THE SUUA3NT0N TliJLBUJNifi- SATURDAY, MAltOH 1, 1902. 0 A .? 7 (j r tl s -, f V. r NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA I MONTROSE. Upeclal to the Scranton Trlnune. Montrose. Feb. 28, The nnnual meet ing of the' Montrose Klro ilcpnrtniont takes nlncc lit the parlors of the Hook mid Ladder company this evening. At a meeting of the town council on Monday night, that hoily turned down by rpfUHlng to pay bills mnotinttng lo nbout $300, which were contracted dur ing the small-pox Bcare In Montrose the first of the year, nnd which had been approved by the board of health. As a result of the, council's action, Dr. John a. Wilson has, through his attor ney, K. V. Sartord, Instituted n suit against the borough, and other of the creditors wilt take similar action. The general sentiment of the taxpayers Is that It Is an outrage for the borough to refuse the authorities proper com pensation for the splendid work they did In stamping out tho contagion and In protecting tho town from an other outbreak. While all seem ready and willing to pay their proportionate share of the necessary expense, there will be n vigorous kick if, In addition, the citizens are called upon to pay the costs In an entirely unnecessary law suit. Montrose was given splendid ser vice and protection and she should not have hesitated a moment In footing the bill. Warren li. Arnold, of Carbondalc, spent Sunday In this place. Mrs. 0. II. Wutrous Is visiting friends In Philadelphia and Coatosvlllc. Billings and Ilyan, hardware dealers, have dissolved partnership by mutual consent, the business will be continued by Mr. Ilyan alone. Mr. Billings and James Van Cnmpcn have purchased the furniture and undertaking business of D. C. Tltmnn & Son, and will take possession about the middle of March.. "The Katllr Boy Choir" will appear at the Baptist church In this place about the middle of March, under the auspices of tbc Baptist Young People's Society Christian Kndeavor. Editor J, P. Taylor, of the Republi can, who has been seriously 111 with pneumonia for the past week, Is some what Improved. The revival meetings at Zion African Jlothodlst Episcopal church have closed. A total of ten conversions Is reported. ur venerable townsman, D. C. Han drick, remains very 111 at his home on Chestnut street. 'John J. Doyle, Jr., of Scranton, vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle, sr at their home on High street, in this place, the first of tho week. A great rain storm has been raging here all day nearly. It is feared that our neighbors down tho Wyoluslng creek arc having serious times with the high water. Mrs. E. I!. Joachim and children, of Unadllla, are guests of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. AV. W. Smith, in this place. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Timkhannock, Feb. 1!S. Miss Eliza beth Stark, of West Pittston, is the guest of the Misses Kate and Myrtle Vosc, on Wyoming avenue. Shcrirc John W. Cray left on Thurs day morning for Philadelphia, for the purpose of removing James Terry, a prisoner confined In the penitentiary, to Danville Insane hospital. A majority of the creditors of the clothing firm of Skinner & Peter, who recently became bankrupt, have agreed to a compromise on the basis of fifty cents on tho dollar for their claims. Sheriff sales of real estate will be held at the court house on Saturday, March S, at 1 o'clock p. m. K. W. Fargo, the newsdealer, will lo cate his store in the Democrat build ing, on Tioga street, about April 1. Tho Wyoming County Farmers' insti tute, which was to have been held in the mouth of December, but was post poned on account of the small-pox epldemic.will be held at the court house on Thursday and Friday, March IS and 11. C. A. Dershcimer, esq., and James E. Frear, esq., returned on Wednesday, from Philadelphia, where they argued tho equity case of Celestla DeWItt vs. Ettlc DeWItt, et ul before the Su preme court. A 'sham law suit In tho nature of a broach of promise suit, will be held at the' "court house on Friday evening, March 7, for the benefit of tho Presby terian church fund. John 15. Fuscett, of the firm of Brown Si Fassett, millers and produce dealers, and Miss Margaret Torry were mar ried at Scranton on Wednesday. Tho newly married couplo will spend their honeymoon In the South. Fred M, Williams has been re-appointed postmaster at Nicholson. Goodrich I Dullard, a Meshoppon merchant, has been adjudged bankrupt, and u meeting of the creditors will bo held here on March 7, for the purpose of choosing a trustee, etc. Alvln Day, senior editor of tho Wy oming Dcnfqerat. Is confined to hla room by Illness. I,. m i UNIONDALE. Speclil to Hie Scrmton .Tribune. Unlondale, Feb. 28. An Interesting programme was rendered Inst Monday night In tho band's hall by membern of tho graded school, under tho supervi sion of tho principal, Prof. J. P. Wll win, and Miss Virginia Carglll, teacher in tho intermediate department. It was in celebration of Washington's an niversary. All tho artists did them belvcs credit, Mm. S, S. Coleman was recently called to Unlondale, where sho greeted for the first tlmo her granddaughter, Miss Bui'dlck. Daniel Qlbson will havo churgo of Ills Having a Hun on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Between tho hours of eleven o'clock n, in, und closing time nt