W Fa Tf THE SCRANTON TniBUlfE-THUKSDAY, MARCH , 1902. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. frpfclil to th Bcunlon Trlbunt. Itoiiesdnle, March I. At u meeting of Ihe town council last cveulnfr. President 'John Weaver resigned 'from the council timl K. II. Uuutniiii was looted presi dent. Doctor mid Mrs. Cliurlcn 12. Hrudy linvo returned fiom their southern tour. The Iron bridge over the I-uckawnu-lm ut No. 1 above Seeloyvllle, was car ried away and left onthe lowlands a mile down stream. The bridge over the Carlcy brook ubovo the Uunnel pond, collapsed during the Hood. Enterprising photographers have placed on sale many Hue views of the flooded district. The enterprising Wayne Independent lias Issued a Huppplement containing Il lustrations of the Hood In Ilonesdale. The Wayne County Development company offer for sale ten thausand fcharcs of stock at live dollars per share. Tlntotby O'Connell died at his home on Second street at 1:30 o'clock Mon day night, aged CS years. He was born In Ireland and came to Honesdalo In 1S5G. Deceased was a blacksmith by trade, by which he aeumulated a com fortable fortune. The net receipts of the Martha Wash ington supper In the Presbyleilan chap el thus far are $019.15. The receipts from funcy work were J2S7.M; candy, ?.-0.25; bakery, $30. The Ilonesdale schools are closed this week. The uptown scholars were cut off by the loss of Main street bridge and the basement of the high school building was Hooded, extinguishing the furnace Are. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph II. Martin re turned Sunday night from u sojourn at Atlantic City. Wayne county couit Is In session this week. The Items of damages from the recent Hood lnentluncd yesterday cover a very small portion of damage which will af fect nearly every property and family south of the Lackawaxen river, anil will probably reach $10,000 to $15,000, aside from the expense to the county by the loss of the main street bridge. Much suffering has been caused for want of furnace flres. The pumping of water from cellars continues. Scores of families only have Hie In their klt ""clicn stoves. Travel between up and down town now is by the bridge at the foot of I'ark street. A passage way for learns has been made on all streets. The lee remains high on the side of the street. The foot bridge on Main street over the Lackawaxen was leady for use Tuesday night. Park street and the vacant lots at the foot of the street ate filled with Ice, except a driveway made for teams. The main street Iron bridge which was carried away by the recent ice freshet in the Lackawaxen Svas 76 feet in length with two 11-foot drive Yiays, and two 7-foot side walks, and was erected in 1S74 at a cost of $3,500. The county commissioners have placed an order for lumber for a temporary wood bridge. AniqiiB.tjie amusing Incidents related in connection with the recent flood in Ilonesdale is that of a lady who made an attempt to escape from a submerged building on a Hum but the Ham went down under her weight. Another story is to the effect that the chef at the Allen house rode mound the kitchen In a wusli tub while prepaiing the Sat urday morning meal. I.ce Joe of the "Wusheo" shop was very much fright ened and- wanted to know If we would oil "ivashoe away." . TUNKIIANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tiibune. Tunkhannock, March r. The "Wyo-' inlng farmers' institute, which was to have been held in the month of De comber, but was postponed on account of the smallpox epidemic, will be held at the court house on Thursday and Friday, March 13 and 11. Lynford Illne, of Carboudale, Is vis iting his aunt, Mrs. A. 1!. Woodard, on Second street, this week. A bliaiii lawsuit, in the nature of a breach of promise suit, will be hold at the court house on Friday evening, March 7, for the benefit of the Presby terian church fund. Mis. Elizabeth Hodge, of Erie, Pa., Mho has beep visiting her son, Rev. S-'umuel C, Hodge, pastor of the Pres byterian church, the past two weeks, icturncd home on AVeduesduy, Byron Rlakeslee, who has been seil ously ill with blood poisoning, Is im proving slowly. Miss Margaret Lelpham, of Russell 31111, who has been staying for some time with her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Robinson, im Second htreet, returned liomp on Tuesday, Rev. S. C. Hodge, pastor of the Pres byterian church at this place, Is visit ing bis brother, at Erie, Pa. S. S. Hatfield, who has been spend ing several months at Denver, t'ol., la visiting his family at this place. Del Seutt, of Carboudale, who has been visiting friends in town, returned home on Tuesday, HALLSTEAD. - special to the bvuiitoii Tilbunc-. Ilallstend, March D. Mrs. Dr. Day ton attended the funeral of Mrs. I'imrles Simpson, of Stroudsburg, on Saturday LMr, and Mrs. Charles Tewksbury. of