h it THE SC11ANT0N TRIBUNE- S ATURD A 1 MARCH 1, 11)02. fH43t if Coughed Ail Night." Thl complaint wo have heard fo often lint we know Just what to recommend for II, our COMPOUND SYlttJI' OP wiitrn PINT. ANI TAU rIcs almost Instant ro lief, us II soothes llio In filmed l)ronclil.il luwurct and rjuicls tli.it anno) ins luck. 25c a bottle Prepared Only by Matthews Bros 310 Lackawanna Avenue. QUICKSILVER SAF1J AND PltOriTAULi:. Paying: Dividends of 12 per annum, and there h sufficient ore ON HAND (IO,OnO,nnn) to continue dMdrnds nt lliht rate for 1 lie net filleen jcir?, mn and operating Smelter 2i"i tons (Lilly; no debts. Those u Milne to iniike a fflfr and profitable In estnidit In ii IMed stock will do well to write me for pro.-pcttu-'. CHARLES D. SANDERSON 136 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. J. P. COULT, D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist. Ill) WYOMING AVENUE. OVER THE GLOBE STORE. Twenty years' successful prac tice In this county. jAM City Notes. TOO WI.P lOlt Ml OOI1 Mi. -There w,ia no do Jmiil jr.Merdj.v on iiiiniinl uf the i.iin, lmt the pollio piunil.-e tint .in expedition will start onl Ibis Iiioiiinis if llic wi-.ither clears up. EXAMINATION-. 'I he t'nilrd Males C'iil f-cr-rc ci'iiunission aniioimicH th.it .Much IS, VXti, they will conduct an oAjiiiiiution fur the position of .inhilecluial draftsmen in the Philippine t,rr ice. IIUNTINO I.ODfii:, Architeel Linjilry lias juH tnmplclcd plain for a ppuious hiintinir lodsu wliich will toon bo erected .it l'.ik Lake by a rod and gun club composed of Dr. II. (J. Login, W. II. .Irssiip, jr., V. II. Kingsbury, Dr. Pulton, W. y. Alulfoid and othew of thi-. city. nKAIiS rOWDKIt COMPANY. The Bean Pow der company, of this city, will start the CMa xatlon for their factory lit Daltou, Pa., within a fnv d.ii.. Tlic the will be MH200 feet, nnd they expect to employ tidily men and girls. They iiiinufaeturc loaih, moth and poultry vermin e. tein'iinatinK pondeis. - PIXL POltTV lT.lM'. lllmcr Phcrmw, a biidco builder fiom L'lcu'Ijnd, O., cmnlojed on tho Mailuet beinir constructed at Durye.1 by the Kiuntuii and Northeastern Hallway eompanj, fill a illitniicr of foity feet while at woik jester illy and sustained a fractured a'nkle. lie was taken to the Pittston hospital. INSPECTION AT AftMOItY.-Comp.mlcs I) and P, of the Thirteenth regiment, were inspected last night in the new armory by JIajor Clarke, in hpector of the 'iiiird brigade. Ilauer's regimental band plajrd during the inspection and the member of that muiic.il oiganiration were af teittards looked our by the major. FIREMEN'S CONVENTION. Question of Joining Mine Workers' Organization to Come Up Today. A convention of tho stationary fire men of Pennsylvania will be held in Nantlcokc today, and tho important question of whether the firemen shall retain an individual organization or '50 Yofr J 8 Thousands of people know about the " Snow White Flour" They know it is the Prince of all flour, but t want EVERYBODY TO KNOW IT We aA- )our help in the follow Ins manner: Por either prose or poetry detcrlptlve of, or introducing "Snow While" flour, aa to IU wonderful bread inak .iff qualitlcs-It purlty-ita strength-its uhltcncss-its sweetness- j uniformity of grade, etc., etc., etc. " Wc offer the following prizes: For the best poeti'c or prose advertise- A -; $15.00 For the second best poetic or prose advertise- ment 10.00 For the third best poetic or prose advertise ment . . ;.., 5.00 For the fourth best poetic or prose advertise ment 4.00 For the fifth best poetic or prose advertise- '": :;:: ;,, ; 3-00 For the sixth best poetic or prose advertise ment , 2.00 or.thtb, 8th, .9th, 10th, nth, iath, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th, each 1.00 All advertisements to ba, and remain with us as our property. They mast cofuMof not over on hundred and fifty words a I.i:S3 number iS UKTTTClt. ' ' The contest will close on Marst lt, 1002. ,tere literary tlnlili not aa desirable ai bright Ideas put In an oilginal wav Write clearly on only one tide of the paper. Hark the copy with a number, pbee tl, author's name ond address in a small envelope and mark It with the same number and J,,i all in s large emelope to our addrcs, ItV MAIL. , uer aim send The Judges will thus luio no way o( knowing the authors name until the cholo t. tnajje, jfr..1 ' - ls The fouowThg gentlemen hae kindly consented to act as Judges and their decision nin be wuiounced as soon as made in the dally papers. A, ' J10N-. J L BAItllKTT. T ' Judges: VV,y s- nlc"Alll, ES(j. . ' " f L'- J. W.NETT, i:SQ. Djckson Mill and Grain Co. t No. 12, Lackawanna Ave, Scranton, Pa. Afc$?