"'SrVRr -5Sr - T "-W "-I- ' cratttoit td1EJ?NLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESSTHE (GREATEST NEWS AGENCYJN THE WORLD. ' SCRANTOX PA., FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 19oE TWO CENTA a( ! TWO CENTS. ft S "Hf? 2Sfe; !f --. j-3-nf-r-jiiy- J Eaffvjfeai zz- ? 'SHKEej!!! SJI - JIV Ji4 WiP v HAMS' DISCUSSES SHIPPING BILL He Addresses the Senate at Length In Answer to Mr. Glau's Speech. AN ELOQUENT PLEA FOR THE MERCHANT MARINE He Declaics Thnt the Meichant Marino Is the Only Industiy hi the United States Thnt Is Wot Fos teiecl by the Government Amer ica Has Failed to Piofit by the Ex perience of Other- Countiies Soi iov of the Senate Expiessed by Resolution. Ill 1 clu-iic Wlicfiom I lie v-tucfititl I'rew Washington, Mnich ti A notable, s-peeeh was made in the stiu.te today hy .Mi Hanna, or Ohio, on the pending shipping hill, which he discussed fiom the standpoint of an Ameiiean business 'SI.KVTOk II. ,. 1JVNNA man. Ilia aiguments wore caiofully ai ranged, he was. always foiocful and t-amest, and at times became eloquent. He commanded the undhided attention iif the senate .md of the gallflies, and when he closed he leeched congratu lations of many of his colleague" l'aily in the session Mr. rie, in eh.nge of the pending shipping bill, ob t.iined an .igi cement that the Sionato should ote on the meastue and .ill pending amendments at 3 p. m. on Monday, Match 17, that time being en thcly satlsfaetoiy to these opposed to the bill. tlefoio eonsidoiatlon of the shipping hill was lesumed, an extended debate oecinieel on the measuie pioidlng for the piotcution ot the pichhltnt of the I'nlUd State". Mr. ftiion (Cleoigla) took the giound that in its piesent shape the bill was an invasion of the juiisdictlon of the states, and that It ought to bo amended radically. Mr, P.iUeison, of Colorado, while ho ngiece to the general piopn sltlons or tlu hill, inged that It ought not to pass in its pte.senl fonn. No ac tion on the bill was taken, The house devoted another day to de late on the bill to classify the 1 ur.il ice delhoiy sen Ice and to place the cmiieis undei contract. Little inteiest was mnnliv.sted in the discussion. A oto Is expected tonionow. Clay's Speech Answered. Mr. Hanna nddiessod the senate, his lemaikn being pilncipally in answer to Mr. Clay's speech of yesteiday. He said th.it when Mr. Clay quoted from Mr. Kiye's lematks, that all theie -was In this question which lequhcd legisla tion was embraced in the one ques tion of labor, he wns coirect. "I stand by that proposition, hut r go further. Nluety-livo per cent, of thn iost in a ship built in Amoilcan ship. nils or In any shlpyauls, Is ptito. Jy luhoi. The cost of the eoiistiuutlon of ship in tlin I'nltPd .States us against th.it In either Jhiglaiid. Germany or Fiance, slmplv incasuie.s tho dlffeieuce nf wages and the ellleiency of Ameiiean labor," Mr, Hanna declaied that the meichant mailno was the only Industiy In the Ttnlted States whiih has not tecelved the fosteilng care of this government. "Will un body deny," said ho "tho Importance, thp absolute necessity of having nn iiuxiliuiy for our navy In thp form of a niei chant mnilne, shaped under thp dlieetton of the navy depait inent, and, In tlmo of war, absolutely Jn the hands and under tho contiol of the president of the United States, to use It In the most effective manner?" Senator Hanna said that if the United States failed to piollt by the expeilenee of tho older countiies nf Huiope, io Ji.no adopted a policy In refoienco to muiltline matteis, It would make a most serious mistake. Kvery merchant ship constiurted In foielgn rouutiles was meant to be u ship of war in time of need. Mr. Hanna cited the feeling of uneasiness along the At Inntlc coast at the beginning of hostili ties wjth Spain nnd the relief which was experienced when the four steam oi a of the Ameilcaii line wero called upon by tho secietary of tho navy, un der the conditions of tho law passed by congress, to perform picket bet vice. Question of Cost. In closing, Mr. Hanna again ad verted to the question of the cost of Jab or, ii'it)talnlmr that wages In thlv & X3S 3vf tiR5j72 it"T l-V !ts wK3t5)i,v3 i country n ei aged fifty pt cent, higher than In Ihiropean mil lit lira. The cost of ships built in the United States was fioin twenty-lhe to thirty per cent, higher than those built In Client III 11 aln, the dlffeieuce In pike of labor making the difference in cost. The dlfleience between tho cost of operat ing American and foreign ships was about twenty-seven per cent,, the higher i.ite being paid on Amei lc.ni vesels. He mged thnt the ponding nicnsui p be enacted Into law as the one way to