The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Special to Hie Ocranton Tribune.
TuiiUlHiiiiiock, Feb. 27.-O. S. Khmer
will Hit hh ixutlltor, lo distribute the
fund drrlvod from the Ornhuim' court
Bale of the real estate of the late Jniries
KIUb, nf Lemon, on Wednesday, Jlareh
32, nt i o'clock p. m.
A. W. Htcnhcnw. of Nicholson, wuh
lining biiHlnexH In town on Tuesday.
.John Urriuliii, landlord of the Ulvor
slde hotel at JIcshoDDcn, wuh u visitor
in town on Wednesday.
Hcvlvnl services are being held at the
llnntlHl church this week.
There will be u muvlnir nlcture ex
hibition at I'lutt'H oieru house on Mon
day evenliifr. March 3.
llnbcrt I.lttlo, employed an nuval liny
I'lrJH. stationed In Chinese wuti-iB Tor
mine time past, has' been Rrunteil leave
of absonce, and Is expected lo arrive
liolne' on KatUrdny of this week.
The remains of Jllss Itehecca lliirttn
were broiiRht here from New York on
Vedncnlny and Interred In Suniivslde
cemetery. She formerly resided here.
..Tames Ace, of b'cranton, visited rela
tives nt this place on Tuesday.
The trial .list for the court of com
mon pleas for April term will be made
up on Haturday, March 1.
Frank Ace, who Is employed at Hie
Shields Stone company's mllN at Nich
olson, Is vlsltlnc his family at this
The Ilcnuhlk'iiti county committee
will hold n meethiK at the court house
on Saturday, March in, at " p. m.
Hay Doublor, who has been taking a
course In nr-rlrultui-nl training at Penn
sylvania State college, returned home
"u Wednesday.
fpeelal lo tlie Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, Feb. 27. Fred D. Wrlgh
tor, of tlie township, was doing business
in Susquehanna Tuesday.
.Miss Nellie Clancy was In Susque
hanna the llrst of the week, called there
to attend her cousin's funeral, V O.
Graham. lie died at Lake Charles, La.,
where he had charge of extensive busi
ness matters.
Fred Hurr, of Susquehanna, is hang
ing paper at F. D. Writer's this week.
A crowd gathered at the depot Mon
day afternoon to see the rotary snow
plow thill was taken over the branch to
do their spring (snow) plowing.
Itov. and Mrs. P. It. Tower are on the
sick list. Dr. Miller from Susquehanna
was called to attend them on Wednes
day. Mr. F. W. Lewis was doing business
in Susquehanna on Tuesday.
Mr. W. W. Messenger is gaining slow
ly, also Ills wife whom It was feared
at one time would have pneumonln.
Mr. George Koscnhoom, who with his
wife are visiting at Mrs. S. Trucsdell's,
have gone to Hlnghamton and Roches
ter, will return the last of the week.
Mrs. John Lamont Is ill with pneu
monia. Her son Charles has the grip
mid he too is quite poorly.
The Ladles' Relief corps will have an
Entertainment a-.wqek from next Sat
urday in the CI. A. P.. hall.
Mr. LIddell, the evangelist, is giving
some powerful sermons at the F. B.
church and is awakening considerable
interest. He does not resort to the
clap-trap ways so much in vogue these
later days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard, of I'oyn
tell, are visiting his sister, Mrs. Fran
ces Demoiary.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Feb. 27. The statement
recently made In u number of papcis
that the Lackawanna Valley Electric
Light, Heat and Power company, of
Cnrbojidalc, had absorbed the Forest
City company Is without foundation in
fact. Superintendent Kehren denies the
t TJio boiler house at No. 2 shaft
caught the fioni u chimney yesterday
and the roof was badly damaged. The
li'men laid haul work extinguishing
'the Ilames.
, Clark Avery has moved his family to
M,is. J. It. Uudil is ill,
Rev. Ci. V. Wilson, of Illinois, will
poim hold revival services in tlie Meth
odist church, lie Is said to bo a very
forceful Drencher.
A hound owned by Walter Jiurdlok
went mad Tuesday and betoie being
-Hliot killed one dog ami bit several
Iceial to tin1 Si union Tilhuiic
Ilrooklyn, Fob, 20. Mis. M. E. Pnl-
If iii
most King has hired out to his
kirutlier, L, O. King, for a year.
Mr, and Mrs. T. A. King are moving
lliolr goods back from Waverly,
Miss Jessie Dolaway leturned to
l3lughamton lust Thuisduy.
Miss Gertrude Wnldle and Mrs.
jeorge II. Terry attended tho recital
I liven by I'aderewskl at Scranton Moti
lity evening.
Frank King will work for Mr. M, L,
Lemon tlie coming year.
Dr. and Mrs. Earn. Kent, of Center
county, are visiting relatives In town.
C. E. Wescott will move his family
into W. L, Sterling's house lecently
Ijccupled by Maiming Forse. Mr. Forso
ind family will live on A. M. Gere's
Mr, Will Austin moves into the house
vacated by Mr. Wescott.
Tho recent thaw renders travel very
lllOlcult on many of the township roads.
Owing to tho good work of tlie "snow
Inlgado" last Saturday the sidewalks
n town tiro In much better condition
lilum they would have been otherwise.'
Frank E. Henjamln, of Nicholson,
hvH In town Wednesday,
I, W. Wright, of Chicago, Is visiting
tils duushtor, Mrs. S. P, Ereert,
The committee on construction for
I the telephone lino to Montrose are buy
ing poles and prepailug to erect and
i-qulp tho lino as soon as possible. The
I'ltlzenu of Ut'ooklyu and along the
routo havu shown their appreciation of
Mr, Wheeler Got Rid of HJs Rheu
"During tha winter of IMS r waa KO
amo In my joints, In fact ull oyer my
jody, that I could luirdly hobblo
trouud, when J bought a bottle of
liumborlalivs Pain lialm. From tin.
first aypllcutlon, I began to get well.
Itiul x,vus cured and have worked
nteudlly nil the year." R, Wheeler.
IVorthwood, N, V. For sain by ull drug-
the project by subscribing for 'phones,
about eighteen names are already on
the local eh cull list,
Mr. William Terry Is vlslllng friends
In ninghatnton,
Mr, and Mis, J, L. Kent returned to
their home In Boston after spending it
few weeks with relatives here.
Mrs. M, K. Weston and Miss Jennie
started this morning for Brooklyn, N.
Y wheio the latter will receive medi
cal advice.
The funeral or Mis. K. C. Rogers was
hold at the M. K. church Saturday
afternoon, Rev. Roberts otllclatlng.
Two farms belonging to the N. C.
Henjamln estate were sold' today. J.