$:i?&$$$$$$ j7 Join tho United Mine Workers of America will bo taken tip. It will be remembered that tho fire men's Btrlko In tho anthracite region was unsuccessful Inst year, nnd the fact Hint It was "bo Is directly attribut able by many to the fact that It was opposed by tho mlno workers' orgnii Izntton. Many firemen nro nlready United Mlno Workers, and refuse to Join their own organization. BANQUET AND PRESENTATION. CUff Works Men Honor a Depart ing: Employe. Hubert D. l'ettlt, who for a number of years has been storekeeper at tho Cliff works of tho Antorlcnti Locomo tive company, left last night for Dur ntigo, Mexico, to take a similar posi tion with tho Simpson & Watktns com pany. Ucforo his departure he was ten dered a banquet at tho Kit: cafe by the foremen and office employes fit tho Cliff works, and presented with a pair of silver-mounted military brushes In scribed with ills Initials. The presenta tion was made In behalf of tho assem blage by Joseph If. Brlggs. Mr. PclMt made a feeling response and other ad dresses followed. D. J. Davis acted as toastmaster. Those present were: Jos. McAndrow, II. Walters, D. J. Davis, John Drack, K. F. Seal, J. McKca, M. McVlttie. J. F. Urlggs, It. Oslatul, C. A. Clurk, II. Toeklc, I.. A. Tandy, J. "W. Benjamin, C. F. Hauchmnn, P. Kennedy, It. Kcl low, W. C. Safford, S. D. l'ettlt, N. Kellow, It. 13. Duffy, N. Klein, A. Lin ton. CAVE-IN AT MINOOKA. An Acre of Surface nnd Two Houses Seriously Affected. An area of surface in Mlnooka near Connell & Co.'s old brick yard, Is seri ously affected by a cave-in which oc curred on Thursday night. Tho cave Is supposed to have been caused by the robbing of pillars in the old work ings of tho Greenwood mines. The houses of Michael O'Hara and Eugene DrlScoll have been seriously In jured by tho envc-in, obliging tho occu pants to seek shelter elsewhere. A largo portion of Council & Co.'s No. 4 vein in the National mine has nlso caved in, throwing sixty men out of employment. ENGLISH MOB WANTS TO LYNCH American Sailor Who Killed Com panion Protected by Constable. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Loudon, 'Feb. "8. An American sea man named Charles Brown narrowly escaped lynching at South Shields, Dur ham, this afternoon after killing a fel low sailor. A general light occurred on board tho Liverpool steamer Beacon Light, Cap tain Kelley, which whs anchored in the Tyne, during which Brown shot a sail or named O'Donncil, Brown escaped in tho melre and got ashore. Here he was captured by a constable after a hard light on the dock, and it was with dlfllculty that he was protected from the mob. Brown was carried to, the pollen sta tion, and as the constable laid the American's revolver on the table a cartridge exploded, -tho bullet seriously 1,-Uio bt saliir. wounding another LARGE SALARIES. Scranton Business College. T. J. Williams, who for some time lins been in tho ofllco of Mr. O. F. Byxbee, general manager of The Tribune, has accepted an excellent position wlt-h the Erie Railroad company, at Sayre. Mr. Fred Palmer was sent to take Will iams' place. Frank Clarke, the llrst young man sent to Mr. Byxbee, lias a good position with the Title Guaranty & Trust company. A lady graduate writes that she starts for Seattle, Wash., next week, where there is a position awaiting her. A S. B. C. graduate, '20 years old, ts drawing a salary of $20 per week In New York city. Last Saturday two former students called at tho ofllce: George DeWilde, who is with Merchant & Co., nt Phila delphia, and Alfred Tolemie, who is in the credit department of Siegel & Cooper, New York. Both are doing SDlendldly. m The Grip Follows tho Snow. It can be prevented and the worst cases cured in two days by taking Lax ative Bromo-Qulnino Tablets. E. W. Grove's signature on box. Can Get Part of If ' " " "" TWO BOYS DROWNED Concluded from Page 1. Charles Neuls, Peter Haggerty nnd Christ Rose, did magnificent work In removing people from the deluged houses, They were ubly seconded by Superintendent of the Fire Department II. F. Ferber and a Bqund of llromcn. The patrol wngon was kept In constant use. Lanterns, like gigantic fireflies, flitted hero nnd there. Many women nnd children were carried out on the backs of male relatives. At 11.30 p. m. the welcome news was given out that the river was sbsldlug, nnd