin. ifl.i0.30; fcloikei. iu
feedem, if2.2Jaai cotts, $1.2-i.j,23i helfei., ip2.50i
fi.M; lauuirs, h,2Jai.!U; bulls, r2.23al.Mj cabcj,
!2,u0aii.ti0; fed, fi.Miiji), llogs--Ilcceipte,
(13,000; opciud slow, closing sliony;
niiNcii mid bun hem, n.K'iatl.;!.; good lo ilioiio
heaiy, ;C.'23.iiUO; lough heaiy, ir.'i.Will.l3; iighl,
t3.7Iad; balk of kales, ir3.U)ail,'23. Sheep lle
celpU, 10,uti0; Mieep and Iambi, slow- mid lowci:
guod lo iholce wetheij', l.u'la.'i.'23; western
iheep, !-l,IJl.ii; uallvo iambs, 3.73aU. f); wcstun
lambs, M.25a(l.tsJ. '
Chicago Xlve Stock Market.
4.'hicago, Jlarch ft. Ciralu tpeiulitois were al
mast us imJIirCuut lo Hade today as lliev weic
to tho upeated 11 polls of ciop dauuke. 'Ciade
wus dull, mietuatii'iis were eiy narrow- ami at
thu ilosc Jlj wheat wa only !4c higlicT; Slay
torn was V0, lowci and May oats a nliode down.
1'ruiiclon.s dosed 5.1 toe. higher.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Minho. CTedll lulamis, 113; icitill
tates. no bid; thlpuicnts, lil.'iM bancla; aurage,
fi3,27a bairebt ruiu, 70,111 banc).; aierage, Ui,
020 bairels.
Tit for Tat.
"I don't fcee why ou keep piopoilng to Hie,"
eald MUrf ("enue. "I haic licui ghen ou cuy
liaion to viiipect that i would cer change Hi
"fliat' Juit it," answered Willie WWilngton
erIouly. "I know our mind U nud up.
Thciefore I feel peifwtly Mfe In paing ou the
highest (ilhutc of cleeju which It h uotoiblc to
olfer."-- Washington btar
v I
4 Lines 10 .Cents SwanTtboS 3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Tlwn Pour t.lnes, jCenlsfor ncli UxtraLins. PHEU. Mors Tin i Pour Lines, 6 CcnU for rmcliKxtri Uru.
i,ii i i I,, ,B.n nmiMM iimn i m .i.ii.ii ' - -! i M
Por Rent.
l'Olt HUNT-sift! 'eltrr nve.t 10 loom, t-2tf.W).
:!0I Welntrr nve.! 10 rooms, 27.O0.
702 l'recoll inc.; 8 rooms, $20.1X1.
DIM 1'lno nil cot; t( rooms, ?
1(01 Pino Micctj a loom, f,
1.02 Sumner inc., West l'aikt ?1.".(W.
1011 Vine sheet; 11 iooni. tio.oo.
I'll All t.l'.R St'ltLAflint,
120 Wathiiigtoii niinue.
foil lll'.XT p2.1 (Ireen Itldge clrcel, elghl-ronni
modern lioiise, steam heal,
l'Olt Itl'.NT Teii'iooni Iioikc. ikh Mulberry
elleet; nil luodcrn iropinicincnUt. Inqulie of
11. Jlose, '211 W online; nienne,
l'Olt HlixT T trn-lnom Iioikc nil iiimlcrii lni
liroiclnents on Wahbuin lleet; Hist block
elf Main atomic; nn Ideal home; rent moileiatc.
Apply 1141 Academy flieet.
TOU HUNT Ten-uoni klnglc home. 31's l'lne
trcet, lietwccn Wmhlngtoii and Ad.inn ace
nues. I'litiucr, gas, hath, Chiis. 1', .IiuIhIii.
l'Olt Hi:NT fiom April 1, slorr loom occupied
by ntibln Dinmond Co.. 22"i laicltnWiinni me
nue; also llocr aliove. Apply 13)1 Huuleiroii ave
nue, .