night on Jan, 25th, 1001, A. V, Chirk, druggist, Olado Springs, Va., sold twelve bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Itemed)'. Ho snya, "I never handled u medicine-that spld better or gave better satisfaction to my customers." This Itemedy has been In general use In Virginia for many years, and the people there are well acquainted with its excellent qual itles. Many of them luivq testified to the remarkable cures which it has ef fected. When you .need a good, reliable! niedklno for ii cough or cold or uttuck of the grip, use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nnd you ore certain to bo more than pleased with tho quick cure which it affords. For sale by all drug-gists. faljior's farm during the coming yenr. Ira B. Thomas, after a visit to New York city, returned home Tuesday morning. Harry Swingle, of Mlddlctown, N. Y Is homo on a vacation. Born To Mr. nnd Mrs. W, Crocker, a girl. Several of our townspeople attended the Sundny school Institute In Forest City Tuesday. Mrs. Harriet Boswell Is spending tho week with her daughter, Mr3. Lewis, in Carbondalc. MONESPALE. Special to flic Scranton Tribune. . Honcsdale, Feb. 28. Emmons Peck, of Carbondule, was a Honesdalc visitor yesterday. Miss Eleanor S. Kimble Is homo from tho Bloomsburg State Normal school. Miss May Guernsey, of Scranton, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Spencer, returned to her home today. Itev. C. B. Carpenter, of Mllford, de livered a sermon In Grace church, Ilonesdnle, Friday evening. The grand jury completed their du- PROVERB T Can you read ties on Wednesday. They found a true bill against George II. Bell who passed tho forged check nnd was arrested In Carbondalc. The Republican county convention will bo held Monday, March 17, to elect delegates to state convention and place In nomination a candidate for congress and state senator. Today registers one hundred and thirty-two days of sleighing. The first fall of snow was on November 11; since that time sleighs have been in use con tinually on the streets of Honesdale. With the exception of Front street for a few days, the sleighing has been good. The winter has been fine for lumber and acid wood business throughout the county. The public vault In Glendyberry cemetery now contains five bodies. Tho directors and patrons of A graded school should bo able to select a principal without the aid of the col umns of local newspapers. Mrs. R. N. Torrey and daughters, Misses Clara It. and Edith F., have gone to New York city for an indefinite stay. The machinery of the Hawley knit ting mill was purchased at sheriff sale by Eugene Courtrlght and P. H. lloff, of Honesdale. Tho machinery will be moved to Honesdale and put In op eration. Messrs. Courtrlght and Iloft have three factory sites In view. An organ recital, solo by Miss Flor ence Wood, nnd duet by Miss Wood and Mrs. W. A. Wood nt 7 o'clock Sun day evening will precede the evening choral service. The three-act muslcnl farce comedy, "My Girl," will be given in the opera house on Thursday evening next. There is a heavy downpour of rain today. At 2 p. in. there Is a heavy thunder shower. The streets nre alt filled with water. A flood in the rivers Is expected. NEWJHILFORD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. New Mllford, Feb. 2S. Prof. K. A. Benson will deliver an address at the Susquehanna County Teachers' associa tion, which will be held In Hopbottoui, Feb. 28 and March 1. Lewis Bell, ono of New Milford's popular young men, has accepted u po sition us draughtsman for the Empire Elevator company in Now York. Mlssf Mlnnlo Bradley will entertain the YV. and O. club nt her home Mon day evening, Union services will be conducted In the Methodist church Sunday evpnlng. Rev. Charles Smith will preach. Clarence Townsend, tho little son of Mr. and Mrs. 12. N, Townsend, who has been seriously ill, is slowly Improving. The fourth number of the lecture course will bo given In the opera house Saturday evening, March 1, by C. II, Frn3er. His subject will be "Tho World's Tomorrow or a Dream of Des tiny." C. H. Moxley, of Hallstcad, was In town this week on business, Mrs, T. Coleman "visited friends In Binghamton UiIh weak. Miss Clara Inderlled Is spending a few days with relatives in Bingham ton, Tho German Medicine company will closo their engagement In this place next Tuesday evening, and on Wednes day leave for Hopbottom. The Grip Follows the Snow, It can bo prevented und the worst cases cured in two days by tailing Lax atlve Hromo-Qulnlne Tablets, E. W, Grove's signature on box, HOPBOTTOM. Special to the Gcrantoq Tribune, Hopbottom, Feb, 28. Tho Universal 1st church sheds collupsed owing to the heavy full of snow, Mrs, Willlum Wllber has moved In Mr, Charles Kellum's houso. Mrs. M, McYicar is visiting her duughtor, Mrs. D. Carpenter, In New Jersey. Tho Ladles' Aid of the Urilvetsallut church met nt tho homo of Martha Boll's for dinner Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 12, M. Tiffany were at tho Parlor City Thursday. Mr. J. H. Van Loan, of Hallstcad, nnd Mrs. Frank Benjamin, of Nichol son, wore calling on friends In town, Mr. llunl Tlngley Is visiting his pa rents nt this place. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. HallBtenif, Fob. 2S. It. G. Scott, of Montrose, was a visitor in town Thurs day, on his way from Mlddlctown, N. Y where he has been assisting in fit ting up u dry goods and furnishing house. B. C. Head Is visiting in Montrosc. Mrs. llnggerty, of Scranton, who Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. F. Mil lane, on Saturday fell from a chair on which sho was standing and broke her arm, Dr. Schoonmnkcr was called and reduced the fracture. Dr. Irving It. Schoonmaker, of Hall stead, and Miss Edith Daniels, of Scranton, wore married on Thursday morning In tho parlors of the Arling ton hotel, at Binghamton, by Itev. L. W. Church, of Wnllntend. Mrs. M. V. Daniels, mother of tho bride; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Compton, of Hallstcad, and Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Morgan, of Lester shire, 'were present. The bride and groom returned to their home In this plnce Friday afternoon. Mrs. S. H. Wells entertained a small company nt tea, Thursday evening, In PUZZLE. 6ome this proverb? honor of her sister, Miss Forbes, of Lisle. Norman Wolcott has accepted a posi tion in the chair factory. Mrs. Charles Simpson, of Strouds burg, formerly of this place, died yes ten a v. Deputy Sheriff II. S. Couklln. of Montrose, was at this place and Great Bend, Friday, on business. William K. Barnes on Jlouday com menced his duties as clerk for Track master Cowling. Miss Clara Hall, of Scranton, Is visit ing friends in this place. Mrs. P. L. Corby, mother of Mrs. John Tcrboss, is reported to be Im proving. Samuel Gobel, of Oneonta, Is visiting nt the homes of C. A. Trowbridge and W. H. Decker. MOSCOW. Mrs. Pi ice, of Cresco, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Shoemaker. Mrs. A'auglm has returned home after spending a few days in Philadelphia. Row John B. Davis, tho Wyoming conference evangelist, who is holding revival services In the Methodist church Is awakening considerable interest. Mr. Davis will preach Sunday morning nnd evening. The meetings will con tinue next week. All are urged to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Silvara were visitors in Scranton Monday and Tuesday. Miss Ruth Gardner Is visiting friends In Pittston and Kingston. -Mrs. Addle BIcseckor entertained the following company at dinner Thursday: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Blesecker, Mr. and Mrs. Claionco Blesecker and daughter, May, and Miss Knte Shelthorn. Mrs. Stella Wombacker spent part of tills week at Dalevllle. Mrs. McCartney, who hns been spend ing the winter with her daughter, Mrs. G. S. Brown, left AVodnesdny for Stroudsburg. Mrs. D. J. Roberts Is visiting friends in Moosic. The thaw of tho heavy snow and tho rain for the past two days has caused the streams to ovorllow und Hood tho lowlands, and It Is feared will do much damage. WATCH DOGS. ' Ever on the Alert Alive to Every Form of Oppression Kept on Edge. Burdened Beyond Endurance. Nerves Give Out. Tho macliluery of a mill that grinds day and night has to shut down now and then for repairs. It Is tho samo way with your nerves. Overwork, close application, our ways of living bring about nervo wusto that sets up symptoms of various kinds, u may be falling strength, weakness, languor, headache, sleeplessness, etc, - AVhat evor It Is, nerve foieo Is lacking and tho means of restoring rests with Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. A great many people In Scranton vouch for this. Among them is Mrs. Joseph Mitch ell, of No, 010 Linden struct, West Scranton, Pa., who says: "Dr, A. AV, Chase's Nervo Pills are fine. I was all out of order, nervous, and could not sleep, weak and miserable, The kid neys were sluggish and the back lame. Nothing seemed to help me until I got a box of tho nerve pills at Matthews Bros', drug store, No. 820 Lackawanna avenue. Since I took them I sleep well, don't Jerk und talk. My nerves ure steady. I feel strong, and tho kidneys are working well aguln. tarn moro than pleased, anl glad to lecommcnd tho medicine." Dr. A. AV. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold at COc. a box ut dealers, or Dr. A, AV. Chase- Medlclno Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Seo that portrait und signature of A. Ar. Chase, M. D., aio on every package. THE MARKETS Wall Stroot Bovlow. New York, Feb. 23. The forecast ol the bankl siaiemcni nun ine prospect ui additional nc.ivy rcqtilicincnls upon New York bank reserves over' runic tho tturkct loday mul dragged price down' ward. 1 ho vjowtiward movement townnU Iho hllcr putt of the trading showed moio eon sbtcney Ihan uny prcvlom movement during the week, Prliei ot nil ilnscs of stinks were alike nrfcclciiV 'Ihe liquidation was not urgent and tliowctl no signs uf being forced but it was cvb dent that It was thought beat tu be prepared for contingencies in the money market and take in ll rail po'Slldc.' Tho preliminary llguros ot the week's cash inocmcnt as mu.dly published on Friday, which Include (lie known movement uf money up to Thursday night, indicates tint Ihe banks have lot nearly $0,UUU,(xn hi cash during the week. The exports o( gold i.illrd exactly 'for $.1,013,82.1. The routine sub-lrcasury opera tions took !f'.,,Jl).1,177. The regular exprciw mot merit with tho Interior was In faor of New York to the extent ot len Hum u million dollar nnd today tlirip win dcponlled nt the nub-treasury $.';U0,XW tor transfer to