that unless another rain storm sets In, the danger may bo said to be prne-, tlonlly over. Fully nine blocks were under water, and the damage done to household effects and goods In cellars is Incalculable. Among tho most severe sufferers arc: Charles Greenberg, John Schwenk, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Kahler, Joseph Schultz, John Kennedy, John Corby, tho Ma loney property, Charles Stone, Michael Sweeney, Mis. Dlmler, William Luther, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Cnrmody, John Gnl blsh, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Louis IIuus, John Murray, Michael Myers, Michael Flynn, Charles Major, John Schroeder, Thomas McGlnnls, the Harvey properties, while among those flooded on Washington avenue nro John Kllen, Dnnlel Colo man, Wllllnin Smith, John Burke, Will iam Shefller, Nicholas Gauz, Peter Hnrtmnn, Frank Rnshelcwskl, Joseph Zohowski. CAREFUL OF DOG. The flood was not without its laugh able features. Olio mniOvlio threw ills two children rather roughly onto an improvised raft, raised a laugh among tho onlookers by tho gingerly manner In which he, himself, stepped onto the life-bout, tenderly bearing in ills arms a pet dog. i A cat and dog, which were unable to escape the flood, met on a high board fence and remained companions in mis ery for fully four hours, but there wa3 not a particle of fight in either. South of the city, along the course of the Lackawanna, the only serious dam age, outside of washouts on the rail roads, was tho carrying away of a span of tho railroad bridge at Lnckawnnnn. Tho Scranton Railway company's big viaduct, just below, had its central pier badly battered by tho timbers which the current swept along like viciously swung battering rams, but it safely withstood tho assault. Moosle lived all day in -dread of the breaking of tho Spring Brdok Wutcr company's dam, located six miles up the mountain side. It was reported last night that eighteen Inches of water wns leaping over tho spillway. Snrinc- brook. which courses through the heart of tho village, overflowed in many places. WATER IN MINES. ax. juuyiiekl the ISrie company's big comery again made itself a receptacle for the overflow of thp river and an adjoining creek. Water poured into the shaft in an immense volume nnd wtis still flowing in at midnight. Noth ing could bo done to check it, and an other long period of Idleness attended by a big expense for pumping will re sult. The Glenwood mine, at Jermyn, which had just started up, January 1, after a six-months' idleness due to a flood, was again deluged. Several pumps were submerged. It was only by desperate work that the Delaware and Hudson No. 1 wns kept from Hooding. At one time tho water was within three inches of tho drift. On the RIdgo at Archbald, tho Elk Hill company has a mine located in a gully. Water from the mountain streams formed a veritable river in this gully and flowed' into tho shaft. It was idle six months of last year by rea son of a flood. The likelihood is that it will again bo idle for a long period. WORK SUSPEMDED. Water from the Lackawanna river and Sterrick Creek began to flow Into tho shaft of tho Temple Iron company's Sterrick Creek colliery at Peckvillo early in the afternoon, A vigorous battle was waged, against it. but the fight proved futile for before nightfall the volume of water became so great that there was no hope of checking it, and tho signal was blown that work at the mine is suspended. The Eddy Creek mine at Olyphnnt was likewise Hooded and tho Rich mond colliery near tho city line was made to suspend by reason of the water putting out the fires in the boiler room. Probably the most serious of the mine floods is nt the Von Storch slope, the mouth of which overlooks tho river nt a length of about ten feet, just north of Green Ridge street. At the llrst sign of the flood the men nnd mules were taken out and the opening walled up. The water, however, rose higher than anticipated and found tis wuy into a branch opening. From this It poured into tho main slope down to tho Diamond vein where it leaped Into nn inside slinft reaching tho lowest of the four veins, the China vein. Hero it spread and sought, the lowest places submerging three pumps. WATER RUSHED IN Operations were suspended early nt the day at both tho Munvllle on Green Ridge flats and the Hampton on Key sey Valley creek on account of the water rushing into the opening. At the Bellevuo colliery the water mado a sudden rush into the mine