Ti:Xi:li:.TS l'Olt HUNT, lluiy stable for tent.
Inqulie 222 Adaini acmie. A. Thompson,
l'Olt linXT-Slvioom Hat with b.ilh. steam
licit, gaa iiuige and (ill modem linpioie
menu fiom April 1st: nut ieaoniible. tall
i.ulv. Tied ('. Hand, !(H Mnlbeiry Mit'et.
l'Olt Hi:T Rloie loom on teiond floor over iil'l
t.nckawanin ntriuie. I'late gla front. In-
ipiile oT Kiotnk lliui,
HAM DOL'III.i: home, as Iliirlson aenue, ?JS.
Alio half doiibl.. lioue. UM Vine trect, l..
l'o-ve.lon now. Apply 0.V) Harrison aienue.
For Rent Unfurnished Rooms.
l'Olt HUNT ITvc iooiik.
Iiirpilic 327 Wyoming
Por Sale.
l'Oll SAI.i: line Mitliifelick fc hm upriglit, i"ciond-hind, lor ale iheap. Thomas
IV! N. .Main .iMiuu, i ill.
l'Olt SKI.i: I'nUonctii pump of luge c.ipadly,
lead' for u-e; fiicllrn and diah.iigc pipe ('.
iiHti's (liameler; blcain pipe a'i indi'M diimctei';
piiu.. 2i0. W. II. Hiihmond, ltklur.ond Hill,
.'il'2" N. Main aienue.
CAHCHTS, liuoleuins nnd oil elothv sold neiy
day a o'clock- SOS kaikawanni. See auctions.
l'Olt SU.i: I'ine kindling wood. stoe iciuth.
Two dollars bU loid delbeicd aniw'ieic.
Mall ordcin. .Icii'ilngs Cential Jllne cut. Vlo
.second hand lumber Miltablc for all purposes
vciy ilicip.
l'Olt SAl.K Two light fcpiing waqo'U and soma
liarniiM, cheap roar 1U2 Liiicrre
st reel.
Por Sale or Rent.
l'Olt SAI.ll OI! ntST Tcn-ioom .single linns-,
all modem iinpioioiuents IdlO .Mouse aie
nue, Inipilic e.t 1113 C.ipouse nrnu".
Purnished Rooms.
HOOM I'OH HUNT All conveniences; piiec lea
sonable. Inquiie 1311 Capouse aienue.
l'Ofl liKNT One furnished loom, with impioic
nientu; also one on thild loo'.', ciieap. 027
Arianu aienue.
rUHNISIli:i) 1IOOM.S for lert, inoilein inipraie
incuts; priiato family; gentlemen pieleired,
at W7 Adams aienue.
l'Oll HUNT I'urnished fiont loom, with heat,
batli and gas; near coir. t hou-e; gentleman
prefcucd. Adilica. llooiu, Hot 20!i.
I'OH HUNT I'm nished loom; heat and bath.
023 Linden eticct.
rUHNISIii:i) HOOMS FOR HUNT, with beat, c-ai
and bath, gentlemen prclencd, at TuO Adams
a cnue.
Real Estate.
l'Oll SAf.i: One week more in which to buy
a (heap home, in IMniluui-l. with grod gaul'ii
and ti nit . Tonus lo suit. Addles In. HUl-oii,
:!i7 Washington auntie.
I'OH SAIX At Claik's Sumiinit; a pla.-e of ft.'e
acics, house nnd ham, good fiuit; for
cah. Inquiie of Mis. L. Lindsay, 1111 North
Main axciuie, city.
Business Opportunity.
T.iloi. Pa., Dec. VI, 1001.