fyomliig, are visiting at the huinu of C. N. Van Ness, iMIss Leim Uarnea Is sick with quinsy. iSusquelmnmi County Commissioners II, HurrlnBton, Isaiah Halre and S. Tlngloy were registered at the lltchell house, Monday. They were PmiestlgutliiB tlto damage done to the brdgo across the rlvm-, between this Place and Great Rend, which was badly damaged iy the late Hood. Ifnny Coon has returned to To ivurulu after visiting-' his brother In tills ulice, Mrs, Harry Jones is oil the sick list. J, R, Dawson and C. Hrovvn were calling In the Parlor City, Saturday ftornow and evening. The Arlington was nearly destroyed by lire, .Sunday night. The lire was saused by the explosion of nn oil stove, jsed in heating the olllce while the 'urpneo Svus under water. The Iho was uibdued' without calling out the Hro Jepartmant, but not until It hud caused trreut damage to the walls and fresco nc, Messrs. Rylngton and Hurines weie letting the high water sights at Suj fueJiunnub Lanesboro and Brandt STi Honday, I Ed ward Simons, of Hoboken, Is visit K frienUjs In town. Many visitors from New Mllford and 'titer nelglXborlng villages were In town Sunday, viewing the high water, which was a sight worth coming many wiles to see. A young son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Docker fell over the banister, Btrlklug on his head and shoulders, rendering him unconscious. He is better ut this writing, but It Is feared his spine Is Injured, Mrs. Fred Van Woriner visited friends In Hlngliiiinton, Tuesday. The Indies of the Presbyterian church will hold a social at the homo of Mrs. D. Jcnks, on Dayton avenue, Thursday afternoon, and In the evening the young people arc invited to come and enjoy a social time. Miss Com Trowbridge has recovered after a few days' Illness. PUZZLE Can you rend Pennsylvania? NICHOLSON. Special to tlie Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Stephens gave a surprise party last evening at their home, near Pierceville. in honor of their eldest daughter, Jessie. Dancing and games were indulged in until a seasonable hour, when refreshments were served. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Stark and sons, Leslie and Arthur, of Now Milford; Mr. and Mrs. Anson Stephens, Marguerite and Jessie Ste phens, Samuel Culver and Hague Hughes, of Pierceville; Misses Bessie Stephens, Ruth Johnson, Florence AVIlkins Vera Taylor, Virgil Taylor, May Far'rar, May Hlnklie, Ethel Smith, Emma Smith; Messrs. Ray Potter, Glenn Lord, Will Crock, Mau rice Hinklle, Winlleld Hlnklie, Fred Crock, Clyde Pratt, Lou Taylor, Har ry Smith, of Nicholson, and O. W. Murphy, of Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Cole, of New Mllford, are guests of friends In town. Mrs. V. C. Decker, who has been quite 111 at her home on State street, is convalescing. TOBYHANNA. Special to tlie Scranton Tribune. Tobyhannu, March 5. The funeral of Frederick Knapp, of Brooklyn, N. Y who has been spending some time on the Pocono mountains here seeking relief from consumption, loft this morn ing on No. 30 train for Brooklyn in charge of a friend of the family, Wil liam Callahan. Mr. Knapp died on Mommy. Shortly after noon Monday the board ing house of John Hamblln, of Swift Water, near Mt. Pocono, took fire and burned to the ground. It is supposed that the fire stalled In an out kitchen in which Mrs. Hamblln left a kettle of f-o.ip boiling when going to dinner. A fierce blizzard-llke snow storm Is sweplng this part of the county. About ten inches of snow has fallen between morning and noon. avocaT Tlie dentil of John O'Brien oc cuired on Monday evening at the fam ily residence, on Hull street, after sev eral weeks' Illness. Deceased was ubout 05 years of age and is survived by a wife and five sons. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. In terment was made In St. Mary's ceme tery. The funeral of Edward King took place yesterday morning. A requiem inns was celebrated in St. Mary's church by Rev. M. F. Crane. Inter ment was mado In St. Mury's ceme tery, A young son of Mr, and Mrs. John Connor, of Brownsville, died on Mon day evening of croup. Interment took place yesterday afternoon, The friends of Miss Jessie Clarke surprised her on Tuesday evening, It being the seventeenth anniversary of her birth. A pleasant evening was jiassed and refreshments were served. Tho following wero present: Misses Viola Donimermuth, Mabel nines, Jen nie Kellh, Nellie and Clara Donimer muth, Laura Davis, Nellie draluim, Margaret Rostock, Kato Rutledge, Nettle and Florence Keefe, I.tllle Bos. ley, Mary Rlchoids, Nettle and Mario Clarke, Albeua Bosley; Messis. Wil liam Rosier, Edwin, Herman and Wil liam Welscarger, Ernest Schmaltz, Jake and Chris. Kuschel, Ray Smith, Arthur Davis, Arthur Johnson, Claudo Keefe, Roy Sliules, Mr, and Mrs. M. J, Bosley, Adam Clark, Mrs, Jessie