demonstrate to the satls lactlon of all that it would be benefi cent In Its opeiation. At the conclusion of Mr. llanna's speech, Mr. Pentose, of Pennsylvania, offeied a resolution espiessing the soi low of the senate at thu death of r.eptpsentathe Unfits K. Polk, of l'ennsj lvnnln, and piovldlng tea- the appointment or a committee of sen i tors to attend the funeral. The leso lutlon was adopted, and the ptesldcnt named Kcnutois Peniosc and Quay, Pennsyh.inl.i; ''albeison, Tovas; Ciu innik, Tci:.essee; Gamble. South Da kota, and Patterson, Colorado, as the committee. As an additional mm It of i expect, the seuuti then adjourned. REPUBLICANS HOLD CUBAN CONFERENCE About 125 Membeis of the House Meet to Consider the Tnilff Pioblem. By Eiclcslre Wire from ITic ociat(l Vttn Washington, March fi The thild con ference of Republican members of the house of lepip'cntathes, to consider the question of Cuban taiiff conces sions, was held tonight In the hall of the house. About I2." members weie present and si eat Inteiest was manl tested, ow Ing to the sharp division which has occulted between the sup poiters of the was and means propo sition for tventv pel cent, icclptocity, as put forwaul by Chairman Payne, and the lebate plan pioposed by Hep resentath c Taw nty, of Minne' otn. Prior to the meeting, Speaker Hendeison and rteptestntatle Cannon, of Illinois, the latter ohaiiman of tho caucus, called nt the white house and icie understood to h.ue held a furthct conference with the piesldent on the situation. When the caucus met. Mi. Cannon occupied the ihair. Mr. Dalzell, of Pennsyhani.i, a member of the wins and means committee and an ardent suppoi ter of the Pajne lrcipiocity plan, was ipeognbed at the outset for nn ex tended speech, piesenting legal objec tions to the T.iwney pioposltion. Ife maintained tli.it this pioposltion gives a bount to Cubans and is unconstitu tional Ho also msed the impractical chui.ieter of the bounty plan, saving there weie some 13,000 planters dealing tlnough ICO middlemen, so thnt It would be Impossible to make an equitable dls tilbutlon Mr. Dalell lelened to the wldespie.id sentiment of the Dress fruoiable to ieclproc.il concessions. He was interrupted by a fire of cioss ques tions as he pioteeded. Mr. Dalzell declaied tint the Repub lican paitv had never run away from nn Issue and it should not tun away from this one. Hi spoke of Piesldent Roosevelt's position and lead horn the piesidont's message fin oi Ing leclproc ity. At one point Hepicsentatlve Mil lion, of Penns lvanid, Interjected the quel y: "Suppose Cuba's pioducts were Iron and steel, instead of sugat and tobacco, should they lecehe twenty per cent, tin iff concessions?" One of the Philadelphia members added that his dlslilct did not fin or tho leelpiocity plan Mr. Dalzell pioeeedod with his nigu ment, maintaining that fiom the stand point of expediency and practicability the Payne plan offeied the best solution of the pioblem. Repiesentatho Taylor, of Ohio, rep lesenting the old McKInley distiict, fol lowed In a speech, maintaining that tlieio should bo no Inioads in the doc tilno of protection. Itepiesentatlvo Malum followed up tho bilef query Iip had made of Mi. Dalzell by piesenting n resolution for the postponement ot the entire subject until the next session of congiess. In tho com so of a short speech, ho de claied that the west had stood hv Pennsylvania when theie was not a smokestack in tho west, anil In leturn he pioposed to Rtniul hy the beet sugar siuokebtncks of the west, Mr. Iong, of Kansas, spoke In favor of tho I'.iyno proposition nnd had not completed his aigumeut when, at 11 ociock. no ieiueii to bpeaker Hender- l S":...T,h" ,."JtS,.r!J h ..' I dlseubslon befoio action was taken, In oilier thnt dllfeiences might he iccon t'lleci mid nn amicable adjustment i cached, The speaker's suggestion met geneinl acceptance, and ut 11.15 the (onfeiciue ndjouined until no.t Tues day night. Stiike at Shnmokin. Vy l.cltilve Wire from The Audited I'ruj. slumokin, Minli 0 One thouand mm and hoj-i vent on strike todaj at the NJtalle tol lirrj 1) the MumoKiii (ual compan), beiaiue of the hi monthly uj incut li not U'Jiii tiictly oliservn) llnrliiK the p-ist )tai the employe vmiiI on Mlikc fuur times to leceivu tlnir paj Hl,uljl and now the u they will pot letuni to unit, unlevi the compiny gnarantie llicio will te nu iroilile in iho future rcganllng ilU buiMiueia vf fundi .it a tittd tluie. mire a month. Will Eld for Jeff-Fitz El&ht. lly IMluiIt Wire from the Auucfatcd Piev, Rivanah, Gj , MjicIi 0 Al MiMurra), match makei for the boullieni Mhletiu elub of Cliaik-i-ton, S, ('., Jimoumed that that club would male. a hid for the Jctfrle 