A good giihl mine for bond, ihe 11. J. Powell
and .Mi. Cll.i' gold ilaim, No. din, sit
ii.itnl In the Cuiilleriille, Maiipus.i loiiuti. Cat.,
dl-Mihid mining di-ltltt; about l'j miles filial
Ciililtenille. This is cue ot tlie oldest lui a'loiis
aiounil oultenille. It being mi the kihi. loik as
Tlie Meuy Ilaulsou; has been liuhiceimut fur
illlleieiit initios to l.eip It miller location, hut
licicr doing any weik until l.ilcl, when we be
(nine hi prs.ts.iou and put H'wtal .halls down
upon Ihe wdn; the 1 il one was tituik lo a ilipth
nt ID led, -himing a luign all (he dirlanie, and
lui UM-Ing In ckp'h until at the botioiii lue em
(lions 1 I cot ut ore, which will mill about
pn luu in flee gold, ami lanics about l'j p r
cent, of Milphiiiets, the alue of whlih i nn
knoHii. Tlie location imisl.u of 1,111.1 teet uloii'j
the Lode line; Is ni the hinging wall ot ih"
Mother Lode, and the sunn lvedse ns (he Meny
llaiiisini and Vligluli lilli's. Tlie ililm tiktx in
eno led on tide o( the lode, there ii a of water lunuhu acio-s (he gt.miid all the
cai uiiniril. It I- it fair pio-pcit im a Motlcr
Lode line-imeut, and Is well woilh loiklug into
lu tlios- that haiu (ho ilipltal foi a will pa lug
imostincnl. All irloimillon will be gluti liy
addii"-liig all Ions lo the ,-eiretny,
11AMH .1. t'OWJil.L, T.ilor, Pa.
Laik.iHJiiu.1 Couniy.
WANTI'.ll-TVi Ime.t fc.t,iMii KVW0 in a pi lug
huslnos. i:pciienie, Tiltiune iilluc-.
iTlOCIv ASH WIIUAT TUI)i:nS without delay.
Wiite for our tpriUI inaikct letter. I'teo on
application. S. 51. Hlhl.aid A. fo,, menibers .N.
V, Ccusolidated and fttoek SLhange, II an I 10
llrosdway. New YoiL. I.MablUhed 1WI. Long
Disianco' Phone '2.ISS Ilroad.
Money to Loan.
5300, Kl.Oui, SI.'iW. bagel aiiiouiiN ut Hie and
In per cent. Milt, Atloiney, 101! Mens
.1NV AMOUNT OP Mtl.M.Y TO I.ON-(ulcl.,
straight loa.ii or llulldlug and Loan. At
from i to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
Cll-313 Council building.
LOiTlaidies' open faicd kiher walcli, attached
In chain, either on Lauiel Hill iar or beiween
Madl'ou aienue mid JIiiHh ivy tleei and Ilnhiie.
iiiauii I'iiidcr plea.u ictiiin to llaline
luaiili hottiltj).
LOiTMouday cienlngi l'eb. 17, between Wio
nilng avenue and Wuthbmii stieit, an uial
bioocli containing gentleniiii's piciiui'. i'lnder
piciuo ICIuill to oi iiollf Ml-s I'jiMius, 417 'llili
ticntli atKCI.
Boartlois Wanted.
UO.MIDIUPi WANT i'.l)- Lai go well tmiii.lied
limit rOcm and a lde loom v.lih l.o.inl In
pihalo famll , all uiodtiii iiiiproiciu.uis. l23
Adamsi airline.
pniVATi: FAMILY wishes to luvo two nice men
to boaid, Oiiii'au or laulloli. Call any tinu
aftei Thuiada. All conicniciicc, s07 lluuuoii
Wanted Rooms and Board.
WANTT.U Twa ccir.uiiiiiliatliis iooi wltli bocrd,
pirValo family pieferred. Two ladle and a
gentleman, htata lull Addict! C.
II, 1)., Tilbime ofce. (
Dry, clean and iriodrrn np-to-data
ftorage; ceaarats looms;
indiUdual l;c: lelcratoi. An
Ideal storage for household cffcctM etc. 'fliilty
6parato ttoiago roenw. !se'i" isinrage lom-
pauy, 113 I raukllu aieuue.