Clark. John Foss and daughter, Miss Lot tie, returned' to Fall River yesterday after several days' visit with friends here. Rev, Francis Cuuuvan, uf Minooku, preached the sermon ut St, Mary's church on Tuesday uyenlng, Mrs, J. II, Audorson and daughter, Edllh, wero visitors In AVIlkes-Barre on Tuesday, All members of the new Ancient Order of Hibernians boeiety are re quested to be present this evening. There will be lultlatiqn of candidates. The borough council reorganized on && XL n I r-j.1 1" ' "j 4W$mg'.ti Kjasdtilotjauea a colli la u ujor Monday evening. Cornelius Osborne was elected president! Jnmes Dornn, treasurer; Richard McNulty, secre tary) Michael Deveis, street commissioner. DURYEA Mr. Douilnlck King, an aged resident of York avpiiue, died Sunday morning after u painful illnpss. A few months ago hla son Dotnonlck died and since then ho has become melancholy. Ho Is survived by a wife and several children. Funeral was held yester day morning at 9 o'clock. A requiem high mass was held at St. Mary's church. Interment In St. Mary's ceme tery. The debute hold at the Urlck church waB very Interesting but was void be cause of the rules and regulations of debate wore violated. T. ,T. Ford, of OroVe street, Is con valescing after a severe collapse of la grippe. The collleilcs are all Idle on account of the flood. The employes of the William A. were paid yesterday. PICTURE. these four towns In DYES FROM INSECTS. Some of the Most Brilliant Are of Animal Production. fiom Know ledge. Of great repute and of more import ance than lac dye is cochineal, which is the source of artists' carmine and carmine lake, while, when preclpltnted witli sale of tin, it also yields a splendid scarlet. Thecochlneal Insect, of which the female, like that of the neaily al lied lac insect, alone yields the dye, is originally a native of Mexico, where it Is parasitic on tlie leaves of the prickly pear. The males of the coccus cacti, as the species Is called, are mi nute insects, furnished with well de veloped wings, feathered atennae and a long-pair of hair-like processes at the hinder extremity of the body. On the other hand, the female is a repulsive looking, wingless creatine, with veiy short posterior halts, and nearly double the size of her partner. These insects adhere tightly to tlie smooth smf.ice of the fleshy leaves of the prickly pear, and are not unlike small purple wood lice In general 'appearance. When tlie harvest time has arrived tlie cultivators stretch out on the ground pieces of linen at the foot of tho plants, and detach the cochineals from them, brushing the plants with a rather hard brush or scraping them off with a blunt knife. If the season be favor able the operation may be repeated three times in the course of a year on the same plantation. The insects thus collected aie killed by dipping into boiling water, by being put into nn oven or by being placed on a plate of hot lion. When withdraw from the boiling water they are placed on strain ers in any airy position, first in the sun and afterward in the shade. In com merce three sets of cochineal are rec ognized; first, the mastlque, of a red dish color, with a more or less abund ant glaucous powder; second, the nolr, and third the Sylvester, which Is small er and of a reddish color. Tills last de scription, which Is gathered from wild cacti. Is the most highly esteemed of all. Each year there are Imported Into France L'00,000 kilograms of cochineal insects, which represent a value of about 3,000,000 francs. The cochineal trade Is chiefly In tho hands of the Spanish and the French, by the latter government these Insects have been successfully introduced Into Algeria, where they yield a large reve nue. About the middle of the last cen tury the government was accustomnjd to purchase the entire harvest at the rate of 15 francs the kilogram. At a still earlier date they were lntiodueed Into the Canaries, where they have also be como well established, but the attempts to acclimate them In Corsica and the south of France resulted lit failure. BULLDOG'S TENACITY. Hung by Teetli to a Rope Pntil Cut Down, Fiom llio Ilaitloid Tunes, A bulldog holding on with his teeth to a ropo suspended from a telegraph poleon Central Row, Friday noon, at tracted the attention of a good sized crowd, Tho uuimiil was said to be owned by a man living on Htuto street. A boy wishing to test the dog's grit, fastened the ropo to the pole about ten feet fiom the ground and called the animal's attention to it. The dog leached tho top after several attempts and for live minutes hung to It, try ing constantly to work the rope loose. Chadler U. Miller, secretary of the Connecticut Humane society, appeared on the scene and tried to ascertain the name of the owner of the dog, Ail ef foits to coax the animal down were of no avail. It was evident that