through the muln shaft. Forty men at work In the lowest vein laid to wade for a long distance through wnlst-deep water to a man-way through which they reached the surface by climbing on sixteen ladders, u distance of 350 feet. The Mt. Pleasunt washery, situated on the flats along the old -Love road, had to suspend operations, tho water from the river having completely sur rounded It. Some of the flooded mines may lie Idle for many weeks. THE RAILROADS. Railroad service up nnd down the vnlley was cut off early in the1 after noon by the Hood, and local trafllc on tho Ontario and Western, Jersey Cen tral and Delaware und Hudson rail roads may not be resumed even today. The last truln into tho city from the south on tho Delaware and Hudson railroad was. the train which readies hero from Ayilkes-Burro at 2.31 p. in. This was allowed to proceed no further up tho vulley, but was held In this city. Tho last train lu from tho north was tho Saratoga express, which reached hero tit 5 o'clock, a hnlf-hoijr lute, having been obliged to proceed with" ex- Closed Until March 12 Taking a rest necessary S. D. 131 PENN AVENUE. tremo enro from Curbondnlo to this city. Word of serious washouts clown the valley necessitated tho holding of this trnln In this city. A train was sturtod for Wllkcs-Barre shortly before 3 o'clock, but could pro ceed no farther thnn the Steel Works station, and was taken back to the Lackawanna avenue station and the passengers unloaded. Tho tracks near tho Marvino breaker, north of the Providence stntlon, were under water last night for several hundred feet, nnd this prevented the running of trains to the north. A LANDSLIDE. Besides the tracks awash at the Steel Works station, there wns a serious landslide at Mlnooka station and a wnshout nt Mlnooka Junction, several hundred feet of tho track being under mined at this point. At Miners' Mills tho middle pier of a bridge spanning a swollen creek was washed away and the bridge was ordered closed by the division superintendent, and a gnng of men wns sot at work to repair it. Tho Delaware and Hudson stntlon was thronged from early in the night with crowds of persons anxious to leave for either up or down tho valley, but they were met with the announcement that no trains would be run, nnd hnd to make arrangements to spend tho night in this city. As a consequence tho hotels of the city were thronged last night. Tho last trnln Into tills city on the Jersey Central arrived here at 12.20 o'clock. Tlie flooding of the tracks at various points between this city nnd Wllkcs-Barre prevented tho running of any further trains, and announcement of this fact was posted at the station. Traffic on tho Ontario nnd Western railroad was entirely suspended early in the afternoon, because of washouts up tho valley at Mayflcld and Olyphnnt. The train which arrives here at 4.40 p. m. and the train which leaves at CIO p. m. were both annulled. TRAIN WAS LATE. A slight washout at LaPIume delayed traffic on the Lackawanna railroad in the morning, but trains were running on fairly regular time in the afternoon. Train No. 5, duo hero from New York at 6.50 p. in., was delayed nearly two hours by water on the tracks at vari ous points between Manunka Chunk nnd Stroudsburg. Trains were running regular late last night. The Keyscr Valley branches of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and Ontario and Western railroads were covered by water from the West mountain, and several culverts were washed out, preventing the movement of cars to and from the mines in Key ser Valley. SEWERS CHOKED. The rain which began yesterday morning nt 7:30 o'clock and which was the direct cause of yesterday's flood fell continually until after 3 o'clock in the afternoon and proved once more that the sewers so far constructed in various parts of the city are not suf llcietnly large to properly carry off sur face water. Sewer basins in nil parts of the city were blocked and Linden street from Washington avenue to Penn avenue presented its usual lake-like appear ance. The most serious results from the clogging of sowers were at tho corner of Phelps street and North Washing ton avenue and at the corner of Prcs cott avenue and Mulberry street. The Fourth district sewer, into which the basins at the corner of Pehlps street and Washington avenue empty, was far too small to carry off the water which ran to this corner from up nnd down Washington avenue. Tho basins overflooded nnd great quantities of earth washed down