r,) '". ???& f J UF S'.-iF1 HrtV VTiflfffo t3 ""ae vp'w-it " s",yffc3 e,i?rTt-'qa--4- " tnIWp1f T'T- ' p Prrq&Fmt .- rtHtrp"tt "Jf "-tp- THU SCJlAiSTON Tmi3UNE-WI3DNJSSJ)xVY, MAliCH 5, 1902. 7 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PITTSTON. flpcclit la tlie Scranton Tribune. l'lttston, Mttrcli 4. All dmigor from further destruction by ttio Hood Is iuit mid tile river Is gradually receding, being now about 20 feet above low water murk, which Is nine feet Iohs than when at Its Blithest liolnl on Sun day. The netuttl effects of tlie Hood nro now being disclosed, Lehigh Val ley employes were tit work between heie and Wllkes-nnrru alt day and by tills afternoon tho tiliices where the truck had been wuslicrt away had been lllled In. About 2 o'olock this after noon a train arrived here with this morning's I'lilkidclphln. mull. The trao tlon line Is closed and will likely not be opened for a day or two, the South street power house at Wilkes-Barre having suffered much damage by the Hood, In this vicinity, however, the tracks themselves have suffered little damage and the curs will be run just as soon as power can be secured. There Is little or no change at the collieries hereabout and few of them were- In op eration today. Tlnee railroad locomo tives have been pressed Into service at the Seneca colliery of the Lehigh Val ley company nt the Junction, and are furnishing the steam necessary to run the pumps and fans. The boilers at this mine were under five feet of water. The olllcluls at the Stevens colliery on tho West Side at 10 o'clock secured control of the water which has been running into the shaft on their property for the past sixty hours. Al though the pumps were partially under water they were kept In operation con tinually, but the retrogade action of the river water Is the only thing that saved the mine from being entirely at the mercy of the flood. The vast vol ume of water which rushed Into No. 14 mine of the Erie company at Poit Hlanehard can best be imagined when It is said that It took the oflleials nine weeks to Hood the mine a few years ago at tho time it was afire, whereas the place has been more completely di owned in forty-eight hours by the present Hood. Buckets are kept con tinually at work. At Heidelburg No. 2 of the Lehigh Valley Coal company, the water, while still high up in tlie shaft opening is gradually receding, two large buckets being kept at worK lit and day. The mules wlilcli were irriedly taken from No. 4 shaft Sat urday when it was rumored Vatesvillo dam had broken have been taken back to tho mines. There was a scarcity of fresh meat in the city today, none of the beef companies have received a shipment since last week. West Plttston borough's new town council met and reorganized yesterday. The following are the new borough otn rials: President, T. W. Jenkins; secre tary, George Benfleld; treasurer, .T. If. Mulkcy; street commissioner, Colonel S. A. Uiquhart; chief of police, Charles Schoonover; borough attorney, W. I. Hibbs. William D. ISverliurt, aged .VJ years, a veteran of the, Civil war, died at his home, on Franklin street, yesterday from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy. Deceased was a recent resident of Shenandoah. Another survivor of the famous Bat tery II, Pennsylvania artillery, passed away yesterday at Wilkos-Barrc, Charles A'anderburg, aged (',2 years, dying after several months' illness. The funeral will take place Wednes day with interment in iUttrcy ceme tery, at Duryea. John Young, father of W. II. Young, hotelkeeper at the Water street bridge, died at his home, in Sebastopol, Satur day evening, after a long illness. De ceased was 75 years of age, and was a native of England. lie had been a resi dent of this vicinity for the greater por tion of his lire. Among the surviving family is George P. Young, of Dunmore. Tlie funeral took place this afternoon, with interment in Plttston cemetery. Jlrs. Charles Dennlson, of Susque hanna avenue, West Plttston, wos se verely scalded in a very peculiar man ner Sunday afternoon. With several friends she was watching the Hood near the AVest Plttston cemetery, when the round on which she was standing gave At this point a two-Inch steam uns to the Clear Spring Coal com - Pimp station. This pipe was Tiken by the dropping of the earth, and Mrs, Dennlson was in tlie escaping steam. Sne was severely burned about the lowei portions of the body. Mrs. Frank Iliifsmlth, in rescuing Mrs. Den nlson, 1 her hands badly scalded. AVTrr avlng Music hall last evening Jurltih Mi performance of tho Waite Comedy company, George Drum, a young nun residing at West Plttston, slipped and fell down the stairs Jead lng from tie hall. He sustained a bad gash on th head. George Pogers, of Delaware avenue, has purchased tho Fitch house, on North strot, West Side, and will oc cupy tho sri-sio Immediately. FOREST CITY. Special to tUP'.ftriiiiton Tiibunc. ' Forejc City, March 4, The council