F. Doran purchased the one neur the
village for $2,r7fi, and L. X. Ronjamlii
purchased the other for $1,720.
Miss Florence Packard, who has been
111, Is recovei lug.
Bprclal to the Scranton Tribune.
Fuctoryvllle, Feb. 20. Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Manchester, of Wllkes-Rarre,
spent Sunday with relatives In town.
Mr. Frank Dickson and his sister,
Mrs, Grace Stapley, of KImwood, Ne-
rind two
braska, will leave for their home Wed
nesday. The many friends of Jlr. Charles
Gardner will be pleased to learn lie Is
fo far recovered from his recent Ill
ness as to lie able to be out to his
store Tuesday mornlns:.
Mrs. Emma Travis and daughter Ma
bel are the fruests of friends in North
Mr. and Mrs. V. U. Gardner are
spending a few days with friends In
Scranton and Forest City.
Hew Lee, of the Methodist chinch,
exchanged pulpits with Rev. Cooper, of
Dalton, last Sabbath.
Mrs. Kittle Gardner, of Scranton, is
visiting relatives in town.
Attorney Paul J. Sherwood, of
Wilkes-Barre, and Editor J. I.. Tllfany.
of Nicholson, were business visitors In
town on Tuesday.
A cave-In occurred in tho roaduny
on Main street, near the hose house, on
Wednesday afternoon. A hole appeared
in the surface about the size of a bar
1 el-head. A sixteen-foot board let down
through the aperture failed to touch
the bottom. Workmen from the Lack
awanna colliery worked all nlsht and
yesterday lining tlie hole with ashes.
The employes of -the Stprrlck Creek
colliery will receive their pay Saturday.
Vane Kennedy has resigned his posi
tion ns clerk at tlie store of F. A. Peek
and will in the near future move his
family to Pleasant Mount, where he
will take charge of a large farm.
George If. Stevens was a vif-ilor at
Ararat Summit, Tuesday.
Word was received here yesterday
announcing tho serious Illness of Silas
lloberts, at his home at Muhlenburg.
Mr. Hoberts has pneumonia. George
Hoberts left here yesterday for Muhlen
burc. The board of health at Jessup Is now
satlslled that Henry Sheridan is a vic
tim of smallpox. The board yesterday
secured the services of Dr. Paine, of
Scranton, who came to Jessup and at
once pronounced It smnllpox, but a
yery light ciu-e.
At the meeting of the Olympic club
last Monday evening, the members
passed a lesolutlon thanking tho ladles
of the Women's Christian Temperance
union for money donated by them to
the club for use in titling up a reading
room. The amount was fiT, and will
he a great deal of help to the boys In
securing this needed addition to their
outfit. They also instructed tlie board
of directors to organize a ladies' branch
and give them the uso of the rooms
three afternoons and one evening each
week. This will Include glrlH and ladles
of all ages, and It Is expected iiulte a
number will avail themselves of the
opportunity. Following Is tho pro
gramme for this evening's entertuln
meut: Piano solo; baritone solo, w.
W. Watklus; mandolin solo, George
Hawloy; lecture, "Souio Folks and
Other Folks," Hew A. H, Smith; man
dolin solo, Georgo Hawleyj cornet solo,
Edward Day; accompanist, F. H, Hcn
jumlu. DURYEA
Tho funeral of the lute Mrs. John
Mitluwarlug took plnco TueBday utter
noon and was largely attended. Serv
ices were conducted at tho family resi
dence. Interment In tho Marcy ceme
tery. A HUpper muh held at the M, ",
church -last evening anil was lurgely
A debate will be held at the Hilck
church Saturduy evening. The sub
ject is, Hesolved, that Washington was
a greater generul thun Napoleon. Tho
uttirmatlve side will bo presented by
Eliza Drown and Duane Dills, and the
negative by Musette J'dsall urn, Her
bert Down. It promises to be very In
teresting. The following programme
has been prop-' red: Pruyer, Hev. II, A.
Greene: singing, "America," uudlenee;
lecltutlon, Elsie Hughes; solo, Jennie
i "''" ".-" in minimi
Wildrlekj debate; singing, audience;
rending, Kit a Moslollerj singing,
Kdwnrd Jones has nccepled n osl
tlon as shipping clerk for the Lawrenco
Miss Maild Heesecker, of this place,
Is 111 In Seranlou.
The ft lends of Rev. M. S. Godshnll
will meet lit Hid Methodist Kplseopal
church parlors on Friday evening, Feb
ruary 28, to make him u social and
substtintlal remembrance. Refreshments
will bo served, and a general Invitation
Is extended to all.
h, W. Finch Is home, utter nil ab
sence nf two months.
Sleighing parties have been quite
Allss Louise Fcchley entertained n
number of friends last Saturday even
Our sidewalks, which have been In
bud condition In consequence of the
lato storm, are being rapidly cleaned.
Mrs. Thomas Kelley, who has been
visiting friends In New York for some
time, leturned homo la'st Wednesday.
Mr. John II. Jones, deputy sheriff of
Scrnnton, was the guest of Mr. Samuel
R. Lilly of the academy while In at
tendance at the Masonic banquet held
on Friday evening.
Miss Ed mi MeCane, of Rush, Sus
quehanna county, class of 1!t0l, spent
the early part of the week at the acad
emy on her way to New York city
other Kkatere.
where she will spend several weeks
among relatives.
Mr. Frank Dickson, of Plattstnouth,
Nebraska, 11 former student, has re
turned to his home after a visit of two
weeks among friends and relatives
Professor Bromley Smith was look
ing after his father's business In
Wllkes-Barre on Monday.
The prospects are bright for electric
lights in the academy as well as in
the town. In nddltfon to tills some
new Hie escapes will also be provided
In the near future.
The following students spent Sunday
at their homes: Mr. Edgar Powell,
Horace Seward, Perry Chamberlain.
Rlehaid Shepherd and Miss Olive
Casey, Scranton, and Miss Bertlee Car
penter at New Mllford.
The Washington social held in tlie
ladles' parlor on Satuulny evening was
a decided suc-ccess.
Al'.MH'MV Maude ilillnian company. After
noon and night.
bl'Alt Vjuilciillc. Afternoon nnd lilslit.
A Capitol Comedy.
It was indeed "A Capitol Coined" that 'Urn
Muiphy ptcMiitcd at the Ljiiiun jt I'lciiing.
Ills htiiuoi loiitluues us cMpilsitcly contagious
ns It was in tlie ilajs of "A Tevis Meer, I lie
Carpet It.igRi'i," " llachcloi's linnuiiie" ami
otlnri- gloiics of Hie pat. Idle the bpa-mudu-outliuiots
of liMy laughter Iniidinl to tlie .tier
ago good lomedy iiiie not In cildi'iuv last night,
a inoie Miliducd iiieiiiinent tippling loutliiii
oiisly tl.icugb Hie audience honed Hut the play
had Miuck home.