5 Hlr.lninioiu Olit to b pulkd off at Charleston. Miilurray and a bJ wmuh lapltalUt, who is hacking the bouthrn Athletic club, will go to Cluiletton tomorrow at the Imitation of oic of the leading officials ot the eipojlllon to dit-cus tho arraojiiueut for Lrlntliur oft the Uzht. THE NEW EMBASSY. Report of tho Intentions of Austila- Hungary Has Been Conhrmed. Hy L'ltcdusi, c Wire from The Aswclatnl Pies. Vienna, Jlarcli 0. The Kmlro tlmigarljti irov rrnment organ; toinurimv will untioiinco iiml comment criltotialb 'i ilw ilechloii In nine tlx U'iislilsloii lnlssioti nf ulro llmuaiv to mi emli'MHi In HXM, tlio nc8 nf wlilcli ii first Klifii in these ilUpitclic, .vevteriln. Ilwj lll all ui)prop of thr klip. rcuriltliiB null tint ViiAtri fltung irv W.IM the lnl of the incit (urn rM to tliiw Hlion Id uppm IjIIoii nf I ho t iiltnl hlilw, The lU'ieri will iainim i IiIo ff r the lontltitiinie tit lilichiud.il iditlmis Intuitu ni trh-llniiKJM iil the t nltnl Mite. llftlilil iiulo lieie ilo not ix-icil ilinwc In the pcionnrl nf tie utrn llinif illm hlfi tlon at Wu'lilngtoii In i nnii iiicnc e of the i liatu'i' to tc iniule, WiKlilKtnn, Maiili II The VliMrhn milil'Kr. Mr. 1 iUNIjih Ileum hnilllri mi 1Iphh rjl, ion llnui Ihr report tint tlie liistilin Uimvuihii nun i-iliv hue U to ha ileutul Into Jti ciiiIm lie nihil it the MJte ilcpjltineiit tniln In junuint SicrctJt.v lln vvltli the miiue nf hla i,oiiii limit jiiiI lie Mint.i cslinileil his ttjimot con jjialulitioii". VREELANDANNOUNCES A PENSION SYSTEM The Metropolitan Stieet Railway Employes Will Receive Benefits. To Go Into Effect July 1. Uy 1 xi!nlvr Wire from the AoUdlcd I'rtv!; New VoiK, Match C Pieslilpin Wt lnnd, of the Metiopolitan Street Kall cav conip.ui, tonight caused to be pcteil in the bains, stables and power houses of the stein In Manhattan u notice to all emploes, announcing the establishment of a pension sjsteni for the supei animated emplovts oi tlic loiupan. This, sajs JIi. Vieelnnd, is the first pension s.vstem ever establlsli ed for street talluay eni)loyes, and Is tho final step In the plan Inauguiated hy him when he took chaige of the Metiopolitan for stead ing and elevat ing the status or its 15 000 employes. Tile pension system will go Into ef fect on or befoie July 1 and Is foi tho benefit of the superannuated emplojes whose annual maximum wages have not exceeded $1,200 a. ear, and it pro vides for voluntary and Involuntaiy rethement of nil emploves so Included, between the ages of 65 and 70, aftei 2 eais" service In the compnnv oi inv of its constituent companies Vm ploves benefitted hy the &stem will bo of two classes: First All emploves who have attain ed the age of 70 veais who have been continuously in such sen ice foi " years oi moic, pieceding such date ot maturity; and Second All emploves fiom 6" to hi years of age, who have been 2" vears oi more In such service, who in the opinion of the trustees of thu pension have become phslcally disqualified. The pension allowance to such le thed emploves shall be upon the fol lowing basis: A If set vice has been continuous for 35 pnis or nioie. 40 per cent, of tho .n oi age annual wages foi the ten pio vious jci.rs. 15 If set vice has been continuous for :'0 cais, .10 per cent, of the average annual wages for the ton previous yea i s. C If eivlce has been continuous for 25 years, 2" pel cent, of the avetage annual wages for the ten pievlous pars. The fund from which payments will be made will be nppiopriated each oar liv the compnnv and eniplovts will not bo requiicd to contribute to It. EXPLOSION IN CATSBURG MINE Eive Men Aie Instantly Killed. Seveinl Others Aie Seiiously Injmed. Il.r Taciluiiic Mire fiom the VoUutcd I'ics Monongahela, Pa., Maicli fi An ex plosion In the Catshutg mine of tho Monongahela River Consolidated Coal and Coke company today resulted In the death of five men, and the seiious injury of bcveial others, one fatally. The dead: MISP. DOSS HOllintT 110WKV. ace.1 00 jean; Married. .1AM1.S HOWtV, need 20 vears; ion of mine hos. lbVAO HASTWOOI), of Monongahelt, 10 )ears, married JOHN' GII.DKR, of Cluilnol, I'j.; hlnzle WIM.HM MTAKIiVNU. of MonoiyihcU; mir- lied. Tho fatally lnjuied arc: James Hug ger and James Ten out On Monday a piematuro explosion ot ihnamito caused gas to ignlto and sinco . that time tho mine has been binning. I ,)IUP nmi at a sharp trot the proces AU the nlr channels weie closed and It i j,0 muniled tho Common. Tho was hoped that the tlamcs could bo snintheied, This morning twenty men enleied tho mine to Investigate. It Is nut explained what caused tho explos ion, hut It Is thought that tho turning on of the nlr which had been shut off by the fan caused