Chicago, uhltli would nbout wipe nut the earlier gain by the banks, 'tho loan Item icmalns In Ihe usual obscurity, but theie Ins been no Important nloik market liquidation, fjndlcale Mib"crlpthms to the (llu iw nnd combinations hac been railed, und three Is possibility that the gold exports lcproH'iit the paying ufl ot foielgn obligations nnd their tmn(cr lo loral banks, as was the iae with the Inst gold that went out. There is no HicaL hope, theiefore, ot anything but a vny wenk bank ictiirn tomorrow-. Ilejond that, the pcrsl'tcut flimuitu of the foielgn exchange mar Kit Indicates tint further gold will l'o out by export next week. The llntt deposit nl the tub treasury for transfer to the west Is generally ae lepled as the iilgn of the turning nioiement uf currency nway from New York ngaln to meet tho usual, spring requliements In the interior, 'the iciiict In the treasury authorities for pcnnlsslon tu deposit gold In Vow' York to be drawn on nt Sin I'lanclsrn foreshadowed n further movement, pioinlsps tu rr-uli nearly $15,000,01)0 and which Is connected wllli hjmllcalc pi) input 'or street railway ptopeities nt San rr.tniKco. The day' ticl Ionics iuu mcr a point for gome of the importan stocks. Total silos weic 414,000 kIi ires. The following quotations arc furnished tbc Trib une by M. H. .Ionian k Company, rooms TUj-TOi), Hears building, Sunnton, Pa. Telephone, COOS: Open- High- f,ow- t'los- tinr. est,- est. fng. American Sugar Vl')Vi 1WJ 128' I 12si Atchison "'"'A Til ToS "i Atchison, l'r M UT 0(1 U7 Ilrook. Traction (10 CO 01 ay, Halt, k Ohio 101 Wi 10.1 10l(3 ('lies, k Ohio 47 47 40 40 (hie. k V.. V 21 1145i 2.1 2.14 i-'t. Paul KCT in.1 10',i lnJ, Hock bland 101 11,1 101 1014 Delaware k llud 17214 172',, 171-li 171? Kan. & Tex., l'r Slili WJV4 OfiVa 5J14 Louis, k X.i-1 101 101 W.':h lOW Man. nicuitcd 1S1U i:tt?i 132 1.-I2X, Met. Tucliiin 1imiS lf7)is 105'A mSH Mfssoml l'.uKlc 100 100'i ITOi P'Hi Southern IMeltli- 04 fil m 01 Norfolk k We-lein .... 53H BS14 KK fiT-li lirie :w asii ns ns4 i:rle. 1st l'r SMi kS',4 6if, 0S',A N. Y. Central Kl Wl'ii. Kl'i bU',i Out. k We-,t rer .13 kiu :iV4 I'cnmi. It. It l0)i bit I'll)'. IIo'.h Heading .1BV4 i"'l'j S'i',5 5' Heading, l'r 81 81 SO', S0V, :w,i :u :ui :ii',i Southern It. It., l'r .... pel PC. ti."'-j n"',4 Teun. real k tun 851 rHi 0711 nr If. S. Leather li'-6 ll'i ll'.i 11'i I'. S. lluhhcr 10V4 H'lfc l"'i 1"'W 'nloii I'.icillo ! ra UsH 37i Union f.uillc, Pi S7 87V4 S7V1 fcTVj Wabash. IT 4.1 411 42:i 42Tb Western I'nloii M'4 PO',3 IXU.i -'Wj Col. I'uel k lion SMi Sri" & K, P-Hi Ain.iI. Copper 7Hi 71 Told 70'1 People's (i.13 100 KK1 UTi !;'l3i Col. bnuth 21. ! i 22' i 2i',S Texas '.itifie 40"j IO'j Jllia lO'.a Am. Car oFundiy 2SH "'HA 2S 2S'n I". S. Heel Co KSVi 4-; I l',A l'i'4 U. S. fctctl Co., IT .... IT) !ij',i 01 0J Scrantotl Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co., IT. 60 Count- Savings Hank k Co.. SOO l"irt link (Carbondalc) 600 Third National Dink 050 Dime J)cpoit and Discount lank.. SOO Kconomy Light. II. k P. Co 43 1'irst National Dank l'JOO Lack'i. Tru-t k Safe Deposit Co.... 103 Clark k Smncr Co., IT 125 Sctnnton Savings Dank 500 Tradci.s' National lank 2J1 ... Suanlon Holt & Nut Co 115 ... People's Dank 135 ... Scranton Packing Co 35 110NDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 115 People's htrcet Hallway, flrst mort gage, due 1013 115 People's Street Railway, General mortgage, due 1021 115 ... Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115 ... I'tonomy Llgnt, Heat k Power Co 07 Noith Jirsey A: l'otono Ice Co 07 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by 11. O. Dalo, 27 Lackawanna .Uo.) l'loiir il.' IlCJIM $2. 10. Hultei l-'ie.-h ctcanuiy, SOe. j June tie.imcry, 2.l'4a2l',4e.; tt.iii , 2Jc. Cliiue 11VS.il2e. Lggs Nearby, 10c. l'eas Pir bu.l.el, VI. 73. rol.itoe.1 l'cr bushel, .v3e. Onious lcr biuhel, Jl.OO, New York Qrnin and Produce Market New York, lVb. 2S. l'lour M.ukct was dull :iC-in but i-leadily held. Wheat i-pot linn; No. U led, S7',ic f. o. b.; No. 2 led. MOlc. clc x.itoi ; No. 1 northern Dululh, W,.i-. f. o. b. ullimt; No, 1 haul, Ns,!'. f. 0, b. afloat; an c.uly trenil tow.uds lower pikes in wheat, iiillucnccd b. f.iwjl.ililr wcithif new-,, gno way laler lo inoderale stieuglh and ndame on Ihe hlghei 1010 giaiii'-, imeiiug und leporls uf lower (cm lierature in the iioitlineM; clo.ed Hun at c. n"t adwime; M.111I1 ilo.-(d M'.ic ; .May, WTicj duly, b2c; bepteinber, Mltr. Com Spot Hun; No. 2, 70e, clev.iloi and "IHc. f, n. Ii.; up tlnn market was hlead at opening uniliiig ait ic and Minport wot, which Willi light Iiu 111 oirerliig.s nnd higher cables Mislulned thn market all day, tlOhing htiong at ae. net adtauce; May closed (o'.tc; July, ISic; S"p teinjier, fi5',4e. (Ills !