met lust owning and reorganized by 'tlie selecting of D, Fallon as chairman, M. J. Connelly was elected-strdet com inlsMoner, ni d F. B. Carpenter, secre tary of council. There was u deadlock for treasurer,' J. F. Wellbrock and John Mi-Donald each receiving three votes. F. M. aardlnc r and II. O, Wn.trous were also tie for borough attorney, Tho Hawthjbrne Musical club gave an entertainment In the opera house this evening, before a large audience. To morrow nlghjt another moving picture show will hojtl forth, Tho funeral of George Muxey took placp today ijnd was largely attended. Ilev, J, Davlsl conducted the services at tho lioiibo nt ' 11 o'clock, and the re mains were taken to Maplewood ceme tery, Carbondnle, to be burled by the side of his father and mother, De ceased was SI years old. He was born In aianiorsuu&)iire, Wales, and when a boy came to Carbondnle with his fam- If You Could LoolO into the tfuture uud see tbe condition ... . , """ jour couch, ucgiecicci, Mill bring you, you would seek relief at once ana that -naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption sfrf M Guaranteed to cure Con. tllr 6 t""iV"0"' Bronchitis, ?T Asthma, and all Lung Troubles. Cure Coughs and Colds in a day, 25 cents. Write 'to a. C. wjoxs ic Co.. JCe Roy, ft, Y for free trial bottle, ' VC Karl's Clover Hoot Tea purities the Blood lly. Soon afterward he went to Car bon county, whore ho wns employed In and about the mines. He followed tills line of work for yenrs and helped to open ninny of the mines of the lower coal legions. THOMPSON. Special lu I lie Srnnlon Tilbuiio, Tltoiiiuson,. March I. Miss Jennie Coon er, of Carbondulo, has' been In Thomp son the past week visiting and earltig for her sister, Mrs. Lenourd Cole, who has followed the fashion nnd euter tnlned the grip, which makes longer calls tluili Henry of Prusla Is making to the cities of America. MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE, Jack and Jill with little boy blue. Find Simple Simon and Tom Tucker. Eail Van Volkenberg, of Susquehan na, visited his parent, Mr. and1 Mrs. Irvln Van Volkenberg, last Sabbath Und Wllllain Crosier, of Susquehanna, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crosier, the same day. Mrs. C. Z. Pickering, who fractured her ankle last August, went to the Scranton city hospital yesterday for treatment. Ord. Shaffer, who lived near Ararat, died last evening of pneumonia and his widow is reported as seriously sick. An emery wheel in the Spencer Heat ing company's plant here went to pieces yesteiday afternoon, causing no little consternation among the workmen, but fortunately none of them were hurt. The windows in the other parts of tho building are in need of repairs. Floyd Axtel, esq., of the law ilrm of Miller & Axtel, of Susquehanna, was professionally engaged here last Sat urday, while the senior member of the firm, J. Miller, esq., of this place, made a. business trip to New York city the same day. The wife of Albeit AVelsli, of Burn wood, died at that place last Friday after a brief illness. Tlie funeral was held at the Free Baptist church here Sabbath morning, conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. H. French. A large number of her neighbors and .relatives attended the servicer. Interment was in the Thompson cemetery. A squad of men left last evening In charge of Mr. Saxton of the Erie for Waverly, N. Y., to assist in tlie repair ing of damages done by the recent Hoods. Thompson is three or four hundred feet lower than Ararat and yet It is too high to be disturbed by the raging Hoods. Just about O. K. year in and year out, as the years average, and we have a few lots for sale, but no empty houses. N. J, Monroe is at Burnwood today looking after the skimming station there In the Interests of the Thompson Creamery company. TAYLOR. President Henry E. Harris, of the Taylor borough council, has an ex ceptionally line record, being one of the llrst to serve In that capacity somo years ago, and those who know him believe that he will fulfill the duties of the ofliee without any strings and In tends to be president In fact, as well as in man. This is one of Mr. Harris' most permanent and marked character istics, his frankness and firmness of purpose. President Harris, as n citi zen, is of that type which Is progressive and forward and always ullvo to every movement that means the advancement of tho borough's Interests. Mr. Johns, the retiring president, who has so suc cessfully attended to the duties of the olllce for two terms, is u man of ster ling value. He has always been very active in looking utter the interests of the town, and Is deserving of great credit for tho elilcleiit manner in which lie lllled the duties of president during his two tonus in odlco: Street Commissioner Goodwin uud his gang of workmen were yesterduy en gaged In repairing the North Main thoroughfare In the vicinity of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company's