The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 01, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    " tll ' 3
If --i--.'3-?ri
. . . ... ...
OitJzenso'f Sorant:on3ndVioinity
We are going out of business in this city. Our attention in the future will be given to our business in Pittston, Pa. Inasmuch as our store has
H5 been leased to others who will take possession on April 1, 1902, it is necessary to close out the entire stock of Men's Clothing before that date, not
3 a garment must remain. We offer thejatizens of Scranton and adjacent towns revelations in prices on the entire stock. Come and see how you
3 can save your money at this sale. We want to call your attention to the fact that this stock of Men's Clothing is from the manufactory of
1 The Roberts-Wicks Company, Utica, N. Y.
1 Makers of
Right here we will say: No garment is made by the R. W. Co. that they do not know to be a model of excellent workmanship. All garments
"fit" perfectly, and are made to hold their shape at all times. Good dressers all over this vast country know this celebrated make of clothing. This
is the clothing that must be sold in Scranton, Pa., before March 29, 1902. The voice of the people is an important feature in a sale of this kind.
The public has its favorites. We should be the favorites in the clothing business in this city to April 1, 1.902. We deserve to be, as we will.
For instance, we will sell
Two Hundred Suits that cost R.
$6.00 to $8.00 for
Two Hundred and Fifty Suits that cost R. W. 2
Co. from $8.50 to $10.00 for
Three Hundred Suits that cost R.
$9.00 to $13.50 for
We have got to get out of this store
this is not a "Fake" sale, but a genuine
opportunity we feel assured. Cordially
Ghas. H. Crowell, Manager
& . 1 ".
I X X . . . , . 9 i , 9 m m m , m . . , , . t m ,, ., , ,. p . , , .X. ,. , . ,. Y m , 1 i ! ! 1 X
The current number of the Northern
Christian Advocate contains an article
in "The Importance of Christian Acad
emic Kdueatiou" from which we cull
the following:
"At no period is Christian education
more important than in the period be
tween the common school and the col
legre. This is indisputably true in the
case of those students who must bo
away from homo to school. With the
authority the restraints and the fellow
ship of the home withdraw, it is very
unwise to send youth to schools that
do next to nothing- for the moral and
religious nature and that leave them
as their own masters, from afternoon
until morning, Immature, inexperienced
unguarded, to drift among the tempta
tions of the largo villages or cities,
often to the ruin of character and
"Yet It Is In this period of life more
than In all that follow it that the trend
of life is determined. Foundations of
character are laid. Principles and
ideals are elected that lead the after
life, and index destiny. Unquestion
able statistics prove that this Is the
time in which the majority of students
and others determine for all tho fu
ture their acceptance or rejection of
Christ Professor Sturbuck shows that
of UC0 believers representative of dif
ferent classes, creeds, and localities,
182 were converted before eighteen
years of age and but 11S afterward,
The average age of conversion of these
and also of 776 graduutes of Drew
Theological Seminary was 16.4 years.
Plainly the acadeinio school occupies
the strategic place as regards the stu
dent's conversion."
The railroad department of the
Young Men's Christian ussoelation 'an
nounces the opening of an interesting
series of meetings for men on next
Munduy at 3,43 p. m. nuv. Klllott A.
iJoyl begins at that time a series of
four nddrosses that are sure to bo In
teresting and prolltnble. Jll Boyl is
a young man and a brilliant speaker.
Ho appreciates tho needs of men and
knowH how to talk to them. Tho De
partment Male quartette Will have
charge of the singing and wll bo as
sisted by a male chorus. All men are
lieurtily Invited to attend the services
nnd embrace the opportunity afforded
by them.
, Itev. A. Jones, better known us "Pio
phet Jones," the one who predicted he
Johnstown ilood three years previous
and the Charleston, S. C, eartliouuke
WX months) previous, and the cyclone
of St, Louis, Mo., three years beforu it
1 occurred, will hold meetings next week
In the Shlloh Haptist church, S03 Center
Ptreet. Everybody In Kcraiiton should
hear this wonderful mini of God, He
Will be assfsted by Itev. J. K. Brown,
of Freehold, N. J.
The Uev, W. V. Chuk. of WaVeiil'.
Iwlll read ft paper on "Hosea The Man
land His Message," nt the Baptist min
isters" conference to be held u tho Penn
kveuue Baptist church, Monday morn-
it 10.30.
kist of four adduces to bo given
is, A. Boyl to men, will occur
.. .i. .v. ... v. .i. v. .i
Sunday afternoon at 3.43. The music
will be in charge of the male quai--tette,
assisted by a male chorus of fif
teen voices. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all men.