'A Capitol Coined" like most of tlie plays
in v.lilcli Mr. Murphy lias ligurul b.i .1 poliliial
aln.o-plieie and ns usual opens wtlh ilic genial
"Tim" idmlug a tenement gullet witli idiilll
peiriiy. 'Hit ttoiy deals Willi Hie long and
weny Mm.-glo ot .loci (lay to bale coiiglcs
recogiu0 his patent rlisht ro a poitlou of tlie
lauds upon 11I1I1I1 Mauds the illy of Miiim'.ipolly.
I'll Hue make biiii acquainted with the "11 lid
oats" ton uf t-niator Diuitioic, whom be tiicn
to keep on Icu'.s tlh and later be comes
to know tlie acuitor daughter, l.oui.-.c, who
lus called at bis lodgings for bopital tiibsi-ilp-Hum,
nnd Willi whom he tails in ion-.
.Min lllmmnic takes up Ids cau-.e and iiltli the
aid ot 'nr f..llK'1's lutlmuce vIihIi he has en
listed, flie tMceeds In gi-lllng the dialled bill
iiitindiiciil, (i.iy lioa Ma appicciatloii by
pleadii'i; imt eloquently for her heatt 011 Unit-
v tbicsbold to the spiuIc cuiiiibir while
august bodv on the othci side of the gieeu iluma
1 busily engaged pulling I he knife lo .Mr. (jii'a
hopis, In 1)11 iiurglil uf one lote.
Hut all mils will. After Mi. tj has rIicii
up his fight, paiked Ids tiuuk and pan mil Ids
guiidf.Hiei'. natt'i to buy a raihojd ticket for
home, be lit eh is fiom .1 sndic.lte u liamboiut-olTi-r
fir a lialf hire in bis land tilliy and the
fall of the em tain rinds him iunt luppily lo
cated In Hie midst of Ids fiicmls witli a llancee,
In tin.' ptisoii of Miss Hliisiuore, 011 I.U hind.,
Mr. Murphy has the gift of tun-ioiniing lilin
tclt into u iniwt uitistlc iiionologist and nt leg
ulir fnlci vaU liolds Hie attention of the! audi
ence, ciitliely, or i-ciuKil pfilods of
time. While ulono on the stage U.-X night lie
kept the uudleiiie llioiougbly amiisid for oier
ten inliiutis pirfoimlng u 110 inoie elting feat
than that of khailus. In tad the play 11a so
gincioibly inlerspeikfd with "Slurpli.iui" that
a miration of the stoiy ionic no idea of in
1101 Hi.
Uf louite Mr. Muiph ai.unifd (lie lole of Joel
fij. O. J. llriftlu a John I'a.sloiie, u dellaliltiil
old ilni., (amo lieu in fatur, MUs lloioih)
Sheiiod ussiuncd the pait of Kmlly CIjiiImhi, 1I10
uneetleait of .Seiulor Pin.iuore's on,
Mr. Muiphy belpcd khurteii the walls between
Ilia acu by beuial icr witty and iluiaclc-iMIe
little Itilk..
Tlie Hillmnn Company.
This company gaic tun more iciy uiillljlde
peifoniuncc4 to large uiuliemes ut the Acadeniy
f Music yotcrday alteiuooii and last hlglil. To
night Hie new play, "From the Faun to the
White House," which tells a inimical ttory .,(
fjiin and lYashingtcn society life, will be keen
for the first lime lit tliU ell,
S-tuiday afternoon among the otjicr new- pc
cljltlia IntioJuvwl Ipr Hie especial lieucBt of bc
cliool 1 by drill, "Cliidcicllii'' will be) shown by
the moling Ichiro machine. Frldly afternoon
Hie entire lower floor will lie sold n rescued
feuti nt 20 trnl rmli ami every Inly holding; n
rcsened -cat ilicik wilt be presented Willi one of
the COO boil's of lion bom In be alien nwfty tipon
tlitt occasion. One ot these, boxes will iiintain
n flic dollar gold ilcie.
Straight Vnudovllle.
An Innomlloii in the way nf a inideillle pro
gramme wn- presented al tlie Star lliciter icslcr
day ntlcinooii nnd cietitng, Tins llt of enter
talnerii wflleh indudes -nme'icry Rood material
I headed 1iy I'ljl'il nnd O'llrlen, who gltc. a
pleasing terpslchotcim sl.clclii n tniiikal act nf
unusual merit rIicii by the Herald Square quar
telle, was giontly linrred by it lot of tlnsonie
hor-e play.
'J lie ipi.irlrtlf U one of tlie best tier heard
In Hie Star and It mciim it iplly Hut nrllot-t ot
lull abllll.v 'hotltd be poccd ol a desire to
nlmcurc their real talrliti by n-lnlne -fforl to be
tunny. The acrob.tllu end of the iiropiriimme
rnlber oierbtbinced the otlier munbero nnd w.n
of it high rlnj. The cioiMiing turn wa giviii
1 il In 7nim. n.irl nhd rnn. A- In the ra;n
nf all dtinlirhl, eontlinioii" perfornu'iie clicinei
the "th.icr" wilt In eildcnce Je-teuliy but then1
w.t Ktlll iiiikIi about the pniirnnune Hut ronld
be enjojed. 'Hie landcvllle star will leninln
Hie balance of the week.
"Our Now Minister."
Scranton theater liner will a train nee Drnman
Tlioiiipon's "Our N'cw llnlter" nt Hie r..iecnin,
Sitiinlay tiiatinee and iilfflit, when It lomei Imik
Inr a rctnin cnpiitciiiciit. The nlmo-t phenom
mat Kiiircfi nhlili Riceted Hilt new play on It
llr't incut ilill will no dnnbt be duplicated nt
t lie cdnilngr ictiirn riijruKciiii'iit. It will be pre
eiitcd in cici.i detail cMictly ns pern licrc flrl,
only a idioit time into.
Tlie IIMwr for "Our N'cw Mlnliler" lias nmir
cdly been Kept warm, and will tic manifested by
Sir.uitnii nniiiscincnt loicrs lomortow, when u
full Ihmiu' will nit do'.ilit be In nttendance.
Scats aio now on nalo. lltliel lliooko reinuioii
will appear a Xancu Itanioiu, the com let's
Liquid Air Entertainment.
li of. l'otcr, of l'liil.iilelphl.i, will j-iie n very
llilcrcllnst lecliiie with -taitllnp; i"SicrliiirnN on
Ihpild all net Tiieiilay iiIrIiI at tlie bjictim Hie
alcr. under the ati'piiei of the llioit.ii.iy course.