crossing, the roadbed being partly washed away, as a result of the recent heavy rain, The Women's Christian Temperance union will hold a meeting at the home of Mis. J. Mllford Morgans, on .Main street, on Friday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The young ladles of the First English Congregutlouul church In North Taylor are making elaborate preparations for their supper, which will be lieia on Sat urday evening hi the church basement, All the delicacies of the season will be served, The funeral of Oubilel Bonner, an old and respected resident of lieudhum, will tuke pluce this morning from his lute residence. A high mass of requiem Will be celebrated at the St, Law) once church by the rector, Uev, J, F, Jordan, Interment will bo mnde in the Mlnooka Catholic cemetery. Mrs. William J. Davis, of North Main street, was the guest of her bister, Miss Yettle Sherer, of Clark's Summit, yes terduy, Christmas Jones, of Edwardsvllle, Is visiting relatives In town. Tho drawing for a silver wutch, for the benefit of John E. Mutthews, who lias been lu poor health for u number of years, will be held In Llewellyn's hnll on Anvil 15. Tickets, 23 cents. The Kpworth league of the Methodist Episcopal church Will, nie6t 6n Friday evening In tho Sunday school r&om. All members are requested to be present. Miss Owen Davis, of Pltttslon, Is the Sliest of relatives In North Taylor. Tho Lackawanna company's collieries In this neighborhood had to suspend operations yeslerduy, owing to a scar city of big citrs. ELAUIUnST. The mdlnmico of Baptism will be ad ministered' after the morning service nt tho Baptist church on Sunday next. Groat excitement prevailed for some time on Saturday morning when tho families living on the lowlands 'were wurncd by one of the men employed by the Gas and Water company to vacate their homes without delay, us there was great danger of the reser voir going out at any moment. The order was quickly obeyed and In a short time the homes Weie deserted and the families found refuge with friends who were fortunate enough to live on higher ground. At night, however, tho Innnedute danger was considered over and nearly all returned to their homes. During the day, Saturday, hun dreds of people visited tlie scene and gazed upon the grand, but awful spec tacle presented by this vast body of water as it surged and roared, as if trying hard to break fioin its confines and carry with it ruin, 'dlsolatlon and death. Will Jenkins, of Scranton, spent Sun day with his parents here. Miss Nettle Evans, who has been spending several weeks with friends at Aberdeen, returned to her home on Saturday. On Saturday next the reading circle of the Fifth school district will hold a meeting at the graded school build ing in this place, piofessor E. B. Rog ers is chairman. BRADFORD COUNTY. Sped.il to t lie Scrantnn Tiiliuuc. Townnda, March 4. All along the line Hoods have been rampantly raging since Friday night, followed by, the heavy ruin of the same day. The heavy snow of the previous week made the hill streams high and the river rose very rapidly until Saturday night, when at this place it had reached the high water mark of 24 V& feet, which was higlie- than the December Hood, and had the old dam been in would have exceeded tlie height at the time of the freshet of 1SC.1. On Monday the water had fallen about four feet and was still receding. An excited crowd was busily engaged In watching the largo --quantities of ice and debris. The wreckage consisted of lumber, parts of build ings, horses, catttle, all kinds of fodder, and among the curiosities was what seemed to be a barn floor with straw or hay still burning, Several bridges are again torn out, among them being a county bridge near Wyaluslng, the railroad bridge at Monroe, a wagon bridge at North Towundu, nnd It is ex pected many others. At Athens a por tion of the town was Hooded, the same also being reported from Elmira. The telephone wires are down between To wnnda nnd Athens, and together with the tie-up on the railroad, tho real facts and reports from tlie outside orld are unknown. No city mail has been re ceived since Friday, with the exception of a few Sunday papers which reached us by way of Waverly. A local train was run each way over this division on Saturday and Monday. Section bosses have been called to Wyoming division, with all the men that rould be secured, and Sunday a train carrying workmen from Buffnlo went down the line to do work at Penn Haven. No serious dmn ngo has been reported, and no lives have been reported lost. In Townnda township rowboats were user, in re moving stock and household goods to safety. On Sunday it was Impossible to get telegraphic communication with Hariisburg by wuy of AVilllnmsport. Judge Fanning has issued his pre cept for a March term of court at Troy ioi- one ween, anil tor an adjourned term of common pleas court at To wnnda for the week of March 31. The board of trustees of the