In three of Scranton's local Presby
terian churches, lust Sunday, Dr. Mln
ton, moderator of the Presbyterian gen
eral assembly, chairman of tho com
mittee on "creed revision" for the Pres
byterian body, spoke to large bodies of
bis co-rellgionlsts on "The Twentieth
Century Movement." At the close of
his masterly address, speaking of the
skepticism of many Christians of
Christ's power to save, occurs this dec
laration, if he be conectly reported by
two of our city papeis: "I believe that
if it Is too hard for God to save one
soul that no soul can be saved." A
statement unequivocal In Its Unlvorsal
Ism. As this Is what Unlveisallsts
have taught for moie than n century,
enduring nil manner of misrepresenta
tion, ostracism and condemnation
therefor, Mr. Payne, the pastor of All
Souls' Unlversallst church, Sunday
morning, will review Dr. Mlnton's nd
dress, taking for his theme, "Is Dr.
Mlnton, Moderator of the Presbyteilan
General Assembly, a Convert to Unl
versallsm? It Would Seem So."
Methodist Episcopal.
Dim I'jrk cliuich I'rajpr nml praU t.mi(i at
l)."U .i. in.; iht l.oul'n tiiiiw ami rm'ptiun of
nit'iubci m iu.:;i) a. in. vt ,u.0 0f momlng ,,cr.
Uo, eljss n .i)5 in Ssiiiuljy bihuul luoin. Sun
day .iliool aiiU Diilslon lijy in .SunJjj c lioot
at i ii. in. .lunlor leasdii' ut ;i.:iii p, m, senior
league at tUO p. in. At 7.:0 p ,, t, U,to-,
Dr. 1. Jl. (iilllii, will preach. 'IMplo. "The fn.
i'iii.illul 1'aiiloin'r." StraiiKi'i. ;nc ul(iiii'.
.Wniiy SlrlhoJUt KpWiuiul iliiuih, foincr
Monsoy attiiiici anil DolaHarc iiticec--Itt-t. . (I.
hluip-ou, I). II., utor. Pi'MUioiul iiiei-tlnif t
the Iliotlii'ihooJ o( hi, Paul at li.;;u j, m, pu,ul.
iiiK at 1U.MI a. m. Iiy hv piilui. Sunila) uliool,
AW) p. in. i Kpworlh IfJisiu- ut 11,30 p. m.; pieaih.
ini; at 7.:i0 . in. hy tho iatiir. I'rajnr mwttiiir,
eiliii'Mljy, at ",;:() p. m, .vits five uiul all ju'
Ilaiiipion Stmt MilliuUUt Kplaiopjl ilmrih
Hut. Jaiuej lleiuiliiKor, p4toi, Pii'athlnv at a. in.; .utiji-it, "lllil It pay Uit to lutrnt in
Dial tiuto In Solium j" Clavt meetliii; at II, 'o
a. in.; humljy ktiiool ut 2 p. m. IntmiieilUle
It'JKiie lit :i p. in,; Siiiioi U-aiiilv at 0.:i0 p. in.,
Mr-i. Doiu Willijnn, U'.iiUr. Kuiiinx preadiliu
senice at 7.:); nilijtd, "What He UIJ with HI
SwoiiJ Djipoi limit)." A wcUume to all.
Ali Ml fit Mtliiucll.t i:il.iuul iliunli ltiv. .1.
II. Aiblln, lutUir. .MoiiiIiik pieatliliiw ueiite ut
JIU;i); tennoii hy tin- Kuv. .lo.eiili MjUImiii,
C1j. iiiet'lll.K at it 30, Cliailei ( mull, leailer.
Siin.ljy oiliuul at - !'. in., 1'clci IIjiuiuii, m
piiliitimknt; Junior eJi;ue at ;i . in., Mm, II.
('. Dciiiim, .uierliilenloiil; j:i.urlli leauno ut
U.ti i. in.; neiilng prcacMiijr bi-nl(e at 7.U. A
iokIIjI i'Uoiik
Nay Aub Jlethudl.t :pUcoul thiiiih Hv. .1.
II, Auatin, ustur, l'n jihiiitf a; )u u. in.; .Sun
Jay Mhoo at II, W. SI. Slxou, upcrlntcnJeiit.
All i Iconic.
(ilar Au'iiue JlelhoJUt KpUcopal rliuuh I'.
I'. Doty, Mttor. Mcclln- o Iho llrulhcrhooil ut
St, Caul, 10 a. in.; morning worship ami i-crinon,
10.:;o a, in.; fcundiy schoul at noon; Junior I'p
worth Icjj;iic, 3.30 p. in.; Ilpuorth league, 0.S0
p. in.; ctciiing worihip ami neriuou, 7.S0 p. in.