The adiance sale of teal, which prvinl-ei to
lie iiiniMi.illy lame will open tomorrow nioriiiiiR
at 9 oMoik. TIiIh levtiue If rIicii In plate of
Hie Inline that ii.i lo liale been dellicred
by cvftoiernor Hob Taj lor.
Corse Payton Comedy Company.
On Monday altcinoon the Corse l'.i.iton Comedy
eompany, with niw lot of plaj added to it")
icpertoire, with a carload ol i-pcclal new tceneiy
for c.ieli iiiodiiitlon, cur im all of it-i own fur
nitinc,' and piopcrllc-i, and with a
company Mlect"d by Mr. l'.i.iton from tlie bet
lanki of tlie piofewlon, , nil I bcnin a week's
enptaKenient at the Academy of MuMc, Monday,
preienlliiK one of Hie stionscst lil.ijs of model n
iiinei, ".liin the I'"
Tlie people engaged by Mr. 1'ajton for hi"
eunicily lonipany llii season aic superior to
thoe of liny he lia-i hi'ielofore had, and will lie
headed by .1. l'lank Illlike, IcadiiiR man, and
the public's faioiile leidliiR lady, Mis rinienie
llaiiiilton. Spciial matinee Momlaj, Cintnln
iUcs at '2 p. in. slurp and 8 p. in. in tlie cien
The date has been decided upon for the flist
perfoiiuinie at Hie I'.inpiie theater, N'cw Yoik,
of Louis I'aikei's adaptation from Hilda's tier
man diania, "Twin Wstcis." It is March I and
tlie company now appearing in "The WildemeV
hale been icheaising the piete for th" pi-t
Xante O'Xeill and McKec llankln ale to be
joint owners of a theater to bo built in London,
a portion of tlie piollls from the Auntiatian
tour going into tlie stiiictme along Willi a goodly
nun put up by a mine ownei. Tlie place will
not be opened befoio net fall. Meanwhile the
pair will appear to Henry liiiug'n l.ycoum in
their well-known lepeitoirc. '
Maigaret Pale will be John Diew's leading
lady net i-ea-on, Ida Conquest going out nt Hie
head of her own conipaii. This makes the
font Hi leading lady foi John Diew since he be
gan his starring tour. Tlie Hist was Maud Aduw,
thru came Isabel In hit, who remained seinal
seasons, and was succeeded by Ua Conquest,
Mi-s Dale bis been the ingenus of the I'.inpiie
ftoil; company for the past two jcai.s.
.1. II. Stoddait liies at Sewaiien, X. J.,
where he has a hniiiUotnc mmnicr home and a
line bolt. Mr. Stnddart is fcienty-me jeau old,
but he was one of the ciack catboat tallcis of
Lower Xew oik . Ills intboat, the "f.or.1,'
won the legatt.i of the Atlantic Yacht club la-t
niniiner against twenty-two competitor. The
M'leian actor-sailor handled the tiller and rutin
sheet himself 011 that occasion.
Wall Street Heview.
Xciv Yolk, Ib. 27. The moit attli" slocks in
today's matket were aiuong tliooe lathee bcttir
known to the ayirago speculator Hun thosa
whicli bale otcitpled the gicatcst attention for
M'li-ial 1I.1.1S, lint the nbstini- speulltles still
had a larc p.. it in tho maiket, parllculaily in
the width oi their price iiioicnients. home new
ones weii biought foiwaul into actliity today
mid wtu pu'.icil smaitly upuaid, ami .ulvauet.s
ciuitiiuu'i in smut' others lcceutly awakciied into
attliiiy. In the more important blocks theie
was a lc-i ir.ptiim of Tucsdai'i Use In lliooklyn
Tiauslt, 011 bu.iing atliihuted to Inside Inleiest,
but wiliiout e.planatioii, Clieaaiieakc and Ohio
and Nmlidk and Wcstein wcie lifted on tlie le
poits of the rli.ioidluiiy dt'inand for bitumin
ous 10.1l, 'llicic 111111 Mippoit liom inside huiuccs
for Mi-.soiui 1'acifl", but the laige liquidation
coutil.lliil '11 thai "tuek, sllppo-ed to lie the le
sult of tl." iieenl death of .1 laige liohlei. Ain.ll
gjiuited C"ipci and Tennessee Coal wcie .utile
but iriegidai, but both ol these utta ks ended
the d.iv 11111 hanged. The maiket as a whole ton
tlnii.'ll sliiggi-li and neglected. The dubious con
dition in which the .Northern Sccuiltlcs loin
piui I- kep by tl"' pending litigation against
it and the iiiiceilaiuties of tlie money cullook aie
amply biifhcieul lo -( count fur this shale of
alfilis. Tlie I'on-ullatloiLs now going 011 lictwccii
ill ne liitciesleil In tlie Xoithein Seiiirille.s loin
pjny and Hie fuel tint some of the hanks uie in
1 lined 10 niiestioii tlie olVeilug of Xiiitliiin N
i mill's stock ar collateial aiieuttiate this feeling,
Total Miles lod.iv, IT.I,.VK) shales. Mahash lie
be.itiito It's cdiitimied to oieishadow the boo I
111.11!. et, Inn tliey hist ini'.-t of then cjIu in the
late lioalii'g-. Tctal sales, par lain", 1,73 1,0 '.
l'lilteil Mull s !,'-. iidianied U-l'i'i lent, oil t lie
lis. sail.
'J lie following quotations are fiiiiilslud the Tilb
ime by M. N .Ionian it Coinpan.i, inonis ;ai-70d,
Muis biilldliig, isiianton, I'a, Telephone, CUUJ:
Open- Hlgli- Low. Clos.
iiirf. est. c-t. ing.