he would hold on until obliged to drop from fcliour exhaustion. One young man, whose pleusure at the performance turned Into sympathy, reached up and cut the rope. As he did so the dog bit him on the fight thumb. When Mr. Miller learned that the dog climbed up the polo without assistance ho walked awny and the crowd dispersed, ThUalgnatarsU on eVtry box of tho geatraq Laxative Ilrnmn. Quinine Tablets ' ABOUT CATARRH CURES. -1 - - Tho Konaon Why Inhalers rind. Local Applications Are Ueoloss, For many years catarrh was con sidered to be n local disease and was treated entirely by local remedies, salves, ointments, powders, sprays and inhalers, and nearly nil of these gave it temporary relief, but n genuine permanent euro was very rare, It is true the most annoying symp toms, like stoppage of the nose and throat trouble, nre purely local, but they arc simply symptoms and tho real seat of disease Is far removed. Catarrh Is a constitutional disease, a blood disorder, ' complicated usually With disease of the liver, and to sup pose that local applications of sprays, powders, inhalers, could ever reach tlie real cause of the trouble Is rldlcil lons. The sensible and successful treat ment Is to remove the catarrhal poison from the system by regulating the liver and purifying the blood, and this can only be done by an Internal rem edy, which should consist of antisep tics and remedies to act vigorously on the blood and liver. The best preparation of this kind which fills all the requirements of a safe constitutional treatment Is Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, composed of Blood Root, Red Gum and similar wholesome antiseptics, which are ab solutely safe to take into tlie stomach and which act upon the liver, stomach and mucuous membrane, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets nre large, pleasant tasting lozenges, to be slowly dissolved in the mouth, thus reaching the mucous membrane and wind-pipe and finally reaching the stomach. Dr. EdmondSon, In speaking of tho new treatment for catarrh, says: "I have accomplished the most satisfac tory results in all forms of catarrh of the head, throat, bronchial tubes, as well as catarrh of the stomach and liver, by using nothing else but Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. I long since threw aside sprays and inhalers as being In convenient and at tlie best mere tem porary make-shifts. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets act Imme diately upon the liver and blood and clear the whole system of catarrhal poison. They are pleasant and very convenient to use, and they nre not only the latest, but 1 believe them to be the best and certainly tlie safest treatment for any form of catarrh." All druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tablets at f0 cts., for full sized pack age. A little book on cause and cure of Catarrh mailed free by addressing the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. T ,eamc ?!& ATTRACTIONS FOR TODAY. ACU1KMY. C'me Pa.vlon company. Afternoon ami nlgbt. STAR "IJuecii nf tln Orient Huilcs.niei.s." Af ternoon .111(1 night. At the Academy. Tlie f'oise l'ajtcn C'onieil.v company plajed to big houcs j cslci iln y, notwithstanding the .stoim. In tlie afternoon, "A Woman's Revenge" was presented, and at iiigiit, "the lied Cafe." Tonight the company will ho neon m ".My Kentucky Home." "Queen of the Oiient." "tjiiecii uf the Oiient fluiIeqiieiV i uii'inence a thice day ci r igcntcnt at ihe Star luday, and no Ilteller entertilnuient has held the ImauU "it Hut theater this i-eiiion. Twenty white and twenty hl.uU ii the way Iho (.omnativ i, dc- fceiihed in the ndtiitUing nutter, and Hie entet t.ilninent fuiuMiril Is ut a sdiklly hlgh-ila or der. 'I lie ullo puitinn f the hill U said to be of the ciy bent vandeWlle t ilent ohtaindile, and the two bmle-rpii-, Rie .uuplo opportunity for the In troduction of nitiliy inili', win-ioine iniidcn-, and tie. u comedian-.. STAGE NOTES, "I'ncle Turn's Cabin" v.ill l,u pined neft moiitli by a luuipany of ile.it imitei in baleni, die. lIlidiMiil Uov.aid, the ill.mi.il Nt, is Hill In the south of l'lame lljlns to eeuuo lelief fiom nt nous double, Daniel I'roluuau'i. projected new l.uiiim the.it tei will be riming; thu smallest in the imliopolls, It will nut only about WO, Stiphen Philllpi" plj., "Jhny Jlasfdaleu," tiny be Hen ill London, with .liilla .Mailowe in the title p.ut, befoic pircenlalio.i in this iminti.v, A ron-.eljtlc rMliuato of the real estate value of the fifty piincip.il places of amusement in Xcw York i-lly place it at cr n.oooyjou, Hiibaul ManHleld will, in all piobablllly, jet tin. lole if tluuliy Stub) nct season in the diJiiiatlMtion of (jilbeit I'ail.ei'.s inetoihaiiiatlu nowl, "'ihe llliilit of W,iy." Hull Culnu I U-, wiltten l.lilikr Jc Co. that he will nn ele lrlt Ibis cmmtiv wt month to lool; oer the prcwnt.it Ion o( "The Il'euul City ' whlih Viola Allen will h.no next beiioon. I.Ublil' & Co, liaie abandoned the piopoied all klai ieial of the "Two Oiphans," as Kate Claxtuii was inuble to nin Ihem a dear title to the play on uuount of pielmi aiinnifemuiK The Best in the City. 