(iooil music at all ,scrtlcc. Strangers and ill
othcis toidialfy wekome.
Court blrcet SlcthodUt llnUcopal iliunli 0. t'.
. v v v v ! v
W. Co. from d?
P 1
W. Co. from , C
by April 1, 1902. It
ciean-up-sale to make
Ionian, pastor. Claw, !., O. D. DeWitt, lead
er; picachinpr, 10.30; Sunday school, 11.43. (!, It.
( lark, superintendent; Junior leacue, i.30, -Mis.
Itjant, superintendent; Kpworth leaciie, C.:;0 p.
in.; pleaching, 7.30. S"ats flee. Mungrri wel
come. I'ioitleuce JlethodUt llpi.-eopal i-liun Ii Itev.
Oeorge A. Cuc, pastor. Tho Uiotlieihood ot St.
Paul meet for prajer at 10 ii. in.; preathins nt
10.30 hy the lte. 0, 1.'. Guild, I). D. Siindiy
tchoul at 2 p. in. Kpwoith league at; topic,
"Tho Joy of SerWie," Alhe Laird, leader.
Preaching at 7.30 hy the pastor; subject, "Are
Mlui'le Ciedihle?"
First German Methodist Hpi'copal church, Ad
ams acnuc unci Vine stieet (i. Ilohlliu, pjstor.
llliine scriLea 10.30 a. m. nnd 7.J.0 p. m. In
the mottling the picsiding elder, lte. ( harles
Kenss, of lluflalo, . V will ureai.1i; in the
rvenlng tlie pastor will occupy tin- pulpit. Sun
day school ut noon, nnd at 2 p. m. ut the Ta
lor Aenue ( ha pel. Kpnortli league meetiiig at
fl.40 p. in.; prajer meeting on Tuesday ou'iiing;
quarterly conference on Thursday eeniug.
African Methodl-t Kplscopal, Howard
plate Dr. I). S. Ilentley, p.itot, I'loaeliing at
10.30 a. m.; subject, "Touched with Hie 1'nling
of Our Inlliinities." Coiiumuilon follom. Sun
day kIiooI, niissionary 0(iety, 2.30 p. in., Mlsi
Kiitina, piesident. S'ong and praise M'ltito,
7.1" p. m,, eondueted by Mes-t.s. Gaines and I'ui
tir. l'lriiiliiiiK, 7,13 p. in.; subject, "Lteiuil
Pain." A cotdlal nelcoino to all,
I'enn Avenue baptist church, l'eim iiMitue be
tween Spruie and I.indon stieetr Strangeu al.
ways welcume. Pieailiiiig morning at 10.30 and
eening at 7.30, by the patoi, Itev. Itobett I'.
Y. 1'ieicc, D. D. Morning prajeia In the lower
temple at 1U3. Theme of nioiiiing trillion, "
tuns by the Wajslde."" Sitinoti followed by ie
ct'ptlon of new iiu-inlivin and loinmunloii. Sunday
school at the home iliunli at 2 o'clock, and at
Hie Aiueiinan mission on Pif-eott atiutie, at
3.30 p. in. oung I'lople's oocicly meetiiig at
(1,30 p, in. 'Hume of the i'ening i-ctiuon, "llur
Itojal (iite.l," i:angellstlc tcnlm follow Hie
I'ilct 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 t cliuiili, .south Main .iM'iiue -Itev.
S, 1". Matthew, pastor. 'Ihe usual tenltes Sab
bath motiilug and ccnln',', 10.3U u. in, ami 7.30
li, in. 'Ihe l.oid'd bilpper will be ulneueil at the
iloe of the eening llie; Nunila) mhool at 2
p, in,, Dr. 11. (I. Ileildtie, niipeiliittndeiit; Hit)
II. . P. L'. serico ut 11.30 p. in. In assembly
1 num. 'Hie monthly lutsliitM tuectllig Moiidai
I'teuing at 7.3U p, in, The legttlar weekly pta.ier
uieelliig Wednesday cutting ut 7.M) p. in. All
ute weliotne to these wiiltm, ScaU flee.
Jaiksun Strut llaptUt iliunli lte. Thomas do
(iriiiliy, 1). !., Usloi. Meu'a inoiiilug ptajir
inulli'ig at, lliotlur Allied Ileum, leadei.
At 10.30, preaching and bapthonal keivhe. The
1 1 j. tor will administer Hie ordinance ot baptism
to twche candidates. Sunday Miiool at 2 p. in..
John l.loyd, biiperlnleiidint. y At J u'clotk tlio
Itaster thorns will meet for uluuitjl, 1'iofissor
li. DaU, leader, KtrnniK fenlu- at 7 thatp.