tho gas which hud accumulated to Ignite A teiilulo ex- ",OHinn followed soon nfter the men KSS. f Auef parly SedVsu" peilntPiulent Reddon and Mine Inspec- tor I.outltt, made nn eftoit and neail succeeded In reaching the Imprisoned men but wero compelled to return for air. AH were oveicoiue and nie to. night In a serious condition. A second lellef p.uty headed by John Coulter en teied tho mine by another way hut n second explosion occiuied and they weie foiced to letieat. A thlul lellef jiuity mudo a futile attempt. The work of the icscuo will be tar lied on all night and at a Into hour theie Jh a tiowd of women and child) eu about the pit. ii. Steamship Arilvnls. Hi Fxcluihe Wire from the AsoeUted 1'icn .New iork, Matih 0 Arrhedi Majetlie, Liv erpool and sjueenvtonn; .Vntliorla, (IUskov. ami Metille; Drtsden, llieinin, Naplc Vrihcd. KaUeiin Maria 'lliertaU, tv York ilov llle Arrlccdt Prctorlan, St. John ami Halifax l.i rrpool Vrrhi'd: Teutonic, c oik Ant werp Arrived; Xetherland, I'hlladelphla, C'ailla "irrhedi Celtic, cw oik (on rruUe). Kings Co. Sheilff to Be Removed. New tork, March 0 in Albany special to the PresK u) that t'liarlc-d Cudtn, kheilrl of hluv's county, will be removed from otthe tomouow by flovernor OJdl and that Xorniao b. Pike will bo spvoiuted to tuccced lilu PRINCE HENRY AT THE "HUB" The Roual Visitor's Welcome to Boston Was Both State Ill and Cordial. RECEIVES HONORARY DEGREE AT HARVARD His Elist Act as a Haivard Man Is to Piopose and Lend Three Cheers for Piesldent Roosevelt Thirty rive Veteiaus of the Eranco-Prus-sla War Among the Visltois Who Congratulated the Prince. 1) 1 vilii'lvt Miie fiom 'the Vitiated l'iei. Iloston, Match 8 Pilnco Ilcmy ot Pi ussl.i was the guest of Huston today and his welcome to the city was state 1 and c oi dial. Oovtrnor Wlnthtop Mum ly Ci.ine nnd Maoi P. A. Col lins acting foi state and til, extended the ofllclnl couttesles and when the piime had ceieinoniotisly letuiiied their i alls, he went to Cambilclge to deliver to the Get manic museum the gifts ot his hi other, the Kalsei "Wll hi'lm, and to receive liom Hat mil the honoiaiy degiee of doctor ot laws Hatvard's honor to the piinte is a precedent, for never befoie was a de gree confeired under like clicum stunces ( A lignillciint passage in the speech of Piesldent mint, who confeired th" de giee, was a refetence to the pilnce as the giandson of Queen Victoria. Pilnce Heniy's fiist act as a Harvaid man. at the Hatvard union shortly after ho lecelved the degree, was to piopose and lead three cheers for Piesl dent Roosevelt, who is a Haivaid man alumnus The pilnce received a cable gram fiom his brothel, the ompeior of Get many, longintulatlng him on the new honor bestowed. Tonight the pilnoe was given a dinner by the city of Boston and sat at a table vvitli moio than 200 of the lepip sentatlve citizens or the commonwealth. Thight sunlight favored the city, after the stonn had dressed the city in snow and the entry of the pilnco to the decorated cltv,' the call of the gov ei nor at Hotel .SoniPiset. the visits to the stale house and the public II biaiv, and the drho tlnough Cani bildge with stieets and avenue thronged with cinwds made a series of specifies stidng In life and color. The entile leception was dignified intlier than demonsti.ithe. but it licked none of tho cordiality thnt has thauictuls'pd the tour of the pilnce. Tiains on Time. The special tialn which ennied the pi line acioss the countiy was not de layed bv flood or stoim and crossed the lino between New York and Massa chusetts on the time planned for It by the lalhoad men. It halted for a few moments nt Springfield, but passed through Vv'oicester, wheie the pi in to hold a reception was aban doned owing to the earllness of the horn, Boston was i cached at 9 3" o'clock and as soon as the special halted In South station, Mayor Col lins and a delegation of city olflcluls hoaided the car Columbia and weto Intioduced to the pi luce by Ambassa dor Von Hollebpii. Theie was an ex change of gieetlngs and tho pilnce. hli staff and the membeis of tho Ameri can escort weie shown to latiiages waiting at the dihcway ot the depot. lilies of cavaliyniPii formed aiound them and, accompanied by the naval militiamen, tlnough stieets held open by the police, they commenced the dilve to Hotel SomoiM-t. Most of tho popu lation teemed centered in the down tow n district. The people wero packed In behind the police lines and every building was n crowded gallery. Flags and sticameis hung over tho heads ot the thousands who called or waved a cheeiy welcome to the piinte as he lode past, with Mayor Collins, Admit nl Ilvans and John Vv'llke, chief of the United