'Ihe following ktoiy, ituient niuoncr pliyh ians, Is told us tin (-Sample of Iho far-ieailiiut; fame of 111-, A. f. Abbott, iblef bacleriooKi,t nf f'hll i delpliia and il lir-tur of the iiiiluiaiiy l.ili-naloi.s of Iok'cI'v '"'',t wrck an llUhmiu was lujmtil by n trolley car in one of Hie ilonn town streets, A iimii who tan cut to aht lilm humlm! c.r,'ci 1) wheie lie was hint. "Oh, I'm trolu' W die, miic," said lit. "Me kill,' biohen mtliely." "Irni bad beliei liken Ibis man to Dr. Ab bott," commanded hU teh-appoiuttd u lend to a policuiljn who had H'li t Hie Mine; "hc' iho licit bacleiiol,iyrl.-t in thu cil, "-Philadelphia Times. His Subterfuge. 'the palltiit wjs ny tilkatlie, unl the do, tar thought Hie consultation would iicm in J. fin ally i re'ptOttuif the lady lo put unl hei totijjje, uiul fcllemo lebuod ulijlt tho Uoi-tor went on writing. When lie had llnUlied tlto mefvriptijii he handed it t licr, and, iwcliins for his lut, ttiuted for the djoi. "Hut, doctor," luprujchiiillj e.eljjjiu;d tla lady, "jou liaie not looked ut my tonvue jgtl" "That i all ilidit," calmly responded lha docj. tor, "( only want to IUi!li ihe pukcilptlcii." New oilv Time. Jl.na7.lue THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents A'ore Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents for Haclt Tor Hont. &r01t!'. l'Olt I1I:xT WV olfer No. l-'il WihIiIiw ton avenue, nl feet deep ut tf"H per month, or whole lloor mid cellar ill ?1-'. Ch.ulci Selihijtef. TON HCNT lloue, coiner I.lmlcn mid Welmlrr! 10 looms, !3! t.ne-hiilf double home, 702 1'icMult, S looms, $.!0t alnirle honsn, I'lnc dtleet Bbon l'ieeott, jl.'l, !!" and ftitli two I) room lin6e, S'et Park, all ItuploNcluctils, $10 each, Cliuilea Sehlauer, foil llllVITcn-ioom home. IWJ Mulberry ftlrect; all modem linpiociuenli. Inquire uf II, Mosen, 211 Wjouilnc; iiieuue. I'OU ttllNT T trn-innni dome, nil modern Im pioicnicnt", on Wdrlidutii Mreoti llrsl block oft" Mitln luenue: an Ideal home; rent moiletate. Apply llll Academy tlieet. I'OU HUNT Pine' pibnte ieldenee In (Ireen ltltbrr leetlon for nnl for one jcar, uridstied or inifutnMicil; 12 lonnu; modem Impiovementfls steam and policy lines coincident. ' Addicis .Villa, Tribune olllce. l'Olt IH'.NT Simile douse, S looms, 1C0I l'rescott in rime ; $0.()u. MiirIo house, II looms 130" 1'iesrott au; 317 Half of double dome, Munner menue, West l'ark! $1.-,.0U. Half of double dome, 70J Present! ave.i 'J0.0i). cii.ui.r.s sniLAfimt, 12H and 12S WdfliliiKtoii iiicnue. l'Olt HUM' Tcn-irom clinile InFu-e, .IIS l'fue sheet, between Washlii'iuu and Adams ave nues, ruiiuce, pas, Inth. t has. P. .ladniii. HOOMS TO KlINT-fiiiiulic ol V. I,. Crane, liJI Lackawanna nienue. I'OU ItllNT I'miii Aptil 1, Ftoie room ueiupled by (iuhlu Diamond Co,. Ii'2", Lackawanui me tine; al-o Hour aboie. Apply IjjI Sandeifon aie line. Ti:.i:.Mr.TS POIt l(i:XT, lheiy stable for lent. Inqulie 22 Adams aicnue. A. Thoinp-nn l'Olt Itr.XT SK-room flat with bath. leim heat, gas ranije and all ln-deru impioie ninits from Apill 1st; rent iea-.on.ilile. Call early. Vred C. Hand, 002 Mulbcriy stieet. I'OU nnNT Iieaullrul and enl.nsid offtcis In the Paul! bulldlnj,-. Innuiie of Hamilton, voom S00. l'OH ItHXT tfotisc 1.14 X. Wai-hluEl'm aienue, comer I'lnc, U loom-, bath and laundiv. Ap ple to .1. W. (lainey. .117 Linden street, who only has authority to .show the Imii-e. l'OH nr.XT Sloic loom on second floor over 111') I.ncka.iaiina mrnuc. l'lale gli front. In quire of Kiotosky tlio;.. HAM' POnni.i: doue, G.1S llau ison avenue, 118. Also half double house, 1W Pine street, ?17. Posse-sion now. Apply (ISO lfarrUon ntcnue. For Hent Unfurnished Booms. I'OU ltL.NT I'no looms. Inquile 527 Wyoming aieiiue. l'OH ItLX'i Pile luoms and bath, ill. (,17 Adams avenue; hmbai.d and wife. TOlt lli:XT Apnl 1st. tl.iee imruiiiialird looms, steam heat and all modem impiovcmcnls at 717 Olive sticet. For Sale. l'Olt &ALI1 I'uhoinctcr pump of Iurc capacity, leady for use; Miction and dhchaige pipe R't. Inched diainctei : Menu pipe 314 indies diameter; pi ice. V2.'. W. II. Hiclunond, Itlclimond Hill, .112S X. Main avenue. C'AW'LTS, linoleums and oil cloth-, sold every day 3 o'clock, SOS Lackawanna. See auctions. l'Olt 8ALI2 rina kindlina wood, stove lemttli. Two doll.iis bijr load deliveied an.vwhetc. Mail .irdciK. .lennliiKi, Central llines cut. Also (cconcl liand lumber suitable for alt put poses, very cheap. I-Oll SAL!? Two light tpiins vvatrons and some harness, cheap. Lvans, rear 1132 Luzerne Etrect. For Sale or Rent. I'OU SAI.i: OR Ki:XT Ten-i ooin single house, all modem iuipiovemeuls. lnifi Mon-ey ave nue. Inqiine at 111.') Oapomc avemi". Boarders Wanted. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men to board, Ccrmaii or Lnjjlish. Call any time after Thursday. All conveniences, S07 llarrhon avenue. THE MARKETS Stock Quotations. The following quot.it line b.v M. S. .Ionian Mcars buildiiiy, bciant :ion.s are furnished The Tiib- (.ompanv, looms Hi.V.Oii on, I'a, Telephone Teicti ion,. r.nnsr -,00S: upen- iiisn- Lovv- Clos- inc. 1-271 V3V4 Wl1,'. lNij JUI-rl 'i 2l',i ll.l'i 111.)', mi inifi!, hiir. e-t. est, 12i',4 'ilT l!i M iaii at 1U2 1W 0.1 Vi iui'4 Aiuer. Sugar 127 1-27 Alchbon 7.")1,; 7o Atihtson, l'icf tm'.i !KPA lliookljn Tiactlou M M ltiltimoie & Olid nn?! lniji (lies. & Ohio IV,'. IV,j (Tiicago k Cleat West. -2.1',i 2IU K. 1'aul 102 PH3 hoik Maud liw'4 lUV.j, Kan. & Tev., J'ref 5i', 0.', Lous. - X.i'-ti 10,11t ltni .0.111. J.li-s.ur(i I'll','! l.UVC l"Oft J.il's Met. Tiactlou Ki7 107Vi 1U(I"4 107'j VIL.ninl tir. ,l7iy Ow3. ,.-t. n:S' 130i 31'a '., Ps'i rioullieiii raclfiu (kl?4 W,l Xoilolk .t Wivt 57Vi 57V1 Klio 3l,?i 37',i L'lic, 1st (sS Its K. Y. Cential H,1TA ltl!?s Kans is Si Teas St! 2f4 Ontailo K Western :sl4 3.IU I'ennsylvauli 130 110 )i lMclflo Mall I.V IVa ltCtllfllKT ot Alls Heading, 1'ief S(l fsli; Smilheiii It, II ;I2!1 W- i-oullieiii It. It., l'icf. .. 'i 1157s Tenn., O. i I IW (Mi Leallier Uas U'k Leithei-. 1'ief M'.i M'i Itubbel- Ill Id I'ldon TaciHi' Il?l li'Hi I'nlon l'ailllc, l'icf NIT w,T4 abash, 1'ief 127; 12Vj Western I'nlon W'i ll'i C. I'. I S7U N Anial, Copper .......... nSij m!i l'eople' (Ik I )', IW3; Codnadn Southern -I -'iTi Te.sas 1'ac :!'Vi 'i'j r. S. hteel Co U II l'. .s. Steel Co., 1'ief... lllti uti c-154 37 MM, 1)7 llds 130. ir.ii r..iB sn 32 'i .', (Is 1H1 hli I3t ibK Hl?4 UK imVs S74 711 im M 3'1'i 12-k tii8 1(12 2 lis ;t.i JSII'.l r.'j a Hi M :i2lj liSr8 H'i LI' :i:i S'l'i '-'? tKI.'i hi t Mil', 21'-, .I'l'.i Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations AH Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. A-ked Lackawanna Daily Co., Pr mi ,,, County Saving H-ink fc Tuist Co., Kmi ... rir.t Xatlnnal II litis (C'ailiondale) cna lldril National Uank SJ0 Dime Deiosit and Discount Haul;,. ;m Kenncmy Lleht. II. & I. Co 43 1'irst National Hani; 1300 ,,, Lacka. Trust & Sale Deposit Co.... 1H5 ClJik 4: Siiover Co., I'r. 12i ... Kcianton Rivings Hani; ,,,,, SOO ,,, TiadciV atIolul Hank 2; ,,, Siijniou llolr & Nut Co l.'i ltl I'cople'.s Dunn 125 fccianlon 1'acklng Co , ,,, gj IIOND. Ecianton Passenger Hallway, Hrst Mortgaje, due 1920 Ill People's street Hallway, Hist inort- guge. due 1018 J13 People's btreet ltailnay, Geiitia! 11101 tgage, due 1921 in ,,, Ecrantoii Traction 0 per cent. .... 113 ... Economy l.lgnt, Heat & Power Co 117 Nuith Jeiny i-s- I'oiono Ko Co in Scranton Wliolcsnle Market. (Coueitcd by l. U. Dale, 27 Lackananiia Avc.l IToui-s-I.W. ' lleain-2.iu. llulter 1'ienli creanuiy, SUo.j June iieamery. )V.iite..', dalrj, 22c. " ChmelHialv'i. i'llliv Niaiby. 0v. l'ej,-PM bu.l.el, 11 73. I'jtatoes-rPer bushel, 3c. Onlon Per br-vlicl, 1.00. Up to Date. "l.eti walk through lite to,-elIwr,'-' Ilu- anient lover rivl. "I dvn't see that I anto," The ciuel girl replied. New Vol It Sun. 3 Mom llxtrn bin:. MUNCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advortloimcnts Will Bo Eeceived at Any of tho Follow ing; Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALDBRT SCIU)LT7, corner Mulberr; street nd Webster avenue. CUSTAV P1C11LL, 0J0 Adams avenue. West Side OLottan w. jijskixs, 101 Soutu Miu avenue. South Scranton PIIHU L. THItPPH, '20 Ceduf avenue. North Scranton OHO. W. DAVIS, corner Noith Msln avenue and Market tlrcet. Green Ridge ' CIIAHLLS P. JONES, 13.17 IHckson u venue. T J. JOHNS, t20 fiiccn Hldge fitrcet. C, LOItL"NZ. eotner Washington ove nuc and Marlon atrect. L Petersburg v w. II. KNIJPrr.fi, 1017 Irvine avenue. Dunmore J. a. BONH .t SON. Help Wanted Male. TitrsTuouTiiY Yorxt; "oTTfiicr'posr. Hon', this cil! is2(l weekly; cxpciienee 1111-neceb-arj, Ijut iroud leferences nnd Iillv dollar deposit iiipilic-d, Wlinbrough, So North Sixth, Phlladelphli, MAOHIXlsTS WAXTKD-dood wages to rooiI men; alo pallern nnLcm. Sciantou Steam Pump company, lliccii Hldge. CAXVASs,i:its WAM'I.'I) In snlhit suli-cilptloin fin The Tilbunc; liberal coiiimlssions al lowed; only active men dclied; tho-e with ex perience piefened. Apply ut !hisincs Managei'a olllce, Seianlon Tiihuue. Help Wanted Female. WAXTi'.D l'iist class waist tiiiumers nnd tkiit li.inds. Addiess The Pmisiaii flic-eiiukeis, fcliiH.n Long lltillding, Wilkes-Banc. WAXTKD (Jood giilf, wanted. Tiibime Iltmlety. LADILS to do plain needle woik for us at dome, we furnish matciials and pay s',' to fit) per week. Send stamped envelope to