from tho higher ground above were deposited on the street railway tracks for" depths vary ing from two feet to six inches. The opening of the sewer near tho wheel works became clogged early in the morning nnd the water from Dun more which should have flowed through it was diverted down to Washington avenue nnd Phelps street. The water which flooded down Mul berry street from Nny Aug park to Prescott avenue carried with it great quantities or soli and it was only a lit tle whle after the rain began before the sewer basins nt the corner were clogged nnd street car traffic stopped. A gang of men under the direction of Superintendent Thomas, of the bureau of hlghwuys and sewers, hurried to the scene nnd after several hours' work succeeded in cleaning tho basin out. ine railway company's employees had a hard time cleaning the. earth oft the tracks at both places and passeng ers had to bo transferred for several hours. Largo quantities of earth were washed upon the track on Luzerne street nlso, nnd traffic wns temporarily suspended on thnt thoroughfare. NOTES OF FLOOD Residents of Sport Hill where houses nro along tho line of the creek, which Is an outlet for the Gypsy Grove dam, were fearful of tho dam giving away and moved themselves und belongings to the houses of neighbors atop the hill. All the Scranton hotels were crowded to the gnrrets lust night by suburban ites unable to reach home. Cabmen reuped a harvest from those who wero compelled to go to homes nt a distance. Delaware and Hudson trainmen re ported that the dnm at Luke Lodore gave way, The report could not be verified. There was ten Inches of wnter on the level of the Lackawanna yard nt Clark's Summit. The report was current yesterday af ternoon that the Scranton Gns and Wuter company's Elmhurst dnm wns lu danger of bursting and that the company was warning peoples living along tho Roaring Brook to prepare A GREAT SURPRISE In n store for all who uso Kemp's lUljum for (lie Throat and Lungs, the crest guaranteed remedy Would ou tellcvc that It U sold on its merits nnj any drugeht Is authorized by the irourletor of this uondcrtul remedy to she jou u wiiiplo bottle free? It iicer falls lu euro acute or iliroulg coughs. All urujuUU tell Kemp's Ualwm. price. Me. sud 80c. ' for a serious flood lu caso the rain should continue. Superintendent Rob ert Reeves Inst night characterized this report ns absurd. "There has not been the slightest fear that tho Elmhurst dam would burst, let alone overflow," said he. "There Is still room In the reservoir for a number of feet of wnter and we could stand Iwo more days of such rain as yesterday without the least danger of any of the water cscuplng. Tho person who slnrted that story should have known better. It wns quickly passed from mouth tp mouth until innny people nctunlly got out of their houses In anticipation of n flood. I went down In tho afternoon nnd done the best I could to assure these people that there wits no danger." Mr. Reeves said that the "Inkoy" condition of tho wutcr has been caused by tho soli washed Into tho reservoirs by tho rnln. Ho believes that this will have practically all settled today. Among tho serio-comic incidents con nected with tho flood one wns observed by a rescue pai ty which was trying to aid a colony of Hungarians up above Pockvlllo. Tho water was rapidly ris ing nnd tho residents of the huts were in great danger. About every other man who appeared hud a pig under his arm. intermingling with the squoitls of the pigs were screams of women who were being left by the male mem bers of the household to their fute, while they saved themselves nnd the family bacon. When rebuked by peo ple who were assisting them one of the men remarked loconlcnlly: "Wom an Bwlm, pig no swim; pig cost money." Tho Erie Railroad company's Dun more shops In Dunmoro were seriously damaged by tho last Hood and to pre vent a. recurrence of tills trouble tho company has been building a stone re taining wall 300 feet long nnd in some places 15 feet high. Tills wall, though incomplete, prevented any serious dam age being done yesterday. The cellar of the Erie Railroad com pany's ofllco In Dunmoro wns flooded yesterday with about two feet of water. The bakery of the Lawson Bakery company on Drinker street wns filled with five feet of water. Considerable damage was done to a largo amount of supplies stored there. The Eric pay car which left hero yes terday at 10 o'clock to pay the men at No. 14 shaft was detained there owing to tho