-iot quirt; No. 2, ode, j No. if, lUVii.S No. 2 while, BPti-.; No. a vhlte, .lie; Hack ml.xed wii.tein, Cui'ilv.; trail; white, .liable.; options neliie and ulronger Willi torn. Iliillei- Kiini; creamery, extra per pound, 27c. ; do, flrst.s, 23u20c.; do. M-couds,'le.; do. lower glades, 21ii22c; iieniueiy held, fancy, 2la2Hic; do, dveonds, 2l)i21c. ; t-t.lte dally, tubs, ficdi, llnet, 2."c.; do, fiir to good, HM20c.; wei-teru factoiy, ficsh, 20c. ; do, fair to good, "hISc. Checj.i Firm; slate full cieani, mull fall mike, colored or while fancy, 12'.ial2',4e. ; do. fall make, iliolee, Uiu12i.; do. large fall make, fancy, llall'.lc; light (.Wins, choice, Ul&altV.; do, laige, ihoiie, fcliaS-Jic ; pait hkiim, ba8V4e, llggn I'iriner; dale and IVnnsylvani.i, imcnndled be-l, 2!i',4c.; weslern bet, 2u',ic; do, fair to good, 2SV4a2!)c; Kenluiky best, 20a20i4e.; Haiti 11101c and Wiiliiiigtoii, LHiSOHe. ; southern best, 20c.; do, fair to good, 2714a2S',si-i diities, 2744c Chicngo Grain nnd Produce Mavltet. ( hlcago, lVli, 25. Grain tpeculatlnii was swayed by the neither today, (iriieml itoinn bad an c.uly bcaiMi clfcct on wheat but wmkej Ibv oppasllu way wllli cunin und wlieat traders who ohl fclioit early weio foucr to tutcr. The iloso bliuui-d May wheat Mc. higher at 77e. ; May com, 'JUTU". higher at WiAe., and May oat 1c. adtame at IHic I'rotUion do id ra7 ',!., lo ISViu. up, May pork $13.4714. Cash quotations weio its follows: Hour .Steady; No. 2 tpring wheat, ; No. 3, 7ll70ie.S No. 2 red, hlV4a 82?H',; No. 2 loin, ; No. 2 Jellnw. j No, 2 oit, 4Ij4I14c; No, S white, iUtia.f No. II while. IHtalWjC ; No. 2 ije, 30a5'l'f.c.; good frilling hirlct. fair to iholio malting, AOaliic; No. 1 flax M'cd, Sj.HU ; Nu, 1 northwcstciu, M.US; piliiie tlmulhy ociil, 5-1; nuts poik, per bairel, Klli.15.U5.30j lird, VO.2uaO.22V4 j hliort illis. .Ids, td.3Yi8.!0; dry sailed shoulders, boxed, T'.SaT'.ie.j ehoit dear sUIcj, ,l'3iS,75. Chicago Xdve Stock Markef. Chicago, Till, 28. Cattle Hecelpts, 2,r00; tlow stcadyj good prime fclecH, l.fX)au poor to me dium, 10; hi inkers ami feeder, i,23a.'i; iuv, I1.23a3; lieifem, !fJ.21a5.25; cjuners, I.2'm 2.52; bull,, .MUl.i.u; called, S.'.JIUU; Tt-xa.s fed ktvcik, 1.511.11.73. IIorr llciclpu,;. ucthe, 10c, liigher; mixed and butt hers, th3.e0afl,:Ki; good lo ihoiie heal, Wl.J0a0.a3; lough lieaiy, $-1.1X1 1 11.13; light, $5.73a".U; bulk of ulej, sf.1.1X)HJ.i. Miec He rlpts, l.OliOi Iut (,lead ; Jambs lowcij good hi ilioiie uellivrr, l.iWaS.-ii; welt cm lil'Cfp, fl.5lla5.tX); uatlie limlu, .).73jU. U; westiin lambs, I5.23all, 10. .i CLARK SUAW1T. 'Mm. M. i:. Drown ami i-oih, Kterett and ( lor. rnte, left uii Monday for 1 lie borne of Mrs. Ilrottn'n paieut, ut ItUing huu, Maryland, where they will maku a iliuit V if. Mrs. S. T. Walker I'liU-rtinnl the Udle Aid coclity ut ber home on U'jnola avenue, Thurs day afternoon. Mr, M. M. Ifuirord and family lute moved tu btiouiUbmg, whete tlicy will rcide in tho futuie. Mrs. Jcwe Hunt wiu In Snantoii thli week, attending- the funeral of her brother, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents A'ore Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for IJncli Uxtra Llns, For rtont. l'Olt IIKST Stoic room609 Lick.iwnim.l nenue, next uoor 10 i imcy s ury kuinh rmu-. , ," tesslon glien nt once. Apply lo John D. llojlc, ilothlrr, 11(1 Laekawaimi nienue. l'OII IIIJNT FIup prlale lesldence In (lieen llldge fecllon for lent for one Jcar, furnished or unfurnished) 12 looms; modern impiou'iiipiits; otpani and trolley lines convenient. Addrcu Xenla, Tribune ofllce. rOlt ltlltsT 1'lrst fiat ocr diug store, lorner Adams avenue nnd Mullierry street, clglii rooomst fleam heat; ntso large light bicmenl under drug store. CuI or nddress A. T. I'll?. nlmmoiMf, 0.10 Mulberry street. l'OII HUNT Dnfurnlslied rooms for Hplit lious. keeping: beat, gas, bath, for family without children. Possession Immediately. !)!" Jelfeison. l'OII 1II:NT ltenulifiil nnd ent.uged ofllces In the I'aull bulMlng. Inquire of Hamilton, room ;:oo. Toil 1I1JXT House (111 N. Washlngfon nicmie, coiner I'inc, 11 looms, bath and laundry. Ap ple to .1. . (,'arney, M7 Linden street, who only has nutliorlty to show Ihe 110110. roil HUNT (Iroeery sloie or good stand for meat market, coiner 1'itt-ton avenue andlllich slieet. roil 11 1 :.T It -room house near r.ictoiyvlUe. spleni'ld locntlon for the summer J good pasture for hor-es. Apply 1SOS Sanderson avenue. l'Olt ItCNT Corner store No. 302 Lackawanna avenue. AIo dwellings nbovc. Apply nnlilsinitli nro., 301 Lack manna avenue. l'Olt HUNT Stoic room on second floor over 1111) Lnckaivnmu nvenue. Plate glass front, in- qulip of Kiolosky flios. IIAI.K DOt'llLi: house, K1S Harrison avenue, ?13. Also half double house, 100S Pine street, ?1. os.'s!nn now. Apply 030 Harrison avenue. For Sale. CAIIPIITS, linoleums nnd oil cloths sold every day ,1 o'clock. 60S Lac knwann 1. iOS.Lacknwanni. See auctions. l'Olt SAI.K Klfie kinilllng wood, stove length. Two dollars big load delivered an.vwbere. Mail ordeis. ,lcnuliig, Central Mines cut. Al'n second hand lumbei suitable for all, very cheaii. KOIl SALK Two light spring wagons and some haimtu, cheap. llvans, rear 1132 Luzerno flreet. FOR SALU Cheap; horse, 6princ; wagon and harness, at No. 1320 Cedar avenue. Business Opportunity. S'lOCIv A,ND W1IUAT TlSADKltS without delay. Write (or our spcilal market letter. I'reo on application. S. JI, HIbbaid k Co., inenibcrs N. Y. Ccnsolldated iind Stock Sxchange, 41 and 10 Ilroadnay, New Yolk, litablishcd lSiil. Long Distance' Phone 23S8 Broad. T; TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. LYCKU.M "Our New MliiUlcr." Afuinoon and night. ACADEMY Maude llillman company. After noon nml night. fal'-Vlt Yaudevllle. Afternoon and night. "Our Nefr Minister." Thompon's J-'Our New MlnUJci" will liave one moie piCMMilation at Hie L.vceiuii, his season, this afternoon and night. That tffts latest piuduct of Mi. Thomp-011 l.s one to loiijuie with Is pviilenicil liy the iountle.'