II. A. Packer hospital will build a resldenco for Superintendent Ott. A number of bids have already been received. A training school for nurses Is a new de parture at the Institution, and several students are now em oiled, SPRINGVILLE. Special to tho Kcrantou Tilbuiic, Sprlugvllle, March 4. On March IS, In the evening, the members of Vesta lodge, No. 187. D, of n will meet with Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Lyman at their homo in Lynn for a social time und a farewell vltdt to them before they start for the west, which they will do about April 1. The eighteen Inches of snow that fell on February 21 and 22 all went off, with the exception or a few drltts, n less than a week, and the ralp which came With the thaw mnde everything atlout, The two streams that run through town ran over tlie streets In several Places so that pedestrians were obliged to not "pedestrait." April 1 Jason Button will leave his farm near here aiul move to his moth er's farm near vSut was formerly known as Niven iff tho southeast cor per of tho township. John Underbill hu8 rented his farm frpm that time and will work It in connection with ills THE STARVATION PLAN Of Treating: Dyspepsia and Stomach Troubles la TJaoleai and Unscientific. The almost certain faltuie of the starvation cure for dyspepsia has been proven time and again, hut even now a course! of dieting Is generally the first thiiit; recommended for a case of in digestion or any stomach trouble. Many people with weak Indigestion, rut well as some physicians consider thp llrst step to take In attempting to cure Indigestion is to restrict tlie diet, cither by selecting certain foods and rejecting others or to cut down the amount of food eaten to barely enough to keep soul and body together, in other words the Mnrvatlou plan Is by ninny suppos ed to le the llrst essential. All this is radically wiong. It Is fool ish and unsclentlllc to recommend diet ing to a man already suffering from starvation because Indigestion Itself slaives eery organ, nerve and fibre In the body. What people with poor digestion most need W, abundant nutrition, plenty of tiood, wholesome properly cooked food, and, something to assist the weak stomach to digest it. This Is exactly the purpose for which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are adapt ed and the true renson why they cure the worst cases of stomach trouble. Eat a audit lent amount of wholesome food nnd after each meal lake one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to promply digest it. in thif way tlie system Is nourished and the overworked stomach rested, be cause the tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not, one g"ain of the active digestive principle in Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets being suHlclent to digest 3,000 grains of meat, cs:,vm or other albuminous food. Dr. Harlandson and Dr. Redwell rec ommend these tablets In all cases of defective digestion because the pepsin and diustuste in them are absolutely free from animal matter and other im purities, nnd being pleasant to the taste aie as safe and harmless for the child as for the adult. All drug stoics sell this excellent preparation, and the dally use of them after meals will be of great beneilt, not only as an immediate relief but to per manently build up and Invlgoiate the digestive organs. quarry. Underbill is at present living In town. Jessie Strickland Is out again after a long and hard siege with intlaminu tory rheumatism. It was expected that the s Hawke Stone company would begin operations lu their quarry cm the Stevens' farm the llrst of March, but as none of the "Co." put in an appearance there was noth ing done. Xlba Lott is to vacate the Albert Beaidsley house and move to the Epis copal rectory. His brother Ed. lias pin chased the old creamery and will convei t it into a dwelling. The htoims of the last two weeks have been so demoralizing to the mail serv oce that for two days at a time there hns beou no mall through. Last week we got' mail every day, that is the mall of the day before. Saturday a. broken axle tied up the road, and no mail came exeepe eaily in the morning and Fri day's mall at that. Lute in the even ing the mall train got back to Tunk- banuock and made one trip Sunday. To day (Monday) they are trying to make regular trips. During tlie past week there has been several moving In this vicinity. Bur ton Bennett has moved to Bradford county, Ebenezer Stevens' tenant has moved in, the Lester Gregory farm has changed hands, George Lee has moved to E. C. Ely's. Walter Rodney wont over to S. A. Shook's Saturday and on the load came near loosing ills horse. In some unac countable way the horse got out of tlie road where a creek overflowed and fell Into the ditch and nearly drowned before help came and rescued It. gt r "" -" ".". "i mnn inn mm I TfeeafeicalL J ATTRACTIONS FOR TODAY. bVC'Ct'M-Contcit oi I'liiUdrlnhli Oulicafra. Xlslit, AC )i:MV. L'oi.h' I'j.wim (Oiiiiuiij. Afternoon and night. S'l'Alt "The Woilc lU'Jtiu," Afternoon ami night. At the Academy. Another line piodiiclion o! "Jlni the lVnnun" win (then nt Hie Auilemy of Mnlo l.i,t night liy Hie Coiw 1'ajlon Coined)- company. Tho house w.w, ciQwileil iiml tho auilUnto was most (ntliiuluttfc. In the ofteiiif.on the attraction w,n tho old lawlto "i!.uel Kill.." Programme Thursday Niirht. l'ollnilii: Is tho luograninie to ho icndeied Thuuday night net at Hie bjtemii theater, he. ii' tho ninth eiilertuinment on the Jliocknuy COillM'i l'.VHT I. Oierlun', "lluujudl I,jlule" l.'iKvl I'crcncz WulUcs "Xiina Kimlne" ilhmiiny tyueeu)-- Mnka I'amila. (Virdj, "llunjraiUn l'anlalc" BU Janos 1'otpouiri, "Hank Han" , 'ax IVieiuz Cjinhaloin Kilo, Ironi "Mai Ilia" Tlotow .MIm I'uiinie Aimiudjiii. I'AHT II. Oieitiiie,. "tWIIIuni 'lell" ltosn( Jltloillo in T lluhliMeln Selection, "'IjiiiiImimi" Wagner Violin olo, "rantosle" from "II Tiomtoie," Vei ill, Mi. II. Amsterdam. (lijiid niaiili, Horn "rauat" (inuuoil 'Hie kale of eat opened etf)day mouiini; ur, tho ho. oltue. tioud hm( iiij otilt he uieil. "Florodora" Next Week, "The llflliur luelodj of ii U iucl.llble," uioto Mr. it. 11 J I'lupiiiJii, the talented maiuaint; editor of ihi! Ian Aiigvloi Uriah), In an cs. Iiaiiitiw I'lllll'iam el "I'loiudoi.t," oc(up.lig near)) to olmnii of tpace, Hut h puUa went liejoml (he inilody. Ho had nothing hut l.lud uouli fur ihe hiluht, nj,p IIIjw'Uo, lie m!iI the imime ui'ic the aone of heau (Kill lnh;ht:'e4 ami MJt lliu ho.it ol pielij Klrli "tie ui'ilh golntf many iiilkj to tve. That U m hi;i pialw pom as liUuluiluatintr a iillle as l Mr. Ihapiuau, nlio graduated from the Uiauiatie edltoiS ihah to heiome a lnjiuxlut; editor cial ean ago, The tamo company whltli he pral-eii to nuii-li U the wine LIk uud splendidly equipped oriranUatloii uljUu will jp pwr in till tily for ihq pel forma nt uj ne.t ttwk, TluittfJty and rThlay idglil, at the j.j. leuui. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents A' ore Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents for Hacii Bxtrn Uns. For Kent. I'Oll HUNT Ten room home. (WO .Mulhtny htrcctl nil modem IniproNcnicnln. Iuililie of II, Moc, 211 Wjonilluv avenue. 1011 HUM' T loiwooni limim, nil modern ini lirotcnienlt, on W.ihhutn utrrctt llrt lilotk oft Main .uimiPl an ideal liomej rent Modeialc. Apply till Academy lrett. roll HUNT l'lne private icldeme In (been JHiIro Aeillon for lent for one .lenr, Itirntdicil dr unfiunWiedl 12 romuM modem Impioiemrntil loam and trolley Hihm (ometilctit, AddrcM .Willi), Tiihuiie offho. I'Olt HUNT iIukIc hou-e, 8 loonm, 1C0 1 Prenott unine: J20.no. Much; Iioikc, tl rooin, 1.V17 Piescott me. i 317, Half of double lioihe, Stunner inenue, Vet l'.nk: $r,.0O. Half of double houe, 70.! I'mcott ae.: Mil.00. tlIAIt!.i:M SCIIbAttKII, 1M and 12S WiMilnRtcn annuo. t'Oll II K.ST Ten-room ulnula hou-e, MS l'lno slicol, between Washington and Ailami au mici. 1'iirnace, ga, lulli, CIiiih. 1'. Jailrilu. IIOOMS TO HUNT tncyiilie of 1'. I,. Cutic, Ml l.nckawanna avenue. I'Olt lll'.NT Kioin April 1, olmo mom occupied by (Iiiliiu Diamond Co.. 2Ji laU'laimiuni ave nue; alio Door above. Apply liTil biilideron avc line. TUNTMUSTS l'OIt HUNT, livery ulable Tor lent. Inquire L'l! Admit avmue. A. Thnninoii. I'Olt HUNT SK-ionm Hal vvilh bath. leam heat, gas lainre and all modem Improve ments fioin Apill 1st: lent ioaonnble. Call early. 1'ied C. Hand, W).! Mulberry htieet. l-0;t HUNT beautiful and uil.iiffe.l olflri". In the I'.mll Inillilluir. Inqiilie of Hamilton, loom SOd, TOR HUNT lloiwe Ml X. WinlibifftTO avenue, comer l'lne, 11 loom-, bath and laundiv. Ap plv to ,1. Ciine.v. ;17 Linden slieet, win only has authority to fhow (lie hou-e. l'OIt HUNT (iroceiy More or Rood stand for incat nuiket, (.oilier l'lttston auntie and Illicit sheet. I'Oll HUNT Store loom on hocond lloor over K11 Lackawanna avenm Plate sli'S fiont. In quilt.' of Krotosky Hio. HALF noi'DMJ house. CIS Harri-mi avenue, ?. Alio half double house, 1C0S l'lne itioet, l. Po&5klon now. Apply CM Harrison avenue. For Kent Unfurnished Hooms. I'Olt HUNT l'lve tuoiiio. luqulic .127 Wyoming nvenlie. I'Oll HUNT 1'ivc looms and bath, ill. 015 Adams avenue; huibat.d and wife. i l'OH HUNT Apnl lt, tlaie unfinnUicd looms, .steam lint and all model n iuipiovcnienti at 717 Olive sticot, For Sale. l'OIt SALU l'ul.-omcter pump of luge capacity, lead.v for use; suction and Ulsiliaigc pipe li'i Inrh"is dlamcler; oteam pipe :P,i hunts dhimclei ; Pike, .i',o. w. II. ltidimond, Hltlnnond Hill, :II2.", N. Muln iTeniie. CAHI'ETs, linoleunn ami oil cloths sold ivciy day 3 o'clock. .,0S Lackawanna, See auctions. l'OIt KALU Cine kindllnjr wood, stove lemrth. Two dollais biR load delivcitd anvwlieic. Mill ordeif, .hnnlnss, Cential Mine cut. AUo second hand hiinbei s-uitulilc for all puipuoos very cheap, IOI! SALU Two light spiing wiffons and some halm?, cheap. Uvans, rear ll'JJ Liucrno street. For Sale or Kent. l'OIt SALU Oil HUNT Ten-loom silicic hous", all liiodein impiovemeiits. f,lfi. Mousey ave nue. Iiiquiie nt 1113 Cipoiise avenue. Eeal Estate. FOIt SALU At'Claik's Summit; a plaso of live acics, nousu nun luin, goou inilt; cheap for rash. Inquiie of .Mis. I,. I,nday, 1111 N'orth Main avenue, cilv. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WIIUAT THADUHS without delay. Write for our (pedal market letter. 1'ice on application. S. M. Hlbbaid & Co., niembeu N. . C'cnsolidated and Stock Sxc lianire,- H and 16 Hroadivuy, New Yoik. litablislied 1,U. t,on; Uistance' l'hone 23SS Broad. Boarders Wanted. I'lllVATU I'AMILV nbhes to have two nl-c men to hoaid, German or CnehMi. Call any timj after Thursday. All conveniences, S07 Hairison avenue. HE MARKETS The follow hi); quotations aie furnished The Till). line by Jl. S. .Ionian & Company, looms 7)-,00 jleai.s Inilldlnif, S'lianton, l'a. Telephone, SOOS: Open- High- Low- Inp. est. est. Aniciiiaii huaar l8i VWS PJ074 Atihison 7jt(. 7,-,ai 751, Atchison, l'r yci wfj m, Biook. Tiattlon il l'j mi'. Bait, k Ohio iui lwji 1U1U Chen, & Ohio lilij I11J4 451', Chic. & (I. V !il 2m "I7J "St. Paul lul?i 1MT lojij Hoik Ialuiid vau 105U KI.IU Kan. & Tit,, l'r Cl'.i rl,3 ,V6; Louis. & N'asli Mil 10 iui(, .Man. Ulcvated i.ij jiiji,;; i,jna4 Met, Tiactlon 1(11,14 iri; 11,7 Mlnosiui I'jcllli! , Wn VffJn iisj,'. Southern Padllo i'4 (ll?9 isl'ij Noifolk & Western S7'i 571i ,'i7,K ',;ri,c : "fH ""s :ii',4 Uile. 1st l'r AS US 0731 X. V. Central lii-M,. lflji mj Out. ,t West :im juji ;u Penna. II, II 13Hi Ulii jvili Paelfio Mai! 17 17','s ill ltoadlnpr i.'i'a r,l!i .it lleadinir. l'r SI M wiVi Southern II, it :u :,.! :i'j Soulherii H. II., l'r .... 1)194 Wi H'i'j T'eiin. Coal : lion , i'i4 m u-, I'. S. Leather 11 U nia ipj; 1', S. Leather, Pr H hl?i hi "A I", S, lliibhor 1314 1-114 lS'i Villon Paolllo ma imk Ks'J 1'nlon Pacific, l'r 57?s K-)j H' Walu-.li. Pr 11114 HV4 I .Hi Westein Union I)',i 0HH iV)J Cul. I'llel k lion hh 8S Ml". Atn.il. Copper 11054 H fi-s5 People' lias HKl 1() trtaj Col. South 2.114 ii'4 21V, Teas Pacific JOi mi :!'i'4 Am, Car roimdry 4014 20Ki Su'a V. S, Steel C Ills 1314 II U. Steel Co., Pi .... IU! wu 0l; Clos inc. 12(j?i 7a1,i mils 0-li-i 101', iji. 2-ST& m-i'.H Kill,-.. ,'i?i 1(,7 IBti, rri'i 57'i :i7',4 llii 10J ;:.! ro m SlVi JU'a tl."lj (lilt, n 8114 WU tl!) S7',!i '.'I S'l'.i 2U4 IS "174 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100, STOCKS. nid. AtleJ ' Lackawanna Dairy Co., I'r o County Havlnss Hank & Tiut Co., 3uo Vlut National Ilink (Carhondalo) jiji) Thlid Notional Bank Ml ,,, Dime Depoolt and Discount Bank-:, son ,,, Uconoiny Llht. II. & 1', Co 411 Klrst National Bank 1J0O ,., Lacki. Trust k Sale Deposit Co..., )uj ,,, flail; d Suover Co,, l'r m ,,, Scranton Saving Bank 300 ,,, Tiadero' National Hank -ji tin an ton Bolt & 1,'ut Co , 11.1 People' Bank m fcciantuii 1'iiiklin,- Co 33 BONDS, icianton i'assciiffer Hallway, fUit Mortgage, due 1020 H5 ,., People' btrcet Hallway, first mort gage, due 1013 J13 , People' Street Railway, General niorlgajo, duo 1031 .,..... in ... Stiautou Tiattlon 0 per cent 115 ... Ucoi.omy Llglit, Heat k Power Co 117 N'oilh Jeuey ir Poiouo Ico Cu 07 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coirettcd by 11, Cf, Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Flour-W-W. lleaw-iii.Me. Butter Freah creauieiy, 30c. t Juiij! 'tieameiy, 23Via'J)Hi'.i dairy, iiv. t'hcefo -llWapJci Kus Nearby, 30c. IVM-l'u l)U.l,el, il.75. 3 Mom IJUANCII WANT OPFIOKS. Want Advertisements Will Bo Deceived nt Any of the Follow ing Diug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBUHT SCIIOLTZ, comer Mulberr ttreet and Wcbalcr avenue. (IUSTAV l'iCHUL, W0 Adanu avenue. West Side OKOIton W. JUNKINS, lot South Main avenue. South Scranton HIED L. TUUPPU, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OUO. W. DAVIS, coiner Xoith Miln avenue and Market ttreet. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JON'US, , 1337 Dickson j avenue. F J. JOHN'S, 020 iccn ltldsc stiect. C, LOHHN'Z. coiner Washington ave nue and Marion t licet. Petersburg W. II, UNUPFUL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dumnore J. 0. BON'U k SON. Help Wanted Male. MANTUD-Hespoiulble Piilladclpliit film wants ifllcc ininaaer at Mi.uiloii; hil.uy s)l,2lli) curly: 30U cash end sitlsfactoiy lofeienies lulled; loir.meicial lefeienco.s fuiiiMicil; posllj poiinanrnl. Addles IVtofllce l!o, 2S1, Plurv. dclphla, Pa. MACllI.NIhTS WANTUD-Oood wagcj to Rood nun; also patlein niakcw. Sei.iiiton Sleaiu Pump coinpinj, (ticen Ridge WANTUD-Disdlot Manager and Special Agents for Lackawanna county, to lepioent the U11) piic Life liisiuaiKu Compjiiv ot Xcw Yoik iltv (incoiporuted 1SS1), to men with ciiei!encc anil good locord a lilici.il contract is uffcied. Addre, fluting experience and icfeioncos, U. Zinnncr. Su peilntendent of AgciK ies, 220 Ilioadwav, X. V. CANVAShUHS WAN'IUD to solicit