American Sugar lS2.i?t lai'i l'bl Vi'tli
Atclilson 7'iH Tii 7.'i': 7"Ti
Alililson. i'r 07 7 7 07
lliook. Tiaeliou Ulvi 1.1, 0114 00
Halt. ,t Ohio 10.114 lUPi lUI5i 10i,s
Chef. ,t Ohio IVi (Ii9c ITi'-j ii'-j
I hie. it li. V SlVt '- SHi Sl-ii
M. Paul Hm? HLI's lo."K Ull
llotk Island lfiUsi Ull '4 Wtfa lld'4
Kan. ,tTc., I'r &V?4 .VI .'-,-, ,Vi
Louis, .t Xush 1DIU llll'i nil lot
Man. r.leiaiul MU i:!l4 UiV. lilIU
Met. iaitlou ton 1711 ll.'i loo
Mbsoiirl lMeillc- 10 Ull iai, (MiTi
houthetn 1'acillc lil'i lli M 1,1
Xoifollt .t Wi'stcin .... W.j fiili Ctll". '.IS
Kile , :a "STh J.'hlj ;isr',
ilile. 1st I'r Irt'-i 1-5)4 Mi t4
N. Y. Cential IDJIii liiiTi Mill Itlfli
tint, ,t Wii.t "( :")?; ill; ins,
I'ciini, 11, n ni'.i Kit'; iiu'i roTi
I'acitU- Mail Id HI ID 411
Heading Ml'., flUi fiilli .r'H"j
lteailing, I'r tl Mli bt tV.b
Southcin II, It !!! !-l'i .IJTi J2"i
huiithciu II. It.. I'r .. Ii I'll IKI Mi
Tinn. Coal A' lion iri-i Uili ts tv-.;
I'. S, beathcf ll5i 111; IHi U"-i
1', .S. Lcathei, I'r ,1 bl'i 8l'-j Mi fci"i
1'. S. Hubbir In?4 n. ?4 iipi, nji,
I'niuu 1'ji-lllu 'li I"" t"H4 vtZ
I'nloit l'acllle, I'r 7'4 l7"; s.7'1 b7-)i
Wahailj, Pr I Hi ll'i Kl't M'i
Wi-Hterii I'liinu HI Ml til ill
Col. I'm I & lion bii'l tti't, h'i Mu
A1114I. (oppu- 7IV4 il'i 7U')I 7li
i'eople'.s lias 100V4 imj',4 mi J m
Col. bjtitb !i il'.l iM Sili
Texas I'.ulllt II II imi wi,:.
Am. Oar I'oundr 4S?i ails :'.8'i MVi-
I", S. Steel Co I.l'.i ii tl'i lia
If. b. bteel Co., IV "(T M U 0i
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Pnv of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. I'r, 00 ,,,
County Salinas Hank I; Tiust Co., 300 ...
First National Bank (Caibondale) 600
Third National Hank 530 ...
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank., 300
Economy Light. II. & 1. Co , ... (!)
First National Bank 1300
Uiki. Trust & Safe lK-polt Co,,., 1W ...
Clark & Snoicr Co., I'r ,, Hi ,,.
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Tlinn Pour Lines, 3 Cents for Bach Uxtra Lhu.
Tor Rent.
I'lll! 111'VIV -fi.lnnil.l.iMl rnillll.. fur llullt llOU'C'
keepliiRl heal, R.1, I1.1II1, Tor family without
rhlldicn. I'of"elon Imincdlalely. !K5 .lelteioii,
roil lti:ST lle.iiitlfiil nnd enlniRcd oftUe; In
the t'null bulldliiR. Inniilre ol Il'mllloti,
room SUM. ,
roil Itn.NT House (111 S. W'mhlimlmi nvcniu',
comer I'lne, It ronin, bath Ami laundry. Ap
ply to .I. W. tlaniey, Ml Linden rirrel, who
only Ins authority to -iioiv Hie hoiic,
i'OH ItKXT-llrocery Mote or Rood -land fur meat
maiket, corner l'lltnton iiiemie and lllicli
ft reel.
l'Oll IICM From April I, More loom ociupled
liv llublii lllamoiul Co., !:!" Lackawanna ill"
liuei also lloor nboie. Apply IJ"I Sanderson
l'Oll IHIST-ll-ronm home near I actoryvlllc.
(.pleni'ld location for the summer; Rooil
pnjlure for horses. Apply 1E0H Sandcison avenue
l'Olt IinNT-Corner store Xo. .10' Lackawanna
nieniic. Also dnelllnRS nboie. Appl "
Coldsniltli llios,, not LickawaniM aienue.
I'OH HKXT-Stoie loom on scloii'1 floor oier .119
Lackawanna nieniic. Plate Rlass front. '"
quiie of Kiotosky llios.
l'Olt linNT-l'roin April 1, building 1101V occl;
plul by the tllilcson Allllinff 'o.. N";,,'"
l.ackawamia aienue. W. I'. Ilojle, Council H'QR.
ItAl.l DOl'lll.r, bouse, aw Hairlson aienue, 3.
Ako half double hottw, 1M I'lne street, "-17.
Possession now. Apply CM Hairlson aienue.
For Sale.
SECOND-HAND Hall Standard Safe, B2 inches
hlgli; iiii good order; must sell within ten
days. F. I'. Kimble, lloneadalc, la.
CAIIl'irra, linoleums and oil cloths fold ciery
day :i o'clock. KM Lackawanna. Sec auction.
LACK f I I'TAlNS-finn pairs fancy Cuitalns at
auction. iXIS Lackawanna aienue. fc-ce aue
(ions. foil hALL-I'lii" l.lndlliiR wood, dole length.
Two ilollais big load delivered aniwhoic.
Mail .irdeis. .lennlngs, Cential Milieu cut. . Also
Mcond hand lumber kiiltable for all ptuiiJaiv,
icry cheap.
I'OH SALL Tno Hght spilng wagons and sonic
balmy, iheap. l'vans, rear 11 U Iaucrno
FOK SAL11 Cheap; boise. sprins wagon and
harness, nt No. 182(1 0!ir avenue.
Scianton Saiings Dank
Tiaders' National Hank
S-ci.intoii Holt ,t I.'ul Co
People's Hank
Stiantoti Packing (o
Scranton Pawcngcr Hallway, first
Mortgage, due 1020
People's street Hallway, llrst mort
gage, due IMS
People's htreet Hallway, General
moitgage, due 1921
Ecranton Traction el per cent
I'eoi.omy l.lglu, Hcnt & Power Co..
Xorth Jel-ey t I'ocono Ice Co
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Coirected by II. G, Dale, '27 I.aikawanna Aie.)
Flour l.'.0.
Ileans $2.10.
Ilutter I'icsIi cieamery, "JOc. ; June ticaincry,
2.!Vi.i2IVjc: d.ili, -22c.
CTieese ll'Aalic.
Kggs Xeaib.i, 40c.
I'cas Per bud. el, .ft. 73.
Potatoes Per bushel, .soe.
Onions Per bvshel, 1.60.