.s requests uf tluaf lical mamgeis cveryvvlierc lo book It, for It is ono of Ihe few genuine money winners of Hie prc-ent diamatic season. ' Hcfoie Its Hrt pioductlou In floslon, two years ago, its managers had only moderate expecta tions concerning the new p'SJ e, but It did tliat mo-t astonishing of all thing-, surprised ils iiiauagcis, and Is more than surprising one's mother. As the "Old Homestead" biought many dnllais to the fortunes of its author to will be the case with "Our New Minister." The tame east will positively be seen wllli the ad dition of I'.thel lliooke 1'ergiuou as Nance Han som, the convict's daughter. Corse Payton Comedy Company. Corse I'd) Ion's Comedy lompan), with ils ii-ual equipment of beautiful sienrr.v and high ila-s tpeiially eitisls will begin thfir week's en gagement in Suanlon next Monday with that interesting drama, "Jim the Penman." ft is u-e-lesH to dwell upon n coinpuivm of a "I'd) tun Show" with other 10, 20 and Ml cent attritions, for Scraulnn people me alieuly familiar with the fail that tlicie are no otlitr popiil.u pi lied companies in the world today equal to the Corse I'd) ton altiaillon and Ids comedy tompaii), which comes to the Aiadeni) of Mutfc the loin ing weik, ale nut only piepaied to keep up their reputation, butthoy xxlll better it. Specialties will be given between every nit, thus making a lontlnuous peifoim.mie williuiii a minute's wait, khotli at lualinee.s and cvenlngl lierfoiiii.inirs, aifl the price-, will be popular ns V ..nnei.ll ln.llltif.,, lill In L'tll'll Moilll.ll "' .-,-. ..... - n atlciiioun at 2 o'clock. STAGE NOTES. K.itheilne 1'Uhcr, d.iughter of Alfied I'Mier, of the Amelii lllngham company, and Maggie Hollovvay 1'Uier, of William ravernham's nun p.iny, assumed her llnt rolrt last week, pla)lng N'clliu Ogden in "'the Hon. John drlg-by." "Whin Knighthood Was In I'lovvcr" Is to tour the country again next seaaon, but Instead of Julia Marlowe, Lille LIMcr wil have the lole. Mbs. LlUtcr Is playing tills season In "Hal liard rrielchic," in which Miss Marlowe appeared last year. "Ilapp)" Ward, o Ward and Yokes, iccenlly scoieil a rltli coup on Old Colony lallioad sloik, Ward Is tald to have ileaicd in one day, (JJ.liOO. Tliem loinedlans XV 111 iIoiiIiIIcm be f.iti-licil If their new vchlile, "The Head Walteis," wins 'hat much money on the cutlio sc.i-on. The Kansas Clly Times, in review ing tho con. ceils by limes and his baud in the (ireat Comiu tiou Hall, In that clly lcicnly vvldib organiza tion is lo pliy hero noon, at the I.yieum has this t say: "Two nudlii'ics of gieat slie heaid the limes conceits nt Convention Hill )c.s teulay. 'Ihe band shows gitmth, especially in its riiidltioti cf the higher foims of musical lompo billon. The selections fi mil Hie masteis vveie alt well given. I'nnsidciahle popular music was in teirpervod. Tho gland ugieia features VHic btiikiiigly meiitoiioui." I' Mclvee Ins doulilless dlsinvcred lalm and plenty of it for the hesitancy of James K. ll.11 Utt to appear with Mis. Ilaekett (Mary Man lieiiug) in the revival uf Dumas' perennial "(.'a mllle," May 20, ut Iho (iairlik theatie, New Yoik. Tills ImIiii was gathered in with a joyful hie )eslerday by the lound and roy Mclveo In the shapo of a coutrait blgued liy Lleliler k Co., vvb(ieb) this llrni loans K)ilu llellew for one liion'h, l'i day Aiuidiul Duval for .1 salary uf $.!l u wick, In addition tu a uli lion js of (ortlceiable dimensions, to bo paid dlieilly 10 I. abler k Co. Mr, llellew will lour the counli) iii'nt teison in "A (fcntleiuau of Krance," pearl) folly v'liks if buckings having already b.cii made liy Lliblei A. Co MUs I Mni Floyd, who gi.ues tho eouhictto role in "'Hie I'rlnicss t'hlc," wax formerly in Ihe 1 Ian us uf The lotonlans. Her beauty is largely icpomlblc foi the lis-' in (ultimo vvh'ili her presiut role 'leprCM'iils, but the ban 1'ian lisco critics teem lo slum x,ew Yoik'o opinion that Miss I'loyd's (utcess Is lalgely attributable lo her (ousilcutluus alteutluli lo (he small blls of "stagu binllR'st," o luqwiUnt In asoublelte pait- Annie iliiic-ell's ruiieiit engagement at Hie Lyieum flieater, New oik, In Cljde I'llili's "The (llrl and the Judge" will ba the Ut 111 the histuiy of I his suicewful jilaj-hoiuo, as Ihe theater Is lo be torn down (Ids spring. An nouncement lias Jiut been nuile liy Daniel rioli man that lie will bieak giouud for a new Ly ceum this spiiug. The pew (heater will Ic located In Ijgfty-llflh sheet, opposite the New York ihi'Jtn, and Us policy will be the SJiuc that Mr. I'loliuidii has for )cjis nulutjlncd at the vld Ljccum. situations wanted pube. BRAN0II WANT 0VF10KS. Want Advertlsflmcnts Will Mo Ttecoived nt Any of tho Follow ing Dntg Stores Until 10 r. M. Central City Af.nnnT SCHULTZ. corner Mulberry strut snd Websler svenue. OUSTAV l'lCHLL, CJO Adams avenue. West Side atORdli W. JHN'KINS, 101 Soulh Mala avenue. South Scranton rilKD L. TUHI'I'i:, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OL'O. W. DAVIS, corner North M.ln avenue and Market ttiect. Green Ilidgo CHAtlLL'S 1. JONLS, 1637 Dickson HVCIIUC. r, J. JOHNS, 020 Green ttldge street. V. LORLN'!, corner Washington ave nuo and Marlon street. Petersburg V. II. KNUPFLf,. 