States seciet service. Tho pilnce wore his naval unlfoim nnd acknowledged the gieetlngs with his characteristic salute. "When the cniriago t Pitched tho Common, a bat tery Kiunded tho royal salute. Tho cun-shy hoi net jumped into a quicker crowds extended Into Commonwealth avenue, to wheie the police lines held them In check at the Someisut, and tho appearance- of the pi luce sturtcd Pheetlng that was taken up In lelays for tho full longth of tho thorough faie, At tho SomeiSPt the pilnce, suuoimd ed I) his ntnrf in full unltoim, uceived Gov ct nor Ciane, who came with nn equally billtluut staff, and when the call ended the pilnce stinted at onco for the state house, to mtuin the cour tesy, Hi drove to tho capltol by wny of Item on stieet, and theie was an other demonstration along that avenue. Naval leseivcs foimed In two lints that extended from the Btteut to the poitals, made win for the entrance of the inlnce.' After ho had paid his lespects to Uovemoi Crane, hu entered llie houn) of icptesentatlves, wheio the leg islature was In session, and was me seilted fiom the platfoilll bv Piesldent Soule, of tie senate, Leaving the chamber, he was shown the hattlu flags cm lied by the regiments ot Hie state In tho Civil wnr. After that lm n.cn teied his carriage and was driven to the public llbrai, wheie he returned the call of Mayor Collins. Veterans of Tranco-Prussian War, Thlity-fho veterans, who fought with the grandfather of the pilnce In the Franco-PiUBslun war, were presented at the llbraiy and the pilnce shook huiidH with them all, and usked as to their old regiments and the character of their service. , The coiemony ut the library over, the nrlnce returned to the, Somtisct, and after a short wait therej, staited for Cambridge, and the school children snug for him at tho city hull. At the unlvetslty ho wi(n flist taken to mcmnrlnl hall, wheiu h'i met the cor poration of tho college, and then to Banders theatre, where the degteo wan conferred. He was next eseoi ted to the faculty loom, where he met Hip faculty and with his staff lunched with them, The Sumptuous Bnnquot. The hcattiest pait of Huston's foi inn! welcome to Prince Hemy was concentrated In tho sumptuous ban quet .l the Somerset this evening. I'. oin hh scat nt the tntdc, at one end of the banquet loom, the pilnce faced the mod lejirtsentatlvu men of the city and statu A I the loyal guest's table, (-.lightly raised 1 1 om the floor, Aluor Patrick A. Collins had Pilnco Henry at his tight baud. On the panelling behind and cvei them weto eiosed a United States flag and the i iy.il Get man standnid. The pi luce descended fiom his apnit ments In the hotel after (ill the guests had taken their places, and his ad icnt, accompanied by i:ie mayor, was hailed with chccis. At the time ap pointed, Ma oi Collins made his pie lliulii&iy address and called for a toast to the president of the United .Stales, immediately toitov.ing this by calling for a toast for Hmpei or "Wil liam of Geinu.nv. Both these were re ceived with cheers. Pi hue Ileniv was then introduced and spoke bilellv. being listened to with i.ipt attention. He said: Mr. Macor md ticntleineii: In Aivln,; ivpiev Ion to mr think" for the conllalln o( the te nption tendmd me 1 lug to ui tint I fclull en dcacoi to leille lint I am the Kitcst of u ill-., the pridomininl pllde of nlicwc inliahltauU, I mu informed, makes tln-m look upon it is tho Hub of the i.nUerse herloiislj i-pejkiii, I -lionM hive consldcied mi torn ttirongli this country lnccin pltto without a vi-.lt to thf prineipil city in the commonwealth which hu plawd . impor tint a pirt in the hljton of the I'nlled fetite., ind whooe influence N so Rr-it Jiid far reach! iff state which giie to lltiralurt an I meuo.i, i Hawthorne imi a lonufellow. to fdenee ich men as r;astzl and Thoiem and to lilstnrlcil le tejiches the heriiccn ot n llmcioft, Motlo ind I'eestott, mist ccrtatnli he reckoned with n nn important hctor in the pii"res and develop ment of the whole land , It wai in nnd alwut vour stale tint v-as pro duced an era which witnutird the crowth of j. niticn and ni indard of universal patnotlmi veiy rarely cmiilled. In pome iespett, then, mv 'nir i of peculiar nileierit to me. Lt,'-ni to itand ben-, at the ci idle, m it were, of the meiirau mtfoii Let it also he tint the bondj of fucndbhip ivlileh for eo mam venr lne united our two people mav still further be fclrennthened bi mu tual main in the llelds of literature-, arts md science. Miouli! thu bo the icii.lt of nn mit to .vour frtenclli' horilable shcio, I will Inve sladly put up with hailns ubmi'tcd to the imultaneou inlerikv of oici one fhoiHiud Vnierle-Jii press men as well as liannir, rfnd