1'iaUe and tnug sin lie, followed by a shott
addtess by tho pastot j topic, "The fall nf
ilmiliailmvai." A Inlet after nieetlng is lirlil
at tlie ilose of cuuy eeniiig ineetliig. The pub
lic uto coidlally invited In tome.
tiiceii Itldgo IhtptU I'liiinli Moinliig piajer
lueillin; at U.l.'i; tluiich serUie with tenuous by
Ihe kiloi ut 10.30 ami 7.30. The't tuppir
will follow tho nioiiiing sermon. Sunday school
at 11.13, meeting of the .Junior soihtj ut 3,30;
loll call of the Senior tudcty ut i!.3u, This will
be the jt Sunday ol Itev. W, .1. I'md'a pastotate.
Notth MjIii Ateuiie HaplU I liuu-U lte. At
but II. Mnlth will occupy the i.lp!t both iiiuiii
Ing uiul cubing. h'ubjut In the iiioiitlng,
"Motes and liojuw." Sunday school at 2 u'tliuk.
Subject for tho evening, "Habit." DjiIiiz boili
smiles t'roliAsor McMurray will lender teuial
Mtiiioiial HaplUt chutclt, (hurcli avenue -Sr-vlcea
tomorrow- at the usual hours, The pistur,
Mev. W. 1'. DjvIim will preach In lid morning at
10 o'cloik in Welsh, uiul In the evening at 0 In
Kugllsh. 'he Xortli I hid (jlcu rluli will attend
In a body the evening M'ion and will outipy Hit!
center pevv of the main audience loom, ami din
ing (lie service will render "'Iho Pilgrims," the
competitive piece at His coming Allcntotvii eis
teddfod; also other selections. Ulhlv siliool ut
2 p. 111,, Samuel llowclli, uipciiuttnduut. All
teatt arc ftec ami all granger wtlcoiucd.
blilloh liaplltt ihtacli Uev. J. II. Iloddlc. par.
(or. I'leachlng, II a. m, subject, "'Ihe Heaven
ly lt?t." bU'idjy nhojj, 2,vO. lijptlst Young
nnrinnn hi n era 9 wti m r iriii 1 b m o jl &
uukuukan & u xm. 4u LacKawap avb., wmm 1
v i . k it ... . .
is easier to move CASH than it is to move
room for the new tenant who moves in
People' union pr.ijer meeting from 7 to 8. At
S o'clock, preaching, subject, "Christ Seeking
Sinners." Communion at 3.30 p. in.
, Presbyterian.
Second I'resbj tcrian tliuiili, JeiTeison nvcntie,
between Vine and Mulbeny slicvto Morning
worship, 10.30; Simdiy school,' 12; (lulxtUn lln
deavor, (1.30; evening worship, 7.30. Tlie Itev. J.
II. Odell will pieach ut both ten ins.
Green Jlidge I'rcsb.v terian church Itev. I. J.
I.aning; Itev. I.. It. l'osler, assistant. 10.30,
senile of worship, communion, lenptioii of
inrmbeis and addiess; 12, Bible school; (1.30,
Christian KudiMVor; 7.30, evening worsiiip, with
sermon by the pa-tor in Kerb's on "Tlie 1'illai.s
of Life." Subject, "I'aicnt and ( lilld." All ale
cordially invited.
Piovidincif Pic-b.v terian ciiurch The pastor
will exchange pulpits at the morning scribe
with the Itev, fieinge A. fure, of Ihe I'invidence
Milhodist Dpi-iopal fhuich. Sttmlay school at
noon; .1 union I'.ndeavor, 3,30 p. 111.; Senioi Dn
deavor, (i.35 p. 111.; consecution service, even
in',' session, .it 7.30, witli svrnton by Dr. Guild,
Hie pint or,
W'j-liliin 11 Stieet I' churili Itev.
John I'. Moflat, D. !),, pastot. Seniles at 10.30
11. in. and 7.30 p. 111. UIMc sihoul ut 12 m.;
lllhlo school teciitiii' coinmittee net Sunday
at 10 a. 111.; .lunlor L'htistiau Kiideavor at 3.30
p. in.; t 'hi i-t i.m Lndcivor oung people at 0.20
p. in. 1'iajtT mtcting Wcditisda.v, 7.30 p. 111,
The pastor will pi cull iiioinlug and evening.
All welcome. Plenty of free seats.
Cipouse Chapel 1'rcsli.v terian church Preaching
at 10.30 11. m, uiul 7.30 p. 111, hy 1 1 1 '- pastor,
Itev. I.. It. Poster, Sunday seliool, .'I p. 111.;
Junior Kudcjior, I p. lit.; Senior Ludcavnr, IS.30;
pia.vcr luectlng, 7,30 Thuinda) cvcuiiig. Wel
come to all.