M, mil. lid Co., Indiana avenue, Cliicago, III. LADY CANVASM:1! wanted to solicit snb.uip tions tot 'Ihe Tiibuno; good comnilssioii of fered with .1 fail guaianteo for that-class woikcr. Apply pcisonally at llusiness JIanagei's office, Scranton Tubure. ' WAXTIID At nuc, .1 waitrts; leferences le qulied. Apply lo Mrs. N. . Lcet, 211 .let feison avenue. Help Wanted Male and Female. WANCTD Sile-siiien and salesladies, pciiini.cnt woik and good sil.uy. Apply at loom No. 1, 427 Spruce Mieet, Itaub buihlui. Wanted To Bent. WANTHD I'uini-hed hoii-e or four or five 100111s for hou-ekecpiu,j. Addicts A. O. I'.., Tribune olhce. Furnished Booms. ROOM I'OU ltr.XT All convenience;.; pi ice. lea tonable. Inqidie 1511 Capouse avenue. l'Oli HIIXT One fuiniahed room, with improve ments; also one on tlilul lloor, cheap. 027 Adams avenue. TUnXlSIIHI) HOOMS for lent, modem Improve ments; private family; gentlemen prefezred, ot 537 Adams avenue. l'OH 1IHNT 1'urnUlieil tiont loom, with heat, bath and gas; near court house; gentleman preferred. Address itoom, Ho.x 2U0. I'OU l!i:XT l'mnlshed loom; heat ana bath. (c3 Linden tlrcct. rUnXISHHD HOOMS TOlt nr.NT. with heat, pas and bath, gentlemen prelerred, at SaS Adams avenue. Booms and Board. ROOMS TO HUNT, with boaid. b00 Mulberry stieet. Wanted Booms and Boaid. WAXTI'.D Twj cur.miuilcatlng rooms with boaid, pillule family piefened. Two ladies and 11 geiitliniau. State full paiticulais. Addiess C. II, I)., Tilbunc olllic. Storage. .STORAGE Dry, clean m.d lnodem iii.n date Moiugc; M-paiate looms; indiiidiial keia; dilator. An ideal "tnugc for household elicits, etc. Tdiity upaiate toi.igo rooms, Sciantou hloiage torn jau.1, 113 ri.iukllu avenue. Beal Estate. l'Olt -s l,i; House in lcsldeiue m f ion, dieen llldgn; eleven 100111.4, I1.1II1 and laundiv; all inoileiii liiiiiuviiueiit; 11c.11 school nod t lunches; cue bloik fiom lais. Inquile at KWl C.iioiise uve. POIt SAI.i: At (laik's Sunimlt; a pla.-e of II -it acics, doibc and bain, good fitilt; iheap fur tali. lii'pilic of Mrs. L. Lindsay, Hit North Main avenue, illy. Business Opportunity. STOrii AND WIIUAT TTlADHItS vvithonT'd.ljjC Wiitc for our special market letter. I 'leu on application. S. M. lllbbaid &. Co., members X, 1, Ccmolulatcd and sioik S.chatige. 11 and Id Hioudivai, New Yolk. IMablUhcd 15,11. Long Uiiuncc Phone 2,)iS Ilroad. Money to Loan, Kiuo, M.iinn, (L-ioo, ix ur cent. Hulldiiig. hilSi .1 Jiuouuts ut live and Attorney, ut-2 .Mean ANY AMOUNT 01' MOMIY '10 1.0 IX-Qulck, btraight lo.uu or Diddling and l.yiin. At from -1 to 0 per cent. Call 011 X, V. Walker, ill.J13 Coni.cll building. lost. LOsl' Monday evening. I'ib. 17. belnein Urn inlng avi-nuo and j.shbiun ticef, an oial biouli icntaiuliig geiitluuan'n plduie, I'luder pleaso iciuiii to or notify MUs Paison, -117 Tliii ueiith sluet. Bhauinatiatn. t-WSSfcsySS s-s.-vssys,- Itlll'.l'JIATISll-All uaitles that wl.l. ,an bo upecdlly und iKiinancntly lined uf all i.t llelles ut illicuiiutUin bv u ve,rtable luiupuuud. ('una guaranteed. Jinjuiiv or addivas J. 1.. Taj lor, Scuiilon, Easter Complexions. L'AIT:it lOMPLLNIOXS-lf jou want a ih complevion to match yoii lla.ler gowns and luti yon khcnild tjit ut once and give it uu-fiil atlciitlon, My Klulrual Mijo in oue hair will nuke Hie faic look .jeaio joungei; ! re-lic.ljlic,- ami rc4ful. biipeilluous lulls, warU and niolca lemovid. Kve brow loneilul. Ilu cli.iiiin'i, Demutologlcal Pailuu, 3li Wahiii,tuii avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. DIRECTORY..1 Insertions 25 Cents Tim Pour Lines, 6 Cent for Hncli Hit 1,1 m, PROFESSIONAL. Certilled Public Accountant. r.DWAIl!) O. SPAUt,lllNar2.rTltAlU:it8"HANK Dullillne;, and St. Paul Hullding, New York, Architects. LDWAIID It DAVIS, AUCHtnOT, COXNLLL Duildlng. rniiDnntRK r,. nrtowx. aucii. n m:.L HsUto Kicliange Hldg,, 12d Washington avc. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L, HAIIDINO. 000 CONNIILL HUILDINO. Dontirats. nn. c. 1:. i:iLi:Niu:ittii:it, pauli huildino. Spruce street, Scranton. pil.0. O. LAUnACIl, 115 WYOMINQ AVIINOB. Lawyers. rilANK l;. llOYLi:, attoiinhy-at-laiv. Itoonu 12, n, 10 and 18 Durr Building. y. K. TUAOY, ATT'Y, COMMONWHALTIl nbl)0. d. d. ni:pLont,n. AnoirxnY-LOANfl ni:oo- tialed on real estate security. Mean llulldlns, corner Washington aicnuo and Spruce street. HILLAIH), WAll!li:X k KNAPP, ATTOIINIIYS and coimsellors-at-lavv, Itcpubllcan Building. Maslilnglon aicnue. JHSSUP .t JCSiOP, ArrOHNHYS AND cou jcllori-nl-lavv. Coninionvvculth Building, Boom ID, 20 and 21. i:'nJ?. V' TIIAYnn, A'lTOnSCY. ROOMS OO.MX)I, Dth floor, Meats building. '" A. wATnn3. attohxi:y-at-law, boaro ofTrado Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTpsox & WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAL Bank Building O. COMCOVH. D-13 HI'PtJBLIOAN limLDIKO. ,W; DUKTIIOLP. OFFICII