I fnnkl ndmit, been lnouienleneed hi- tlie enr .fedv .llik of II"- iMii'juifss pMitoj nplier. rtellcio me, I enjnjed mj tri), and nnould It lie mi pood foi tune In leturn to the llnited State", I know it wIP. be no more a an entire &trnner. Governor's Speech. The piince wns followed by Governor Cianp who extended the welcome In be half of the commonwealth. Seeipfary John D. Long, of tho navy depatltnent, was introduced as lepre--enllng the government in Washington Ho spoke In pait as follows: I am lad thai Prime Henri', in liiltmj our rountri, for the fir-t time, is showinj; 1 whebm equil ti our inl.ie shrei dne In keeping tin best IIiIiiim fee the lest, or nearh the H-t. W nni as has been his welcome ebe, I -in -ure it here Ins a flavor v Inch he Ins found nowhere el-e. 1 must idmit tint if the piime were to take np Ms abode with us, is we should all be delighted to lme him, he would make his way to popular faior as a cindldtte for oflice ns ijuikcb as he made it as an internitlonal i:ie-l. Much as Massichusetts ind Baston, her rapi tol cit.i, rejoice to meet Prince Henri-, thc.tr rordiil Rreetlns while It Is to him, is Mill more through him to the people of the mighty empire which he represents the men, women and chil dren who inioiiir them ire kill to million-) ot linn nied mid respected men, women and children who are among us It is fiermany ns will as its prince tint we welcome ('etmany the land of Steuben ami lie Kalb, of (.oethe, Heine anil Mi n delMOhn, the hud of poctri nnd o( pholosophi, of wlente and nf arl, the land of greet soMUrs and titatcsmin, the land of music anil hong. The other speakers weie Collector of the Port George II. Lyman. President Kllot, of Haivaid college; ltichaid Cai ter, Colonel Thomas Wentworth Hig ginson nnd Hon. Richard Olney, ex secretaiy of state. The banquet came to an end with tlnee cheers for the prince. The prince nnd his suite then ictlied to their apartments, reappearing a few minutes later on their departure for tho lesideuco of Mr. J. Montgomery Scais, where a reception was tendeied the prince by the Thursday Hvenlng club. The leception lasted for about an hour and then the prince and his suite left for their train. ALBANY PREPARES FOR PRINCE HENRY All Arrangements for His Reception Have Been Completed Outline of the Plans. hy Eviliuht n ire from The Auaciited Freu. Albany, Match 6. AU arrangements for tho icceptlou of Prince Henry of Piussla on his uulvui heio tonionow moinliig havu been completed by tho committees lepu-sentlng the sepaiu and iit'teiiibly and municipal authoii ties. The pi luce's train villi uirivo about b o'clock and hu will bo gieeted at the station by (lover.ior Odell, Ad jutant General Hemy and the senato iiml i.ssembly committees, Alter they pay Huh icspec-ts to tho pi Into they will mum to the uipitol and the loyal visitor will be escoited to his uuringo b tin mayor and tin com mltlce itpicsentlng the clt Tho pait will then be driven to the city hull, wl.tiu Mayor Charles H. Gaus iv il loimnlly gitot tliu pilnce, Tmop h bus been usslgned as the pt-isonal escnit of the prince, while thu Tenth battalion and tinea scpu.ato com panies fiom Troy wilt be assigned to do glim d duty at the station, tho city l.all .lid the capltol. Upon leaving tho city hull, Pilnco Hwny and puity will bo Allien to the capltol, where they will bi met at the east entrance by the committee lepiesentlug the senate and aseembi. , Adjutant General Henry and iho governor's mllltaiy secietary, Major Harrison Iv. Hhd. The pilnce and his etcoit will llrst, piocecd to tho SOMETHING WILL BE DONE FOR CUBA -- lcghl.itlve chamber and will be for mally welcomed by Governor Odell, who will be In waiting to lecelvo them on liphalf ot the stule. At the con e liislon of the formal exercises the en tile part will pass upstnh.s to the I'e-iiatc l-lmmber, wheie the piince will bo ptesonted to that body. When this morning's session opened, Lieutenant Governor Woodiuff outlined the phtiis for tho reception. Thu senate will con vene a t !' o'clock, two boms eailler limn UMi.nl. The ludges or the cotut cil appeals will occupy seals in llie senate. Admission to the gnlleiy will be bv ticket, and no one will be al lowed on the- Hour ot the s-euato c. eept sematois, Judges of the court of appeals and the icgular senate le portets. Aftei havlnc the senate Ui.inibei, the llh.ee will be est oi ted to the ai--scmbly anil piesentpel to that body. Hu v 111 thin devote a shin t lime to In specting thu capltol, after which he villi bctlilveli to tin Union station nnd will li..vc fur West Point at lit o'clock. HENRY AT WEST POINT. Thtee Programmes Hnve Been Ai ranged for His Enteitainmeut. Hi