Want Advortlsimonta Will Bo
Received at Any of tho Tollow
infr Diug Btorea Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALDnnT ECIIULTZ, comer Slulbcrrj
utrect and Wcbsler avenue.
CUSTAV PJCllKL, o:o Adams avenue.
Went Sldo
Gtonoi". JCNKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
l'P.UD L. TUHPI'i:, 729 Cedar aienue.
Noith Scranton
Oi:o. W. DAVIS, comr Noilh Mill
aienue and Maikct ttrcct.
Green Rldgo
CUAHLUS P. JONES, 1337 llickion
F. .1. JOHNS, P20 Green nidge ttieot.
C. LOItKNZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon ttrcct,
W. II. KNUI', 1017 Irving avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
NTi:i)-A man to do polishing and nickel
plating: al'ii line1 lo do iiplinlsicili'i; and
tablnit nuking. Aiueiliau Dental Mlg Co. Ap
ply nt offlie, 310 Com nnciltli building.
TltrM'WOItTIIV AOfXC! MV foroinepo.l
tlon, lids' lit; 20 weekl; expeiicnie mi
neiesviiy, but good ii-feieiin-i and fitly doiliis
ilrpo-lt icquiicd. Winihiougli, Wl North hWtn,
MACHINISTS WAVIi:il flood wages to good
nun; also p.itlirn m.ikois .snnfon Slc.nn
Pump (oiupiny, (fieeii llidge.
CANVAS'-LHS W.N"l:i) to solicit suUsciiptiuns
for The Tilbuue: liberal commissions al
lowed; onl' actlie men dedied; tho-e wltli e
perleme piefericd. Apply at lliisinesi Maingei's
vflicc, t-clanton 'lilbuiu.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTLD ITist ilass waist triim.ieis and skiit
liatids. Address The Parisian Dicnukeis,
Pinion Long Hiilldmg, Ullkrs-llaiic.
WANTIUJ flood girls wanted. Tiilnme Illnileiy.
LADILK to do plain needle woik foi m nt home,
wc finnlrii niateililn and pay is' lo CIO per
week. Semi stamped cmolopo to Stanilanl Co.,
Indiana aieuiii', Cliicugo, HI.
LADY CANV.V-Llt wanted lo solicit rub-crip-lions
foi The Tiibiuie; good lomuils-ioii cf
fored with a fair guaiantcc for hrst-cl.iss woikcr.
Apply personally at Uosinesa Mnii.igci's ofllcc,
bci aiiton Tribiu.e.
WANTLD At encc. a waitre.-Ji; icfeiciues ic
quired. Apply to Mi. N. A. I.cct, 2II Jef
firson .iicur.e.
Help Wanted Male and Female.
WANLTD hilesmen and salesladies pciinai.ent
work and good nhuy. Apply at loom No,
1, 127 Spruce trect, ll.mli hulldtng.
Recruits Wanted.
WANTl'.l) l'Oll V. S. AHMY Able bodied un
maiiicd linn between the ages ot 21 and W;
iltlans of the fulled Stales, of good cl.aiacler
and temperate Libits who tan speak, t'.td and
write English. I'm infoiiiiation apiily to Hcciiiil
ing OUIcc, No. 12J W.ioming aienue, h'cranto'.i,
Situations Wanted.
A YOl Mi MAN of gi ml addie-s and lcleicnces,
i!( -iios a Ml. il lei pixition in this (ill, Willi
iclialikj ill in. Addiess, P. 1!., Tiihuiig oliiec.
WA'li:i) inn in a oing man, use 22. .is
biiol.keepei or js-istunt .aid t.ip'wiliei, wluiu
good had wmk calls for aiii u lenient. .No rv
peilcmc e:.cept it thotough business lullegc tialn
lug; cm gin' icfticiiut at to i haunter and alill
ity; loiallou this ot Xiw Yoik stale; good pin
man; loiiijiioudciite snlhitud. Atld'oss Wesley
II. Meat er, Lope, .-ulllian lounty. Pi.
SI'lfATION" MMI'.ll-lli a oi'ng man fiom
Netv .1 an luiiiluuaii. .lluucl., 707 Deacon
slieel, i it.
sl'l CATION' WANTKD liy middle .mcd woman,
as houckeepei III wi.lmrir'n laiiill. Call or
aildiiis .). II., 1117 summit aiiuuu, Sitiiitott, Pa.