St. l.uke'j Parlsli-ltev. Itogrrs lstajl, 1). 1).,
-rcclor; Itev. Kdvvaril J, llaughton, lUiutc, Tlilrd
Sunday in Lent.
St. Luke's church 7.30 ,i. in., holy (ominiin
ion; D.13 a, in., Sunday tdiool; U.l.'i ,1, in., morn
ing 1 1 1 j y 1 1 ; 10.30 11. 111., siiinou, litany and torn
iiutuloii; 7.30 p, 111., evening piuycr and sermon,
St, .Muik'a ehapel, Ituiiincip 1 it, lit., holy
loiiimuiiiuu; 1030 a, in., iiioinlug pi.t)er, litany
and ttrmon; 7.30 p, in., evening pia.ur and er
men; 3 p. m,, Sttt'day uliool.
St. tieotge's, Oly pliant 2.30 p, in., Sunday
biliooi; .1.30 p, in., evening pia.tcr und ermoii.
Last Lud Misiluii, l'rctcott avenue 2.30 p. 111.,
Sunday school.
South Side Mission, I'ig stieet 2.30 p, m.,
Sunday school.
(lunch of Ihe Good Shepherd, corner Motiey
avenue anil Gteen Itldge street llev. Tram Is II,
Ilatcman, lector, lldtil Sunday in Lent. Mottl
ing prajci and holy eomuiunluii at 10.30 a, in.
Sunday school and rector's class, 2.30 p, lit.
Lulling placer, 7.30 o'cloik.
St. John's Mission, Osteiliout Hall, I'rovhh'iiio
Sipiare Holy communion, 7.30 a. 111, S11111I.1)
sihonl, 2 p. in.;, evening ptajer, i p, 111,
Reformed Eplscopnl,
Guie llt'foii.ieil Lplscopal ehurili, W.voinlng
avtmii' In low Mulheiry Hiei't Itev. Geoise L,
Allieli, pJ.tor. I'rjjcr and prai-c teivlee, 0.30
u. 111.; DIvilK' vviislup, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p.
in, I'oniiiumlon at tl.c inoriilug tetvlie. I'reailt.
Ing by'the ittor lit both. Morning, "l'ra.vci,"
Coluss. 1:0-11; cvciilng, evangelistic sitvlie,
"(iuU's caruiiig hive," Luke .tv ;'. Sabbatli
school, 12 111,; Young I'eoph's Society Cliil.tlJu
Ihideavor, 0.30 p. 111. At 3,30 Mon.lj.i afteiiiuoti,
the wtekl lllble lud, topic, "Christ Itlsen,''
1 Cor. xv:20. Lesson study every Wednesday
evening at 7.30, followed by the piayti lutellng
ut li, Seals all flee. Stiangcis ulivujs wvl
Evnugellcnl Iiuthevan,
Holy Trinity l.tithcian chinch, corner Adauii
avenue and .Mulbeny street Lplstle, Lpheslans,
v. 1-0; (losptl, Luke, xl, JI-28. Itev J. J.
Kunu, of 1'ieelanii, I 'a., will pieach. Sri v lies
at 10.30 u. in. and 7.30 p., 111. Sunday school at
12; Luther league, Il,:t0 p. m.; Mission Hand
meets batutilay, tl.13 a. m. All welcome and all
seats free.
.ion KianKCJIcal Lutheran church, 22tl Milllln
avenue A. ). Gallcukauip, pastor. Mom log scr.
Vlc, 10.S0; sulijeet of sermon, "Iwo Mlgltty
Kings llequrit Voiir Sen Ice Whom Will ou
Scrvci" iuuday schckil, p, 111. We need more
MARCH .1, 1902,
v i JVJkJkJi
One hundred and Fifty
Co, from $10.00 to $15.00
Three Hundred Suits that
$12.00 to $18.00 for
a beautiful assortment from &10.00 to &1S.OO
That we retailed at from $15.00 to $25.00
schol.u.l for our Bible class anil infant depait
ment. Do not nrglett the Stbbttlt bchool of
jour own church, livening service, 7.30; Mibject
ot SCrmou, "Nach der Itlt, terscliaft auf r.iden
die Itulic ilea Volkes Gottes im Ilimmei." -Situr-day
Geiman seliool, every Saturday, 8 to U,
Send jour children. Lent seniles duiing Lenten
season every Wednesday night, S to ! .p. 111.
Widnesday, Maieb ,", Ladies' Aid eniiety, 2p. m.
Voutijr People's sociel, p. nt., after churih.