I velmlie Wire from Hie soiluUil l'rev. West Point, N. Y Mai ih 0 In honoi ot the vlblt or Pilnce Hentv to the lnlllt.irv academy tomoiiow. and ov Ing to the iincei tain condition of the we.ith ei, three pioguimmes huvo been in ranged. The one most likely to be cai lled out follows: The piince is scheduled to anive at 12 o'clock p m. and will bo met at the railroad station by the supetlntendent and academic staff, who will lemaln In attendance upon him during his visit. The United States mllltaiy academy detachment of cavalry will act as his escort. The national salute of 21 guns will be (Ireel on his aiivnl nnd clepai t ine. He will be conducted to Memorial hall, whetc a shoit reception will lie held, after which the battalion of ca dets will be paraded for Inspection and review. The piince will then he treated to a cavahy chill In the lidlng hall and afterwards to a di'lll In athletics In tho gymnasium. The pilnce and his pauy will depait for New York at 4 p. m. WRIGHT AND PRATT ARE NOMINATED Susquehanna Delegates to Republi can Convention Unmstmctcd. Haimony nt Montiose. Spec nl to the sirmtoii tribune Monti osu. Match 6 The- Susque hanna county Ropuhliiau convention was held heio today and in spite of the dements was a most enthusiastic af f.ih. Although snow Is eighteen Inches deep on the level and many of thr countiy toads almost impassable, only three delegates failed to icspond to tho roll call. The convention was held in the court house. Editor Chailes Gel dei, ot Forest Citv News, was the temporal Chaliman, and J. Vi'. Tin ockniiu ton, of Fahdale, was pei manent chaiimnn. Hon, C. U. Wiight was nominated for congtess without opposition, and Chailes Pratt, ot New Mlltoid, was made candidate tor state senator. Cap tain J. It. McC.iusl.iiid, of Monti ii'-e, lecelved four votes for senator. Tho delegates to the state conven tion weie U. II. Eincoln, Finest I.uliiv, Canfleld Stone, Hopbottom, and H, i. Hill, Gibson. They were unlnstiucttd. STEAMER WAESLAND SINKS IN COLLISION Passengers and Crew Rescued by tho Hnrmonides Accident Due to Denso Tog in the Channel. By Ficleulre Ire from The Aswc fated I'rea" London, Mm eh G The Anif'tlciii line steamei Wnesland, Ciijitaln Atfeld, fioin l.lveipool, March 5, foi I'hll.idelphlii, and tho Ihltlsh steamship Haimonhles, Captain Pentln, fiinu Para, I'elitiiuiy 13, for I.lv ui pool, met hi collision to night off Hoi head, Wales The Wiies huid sunk. Her pasoengus inuj citw weie saved, Tin HiinnoiiIdeH leicuecl the pisseu gera and ciew of tho Wnesland anil is bilnglug them to l.lveipool. Tugs have been sent fuim Mveipuol to meet the iliiimouide-s, The Watslaud can led thlil'two cabin and eighty-two steerage pnsseii geis. The Ion ot the Wiieslund was due lo thu dc-iise log which ciiiv eloped thu Iilsli channel dining this until u day, tcilmis ly elc-hilug all vessels. , Ice Qoige on the Delawaie. SjecUl to the txnntuii 'Irlbuic htroiidibiirir. Mjit.li u the Ihliwaie rii is Mill en thu luiuiijfce, 'llie (am ill, load ludiiu thing the riui ill I'lke count v is impjs;jtih loi i Wng dbniici. die vialu vanlug In depth lim one iueli to 1 lm All lex- !,otgt, l-ttimaicd to lie fifl.i feet luv-h, has formed Ii hen llilfcml, (haicing the ihaniiel of the liiri jiros the JeiM) tlalv. Nottingham Strike Settled, lb I vclmbe Mire fiom The .VocUted 1'ieu. Ullkek lime, Xlartli 0 The WO employ ot the Nottingham colliery of the Lehigh jnd IVilUi llarre Coal company, at Plymouth, who went out on strike two weeks ago, because two of their number hail been discharged by the foreman for cvjuiinlng the vtorklng cardj of tbe men, will return to i.oik on Monday, Maioritij of Republicans Have Made Ud Their Minds to That Eifect. DECISION OF WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Chahmnn Payne's Authoiized State ment Tlnee Piopositions Pie3ent ed The One Which Provides for a Twenty Per Cent. Reduction of Duties Seems Most Feasible The Chnhman Has Every Assurance 'That the Cabinet Is Not Divided Upon the Subject. tlr I xihulte Wire fieuu the V' lUiUd I'ren Wiishlugtim, M.ueb (i C'haliiiun I'.i lie, nl the wavs iiml mciniM e oni mittec, tod.i gave out the lollowlng iiuthoii7e-d statement in connection wllli the discussion ovei Cuban leeipioell: I Ihiuk tin lu.'i mijiilli i i l,, i liepiiblli nu I iu iii iile up the It mind-, tint . mu l eln 'mi lll'lg fill lulu lime lie lli.ee pivpidtl lis puicnlcd whiih hue this pin'eeel inn In li-w. 