SITfVTIOV WANTP.II-lly a oung man wllh
luiir eais e'p'jileniu uiouud gioui' stun'.
Mill accept position ut unv hone.t ork. Stiong
iiitd iud'.uliious, Jl. P., .112 Uulboiiy ttiei I,
hllT'ATlOV WANIT'll Hy a bnlihei; good mai
led man, ptddlei, hulogua and sausage inakd;
i an duo and pickle all kinds of mens; Al meat
i utter and slaiuihtninau. Addles llutchrr, 211
Linden stiect, West I'iitslon, Pa.
SI'lfATION WAVITM) Woik liy the diy or w.i-h-lug
and honing in lake home. Aildies ( , II.,
Tilbuno otllcc,
SI'lfATION WA.VII'D-Ilv a oung gill l In l
wllh light liuiiH-noik or take .lie oi chll-
ihi'ii; sliep h"iue niglils; addici L. I'., (.21
llhch siuei.
Wanted To Rent.
WANT'LD HOUJI I'ur two iidulls, three or fniit
loom., tiiiiiiilieil of iniliiinUheil foi leiy
light hoiisikceplng, til.t llom piefonrd. Addles,
l. II., Tilbune oflUe.
WANTLD Apiil 1 b lamlly ol thiee adults, four
oi tlie leotna uiifiiiiil hid, im hiding heat.
llo. ,'.!', lit.
WANTLD i'liiiililiul li'iiitv or lour or the looms
foi hou-ekeiplng. Addiess A. 11. C, Tiibiuie
HIllX'MA'llbM-AH uaitles that wWi i au tin
.pcedllv and peiiiuueully ciucd of all in
ih'tles of IthemuatlMii by u legelahle i om pound.
( utu guaiaiuecd. Imiuliu oi uddii.s ,1. 1.'. Tay
lor, .-.ii. niton.
Easter Complexions,
LAM' l OMl'I.LMDSs-If ou w.ini ,i liesli
lomiiiisioii to malili o.u I.astei gnwii. ami
luts Oii should suit al omo and t,ltc 11 caiciiil
iilleiition. M M usage III one liuiir
will make Ihe faie look .veils jouugtr; Is lo
lieshiug ami lo.tful. biipeiliuoiis hiii, waiu
and jui.liw iciuoM'ik Kc biuw roiifiied. Hu
iluniu'.s I)eimatoIot.tial Pallor... L.1'2 U'j,liiii,loii
(II.VIHo I'tNKIl ami lepiiicd Old 'phone 1II-.1,
C.neil llidge. John HawU, 12IS Fioridcme
EsTATi. of Hlld.ct Claik, lato of tlio city if
acuiilon, i.aii,awaumu cuuuiy, rMiiiiiauia,
deceased. s' ,
Letteii lfv.iameiit.iiy upon tho aooio e.t ate luiv
Ing been giuuted tlie unilrtlgued. all ptwn liav.
lug cIjIiiu) ajahut the same will pietsnil tliui
for payiuriil and those iiulihlvd llivif will
Idl-J.e make inmifdiatu (glluojit to
MltS. JIMIY IT.YNN, AdiiiliiWialil.
Certified Public Accountant.
Hulldlng, tnd St. Paul Hulldlng.- Now York.
nnwAiit) it, davis, AitciiiTiicrr, connllu
rnni)i:iitcK r iinow.v. aucii. n nE.u
Kslato Hxchange Illdg.. 120 Washington ave.
Civil ami Mlniitfr Englnoors.