New York Grain and Produce Market
New York, Feb. 27. Floiu Maiket was a tilfle
mote actile in both spring and winter grades,
closing steady and uucliaiiged. Whcnt fqiol
s,lcadi ; No. 2 led, S7c. f. o. b. afloat: No. 2
red, Ni'.ic. clciatorj Xo. 1 noilhcin Diilulb, S.i'cc.
f. o. b. iilloat; options itiegular, but closed easy
at uiithanged prices; Mauii closed SiUc; M.1.1,
WL-e. ! July. b'28C : heptcniber, blVsc Coin
Spot llrni; Xo. 2, Ml"ic. eleiator and ,0)si'. f. 0.
li.; options except for 11 slight eatly de
dine wcie strong and actiio all day and tlnally
r.wcd off a little and dosed dull at nia58c, net
adiance; .May closed WITic; July, fid1,!''.; Sip
tcmhiT, OVi'df. Oats Spot lulu; No. 2, 50c. ; Xo.
:i. 4tlc; Xo. 2 while, 51'ic; Xo. :t wldte, 31i.j
tuck mixed western, SOaSlc. ; track wldte, 5tU
ride.; options gencially flim and acliie with coin.
Huttei Unsettled and weak; creamery, 21a27c. ;
do. factoiy, llia20c.; ereameiy held. lSa2.IVic. ;
lenoiated, IflaSle.; Imitation creamery, Hlki
22c-.; slate dairy, 2lla23e. Clieese Finn; state
full cicani. finall eaily made, fancy coloicd, 12V4
al2l2i; Ftate full cicam, small e.ulv made, fincy
white, 12,,4ul'2,4i'. ; laige cily made eoloied, 12a
12Vie. ; laige eaily made white, lJal-JUc. Eggs
I'll met; ftate and Piuu-jlianl.i, 2')c. : western,
20i'.; southern, 2b'c.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, Feb. 27.- Wheat ic. higher;
contract glade, I'cbiuaiy, jOaS'ilac. Corn Firm,
li-. higliei ; Xo. 2 mixed Fcbiuaiy, H'ltOji'.c-. Oats
Firm liut quiet; Xo. 2 while clipped, 50',ji'.
Butter Dull and 1c. lower; cxti.i nvsteiii irea'ii
ciy, 2e.; do. nearby prints, We. Ejfgs Finn,
good demand; fieh neaiby, 2e. ; do. we-teiu,
23c: do. southwestern, 21c, Cheeva- I'iinicr; New
ork full eieaiiH, fancy small, llal'2'ic.; do. do.
fall-In choice, lO'iilHii-. Iletlued hugais (Julet.
Cotton I'ncliinged, Tallow tjulet hut steady;
cily piime in Hen en, HSc.: lountiy do., in b.u
ids, (ji.tallUc. ; link do., 35!,a5TrtC. : c.ikl's, 0V.
Live pimltrj Fiiinei; fowls, llallVjc; cxicp
tioiial lots, 12c. i old loostcrs, 7c; winter ihiik
ens, 12al5e. ; dinks, malic; geese, l-'
llresed l'oiiltr.i Did lind weak; fuwls, ihoice,
llatl'ic. : do. lair lo good, lOalOlie. ; old loostcrs,
8e.j chickens nearby, 12allc; westcin do., 12a
13c;, neaiby, elinlie to fmc.i, KlalTc. ;
we-teiti do. do., 13alilc. ; fair to good do., 12al4c;
ducks, neiiihy, llallic; westciu do., 12aHc. ;
geese, Oallc. Hcccipls Floiu, 70(1 barieln and
2,2.S1,0.'KI pounds in sacks; wheal, 5.!,0u0 bu.bels;
corn. ll.t.OOO bushels; o.ts, 8,00(1 buhels. ship
ments Coin, 15,000 InislicU; oats, 0,0011 bushels.
Chicago Qrnin and Prodticojfjfirket.
Chicago. Feb. 27. Coin stieiiEth was the dom
inating factor In grain speculilioii today ami
woiklug against depii'sslng liillueiues In otlier
pits, steaclleil wheat nun oats unci 1 iiem nun
Mai- wheat do.-ed '.allc. down. .May coin I6i-,
higher ami May uats a sliule lilghir. l'ioilloiis
dosed 3.17'se. lo 10e. higher. Cash qiiotatlou.s
wcie as ollows: I loin Xo, :i spuug lineal, ,.ic;
No. 2 led. Sl'ji-.t Xo. 2 oaks. I'lTae.; So, 2 while,
llVsc; Xo. It white, 4la43Vac.; No. 2, flsa
ftSJic ; fair tochniie iiMltlntr niney, auaicc-.i .mi.
1 flax seed. i?l.(i.'t: Xo. 1 uortliwesteiu. tl.liSi
piime lliuotb seed, $0.30; mess puik, f l.'j.d'i.l
n.lii; lam, S'lMiVijau.-ju; snort nus,;
In- sailed nlioulilcM, 7'.fju7,.4e. i shoit dear tides,
SsS.tsia8.70; whlskc, s.:il.
Chicago Xive Stock Market.
Chicago. IVli, 27.-Caltle-lteceipls 11,300, In
diiding 100 Texan; slow and 10c loner: good
to prime stii'is, !l..'(la7; poor to medium, Sola
(1,10; mukeis and feeders, e.'l.23a3; 'Oivh, l.2'a
0.S3; helfeii, V2.30a5.3d; cimieK, ?1.2.ia'2.2i; bull;
2.50.11, !; 1'iilies, fj.fiOaU; Texas fed steels, ,l,5il
.15.75. Hogs-lteceiptH toda-, 10,000; tumorruw,
:;i),(ol; left uier, :i,lMM; leu cents louei; closed
nitiie-, liilxed and butchem, M."5an..ii good 111
choice- lieaiy, !f(I.IOa0.;i0j roughs heaiy, 5.b0i0.1li:
light, i-.x.cjja'i.bti; iiiiiks in sates, (r.i.Miau.tii, nneep
Itecelpla, 11,000; sheep clou; shade loner,
Jaiulu, 2'ialOc. lower for weik; good 10 choice
netheiK, 's.C3j5.2.i; fair to choice mixed, if.l.Mh
12; western licei and xi'aillngs, l.23a'i.!Xl; na
Hie lambs, s,l,73a0.50; ticolciu lambs, 3.U3a0.30;
ollldal iicelpts, lattle, 15.H2J2; lio-s, 41,273;
slieep, 21,731. Wiippments Cattle, 3,111; hos,
11.150; -beip, 73V
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
East llullali), Feb, 27. -Cattle Receipts, liht;
quiet und si i' id; lea Is, common to good, i3-i
7.50; extra, s. Hogs- Heeelpls, 1,700 head; ao
tlie, 3al0i'. lower; heaiy and me'dlmns, MJ.IU
0.50; mixed, -si.UaO. 10; pigs, Ti.70a1,H; louglis,
i5.Wa5 75; stag-, lal.30. Wieeji llcielpls, 7.UW
head; dull, lOal.V. loivci for lambs: slurp, sli.iil.i;
tops, mixed, il.ima3.'21; othcis, S.J.2UI.W; wclh
lis, l-i.2'ia3.60'. jearllmts, ifi.50a).M)j tcp lantba,
jll.ltU0.3O; culls to good, tcO.a'i.