'flu linpidllon of Mr NnrK if Mitiin-. j'j, pioiidcs lor nn Incjrise In lln tuit on niu t the outi-ii'e ivoihl mil i nhile m sign ini,niit ed fiom lihi. It eloes not fee in Iu m that mini Uc puliiie Hi- are niilirir in iiiiu-e thu elutj on Mie n. I hi n then Is llie piupusitiin "I Mi. lannei- in iot, be.ivten sT.mjn Ul) .mil ss IWDCKVI e'irerlle Inlu th0 t e bin Irea-in, tyntl li ak the tuhin fcoieriiinciit Id dl-Uiliuli .1 o it 1,0X',1I iieiordliiB to liU neituei. to intlei ( u lm planters Till-, lint pument H to be paid iiltliout ini roi'ipeiisiliin fiom Cnbt in am vmv or tnannei, n pjie gift to Hi" Ciilu ).iiirii incut, II hiidli n.'eiis the opinion oi i leiiwr to ai tint ueh t picceduie would! he une j inl tullonal Iti-. proiosllfon fuithei i- to pn c like um v irli on Ih sianthu of rmpioin coneeftlfiii md the paa,tc of uui numls'r'iti m and evchuion Iau Of iviiic, no bounti of this klnl toiihl hi ilUtilbuttil viithmit i scumlil and i irmd In ilu net plif, vevtii eUhtlit of the Ciihm libui-ii iiuulil sllll leuiiiii iiithout noik. It iiouhl b jit w -3b fur the mis er lru-1 I obi lln a i ote-ee-i-,!cn on the Mijer llry liouBhl on aei i-unt ef ,' hounti, as Ii cbtiiu a eouceihi uheti (he phnlet Imu he i H IoIhil a 2i prf lent, oniCN.Irn in dull S-, It jL Mr. liunejV plop o'liiou Iim no lihlnlivc- ovei tint fin f Ju pi cent, lediietlon, .ml it Ins the- i!l-.iihiiiitJv. I ii uue.d The Twenty Per Cent, Reduction. The tliliel prnpn,Ilioii h tint fur l .0 pel 1 1 nt. letlmllon of ehitie- rid-, iiouhl inj ue n 1 u nf inditri. C'uiiphd iith the pieiii'uui to r lend nu evelii-nu Ills o Culji no e lie i)i pLanni; betoie tin e 1 1 uiilttie on n hh .md m ml eonkmhd tint it Muithl mi ftij'ui huitie in In -In -. Vll aieed lli it the pike of -11.11 tu I o Vmeiicin ein-tuui eeoiild iiinin the e-iun. ol 1 uuhl It inuie In lln bench! 01 tin nun trust The iiitnisMs bcfuie I lit 10111111III1 e united in tisti(lii.' mil the staii-ths iinie tint Hi trust his recoiled no bnefit In I mma; lull, iltlier iu llmiii n l-oiio Itieo, sin 1 the dull Mas reduced or i.nvnid. the 1 lithe beiuilll lme been leap .1 In the plintei in tlue Isl ands. We hue deli ioirn to belhie th latu iiouhl prole Hue as to C hi Mini inish nlln -stntenunti a 10 the ettitude uf the pre .lileut, the c ebin t nnd the hmi'c lb publicans lie i pilling In tin- 'iittsiiipcis I cannot sp lk of conf.renee mill llie pre .idem Put 1 Inn- '1 iy assuiinee- tint tic 1 iliimt i not illihleel on th I iiue-thiu 01 bile 11 inijoiiti ol Ike luiw It mb liiilH eeuumiltfil lliuiisiln- ilthn to the M " iN, the 't inn 1, or lln Dinoililus pdhi I'm proposition if 1 JO pel mil n luiliou If il p cd 11III put oil ii 1111 JiiiUmeut lln iiiniM-i 11 of Cube loi linn- 1111 -he ill .. um In until her poptiluliui is v unh in! d finui tho Ftili-i. It ii 111 Mttle llie ipii-llo'i 11 ct iii'i 1 lions lo ccuie ..ml (.In 1 -t i-i I iriiinilllli i llie Ml.'u hin-tiK If Ih inhiiiliu it 1011'. no Inrlher ch.im,e 11III I 11. d- until in 'n nmiPYitiin end life It iile In lefuso In i 11 i llutiir iiouhl 1 ut tho hem In 1 .million li- il" lo the 'iieslilcnt, uoiilil i.iui mi .ni'iit mil t leellner of appiehciiiloii lo th pi liuir 01 riisei in tin rleli", t ml ivu lid In ultilli el iimijII. 111, MR. NEW TS DOUMTrUL. May Not Accept OfHco of Hist As sistant Postmnstcr General. Ill "tclitlii Win Jim I In Itfelii ! I'ie-s Washington, Mmch (! Pic-hino It being hi ought to bear on Unity S. Now, ot Jnellauapolls, to jiee-i'in the eillie e- of Hist iissiHtant postn.asti r guueinl,' but llicie is iiiuih doubt nf his nieuptaiui. N'uaioi IJovciIelpe1, ol liicllani, on fur led with Postmaster ilenei.il P.imic- on the question tenia Ml New bases his leltli'iaiiic on buslnc-s and ot In 1 ten hims, but has not ei given a Ibml answer. NORrOLK STKIKERS STILL OUT. Decline Railway Compnny's Off 01 to' Woik with Non-Union Men. Hi I vluslin Wire liom Iho s lated 1'iiw NoitolK, Match U. Ucinu.il Mnnagu Johnson of thu Street Hallway eoin li.iii) ndilti'ssed a letter lust night to thu committee of the Central Labor I'ulon, stiItig ho would meet that bodv and Hie loiiunltteo of the strikers and olTuiing to take back the stilkcis If jlit-y wiuild woik with tho non-union men, Thu stilketfl declined to accept thu conditions, 1 Scaicity of Cars in ShrunoUIn. l) ivclutin Uirei from Tho Associated l'rei Mianiokiu. March 0 De-splto tho two foot tnoiil ill ,uieida; fifteen coltleriu in thU r (lion Hon Id leiiu been operated today bad tho ratlin eel ump.uij fuiuUUcd care. The put tn ueeU iliete- hut Incn a car famine iu thU Held ov.in' lo ttood-i ami (torms nnd tho recent ktu.m nlll piolong the period ot scarcity ot cjh. -t-f-- -f -ft WEATHER FORECAST, f Washington, March 6 Forecast for Friday and Saturday: hasteni I'cntu-jt' 4- vanU, (air Frldjy, incrfai.iiiB; cloudine-i 4- at nijjhti Saturday eloud, probabb lain 4- in touth portion; wiudj U-vomiui; nou'.h 4- and freali. t t.t'f L . b