Caliaiy Itefouned church, Momue uvenue and
Glb-on street Itev. Marion I,, l'iior, p.isoi. Sei
vices Simdiy at 10 30 11. in. and 7.30 p. 111.; Sun
day school, 11.13 a, in,; ( lui.-'tljn Lndctvui, 7
p. in.; prayer meeting Wednesday evening, &
o'cloik; cutechism Saturday at 3.30 p. 111. hub
jects, morning, "God's HiLsbandr.v ;" cveiilu,
"Devils Cast Out by Prajer and rasting." Scuts
free. AH coidiallj- welcome.
All Souls L'nivcisali-t Cliuith, Pine stieet, be
tnieit Adams and Jellerson avenue llev. Thoniis
n. Pajne, pastor. Divine service, with seimoii,
at 10.30 a. 111. Subject, "Is Dr. .Mlnton. Model
ator of tho PiCsbyleilan General Assembly, a Cult
vert tu I'uivcrsalism? It Would Seem So." Tlie
scitnon will be a levievv of l)r, Mlnton's uddiess
of last Sunday to the Picohj-tcrians of sciauton.
Sunihij school ut 12 in. Scats free. Strangers
welcome. No evening service.
l'irst Primitive Mithudi-t (hutch, Gteen Itldge
Itev. (i. Lees, pastor. Stihjcits, morning, " tt
Interesting (Juestiou;" evening, "A Haul Case."
Sundiy cliool at 2.30 p. 111. All aio wclcoiue.
Ion rnlted Kviiugeilcul cliurrli, 1120 C.ipouse
avenue Pleaching by Hie pastor, Itev, ,1, V,
Meistitger, at 10.30 11, 111, and 7.30 11. 111.; sub
jects, "I'lerdit unci rutin? Kitowlcdgo" uiul
"lliilhlitig, I'tajing and Keeping" Sunday
rchoul, P.30; ilass meeting, 3 p. m,; Junior Ln
dcivor, t p. 111.; Senior Lnde.ivui', (i p. in. ;
ptajer iiiretlug, 7,30 Wednesday evening. Seals
ftec. Welcome to all. These, will be ,tl.e list
seniles of this umfciciicc jcar,
l'irst Churih (Christ Scientist,!. 311 Aihiins
avenue Sunday seniles, 10.30 a, 111, and 7.30 p.
111.; Sunday school, 11,13 11. m.; sublect, "Man."
Testhuoulil meetings Wednesday rvenlngs ut 8
u'cloik. 'lhc 1 hurcli is also open every d.ry din
fug the week, 'ihe lllble nnd all Christian Sil
eiue lltetatttro is kept In its free public leading
room. "Scienrp and Health, with ihe lie 10
Siriptutc," by Maty llaher Lddv, will be loaned
to Investigators without ihaige. Vlsltois and
letters of , inquiry ate welcomed and given tour
tcniin attention and Intoi mat lou flee,
1'iee Mi'thodlvt thurili-The illstrllt qtuiterly
meeting of the Wllkes-llaue llstuct is being
held ut I'inu ehapel, Green Itid'te. I'reaehiug
S.ituiiljy at 2.30 and 7.13 p. in. Meeting all day
on Sabbath; love feast in morning at 10 u, 111.,
followed by sacrament of Lord's si'.'jieri preaih
lug at 2.30 and 7.30 p. 111, Lvcrvhody is cor
dially Invited.
nv m;v iinm-iiT i'. y j'liiiic'i:, i. d
(I'ioiii Aulhoi's Notes In "I'ln Sunday Sehoul
Lesson Illustrutot ' I'ul.ll.licd bj I' II.
Itcvcl & (0, Cliltagu, III
(hid peimtttt'd ptlsuutions to befall -he cat y
cliuiili, nut Hut Ills beluu'il tliilUieu stioutd
sufter but that tliey should be s-atlcii'd abroad,
bcarctj of the "glad tidings" to the iittcimost
parts vl Hit: world. The liUtory of every gnat,
IsB Since REjyi(
.' 'V 'V'-'V 'V 'V '1' V 1
Suits that cost R. W.
cost R. W. Co. from
this $20,000.00 stock.
on April 1st. That you
noble cause lias its retards of niartjidoin, Stephen
was the first Christian morlvi,
'1 tic bold and feailcss testimony of Stephen to
the per.-on and ministry of of .Nazaietli
caused the bitter enmity of the ineinbeis of the
Sanhedilm council. He was flnallj anestcil, tiled,
londemned and eecuted, but he was gloiill d
thtough siiileiing, anil there was "laid, up for
him" a crown. H Tim., lv;S,
'the stones which weie tluoivn by his enemies
to eittsli out his life, lielpeil to make more
glorious the martyr' crown. Stephen was glori
fied thinugh suffering. It was only a step from
the world to his irown, tor by his beautiful life
lie had been dally stepping heavenward.