DH. C. 1.'., PAULt
Spruce trcet, Scranton.
lloorru 12, 14, 10 and IS Ilurr Building.
d. n. ni.pLonLi:, A'rroitNiiY loans Ntoo-
Haled on real estate necurlty. Mearn Hulldlng,
corner Washington aienue and Spruce utreet.
and counscllois-al-laiv. Hepubllcan nulldliu,
Washington ntctiue.
""fK'law. Commonwcallh Hulldlng, Roomi
19, 20 and 21.
"M-Wl. Olh floor, Mcirs building.
h',- "'ATI":?' ATrOflNHY-AT-LAW, nOAHU
fJado llulldlug, Scranton, Pa.
Hani; Hulldlng
A,."''.lli:'lTIIOr',, orrici': movhd to no"!
211 Wyoming aienue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
itigton aienue. Hesidcnce, 1311 Mulbcrrv.
Chronic uiseas. luags, heart, kidneys an I
genlto-iirlnaiy organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
ington aicnu". ( hronic and iictions disciae
n specially. Con..ult.ition free.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nn: i:lk cn:. 123 and 127 franklin ave-
nue. Hales reasonable.
P. ZIEOLER, Proprietor.
sengcr depot, rondueted on tho European
Plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor
cess pools; no adoi; only tmpioved pumps used.
A. 11. Drlgg?, proprietor. Leave oidcra 1100
North Main aienue. or Kicke'n diug Btorc, cor
ner Adams and Mnlbeiry. Iloth telephones.
erTiien, storo 201 Washington avenue; green
houses 1030 North Main aienue; store tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scramon, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladles waists Louise Shoemaker, 2U
Adams aienue.
c elopes, paper bags, twin;. Waieiioujc. Iu0
Wn-sliingtcii avenue, Scranton, Pa.
lu Sciantou at the news stnnds of Relsma'i
llros., JOG tpiuce and SO Linden: M. Norton,
."22 Lackiwauna a,cnue; T. S. Schutzcr, 211
Spruce ttreet.
Financial Statement.
Commonwealth of l',
'lieaMti liopiilmont.
H.ul Isbiug, Pa., l'eb. 21, VMi
STATEMENT of .iinouni in the "sriie Tieisiuy at
I lie clo-e of business on l'ehiuaie 2(3. ll'tli,
cmIiuIic of" nuiuis apiopiiatcd lo tne sinking
r.itimt'.' an.l Mechtuica'
II ink, Philadelphia fJ.lVi.nrt.i HI
Jllogheii N.itloiul Hint., Pltt-hnig. 07ti,3i ..2
( omuioiiwcilth Tiu-t (ompaiiy, llai-
I'lechold llmk. PltMiurg
37U.S7.I II
2OU,022 12
IS.M.231I 1 2
20,00) 01
1311,000 01
33,1100 01
2.1,001 III
2.,000 i.j
1011 01
2i,l)i)0 nil
20,0U'I ifi
7,"Ki mi
30,00.1 III
:;ii7,uou 0
73.000 n
20,(M) l)
20,0JJ II.)
avion 0 1
llil.OOO I")
2.!ii.(M n 1
23,000 0
13,000 V
2 "i.OOO 0
25,000 l
lO.lYJO'l) 1
25,noO no
11,111 1
120,000 01
.wr.oiVi in
33,0011 (II
13.000 1 1
70,lW iv
20, OM0
.10.000 f
10.001 M
n,ci' w
25,000 00
20.0.V) Ol
3,i,noo in1
20,(1011 til
. 50,1" ft
m.noo tr
,'M,U) (al
50;,(ioo no
uo.iioo (V
2i),(VX) (
2.1,000 PC
25,OOJ (jl
fall1 :si
4,2h ill
1 17 71
(.'uakcr til Nation ii 11 ink, Plilli-
Athens N.iiiuinl IS ink, Allien.
Ameiicaii Tiu-t (onipiny. Pltisbiug..
Amliur Siilrgs Hank, I'lttshiug
Allifalieny "1 1 11-1, Allegheny,
llelks enmity Tni'i lompaiiy. Head.