1CI7 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. & -son. Help Wanted Malo. WANTLD I'aithful manager to take ihaige of dltilhutlng depot and olllie tu be opened in Sirdiitoii to furlliir business Interests of old es lallllied manufacturing concern. Silai), il'i per monlh and extra piohts. Appllianl must furnMi gooil leieienie und have tMitl insh, Ad lire's Manager, P. O. Ho 1121, Philadelphia, I'd. SLTLIIAIi C'lliAlt SdlcMiien wanlid in every lo cality; expel letup umieii'Mdr.v ; good tal.uv and expenses paid. Lmtnucl Co., Station J, New Yoik. ANY I'lIIthON.wlio will ilMiilmle eluulan tor 1 per day bould address bldiiilaiil Co., 4 Wells building, Chicago. . CANVASSLIIS WANTLD to vollclt subscriptions for 'Ihe Tiibune; commissions al lowed; only netive men desiipd; tho-c with rx perience piefened. Apply at Dullness Managei's ofllce, hciautun Tiibune. HAIiimit AIM'HIINTICNS WANTLD-Ncw method. (Inly eight weeks lequlieil to (omplete. Wagp's Satiud.iys. l'asitions giidrauteed whui through. Catalogue mailed flee. Moler's Cc' lege, ;s0 Canal stleet, New York city. Help Wanted Female. LADY CANVASi:it wanted to solicit sub-crlp-lions fot '1 lie Tribune; good iouiuts-iuu of feicd with a fair guarantee foi lirl-i la-is wolkir. Apply personally at Iliuiness Manager's oltice, bciantou 'tribune.' WAXTl.U (llil fov hou-cwoil;, one who , can sleep at borne. Call at 624 (illi.-on stleet. WANTLD Appicnllrp gills to leant diessuuk ing. Apply to 1120 Mulbeuy stuet. WANTr.D At ouceAa waihess; icfeienies le--quiied. Apply II Mis. N. Y. Leet, 211 Jif feison avenue. " WANTLD liy a good girl to do housework In private liimil) ; only small family paying good wages need reply. Addiess II. b., Tiibune ofllce. WANTLD Girl for geneial housework nt Dalton. Address II. T enre Tribune. Wanted To Hent. WANTKD rinnl-hcil liouse or four or five i joins for bousikceplug. Address A. O. I.., Tribune olllce. WANTI'D Hy gentleiiian, funiMied luom in le lined pii'v.ite liunil.i, I'roleM.iut ; good lo cation; mi the hill piefened. Addiess A. I. Tiibune ofllce. WANTI'.D April 1 by family of tlucc adults, four or live loonui unftiriiUhid, including lieat. Ilox ,VJ, illy. Furnished Rooms. liOOMS l'OII ltl.ST Sll loiivenlencis; pice lea tunable. Impiiie 1511 Capuu-e avenue. l'Olt HUNT One furnished mum, wllli impiove incuts; "1 so one on thlid floor, cheap. 027 Adams avenue. rUIIMMII.I) HOOMS for rent, nlodein Impravo incuts; lulvate family; gentlemen picfetrid, at 5'17 Adams avenue. l'Olt HUNT I'urnlshed flout loom, with beat, bdlli und gas; near court house; gentleman prefeired. Addrc-a Iloom, Ilox 290. l'OII HUNT l'uinlshed loom; heat and bath. 1126 Linden stiect. FUKN'ISIIL'1. IIOOMS ron HI'NT. wllli heat, Fas and bnth, gentlemen (Ireterrcd, at 6J9 Adams avenue, " Boarders Wanted. I'RIYATi: f'AMILY wishes to have tvto nice men to board, Gcuuan or LnglUh, Call any time after Thursday, All conveniences, 07 HairLon avenue. Booms and Board. HOOMS TO IU.NT. wltli board. b00 Mulberry street. Wonted Booms and Board, WANTLD Two t-cir.imiiilraHii-; rooms wltli board, pliialo family piifencd. Two ladles and u gentleman. Stile lull pailliukus. Address C. II. I)., 1'itlmiK- ufrtie. Money to Loan. LAItOi: Oil bMAI.I, amounts. 1'iomptly made, luteiest 6 per cent. Okell, Attoiney, Cual Lsthaugc building. ANY AMOUNT Ol' MONIIY TO LOAN (julck, tlruiglu loans or llulldipg and Loan. At from i to II per cent. Call on N, Y. Walker, 311-313 Council building. Lost. I.O.ST I'llday morning between the H0.111J uf Tiadu and (jimster & I)i-)lh'i on I'cuit nve nue, u huiiih id kr)s. Ilewaid if ictuiued to Mis. I'h.nle.s llouik, 2.i I'euil avenue. l.O.ST Monday evening, l"ih. 17, betvvcin V)o mlug aviliue and Washburn slieet, an uvul brooch containing gintleman'n pkiuie. l'iuder plcaso return tu or notify MlM I'arsous, 417 Thii ti'inth street. To Whom It Hay Concern, 'Uli: I'All'lY who look in) uiuhiilld tioio 'Crad- cu Hank yesleiday can get theli own by calling at Gyuld's luniage faitoivt Linden strict. Bhoumatism. A-sN-sV-NVV4V Itlli:UMATl!U -Ail luitles Hut wi Ii ran be peidlly and peiuuutiitly Hired of all V.i lletle of llheumatltm by a vegetable luuipound. Cuies guaiautecd. liiqulie or addles J. K. Tay. lor, bcrantou, Proposals. I'HOI'OmALS leicivod by the uudwsl.'ued for tho JaiiiliHshlp of the Mmusoii Methodist Lplscopal Iloni I'ebiujiy Ii tu Apill 1, fucbulve. Juhu I, llauduluh, 'MJ byutU liy Jo I'aik avenue. x DIRECTORS B! st? 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mori Tim Potir Lines, rt Cents lor liacliBxlfi LlriSj PROFESSONA L. Certiaed Publia Accountant. LDWAIID C. SI'AULIHNO." 2.'! TIIAiTkIIS HANK llultdlng, and St. Paul Dultdlng, New York. Architects. LDWAIID II. DAVIS, AttCHITLCT, CONNELIj Ilullding. FRCDEntCK L. HIIOWN. MICH. n HGAIj Kstate Lxejiangc Dhlg.. 120 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Englncors. II. L. IIAItDINO, COO CONNHLL I1UILDINO. Dentists. Dlt. C. L. LII.LNlir.lKlKIt, l'AULI 1IUILD1NU. b'pruce street, Kcranton. Dlt. C. O. LAUDACH, 116 WY05IINO AVilNUB. Lawyers. FltANIC L 110YLE, AnoitNLY.AT-LAW, llooms 12, 14, 10 and 13 Burr Ilullding. F. If. TI1ACY, ATT'Y, COMMONWEALTH nbDfl. D. D. HKl'LOOLn, A'rrOHNLY LOAN3 NLOO tinted on real eatate security. Mears Ilullding, comer Washington avenuo and Spruce street. WILLAtlD, WAimBtf & KNAIM', ATTOHNllVJ and counscllors-nt-Iaw. ltcpubllcan Ilullding, Washington avenue. JLSSUP k JLSSUP, ATTOltNLYS AND COUN-jellori-at.lavv. Commonwcallh Uulldlng, ltoomi 10. 