East Liberty Live Stock Market,
Fast I.ibetty, Feb. -27.-(ittle .Mead ; ibolie
(.1. lOall.MI; piime, l.'.UUJ.IU; good. !i.3a3.l,
Hoas-laiWir, piime luai.i, fclUl.Yilj.K); best 1111'
diuiils. I'MdUM; heai.i Yoikrli. sSj.13aU.25, liglit
do., t5.OOaO.10; pig, "vMOa'i.Ul; loiulis, VUG.
sliivp slow ami lowvr; best nelbei, fp5.IOa5.tiO;
culls and (0111111011. i2a3.30; iaillnj.s, sijj.s.";
lejl rahea, 7.50a".75.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Feb. 27. Credit balance, 113; tciiin
cates, no bid; shipments, 01,3711 bauds; uier
aie, 71,112 bairels; runs, 111,(118 bands; am
age, W,112 barrebi.
Want AdvortiBoraonta Will lio
Keceived nt Any of thojollow
Ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALtlEItT BCHHLTZ. corner Mulberry
itreet and Webslcr aienue.
OUSTAV l'ICHKL, WO Adams avenue.
West Side
aCOIIGK W, JHNKI.NS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
KIIKD L. TCnri'C, T20 Cedar avenue.
North Scrnnton
GEO. V. DAVIS, corner North Main
avenue and Market itreet.
Oreen Ridgo
CIIAKLUS 1'. JOXUS, 1537 Dickson
T. J. JOHN?, 020 Gicen llidge street.
C. LOHIINZ, corner Waihlnston ave
nue and Marlon elrect.
V. II. KNni'FCIi, 1017 Irvlns avenua.
J. a. don'i: it son.
Help Wanted Malo.
CAXVASSIlHI W.XTi:U io solicit -utescrlptlon-for
The Tiiliuue; liberal 1'uimui.ssions al
low rd: only iii'tlie men desired: llioe witli ex
perience piefened. Apply at lluslness Mauagci'i
oltlce, ciiintun Iiiouiie.
WAX'!'!:!) A loung man IS to 20, for .1 lespon
slide position. Apply 40S Council building.
WANTI'll (ieneial iigint for Scianton and ilein
ity to rcpiescnt the Ihnplre Life insurance
company (iutoipoiated J8S1) to man witli eiperi
ence and good lccoid a libeial coiittntt is of
feied. Addicss, slating eiperlence and lcfer
ences, C Xllillncr, -220 Iliondway, X. V.
Only eight weeks requited to complete.
Wages .S.i I uid.i s. Positions giiaraiitecd when
tliiough. Catalogue mailed flee. Mold's Col
lege, HM) Canal street, Xciv York city.
Help Wanted Female.
LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip
tions for Tlie Tilbune; good commission of
fered with a fair guarantee for lnt-class worker.
ApiSy personally at Business Manager's office,
Scianton Tribune.
WANTED Appicntiie gills to lenin dicssmak
ing. Apply to 1120 Mulbeiry sheet.
WANTED At once, a waitress; iclerenies le
quhed. Apply to Mis. X. Y. beet, 211 Jef
ferson aienue.
WANTED By aood girl to do housework
nrliate tamily; only small family pay
good wages need icply. Addicss E. b., Trlb
, Tribune
WANTED Girl for geneial housework at Dalton.
Address II. T., care Tribune.
Recruits Wanted.
WANTED FOR U. K. ARMY Able bodied un
married men between the ages of 21 mill 3j;
citizens of Hie United Mates, of good character
nnd temperate l.ibits, who can speak, l-ad and
wiite English. For information apply to Recruit
ing Office, Xo. 12J Wyoming aienue, Scianton,
CARPETS, oil cloths and linoleums -old ciery
day II o'lloei; snaip. uos cathawauna aitiiuc.
Sec auctions.
AUCTION todav and eieiy day until sold out, nk
car-loads 1' exposition furniture
and linen, consisting of tables, iton and brass
beds complete, dics-em, 11,000 pieces linen, blank
ets, pillows, counterpanes, pillow cases, towels,
etc.; large quantity caipets and late curtains.
Cupels sold eieiy day :i o'clock (.haip at 503
Lackawanna aienue. Cimunlnga Bros., Auc
tioneers. Wanted To Rent.
WANTED April 1 by family ot tluee adults, four
or tlie looms uniuiiiisiieu, miniums hvji.
Box 50, cily.
Furnished Rooms.
FOR RENT One furnished room, with improve
ments; also 0110 on third floor, cheap. 027
Adams nieiiue.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modem Improve,
menu; piliato family; gentlemen pielerrcd,
at 5'17 Adams aienue.
FOR HENT nirnlshcd front room, with heat,
bath nnd gas; near court house; gentleman
preferred. Addrc-s Room, Uox- 200.
FOR RENT Furnished loom; heat and bath.
025 Linden stud.
and bath, gentlemen prelerrcd, at 6.19 Adami
Boarders Wanted.
PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to haie two nice men
to board, (iti man or English. Call any time
alter Thursday, All com ententes, S07 Harrison
Rooms nnd Board.
ROOMS TO RENT, with boaid. M0 Mulberry
Wanted Rooms and Board.
TWO YOI'Mi men clisiii' boaid and rooms In
pilialc famll. Addicss C. O. C, Tilbune
of ill e.
WANTED Two ccn.itunile alius rooms with board,
piliato famll piefened, Tno ladies and 11
gentleman. Male full pattlculais. Addicss U.
II. D Tilbune ofilee.
Business Opportunity.
bTOlli AND WHEAT TRADERS witliout delay,
W lite for our .pedal maiket letter. Free on
application. S. M. Hlbbaid A; Co., member X.
Y. Ccnsulidattd and Stotk hitluiiEC, 41 and IS
ilroadiiai, New Yoik UstablUlied 1501. Long
III-tine e- Phone 23SB Broad.
l.AIKJi: OR SMALL amounts, i'loiiiptly made,
luteiest 5 per lent. Okell, Attoiuty, Coal
Exihange building.
straight loans or llulldiir,- ami Loan. At
from 4 lo 0 per icut, Call oil X, V. Walker,
UU-.I15 Couuell building,
I.OMl' (ttilel stick pin. Flndci kindly lit 111 11 to
511 (Juliiiy aiciuie.