Mib-cilpllons for Tlie Tribune; liberal c onni'l.lnns al lowed; only active men dosiied; those with cv peileme piofeired. Apply .it lliisinon.) Managei'a ofilec, Sci, niton Tiihuiie. Help Wanted Female. IjADIUS to do plain needle vvoik foi us at home, we iuiiih.li maUiials and piy W! to iip ier vviek. Sind (.unified invelnpi' to M.iniiiul L'o., Indian, 1 avenue, Chicago, III. LADY CAXVAS-sUR wanted to solicit sub,crip-' lions foi The Tiihuiie; n;ioiI commission of- feicd with 11 fail guaiantce foi hibt-cl.iss winker. Apply pcisonally at Biislne-i .Managci's oflicc. ?m 11 niton luuuie. YyXH'.l) -At nice, a watu-s; u'icii-iiii-i lc iuiied. Aiplj to Ml-. N. V. Lcit, 211 .lef-fi-iMiu avinue. Help Wanted Male and Female. AXUTD Kilesnicu and ulel.'diei, permanent vvoik and good sikuj. Apply at loom No, 1, 427 Spruce sticet, liaub bullilliig. Kocruits Wanted. W'ANTUl) l'OH U. S. ARMY Able budieil un- mariied men bitvvceii tho ag's of 21 ard .13; ciliens of the I'lilted btales. ot good cl.ai.iclrr and tciupeiaiu l.i'oiUi, who tan .spc.ik, i-ad and vviilc Uiigli.h. ru Imoimatlon apjil.v to Hcciult mg Ollice, No. 12J Wyoming avenue, Scianton, l'a. Wanted To Ilent. WANTT'.D I'uiiilshed hou-e ov lour or five looms foi housekeiplng. Aildic-v, A. II. 1.., Tilbunc otliee. Furnished Booms. ROOM FOR HUNT All conveniences; pike rea sonable. Inouiio lull C.ipjiise avenuo. FOR HUNT One furnished 100111, with impiovo incuts; also one on tliliii floor, cheap, 027 Adams avenue. VURNISHED ROOMS for lent, modem improve ments; private famllj; iteiitlenieii piofeired, at 6:17 Adams avenue. FOR RUNT Furnished tiont room, with h:at, batli and gas; near court house; gentleman preferred. Addie Room, Box 200. l'OH RUNT Furnished loom; (JiO Linden street. heat ami balh. FUHNISIIUD ROOMS FOR HUNT, with heat, gas and hath, gentlemen prcfeucd, at 5J0 Adams Rooms and Hoard. ROOMS TO BUNT, with boaid. BOO Mulberry street. Wanted Hooms nnd Board, WANTUII Two ccinmunlc.iliiig loonu, with boar I, pilvuto family piclctud. Two ladies and .1 gentleman. State lull paitluilais, Addieas O. 11. I)., 'filbuim olllce. Money to Ioan. iWO, 11,000, si.SOO, laigjr amoimts! at five and i,i pel cult. Siott, Attoiney, 1012 Meals Building, LAlltli; OH SMALL aiuounU. Piomptly made. Inteiest 0 per cent. Okcll, Attorney, Coal Uxcliangc hu(lding. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAX-Qulck, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 1 to 0 per cent. Call on N, V, Walker, 311-310 Cutinell biilldln?;. Potatoes Per bushel, S5c. Ouious-l'cr br.-hel, itl.fcO. Chicago Grain and Produce Market. Chiiafco, March L Tlude in gialus today was cxicediiigly dull, lull tlie loim was somewhat III 111. Com tticnglh helped other pils and tho tlosc khovwd May He. up, May coin -'jc, jiiglici anil .May oat) 14c higher. I'xivfslons closed un changed lu a shade highir, Oil Market. Oil ( lly, Maiih I. Cicdlt lialaiuw, 113; icitl. lUalis, no bid; slilpniculs, S.S22 baiieU; avuagc, 10,701 baircU; luiii, 0,2h baiH'ls; aveiaje, 3d, 0b7 hill els. MOSCOW, The deatli of Mrs, Albeit Mlllei, oicmied Sun day iiioinlng allei a lew ilais' Illnis,. Hi. leased was neaijy 07 .vc.u, c,t age -,nd lilgl.cly (tccni(il uud ircilwl by all who knew hci. Sho U surviveil by a hub,uid. 1,110 ho,i, hon, of iMiaiitou, ami .1 ilauvilitui, Augusta, at home, uud many relative and ftUuds whu nimnii he) lass. Tho liimul luol. plavc lioni Iiir lale lioiuc jfsterday i.fteincon at i nVJotk. Ilev. Ii, II. PientU'e oflklalul. A duel, "Jou. Lover of lly Soul," wa sung, and Rev. Davis oifeied player, which wa followed by tlie ovimuii, and a duct,, "Sonietlinc lu hhall Know" Mjny lnuutlful' rloial pieces tmcied llu'txket, luiciiuuit vva made in the Mosiow leiuileiy, 'J he weather being moie favoiable u Ingvr luiiiibei of pcipU- uie attending Hie levlvul ser. ilfiv which am bejnjr huld lu the MetiiodUt. ihuuli. All are invited to attend. SITUATIONS WANTED PUKE. DIRECTORY; Insertions 25 Cents Tim four Lines, rj Cent tor Kucli Bln Llm. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. LnWAIID O. SPAULDIXO. 2.1 THAllUltS MASK nulldinj, and St, Paul Building, New York. Architects. UDWAHD II, DAVIS, AltCHITCOT, CO.SNULIj nuiiditig. FnUDUIlICK L. BROWN. AHCII. B., nCAL Kttate Uxihange Bldg.. 121) Washington ave. Civil and Mining Eiiglneors. II. L, HAKDIXO, BOil COXXULL nUlLDIN'O. Soutists. mi. c u. lili:.siiuhoi:h, pauli building. Spruco alreet, Scranton. BR- O. O. IiAUDACII, 115 WVOMINQ AV11NUB. Lawyers. niANK U, B0YLU, ATTOHNUY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, , 18 and IS Burr Building. 1'. K. TKACY. ATT'Y, COMMOXWUALTII BLIK1. D. B, ItUPLOOLi:, ArrOHXUY-LOAXS NUGO tlaled on real estate Becurlty. Mcara Bulldlnjt, corner MashliiKton avenuu and Spiuco street. WILLAHI), WAimUN k KXAPP, ATTOHNUYS and counselloirt-at-law. Republican Building, Waihlngton avcnui:. JUSSUP & JUSSUP, ATTOHNT.YS AND COUX-Fcllori-at.l.iw. Commonwealth Building, Roomi 10, 20 and 21. K11EP w- THAYUH, ATTORNEY. POa-OQ-t, Qtli flooi, Mean building. ROOM9 LVA- WATLS, ArrollNUY-AT-LAW, BOARD ot Trade Iliilldlng, Scranton, Pa. p-vrrpsoN k Wilcox, tradur-s national Hank Building C COMKQVS, 0-13 BKl'tjnLIOAN BUILDINO. A',w,n.I":,JTnor'r orncu jiovub to xo! 211 vvyomlng avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. U. ALLEN'. 