MOVI2D TO NO? 211 Wyoming aicnue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. L ALLL'N. 313 NORTH WASIIINaTO.1 avenue. Dl!. S. W. L'AMORHAUX, Ol'FICH 33D WASH ington aicnuo. Residence, 1313 Mulberry. Chrpi.lo ulsea;cs, lungs, heart, kidneys an! genito-urlnary organs a specialty. Houri, 1 to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. Hit. D. f!. r.VANS, OSTHOPATH, 126-8 WASH Ington avenue. Chronic and nervous dheas-s 11 i-peclally. Consultation flee. Hotels and Eestaurants. Tim i:lk cArn, 123 and 127 franklin ave. nue. Rales reasonable. P. ZinOLUR, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NL'AR D.. L. &VV. PAS Bengcr depot. Conducted on the Kuropeaa Plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BUIflQS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no sdor; only improved pumps used. A. B. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Licke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. O. It. CLARKH Si CO., SHRDSMHN AND NUR-3-erjmen, store !i01 Washington avenue; green houses, 1030 North Main aienue; sloro tele phone, 782. Wire Screens. Joseph kui:tti:l, rear-mi lacka. avc, f-cranton. Pa., manufacturer of Wiro Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladies wuists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MEOARCIEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa, Till: WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN BE HAH in Scianton at the news stands of Reismaii Bios., 400 fprucc and COM Linden; M. Norton, .'22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spiuce street. Situations Wanted. A YOl'XC! MAN' of good addiess and leferences, dcsiics .1 ..ilaiicd position in this city, with citable Him. Addiess, P. It., Tribune oflice. WANTED Position by a .loung man, age 22. as bookkeeper 01 assistant and tjpewritcr, when; good haul nuik calls for advancement. No e perienco iscept .1 thoiougli business college tialu iug; can glie nferciuc a.s to character and abil ity; location this 111 New Yoik btale; good pen man; (oiiespondencn solicited. Addiess Wesley II, AVeuvcr, Lopez, .Sullivan county, l'a. HOOD 1)1111, would like situation in small pri vate tamlly doing hoiisevvoik, 2021 Prim stieet. SITCAXION AX'l ED-Hy New Yi.K as luuihmiin. stieet, city. : .voting man fiom 'luuck, 707 Deacon SITUATION WAXTED-lly lulddlo aged woman, as hoiisilvceper In niiloiiciV fumil). Call or addiiss J. II., 1117 Summit menue, Scranton, Pa. SITUATION WV.XTF.D-Hy a joiuig mm with tour years epeiiime .tioiind gtoceiy Moie. Will aicipt position ut any honest veoik. Sliong nnd Indiistiloii-. II. P., 312 Mulbeuy ticet. SITI'ATIOV WAX'IED-Ily a bulcher; good mar ket man, peddlei, boliigu.1 and Musage makei ; can one .mil phkle nil kinds ot meat),; ,l meat Hitter and slaugliteiuiau, Addiess Hutclicr, 2il Linden htreet, West Piltstou, Pa. SIIT'ATTOX WAXTED Work dy tlie day or wash ing and iioiilng to take dome. Addie-ss C, It., Tilbunc uftlie, Sllt'ATIOV AVANTIIH-Hv a oung gltl to help with light hoiisi-woik or tike caie of chll ilicn; tleei Iimuc- nights; addiess 1., I'., H21 llllill Ktieet. MTI'A'IION' WAXI'ED-Hl ulllliiidV.nnrht gilUf" ilo (ieiiei.il liuibevioik. (;an eivo icfeience. Addict llaiia Itochtoid, lit Vine street, CltyTV Si'll'VllOV NAYi'HU-Aii eiici'cnied mcji's tmnUhilig unods 111.111 ile-iles poaltlon, (iood icfeicmes. Addius . .,,J'jbmie cilice. ,'C A (iOOD (IIIIL dcslies iltiutlou doing hone woik; good cook. 'Addiess M, O., 'fi!unSlof five. il e LEGAL, ESTATE nt balds Millwood, laic of the rlljfu! Siuntun, Laikavvanni county, PemisjllJtni, dectasid, - . I.itlei.s tesianientai.v iijion the aboi,e esjate brr ili;; ln.cn giantid the umlenilgmd, all pel soils fui in' claims ugahist Ihe same will nient thrlu for pa)ni(hl mid those iudeblcil there to will plca-e iiukc'Immediali' pajment to l) I'. IIE.MMIOD. F.vcuitiis, 111 J. W, lUIOWXl.Vti, Alloinev,. U'l'i Mcars lluildliig. IN THU llisliitt C unit of the L'nltcd StateOof the Middlo Distill 1 uf IVnii-vivaiila. Iiithu iiullci' ol Patrick .1. Mesmii, li.iukrupt, Xu.'ll.'i, In liaiikiuiitiy. To the iiedliori. of Patrlik--.). Mevelt, of Ml niton. In the lolllilj- of Lacka V. .11111.1 and illslikl aloiifsanl, a baukiiipt: XuIKO is lieu b.v givui hat on the 2tli day nf I'.liriiaiy, A. II. 1'jhJ, the jiil Patiiik .1. Miwll va, ilul.i ailjudliated lunkiupt; und that tliu llil mciiiiig uf ll.e 1 u. Ilu. is will be held at the uitUc nf lilt! iifeicv 111 the (ioviliuuitit lluilding. in lha cii.i uf iHiuiiluu, Pa., on the iJlh day of Maud, D 1'ipi, at 11 o'cloik, 111 the fori noon, at ulikli 'time, tin) Mid ciediun may at tetid, ptovc- thetr claims, aptolnt u luisti-c, ft unilne iho baukiiuit, and transact MJCh utlur budnVMi a may piupeily come Indole xald inret i'g. l A. VAN WORMER. t-uantun, Pa., lu2. Ititern-. Piool of claim, We. y ,