washing away of a bridge be tween tho time of its going into tho breaker to the time of its coming out. Superintendent Davis, of the Saquolt silk mills, gave permission to his Tay lor employees to leave early in the af ternoon and when ho learned that the tracks were blocked made provision for thorn to stay over night in this city. A notice was posted at the South mill yesterday notifying the men to quit work upon the sound of tho whis tle, which was to be blown in case the river was to a dangerous height. There was no necessity for tho sounding of tho alarm as the river had not reached the mill at quitting time. BUILDING! PERMITS. Those Issued by Superintendent of Building Inspection Last Month. The building permits issued by Super intendent F. L. Brown, of the -bureau of building inspection, for the month of February were for buildings nnd re pairs aggregating something over ?125, 000 In value. Those to whom permits were granted and the kind of building erected were as follows: I;. JI. Gales, Mulberry street, alteration and, lc pair. City of Suanton, emergency hospital, Kcj.er avenue. O. II. Seolt, l'l.mklin .Hemic, new store front. J. S. Jliller, Spruce fctrcct, alteration and re pair. W. I,. Hotels, Penn acnue, b3y window. Charles Sdilaccr. Clay acnne, conscriatury. Scranton City ftuard association, lliie theater. County Saiings bank. Spruce street, bank. Title (iu.ir.mtcc and Tnut company, Spruce street, bank. Cass .Morgan, Itibecea aenue, ndditiop and re pair. , Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Italboad company, round homo in jord. Cliailrs MciiBle, Colfax aeuiie, double dwollinjr. Mrs. Kite Parr-1'enton, Cemetery street, double dwelling; Hebrew Congregation Anclie Cliescd, M.ulUun avenue, synagogue. Keller and Sihroeder, Adams aenue, altcia tion and repair. Peonomy Light, Heat nnd 1'ower company, Jefferson aenue, boiler shed. .1. W. Shcphcid, Poplar stieet, single dwelling, C. P. Done, Adams acnuc, temporary sausage rooom. A NEW PATROLMAN. B. A. Stevens Affirmed by Director Wormser Yesterday. Benton A. Stevens, of Nortli Scran ton, was yesterday appointed as pa trolman by Director of Public Safety F. L. Wormser to fill the vnenny caused by the promotion of Richard II. Ed wards, former captain, to desk ser geant. The latter was temporarily act ing as sergeant since last April but his permanent nppolntment did not come until yesterday. The new patrolman was for a num ber of years employed in the grocery department of Mulley's store and has of late been working In tho Dickson store. Ho Is about 33 years old and weighs something like ISO pounds. His nppolntment takes effect today. Although two-thirds of the school year Have passed, the Conservatory Is still receiving npplleations for piano forte Instruction, SJx new students be gan this week. CRAZY SNAKE COMES TO GRIEF. Creek Chief and Nine Followers Sen tenced for Alleged Conspiracy. By Kxilushe Wiie from Hie A&'oclated Press. Muskogee, I. T., Feb. L'8, Chltto Hur go, or Crusty Snake, nnd nine others of his followers were today sentenced to tho United Stutes penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for two yours, und each fined $5,000 on a charge of con spiring against the government. They constituted the lenders of wlmt Is known as tho Snake gang of Indians, who have sought to resist tho allot ment of lands by the Dawes commis sion in the deck nation und prevent the settlement of affairs by tho gov ernment In thp Indian Territory. Mrs. A. Ij. W. I'llce, who Is icceivlug consrutulutious for her successful organ recitul given In the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, Oreeu Itldge, on Thursday evening, is devotedly nt tached to Her instrument, Mrs. Price Is iv warm friend of the Conservatory, where for more thnn two years she was a pupil of Mr. Pennington, who speaks In high praise of her untiring Industry und rapid progress. BORN. IiKVl In Sirmitoii, l'j., Tucdjy, .j,, 2ji jy to Mr. und Mis. Arthur Let I, a mu. OHINA Hnvllnnd & Co.'s V fl Shoeing of Fine China Now Is the time to rjfattfy your tasto IIAVIIiAM) I'l'DDINfl PISIIPS, il pieces (nun, uniiur ami iraji, isiiabe ami vla Cll Proration new, Price ",..... PI'.OU HAVILANI) nniiiiV i-oiiT and ij rutin's HAVIbANI) Tl! TP, SlVrtf. Tea Pot, Sis Cups and Saucer, Choice IVInly. China Geo. V. Millar NEW PHONE, 137. SILVERWARE Housecleaning Time Approaches Let us repair your furniture, make over. y out mattresses and clean your carpets before the rush v begins. Scranton Bedding Gof Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. We beg to announce that from March first the fire insurance agency of Henry Be I'm, Jr., will be conducted under the firm- name of BELIN & GENTER. Henry Bein, Jr., Charles II. Genter. - vddi ddidd dd idd of -a Op 1 New Dry Goods H -as Wednesday, us I 'McCONNELL & CO., s 3 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. ? :S St DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE. Business Kesults Most Satisfac tory, Notwithstanding Storms nnd Holidays. n,v"i:cliislve Wire from The Associated Press. New York, Feb. 2S. It. O. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: Although tho shortest month of tho year was further curtailed by two holi days and hnndleupped by the most se vere storms of tho winter. Industrial and trade results were most satisfac tory. The closing week brought a gen eral resumption of activity In the lines that suffered from the wenther. nnd preparation for an exceptionally heavy spring business wus reported at many points; southern cities alone being backward. Crop prospects are consid ered encouraging, In so far ns nnythlng can bo learned at this time. Numer ous Interruptions would nccount for a considerable loss In railway earnings, yet reports thus far available for Feb ruary show a decrease, of only S per cciii, iruui mm j tin a Imuran, uiiu .1 j guln of 13,5 per rent, ns compared with the trafllc in 1900. More foreign steel has been engaged, and domestic con cerns are still bidding in the German market. Footwear buyers nro leaving' New England without doing much moro than n fnlr sample business, outside special lines. As a rule, woollen goods nre well maintained and In brisk demand, Cereals opened the week with a de cided reaction. Stutlstlcs of supplies nnd movement were not satisfactory to speculative holders, storms had inter rupted communication and restricted new operations, crop pews wns gener ally satisfactory, and foreign purchas ers were less Interested. Failures for the week number 21." In tlio United States against 170 lust year, and 35 lu Canada against 31 lust yeai. Of Canadian truilo the review will buy: Unreasonable weather has Impeded business at St. Johns anil country roads ure bail, with little money in circula tion. Travelers' orders eomu lu freely nt Halifax, und indications are for an eutly spring. Fish inmkels nre firm, anil produce pi Ices well maintained. The output of coal Is large, und Iron and steel developments continue satis factory. Country roads at Inteilor poluts are still unsettled, but business nt Montreal Is well up to. the uveruge, uud payments satisfactory, Cottons are firm, local mills only ncceptlug orders, subject to advance. A sllht Improve ment Is noted nt Quebec, and whole salers report fair collections. WOUHD SWAP BOY FOR GIRL. Owners of Male Twins Looking; for Baby of Other Sex, By Exilushc Wire from The Atioviated I'rr.J. Chicago, Feb. SS. Parents, who for the present ure concealing their Identity OUr QLA3S French Citing .sins. COM. 4.00 4.00 Jtall, & . 134 Wyoming Ave- Walk In and Look Around. LAMPS Both 'Phone) Siddddi ddi vld idi emnir the ouse i March 5th. "TRULY NAMED." There is none such mince meafas the juicy and fruity W It is honestly made and cleanly sold. Compressed into air-tight, water-proof, cardboard packages. 10 cents. Makes two large (or thrco small) pies, Never sold xn bulk. '" Tell us if your grocer won't j supply you. Merrell-Soule Co- Syracust, N. Y.. WiMhVfV Ai'1 NOWHERE ELSE ON EARTH Can the Seeker After HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Find Sucli Rich Reward. CALIFORNIA IS A WINTER PARADISE. Best Reached Via "SUNSET LIMITED." (PALATIAL IIOTKL OX WIIIIULS.) Leave New York Tuesdays, Thura days, Saturdays. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO,, R. I. Smith, agent, 100 S. 3d s't., Philadelphia, Pa. iniAM rAOkdClA PEF !... TO.'. O Al? SfntSA Sfl& fii man oaLanutiviwriiLmmiK under un advertising number, an nounced In the papers today that they have two line, Healthy boy babies, one of which they deslro to exchange for it gill baby, t being stipulated that the child must bo of good breeding. A well-dressed woman of flue fea tures und bearing every mark of re finement culls fur the answers to the advertisement, but efforts to discover where she lives Have been cleverly bulked, A number of persons have an swered tho advertisement, showing that other paronts have been disappointed Hi the eex of their children. .",