61J NORTH WASIIINOTON avenue. Dfl. S. V. L'AMOHUAUX, OtTICU 330 WASH '"Slo", avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys an 1 gen to-urinaiy organs a specially. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and 'Restaurants. TIIU ULK OAFU. 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue. Hates reasonable. P. ZIEdLnn, Proprietor. SCRANTON IIOUSU, XUAR D L. A- W. PAS fengcr depot. Conducted on tho Uuropean Pl-m, VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRICJGS CLl.'AXs' PRIVYvruTTs"A;l) cetd pools; in odor; only Improved pumps used. A. U. Briggs, propiletor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Uicko'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. C. R. CLARKU k CO., SUUDSMUN AND NURS erynien, stoic 201 Washington avenue; greoo homes, 10J0 Not th Main avenue; slore tele phone, "62. Wire Screons. JOSUPII KUUTTKL, IICAK 011 LAOICA. AVU., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wile Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladles waists. Louise Shoemaker, 2 1 J Adams avenue. MEOAROUU BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, UN v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warchoiuc, 10 Washington avenue, Sciaulou, Pa. THE WILKES-BARHn RECORD CAN BE HAD lu Siiaulo-i at the news standi of Reisinan Bros, 400 ipiucc and COS Linden: M, Norton, u22 Lackawanna avenue; !. S. Siiiutzer, 211 Spiuce street. Situations Wanted. vv ,.vu;ij I'Ositiuu ny a .vorng man, age ja, m bookkeepu or assjstuit and typnviitci, when' good hard woil. calls lor advancement. No c pciicnic except .1 thoiougli huslms.s college training- 1 .m f?ti 1, .lefi'icti, , .Is in (hll.iitci .nifl nltil. WANTED PosRIuu by a jorng man, age 22,' us ilv ; loi.ttiou this or New Yoik stale; good pen man; toiicspoiuleiKe soliciud. AiidroM Wesley II. Weaver, Lopez, Millivau county, Pa, (iOOi) BIHL would like niluatiou in small pii vale lamily iloitig housewoik. 2021 1'iku sticet. blTT'A'ITOS WANTUD-lly a jouug Hum from New Yf.'k as liuichmiii, Miinck, 707 Deacon sticet, city. SITUATION' WANTUI)-Ily middle aged woman, as Imuspkeepei in whlovrci'ii f.inilly. Call or .nlilieM J. II,, 1117 Summit avenue, Sci anion, l'a, SITCATIOX WAXTED-Ily a joiiiig man witli four yens experience iiiouitd gioiciy store. Will accept position at any honest vvoik. Stioug and iiidiwtnous. II, P., 312 Mulbeiry sticot. SITUATION WANTED By a butcher; gooil mar Let man, peddler, bologna and carnage niakei; can 11110 and.piikle all kinds of meats; Al meat cutter and flail .rhtci man. Address Ilutrlicr, 211 Linden street, West l'lttston, Pa. SITUATION' WANTED Woilc by the day or wash, lug und Boning to lake home. Addrcs.1 C. JL, Tribune ollice. SITUATION WAXTED-By .1 joung girl to help with light liouscwoik or tako cine of chil dren; sleep homo nights; addiess L. F,, 3JI illtrll slicct, SITUATION' WANTUD-Hv willing, iionest girl In do general liouscwoik. Can give leferenco, Addiess Maria Rochtord, IU Vine street, City. SITUATION WANTUD-An, experienced mcit'i furiiUhing goods man ileslics position, (laud refciencci. Address X. ,, Tribune oflicc. A 0001) filltL deslies ritujtlon doing liotCe- vvoik: good 100k. Addict M. C Trlbuno of- fice. . ' 2 Lost. LOST Monday evening. Feb. 17, between Wio- inlng avenuu and Washburn street, an otal brooch containing gentleman's plctuie. Finder please lelum to or notify MUs Paiaons, 117 Thii leentli sticet, -' Bheuniatisra. Hlll'.iniATTSM-All nartlci tliat wl.li ran.l speedily and permanently i-uic-u 01 an .1.1. ilellcs ut Hheunutlsiu by u vegetablo toninurail, Cuica guaiuuteed, Inquire or addiess J, L, lay. lor, Sciaiiton, Easter Complexions, , UAisTUIl ( 011l'LK.'lOXS-lf ou want a frjsli .niMnl.ivl.il, ,,. ,11, III, t.MII I'.l.,, triL . a 'iT.ll luts you should stait at ouco and give le larejul ullcntioii. My Ulettiltal Massago u mic put will make the fue look veaii, youngeris rrr Itcshlug and rcsliul, liuptiiluoiu ialr, wart ami iin.ies runuved. ie brows lorrccted. (lu clianau's DcDiialuloglcal t'ailois, 312 Washington uvciiuc. LEGAL. THE ASM AI, meeting ol tho stockholders' ol h l..u iaw.inu.1 lion and bleel Company tor the laXitiou of DincloKS and tiaiujitiou ot suih othvr InwiikM as may piopcily lonii) hefoiu Hie luer-:. lug, will be l.cld.ut tlie- ofliiaj ot the Company, Room Ml Council lhilldlihr.Mn tie luy ot Serin ton, IMnujIvuuia, on lVi-dusday, llauh 3, t'2. at 2 o'clock p. in. The kH will lemalii ipsa for one hour. The tiamfet books will be clual on I'ebiuary 2J, 1KB. and reopened on ManO, 1WJ. , d. I'. lll(IUIS!ON, Secitary. faiiaulc-u, l'a,, Ftbiuau 21), luiti. f.