Chesu'i N.ilhuiil II 111';. ( he-101
Citici'iis' N' II ink, Wiuhiiiuton
(lt s.imius l'lind and i t nit 10111.
pany, 1. nn istei
Coin I'Ml.iiigo Nation li II ink, Plill-
Dnllar sailngs uud and Tiu.t n.iii-
nanv. Alhahciiy ,
Etitcijiil-e Nation il It ink, Allogheuy.
I'xiliaugi' N 1tl1i11.1l llmk, Pltt.hiiig.,
l'.tmieis' National It ink. West Uiev
1'aiiner.-.' Ihposli Niiioual Haul.,
l'ulloii Nathnii Hank, Luu.i'ti'i
1 1 inkllii Tutsi iiimpaiii, I'l.iukllii...
I'ilst National llmk, ILiui-buig
1,'list National li.iuk. H.iugor
first N'.lllonil Hank, Lebanon
I'ii-t Nallonil Hank. Snmeisct .,.,,.
I'iut National fnlonlowu ,.
I'ilst National Hank, Oikdile
I'lr.-l National II ml;, Donoia
liciiuan National llmk, Ulcghcm ...
ll.illlshmg Nallonil II ink, llinlslmig
II.ili'lhiiig liiisi compini, Hauls
Ki' stone ll.llll., Piltsbiug
l.jiicaslei' 'liu.l lomiiiu.i, Lauc.isli'i.,
MeKauliie 'liu.l lompaii, Plltshing
MechanUs' Hank. Ilariisliing ....
Nalionil Haul, of lieiui.iuloiMi. Phil
ink lull! 1
Nallonil II ml: "I ( oaiesiilte, Coatcs-
Wlli '
Naaielh Nation il Hank, .Vuiiith...
Oil City Tnist iciupany, Oil Clt....
Pconle'a Tnist loniiiany. llraildiuk...
Piud.ull.ll Tiut loiupanv. Plttsbuig
Hldge Aiemto Hank, Plillulelplila....
Second National Hank, Pittsburg.....
second Natlonil Hank. Allesbeuy...,
siitli Natlonil 11 ink, Philadelphia...
houtlmaik National Hank, Phllidel
iiliia till.: fiuiiaiilcu and Tuut company,
I'nlon Tiust ioniiany, I'lttshiug ....
I'nloii Nalionil Hank, Jl.iiunoy City.
Washington 'liust coiiipauy, Washing
ton Ni'atinoiolau.l S.uiiw jnd Tiuil coin
nanv. tireeiisbmg
Adiauees to members anil rmplo.ies
of the Leict.Iatiui'
Adianics to cmiiloyia and ofluen
of tho Stale lloieiument
Cash in drawer
Total amount In (ifmeial t'llml 17.033.0O.1 '.
Sla(e of Pcnns.ilianla, City of llaitlsiturg. s-
I'ersonalli' appealed befcie lue, I'. II. Harden
Leigh, Auditor (Iineiql, James K. Ilainell, Star..
'Iirasiuer. win) bolng duly worn accoidlug i
law, s.illli that tlie forifoii'g staleiiicnt Is tiu
and collect lo the best of his lnowl;da;e ami l
Swoin ami siibscriiied before me, thU 2Sth da;
of I'ebliHiy, 1WU.
.IVMEM 1' llVHM'n".
. Stale Tli'.i.-ur-r
11. H.,ll.MtnEN'tlKlt(III, Auditor licueral.
Section -"by' Acj'l Uv ', 1?4. entitled. "In
ct.suiuhmirntjijj to t)i set era 1 Acta lelattuv
to tlit'hlatc TriMsUitr .(ud tho Cvnmilwlontra '
tho STuking fund. . .
- K.- n. ir.nniiNnnnon,
tudltor flnfrl.
Jlarrhhurj, Pa, Ma nil. j IfifU- -.
-" '."" "C!3SS''3