Suggestions Diuw the outline of a globe; mark
011 the globe sevetal slips leading to a crown.
On caih stop wiite some ehaiactcristic of Steph
en's1 life, uud airangi' Hie winds us .111 atrosllo
which will spell the nunc ol S-T-IM'-II-L-.N, as
Sincere; '
If we shall dally live to honor (lud, we may be
sine of a ciown wITicit Ls piouiised the faithful.
Itev., ii : 10.
I'.XDiiti: Tin: cuoss,
Stiaittou, l'a.
Acts, vit, 54 to vlil, 2.
hy in:v. j. i:. (, n. n.
Senctjry of American Society ol Iteligiout
( (IVI'll.Vr. Heiwien last lesson and this a
have stiphcu's address In Hie ('uunclt In uplj
tu the ihaige uf bla-pliemy, 'Ihe gicater pan ot
it was iiiiitpicd witli alliishiiLs to the hlstoty of
black Ili'giuiilug with tlie call nf Abiuhaiu ha
Hand Ihe iliicf events In the lives of the p.ltli
jiiIis uud ill the thciuaij to ihe time of Solomon
whn built the timple. In Ibis leillal lie sboved
gnat ituiillaiily with Hiom I'tuvltleiiiial dcalluys
Iiy whtili Hie peoilc hid bcui Ij favcied,
all Whiih wiut to ptuvc Hut he had piufiiuud
letiieiiic lor the iluie-liuiioicd liislltutlons vvlmii
gluij he would nit av..i or illiidnlsli. 'tin'
specilt was will lalcul.iled to awaken in tin'
minds of .bus.' who In Jul it a filling of nspct
foi the ailusul man, ftcr s.lih cum Hi Hniy
laiigiugi hliphili was rci.ed hy u spillt of In
ilignainiil as lie loiiteiuplaliil Hie enmity of tlioH'
betuic him, anil he liiuke foitli In wolds of bit
Iti and vlolrtit li'ituncialion, thjlging them as
still. mi kid leslsteis uf the Holy Spirit, uiur
deicrs ut the pruplii't.
()r'ri:M)KI(tlso it), 'lhc luave Jiun had
ilelivtud his message, nil hot with iluiuticlaliuii,
to u wajwuul people who boasted that ihey were
the descendants of Abiahaiu (John vlii:3J, a I'd
Hie custodians ut the luvtnant. No moie heroic
ill cd had mated the unuals of Israel. It was a
rate cslilbiHou ot that tint ompi utilising bostil
itj to evil whltli h needed by icfcimut in vvciy
age, Hut, whatever good may luve been ac
complished fur the cause of iIkIiIcou-ikw and
Iheic , must liave bcui some good Iho HH'
was Itistaiitlj assailed byvlhc entile Council. Ills
worda, like harpcuccl knives, lud tut into their
'1 .' V 'I4 V V 4V M
0S& I
d? -7 f O
You should know
will welcome this
acij- lieatts and stined them to ths depths with
li'scntfnl rage. They scowled and mutlciid.
'they left their seats uud gathered about Stephen
in Hie wildest loufiiiinu. 'Iliey hcnl over him
with threats uud impri cat ions. I'orgctting for
the lime the dignity of their station as judges
they weie lunsfouned into :i tumultuous mob,
ami the ciiaiuher of justice ic.-.ouudcd with the
mttiiy soiuetiiues lie, ml when Hie rabble Is let
loose in the stieels (Acts .w'l: lit).
StSTl.'i:i. (Virses W nnd 5(i). In the midst
of tliis exiited crowd of the mleis, like a kimti
umuiig wolves (Matt. :Ui), Stephen was iindis
tuibed. As a faithful senant he ttusted tne
pioniise of his Jlastir (Matt. :.iit:20). His duty
done lie was willing to abide the cotiseitiences,
and tiieie was given to him a Wsiou of ran
beuutj and siguiliiance to su.taln and comfoii.
Turning away from tlie tumult that was about
him and looking up as cvuj iiuii should, ho
had n view of hiavett width was opened to his
spltltual ga.e (Matt, lll:-u). There lie saw- the
gloij of God, Hie cllulgcncc suiiottudi.ig the Most
High, what few- have cvet sien (IXod, sviilti).
Tiieie he baw ul-o Jesilt nil the light hand of Ged,
the place of highest honor (Col, iii:l). 'Ibis vis
ion i auie to Stcphtu Ihiougli Hie Illumination uf
the Holy Ghost by width lie was tilled and pus
scsscd, and undei Hie prompting of sanm
Spirit, he ili'il.lii'il to tlio,c iiboiil 1 1 i tit ulut lio
saw. It was .111 hour of gtcit tilumph over tho
povurs of daikncss.