LOST Monday eienlng. Feb. 17, be'twieii V0
mliig uieiiui' and Wu-hbiiin sheet, in uial
biooeli containliig geiilleiiuu's, plume. Finder
pliato leliiiii to or notify Ml.i Parsons, 117 Tbtl
icintli sluet.
PHOI'OSALS will be leccivcd by Hie undiislaued
for Hie laniloishlp of the liuptoii Methodist
Episcopal iliurili from Febiuary li to Apill 1,
iuilusiie. John F, Haudtilpli, WJ i-outh (lyde
t'atk uitnue.
. 1 A v km
t ' .."ii! v :'" t
. A 'V !
' ' tn
3 lnsertionse2'5 Cnll
Hour Lines, fi Cents lor Uncli Dttr L1 11,
Cortlfled Public Accountant.
KIWAIuTcT "sfAULhlNO. l.Pi'ltAl)V:7lSIilAN ic
nulldlngr, and St. Paul Ilulldlng, New York.
fnr.iir.iticic ,. iiuowx. aticil 11., ,iu:Mi
Kitate l"iclinge Ilhlg.. 12a Waslilngton ave.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
II. L. liAHDlKQ, C00 tlUILDIN'O.
DR. O. H. nir.r.NDUIIOUII, I'AOIiI duildiko,
Sprues atreet, Scranton.
ltooma 12, H, 10 and 18 Burr Bulldin-;.
tinted on real estate necurlty. Mcsrs Dulldlng,
corner Washington avenuo and Spruce street.
and eoiinsellors-at-laiv. Republican Building,
Washington avenue.
Coinmonwcalth Bulldlnr, Room)
10, 20 nnd 21.
OOJjDW, Otli floor, Mears building.
ot Trade Bulldin?, Scranton. P.
Bank Building
211 Wyomlnt aienue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic dlsco-es, lungs, heart, kidneys and
gcnlto-urlnary organ- n specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Hates reasonable.
P. ZIEOLER, Proprietor.
sengcr depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
cess pools; no -dor; only improved pump3 used.
A. 11. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor
ner Adam- and Mulberry. Both telephones.
ermen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
homes, 1050 North Main aienue; aloro tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Sciapton. Pa., manufacturer of Wiro Screens.
also ladles waists. Louise bhocniakcr, 21J
Adams avenue.
1 elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1U0
Wasidngtcn avenue, Scranton, Pa.
in Scrnnton nt the news stands of Rclsmaii
Bros., 400 tprucc and 603 Linden: M. Norton,
322 Lncknivanna aienue; I. S. Schutzer, 211
Spruce street.
Situations Wanted.
WASTED Stenographer and typewriter dcsiiei
position. Nine jcais' experience, principally
Ian- 1101k. Best icfei elites. E.
MECHANICAL draughtsman and machinists
want position as draughtsman. Address
"Diaughtsiiian," Tilbune oflltc.
MTFATIOX WANTED Work by tlie day or wash
I ing and boning to take home. Addicss C. It.,
Tribune ottlce.
SITUATION WANTED By a joung girl to help
witli light housework or take cue of ehil
lien; sleep, homo nights; addicss L. 1, :Kl
Bhcli street,
SITUATION WANTED-Ilv willing, honest gill to
do general liouseiioiK. Can glie refeience.
Addicss Maiia Rochford, 414 Vine street, City.
POSITION WASTED Early in March, by a youm
gill in a Cliiistlan tamily, ai second girl,
to take caie of thlldien. Full narliculais
be exchanged at 712 Harrison aiende, city.
SITUATION WANTED-Brlglit boy xvnnts woiki
for after sthool and SatmdaS. Address O.
V. 11., Tribune oliice.
SITUATION WANTED An experienced men's
fiiiulshing goods man desires position. Good
references. Addicss X. X., Tribune ofikc.
A (IOOD Ulltli desiies situation doing house.
woik; good cook. Address M. C Tiibuno of.
Real Estate.
FOR SALE A nice, but cheap homo In Klm-'i
liuist, Willi good water, shade, fruit and gara
den. Teiins to suit. Address Dr. Ilatcsou, Ml
Waslilngton aienue. . -
11. 1 1 '
FOR SALE House lu lesldencii section,' theft
llidge; eleieu roouH, bath and, lauiidry; Jl)
liiodein lliipioicineiit; near sdiool and .churi her
one block (torn cam, inquiie at 'llJ Capoels. me
FORJALii---At Claik'a Suiifmlt: 'i. jilaco of fl7d
acics, hoiuso and bam, good fruit; ilieaii tji-.
cash. Inquiie of Mrs. L. Lindsay, 1111 .SorXU
Main aienue, city. - , iT
IHIEl'MATISM-All nai ties that wish csin Usl
speedily and peinraneiitly cured, of .al vi
rie'tles nt Rheumatism by a icgetalile 1 umpoiuicL,
Cuics uitariiiilfcil. luqulio or address J."Ki Tays
lor, fcciaploi), ! ' n
Benutiful Rust aiiarantjecd' y
SAFE, SURE, Peiiiiamut. Call and' Inkwtfgaljj-,
Dcimatologltal Pal
'.Vgciit for Clduiiile of Sllur Dty-Cell' llaj.
ami Nemo Corsets'. " -
ilulf, .11- uasuiMjcivii, Hsu,
i4 li
THE ANNl AL ineeting pf Hicjtiukliolcf-i. t,f ImT
l.aekaiiamia 11011 aim r-u-i-i 1 uiiipan inr i
rlcetiou of liiector.s and liaiisji lion of hkIi other
business Us nu propeily lume befoio tluf )ncc4
ing, will be held at Hie nftlce of Ihe Company;
Room 50 Ct'iinell Building, u Ihe Ciy of bti ui
1.011, Viiiisliaiiia, cu Wediitsda). MjhIi 3, 1'JOJ,
ut 2 o'clock p. hi. Till' pulls will remain ipau
(or one lioui, 'Ihe lian.-lu books will bc.dosgl
on Fibular- i'l, 1002. and utifienril on Mireli 11.
JII02. - -I. !' HKIHINMIN, .viietai.
Scianti'ii, I'a., I'ebruai 20, lwi. '
liTATH of Biid.-et ( Ink, lair of the eltj eif
Seiaiitou, lekaiiaiiuua louuii, I'e'iuis.ili.iuU,
dec eased.
I.etleis teslameiitaiy iiihjii the above estate haf.
ing been giaiiled the iindeisigned. all ji,$jii lui
lug ilaliits against Ilic same will piesen tlietn
for pajiuenl and .HiojtLjIii'Jebteel thcrej, wilt
plcajc make ImineclUtr ulj-tiieurlo I ? -
MRS. MARfLYNN, A'diiilStttiatiU