20 and 21. "vMP W- TlfAYKIt. ATrOHNUY. "O-'-OOI. 0th floor, Mears building. ROOMS L' A. WATnilS. ATTOnNLY-AT-LAW, HOAIH? of rriule Ilullding. Sernntoni l'a. PP'SON & WILCOX. TnADL'R'S NATfONAti Hank Ilullding C. COMLQYS, 0-13 ni'PUDLICAN DUIbDlNa. A'o,V,,Ior'F' OI'FICC MOVLD TO NO! 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. Dn. W. n. ALLL'N. 61J NOnfllVASHlNaTOS avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMORi: VX, OFFICH 33!) WASH ington avenue. Hesldenee, 1318 Mulberry. Chrpnlo qiseajcs, lu.igs, heart, kidneys and genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to i p. m. Hotels and Eestaurants. Tin: i:lk cArc, 125 and 127 franklin ave- nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZinaLLR, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSn, NLAR D., L. & W. PA9. sengcr depot. Conducted on tho Luropcaa plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. a. n. nntfics cllans privy vaults and cess pools; no )dor; only improved pumps used. A. U. Hrlggs, proprietor. Leave oiders 1100 North Main avenue, or Lickc's drug store, cor ncr Adares und Jfulbcrry. Roth telephones. Seeds. 0. R. CLARKU k CO., SKLDSMLN AND NURS er.vncn, stoic SOI Washington avenue; greta houses, 1060 North Main avenue; store tele phone. 782. Wire Screens. josLPii Kuinrr.L. keab en lacka. ave., 'Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladles waists. Louise bhocmakcr, 21J Adanis avenue. MEGARGEE RHOS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, LN- elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 10 Woslilngtcn avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WII.KKSDAHHB RECORD CAN RE HAD in Bcianton at the news stands of RcUman Hi os., I0U Spruce and 60) Linden: M, Norton, 322 Lackawanna avenue; i. S. Schutzcr, 211 Spiuce street. Situations Wanted. Sl'ITATION WANTED -A man with 16 ycdia" business tialnitig, dclti"s a position with .1 lilhible linn, either olllce oi oulside wolk; be-t ol icfereiice, Addiess A. W. Johnson, General Deliveiy, Suautoii. WAK'TED-fetenogiapliii and l.vpewuter desiiei position. Nine )cars- experience, principauy law wmk. Ue-t lcfeiiiues. K. . . MECHANICAL diauglilMiiau and muhlnisn vvdiil position as diauglilsinan. Addicas "Diaiightsuiati." Tribune ofllce. .sni'.VTIOV WANTED Win k by the day or wash ing and iiunlug tu take home.' Addiess C. II., Tiibiiiiu olllie. WTFATIOV W.W'IED-Hy a .voung girl lo belli with light hnii-cvviuk or lake .ire of ihH- dun; ship home nights; addusi L. I',, 2l Hhi ii sheet. hlTI'VHOV WASTED-II) willing, honest gill to do geneial houeivoik, Can give rcfeienie. Addic-ss Mail I lloihfoid, 111 Vine sticel. Clly. POSITION WANTED I'arl) in Maith, by a yuuiu girl, In u (Jliii-diaii utility, us second cnl, or to take cue id ihildien. Full ma) lip exchanged at 712 llanison avenue, illy. M'll'VntlS WANTED-Hright boy wauls vvorki for after sihool and Satuula)s. Addiess G. P. II., 'liihuue ofluc, SITI'XTIOV WANTED-Au experienced meu'i (iiinlshlng goods man dc-hes im-itlun. Guuu icfeienies. Addiess X. .., Tiibune olllce. A GOOD GHIli deslies situation doing house, work; guod look. Address M, C Tribune of (lie. Real Estate. WEhT I'AHK 1.0 1' Fur sale at tints J. V 'llilume oflii,'. bargain.. Ad- FOR MALE- x nlir, but .ilieal linuie IfiLlni Imist, with giMid watcr.'islsufe, fruit nml g.n leu. Trims tu suit. Address Dr. llitcsCu, 3.17 Washlngluii avenue, Z l'OII SALE House in (esldence section, i'flteen llldge; eleven looms, Willi and laundry; all modem linpiirtciiipiitf' nidi fillold sifil elulnhes; one blink fiom cars. Inqulic ut pus) Ahponave, FOiri-AI.E At Clark's Summltf'a 'place of flu acies, liouse nml bain, good fruit:: ihiup for cash. Inquire, of Mrs. L. Lindsay, lllt''ortli Main avenue, illy. -. Beautiful Bust Guaranteed. - SAFE, ht.'RK, I'eniiunent. Call und Invesllgalc, Deimalologlcal Parloii, .112 Washington ave nue. Agent for Chloililu uf Silver Diy Cell Hat (cries und Niiuo t'orsvls. ;. LEGAL. 'DIE ANM'Ah meeting of tho stofMioldcrs of lbs Laikawumu Iron and btcel Cuuipajiy for th election of Dlieiturs und (t.tnyJltloii ot such, other business us ma) properl)- eufua bifoio Ibeipeei ing, will bo lield ut tliv-ofllio of the Cijjnaii), Ituoiu Ml lunnell Ilullding, in the'Cily oilbii in- . .. ,, I I. .. IV,..I...I..' . ll...l. S-.liut ESTATE of Jessie F. Thompson, late ol the city of Niamon, luickawauui county, Pvutuyl vauia, deieased. belters test juientai)-; upon the above named es tate have beiiMtianloil lo the? uiideislgncd. All peisoiw Lax liir iUiiiisiy'uot she same will pie si nt llieiu for l'jyiueii i'luIJaH persons imjcblej, thvietu will (iialj tJiil4e,uitg, -r ihe 'mijW'uiMitAYtKE. tutrr CO . ol Siruuton l'a Executor, ( 1J3 Xajldijgt(n ijcuuc, IOII. I liOISIVMOtJ, fc-u i,itii.'Mj,.Jtauii uj , mt ut 2 o'lluik p. m. '(he polls'. will icmalii ip-n for one boiir. 'Iho lijn.fei books will be.'closed on I'lliiuaiy 2J, 1002, and impelled on M.irili 0, WW. J- I'. IIKKJINSON, Jwcrgl'ar). Suuntell, I'd,, FibUJiy 20, 1WI2. 7 I -. .. , J . . . ... J. . .l-.,l.J- . . ) . , V ,1 iMi iiWlffiiiiliiilj' B&vJdSd-SAML M? " -..-SVSES S Sst4slBitMIMJUiiitktlsUJllMkvtv muUttmjUmmjmammtmimimmmtm maaaummttmaamMummmaammtmMmimmmammm