STOXLD. (Verses 37 and IS), Stephen's Ji.t
declaiatioii c..tperated tlie nuinbers ot the Couii
tll. Tin j weie shoikcd b.v the claims lu
had seen t Minis, ,1 piciugillve only of tlie pioph
cts (ls.i, i:l), a pieec of hki'-phcmy ,'n lo'i'pin;
with wliat hid beui ihngcd. 'Iliev
saw no futthcr leasou fur Judicial pioiceding.
He was ciinvltled by Ids own words. Without
waiting lur foimal vme and ill ilellauie uf llu
K0111.111 giivtiumint wlilih alciic could lulliit 111"
strath piually (John vil::t), thev meted out
judgment with ipilek and fiuious it it e. With ,1
loud try of honor Hie judges stopped Ihctr i.irs
Hint Iliev miglit not In. 11 the language of lb
pilsuliir. The.v in-heil upon him witli iiue .moid
uud hole him fioiu tlie jitdginiut hall width thev
iijii-ldered he had polluted by his presence. Thev
tliiust I j i tit outside the walks uf the cltv ns tin
liw icquiuil (lli'li. lli:12l. The moli did tlu
csciiiliou. (Julik uud fast the stone fell upon tie
loiidimued man (Lev, wli.HO,
W'ITNKsi:i). (Vci-p ,'rt). It is tojiiiii'iu In
think uf citlJlll eirtuuistJUtes as trluatT'jrns
uto gcnctullj passed by with )lglj;,uie!ulliii and
.no soon luiiiulleii. Alttitvanl l tiaJlfflVUejuril
that what sicitud tu be tlie inciejt'iTitte'wus .1
luatlcr nt inmost liiiiiiil.iiiu', peibuis tho-1 enter
of inlhicnces that wink nut liieat lestills. It was
so In tlit stoning of Slcplun. 'Ihe (v.o wOmsij
itiulrnl under Jewish law- (Dent.' NviiJO. 111
easting the (list stouesj I1I1I ) ihijr uuier gai
miuts wliie li who plaied for safe lie-ping Jt ilin
feet of a juung nun haiil.l, '-'lliU ijouug
i'liail-i'ii (its .xvi;3), who hail sliHifi'il In ilia
I'elc-braleil schuol of Gatiullel (tils Jtili-'l), w.n
fioiu Tatsiis, a illj ot hellila, and W4s ilsliuel
tu liluli lionois iiinoug Ids lountijineu. Hit pics
erne nil tills o.i'.isli'li uiul Die set vice he len-ili-ied
iiulltato that lu was esteemed bV I lie
1 linn li oillii.'iN. He was lliiic, hiier, it in
uppiirtuue time, 11 wltiie-.s of all that 1 1 j nvplr-'il
in tills deed of Moid. A silting iliii!it"iouMiiiHi.
luve lueii nude upiin his 111I111I, cvliU-ucrd by
his alter icfiiiiicc (Alls tli',20). . 1,' j
I'll Wi:D.-(Veies fi'i uud i.0j. Iluvv "Vdl
stcphin ille? spiilt will he laj eftjwn
his life, a inailvr to his faith, (he first ju a
gloilous iiiinpany who In the teiiiury (ultuvvliisT
nude llr.iii-i'lvis Imiuoital? Thcte waf v? fchrlnU
ittg or teal, no attempt ut ilifeaxi pr escape, jvltu
utni'i'l eoiupoiuit'' I c submitted (Isa. liiit"), nip
polled by jn uuiiuvtiiug faith. I'tilljooiitineeil
nf Ihe destiny Hut .twJitcd him and eager 'lt
c.ipc Hie evils uf this woild hu uHiiid V-il 1
petflfpu foi hliiiclf, that Ids spliit )nlsh bf 1
lelveil by lite hitil whotii lie liail imtteil (Jnlpi
Mv:3), Ills bodv he Icsigued 10 Ihe iudlgulHri
Hiatiiilgltt lie iitl'iiiii iv pciscctitois. The fel
mail euuld nut lie b.iinii'.il, Stephen would pa.i
Into ihe Jtcjvuis. 'Hie tlesldy Ijbciliailp ploti'i
could lie iiuMieateil (Malt. s,:'ii). Tlitnli'g hit
Ihouglit's lu Ihuie who weie about hint the nut
tjr was filleil IU pin, even as the Mailer on
the uiVss (l.uWc '.vtii:an. ami a rugla pclit'on
was olfcieel for them, that Hie sin might liot bt
IC'ontluucd on 1'Jge 9.
- s&i